Parenting Hub

How To Encourage Your Baby’s Mobility

When we talk about your baby’s mobility, what ideas come to your mind?  Things like, rolling, crawling, walking, etc. All of these things involve the large or gross muscles in the body & so to encourage mobility, we do exercises that strengthen your baby’s body from quite an early age. Now, it’s a bit like doing some strength training at gym – on the first visit, you’re not going to go for the heaviest weights, otherwise, you can cause some injury. You’re fist going to do the basics first & build on top of that. It’s the same with your baby.  We’re going to talk about each stage & what’s appropriate for each stage. The reason why I will talk about stages & give approximate ages is for 2 reasons: Premature babies’ chronological age (i.e. number of weeks & months of age) is different to their developmental age, because they had less time to develop physically in the womb. Each child is different in terms of their development & this is still healthy. Control over the body From birth onwards, your baby will develop physically by first learning to control his / her head, slowly growing stronger down the trunk of the body & the legs.  That’s why you’ll see that your baby will first learn to control his / her arms & only later his / her legs. Babies also gain control of their bodies from the centre outwards, which is why your baby will first learn to bat or try to swipe a toy & only later discover that he / she can move & control his / her fingers independently. Here, we do exercises to strengthen baby’s neck, shoulder & back muscles, for example, lying baby on his / her tummy.  Often babies do not enjoy the experience when you first start placing them on their tummies, but with practice & stronger neck & shoulder muscles, they will enjoy the tummy time.  When you do place baby on his / her tummy to begin with, you can roll a small blanket & place it under baby’s chest, but with his / her arms in front of it, so that your baby is not completely flat on his / her tummy. Remember: Not to place baby on his / her tummy just after a feed, because the pressure on the tummy could cause the milk to reflux out Only to place baby on his / her tummy when she / he is happy Even a minute or two to begin with will help to build his / her muscles & you can gradually increase the time as your baby’s muscles become stronger We do quite a few different tummy exercises in my workshop, but one example for a nearly 4 month old baby is: For mom to lie on her back & hold her baby so that baby & mom’s tummies are touching Mom asks “Where’s my baby?” & lifts baby’s face to her face and says “There you are!” Repeat Mom asks “where’s my baby?” & lifts baby up high above her face & says “Up high, high, high!” This also helps stimulate your baby’s vestibular system – so he / she can feel movement & his / her body’s position in space & it gives moms a good work out for tummy muscles too! Learning to roll As your baby becomes stronger & stronger at moving & controlling his head, he / she will start to turn his / her head around to see interesting things & his / her legs will start to follow the head.  This ability to twist at the waist is important in order to learn how to roll, sit & crawl.  Between the age of 4 & 6 months, your baby will start to roll from tummy onto his / her back & also from back on to tummy. An exercise that I do in my workshop to encourage rolling is to: Hold both of your baby’s hands together in one hand & both baby’s feet together in your other hand. Gently rock your baby from side to side Can later just hold the feet together & gently roll your baby over Learning to sit At around the age of 6 months, your baby will learn to sit.  They key to sitting is for your baby to learn how to balance his / her body & your baby will have a few crash dives  before he / she masters balancing for sitting.  So it’s important to make sure that your baby is well supported by things like cushions & is under supervision preferably on a softer surface e.g. a soft carpet / rug vs a hard, tiled floor. Some ways to support your baby while learning to sit are: Put your baby in the Tailor pose – feet together & knees open & carrying his / her weight on her hands You can place pillows all around your baby or you can sit with your baby between your bent legs either facing you or facing away from you Again there are many different exercises that we do in my workshops to encourage balance.  One really fun one that we do for 5 month old babies & which even older toddlers will love is using a towel. Here we simply place baby on his / her tummy on a towel & drag the towel around the room. It’s important that your baby faces you, because he / she may feel a little anxious about this game the first time & will look for the expression on your face for reassurance. Learning to Crawl If your baby has spent lots of time on his / her tummy, once he / she has learnt how to sit, he / she will first learn to pull themselves forward from the sitting position to all fours. Once comfortable on all fours, your baby may start rocking on all fours and later crawling backwards.  Soon thereafter


Bathing your Baby

How often should I bath my baby? It’s up to you how often you bathe your baby. Some babies love being in the water and giving your baby a warm bath can become a fun and relaxing ritual. That’s not to say you have to bathe your baby every day. If your baby is new born, a bath two or three times a week is enough to keep him clean. Bear in mind that if you live in a hard water area, too much tap water may dry out and damage your baby’s skin. Between baths: wash your baby’s face regularly clean your baby’s genitals and bottom after each nappy change wipe any grime off his skin When you do bath your baby you may find it a little scary the first few times. You may want to have someone with you to give you a bit of support. It’s also helpful if you’ve forgotten something you need for your baby. Until you get into a routine, you’ll probably find this is a common occurrence! Handling a wriggling, wet and slippery baby takes practice and confidence, but you and your baby will get used to bath time and start to enjoy it. Most babies find warm water soothing and a bath may help a fussy baby to relax and calm down. Where should I bath my baby? To begin with you may find it easier to use the kitchen sink or a small plastic baby bath. You could use your big bath, but it can be awkward as you need to kneel or lean over the side. If you do use your big bath, it may help to use a bathing seat or support, or a rubber mat or sponge bath base. When should I bath my baby? Choose a time of day when you’re not expecting any interruptions and have time to devote to your baby. It’s best if your baby is awake and contented before you start, and between feeds, so he’s neither hungry nor full. When your baby is new born you may find it easiest to bath him during the day. But after a few months, a bath can become part of his bedtime routine. Warm water can help to relax your baby and make him sleepy. It’s also an opportunity for other family members to get involved. Bath time is a part of baby care that dads often enjoy taking on. If someone comes to the door or the phone rings and you feel you must answer it, scoop your baby up and take him with you. Never leave your baby unattended in the bath, not even for a few seconds. That could be all the time it takes for your baby to get into difficulty in the water. Even if one of your older children is in the bath with him, or you are using a special bath, bath support or bath seat, you must stay with your baby. Once your baby is a couple of months old, you or your partner could share a bath with him. Being in the bath with your baby is a lovely way for you to be close to each other. It’s a great way for dads to have precious skin-to-skin time with their baby, too. Have a quick shower or wash before you get in the bath. Make sure the water is warm, not hot. Use mild baby cleansers and washes, as your normal bath products will be too harsh for your baby’s skin. It can be tricky, and risky, to get in and out of the bath while holding your baby, so ask your partner or someone else to help. They can pass your baby to you once you’ve got in and lift him back out again when you’ve finished.

Tommee Tippee

Guide To Swaddling Safely, How To Swaddle

What is swaddling? Swaddling is simply wrapping up your baby gently, so they can’t move their arms. To your baby being swaddled can replicate the feeling they had of being in the womb.  Swaddling gives babies a sense of comfort and security and has been proven to improve the quality of sleep in young babies. It helps to reduce the startle or Moro reflex that can disturb your baby’s sleep.   When swaddling you should only wrap baby’s body and not their neck or head. Is swaddling safe? Yes, if you follow safe sleeping and safe and hip friendly swaddling guidance for babies. Safe baby sleeping advice is to always lay your little one down to sleep on their back and avoid front or side positions for sleep, especially if your baby is swaddled. You should stop swaddling your baby when they show the first signs of rolling over. How to swaddle your baby safely The safest way to swaddle is to do it from birth rather than suddenly introduce swaddling at the vulnerable age of 3 months when the SIDS risk is highest. Use a light cotton material such as a newborn swaddle or swaddle blanket and make sure that the swaddling finishes at shoulder height. Your baby’s head must be uncovered. Never place your baby on their tummy – especially when they are swaddled. Use hip-healthy swaddling techniques to that allow your baby’s hips and knees to move freely to reduce the risk of hip dysplasia. Your baby’s legs should be able to fall into a natural position (like frog legs). Check your baby’s temperature regularly to make sure they don’t get too hot or overheat. Check they’re wearing suitable clothes for the weather too. Our swaddle sleepwear is specially designed for safe swaddling and is acknowledged as ‘hip healthy’ by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute (IHDI) when used as directed. The design helps to ensure that baby’s legs are in a natural froggy-legged position when sleeping. Should I swaddle or not swaddle my baby? Not all babies are swaddled of course, but there are a few circumstances which make it helpful as a settling tool; When swaddling can be helpful: If baby is startling themselves awake You might have noticed as your baby is falling asleep, they suddenly twitch or jerk and wake up. These “sleep starts” or myclonic jerks are perfectly normal but in some babies, they can delay the onset of sleep and make the whole process of drifting off a real struggle. Being swaddled prevents the flailing of your baby’s limbs which tends to wake them up. Babies who have eczema or other itches By containing a baby’s hands, swaddling prevents them from scratching or rubbing as they go to sleep and during sleep itself. Lots of babies scratch or rub as they fall asleep, and due to the “itch – scratch – itch” cycle, we know that preventing the scratching will also prevent the itching and will lead to better quality sleep. Babies who are fretful and unsettled There are many reasons why some babies are more unsettled than others – discomfort and hunger are the most obvious, but sometimes, they just want a cuddle. It would be lovely if they could be held all day and night, but there are times when you have to put them down and swaddling will help to give them a feeling of security. The Tommee Tippee easy swaddle is designed to ensure that baby’s legs are in a natural frog-legged position that is important for correct hip development. There are no for poppers, Velcro or ties. Just enough fabric to keep your baby snug, but not so much that they get too hot. When is it time to stop swaddling? Every baby is different and there is no set time when you should stop swaddling. Many babies enjoy being swaddled for several months whilst others will become frustrated by their restricted movement from as early as 2-3 months.   The most important factor to consider is safety and your baby’s movement. Swaddled babies should not sleep on their front, so when your baby is able to roll onto their front, you should think about stopping swaddling. You should be especially cautious when they are not yet able to roll back onto their back. The best way to transition baby out of a swaddle Your baby might struggle to go to sleep when you get first rid of the swaddle. It will feel strange to them if they are used to falling asleep easily with it on. Indeed, you may have even noticed them becoming sleepy as soon see their swaddling cloth. The main key to helping your baby sleep without a swaddle is not to allow swaddling to become your baby’s only sleep trigger. From an early age, you should introduce some other sleep signifiers at bed time which will still let them know that sleepy time is coming and will help them to settle even though the swaddle has gone. These sleep triggers should include: A similar bed time routine using familiar phrases /songs etc A nightly bath Milk feed – with a dim light on to prevent your baby from falling asleep over the feed Goodnight song or story – same one each night Into the cot awake but sleepy, to settle for the night   For a few days before planning to remove the swaddle completely, you should stop swaddling your baby’s arms and just wrap their legs and body up to chest height. At the same time, you should gradually loosen the tension of the swaddling. Our Grobag Snuggle features special poppers on the arms so you can wrap baby arms in for a safe and snug swaddle or arms out as they transition to a baby sleep bag. If you feel that your baby misses the feeling of pressure from the swaddle, you place your arm gently across their upper body. As they start to settle, you can then take your arm away. And although it is possible that you might have a night or two of less settled sleep, your baby will soon get used the change. Resource  : Emma O’Callaghan is a qualified midwife, nurse and infant and child sleep

