Dealing with pregnancy can be tricky on its own, but when you have a toddler or young kids to look after things can become more difficult. If this is your second pregnancy, you may be struggling with morning sickness, fatigue and a tired achy body and still having to look after another young child.  You’re […]

It’s no longer a secret that the vast majority of us are blissfully unaware sugar addicts.  Modern conveniences in consumables are great at making life easier in the short term, but what about the long term implications? A report published in 2009 showcases that food addiction is plausible as “brain pathways that evolved to respond to natural […]

Spring is officially in the air – the sounds of birds tweeting, longer sun-filled days, flowers blossoming and a renewed energy creeping into our tired winter bones. This is definitely my favourite part of the year and I am super excited to share these fun and exciting things to do with kids in and around […]

I have read so many blog posts and articles lately about the life of stay at home mums that I actually began to wonder if stay at home dads exist. Do we fall into the category of mythical creatures such as the Abominable Snowman or the Loch Ness monster? Historically dads worked and mums looks […]

Decorating a child’s room can be exciting and fun. You don’t have to be an interior decorator to come up with great ideas for the bedroom… My son’s room has evolved from soft cream and blue to a stone and navy blue colour with accessories in green because green is his absolute favourite colour. My […]