Leading Expert Advice from EDUC8 SA
Advice from the experts
Koa Academy


Whenever we design one thing for many users, we rationalise that if we ‘design it for the average’, we’ll have a good fit for most users.  An example of this was in 1926, when the US Air Force was coming up with a design for their first fleet of fighter planes. They constructed the cockpits based on the average measurements of over 100 of their prospective Top Gun pilots.   After around 25 years of inexplicable crashes involving highly trained pilots, they decided to revise their cockpit design. They doubled down on their assumption about designing it for the average pilot, and this time they took many more measurements from over 4000 pilots, hoping to have ‘a better average’.  But the plane crashes they put down to ‘human error’ only increased. As Koa Academy CEO and Principal, Mark Anderson tells the story: “Then along came Lieutenant Gilbert S Daniels, a Harvard graduate who had studied the law of averages.  He had a firm belief that if you wanted to design something for an individual human being, the average was useless.  He went on to prove this by studying the data of the 4000 pilots and showing that not one of them fell into the ten most basic average measurements, even with a generous 30% margin of error. In other words, not one of the individual pilots was average in every way, and so none of them fitted into the cockpit with optimal access to all the aircraft’s controls.” Daniels concluded that in designing a cockpit for the average, they had effectively designed ‘a cockpit for no one’.  Anderson maintains that the same is true for our traditional education system. “Teaching to the middle is simply not a good way to educate individual human beings; it’s not a good way for any child to learn.  We’ve known this for a long time, and school leaders, teachers and parents have been yearning for a shift from teaching to the middle to teaching the individual child.” Finding the ways to individualise learning has been a passion for Anderson since his early days of teaching.  Technology has been a key to unlocking how one education system can individualise learning for many.  “We’ve finally solved the dilemma of teaching to the middle, where some are frustrated and bored, and others are frustrated and confused,” he says.  At Koa Academy, a high engagement online school, learners in close-knit Pods are working at their own pace on personalised pathways and engaging with content that is delivered optimally for them. Their progress is tracked and measured against targets that each individual child has set under the guidance of their teacher.   When the US Air Force finally introduced adaptable features in their cockpits and each pilot could fit optimally, crashes due to ‘human error’ became very rare.  In the same way, no child gets left behind, or gets left unattended out ahead, because their learning path is highly adaptable to their unique learning needs. Discover Koa Academy here

Koa Academy


When our children were little, we bought them their first bicycle.  We bought a helmet too.  We didn’t just spend hours training them on how to ride their bike, we told them about the rules of the road, the risks of the road and how to ride safely.  We made our own family rules about when and where they could ride, supervised and unsupervised.  We balanced giving them opportunities to enjoy their freedom on their bike and mitigating the risks.  It was easy, because most of us went through exactly the same thing with our parents when they gave us our first bike. When it comes to our children’s use of social media, online gaming and the Internet, we’re understandably less assured because for most of today’s parents, we have no experience of being a child or a teen immersed in the digital world.  Our experience of the internet, social media and online gaming is rooted in our adulthood; so, we are guessing and assuming when it comes to our children’s reality.  For some parents, this makes us back-off from what we can’t know; for others, it makes us double-down with severe limits and a pervasive atmosphere of distrust and overbearing monitoring.  Both of these tactics make our children more vulnerable to the risks of their inevitable online activity. At a recent Koa Academy webinar, Mark Anderson, CEO and Principal of the high-engagement online school brought together ICT law specialist, attorney Arinda Truter and parent, Rachelle Best who is the founder of FYI Play It Safe, a non-intrusive, consensual family monitoring app. The conversation centres on how critical the parent-child relationship is to ensure that our children’s online interactions are safe and happy. Just like we were the first to teach our small children to look left, right and left again before crossing the road, we need to be the informed and authoritative voice when it comes to rules that govern our children’s forging of a lifelong digital footprint.  As parents, we cannot ignore or avoid that the digital world is as visceral as the physical world.  Like road use, there are laws and consequences if those laws are broken.  Like road use, it is an essential aspect of life with risks and advantages.  If we are to guide and protect our kids effectively, we need to know and understand the digital world as well as we know the road. Luckily for us, there are advanced tools and free access to trustworthy content that does enable parents to leapfrog the disadvantages of not having experienced a childhood in the Digital Age.  We can get up to speed and be empowered.  We can use tech innovations that support our daily mission to safely raise our children.  We can learn the global rules and country laws that govern digital spaces.  We can be agile enough to help our children become not just productive citizens in their geographical space but also positive citizens in a digital world.  At the root of all this, is the quality of our relationship with our children.  Anderson says, “Open engagement and ongoing conversations in the family are the bedrock of keeping children and teens safe online.  Know the risks, know the rules and talk about what’s happening online every day, because it is constantly changing.  Our children are growing up in a world where most people’s work will happen online in the near future.  We need to be raising children who are adept and competent at being positive digital citizens, and from education to family security, there is so much available to support parents.” Watch the Online Safety Webinar with Koa Academy, FYI play it safe and DML inc here

Wingu Academy

Wingu Academy’s Wellness Hub takes the lead in providing a safe online learning environment

Student well-being is a core focus area for Wingu Academy, especially due to the increase in mental health awareness in the online environment.  In fact, Wingu Academy takes this so seriously that they have a dedicated wellness hub, called Wingu Wellness. The vision is to collaborate with students, guardians, and parents, as well as the valued staff of the Academy, to build a safe online learning environment. “Wingu Wellness provides up to date information on mental health issues, learning barriers, coping mechanisms and stress management, to mention a few. Working alongside top names in the field, like Dr Serahni Symington, counsellor and play therapist specialist, we will be providing counselling and mediation sessions and webinars free of charge, to anyone in the Wingu Family.” says Ian Strydom, Wingu Academy’s Managing Director. Services offered by Wingu Wellness Hub Current services include:  Organising concessions for learners with learning barriers; Wellness consultations with a wellness coach or qualified counsellor;  Monthly webinars; Sensitivity training; Resolution of behaviour misconduct; Assisting students and parents with day-to-day educational needs, i.e. study assistance, identifying learning styles, etc. Diagnostic Testing facilitated by Educationist, Dr Belinda van der Westhuizen Family mediation offered through Dr Serahni Symington How does Wingu Wellness assist students? The Wingu Wellness Hub will be assisting students by offering free consultation sessions with either the Wellness Coach or a trained psychologist. This will act as a safe space for learners to talk about what is weighing on them. We also provide learners applicable content to assist them in matter that they do not feel comfortable coming forward about. We also provide external coaching in the form of play therapy for the younger learners, by referring them to Dr. Symington.  Wingu Wellness will also act as a means to further promote the many social clubs within the Academy to assist learners in still benefitting from the social aspects that are sometimes lacking in the cyber world.   How does Wingu Wellness assist parents/guardians? Assistance includes the same support as to students, but on top of that also offering family mediation through Dr Symington. “We offer comprehensive and professionally verified content to assist in matters dealing with how to cope with situations such as moving a learner from a mainstream school into an online learning environment or to things like dealing with family trauma.” says Panashe Tiffany Saungweme, Associate Director of Human Capital.  How does Wingu Wellness assist staff members? Not only do the teachers and staff have access to the Wingu Wellness Hub through the Academy’s platform, which gives them the opportunity take full advantage of the consultations, posted contented and the many services offered by Dr Symington, they also have access and can benefit from the internal wellness check-ins aimed at reminding the Wingu staff to ensure they keep in mind the importance of their own well-being. The staff benefit from life coaching through the Hub in order to thrive in their personal and professional lives.   Aiming to assist the Wingu Family with their overall well-being. “Wingu Wellness is not just an initiative to create awareness of mental barriers we may all have, but rather a platform providing a safe space to find solutions and encourage positive well-being behaviour for everyone part of the Wingu Family.” Strydom concludes.

Koa Academy

Bringing School 2.0 to Life at Koa Academy

Koa Academy embraces a high-contact philosophy where children belong to an 8-person Pod guided by a dedicated teacher.  While timetables are individual and terms are flexible for each family, the Pod gathers together each school day providing opportunities to develop collaboration, critical thinking, emotional intelligence and communication skills.  The Academy is a provider of the South African IEB curriculum and lesson content is sourced from top educational resources worldwide.  Age-appropriate feedback and assessment is embedded in the learning experience so that children can adapt in dynamic ways on the pathway to mastery. “There are options opening up for parents that have just never existed when it comes to educating their children,” says Koa Academy Principal, Mark Anderson.  “It’s becoming easier to truly align your family values with a school community because you are no longer limited to the institution available in your physical neighbourhood.  At Koa Academy we prioritise engagement in small group settings so that real relationships are built and maintained more easily than in larger classes where it is often challenging to connect meaningfully with peers and your teacher.  Parents are directly connected to their child’s teacher, in tune with their child’s school activities and more empowered when it comes to their child’s learning, social and emotional development and their progression through school grades.” The pandemic disruption has made us all question priorities, values and how we can better shape our lives to be in alignment with what really matters to us.  “There’s a new openness to doing life differently, to do life better,” says Mark.  “For families, educating our children well for a productive and fulfilling future is a critical concern.  On the one hand, the new choices emerging in education are inevitable as we all know that transformation in education is long overdue.  However, the pandemic has accelerated this and that is a positive consequence.  From education providers and teachers to parents and children, there’s a welcoming when it comes to having more choices, and better choices.” To find out more about Koa Academy, click here. 