Parenting Hub

Helping new mums get a handle on baby’s routine

Parent Sense App launches Responsive Routine feature As incredible as the first year of your baby’s life can be, it is also undeniably fraught. When baby feeds and when baby sleeps dominate the day and the night.  For radically sleep-deprived mothers coping with hormonal changes and ‘mommy brain’, keeping clear track of their infant’s routine is a near impossible task. Meg Faure, baby expert, best-selling parenting author and founder of Parent Sense, a popular, science-backed baby development app used by thousands of new mothers, says, “Routines are important for babies for several reasons. For one, routines provide structure and predictability, which can help infants feel more secure. Routines also help infants learn cause and effect. When a little one is being fed, changed, and put down for a nap at the same times every day, they may begin to anticipate and understand that these activities will happen in a particular order. In addition, a routine can help babies develop good sleep habits – something that all new, sleep-deprived parents want.” “But there’s a catch – all babies are different and both infants and parents have different needs when it comes to routine,” continues Meg. In Baby Sense, her best-selling book first published in 2002, Meg was the first to highlight the importance of ‘flexible routines’ for babies versus the rigid routines that were widely and often, controversially promoted in the 1990’s. “There’s significant research that shows a flexible routine is best for the health of an infant, and it also serves as a much-needed guide for first-time mothers or those who may be struggling with a sensitive little one who doesn’t necessarily feed or settle easily. Flexible routines also reflect the reality that babies are all unique, and there’s no ‘one-size-fits-all’ answer,” says Meg. “Mothers too are different, and each one has to find parenting practices that help them to be the best mum they can be.  Even moms who embrace a baby-led ethos will often blend this approach with some forms of flexible routine to have a well-fed and well-rested little one.” However establishing a healthy routine can be an overwhelming task. There’s copious amounts of information available about routines, but so often, this information is contradictory and confusing.  “What a new mum needs is a trusted source of practical, real-time support to help her follow a simple, adaptable routine that she doesn’t have to think about. That’s why we have launched the Responsive Routine,” says Meg. The award-winning Parent Sense app’s one-of-a-kind Responsive Routine makes it quick and easy for a new mum to track her baby’s feeds and sleeps. Using this unique data, the app dynamically adjusts the flexible 24-hour routine to provide customized feeding and sleeping times so that mum doesn’t have to work out the timings, and she always knows what’s coming up next for her baby. Meg says, “The Responsive Routine takes care of the two big questions that create so much anxiety for new mothers – Is my baby feeding enough? And, is my baby getting enough sleep?  Tracking this data and following the suggested routine also helps mom to build her confidence as she tunes into her baby’s unique rhythms and patterns.” The new feature helps parents to be calmer and more adaptable when it comes to schedules and makes it easier to plan for the day. Many more parents are hybrid working and there’s been a significant drop in childcare typically provided by domestic workers in the early months of an infant’s life1. Using Parent Sense’s Responsive Routine is ideal for busy, modern parents who value being organised and are probably juggling childcare with work from home. Hybrid and remote working are also changing traditional parental leave. Where maternity leave was once a time to be at home with full focus on their new-born, many new moms are now blending maternity leave with remote work. One advantage is increased work flexibility beyond their leave period, but the downside is the steep challenges of meeting the demands of both baby and work. “As a woman in technology, my goal has always been to develop innovative solutions that empower and support users. The Responsive Routine feature in the Parent Sense app represents a culmination of our efforts to create a tool that simplifies the lives of new mothers. By leveraging technology, we aim to alleviate the stress and uncertainty surrounding baby routines, allowing mothers to focus on both their parenting journey and their careers. I am thrilled to see the impact of the Responsive Routine in helping mothers find fulfillment in both aspects of their lives,” concludes Meg. The Responsive Routine feature is live within the Parent Sense app. Download the app here and start using the Responsive Routine to take the guesswork out of your baby’s schedule.

Tommee Tippee

Creating The Ideal Sleep Environment For Your Baby

Setting up your nursery for your soon-to-be newborn is one of the most exciting things to do whilst prepping for your new arrival. Paint colours, baby furniture, mobiles and ‘themes’ are all big considerations. But whilst there’s lots of fun to be had creating the ‘dream’ nursery, from the perspective of how to encourage the best sleep for your newborn there’s some more essentials to think of. Setting up the ideal sleep environment from the very beginning is the foundation that great sleep habits are built on. Babies ideally need certain factors available to them in their sleep environment to help them achieve restorative sleep. So, let me talk you through the top things I am looking for and encourage every parent to consider when setting up the perfect room for their new little one… Keep it Clean and De-Clutter: A nice calm and serene space is a lot more conducive to sleep than having the nursery overrun with toys, mobiles and accessories that clutter the environment. Most importantly, it is imperative that safe sleep guidelines are followed.   Becoming very familiar with safe sleep guidelines is a real must to help create the safest possible sleeping space for your newborn, free from toys – keep it simple. Make it Dark: This is probably my favourite tip of all. Make the room dark. SO dark that you would struggle to read a book in there…. yes, super dark! A really important biological process happens when we nap our babies in the dark. When our babies are up and awake time, natural light going into their eyes produces the hormone Serotonin in the brain. Now, here is the interesting part. When we then take our babies into a dark space for their naps and night-time sleep, that serotonin hormone is converted into the sleepy hormone melatonin. So, the darker the space the higher the levels of  melatonin in our babies’ brains. This melatonin makes them feel physiologically tired and supports their sleep. It’s also an important factor in helping newborns link their sleep cycles. When they rouse following one sleep cycle in their dark room and there is nothing to grab their attention, they remain much calmer and can easily drift off into the next sleep cycle. Think about how you could make your baby’s room as dark as possible. Get a black out blind and maybe you may also need a curtain over the top of it to stop any light coming through the sides and the top. Tommee Tippee GroBlinds create a dark sleep environment at home or on-the-go. They are adaptable and can be put in place in minutes, attaching directly to window glass using long lasting suction cups to ensure a close fit that will block out the light. Ideal to take on holidays and create that dark ‘sleepy’ environment wherever you go, it’s well worth the effort. Set up White Noise: White noise is a wonderful ‘tool’ to use in the sleep environment. Babies literally grew in white noise! White noise mimics the sound that babies experienced inside the womb, and the womb was really noisy… as noisy as a vacuum cleaner! Setting up some good white noise in the nursery to play all through their naps and overnight sleep is so beneficial. It creates a cocoon of sound that can really help babies calm faster, cry less and settle. Using white noise has the added benefit of shutting out all the stimulation that stresses babies out and is excellent at blocking out general household noise. Our Grofriends feature white noise to help your little ones settle – plus it’s nice to have a normal conversation without whispering right? Create the Perfect Room Temperature The ideal temperature for a baby’s sleep environment is between 18 to 21 degrees. You’re aiming for a constant, even temperature. It’s the drop in temperature during the night that can really wake babies up.  They just don’t have the body mass to generate heat like adults do. So, ensuring that the nursery is a nice constant temp will stop those 4.00 am wake up calls. Using a Groegg is an easy way of quickly showing the temperature of your baby’s nursery. Once you know the temperature, appropriate sleepwear such as swaddles or snuggles can be chosen, ensuring your baby is snug and at the perfect temperature all night. With some simple planning these foundations can be set up in your baby’s nursery easily. Have fun incorporating these sleep factors in! So not only is the nursery looking fantastic, but also has all the tools and best advice in place to encourage wonderful restorative sleep for your baby. Remember, it’s all for the love of sleep! Resource  : Emma O’Callaghan is a qualified midwife, nurse and infant and child sleep consultant. With over 20 years’ experience in both hospital and community settings, Emma knows about sleep. She has helped thousands of families reclaim sleep and is particularly passionate about supporting new and first-time parents. She is the Founder of Baby Sleep Expert, and with a common sense, compassionate approach is often referred to as the ultimate “baby whisperer”. Emma lives in Melbourne with her three daughters and fur baby.

Parenting Hub


Making the transition from maternity leave to going back to work can be an emotionally difficult time for a lot of moms. On top of that, you will now need to find a way to stick to your pumping schedule whilst there. If you are fretting about making this transition, and where you will find time to pump when back in the office, this is the post for you. Read on below now as we will tackle this next step head on! Plan Ahead For your Return Before you go back to work, have a sit down conversation with your boss. Let them know that you will require a few breaks throughout the day to complete your pumping schedule. Give them a copy of the times and duration of your pumps if you would like as well. Let your boss know that you will require a secluded room dedicated to your pumping needs. This will ensure that when you return, you won’t be questioned for your need to pump. Setting things up before arriving back at work can really save you a lot of trouble. Ensure You Have A Place To Store Your Milk Breastmilk is able to be kept at room temperature for six hours. Thereafter you risk it going off. As such, it is in your best bet to organize some space in the office fridge in which to store your milk. Furthermore, ensure that you have a cooler transport bag available for when you leave your office and head home.  You may want to also have a pre-chat to your co-workers and just make them aware that you plan to store your milk in the office fridge.  Making It Easier To Express At Work The above tips will sit-down help you express at work going forward. Furthermore, if you need a bit of help with the let-down, keep videos and images of your baby nearby. These have been proven to help moms with their let-down. 

