Congratulations, you are now in the last week of your second trimester and approaching the third, which will start at the beginning of week 28 –  so you are nearing the final stretch of your pregnancy. You’ll find that you’re probably becoming more used to your little one moving around inside of you and while […]

Although you are yet to meet your baby, they are slowly taking over your life and you may notice weekly and even daily changes in your body. Some days you’ll feel better than others, and it’s important that you take each day as it comes. Both by taking advantage of your good days, and being […]

As you enter week 25 of pregnancy, you will be nearing the end of the second trimester and the start of the third. You may find that your rise in energy levels you felt at the beginning of your second trimester is now beginning to drop. Your baby at week 25 Your baby is now […]

You’re a good few weeks past half way of your pregnancy, which means you are closer than ever to finally meeting your little one. In terms of months, you’re about 6 months in, which means you only have 3 left to go! Your Body at Week 24 As you near your third trimester, you may […]

Your growing baby is making her presence known, and you may regularly feel little kicks inside you when she is awake. Your body is also starting to take some strain, and you may have uncomfortable feet and back to name a few. While you are excited to meet your little one, you may notice this […]

Your second trimester has you feeling more yourself, and feeling your growing baby moving inside your tummy is bound to bring a smile to your face. Your body may be feeling some strain as your baby grows in weight and size, and you’ll need to remember to eat healthy in order to ensure that you […]

At week 21 of your pregnancy you’re now just over half to meeting your baby for the first time. You’re still in your third trimester, so take advantage of feeling better with a smaller baby bump while you can. Your body at week 21  Typical pregnancy symptoms during this are an achy back, swollen feet, […]

Congratulations to you and your baby, you’re officially halfway through your 40 week pregnancy. It’s crazy to think that 20 weeks ago you had your last period, and now a new life is blossoming inside of you – you may even know their gender and are thinking about possible names. Your baby at week 20 […]

At week 19 you’re just one week off being halfway through your pregnancy! Your baby is now the size of a mango, and the exciting news is that you’ll soon find out (if you want to) whether your baby is a boy or a girl. Your body at week 19 You may have started to […]

Your pregnancy is starting to become more obvious, and if you’re trying to conceal your bump, you may start finding this more difficult. Inside your body, you may feel your little one moving inside of you – you may even notice that the movements are in response to noises as your baby can start to […]

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