Leading Educational Advice from Wingu Academy
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How can parents encourage entrepreneurship at home?

It has become increasingly important for children to hone their entrepreneurship skills, not just in the classroom, but especially at home.  It’s important for parents to encourage their children to succeed and by applying the following guidelines by Sue Scheff, author and parent advocate, it’s easier than you think! Kids earn an allowance for chores, not for existing: Instil a good work ethic in your children by requiring that they earn their allowance. Emptying the dishwasher, mowing the lawn, and washing the family dog are all ways that kids can learn how to earn money. Take it a step further by encouraging them to do similar tasks for neighbours as a way to earn additional money. Create a bank account for your child:  Lay the foundation for earning money by giving it a place to go. When your child earns money, have fun helping your kids do the math and figure out how much they’ve put away in the bank for all their hard work. Share opportunities for extra earning: Teach your children that going above and beyond leads to increased earning. Give them the opportunity to do more difficult chores that go above what they’re normally expected to do. Encourage good personal finance skills: Kids begging for items at the store might be annoying, but it’s a teachable moment. When your child asks for something that’s out of budget or not really necessary, make it a goal to earn enough money to buy it. Encourage your child to come up with ideas on how to buy it themselves. Encourage them to follow their ideas: Whether your kids want to start a blog or sell vegetables from your garden, give them your time and encouragement. Let them learn by doing, and find opportunities for lessons along the way. Ask them to consider how they’ll fund their start-up, where to get supplies, how much to charge, how to find their customers, and of course, what to do with the money they earn. You should of course set some limitations for time, legality, and safety, but be open to let your kids explore their own ideas. Allow them to fail, and turn failures into learning moments. Teach good teamwork: Rarely do entrepreneurs succeed completely independently. Even if they’re in business alone, they’re networking, getting others interested, and meeting with people that can help get their business off the ground. Learning how to work with others is essential for success, so be sure to encourage group work in school, in your home, and beyond. Encourage team sports: Team sports are a great way to teach kids to work with others, and they’re also great for learning business lessons. Chances are, they won’t win every game, but the setbacks and hard work that are a part of playing sports can teach kids how to work toward success. Be available: Every great entrepreneur needs a mentor, and for your kids, you are that person. Although you should encourage your child to operate independently, always be there to answer questions or offer helpful suggestions. If you don’t know how to solve a problem, learn how to do it together. Teach your kids to be self-starters: Doing what they’re told is easy for most kids. Asking them to complete certain chores is simple and straightforward. But if you want them to start thinking creatively, encourage their initiative. Ask them to come up with ideas for chores that need to be done, or encourage them to plan a meal and cook for the family once a week. Encourage adventure and observational skills: Some of the best entrepreneurs found success simply by filling a need that no one else even knew existed. The world is full of business opportunities, if only we could notice them. Parents can help their children learn to recognize these types of opportunities by developing observation and creativity. Walk around your neighbourhood with your kids and consider which needs are not being met. Do you have neighbours that need lawn care? Businesses that need a website? Teach kids to recognize and anticipate the needs of others. Teach problem-solving: Entrepreneurship can be a bumpy road full of obstacles and challenges to overcome, even for the best-laid plans. Show your children that problems are just solutions that have not been solved yet. Give them small challenges to overcome, and nudge them in the right direction to find a solution. Play business games: Many games exist to teach kids the basics of business. Make learning about entrepreneurship fun by engaging your children in these games. Read the full article here: http://www.suescheffblog.com/15-ways-parents-can-promote-entrepreneurship/

Wingu Academy

The devastating effects of cyberbullying in South Africa

The devastating effects of Cyberbullying in South Africa and how Wingu Academy protects and supports Wingu students. Did you know that South Africa has the fourth highest rate of cyberbullying worldwide according to a global survey by YouGov? The survey found that one out of every five teens fall prey to cyberbullying and 84% of classmates know of someone who have been victimized. Sadly, with the rise of the digital age becoming a necessary part in our lives, it’s no surprise that this form of bullying has become one of the biggest concerns for both parents and students who suffer and have to deal with the devastating, often life-long effects. But what exactly is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is any form of bullying that takes place online including on platforms like WhatsApp, Snapchat, TikTok, Instagram and gaming chat rooms. Young people today are increasingly exposed to many different tools and apps. Thus, it is very easy to produce videos, memes, manipulated photos, or even simple text messages with degrading comments and name calling. Trolling and cyberstalking of online profiles is also rapidly on the rise. According to the South African College of Applied Psychology victims feel isolated, ashamed, hopeless and depressed wondering if the situation will ever change.  They are desperately looking for a way out which often leads to thoughts and attempts of suicide. This form of abuse influences a child’s identity, self-worth and often leads to long term effects like the inability to form meaningful and sustainable relationships. Not to mention trust issues and even mental health issues. Parents often don’t know because the victims don’t tell them. They feel ashamed and don’t want their parents to get involved as it would worsen the abuse. What are the main signs parents should look out for if they suspect that their child is a victim of cyberbullying? If a child’s mood or behavior suddenly changes drastically, from being socially interactive to being depressed, anxious and isolated. If they start hiding their devices and/or no longer allow you access to their social media accounts. If their academic performance drastically decreases. If they avoid any form of social interaction. What can parents do to help and support their children? According to Dr Serahani Symington, Child and Adolescent Counsellor and Play Therapy Specialist, the following approach is recommended. It’s critically important to have an open relationship where your child feels safe to express their feelings, concerns and problems. Don’t overreact and stay calm during the discussion. Don’t tell your child to simply ignore the situation as it’s very real to them. They have the need for the abuse to be acknowledged. Ask your child what their immediate need is.  Is it to provide comfort or a solution? Co-create a solution with your child to make them feel safe, secure and empowered to handle the situation. Don’t retaliate. Rather address the issue with the school and not with the bully or his/her parents. Never invite the bully into your home, your child’s safe space, to resolve the issue. Monitor and spot check your child’s devices with the narrative that it’s for their own protection and not because you don’t trust them. Look at the ratings, age-restrictions and if possible, experience the games and apps your child interacts with for yourself to look for possible pitfalls and warning signs that could put your child in danger. How does Wingu Academy protect and support parents and students against cyberbullying? “At Wingu Academy we have a zero-tolerance policy against any form of bullying. Our Wellness Hub offers counselling and support to students and parents. By following a holistic approach of creating a culture of inclusivity and high moral values we teach our students to respect their fellow students,” says Managing Director Ian Strydom. Wingu Academy’s Cyberbullying Policy also offers guidelines to students to protect them. Some of the recommendations include: Do not answer abusive messages but save them and report them to the Student Mentor. Do not delete anything until it has been shown to your parents/carers or a member of staff at Wingu Academy (even if it is upsetting, the material is important evidence which may need to be used later as proof of cyberbullying). Do not give out personal details or contact information without the permission of a parent/guardian (personal data). Be careful who you allow to become a friend online and think about what information you want them to see. Protect your password. Do not share it with anyone else and change it regularly. Always log off from the computer when you have finished or if you leave the computer for any reason. Always put the privacy filters on to the sites you use. Never reply to abusive messages. Never reply to someone you do not know. Always stay in public areas in chat rooms. Article by Melanie Foxcroft from MF Consulting. Mobile: +27 82 650 3414 Email: melanie@mfconsulting.co.za Web: www.mfconsulting.co.za

Wingu Academy

Benefits and disadvantages of homeschooling

More and more families are starting to realize the numerous benefits associated with homeschooling. Homeschooling is no longer a stigmatized, isolated learning experience. Through the power of the internet and the rise of online curriculum service providers, homeschooling has evolved into a bespoke educational offering that merges the best elements of a traditional brick-and-mortar school system with the advantages that independent distance-based learning can allow. However, despite the great benefits of homeschooling, there are also certain disadvantages to this approach.  Let’s explore some of these pros and cons of a homeschooling approach. Disadvantages A possible disadvantage experienced by a homeschooling parent, is that the parent might become frustrated by having to take on the role of a teacher. Deciphering not only the coursework, but the curriculum outcomes as well, can create a lot of anxiety for parents. Parents might struggle to know whether they are “doing the right thing” or not. Especially in cases where students are older, parents might be intimidated by the difficulty of some of the coursework, as they are not subject experts themselves, but are now expected to teach their children mathematics or physics that they have done 20 odd years ago – or sometimes not at all! In cases like the aforementioned, parents often start to invest in expensive private tutors, which can lead to a high financial burden. However, by making use of an online curriculum service provider, these disadvantages can largely be mitigated. Through a reputable online curriculum service provider, students can have access to subject expert tutors, which eliminate the need for parents to act as teachers themselves. With this in mind, let’s focus on the benefits of homeschooling, and in particular the benefits of online schooling. Benefits 1.  Academic flexibility The traditional education system allows for very little flexibility in learning, when in reality, education is not a one-size fits all solution.  Some students are very strong auditory and visual learners. Other students might learn best through repetition. Some might prefer learning through practical application. Homeschooling affords an individual the opportunity to learn in a way that suits him/her best, especially if combined with a blended learning teaching strategy – which incorporates live classes and non-live learning elements, such as interactive lessons, quizzes and games, as well as practical project based learning. For students who are professional athletes, or who have globetrotting parents, the flexibility of a homeschooling system is particularly beneficial. Furthermore, in a traditional schooling context, with high student-to-teacher radios, a lot of time is often spent waiting for assistance. Students are often expected to partake in extracurricular school subjects which do not interest them. The flexibility of homeschooling allow students more time to focus on things that truly interest them. Students can progress according to their own ability and interest. 2.  Fosters independent learning skills Students who are homeschooled and allowed the freedom to learn in a way that suits him/her best, naturally also acquire the ability to learn more independently. In other words, these students don’t need someone to guide them through all elements of the learning material step-by-step. They are more confident in assimilating academic resources for themselves – a skill which they have honed during their years of homeschooling! This sense of autonomy is an invaluable ‘soft-skill’ that will aid students for years to come, whether at university or at work. Furthermore, students who homeschool with the help of an online curriculum service provider learn how to be adept at using technology, often from a young age. These students learn how to use cloud computing tools to collaborate remotely – an essential future of work skill, which is becoming even more important in an increasingly globalized and interconnected world. 3.  Mental health Students who struggle with anxiety, social anxiety or depression, or who were victims of bullying in a traditional school context, can study from the comfort and safety of their own homes. Students have the opportunity to focus on their mental and emotional wellbeing. In small amounts, stress can be good, but the incredible pressure that is placed on students to perform academically – or that they often place on themselves – can become debilitating. There is less pressure on students to conform or fit a traditionally expected mold, which is beneficial to a student’s self-esteem. Students with special needs or learning disabilities might feel especially marginalized in a traditional school setting, and their confidence can suffer. In a homeschooling environment, parents are better equipped to introduce certain interventional strategies to address learning challenges. 4.  Social development A fear that many parents who are considering homeschooling have, is the fear of social isolation. Parents fear that their children will not develop social skills or have no friends. However, due to the flexibility of homeschooling, students often have more time to engage in social extracurricular activities or community initiatives – such as joining a sports club, or volunteering at a local shelter – where they can still make friends and interact with peers. For students who make use of an online curriculum service provider, the shift from parent-led to facilitator-led education means there is an even greater opportunity to interact socially. In an online school environment – which essentially emulates some elements of a traditional school environment, such as live classes – students continually interact with classmates and tutors. 5.  Higher quality education In traditional classes with high student to teacher ratios, students do not get individualized attention. In a homeschooling context, students can receive more individualized attention, either from a parent or tutor. When making use of a reputable online curriculum service provider, students can have access to a highly qualified subject expert at the click of a button. Furthermore, some parents might want their children to be taught using a different curriculum than the one offered by traditional government schools. In reality though, many parents simply might not be able to afford the cost of a private school that offers such an alternative curriculum. For these parents, homeschooling provides a way to

Wingu Academy

What is the Future of Work going to be for your kids? 

Work as we know it is changing. Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT) automation, and robotics will overhaul work at the same level as mechanisation did in prior generations of agriculture and manufacturing. With this change, some jobs will be lost, many others created, but almost all will change. What does this mean for your kids? We are living in a technology driven world. Things we thought were exciting elements  of Sci-Fi movies a decade ago are being incorporated into our daily lives today. Artificial Intelligence as a service (for example, customer enquiries handled by an algorithm), cars that drive themselves (Tesla’s complete autonomous car is to be released this year and Google’s sister company Waymo has just completed a trial of autonomous taxis in California transporting over  6200 people) and machines that read X-Rays are just the tip of the iceberg. Even though most of us can’t wait for the day that all taxis in SA are driven by safety aware machines, the impact is still profound – what about all those jobs?  Never before in history, has the choice of your child’s education been more important. McKinsey and Company estimates that over 50 million new technology jobs, 130 million new health care jobs and 20 million new jobs from energy investment will be created by 2030. Startlingly, between 400 and 800 million individuals could be displaced by automation and need to find a new job by 2030 globally. Will there be enough work in the future?  History would suggest that we need not fear, 8 – 9% of 2030 labour demand will be in new types of employment.  There are a few key examples from history which we can rely on to give us some key insight into labour demand of the future. After ATMs were introduced in the USA, the number of bank tellers actually rose as banks started competing on service rather than manual cash dispensing. Even though the number of teller per branch decreased, banks could now afford to open more branches to the convenience of customers, leading to a greater overall demand of bank tellers. The personal computer market destroyed 3.5 million jobs, but also created over 15.8 million new jobs since 1850 (now more than 10% of all jobs). Beyond this, the world is seeing growth in the labour market for numerous reasons, but mostly for the growing middle class globally (particularly in Africa and other emerging economies) due to increases in spending on consumer goods, health care and education.      Most of the workplace transitions will require adopting new ways in which you conduct your work (think of how the COVID pandemic saw your work life transform), and there are numerous sectors that will see great growth in the labour market. About 50% of activities in all jobs today can be fully automated by existing technology and by 2030, 15 – 30% will be automated. Occupations that need less than high school (eg. logging equipment operators, taxi drivers) and the jobs that need a high school qualification (ex. stock clerks, travel agents, firefighters and industrial work) and jobs that require some post school training (such as nursing assistants, web developers, electricians and legal secretaries for example) show the greatest potential of being automatable with more than 50% of the work activities to be displaced by 2030. Occupations that are typical of Bachelors and graduate degrees (such as lawyers, doctors, teachers, statisticians, chief executives) have about 22% automatable tasks.    The real question is, are your kids getting prepared for this rapid change?  It is important to pay attention to the following changes, since these will be central to the evolution from today’s world of work into the Future of Work.  Activities such as predictable physical work, data collection and data processing will see the big losses in demand. Machines do these type of things better than us.  Applying expertise, interacting with stakeholders, managing and developing people will see great demand increases. Machines can’t do this.  A distinct shift in capabilities and skills will be needed. Social and emotional skills are the future key metrics in the workplace.  Advanced cognitive abilities such as logical reasoning and creativity will be a requirement for almost every job.  Key competence in technology is a no brainer. There will be very few places in the world that will see jobs created for workers that are not equipped with advanced technology skills. Many have expressed concern that in today’s world a degree is not enough. However, trends in advanced economies suggest that there will be a drop in jobs available to those without tertiary level qualifications. Advanced degrees (Masters and Doctorates) will become increasingly important, not for the niche fields in which they place the graduates, but for the key skills development in critical thinking, problem solving and creativity. These degrees will equip students with the necessary cognitive skills to outperform machines, but the gap between what degrees teach and what the job market needs has never before been any larger than it is today. There exists a disconnect between what education providers believe they are delivering (over 72% believe new graduates are ready for work) whereas 39% of employers say that a skills shortage is the cause for entry-level vacancies not being filled.   So, what is the answer? Let children be children, but at the same time expose them to the wonderful changes that are occurring in our world. On an individual level, learners and students must be prepared for lifelong learning. Students must be prepared for a rapidly evolving future of work, and acquiring skills that are in demand and re-examining the notions of traditional careers (where and how they work, and what talents and capabilities they bring to the table) is key. The key attributes of a successful future worker include: Key skills in digital technology. Every job that exists today will transform into an occupation that needs digital skills. Knowledge of programming and other key digital technology skills will not be reserved

Wingu Academy

The fourth industrial revolution is here – are your kids ready?