Sudocrem South Africa

Preventing & Soothing Nappy Rash

Preventing nappy rash Nappy rash is one of the most common skin conditions of your baby’s early life. It is an irritation of the skin anywhere in the nappy area. While it might be sore for your baby, the good news is that it is rarely serious. Nappy rash most often affects your baby’s sensitive skin when there is prolonged contact with urine or stools. Learn more about what causes nappy rash. Your baby’s bottom may have red patches or the whole area may be red. The skin may look sore and can feel hot to touch. If your baby is suffering from nappy rash, you can use Sudocrem to soothe and protect your baby’s skin. The very best way to deal with nappy rash, however, is to prevent your baby getting it in the first place. To prevent your baby getting nappy rash follow these tips: Change wet or soiled nappies as soon as possible. Young babies need changing as many as ten to twelve times a day, whilst older babies at least six to eight times Ensure you clean the whole nappy area thoroughly using plain water or baby wipes, wiping front to back Lie your baby on a towel and leave the nappy off for as long and as often as you can in order to let fresh air get to the skin Use a barrier cream such as Sudocrem If your baby does get nappy rash use Sudocrem to soothe and protect your baby’s skin. If you are using a nappy rash cream and the rash remains or your baby develops a persistent bright red, moist rash with white or red pimples, which spreads to the folds of the skin, they may have a thrush infection. You will need to use an anti-fungal cream, available either from the pharmacist or on prescription from your doctor. Ask your pharmacist or health visitor for advice. Occasionally nappy rash can become persistent or can be related to other skin conditions like eczema. If you are at all worried, it’s a good idea to consult your doctor or health visitor. Soothing nappy rash If your baby’s skin in the area covered by the nappy is sore, red and feels warm to touch your baby may have nappy rash. You can follow the steps below to soothe nappy rash. Change your baby’s nappy every time it becomes wet or soiled It is really important to stop the chemicals in urine and faeces aggravating your baby’s delicate skin Leave the nappy off for as long as possible to let your baby’s skin get some fresh air Try to ensure that your baby’s nappy fits well and is not chafing or rubbing Avoid using any soaps, detergents or bubble bath that could be irritating your baby’s skin Ensure your baby’s skin is clean and dry before using a fresh, clean and dry nappy Use a nappy rash cream such as Sudocrem at every nappy change to soothe and protect the skin. Sudocrem is clinically proven to help by soothing the soreness, helping the skin heal and protecting the skin from further attack by irritants or infection. You can use Sudocrem at every nappy change. If the rash persists, speak to your doctor or health visitor. Use Sudocrem Skin and Baba Care Cream at every nappy change to soothe irritated skin and to prevent nappy rash from occurring. Sudocrem is available in 60g, 125g, 250g and 400g tubs and can be purchased at Baby City, Dis-Chem Pharmacies, Clicks, other major retailer outlet near you and online.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Putting together your birth plan

As you enter your third trimester you’ll have probably done a fair bit of research on the birth process (if this is your first) and may have a good idea of what you want before, during and after delivery. There are many options and opinions, from whether or not you want pain medication to how many people you would like supporting you. However, trying to keep track of your choices during labour may be tricky, which is why you’d put together a birth plan. So what exactly is it and how do you put one together? Why should I put together a birth plan?  Your birth plan is your choices or preferences before, during and after labour and delivery. While things may not always go according to plan, having your preferences written down and communicated means you, your midwives and doctor have a more mutual understanding. However, if your pregnancy doesn’t go accordingly, you need to be prepared to make adjustments on the day. What should be in my birth plan? Your birth plan is how you’d like everything would go in the best-case scenario. Your birth plan will also have to take into consideration what is available at the hospital or place where you are giving birth. Some birth plans are very basic, just outlining a simple overview, whereas others may be far more detailed and in-depth. The choice is yours. Typically a birth plan will include before, during and after labour and birth preferences. Such as who you want to assist you during birth, whether or not you want any pain medication,  you birthing positions, and requests for newborn care, such as skin-to-skin time. How can I learn more about the birth process?  If you feel like you need to top up your birthing knowledge before putting together a plan they are a few ways you can go about this. Joining antenatal classes are a good way to learn more and to meet other women in your position. Chatting to friends or family who has been through the birthing process themselves is another good way to see what would work best for you. If you and your partner are having a baby together, keep them in the loop as well. Find out what they expect during labour and you can chat about what you want, and what role you see them playing in the process.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Webinar – Post Birth Care for Moms

In today’s webinar, Sr Ingrid reminds Mom’s that’s it’s important to look after yourself post birth. What you can experience post birth and how to deal with the body changes, bleeding and uterus contractions.

Parenting Hub


According to Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality healthcare, pregnancy ultrasounds are an essential part of prenatal care that can provide valuable information about the health and development of the foetus. What is a Pregnancy Ultrasound? From the first glimpse of a tiny heartbeat to the detailed images of a fully-formed little human, ultrasound technology offers a window into pregnancy’s mysterious and wondrous world. Each ultrasound provides expectant parents a unique opportunity to connect with their babies, see their features taking shape, and witness the incredible miracle of life unfolding. How Do Pregnancy Ultrasounds Work? A pregnancy ultrasound is a non-invasive diagnostic test that uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of the developing foetus in the uterus. It allows healthcare professionals to monitor your unborn baby’s growth and development, assess the pregnancy’s health, and detect potential risks or abnormalities. When are Pregnancy Ultrasounds Done? Pregnancy ultrasounds are typically done at different points throughout the pregnancy, depending on the mother’s and the foetus’ medical needs. The most common times for ultrasounds are the following. First Trimester A first-trimester ultrasound is usually done between 6-12 weeks to confirm the pregnancy, determine whether you have more than one baby growing inside you, and assess the foetus’s gestational age. This ultrasound can also detect any abnormalities or potential risks to the pregnancy, such as ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. Second Trimester A second-trimester ultrasound is usually done between 18-22 weeks of pregnancy to check the development of the foetus, including its size, weight, and organ development, and detect structural abnormalities, such as heart defects or cleft lip/palate. Third Trimester A third-trimester ultrasound is usually done between 28-32 weeks of pregnancy to check the position of the foetus, which is essential for planning delivery, as well as access the placenta and the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the foetus. In some cases, doctors may do additional ultrasounds in the case of a high-risk pregnancy. Benefits of Pregnancy Ultrasounds Pregnancy ultrasounds offer several benefits for both the mother and the baby, including: Early detection of potential problems Improved prenatal care Increased peace of mind Facilitating communication between the doctor and the expectant parents Detecting multiple pregnancies Providing a record of the pregnancy Good to know: To minimise the risks associated with pregnancy ultrasounds, it is crucial only to have ultrasounds when a healthcare provider recommends and to use qualified healthcare professionals who are trained in ultrasound techniques.   Maternity Benefits from Affinity Affinity Health’s Maternity Benefits cover the costs of bringing new life into the world, ensuring that members can enjoy the most precious time without worrying about money. Members can access comprehensive maternity and postpartum benefits, including scans, blood tests, health advice, and guidance via Affinity’s Telehealth Call Centre (simply call 0861 11 00 33). The benefits are subject to policy types and Affinity Health rules, including coverage for hospitalisation, antenatal consultations, growth sonars, and pathology tests. Affinity Health also offers an all-inclusive birthing plan that provides members with access to gynaecologists, sonographers, social workers, psychologists, dieticians, and antenatal classes. With Affinity Health, new parents can rest easy knowing they have access to affordable and accessible healthcare products that protect them when it matters most. For more information on Affinity Health’s Maternity Benefits, click here.   About Affinity Health Affinity Health is South Africa’s leading health insurance provider, offering you a range of options, including access to the widest national provider network. We understand the importance of medical insurance that meets your needs, budget, and lifestyle. Our healthcare products are designed to protect you and your family when it matters. We strive to give our clients peace of mind and the highest standard of service. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  

Parenting Hub

Retailer Alerts of Dangers of Buying Second-Hand Baby Goods

The second-hand infant goods market in South Africa is rapidly growing, providing much-needed affordable products and financial relief for families across the country who are struggling with the rising cost of living.  First-time parents in South Africa spend on average upwards of R100,000 a year to raise a child and nursery set-up costs alone surge to more than R5,000. Despite the financial reprieve of purchasing second hand items, Babies R Us advises caution when purchasing some second-hand baby goods as they may have been recalled or are unsafe. The second-hand infant goods market is estimated to be worth around a billion rand with the primary buyers in South Africa from low-income families. Most purchased second hand items include clothes, toys, furniture, and equipment.  According to a report last year by Mercari in the United States, 62 percent of parents purchased second-hand baby and kid products last year, with 58.7 percent of those surveyed doing so to save money. “As a retailer we understand parents are always looking for ways to save money when it comes to purchasing baby items, such as clothes, toys, and furniture,” she adds. “Unfortunately, buying some second-hand baby goods can have serious consequences for your child’s safety and health.”  “There are a number of challenges in the second-hand infant goods market,” according to Catherine Jacoby, Marketing Manager at Babies r Us. “The primary being the lack of regulation and meeting safety standards which means it is difficult to ensure the quality and safety of the products.” She explains that South Africa does not have its own set of safety standards in place to regulate many infant related products, specifically those that are produced locally. “It’s not just about safety standards though, there’s a growing global concern of products being sold in the second-hand market that have been recalled for safety reasons.” According to a report by Kids in Danger, a non-profit organisation focused on children’s product safety, last year, the United States had the highest number of children’s product recalls since 2013 impacting everything from baby products to kids’ clothes and toys.  Nursery products, items like strollers and baby swings, accounted for over half of the more than 5 million units of children’s products recalled in 2022 alone, the report found. By way of example she adds, the U.S Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is currently calling on Meta and a well-respected manufacturer to recall a product being sold on Facebook Marketplace. The item in question has been linked to the deaths of approximately 100 infants which was recalled in 2019 ten years after it had been on the market. It is estimated that there are still over a million still in circulation having not been returned which are now being sold on sites like Facebook Marketplace. “Every parent wants their baby to be safe, but once the market is flooded with an unsafe product, it’s hard to bring it back,” she says. “Infant products make their way onto second hand sites, they’re in day-cares, at charitable organisations and have even been handed down to family members.” Jacoby notes however, that although it’s totally fine to buy second-hand for some products like clothes, some toys and even furniture, not every product can be safely bought second hand as some of these items are not subjected to the same safety standards as new items.  “Experts advise that items like car seats, highchairs, strollers and cots should be bought new to ensure they meet the current safety standards and haven’t been recalled, don’t have any peeling paint, chips, or missing parts. “This ensures that the product is safety checked, you are notified if there are any issues with it and you can be assured of the safety of the product,” she explains.  Additionally, Jacoby adds, used baby items may contain bacteria or viruses, which can cause serious illnesses in infants. It is important to clean and inspect them thoroughly before allowing your child to use them.  “Our advice to parents is to research the products you are buying second hand, keep an eye out for great deals on new items and if you’re purchasing second hand items ensure you clean and inspect them properly,” she concludes. For more information visit: 

