Leading expert advice from Wingu Academy
Wingu Academy

Raising future-proof children with the rise of EduTech

“In 1951 we witnessed the birth of television. In 1981, Acorn IBM’s first personal computer was released and in 1999 Wi-Fi, the abbreviated term for “wireless fidelity” was developed. But life as we know it today doesn’t change every 20 – 30 years anymore. It now changes every 20-30 minutes…perhaps without us even knowing it. Traditional Schooling as we knew it If you are reading this there is a 99% chance that you were in a “traditional brick-and-mortar” school. We were dropped off in the morning by a parent, or took the bus to school, or for some of us, even walked to school. Then we joined our friends in a classroom with a teacher, the bell rang for break, we all had our lunch, and then we went back to class. We were lucky if we had a Computer Centre at school that we were exposed to. After school, some of us attended social or sport events. And most of you would agree with me that we did not turn out too bad.  Times have changed Today, every child is exposed to some type of technological device and likely, even more than one. They are exposed to technology at home and at school, and when visiting their friends’ houses. Students in the 21st century need technology to do their schoolwork, their sport activities, and events and even when organising social events. We as adults must raise children with technology as it is the key to their future. Modern universities make use of online assessment tasks, computer-based assignments, software tools and in all careers, a basic computer skill is a requirement. We have the privilege to raise children with the necessary future-focused skills to adapt to a fast-growing technological world.  Forced to online schooling  COVID-19 forced the global community to experience “home-schooling” or “online-schooling”. What a blessing in disguise for many of us. Parents and students had their worlds changed by this. Many of us realised what our children were being taught at school, and in many cases left us with a lot to be desired. We also realised that we could do school from literally anywhere in the world by using web-based tools and online schooling platforms. Together with this, a whole new world opened for children. Students can be managed by an online educator under the supervision of their parents to do research, to write their own coding programme, to experience learning in an immersive way, and be engaged by a variety of tools that bring joy into learning. The possibilities are endless.  Pros and Cons of raising the next generation by use of EduTech solutions such as online schools. This debate can go on for days, but in fact, it all comes down to two main considerations. If my child goes to an online school, how will their social development be impacted? The reality is that social skills can be fostered outside of a brick-and-mortar school. Online schooling and homeschooling families have vibrant communities that have rich social experiences, build lifelong friendships, and have the benefit that it can be forged around your own family values, choosing friends, and avoiding bullying and exposure to bad influences. This does take parental effort and can be a task without tapping into the communities available. Most online schools, such as Wingu Academy have vibrant programmes where students are given a choice of different clubs to be part of. The clubs foster social interaction, connect friends that can meet up in person, build leadership skills, and get exposure to other potential interests. Students who attend an online school know all the ins and outs of technology and how to use it in everyday life, school, and work. Children today are more comfortable with social interactions online than other generations and are developing the crucial skills to safely interact in a connected world. It is important to leverage off the opportunities available to ensure socialisation in person. Globally there are vibrant communities on social media for homeschooling, and veteran homeschooling families that can offer guidance.  As an educator, teaching online changed my whole life. I realised that there was a whole new world outside of my comfort zone waiting for me to discover. When I first started teaching online, I was terrified of using the technology, but now I can’t think of going back to my old way of teaching, experiencing all the possibilities online teaching holds for me and my students. I also can’t wait to see how my son develops using all the technological skills he is about to learn. He has the best of both worlds. I can raise him on a farm in the outdoors with the peace of mind that when entering the workforce of the future he wouldn’t have to stand back for anyone or anything, because of an online school like Wingu Academy he will have all the skills to have a technological advantage in whatever career path he chooses to pursue.” Madeline Kruger, is a wife, mother of a five-year old, and a language teacher at Wingu Academy with true Wingulian blood flowing through her veins. She holds a B.Ed Intermediate Degree from North West University in South Africa. She also received an award from the Golden Key International Society. Madeline is passionate about teaching and believes that all children are special in their own way and should have the opportunity to develop at their own pace.

Wingu Academy

Relationship building with home education providers is a priority for the Gauteng Department of Education – Wingu Academy’s invite for in-depth collaboration

The Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) conducted a meeting with homeschooling and online school providers on the 2nd of June 2022. This is the first meeting where the GDE reached out to service providers in the home education sector as part of stakeholder engagement and relationship building. Chriselda Mosibudi-Makhubela, the Director for Independent Schools at the Gauteng Department of Education, expressed the objective of amplifying the voices of learners that are home educated, as well as those of the key stakeholders to work towards turning around the prior views on home education.      South Africa has seen a surge of online schools opening in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some online schools were already established pre-pandemic due to a natural growth in the home education market inherent in the country, whilst others developed in response to the perceived demand in the market for online schooling.  In the US, online schools have been well attended for a few decades already and have seen mature and well-developed online schools emerge as viable and important alternatives for numerous students across the states. Pre-pandemic there were over 375 000 students between the ages of 6 and 18 attending state-wide full-time online school programmes, a number that has almost doubled for the 2021-2022 school year in the US.  In South Africa, the numbers are not that clear and pre-pandemic estimates of 100 000 homeschoolers have increased dramatically to more than 300 000 according to the Department of Education. Chriselda Mosibudi-Makhubela has previously indicated that up to 4% of learners can be home educated in South Africa. The director also expressed that the GDE is very interested in doing research to learn more about home-based education and to improve on assessment and curriculum provision in Gauteng, especially for home education.   With the growth in the interest in home-based education, accelerated by the pandemic, many online schools have emerged. At the meeting on the 2nd of June it became evident that clearer guidelines and frameworks are required to establish a minimum standard to ensure that all learners get the best possible education from homeschooling providers and online schools. The different curriculum providers and homeschooling providers present at the meeting had varying levels of maturity of internal processes, curriculum delivery, and assessment structures.  Wingu Academy was encouraged to see that our processes and standards are high and aligned to policy and guidelines available and we are excited to share what we have found to be effective in our approach to online distance learning. Wingu Academy is formally inviting collaboration with national and local departments of education and wishes to support the core values that Director Chriselda Mosibudi-Makhubela shared at the meeting of “excellence, compliance and relationship building”.   Wingu Academy is optimistic and welcomes the pending regulatory framework to be approved by the end of October 2022, and the opportunity to forge a strong relationship with the GDE. “At the meeting Wingu Academy extended an offer to support the Gauteng Department of Education with our in-house expertise in curriculum mapping to assist with smoother transitioning of students between International and the CAPS curriculum to make it more accessible for students to transfer between home education and public or independent schools where needed.” explains Ian Strydom, Managing Director of Wingu Academy.  “Wingu Academy has been applying the policy on home education and has simultaneously aligned all internal processes and quality assurance measures with the local and international requirements of traditional independent schools, and are ready to adopt any further recommendations by the Department of Education. The Academy is registered with the South African Comprehensive Assessments Institute (SACAI) as a distance education provider for the CAPS programme it is currently offering, and is a registered Pearson Online Centre for the International British Curriculum. The Academy is also finalising the registration of an independent school in its network awaiting final feedback from the local department of education and as such has comprehensive alignment with the available guidelines from the Department of Basic Education.” Strydom concludes.     

Wingu Academy

Problem Based Learning, why do we need this in schools today?

Researchers have been hypothesizing and theorizing about Problem Based Learning (PBL) for decades. It came to life in the mid 60s when a group of scientists and physicians all had a similarly negative view of their undergraduate degrees and felt they could find a better way to present it. They developed the notion that students will understand their work better if their learning is driven by open-ended problems that challenge their way of thinking. Today, universities across the world implement Problem Based Learning in their courses to encourage students to critically engage with their subject content. Few schools have, however, implemented this learning method and the question begs to be asked, why? With the shift in education from Teacher-centeredness to Learner-centeredness, today’s educational landscape is the ideal place to implement PBL.  What does Problem Based Learning entail? Problem Based Learning is a method of learning where learners are presented with an open-ended problem and they must acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to solve it. It is necessary for the learners to first identify what skills will be needed to solve the problem and thereafter they must learn and use these skills to solve it. They move through a set sequence of in-context problems by acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge. The learners are guided by their learning material and assisted by teachers throughout. They work in small groups and are constantly learning from each other. Group members teach each other, rather than a teacher teaching the content at the front of the class. Why implement Problem Based Learning in schools?  Since many universities have started implementing Problem Based Learning, it may seem unnecessary for schools to implement it as well. That is the exact reason why this method of learning should be more commonly implemented in schools: to prepare learners for their tertiary studies and careers. Learners already face a seemingly insurmountable task of adjusting to university life without having to struggle to adjust to new learning methods as well. Equipping learners with the skills needed to complete a university degree makes the likelihood of learners succeeding in these degrees much larger. Equipping learners with the skills they need to succeed in University and in their careers one day should be paramount to high schools across the world and it should precede content recitation.  Some of the skills acquired through the PBL approach include: Flexible knowledge base: Problem Based Learning teaches learners the subject content in a way that moves beyond merely learning the facts of the subject. They are required to integrate the knowledge gathered from different subjects as well as from their own experiences. They have to use these skills and build upon them to solve the problems they are faced with. These skills and knowledge are organized around the deep principles in a subject. Learners use previous knowledge to evaluate the problem they are faced with and build upon this knowledge when they attempt to solve it. This means that their knowledge is continuously restructured and adjusted. This knowledge is not centred around one single point of reference and this grants learners the chance to adapt and apply it to many different scenarios.  Problem-solving skills: In Problem Based Learning, learners are presented with a scenario and they must evaluate and formulate the problem by studying the facts of the scenario. This helps learners understand the problem better and they can start hypothesising possible solutions. Learners must then identify where they have gaps in their knowledge to solve the problem and acquire these skills through research. These reasoning strategies are fundamental in any problem-solving scenarios learners may be faced within their lives and studies ahead. It builds the meta-cognitive skills that allow learners to executively plan their problems and evaluate their progress and whether their goals have been met. Self-directed learning skills: Learners are forced to identify the gaps in their knowledge in Problem Based Learning. They must identify where they lack the skills necessary to solve the problem they are faced with and must then research these skills. They are required to evaluate and direct their learning themselves, with only the occasional guidance from their teacher. This wakes the natural curiosity in learners to find the answers and skills they are requiring. These self-directed learning skills become an intrinsic part of a learner’s studies and will stay with that learner through his/her life, motivating them to become life-long learners. The curiosity they learn through these problems motivates them to explore and this in turn intrinsically motivates them to learn. This is a crucial skill for the Fourth Industrial Revolution as the learners are internally motivated to discover and this is not a skill that can be replaced by a robot. They do not have to be instructed to study certain things, they will be motivated to do so on their own. Teamwork: To implement PBL effectively, learners must work in teams to solve the problems they are faced with. Learners must learn how to function as part of a team by establishing shared goals, resolving conflict situations, deciding on the actions the group should take and coming to an agreement on the plan of action. These are essential skills for any well-rounded learner that they must acquire for the innumerable tasks that they will have to complete through teamwork. By learning these skills early in life, they have a head start on many colleagues. Conclusion Problem Based Learning prepares learners for their future by equipping them with a flexible knowledge base, life-long learning skills, teamwork skills and self-directed learning skills. They will be able to adapt to life after school much better when they learn these skills early in life as universities and most careers require them to apply the skills every day. These skills are, furthermore, essential for the Fourth Industrial Revolution where artificial intelligence will replace the majority of tasks in the workforce. The intrinsic curiosity to learn will distinguish learners from the competition in the workplace one day, both human and artificial

