At week 13 of your pregnancy you are now in your second trimester. This trimester is often nicknamed the honeymoon period, as your pregnancy symptoms should have started easing up, and your baby is still small enough that you don’t feel uncomfortable.
Your body at week 13
At week 13 your energy levels should start increasing, but if your nausea and fatigue don’t disappear just yet – don’t despair, some moms experience these for longer than others. This increase in energy won’t stick around forever, so make the most of this time while you can and tick important to-dos off your list.
Your blood flow will also increase during this time, and because of this you may see blue streaks under your skin from your veins and experience an increase in libido.
Your baby at week 13
Your baby is now the size of a lemon and her body proportion is slowly starting to change, although the head is still the biggest part of the body. Your baby is growing rapidly, and during this time, her intestines are moving from the umbilical cord into the stomach. Her eyelids are shut to protect the eyes as they develop and her vocal cords are also developing, so that when your baby is born she’ll be able to cry and laugh and eventually say her first word.
Things to remember in this week
Around this time is when some people choose to tell family, friends and employers that they’re expecting. You should pick when you feel most comfortable to tell everyone, however, this time is often chosen, as your risk of miscarriage will have decreased and you’ll have had your first pregnancy ultrasound, which should confirm that your baby is healthy.
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