Parenting Hub

Babies R Us Real Mama Club Annual Event Series is Back

Babies R Us is calling on all soon-to-be and new mamas to join them at the annual Mama Club events, being held nationally from July.  The event series in partnership with Parent Sense offers an opportunity to discover the secrets to successfully navigating the journey of parenthood. Mamas from Cape Town, Johannesburg, Gauteng East Rand, Pretoria and KwaZulu Natal will have an opportunity to join the full day events which include important postpartum topics like, sex after birth, returning to work, the importance of pelvic health, reading your baby’s cues, introducing solids, mental health awareness, and relationships with your partner and family. “Parenting can be challenging especially during the fourth trimester and immediately after birth but the Babies R Us team of experts are ready to guide our mamas through their journey of mamahood with this hugely popular annual Real Mama Club event series,” says Catherine Jacoby, Marketing Manager at Babies R Us. “The event is particularly suited to mothers in their fourth trimester or who have recently given birth and we’re offering them an opportunity to meet new mama friends, share insights, get advice and enjoy a delicious lunch,” she adds. “What’s more, we have baby care on hand so mamas attending can be rest assured their little ones are taken care of by the Super Nannies.” Tickets are on sale via the website at a cost of R200 and the ticket includes: a goodie bag packed with baby essentials, an opportunity to engage with a panel of expert speakers on a wide variety of postpartum topics, baby care provided by Super Nannies.  There is also an opportunity to learn about products relevant to your baby from over twenty brands, including Tommee Tippee, Joie, Bounce, NUK and Bennets. Attendees also stand a chance of winning prizes from Pampers and Parentsense.  “We know parenting is hard, but it is also incredibly rewarding. The aim of these events is to remind parents that they’re not alone and we’re here to support them through the reality of parenting,” Jacoby explains. “Babies R Us is more than just a baby retail store, we offer free antenatal care, wellness checks for both pregnant mom and baby, a family wellness department and the best products at all phases of parenting, all curated by professionals, these events are an extension of that.” “We’re really looking forward to sharing this journey with our mama’s and parenting together,” she concludes. Event details: Cape Town, 7th July at The Forum, Embassy Hill Gauteng Midrand, 4th August at The Forum, The Campus Pretoria, 1st September at Monte de Dios Kwazulu Natal, 6th October at Talloula Gauteng East Rand, 3rd November at Birchwood To find out more visit the website or follow on Instagram.

Parenting Hub


Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality healthcare, explores how ‘Baby Talk’, also known as parentese, might sound silly to adults. Still, it has many benefits for your little one. As a new parent, you may talk to your baby in a high-pitched, sing-song voice, using words you wouldn’t usually use in everyday conversation. This is known as “baby talk,” and while it may sound silly to some, research suggests that it can positively impact your baby’s brain development. Studies have shown that babies exposed to more baby talk have larger vocabularies and more vital language skills later in life. In fact, talking to your baby in a nurturing, engaging way can actually help to shape the architecture of their brain, building meaningful connections between neurons and setting the foundation for lifelong learning and development. One of the ways that baby talk helps with brain development is by providing babies with a steady stream of language input. Babies are born with the ability to recognise and distinguish between sounds from all languages, but their brains are wired to respond more to the language(s) that they hear most frequently. By talking to your baby in a rich, engaging way, you are helping expose them to various sounds and words, which can help strengthen their language skills. So, how can you incorporate more baby talk into your daily routine? Here are a few tips from Murray Hewlett, CEO of Affinity Health, to get you started: Narrate Your Day As you go about your daily tasks, describe what you’re doing to your baby. For example, “Mommy is washing the dishes now. See how the bubbles make them all shiny and clean?” This helps to expose your baby to new words and concepts and helps them to understand the world around them. Use Exaggerated Expressions When talking to your baby, use exaggerated facial expressions and gestures to help them better understand the meaning behind your words. For example, if you say “peek-a-boo!” while covering your face with your hands, your baby will understand that you’re playing a game. Repeat And Expand If your baby coos or babbles, repeat the sounds back to them and expand on them. If your baby says “ba,” you could respond, “Yes, that’s right, that’s a ball! Look how it bounces!” This helps reinforce the sounds your baby is making and expose them to new words. Sing Songs And Recite Nursery Rhymes Singing and reciting nursery rhymes are great ways to engage with your baby and expose them to new words and sounds. Babies love the rhythm and repetition of songs and rhymes; they are a great way to help build your baby’s vocabulary. Read Books Even though your baby may not understand the words, reading books can help them develop a love for language and storytelling. Choose books with bright, colourful pictures and simple words, and point out the images as you read. “It’s important to remember that baby talk isn’t just about using a high-pitched voice or babyish words. It’s about engaging with your baby meaningfully and creating a nurturing environment that supports their learning and development,” says Murray. In addition to baby talk, there are other ways to support your baby’s brain development, such as providing plenty of sensory experiences, encouraging exploration and play, and fostering a loving and supportive environment. So, don’t be afraid to break out the baby talk and engage with your little one in a fun and meaningful way. Your baby’s brain will thank you for it! You can set your baby up for a lifetime of learning and success with consistent engagement and a positive, nurturing environment. About Affinity Junior At Affinity Health, we know that the growth and development of your child is of utmost importance. With Affinity Junior, you can get Day-to-Day and Hospital cover for your children. Affinity Junior provides affordable healthcare for your children – keeping the most important people in your life healthy and happy! Affinity Junior will provide your children unlimited, managed doctor consultations, medication, and hospitalisation, depending on the chosen plan. The unique feature of the Affinity Junior plan is that the policy insures only your children. For more on Affinity Junior, click here. About Affinity Health Affinity Health is South Africa’s leading health insurance provider, offering you a range of options, including access to the widest national provider network. We understand the importance of medical insurance that meets your needs, budget, and lifestyle. Our healthcare products are designed to protect you and your family when it matters. We strive to give our clients peace of mind and the highest standard of service. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Vital Baby

What to expect in the early days after the birth of your baby

First-time moms are often anxious about what to expect after bringing baby home for the first time. During those precious first few days you may experience a rollercoaster of emotions. There’s the pure joy of finally having baby in your arms, the excitement of what’s to come, the stress and anxiety over whether or not you’re doing everything correctly and of course the pure exhaustion that comes with sleepless nights.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Due soon? What to include in your hospital bag

With your due date fast approaching, this is a very exciting, yet stressful time for most moms to be. Here is a great list of what to pack for the big day! Ideally, you should have your bag ready to go by 36 to 37weeks, apart from the last minute grabs such as your tooth brush and phone charger. Please see our extensive list of the essential items and also items to make you feel more comfortable for mom and baby (and dad, of course!) Baby Car seat – Many hospitals won’t let you leave without one. Please make sure you know how to strap baby properly into the seat and the seat is secure in the car. Safety first! A going home outfit: It’s important to keep baby skin to skin (this means no clothes on baby; only a nappy) for as long as possible, as this promotes growth, bonding and a calming period for you and your baby. When it’s time to go home, pack different outfits in different sizes as you don’t know how big or small baby will be. Aim for an outfit in Newborn sizes, and 0-3 months. Don’t forget a beanie or socks if the weather is cold. Blankets or Muslin wrap to keep baby nice and cosy. Bottles – If you are going into the hospital knowing you are going to bottle feed, take your bottles with. The hospital usually supplies the formula, but if you have a preferred brand, take some along. If breastfeeding doesn’t work for you, don’t stress! The nurses will provide the bottles and formula. Nappies and wipes to keep baby clean and dry. The nurses in the hospital will show you how to change baby if you are a first time mom. Mom Your medical aid information, your pre authorization/ doctors forms, your ID card and all other important documents you may need. Keep this safely in a folder all together to avoid any stress. A robe or dressing gown – This is such a handy item to have to cover up and make you feel comfortable Pyjama’s that button down at the front – If you are breastfeeding it’s a lot easier to undo the buttons than lift your top continuously. Comfortable, soft and loose pants such as lights weight shorts, stretchy leggings or sleep pants are ideal. Maternity pads and disposable breast pads. Nursing bras are also wonderful and offers great support for breastfeeding moms. Slippers or slip in shoes. Your feet may be a little swollen after delivery, so don’t feel bad leaving the hospital in the snuggest and easiest pair of shoes you can slip into. Slipper socks also work great. Cotton underwear, preferably in a dark or black colour. One that fits you well but rises above the uterus. This is good for moms who have a caesarean section and natural birth as it offers support and doesn’t cause pain along the wound site. Nipple cream – If you’re planning on breastfeeding, your nipples will be happy you are being so proactive. Toiletries – You will want to brush your hair and have a shower after baby has arrived. Take your shampoo, face cream, lotion and body wash, as well as your toothbrush and toothpaste. Deodorant, lip balm and extra hair ties are also a great items to have on hand. Cell phone charger – Because your phone will be full of photos of your new addition to your family. Water bottle and snacks. Take a reusable water bottle as its very important to keep hydrated during and post-delivery. Snack on dried fruit and wine gums to keep your sugar up and to give you energy (with permission from your midwife or doctor of course) A magazine or book, your laptop or some music. Labour may sometimes become a little long. It’s good to keep busy. Most hospitals and birthing clinics supply towels, pillows and blankets. If you have a favourite, take yours along to the hospital. A set of clothes to go home in. Your make up bag and straightener or curling iron. While you won’t be focused on looking great during labour, you may want to take some photos after the birth of your little one. Get someone to help you and make you feel good about yourself (and the great work you’ve just done!) Dad/Birthing partner Camera – Take photos! Lots of them. This is a great job for dad to do during birth. It will make them feel a lot more involved. Snacks: Another great job for dad. Full his bag with plenty of snacks and treats that you can both enjoy during your stay. Comfortable clothes – As he may be sitting with you for quite some time, let him pack some tracksuit pants, t shirts, slippers and hoodies.  Extra underwear is also a winner if he is staying overnight. Chargers – For phones, laptops and cameras. The longer the wire, the better, as most plug outlets are likely to be far from you. Toiletries – He may want to freshen up during the course of your stay. Many private hospitals offer you a baby bag when you are admitted for delivery. This is a great item and will contain most, if not all baby’s toiletries such as soap and creams. If you forget something, it’s not the end of the world. The nurses may be able to help or someone can go to the shop for you. All baby ideally needs is a clean nappy, milk, and most importantly, you.