Wingu Academy

Cyber Wellness – how to protect children in a cyber world

The internet is a vast and expansive space. It allows us to connect, create and become whoever we want to be. It provides unlimited opportunities and freedom one can only imagine. However, within all the space and freedom, there is also danger. This danger could include people with malicious intentions, scams and even bullies.  For this reason, the concept of Cyber Wellness has become an imperative part of our Wingu vocabulary. Cyber Wellness refers to an individual’s feelings of safety and positivity regarding online spaces. It also refers to one’s capacity to be able to protect themselves and others, from internet dangers.  While there is a wide range of tips, tricks and rules that Wingu learners and internet users everywhere should follow; the way individuals engage with others on the internet is constantly changing! “Think about it; one of the main rules of using the internet when I was a child was don’t talk to strangers! However, young people these days, meet most of their friends through social media or gaming platforms. Therefore, just providing learners with a standard, one-size fits all set of rules, is ineffective. We need to teach learners more than how to follow rules. We need to teach them to think on their feet in order to protect and promote their Cyber Wellness,” says Jenna Chetty from the Wingu Wellness Hub. One of the ways we can do this is by helping learners strengthen and enforce their boundaries. A boundary is basically the rule that you set, about how others are allowed to treat you. A learner with strong boundaries can easily identify when behaviour is inappropriate and put a stop to it immediately. Another way to teach learners how to protect themselves, is by helping them foster resilience. Resilience is simply the ability to bounce back, after experiencing something unfavourable or unkind. Due to the freedom the internet allows, it is almost inevitable that children will be exposed to harmful images, language, opinions and people who want to break their confidence. Resilience will allow them to stand up again, after being knocked down by other people’s irresponsible use of online spaces. Lastly, we can promote Cyber Wellness by teaching learners how to be responsible online. If we want to experience positive internet spaces, we need to be an injection of positivity every time we enter an online space. This means that we are always respectful, do not judge and always treat others the way we want to be treated. Of course, the general tips and tricks such as don’t talk to strangers, don’t share your password, don’t engage with bullies etc, are still important! We just want to offer learners more than the standard procedure for Cyber Wellness. Therefore, Wingu Wellness has developed a three-session Cyber Wellness Course for our Wingulians. The sessions focus on the three topics mentioned above. Namely, boundaries, resilience and promoting cyber wellness. It also includes the tips and tricks, as well as an in-depth look into what learners can do if they are being cyber-bullied. If you have any questions about cyber wellness or the course, please don’t hesitate to contact wellness@wingu-academy.com The concepts of Cyber Wellness and Cyber Safety are evolving and ever-changing. So, don’t feel discouraged if you don’t have all the answers.  The most important thing is to be there for your child and keep the communication channels open.

Wingu Academy

How to achieve deeper learning

Deeper learning is an educational outcome where students develop the ability to apply their knowledge in new contexts, to extend their ideas and to critically and creatively solve problems. Deeper learning should encourage self-directed learning, academic mastery, working collaboratively and communicating effectively. This stands in contrast to learning which focuses on students simply recalling and regurgitating information to pass a standardized series of tests or checkpoints. As an example, when students are presented with a study of World War 2, a student who displays only the ability to reproduce facts, would be able to name dates associated with the war, as well as prominent figures or events, but would fail to answer essay type questions of which the content could not be memorized beforehand. But a student who possesses deeper learning skills, would, for example, be able to argue what the socioeconomic and political circumstances were that led to this war, by critically interpreting the narrative of the events. Unfortunately, through the traditional education system’s standardized and lecture based approach, deeper learning is often not encouraged in the classroom. There are however, numerous ways in which educators can encourage deeper learning in their students, as will be discussed below. Parents who are home schooling their children might also be interested in finding out how they can achieve deeper learning outcomes through their parent-led teaching. And other home schooling parents who make use of a curriculum service provider should ensure that their chosen provider employs strategies that leads to deeper learning outcomes. 1.  Contextualize learning Humans are emotional beings. We remember things better if we can feel some personal connection to it. This explains why we can remember the plots of movies or films even long after we’ve finished watching or reading it, as we relate to the characters and circumstances. But how can we leverage this to enable deeper learning of academic content? The answer is to contextualize the work being learned. For example, instead of just teaching students about the basics of atmospheric pressure, contextualize the learning by asking them to consider why their ears block when an airplane rapidly climbs or descends. As this is something that students may have experienced before, presenting the information in this way allows students to integrate this new-found knowledge into their pre-existing reference framework, which in turn enables them to visualize and understand the underlying principles better. A quote by Dr. David Bilkey explains this well: “Most of the time, when you are presented with new information, you will remember it much better if you can integrate it into your pre-existing scaffold – your knowledge of the world and how it works”. Another wonderful way in which educators contextualize learning, is to demonstrate to students how certain knowledge and skills are applied to real world careers. For example, if you know someone in the field of forensic anthropology, why not invite them to give a presentation on their work, once the students start studying the skeletal system in Biology. 2.  Empower students to take charge of their own learning Inquiry based learning is a great tool to help students reach deeper learning outcomes. Getting students invested in projects, such as to design a crash safety system for an egg dropped from a building, or to redesign an app, allows them to actively participate in the problem solving process and encourages critical thinking. For example, if students are tasked to design an app that can track the energy expenditure of a household, the students will have to think critically and creatively about the different metrics involved, and how these will be monitored. These kind of projects also afford students the opportunity to work in groups, which teaches them essential communication and collaboration skills. These kind of projects can also afford an opportunity to create a community of learning. Older students can act as mentors to younger students, to encourage an environment of collaboration. Furthermore, a clever way to get students invested in their learning, is to personalize the learning according to their age group, or to the individual student themselves. Most upper and lower secondary students know recently popularized superhero movies. Incorporating examples of these characters into the explanation of certain concepts can be the “hook” that gets students invested in the underlying subject matter. For example, when explaining conservation of momentum, sketch a scenario where Ironman and Captain Marvel are involved in a collision, instead of using more generic examples. Want to teach students essay writing skills? Instead of presenting students with a predefined list of topics or prompts, involve students in their learning by having them draw up their own list of prompts from which to choose, in class. 3.  Leverage technology Technology can be a brilliant way through which to encourage deeper learning in students of all ages. However, as with all tools, the power of technology as an educational medium, lies in the way in which it is implemented. By using computer programs such as spreadsheet software to handle complex data, or collaborative cloud computing tools such as shared drives and cloud based software (Google docs, Google slides), students are encouraged to effectively communicate and collaborate, whilst developing research and critical thinking skills. In an online learning management system, interactive games, quizzes and simulations can be used to guide self-directed learning, where incentives such as badges or a gamified leader board can encourage students to attain academic mastery of subject topics. Furthermore, technology associated with the 4th industrial revolution is increasingly shaping the way in which we work, and it is also shaping the future career landscape in which our current students will find themselves upon graduation. Using technology to teach students vital 4IR skills is essential, and can be used to enable a rich, deeper learning experience. For example, additive manufacturing (3D printing) has seen remarkable growth in recent years. Students can be taught Computer Aided Design (CAD) skills, which – if integrated with their knowledge of coding and electronics – can be used to design systems that

Wingu Academy

Thrive with your tribe – enroll in a social club today!

Social interaction has always been a concern for many parents of home-schooled children. Wingu Academy who is SA’s best rated provider for online schooling from home has never seen this as a challenge, but rather as an opportunity to provide learners with an array of Social Clubs and activities to belong to, and “thrive with their tribe”. Current clubs range from the usual chess and study groups to fitness, photography, science, anime to gaming clubs. In fact, learners at Wingu Academy are so excited about the clubs that the school can boast an amazing 60% of learners have already enrolled in one or more social clubs. “We believe that it all has to do with being in touch with our learners’ interests and offering the activities that are most relevant to them,” says Ross Laubscher, Student Development Team Leader at Wingu Academy. One of the most popular clubs is the Gaming Club with 106 students enrolled in this club alone. We even have our very own Minecraft server!  Minecraft is a popular, child-friendly computer game that combines exploration and survival skills in a unique and fun way. In simple terms, it’s like digital LEGO – which you can use to create anything from a small hut to a huge, sprawling metropolis. Where the only constraint is your imagination! It is also a great educational tool that is being used all over the world to teach valuable skills such as mathematics, problem-solving and basic programming. Wingu released its very own locally hosted Minecraft server, exclusively designed for Wingu learners. It offers a safe place where learners can connect and play with classmates, outside of the classroom. They can collaborate on big projects, by using teamwork to collect resources efficiently, build structures faster, and share ideas. The server hosts both design and Redstone challenges that are intended to encourage not only innovative and creative designs, but also technical skills. This is just one of the 10 awesome clubs for learners to participate in. To much excitement and on request, a science club was introduced this year for all the budding young scientists calling themselves “The Experimentals”. In this club, we will be exploring the wonderfully wild, weird and wacky world of science, while having fun with some at-home experiments and science project. Belonging to a social club has many benefits: Learners can interact with each other outside of school. It provides a sense of belonging with like-minded learners. It keeps learners entertained while learning new skills. It provides a platform for teachers and learners to connect on a more personalised level. It promotes healthy competition among the learners, which is an important life skill to learn in order to thrive with resilience. Some of the clubs have presidents and club panels and this fosters responsibility and leadership skills “We launched the Wingu Social Clubs as a way to accentuate the holistic development of our learners and provide a safe and fun space for our Wingulians to make friends and learn more about topics they are interested in outside the curriculum. Wingu is truly the closest you will ever feel whilst distance learning.” says Panashe Tiffany Saungweme, Associate Director of Human Capital at Wingu Academy.