The fourth industrial revolution (4IR) is more than just a catchy buzzword. To understand this term, it is necessary to look at the origins and outcomes of the preceding industrial revolutions, as these set the foundation for the advent of the fourth industrial revolution. The first industrial revolution (1760-1840) was brought about by the invention of the steam engine. Why a “revolution”? Because this technology rapidly changed the way society organized itself – from an agrarian, artisanal society, to a more mechanized one. For example, dresses were no longer handmade by a local seamstress, but produced in a textile factory by machines. Average income and population growth soared. Rapid urbanization took place. The second industrial revolution (1870-1914) expanded on the technologies introduced during the first industrial revolution. Railroad and telegraph lines expanded, ushering in a wave of globalization. The invention of electricity and the telephone also emerged during the time. This industrial revolution finally brought the concept of standardization and the assembly line to the fore, as pioneered by the Ford motor company in 1913. The economic outcome of this was tangible. Economic life organized itself around the mass production of consumer goods. Mega-corporations emerged, which could control segments of the market. There is even an economic theory centred on this outcome – aptly called Fordism. Finally, the third industrial revolution was bought about by the invention of the semiconductor. This led to a slew of innovative technologies, most of which are well known to us by now, such as mainframe computing, personal computing and the internet. This still begs the question however, what is the fourth industrial revolution and what will its outcomes be? And most importantly, how can you ensure your child’s readiness to face these rapid changes? Similar to preceding industrial revolutions, the fourth industrial revolution is being brought about by new technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, nanotechnology, cloud computing, quantum computing, machine learning, additive manufacturing, genetic modification and bioscience technologies, which are shaping the way we organize our societies. Just as artisanal dressmakers had to adapt to a changing society during the 1760s, so too will our children have to adapt to the changes arising from the current industrial revolution. The fourth industrial revolution will eliminate some jobs, but also create new ones in their stead. Children currently in grade R might someday fulfil a role that doesn’t even exist on paper yet. Other jobs will not necessarily be eliminated, but it will require people to adapt and to learn how to leverage these new technologies in their existing roles. One sector of society that has been relatively slow to adapt to changes being bought about by the fourth industrial revolution, is the education sector. The traditional education system is currently based on training factory workers, who had to focus on repetitive tasks for long hours. It is therefore not designed to foster critical and creative thinking, but rather to encourage compliance and regurgitation of facts. In an increasingly automated world, jobs which require repetition and regurgitation are rapidly being eliminated by machines and software. So which skills will be relevant in the coming fourth industrial revolution? And how can we ensure that our children will graduate from school with the necessary skills to thrive in this environment? According to a report by the World Economic Forum, titled “The Future of Jobs”, the skills that will be most in demand during the fourth industrial revolution are: Complex problem solving Critical thinking Creativity Managing people Coordinating with others Emotional intelligence Judgement and decision making Service orientation Negotiation Cognitive flexibility The industries tied to the defining 4IR technologies (robotics, artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, nanotechnology, cloud computing, quantum computing, machine learning, additive manufacturing, genetic modification) will birth new areas of work. For example, traditional methods of manufacturing will increasingly be replaced with additive manufacturing technologies (3D printing), as the technology improves. Think 3D printing is just for hobbyists? Think again. Professor Mashudu Tshifularo from the University of Pretoria conducted a pioneering surgery in 2019, transplanting 3D printed middle-ear bones in a patient. In another example, NASA’s “Made in Space” 3D printer is being used by members of the International Space Station to print tools, reducing the number of objects that have to be stored onboard. It is also creating opportunities for recycling and re-use of materials – which in turn creates new opportunities to launch longer manned space missions to planets such as Mars. In conclusion, teaching our students the basis of these defining 4IR skills from a young age is vital. Ensure that your child’s educational provider incorporates elements such as coding, robotics, 3D printing and software development into their offering. Furthermore, jobs which require creative and critical thinking, as well as empathy and emotion – innate human qualities – are less likely to be replaced by an automated system. Learning should be about more than just what your child learns, but about how they learn it. Are they just repeating the solution presented to them by someone else, or being encouraged to discover a new solution of their own? Are they encouraged to solve problems creatively and taught to think analytically and independently? Fostering these skills in students will ensure that they are resilient and able to adapt to changing career and societal circumstances with ease. At Wingu Academy we pride ourselves on doing education differently. Students are introduced to subjects such as coding, robotics, 3D printing, CAD, app development and game development from an early age. Teaching pedagogies are based on a blended learning approach, which blends synchronous and asynchronous learning to allow and encourage independent study. Students are engaged with their work through interactive quizzes and simulations, as well as live class presentations by subject experts. The implementation of the application focused British International Curriculum further ensures that students develop critical thinking and problem solving skills. Visit our website at www.wingu-academy.com to learn more, or email us at info@wingu-academy.com. Sources: https://medium.com/@dr.chukwudinwobodo/fourth-industrial-revolution-4ir-its-impact-on-education-97fcac1af2d5 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2019/01/16/fourth-industrial-revolution-explained-davos-2019.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.iol.co.za/amp/news/opinion/4irs-impact-on-education-calls-for-a-rethink-on-current-learning-and-teaching-models-50624601 http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Future_of_Jobs.pdf

Wingu Academy

Motivating your primary or high school student – 5 tips to navigate the minefield

Concerned about your child’s lack of motivation when it comes to their schoolwork? Perhaps you’ve spent many a minute pondering how you can get your child to put as much effort into learning as they do into texting on their phones. You’re not alone. We’d venture a guess that there were even a few cavemothers back in the day who were probably just as concerned with their teen’s lack of motivation and seemingly rebellious attitude. Now here’s the thing that most articles like this one don’t tell you – there’s no silver bullet or magical motivation potion. Nothing you do or say will result in your child going to sleep a TikTok consuming zombie-bot one evening and waking up an industrious little Edison the next. You cannot force a child to be motivated – they have to realize the importance of learning themselves. However, there are some steps that you can take to help your child discover –or rediscover – his or her motivational mojo. 1: Instill discipline and accountability in your child There’s a very true quote – probably dreamt up by some self-help yogi on the internet, bless their wise soul – “You will never always be motivated, so you must learn to be disciplined”. Discipline is what sets people apart. A naturally athletic person might have raw talent, but if they don’t have the discipline to get up and train at the crack of dawn, all that raw talent won’t book them a spot at the Olympics. But, if your child follows the pattern of ‘panic, breakdown, cram, cry, cram-some-more’ every night before a big test, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are lazy or undisciplined. Perhaps he or she has trouble managing their time. This is where you can help. By creating a structured learning environment, developing a regular schedule and allowing sufficient time to prepare, you can help your child manage his or her time better. As with all seemingly mundane things in life – such as parking within the lines or making your coffee just the way you like it – time management is a skill learnt through trial and error, and by repeating it every day until you become an expert. Importantly, don’t over compensate for your child’s demotivated attitude by doing their work for them. This will only end up compounding the problem, because what you are actually telling them is that it’s okay not to hold up their end of a bargain, someone will always come to bail them out. Motivated kids are also accountable kids, who accept their responsibilities and plan accordingly. 2: Be kind to your child, and to yourself Your child’s lack of motivation is not necessarily a reflection on you as a parent. Positively reinforce development and when they make mistakes – when, not if – don’t lie awake obsessing about the future and how you are going to take care of your son when he’s 40 and still lives in your basement with just a mini fridge and video game console. Mistakes are par for the course; fall down ten times and get up eleven times – so cliché, but true. In a culture that is obsessed with perfection, we often do not teach our children that it’s okay to make mistakes. If Junior has been steadily putting in more work and improving his grades only to fail the next test, don’t act like it’s the end of the world, threaten to put a hit out on the teacher or tell your child that his brain is the size of a pea. Identify the root cause of the problem, and put strategies in place to prevent a similar scenario in the future. Your child will learn how to handle crisis and disappointment by witnessing your own response to it. Lead by example. 3: Focus on development, not performance Developing a motivated student takes time. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Don’t expect them to magically start burning the midnight oil and getting straight A’s just because they started attending a tutor session two weeks ago. Set realistic goals and positively reinforce improvements in behaviour or outcome, even if it’s small or slow. Perhaps more importantly, don’t force your own expectations on your child. Even if you secretly dream that your child will become an astronaut and be the first human to set foot on Mars, their strengths and academic interests might not align with that vision. And that’s okay. If they do well in another subject that you might regard as less important, praise them for that, because it might be important to them. 4: Encourage honest conversation Oftentimes students become demotivated because they feel overwhelmed or stuck, and oftentimes these factors can be remedied. But you won’t know how to help your child, unless they talk to you about the problem. You cannot force your child to share his or her feelings, and the more you push, the more likely you are to receive a serious of grunts and sighs as a reply. However, you can let them know that you are there to talk, when they feel ready. When they do open up to you, validate your child’s feelings, even if you don’t agree with them on something. So for example, if Junior says “Mom, I hate mathematics, It just doesn’t make sense!”, don’t say something like “Nonsense sweetie, you were fine with math last year.” Listen to your child. Really listen. Let them know that their opinion matters and don’t put them down. 5: Get outside help If your child is demotivated because he or she is struggling with a particular subject or subjects, consider getting outside help, such as a tutor. If this is not financially viable, maybe reach out to a university student in the family, or a subject-savvy aunt or uncle, or try to come to an agreement with a reputable tutoring company to let your child be instructed at a reduced rate. Make a plan. Do not stick

Advice from the experts
Parenting Hub

If hugs were a school shoe

Hush Puppies has introduced a school shoes range and it’s first-class comfort  Ask any podiatrist, physiotherapist or sports enthusiast: it’s worth investing in good shoes. In young children that are still developing, a good shoe offers quality support and protection, allowing them to focus on what’s important. What’s more, a good shoe investment means you’re less likely to have to head to the shops in the middle of the year because of broken or damaged shoes.  At Hush Puppies, they make it their mission to ensure first-class comfort from classroom to playground. Their quality school shoes are fitted with all of the essential features for a full day of class and play: Premium quality leather uppers A memory foam footbed for all-day comfort and support Highly durable outsoles Direct attach construction, which ensures that the sole and upper remain intact Their shoes contain no pigskin The range includes various styles – with or without laces, as well as trainers in both black and white. Prices range between R429 and R599. Go to their site to see the range and shop online. 

