South African Stats 1)      10% of all non-natural deaths in adults and 9.5% in youth are due to suicide. 2)      +/- 23 a day, virtually 1 every hour. 3)      Nearly two-thirds of all suicide victims were aged between 20 and 39 years. 4)      Nearly 1 third of recorded suicides in SA are in Gauteng and a 1.5x increase in […]

This World Heart Day the Heart and Stroke Foundation SA is putting the spotlight on creating heart-healthy environments, enabling people to make positive changes that can reduce their risk of heart disease and stroke. World Heart Day is celebrated annually to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease (CVD). This year the Heart and Stroke Foundation SA […]

What is ADHD? Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a syndrome diagnosed in many children. The exact percentage of children with ADHD is not known but figures are estimated at about 3-5% of school age children¸ with the incidence being slightly higher in boys. The main symptoms of ADHD are reduced attentiveness and concentration, excessive levels of […]

Sept 2014 sees the South African launch date of a revolutionary new generation of toy – My Friend Cayla. Powered by Google, Cayla is the first fully interactive doll that not only gets your child learning and enquiring about the world, but will also give her a friend that has her own personality and likes, […]

I often see children who are anxious when faced with new challenges, worrying that they might make a mistake. The fear of making a mistake over-powers and inhibits their ability to think clearly, listen to instructions and plan how they actually will do the task. Therefore, they do worse in the task than they actually […]

I was recently in the United States for 10 days to attend a Sleep Sense Conference. The content was phenomenal and REALLY has rekindled my passion for providing children and parents in South Africa the gift of a Good Night’s Sleep. However, I think what struck me even more than the content was how much […]

We forget sometimes that wonderful events, like a new arrival in the family, can also be pretty stressful. If you look at the scale of life’s most stress-inducing events, the arrival of a new baby is up there with death in the family, divorce and losing a job. And often the one who feels this […]

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