Advice from the experts

Homeschooled celebrities who found success

There is a lot of stigma surrounding homeschooling, with many people considering homeschooled children to be strange, anti-social outcasts. However, these wildly successful homeschooled celebrities prove that is not the case! Across all fields and industries – from acting to athletics – many celebrities have shown that homeschooling does not impede achievement but is a contributing factor to it. Simone Biles At only 24 years old, Olympic artistic gymnast Simone Biles has over 30 Olympic and World Championship medals combined! She is the most decorated (awarded) gymnast in American history and the third most decorated gymnast in the world. One of four siblings, she grew up in the foster care system until she was adopted in 2003. In 2012, at 15 years old, she switched from mainstream schooling to homeschooling to allow her to focus on her career. She graduated in 2015 and was accepted into the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), but decided to focus on gymnastics full-time instead. Read more: Can homeschoolers take part in extracurricular activities?  Emma Watson Actress Emma Watson is perhaps best known for her role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film franchise. At only nine years old, she was cast for the franchise, which broke records for opening-day sales and opening-weekend takings and was the highest-grossing film of 2001. Since then, she has starred in multiple award-winning and high-grossing films such as The Perks of Being a Wallflower and the live-action adaptation of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast.  In addition to acting, she does advocacy work for women’s rights and gender equality and was appointed as a UN Goodwill Ambassador in 2014 at only 24 years old. Only one year later, she was named one of Time’s 100 most influential people in the world.  In 2003, she switched to homeschooling, studying for up to five hours a day while on set. In June 2006, she took GCSE school examinations in ten subjects, achieving 8 A+ marks and 2 A marks. She went on to graduate from the prestigious Brown University with a bachelor’s degree in English literature. Read more: How to help a learner prepare for university Misty Copeland In 2015, ballerina Misty Copeland was the first African American woman to be promoted to principal dancer in the American Ballet Theatre’s 75-year history, despite having started ballet quite late at 13 years old. She began homeschooling with her dance teacher, Cynthia Bradley, two years later in the summer before her 15th birthday.  Despite a difficult childhood – multiple custody battles and legal proceedings were instituted while she was a teenager – she rose to fame and has since gone on to write two successful autobiographical books and continues to dance professionally. She is also a public speaker and celebrity spokesperson for multiple brands. In the same year as her selection as a principal dancer, she was also named one of Time’s 100 most influential people in the world.  Read more: How to foster resilience in children Thomas Edison Inventor and businessman Thomas Edison gained fame in December of 1879 when he made the first public demonstration of the incandescent light bulb, a revolutionary invention that would change the course of history.  Edison was a difficult child, causing trouble at the public school he attended. So, at seven years old, his mother decided to teach him at home. He was taught reading, writing, and arithmetic in this way.  Apart from his work on the humble but ground-breaking lightbulb, he also worked on developing the phonograph (also known as a gramophone) and the motion picture camera, more colloquially known as a video camera. Read more: A homeschool mom shares the 10 best things about homeschooling The Williams sisters  Tennis superstars Venus and Serena Williams were homeschooled from elementary school right through high school by their parents Richard Williams and Oracene Price, who were also their tennis coaches. Between 2000 and 2016, over 17 years, together they won 12 Wimbledon singles titles, with Venus winning five and Serena winning seven.  The Women’s Tennis Association has ranked both sisters at the world number 1 position in singles and doubles. Both players have won four gold medals each at the Summer Olympics, one each in singles and three in doubles — the most of any players in the history of the sport. by Jacqui Smit

Syllabis Learning

Tips on How to Ease your Transition from School to Homeschool

Thinking about homeschooling your kids? Or perhaps you have already made the decision to homeschool? This could be due to various reasons, some of which may include wanting to remove your kids from a negative school environment, to protect them from bullying or giving them the freedom to learn in a progressive way that may be more appropriate for them. An environment where creativity is nurtured and celebrated, a method of schooling that better prepares your child for his or her future. Let us offer you peace of mind as you transition to what we believe to be a brilliant way to educate your kids. Here are some valuable tips to ease the transition from school to homeschool: Include your kids in the conversation Talk about this decision with your whole family, share your goals with your children and listen to their excitement and concerns. Identify what your education goals are, and the endless possibilities you can achieve by homeschooling. Legalities Homeschooling is legal in South Africa and only grade1 to 9 are required to be registered for homeschooling with the Department of Basic Education (DBE). Withdrawing your child from school and registering him or her as a homeschooler with the DBE is a relatively easy process and a Syllabis consultant will guide and help you with all the necessary steps once you have purchased a Syllabis curriculum. Try not to mimic school at home Trying to recreate the school environment for your child is a trap that many parents easily fall into. Consider this in your schedule or approach and try not to separate your role of teacher and parent. It helps to integrate your learning and teaching into your parenting and lifestyle. Give yourself time to adjust and de-school Realize that it may take some time for your children to find their feet so give them some room to breathe. Every child is different so make decisions and schedules that fit with your child’s needs. Some kids take a few weeks to adjust, and some may take a few months, try enjoying being together as a family again and work slowly into new routines. Set up a daily schedule You will want to create a basic schedule for your new homeschool day. Having a basic plan in writing will aid in the transition process. It will also help you stay on track and feel like you are getting necessary things accomplished. Even if you do not stick to your schedule like glue, having something basic in writing will greatly aid in your organization.  Decrease the time spent in “official” school Mainstream school requires 6-8 hours of schooling while if your child focuses, he or she will soon realize that school can be done in 2-3 hours a day, leaving hours to be spent doing extra-curricular activities or spending time on hobbies or playing. Increase the breaks in-between subjects Who says school must take place in 8 hours? A lot of homeschoolers have found shorter study times, interspersed by frequent breaks, can boost productivity.  Adapt as you go Observe your family as you go and continue to adjust to what works best for you. You’ll be amazed at how much you learn about your children’s personalities and abilities and how best they learn.  Take advantage of a support network While you are transitioning from traditional school to homeschool you may have questions, take advantage of the support your curriculum provider provides. Syllabis will guide you through the full transition and provide in-depth support and guidance. Sign up for extra-curricular activities Sign up to sporting and extra-curricular activities, to stay active and social. We can aid with extra-curricular activities like Online Music School, Life Coaching, English Pronunciation and Reading Skills program, Golf instruction, Marshall Arts, video Gaming, 3D Printing, Medical School and Driving School. Homeschooling teaches learners to become independent and allows them the space to become more creative thinkers and doers. It gives them the freedom to learn by their own rules and work by their own schedule, as well as the freedom to soar ahead academically! Hear from Syllabis clients:


Choosing Dramatic Arts – everything you need to know

In a brand-new blog series, we will be exploring the various subjects offered by Impaq in the FET Phase (Grade 10 – 12). We spoke to education specialist Bianca Pelser and Impaq alumnus Simon Meintjes to learn more about Dramatic Arts as a subject. Taking centre stage Simon Meintjes, who matriculated in 2017, joined Impaq in 2014 when he had an undiagnosed illness that caused severe skin infections and kept him out of school regularly. “Seeing that my symptoms were quite visible, I was subject to a substantial amount of verbal bullying,” Meintjes says.  Also read: From being bullied to blooming – Blake’s story The flexibility of homeschooling accommodated Meintjes’s healthcare schedule and had an additional benefit as well. “Bullying became a thing of the past,” Meintjes says. Homeschooling boosted Meintjes self-confidence so much that he registered for Dramatic Arts in Grade 10. When thinking about selecting Dramatic Arts as a subject in Grade 10, Pelser advises learners first and foremost to have a love for performing in front of an audience. “They should ideally be outgoing and should enjoy communicating verbally and physically,” Pelser explains. She further says that learners who do well in the subject often have the following traits: They are not shy They can understand and relate to people They have excellent social skills They can debate, explore, and reflect on the often difficult subject matter They are creative In the limelight Dramatic Arts is a powerful tool for developing cooperation and collaboration skills. Pelser says that learners who take the subject acquire various skills they can use to express themselves. These skills include: Improvisation Vocal and physical communication  Interpretation and expressiveness Creation and presentation of performances Analysis and interpretation of performance texts in context “I have always been an admirer of actors and their craft,” Meintjes says. He loved the idea of transforming his physicality, voice, and costume to portray a character and found it incredibly exciting. “The freedom of interpretation and the opportunity to view life from different perspectives was very empowering,” Meintjes says. Dress rehearsal Learners who take Dramatic Arts need to complete three practical assessment tasks (PATs) each year to complete the subject. “Each of them consists of a written and practical component,” Pelser explains.  Practical component – learners typically need to perform a piece, e.g., a monologue, scene, dramatised prose, poem. Written component – learners need to complete a written task, e.g., an essay, research task, or assignment on the chosen piece. The practical performances prepared for the PATs are then performed again for the practical examinations. Also read: How to easily complete practical subjects through home education “Even though interpretation and creativity play a large part in Dramatic Arts, it also consists of a lot of technique and history,” Meintjes says. The techniques and history serve as the main pillars on which the subject depends, and Meintjes adds that it can be a little overwhelming. “But the stronger your foundation, the more knowledgeable you are and the better you will be at interpreting and understanding the craft, so it’s all worthwhile.” All the world’s a stage Once learners have completed their Grade 12 year successfully, they could be red-carpet ready.“Dramatic Arts prepares learners for entry into further studies for a possible career in the drama (or related arts) field,” Pelser says. The subject also equips learners with crucial life skills such as: Confidence  Self-esteem Creativity Communication skills Empathy Self-discipline Critical and creative thinking  Leadership skills  Collaboration “These skills will benefit the individual in any field or future interest,” Pelser explains. Typical career paths include acting/performing, presenting, and teaching.  Also read: Career choices: How to help your child make their subject selections in Grade 9 Get the show on the road Dramatic Arts, as a subject, could be an incredibly enriching experience, Pelser notes. “It really teaches you a lot about yourself and the people around you, as well as our country’s history,” she explains. Meintjes’s advice to learners considering taking Dramatic Arts is to look at things very broadly: “The more you take in, the more you will be able to offer through your craft.” He also advises learners to view Dramatic Arts not as a spectacle but as a craft and full-on experience. “Lastly, work hard, be prepared, and always strive to be nimble,” Meintjes concludes. Impaq offers Dramatic Arts (in English) for Grades 10 – 12. Click here to register. by Elmien Ackerman