Toptots Head Office

Calming strategies for a fussy baby

The transition from the womb to the world is a challenging one for your baby. Leaving the consistency and comfort of the womb for the ever-changing, highly-stimulating world can be a big adjustment.  By creating an environment that mimics the womb, one can make that adjustment much easier for your baby. These same principles can also be applied with your toddler/ child when they are sick, frustrated or over-whelmed.  Calming strategies to try: Swaddle your baby – this provides them with the calming deep pressure that they are used to in the womb and makes them feel safe and secure. It is important that when they are swaddled, their hands are placed in the middle of their chests and stick out of the blanket, so that they can use their hands to suck on for self-soothing. Wrap them tightly in a stretchy blanket. Make sure they are warm enough, but not hot – the womb environment provides nice neutral warmth, and this is the temperature one should try to mimic. (If you live in a very hot climate and use air-conditioners or fans, make sure the air doesn’t blow directly on your baby as this can be a very stimulating sensation on their skin).  Make use of white noise – many babies sleep better if they have some calming background noise, which also mimics the sound of the fluid in the womb e.g. white noise apps on a phone or tablet; the sound of a fan; natural sounds like the sound of the sea or of rain. Gentle rocking – In the womb, babies feel the slight movement of the fluid, and thus find very slow and gentle movements e.g. rocking, to be calming. Using a sling or a pouch can also be helpful in providing this type of sensory input.  Avoid strong smells – babies are calmed by comforting and familiar scents and their favourite smell is mom’s natural smell and the smell of milk. They are very sensitive to smell initially and can be over-stimulated by strong fragrances.  Keep decor neutral and minimal – babies and toddlers can be easily over-stimulated by too much visual input in the environment around them. Avoid having their eyes look directly at bright lights.  Baby massage – this provides deep touch input which is also calming and helps your baby to relax and promotes bonding. 

Parenting Hub

Buying Second-Hand Baby Items – What you should and shouldn’t do

From strollers and cribs to clothes and diapers, the amount of stuff your little one requires can add up quickly. To cut costs, many parents-to-be scour the internet for used baby gear and welcome hand-me-downs.  According to a survey conducted by Everyday Health Group, 66 percent of new or expecting moms report having bought second-hand baby gear. This money-saving technique is especially common among Gen Z with 76 percent of Gen Z respondents saying they’ve purchased second-hand baby gear, compared to only 63 percent of Millennial and 55 percent of Gen X respondents. Buying used baby gear or accepting hand-me-downs from friends and family can save money — but not everything is safe to use twice. Experts in all things baby, Babies R Us provides some useful tips on what you can reuse or buy second-hand, and what you should buy new. According to Catherine Jacoby, Marketing Manager at Babies R Us, “It’s important to only choose safety approved and tested products. “The benefit of buying these sorts of products whether new or used is that you will know if the product is reliable, you can check if there have been any recalls, the product has been assessed for possible hazards, the materials used are safe and the risks are minimised.” Car safety seats: Experts say you should try to avoid buying or borrowing a used car seat. It is important that you are aware of the seat’s entire history. She suggests asking questions around accident damage, checking the number for any recalls and whether the seat comes with the original manual. “If you are considering a used car seat, look for the label that includes model name, number and manufacturing expiration dates. In South Africa it should have the standard specification SABS 1340 and bear the certification mark,” she adds. “Car seats expire, typically between 6 to 8 years so ensure you understand when the item was bought and check manufacturing details on the label.” Playpens and portable cots: Find out if it was made after 2013, the latest safety updates were issued in 2012. “If you purchase a second-hand one, consider purchasing a new mattress to ensure safety and make sure the mesh has no tears and holes are smaller than 0.5cm. Strollers and prams: If you’re buying second-hand check when the stroller or pram was made, if it was after 2015, they are ok to reuse. “Safety standards have changed since then to address stability, impact and shoulder strap safety,” Jacoby says. “Look for broken or missing parts, check that it is sturdy, and you should ensure it has an instruction manual.” Highchairs: Safety standards require a highchair to have a five-point harness to prevent climbing out and a fixed crotch post so the baby can’t slide out and avoid highchairs with removable trays or arms that lift over the baby’s head. Jacoby cautions that if a second-hand highchair does not have these in place, you should consider purchasing new. Are used cots safe? The short answer she says, is no. “It’s advised that you do not buy a used crib. New rules for how cribs are made were instituted in 2011 and essentially this means that most cots sold before that date are obsolete and technically unsafe. “Research suggests that drop-side cots have been found to be particularly dangerous so much so that in the United States they are no longer allowed to be sold,” she explains. “Rather buy a new crib that meets new safety standards and if you can’t afford one rather purchase a portable one which is more cost-effective.” Toys and other furniture: There’s nothing wrong with buying any additional furniture like rocking chairs or changing tables for your nursery second-hand. My advice Jacoby says is to check that the items don’t have any peeling paint, chips or missing parts. “When buying second-hand toys or accepting hand-me-downs, be sure to check if any items have been recalled due to defects or safety concerns,” she adds. “It’s important that you clean and sterilise all second-hand items before handing them to your child.” “All parents want the best for their children, if you’re ever unsure about an item it is worth discussing it with an expert who will guide you,” Jacoby says. “Our team of baby experts at Babies R Us are enthusiastic, knowledgeable and willing to assist you on your parenting journey.” “We are constantly finding ways to make infant products more affordable without compromising on quality or safety standards,” she adds. “It’s always a good idea to keep an eye out for seasonal or sale specials which also assists in making these items a little lighter on the pocket.” For more information visit:

Parenting Hub

Are you struggling with a teething baby?

It’s 3 ‘o clock in the morning and your baby just won’t settle down.  She’s been crying non-stop for the last couple of hours and after checking that’s she’s dry, fed and not in any way uncomfortable, you still can’t figure out what’s wrong with her.  Surely it can’t be that she’s teething?  She’s still so tiny! But yes, it’s possible – teething can begin as early as three months and continue until a child’s third birthday. Between the ages of four and seven months, you’ll notice your baby’s first tooth pushing through the gum line. The first teeth to appear usually are the two bottom front teeth, also known as the central incisors. Four to eight weeks later the four front upper teeth (central and lateral incisors), appear and about a month later, the lower lateral incisors (the two teeth flanking the bottom front teeth) will appear. In some rare cases, babies are born with one or two teeth or have a tooth emerge within the first few weeks of life. Unless these teeth interfere with feeding or are loose enough (as they sometimes are) to pose a choking risk, this should not be cause for concern. As your baby begins teething, she might drool more and you’ll notice that she wants to chew on things. Fortunately for mom, some babies find teething completely painless and their teeth seem to suddenly appear out of nowhere! However, others may experience brief periods of irritability, and some may seem cranky for weeks, with bouts of “unexplained” crying and disrupted sleeping and eating patterns. And you guessed it – that’s when you find yourself at 3 o’clock in the morning trying to calm a crying baby! For the most part, teething can be uncomfortable, but if your baby seems very irritable, talk to your doctor. Although tender and swollen gums could cause your baby’s temperature to be a little higher than normal, teething doesn’t usually cause high fever or diarrhoea. If your baby does develop a fever during the teething phase, it’s probably due to something else and you should contact your doctor. It has been said that teething symptoms are signs of physical stress which can lower your baby’s resistance to infectious agents that under normal circumstances would not produce illness. The same germs that live in a baby’s intestines and cause no ill effects, at other times could produce ear-aches, congestion, or other low-grade infections when your baby is teething. As parents look more towards natural healing, we have found Baltic Amber, which is a fossilised resin, can provide relief.  There are many gum soothing medications and remedies on the market and you should consult your pharmacist, local clinic or paediatrician to find a solution that best suits your baby’s needs. Stages of teething : 6 to 7 months – Incisors (situated 2 central bottom  & 2 central top teeth) 7 to 9 months- Two more incisors (situated top & bottom; making four top & four bottom teeth in all) 10 to 14 months – First molars (double teeth for chewing) 15 to 18 months – Canines (pointed teeth or fangs) 2 to 3 years – Second molars (second set of double teeth at the back)

Parenting Hub

Why tummy time is so important for your baby

As a new parent, you have more than likely been told by your doctor that baby needs to always be on his/her back when being put down to sleep or take a nap.  However, it is just as important that baby does spend time on his/her tummy during the day whilst awake and during periods of time where mom or dad can supervise. Babies now spend much of their days on their back on relatively hard surfaces – at night, in a crib or bassinet, or in a bed; during the day, in a pack and play, car-seat and stroller. All of this time on their backs can lead to a flattening of the back of the head. It also leads to weaker neck muscles, as the baby never has a chance to exercise their neck lying on their back. Because of this, baby experts and health professionals now call for a prescribed amount of tummy time for baby each day, allowing baby to strengthen their neck and take the pressure off the back of their head for a while. Since your baby will be spending so much time laying on his/her back, tummy time will help to strengthen their little neck muscles which will ultimately assist in achieving other physical milestones. So what is tummy time, we hear you ask? “Tummy time is when your infant lays on his (or) her stomach while supervised,” says Wendy Wallace, DO, a paediatrician at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Care Network. Tummy time includes a variety of activities, positions, and routines to keep your infant spending a significant amount of time on his/her tummy. Whether or not they enjoy it, and it seems most don’t at first, your baby needs this time to practice lifting their head, then pushing up from the ground. Experts say that they have found that babies who don’t spend time on their tummy’s can experience certain development difficulties with their motor skills. Facing down is an unfamiliar position for baby and so it’s natural for baby to feel uncomfortable and perhaps even abandoned.  And this is where ‘Baby Wearing” is proving to be more beneficial for baby.  “Baby wearing” doubles as tummy time, and if you’re wearing baby for an hour, or a number of hours, each day, they receive much more exercise for their little neck and back than they would have during the prescribed amount of tummy time.   The added benefit is that because baby is being kept of his/her back, there is less chance of developing a flat head. When a baby is in a sling, especially once they are in an upright position, which is possible from birth and ideal from four or six months and up, their core muscles are constantly engaged as their parent moves and goes about their day. Though baby’s body is well-supported, safe and secure in the carrier, small shifts in their parent’s body position cause them to shift as well, in turn strengthening their muscles. They also lift their heads to see or to turn their head, which strengthens their neck in the same way tummy time would.

Good Night Baby


I have been assisting families with implementing sleep plans for many years and as it so happens that I am assisting the same families again with their second or third children. Often, the question comes up: “Why does the same plan of my first child not work with the other children? There is truth when I say: “Every child is different!”