Koa Academy


Koa Academy to host free parent webinar The global pandemic has emphasized how important our digital world is to modern life as we pivoted out of necessity to remote working, at-home schooling and online shopping.  Many millions of us got our first experiences of certain digital platforms and applications that have now become part of day-to-day life.  Trends such as online education have been greatly accelerated as many families experienced the benefits of remote learning and noted how successfully their children and teens adapted to learning through well-conceived digital platforms.   This has opened up the opportunities to think about schooling and tertiary studies differently and to take advantage of the greater flexibility and vast choice of high-quality educational programmes that can be accessed online.  As a result, many thousands of South African families have not returned to brick and mortar schools and colleges.  New and better online schools have emerged, and many tertiary institutions have invested in enhancing and expanding their online campuses. If there’s one question that concerns parents more than any other about online education, it’s about the online safety of their children.  While we are adept at identifying threats in the physical world and helping our children reduce those risks, online dangers can be more opaque to parents, and they may worry that more time online might lead to increased vulnerability.  However, CEO and Principal of Koa Academy, Mark Anderson points out that a high-engagement online education platform is specifically designed with safe online spaces which enhance your child’s digital citizenship equipping them to navigate the internet confidently, responsibly and wisely.  This development of digital citizenship is increasingly regarded as a key 21st Century skill for the 4iR world. Parents who want to deepen their understanding of how to keep their kids safe online can join the free one-hour Koa Academy webinar on Tuesday, 2 November from 18h00.  The panel is hosted by Mark Anderson and also features Rachelle Best, founder of FYI play it safe, a non-intrusive, consensual monitoring app that helps parents by adding a layer of security to their child’s online interactions.  They are joined by ICT law specialist, attorney Arinda Truter, an associate at law firm, Dingley Marshall Lewin Inc.  In addition to the presentations there will be a Q&A session enabling parents to present their burning questions to the experts. Across the board, the presenters agree that parent-child communication based on trust is at heart of keeping children safe online.  Just as the issue of safety and awareness of threats in the physical world is an ongoing conversation in families, this needs to happen too in regard to our children’s online interactions.   Best says, “Parents need so see online safety as a holistic concept. Setting up screentime and the relevant age and content restrictions on applications are not enough. Parents need to understand threats and risks in a world where new apps are made available every day, and tech is ever-changing. So, there’s a need for parents to be aware and knowledgeable so that they make good decisions when it comes to keeping their children safe online.  At FYI play it safe, we also believe that keeping your children safer online starts with the relationship with your child. We empower parents with the right level of information to know when their children may need their help. This creates an opportunity to open up conversations with the right information and at exactly the right time.” Attorney, Arinda Truter emphasises that children attending online schools do not face different risks than any other child making use of the internet and engaging with others over social media.  She says, “It’s important for all parents to be aware of the risks presented by online gaming, apps and social media.  It is just part of the modern parenting experience to have knowledge of issues such as cyberbullying, hate speech and sexting, to be aware of privacy concerns and digital footprint, and to understand the law when it comes to the chain of online publishing.” Anderson also points out that positive experiences offered by online schooling give your child the opportunity to build their skills as a literate, responsible digital citizen.  He says, “Koa has thoughtfully designed the online school experience to not only maximise safety but leverage the advantages of being online.  The high engagement of our small Pods with a maximum of eight learners and their teacher gives the kids the perfect environment for healthy relationship-building and online social connection. There is high accountability where people can be themselves and quickly get to know others well. The teacher is also very much in touch with each individual in the Pod.  Parents are encouraged to get to know their child’s teacher and school leadership. We like to keep the channels of communication wide open so that everyone is in the loop.  Live Dashboards show academic progress which keeps the kids accountable to their daily work rhythms and targets, ensuring that they are keeping busy during their school time.  Our SACE- registered teachers undergo regular training and have significant experience in the online space, which is an asset both to the kids and their parents.  Koa has a strong focus on teaching digital literacy which is fed into all of our academic courses, Pod Connect sessions and even online socials. We intentionally teach online socio-emotional skills as well as practical tools for handling potentially unwanted online experiences or content.” Parents who want to learn more about online safety for families, and how to support their children as they gain vital digital literacy and citizenship skills can join the free Koa Academy webinar: Date: Tuesday 2 November Time: 18:00-19:00 Platform: Zoom Host: Koa Academy Panelists from Koa Academy, FYI Play It Safe, Dingley Marshall Lewin Inc To book your spot for this webinar, register here.

Wingu Academy

Wingu Academy – challenging expectations about schooling from home through excellence and innovation.

Due to the global pandemic and the subsequent disruptions in the traditional schooling environment, home-schooling, and specifically online schooling, has seen a significant rise. With the concern for their children’s health, coupled with the flexibility and convenience that online home-schooling offers, it has become a viable option for many parents. Wingu Academy arguably has the most advanced distance and blended learning platform in the online space in Africa. Our platform gives educational support to home-schoolers all over Africa between the ages of 5 – 19 years. Live classes and tutorials are presented along with interactive online content. The platform aims to enrich learners with 4th industrial revolution (4IR) skills such as critical thinking, creativity, complex problem solving and online collaboration. Housed at TuksNovation (University of Pretoria’s High Tech Business Accelerator), it has been developed by teachers, UP alumni, and postgraduate students who are experts in their respective fields with additional collaboration with researchers from the Wits School of Education. The ever-evolving Wingu platform provides the internationally recognised British curricula and as of January 2022 Wingu Academy will extend their high-school offering to include the South African CAPS curriculum.  Enrolments are now open for the January 2022 intake! Wingu Academy focuses on a blended learning approach that includes asynchronous (self-paced, student-led) and synchronous (interactive live classes) learning, enriched with animations, video content, infographics, gamification and simulations to cater for the major types of learning styles (visual, auditory, reading/writing, kinaesthetic learning styles)  and implementing constructive feedback in continuous assessments providing a wide variety of choices to support individual learning at home. The learners are exposed to computation thinking from as early as grade 1, and the coding and robotics courses culminate into industry relevant software development certificates for the high school learners, increasing their employability and readiness for the Future of Work. Wingu is also very proud to announce the launch of WinguNet. “The launch of WinguNet has been much anticipated and serves to address the need of stable, high-speed internet in areas where there is poor or no coverage,” says Ian Strydom, Wingu Academy Managing Director. The introduction of WinguNet to the range of services delivered by Wingu Academy further indicates how in tune we are with the needs of parents and students. “This will be introduced to the existing parents and students first on the platform who struggle with connectivity, thereafter being rolled out with the mission of connecting and educating students in difficult-to-reach, isolated areas. This satellite initiative is the first of its kind – just another way that Wingu stays true to their principles of advancing education and enabling excellence,” Strydom concludes. The platform is well suited for full-time learners, global citizens that travel frequently, star athletes that need to focus on training but still want an internationally recognised education, and students that would like to obtain entrance to university degrees either locally or abroad. ‘’We decided to homeschool four years ago when we were wanting to relocate. Although we did not relocate we continued with homeschooling because of the freedom it gave us. The cost and distance of “good” private schools were extremely high and exhausting. With homeschooling we didn’t have to leave home early and spend hours in traffic, the money we saved on school fees, travel expenses and uniforms were spent on extracurricular activities and family outings”, says Melissa Dhunraj, a Wingu parent. Many parents may be worried that their children will miss out on social interaction, but they still get to meet friends and even form study groups as they are not bound by geographical borders.  In fact, Wingu also offers a variety of Clubs varying from fitness, chess to photography and parents have the opportunity to become involved too. “We have been home schooling for a few years and decided to go a more formal route with our children this year. We have been pleasantly surprised with the support and structure that Wingu Academy has offered us, whilst still allowing us the flexibility of being able to travel, to continue our homeschooling friendships and still allow our kids the time to follow their passions. Our children enjoy the social events offered by the school, the staff who make every effort to ensure lessons are fun and interactive, and the new friends that they are making,” says Marlene van der Colf, another happy Wingu Parent. But what do our students say? “My favourite part about Wingu is that we can do school anywhere and we don’t have to wear a mask. I like the homework and announcements so I can be ready before class,” says Ariana age 8, Stage 3. “I enjoy the fact that we can learn online with less pressure and no unnecessary subjects and inapplicable projects.  It gives me more flexi time during the day,” says Conrad, age 13, Stage 8. Student well-being, particularly mental health, is at the heart of Wingu’s core foundation. Our Wellness Hub is expanding to offer professional guidance to both students and parents in areas of concern, as well as leadership initiatives for the learners. Another addition to the Wingu offering is the establishment of Learning Centres. We have identified that there are certain towns, rural or lower-income areas where there is a need for learning centres. The aim is thus to assist these learning centres with developing and growing their business into small independent schools or becoming registered Cambridge Assessments International Education schools. We do so with a special Incubation Programme which offers business development, management and operational support. Wingu Academy’s innovative strategy is at the forefront of equipping students for the 4IR with a forward-thinking strategy of anywhere, anytime, staying connected and offering the future classroom today! Enrolments to start schooling in January 2022 are officially open. There is limited space, so reach out soon. Go to https://wingu-academy.com/book-now/ to book a FREE consultation now!

Wingu Academy

Self-care tips for teens and young adults

Stress, anxiousness, depression and loneliness are now even more prevalent under teens and young adults than ever before. No one really knows the root cause, but it seems to be a perfect storm of several factors. Some experts believe teens now are being raised with unrealistic expectations. Modern media — and social media — also tells teens they should always feel good and show the “perfect” aspects of their lives. As a result, parents neglect teaching their teens the kind of coping skills they need to survive during chaotic and pressure-filled times. Adding to these complexities is that the adolescent brain is still developing, which means a large centre of functionality within the brain has not fully matured. The parts of the brain responsible for emotion and reward develop first. Anna Sidis, a clinical child psychologist, talks about why self-care is critical for adolescents. “The parts of the brain responsible for understanding the consequences of your behaviour – like the frontal lobes – develop much later, possibly not until 20 or 25,” she explains. “So what that means for adolescents is they’re struggling with really big emotions they haven’t had before. They might be sensitive to emotional stimuli and to nonverbal communication, and have difficulty making decisions because their frontal lobes aren’t yet developed.” This results in teenagers making decisions that don’t make sense, or being overly impulsive and not thinking of long-term consequences of their actions. Suffice it to say, this is why making self-care activities a habit or cultivating an actual self-care practice for teenagers is so important to their overall health and well-being. Tools for Self-Care 1. Carve out time. This is the basic pre-requisite for just about all the ways to take of yourself. You need time, and it has to be part of a daily routine. It’s not always easy to set time aside with everything going on in life, but learning to carve it into your schedule is necessary. 2. Meditation. We’ve come a long way from meditation being considered hocus pocus. Mindful meditation has proven to change the structure and function of the brain, and it’s a fabulous way to promote relaxation while reducing anxiety, depression, and stress. It can be learned in-person with an expert, or online (there are plenty of YouTube instructional videos or smartphone apps). This is something you can do anytime in any place, whenever you need it! 3. Yoga. Yoga and other types of Eastern methods of activity involve stretching, improving flexibility, connecting mind and body – all of which are helpful for stress reduction and wellness, and have been used extensively for thousands of years. The best way to learn Yoga is through a studio, but you can also do so from videos online. 4. Exercise. Working out comes in many forms. There’s training for strength, endurance, and aerobic activity (getting your heart beat up). But simply walking 3 km a day is great exercise – plus it gets you outside! Exercise not only gets you physically fit, but it’s a natural way to help decrease depression and anxiety. 5. Get some sleep. Easier said than done, but sleep deprivation is detrimental to a person’s thinking, and their physical and emotional state. Most young people need eight to nine hours of restful sleep to function at their best. It’s not easy fitting this into a schedule filled with academic, social and recreational activities, but it sure has a big payoff. Try to have as regular a sleep schedule as possible, and you’ll generally find that your “biological clock” will remember when to fall asleep and wake up. 6. Creative expression. Choose a creative outlet to convey your thoughts and feelings. This could be journaling, writing poetry, painting or drawing, doing photography, dancing, or playing music. The key here is channelling your emotional state through an art form. And, don’t strive for perfection! Simply immersing yourself in creative arts can ward off adverse thoughts and feelings. 7. Play with a pet. If you are lucky and can have a pet, there may be few better ways to foster self-care. If you have one, you know what I mean. Cuddling with a pet, taking care of them, and feeling their unconditional love is something we rarely experience on such a consistent basis. 8. Meet and communicate with friends. Research has found that meeting with peers and talking about what’s going on with you — including past events you’re still processing — prevents burnout and promotes well-being. Group connections are so important for fostering resilience and releasing chemicals in the brain that support well-being. And the activities don’t have to be just talking. Things like doing art projects together or gaming all work. And despite the pressure to have huge numbers of “friends” or “followers,” it only takes a few special friends to make a big difference in your life. 9. Appreciate nature. Research has repeatedly shown a link between being outdoors and lower levels of stress, depression and anxiety. Time in nature also helps counteract the mood disturbance caused by too much screen time. 10. Turn off smart phones (at least for part of the day). It’s hard. But really, you don’t need it on constantly, as if it’s stitched to your side. You can take a break, even for just part of the day. There may be some withdrawal or anxiety about not being right there for what you think is critical, but just stop and think. How many texts, Instagram stories or other digital communications do you need to see immediately? Very few! Once you try it, you may actually find it refreshing to have a break from the constant notifications. 11. Do something for someone else. Our brains are wired for giving. In fact, the chemicals released by the brain during the process of giving is far more rewarding than when we receive gifts. 12. Have a DIY Spa Day at Home. Teens with a busy schedule can stop and indulge in self-love by having a DIY spa day at home. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to enjoy a spa day, either. All you need are