Supporting your child’s emotional intelligence development

Emotional intelligence (also known as ‘emotional quotient’), briefly summarised, refers to a person’s ability to recognise emotions in themselves and others, differentiate and label emotions appropriately, and adjust emotions based on different environments. Regulating, expressing, and adapting emotions is, in essence, a set of skills and behaviours which – very importantly – can be learned and refined. People who score higher on emotional quotient (EQ) tests tend to be better able to form healthy relationships, succeed at school and the workplace, and control negative impulses. High levels of emotional intelligence are essential for people to thrive in all facets of life, and it is vital to start developing it from a young age. By supporting your child’s emotional development at every phase of their life, you can help set them up for a happy and prosperous future. The stages of emotional development As a child grows, they will learn different emotional skills depending on their age. Although there is no single linear model that perfectly captures human emotional development, there are rough milestones at every age. That said, it is crucial to remember that every child develops at their own rate. If you are concerned that your child is not meeting their markers, consider consulting a medical professional. Read more: How our childhood personality affects us as adults, and why it’s important Toddlers (18 months – 2 years) At this stage, children are just beginning to feel more complex emotions. Because they typically are unable to verbalise their feelings, they are often likely to have fits and temper tantrums. Toddlers tend to be preoccupied with their concerns and needs. Pre-schoolers (3 – 4 years) Children of this age will start to show and communicate a broader range of emotions as their vocabulary grows. They begin engaging in play in earnest, showing affection towards and cooperation with others, and resolving conflict to some degree. Read more: You’ve got a friend in me Young children (5 – 10 years)  5 – 6 years: children become more conversational and independent. They start learning adult social skills like praising others and apologising for mistakes. 7 – 8 years: children’s awareness of others’ perceptions and opinions and the ability to express feelings with words increase. 9 – 10 years: children now show a plethora of emotions and behaviours, and demonstrate increasing independent decision-making. Adolescents (11 – 18) Pre-teens and teens are now starting to think more logically and become more introspective, often needing greater levels of privacy. They increasingly consider and value the opinions of others. As they strive to be more independent and discover themselves (so to speak), they might seem moody or self-centred. Supporting emotional development at every age As children’s emotional intelligence develops, they will need different kinds of support at each stage of development. Parents are encouraged to be a kind of ‘emotion coach’, using their children’s most emotional moments as opportunities to teach children to recognise, analyse, and handle their feelings. Read more: How to foster resilience in children Toddlers The most important thing to do at this age is to stay calm when they are not. Ask children guiding questions to ascertain how they are feeling and give them labels for these feelings. Working through a meltdown is much easier when a child can say, “I am feeling this way because of this thing”. Pre-schoolers At this stage, children will start needing coping strategies for their emotions. The goal now is to help children recognise what they need when they feel distressed, whether it be some alone time to process their feelings or a distraction until they have calmed down. Young children During this phase, children might stop disclosing as much information about their lives, so it is up to you to be aware of their feelings. Ask them what might be going on and how that is making them feel. Listen with empathy and mirror what they are saying so that they know you understand what they have said. Adolescents Adolescence might be the most challenging life stage in terms of emotions. Pre-teens and teenagers need to be given space and independence (to a reasonable degree). It is prudent to help them feel good about themselves by promoting self-confidence, as many children at this age struggle with their self-esteem. Ensure your child feels safe and comfortable enough to discuss their feelings, and be sure not to minimise their feelings when they do. Remind them you are there for them and help them if and when they make mistakes. Read more: Setting boundaries with your teenagers What not to do Equally important as doing the right thing to support your child is making sure you do not do the wrong thing. When discussing your child’s feelings, be careful to avoid mean or sarcastic remarks and excessive criticism. Do not attempt to do any type of coaching when you are upset or tired, as this will likely end in a very unproductive argument. Likewise, if your child is being manipulative, leave the conversation for a later stage. Stay clear of discussing your child’s feelings if you are pressed for time – these conversations tend to be quite lengthy! By Jacqui Smit

Parenting Hub

Education interrupted : time to talk about the future of our children

It is easy for middle- and upper-class South Africans with access to schools that can accommodate social distancing and Covid protocols to begin to believe that, on the whole, except for the inconveniences of screening, masks and sanitation, education is returning to normal.  However nothing could be further from the truth, an education expert says. “Those of us with means are called to focus on the cost – the long-term cost and impact – to the children in South Africa. It is not dramatic to say that for most of the children ‘regular’ schooling has yet to resume,” says Dr Felicity Coughlan, Director at The Independent Institute of Education, SA’s largest and most accredited private higher education provider. Dr Coughlan says that while schools and educators are doing the best they can, often with limited resources, too many children, including those in reasonable well-resourced public schools, are still attending school on a rotation basis instead of full-time, because of space constraints and the inability to ensure social distancing. “It is understood that children learn less when stressed and that in periods of social and civil unrest they are impacted not only by their lack of access to school, but also by what happens when they are at school and the ongoing and pervasive sense of uncertainty.” This is where all our children are impacted. The learning conditions all children face are not optimal for the confidence and calm needed to learn best. “We have a collective responsibility as society to think about and act upon this situation,” she says. Some of the challenges we face are less obvious than others. On the matter of masks, for instance, science is very clear that they are a major weapon in the fight against infection, but this is not coming without cost.  “The experience of smiling and seeing the smiles of others is not just an emotional one – it changes the way our brains work as it releases hormones of pleasure. Smiling and seeing the smiles of others physically protects us against stress and its effects. Just not seeing the smiles of your classmates is a daily cost to children,” says Dr Coughlan. “Learning mathematics is another example. It is a cumulative process and missing a step has long term consequences.  If you are only at school three days out of five or every second week, there is no consistency in the learning process.  Schools are being innovative and restructuring so much of what they do to cope with this, and they need to be commended for it, but each solution we put in place in these times has a cost and consequence.”  Dr Coughlan notes that to address the lack of in-person teaching time, some schools are using the hours children are at school in this disrupted manner to focus intensively on Maths and languages. “This is understandable, but there is a social cost to relegating social subjects to at-home learning,” she says. “Others are sending a great deal of work home which is fine if you understand the work to start with, but if not, that only compounds the problem. Others are making their teachers available for hours each day to respond on WhatsApp to children – depriving exhausted teachers of recuperation time.  None of this is negligent and none of this is motivated by anything other than a desire to do the best possible.   “The problem is that the best possible is simply not good enough for two reasons.  One is that it is contrary to what we currently understand about the way people best learn and interact.  This would not be so serious if these were solutions to short-term problems only.  Sums and smiling – these seem such trivial issues that we can deal with when things return to normal.  And therein lies the problem – these are just indicators of what makes us effective as humans.  In our complicated world where what was, is never going to come back, they are anything but simple or trivial.” Dr Coughlan says we are not going back to a pre-COVID world – even if the vaccination programme does work, future pandemics are not the matter of doomsayers only.  And even if we are eventually able to smile at each other again at school without masks, the experience of being deprived of the some of the essentials of human engagement is already etched in our bodies and our psyches.  “We are already a violent and disconnected society plagued by poverty and despair.  When we overlay that with the long-term impact of this current anxiety, the educational disruption of all our young people, a faltering economy and a global world reverting to nationalistic tendencies, the future is truly frightening.” Dr Coughlan notes it is common cause that counselling services and professionals are reporting increased loads.  “Are we just going to add these numbers and the increased rate of youth suicide to our statistics of living in the pandemic? Are we just going to lower our literacy and numeracy expectations even further? Or can we work collectively to fill the gaps and fix the fissures? “We have to ask ourselves – as corporates, as parents, as the public broadcaster, as provincial departments and as universities – what role can we play to ameliorate the impact of this pandemic on the sums and smiles of all our children? We have long had an unequal playing field for South Africa’s less privileged children.  Not only has the gap widened but the nature of the impact of this pandemic has put pressure on all parts of all systems all the time.” Approaching halfway through our second year of the pandemic, your average ten-year-old, even those who are at school every day, still is not actually at school pursuing their educational journey in the way we know it needs to be, she says.  “Humans are ingenious – if we want to, we can figure it out. We need to listen with care and respect to the


The art of destressing: Ways to help your child unwind

Like adults, children struggle with stress. And, like adults, children respond differently to stress depending on their age, personalities, and coping skills.  Signs of stress  Signs of stress in children often show up as physical or behavioural changes. Physically, stress can manifest as:  bedwetting,  a change in appetite,  sleep problems or nightmares, and  complaints of stomach or headaches.  Common behavioural signs of stress include moodiness, aggression, or clinginess. It could also result in the development of nervous habits, such as thumb-sucking or nail-biting. In addition, stress can cause children to have difficulty concentrating, withdraw from family and friends, and even hoard items. Causes of stress  Common causes of stress in children include:  significant changes in the family (divorce, moving, losing a loved one),  academic pressure,  being overscheduled,  bullying, and  catastrophic events on the news.  Our ‘new normal’ – fear and uncertainty because of a global pandemic – is another major stressor for children of all ages.   Also read: How to help a child struggling with (coronavirus) anxiety Ten quick ways to destress Finding ways to relieve stress is essential for children (and parents). Here are some quick and easy activities to try when your child appears stressed and overwhelmed: Blow bubbles: Blowing bubbles can help children gain control of their breathing, which will help calm them. A bonus is that running around popping bubbles is just as fun (and beneficial) as blowing them. Belt it out: Music has a profound effect on mood and listening to music has been proven to help children relax. In addition, the physical act of singing out loud, no matter how off-key, has been shown to release feel-good chemicals in the brain. So let your child belt out their favourite song! Pop bubble wrap: When you receive a package, cut the bubble wrap into smaller pieces and save it for when your child needs some stress relief – it’s difficult the resist popping row after row of bubble wrap. Hydrate: It may sound silly, but if your child seems overwhelmed, pour them a glass of cold water and have them sip it slowly. Dehydration has been linked to a reduction in mental performance, and sipping cold water will have a calming effect on the nervous system. Push against a wall: Let your child try to push the wall over for 10 seconds, three times. This trick allows the muscles to contract in an effort to ‘bring the wall down’, then relax, releasing feel-good hormones, which helps the body to get rid of stress. Jump rope: Put on some music and challenge your child to jump to the beat of the song. If your child is unable to jump rope, you can play hopscotch instead. Also read: Benefits of playing games with kids Make and shake a glitter jar: Glitter jars are easy to make – simply fill a plastic bottle or jar with coloured water and glitter. Letting your child shake the jar and watch it for a few minutes will give them a relaxing focal point, allowing their brain and body to ‘reset’.  Play with clay: Squishing and pounding clay – either store-bought or homemade – can help ease tension, release excess energy, and improve focus. You can even add a few drops of calming aromatherapy oil. Bust some moves: Physical activityoffers excellent stress relief, and having a dance party can get your child active in a fun way. When your child is stressed, crank up the music and let them show you their moves.   Bring out the colouring book: Colouring is a great mindfulness activity that reduces anxiety as it gives children something else to focus on.  If your children are older, let them try journaling or creating a vision board. Writing things down can have a profound effect on their mood, especially if they can do so without the fear of someone else reading it. At the same time, the act of cutting words and pictures from magazines that links to their interests and dreams is not only relaxing but will also allow them to think about what they want from life.  By Danielle Barfoot


