Can you use Pokkelokkie reusable nappies with twins?

Yes you can! When you opt for reusable nappies for two babies, the choice is still the same. You don’t want to throw single use plastics in a bin. You don’t want to waste a heap of a money on throwaways. The benefits of reusing is really felt when you have two babies in nappies. Disposable nappies will cost around R40 000 in total. Just in the first four months, around R8000 will be spent on single use plastics, in the bin. Quite jaw dropping! We often suggest using a flat type of diaper for twins for a number of reasons. Flats are the modern-day version of the terri towelling squares. Flats dry the fastest and when you have two, it is very convenient to have fast drying nappies (especially in Winter). Because a flat can be manipulated, it can fit a smaller baby beautifully. Twins are often born slightly smaller. Flats are the most economical if on a budget. They also fit the longest. Another pro. Throwing some fitted style of nappies in is, however, “nice to have” as they are very easy nappies for those first blurry days. Dads and carers can manage a fitted initially, a lot faster. We recommend starting out with around forty eight nappies. See below for examples of full time, ideal twin stashes. We have not included things like laundry or Wipey reusable wipes into the costings below. Note, we plan to add these sets to our website soon but in the meantime just contact us and we will make them/or any set up for you. Option A An all flats stash: Around R9000 48 Flats – small 58 Newborn Boosters (always have a few extra boosters on hand) 16 Superwrap Covers 20 Snappies (these get lost with the socks) 20 Fleece Liners 2 Wetbags, 1 Washbuddy, 2 Nursing pads Option B Mixed stash: Around R10 000 24 Small Flats 24 Dawn Patrol Day Fitted’s 58 Newborn Boosters 16 Superwrap Covers 10 Snappies 20 Fleece Liners 2 Wetbags, 1 Washbuddy, 2 Nursing pads Option C Mixed stash: Around R9500 36 Small Flats 12 Dawn Patrol Fitted’s 58 Newborn Boosters 16 Superwrap Covers 10 Snappies 20 Fleece Liners 2 Wetbags, 1 Washbuddy, 2 Nursing pads Option D Fitted only stash: Around R10 500 48 Dawn Patrol Fitted’s 50 Boosters 16 Superwrap Covers 20 Fleece Liners 2 Wetbags, 1 Washbuddy, 2 Nursing pads If wanting to start part time, you could take the above sets and simply halve them. Honestly though my best advice is to just go full time, from the beginning. You will probably end up using the odd disposable here and there, but if you just start using cloth nappies you will get into the swing of it and never look back. After having to carry a weeks worth of black bags of poopy single use plastics out to the trash, the waste is phenomenal (170 nappies per week. How many bags is this??). Do it once and then use cloth nappies – you will see what I mean. Washing With twins you ideally wash every day. It just makes it easier. Pop the nappies in, rinse them. Then a main wash. Hang to dry. Having 48 nappies, you end up washing around 16 nappies a day for the first four months. It changes after that as babies start to use less nappies. Washing is easily done with load shedding- simply time the load between the off periods. Washing at night is very doable. We must adapt. Cost analysis Disposables cost around R2000/ month for two babies. Working on 10 – 12 nappies a day (this is what babies use initially). Four months= R8000 of waste.   Cloth nappies (option A above) = R8 600 Nothing in the bin. The small flats can be reused as boosters in bigger nappies. The boosters can be used way past the newborn stage. The flats can fit to 8kg (often past the four month mark). You only need to upsize once straight to a large flat. Add bigger covers from 7kg. When ready, you can resell the whole set for more than half of what you paid, generate another R5000 and purchase some bigger nappies for the last leg of the journey. No brainer. In total disposables can/ will cost around R40 000 for two. Not less, probably more. What has not been worked into this is the tons of waste generated by single use or store bought wet wipes and bum creams needed for rashes caused by disposables. Cloth nappies and reusable Wipey cloth wipes will cost less than half. You will experience little to no rashes and pure joy. The reusable journey is ultimately more satisfying and rewarding. “It’s not more difficult because its twins. Whether its one baby or two, using cloth is the same ” says Danica who has been using our flats exclusively on her two for over two months now, full time. “Yes it takes a bit of effort but everything is a challenge with twins. Its not a challenge because its cloth nappies. Getting out the door is tricky with our third child, on time. My advice is to have a good washing machine and to wash every day. Our machine is a 5kg and works perfectly for two. Cloth just becomes part of your routine- its not a big deal. Be prepared to have your nappies hanging around the house- its our new decor. We love it. ” To chat about how to get going and stash options, get hold of us. We will not only help you with what to get, but also be ready to help at any point once the babies arrive and you get going. Visit our website here   Find us on Facebook  Follow us on Instagram 

PowerPlastics Pool Covers

Child drownings are not seasonal and are almost always preventable

Child drownings happen year-round and PowerPlastics Pool Covers is on a drive to remind parents that these drownings are entirely preventable with multiple layers of safety applied to the pool. The PowerPlastics Solid Safety Cover and adult supervision at all times should be included in these layers of safety at all times.  The PowerPlastics Solid Safety Cover offers parental peace of mind as it completely seals off the entire pool. The PVC cover is drawn over strong aluminium batons that rest on the coping, and a tamperproof ratchet fastening system makes it impossible for a small child to access the water. Small drainage holes prevent rain or sprinkler water from collecting on the cover as just a few millimetres of water can be fatal to a curious child. The cover withstands up to 220kg and is easily deployed by two people, or it can be semi-automated for single person usage. The PowerPlastics Solid Safety Cover is available in a range of colours, allowing it to blend into the outdoor area.  Importantly, the cover complies with the recommended guidelines (SANS 10134) for pool safety, set by the SABS who oversees pool safety compliance in SA.  Thermal pool covers or ‘bubble’ covers that lie directly on the water should never be considered as child safety pool covers as they do not bear weight.  Aside from covering the pool, every adult in the home needs to know what a drowning in progress actually looks like as TV has created many misconceptions around this. There is no noise or splashing nor calls for help. Drowning is quick and silent.  Even if one doesn’t have children, it is still necessary to consider safety for visitors. Families living in residential complexes with a communal pool should insist that their body corporate install a solid safety pool cover.  PowerPlastics Pool Covers has also created a Safety Monitor system. Based on the principle that adult supervision is key to avoiding drownings, it allows children to quickly identify the adult in charge should there be a safety issue among the children in the pool. When there’s a larger number of children in the pool, e.g at pool parties, it is advisable to have two or more supervisors each wearing a tag. A busy pool is high risk. You can download it here and print at home. Laminate it if possible (to prevent water damage) and then add a lanyard or tie it on a loop of string and wear around the neck. The bottom line is that children need to be supervised around pools, and as long as the pool is covered and other layers of safety are in place, the likelihood of a tragedy occurring in your pool is greatly reduced. Practical tips for pool safety Don’t let your pool’s water levels drop. Keeping the pool topped up allows for small arms to easily grab the edge if needed.  For every two children in the pool, have one adult supervising and use the Saefty Monitor tag system. The more children, the more supervisors needed. Be aware that children’s pool parties are high-risk events.  Turn off fountains and water features. Not only do they waste water and power, they can cause ripples and splashing, making it harder to see when a child has encountered difficulty in the pool or has sunk to the bottom.  Ensure that every adult in the home knows CPR, including domestic workers. Never hire a baby sitter or au pair who can’t swim. Don’t let anyone who has been drinking or on sedative medication supervise children in a pool.  Don’t leave toys in or near an open pool as children will be tempted to retrieve them. Teach your child to swim fully clothed and with shoes on. If your child develops a fear of water, don’t ignore this – a child who panics is at greater risk of drowning. Never allow swimming after dark. Discourage your dogs from swimming. Children and pets in a pool are not a good mix. Never leave the pool without securing it with your PowerPlastics Solid Safety Cover. Never design / build a pool that cannot be secured for child safety.    The Vektor Rollup Station brings semi-automation to the PowerPlastics Solid Safety Cover. Learn more.   


Introducing your little ones to fruit

Introducing your little one to trickier tastes, particularly fruit, early on in the weaning journey will help them accept them more readily. Infants usually start with pureed or mashed foods such as nutritious, organic and tasty baby and toddler pouches, a convenient way for babies to explore food on the go – just simple combinations of fruits and grains for a fun taste adventure! As your little one gets older, you can have fun with all sorts of fruits and finger foods, discovering new tastes and textures along the way! Taste As your little one grows, their sense of adventure does too, and from around 6 to 12 months they’ll be open to trying new tastes. This is often called the weaning window. Research shows that babies who are offered a wide variety of tastes and textures at this age are more likely to eat a range of foods later in childhood. Don’t worry though it may take 10-15 tries for your baby to get used to new tastes, so keep trying! There will be days when they eat more, some when they eat less, and then days when they reject everything – this is normal. Texture Solid food will feel strange at first, start slowly and simply. Softer textures are very important when first introducing fruit such as soft banana slices. Do this each day until your baby is looking for more. Over the next couple of weeks gradually increase the amount you are giving and slowly introduce new flavours, colours and textures so your little one can develop the mouth control they need.  Stockists:  Clicks, www.takealot.com and www.babiesafrica.com

Vital Baby

Why it’s important to sterilise your baby’s bottles

Sterilising baby bottles may seem like a tedious job, and let’s be honest, it can be! But although it’s not the most exciting chore, it’s one of the most important ones. It’s really important to sterilise baby’s feeding equipment as it helps to protect your baby’s developing immune system from potentially harmful bugs and bacteria. A baby’s immune system is not yet fully developed, and babies are more susceptible to infection and illness than older children and adults are. Sterilising baby’s feeding equipment for the first 12 months is of the utmost importance to protect their developing immune system from potentially harmful bacteria. A lot of mothers ask if it’s really necessary to sterilise feeding equipment in areas where tap water is safe to drink. The answer to that, is yes. Although your baby will be at lower risk, the risk is not eliminated. Because of your baby’s immature immune system, water that is safe for an adult, will not necessarily be safe for them. It is also important to remember that harmful bacteria does not just come from water – it can be transferred by your hands or even from milk remains in the bottle. It’s better to be safe than sorry.   To sterilise effectively, you should make sure that all bottles, teats and accessories are disassembled and washed thoroughly with warm soapy water and rinsed clean before sterilising. You can leave the sterilised contents inside your steriliser for 24 hours, but make sure the lid is kept closed for the duration. Ensure you re-assemble items with clean hands or sterilised tongs if you can and always on a clean surface too. The inside of the steriliser lid is perfect for this. Time with your baby is precious. The vital baby® NURTURE™ 2 in 1 combination steriliser is designed to make the sterilising process as quick and simple as possible. The vital baby® NURTURE™ 2 in 1 combination steriliser has been designed to give you ultimate convenience and peace of mind, killing 99.9% bacteria to keep your baby healthy and happy. This microwave and cold water steriliser combination offers total flexibility depending on your needs. It keeps contents sterile for a full 24 hours when the lid is kept closed. This is really useful, so you can always have a sterile bottle close to hand. You can choose to sterilise in either the microwave with only water using steam for a chemical-free clean, or using the cold water method with sterilising solution added. The large capacity holds up to 4 wide neck bottles, teats, collars, caps and tongs. This steriliser is also suitable for standard neck bottles and accessories such as breast pumps and their components, soothers and teethers. It can be easily stored in the microwave when not in use and can be easily transported when travelling with baby. Sterilising time is just 4 minutes in the microwave (based on an 850W microwave). Vital Baby products are available at: Clicks, Babies R Us, Baby City and online at Babies Africa, Loot and Takealot.  Learn more about Vital Baby on www.vitalbaby.co.za or follow them on social media @vitalbabysa. 

Parenting Hub

How Multifunctional Toys support Creativity, Learning & Problem-Solving

The educational value of toys are easily overlooked because playing, as an developmental activity, is not supported by traditional educational models, but it’s been proven that multifunctional toys stimulate a child’s development and brain function more than you know. Music, art and playing are great educational tools, just like reading and writing. At a young age, children don’t only learn, they use all their senses to quickly develop subconscious perceptions of the world, and hands-on play encourages understanding of the world around them as well as imaginative play. Engaging with the bright colours of the tracks when playing and stunting with Hot Wheels reinforces learning as children engage create new experiences with the dynamic system of play which stimulates their emotional and imaginative development in a completely different way than books do. Toys and sets with interchangeable parts give children the freedom to play without rules, and explore their individual interests, placing them in a mental space where they can share their feeling and thoughts through play, because they feel comfortable enough to create what they want to. Apart from just stimulating creativity, which traditional approaches don’t cultivate, this kind of engagement also have an effect on other issues like self-esteem and confidence building. Children need to be encouraged to think and create independently, and not confined to colouring inside the lines. This also helps them appreciate different points of view, rather than shy away from it, as well as stimulates their problem-solving abilities. Parents who don’t know where to start are encouraged to get the The Hot Wheels Speed Drop Hauler, which redefines Hot Wheels storage and racing in one very cool semi-truck that’s full of surprises. Small display windows on the trailer showcase the more than 20 Hot Wheels cars it can carry, and when kids pull the back latch, this 3-in-1 toy unfolds into a six-foot long racetrack! The multi functioning vehicle comes with three 1:64 scale Hot Wheels vehicles and can hold 20 more. It provides endless fun for kids 4 to 8 years old. Colours and decorations may vary, but the Hot Wheels Speedway Hauler is the ultimate all-in-one Hot Wheels package with so many features and so many ways to play, and is compatible with the entire Hot Wheels System of play, allowing for hours of imaginative and creative play. About The Hot Wheels ™ City Speed Drop Transport™ The Hot Wheels™ City Speed Drop Transport™ Hauler combines the convenience of a cool-looking Hot Wheels® hauler with the awesomeness of a two-foot vertical racetrack that connects to other sets. In transport mode, the big rig semi can hold more than 20 1:64 scale toy cars as it rolls on its six massive wheels. Unhitch the rear lock and transform this hauler into an incredible two-foot-tall track for extreme excitement. Stunt cars down the epic gravity drop that can connect to other sets (additional track sold separately). Includes one Hot Wheels® vehicles to haul from the get-go. Colors and decorations may vary.for 22. Features: The Hot Wheels™ City Speed Drop Transport™ Hauler transforms from a cool and functional car-carrying trailer into a spectacular track with a 2-foot-tall gravity drop for extreme transport and excitement. The hauler can hold more than 20 Hot Wheels® vehicles and has big, rolling wheels to make it part of the fun itself. Unlock the rear hitch and transform the hauler into a track set with an epic 2-foot-tall drop. Includes 1 Hot Wheels® vehicle, and the track can connect to other sets to extend the stunting adventures (additional track sold separately). This hauler combines convenience and excitement with its massive storage capacity and epic drop – kids 4 years and older will love the awesomeness of this incredible gift! Legal Line: ©2021 Mattel. Licensed Legal 1: Licensed Legal 2:

Baby and I Melrose

Baby – It’s Getting Cold Outside!