Parenting Hub


Matric results are in for the 2022 cohort, and a new phase of life is about to begin for the country’s latest school-leavers.  Some will step onto their chosen tertiary or vocational pathways, but for many, the way ahead is not yet clear. The gap year is popular way to take time out after Matric to travel, broaden one’s horizons and consider the future from fresh perspectives.  However, this may not be affordable for most families in these tough economic times.  If you’re not ready to start out on a long-term study path this year, and travel is out of the question, what can you do that is meaningful, and that can move you towards greater clarity about your future? Dr Lauren Martin, the Deputy Dean of Learning & Teaching at SACAP (the South African College of Applied Psychology) says, “What’s important is to take stock, consider your options, reflect on your goals, strengths and interests, and then take a positive step forward in 2023.  It’s important to focus on your individual situation, and avoid comparing yourself to others.  It’s not unusual, or any way shameful for school leavers to feel uncertain about their next steps.  In fact, very few school leavers feel absolutely sure about which study path to pursue.  Whether you are disappointed with your matric results or confused about the way ahead for you, there are some great options for building skills and gaining valuable experience that can set you on a favourable, flexible track.  What is important to remember is that your first year out of school is the very start of your study journey.  The aim is just to get out of the starting block.” Have you considered a Higher Certificate qualification? Short educational programs offered by tertiary institutions are becoming increasingly popular as a bridge between leaving school and choosing a study or career path.  The best of these are typically one-year programmes offering an accredited Higher Certificate qualification that can improve a student’s readiness for tertiary education, make up for a Matric without a bachelor’s pass and enhance critical skills for success not just on your next study path, but in your future work life as well. Dr Martin says, “The strength of a solid Higher Certificate program is that it gives you a valuable stepping-stone into the world of tertiary education.  You have time to more fully consider the direction you want to go in, and you gain insights and experiences about what is expected of you at the tertiary level.  Meanwhile you are actively building workplace skills that are valuable across a wide range of industries. Some higher certificate programs are vocational, and can even help you enter a field of work at a junior level. ” A Higher Certificate program may be for you:   If you passed matric without exemption You may have set your heart on studying for a certain degree but matric didn’t turn out how you hoped it would and you didn’t achieve a bachelor’s pass.  You can give it another go by signing up to rewrite up to two supplementary matric exams or go the matric upgrade route.  However, if the thought of a matric ‘do-over’ sinks your spirits, then rather consider an accredited Higher Certificate program.  “Graduating from any of SACAP’s Higher Certificate programs in 2023 can not only help you get back on track, but set you off with some important advantages,” says Dr Martin.  “You will not only meet the minimum entrance requirements for degree studies around the country, but you will lay the foundations for good academic literacy, setting you up for success in your further studies.” If you don’t feel sure you will be able to succeed at university Many school leavers might not feel confident about their ability to cope yet at a university level. “Engaging in a Higher Certificate program will give you this year to build confidence and empower you to continue your journey into higher education,” says Dr Martin. “Look for institutions that offer small classes with plenty of teacher and peer contact.  For instance, SACAP has classes of no more than 25 students which are ideal for finding your feet in the tertiary education environment and developing the confidence to engage and actively participate in your learning.” If your interests are broad and you are not yet ready to choose specific degree studies SACAP’s Higher Certificate programmes are gateway to further studies in Social Sciences and business fields. The SACAP Higher Certificates in Business Management and Human Resources Management include industry-oriented content and applications offering not only a bridge to further studies but also a vocational pathway into the South African business sector. In addition, the SACAP Higher Certificate in Counselling and Communication Skills is a great qualification for anyone who wants to develop their interpersonal skills and improve their abilities to interact and work with others. Dr Martin says, “There are key features of this qualification that offer invaluable knowledge and insight into human behaviour and a better understanding of human diversity which are currently sought-after capabilities across a wide range of workplaces.” She concludes, “SACAP’s concise, one-year Higher Certificate programs give students a taste for a field of study without a long-term commitment and provides them with a registered qualification and practical skills at the end. Along with our student-centred approach, it is also a voyage of self-discovery enabling greater awareness and understanding in relation to others as well as a deeper relationship with self.” Applications for SACAP’s Higher Certificate programs are now open. Please visit sacap.edu.za to register.

The Bridge Assisted Learning School


The Bridge Assisted Learning School in Lonehill, which opened in 2018 and rapidly became one of the top Neurodiversity-specialist schools, is expanding due to the high demand for its unprecedented support provided to students throughout their academic journey. In 2021 the school started phasing in its high school offering, and the first Grade 10 group was welcomed at the start of this year.  “We found that students in assisted learning schools had very limited options when it came to transferring to a suitable high school once they reached Grade 7,” says Dr Greg Pienaar, Principal of The Bridge Assisted Learning School. “Previously in Johannesburg, there were hardly any high schools that provided support to these students while creating a safe and Neurodiverse friendly environment. This has now been remedied by the expansion of our school, to enable students to remain in this supportive milieu for longer,” he says. Neurodiversity is not a condition that is meant to be ‘fixed’, ‘cured’ or rehabilitated. Neurodiverse students however are taught how to manage their condition, by way of high-quality support programmes.  “These neurodiverse conditions don’t simply go away at the end of Grade 7. That is why it was important for us to extend our offering into High School, providing these high school students with the opportunity to write the normal IEB matric exit exams while assisting them holistically along the way,” Dr. Pienaar says. He says parents often fear that the future prospects of their children will be limited when they stay in an assisted learning environment, but that that simply is not the case at The Bridge.  “At The Bridge, we offer our students the kickstart they need to get them through to Matric and set them on a path into tertiary studies at a university, college or other further studies. Alternatively, students can also move on after completing their IEB matric with us to pursue their own path.” The Bridge is in the process of expanding their physical infrastructure on campus with the addition of a new hall, therapist rooms and more classrooms to accommodate the tremendous growth their school has seen.  Their High School offering is distinct from that of other mainstream schools in that they have specialist teachers that are remedially trained but follow a mainstream curriculum. Class sizes are optimised for a high support assisted learning environment where students benefit from extra support. More than the academic support it also is an environment where students can flourish emotionally. “We tend to see students with high anxiety levels. Therefore, we have set out to create the ideal environment for our students that allows them to excel and not to settle for anything less than a normal Matric.  “We ensure that students have their eyes set on a successful future and assist them to determine a pathway to that future.” The Bridge Assisted Learning school extends an invitation to parents concerned about their child’s current environment and trajectory to meet with the school to map out the best pathway to matric and beyond based on their child’s individual needs.


10 benefits of online schooling

Did you know that more than 92 million students and learners worldwide receive tuition via a virtual classroom? Similar to attending a physical school and learning in person, there are advantages and disadvantages to learning online.  Staying focussed and being self-motivated can be challenging on its own; which is part of the reason why online schooling may not be for everyone. By understanding more about the advantages of online schooling, you can get a better idea of whether it might be suitable for your child and their educational and career goals. But let us first look at what is meant by online schooling:  Online schooling is where a student accesses their academic curriculum on an online platform via the internet. Online schools offer a similar curriculum to traditional schools, but teaching methods are adapted to online or computer-based media, incorporating both traditional and distance education methods, essentially bridging the gap between traditional schooling and homeschooling. What are the benefits of online schooling? Creates life-long learners Online schooling requires that students take responsibility for their own learning. Because they do not rely on teachers to learn everything they must know, online learning tends to create students who are life-long learners. Such learners often take this curiosity and ownership of their educational outcomes, and apply it to their career, ensuring that they stay relevant in their chosen field. Globally accessible One of the best things about online schooling is that your child has access to their school from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. Moving your family for work purposes will have no impact on your child’s schooling, and waiting for the school break to go on holiday is a thing of the past.  Saves money Online schooling can also allow you to save money. Transportation is becoming increasingly expensive, and online schooling eliminates the cost of petrol and vehicle maintenance, not to mention time spent on the road! With traditional schools, there is also the cost of school uniforms, sports uniforms, after-school supervision, fees related to mandatory activities and other sundry donations and sponsorships. 4Provides flexibility This is one of online schooling’s biggest draws. Because students can access the lectures when it suits them best and determine their own learning hours, they also have the time and opportunity to pursue their passions and interests. High-level sports achievers of school-going age, with the demands of practice and competitions, are often attracted to online schooling for this very reason.  Offers unlimited access to lectures Additionally, online classes offer unlimited access to class recordings and other course materials. This means that if something doesn’t make sense right away, students can come back later with fresh eyes to revisit the lectures and other supporting materials. Students Learn at Their Own Pace Experts say that kids should begin to sit, crawl, walk, and talk at a pace they are comfortable with because every child is different. The same principle applies to older children, yet students in traditional schools are often expected to learn lessons and complete their classwork at the same rate as their peers, regardless of whether they could go through the materials quicker or might need more time. Since online schools include a mixture of self-paced work with scheduled lessons, activities, and deadlines, online students can enjoy a more individualized education that fits their unique needs while still complying with the mandates of the individual school and state. Introverted students can join in discussions While introverts can still do well in traditional schools, they often find the quieter settings of an online school to be more conducive to learning. And since much of the classroom and teacher interaction takes place online, offering the opportunity for text-based interactions even during class time, quieter students are on an equal footing with their extroverted classmates and can more easily join in the discussion. Students have fewer distractions and obstacles to learning As class size continues to increase at traditional schools, so do the distractions for students. Teachers must take time to address behavioural issues, and students’ attention may be taken up with friends and social pressures rather than academics. Bullying can also affect a student’s ability to learn in traditional brick-and-mortar schools. Online learning allows students to concentrate on their studies during classes and then socialize with their friends outside of the learning environment. Online teachers can also focus all their attention on teaching and supporting their students rather than addressing disruptive behaviour. Students enjoy a comfortable learning environment Student comfort has only recently surfaced as an area of concern in education. For years, it has been the acceptable practice for students to sit on rigid chairs in a sterile school building during the day. Now, however, educators and architects like Prakash Nair and Randall Fielding are addressing the need for a more suitable learning environment. A considerable body of research about environmental design shows the positive effect comfort can have on learning, human productivity, and creativity,” according to an article by Nair and Fielding published in edutopia.org.    Parents are more involved in their children’s education The online school environment inherently requires greater parental involvement. Studies show that students do better in school when their parents are involved in their education. According to a report authored by Anne Henderson and Nancy Berla, “Major findings indicate that the family makes critical contributions to student achievement from the earliest childhood years through high school, and efforts to improve children’s outcomes are much more effective when the family is actively involved.” Brainline has been providing technology-driven education to Grade R – 12 learners for the past 35 years and our families are proud to share their experiences with us. ‘Brainline has given us the ability to ensure that our child is receiving the thorough academic education she deserves. The curriculum is extensive and absolutely user-friendly. I love Brainline and so does my daughter,’ says Tenille Pollard. ‘We moved to China and decided to use Brainline. I am currently doing Brainline homeschooling and attending an international foreign

Koa Academy


Every year, more and more South African children are enrolled in an online school, bringing changes to their family’s rhythms and routines.  It’s important for parents to set their child up for success, and here are 7 top tips from Koa Academy’s Principal and Co-founder, Mark Anderson: Quality tech – “It’s important to equip your child with the best tools possible.  While it might be tempting to opt for the entry-level laptops marketed for students, the reality is that your child needs a reliable workhorse when it comes to their computer.  Koa’s students learn across multiple best-in-class educational platforms, and they need to navigate seamlessly and speedily so that teaching and learning flows.  Good quality audio and camera are essential so that they can engage fully with their Pod teacher and peers.  Given that load-shedding is here to stay for the foreseeable future, parents should also invest in at least a basic backup power option that keeps them online during the most critical school hours.” Conducive learning environment – “Children need a quiet, designated space in the house where they can comfortably spend their school day, free from distractions.  Optimally, they should have their own desk and chair workstation, as well as tidy, storage space for their schoolbooks and materials. As far as possible, avoid using their bedroom with a closed door, or the dining room table.” Think critically about screentime – “Not all screentime is created equally. A well designed online educational programme which is age appropriate will be engaging and constructive for your child. But they still need healthy boundaries when it comes to other forms of screentime, such as social media and gaming. Parents should investigate ways of keeping healthy boundaries in place to manage screentime outside of their child’s online schooling.”   Keep track of your child’s progress – “Parents play a role in ensuring accountability when it comes to online schooling, just as they do in physical schooling. Koa’s Pod teachers keep daily track of your child’s targets and progress on a live Dashboard because it’s important for parents to also know what their child is busy with, what their priorities are and how they are advancing with the curriculum.  A good online school makes sure that this information is always available to you so that you can support their ongoing development. Make use of the increased access to this sort of information!” Connect with your child’s teachers and school leaders – “Just as you would get to know your child’s teachers in a traditional school, be open to forging constructive relationships with your child’s online teachers.  The lines of communication between parents and teachers should always be clear and open.” Integrate your school and family year planners – “Online schooling should offer families far more flexibility when it comes to determining school hours and days.  That said, there will still be important schoolwork deadlines and Koa has special dates for key assessments, parent-teacher meetings, as well as educational outings and socials that you won’t want your child to miss.” Organising your child’s participation in sports and culture – “Even if your child is attending a high-engagement online school such as Koa where they have daily interaction in their small pods, it’s important to involve your child in other activities that give them the opportunity to socialise and engage in person.  This gives you the opportunity to maximise the extra time and resources you get by attending an online school and meet other families with children who have similar interests while they broaden their horizons through sports and cultural experiences.” Discover Koa Academy here

Educ8 SA

Improving Lives Through Learning

How to Sign Up to our amazing Online Learning Platform. We are super proud to announce that the EdTech Awards 2022 have just been released – and yay! We are the BEST AGAIN! We are the most awarded EdTech Company on the planet, with 215+ awards in the last four years! A decade of evidence and research, buffered by over 215 education awards (10 times the closest competitor), establishes us as the premier Edtech solution available to schools and families. We specialize in SpecialEd and offer remedial support to our students with learning difficulties or disabilities. We have the awards to prove our success. Our program is also an excellent choice if you’d like to challenge your academically strong child, as they get to work ahead and complete more than one grade level per year. Please find attached our Informational Pack to assist you with any further questions you might have.  And…Don’t forget about our FREE 14-day Trial Period on our program. The Placement Test is included in the trial. All we need is for you to complete our online registration form: https://educ8-sa.com/sign-up Listed below are some of the great features we have to offer you: The following components are included in our package: Digital Literacy, Core Subjects, and Career Studies.   Our Fees:  Our Fees include all tutorials, assessments, and intervention packs. Individual Student Registration Fee:: Registration fee of R1000 per student or R1500 per Family Registration (Payable over 2/3 instalments) Grade K – Gr. 8: R400/student package/month (All resources, assessments, and tests included – no hidden costs) GED: R500/student package/month (Includes digital course, PDF Study Guide, 1 for each subject, lots of bonus material, Mock Exams) GED Exam FEE: $80/subject – 4 Subjects American High School Diploma (Gr. 9 – 12): R1600/student per month. (Includes all resources, assessments, and exams) Our program is offered in English. We offer a complete curriculum solution; students may log in 24/7/365.  Students start with a list of 5 Placement Tests; this will help us determine exactly where they need to start. With the results, we will also be able to identify if they have learning gaps and then set up a personalized learning plan for each student. Parent Support:  Parents can log in anytime to view their child’s progress from the parent portal. Our students work on their proficiency level and at their own pace. This feature makes our program ideal for special needs students and exceptional students who need a challenge.  Student Support:  Our Student Managers are on duty from 8 am to 4 pm and are always available to help should a student contact them via their messenger for assistance.  These are just some of the fantastic features our program has to offer! Assessments & Exams: We prefer the continuous assessment approach; therefore, our students in grades K – 8 do not write exams. For our high school students, exams will depend on the matric option they have chosen.  Registration Process: Complete our online form https://educ8-sa.com/sign-up. Your 14-day FREE trial period starts here! Login, then complete the Placement Test. Notify us once all Placement Tests have been completed. You will receive the results of the Placement Test by email. You will be requested to schedule a zoom meeting with us to discuss the Placement Test results. We set up your child’s personalized learning plan. Students may start with lessons. We invoice you should you wish to sign up! Subjects offered:  See the Informational Pack for each of the learning paths. Digital Literacy and Career Studies are part of the package.                All learning resources/tutorials/assessments/tests are completed online. Our fees include all tutorials, assessments, and intervention packs. Terms Dates & Holidays:  Centre Students will follow their own term dates. Virtual Students may decide when they take breaks.   Accreditation:  All our courses are accredited and accepted internationally and in SA. The GED is accredited by the US Council on Education, listed on the SAQA website, and accepted by our universities and Colleges. The American High School Diploma is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and accepted by our SA uni’s, also listed on the USAf website. Technical requirements:  Internet connection, device with a minimum of 1.6 1.60GHz processor. (laptop/pc/tablet/iPad), headphones or earphones. Registration with the Department of Education: Please be reminded that it is the responsibility of the parent to register their child/children as home schoolers with the DoE.  This only applies to students who are still of compulsory school-going age (7 – 15).  See the webpage of Pestalozzi Trust for more info on this:  https://pestalozzi.org/en/4-steps-to-start-homeschooling/ I hope this has been helpful. Please feel free to contact me should you need any further assistance. Feel free to use our WhatsApp number @ 084 685 2138 (Haelene) for a speedy response should you have any other questions. Contact the Educ8 SA Team today! info@educ8sa.net www.educ8sa.com 084 685 2138