Setting boundaries with your teenagers

It’s a well-known cliché that the teenage years are some of the hardest for both parent and child, and there is a kernel of truth in this. These are the years in which children are learning more about themselves and their place in the world. Part of this journey of self-discovery often entails testing their limits and the limits of those around them. It is, therefore, important to put boundaries in place, not only to protect your teen but also to maintain harmony in the household.  Apart from safety and a pleasant home environment, establishing boundaries is important for teens to learn self-control and to help them regulate their emotions. Setting boundaries can be an emotionally charged and unpleasant experience for everyone involved – tears and raised voices are not uncommon – but this does not need to be the case! We explore some tips on setting boundaries, how to ensure they are observed, and what to in the case of boundaries being overstepped. Ten things to consider when setting boundaries: Make sure the rules you establish are relevant and important to the family  Sometimes, parents tend to try to make and implement rules for the sake of it – this generally does not end well. Consider the purpose of the rules you want to enforce and whether these are, in fact, necessary. Be reasonable and realistic When implementing rules, ensure you don’t have too many and that they don’t intrude excessively on a child’s privacy. When rules seem unreasonable and unrealistic, children are more likely to lie to their parents about their whereabouts and activities.  Know what kind of boundaries you want to set ahead of time Don’t enter a discussion about boundaries unprepared – consider the nature of the rules you want to establish before you open dialogue with your child. Preparation will help structure the conversation and make it a productive one.  Focus on your child’s health and safety Explain to your child that setting boundaries is not just about their physical safety but also their emotional and mental wellbeing. Many rules regulating activities such as bedtime, chores, and screen time are important for a child beyond their physical health. Read more: Parents, here’s how screen time can work in your favour Maintain empathy Try to stay friendly and amicable. Many parents may find this strange – after all, they are their child’s parent, not their friend. But by being kind, you are more likely to have a productive conversation when discussing boundaries. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar! Emphasise your concern for them Often, teenagers tend to perceive rules and boundaries merely as a way for their parents to control them. It is prudent to clarify to your child that the need for boundaries comes from a place of love and wanting to support them.  Negotiate, don’t dictate Again, negotiating with their children may seem odd to some parents. However, letting children respond, raise concerns, and make suggestions when discussing boundaries makes them feel empowered. When children feel they have a say, they are more likely to follow them. Allow boundaries to evolve What might be appropriate for a 13-year-old may not be suitable for an 18-year-old. Allow the nature of some rules to change to be more age-appropriate, like where your child is allowed to go, their curfew, and dating. Read more:  What to do when your teen wants to start dating Discuss consequences You must establish the consequences of overstepping boundaries at the same time the boundaries are set. Deciding on appropriate punishment should be done in the same manner as determining appropriate rules. Keep the dialogue open, honest, and fair. Don’t take things personally It’s easy to take a child’s disagreement or rule-breaking as a personal affront. Remember that this is most often not the case – if teenagers disagree with you or overstep boundaries, it’s most likely not to upset you purposefully. Read more: How to handle angry feelings Punishment and rewards Naturally, when a boundary is overstepped or a rule is broken, you must carry out the consequence you and your child discussed. Remind your child that they agreed or conceded to the rule they broke, discuss how they overstepped the boundary, then follow through with the agreed-upon punishment. Explain to them that punishing them isn’t for your pleasure, but rather that learning there are consequences for their actions is an essential part of life and a lesson they must learn. Conversely, it is worth providing positive reinforcement/rewarding good behaviour now and then. While many parents believe it is just expected that their children follow the rules, there is no harm in recognising a child’s observance of the rules and treating them accordingly. When children feel that their efforts are acknowledged and appreciated, they are much more likely to continue adhering to the rules you have set. Read more: How to reward your kid the right way By Jacqui Smit


You’ve got a friend in me

Friendship is essential at almost every age, and making friends is an important developmental goal for children. In fact, making friends creates important contexts in which children can learn and practice social, communicative, and emotional development skills. The 5 Cs of friendship for children Compassion: Children who have close friends learn to have compassion and empathy for others because they build a meaningful friendship beyond surface-level social skills. Empathy and compassion are the roots of kindness, and children who learn the importance of these skills tend to be friendly and kind to others. Confidence: Friendships help children build self-esteem and can even provide a barrier against bullying. Healthy friendships can also empower children as it turns peer pressure into a positive force.  Conflict resolution: When conflicts inevitably arise, it can be difficult for children. But getting their feelings hurt and making mistakes is all part of the learning process. Not only is it normal for children to argue at times, but it is also a valuable learning opportunity as it teaches them to listen to and respect other points of view. Courage: When children have a friend to confide in as they ride the rollercoaster of childhood, they are better able to cope with and bounce back from challenges and setbacks. In addition, they learn to face problems and work through issues together.  Connection:Growing up, children deal with several stresses and worries. They may struggle to verbalise their feelings and, as such, may choose to keep their emotions to themselves. Having close friends afford children the opportunity to work through their worries and stress with someone who can relate. Developing a deep connection with another child in this way can be very powerful for children. Let them be themselves  Although friendship is an integral part of life, not all children need or want many friends. While some children are outgoing and love to have a lot of friends, others are more suited to having one close friend or a small social circle. It is important to let your child be who they are and celebrate their unique personality and specific needs.  If your child struggles socially or has trouble making and keeping friends, there is no need to worry. It may simply be that they have not had enough opportunities to make friends. Getting children involved in activities with children their age who have similar interests can be a great way to find friends for your child. However, when taking this approach, be sensitive to your child’s energy level and personality.  Also read: Can homeschoolers take part in extracurricular activities? Gifted children often have problems making friends with children their own age and may prefer to be around adults. Of course, a medical condition such as anxiety, ADHD, autism, or selective mutism could also affect your child’s social relationships. Finally, if your child suffers from stress, depression, a learning disability, or even bullying, this too could influence their ability to establish friendships. Teen friendships As children become teenagers, friendships become increasingly important. During their teenage years, children are figuring out who they are beyond the family. It is crucial for them to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance from their peers.   As with younger children, shared interests, attitudes, social struggles and being in circumstances that may resemble their own are some of the foundations for teen friendships. In adolescence, having close connections can help teens learn about trust, respect, acceptance, and intimacy, all of which are important concepts to understand as they enter adulthood. Also read: What to do when your teen wants to start dating Of course, close friendships also offer a host of other benefits for teens, including: Improved self-esteem. Lower rates of anxiety and depression. Stronger emotional regulation skills. A happier, more optimistic outlook. Greater empathy towards others. Feelings of trust. Better cognitive function. Remember that friendships – at any age – are full of ups and downs. So, if your child or teen is going through a slump, try not to be too worried. Making friends and being a good friend are skills that can be learned, so focus on helping them build and practise their friendship skills.  By Danielle Barfoot


Benefits of playing games with kids

Children of all ages learn through engaging with many different forms of media, including games. Games include board games, video games, and even online games, despite what you may have heard! Playing games help children develop many core skills like mathematical or language skills, social skills and healthy interaction, and logic and problem-solving skills.  We all know playing is fundamental for young children’s development, but this is true for pre-teens and adolescents, too! Of course, the type of games children play at different ages will differ depending on their cognitive ability and interests. Still, play and games remain fundamental for a child’s development regardless of their age.  Infants: 0 – 18 months Babies respond to visual and audio stimuli, including bright colours, movement, and sounds. Consequently, they respond best to singing and other music, holding and playing with bright toys, and looking at colourful pictures. Games recommended for this age group include: ‘peek-a-boo’ (visual stimulation), and  singing rhymes and songs (auditory stimulation).  Imitate the noises your baby makes to engage in a ‘conversation’ and let them crawl to discover their world. Of course, at this age, the parent or caretaker is doing most of the playing! Toddlers: 18 months – 3 years Children of these ages can usually talk and move by themselves to some degree, meaning the complexity of games caregivers can play with them increases a bit. Toddlers love exploring their physical environment, so touch becomes a big factor in how they learn. They also begin using their imagination and combine their cognitive skills with their knowledge of the external world to create a world of their own.  Caregivers can encourage children’s use of their imagination by pretending to drink out of an empty cup or offering toys that enable pretend play. Read to them and develop games based on stories. At this age, recommended games include: building blocks and stacking toys,  easy puzzles, and  basic art and crafts activities like finger painting.  Pre-schoolers: 3 – 6 years By now, children are starting to socialise with each other a lot more, so they need to start developing their social skills. Many children of this age play fantasy games with one another, like ‘cops and robbers’. This kind of ‘pretend play’ is highly recommended for this age group as it allows them to develop: muscle coordination,  fine motor skills,  language skills, and  cooperation skills.  Story time remains important – read your child a story and ask them questions about the plot and characters. Because they can now read and write to a certain degree, even simple card games like ‘snap’ are recommended. Other recommended games include incorporating objects like balls in games such as ‘catch’. Read more: Raising Readers: Tips for Parents Middle childhood: 6 – 12 years At this age, children are increasingly verbal and literate and can communicate with one another and adults. They interact with each other to a much greater degree, and their interests become more pronounced. By this stage, many children have started playing online and video games. While these certainly have their benefits, children must continue to play with one another outside of more formal activities like sports and cultural pursuits.  It is recommended that caregivers continue to facilitate play among children indoors and outdoors, like playing ‘dress-up’ and hide-and-seek. It is also recommended that children now begin playing more mentally challenging games such as: more advanced puzzles,  chess and other board games, and  slightly more difficult card games like ‘go fish’.  Arts and crafts continue to be encouraged.  Read more: Video games: good, bad, or both? Teenagers: 12 – 18 years We all know teen years are difficult ones. Teenagers face many obstacles like changing bodies and moods and discovering who they are as independent and autonomous beings. Many teens can become reclusive or even self-isolate due to bullying, so it’s important to encourage them – very gently – to continue socialising with other teens who are kind and caring.  Recommended games for teens now veer from traditional games to: sports,  cultural activities, and  social events like music concerts and parties.  Teens are also encouraged to join clubs that align with their interests, like debate or ‘glee’ club, or outdoor adventures like hikes or rock-climbing if that is more to their taste.  Remember, every child is different – nurture their passions through the activities in which they engage.  By Jacqui Smit Sources: ACTP Southern Africa manual; healthychildren.org 