Koa Academy

Meet Koa Academy Principal, Mark Anderson

For Mark Anderson, Co-founder and Principal of Koa Academy, the journey as an innovator in the education sector has been deeply rooted in actual teaching experience and brought to life through a visionary drive for better.   A long-time educator who has worked in both South Africa and Zimbabwe, Mark spent years reflecting on a new schooling system for today’s world. His vision, which he tagged as School 2.0, has become the framework for the co-creation of Koa Academy, a unique, highly engaging online school with a focus on the future.  Some aspects are common to learning, no matter where you live, or when you live. Others are contextual and need to be adaptive.  But transformation in the traditionally slow-moving education sector can be painstakingly slow.  In the 21st Century, with its breath-taking pace of innovation, that lack of progress in education can be deeply frustrating to educators, parents and children. Mark says, “I started years ago with a School 2.0 folder on my computer filled with policy-like documents outlining how a better and more relevant school would operate – better staffing structures, flexible timetables, meaningful assessments, and so on.  I let my imagination run beyond the politics, economics and standardisation dogma to create a ‘gold standard’ which I actively used as an educator and school leader to steer my decisions at every possible chance.  I got seriously excited about what kind of transformations became possible as the online space was changing what and how we learn.” In 2020, the global pandemic presented a disruption to education that truly was unprecedented for this traditionally conservative sector.  COVID-19 accelerated the adoption of digital platforms and tools across many aspects of our lives, and education felt that impact with force.  While some parents, teachers and students discovered that simply ‘dumping’ school online was inadequate, the pandemic education experience has opened eyes and minds to the limitless potential of online learning platforms.  Over the past year, there are families who have shifted decisively to home-school, cottage school, digital-tutor hybrids and online schools rather than return to brick and mortar institutions. “Done well, online school gives you global access to the best educational resources and methods available,” says Mark.  “Free from your geography, free from the imposition of others’ time restrictions; your child can learn in their own way, at their own pace and at your family’s convenience.  They can learn in tune with real life, becoming prepared for the actual world of future work.” As an educator, Mark is also excited about what this means for teachers.  “Teachers are no longer merely content experts drumming out facts for rote learners,” he says.  “Instead, they can be learning experts, adept at identifying the diverse needs of children and guiding them as they develop 21st Century skills on their unique learning journeys.  This means they can coach each child as they develop mastery, rather than teach into a middle ground where some get left behind and others feel unchallenged.” To find out more about Koa Academy, click here. 

Wingu Academy

Don’t worry, be happy – avoiding anxiety!

We all experience moments of feeling stressed and overwhelmed.  Teenagers, especially, feel under pressure which could be caused by deadlines, exams or conflict with fellow students and parents. That’s normal. Anxiety though, is a whole different matter all-together.  Sometimes it’s hard to distinguish between the two, as the lines can easily be blurred. So, what is the difference between stress and anxiety? Stress is when situations can be managed. It can also have an upside when it motivates you to meet expectations, perform better and provide an energy to be more productive. It can improve focus, concentration and build your capacity to cope with stress. Anxiety is when you experience a bodily response and shift in energy. It’s often referred to as the fight, flight and freeze response. Symptoms include: Feeling helpless. Feelings of panic, fear, and uneasiness. Mood swings. Restlessness and agitation. Change in eating and sleeping habits. Having a rapid heart rate and fast breathing. Many parents are also worried that their child may be suffering from an anxiety disorder, but in actual fact most of the time it’s rather episodes of anxiety.  This is good news, because if managed correctly it will pass. If you are worried as a parent, the obvious questions are, what are the signs to look out for and when should you be concerned? According to medical journals anxiety disorder include prolonged periods of excessive fear and anxiety and related behavioural disturbances like worrying about events that will likely not happen. It could also consist of constant panic attacks and feelings of hopelessness. Should these symptoms persist for a period of 6 months or longer, it would be best to seek professional help from a psychiatrist and phycologist. The first step would be to identify the type of anxiety and intensity the child is experiencing.  The two main forms of anxiety experienced by teens are social or general anxiety. This could be treated with practicing mindfulness, cognitive restrictive management and dialectical therapy. In some instances, medication can be prescribed to help your child cope. How can you support a child with anxiety? According to Dr Serahni Symington, counsellor and play therapist specialist, she would advise parents to do the following: Assist your child to verbalise and accept the situation which is causing anxiety. Determine what your child needs in that immediate moment.  Is it comfort or solutions? Practice deep breathing exercises to help your child relax. Identify and try to avoid triggers that will agitate anxiety. Assist your child to transition from having an emotional to a logical mind response which will then result in a “wise mind” response. “Something that can’t be stressed enough is to practice selfcare.  Taking time off to relax and take care of yourself gives you the capacity to face what lies ahead and look at things with a new perspective” says Dr Symington. Managing Director, Ian Strydom also adds: “At Wingu Academy we have a Wellness Hub of trained professionals that can guide parents and students in attaining routine, structure and planning which in most cases will avoid anxiety.”

Koa Academy

Why GenZ and GenAlpha need to do school differently

School is rooted in tradition, and all too often we, as parents, look to nurture our connection with our growing and increasingly independent children through them having a similar educational experience to us.  This might have worked for past generations.  However, the seismic changes in our world accelerated by relentless tech innovation over the recent decades have fundamentally disrupted this particular flow of tradition.   It’s forced us back to basics where we acknowledge that the purpose of education is to prepare our children for their working and civic future, not to provide us with more sought-after parental touchpoints.  The world of work has fundamentally changed.  So much so that we are educating our children today for jobs that don’t yet exist, and they need to be educated in different ways.   Mark Anderson, Principal of Koa Academy, a uniquely high-touch digital school, says, “Content memorisation, with the teacher as the sole content expert, is an outdated notion for our current young generations who live in a world where all content is just a click away.  Top marks should not just be given for memorising the facts.  Instead, being able to evaluate and think critically about an abundance of facts, and the sources of those facts, is one of the vital 21st Century skills.  It’s no longer relevant to remember a one right answer enshrined in one textbook; the next generations need to be able to access a world of information and apply it to real world problems, effectively communicating their ideas to others. ”   For our GenZ and GenAlpha children, understanding how they learn has become more significant than what content they can retain in their memories.  The teacher has transformed from a content provider in front of the class to a learning expert able to coach the students at their side along their unique learning pathways.  The so-called ‘soft skills’ that nobody paid much attention to in a mechanistic, industrial past have now become the top information-age capabilities.  Those who know how to think critically, how to communicate, how to collaborate and how to innovate lead the way.  Literacy has expanded to include media, information, civic and technological literacies.  Qualities such as resilience, emotional intelligence and flexibility help our children win the day.  What this means is that as parents, we should be worried if our child’s educational environment today looks and seems a lot like the one that we experienced. Your kids are – but are you ready for School 2.0? Mark believes it is time for parents to find out more about School 2.0.  He says, “It’s really exciting that parents have more options than ever before when it comes to education. But we also know that it is harder than ever for parents to really understand the different options.  At Koa Academy, our advice is for parents to start by thinking through what you really want for your child. And, I don’t mean which schooling system. I mean, what do you value when it comes to your child’s education? Then, as you investigate the growing number of options, keep an eye out for the schools which are prioritising those same values.” The Koa Academy education model prioritises individualised learning with children grouped in small 8-person pods working every day with a dedicated, specialist teacher who has not only mastered online pedagogy but understands the needs of each child in their Pod.  The platform is registered as a South African IEB curriculum provider leveraging educational resources from all around the world.  With the flexibility that only an online platform can provide, academic progress is mastery based enabling children to speed up or slow down as needed and for families to schedule timetables and terms in ways that suit them best.   Mark says, “Our aim is to prepare children for the real world.  Learning is rooted in real-world issues; tasks give children options, and age-appropriate feedback is ongoing so that children can adapt and grow in dynamic ways as they learn.  In this way assessment is embedded in the learning process, and not a disconnected result that they can’t actually learn from.  Our passionate teachers are curating and facilitating content at the child’s pace. Each child progresses when they have mastered the learning which is the only real way to ensure that no one is left behind.” Like everything else in life, traditional education has been disrupted over the past pandemic months.  Through months of stay-at-home restrictions, parents have had new and different insights into their child’s learning and their schooling system. As we look to a post-pandemic future, there’s more open thinking about what really works for our families, and what doesn’t.  Our GenZ and GenAlpha children face a future that is differently shaped from anything we have known.  If there’s a silver lining to the COVID clouds, it’s the idea that we can create a better reality for our families, community and country.  School 2.0 has become a serious option in how we choose to educate our children for a fast-evolving future that will make different demands on them.

Wingu Academy

Wingu Academy – changing the face of online home schooling in South Africa

The on-going Covid pandemic has changed the schooling landscape in South Africa completely, especially the traditional schooling environment.  With very little notice, parents had to become teachers while still maintaining a full-time job. Learners’ routines were abrupted and remote learning became the “new normal”. This, however, also lead to homeschooling and especially online home schooling, becoming a contending alternative. Wingu Academy offers a distance, blended learning platform that provides educational support to home-schoolers all over Africa, offering live classes and tutorials along with interactive online content. It has been developed by teachers, UP alumni, and postgraduate students who are experts in their respective fields with additional collaboration with researchers from the Wits School of Education. Not only this, it is a by-product of collaboration between two innovative start-ups, TutCo Tuition and EduWingu Cloud Education Solutions. Their ever-evolving platform currently provides the internationally recognised British curriculum, but as of 2022 Wingu Academy will extend their high-school offering to include the South African CAPS curriculum.  Wingu focuses on student-led learning, utilising gamification and implementing constructive feedback providing a wide variety of choices to support individual learning at home along with alternative options through their tutoring centre. Mrs Becker who has both her children enrolled at Wingu Academy has the following to say about her experience as a “Wingu Parent” : “Wingu is passionate about learning. They saw what did not work, listened to parents and made the necessary changes. My children are happy. My oldest says, it is so nice to be able to ask a teacher a question when you don’t understand the work. If a student is shy, they have the option of asking in a classroom chat. The teachers don’t mention who asked, so the child is saved the potential embarrassment that would have prevented them asking in a traditional setting. The blended learning approach is fantastic. Teachers are available for consultations if students struggle. Teachers have a consultation session once a week in the afternoons and students can freely ask any questions. The students have experts in their fields as teachers. They hold Honours and Masters  degrees. There are even a few PhD candidates among the teachers. The feedback the students get on home work is very valuable. Mistakes become learning opportunities.” Many parents may be worried that their children will miss out on social interaction but they still get to meet friends and even form study groups as they are not bound by geographical borders.  In fact, Wingu also offers a variety of Club options to learners varying from fitness to chess to photography clubs and parents have the opportunity to become involved too. Furthermore, Wingu Academy’s flexible environment also caters for learners who would like to pursue their passions and professional aspirations in sports, music and other extra-curricular activities. Another “Wingu Parent”, Mrs du Preez says what she appreciates most about Wingu Academy is the positive and respectful attitude of support and patience. “They make the idea of home schooling worth it and a lot easier. If it was not for the Wingu platform, I would not have done it. Even more so with the help of the online coach to get them on track. My daughter had to catch up two terms in one and still managed to do very well.” Student well-being is at the heart of Wingu’s core foundation. Their Wellness Hub offers professional guidance to both learners and parents in areas of concern. Wingu’s innovative learning platform equips learners for the 4IR with a forward-thinking strategy of anywhere, anytime, staying connected and offering the future classroom today!