Someone once said about winter  : “All you need are tea and warm socks.” However, when it comes to baby and winter, you’re certainly going to be needing much more!   In preparing your newborn for winter, start with long-sleeved babygrow that fits really well.  Include socks and make sure that you have a well-fitting warm beanie to keep ears warm as well as mittens to keep baby’s hands covered and protected from the cold. If you’re taking baby outside, be sure to cover baby’s stroller with a bunting bag and keep baby snuggled in a zip-up sweater or a Snug baby grow with feet and matching beanie, to keep baby warm, available in various colours from Baby and I Melrose. Essential items to remember are : Babygrow, babygrow, babygrow!  The top essential for baby during winter Socks and more socks Booties Mittens – be sure to have a good few on hand!  Remember that babies always put their hands in their mouths and you don’t want baby to be wearing wet mittens Snuggly soft and warm beanie Swaddle or Sleeping bag Even though winters here in South Africa aren’t that harsh, we do get some extremely cold days.  For that reason, it’s a good idea to know how cold is too cold for baby?  When your thermometer is reading single figures, or you feel that it’s too cold for yourself to be out and about, then you know it’s too cold for your baby.  Should you need to take baby out, make sure that they are not exposed to the elements for more than a few minutes at time.   Of course going out requires so much more to be taken along to ensure that you are fully prepared for all eventualities during those cold winter days and nights.  Whether you’re running to the shops or hopping on a plane, all parents will agree that a hands-free easy to carry and comfortable to use baby bag or backpack , is always going to win hands down!  Consider a nappy bag backpack with a generous size to fit everything you need, such as nappies, wipes, a change of clothing and your own items, without weighing you down. The bag should feel comfortable to wear without sacrificing your style. Additional considerations include a changing station or pad, wet bag, easy-to-use zips, pockets (insulated and uninsulated), easy access, size, and overall value. When dressing baby for the night in winter, we suggest dressing him or her in a swaddle or sleeping bag with a 1.0 TOG or 2.5 TOG rating.  TOG stands for Thermal Overall Grade and is a unit of measurement for insulation and warmth of sleepwear and bedding. Put simply, the lower the TOG rating the lighter the fabric. The higher the rating, the more padded and insulated it is for warmth. 1.0 TOG is suitable for room temperature of 21°C to 24°C 2.5 TOG is suitable for room temperature of 17°C to 23°C The easiest way to see if baby is too hot or too cold is to feel the nape of baby’s neck which will either be sweaty or feel cold to the touch.  To tell if baby is warm enough, place your hand on baby’s chest.  If it feels comfortable and warm to the touch, then baby is warm enough.  Touching baby’s hands or feet is not ideal for determining whether or not baby is warm enough. In preparing baby for the night, it can be very tempting to offer a soft warm blanket to help comfort baby for the night.  However, blankets are not recommended until baby reaches at least 12 months old.  This is because blankets can increase the risk of suffocation.  Rather dress baby in one or two layers to sleep.  Make sure that baby’s clothes do not have any strings or ties when putting baby down for the night and never cover baby’s head.  Until baby can roll over by himself, use a swaddle or sleep sack to form one of those layers to ensure that baby is warm enough for the night. Tips for keeping Baby warm on cold winter nights : Dress baby as we’ve explained above Set the room temperature to a comfortable – 20°C to 22°C Use a swaddle or sleeping bag Keep wind off baby Use a firm mattress (always) Wear baby to keep him or her warm It is essential for perfect development that baby receives all the important nutrients from powdered milk formula. Baby and I Melrose has the perfect answer to this. The “Cool Twister” reliably cools freshly boiled water to the recommended temperature for food preparation. This is the only way to ensure that all probiotic nutrients are retained. And when your baby is hangry, it has to go fast. With the Cool Twister, you can prepare a bottle in just 80 seconds. In order to maintain hygiene, cleaning and bathing baby is important.  During the winter months, bathe your baby in lukewarm water on alternate days, particularly in the early days.  On the other days you can just use a wet towel to wipe their body before changing their clothes.  Doing this will reduce the risk of illness as well as help to retain moisture of the skin.  Cold and dry air sucks away all the moisture from baby’s skin which makes it dry and flaky.  A great way to keep the skin moisturized is to massage baby at least twice a day in the winter months.   So when looking for winter essentials for baby, Baby and I Melrose is the perfect place to look.  We can’t wait to give you a shopping lifestyle experience and to serve you. Baby & I Melrose offers a unique experience as a Baby Boutique in South Africa.  Check out our website https://babyandimelrose.co.za/

Parenting Hub


Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality healthcare, explores the dangers of smoking during pregnancy. “While the prevalence of smoking during pregnancy in South Africa has decreased in recent decades, it is still a significant public health concern that requires continued attention and support to help pregnant women quit smoking and protect the health of their unborn babies,” says Murray Hewlett, CEO of Affinity Health. “Quitting smoking is the best way to protect the health of both the mother and the baby. Many resources are available to help pregnant women quit smoking, including counselling, support groups, and nicotine replacement therapy. Seeking help is crucial for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.” When a woman smokes cigarettes during pregnancy, the harmful chemicals in the tobacco smoke enter her bloodstream and pass through the placenta to the developing foetus. This can lead to a range of adverse health effects. Despite this, many women smoke during pregnancy because they are unaware of the risks or find quitting difficult. Dangerous Chemicals in Cigarettes Cigarette smoke contains various harmful chemicals that can affect foetal development and increase the likelihood of a range of health problems in the short and long term. A few of the many chemicals found in cigarettes include:  Nicotine is the addictive substance in cigarettes, and it increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer.  Tar, a sticky brown substance, is deposited in the lungs when inhaled cigarette smoke can lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).  Carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas, reduces the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream and can cause shortness of breath, dizziness, and headaches.  Benzene, a carcinogen, can damage the bone marrow and lead to leukaemia.  Formaldehyde, used to preserve dead bodies, is also found in cigarettes and is a known carcinogen.  Acrolein, a toxic liquid, irritates the eyes, nose, and throat and can cause lung damage. Smoking During Pregnancy: The Top Risks to Your Unborn Baby’s Health Affinity Health lists five of the most significant risks associated with smoking. 1. Low Birth Weight Smoking during pregnancy is one of the leading causes of low birth weight. Babies born with low birth weight are at higher risk of health problems, including respiratory distress, feeding difficulties, and infections. They may also experience developmental delays and have a higher likelihood of long-term health problems, including chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. According to the American Pregnancy Association, smoking during pregnancy can result in an average 180 grams decrease in birth weight. This risk increases with the number of cigarettes a mother smokes per day. 2. Premature Birth Smoking during pregnancy is also a significant risk factor for premature birth (defined as giving birth before 37 weeks of gestation). Premature babies are at higher risk of developing health problems, including respiratory distress syndrome, cerebral palsy, and vision and hearing problems. According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), smoking during pregnancy raises the chance of premature birth by 25%. 3. Stillbirth Smoking during pregnancy can also lead to stillbirth (when a baby dies in the womb after 20 weeks of pregnancy). Stillbirth is a devastating loss for families and can be caused by various factors, including smoking during pregnancy. According to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, smoking during pregnancy raises the chance of stillbirth by up to 40%. 4. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the unexpected death of an infant under the age of one year, typically while sleeping. Smoking during pregnancy is a risk factor for SIDS, and babies born to smokers are up to three times more likely to die from SIDS than babies born to non-smokers. Smoking during pregnancy raises the risk of SIDS by altering the baby’s respiratory and immunological systems, leaving them more vulnerable to illnesses. 5. Developmental Delays and Long-Term Health Problems Smoking during pregnancy can also lead to developmental delays and long-term health problems for the baby. Children born to moms who smoked during their pregnancy had an increased risk of developmental impairments, including language and cognitive development delays. Smoking during pregnancy can also affect the baby’s DNA, leading to long-lasting changes that may increase cancer risk and other chronic diseases later in life.

Philips Avent

Love Every Moment: Pregnancy Myths Unraveled

Pregnancy is the most natural thing in the world and possibly the most miraculous. It is also different for every Mother-to-be. If you are thinking of starting a family, are already pregnant or are considering doing it all over again, it is important to keep abreast of the latest information and arm yourself with knowledge so you can enjoy the gestation and birth of your baby without debilitating nerves or unnecessary worry. Once armed with the facts, it is easier to trust yourself to know when is the right time to consult a doctor for medical advice should anything untoward arise.  Humans have been giving birth for hundreds of thousands of years. It was a fact that up until 100 years ago, one in ten women died in childbirth or were left physically weakened making it a risky business for expecting moms at a time when the only advice expecting moms had was handed down by their mothers.   Spoken knowledge shared between families over the centuries can suffer from a broken phone syndrome where the information can become fictious or be hard to unravel or rethink. Culture and religion play a big part in customs and cultural beliefs too, especially when it comes to protecting babies from bad spirits during and after pregnancy. Today’s modern mum is blessed with medical knowledge, information, support and tools for your most easeful experience to help you care for your baby at home or find work life balance with your career and family lifestyle.    QUICK MYTHS DEBUNKED:   Myth: You can’t get pregnant the first time you have sex Truth: It is possible to fall pregnant the first time you engage in intercourse. Sperm stays alive for 48 hours while ovulation takes place over a 5 day window. Women in their twenties are likely to fall pregnant more so than women in their thirties or forties. Myth: You can’t get pregnant while on your period. Truth: You can get pregnant at any time during menstruation. To avoid falling pregnant, use safe contraception such as a condom which also helps prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases which can affect the birth of your child. STDs. Try an ovulation app that tells you when to expect your period and which days most fertile. Myth: You can’t fall pregnant while breastfeeding Truth: You can fall pregnant while breastfeeding even if your period hasn’t started yet. There are safe contraception methods available to use during breastfeeding. Myth: It’s not safe to have sex while pregnant Not only is sperm safe, but there may be some benefits to having sex and contact with sperm before and during pregnancy: Sperm and vaginal sex can help induce labor when the time comes. Oxytocin, one of the key hormones involved in progressing labor, is released during sex, and orgasms mimic contractions. Myth: Miscarriages are preventable Truth: A miscarriage is most commonly the result of the fetus having genetic problems that cause the growth and development to stop and is something that is beyond the control of the mother. Certain uterine conditions or weak cervical tissues might increase the risk of miscarriage, such as poorly controlled diabetes or thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism. While there is no way to make sure you won’t have a miscarriage, you can reduce your chances by avoiding cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, and injury to your belly. Myth: You must wait 3 months before announcing your pregnancy.  Truth: Many women decide to delay announcing a pregnancy until at least 12 weeks in, due to concerns about the risk of complications or miscarriage during this time. In some cultural beliefs, your enemies may use this period to bewitch you or cast a curse on you to harm the baby. It is believed that prayer is enough to ward off any bad spirits. A lot is happening during these first three months: The fertilised egg rapidly divides into layers of cells and implants in the wall of your womb where it carries on growing. These layers of cells become an embryo. Your first trimester begins on the first day of your last period and lasts until the end of week 12. It is during this first trimester that the foetus is most susceptible to damage from substances, like alcohol, drugs, certain medicines, and illnesses, like rubella (German measles) as both your body and your baby’s body are changing rapidly and complications more likely to occur. Myth: Eating dairy and peanuts while pregnant can make your baby allergic to them. Truth: It is safe to eat most foods while pregnant unless you are allergic to them. Do not limit your diet as this can be harmful to your growing fetus as you need all the nutrition you can get during this time. Foods to avoid during pregnancy due to the risk of harmful microbes are soft cheeses, pates, raw meat or fish, raw or soft-cooked eggs and soft-serve ice cream.    Myth: All women get stretch marks after pregnancy Whether you get them or not really depends on your skin type, and how much collagen it stores.  Women who have a higher chance of getting stretch marks include those who are obese, have bigger babies, experience high weight-gain or are younger when they are pregnant.  A stretch mark is a type of scar that develops when our skin stretches or shrinks quickly. Stretch marks will fade with time and you can speed up the process by massaging in a good moisturiser or skin oil to help promote new tissue growth and break down the bands of collagen that form in the underlying tissue leading to stretch marks.  Myth: Morning sickness only happens in the morning. Truth: Morning sickness, including nausea and or vomiting during pregnancy is a result of changes in your hormones and while it is more common in the morning, it can occur at any time of day. It is most prevalent in the first trimester and for most women it will pass by the second trimester. Heads up