5 tips on choosing the right online school

Ensuring that your child receives the best academic education is foremost on the minds of parents and families. It is, therefore, extremely important that once you decide to go the online school route, that you consider these factors when choosing a specific school: Experience: Look for an online school that has a well-known brand, years of experience when it comes to online learning platforms and curriculums as well as a proven track record for methods of online instruction and assessment.  Accreditation: Is the online school registered with an examining body, like the Independent Examinations Board, which is accredited by Umalusi to offer the National Senior Certificate (NSC)? Such accreditation ensures that the education your child receives complies with the requirements of both the school’s examining body and the Department of Education. Then you can trust that your child’s reports or NSC is valid and will be accepted at other schools and universities, both local and abroad. Online classes and resources: Does the online school offer online classes? Are these live or merely recorded? And are the presented by qualified teachers? These are important considerations, if you require online classes as part of your academic support. Besides this, see if the online school also provides other resources such as supporting learning material, a library, and a database or platform to access additional information. Learning Environment: A well-designed learning environment can make the difference between an enjoyable and frustrating online school. Top schools have online classrooms that are easy to use and navigate, even if you’re not a computer expert. Their classroom technologies allow you to interact with your classmates and teacher intuitively, and provide a personal feel to the online environment. Also, check to see if the technical requirements match what you have at home. Top online schools offer a learning environment that can be accessed with the most common hardware and software technologies. Programme Diversity: Online schools often have a variety of programmes and subjects. Choose a programme that best suits your needs in terms of flexibility and academic support. Also, ensure that the online school you choose has a diversity of subjects that will suit your child’s future endeavours and career choices. At Brainline, we have been providing quality driven education for Grade R – 12 for more than 35 years. Brainline CEO, Coleen Cronje, says they are proud to be the first online education provider recognised by the Independent Examinations Board.  ‘Brainline’s registration with the IEB assures you of quality assessment in accordance with national policy. This means that you can trust Brainline to provide you with valid qualifications, which are accepted at other schools and national and international universities.’ For more information and a full breakdown of Brainline’s products, click here: https://brainline.com/products/ 

Parenting Hub

Back to School Shoe Care with Toughees by Bata

School shoes are an essential part of the uniform kit – protecting your child’s feet while they run and play on the school grounds, and keeping them comfortable while they sit at their desks. With varying brands and costs on the market, parents purchase the best pair they can afford, and in order to reap maximum use of the school shoes, the onus lies on children, and parents, to take care of their shoes.  Michael Sithambaram, Manager of Schools Division at Bata South Africa, manufacturer of the country’s most loved school shoes, Bata Toughees, said caring for your school shoes is essential. Bata South Africa produces over 4 million of the country’s school shoes every year.  “We all eagerly look forward to back to school. Many parents will remember their very first back to school responsibility – polishing their school shoes at the start of the new week. With great attention to detail, this simple act not only taught children responsibility, but to protect the items they own against wear and tear. Parents have trusted Toughees for generations to craft a pair of good quality, comfortable and enduring shoes for their children, but thereafter it lies in their hands to properly care for shoes,” he said.    Here are the top points from Toughees to help teach and encourage children to take care of their shoes: Clean shoes with a soft cloth – wipe across the top of the shoe  Brush the underneath of the shoe daily to clear any grit or mud caught underneath Polish the shoe with a matching polish colour to take away scratches or marks Buff with a soft cloth for shine Do not store in a box, as the box can contain fungus and mould that could catch on the shoe.   If the shoe gets wet, stuff with a ball of paper to absorb any moisture and allow to air dry. Invest in shoes that have durable features such as genuine leather uppers, guarantees on fair wear and tear, have odour protection, and are less susceptible to discolouration and deterioration of fibre structure. “Back to school can be full of excitement for children, eager to see their friends, and run and play on the school grounds. This is how they learn. We know that parents invest in the best pair of shoes they can afford for their children, and with a few simple steps each week, both parents and children can lengthen the lifespan of a shoe and get maximum use of it without sacrificing on comfort,” said Sithambaram. Submitted your entry yet for the Toughees “It’s your time to shine” Back to School campaign? The competition is open to learners of all ages, as well as parents, to win one of ten R30 000 cash prizes that can help you to “shine”. To enter Think about how winning a share of R300 000 will help you “shine” and what you would do with your prize. Submit your short motivation to Toughees in one of three ways:  www.toughees.co.za/pages/itsyourtime, or Send a WhatsApp to +27 57 814 5994, or Scan this QR code (links to WhatsApp)

Parenting Hub

Every day should be story day!

You’re never too old, too wacky, too wild, to pick up a book and read to a child. – Dr Seuss Wednesday 1 February is World Read Aloud Day(WRAD)! Nal’ibali, the national reading-for-enjoyment campaign, has been providing a free, special story for children to celebrate World Read Aloud Day (WRAD) for over a decade. 2023 is no different. Once again, Nal’ibali is calling on all South Africans to join them in reading aloud to the children in their lives on WRAD.. For some it will be the first, important step to habitual reading while for others it will be a continuation of their reading journey. For WRAD 2023, Nal’ibali aims to reach their goal of reading aloud to 3 million children. Young children who are read to in languages they understand, perform better in school, develop better memories, stronger vocabularies and comprehension skills. This year’s story,  ‘Every day’s a story’ was written by Tumisang Shongwe (fondly known as Miss T), who is a children’s author and literacy advocate. The story is available in all eleven official languages on Nal’ibali’s website.  And copies will be distributed by the field team at community outreach events throughout the country. The story is available as a PDF – you can  download here


Bata Toughees puts up R300 000 cash prize in “It’s your time to shine” Back to School campaign

Back to School just got better! SA’s favourite and trusted school shoe since 1954, Bata Toughees, has launched one of its biggest Back to School campaigns – putting up a cash pool of R300 000 in the “It’s your time to shine” campaign. Understanding that learners have had to overcome several obstacles in their learning journey in recent years – from school closures and a disrupted schooling calendar, to learning to navigate online learning, not having the right technical equipment, or watching their parents and guardians bear the impact of reduced salaries or losing jobs – Bata South Africa, which owns the Toughees brand, said “It’s time to shine”. The back-to-school campaign urges learners, and parents, to enter the competition by stating how winning a share of R300 000 will help them “shine”. Bata Country Manager Michael Wyatt said: “Bata, as a global company, believes in supporting and uplifting children. Undeniably, the past few years have taken a toll not just on adults in the workforce, and the health and safety industries, but on our children as well. They’ve equally had to learn very quickly to adapt to being at home, being confined, learning online, or not learning at all due to having no computer or internet access, and witnessed their parents taking on stress and worrying about the impact of the pandemic on their livelihoods. But slowly, we are beginning to see things get better. We are optimistic and we are confident about the future. Bata Toughees wants to play a part in this good story and enter the New Year with excitement and hope. We want to give a boost to learners and parents that’ll help them reach their dreams, goals, or aspirations in an incredible way. We are saying that it’s your time to shine.” The competition is open to learners of all ages, as well as parents, to win one of ten R30 000 cash prizes. To stand a chance of winning, entrants need to describe how winning a share of R300 000 will help them shine. “It can be being able to buy a laptop, so that online learning is easier, or maybe parents would use it towards paying school fees to ease the financial burden, or it could be using the money to take up extra coding classes to equip your child with digital skills. We would like to know how this will help you in your aim to shine and be the best you can be,” said Wyatt. Michael Sithambaram, Manager of Schools Division at Bata South Africa, said back to school was their busiest period on the calendar. “We all eagerly look forward to back to school. Months of planning and forecasting lead to parents buying a pair of Toughees because they trust us to craft a pair of good quality, comfortable and enduring shoes for their children. It’s a small part to play in helping children reach their dreams. We look forward to hearing the aspirations of children as the next generation’s leaders,” he said. To enter Think about how winning a share of R300 000 will help you “shine” and what you would do with your prize. Submit your short motivation to Bata in one of three ways:  www.toughees.co.za/pages/itsyourtime, or Send a WhatsApp to +27 57 814 5994, or Scan this QR code (links to WhatsApp) Please note: The website link and QR code will only be active between the campaign period of 28 December 2022 to 15 February 2023. Ends.

Koa Academy

Strong future for online schooling in South Africa

As a fellow school principal, I feel that it is important to join the ongoing conversation about the state of online schooling in South Africa.  Recently, there’s been a series of investigative articles about one school in particular, but there has also been widespread coverage about a principals’ report which issued a stark, sweeping warning that home/online schooling sets children back in their educational milestones. In a country where education is highly prized, this is an important topic, and it deserves further exploration from multiple perspectives.  Globally, the landscape of education has significantly changed with the opening up of the limitless digital realm.  Online study has become a phenomenal force with many millions of people across the world engaged in school, tertiary, on-the-job and lifelong learning in a multitude of digital spaces.  Online education is undeniably a powerful tool for us moving towards the democratisation of education. It offers unparalleled access to a wider range of learning experiences and provides another option for South African educational leaders in our mandate to educate our young people effectively. So how should we evaluate the academic outcomes of several specific online schools this year which have been, to put it frankly, disastrous? What does this mean for online schooling as a whole? The immense growth of online learning was already in play long before the COVID-19 pandemic.  Extended lockdowns did play a role in accelerating the uptake of online schooling, and new online schools have emerged in South Africa to meet that demand.  Just like traditional schools, online schools are not all the same.  Core values, academic rigour, educational philosophy, the delivery of education and the provision of a healthy school environment varies across schools in general.   It is not credible to state that South African children attending online schools or those doing home schooling will academically fall behind their peers at traditional schools.  We all know well that there is no one standard of education quality across South Africa’s range of traditional schools, and the same is true for the country’s online schools.   There is no doubt that amongst online schools, there are those that do not have sustainable models and don’t take responsibility for delivering quality education.  There are those that have dragged  the traditional school model onto a digital platform and called that an online school.  There are also those who have prioritised business growth over educational philosophy and academic standards, and these online schools are now struggling.  But this is far from characteristic of all South African online schools.  In fact, this can be viewed as analogous to the  failings of some traditional schools when it comes to academic standards, school leadership, teacher to student ratios and the provision of safe environments conducive to learning. Just as South Africa does have fantastic examples of traditional schools delivering quality education, there too are online schools which are getting it right according to online pedagogy and best practice models.  At Koa Academy, we monitor and evaluate our students from when they start at Koa, and throughout their school year. We engage in benchmarking assessments as part of our accreditation with the IEB (Independent Examinations Board).    We have had students that started at Koa with learning deficits due to pandemic disruptions who have caught up and moved forward at their proper Grade-level. In fact, learners in the Senior Phase who have been at Koa for more than a year are achieving significantly higher Maths scores on average than learners who have only recently joined us from other schools. This year, Koa Academy has notched up a 97% progression rate, and we’ve seen a 13% increase in Maths marks over 2021. Accountability is the key. Our students are organised into 8-person Pods with their dedicated Pod Teacher.  There is daily contact time in small groups, enabling us to maintain rigorous standards. At Koa, everyone is seen and everyone is heard. I hear horror stories about learners at some online schools being in virtual classes of 40, 80 even 350 learners! Parents need to keep this front and centre when considering their online schooling options. At Koa, we believe that effective online engagement happens best in even smaller groups than in person. That’s why we capped our Pods at 8. While the students still have broader community moments such as school Assemblies and Clubs, they are consistently kept accountable in those small Pod sessions every single day. We knew from the start that our Pods of 8 would actually slow our growth rate, but we have made it a non-negotiable for Koa because of how highly we value accountability in education.    Not every child will thrive in a good online school, just like it’s not the case that every child thrives in a good traditional school.  The presence of online schools in South Africa gives parents more choice when it comes to finding the best educational solution for their unique child.  It’s important for parents to think about what kind of education they want for their children in our fast-changing world.  They need to understand the values, the educational philosophy and assessment strategy of the school, and make sure that the school they choose matches their family values and aspirations for their child’s education.  A school should be able to articulate to parents the reasons why their academic programme is robust. Over the coming years, we will see the continued growth in online learning in South Africa, and the world.  Current online schools with deficient models and without academic rigour and accountability will not survive, while strong and sustainable online schools will thrive.  The country’s educational landscape will change, offering families greater choice and evermore individualised learning options. We hope that this will also include significant shifts in educational legislation and effective regulation of the online schooling space.  Within this landscape,  it’s imperative for physical and online educational institutions to work side by side to increase access to quality education for young South Africans.

Parenting Hub

Travelling with young children

Travelling with young children in the car for extended periods is often very challenging and very distracting for the driver. Here are some tips for making the journey easy Toys Children love toys that can keep them busy. Cars, dolls, mirror stickers, a car mirror, or even a mini steering wheel Books All children love books, and various books could assist for short periods. Colouring in books or plain paper and crayons While most children love to draw and colour, some need some motivation. Asking children to draw what they see on their travels or asking them to draw a picture of someone they will see when they arrive is a great way to keep them busy. Snacks Nothing keeps children busy quite like snacks. But make sure the snacks are light and varied. Liquids Water or juice is essential to keep on hand while travelling. Play games Children, young and old, love playing games with their families. Ask children to keep an eye out for birds, trucks, or even blue cars. Then allocate points and praise the children for spotting. Playing Eye-Spy is an oldie but a goodie and will keep everyone entertained. Create some of your games and ask the children to create the rules; you will be surprised at how the rules will evolve during the games. Stop along the way Travelling can be a wonderful family experience, but remember to stop and enjoy the little things. This will break up the journey and give families a chance to spend quality time together. We wish you all safe travels during the 2022/2023 Festive Season; return to us happy and healthy.