A year in lockdown: How perspectives on homeschooling have changed

Reflecting on the last 365 days of lockdown in South Africa, it’s clear that education has undergone immense changes that will forever alter the way our children learn. As the country’s largest homeschooling curriculum provider, we at Impaq have noticed how more families are increasingly viewing homeschooling as an appealing alternative.  Over the last year, millions of children have done at least some of their schooling from home, with some families realising how homeschooling has benefits for them. As a result, Impaq has experienced its fastest ever rate of growth, with our numbers of learners having jumped from just under 19 000 at the start of 2020 to over 24 000 at the end of the year. We have seen families from various demographics and backgrounds register with us.  Among the interesting observations are that families with younger children — those at the Grade R and Grade 1 levels — have been one of our largest new signup groups. In addition, we have also seen a high rate of signups from older children who have flourished more under a homeschooling setup than a traditional schooling environment.  Looking back, I believe there are three key benefits that the pandemic has taught us about homeschooling and distance learning over the last year. Also read: Tips for studying from home during lockdown Learning really can happen from anywhere In our internet-connected age, adults have learned that they can work from anywhere in the world and that they don’t always need to be in the office. The same lessons apply to education. Prior to the pandemic, we often had families who travel internationally sign their children up for homeschooling. This ensured that their children’s education was on track, no matter where they were in the world.  During lockdown last year, we saw the same trend on a local level, as many families decided to use the opportunity to travel to other South African locations, such as coastal areas, to continue their work and schooling from there.  What is interesting is that while many families have returned to their home towns or cities, others have decided that they enjoy this new way of life and have continued with homeschooling their children.  You don’t have to be a super mom or dad to do homeschooling  Providers of structured homeschooling, such as Impaq, will give you all the support you need to make learning at home easy. This includes detailed scheduling on our online learning platform, lesson structures and material, live online lessons to help grasp important concepts, access to educational specialists when you get stuck and all the assessments that need to be completed to progress to the next grade. You, as the parent, don’t need to be an expert in Mathematics or Physical Sciences. Parents can also enlist the assistance of a tutor should they need assistance. Also read: How do I choose a tutor for my child? The gift of more time and adaptability In addition to being based from anywhere, homeschooling provides more time for families and children. For starters, you don’t have to endure the morning and afternoon rush hour trips to get your children to and from school.  Homeschooled children can also work at their own pace, thereby spending more time on topics and aspects that may need greater attention from them. In turn, this results in more individualised attention – something that can be a challenge in traditional schools. For children who take on time-intensive extracurricular activities, such as professional sport or music, homeschooling is also often the best option for them. Then there are those children at Grade 10 to12 level who wish to take on more subjects. Homeschooling enables these children to have the time to do so. In addition, a reputable provider such as Impaq provides many more subject choices than what a school can offer. As the unknowns around the pandemic play out and as technology evolves, there’s no doubt that our education landscape will experience further major changes down the line. What’s good to know is that there are alternatives in place to keep the learning going during this challenging time. By Louise Schoonwinkel, MD of Optimi Home, the company that operates Impaq


Impaq can help you make the switch to full-time homeschooling

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted all aspects of human life. It has made people across the globe think differently about how we work, how we play, and most importantly, how we learn. The virus prompted one of the most significant shifts in education since the 1st Industrial Revolution, and many parents are now embracing homeschooling as a viable alternative to mainstream schooling. Rethinking education The pandemic presented a unique opportunity to reimagine what we teach, how we teach, and where we teach. Impaq, South Africa’s largest home education curriculum provider, shares the what, how, and where of homeschooling below: What we teach – Impaq follows the same CAPS-aligned curriculum that almost every school in the country follows. This means that your child can easily shift back into a traditional schooling environment if you so choose in the future. How we teach –Impaq’s lesson materialhas been designed specifically to enable individualised learning. The lesson material is based on a distance-learning model, making it easy for children to study at their own pace. Where we teach – Impaq allows children to continue their schooling at home in a clean, safe and nurturing learning environment. Children can study anytime, anywhere. Homeschooling with Impaq Homeschooling is easy and accessible to all parents, thanks to the guidance, support, content, and online learning advances from Impaq. Impaq provides everything you need to complete Grades R to 12 at home. Over the last 19 years, almost 164 000 learners have placed their trust in Impaq, with over 24 800 learners choosing Impaq as their learning partner in 2020.  Why home education might be the best choice for your child Before embarking on a homeschooling journey, it is important to consider whether home education is the best option for your child. Below are only some of the reasons why home education might be a good fit for your family. Homeschooling is based on a distance-learning model Impaq is not only the biggest provider of homeschooling solutions in the country, but it is also an established leader when it comes to online and distance education for Grades R to 12. Our comprehensive approach provides parents and learners with the option to buy printed or electronic books for all their learning needs. Our online learning platform further helps learners prepare for examinations with live online lessons hosted by our team of qualified teachers, as well as video content and quizzes in selected subjects. Impaq parents receive access to detailed facilitator guides that inform them about how to teach a subject. These guides feature step-by-step instructions, lesson planning, assessment materials, as well as videos and online resources. In addition, our easy-to-use online portal is there to help parents take care of administrative tasks such as capturing marks, generating reports, and monitoring their child’s progress.  We also form part of the Optimi Group, which provides several other leading online education solutions such as Cami Maths, one of the country’s best-known learning software tools. Impaq provides additional support Impaq learners have access to our team of experienced education specialists who can provide additional subject support. So, if you are worried about educating your child in a subject you struggled with at school, don’t be. Our specialists are just an email away and will gladly answer any academic queries you may have. Parents may also be interested to know that Impaq is affiliated with Optimi Campus, a first-of-its-kind distance education facility. Optimi Campus provides in-person support for Grade 10 to 12 learners. Currently, there are Optimi Campus facilities in Lynnwood, Tshwane and Auckland Park, Johannesburg. Homeschooling offers a pathway to matric Learners who use Impaq’s lesson material fall under the South African Comprehensive Assessment Institute (SACAI), an assessment body overseen by Umalusi. Learners, therefore, receive a National Senior Certificate (matric certificate), issued by Umalusi, same as that of public and independent IEB schools, upon successfully completing their final Grade 12 examinations. The NSC provides them with an opportunity to further their studies on a tertiary level.  Impaq offers choice Homeschooled learners have access to more subjects than those that are typically offered in mainstream schools. Impaq provides more than 26 subjects in the FET Phase, including:  Hospitality Studies,  Dramatic Arts,  Agricultural Management Practices, Agricultural Sciences,  Visual Arts,  Computer Applications Technology, and Information Technology.  Impaq also offers Robotics and Coding for learners who wish to explore this field of study at their own leisure. It’s clear that there are established options available to help you keep your child’s education on track during these challenging times. Homeschooling is an exciting alternative that can make all the difference in getting your child to the next level. By Louise Schoonwinkel, MD of Optimi Home, a company that operates Impaq, South Africa’s largest home education curriculum provider.


How to support a child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder: tips and strategies

After receiving an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis, it can be overwhelming for the parents or caregivers of an autistic child to cope with the various challenges ASD may present. However, with the appropriate support structures and strategies in place, caring for an autistic child can become more manageable.  Also read: Autism 101 – what is it and what should you look for? Support strategies for managing ASD Many autistic people are likely to experience communication difficulties, especially difficulties with social communication and understanding other people. Autistic children are also easily frustrated and made upset by unexpected events. Often, these feelings of frustration lead to intense meltdowns, and parents can help alleviate such feelings and prevent breakdowns by having support strategies in place. Prepare for future events Autistic children may become easily overwhelmed by minor changes in routine. Parents and children can benefit from preparation for the day’s or week’s events. Parents also need to ensure that structure and routine are upheld in the household so that the child knows exactly what to expect. Make use of visual aids Visual aids can assist autistic children in improving their skills in processing information, understanding and using language, and becoming more interactive within their environments.  Visual aids can be used to communicate with autistic children to inform them of what is happening at present, what will happen during the day, and what will happen during the coming days. Examples of how to use visual aids include: Showing the child a picture of relatives who may visit  Showing them photos of the dentist or doctor before a visit Creating a picture chart with the steps to follow when using the bathroom or getting dressed in the morning Not only are visual aids helpful for communicating information to autistic children, but they also help ensure that autistic children are well-informed of daily events. When children are informed, the likelihood of intense meltdowns is significantly reduced.  Avoid sensory overload Sensory overload is commonly found in autistic children and is a contributing factor to meltdowns. Sensory overload means that autistic children may sometimes experience certain sounds, textures, tastes, lights, and sensations as painful and intolerable, which may lead to a meltdown.  Parents can try to prevent a sensory overload by identifying their child’s specific trigger(s) and reducing the number of triggering stimuli in the environment.  It may be helpful to reduce loud noise and avoid bright lights.  Ease children into public spaces Trying to reduce noise and avoid bright lights is often impossible in public spaces like shopping malls or grocery stores. That is why it is essential to ease a child into visiting public spaces by starting with preparation using visual aids and very short visits. Once a child can manage a short trip, gradually increase the time of the visit. The same strategy can be used when visiting friends, family, or relatives.  Autistic children may develop an attachment to a particular item, for example, a toy or a blanket. It may help to bring this item along when going into public spaces because it gives the child a sense of familiarity and comfort, which may help keep the child calm for the duration of the trip.  Plan ahead when eating at restaurants Visiting a restaurant can be challenging for an autistic child. To make the outing manageable for a child, it may be helpful to do the following: Make a reservation at the restaurant ahead of time Visit restaurants during their quieter hours  Request seating in a booth away from the play areas or bathrooms to reduce sensory stimulation Pre-order meals Request the bill before dessert to prevent the child from getting frustrated with waiting Additionally, parents should request permission to bring the child’s favourite food along, as some autistic children have very specific dietary preferences.  Try rewards charts Some autistic children exhibit defiant behaviour, and, therefore, it is crucial to utilise strategies to encourage compliance. One strategy that can be used at home and at school to achieve cooperation is a rewards chart.  Also read: How to reward your kids the right way Since many autistic children often have very particular interests, it is vital to ensure that the rewards chart is meaningful and appealing. For example, if a child has an intense obsession with a particular superhero, the rewards chart should incorporate that infatuation to gain a child’s interest and, consequently, compliance. When trying to encourage compliance from autistic children, parents are advised to provide as much praise as necessary and to reduce such praise gradually as children exhibit increased cooperation.  Take care of yourself Lastly, parents are very often the primary caregivers of autistic children. To be able to give to others, your cup cannot be empty. It is, therefore, crucial that parents attend to their needs and mental wellbeing such that they are well-equipped to face the challenges that accompany caring for an autistic child.  Parents should make time for self-care and join support groups to draw social support to prevent feelings of isolation they sometimes experience.  Although the challenges are present, they do not make parenting any less rewarding. By implementing tips and tricks in your daily life, caring for an autistic child may become more manageable.   by Dr Jeanné Roux – educational psychologist


Autism 101 – what is it and what should you look for?