Medela South Africa

Introducing Medela Baby

Across the different stages of life, Medela products go beyond form and function. They heal, nurture health, and build bonds. Over the last 60 years, our company has been devoted to the science of making the most delicate form of care simple, intuitive, and effective. Medela has been caring for moms and babies, patients, and healthcare professionals for so long that we’ve turned it into a science. Medela, the world’s leading breastfeeding advocate and partner for mother’s milk, is excited to announce the launch of Medela Baby in South Africa. Medela baby includes a range of pacifiers for infants through to 18 months.  Medela Pacifiers The pacifiers feature Medela Baby’s exclusive SensoPearlsTM for a softer feel and improved airflow, and a symmetrical teat that reduces teat volume for healthy gums and jaw development. It features a lightweight, ergonomic shield that adapts to the contours of your baby’s face. The Medela Baby Collection offers three types of pacifiers in South Africa; all the pacifiers come with a protection cap or Steribox for hygienic use and transportation. Original pacifier duo (From R 305.99) The perfect all-around pacifier in cute and trendy designs for everyday life. This lightweight and orthodontic pacifier supports healthy speech and gum development and fits the contour of your baby’s nose and chin to allow easy breathing. Available in 2 sizes (0-6 months and 6-18 months).  Product benefits include: Gentle on Skin: Our pacifiers come with SensoPearls features to maximize airflow and comfort for babies on their skin. Small and Lightweight: Durable, economical and so handy that you’ll want them everywhere your baby is. Shaped for Comfort: Ergonomically designed to allow the baby to smell mom’s comforting scent. Orthodontic Teat: Designed to support the natural movement of baby’s mouth muscles. Protection Cap: Each pacifier comes with an individual cap for storage. Safe for Baby: All our pacifiers are without BPA. Soft Silicone pacifier duo (From R315.99) Supports natural suckling with a one-piece super soft, lightweight, and flexible design. It is shaped to fit under the nose to not interfere with breathing. This perfect everyday pacifier is available in 2 sizes (0-6 months and 6-18 months) and various colours (clear, pink, and blue). Benefits include: 24% lighter than the leading competition. Newly developed pacifier with a softer & more flexible teat due to a thinner wall. Ergonomic design under the nose to not interfere with breathing and to facilitate smelling mum’s scent – inspired by our knowledge of contact nipple shields. Swiss quality, premium quality & high industry standards.   Day & Night 24-hour 2-piece set (R299.99) The perfect 24-hour set with one ORIGINAL dummy and one NIGHT dummy, which glows in the dark. The set is offered in 2 sizes: 0-6 months and 6-18 months. The day pacifier features a ring to fix with a pacifier holder during the day, and the night pacifier with a glow-in-the-dark knob, allowing mum and baby to find it during the night. Other benefits include:  Designed to feel gentle on the skin with SensoPearls™. Symmetrical teat for easy acceptance. Premium quality & high industry standards. Medela universal pacifier holder (From R 199.99) Fitting all Medela Baby pacifiers and most other pacifiers. Safe material and easy to use, with an innovative feature that allows you to open the clip with one hand. It is made without BPA and BPS.  All Medela Baby products are available from Dis-Chem, Baby City, and other major retailers.  Follow Medela on Instagram @Medela_sa and Facebook @MedelaSA.

My Breastpump

Loadshedding and Breast milk

Loadshedding has a massive impact on our daily lives and as a pumping mom with a breast milk stash this can be very scary. When the power is off there is always a risk that your breast milk might thaw and may even need to be thrown away. This would be such a waste of effort and time. So My Breastpump has some tips and tricks for you to help you to keep your breast milk stash safe during load-shedding.  Luckily most of the load shedding is just a 2-hour intervals however as we go down the levels they do become longer. The good news is that your freezer should not defrost in the 2-to-4-hour time period however you may need to add freezer packs to your fridge to help keep it cold during this time. The Power outages are the real risk to your freezer stash of breast milk. Power outages are unpredictable and can last for extended periods of time.  Here are some tips and information to help you with power outages: #1 Keep your freezer doors closed The more times that you open your freezer doors while there is no power the quicker your freezer will warm up and defrost it contents. Only open your freezer if you absolutely need to. Plan and remove all the milk that you need the evening before so that it can defrost in the fridge during the day. While you are there remove any meat or foods that you will be needing the next day, so that it can also defrost.  #2 Know how long your freezer will stay frozen The contents of your freezer will also help to keep the freezer cold. In general, a fuller freezer will take longer to defrost than an empty one. The guidelines are that a full freezer can take up to 48 hours to defrost while a half-full freezer can take 24 hours to defrost.  #3 Keeping your freezer colder for longer You can use Icepacks or frozen salt water to help you keep your freezer cold. As they are not food items they can stay in the freezer at all times and there is no risk of them spoiling when warm. Pack as many ice packs/freezer elements as you can in the freezer. The saltwater freezes colder than normal water which is beneficial for keeping the freezer colder for longer.  Place the extra freezer element or frozen water in the same tray as your breast milk. Add as many of them as possible to keep the focus of the cold near your breast milk stash. You can also use the freezer element/ frozen water in your fridge to help keep it cold when there is an extended power outage. You also need to keep your defrosting/ defrosted milk at a cold temperature of around 4⁰C.  #4 Check your milk Keep a close eye on your breast milk. If you have had an extended power outage, make check to see if it is still frozen. This way you will prevent any nasty surprises when you defrost the milk at a later stage to realise that it has gone off and you are not able to use it.  You can refreeze breast milk if it still has ice crystals in it even if there are some watery sections.  The ideal temperature to store your breast milk according to the CDC is as follows: 25°C or cooler for 4 hours Fridge 4°C (not in the door as this is warmer than the back of the fridge) for 4 days Freezer -18° for 6 months  #5 Donate to a Milk Bank If you have expressed breast milk and are worried about being able to keep it frozen, consider donating it to one of our country’s breast milk banks. They supply breast milk to the most vulnerable of premature babies to both the public and private sectors. The two main breast milk banks are The South African Breast Milk Reserve and Milk Matters  #6 Store your breast milk in breast milk containers It is important to store your milk in strong and sterile breast milk containers so that they do not leak or increase the chance that your milk will spoil during the storage time.  Use containers that are designed to hold liquid breast milk. Containers that are safe to store breast milk in are Glass, plastic (food grade, pre-sterilized and BPA free), and hard plastic cups. All three suggested items have advantages and disadvantages. Glass containers are great because they are reusable, but they can break if dropped or overfilled before freezing. Food grade plastic can either be breast milk storage bottles like our Hygieni breast milk bottles, they are reusable and you can pump directly into the bottle which is a great time saver as you do not need to clean extra bottles. The disadvantage is that they can take up a lot of space in your freezer. Breast milk storage bags are ideal for storing large volumes of breast milk in a freezer as they can be frozen flat to save space in the freezer. If you are looking for Breast milk bags consider using the My Breastpump breast milk storage bag which can hold 250ml and is medically sterilized before packing. It can be found on our website’s storage page , Takealot, or Makro online.  Storage containers that are not recommended to store breast milk in are plastic that contains BPD, disposable bottle liners, steel containers, and food ziplock bags (they have not been sterilized for breast milk storage and can split easily).  Please share with us your power outage and load-shedding tips on how to keep your breast milk frozen.

Parenting Hub

Creating Balance for You and Your Baby

Navigating your busy life while trying to strike a balance isn’t always easy. When achieved, this balance can help reduce your stress levels, foster healthy relationships, and allow you to chase and achieve bigger goals. Fisher-Price has three tips to help you and your baby find the perfect balance every day. Creating balance for yourself Reduce your stress levels by taking a five-minute ‘vacation’. The Canadian Mental Health Association recommends we taking five minutes a day to recharge by daydreaming about a person, place, idea, or about anything at all. Prioritising your needs, and allocating your spending accordingly, reduces your financial stress. Finding multifunctional toys, which grow as your baby does, is a good way of investing as they reduce the need to buy products at every stage of development. Something as simple as accepting a compliment does wonders – plus reflecting on the it after the fact makes us feel good, and allows us to be kinder to, and appreciate ourselves more. Creating balance for your baby A Walker is an ideal way for your baby to find balance. The Fisher-Price 2-Sided Steady Speed Walker is an interactive learning toy that “grows” with your baby. All the way from sitting, to pulling up, to finally taking their first steps. Theunique, car-theme lets little ones stand and push along from either side, and both sides feature a variety of engaging activities. Smart Stages technology helps teach the alphabet, opposites, and counting as little drivers “cruise” around. Features and benefits of the walker include: 3 ways to play as baby grows from sitting to standing to walking all around; 3 Smart Stages learning levels with 50+ songs, sounds and phrases that teach the alphabet, counting and opposites; 10+ activities help keep baby busy, including pretend car dashboard with light-up steering wheel, 3 shape blocks to sort, and more; and, helps develop fine and gross motor skills while introducing early academics for infants and toddlers ages 6 months to 3 years. Creating balance for you both Support structures help ease any pressure you and your baby may be feeling. Find advice from support groups or forums or ask a family member or friend to lend a hand when you need it. We all get sick, and accidents happen, knowing you have strength in numbers helps you navigate the challenges you face. Friendships can help you understand that you’re not alone, and babies find a different kind of stimulation when playing with other children. Play dates can help to support both of your needs, and they’re a great opportunity to have fun and reconnect with friends. About the Fisher-Price 2-Sided Steady Speed Walker The Fisher-Price 2-Sided Steady Speed Walker is an interactive learning toy that “grows” with your baby from sitting to pulling up and taking their first steps. This unique, car-themed baby walker lets little ones stand and push along from either side with helpful Steady Speed wheels to keep a slow pace for beginners. Both sides feature a variety of engaging activities, including an interactive dashboard and steering wheel to “drive” the pretend play. Plus, Smart Stages technology helps teach the alphabet, opposites, and counting as little drivers “cruise” around, with 3 levels of play featuring songs, sounds and phrases that deepen the learning as your child grows.   Interactive baby walker with 2 sides of activities and 3 ways to play as baby grows from sitting to standing to walking all around. Walk from either side! Steady Speed™ wheels help slow the pace for beginner walkers 3 Smart Stages® learning levels with 50+ songs, sounds and phrases that teach the alphabet, counting and opposites 10+ activities help keep baby busy, including pretend car dashboard with light-up steering wheel, 3 shape blocks to sort, and more Helps develop fine and gross motor skills while introducing early academics for infants and toddlers ages 6 months to 3 years

Wriggle and Rhyme

Language development – take note of the role of music!

We’re SUPER excited about MUSIC as a catalyst for learning. Our excitement comes from years of experience as we’ve watched the effect that music-based activities have on children. What’s really exciting, is that our experience is continually backed up by research coming from prominent NEUROSCIENTISTS across the world. The “we” I’m talking about is Wriggle and Rhyme, a proudly South African MUSIC PROGRAMME for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers from 6 months to 6 years old. Our mission is to introduce children to music-based activities in their early years, because: music is such a fun and highly effective medium for learning!  music brings people together! So, that’s exactly what our programme aims to do! What does the research say? As the years have passed, more and more research is being done on the effects of music on growing brains.  This research validates our anecdotal experience from our classes. We witness the incredible effect that music has on the children participating in our musical adventures! It would make sense to assume that SINGING SONGS, in particular, has a helpful part to play in language development – in terms of repetition, vocabulary extension, auditory memory, rhythm and rhyme – all of which are the building blocks of speech.  We see this constantly in our RHYMERS classes (for children from 18 month – 3 years old) and PRE-SCHOOL classes (up to Grade R)However, research indicates that MUSIC ITSELF contributes to speech, even before the words begin to be understood. The building blocks of language “Infants listen first to sounds of language and only later to its meaning,” says Anthony Brandt.  Differentiating different sounds is one of the key components to language development. Babies will start by gurgling and babbling to try and imitate their caregivers speech … these are the building blocks of language. When you think about the structure of a song – its different musical components, such as tempo, timbre, dynamics – one can see why music is so effective in forming the “scaffolding” on which speech is then built. The importance of singing One of the most obvious benefits of singing words, rather than only using instrumental music-based activities, is the opportunity to introduce and extend a child’s vocabulary.  Because of the way that music impacts our memories, words are more readily embedded when they’re sung, rather than just said. Rhythm and reading Nina Kraus and her  colleagues at the Auditory Neuroscience Laboratory of North-western University (Illinois, USA) have been researching the links between rhythm, speech recognition and reading. Over the course of their tests they found those who had more musical training not only kept better time, but had better neural responses to speech.  Conversely, children who were poor readers tended to have difficulty tapping a consistent beat. Time to pick up our drums and start to play in time to the music! There’s so much more that we could say and the research is persuasive and ongoing … but one thing is for sure – when it comes to LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT: Take note of the role of music! About the author: Kirsty Savides is the Founder and Programme Director of Wriggle and Rhyme, South Africa.  She is absolutely passionate about music education and aims to share this passion with parents and educators to promote music-based learning in early childhood. Wriggle and Rhyme classes run across Cape Town, with opportunities to grow further afield.  If you’d like to find out more about the Wriggle and Rhyme business opportunity, take a look at the OUR TEAM / JOIN THE TEAM tab on their website. Website – www.wriggleandrhyme.co.za Facebook and Instagram – #wrigglerhyme @wrigglerhyme YouTube – Wriggle & Rhyme SA