The Bridge Assisted Learning School


Parents of young children often fear whether their child will “fit in”, cope in a sporting environment or achieve academically if they are non-neurotypical. These concerns are based on a societal perception that children should at least be ‘average’, even if they are not top of their class.  However, an educational psychologist says this is the wrong approach to take for parents of non-neurotypical children, because it will always be possible for them to belong and fit in somewhere, even if this does not occur perfectly within society’s norms of what ‘fitting in’ means. Dr Greg Pienaar, Educational Psychologist and Principal at The Bridge Assisted Learning School, in Lonehill Sandton, notes that ‘average’ is literally defined as dividing a total by the number of quantities. “By that definition alone, no child will be average. Every child has strengths and weaknesses. That is the Neurodiverse approach, which acknowledges variations in the brain regarding learning, attention, and moods in a non-pathological sense. In other words, as Judy Singer noted, these differences are not deficits, they are variations. That does not however mean that we can’t support our children – with the help of their school, their teachers and potentially their therapists – to achieve and empower themselves to the best of their ability, says Dr Pienaar. “Most educational scientists or educational psychologists will tell you that everybody needs support somewhere. Some people less than others, some people more. Some children require assistance with academic areas. Some children require assistance with developmental deficits or with their “building blocks”. This could mean Speech or Occupational Therapy, for instance. Most professionals would agree that the earlier certain developmental issues are addressed, the better the chances are that issues may be either sorted out, or much improved.”  Dr Pienaar notes that at an Assisted Learning School such as The Bridge in Lonehill, support is provided as a team of the teacher, the therapists involved, and always the parents or guardians.  “It is therefore important to work together. Even if your child is receiving professional support, parents or guardians of the child have an important role to play at home. Very often (most of the time) it is vital that many of the concepts learnt during therapy are reinforced in the home environment. Regardless of the interventions and support required, by identifying what kind of support is needed, and by working together as a team, all children can rise to their potential,” Dr Pienaar says. The team of Therapists at the Bridge compiled the following helpful tips for parents:  SPEECH 1. Bath Time Language Modelling: Bath time is a great opportunity to model language as the options of bath toys and sensory-integrated water play is endless.  Quantity concepts: Water cups and toys are great to teach concepts of ‘more’ ‘less’ ‘heavy’ ‘light’ ‘the most’ ‘the least.’ Your child can fill up water cups with water from the bath to the desired quantity you specify to them. Remember that the modelling on the quantity is important so that they understand the concept before they are expected to demonstrate it.  Oral Motor Exercises: Blowing the bubbles in the bubble bath or using toys to collect the bubbles and blow them is a great way to stimulate the oral motor muscles required for the various articulation movements.  2. Transition Games: Transition games are activities that can be done as your child transitions between places or routines.  I-Spy Games: While driving to school in the morning, play a game of I-Spy with your child and ask them to name items starting with specific sounds. This targets an underlying early literacy skills or initial sound identification. Memory Games: As you walk through the grocery store with your child, play a memory game with them where they are required to recall items you put into your trolley, adding in a new item each time, and asking them to recall the list.  3. Bedtime Routine Games: Bedtime is the best time of day to include reading stimulation and book awareness. Use the method of paired reading, ask questions about the book, make predictions, point, and label items and colours, and make it fun.  OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Foundational skills such as sensory processing, body awareness, eye movements, postural stability, and proximal stability (to name a few) form the building blocks of executive functioning skills such as performing gross/fine motor movements, writing, spatial reasoning, and so forth. These foundation skills can be supported and developed by: Providing deep pressure which improves body awareness and can assist with sensory regulation. Give lots of hugs Roll your child in their towel Let your child sleep with a heavy blanket Alternate seating improves postural and proximal stability. Let your child lie on his/her tummy while playing, watching TV, or working Let your child sit on a gym ball instead of a chair Work against a wall by sticking the work on the wall, instead of working on a table Activities of daily living can help in developing good planning and organisation skills, strength and stability, bilateral coordination, and other executive functioning skills. Wash a car with your child Allow your child to lay the table for meals Baking activities Allow your child to assist with wiping windows/mirrors Assist with putting clothes on the line “These are some of the few ways you can be involved in your child’s development, to allow for regular and consistent stimulation,” says Dr Pienaar. “While it is extremely important to facilitate your child’s development through structured tasks, children should also be encouraged as much as possible to play and to explore their environment. As our world becomes more technologically inclined, children are playing less and exploring less, which results in delayed development.  “If you identify areas of concern, it is important to approach a professional team as early as possible, to assist your child as soon as possible. Then, get involved in the professional support. By all role-players being involved in your child’s development, a supportive environment is created for your child to learn

Koa Academy

Thinking about enrolling your child in online school?

They are not all the same.  These are the must-ask questions for the school leader, which we put to Koa Academy’s Principal Mark Anderson: 1.            What is the child to teacher ratio? Mark: Koa has small Pods with a maximum of 8 children to one teacher. We believe that this is essential in the online space to maintain high engagement. Unfortunately, many online schools are packing more kids than ever into virtual classrooms, which leads to everyone feeling disconnected. Our Pods make sure that we stay engaged! 2.            How easily can I contact the teacher/principal if I have concerns? Mark: Our teachers and school leaders are readily and directly available to you online through phone, video chat and email channels. 3.            Is the school accredited? Mark: Yes!  Koa is accredited with the IEB and staffed only by teachers who are SACE registered.   The IEB offers a range of top benefits to our learners and we can tell you all about that. 4.            Does the school offer latest online education resources and platforms, or is it simply traditional school dumped online and presented on-screen? Mark: We say ‘no’ to school-on-a-screen! Koa leverages platforms and courses which are designed to be online from the start, which makes for an engaging and individualised learning experience that is relevant for today.  5.            Is the school intentional about socialization online and in person? Mark: Online school can and should be a safe, connected place of socio emotional as well as academic learning.  Koa actively fosters an on- and off-line school community in a variety of ways.  Online, learners interact every day in their Pod and regularly meet in whole-school gatherings. We also do regular in-person events in all the major centres. 6.            What do the school fees include? Mark: When comparing school fees, make sure there are no hidden but compulsory costs.  Many online schools advertise a set fee but then add on unavoidable costs for textbooks, online platforms or tutors.  At Koa, we keep it simple with a fully inclusive fee.

Educ8 SA

Online Education for Homeschoolers and Cottage schools

Educ8 SA+ is a brand new premium package of Educ8 SA. We offer international & accredited curriculums with the added benefit of completely virtual supervision and assistance, guidance for choosing curriculum and career paths, and biweekly reporting with daily attendance tracking. Our excellent daily attendance and academic time tracker functions to hold students accountable and keep them on track. Our bi-weekly report gives you a comprehensive and overall insight to your student’s progress and learning trajectory. We also offer language courses and a wide array of career/skill building courses. Virtual meetings on any matter or topic relating to our students’ progress and academics are readily available to all parents and students. What we believe We here at Educ8 SA+ believe in offering a consistent, tried and tested solution to parents who are concerned about not giving enough oversight and/or are too busy to give their homeschooled students the time and attention necessary to reach their full potential. What we aim for The homeschool/self-school journey, as wonderful as it is, is often overwhelming, leading parents and students to be stressed out and far from as focused, efficient, and productive as they can be. Instead of the often seen scenario where students have a great curriculum, but with no structure, they end up never reaching or achieving their full potential. We avoid that by providing structure, oversight, discipline, and a set calendar and schedule. School holidays and public holidays are stipulated on our Educ8 SA+ school calendar. Additional pros when choosing Educ8 SA+ We offer you, through our curriculum providers, the SAT prep course and micro courses. These courses are part of our scheduled learning paths to widen our student’s knowledge and to grow and develop their interests. There are many courses that students can complete and will pay for at the end once they have committed to obtaining the accreditation, wanting the credits and certificate that these courses offer. Should you want to complete any of these courses (terms and conditions apply) for self enrichment only, there are many courses that you have no obligation to pay for if you do not want the credits and certificate.  Every Friday, we give our students a break from scheduled school work. Don’t get too excited, this is not an OFF day. Educ8 SA+ uses Fridays as an opportunity to encourage and reward students for self improvement. Fridays are when students get the time to do courses and learn new skills that will help them open doors in their bright futures.  Zoom meetings or phone calls are available to our students should they need guidance on matters such as proper note taking, motivation, self-discipline, time management, etc. We firmly believe in not only corrective supervision, but adding to our students “toolbox” of life skills. This is done through interaction with our students via motivational conversations, virtual meetings, and 2 webinars every month on topics of self-improvement & self enrichment. Let’s talk fees  GR K – 8 (age 14 and under): R700 p/m  GR 9 -12 & GED: R800 p/m  Let us know if this piques your interest!  For more queries and information feel free to email us at premium@educ8sa.net.  Warmest of regards, Educ8 SA+ Team 

Junior Colleges

Date Night!!

What is a “Date Night”? Date Nights can also be “Date Days,” but the key idea is that the couple is spending time as a couple and not as unstructured “family time.”   Date Night builds stronger marriages in five ways:  (1) Communication. Date Night helps with communication. Of course, this is an essential element of an intimate relationship. But communication also involves the willingness to remove distractions such as children and career demands deliberately. Date Nights also offers couples the opportunity to discuss topics of mutual importance.  They can self-define and dialogue about mutual aspirations. Communication is like a muscle. Sometimes you plan your communication workouts. “stress-reducing” conversation can help couples to stay current with what is moving through their intimate partner’s life. (2) Novelty. Couples typically experience habituation, a “settling in” quality where both are more likely to take each other for granted. The symbiotic “we are a couple” sensibility can settle into an ordinary domestic routine. But new research indicates that a deficit in fun and novelty is toxic. A balance of activities is attractive to both, which emphasises novel and different experiences can help increase intimacy. (3) Let’s Do It. Romantic love is that erotic spark, excitement, and an overwhelming sense of attraction to your significant other. But with time, the emotional and physical expression of erotic love tends to fade in many couples. Because Date Night allows a couple to focus on their connection completely, the erotic spark may be restored by the intentional pursuit of romance, novelty, and more in-depth communication. Date Nights may not only rekindle the romance, but regular Date Nights can also help sustain the fires of love over the long haul. (4) De-Stress. Couples that have regular Date Nights maintain a connection through intimate conversation and emotional support. They also lower the stress on their brains, as well as their partners. Fortunately, nature has endowed us with high resiliency in this area. (5) Abiding Relationship Commitment.  When you experience your partner’s commitment, your sense of being firmly attached will provide you with a stable, deeply satisfying relationship. Partners who cherish and prize each other, steer clear of other romantic opportunities, and nurture a powerful sense of “we-ness” or togetherness are significantly happier than less-committed, “iffy” couples. Commitment is scary. But commitment satisfies deeply. Oh no!!!! What about the kids??? You want to go on a date. But what about the kids? But I bet you know other couples that would also like to go out on a date. Tell your friends that you’ll watch their kids while they go out if they will do the same for you on your date. You can swap babysitting services, enjoy your date, and get your babysitter  free! It doesn’t get any cheaper than free! If you live near your family, ask them if they could watch your kids this weekend while the two of you try out new date night experiences. If you don’t live close to your parents, consider asking them to babysit for a night when they visit.  While you want to spend time with them, they also want to see their grandkids. Come to think of it, Grandma and Grandpa might have their own version of Date Night, enjoying their grandchildren together. Daniel Dashnaw Revised 5/13/19 Couples Need to Feel Connected As parents carry the stress and burden of providing for a family, sleep needs are not always met, and as kids demand all the attention, feelings of connectedness can quickly become lost. As a result, parents feel run down, and their identity as a couple becomes lost in their roles as parents. Being a mom or dad is certainly an identity to be proud of, but couples need to be able to find ways to connect again outside of their parental duties. A date night is a perfect opportunity to spend time together engaging in hobbies or volunteer opportunities that you both once found to be of common interest. Engaging in shared interests and having an opportunity to talk about things that draw you closer to each other are undoubtedly essential priorities to make in your marriage. Kids Need to See a Healthy Relationship While a date night is meant to be about your marriage, it is good for the kids. It is healthy for them to learn it’s OK to be separated from you, but it is beneficial as they grow up to witness a healthy relationship. Think about how you want your son and daughter treated in their marriage. There is a significant advantage to children learning the importance of a loving marriage. Excuses Need to Go Away Granted, childcare expenses can quickly become budget killers, especially when you calculate in multiple kids. However, plan for these expenses as part of your monthly budget (perhaps sacrificing less important expenditures to add these). Then, you won’t have the excuse of not being able to afford a date night. Also, if all your date night budget goes into the child care costs, you can get creative with cheaper dates such as picnics, walks through a park, or budget movies. Published Feb 14, 2018 Letise Dennis Date night jar tips and ideas!!!! Please follow the link to great date night ideas… 40 Date Night Jar Ideas for Couples