Parenting Hub

What to expect from your skin during pregnancy

It’s no secret that a woman’s body goes through a lot of changes during pregnancy. These changes also affect the skin. The hormonal changes a woman goes through during the various stages of pregnancy may disrupt the skin’s delicate balance, resulting in anything from dehydration, to breakouts and hyperpigmentation. Your pre-pregnancy skincare routine will likely not suffice for the new challenges brought on by pregnancy, plus, if you use products containing active ingredients, you may need to reconsider your regime as the ingredients may not be safe for baby. For most women, pregnancy brings on a radiant glow, especially during the first trimester. This is due to an increase in blood flow, fluctuating hormone levels and increased oil production. However, this glow sadly doesn’t always last, and as a woman’s pregnancy journey evolves, she may begin to experience less desirable skincare changes. Some of the most common skin concerns women experience during pregnancy are: Acne Acne is extremely common among pregnant women, especially among those who have a history of acne or those who experience hormonal acne linked to their menstrual cycle. The change in hormones and increased oil production that is responsible for that pregnancy glow may lead to clogged pores and an increase in breakouts. This may range from occasional breakouts, to severe acne. Hyperpigmentation Have you ever heard of the “pregnancy mask”? Also known as melasma, it refers to a condition in which women develop dark marks on their skin during pregnancy. For some women it may be small freckle-like spots, and for others it may be larger, blotchy patches. Melasma is often symmetrical and occurs most commonly on the nose and cheeks (thus where the term “mask of pregnancy” comes from) but may also appear on the upper lip and forehead. Anyone can develop melasma, but it is particularly common among women with darker skins. Melasma occurs when a steep rise in the hormones oestrogen and progesterone stimulates excess melanin production in the body. It usually develops during the second and third trimesters when these hormones are found in higher levels in the body. Melasma may be intensified by sun exposure and one of the most important things you can do to avoid this is to protect your skin against the sun’s rays by applying a broad spectrum SPF product every day. The good news is that melasma is usually temporary and will fade after pregnancy. Skin sensitivity Skin sensitivity is extremely common during pregnancy, largely due to increased hormone levels. Some women may also experience flare-ups of conditions like eczema or dermatitis. It’s important to avoid skincare ingredients that are harsh or drying, and to opt for soothing products free from fragrances and colourants. Dryness and dehydration Hormone changes may cause skin to lose elasticity and moisture, which is why dry skin is a common concern during pregnancy. Replenish moisture by drinking plenty of water and by applying moisturising products containing hydrating and moisturising ingredients like hyaluronic acid. Ingredients to avoid: Some ingredients used in certain skincare products may be harmful to your baby, so it’s important to reconsider your skincare regime as soon as you find out you’re pregnant (or if you’re trying to conceive). Avoid products with high caffeine content, retinol (vitamin A) and salicylic acid, especially during the first trimester. It’s important to avoid any prescription skincare products during pregnancy as these may be harmful to your baby. Professional treatments like Botulinum Toxin injections, filler, laser and  certain chemical peels are also not recommended during pregnancy, however, there are plenty of pregnancy-safe facials available. Speak to your doctor or healthcare professional if you’re uncertain as to which products are safe. Ingredients you may use: Hyaluronic acid is considered the best ingredient for dry and dehydrated skins and it is safe to apply during pregnancy. Natural ingredients like tea tree oil, aloe vera, coconut oil etc are also safe. UVB ray blockers like zinc and titanium are safe and are a must to help prevent darkening of hyperpigmentation. Pregnancy-safe skincare Biomedical Emporium’s trusted Maternology range is a scientifically formulated skincare range suitable from pre-conception to Mom-to-be. This range is simplistic, easy and safe to use. The ingredients are rich in vitamins and minerals and covers a wide array of gentle and effective ingredients to treat your skin optimally when trying to conceive as well as during pregnancy. The Maternology range will assist to control skin concerns associated with pregnancy such as pigmentation, acne and severe sensitivity. Try this trusted 3-step daily skincare regime and enjoy healthy skin throughout your pregnancy: Biomedical Emporium Maternology Cleanse (R274.00) Offering deep cleansing and mild exfoliation, this cleanser gently unclogs pores while soothing and calming skin. Biomedical Emporium Maternology Skin Stabilising Serum (R1060) This skin-calming serum helps smoothe fine lines and wrinkles while preventing and diminishing hormonal pigmentation. Biomedical Emporium Maternology Nutri-Hydro Day SPF30 (R1233.00) This is a sunscreen moisturiser suitable for moms-to-be, that prevents photo-ageing, controls the skin’s oil production and reduces redness caused by UV radiation. Biomedical Emporium Maternology Nutri-Hydro Night Therapy (R1200.00) This night cream provides cellular hydration to help combat dryness, rebalances the biodiversity of the skin and restores to skin barrier. Whether you’re loving your pregnancy skin or facing skincare challenges, it’s important to stick to all the skincare basics you knew before you were expecting: maintain a suitable skincare regime twice a day, never go to bed with makeup on, change your pillowcase regularly, disinfect your cellphone regularly, drink lots of water, eat fresh and unprocessed foods, try not to touch your face and remember to apply SPF every day. If in doubt about your skincare, or if you’re struggling to combat any of the concerns you’re faced with, make an appointment with your healthcare practitioner. About Dr Judey Pretorius Dr Judey Pretorius is a highly accomplished Biomedical Scientist and product development specialist with substantial experience in the disciplines of acute, chronic and post-surgical wound healing, regenerative medicine and cell therapy. She holds a Master’s degree in Genetics and Molecular Biology followed

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

What is HELLP?

Pregnancy and the arrival of a new baby is a time of great excitement and joy for expectant parents.  However, occasionally there can be complications, which is why pregnant moms should have regular health checks and be aware of any unusual symptoms that may develop. Over the past few years, there has been discussion around a condition known as HELLP Syndrome. It’s a life-threatening complication in pregnancy that can be difficult to diagnose. We reached out to Dr Morgan Mkhatshwa, Head of Operations at Bonitas Medical Fund and his clinical team, to get some answers and advice about HELLP. What is HELLP Syndrome? HELLP (Haemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, Low Platelet count) Syndrome usually develops before the 37th week of pregnancy but can occur shortly after delivery.  It’s a serious complication that affects the blood and liver. H = Haemolysis is the breakdown of red blood cells that carry oxygen from lungs to the rest of the body. EL= Elevated liver enzymes.  High levels of these chemicals in the blood can be a sign of liver problems. LP = Low platelet count.  Platelets are little fragments of blood cells that help with blood clotting.  A low platelet count can lead to serious bleeding. What causes HELLP? ‘We don’t know what causes HELLP syndrome,’ says Dr Mkhatshwa, ‘however, you are at risk if you have pre-eclampsia or eclampsia.’  About 1 to 2 in 10 pregnant women (10 to 20 percent) with pre-eclampsia or eclampsia develop HELLP.  Pre-eclampsia is caused by high blood pressure. It usually starts after the 20th week of pregnancy or giving birth. Eclampsia is when pre-eclampsia is uncontrolled and causes seizures. Many women are diagnosed with pre-eclampsia before they have HELLP which is a more severe form of pre-eclampsia. What are the symptoms / signs of HELLP?  You may feel tired, have pain in the upper right part of the belly, bad headaches and nausea or vomiting. You may also experience swelling, especially of the face and hands and blurry vision. Some women develop HELLP suddenly, without having any signs or symptoms.  If you have any signs of HELLP Syndrome, call your medical practitioner, emergency services or go to a hospital emergency room for medical care right away. How is HELLP diagnosed? To find out if you have HELLP Syndrome, your healthcare provider will do a physical exam to check  for: Belly pain or soreness, especially in the upper right side An enlarged liver High blood pressure Swelling in your legs Other tests could include: Blood tests to check your liver enzyme levels, lactate dehydrogenase and full blood and platelet count with a peripheral smear Urinalysis to check for protein in the urine A CT scan to see if there’s bleeding in your liver Non-stress test or ultrasound to check your baby’s health. A non-stress test checks your baby’s heart rate, in the womb, to see how the heart rate changes when your baby moves. This test is to make sure your baby’s getting enough oxygen. Ultrasound uses sound waves and a computer screen to show a picture of your baby inside the womb Is HELLP painful? Symptoms of HELLP include serious pain just below the ribs, or the upper right side of the chest area (where the liver is), shoulder pain or pain when breathing. How is HELLP treated? You may be given medication to control your blood pressure and prevent seizures or you may require a blood transfusion to treat anaemia and low platelet levels.  Early birth may be necessary because HELLP complications can get worse and harm both you and your baby – either through an induced labour or by C-Section depending on the health assessment results of the baby.  How does it impact the baby? Infants born to mothers with HELLP Syndrome may have a variety of birth injuries: Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) or severe respiratory distress. Are there long term effects of HELLP? A history of HELLP Syndrome means you are at increased risk for recurrent pre-eclampsia and HELLP Syndrome as well as increased long-term morbidities, particularly depression and chronic hypertension. Can HELLP develop after childbirth? Yes, up to 30% of all patients who develop HELLP Syndrome do so after giving birth, typically within 48 hours.  Can I have another baby after HELLP syndrome? If you had HELLP in a previous pregnancy, regardless of the time of onset, you have a greater risk for developing it in future pregnancies. ‘The condition is serious but rare’, stresses Dr Mkhatshwa. ‘Throughout your pregnancy it’s important to understand the changes your body is going through and to discuss any unusual pain or symptoms with your medical practitioner. This will ensure you receive the right help especially if you develop a complication and make the pregnancy and birth the joyous event it should be!’ 