Parenting Hub

Wellbeing for You and your Baby with the Latest Updates for a Vital Baby Lifestyle

Nine months of pregnancy can sometimes seem like a long time to wait for the exciting arrival of your new bambino, but it marks an essential time to prepare ahead for your imminent birthing event which will start all the camera, lights, action, and a new life journey together, which will fill your days and nights ahead.  Vital Baby cares about the wellbeing of every new mother and their baby and we understand that not every birth will be easy or uneventful. Our latest product range featured below supports some of the challenges new mothers may experience and must learn to adapt to, with practical solutions and essential tools to ensure the wellbeing of the whole family. Some infants can experience sucking complications or have an unformed palate or cleft lip requiring feeding assistance; and as we head into the Autumn months, they may also experience nasal congestion and breathing difficulties which can upset babies sleeping and eating routine.  Some mothers may also need to return to work and leave their new born at home or with other caregivers and require the practical support of mealtime feeding equipment, and the correct utensils to ensure the best hygiene, well-being and grooming care for a vital, happy baby.  Vital Baby NURTURE Silicone Feed Assist Bottle Range Sometimes your baby may need an extra helping hand during feeding. The Vital Baby Nurture Silicone Feed Assist Bottle enables you to squeeze the base gently to assist latch and encourage milk flow. A safe option for your baby, the silicone material used to create the bottle is one of the softest materials available, naturally free from nasty chemicals such as BPA or Phthalates, with high-temperature resistance and therefore safe to clean in a dishwasher. For you and your baby’s convenience and comfort, Vital Baby Nurture Silicone Feed Assist Bottle has: Unique 100% silicone soft squeeze base, allows you to control the flow for your baby Anti-colic valves help to reduce air intake Classic shaped wide neck super soft teat for easy latch Wide neck bottle for easy filling and cleaning Silicone teat is soft and smooth against baby’s delicate face feeding bottle provides the benefit of being able to “squeeze” milk through the teat. Our silicone Assist Bottles are also suitable when the baby is unable to suck or feed normally due to the complications of a cleft lip or palate, enabling an easier and more relaxed feeding time for both baby and parents, and ultimately reduces the need for tube feeding. Product RSP’s:  Vital Baby NURTURE silicone feed assist™ 150ml  – R264.99 Vital Baby NURTURE silicone feed assist™ 250ml – R274,99 Nurture Silicone Feed Assist Teats Slow Flow 2PK – R114,09 Nurture Silicone Feed Assist Teats Medium Flow 2PK – R114,09 Nurture Silicone Feed Assist Teats Fast Flow 2PK – R114,09 Vital Baby NURTURE Microwave Sterilising Bags (5PK)  The vital baby nurture microwave sterilising bags offer the ultimate convenience while you are away with baby or need a simple, easy-to-use space saving solution in the home. Each bag can be used up to 30 times offering fast and convenient sterilising, with the minimum of clutter.  The vital baby nurture microwave sterilising bags offer peace of mind, killing 99.9% of common bacteria to keep your baby healthy and happy. Each bag has up to 30 uses and can be marked to help you keep track. Each bag will sterilize up to 3 bottles, teats, locking rings and caps all in one go.  Vital Baby NURTURE Microwave Sterilising Bags (5PK) – RSP: R167,29 (Incl VAT) Suitable from:  Birth Vital Baby NURTURE Milk Formula Dispenser  The Vital Baby Nurture Milk Formula Dispenser has been specially designed with three separate compartments to allow formula feeds to be made up accurately while on trips or outings. The revolving lid clicks accurately into position above each compartment, and the wide, easy pour spout makes it simple to dispense the milk formula into the bottle, avoiding spillages. It is perfect for use with all Vital Baby Nurtured silicone and plastic feeding bottles It can also be used for dried baby foods such as baby cereal, to make up meals while on the move. BPA, Latex & Phthalate free Product Specification: Vital Baby NURTURE Milk Formula Dispenser – RSP: R138.99 (Incl VAT) Suitable from:  Birth Vital Baby Nourish Big Kid Cutlery  Made using high grade stainless steel, this specially designed toddler cutlery set has been developed with rounded tips for safe self-feeding and has been sized for easy use.  The chunky soft grip handles make it easy for your toddler to grip and control when feeding themselves, and the specially designed knife blade has been positioned to enable little ones to learn the correct cutting motion easily and safely.  The big kid cutlery set has been designed for toddlers over 12 months who have developed some confidence with self-feeding and will last them through toddlerhood and beyond.  Product Specification  Vital Baby Nourish Big Kid Cutlery – RSP: R121,99 (Incl VAT) Suitable from:  12m+ Vital Baby PROTECT Nailcare Set   Our PROTECT nailcare set contains everything you need to keep tiny finger and toenails tamed. The ergonomic design is easy to hold, giving you the ultimate control. Specially designed scissor tips are carefully sized for tiny finger and toenails. Super easy to hold and built-in grips to give you extra peace of mind that you can cut nails safely. Curved clipper nail guards and small blades are perfectly sized for snipping and trimming with ease and comfort. Smooth over any sharp, rough or catchy edges caused by cutting and clipping with the emery board for the perfect finish. BPA, Latex & Phthalate free.  Product Specification  Vital Baby PROTECT Nailcare Set  – RSP: R127.99 (incl VAT) Suitable from:  Birth Vital Baby PROTECT Nasal Aspirator During the early months babies breathe through their noses, so congestion can interrupt sleep or feeding as well as causing discomfort. The Vital Baby Nasal Decongester has been designed to clear blocked noses with a gentle squeeze. The ergonomic design


Have you ever considered goat milk for preschooler?

The benefits of goat’s milk are known worldwide, in many countries, goat’s milk has been given to children for centuries and is even consumed more than cow’s milk. Although the supply of goat’s milk is increasing, most children still drink cow’s milk. The question is, for how long, because goat’s milk is on the rise. More and more parents are experiencing the benefits. #1 Goat milk made in the Netherlands The milk of Dutch goats is used for follow-on milk and toddler milk. Many parents see this as an advantage, because they can be sure that the milk is properly monitored. That is also true, because the goat farmers are under strict supervision of the Dutch Goat Dairy Organization. This monitoring is important for your child, but also for the goat farmer, because only pure and safe goat’s milk is sold as a basis for nutrition in your child. #2 Goat milk is great quality Another plus for goat’s milk is it’s great quality. The milk is naturally packed with vitamins, minerals, high-quality proteins, and fatty acids that are easily degradable. And because your little one needs a bit more, the manufacturers add valuable ingredients such as vitamins A, C and D, iron and Omega fatty acids DHA in their nutritional powdered products.  #3 Children love goat’s milk Call it a nice bonus or a big plus of goat’s milk: many children love it. Goat’s milk naturally has a mild taste. It tastes soft and does not have a typical goat taste like many other animal products. Even after the addition of ingredients – as prescribed by law for all follow-on milks – that mildness remains. Producers such as Kabrita do a lot to preserve that taste by continuously optimizing and developing the packaging. #4 Goat milk is a suitable choice for all ages Another benefit to goat’s milk is that it contains all the nutrients your children need for healthy growth. Goat milk has a unique fat and protein composition, which makes it naturally easy to digest. The smaller fat globules and relatively high amounts of short and medium chain fatty acids found in goat milk, are relatively easy for the body to break down. In addition, the low amount of as1-casein protein in goat milk helps to form a softer curd in the stomach and pass through the digestive system more gently. Learn more about the benefits of goat milk at www.kabrita.co.za

Parenting Hub

Why Sudocrem is the best baby bum cream for your baby

Ever heard the expression “soft as a baby’s bottom?” A baby’s skin is extremely delicate and one of the most common challenges faced by mothers is nappy rash. Although it is usually not serious, it can be very uncomfortable for baby – and distressing for mom! A type of dermatitis, nappy rash affects the buttocks, genitals, and thighs. It usually lasts a couple of days, but in some cases, it may be persistent and turn into a secondary skin infection. The skin may be red or raw, shiny or tight and in severe cases, there may even be a little bit of bleeding. Wearing a nappy creates a hot and humid environment that may encourage irritation of the skin. A nappy rash can be caused by anything that irritates a baby’s skin, but the most common cause is when urine or stools are in contact with the skin for too long. While it is inevitable that most babies will develop nappy rash at some point, there are a few steps you can take to minimise the symptoms (or avoid it altogether): Change baby’s nappies frequently. When changing baby, rinse and dry the skin in the nappy area and avoid using baby wipes as they may spread infection or burn the skin if they contain alcohol. When possible, let baby go without a nappy. If you use cloth nappies, wash them with a mild detergent and avoid using bleach or fabric softeners. Use a good quality, trusted baby bum cream to keep the delicate skin soothed and moisturised. We recommend the iconic Sudocrem Skin and Baby Care Cream. Sudocrem has been trusted by mothers for over 90 years. Did you know that Sudocrem’s journey dates back all the way to 1931? Pharmacist Professor Thomas Smith blended a unique formula of active ingredients that brought together the best of nature and science to effectively soothe and help to heal baby’s nappy rash as well as other skin conditions. He developed Sudocrem in a Dublin pharmacy and the formula has withstood the test of time as it remains unchanged today. Sudocrem is clinically proven to soothe and protect your baby’s delicate skin and works in three simple ways: It contains an emollient that soothes sore or irritable skin; Its cooling properties help ease pain and irritation; A water-repellent base forms a protective barrier, helping to stop any irritants (urine and faeces) coming into contact with the skin. The key ingredient in Sudocrem is Zinc oxide, a multi-functional ingredient that reduces the loss of tissue fluid, thereby protecting the skin’s barrier function. Sudocrem is gentle yet effective and can be applied at every nappy change: Step 1: Ensure your baby’s bottom is clean and dry. Step 2: With clean and dry hands, place a small amount of Sudocrem on the tip of your finger. Remember a little goes a long way. Step 3: Gently massage Sudocrem into the skin using light, circular movements (try to avoid rubbing, especially if the skin looks sore). Step 4: You want to create a thin, translucent film on the skin. If the white cream is still visible, you may have put too much on (don’t worry if this happens, just use a little less next time). Step 5: Repeat as often as you need to. While Sudocrem works wonders in treating and preventing nappy rash, it has plenty of other uses for the rest of the family too. It can be applied to cuts, grazes, and minor burns to reduce the risk of infection and soothe discomfort. It’s also great for soothing skin irritations like eczema and acne. Sudocrem’s formula has remained unchanged for over 90 years because it works. Give it a try and see the difference in your baby’s skin. Sudocrem is available at Clicks, Dis-Chem, and other major retailers and pharmacies in four handy sizes: 60g – R57.99 125g – R94.99 250g – R164.99 400g – R209.99

Vital Baby

Your Choice: Alternative Birthing Methods for Expecting Mums

As a parent the experience of birth will be the most poignant, memorable, and empowering event in your life as you step into the role of custodian in bringing new life into the world.   As the primary creator of that experience, you will want to be prepared and plan it in detail, with all the essential information at your fingertips, so you can response appropriately when the birthing process begins with those first twinges of labour.  Deciding on the right birth plan for the arrival of your baby is up to you, your partner and your extended support team of family and friends. One thing is certain, you will have plenty of advice and anecdotes from mothers who have experienced the birthing process before you.   Remember, as a unique creation of the universe yourself, you are the one in charge of your body and only you will know the best option for you when it comes to birthing your baby.   There is a wonderful adage: When in doubt go with your gut. Let your inner wisdom and the advice of your doctor help you to design the delivery of you and your partner’s choice so there are no regrets later.  Your childbirth delivery options include:   Natural, unassisted birth at home.  Assisted childbirth at home or in a private birth center.  Natural or assisted birth, including Cesarean surgery at a public or private hospital.  Before settling on your personal preference of birth plan options, it is important to understand that it will depend on three key factors: The overall health of you, of your fetus and your finances.  Hospital Births  Getting the right health insurance coverage for your baby’s birth is important as it may require many visits to the doctor. The costs of giving birth at a public or private hospital can be seen as reaching anywhere upwards from R10 000 to R50 000   Why does it cost so much? Healthcare insurance means you and your baby are covered by the best cutting-edge medical care and support available. With this type of support network, you gain access to antenatal classes, pregnancy and gestation monitoring and ultrasound scans by your gynecologist. Hospital care includes being seen by an obstetrician – known as a pregnancy specialist should high-risk vaginal births occur, or an elective or non-elective caesarean section take place, a midwife, which is a nurse who specializes in childbirth and an epidural anesthetist for emergency monitoring and after birth pain relief. Birth care after birth includes episiotomy care, which is a more common occurrence with hospital births. Your baby is also treated with the same top-notch care with all the available equipment and expertise should your baby be premature or require medical attention.  A hospital birth may mean you don’t enjoy much privacy as you are often placed in a general ward with other patients during one of the most personal events of your life and this may be a suitable time to use your medical coverage to book a private room. Unfortunately, only one person is usually allowed into the birth room.    Alternate Birthing Options  If you don’t have medical aid, or you do not like hospitals, or you have chosen to save up for your own choice in birth experiences, you will need to first consider if it is the best option for your baby and for you. For many women who choose a natural home birth, they find it is not possible due to health risks.  If you have a low-risk pregnancy, using a midwife can be a major cost saver and a more natural and relaxed birthing experience for the whole family.  Natural childbirth emphasizes an unrushed, supported process, with minimal interference and less invasive monitoring. Until about 80 years ago, natural childbirth at home was the usual and only childbirth delivery option and mothers only went to hospital if there was an urgent health emergency.  Attending Antenatal classes will help you and your partner to understand and formulate your own birth plan and prepare you for what to expect, as well as teach you about the different pain management and relaxation techniques to prepare you for labour and the birthing process   Professional Support at Home  Start early on finding a suitable midwife, doula (a modern-day birthing coach) or birthing specialist so you can find connection and trust with them and discuss your needs. A midwife or doula will first check the health of you and your baby and give you useful information to help you have a healthy pregnancy, including advice about eating and exercise. Most importantly, they will be available to discuss your options and choices available for your care, labour and birth, and the health of your baby once delivered.    Even if you elect to have a home birth you will need a checkup by an obstetrician at 28 weeks, 35 weeks, and 37 weeks of pregnancy where they will do scans to monitor the growth and general wellness of your baby; as well as be on call during labor in case of a home birthing emergency.   For many, the support and care of a private midwife and doula is the best solution and outcome for baby and you. They provide a solid base of emotional support and care without the rush associated with hospitals and doctors’ waiting rooms. A midwife is on standby 24/7 for home births or may use private hospital birthing unit or even run their own private birthing center that looks like a luxury guest house over that of the clinical and business-like bustle of a hospital.   Home Birth  A home birth will be a more personal birthing experience but without the support of medication. Instead, you are supported with natural pain relief such as water, massage, reflexology, and aromatherapy and you may choose your own, most comfortable position to give birth using breathing techniques, such as the Lamaze method. Hypnobirthing is another technique which helps new moms to relax and prepare for labour and helps to reduce feelings of