The Bridge Assisted Learning School

An Argument for an Assisted Learning School

What does assisted learning mean? The child will still follow a mainstream curriculum, but will be assisted in the following ways: The manner of the teaching of a lesson. The experience or qualifications of the teacher. Accommodations or concessions: Reader, scribe, extra time, prompt, devices – apps. Neurodiversity Neurodiversity is an approach to learning and disability that argues that diverse neurological conditions are the result of normal variations in the human genome. Neurological differences should be recognized and respected as a social category on a par with gender, or sexual orientation. Neurological variations are a vital part of humanity, as much as variations in size, shape, skin colour, and personality. Should we tell a person with limited learning potential that there is no place for them in this world? Should we tell a person with strong learning potential that there is no place for them? What process is followed to identify an appropriate learner for a learning-assisted environment? Extensive evaluation by an Educational Psychologist in order to identify: Learning potential. Barriers to learning. Possible areas of intervention for the learner. Interview with parents in order to discover their journey to date. Visitation of a number of days at our school to establish social interaction, emotional development, behaviour/coping development. Feedback to the parents and child. Neurodiversity in the school environment By following a Neurodiverse approach at our school, our students with learning and thinking differences benefit greatly. Our goal is to ensure that our approach will allow for an individual style, rather than trying to fit the child into another person’s style. It is therefore a massive part of our educational approach that we eliminate or at least reduce greatly, the outdated stigmas and perceptions around learning and thinking differences. What is the difference between a learning-assisted environment and a strictly remedial environment? A remedial environment may include a facilitator. A remedial environment could include a change in curriculum. A learning-assisted environment does not include facilitators. A learning-assisted environment always follows a mainstream curriculum: Caps, IEB, etc. The rainbow infinity symbol, which denotes neurodiversity

Koa Academy


As learners across the country prepare for and write their last Grade assessments of the year, there are a lot of parents who are dealing with children overwhelmed with high levels of anxiety.  Test anxiety is a real thing, and because the traditional South African assessment approach is to have learners write lots of tests, this can cause sustained negative impacts on some children during their school years. According to Naledi Mokoena, an educational psychologist in private practise and educator at SACAP (South African College of Applied Psychology) parents need to be on alert for signs that their child is experiencing test anxiety and take action to help remedy the situation.  She says, “Test anxiety is experienced as a significant physiological stress response when a child is faced with an upcoming assessment. This response is experienced internally. It is first important to differentiate between stress and anxiety. Stress is an expected human response that a child will experience around academic activities that are more demanding than other standard school activities. Anxiety, however, is a heightened response to a stressful event that can impact on concentration, retention and recall.  Therefore, a child experiencing heightened test anxiety is likely to under-perform in an assessment, which means it is not a meaningful measure of their actual knowledge and understanding.” It’s this potential lack of effectiveness when it comes to assessments that concerns many educators and school leaders.  Koa Academy Principal and Co-Founder, Mark Anderson says, “Assessments are supposed to be tools for learning.  We test knowledge and understanding so that kids are empowered to reflect on their learning and identify areas where they need to focus so that that they are continuously enhancing knowledge and understanding.  But if the test does not accurately assess their actual knowledge and understanding because they were overwhelmed by anxiety and unable to show what they can do, then the test was not just a meaningless event, it was also harmful to them.  Poor test results damage a child’s self-confidence and leads them to believe that they just can’t ‘do’ a certain subject or a segment of content.  So, at Koa, we think differently about how we do assessments so that they are tools that kids can use confidently to reflect on and advance their learning.” Finding the balance between stress and anxiety Mokoena and Anderson agree that the aim is not to eliminate all stress from a child’s experience.  Mokoena points out that stress in anticipation of writing tests is normal, and that it alerts the child to a notable change in their school life and should prompt and motivate them to focus on meeting the upcoming challenges.   Anderson says, “I always say to our Koa parents that I don’t mind if their kids are under a healthy amount of pressure. This is manageable stress that helps them grow and develop.  Facing a challenge is stimulating and inspiring – it helps to develop grit, perseverance and leads to self-mastery.  However, there’s a tipping of the scales when this healthy pressure becomes sustained anxiety that impedes a child’s learning, impacts negatively on their well-being and sets them up to deliver sub-par performances.” Mokoena advises parents to be on the lookout for signs that their child is not coping with the rigours of end-of-year exams.  She says, “There are both physical and behavioural indications of test anxiety, and parents need to pay attention to these because often a child may not be able to find the words to communicate their experienced anxiety.” During study and exam time, parents may notice: Changes in mood and demeanour – for example, a child who develops a shorter temper or less tolerance in dealing with people during exam time Changes in eating and sleeping patterns Loss of interest in enjoyable activities Restlessness, fidgeting, or difficulty in remaining still particularly during study time Distraction and avoidance of study time Physical changes – such as elevated levels of perspiration; different breathing patterns, palpitations and tightness in the chest; frequent headaches or stomach aches There are various strategies that parents can use to help their child manage test anxiety: Acknowledge your child’s feelings, and do not blame them for feeling overwhelmed.  There is nothing ‘wrong’ with your child.  Test anxiety, which is a form of performance anxiety, is common human experience for both children and adults.  Be compassionate and understanding so that your child is in no doubt that they have your full support Teach your child deep breathing and help them practice this relaxation technique regularly so that it can become a habitual response to feeling overwhelmed Help your child organise their study time with a schedule and a daily timetable that they are in charge of.  Taking control and tackling study tasks one at a time, can build confidence in their ability to cope Make sure your child’s study plan includes breaks that take into account their endurance when it comes to focus and concentration Make sure there is scheduled time for them to be physically active every day, as this helps to release endorphins which relieve mental stress Ensure that your child eats healthy foods and gets sufficient sleep If necessary, get advice or support from a professional such as an educational psychologist While these practices can help families cope with a child that has test anxiety in the short term, they don’t address the root cause of test anxiety, which lies in the profusion of testing in South African schools.  Anderson recommends that parents fully consider assessment strategy when making their school choices.  He says, “Parents should question a school’s approach to assessment and feel comfortable that their child’s school offers productive assessments.” Assessments for real-world application As an online school, Koa uses a variety of assessments that are embedded in the learning activities which are less focused on rote memorisation and are rather focused on mastery and application skills.  These types of assessments give learners, parents and teachers rich feedback about the learner’s knowledge and understanding of content.  Anderson says, “As



Distance Education Provider, Brainline, says their pupils will once again participate in this year’s IEB examination, which is quality assured by Umalusi, the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education.  ‘Brainline learners will write their exams at approved Brainline centres in three provinces: Gauteng, Kwa-Zulu Natal and the Western Cape, from the 19th of October. Our hearts and minds are with our matriculants and we wish them all the best,’ says Brainline CEO, Coleen Cronje. The IEB National Senior Certificate is an internationally benchmarked qualification and is equivalent to Cambridge AS level. Brainline’s matriculants come from not only South Africa, but many other parts of the world, where South African citizen resides as expats.  ‘This includes Botswana, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, Namibia, United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Philippines, Malaysia, Spain, New Zealand, Germany, India and more,’ Cronje explains. As with the final exams written by learners within the public school system, IEB-learners will also write exams in the following subjects;  Afrikaans Home Language, English First Additional Language, English Home Language, Afrikaans First Additional Language Accounting, Agricultural Sciences, Business Studies, Computer Applications Technology, Consumer Studies, Dramatic Arts, Economics, Engineering Graphics & Design, Equine Studies, Geography, History, Life Orientation, Life Sciences , Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy, Music, Physical Sciences, Tourism and Visual Arts.  Cronje says their students have received optimal support to prepare them for this important exam. ‘In the world of the digital school, learners can feel lost without guidance and a tutor.  With our online live classes, which are saved for future reference, we address that need for the distance learner.  Gone are the days of the old model learner management systems with boring downloads and links.  This is the new era of a school at home, with all the support that one can expect in a traditional school, but on your own terms.’ Cronje says accommodations for special needs learners offer support to those who require additional assistance due to barriers to learning. ‘We assist learners and their families with the application, communicating with the IEB on their behalf, and providing the necessary facilities during the Grade 12 final examination.  According to the accommodation granted to them, it may range from separate venues to readers and scribes or as technology assists us, the use of a digital C-pen for audible translation of the written word.’ Brainline has provided structured home education on a distance education model to thousands of learners since 1990. Home education in South Africa has experienced significant growth over the last few years. At the end of 2018 there were an estimated 100,000 home education learners in the country . ‘Several factors have driven the growth of home education as an alternative option, ranging from increasingly sophisticated distance e-learning technology to an ever-growing network of tutors. Because it’s based on individual needs, home education can provide a safe space for children who may have found the traditional schooling environment challenging,’ says Cronje. The IEB class of 2021received a 98.39% pass rate, up from 98.07% in 2020. Brainline learners achieved 178 A’s, 310 B’s and 385 C’s. 

Parenting Hub


According to Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality healthcare, exams and tests can be a challenging aspect of school life for children, adolescents, and their parents or guardians. However, there are techniques to alleviate stress. It’s that time of the year again when exam stress, anxiety, and pressure can take hold of your child. “While some believe a bit of anxiety and pressure can be beneficial around exam time, science suggests otherwise,” says Murray Hewlett, CEO of Affinity Health. “When children are stressed, their brains release high levels of cortisol which can cloud thinking and get in the way of rational thoughts. Because of this, parents must do all they can to ensure their children stay as calm as possible during the exam period.” Signs of stress in children, tweens, and teens Children and adolescents who are anxious may: Complain of headaches and stomach issues Have insomnia or battle to fall asleep Lose interest in meals or eat more than usual Are pessimistic about the future Are moody, tearful, or irritable Withdraw from activities they once enjoyed Become overly clingy Help your child beat exam anxiety with these stress-busting tips. If you suspect your child is experiencing exam anxiety, the following advice from Affinity Health may be of assistance.   Ensure that you eat fresh and wholesome foods. A balanced diet is vital for mental and physical health. Encourage your child to avoid high-fat, high-sugar, and high-caffeine meals and beverages, such as energy drinks, cola, sweets, chocolate, and takeaways. Ensure your child doesn’t skip meals, leading to irritability and low energy. Keep a stock of healthy snacks available, like almonds, roasted sunflower or flax seeds, roasted fox nuts, or unsalted pistachios. Include three to five servings of fruits and vegetables in your child’s daily diet. These will supply their body with the essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients and help them stay satiated for longer. Additionally, children must consume enough water and remain hydrated. Place a water bottle or sipper on their study desk. Help your child get adequate sleep. A good night’s sleep enhances cognition and concentration. Most children aged seven to 12 need between 10 and 11 hours of sleep a night, while tweens and teens need around eight to nine hours. Let your child take regular study breaks. Allow your child about half an hour between studying. Be adaptable regarding unfinished household chores or messy bedrooms. Encourage exercising during tests. Physical activity can increase energy levels, cleanse the mind, and alleviate stress. Exercise increases blood circulation and heart rate. It is a well-known stress reliever due to the endorphins (feel-good hormones) it releases in the brain. For children, walking, cycling, swimming, football, and dancing are beneficial types of exercise. Give them a calm place to study. Does your child have a desk or workplace in a study-friendly location of your home? Consider whether it is well-lit and free of distractions. Keep useful study items in this area, such as colourful post-it notes, a choice of pens and pencils, highlighters, and scratch paper. Let your child take ownership of the area by allowing them to decorate and organise their desk each night so they’re ready for their next study session. Teach your child about time management. Time management is a crucial component of efficient study skills. Help your child understands how to maintain a homework planner. Assist your child in preparing for important tests by breaking down the subject and creating a programme for reviewing the material in the days preceding the test. Similarly, break down large projects by identifying smaller tasks with due dates. Due dates prevent cramming and procrastination (and boost their confidence in the process) by making their assignment seem more reasonable. Don’t add to the pressure. According to Childline, many children who call them report that family members exert the most pressure during exam time. Instead of adding to exam pressure, listen to your child, encourage them, and refrain from criticism. Be encouraging and reassuring before and after they take a test or exam. Know when to get help. You should seek assistance if your child’s anxiety or depression is severe, persistent, and interferes with daily life. Visiting a general practitioner is a good starting point.

Parenting Hub

How we are rethinking education at Treverton College

The realisation that the traditional school classroom, curriculum content, and examination style are not perfectly suited to real-life learning and the acquisition of skills is not a new one. Many schools recognize this, but may not have the flexibility, time, energy or resources to do something about it. The pressure to teach to the exam and prepare students for the end-goal of the matric examinations places a significant pressure on schools to stick to more ‘traditional’ ways of teaching. The basic way in which Education takes place has been the same since the Industrial Revolution. Despite significant changes to society and an increased understanding of how we learn best, the way that teaching and learning takes place in most schools remains the same year after year. At Treverton, we are using a three-pronged approach to try to mitigate this situation as much as possible. The key areas we are trying to address are: The practical application of the theory we teach in class. The teaching of real-life, practical skills that are relevant to daily life. Imparting an understanding an appreciation of the need for sustainable practices in all areas of life and learning. We have introduced ‘Wacky Wednesdays’, ‘Unplugged Days’ and ‘Stewardship’ lessons to address these three areas. Wacky Wednesdays We are living in the 4th Industrial revolution where knowledge is freely and easily accessible. Our current schooling system requires students to have the knowledge embedded in their memories and then regurgitate it in a formal setting within a certain time constraint. The only benefit to this is learning to work under pressure. We are trying to find ways to stimulate thought and encourage problem-solving, rather than merely encouraging vast content knowledge. ‘Wacky Wednesday’ is one of our initiatives designed to move students into a realm where they take the tools learnt in the classroom and use them in a problem-solving, real-life situation. Our aim is to create regular opportunities for our students to apply, in a practical way, the theory that they have learned in a particular section of work. Whilst demonstrating how the various subject areas integrate in real life, we want to encourage creativity, collaboration and critical thinking. What does a ‘Wacky Wednesday’ experience look like in real life? Students arrive on the day without any prior preparation other than the content knowledge of what they have been doing in their various subjects in recent weeks. They know that they will be faced with a series of problems and challenges that will require the practical application of that knowledge. For example, our Grade 9s are working with Arduino, which is a programmable chip. They have created a water level sensor in class and this sensor was used in an activity at our School Dam during Wacky Wednesday. We invented our own currency for the day calledTrevi Bucks and students could spend their Trevi Bucks on either a spoon, a cup with holes in it, or a sponge. The sponge was the most expensive item and cost the most Trevi Bucks, whilst the spoon was the least expensive. Each item would test the student’s ability to determine value as they compared the cost of the item to its effectiveness for the task. Students had to set up the water level sensor in an opaque container so that they could not see the water level rising. The water level sensor indicated on a digital circuit once the water reached a particular level. Students would collect water from the dam using the item that they bought and fill up the container until it reached the particular level that set off the digital circuit. At the life sciences station, students built a net and went into the Treverton Wildlife Area to capture various insects. They then went through the proper process of preserving the insect. Back in the classroom after Wacky Wednesday, they labelled it, talked about it, and had to make a presentation about the insect to the class. The Accountancy aspect of the Wacky Wednesday required students to be accountable for the good use of their Trevi Bucks. Preparing a budget, controlling the actual spending on the day, and then the doing a post mortem after the day were all part of the task. Approximately sixty-five percent of students currently in grade 8 and 9 will work in jobs that are not even in existence yet . So, as educators we cannot prepare a student for a career that does not exist yet if our focus is on content only. However, what we can do is to teach students to think and adapt. The World Economic Forum puts out a predictive list of top ten skills for the workplace in 10 years’ time. As educators keeping up to date with what those are, we can adapt what we are doing in the classroom so that our students are ready for the world into which they graduate. Throughout the history of education there seems to have been an assumption that people naturally know how to think. This is not the case – certainly when it comes to thinking critically. Students need to be taught how to think critically. We can do this by giving them problems to think through and the strategies required to do this effectively. We have moved out of the era where the student is seen as an empty vessel that the teacher fills with knowledge. We recognize now that the student must be an active participant in their own learning process. For example: instead of an educator simply showing an algorithm and explaining the process of solving it, we would rather approach it by presenting the problem to the students, going through what we currently know together, and then guiding them to apply that knowledge as they struggle and ‘explore’ their way through. We would stand back and acknowledge new inventive and creative ways to solve the problem rather than intervene to try to enforce obvious or traditional solutions. A day like wacky Wednesday stimulates

Junior Colleges

Big School!

Preparing your little one for Big School: tips and tricks from a Mommy and Teacher, as some of us will say, a Teacher Mommy. It says it all: tall walls, big kids, more classes and don’t forget the bell that rings! Having your Grade 00 become the small fish in a big pond can be very scary for them and for you as a parent. Here are our tips and tricks on how you can help your child prepare for the transition:  Once you pick up your little one from preschool, drive past their new school and let them familiarise themselves with the school building and the new environment. Talk together about what a typical day at primary school will be like. If your child has any concerns, encourage them to share them with you. Set up a calendar so they can mark down the days and sleeps until primary school. It is often hard to say goodbye to old friends when moving to a new school and making new ones simultaneously. Usually, most of the new students are also looking for new friendships. Have a conversation with your child about how they can make new friends. Re-assure them that they can still maintain their preschool friendships with playdates.  Go through all the different situations your child might encounter at school that threaten safety. Please discuss the importance of communicating with their teachers, handling cases that make them uncomfortable, leaving the school grounds unattended, and road safety issues.  Establish the routine you will follow during the school week. The parents who didn’t need to pack lunchboxes for their little ones can also take this time to start prepping lunchboxes EVERYDAY. Let them eat porridge/breakfast at the same time you would have to eat before leaving for big school, have their first snack as they would for their first recess etc., so that their tummies can get used to the new timetable. It is like having a buffet for a week, and then it is back to normal, and your tummy rumbles the whole time because you could eat whenever you wanted to and how much you wanted to over the holidays. Practice the morning routine of getting up early, having breakfast, putting on your child’s uniform and packing the school bag. Try to have everything ready the night before to reduce stress and rushing. An easy trick/tip for children with separation anxiety: Sprite a little perfume or deodorant on your child’s collar so they can always smell you and feel your presence all day long. The most important thing is to speak positively about school (children pick up on your anxiety). Share your favourite memories of school when you were a kid. Connect school subjects/activities with your child’s interests (e.g. if your child likes soccer, talk about the school’s gym). It is completely normal to shed a tear when your child starts school. We wish all the parents the best! Enjoy your child’s school journey with them, and cherish the moments you spend together. During these years, it is important to make memories filled with laughter and enjoyment.” Dream big in the big school!


Online learning the solution to challenges of learner placements in schools

As thousands of parents and guardians await the news whether their children have been placed for the 2023 academic year or not, online school, Brainline says online learning remains a viable and reliable solution for learner placement challenges. Last month, Gauteng Education MEC Panyaza Lesufi revealed that a total of 764 062 applications were submitted and processed for both Grade 1 and 8 and the department have 332 477 learners to place. Brainline CEO, Coleen Cronje, says the uncertainty of the future can get the better of some families. ‘In October, parents and guardians in Gauteng have started to receive SMSes with placement offers, which will only conclude by the end of November. Until then, many families remain under severe stress and uncertainty over the future of their children’s education. Many face the reality that their children might miss school if not placed by the start of the new year,’ she says. (Ref: https://ewn.co.za/2022/10/02/placement-offers-for-gr-1-and-8-to-be-sent-from-monday-lesufi)  The Gauteng education department’s online admissions portal was launched in 2016 to streamline the process. After applications for the 2023 school year opened in July, the portal received its highest number of applications ever. Parents applying for their children were able to join an “e-queue” at five schools at the same time. But less than half the learners have been placed in their first-choice schools because of limited spots available and based on the placement criteria. Cronje says with online learning, parents and learners are not subjected to second, third or fourth options.    ‘Innovation has paved the way for an alternative form of education and, with the latest technology, Brainline is bridging the gap to accommodate the digital age. Our teachers present online classes in innovative ways, challenging the status quo of blackboard teaching. These online classes are essentially breaking down the invisible walls of traditional teaching, by presenting the curriculum in new and exciting ways, bringing the classroom to life, and invigorating the lesson material. In this way, Brainline is revolutionising home education for today’s learner and we always have space for new applicants’ Cronje explains. The education department has identified 275 primary schools and 221 high schools where the number of applications exceeded the number of learners the schools could accommodate. Online school, Brainline, is recognised by the IEB, which is the examination board for many private schools in South Africa. ‘This means that learners follow the South African National Curriculum (similar to the curriculum offered in South African schools) resulting in the National Senior Certificate (NSC) upon successful completion of their matric exams.’ The enrolment for the 2023 academic year is already in full swing and Cronje says there a number of benefits to enrolling early. ‘Avoid the rush and be prepared for classes when school starts in January. It also allows for more time to order books and other study material. By enrolling early, families also get the opportunity to save on their annual tuition fees.’ For more information visit www.brainline.com

Parenting Hub


It’s that time of the year when students experience what is called ‘year-end fatigue’ – whether they be Matrics getting ready for the most important exams of their school career, senior high students aiming to perform at their best as they progress towards Grade 12, or graduate students at universities preparing for their end-of-year assessments. For all of these students, the coming weeks are going to be a test of their focus, strength and endurance as they aim for top marks. Yet at the same time, they have to contend with the fatigue that has most likely set in after all their hard work during the past year. But by reframing their mindset and ensuring they stick to some tried and tested guidelines, they can all dive into the last quarter of 2022 with renewed enthusiasm to ensure they finish the year strong, an education expert says. “Signs of year-end fatigue include low energy levels, a feeling of being unable to keep up, a lack of motivation, feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, being unable to sleep, and low levels of concentration while possibly feeling anxious,” says Dr Rufaro Audrey Mavunga, Senior Head of Programme in the Faculty of Law at The Independent Institute of Education, SA’s leading private higher education provider. She says this situation may lead students to start slacking when they can least afford to, for instance by bunking classes, not participating in school or university activities, procrastinating and putting off revision they planned hoping that they might feel more motivated to tackle tasks later, and by checking out of their circumstances by sleeping too much or watching too much television. “If you are feeling like this, rest assured that it is normal to feel tired and overwhelmed and that you are not alone. However, you should also know that it is possible and important to overcome these feelings so that you can finish strong, and that it is within your ability to do so if you act decisively right now. There is still enough time to make sure you can get a handle on things again and get on top of your academic work to the best of your ability.” Dr Mavunga advises students as follows: Take some time off This may sound counter-productive, but it can help to take a day or two to regain your focus without feeling guilty. In these days, you can catch up on sleep, get out in nature for some relaxation, and remind yourself about the why and the how of what you are doing right now. Get your mind in the right place, and resolve to start the final stretch with vigour. Also use this time to lay out your schedule and plans for the coming weeks, right until you’ve put down your pen on your last exam. Revisit your study timetable and manage your time efficiently To finish strong, you need to continue with regular study sessions every week till the end of your exams. Do not count on doing an all-nighter just before you write an assessment. You should revisit your study timetable and ensure that you have set up fixed hours for study every day. Plan for enough time to study each module and add your study sessions to your calendar like any other commitments. This guarantees that you keep in mind that this is time set aside exclusively for studying. Bear in mind a study plan works best when it is followed consistently. It is imperative that you stick to your plan, as this will ease tension and anxiety if you can see your consistent progress. Maintain a healthy lifestyle Exercise has many benefits, but it has been proven that exercise releases endorphins, which can improve your mood and reduce stress levels.  Fatigue and tiredness could also be an effect of a lack of proper nutrition. Make healthy meal selections wherever possible and consume lots of water. Make sure you factor enough sleep into your schedule and don’t use that time to endlessly and mindlessly browse social media. Stay away from activities that are going to tire you out for days to come and keep a single-minded focus on your priorities right now. This too shall pass, and you’ll be happy you stayed true to yourself when results day comes. Get help if you need it Sometimes one feels so helpless and it may feel like you are stuck in a deep dark hole with no way of coming out. Give attention to the positives you encounter and embrace them. Consult school or campus support staff to gain different perspectives on how to ease the fatigue and to get over negative feelings you may have. If you need additional assistance with the academic side of things, approach a teacher or a lecturer for guidance. If you need additional emotional support, ask trusted adults at home or at your institution to assist in getting the support you need. Keep your eye on the end goal Commit to finishing strong. In your downtime, look at your path ahead – what dreams and aspirations will become accessible if you perform well during this stage of your academic journey? What avenues of study may open up for you? What possibilities and opportunities may arise? “At this time of year, it’s easy to get lost in the fog of studying and worrying, and it’s easy to lose perspective about the bigger world out there and the fact that all of this is part of life’s journey. The end of this year will soon come around, and your effort will be rewarded if you know that you gave it your all on the road to making your dreams a reality,” says Dr Mavunga.

Koa Academy


Traditionally schools have taken a strict siloed approach to teaching subjects like Science, Geography, History and Art.  Since most parents went to school, subjects such as Technology, EMS (Economic and Management Sciences) and Life Orientation have also been added to the curriculum.  Laden with content, these subjects are typically taught by content specialist teachers standing up in front of the class with textbook support.  Everyone needs to be on the same page and to progress at the same time.  To ensure the content sinks in and facts are remembered, kids undergo frequent tests and exams. Mark Anderson, Co-founder and Principal of Koa Academy, says “We engage often with parents of junior school kids who complain about the relentlessness of anxiety-provoking tests.  When we designed Koa Academy, we looked to the online space for better ways to provide opportunities and tools for kids to learn about these subjects in new and more meaningful ways.  In real life, subjects are constantly over-lapping – you can’t learn about Ancient Egyptian civilisation in history without proper consideration of the geography of the Nile River and its life-supporting annual floods. Finding ways to integrate learning across these subjects is essential for meaning and relevance so that today’s kids grasp the true interconnectedness of the world.  It’s hard for this to happen naturally when you teach subjects in artificial silos.” As a high-engagement online school, Koa places a strong focus on educating children for the real world so that their youthful learning experiences are laying foundations for both tertiary studies and their future work.  While Mathematics and languages are taught on their unique trajectories, the content subjects in grades 4-9 are delivered through Koa’s Engage Tasks.  Mark explains that these are short, stimulating online courses for the learners in the younger grades.  He says, “Each term 10 to 12 Engage Tasks are made available, along with a guiding roadmap so that learners can deep-dive into the content-heavy subjects at their own pace.”  Each Koa learner is part of an 8-person Pod run by their teacher who keeps track of academic progress, and is there to provide any necessary support.  The goal of the courses is to enable the child to understand the content, and be able to apply what they have learnt.  Instead of test after test, each Engage Task has an assessment that requires the child to apply their new knowledge and solve problems which mimic how we deal with that same content in the real world. Mark says, “This is so much better than the stressful experience of standardised class tests which are mostly assessing a child’s ability to memorise content rather than understand it.  There’s plenty of opportunities embedded in the learning process for rich, two-way feedback and it empowers kids to reflect on their own learning, which is an essential characteristic of a lifelong learner.” Discover Koa Academy here

Junior Colleges

“The “terrible two’s” phase and how to deal with the “tantrums” that come with it “

Every child has a unique personality, which will be visible as the child gets older. Their character will be moulded and formed as a combination of the people around them, genetics, and living atmosphere. However, your little one will tend to exhibit a common personality trait as they pass the age of two – temper tantrums or the “terrible twos” Firstly, the name “terrible twos” is a misnomer. It is characterised by resistant behaviour.  This includes: saying “no,” kicking, biting, ignoring instructions, and throwing themselves on the floor. However, this can start from as early as their first birthday and not manifest itself until your little one is three years old. There is a reason why the nickname has stuck: Usually, around the age of 2 is when your toddler hits key developmental milestones such as: Communicating in two or five-word sentences, walking, climbing and gaining a solid foundation of concepts like; “mine,” “no” “bad,” and “good” which they didn’t necessarily understand before.  The root of these milestones, called the classic “terrible twos phase”, is about asserting independence, testing boundaries, and learning how to communicate fundamental needs and wants, but this comes with learning how to recognise that these needs and wants will sometimes differ from those of the parents and child’s caregivers.  “Terrible Twos Symptoms”  The child might be very loving and clingy in one moment, and he might start yelling at you within a second.  Refusals are also common among the children – they might refuse to do things, including eating, changing clothes or diapers, and even refuse to be touched by the parents. To get your attention, they might resort to many actions and tactics. Including screaming at the top of their lungs while looking directly at you, throwing things, or repeatedly hitting their head against the wall or a floor. Terrible twos are characterised by antagonistic behaviour towards the parents and frequent mood changes. Tantrums accompany this. How to help your little one through their “temper tantrum.”  Give them a few minutes to cry or scream it out.  Once you see they have calmed down, hug them and wipe down their faces. Now that they are done crying/screaming and cleaned, ask them to tell you how they feel and try to help them navigate through it. Tell your little one that the next time they feel overwhelmed or need something to come to you and ask. This can be a very trying, testing and challenging time for the parents, caregivers and teachers. You can feel like you’re not a good parent and guilt trip yourself. Doing this may affect how you treat your child. Sometimes parents overcompensate or take their frustration out on their partner, helper, etc. It’s crucial in these moments not to be too hard on yourself; self-regulate, take a breather and remember to keep a little human alive is a big task. They are trying to understand what this life is about. You are doing a great job and remember this is only a phase!

Parenting Hub


The Matric final exams represent the ultimate test at the end of one’s school career, and while it is an exciting milestone, almost all students find this period a test of their strength, endurance, focus, mental and physical fortitude and resilience. And while it’s a tough time for the Grade 12s, it is also hard for their parents, who know that there is only so much they can do to support their almost adult child, but who still want to do whatever they can to assist and smooth the road wherever possible. “Our thoughts are always with the Matriculants facing one of the toughest assessment periods they have so far faced, but we should also spare a thought for parents of Matrics, who are faced with the anxiety of their children, while also hoping that they perform well enough to set them up to pursue their goals and dreams after school,” says Peter Kriel, General Manager at The Independent Institute of Education, SA’s leading private higher education provider. Kriel says while parents often don’t know how they can support their children during this time, there are a few things they can do – and also a few things they should NOT do – to make things easier. KEEP A CLOSE EYE One of the most important ways a parent can support a child without being overbearing and too much in their space is to keep a close eye on the student. Leave them to get on with their studies, but look out for behaviours that could be cause for concern. For instance, get insight into their study schedule and, if procrastination is getting out of hand and can’t be reconciled with what the parent knows the student had planned for revision, gently suggest that you look at the schedule again together to see how the student can get back on track before falling too far behind. Empowerment trumps chastisement in these circumstances. Keeping ahead of the game is key, as it is almost always possible to get back on track if things are not left too late. On the physical wellness side, parents can help remind their child to get some sleep if they have been hitting the books for too long, too late at night. They can also ensure that students eat as healthy as possible while drinking plenty of water and getting exercise so that fatigue doesn’t impact their ability to study. GET HELP TIMEOUSLY IF WARNING SIGNS ARISE Unfortunately, some Matrics – even top performers – struggle during this time to such a degree that they may need additional or even professional support. If parents suspect that their child is struggling emotionally to deal with the increased pressure and stress, seek guidance from a mental health professional or a counsellor at school. While Matric exam results are undoubtedly very important, it is just as important to keep a sense of perspective, which sometimes becomes hard to do for students in the thick of it, who could potentially start catastrophising about results and their future. Matric exams are only one part of one’s life – which will soon pass – and there will always be options available, even if those options follow a different path from the initial vision. STAY CALM AND KEEP PERSPECTIVE Just as it is important for students to try their best while keeping a sense of perspective, parents can do their part by keeping calm as well. Be a pillar of support when needed, but don’t pass your own anxiety on to your child. Fear about the future and concerns about how well prepared a child is are all factors that impact on the emotional state of parents, so they should therefore also take good care of themselves during this time so that they can regulate their own emotions and not contribute to heightened tensions and anxiety in the house. Anxiety around final exams arises as a result of the belief that it is the final watershed assessment opportunity for young people. This fallacy arises because too many parents don’t understand the options available to learners should things not go as well as expected, and many don’t even know that there are options at all. Speaking to education professionals either at school or at a good institution of higher education about the myriad of options out there will provide a sense of perspective in terms of outcomes, and will allow parents to calibrate their own emotions. HAVE A PLAN (AND A PLAN B) FOR NEXT YEAR Once exams are over, allow students to take some time off to just enjoy themselves and blow off steam. However, don’t wait for Matric results before deciding about further study – by then it will likely be too late to gain entry into one’s choice of institution and qualification. Sit down and have a brainstorm reflecting on the student’s expectations about how they performed during their final exams. If there is a possibility that they performed better than they initially thought they would, and that they may possibly qualify for further study or even a more specialised degree, start investigating options as soon as possible. Here it is particularly helpful to approach reputable higher education institutions, private or public, directly to speak to a student advisor about the student’s options. Equally, if there is a possibility that a student may not have performed well enough to gain access to the institution or qualification of choice, student advisors will be able to assist with information about alternative routes to success. Having a Plan A as well as a Plan B in place even before results day means that regardless of what happens, students and parents will know that they have a clear path ahead – irrespective of their performance or in the case of them performing better than expected – and that they won’t suddenly be confronted with a wasted year ahead.

Abbotts Colleges

How to guide on making the right subject choices with your Grade 9 child

The idea of having to choose subjects for the final phase of a child’s schooling career can be daunting, especially as these choices determine a child’s options for tertiary studies. Although it might sound like the easy way out to drop subjects that a student least enjoys, many parents and their children do not know which subjects are required for specific degrees or diplomas for tertiary study, which is totally understandable as they do not operate in the field of Education. Here are a few guidelines that can assist parents and students in making wise decisions when it comes to subject choices. Interest and Aptitude tests Grade 9 is a key milestone in a student’s journey to completing Grade 12. Most private schools and some government schools get their students to complete Interest and Aptitude tests in order to guide both student and parent with subject choices. On completion of the test, an individualised report which indicates students’ interests, as well as their aptitude for certain subjects, is sent to the parent. The report may also indicate possible career options based on the results of the test. It is important to remember that these results act as a guide and are not set in stone. If your child’s school does not offer this service and you are unsure of your child’s interests and aptitude for subjects like Mathematics, I suggest that you approach an Educational Psychologist to administer Interest and Aptitude tests to help guide your decisions. Subject Choice Information Evenings Many students do not know the difference between the subject choice of Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy and the criteria and entry requirements when wanting to pursue tertiary study. Schools host subject choice evenings to inform parents about the various options available to their children. At these information sessions, schools should explain what is required to study Bachelor of Arts (BA) degrees, Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) degrees, Bachelor of Education (Bed) degrees and Bachelor of Science (BSc) degrees. Often subjects that students are not exposed to in the previous grades are explained, such as Computer Application Technology (CAT); Engineering, Graphics and Design (EGD); Information Technology (IT) and Design Art versus Visual Arts. I would advise you to attend these information sessions and if you need further assistance, make an appointment to meet with the Academic Head / Deputy Principal or school Educational Psychologist Do your own research Taking your child’s interests and aptitude into account as well as where he/she may pursue further study, use your trusted “friend” Google to find the faculty and course information online booklets for the various institutions you are considering. Look at what the subject requirements and Admission Point Score (AP Score) are for the courses your child may be interested in (make him/her part of the research process for buy-in). It is truly devastating, and a travesty, when students get to Grade 12 and start applying to universities and private colleges, to only then find out that their subject choices do not allow them entry into their desired courses. This is why it is vital that schools educate parents and students regarding subject choices and opportunities available based on subject choices. Mathematics is a must for a BCom degree and Mathematics and Physical Sciences are a must for a BSc degree for example. It is equally important for parents and students to do their own research as the various tertiary institutions have different requirements and different ways of applying the AP Score. The big question – Should my child offer Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy? This is a common question and one that parents and students grapple with when it comes to subject choice. It is important to consider the following: Does my child enjoy Mathematics? Mathematics is a subject that requires many hours of practice and consolidation weekly. If a student does not enjoy the subject, the chances are good that he/she will neglect the subject and do the bare minimum when it comes to homework (which will reflect in the marks). Does my child have an aptitude for Mathematics? If a child does not have an aptitude for Mathematics, he/she will struggle and achieve low marks, despite the effort the student puts into the subject. This may lead to a child feeling that he/she is not intelligent and create issues with self-confidence in general. Nothing can be further from the truth though, we have different areas of strength when it comes to intellect. Not everyone is good at Maths. Does my child require Mathematics for the course/s he/she is interested in? This is a tough one, as a student who does not have the attitude for Mathematics may need it for the tertiary degree he/she wishes to study. My advice would be to listen to the advice given by the school as they work with this type of situation year on year. It may be that your child needs to try Mathematics, with you enlisting the assistance of a private tutor for additional one-on-one weekly lessons or that your child will need to consider the courses offered in the BA faculty or Bed faculty that do not require Mathematics, there are a diverse number of courses that are offered as Bachelor of Arts degrees, such as BA Law and BA Psychology. If you look at the course requirements for BCom and BSc degrees, the minimum requirement is usually 50% for Mathematics, with higher results required for engineering and medical degrees for example. Important to note: Mathematical Literacy is an excellent subject and very practical in nature. Students will apply what they learn throughout their lives. It is a good choice when Mathematics is not required for what your child is planning to study at a tertiary level. Another big question – Must my child offer Physical Sciences? The answer is simple, if your child is planning to pursue courses that fall within the Bachelor of Science realm, such as engineering, medicine, veterinary sciences, genetics and so forth, then he/she must offer Physical

Koa Academy


One of the advantages of an online school platform is that technology makes it incredibly easy to enable kids to connect with invited experts and professionals.  For instance, high-engagement online school Koa Academy hosts a monthly online event ‘The Doctor Will Explain You Now’ that brings the learners from Grade 4 and up, as well as their teachers together with a working person who has achieved a doctorate qualification.  The Doctors’ challenge is to explain their PhD thesis in ten minutes in a way that a ten year old can understand. Mark Anderson, Co-founder and Principal of Koa Academy, says “This is one of the ways that we bring real world into our classrooms and highlight for the kids that the learning they are doing now is going to matter one day in the real world.  They have a fantastic opportunity to engage with a range of individuals who are solving problems and making advances through their research.  It broadens our kids’ horizons and shows them how people can connect their interests and their passions to earning a living.” One of the school’s favourite experts so far this year has been Dr Tarryn Cawood, a geologist with a PhD in Earth Sciences with expertise in structural geology, tectonics and ore deposit research.  Mark says, “When Tarryn came to Koa to explain her doctoral thesis, our kids who love collecting rocks were particularly on fire!  It was an eye-opener for them to connect with someone doing what they love to do and discover that it is a possibility that you can make a career out of your interests.  What’s also good for the kids is that there is an academic robustness to the conversation, and they realise that there’s much more to rocks than they’ve ever thought about before.” The Doctor Will Explain You format highlights the vast range of interests in the world of academia that kids can potentially tap into.  Mark says, “What I love is how often our presenters say to me afterwards that finding relatable ways to explain their theses to our kids was almost as stimulating and challenging for them as writing them.  I think this important, because too often academia is inaccessible, and it is important to take high level academics and make it understandable and available, especially to the young people who are our future game-changers and problem-solvers.”   Discover Koa Academy here.

Abbotts Colleges

Grade Ten Subject Choices: How The Considerations Have Changed

The transition from Grade Nine to Grade Ten marks an important and eventful time in a student’s educational trajectory. One of the critical aspects of this transition is characterised by the selection of subject streams – coming up for all Grade Nines in the next few weeks – that essentially determine future study and career options, as well as a student’s performance in Matric.  But unlike previous years, factors that influence this decision have evolved post-pandemic, says education expert Philip Hlatshwayo, Head of Programme at The Independent Institute of Education, SA’s largest and most accredited private higher education provider. THINK LIKE A PROJECT MANAGER “Self-management is the one attribute or skill that has always been critical in a student’s academic journey. However, the need for this attribute intensified during the Covid19 pandemic, sparked by the sudden need for increased independence in academic work. The skills you gained during that time can now be harnessed when choosing subjects,” Hlatshwayo says. Similar to a company project, subject choice selection needs to be treated as a project, he notes. “A project generally requires a project management plan to be drawn up in order to ensure the success of the project. The critical aspects considered in any project are skills required, the knowledge required and strategies/techniques. “Subjects are no different and work in a similar model. That is, for each subject, a student needs to ask themself what skills am I required to have for this subject? The skills required for studying Physical Sciences will be different from the skills required for studying History. Self-introspection will therefore help you understand the skills you possess and can potentially develop.” What prior knowledge is critical for this subject? “There have been instances where students choose a subject such as Mathematics for which they lack basic knowledge and understanding that were supposed to be developed in the earlier phases. This leads to frustrations because of the requirements cast on the students once they get to Grade 10. “A critical reflection of the past grades and how you have handled the demands of a subject similar to the one you are choosing will save you a lot of time and stressful moments. But it should also be remembered that there is still time to develop competency in a core subject – with focus and hard work – if you are determined.” What studying strategies and techniques are necessary for this subject and do these strategies complement my learning capabilities? Hlatshwayo says students must consider the strategies and techniques needed to be successful in studying a particular subject. “For one student, thinking about various algebraic strategies in a Mathematics subject may come easy, for another, reading large quantities of History material may be preferred. There are areas in which we can excel and unleash our full potential if we think carefully about it.” Answering the questions above will be the first step towards understanding your starting point in this project of choosing the right subjects to support your future dreams. ACADEMIC SUPPORT Academic support involves various stakeholders such as your teacher, peers, family members, mentors and student support services at higher education institutions, who can help you in your journey. “As much as your teacher may help you with critical subject-related issues, you may at times need your mentor to help you establish the value of pursuing certain things in your academic journey and seeing the big picture,” says Hlatshwayo. “Student advisors at higher education institutions can further help you match your prospective subject choices to fields of study and career prospects. They are also able to guide you in terms of how the world of work has changed, and which skills will be in high demand by the time you finish your qualification. Using that information, you can work your way back to see which subjects you have to select now.” HIGH PERFORMANCE STRATEGY Armed with the information and approach as above, students should choose subjects that will both 1) leave them with a wide range of options and 2) allow them to perform to the best of their ability in their Matric exams. “Your subject choice should allow for gateway subjects such as core Maths and Science which will help you to keep your options open,” says Hlatshwayo.   “If you struggle in these subjects, at least retain one of them and focus your efforts. Even if you are not yet confident, remember that you have three years to work hard and get a solid grounding – it’s not too late to rise to the challenge.” Students should also consider what makes them happy, he says. “Select one or two subjects which interest you and throw yourself into the pursuit of mastery. If you ‘are able to find your feet and enjoyment in a particular area, that bodes well for your future career and self-actualisation.” And finally, students should choose some subjects that will help them boost their final results. “Admission to higher education is performance-based, so having some subjects in the bag where you know you can shoot the lights out if you work hard, will very likely improve your chances of success when applying for further study after Matric.” To learn more from our teachers and educational experts, read one of our other blogs. To find out more about Abbotts College and the work we do, visit the rest of our website. To learn more about how Abbotts College can improve your child’s educational journey, read more about our non-traditional approach. Feel free to call or email one of our campus administrators. ’ individuality.

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