Wingu Academy

How to raise a confident teen with a positive identity

Helping your teen to navigate through difficult challenges and still come out resilient, knowing they will recover after a set-back, is an important part of parenting. When a teen has confidence, they are equipped to make decisions. When they have a better understanding of the world around them it’s easier to risk opportunities which helps them exceed in life. A study by Harvard University’s Centre on the Developing Child found that: Resilience requires supportive relationships and opportunities for skill-building. Resilience results from a dynamic interaction between internal predispositions and external experiences. Learning to cope with manageable threats to our physical and social well-being is critical for the development of resilience. Some children respond in more extreme ways, therefore individual traits need to be acknowledged. Individuals never completely lose their ability to improve their coping skills, and they often learn how to adapt to new challenges. Research has identified a set of factors that help children achieve positive outcomes in the face of significant adversity. Individuals who demonstrate resilience in response to one form of adversity may not necessarily do so in response to another. Yet when communities and families strengthen these factors, they optimize resilience across multiple contexts. Factors include: Providing supportive adult-child relationships; Scaffolding learning so the child builds a sense of self-efficacy and control; Helping strengthen adaptive skills and self-regulatory capacities; and Using faith and cultural traditions as a foundation for hope and stability. Good self-esteem activities that parents can apply according to Dr Serahni Symington, Child and Adolescent Counselling and Play Therapist, include the following: Encourage independence to make their own decisions about how they dress, for instance. Having responsibilities at home like walking the dog or making dinner. Enable problem-solving by assisting your child in making choices in a safe space.  This will help equip them to make good decisions when they find themselves in less protective situations. Encouragement is good, but over-praise can do more damage than good if they lack the ability to take responsibility for their actions. Praise effort not outcome. Your teen can control their effort, but not always the outcome. Set realistic bars for outcomes. Emotional expression is crucial. TALK about emotions and feelings. Explore all aspects of anger, grief, fear, joy and happiness in a thoughtful and logical way. Help develop positive self-talk. How teens talk about themselves says a lot about how they see themselves. Help them identify thoughts that aren’t true by pointing out how being overly harsh can be detrimental. Teach them to reframe the irrational with something more realistic. Lead by example. It’s important to model self-confidence and resilience during challenging times as children look to their parents as role models. “Identity is grounded in feeling safe in your environment. Nurturing growth and believing in yourself, is an important stepping stone to raising a confident teen with a positive identity, “ Dr Symington concludes. Wingu Academy realises the importance of encouraging a positive identity.  This is why they established a Wellness Hub that assist both students and parents with guidelines and counselling to find a healthy balance between self-improvement and self-acceptance.

Wingu Academy

How do I help my child cope with exam stress?

Exam time is usually a dreaded and stressful period for parents and children alike, but a little support and motivation can go a long way in reducing stress levels. Here are some guidelines of what you can do to make life a bit easier on your child (and in effect you too!): Create a consistent study environment.  According to parentinfo.org it’s best to set up a study corner that is comfortable and inviting to work in, with as few distractions as possible. Everything should be close at hand so they don’t have to spend time searching for things like highlighters, post it notes, paper, etc. Keep communication open. It’s important to show that you are interested in your child’s studies.  Ask them how they are doing, do they need any help, how did the exam go. Sometimes a child just needs to vent or know you care about their well-being. Encourage relaxation and taking part in other activities to unwind, like exercising, listening to music, painting and interacting with friends. These can aid significantly in stress management. When it comes to studying and breaks the Pomodoro Technique is the most effective in the world. Study for 25 minutes with 5 minute breaks in-between each study session. After four cycles of 25 minute studies, take a longer 30-minute break.  Help your child stay focused with following a well-structured study schedule. According to brainbuxa.com discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.  It’s important to enforce restrictions, but don’t micro-manage. Show your child that you trust him/her enough to take responsibility. If your child prefers being quizzed to prep for exams, put in the effort and make it a time of bonding rather than a time of frustration. Stay calm, do flash cards and reward accomplishments by sneaking in a favourite snack. Ensure that your child eats healthy and gets enough sleep.  These are very important factors for the brain to recharge and function properly, especially during exam time. Always remember to use words of encouragement. Whether the exam went well or not. Help your child to stay positive. Most children are less worried about the exam itself than about disappointing their parents or losing the respect of their fellow classmates if they do badly.  So if it didn’t go well, instead of dwelling on the mistakes, which they cannot change, rather help them relax and prepare for the next exam. “The role of the parent is very important in this online teaching journey. Parents should create and promote a positive learning environment for the student.  Parents should also encourage the student to follow a routine to stay focussed and to develop responsibility, self-discipline and independence. Our teachers, student mentors and tutors all have one goal in mind and that is to see our students succeed and prosper,” says Belinda van der Westhuizen, Wingu-Academy’s Director of Education and Assessments. “Most importantly, celebrate your child’s accomplishments and enjoy the journey with him/her.”

Wingu Academy

How can parents encourage entrepreneurship at home?

It has become increasingly important for children to hone their entrepreneurship skills, not just in the classroom, but especially at home.  It’s important for parents to encourage their children to succeed and by applying the following guidelines by Sue Scheff, author and parent advocate, it’s easier than you think! Kids earn an allowance for chores, not for existing: Instil a good work ethic in your children by requiring that they earn their allowance. Emptying the dishwasher, mowing the lawn, and washing the family dog are all ways that kids can learn how to earn money. Take it a step further by encouraging them to do similar tasks for neighbours as a way to earn additional money. Create a bank account for your child:  Lay the foundation for earning money by giving it a place to go. When your child earns money, have fun helping your kids do the math and figure out how much they’ve put away in the bank for all their hard work. Share opportunities for extra earning: Teach your children that going above and beyond leads to increased earning. Give them the opportunity to do more difficult chores that go above what they’re normally expected to do. Encourage good personal finance skills: Kids begging for items at the store might be annoying, but it’s a teachable moment. When your child asks for something that’s out of budget or not really necessary, make it a goal to earn enough money to buy it. Encourage your child to come up with ideas on how to buy it themselves. Encourage them to follow their ideas: Whether your kids want to start a blog or sell vegetables from your garden, give them your time and encouragement. Let them learn by doing, and find opportunities for lessons along the way. Ask them to consider how they’ll fund their start-up, where to get supplies, how much to charge, how to find their customers, and of course, what to do with the money they earn. You should of course set some limitations for time, legality, and safety, but be open to let your kids explore their own ideas. Allow them to fail, and turn failures into learning moments. Teach good teamwork: Rarely do entrepreneurs succeed completely independently. Even if they’re in business alone, they’re networking, getting others interested, and meeting with people that can help get their business off the ground. Learning how to work with others is essential for success, so be sure to encourage group work in school, in your home, and beyond. Encourage team sports: Team sports are a great way to teach kids to work with others, and they’re also great for learning business lessons. Chances are, they won’t win every game, but the setbacks and hard work that are a part of playing sports can teach kids how to work toward success. Be available: Every great entrepreneur needs a mentor, and for your kids, you are that person. Although you should encourage your child to operate independently, always be there to answer questions or offer helpful suggestions. If you don’t know how to solve a problem, learn how to do it together. Teach your kids to be self-starters: Doing what they’re told is easy for most kids. Asking them to complete certain chores is simple and straightforward. But if you want them to start thinking creatively, encourage their initiative. Ask them to come up with ideas for chores that need to be done, or encourage them to plan a meal and cook for the family once a week. Encourage adventure and observational skills: Some of the best entrepreneurs found success simply by filling a need that no one else even knew existed. The world is full of business opportunities, if only we could notice them. Parents can help their children learn to recognize these types of opportunities by developing observation and creativity. Walk around your neighbourhood with your kids and consider which needs are not being met. Do you have neighbours that need lawn care? Businesses that need a website? Teach kids to recognize and anticipate the needs of others. Teach problem-solving: Entrepreneurship can be a bumpy road full of obstacles and challenges to overcome, even for the best-laid plans. Show your children that problems are just solutions that have not been solved yet. Give them small challenges to overcome, and nudge them in the right direction to find a solution. Play business games: Many games exist to teach kids the basics of business. Make learning about entrepreneurship fun by engaging your children in these games. Read the full article here: http://www.suescheffblog.com/15-ways-parents-can-promote-entrepreneurship/