Do you want to see and feel Pokkelokkie reusable nappies before making a purchase?

We have been manufacturing cloth nappies for almost eight years now. In this time we have recognized that many new parents wanting to use them, really want to sit down with someone who knows what they are doing and chat about how it all works. Seeing and feeling the nappies in real life (rather than just on a screen) before buying, is not always possible given our business is run mainly online. So we have come up with a solution! In a country where disposables have become the mainstream go to product, navigating the cloth nappy world can feel a bit intimidating. This is because these days, there are quite a few different styles of modern cloth nappies to choose from and quite a bit of new lingo involved. Some styles work however quite a few don’t. The most important rule of thumb is, choose a nappy style that is fully absorbent (flats or fitted style), made from a decent quality fabric and put a waterproof cover over it. Twenty five years ago, parents only had one type available- the good old terri towelling flat and plastic cover. That is what everyone used. It worked, day and night (because it wrapped around baby). Did you know there was a woman by the name of Marion Donovan to thank for the very first cloth nappy way back in 1946. Marion was a housewife sick of changing wet bed linen, wet nappies, wet clothing and constant nappy rash due to the rubber pants available at the time. She had a light bulb moment while in the shower.  She cut a square out of her nylon shower curtain and created the first waterproof covering for cloth nappies. And cloth diapers were born. We have come so far since then! To think that generations of people only had flats. They really are such easy, affordable and effective nappies. And these days our flats are made from fabric that is a gazillion times trimmer and more absorbent. One cannot always tell a cloth diapered bum under clothes these days!  So you have decided you want to use cloth nappies. You know how much money you will save and how much landfill will be diverted- almost a ton per baby to be exact. You also know how much better it is for your baby’s overall health. You have browsed the Pokkelokkie website but have some questions and you also would love to actually see the nappies and ask a few questions, right? How awesome would it be if you could just send a message to an experienced mum nearby, make an appointment, hop in the car and spend an hour with someone who has done it all from the birth of her baby. Now you can! Not so long ago we launched our very own PK Guru service. We have recruited nine mamma`s around the country that know their stuff. You can now find a Guru nearby and make an appointment. You will be able to hold our nappies, ask some questions and be inspired by an experienced mum who has done it all. There is nothing better than knowing what you have chosen is the right thing for you. The main drive behind this project is to encourage and help those who are wanting to do cloth, but feel like they need a bit of support. We know how much information is out there and sometimes it`s hard to narrow it all down. We do ask that you visit our website before making your appointment. This is to make sure you maximize the time spent together.  Our Guru`s cannot teach you the system from scratch. You do need to have a understanding of the basics which is all under the “learn about our nappies” tab on the site.  We have two services. The free service is for first time parents who don’t yet use reusables. You can make a 60 minute long appointment at no charge. If you have your nappies already and need some help, appointments are charged at a minimal fee. Perhaps you need some help with your flats for example. Our Guru will show you the ropes! We hope that by having this network of Guru`s around the country, more parents who are on the fence, will take the steps to start their reusable journey. It is very common for friends and family to gasp in horror at your desire to use cloth nappies. It seems so odd that others can judge something without having used it themselves. What I can tell you is that once you do start, those gasps quickly turn into “ooh`s and aahs” of pleasant surprise at how cute and easy our modern day nappies actually are.  Join our tribe. Email us to get started. pokkelokkiebaba@gmail.com


NEW Kabrita Goat Milk based powdered Junior Drink

This naturally gentle goat milk-based drink is perfect for children age 3 to 7 years. Made with the goodness of Dutch goat milk, Kabrita Goat Milk based powdered Junior Drink is naturally gentle on tummies and fortified with essential nutrients such as vitamin C, D, E and DHA.  The A2 protein and pre- and probiotics may support a healthy gut and vitamin C, D and E contribute to the normal immune system function. Protein, calcium and Vitamin D are also needed for normal growth and development of bone in children.  Kabrita Goat Milk based powdered Junior Drink is a powdered goat milk-based drink for children age 3 and up and intended as a next step after toddler formula. Full cream goat milk and skimmed goat milk provide an easy to digest protein and fat source. Because we love the gut, Kabrita Junior also contains added prebiotic fibre Insulin, GOS and probiotic BB-12®.  Kabrita is made in the Netherlands where strict European standards limit the use of antibiotics and growth hormones. Kabrita Junior, with no GMO ingredients, has a mild, naturally sweet taste and smell that kids love! Kabrita Goat-milk based junior drink: Is a fortified goat milk for 3+ years  Is A2 milk by nature Has added essential nutrients such as vitamins C, D, E and DHA Has typical protein and fat profile found in low fat goat milk Contains full cream and skimmed goat milk Has added prebiotic fibres Insulin, GOS and probiotic BB-12® What is A2 milk? The proteins in milk consist of whey proteins and casein. The casein proteins can be divided in 4 different types: αS1-casein, αS2-casein, K-casein and ß-casein. There are different genetic variants of ß-casein, but the A1 and A2 variants are the major ones. Milk that only contains A2 ß-casein and no A1 ß-casein is called A2 milk, while A1 milk consists of a combination of A1 and A2 ß-casein.  What are some of the benefits of using Kabrita Junior?  Kabrita Junior is a fortified milk drink composed to nutritionally support children aged 3-7 years old (as part of a balanced and varied diet). It is fortified with essential nutrients such as vitamin C, D, E and DHA and also contains added prebiotic fibre Insulin, GOS and probiotic BB-12®.  The A2 protein and pre- and probiotics support a healthy gut and vitamin C, D and E contribute to the normal immune system function. Protein, calcium and Vitamin D are also needed for normal growth and development of bone in children.  Conventional cow’s milk is composed of a mixture of A1 and A2 milk, while goat milk naturally contains only A2 milk with A1 milk being absent. This might seem a small difference, but this is actually one of the many reasons why goat milk is naturally easier to digest and gentle on a child’s tummy. Is Kabrita Junior suitable for children with lactose intolerance?  Kabrita Junior is not suitable for children with a diagnosed lactose intolerance.  Is Kabrita Junior suitable for children with a cow milk protein allergy?  Kabrita Junior is not suitable for children with a confirmed cow milk protein allergy as goat milk protein may also cause an allergic reaction.  Does Kabrita Junior contain any added sugar?  Kabrita Junior uses lactose as the primary carbohydrate, with no added refined sugars such as maltodextrin or sucrose.  Does Kabrita Junior contain artificial colours, flavours or preservatives?  Kabrita Junior does not contain artificial colors, flavours or preservatives.  Find out more at www.kabrita.co.za 

My Breastpump

Are Wearable breast pumps effective?

Saving time or multitasking is how many mothers are able to extend their breastfeeding journey. Having to sit down and hold your flanges to your breasts, for extended amounts of time can be frustrating and really stressful when you know that you have other also important things to get done. Lets be honest, there is nothing worse than feeling like you are wasting your time. Holding flanges to your breast while stuck with being plugged in can make you feel like you are trapped. This can be exacerbated if the pump motor is not able to drain your breast quickly and you have a single pump.  So, how can a mom make the most of her pumping time?  Pumping is important if you are going back to work and want to maintain your milk supply. You need to stimulate your breasts effectively to either increase or maintain your supply and by skipping a pumping session or not draining your breast effectively you are taking a step backwards. These are our top 4 tips to making the most of your pumping time and how to reduce the time spend pumping.  Buy a hospital grade Breast pump like the Ameda Mya Joy. The Mya Joy has a motor that is fast < 20 minutes and effective at emptying your breasts so that you can finish your pump with confidence in your supply and pump more often due to the short time it takes to pump. It uses a 2-phase pumping system that is proven to increase your milk removal and it has the correct cycles and suction levels to imitate how a baby would suckle at the breast, making your pumping session a more natural session. It has 7 different flange size options, ranging form 21mm to 36mm, which makes pumping more comfortable and effective. Use the My HandsFree Cupswith your current breast pump to transform it into a wearable option. The My HandsFree cups has different adaptors that allows you to fit the cups to a variety of breast pumps. The My HandsFree Cups have 3 different flange sizes, 21mm, 24mm and 28mm. A fantastic combination is the My HandsFree Cups with the Ameda Mya Joy as you have the wearable option with a hospital grade technology. The Mya Joy is portable and very quiet which makes it easy to pump at work with discretion. Your work collages will not even know that you are pumping, how cool is that?  Use the My Pumping Bra with your current breast pump. The My Pumping Bra works by holding your breast pump flanges for you while you pump. This allows you to be portable and use your hands while pumping. It is designed to fit all breast pumps and is a very cost effective option. When you are looking at sizing for your bra, you need to measure the circumference of your breasts and deduct 10cm to find the correct size bra for you. You want the bra to have a snug fit so that it is able to hold up a full bottle of milk.  As the last option, try a wearable Breastpump. This is a pump that fits into your bra with the motor attached to it. These pumps can be inexpensive but are not designed to be the main form of emptying your breast of milk. The motors are often not as strong or programmed as the hospital grade breast pumps and as a result are not meant to be the sole pump or used with out a baby drinking form the breast to maintain a mother’s milk supply. As they do also take longer to express than a double hospital grade breast pump. Some mothers have found them to be ineffective and cause a drop in their milk supply. The key to saving time and enjoying your pumping sessions is to find a quality breast pump that is going to be effective at draining your breast in the shortest amount of time. Make sure that your pump fits you correctly, and you are using the correct settings for best comfort and results. Having that pump as a hands-free or wearable pump is a major benefit as this allows you to move around or work  on your computer during a pump session. With the HandsFree Cups or the My Pumping Bra mothers have the opportunity to convert their pump into a wearable Hands Free breast Pump. 