What is autism?  Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a range of developmental disorders that impair a person’s ability to communicate and interact with other people. As the name suggests, ASD refers to a broad range of conditions characterised by a person’s challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviours, speech, and nonverbal communication. Despite ASD consisting of a range of conditions, there are no subtypes since ASD may present very differently from person to person, along with differences in presentation among genders.  How does autism present? Every person will have a different set of strengths and challenges but still fall under ASD. People diagnosed with ASD may present with more mild symptoms, while others may present with more severe symptoms – such individuals require significant support to function in their daily lives.  As aforementioned, the presentation of ASD may differ between people in both severity and characteristics. People with ASD may also differ in their level of intelligence, as some have average or above-average intelligence while others may have a learning disability and require assistance with daily functioning.  Common characteristics of ASD Characteristics that have been noted with some typicality include:  Challenges with communication and interaction with others;  Difficulties in reading social cues (i.e. how others may think or feel);  Challenges in expressing their thoughts and feelings;  Sensory sensitivity (e.g. bright lights, loud noises, etc.) which causes these individuals to become overwhelmed, stressed, or uncomfortable;  Repetitive behaviours; Becoming anxious, upset, or angered by unfamiliar situations or changes in routine; Taking additional time to process information.  Verbal ASD challenges It is common for roughly 40% of ASD individuals not to speak at all, while between 25 – 30% of others will develop language skills. Some language and speech challenges may include:  Delayed speech development;  Using a flat, robotic voice or speaking in a sing-song manner;  Echolalia;  Difficulties with pronouns, i.e. using I/me/he/she/they incorrectly;  Rarely using physical gestures; An inability to stay on topic.   Behavioural ASD challenges Autistic people may also display or engage in behaviours such as:  Repetitive behaviours;  Specific rituals;  Fixation on certain activities, objects, or topics;  Constant pacing back and forth;  Fussy eating habits (many ASD individuals have textural issues); Not participating in pretend play;  Impulsiveness; Aggression; An inability to pay attention or a short attention span;  Clumsiness.  What causes ASD? Several factors may influence the development of ASD, but there is no known singular cause. There have been rumoured causes of ASD such as diet, infections, or vaccines; however, each of these has not been conclusively proven to cause ASD. Typical comorbidities include medical challenges such as gastrointestinal disorders, seizures or sleep disorders, and mental health challenges such as anxiety, depression, and attention difficulties.  How to identify autism Signs of ASD typically appear by the age of two to three years. Some children present with developmental delays as early as 18 months. In other rarer cases, ASD may be picked up by caregivers and teachers only later in the person’s life. Typically, when making a diagnosis of ASD, it will either have been identified by a doctor during early check-ups or when a parent becomes concerned and consults a multidisciplinary team of teachers, occupational therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and doctors.  Also read: Might my child have ADHD? Signs of ASD  Signs of ASD to which a parent/teacher may want to pay special attention include:  Preference for solitary time; Avoidance of eye contact; No response to their given name by their first birthday; Lack of response to the emotions of others or appearing not to understand the emotions of others; An unwillingness to be comforted when upset; Avoidance or rejection of physical contact; Meeting of some developmental milestones but later losing them; Appearing to have a lack of facial expressions (i.e. smiling); Challenges with abstract thinking; Fixation on or a very clear preference for certain subjects; Challenges in making friends or maintaining friendships.  Also read: Parental self-care If your child is experiencing one or a combination of these signs or symptoms, they may need professional help. Consult a psychiatrist or psychologist to determine the correct treatment and course of action for your child. by Dr Jeanné Roux – educational psychologist


Video games: good, bad, or both?

Although lockdown restrictions have been eased, many parents are still choosing to keep their children at home for safety reasons. Consequently, many children have turned to playing video games (also known as ‘gaming’) as a source of entertainment to cope with boredom. And while some parents might argue that it is a waste of time or that violent video games contribute to bad behaviour, others believe that gaming may have a few positive attributes. We take a closer look at whether video games are good, bad, or a combination of both.  Benefits of gaming Studies have shown that video games have many benefits and that playing games can help children develop high-level cognitive functions like logic and problem-solving. Other benefits include: Increasing a child’s concentration and attention span – many children can get easily distracted when asked to sit still for prolonged periods. They often fiddle and fidget with nearby objects and ‘zone out’ quickly. But with gaming, they have an entirely new world to discover. They will pay close attention to the smallest details to ensure they don’t mess up their progress. When they have to restart a level or section of the game, they concentrate even more to ensure they don’t make the same mistake twice.  This is a worthwhile real-life skill – paying attention is a skill they will need throughout their lives. Having to replay certain parts of a game also teaches resilience as children are taught not to give up when they have to attempt a challenge again. Teaching problem-solving and effective resource allocation – when playing various games, children are teaching themselves how to manage their ‘resources’ in games like the number of coins they have to spend, the number of bullets they have left to fire, amount of time they have to wait before launching an attack, etc. Managing their resources not only helps children execute the best and most creative outcome in the game but implementing these strategies also teaches them how to budget and save. Developing communication and teamwork skills – while playing in ‘multiplayer’ mode, players have to work together to achieve a common goal. They learn how to delegate duties amongst themselves carefully to achieve said goal. Co-operation like this develops both social interaction skills and motivation that can contribute to leadership and managerial roles and collective team efforts when working within an organisation in the future. Making learning fun – video games make learning fun. Through animation, an exciting storyline, and interactive challenges, children often don’t even realise that they are learning. Gaming is beneficial when it comes to moredifficult subjects such as Mathematics because children use the same logic and analytical thinking to solve problems in games that are used when solving mathematical equations. Having fun while practising their skills will motivate children to keep practising.  Cami Web programs are an excellent example of how learners can have fun while practising their skills. Cami offers parents and learners a 14-day free trial to try their educational programs. Also read: Parents, here’s how screen time can work in your favour Problems caused by gaming There’s always a downside to everything, and gaming is not exempt from this. While gaming has many benefits, there are also a few cons that parents must be aware of before allowing their children to play video games. Here are a few factors to consider: Poor physical health – When children spend more time being sedentary behind a computer or TV screen, it stands to reason that the lack of physical activity will have an impact on their physical health. In fact, the negative impacts of gaming on physical and mental health are often related. Negative impacts of gaming include:  impaired sleep,  poor posture, and  unhealthy or inappropriate weight gain.  Inadequate sleep has been linked to other cognitive issues like impaired concentration and poor memory retention, both of which are likely to have a negative impact on a learner’s performance at school. Poor posture (hunching over a computer or playing console) can result in musculoskeletal issues like tension headaches and muscle knots. Weight gain from inactivity can be a problem because it can sometimes lead to medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol. Dysfunctional behaviour – Excessive time spent gaming may cause a child to become dependent on the game, which can contribute to dysfunctional behaviour in daily life. Like physical health, an unhealthy amount of time spent gaming can affect a child’s mental health. Too much time spent in solitude playing games can make children dependent on gaming as a source of pleasure and, consequently, they can become irritable or even violent when they are not spending as much time playing as they’d like.   It can be difficult for parents to spot the difference between unhealthy gaming and a healthy enthusiasm for and enjoyment of a game. Some of the symptoms of unhealthy gaming to look out for include: bad grades in school,  negative or non-existent relationships with family and friends,  a decline in attention to personal hygiene, and  adverse mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.  It’s advisable for parents to be involved in their children’s gaming and to set healthy limits for how much time children are allowed to spend gaming. Parents should also consider balancing time spent gaming with other activities not dependent on technology, such as:  socialising with friends,  playing outside,  participating in sports or cultural activities,  playing board games, or  drawing and painting.  Reinforcing harmful mindsets – The over-representation of male characters is pervasive in video games. Stereotypically masculine behaviour and traits in characters in video games such as aggression and vengeance are praised and earn the player a higher ranking, while other more stereotypically feminine behaviours and traits such as negotiation or forgiveness do not earn players points and are often not even given as playing options for the characters.  Games also rarely have women as main characters. A study carried out by the University of Southern California found that only 10% of


How important is it to revise your work regularly?