Wingu Academy

The devastating effects of cyberbullying in South Africa

The devastating effects of Cyberbullying in South Africa and how Wingu Academy protects and supports Wingu students. Did you know that South Africa has the fourth highest rate of cyberbullying worldwide according to a global survey by YouGov? The survey found that one out of every five teens fall prey to cyberbullying and 84% of classmates know of someone who have been victimized. Sadly, with the rise of the digital age becoming a necessary part in our lives, it’s no surprise that this form of bullying has become one of the biggest concerns for both parents and students who suffer and have to deal with the devastating, often life-long effects. But what exactly is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is any form of bullying that takes place online including on platforms like WhatsApp, Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram and gaming chat rooms. Young people today are increasingly exposed to many different tools and apps. Thus, it is very easy to produce videos, memes, manipulated photos, or even simple text messages with degrading comments and name calling. Trolling and cyberstalking of online profiles is also rapidly on the rise. According to the South African College of Applied Psychology victims feel isolated, ashamed, hopeless and depressed wondering if the situation will ever change.  They are desperately looking for a way out which often leads to thoughts and attempts of suicide. This form of abuse influences a child’s identity, self-worth and often leads to long term effects like the inability to form meaningful and sustainable relationships. Not to mention trust issues and even mental health issues. Parents often don’t know because the victims don’t tell them. They feel ashamed and don’t want their parents to get involved as it would worsen the abuse. What are the main signs parents should look out for if they suspect that their child is a victim of cyberbullying? If a child’s mood or behavior suddenly changes drastically, from being socially interactive to being depressed, anxious and isolated. If they start hiding their devices and/or no longer allow you access to their social media accounts. If their academic performance drastically decreases. If they avoid any form of social interaction. What can parents do to help and support their children? According to Dr Serahani Symington, Child and Adolescent Counsellor and Play Therapy Specialist, the following approach is recommended. It’s critically important to have an open relationship where your child feels safe to express their feelings, concerns and problems. Don’t overreact and stay calm during the discussion. Don’t tell your child to simply ignore the situation as it’s very real to them. They have the need for the abuse to be acknowledged. Ask your child what their immediate need is.  Is it to provide comfort or a solution? Co-create a solution with your child to make them feel safe, secure and empowered to handle the situation. Don’t retaliate. Rather address the issue with the school and not with the bully or his/her parents. Never invite the bully into your home, your child’s safe space, to resolve the issue. Monitor and spot check your child’s devices with the narrative that it’s for their own protection and not because you don’t trust them. Look at the ratings, age-restrictions and if possible, experience the games and apps your child interacts with for yourself to look for possible pitfalls and warning signs that could put your child in danger. How does Wingu Academy protect and support parents and students against cyberbullying? “At Wingu Academy we have a zero-tolerance policy against any form of bullying. Our Wellness Hub offers counselling and support to students and parents. By following a holistic approach of creating a culture of inclusivity and high moral values we teach our students to respect their fellow students,” says Managing Director Ian Strydom. Wingu Academy’s Cyberbullying Policy also offers guidelines to students to protect them. Some of the recommendations include: Do not answer abusive messages but save them and report them to the Student Mentor. Do not delete anything until it has been shown to your parents/carers or a member of staff at Wingu Academy (even if it is upsetting, the material is important evidence which may need to be used later as proof of cyberbullying). Do not give out personal details or contact information without the permission of a parent/guardian (personal data). Be careful who you allow to become a friend online and think about what information you want them to see. Protect your password. Do not share it with anyone else and change it regularly. Always log off from the computer when you have finished or if you leave the computer for any reason. Always put the privacy filters on to the sites you use. Never reply to abusive messages. Never reply to someone you do not know. Always stay in public areas in chat rooms. Article by Melanie Foxcroft from MF Consulting. Mobile: +27 82 650 3414 Email: melanie@mfconsulting.co.za Web: www.mfconsulting.co.za

Syllabis Learning

Power Tips on Creating the Perfect Homeschool Environment

With the changes that we have all faced over the last seventeen months, now more than ever before, parents find themselves having to manage their children’s virtual and or home-based education. Despite the many benefits of homeschooling, at-home learning can be challenging for both parents and students. Challenges like creating order and structure in a home learning environment can lead to frustration and even cause students to fall behind on assignments or learning objectives. Your child’s curriculum has many moving parts—and if you have more than one child, that complexity only increases.  Teaching your children at home can be an immensely rewarding experience. One of the reasons that many parents choose to homeschool their kids is that they believe they can provide a better education for their children than a public or private school. To provide an outstanding education for your children, you will need to provide an environment that fosters learning. We can help you to keep your kids on track and successfully navigate the ins and outs of independent learning with the following tips. Create a designated learning space  While it can be tempting to set up shop at the dining room table or on the couch, these areas aren’t the most conducive to learning. Creating a dedicated learning space can make it easier for children to concentrate on schoolwork. Consider a room that is large and open that has natural light. This dedicated space should be used for schoolwork and no outside activities. It would be best if this room is used solely for schooling otherwise may find that your children lose focus if they have distractions around them. Not all kids like to sit in a chair all day, so perhaps offer different seating options in the room to make the space more comfortable for those who want to sit on the floor or a beanbag chair. You could also offer yoga balls for deskwork. Follow a daily schedule Homeschooling brings a wonderful level of flexibility and spontaneity to a child’s education. However, without a clear structure, it can be easy to get distracted and go off track. Kids thrive when they have a basic structure and routine. Creating a daily schedule will be hugely beneficial in giving your child direction and structure. You can always adapt this schedule as you go along. Pick a system that works for you. Your schedule can be as detailed or as relaxed as you want. The key is having some set routine and structure for you and your child to follow so you can both stay on track. Use Technology Technology plays a considerable role in education, and access to it will make homeschooling that much easier. It enables you to become more productive, efficient, and better communicate with other people. It is, therefore, essential to include the necessities in your homeschool environment. A computer, laptop or tablet, digital calendars, and task managers will be extremely helpful in managing time and progress. Time trackers and cloud-based folders like Dropbox or Google Drive will also be helpful. Information is at our fingertips with internet access so your child will have the ability to research topics and collect information with ease. Map out the school year ahead of time Map out your school year to track progress on your goals and plan out big projects. Breaking up big goals and projects into smaller steps makes them more manageable and you’re less likely to let details fall through the cracks. Setting goals and visualizing your plans can help you stay organized and see your progress at a glance, which makes targets more reachable and less overwhelming. Take learning beyond the classroom One of the best parts of homeschooling, and one of its greatest advantages, is the flexibility to learn outside a traditional classroom setting. Make time for these opportunities in your daily schedule and keep an open mind. Outdoor spaces are excellent learning places for exploring new skills, meeting new people, and experiencing through play. Always look for learning opportunities beyond the classroom and be open-minded about the benefit of learning through a practical example.  Collaborate with other homeschoolers It is important to know that you are not in this alone, there are rich and diverse homeschool communities all around the world. It is important and beneficial to connect with other homeschoolers in your area or online to collaborate and share resources. This will not only make the schooling process easier for you, but it will also enrich your child’s experience and expand their educational opportunities in and out of your home. Communicating with other homeschoolers also provides important social opportunities for your child. Leave Time for Breaks It is difficult to work for extended times without a break. When your kids start to get restless or hungry it is a good idea to schedule regular breaks. Morning snack breaks and afternoon exercise breaks allow your kids to get a good balance of work and chill time. scheduling them into your day. While some children might require frequent short breaks, others might like only one or two longer breaks. Read your children and let them help create your schedule in this matter. Learning need not be boring, and neither does your homeschool environment. Always consider what your kids like, who they are, and what are their interests, ideas, distractions, and sources of inspiration to come up with a suitable learning space.

Wingu Academy

Benefits and disadvantages of homeschooling

More and more families are starting to realize the numerous benefits associated with homeschooling. Homeschooling is no longer a stigmatized, isolated learning experience. Through the power of the internet and the rise of online curriculum service providers, homeschooling has evolved into a bespoke educational offering that merges the best elements of a traditional brick-and-mortar school system with the advantages that independent distance-based learning can allow. However, despite the great benefits of homeschooling, there are also certain disadvantages to this approach.  Let’s explore some of these pros and cons of a homeschooling approach. Disadvantages A possible disadvantage experienced by a homeschooling parent, is that the parent might become frustrated by having to take on the role of a teacher. Deciphering not only the coursework, but the curriculum outcomes as well, can create a lot of anxiety for parents. Parents might struggle to know whether they are “doing the right thing” or not. Especially in cases where students are older, parents might be intimidated by the difficulty of some of the coursework, as they are not subject experts themselves, but are now expected to teach their children mathematics or physics that they have done 20 odd years ago – or sometimes not at all! In cases like the aforementioned, parents often start to invest in expensive private tutors, which can lead to a high financial burden. However, by making use of an online curriculum service provider, these disadvantages can largely be mitigated. Through a reputable online curriculum service provider, students can have access to subject expert tutors, which eliminate the need for parents to act as teachers themselves. With this in mind, let’s focus on the benefits of homeschooling, and in particular the benefits of online schooling. Benefits 1.  Academic flexibility The traditional education system allows for very little flexibility in learning, when in reality, education is not a one-size fits all solution.  Some students are very strong auditory and visual learners. Other students might learn best through repetition. Some might prefer learning through practical application. Homeschooling affords an individual the opportunity to learn in a way that suits him/her best, especially if combined with a blended learning teaching strategy – which incorporates live classes and non-live learning elements, such as interactive lessons, quizzes and games, as well as practical project based learning. For students who are professional athletes, or who have globetrotting parents, the flexibility of a homeschooling system is particularly beneficial. Furthermore, in a traditional schooling context, with high student-to-teacher radios, a lot of time is often spent waiting for assistance. Students are often expected to partake in extracurricular school subjects which do not interest them. The flexibility of homeschooling allow students more time to focus on things that truly interest them. Students can progress according to their own ability and interest. 2.  Fosters independent learning skills Students who are homeschooled and allowed the freedom to learn in a way that suits him/her best, naturally also acquire the ability to learn more independently. In other words, these students don’t need someone to guide them through all elements of the learning material step-by-step. They are more confident in assimilating academic resources for themselves – a skill which they have honed during their years of homeschooling! This sense of autonomy is an invaluable ‘soft-skill’ that will aid students for years to come, whether at university or at work. Furthermore, students who homeschool with the help of an online curriculum service provider learn how to be adept at using technology, often from a young age. These students learn how to use cloud computing tools to collaborate remotely – an essential future of work skill, which is becoming even more important in an increasingly globalized and interconnected world. 3.  Mental health Students who struggle with anxiety, social anxiety or depression, or who were victims of bullying in a traditional school context, can study from the comfort and safety of their own homes. Students have the opportunity to focus on their mental and emotional wellbeing. In small amounts, stress can be good, but the incredible pressure that is placed on students to perform academically – or that they often place on themselves – can become debilitating. There is less pressure on students to conform or fit a traditionally expected mold, which is beneficial to a student’s self-esteem. Students with special needs or learning disabilities might feel especially marginalized in a traditional school setting, and their confidence can suffer. In a homeschooling environment, parents are better equipped to introduce certain interventional strategies to address learning challenges. 4.  Social development A fear that many parents who are considering homeschooling have, is the fear of social isolation. Parents fear that their children will not develop social skills or have no friends. However, due to the flexibility of homeschooling, students often have more time to engage in social extracurricular activities or community initiatives – such as joining a sports club, or volunteering at a local shelter – where they can still make friends and interact with peers. For students who make use of an online curriculum service provider, the shift from parent-led to facilitator-led education means there is an even greater opportunity to interact socially. In an online school environment – which essentially emulates some elements of a traditional school environment, such as live classes – students continually interact with classmates and tutors. 5.  Higher quality education In traditional classes with high student to teacher ratios, students do not get individualized attention. In a homeschooling context, students can receive more individualized attention, either from a parent or tutor. When making use of a reputable online curriculum service provider, students can have access to a highly qualified subject expert at the click of a button. Furthermore, some parents might want their children to be taught using a different curriculum than the one offered by traditional government schools. In reality though, many parents simply might not be able to afford the cost of a private school that offers such an alternative curriculum. For these parents, homeschooling provides a way to