Vital Baby

Breast pumps to the Rescue: Why this Vital tool is a MUST in your Baby Care Collection

 New times call for new tools and as a new Mum you will be discovering one of the most useful tools in your baby care collection that will support both your preparedness and peace of mind and your baby’s health and future development. Before you get nervous about tackling something new, using a breast pump is easily accomplished and once you get the hang of it, it will be like riding a bicycle hands-free.  Firstly, why is a breast pump so necessary? To keep your baby supplied with an adequate supply of mother’s milk for their recommended two-year breastfeeding journey. To express milk for when you are away from your baby (or if they are prem or ill).  You need to return to work after maternity leave and leave baby with a caregiver. Your infant is unable to nurse properly.  To create an emergency supply. Your breasts are leaking, and you need to release the pain from engorgement. To supplement your baby’s first solid foods at meal times To allow other family members to step in and be involved in baby’s care. To support tired Moms by offering periods of rest and extended sleep time. Best for You There are three types of breast pumps available to new mothers and you will need to decide which is best suited to you and your new mothering lifestyle.  If you are on an extended maternity leave and you plan to pump only once or twice a week, such as when you are going out dining and drinking for a special occasion, then a manual breast pump should be adequate for your needs. The Vital Baby Manual Breast Pump massages the breast by gently mimicking the natural suckling action of your baby to provide the most natural and effective experience.  If you need to return to work after maternity leave, you may want to consider an electric pump to help save you time and convenience during your busy work week. The Vital Baby Electric Breast Pump behaves the same way as your baby would when feeding, offering a 2-phase expression for the most effective, fast and comfortable way of promoting breastmilk production. Phase one offers fast, small pulses to first massage and stimulate the breast to help induce milk flow. Phase two has slower and longer pulses to encourage ‘let down’, the clever natural hormone reaction where your milk will start to flow smoothly.     With South Africa experienced unprecedented bouts of loadshedding, you will need to consider the charging capabilities of an electric breast pump and whether it is electric-only, battery operated or comes with a USB charging option. Vital Baby is the only breast pump available on the local market where the electric breast pump can be used as both a manual breast pump and an electric breast pump when the power goes off, so you are not left stranded.   The third type of breast pump is a hospital-grade pump which is necessary for babies who are required to stay in the hospital due to health issues or following birth complications and requires you to pump up to eight or more times a day to supply milk for your new born and establish your milk supply.  Some medical aids make breast pumps available through their maternity benefits up to a certain price limit, so check in with yours to explore your options and discover a breast pump best suited to your needs. Consider choosing a lightweight and low sound breast pump so you can stay mobile and pump wherever and whenever you need to. “I underestimated how important my breast pump would be with my first child,” says mum-of-three Brooke West. “It was around holiday time, and I was celebrating with family over a 3-course meal which I enjoyed along with a sneaky glass of champagne so I could feel part of the fun. My poor son was so gassy, niggly, and uncomfortable all of the next day, that I never made that mistake again. My breast pump became my best friend when planning to eat and drink foods without it harming or effecting my baby.”  While alcohol remains an absolute no-no when breastfeeding babies, some foods can also cause upsets in your child’s digestive system and well-being, such as beans, broccoli, cauliflower, and some dairy products. Common allergy-causing foods include cow’s milk, soy, wheat, corn, oats, eggs, nuts and peanuts, and fish or shellfish. Some of the most frequently asked questions about breast pumps are answered here:   How does it work? If you attended pre-natal classes before the birth of your baby, you may have been introduced to breast pumps already. It helps to be able to hold and feel the fit of the breast pump when figuring out how to use it for the first time.  The flange is the plastic cup piece that fits over your breast nipple and areola (the dark skin surrounding your nipple) to create a light seal against your skin. When pumping, your nipple should be able to move freely inside the tunnel of the cup without too much of the areola being drawn in. The flange should create a light suction pressure to express the milk from your breast to flow into the bottle. TIP: Breast pumping should never feel sore or uncomfortable.   When can I start breast pumping? New moms can start pumping at any time, however when you first start pumping you aren’t going to get a lot of breast milk into the bottle. This is because for the first several days after birth, your body is producing colostrum, which is thicker and a little more difficult to pump than the milk you will product later on. Keep going and try not to be frustrated. The key to pumping is to relax and think loving thoughts about your baby for the let-down reflux to kick in. If your baby is latching well, you are sure to find your mojo quickly. Within two to three weeks, your milk

Vital Baby

Pregnancy Perils and What all New Mums Need to Know

Pregnancy is a miraculous event which has supported the birth of new life on earth for all mankind for well over 200,000 years. In 2020, a total of  1 003 307 births were registered in South Africa from a total population of 60 000 000 people and while birth fatalities decrease year on year, unfortunately some mothers will experience complications during their pregnancy which can put both them and their in-uterus fetus at risk.  February is Pregnancy Awareness month when we highlight pregnancy health and share education for safer gestation into motherhood. While more common pregnancy issues such as high blood pressure, urinary tract infections, obesity and leg cramps are frequently discussed, some of the unspoken complications which can arise need to be highlighted so as to reduce the number of fatalities and promote a healthier pregnancy into safe and joyous new motherhood. Important Pregnancy Facts to Know: Knowing what to expect during your full pregnancy term is essential for managing both you and your baby’s health. Early pregnancy checkups and correct prenatal care goes a long way to identifying any issues you may not be aware of and supporting you in experiencing a healthy pregnancy and birth. This is especially true for pregnancies termed ‘high risk’, which encompasses women aged 17 or younger, women aged 35 or older, those who are under or over weight prior to pregnancy, or mothers carrying more than one fetus.  Your first trimester of pregnancy may be both exciting and challenging as you experience your body changing. Your will become more easily fatigued and your breasts will become tender and swollen. You may experience food cravings, heartburn, nausea and/or vomiting, often referred to as ‘morning sickness’, and constipation.  It is important during this time to avoid smoking and e-cigarettes, alcohol, raw or undercooked meat and eggs, unpasteurized dairy, raw sprouts, certain seafoods and too much caffeine.  The danger signs during pregnancy to be alert to are fast or difficult breathing, severe abdominal pain, fever and extreme fatigue, severe headaches with blurred vision, convulsions, and vaginal bleeding. Bleeding in Pregnancy  In the first few weeks of your pregnancy you might experience light bleeding or ‘spotting’ caused by the developing embryo planting itself in the wall of your womb. This usually occurs around the time your period would have been due and between 6 to 12 days after conception. Typically light, and called ‘implantation bleeding’, it commonly occurs over a few days and is not something to be concerned about. The main sign of a miscarriage is vaginal bleeding however and if it lasts longer than a few hours, and is accompanied by abdominal pain, cramping, fever, chills, or contractions, contact your doctor or gynaecologist immediately. Most miscarriages occur before the 12th week of pregnancy and are accompanied by bleeding, discharge, pain or cramping in your abdomen or lower back. Bleeding during miscarriage can appear brown and resemble coffee grounds or it can be pink to bright red, getting heavier over time. Eventually the pregnancy tissue, fetus, and placenta will pass naturally either over a few days or as long as 4 weeks.  Be gentle with yourself if this is your experience. Take time to acknowledge your loss and find support with other women to talk about your feelings. On the other hand, if you know of a new mom who has recently miscarried, avoid any clichéd comments and unsolicited advice and recognize that grief doesn’t have a time limit. The good news is that miscarriage is usually a one-time occurrence with most women who miscarry going on to enjoy a healthy pregnancy after their miscarriage. Hyperemesis Gravidarum Considered a ‘high risk’ pregnancy, Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) came into the media spotlight when Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge spoke about her experience, which caused severe and debilitating vomiting during all three of her pregnancies to Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.  Characterized by extreme, persistent nausea and vomiting throughout pregnancy, hyperemesis gravidarum has been shown to increase the risk of preeclampsia, stillbirth, and preterm delivery. Worldwide, between 0.3 to 11% of pregnant women experience hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) with the said to be caused by rapidly rising serum levels of hormones such as HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and estrogen. HG can make you feel very unwell and may cause you to lose weight with symptoms starting around the 4 to 6 week mark. Along with avoiding high fat foods, Kate Middleton used mindfulness and meditation to manage her symptoms and the simplest coping tactics rely on keeping hydrated, discovering which foods will stay down, spending lots of time resting. The good news is that women with HG have lower rates of miscarriage, said to be due to the increased levels of pregnancy hormone HCG.    Ectopic Pregnancy An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg is unable to reach the uterus and attach properly to the lining of the womb, instead implanting itself either within the fallopian tube which carries the egg from the ovaries to the uterus or in other parts of the body. An ectopic pregnancy cannot proceed normally and the fertilized egg will not survive outside of the uterus; the growing tissue may also cause life-threatening bleeding, if left untreated. An ectopic pregnancy may seem normal in the beginning however it is usually accompanied by symptoms such as tummy pain on one side, vaginal bleeding or watery discharge, pain in the tip of your shoulder and discomfort when using the bathroom with risk of rupturing around 6 to 16 weeks.  In most cases medical intervention is necessary with blood tests and ultrasound confirming the diagnoses. Treatment is administered either via a surgical procedure or with medication. Depression in Pregnancy Anxiety and depression are the two most common psychological illnesses that may arise during pregnancy, and while it is natural to feel emotional during pregnancy due to the natural rise in our body’s hormone levels, some mothers are sensitive to these hormonal shifts which can lead to the onset of anxiety and depression.  Perinatal depression occurs both during and

Philips Avent

Back-to-Work after Baby Maternity Made Easy for New Moms

As a new Mom, following the birth of your baby, your previous life as a single person can seem far removed from your new roles and responsibilities of parenthood. Pre- and post maternity leave is the bridge that supports you in learning how to manage both roles as you prepare to return Back-to-Work.   Now that you have incubated your little sprout over 9 months of gestation, given birth – a miraculous event of delivering new life into the world – and you have bonded, breastfed and become a bona fide Mom to your precious new born baby at your side… there is no other way of saying it, transitioning back to work after parental leave is going to be a challenge.  ‘Baby brains’, related to hormonal changes, sleep deprivation, stress, or brain changes during pregnancy, are very real for some new Mothers; and added to that, you have been absent from your job and the office action for weeks and maybe months.  Millions of new moms have successfully returned to work  however, and there is no reason you cannot step into your Super Mom shoes and succeed at housekeeping, child-rearing, and a full-time job with the help of these effective tools and advice from mothers who have journey the path before you.   The Struggle to Juggle Your return to work will be as a changed person with a whole new set of priorities and concerns and lots of new logistics with which to manage your time and focus. You will have to consider child-care, co-ordinate partner schedules, set feeding and breast pumping timetables as well as manage your own emotions which can range from anticipation, to guilt at leaving your baby, to full blown separation anxiety.  Studies reveal that most mothers enjoy the work they can achieve outside their household (71%), either to support an income for the family (56%) or because they want to further their careers (25%) however some new mums may experience difficulties reconnecting to the new work-life balance , take strain from the mental demands of an 8-hour work day together with the responsibilities of a new child; or find barriers to climbing the corporate ladder and advancing their careers with baby in tow.   While some women turn to entrepreneurship and a home-based business to gain more flexibility and hands-on control for their family, at the end of the day, as a new Mom you are going to be levelling up and learning new skills to grow and shine! Check off this list of practical tips, mom-hacks and professional tools for leverage to get your Back-to-Work lifestyle started off on the right foot:   Before you go back to work: #1 Embrace Every Challenge: Having the right tools to soothe and protect your breasts makes it easier to stay comfortable and continue breastfeeding, which is so vital to your child’s growth and a healthy immunity. This is also the time to get expert level at breast pumping each day as you will need to build up your supply of frozen breastmilk ahead of your return to work. Breastmilk can last up to six months stored in the freezer so now it is time to get milking.  The Natural Motion Technology of the Philips Avent Electric Breast Pump is inspired by baby’s natural suckling and with a quiet motor it provides for a discreet experience wherever you may be, offering a perfect balance of suction and nipple stimulation to allow for optimum milk flow. Their manual breast pump is just as practical, comfortable, and convenient to use. If your nipples are taking strain from breastfeeding by becoming raw, cracked or painful, find instant relief with a nipple shield from Philips Avent, which protects with a nipple shield that is shaped to allow skin contact.  #2 Hand Over That Bottle If you have been breastfeeding your new born until now, you will need to introduce your baby to bottle feeding at least three weeks ahead of your return to work. You will also need to introduce others to sharing the duty of feeding, so your baby becomes accustomed to someone else providing their feeds. Whatever you do, try not to give up on breast milk feeds. They benefit both your baby and you as breastfeeding and pumping supports your uterus to shrink and return to its pre-pregnancy size. Philips Avent’s natural baby bottles feature a soft breast-shaped teat which encourages a natural latch and mimics the feel of the breast, making switching between breast and bottle as smooth as possible. Another benefit is the teat’s spiral design petals naturally flex so the teat does not collapse during feeding and offers an anti-colic valve to reduce colic.  It is important that both you and your child’s caregivers understand the importance of sterilising all feeding equipment. Bottles need to be cleaned after every feed; and if your baby does not finish drinking a bottle within two hours, the contents must be discarded to prevent bacteria and other germs from forming. Choose your tools in baby hygiene and germ destruction with the Microwave Steam Steriliser from Philips Avent which is fast and convenient, sterilising six bottles in just two minutes. Their 3-1 Bottle Steriliser is another fast and easy way to clean baby’s utensils, killing 99.9% of germs and makes for flexible bottle cleaning. The Philips Avent Fast Bottle Warmer is another useful tool to support the whole family as well as your caregivers, it gently defrosts breast milk and warms milk and food in just three minutes to be ready for feeding. #3 Introducing Solids Usually around six months of age, your baby is ready for the first introduction of solids, however there are no hard and fast rules and your instincts as a mother will come into play. You will know when your child is interested in solids when they respond with a wide mouth and take the food offered, either palming or gumming their fingers versus turning their head away in an uninterested way. Start

Milk Galore

Milk Galore on why breastmilk is best?

