We can only give in relation to how much we have. If we are drained, our needs are not being met, and we are emotionally taxed, we have less to give to our children. Everyone needs a break and if we continue to push ourselves and not nurture ourselves and our needs, the chances of us […]

I hear parents complain that their kids don’t appreciate what they have. So much is available to our kids today that it’s hard for them to imagine being without. Then when they push their parents for more, it triggers a feeling of resentment for the parents as they think about all they’ve done and provided […]

Getting children to do their chores is not about making our lives easier but it is about encouraging cooperation and responsibility. Our children were given tasks to do from when they were little. It started off with putting their toys away after playing and taking their plates and cups to the kitchen. They now make […]

When can you expect to hear your baby’s first words and how you can encourage speech development in your baby or toddler? It’s another wonderful moment: The first time your baby looks up and says “Mama!” Perhaps they are just practicing their “m” sounds, but this is another step toward “Mommy, I love you” all […]

Picture walking along with your toddler – he stumbles and your first reaction is to pull him up by his arm to prevent any grazed knees.  However you may have caused more damage by that simple reaction. Dislocation of the elbow joint is commonly referred to as Pulled Elbow.  A baby’s bones, ligaments and joints […]

When we talk about your baby’s mobility, what ideas come to your mind?  Things like, rolling, crawling, walking, etc. All of these things involve the large or gross muscles in the body & so to encourage mobility, we do exercises that strengthen your baby’s body from quite an early age. Now, it’s a bit like […]

A team player is constantly reliable day in and day out, not just some of the time. You can count on them to get the job done, meet deadlines, keep their word and provide consistent quality work.  Learning to work in a team is undoubtedly one of the most important skills that one can learn […]

In my work with parents and teachers on solving behavior challenges with children, I help them identify the problem, possible causes of the behavior, and then possible solutions for eliminating it. My goal is to send the adults away with a few simple step-by-step techniques they can implement immediately to bring about quick change at […]

Mom is strolling around the supermarket with a six-month-old infant in the baby seat. Not once does she engage in eye contact, talk to the child or even smile. When the baby becomes restive, a dummy is thrust in his mouth without a word spoken. Contrast this with a dad in a fruit and veg […]

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