Syllabis Learning

School for Real Life

Independent learning creates independent learners. Most of us have been raised in a traditional school system, where our learning was mainly from textbooks, workbooks, and the blackboard. We were bored and unmotivated most of the time, we wished we didn’t have to be stuck in the classroom listening to one person tell us about subjects chosen for us by educators in an era gone by. Most of us have lived full, successful lives without needing to know much of the information that we were forced to memorise and regurgitate in school. We are beginning to realise that that there are more fun, effective and creative ways for children to learn. Researchers are still studying how children learn best and about the problems they encounter in the school system but teaching children in traditional schools, is like learning about polar bears in a zoo…there is no room to navigate one’s preferred style of learning. After all, a child standing at the check-out counter with a ten Rand note in her hand will be far more motivated to do the maths calculation than one sitting at a desk with a workbook, and this applies to many other skills taught in school. Not only do children become independent thinkers and self-managed students but the environment of homeschooling promotes family bonding and improves learning outcomes. Attending school, in general, weakens the relationship between parents and children,  as family groups are not together for most of the day and parents are always struggling to keep up to date and be involved in what their children are learning about. Each child is unique and each child has different talents, abilities, and emotional needs at different ages and stages, this would suggest that any form of education that is designed for the masses cannot be in a particular child’s best interests. Since every child is one-of-a-kind, you need to understand their history, their physical, emotional and mental health, their developmental milestones, their talents, interests, and potential as well as other intimate family information. This personal information should be used to tailor-make the child’s education to suit him or her, education needs to be flexible. The school system can never provide this kind of customised education. Home education can! The school system fails learners in many ways – by focusing on policies, procedures, administrators, teachers, and controlling large groups of children, the needs of the individual child are overridden by the needs of the system. One of the goals of home education is to raise humans who will become self-disciplined and take responsibility for their own education and their own lives. Students can take ownership of their education and do what they need to do for their own reasons, not to conform to the requirements of a teacher or a school system. Home education means parents and their children can choose which learning materials they wish to use. They can study topics that interest them and use materials that are not in conflict with their values and beliefs. This allows for greater freedom and diversity, rather than a one-size-fits-all ideology. The school system forces children into age-segregated classrooms to facilitate mass-delivery of the learning material. Classroom interactions are limited to one age group, which is a false environment in which to learn social skills. As adults, we live in a multi-age community so while learning at home siblings of varying ages can enjoy building relationships and sharing their learning experiences. It is a big decision to abandon the traditional school system and take on home education, but if the school system is failing your child and you identify that the future is changing every moment why not embrace a pro-active, forward-thinking solution to the education of your child. The future needs rule-breakers and creative innovators, not robots with linear thinking. Enrol them in a schooling method that prepares them for real life.

Syllabis Learning

How mainstream schooling is dumbing down our kids and stifling their creativity.

Perhaps we can find a hidden blessing in the current pandemic crisis that we are all experiencing. Our schools have been shutting down for lengthy periods and have allowed many parents to consider alternate methods of education.  The problem with mainstream or traditional schooling is systemic: it is a system that, at best, is designed to dumb our children down; at worst, indoctrinate them. Dumbing down the population is, if you think about it, the main way you can control a population. You can control the cultural narrative because people who haven’t learned to practice the important art of questioning everything will be easily manipulated by the mainstream educational narratives. A study of the history of traditional schools quickly reveals that this “dumbing down” was the intention from the start. Public schools in the West were modeled after the worst aspects of the factory style of education developed in 19th century Prussia. “Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth learning can be taught.” — Oscar Wilde Traditional education focuses on teaching, not learning. It incorrectly assumes that for every ounce of teaching there is an ounce of learning that happens by those who are taught. However, most of what we learn before, during, and after attending schools is learned without its being taught to us. A child learns fundamental things as how to walk, talk, eat, dress without being taught these things. Adults learn most of what they use at work or leisure while at work or leisure. Most of what is taught in classroom settings is forgotten, and much of what is remembered is irrelevant. In most schools, memorization is mistaken for learning, and most of what is remembered is remembered only for a short time. Young children today are increasingly aware of the fact that most of what is expected of them in school can better be done by computers, recording machines, cameras, and so on. We should then ask ourselves a few questions. Do the schools that we have designed best suit the world we are entering into? Has the old industrial form of education that our current system is based upon become obsolete? How can schools be designed to prepare young people for a changing world with increasing needs for a future that will be very different from the industrial age of the past? The central argument here is that the way the schooling system is designed and enacted stifles the possibility of many individuals while reinforcing a broader system of control and teaching young people skills for an era of the past. In general, schools today have become places where we actively discourage thinking that is not predefined, approved, and stamped by the larger social system of the day. In the educational process, students should be offered a wide variety of ways to learn, among which they could choose or with which they could experiment. They do not have to learn different things the same way. They should learn at a very early stage of “schooling” that learning how to learn is largely their responsibility — with the help they seek but that is not imposed on them. Homeschooling provides for this offering to your child, as the responsibility to learn or not to learn, lies with the child. Homeschooling gives your child the opportunity to be their own teacher and it is in teaching themselves that they learn.  Subjects are not learned in isolation like they are forcibly taught in mainstream school, rather homeschooling is holistic in its approach, as so much is learned from applying one’s interest and skills to what is being learned. Entrepreneurial education like homeschooling or independent learning teaches the important skills of innovative and creative thinking, helping students develop a flexible “growth mindset” that can adapt to new problems. These kinds of skills are useful beyond the job market. They give students the tools to be active citizens in a complicated and fast-changing world If we want our children to be able to think critically and thrive in the marketplace, it starts with taking back our children’s education any way we can.

Syllabis Learning

The Wonderful New way of Learning

Traditional approaches to education are no longer relevant in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. With the pace of change accelerating in the 21st century, a key requirement to thrive is lifelong learning and the ability to acquire new skills quickly.  How can “learning to learn” and the ability to be continually reinventing oneself be fostered in children from a young age? It starts with recognizing that the world is changing faster than ever before. To prepare children for the future, parents need to be forward-looking and re-access the type of education that your child needs in this day and age. In today’s world of artificial intelligence, robotics, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, you must prepare children for uncertainty and promote agility and adaptability. This requires a reorientation from early childhood education through to university.  It means encouraging flexibility rather than specialization. Parents and children need to completely reimagine education. Instead of learning to memorize facts and figures, students need to “learn how to learn” and how to solve problems. They should be allowed to learn independently, which means that changes are needed at every level. We must infuse things like entrepreneurship into the curriculum because with the disruption we are experiencing in society, many individuals will need to be able to create their own jobs.  We may end up in a world in which people are more likely to be autonomous contractors rather than having a secure job that lasts for a lifetime as our parents and grandparents had. We need to completely reframe the system of education based on where the world is going, instead of repeating the same failing patterns that are no longer applicable in the new world we are living in.  Education has always been seen as merely the first twelve to fifteen years of your childhood, It needs to be re-identified as a lifelong opportunity, as we truly never stop learning. Working on projects for real organizations, going out into your community, and understanding real-life challenges that people are facing helps you to shape your learning into experiences that you will benefit from throughout your life. These experiences cannot be learned from a textbook but rather by looking at the world head-on. Education has historically been what one can call “Just in case education”, which gives you all kinds of facts and figures just in case it may become relevant to you. But today what we need is “just in time education,” which has three main characteristics:  It never stops. Education is lifelong, we always hold the opportunity to learn. It is focused on learning how to learn and learning how to solve problems. You learn independently outside of the traditional classroom, you learn from projects, from playing, from mentors, from experiments, and in a variety of other ways.  Instead of giving students a menu of academic disciplines, we should rather present them with a menu of problems and challenges that the world is facing. So, when we ask students to declare a mission and not a major, we are saying: “Pick a problem you want to solve and build your learning around that.” It is about giving a purpose to learning and not just learning for learning’s sake. It is about creating problem solvers because problem-solving will always be relevant even as the world changes. When a machine makes your job obsolete – if you are a problem solver, you will still have relevance in the world.  How can your child be his or her own teacher? From the moment a child is born, they have a raging desire to learn, and we believe that if you just follow their lead, provide them with a rich environment, give them the undivided time and attention of the people who care about them the most and encourage their efforts, they will not only learn but exceed all expectations Students have the capability of teaching themselves which makes teachers unnecessary for independent homeschooling.  Kids are born with a love of learning. And strategies like repeated testing and flaunting failure stifle a child’s desire to learn The secret to motivating your child is to always let them know that how great you believe they are and remind them that they have the potential to achieve anything.  At Syllabis Learning we strive to ensure each student has everything they need within their grasp, creating an environment that enables the child to reach their full potential. We provide all you need to give your child a safe and secure learning environment. We offer a guided program, a roadmap of studies to meet each child’s learning objectives. All our content is written and developed by qualified teachers and curriculum experts. Syllabis Learning offers a refreshing new choice to the learner of the digital age. 

Syllabis Learning

Why Homeschool with Syllabis?

From the moment a child is born they have a raging desire to learn, and we believe that if you just follow their lead, provide them with a rich environment, give them the undivided time and attention of the people who care about them the most, and encourage their efforts, they will not only learn, but exceed all expectations. We are all a product of our schooling experiences and in teaching our children we sometimes unwittingly make the same mistakes schools make. Schools arrange for kids to fail. Do you remember how the teachers always caught your mistakes and rarely, if ever caught your successes?  And what about tests? Tests are given to reveal not how knowledgeable we are, but how ignorant we are. The school system is set up so that no matter what you do, you lose. Kids are born with a love of learning. And strategies like repeated testing and flaunting failure stifle a child’s desire to learn. If you want a kid to hate something – be sure to point out all the ways in which he doesn’t measure up. Don’t you agree that most of us avoid doing things that we don’t do well. On the other hand, when we do something well, people notice and give us praise. Our reaction to their praise is believing that we are good at it, and with this boost in confidence we are ready to do it over and over again. Success produces high motivation! The secret to motivating your kid is to always let them know that how great you believe they are and remind them that they have the potential to achieve anything. At Syllabis Learning we strive to ensure each student has everything they need within their grasp, creating an environment that enables the child to reach their potential. We provide all you need to give your child a safe and secure learning environment. We offer a guided program or roadmap of studies to meet each child’s learning objectives. All of our content is written and developed by qualified teachers and curriculum experts. Syllabis Home Education offers a refreshing new choice to the learner of the digital age. Our component based learning plans empower students of all ages  to successfully complete a home based education in a distance learning like environment. It is like having your own virtual school right in your hands. The curriculum consists of a blended mix between online lessons, textbooks, study plans and practical projects and assignments. We present study material to the learner in a simple, concise and understandable way and we provide tangible, creative and technological materials to enhance the learning experience. Our educational material is flexible and easy to use. Give your child the independence they crave, as they progress at their own pace, and because very little parental assistance is required, our curriculum works great if you’re homeschooling more than one child. Our curriculum gives the child the freedom to be flexible.  Self-paced means student-paced and Syllabis students have the ability to work as much as they want every day, which aligns perfectly for a successful homeschooling experience.  We provide everything you and your child need to make is easy to be and stay organized and on top of your learning objectives. Homeschooling is a most suitable way to raise and educate children. Trust the children. Trust yourselves. Embrace the magic, after all the magic is in the child.