We at Milk Galore, a company whose primary focus is to assist mothers in increasing their flow of breastmilk. Our products assure results after 24 hours with an intake 250ml three times a day. Our range of products comprising 100% fruit juice blend and Rooibos tea for all the tea lovers.  We believe breastmilk is best for baby. So our core vision is to ensure that baby receives the best nutrition and also therefore aligns with the WHO strategy.  Breastmilk is the perfect food for your baby. It contains just the right amount of nutrients. It is also gentle on your baby’s developing stomach, intestines, and other body systems. It is recommended that you breastfeed until your baby is 6 months old, then breastfeed with solid foods until at least 1 to 2 years old. Below are list of nutritional benefits: Proteins Breastmilk contains two types of proteins: whey and casein.  Approximately 60% is whey, while 40% is casein.  This balance of the proteins allows for quick and easy digestion.   Approximately 60-80% of all protein in human milk is whey protein.  These proteins have great infection-protection properties. Listed below are specific proteins that are found in breast milk and their benefits: Lactoferrin inhibits the growth of iron-dependent bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.  This inhibits certain organisms, such as coliforms and yeast, that require iron. Secretory IgA also works to protect the infant from viruses and bacteria, specifically those that the baby, mom, and family are exposed to.  It also helps to protect against E. Coli and possibly allergies.  Other immunoglobulins, including IgG and IgM, in breast milk also help protect against bacterial and viral infections.   Lysozyme is an enzyme that protects the infant against E. Coli and Salmonella. It also promotes the growth of healthy intestinal flora and has anti-inflammatory functions. Bifidus factor supports the growth of lactobacillus. Lactobacillus is a beneficial bacteria that protect the baby against harmful bacteria by creating an acidic environment where it cannot survive. Fats Breastmilk also contains fats that are essential for the health of your baby.  It is necessary for brain development, absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, and is a primary calorie source.  Long-chain fatty acids are needed for brain, retina, and nervous system development.  They are deposited in the brain during the last trimester of pregnancy and are also found in breast milk. Vitamins The amount and types of vitamins in breast milk is directly related to the mother’s vitamin intake. This is why it is essential that she gets adequate nutrition, including vitamins.  Fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamins A, D, E, and K, are all vital to the infant’s health. Water-soluble vitamins such as vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid are also essential. The intake of our products assure results after 24 hours with an intake 250ml three times a day with also a high intake of iron. Our range of products comprising 100% fruit juice blend and Rooibos tea for all the tea lovers.  Carbohydrates Lactose is the primary carbohydrate found in breastmilk.  It accounts for approximately 40% of the total calories provided by breast milk. Lactose helps to decrease a large number of unhealthy bacteria in the stomach, which improves the absorption of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium.  It helps to fight disease and promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in the stomach. Breast Milk is Best for Your Baby Breast milk has the perfect combination of proteins, fats, vitamins, and carbohydrates.  There is nothing better for the health of your baby.  Leukocytes are living cells that are only found in breast milk.  They help fight infection.  It is the antibodies, living cells, enzymes, and hormones that make breast milk ideal. These cannot be added to the formula. Though some women ultimately are not able to breastfeed, many who think they cannot actually are able to breastfeed – which is the core reason for the existence of our Milk Galore products with results from 24 hours. Let us help you to ensure that baby gets the best.

Baby and I Melrose

Baby Essentials 2023

You’ve just received the most amazing news!  You’re pregnant!  So exciting! But now the fun begins – advice from everyone on what’s the best thing for you to do around your health, baby’s health, preparing for the birth – the list just goes on and on. With so much to choose from, how do you know what the absolute essentials are that you should be researching and buying?  Baby and I Melrose, as a local Premier Baby Boutique, offer an exceptional range of essential baby products, clothing, and accessories, making it easy for you to purchase the essentials for your little one online.  And here’s what we suggest: Camping CotsCamping or Travel cots, are safe for baby to sleep in.  They can also be easily moved around to suit your need. However, they aren’t recommended for long-term use, but rather short- stints.  Camping cots can be used for babies until around age 2.  Muslin Blankets Muslin blankets are highly recommended for several reasons.  Muslin is a finely woven, breathable fabric that has been available since the Middle Ages.  Because of the delicate and durable weave, the material is a bit stretchy which makes it absolutely perfect for swaddling.  Muslin lends itself to being tucked snugly around your baby without being too restrictive.  Muslin is also soft and cozy and is perfect for keeping a baby warm but not too hot.  Whilst this material breathes it also insulates, so your baby will never get too hot or too cold with a Muslin blanket, staying at the perfect temperature throughout the night. Baby Monitors Baby monitors are simply a must-have!  They are vital to sleep-training as well as offering parents’ absolute peace of mind, knowing that you can hear and see baby no matter which room you are in.  One of the most stressful concerns of any parent is SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) and having a baby monitor ensures that these kinds of incidents can be avoided.  There is no recommended age as to when to stop using a baby monitor – some recommendations are between age 3 and 5. Multi-Purpose Seat Covers For parents who are on the go, from going to the beach, to family outings, to road trips and adventures, Baby Snoods from Baby and I Melrose, cover mum so that she can confidently breastfeed outside of the home. They protect baby from mozzie bites, the crazy Cape Town winds and from exposure to the sun. They are great to use over a car seat because they are safe and snug and much easier than hanging a blanket over baby’s seat when it is windy. This cute design also prevents baby from getting cold when you’re on the go. Keep baby clean and germ free in the trolley when getting your groceries.  Wet Wipes Dispenser Baby wipes are an absolute essential to nappy-changing time – perhaps just as important as baby’s nappy!  Wet Wipe Dispensers keep them organized whilst keeping them wet and handy.  Having your wet wipes in a dispenser, means that you can have a few, placed in strategic areas, making them so much more easily accessible.  The benefits of a wet wipes dispenser are: Wipes are kept fresh and moist Because they’re compact and convenient, they fit easily inside a nappy bag. Bath-Tubs Safety around bath time is always going to be a priority.  To ensure that a baby’s bath time is easy, stress-free and a happy experience, a baby bath-tub is essential.  When choosing a bath-tub look for one that has a slip-resistant backing to keep baby from moving.  How long should a baby stay in a bath-tub?  Five to ten minutes is long enough.  This is particularly important because of baby’s sensitive skin which can easily become dry.  Baby Bath Lilo Baby bath lilos from Baby and I Melrose, are buoyant padded cushions that shape around your baby’s body to create a comfortable and safe space for your little one to float above the water – whilst still being submerged enough to enjoy the warm bath water. Baby bath lilos are suitable to use from birth for babies between 2.5kg and 7.5kg and are available in a variety of prints and colours. Baby bath lilos make it easy for bath time wherever you are – simply pack your lilo and use it in any bath. After bath time, they can easily be hung up to drip dry. Baby Night Light Night lights are great for baby’s room.  They provide a soft soothing atmosphere and also help mom to see during late-night feeds or nappy-changes without disturbing baby too much.  Night lights create a more ambient environment for your baby and can help your baby sleep better. It is a good idea to introduce baby to dim lights from day one.  Once you’re confident that your baby is sleeping through the night, you may decide that it is no longer necessary. Baby Carriers You can start using a baby carrier right away and there are several baby carrier options suited for all ages, from newborn to toddler.  Baby and I Melrose have a selection of baby carriers from sturdy seat carriers to lightweight tie baby carriers or slings.  A baby sling is typically a one-shouldered baby carrier made of soft fabric and is a safe way to carry baby keeping them close to your chest. The average baby carrier should last until baby is around 2 years of age but that depends on your baby.  Around this time, you would want to consider upgrading to a large toddler carrier that will accommodate your little one up to 4 years old. Baby Bottle Starter Kit Taking care of your tiny little human is very time-consuming and you don’t want to find yourself having to continuously wash bottles. We suggest that you have at least 8 to 12 bottles on hand.   340ml Size bottles are perfect for starting out.  When baby is bigger, you can switch to a more appropriate size bottle to accommodate baby’s appetite.


Is washing cloth nappies difficult?

For parents who want to live a more sustainable life, choosing cloth nappies is definitely a step in the right direction. Is it manageable? Of course it is. Is it hard work? No it isn’t. We tend to forget that with a baby, comes more washing anyway. Opting for full time cloth we are looking at around three washes a week. Part time cloth, two washes a week. What many people don’t realise is that nappies are first machine rinsed (which washes out urine and solids) and then put on a long main cycle with detergent. If your nappy load is not full you can then add linen, towels or any additional clothing items to the main wash. Nappies and normal washing can in fact be washed together. It does not necessarily mean you have to do an extra three load of washing for example. This all depends on the number of nappies you have.  As a cloth nappy manufacturer, we are often asked about the amount of water that is being used to wash nappies. There is a huge misconception that using reusables means using and “wasting” more water. Did you know that around 34 – 36 litres of water is used to manufacture ONE disposable nappy. This translates into 6.1 kl per month. Washing cloth = 1.2 kl per month. See our infographic below which breaks down the comparison. This ultimately shows that even though we think aren’t “using” water when opting for disposables nappies, we really are and in huge quantities. Using our own water to wash our nappies is by far the more water wise option. And definitely the most cost effective one in the long run.   In water restricted areas , grey water can be collected and used to wash nappies. There is generally always a way. Now let’s chat about our time.  Time is precious. As humans we like to “save time”. We like to use our time wisely and enjoy not having to do “extra work” that doesn’t benefit us. As mothers we have a lot on our plates once children arrive. There is so much to do all the time. So much to think about. So much to prepare on a daily basis. We want to find efficient ways to do everything and push out the things that might create more work for us. This is a given.  Washing nappies becomes part of your daily routine. It’s just what you do once you make the choice to use reusables. Much like once you start recycling your plastics.  Modern cloth nappy washing has really come a LONG way since the good old days of soaking and washing those terri towelling nappies. If you speak to any granny today, they will all tell you how laborious this was, however they did it given no plastics were available back then. We just don’t do any of that anymore as our nappies are now made from very different fabrics that don’t require any soaking or bleaching. Technology has also sped this process up. It has been totally streamlined basically. Machine rinse, wash on a main cycle. Hang to dry. Done!. Most of us are fortunate to have a machine and this is what really does all the “hard work” these days.  So let’s break down washing a load of nappies in terms of our time: Fill the machine with nappies: 2 mins. Hanging: 5 – 10 mins. Folding and packing away: 15 mins (the most satisfying and therapeutic part). Admiring your cloth nappy stash all clean and ready for the bum: hours….days… weeks…years. So in total we are realistically only looking at around 20 – 30 minutes per “wash”. And you know what… this mum sums it up very well: “There is something very therapeutic and fulfilling about the process. I had no idea I would be so overjoyed about the whole thing”. We are faced with this stigma of washing being boring… labor intensive… “work”. Washing your cloth nappies however is everything but that. Nappies are possibly the only item that you end up actually wanting to do. Why? Because using them is so rewarding as it generates a sense of pride within. There is nothing better than knowing deep down that what you are doing daily is better for your baby and better for the planet.  And this is the experience of using Pokkelokkie. Join our tribe. We will support you. Did you know we now offer a nationwide PK Guru service? You can now find a PK guru in your area, make a free appointment with her to see and feel our nappies and chat about using our system. Visit our website to find out more.

My Breastpump

What is a Hospital grade breast pump?

Traditionally Hospital grade breast pumps have been Large, bulky, very expensive, multiuser breast pumps that have strong motor that allow of pumping multiple times a day and have a good longevity. These pumps were designed to help mothers build up their milk supply (for example with premature mothers) from scratch and then also maintain the mothers milk supply. In order to do this these pumps needed to have a variety of cycles and suction levels to effectively cause the milk ejection reflex (let-down) and then to drain the breast effectively. These pumps were traditionally kept in hospitals.  With the demand for better private and home use pumps Ameda has used technology to create their very own hospital grade breast pump that is available and affordable for mothers to have their own private hospital grade breast pump. The Mya Joy double electric hospital grade breast pump ticks all the boxes that mothers need for a private hospital grade breast pump: able to initiate breast milk production able to maintain breast milk supply 2-phase pumping Small and compact Quiet  Portable (fits into a handbag, can clip onto your closes and uses batteries) Affordable Motor is capable of being used 8+ times a day Motor has a 2-year warranty Easy to use  Additional flange sizes to make sure the pump fits you correctly Double electric- express both breasts at the same time Back up service and parts available  So why is a hospital grade breast pump different from other off the shelf breast pumps? The normal breast pumps do not have motors that are able to create a suction level of -250mm Hg and maintain it. They only can maintain a negative suction of about -170mm Hg. This is not sufficient to be used for increasing milk supply or to maintain it. It is ok to use if you are only pumping occasionally and your baby is breast feeding often from your breast. Your baby will then be able to drain and help your body to maintain your milk supply, not your breast pump. Normal pump if not used with breast feeding can cause a mothers milk to dry up or decrease.  The amount and type of cycles is also very important. A cycle is how many times in a minute your breast pump “sucks” your breast. A hospital grade breast pump can change the cycles per minute to mimic that of a baby. Think about how a baby sucks at the breast. It sometimes sucks fast and other times sucks slowly. The fast suction is to help with the let down and the slower sucking is to drain the breast properly. A Hospital grade breast pump has 2 phases which is the faster and slower cycles. These cycles should be in a range of 80-120 c.p.m. for the stimulation phase and 20-65 c.p.m. for the expression phase.  The Mya Joy allows for mothers to be in control of the setting and timing of their breast pump. This allows the mother to change the settings so that she can have more than one let down per pump. As she is in control of the timing it allows her to shorten her pump and make most effective time. This is ideal for when a mom needs to go back to work and has limited time to express in.  In the paste hospital grade breast pump have been known for being bulky but the new Ameda Mya Joy is small enough to fit into your hand. It is small but mighty. It has a back clip so that you can clip it onto you favourite pair of legging and walk around while using the Mya Joy. The Mya Joy uses batteries which makes the pump portable. The benefit of batteries is that you can use rechargeable batteries which reduces the cost of batteries, the Mya Joy can be used for 90 minutes at the highest settings before needing to have new batteries. The benefit of having batteries as an option is that the pump can still be used if the charger has been left at work or home.  A very important feature for all breast pumps is the sound level that it makes while it is operating. If a pump makes a lot of noise, it can become very irritating and embarrassing as people will know what you are doing. The Ameda Mya Joy is a very quiet pump, so much so a mother can use the pump while talking on the phone and the other person will not hear the pump.  The shape of the flange is also very important as this creates comfort and a proper seal. Comfort is so important with breast feeding as this allows for the flow of breast milk. The shape and size of the flange is so important. The flange needs to completely seal around the breast so that no air can escape causing the pump to lose its vacuum and reduce its ability to express the milk out. This often happens with in bra pumps. Mothers find that the flange are not the best fit for their breast size or nipple, causing them to use the pump on higher settings or not being able to express breast milk out effectively.   Technology and innovation have enabled Ameda to make a Hospital Grade breast pump that is easy to use while still maintaining the key elements of a hospital grade pump and adding portability and cost effectiveness. 

