Advice Column, Child, Education, Home Education, Online Education, Recently, Syllabis

Leading Local, Going Global… Why Syllabis Education is the best solution for your child

  • Syllabis Learning
  • Category Advice Column, Child, Education, Home Education, Online Education, Recently, Syllabis

Home-schooling is a progressive movement around the world, in which learners are educated at home instead of in traditional public or private schools where methods have hardly changed in over a century. To give you an idea; in only 2020 was the ‘Chalkboard’ replaced by a ‘Smartboard’ in a few privileged schools only 2021– the ‘Classroom Teacher’ is replaced by an ‘Online Teacher’ using the same old methods which are of little consequence to today’s learners. 

In 2022 Syllabis Learning is now leading the way to change this.

Researchers worldwide, forecast that home-schooling will balloon over the next decade as families discover that there are vastly better alternatives to public or private schooling such as homeschooling and more importantly as far as we are concerned, independent learning. The core idea of home-schooling/ independent learning is the idea that children need to learn at the speed, and in the style, most appropriate for them. 

Families have voiced many reasons for moving away from traditional schooling which has now all been super-ceded by the COVID worldwide pandemic. This unfortunately may be with us for quite some time. 

At Syllabis Education We have some amazing developments that we would love to share with you, our valued parents, learners, and potential learners.

We have just launched our new WEBSITE  and we will be making our unique and super-enhanced products and breakthrough tools available to our home school families, worldwide as of 2022.

How our new global distance school works:

We offer a 3-tiered product approach to distance school, with each offering customizable to your unique needs. You are free to upgrade or downgrade at your discretion, which means you are not locked into any one package. 

Introducing the Syllabis Education Big 3:

The Elephant

Strong and peaceful with a great memory, a good concentrator, and a force to be reckoned with – This package includes our basic offering, with great value-added products and features. Fantastic for those starting on this journey. 

The Buffalo 

Strong and Feisty, always looking for an edge, the great rememberer, whether alone or in a herd, this package includes our enhanced offering, and many great value-added services, products, and features. By far the best value for money in comparison to our competitors. Enhanced offering includes Orientation week, extended progress reporting, call-in help with curriculum planning, study skills course, access to iClass online lessons (2 hours per week), and formal academic feedback to parents.

The Lion    

On the Hunt, Protective, Happy in groups or alone, the King of the Jungle. This package includes all the bells and whistles (and a few loud ROARS). By far Clearly the best value for money in comparison to our competitors. Enhanced offering includes orientation week, extended progress reporting, call-in help with curriculum planning, study skills course, iWellness, access to iClass (4 hours per week), and formal academic feedback to parents.

Our unique curriculum enhancements:


  • Free Educational Needs Analysis 
  • Online Assessments
  • Online Examination Concession Assessments
  • Educational Analysis
  • Financial Needs Analysis


School-on-a-Tablet – (just press the on-button and get started) or download to your own device

Syllabis Learner Portal – Learner’s access to our world of learning and prosperity

Syllabis E-Workbooks – Tailored to the needs of the student learning at home

Syllabis Printed Workbooks Grade R – 3 – Delivered to your home or nearest Postnet (South Africa only)

Syllabis Online Study Guides – Provides the learner with month-to-month guidance on how to approach each subject

Orientation Pack – Online orientation pack for our Elephant package

Orientation Week – Students that enroll with Syllabis Buffalo or Lion packages can participate in various levels of orientation

Progress Reporting – Keeps the Parent and Syllabis up to date with the learner’s progress which is optional

Extended Progress Reporting – Links the learners up with a tutor who will guide them through a problem area at affordable rates (South Africa only)

Online Help – Professional help with Curriculum Planning

Call-in Help – Professional help with Curriculum Planning

Syllabis iCLASS – Online Group Class with Educators – for our Buffalo and Lion package only

Syllabis iWizard – Extra resource for when a learner need additional help

Syllabis iWellness – Additional Children’s Wellness and Life Skills Programme

Syllabis iMaster English – Online English Literature Support for Grade 10 – 12 (South Africa only)

Syllabis iDrive – Driving Lessons offered in the Johannesburg area only until further notice (South Africa only)

Formal Academic Feedback to Parents –

Online Graphing Calculators – 

Syllabis Learning 8 Pillars – Comprehensive add-on curriculum for Grade R – 12

Tutoring – In-home or online tutor placements at affordable rates, at the click of a button 

For more information on our amazing and progressive offering or to register for 2022 contact us today. 

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