Syllabis Learning

10 Notable People Who Were homeschooled

In an age where more students are receiving an education and graduating than ever before it is interesting to take note that education is finally evolving into something far more exciting. Along with the education of teachers, learning tools and teaching techniques have also changed significantly with the digital revolution. There is finally a drive to incorporate technology, mobile devices, and independent learning into the student curriculum. If the thought of homeschooling concerns you then perhaps reading about 15 notable people who were homeschooled will begin to change your view on independent learning and this revolutionary method of schooling. Thomas Edison Thomas Edison is one of the most famous and productive inventors of all time with almost 1000 patents in his name, including the electric light bulb, phonograph, and motion picture camera. He became a self-made multimillionaire even though he was considered a difficult child at the school he attended so at the age of 7 his mother removed him from school and taught him at home. Alexander Graham Bell Bell was homeschooled until the age of 11 before enrolling in a traditional school. Despite his poor grades at school Bell went on to be a noted inventor and held more than a dozen patents. Albert Einstein Although he was named time magazine’s “Man of the Century,” Albert Einstein was not an “Einstein” in school. The Nobel Prize-winning physicist, famous for his theory of relativity and contributions to quantum theory and statistical mechanics, dropped out of high school at age 15 to continue his education independently. Teddy Roosevelt The 26th US president, leader of The Rough Riders and inspiration for the teddy bear, Teddy Roosevelt was born to a family of fourteen children. Roosevelt and his siblings suffered from a variety of physical ailments, and as a result, were home-schooled. The children were taught by their mother, aunt, and a French governess, who did a fantastic job: Teddy was admitted to Harvard in 1878. Abraham Lincoln The remarkable 16th President of the United States known for leading the nation during the civil war and abolishing slavery is a product of homeschooling. History books did not lie when they said he was raised in a poor household by loving but unfortunately illiterate parents. Unlike the parent or private tutor-led homeschool method we know today, Lincoln had to teach himself how to read and write while also supporting his family. Proof that independent learning does rely on someone else teaching you. Leonardo da Vinci The artist behind the legendary paintings Mona Lisa and The Last Supper was a homeschooler! Da Vinci went down in history not only as a great painter but also a polymath with extensive knowledge in various fields like biology, math, architecture, and engineering. This renaissance artist was taught English, writing, and math by his father. Agatha Christie This famous mystery novelist was homeschooled by her father. She taught herself to read at just 5 years old. She wrote some 75 novels, including 66 detective novels and 14 short story collections. Christie is perhaps the world’s most famous mystery writer and is one of the best-selling novelists of all time Maria Sharapova Although she was enrolled in a prestigious school at the age of 9, Maria Sharapova and her parents decided that home learning was the best choice for the athlete t continue her journey to becoming a famous tennis star. Sharapova is a brilliant example that independent learners can become well-rounded and emotionally intelligent people.  Emma Watson The bright and fearless Hermoine Granger in the Harry Potter series, as well as one of the highest-paid actresses of all time, Emma Watson was homeschooled for most of her adolescent years. Watson had to be educated by a private tutor on set along with her co-stars as she started acting professionally at age 10. Watson earned her degree in English Literature in 2014 from Brown University. Taylor Swift Singer-songwriter and ten-time Grammy award winner Taylor Swift was homeschooled from the age of 14. She chose to learn independently to accommodate her touring schedule. Homeschooling has become a popular option for numerous celebrities to allot more time to grow their showbiz careers Choosing to homeschool your kids might feel like an all-too-eccentric route to take, but you’d be surprised to find that your child is actually in good company if you choose to set him/her off on this specific path of alternative learning.

Syllabis Learning

The Myths and Facts about socialisation and homeschooling

The socialisation myth was born out of a misconception of what it means to be homeschooled. Many critics, educators, and parents still believe that homeschoolers hit the books at 9 am do schoolwork until 4 pm, and spend the entire day alone and isolated from the rest of the world. This notion, of course, is quite uninformed! This topic of the effect homeschooling has on socialisation has been one of the most heavily researched issues for years now. People still have trouble conceiving how or if a child can develop optimal social and emotional skills when homeschooled. These concerns are almost always goodhearted but usually said from a position where people assume that the conventional way of schooling is the only way, and have done very little research on the subject. These assumptions arise from a variety of misconceptions and If you’re thinking about homeschooling, this article can help you understand the myths and facts about socialisation and homeschooling. Let us first understand the definition of socialisation. Socialization is (1) the activity of interacting with other people through which (2) the process of internalizing occurs. We internalize norms, rules, appropriate behaviors, values, ideologies, basic attitudes, self-image, and everything else that’s culturally dependent.  Children do not always respond well in large groups of 20 or 30, where peer pressure is high and kids feel the need to look and act the same way as their counterparts. Learners find themselves surrounded by rivalry, competition, and ridicule. Large groups of children become noisy and result in kids becoming nervous and over-excited. Learning becomes difficult and this is when behavioral problems develop. Does this sound like an environment for healthy socialisation? Dr. Raymond Moore, an author of over 60 books and articles on human development, who has done extensive research on homeschooling and socialisation says this in his book, The Hurried Child, “The idea that children need to be around many other youngsters to be ‘socialized, is perhaps the most dangerous and extravagant myth in education and child-rearing today.” After analyzing over 8,000 early childhood studies, Dr. Moore concluded that, contrary to popular belief, children are best socialized by parents – not other children. A homeschooler knows she is part of a family unit that needs, wants, and depends on her. She does not have to follow the crowd or continuously be compared to her peers. By interacting with her parents and siblings she has a greater opportunity to build confidence, self-respect, and self-worth. The result is an independent thinker who isn’t influenced by peers and is self-directed in her actions and thoughts. Children need time to dream and grow and find out what it is they love to do. This is something few children enjoy today as they spend the majority of their time at school trying to fit into the same mold as every other student, never given the freedom to be an individual with their own set of needs. They are never alone at school, and their after-school lives are packed full of activities, as well.  Homeschoolers have a wonderful opportunity to spend more time on the things that drive them and by joining sports clubs and group programs in their community they can enjoy all forms of socialisation. Socialization, like learning and life, takes place every day. How you interact with your kids – and how they watch you interact with the outside world – teaches them all the social skills they’ll need to know. Stop worrying about socialization. It’s a “problem” that never existed!

Syllabis Learning

30 Brilliant Reasons to Homeschool!

Thinking about homeschooling your kids? Or perhaps you have already made the decision to homeschool? This could be due to various reasons, some of which may include wanting to remove your kids from a negative school environment, to protect them from bullying or giving them the freedom to learn in a progressive way that may be more appropriate for them. An environment where creativity is nurtured and celebrated, a method of schooling that better prepares your child for his or her future. Here are 30 reasons you should consider homeschooling your child: Your child can learn at his or her own pace. Your child can create their own curriculum. Your child can learn a wider variety of subjects. Learning can happen anywhere and at any time. When they are done work for the day, they have free time to focus on things they enjoy. Your child will learn valuable life skills. Your child’s creativity can be nurtured and celebrated. Your child’s work is not done for mastery, not for a grade. It is easier to accommodate your child’s specific learning needs. Your child can learn in the way that suits them best. Your child won’t fall through the cracks. There will be less peer pressure to deal with. Children learn to challenge assumptions and think for themselves. Your kids will have more time to play. Homeschooled kids grow to become independent thinkers. You can limit the opportunity for your child to be bullied. You can ‘shelter’ your child from negative influences like drugs and sex for longer or until they are older and can handle things better. Your kids can relax and be themselves and be free of the pressure to conform to the masses. Children become empowered when their ideas are heard and validated. Family bonds become stronger as your family will spend more time together. Kids are able to learn in a safe and supported environment. School can be taken outside, or anywhere for that matter. Kids are more confident. Kids learn time management skills, a valuable skill to have. Your child will not have to wait for everyone to reach the same level before moving on. Children get to be themselves. Kids get to learn for the sake of learning – not to pass a test or mark a box on a list of set standards. Greater opportunities for kids to focus on hobbies. Kids can work with fewer distractions than there are in typical classroom settings. Your child will be able to set their own schedule as they get older. These are only a few of the amazing advantages to homeschooling, Syllabis Learning can help you achieve all of the above and more with our integrated and independent learning curriculum. Make the decision to give your child the best in education.

Syllabis Learning

The Best Alternative to Public or Private Schooling

Researchers worldwide, forecast that home-schooling will balloon over the next decade as families discover that there are vastly better alternatives to public or private schooling such as home-schooling and more importantly as far as Syllabis is concerned, independent learning at home. The core idea of home-schooling is the idea that children need to learn at the speed, and in the style, most appropriate for them. Modern-day schooling is out of date. Young leaders, innovators, and creators are being turned into robotic machines that follow assignments to generate grades. The grade school years are meant to help students find who they are, but schools today are nothing more than a glorifiedholding facility for carbon copy education. At school, we are taught from day one to blindly follow directions or risk facing disciplinary consequences. The school system was built to match labour environments – eight hours a day with short breaks in a controlled setting to make it easier to push young adults into the workforce. Schools say they are preparing students for the future, but they are forcing them to obey commands that expunge all creativity, which is robbing students of the ability to pursue a successful future. Every student has his own set of strengths and weaknesses, and yet we find every student following the same exact academic agenda as their peers. It is almost like schools are asking all students to wear the same size shirt, despite the inevitable variety in body shapes and sizes. At Syllabis Learning we believe your children deserve the best in education and part of our offering includes: Our SCHOOL-ON-A-TABLET solution. Simply activate our 10,1-inch tablet, or If you prefer the curriculum can be downloaded directly onto the learner’s own device. A hardcopy textbook version is available for those learners who do not have access to the internet. Our curriculum is modern and progressive. It is specifically designed by leading educators for learners of the digital age. We offer a blended curriculum which is CAPS based but offers additional products and services. Our curriculum is easy to follow, and we provide endless topic-related videos. We offer a world class portal and monitoring system with study tips by grade, excellent support and access to over 4 000 online or in-home tutors and mentors, your child can find a Study Buddy within our network and specific topic related pre-recorded lessons. A Syllabis Learning we believe your child deserves the best in education. With public education systems deteriorating and private schools getting more expensive by the day, homeschooling is proving to be the best alternative. Hear from Syllabis clients:

