Can you use Pokkelokkie reusable nappies with twins?
Yes you can! When you opt for reusable nappies for two babies, the choice is still the same. You don’t want to throw single use plastics in a bin. You don’t want to waste a heap of a money on throwaways. The benefits of reusing is really felt when you have two babies in nappies. Disposable nappies will cost around R40 000 in total. Just in the first four months, around R8000 will be spent on single use plastics, in the bin. Quite jaw dropping! We often suggest using a flat type of diaper for twins for a number of reasons. Flats are the modern-day version of the terri towelling squares. Flats dry the fastest and when you have two, it is very convenient to have fast drying nappies (especially in Winter). Because a flat can be manipulated, it can fit a smaller baby beautifully. Twins are often born slightly smaller. Flats are the most economical if on a budget. They also fit the longest. Another pro. Throwing some fitted style of nappies in is, however, “nice to have” as they are very easy nappies for those first blurry days. Dads and carers can manage a fitted initially, a lot faster. We recommend starting out with around forty eight nappies. See below for examples of full time, ideal twin stashes. We have not included things like laundry or Wipey reusable wipes into the costings below. Note, we plan to add these sets to our website soon but in the meantime just contact us and we will make them/or any set up for you. Option A An all flats stash: Around R9000 48 Flats – small 58 Newborn Boosters (always have a few extra boosters on hand) 16 Superwrap Covers 20 Snappies (these get lost with the socks) 20 Fleece Liners 2 Wetbags, 1 Washbuddy, 2 Nursing pads Option B Mixed stash: Around R10 000 24 Small Flats 24 Dawn Patrol Day Fitted’s 58 Newborn Boosters 16 Superwrap Covers 10 Snappies 20 Fleece Liners 2 Wetbags, 1 Washbuddy, 2 Nursing pads Option C Mixed stash: Around R9500 36 Small Flats 12 Dawn Patrol Fitted’s 58 Newborn Boosters 16 Superwrap Covers 10 Snappies 20 Fleece Liners 2 Wetbags, 1 Washbuddy, 2 Nursing pads Option D Fitted only stash: Around R10 500 48 Dawn Patrol Fitted’s 50 Boosters 16 Superwrap Covers 20 Fleece Liners 2 Wetbags, 1 Washbuddy, 2 Nursing pads If wanting to start part time, you could take the above sets and simply halve them. Honestly though my best advice is to just go full time, from the beginning. You will probably end up using the odd disposable here and there, but if you just start using cloth nappies you will get into the swing of it and never look back. After having to carry a weeks worth of black bags of poopy single use plastics out to the trash, the waste is phenomenal (170 nappies per week. How many bags is this??). Do it once and then use cloth nappies – you will see what I mean. Washing With twins you ideally wash every day. It just makes it easier. Pop the nappies in, rinse them. Then a main wash. Hang to dry. Having 48 nappies, you end up washing around 16 nappies a day for the first four months. It changes after that as babies start to use less nappies. Washing is easily done with load shedding- simply time the load between the off periods. Washing at night is very doable. We must adapt. Cost analysis Disposables cost around R2000/ month for two babies. Working on 10 – 12 nappies a day (this is what babies use initially). Four months= R8000 of waste. Cloth nappies (option A above) = R8 600 Nothing in the bin. The small flats can be reused as boosters in bigger nappies. The boosters can be used way past the newborn stage. The flats can fit to 8kg (often past the four month mark). You only need to upsize once straight to a large flat. Add bigger covers from 7kg. When ready, you can resell the whole set for more than half of what you paid, generate another R5000 and purchase some bigger nappies for the last leg of the journey. No brainer. In total disposables can/ will cost around R40 000 for two. Not less, probably more. What has not been worked into this is the tons of waste generated by single use or store bought wet wipes and bum creams needed for rashes caused by disposables. Cloth nappies and reusable Wipey cloth wipes will cost less than half. You will experience little to no rashes and pure joy. The reusable journey is ultimately more satisfying and rewarding. “It’s not more difficult because its twins. Whether its one baby or two, using cloth is the same ” says Danica who has been using our flats exclusively on her two for over two months now, full time. “Yes it takes a bit of effort but everything is a challenge with twins. Its not a challenge because its cloth nappies. Getting out the door is tricky with our third child, on time. My advice is to have a good washing machine and to wash every day. Our machine is a 5kg and works perfectly for two. Cloth just becomes part of your routine- its not a big deal. Be prepared to have your nappies hanging around the house- its our new decor. We love it. ” To chat about how to get going and stash options, get hold of us. We will not only help you with what to get, but also be ready to help at any point once the babies arrive and you get going. Visit our website here Find us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram