Mathematics is a crucial subject that permeates our daily lives – from managing finances to solving complex problems in various fields, mathematics is everywhere. However, for many of us the thought of dealing with mathematical concepts can trigger feelings of dread and anxiety. This phenomenon is commonly known as math anxiety. Fortunately, one effective approach […]

Much like starting a job and staying with the company until retirement age is a thing of the past, so too is the idea that one must attend only one primary school and one high school during the entirety of one’s schooling journey, no matter what. Yes, it is the ideal and stability and the […]

In my almost two decades as an educational professional, I have witnessed a recurring pattern that I’ve come to call “Third Term Turmoil.” This phenomenon typically occurs in the August/September period, where teenage disciplinary issues tend to peak. I’ve developed a theory to explain this pattern, which centers around seasonal changes and academic pressures. As […]

September month is International reading month! Every year we celebrate it with “Donate a Book Day”-DAB DAY At Loreto School Queenswood, we are inspiring the Love for Books through initiatives like DAB Day, these initiatives have a positive impact on our children.  In a world filled with screens and digital distractions, fostering a love for […]

Have you ever gazed upon a giant oak tree? These majestic trees can grow as high as 21m and as wide as 3m! In fact, the tallest oak tree ever recorded was a whopping 44m high! Their branches extend for many metres, shading the earth from the hot sun in Summer and shedding their colourful leaves in the Autumn. It is interesting to note that the grandiose oak tree started life on earth as a tiny seed. The giant tap root system was the first part of the tree to emerge at germination – tiny at first, but continually expanding. It is from this giant tap root system that the magnificent oak tree receives all the water and nutrients that it needs to grow and develop to its full potential!

Taking the leap from Grade R into Grade 1 can be a daunting prospect. As our little ones move from the pre-prep into “big school” they can often experience some nervousness as they are required to be more independent.  At HeronBridge College we are very intentional about the relationship between child, parent and teacher and […]

Children read a lot more than you may think. Every subject your child studies in school requires reading comprehension and retention. Whether it is math, history or science, reading retention is critical to success. Here are some ways you can help your child grow and develop solid reading-retention skills. Start Early Remember, a child’s listening […]

Understanding cognitive skills and math. “Math!” This four-letter word is enough to give many kids a knot in the stomach, and many parents sleepless nights in anticipation of the next school report or math test coming up. When it comes to mathematics, many parents and children feel anxious and frustrated. This is especially true when […]

Most good schools, whether public or private, incorporate art into their curricula – especially during the primary school years. This subject sometimes has the reputation for being the class where you can take a break from the ‘real work’, which is why its importance as a developmental tool for critical thinking isn’t well understood. But […]

Now in its second year, the Nqoba Challenge is a ‘must’ for the family calendar!  Hosted by HeronBridge College, a Curro Select school located in Fourways, and powered by Planet Fitness, the Nqoba Challenge is a fun-filled obstacle course for families that takes place on 16 September 2023.  Whether you are a family with little […]