Vital Baby

Dads make a Difference When It is Time to Feed Baby

Sometimes when Mom cannot be there, Dad’s need to step in and make a difference when it comes to caring, feeding, and soothing your newly born baby or young infant. Breast feeding your baby does not need to be scary, just organised, and we have a dad DIY baby plan for you and your tiny tyke to support you each step of the way.  Aron, dad to nine-month-old twins Ihla and Summer says: “Have confidence and get involved with your children from day one. There is a tendency to sit back as a new dad and rely on other people. But I think the quicker you get involved, the quicker you build confidence and bond with your baby.” Dad Ways to be Helpful: Dads, you can step in and offer support to your partner by soothing, bathing, changing, dressing, cuddling, and burping your baby. You can also keep your partner company during breastfeeding time and make sure that she has plenty to eat and drink. Once your partner and baby have the hang of breastfeeding, help by feeding your baby expressed milk from a natural baby feeding bottle. Expertly designed to mimic mum’s breast, Vital Baby’s Nurture range gift set has teat flexes like mum’s nipple, providing easy latch on for your baby. With advanced triple anti-colic valves to reduce air intake, the silicone is soft and smooth against baby’s delicate face and its wide neck bottle is easy to clean and fill again with stored breastmilk. Give your partner rest and sleep breaks and take the time to discover ways to bond with your baby. Pick your child up and talk to them when they are awake and alert.  At bedtime or naptime, you can rock your baby gently until they drift off to sleep. When sleeping, you can sit quietly and hold baby in your arms. If you are a dad bringing up a child on your own, don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends and family. You may find that other single parents are a reliable source of support.  Starting Solids Once your infant is ready to start solids, which is usually around the 6-month mark, you can bring your food pairing inspirations to nourish baby and support Mom in saving time.   Steaming cooking vegetable and fruits and blending homemade meals is made quick and easy for you with the NOURISH prep & wean™ Steam Cooker. With three modes – sterilise, steam cook and blend – it is perfect for batch cooking and feeding later. With five blending modes, it allows you to tailor the consistency of food to your child’s stage of weaning from smooth purees to chunkier textures. Its 2-tier steaming system allows you to cook multiple foods with different cooking times all at once making it suitable for use with fruit, vegetables, meat, and fish. Be sure to include the NOURISH Store and Wean Pots 120ml 4-pack set to store and freeze and take with you when you need to feed baby when out and about.  After each feed, make sure all bottles, nipples and other utensils are clean and sterilized and ready for the next feed. Steps for steam sterilizing baby utensils: Wash all utensils thoroughly with soap and water before sterilizing them. The energy efficient HYGIENE Advanced pro UV sterilizer and dryer from Vital Baby safely destroys 99.99% of bacteria, viruses, and mould in just 7 minutes using UV LED’s super-fast sterile and dry action in just 29 minutes. It is versatile to use too, from bottles, soothers and toys to cosmetic brushes, mobile phones, and keys. Using no water, chemicals or heat, its HEPA filter effortlessly removes dust, pollen other airborne pollutants.  It is important to sterilise baby’s feeding equipment as it helps to protect your child’s developing immune system from potentially harmful bugs and bacteria. You can leave the sterilised contents inside the steriliser for 24 hours, but make sure the lid is kept closed for the duration. Ensure you re-assemble items with clean hands or sterilised tongs if you can and always on a clean surface too. Children are stimulated by bright colours, and they grow up fast. Soon enough they will want to mimic Dad at the dining table or when at a sports event or picnic outing. Toddlers can now enjoy their own version of adult cutlery with Vital Baby’s big kid cutlery.  Hydration is just as essential as hungry tummies for the growth and development of your child, and you will want to ensure they stay always hydrated when at home or on the go for family car trips and day outings.   Pack a favourite Sippy cup so they can hydrate themselves, and include NOURISH™ snack on the go™ travel snack bowls for treats such as fruit pieces or biscuits if they can manage finger foods on their own, or store porridge or formula in the travel milk formula dispenser designed so that the revolving lid can click accurately into position above each compartment, and the wide, easy pour spout makes it simple to dispense contents into the bottle, avoiding spillages.  Dads! By feeding and helping your partners with your new-born infant you can make the transition to parenthood a joyful and rewarding experience for everyone. Consider these early chores as an opportunity to create lasting memories and connections with your little one that will last a lifetime. At the same time, by nurturing your baby’s growth and development you will be developing your own confidence and skills as a parent. Not only that, but you are also helping to set a positive example for your children and your community by showing that parenting is a shared responsibility and a source of joy, and that dads can be just as involved and loving as mums.  At Vital Baby, we believe in real moms and dads parenting as best they can. Join other parents for articles & snippets from the vital baby® family


Five Ways to Encourage your Child’s Social Skills

Most parents agree that they want their children to reach their full potential – whatever that may be. They won’t enjoy and celebrate a child any less if it turns out that his fullest potential doesn’t involve straight A’s and being hugely successful in the sports arena. In fact, most of us will be more than pleased to see our little ones grow up to be truly happy and successful in their own unique way. As long as they live their best life – everything else is a bonus. However, ask any adult about their happiness level and whether they think they are living meaningful lives and you will soon realise that “living your best life” is not as easy as it sounds. It’s so difficult, in fact, that any practical advice to parents about things that can be done during the early years to increase a child’s chances to be happy and content as an adult one day is extremely valuable. In this post we’ll be looking at what research teaches us about cultivating social skills in our children.  It is, after all, impossible for a person to be happy and successful without being able to get along with people. Here are five things that parents can do to help lay a solid foundation with regards to social skills. 1. Talk about thoughts and emotions. Studies show that children, whose parents often talk about what they and their children are thinking and feeling, are more popular, more comfortable in social situations and better able to cope with anger and disappointment. [1] 2. Deliberately work on having a sunny outlook on life.  Children with the most developed preschool social skills are the ones who experience more positive emotions at home. It’s not necessary or even realistic to be constantly happy, but practice a “can-do” attitude towards setbacks and frustrations. Researchers say children suffer when parents – and particularly mothers – tend to give in to anger or despair when things don’t go according to plan. The more often children see their mothers display negative emotions, the less likely they are to view their mothers as people who can comfort them and give them advice. [2] 3. Create special opportunities for “pretend play” and join in the action every now and then.  One of the most important ways in which children develop friendships during the pre-school years is by playing pretend games together. Researchers have found that children who pretend together are less likely than other children to quarrel or have communication problems. They also develop self-control and the ability to “put themselves in somebody else’s shoes”. [3] Parents who play along from time to time are doing their children a huge favour. Children are found to play for longer and at a higher level when parents encourage them. But, remember to keep the experience upbeat and don’t take over; allow your little one to take the lead. 4. Use words wisely when you discipline your child.  Peggy O’Mara said, “The way we speak to our children becomes their inner voice”. What’s more, research shows that children, whose parents take the time to explain rules and discuss consequences of bad behaviour, are popular amongst their peers and they have more self-control and less conflict with peers. [4] 5. Be sensitive to your child’s emotions. One study, done by Suzanne Denham in 1997, asked children to say what they think their parents would do when they experience strong emotions in various situations, for instance when they wake up from a bad dream. The very same children who reported that their parents would comfort them and not ignore their emotions or get angry were the ones who were pointed out by teachers to be more socially skilled when they are with their friends. These children were also better able to relate to other children’s feelings and they were generally more cooperative. [5] What much of the research boils down to is that positive parental involvement is very important to their children’s social development. What’s more, discussing thoughts and emotions, whether positive or negative, helps our children to understand their own thinking and feelings, and therefore other people’s, so much better. This article is written by: The Practica Programme is a comprehensive research- and play-based home programme.  This unique system has stood the test of time since 1993, and it comprises of a wooden box with specialized apparatus, parents’ guides, an advisory service and educational newsletters.  From birth to 23 months of age, parents choose from a balanced selection of more than 1000 activities to develop the 14 fundamental skills age-appropriately. For children between 2 and 7 years, the 50 school readiness skills are divided into 6 groups and tackled systematically, year by year, with 10- to 20-minute games that can be adapted to a child’s level of functioning.  References: Tompkins, V., Benigno, J.P., Lee, B.K., Wright, B.M. (2018). The relation between parents’ mental state talk and children’s social understanding: A meta-analysis. Social Development, 27(2), 223-246. Valiente, C., Fabes, R. A., Eisenberg, N., & Spinrad, T. L. (2004). The relations of parental expressivity and support to children’s coping with daily stress. Journal of Family Psychology : JFP : journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43), 18(1), 97–106.  Goldstein, T. R., & Lerner, M. D. (2018). Dramatic pretend play games uniquely improve emotional control in young children. Developmental science, 21(4). Moreno-Ruiz, D., Estévez, E., Jiménez, T. I., & Murgui, S. (2018). Parenting Style and Reactive and Proactive Adolescent Violence: Evidence from Spain. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(12), 2634.  Denham, S. (2010). “When I have a bad dream, Mommy holds me.” Preschoolers’ conceptions of emotions, parental socialisation, and emotional competence. International Journal of Behavioral Development, Feb. 301-319. 