Vital Baby

From Baby Steps to Back-to-School for New Moms & Tots

Back-to-school is always tinged by just a little excitement and anxiety for the unknown, as parents and children prepare for the start of the new school year ahead.  Every child will enter the school year with different skills, goals, and social and emotional aptitudes. Your 3-year-old is motivated by fun and new ideas and will be active and communicative. Four-year-old girls and boys are energetic, imaginative and love to ask questions about their world; while your five-year-old will already have the confidence of knowing some letters of the alphabet, words to popular songs and can count to ten.  As a parent sending your child to creche, preschool or big school for the first time, you can support your child by being positive about school and taking the necessary steps to ensure the days ahead are a success as they learn to navigate the world all on their own, and for the very first time.  Here’s what you can do to make Back-to-School as seamless as possible for both of you: Confidence Boost: Read books together about starting school, where your child can relate to the characters in the story, is useful for first-day jitters and may provide a boost of confidence where needed. You can also discuss their new teacher and reassure your child that you and the teacher will work together to make sure they will be taken care of. Practise Makes Perfect: Practising their new daily routine before the start of their first day can help to alleviate some of your child’s anxiety. Go over the time to get up, and the routine of dressing and doing their teeth, eating breakfast, packing their lunch and when you will need to leave the house to reach school on time, and what time you will be there to collect them again. New school mom Sandy Adams pulled out all the stops: “The first morning I drop off my daughter at school, I strap her favourite dolls and our dogs into the car so we can all cheer her on together.” See & Do: For some, including those who are pre-readers and kids with special needs, a visual schedule can encourage them to follow the steps to get ready each morning and it can include pictures of their actual items to better guide them through those steps.  Lunch is Served: Ease your first-time scholar into the school schedule by eating lunch at the same time as your child will be when he or she is at school. This will help get your child’s stomach on a schedule so he or she isn’t going to class hungry and distracted. In the days or weeks before the start of school, plan and make your lunches together for the day ahead. Food helps to create a link between your home and the new school day and will support your child with a sense of connection and familiarity. Let them help you pack their lunch and label it together. Stay creative with your packed lunch ideas and avoid getting stuck into the dreaded one sandwich and an apple routine. The vital baby® NOURISH™ scoop™ feeding set, with lid and spoon, is the ideal lunch set for little ones to take to school and show off their self-feeding skills. Your child can easily scoop out every drop of nourishment with its scooped sides and it will boost their confidence and cutlery skills while eating from their own bowl, which is ideal for both purees and puddings and more chunkier textures. This means you can serve delicious pastas and toppings, mashed potatoes and cut-sausage coins, or pre-cooked lasagne slices, that will fill them up and keep them satisfied at school lunch time. The set comes with its own spoon and a hygienic spoon cover to keep it clean and will last from the early stages of weaning throughout toddlerhood.  Energy Boosters: Coming up with tasty, creative ideas each day will take getting used to. It helps to remember that kids, just like adults, eat with their eyes first, so pack your toddler’s lunch with items that include a lot of colours and interesting finger foods. A healthy lunch will also have a balance of nutrients they require to power them through the day. Proteins and fats will keep them full and fuelled and complex carbohydrates will give them the energy they need; so mix it up and keep it balanced.  The Vital Baby Store and Wean Pots come with six in a pack and are perfectly sized for small  amounts of food that your little scholar will love opening to reveal their daily treat for the day when on the school playground. The secure lids are fully leak-proof to safely store and transport food, keeping foods and snacks fresh for serving or for prepping ahead and stacking and storing in the fridge or freezer. Packed Inspiration: For creative, no-sandwich ideas, you will need to prep for your weekly shopping list and keep organised. It is also the perfect time to encourage your kids to prep their own packed lunches and start them on the road towards independence. You can do this by keeping a container in the fridge with lunch items to select from, such as cheese blocks, small yoghurts, cut vegetables, washed fruit and hummus dips and a secondary cupboard with muesli bars, nuts and single-serve pouches to make it easier for both of you. Try making your own trail mix to keep at home which your child can always reach and help themselves to.  Properly Packaged with Care: Ensure you pack your child a lunch in a lunch tin they can open. This includes liquid refreshment too, as some products can be too stiff for little fingers to manoeuvre, such as folding spout cups that keep a stiff seal. The Vital Baby® 360° Edge™ Cup is specially designed for toddlers and kids on the go. With a soft outer lip to protect small mouths and sore gums, the cup is pressure activated, so they can drink

Parenting Hub


According to Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality healthcare, nappy rash is a common type of irritated skin (dermatitis) that appears as inflamed patches on your baby’s bottom. Wet or infrequently changed nappies, skin sensitivity, and chafing are all common causes of nappy rash.1  “Around one in four babies and toddlers not yet toilet trained will experience nappy rash at any given time,” says Murray Hewlett, CEO of Affinity Health. “While nappy rash can be frustrating for parents, it usually goes away with simple home remedies like air drying, more frequent nappy changes, and ointment.” Symptoms Of Nappy Rash Nappy rash signs and symptoms include:2 Red or inflamed skin on your baby’s buttocks, thighs, and genitals Pink or red patches in the nappy area (the folds of the groin will usually look normal) Skin that feels hot to the touch Spots, pimples, or blisters around the nappy area Discomfort, fussiness, or crying, especially when changing nappies Peeling, flaking, or scaly skin What Causes Nappy Rash? Nappy rash is often caused by leaving wet or soiled nappies on for too long, but other factors can also cause nappy rash. Rubbing or chafing Nappy rash can be caused by tight-fitting nappies or clothing that rubs against the skin. Using New Products Your baby’s skin may react to a new brand of baby wipes or nappies, as well as the detergent, bleach, or fabric softener used to wash cloth nappies. Lotions, powders, and oils may contain ingredients that exacerbate the problem. Bacteria Or Yeast Infection What starts out as a simple nappy rash on your baby’s bottom can quickly spread to the surrounding skin. Because the area covered by a nappy is warm and moist, it is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and yeast. These rashes can be found in the skin’s creases. You may also notice red dots strewn about the creases. Food Allergies The composition of a baby’s stool changes as your tot begins to eat solid foods. This increases the chances of nappy rash. Changes in your baby’s diet can also cause more stools, which can cause nappy rash. Breastfed babies may develop nappy rash due to something the mother ate. Skin Issues Babies with atopic dermatitis (eczema) or seborrheic dermatitis are more likely to develop nappy rash. Antibiotics  Antibiotics can cause a rash by killing bacteria that control yeast growth. The use of antibiotics also increases the risk of diarrhoea. Breastfed babies whose mothers are taking antibiotics are also more likely to develop nappy rash. How To Prevent Nappy Rash   Keeping the nappy area clean and dry is the best way to avoid nappy rash. Affinity Health recommends these 10 simple steps to help reduce the chances of nappy rash developing on your baby’s skin. Change your baby’s nappies frequently and request the same from staff if your child is at daycare. Choose disposable nappies over cloth nappies. Disposable nappies have absorbent gel, which is effective because they draw moisture away from the skin. Rinse your baby’s bottom with warm water as part of each nappy change. Cleaning the skin can be aided by moist washcloths, cotton balls, and baby wipes. Use alcohol-free or fragrance-free wipes on your baby’s skin. Alternatively, use a gentle non-soap cleanser, paediatrician and dermatologist-approved, hypoallergenic, ph-balanced, and free from colourants and perfumes. Allow your baby’s skin to air dry, or gently pat it dry with a clean towel. You should not scrub your baby’s bottom. Use powders sparingly. Cornstarch-based baby powders may be problematic because their main ingredient may make a candida-caused nappy rash worse. Apply cream and ointment that contains time-tested ingredients such as petroleum jelly and zinc oxide. After changing your baby’s nappy, thoroughly wash your hands. Hand washing can help keep bacteria and yeast from spreading to other parts of your baby’s body, you, or other children. Nappies should be fastened securely but not too tightly. Nappy rashes can be avoided by using a nappy that allows for some airflow. Nappies that are too tight can irritate the skin. Avoid using plastic or tight-fitting nappy covers. Allow your baby’s bottom to go longer without a nappy whenever possible. Air-drying skin is a natural and gentle way to dry it. Try laying your bare-bottomed baby on a large towel and engaging in some playtime to avoid messy accidents. When Should You See A Doctor? If your baby’s skin does not improve after a few days of home treatment, consult with your family doctor or baby’s paediatrician. To treat nappy rash, you may need prescription medication, or the rash could be caused by something else, such as a zinc deficiency.

Parenting Hub


Does your baby cry for hours at a time every night for what seems like an eternity? Do their tears worsen into a full-fledged meltdown, complete with clenched fists, flailing legs, and an unhappy red face, despite your best efforts to soothe them? Welcome to the (very unpleasant) world of colic! Colic likely has more than one cause, but studies have found a link between gut microbiota and colic in babies. High levels of Escherichia coli, Clostridium difficile, and Klebsiella have been found in babies with colic, while Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium levels have been found to be low. This dysbiosis could be a possible cause of abnormal gut motility and increased gas production.1 Supplementing beneficial bacteria, in addition to other methods, may help reduce pain and provide your baby with relief until colic passes. Here are six ways to help your baby’s gut. 1. Give Them a Burp A crying baby can consume a lot of air. This can make them gassy and bloated, exacerbating their crying. Burp them on the back with firm but gentle pats. The traditional position, with your baby’s head over your shoulder, works but can leave a spit-up trail down your back. Change things up: Place your baby on your lap, face down, or sit them up, while your arms support their chest and neck.2 2. Switch Up Feeding Practices Changes in feeding practices may also provide some relief. Bottle-feed your baby upright and frequently burp during and after a feeding. A curved bottle will help with vertical feeding, while anti-colic valves may reduce air intake.3 3. Do Baby Bicycles This simple exercise can aid in the manual release of gas. Lay your baby on their back and use a bicycle motion to gently cycle their legs towards their tummies.4 You can also gently push your baby’s knees towards his or her tummy and hold the position for 10 seconds. Release and straighten their legs several times, then repeat. 4. Watch Your Diet If Breastfeeding Research suggests there is some correlation between maternal diet in breastfeeding mothers and infantile colic. According to some studies, removing allergenic foods from the maternal diet may reduce colic while consuming a protein-rich diet may protect infants from colic.5 5. Consider Probiotics Restore and maintain your baby’s gut health with Reuterina® drops6, shown to reduce colic crying time7, and daily regurgitation8.  Reuterina® drops can be used as a preventative measure9 to reduce the onset of constipation in healthy newborns, increase the daily evacuations and improve gut motility and the number of bowel movements. 6. Speak To Your Healthcare Provider Make an appointment with your child’s paediatrician if your baby is crying excessively or you are concerned they may have colic. Remember that while it may appear that your baby will have colic indefinitely, colic is only temporary. You won’t remember your baby having colic in a few months because you’ll be too busy making memories with your bundle of joy. The Reuterina® family of probiotics are available from Dis-Chem and Clicks stores and independent pharmacies nationwide.  For more information, visit: https://reuterina.co.za/ and join the conversations on Instagram and Facebook. References and product legals available on request. | 006 ZA Reut 012023

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Caffeine and pregnancy – am I allowed?

You may be wondering if your morning cuppa is something to be avoided now that you’re pregnant. Generally, caffeine should be avoided during pregnancy, as it can harm your baby. However, you can consume caffeine in small amounts, so you won’t need to go cold turkey on your coffee habit. But how much is too much? And what caffeine high food and drink should you be avoiding? How does caffeine affect you and your baby?  Too much caffeine can have a negative impact on both you and your baby. If you’ve drunk a lot before getting pregnant you may find adjusting to only one cup a day (or the equivalent) pretty tough. As a stimulant, caffeine has the effect of making you feel more awake and alert, but too much (even before getting pregnant) isn’t good for you. Caffeine can increase your blood pressure and heart rate, and leave you feeling fatigued when the stimulant has left your system. Caffeine is also addictive, while it doesn’t cause addiction in the way that drugs do, drinking it often can increase your dependency on it. When you’re pregnant your body will metabolize caffeine at a slower rate. Some studies have linked increased caffeine intake to miscarriage (although there are conflicting studies on this) as well as low birth weight. Because the risks aren’t fully understood it is best to limit your intake.  How much is enough? When you find out you’re pregnant it’s best to limit your caffeine intake to 200mg per day. This is the equivalent of two cups of instant coffee (filter coffee has more) or 3 to 4 cups of brewed tea. Energy drinks, sodas and chocolate are other sources of caffeine which you should consider. Remember, caffeine isn’t the only thing in these foods and drinks, energy drinks and sodas have lots of processed sugar, and some energy drinks also contain ginseng, which should be avoided during pregnancy. What are alternatives to caffeine?  If you are planning on sticking to as little caffeine as possible per day you’re probably wondering what healthy alternatives there are. Luckily in South Africa, rooibos tea is very popular and perfectly safe to drink. You can swap out filter coffee and flat whites for rooibos tea and red cappuccinos. Decaf coffee is another alternative, but it’s best not to overdo this one as it still has trace amounts of caffeine.

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