Syllabis Learning

Tips on How to Ease your Transition from School to Homeschool

Thinking about homeschooling your kids? Or perhaps you have already made the decision to homeschool? This could be due to various reasons, some of which may include wanting to remove your kids from a negative school environment, to protect them from bullying or giving them the freedom to learn in a progressive way that may be more appropriate for them. An environment where creativity is nurtured and celebrated, a method of schooling that better prepares your child for his or her future. Let us offer you peace of mind as you transition to what we believe to be a brilliant way to educate your kids. Here are some valuable tips to ease the transition from school to homeschool: Include your kids in the conversation Talk about this decision with your whole family, share your goals with your children and listen to their excitement and concerns. Identify what your education goals are, and the endless possibilities you can achieve by homeschooling. Legalities Homeschooling is legal in South Africa and only grade1 to 9 are required to be registered for homeschooling with the Department of Basic Education (DBE). Withdrawing your child from school and registering him or her as a homeschooler with the DBE is a relatively easy process and a Syllabis consultant will guide and help you with all the necessary steps once you have purchased a Syllabis curriculum. Try not to mimic school at home Trying to recreate the school environment for your child is a trap that many parents easily fall into. Consider this in your schedule or approach and try not to separate your role of teacher and parent. It helps to integrate your learning and teaching into your parenting and lifestyle. Give yourself time to adjust and de-school Realize that it may take some time for your children to find their feet so give them some room to breathe. Every child is different so make decisions and schedules that fit with your child’s needs. Some kids take a few weeks to adjust, and some may take a few months, try enjoying being together as a family again and work slowly into new routines. Set up a daily schedule You will want to create a basic schedule for your new homeschool day. Having a basic plan in writing will aid in the transition process. It will also help you stay on track and feel like you are getting necessary things accomplished. Even if you do not stick to your schedule like glue, having something basic in writing will greatly aid in your organization.  Decrease the time spent in “official” school Mainstream school requires 6-8 hours of schooling while if your child focuses, he or she will soon realize that school can be done in 2-3 hours a day, leaving hours to be spent doing extra-curricular activities or spending time on hobbies or playing. Increase the breaks in-between subjects Who says school must take place in 8 hours? A lot of homeschoolers have found shorter study times, interspersed by frequent breaks, can boost productivity.  Adapt as you go Observe your family as you go and continue to adjust to what works best for you. You’ll be amazed at how much you learn about your children’s personalities and abilities and how best they learn.  Take advantage of a support network While you are transitioning from traditional school to homeschool you may have questions, take advantage of the support your curriculum provider provides. Syllabis will guide you through the full transition and provide in-depth support and guidance. Sign up for extra-curricular activities Sign up to sporting and extra-curricular activities, to stay active and social. We can aid with extra-curricular activities like Online Music School, Life Coaching, English Pronunciation and Reading Skills program, Golf instruction, Marshall Arts, video Gaming, 3D Printing, Medical School and Driving School. Homeschooling teaches learners to become independent and allows them the space to become more creative thinkers and doers. It gives them the freedom to learn by their own rules and work by their own schedule, as well as the freedom to soar ahead academically! Hear from Syllabis clients:



Video communication is now more than ever challenging the status quo of teaching. The value of eLearning or video communication is being recognized by more and more organizations since it can produce significant results, including improved performance and productivity by learners. Using video conferencing for education has made classrooms walls invisible, allowing students to have the entire world as their learning resource.

Parenting Hub

Online schooling can literally become a pain in the neck!

Lockdown has affected our children in more ways than one. Isolation. Anxiety. Confusion. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Most of these emotions and feelings are beyond our control, and nurturing, understanding and just being there for our kids is all we can do. But some things are in our control, and one is comfort.  Online learning and sitting in front of a computer has become the norm. Video games and screen time have replaced sports and outdoor activities with friends. And this has led to a growing trend in back and neck pain in children. In fact, what was once just a problem for adults sitting, at a desk all day, has veered to the younger generation. More children today are sitting for extended periods and the longer they sit, the more they are likely to suffer from lower back pain and become victims to slouching. In fact, studies indicate that by the age of 15 years, 20% to 70% of children will report some back pain while other say  75% of children between the ages of 8 to 12 years complain of back pain. Either way, the stats are alarming and are likely to increase as dining room tables and kitchen counters become desks once again due to the rise in COVID-19 infections. Help them find their comfort zone  The significant causes of back pain in children have been found to be triggered by poor posture, sitting for long periods and continuous inactivity. Poor posture can cause the spinal cord to change shape, creating chronic pain and affecting balance. It can also affect the rest of the body. Sitting for extended periods with poor posture compresses the digestive organs, which can harm the entire digestive system. As parents, we want to provide our kids with the right tools in everything they do. The correct size bat for the cricket season, good sturdy boots for the soccer season, so why should paying attention to our kids’ posture be any different? Children will spend an estimated 23 years of their lives sitting in a chair, so the time for good habits is now. And that means providing comfort and correct postures while sitting. When looking for the correct chair for your child, remember that size does matter. A height-adjustable chair is paramount for a growing child. And so is an adjustable backrest angle, height-adjustable armrests, and lumbar support. A foot ring on the chair, or a separate footrest is usually required because the feet have to be anchored, otherwise they land up perching at the edge of the seat. Adjustability, and the ability to be supported in the lower back and under foot will ensure that the time your child spends sitting in front of the computer or doing homework at a desk is painless and productive. The immediate cost should be viewed as an investment in your child’s future and will far outweigh the costs of dealing with future health issues, especially as their spines still have so much growing to do!  It is also important to try to regulate all screen time – enforcing regular breaks every hour.  Encourage motion – be it a swim, a game of soccer or a walk around the neighbourhood. Create these movement habits daily. And if your child has a hard time sitting still, let them work while standing up.  Online schooling is part of our lives and is a critical alternative in the current environment. Even when schools can return, online processes are highly likely to stay in place, in some form so now’s the time to act. It’s a whole new world for them too, so make sure they are sitting right to not only survive online schooling, but thrive! By Gary Arenson, Physio, MD, and Founder of Ergotherapy


Opportune time to prioritise online learning as primary method of education in South Africa

Distance Educator, Brainline, says the postponement of the reopening of schools should signify the importance to prioritise online learning as the primary method of learning in the country. This follows an announcement by the Basic Education Department that schools will now only open on 15 February, two weeks later than the initial opening date due to fears over the rising Covid-19 infections in the country. Brainline CEO, Coleen Cronje, says thousands of learners may suffer an academic set back due to a loss of precious educational time. ‘Hundreds of thousands of learners were affected by the long school closures last year. The fact that the reopening of schools has been pushed back another two weeks again translates into valuable academic time being lost. It is important that the Department of Basic Education and relevant stakeholders urgently look at ways to minimize the impact of the current status quo, starting with setting up reliable e-learning platforms,’ she says. Cronje has welcomed suggestions that the Department is looking at opening online schools to reduce pressure on school admissions. Earlier this week Gauteng’s Director-General of Education, Mathanzima Mweli, said the department was working with provinces and private education providers to come up with regulations and policies that they can follow to open online public schools. Cronje says now is the opportune time for basic education authorities to look at restructuring the current traditional school system by phasing in e-learning elements.  ‘South Africans are familiar with a more traditional classroom set-up but now is the time to evolve. E-learning and also mobile learning should be viewed as an additional learning resource that can assist in accessing learning tools. President Cyril Ramaphosa in a recent State of the Nation Address said that government wanted to provide learners with a tablet to access e-learning platforms. He also indicated that government was working with network operators to reduce the cost of data. This drive should be on government’s radar more than ever before.’ However, Cronje admits that the quality of e-learning will be dependent on the learner’s access. She says it is expected that online learning and even home education will see another growth spike in the year to come. ‘Home education in South Africa has experienced significant growth over the last few years. At the end of 2018, there were an estimated 100,000 home education learners in the country. Several factors have driven the growth of home education as an alternative option, ranging from increasingly sophisticated distance e-learning technology to an ever-growing network of tutors. Because it’s based on individual needs, home education can provide a safe space for children who may have found the traditional schooling environment challenging. Nowadays it is also a safe and secure environment for parents amid fears of Covid-19,’ says Cronje. As a fully functional online school, Brainline has not been affected by the 2020 school closures and virtual classes will resume on 25 January as planned. Cronje says Brainline is also accommodating learners who were affected by reduced curriculums in 2020. ‘Due to the school closures, many schools had decided to reduce their curriculum, therefore resulting in some students not having completed important aspects of the work. We have consequently decided to offer online catch-up classes for our senior learners to ensure they are up to date with the work and that they can join the rest of their peers when classes start on the 25th.’ Brainline is IEB recognised. Learners who are enrolled with us to complete their final examinations and who fulfil the requirements for this qualification will receive their National Senior Certificate (NSC), as issued by Umalusi.

Evolve Online School

Discovering the delight of different

How do you take the next step when you suddenly discover that something you thought was abnormal is perfect for you? How can you properly evaluate the explosion of schooling options, especially in the online and homeschooling space? These are two of the questions I am going to try and answer for you in this article. I will attempt to give you some guidelines to use when trying to make sense of an education opportunity that you may have thought was only for unconventional families. Still, you may have discovered it seems perfect for your children. Remote learning has taken the limelight and has been a topic of discussion on television, radio, and online media since the Covid pandemic took hold of the world. With schools having to shut down and go online many children (and their parents) have had an experience of homeschooling and online schooling forced on them when they may not have tried to learn this way by choice. There has been a very mixed experience of this.  Some children have discovered that online learning meets their needs in ways that traditional education cannot. They can work at their own pace and spend more time on things that they find difficult. They are not faced with constant interruptions caused by having to change from class to class. Children are not distracted by the behaviour of other children or the lack of comfort of the classroom. Children also like to make more choices about what they learn and when they learn it, which means that they are more engaged with their learning. They are also not held back to the pace of the rest of the class when they find the work easy.  On the other hand, children can lose focus, be tempted to play games or waste time and can find themselves falling behind without the teacher being able to notice or keep them on track. The concept of ‘Zoom’ fatigue has also become an issue. People working from home and children learning remotely have found the challenge of being in online meetings for protracted periods mentally exhausting. Concentration slips and attention wanders. Teachers have had an immense struggle to keep their students engaged and often have no way of knowing if they are paying attention. Schools that pivoted to an online model during the lockdown made the mistake of trying to run a synchronous timetable. That is, they tried to follow the same schedule they would have if the students had been attending live lessons. Proper online schooling does not work this way. Being an online learner is like homeschooling with one significant difference: The student becomes more and more capable of learning without any adult assistance at home.  It is a feature of an excellent online school that we provide a process for children to learn the skills they need to be independent learners. This process includes self-pacing, time management and the ability to schedule their day. It also includes teaching children to work collaboratively with peers in remote locations. No parent should choose online learning for their children without expecting the learning process to be delightfully different.  So, with what should you be delighted? The school should engage with your child as an individual and tailor their learning to suit their needs and interest. Your child should be able to advance at a faster rate in areas where they have an aptitude and intense curiosity. They should be able to take their time and work deliberately when they need to.  Testing and assessment should also be significantly different from a traditional experience. Online systems offer the opportunity to use machine learning and data analysis to make learning specific to a child’s needs. Online learner management systems should collect data on everything a child is doing and learning and start to offer suggestions for improving their understanding and mastery. There is a story about a father with three young daughters. One is two years old, the second is four, and the oldest is seven. He sits down to tell them a story. “Mapule climbs up the stairs and opens the door; there is the Dragon!” The seven-year-old says, oooh! “Mapule climbs up the stairs and opens the door.” The four-year-old says, oooh! “Mapule climbs up the stairs.” The two-year-old says, oooh! Because climbing up the stairs is wonderful to a two-year-old. As our children grow, they lose their sense of wonder and curiosity.  Online schooling executed well, offers children an ongoingly engaging experience. Using, video, games, simulations, discussion platforms and immediate feedback in a way that traditional school models are unable to. It keeps children in the ‘Goldilocks’ zone, where the work they do is neither too easy nor too difficult.  When you are deciding if you want to enrol your child with an online school, ask yourself; how often will they start a lesson and say “oooh!” By: Colin Northmore, Principal of Evolve Online School, a brand of ADvTECH, Africa’s largest private education provider. Visit www.evolveonline.co.za

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