Parenting Hub

Six Tips to Help Your Newborn Sleep Like a Baby

The first few weeks and months with your baby are a wonderfully weird mix of love-filled days and sleepless nights. Just remember, your baby’s new here (to the world) so it might take them a little while to figure out the whole sleeping-through-the-night thing. In the meantime, here are tips and tricks to try, along with some slumber essentials to help turn your baby into a Sleep Superstar. 1. It’s never too early for a bedtime routine. Maybe the first night at home is a little early (you’ll just be happy to see your own bed). But establishing your baby’s bedtime routine during their first month will help set up everyone for a better night’s sleep – maybe even two in a row. You see, routines are how your baby starts to figure out the difference between day and night (and which one is for longer snoozes). While your newborn is trying to figure out their schedule, you can help remind them it’s time to settle down with some simple sleep associations: Gently rock them to sleep Close the curtains in the room where they sleep If you talk, use a soft voice Turn on a soother that plays white noise or peaceful music Try working some of these calming tricks into your baby’s bedtime routine, which usually takes around 15-30 minutes. But if your little one starts fussing, you might want to speed things up to help them get to sleep quicker (and happier). Just remember, consistency is key. A predictable pattern that gives your baby a heads up that it’s time to wind down is BEST: B(ath), E(at), (S)tory Time, (T)ime for Bed 2. Jump on those sleep cues. Wouldn’t it be great if your baby could just say, “Hey, I’m sleepy!”? Well, they kind of do. Yawning is the most recognizable way, but not all babies yawn when they’re sleepy. Though most babies have their own unique sleep cues, here are some common ones to look for: Eyes turning red, Irritated skin around eyebrows, Red, blotchy cheeks, Breaking eye contact and staring off into space, Tense body, Fussier or Hard crying. An infant 0-3 months old has up to 15 minutes from the time they start showing sleepy signs to missing their sleep window. That’s the sensitive time right before they fall asleep. So, when you get the cue from your baby, start the soothing ASAP. This goes for naps too! When you see your baby’s sleep cues during the day it’s time to ready, set, nap. The Fisher-Price® Calming Clouds™ Mobile & Soother helps your baby settle down for sleep with overhead motion and calming music, sounds and lights. With a convenient sound sensor, the mobile automatically restarts the calming action when baby makes noise. This stylish crib mobile also converts to a tabletop sound machine with nightlight as your baby grows to help keep their bedtime routine consistent. 3. Don’t get up yet. Hearing your baby fuss or grunt during the night doesn’t always mean they’re ready for another feeding. Try to wait and see if they can self-soothe and settle back down on their own. (We know it’s not easy). A bassinet or soother, like the Fisher-Price SOOTHE & SNUGGLE OTTER, is a unique plush soother that helps comfort your baby just like you do. Its soft belly moves up and down in a rhythmic motion that mimics breathing to help soothe your baby naturally, along with up to 30 minutes of calming music, sound effects, and soft lights. 4. The art of self-soothing The more chances your baby gets to practice self-soothing, the quicker they’ll learn to fall asleep—and stay asleep—day or night. Naptimes count, too. Here are five self-soothing signs to look for: Clasping their hands Bringing hands & fingers to their mouth to suck on. When held facing you, your baby will snuggle their face into your chest, neck or armpit for comfort and settling. Beginning to roll onto their side or tummy The self-soothing cry: when your baby makes mild, fussing sounds for several minutes (this sounds different than a hard cry). 5. Teaching your baby to sleep longer If your little one is waking up every 30 minutes to 2 hours and needs to be rocked, fed or held to go back to sleep, now might be a great time to work on lengthening their sleep schedule. These episodes of waking up and needing attention are your baby’s way of letting you see their sleep associations and dependency on you. If they need to be fed or held to sleep, try these tips to help settle your little one into a pattern of self-soothing: Feed your baby 20-30 minutes before bedtime instead of right before they go down When baby gets sleepy (but not all the way asleep), place your baby in their sleep spot and pat and shush to help them settle in If baby begins to fuss, pick them up, rock them back to a drowsy state, and try again to pat and shush them to sleep in their sleep spot Repeat this cycle 3-5 times for around 20-25 minutes Try this cycle again the following night so you can start to introduce a consistent, gentle way to get your little one to sleep through the night. 6. What about sleep regression? It’s not as serious as it sounds, promise! Right around 6, 9 and 12 weeks, your baby will go through three big developmental phases. Good news: Your baby’s more alert as they focus on your face when you talk or laugh. Not-so-good news: These new developments will make it difficult for your little one to sleep. Even if they were getting into their sleep groove before, expect more waking and more feeding, too. (Reaching milestones builds an appetite!) That’s Sleep Regression. Take heart, it doesn’t last. Research shows that during this time, babies will be at their fussiest and may even need more help to settle, soothe and sleep. So, what can you do?


Three Reasons to Start Manners Early

Many parents wonder why they should teach their children ‘respectful’ behaviour before the age of 7-8, which is when they really only start to understand the concept of ‘respect’. For example, why force a two-year-old, who is at a very difficult stage socially, to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ when they don’t understand the words? Is that not being unreasonable? Surely, children who grow up in an environment where other people are being considerate to them will eventually choose to turn into considerate human beings – when they are good and ready to do so? It’s a case of which came first, the chicken or the egg? In other words, does a child have to understand respect in order to behave respectfully? Well, in our research we have found three important reasons to strive to teach our children to be as well-mannered as is reasonably possible from early on. Firstly, acting respectfully leads to being respectful; secondly, good manners help pave the way to a higher EQ; and thirdly, manners teach self-control which leads to success. 1. Acting respectfully leads to being respectful Parents who put manners on the back burner until their child is old enough to develop his own convictions about the matter, usually find themselves in a rather precarious situation.  The reality of the situation is that it becomes difficult for the parents and others in their child’s life to act as if their child is a blessing and a joy to be around if he’s running around like a self-centered mini-dictator … no matter how understanding they try to be. On the other hand, approving smiles, appreciative looks, and positive comments from parents and other people can have an almost miraculously positive impact on a child’s developing self-concept. It therefore makes sense to teach a child to be pleasant and courteous to people, even if he doesn’t really yet understand the concept underlying this behaviour. Then, by the time a child is old enough to truly understand what respect means, he will be used to thinking of himself as a ‘nice boy’. Then, acting in a way that is contrary to this will be unthinkable to him. 2. Good manners help pave the way to a higher EQ Just like a child can be born with an amazing aptitude of music or sport, which may never be realised due to lack of opportunities, a child can also be born with the potential to develop a high emotional intelligence (EQ) and never reach this potential due to lack of guidance. One of the most important components of EQ is a person’s ability to effectively ‘read’ what other people are feeling and respond accordingly. Since having good manners is in essence about being sensitive to the needs and feelings of other people, teaching manners is a wonderfully practical way to help your child develop his emotional intelligence. 3. Manners teach self-control which leads to success Dr Walter Mischel, a psychologist specialising in personality theory and social psychology, led a study between 1968 and 1974 at Stanford University that involved more than 600 children, who were on average 4½ years old.  Each child was filmed as he or she was left alone in a room with a one-way-mirror for 15 minutes … with a marshmallow on a plate in front of them. Before leaving the room ‘to run an errand’, the doctor explained that the child was allowed to eat it, but if they could wait for him to return, they would be rewarded with a second marshmallow. Only one-third of the children were able to wait for his return and the reward of an extra marshmallow.  Those who demonstrated the greatest capacity to wait ended up, in subsequent years, with better outcomes. Follow-up studies revealed that these children scored higher in achievement tests and were more likely to finish college. They also dealt with stress better, were more popular with their peers and less likely to develop substance abuse problems. In light of this, it is critically important for a child to develop the ability to delay gratification and control his impulses during the early years. Instead of leaving it up to our children to figure out for themselves how they should behave, parents should be present to direct and influence their child’s behaviour from early on. Self-discipline doesn’t spring up overnight, so we need to start early.  Our expectations will naturally change as our children grow older, but the basics stay the same: consistently say ‘no’ to your child when he does something undesirable or oversteps boundaries, encourage him to try again when he is frustrated by a challenging task and remind him to mind his manners in various situations. This article is written by: The Practica Programme is a comprehensive research- and play-based home programme.  This unique system has stood the test of time since 1993, and it comprises of a wooden box with specialized apparatus, parents’ guides, an advisory service and educational newsletters.  From birth to 23 months of age, parents choose from a balanced selection of more than 1000 activities to develop the 14 fundamental skills age-appropriately. For children between 2 and 7 years, the 50 school readiness skills are divided into 6 groups and tackled systematically, year by year, with 10- to 20-minute games that can be adapted to a child’s level of functioning. 

Meg Faure

Peaceful nights – When Sleep Patterns change

Just as you get it all right and think you are on the track to having a baby who sleeps through the night, you get one disturbed night of sleep and it sets you back big time! The question is: are there typical times that you should expect nighttime hiccups? 4-6 months old – From birth your baby will slowly and steadily begin to sleep for longer and longer stretches at night and you will have the satisfaction of the occasional longer period of sleep. But just as your baby pieces it together and is almost ‘sleeping through’, he will start to wake more frequently again. This happens as your little one begins to require extra nutrition at night, the milk feeds that used to sustain him are no longer doing so and you have three choices: Breastfeed on cue and meet his demands at night to stimulate your milk supply. In this way your little one will go back to sleep and wake again in 4 hours for another feed. This is a good idea if Your baby is less than 17 weeks You or your baby have confirmed allergies (in which case you should delay introducing a formula or solids) Offer a top up bottle at bedtime or if he wakes shortly after going down Introduce solids – absolutely fine to do any time between 4 and 6 months 8 months old – At around 8 months old, your baby will start waking due to separation reasons or plain ol’ habits. At this age your baby is working hard to establish object permanence – the awareness that you exist when he can’t see you. To decrease the effect of this milestone on sleep: Encourage a sleep soother such as a ‘doodoo blanky’ (Taglet) or dummy that can be used independently. Play separation games during the day – ‘peek a boo’ or hide and seek. Listen to your baby at night before going to him and see if he resettles on his own. If he cries, go to him, give him love and help him settle on his own with a doodoo blanky. Do not be tempted to feed him at night before 2am as this can lead to habits developing. Toddler years – Toddlers are notorious poor sleepers. Your toddler will wander at night and come through to your room. In fact more toddlers co-sleep than newborns, according to recent research! Toddlers call for their parents at night due to night fears and boundary issues. To address this, leave a night light on and encourage your toddler to use a comfort object instead of coming to you. If your toddler repeatedly wanders into your bed at night you have three choices: Repeatedly walk him back to his bed – while this will be exhausting initially, your toddler will eventually learn that night wanders brings no joy. Let him climb into your bed and share a bed with him Find the sense-able middle ground – have a mattress under your bed that he can pull out and sleep on at night – this means your bed remains your own but your toddler has access to you at night.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Dealing with anxiety during pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a very happy and exciting time of your life, however, it can also be a time that is very difficult for some expecting moms. This is often made more difficult by the fact that many family and friends expect you to be thrilled, and conflicting emotions are often surrounded by guilt. Your mental health is important, and you shouldn’t expect yourself to snap out of it, or soldier on alone. What is anxiety during pregnancy?  It’s natural for an expecting mom to have worries, this is a new and ever-changing part of your life. However, if your anxiety is ever-present, can’t be controlled easily and impact on your daily life it may be time to seek help. Worrying is part of being human, and if you have struggled to conceive or have lost a baby before, it’s very understandable that you may worry about your baby’s health. You may also worry about whether you’ll be a good parent or how your family dynamic will change, and these are all normal worries. But if you find your heart racing, your breathing shallow, obsessively worrying with racing thoughts, feeling restless or struggling to eat or sleep you may have anxiety. Anxiety in pregnancy is fairly normal, and you’re more likely to experience it if you’ve had anxiety in the past, have a high-risk pregnancy or are dealing with huge life stresses. What can I do about it? If you think you may have anxiety during your pregnancy, know that you are not alone or abnormal, as many expecting moms have experienced this. If you’re struggling, the best way forward is not put up with it, but to seek help. Speaking to a psychologist is a good way to start dealing with why you are suffering from anxiety and how you can deal with it. Medication during pregnancy can be tricky but are an option if they’ll benefit you and your babies well being. Staying active, eating healthy and trying to get enough sleep are also ways in which you can help yourself. Talking to others that have gone through pregnancy, or making sure that you rely on your family and partner for support are also ways in which you cope with your feelings and feel less isolated.

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