We talk about learning sciences as something that has appeared recently or is new to the educational world – this cannot be further from the truth. In this article, we look back to the 1880s, specifically at Hermann Ebbinghaus’s work. Ebbinghaus was a German psychologist who specialised in memory and learning. His most famous experiment is the ‘forgetting curve’, which we will use to reflect on the importance of regular revision of your work. The forgetting curve In developing the forgetting curve, Ebbinghaus noticed a correlation between memory retention, the strength of a memory, and the passing of time. To test this correlation, he taught himself ‘gibberish’. In other words, he created phrases made up of a sequence of random letters and taught them to himself. He performed multiple tests to see how well he could remember the information after different time periods, e.g. one day, two days, etc. had elapsed.  He found that retention of information decreases rapidly after the first day of having learned the information. To counter this loss of memory, he revised some of the nonsense phrases at regular intervals both after and on the first day of learning them. He then found that the more he revised the phrases, the less frequently he had to revise them, and he could remember them for longer periods of time after he had learned them initially. While this is an old experiment, modern science confirms the findings, and the forgetting curve is still an important theory in the learning sciences today. The real question, though, is what this story means for your learning journey. Also read: The importance of practice in your learning journey Important things to remember when revising The most important thing we can learn from Ebbinghaus’ experiment is that your memory and retention of information decreases rapidly after the first day of learning something. Therefore, revise the most important parts of the information you learned within 24 hours of learning it. Revise your work multiple times – Ebbinghaus’s work also helps us understand that you will need to revise your work multiple times before you can remember it well. There is, unfortunately, no magic number of revisions, but the more you can review the work, the more easily you will be able to remember it. This ability to recall information may seem less important while you are actively learning the work for the first time, but the more information you can remember, the easier it is to prepare for examinations as you can focus on and review the most important areas instead of all the information. Avoid using the ‘oh yeah’ method of revision – We have all been there, paging through your textbook, and as you recognise the information, you mutter, “oh yeah, I know this” in your mind. When you get to the test or examination, that ‘oh yeah’ turns into ‘oh no’ when you can’t remember the information. There is a big difference between recognising the information while reading, watching, or listening to it and being able to recall it from your memory when you need to. When you revise, try to remember the information actively instead of just looking at an answer or solution presented in the information. Some tools to help you As we just mentioned, we don’t want to recognise our work – we want to remember it; otherwise, the time we spent on revision is wasted. Here are some tools that can help you: Flashcards – a flashcard is a simple piece of paper on which you write the problem or the question on the front of the card and the answer on the back.  When you use flashcards, you challenge yourself to remember the answer before turning over the card, which means you are using your brain’s pathways to retrieve the information from your memory.  Using flashcards is fantastic for learning and, if you can, you should make yourself a deck of flashcards for all your subjects. They work very well when you have to learn vocabulary and definitions in particular. They can also work in other subjects like Mathematics if you have to learn facts, such as when to use sin, cos, or tan (ratios of the sides of a right-angled triangle). It may take some time and effort to create your flashcard decks, but your brain will thank you when exam times arrive. Mnemonics – a mnemonic device is a learning technique that helps you retrieve information from your memory using certain cues. One of the most famous ones is the knuckle mnemonic, where each knuckle represents a month with 31 days, and the spaces between the knuckles represent a month with 30 days. Another example is using the phrase ‘never eat sour watermelons’ to remember the points of the compass, where each word in the phrase stands for north, east, south, and west, respectively. There are many mnemonics devices, but the advantage of mnemonic devices is that you can create your own. Just remember that you should not re-use a mnemonic device; otherwise, you might forget what it is helping you remember. Also read: Smart study hacks for the exams Benefits of revision Ebbinghaus shows us that it is vital that we review our work regularly. Besides remembering your work better, revision will also reduce stress and anxiety before tests and exams because you will already know a lot of your work.  Tutors and parents can also help identify the most important parts of the work to ensure that flashcard decks don’t become too large and impractical or that the number of mnemonics created doesn’t become unfeasible. Learning doesn’t need to be stressful – if you are disciplined in your revision, your efforts will bear fruit. Dr Nicolaas Matthee


The benefits of art therapy for children

“Art is a place for children to learn to trust their ideas, themselves, and to learn what is possible.”– MaryAnn F. Kohl Art has been a source of communication and recreation for centuries. Art therapy, which emerged as a distinct health discipline in the 1940s, is a form of therapy where creative materials and methods are used to help children explore their thoughts and feelings.  Performed by art therapists and related professionals, it is particularly effective in helping children suffering from anxiety, depression, trauma, and grief. It has also been shown to help children who struggle with learning disabilities, behavioural issues, or developmental delays.  Also read: ADHD: Setting the record straight The benefits of art therapy include: Helping children express their thoughts and feelings. Enhancing executive functions such as attention, memory, and spatial orientation. Improving language and communication. Encouraging exploration. Enhancing creativity. Promoting self-awareness and boosting self-esteem. Improving motor skills. Encouraging creative and constructive problem-solving. Art therapy encompasses visual arts, such as painting, drawing, sculpting, and music and movement, with each component offering specific benefits. Music, for example, can connect us to our deepest emotions, making it a wonderful therapy tool. Not only does it enhance attention and memory, but it also strengthens creativity, encourages socialisation, and helps children structure language.  Through movement, which includes theatre and dancing, children can integrate the emotional, cognitive, and physical, which helps with spatial orientation and strengthens creativity. Being physically active also does wonders for their mood!  Also read: Why exercise is important for good academic results Ten things to try at home Although art therapy is only considered actual therapy when directed by an art therapist, doing art projects at home can still be beneficial. Here are a few guidelines for practising ‘art therapy’ at home: Clay: Make or buy clay and let your children make a ‘monster’ to express their feelings or simply let them pound and mould the clay. Collage: The physical sensation of handling different materials and textures is very comforting. In addition, the creative process of putting things together in a new and different way helps organise and calm the brain.  Dancing: Dancing has incredible therapeutic powers because it helps children channel their emotions. Through dance, body awareness is created, which allows children to connect to themselves. Drawing: Allow your children to draw what they are feeling, even if those feelings are negative. This allows free expression, especially for children who cannot verbalise their feelings. Also read: Can homeschoolers take part in extracurricular activities? Mandalas: Drawing figures with repeated patterns, such as mandalas, is good for regulating emotions and the nervous system. It can also help children focus their attention and calm down. Masks: Creating or decorating a mask can lead to discovering different aspects of our personality. Give children preformed masks or make some out of paper and let them decorate it however they like. When they are finished, let them tell you the story of the mask.  Nature: Working with natural materials is soothing, and there are myriad items you can make. An added bonus is that children have to walk around outside to find useful materials, which is a natural mood booster. Painting: Children’s paintings offer a window into their world without them realising it. Finger painting, especially, is a great way to stimulate different parts of the brain at the same time. Puppets: Make puppets from old socks or paper bags, and let children use the puppets to tell you about their feelings and fears. Singing: Through song, children can express what they are feeling in a fun and creative way.  Keep in mind that the goal is not necessarily to make something that is pretty because our feelings and emotions aren’t always pretty. Instead, try to focus on the benefits of being creative. *Please contact a professional art or related therapist if your child is unable to share his or her feelings or becomes behaviourally out of control. by Danielle Barfoot


You don’t need to be a teacher to homeschool: former teachers share their tips

While most public schools opened this week, many parents are still rightfully concerned about sending their children back to school. Two of these parents, Sophia Saib and Lisa van Rensburg (both former teachers), decided to teach their children at home. They share why you don’t need to be a teacher to homeschool. Why homeschooling? “In this time of COVID-19, the outside world isn’t safe, but that doesn’t mean our children’s education must suffer,” Saib explains. Saib worked in a corporate environment, but her passion for teaching steered her in the direction of a postgraduate degree in education when her second daughter was born ten years ago. “We all want what’s best for our own children. With COVID-19 currently, we decided as a family [that] homeschooling would be the best option. Now I can’t see us ever wanting to go back to mainstream [schooling],” Saib says. Van Rensburg, who has been teaching for the past ten years, adds: “We decided to do homeschooling because I just felt it would be safer and I would be able to give my children the education they needed”. Van Rensburg had grown up in the teaching industry as her mom had been a teacher for over 30 years. “I have always had a passion for teaching,” Van Rensburg explains. Homeschooling vs traditional schooling “An obvious difference between homeschooling and traditional schooling is the available undivided attention,” Van Rensburg says. She explains that she can now give her two boys, aged 7 and 5, the one-on-one attention they need. Saib agrees and says that she can now spend more time with her four daughters, aged 12, 10, 7 and 3.  Impaq’s lesson material and lesson plans also help Saib save time. “As a perfectionist, I love the structure and ease of lesson delivery and content – it leaves more time to play and do other fun things,” Saib says. She first came across Impaq’s lesson material when working part-time at a tutor centre. “That’s where I was absolutely impressed with the Impaq material, its content and structure, as well as the fact that it is CAPS aligned – it’s exactly what we use in mainstream schools except better,” Saib explains. She adds: “Impaq is a viable option because if you ever need to place your children in a traditional school again, it will be with ease as it’s the same content and topics.” Why Impaq? You would think that homeschooling would be an easy choice for Saib seeing as she is a qualified teacher, but that wasn’t the case initially. “Homeschooling can be overwhelming. I was filled with fears even though I am a SACE-registered and experienced teacher,” Saib explains. Luckily, Saib’s fears were short-lived. She received confirmation from the Department of Education that her children were successfully registered two weeks after submitting the application. “Impaq offers the lesson plans and schedules for each subject, so the administration for [the] application was super easy,” Saib says. Also read: Impaq: Your guide to homeschooling in 2021 Van Rensburg had no trouble registering either. “I contacted Impaq, and they got back to me the next day, everyone we spoke to was extremely helpful, and we just felt it was the right place for us,” Van Rensburg explains. Saib adds: “Impaq has taken away any concerns about homeschooling, and now we can enjoy our journey.” Teaching at home Van Rensburg says that the Impaq lesson material is user-friendly, fun, and interactive, making it easy to teach at home. “You don’t have to be a teacher to understand the lesson plans,” Van Rensburg explains. Saib agrees and adds: “Impaq’s workbooks, online platform, lesson plans, content, online classes, tasks, assessments, and report creation is so easy – you don’t need to be a teacher to facilitate [teaching].”  Saib says that she found the notes and activities to be informative and of an excellent standard. “It doesn’t include unnecessary or invalid information to complicate learning. In fact, it includes opportunities for independent research and challenges curiosity with the fun facts.” Benefits of homeschooling Saib and Van Rensburg are enjoying the many benefits of homeschooling, and listed some of their favourites below: Working at their own pace “I love that we can work at our own pace and in our own time,” Van Rensburg says. Saib says that they follow a time structure for lessons but still work at their own pace. “Each child is unique, so we play around with a schedule that works for us.” Learning from the comfort of home “I love the fact that we can learn in the comfort of our own home,” Van Rensburg says. Saib agrees and adds: “We have watched our daughters grow more relaxed, owning their environment and learning with a smile.” More time Both Saib and Van Rensburg said that they don’t miss the mad morning school rush or sitting in traffic. “We now enjoy a relaxed, calm approach,” says Van Rensburg. “Now we don’t send our children away, they are not overwhelmed with homework, and [they] are released from the pressures of having ‘no time’ to be children,” Saib adds. Homeschooling 101 While they might be new to homeschooling, as former teachers, Saib and Van Rensburg are experts in learning. They share their tips below: Stay organised “Have a schedule and stick to it,” Van Rensburg says. “Being organised is key.” Make it fun “When doing the art activities, have all the art supplies available,” Van Rensburg advises. “Make the outdoor physical activities exciting,” she adds. Reward your kids Saib was worried that her daughters might miss school competitions as her daughters enjoyed winning academic awards, but now they take a different approach. “We teach them to value that you compete with yourself and to try and be your own best – not [to compete with] anyone else’s standards.”  Also read: There’s more to life than academic achievement Van Rensburg helps her boys work towards their goals by relying on a tried-and-tested form of reward. “Reward charts work so well with



Video communication is now more than ever challenging the status quo of teaching. The value of eLearning or video communication is being recognized by more and more organizations since it can produce significant results, including improved performance and productivity by learners. Using video conferencing for education has made classrooms walls invisible, allowing students to have the entire world as their learning resource.

Parenting Hub

Online schooling can literally become a pain in the neck!

Lockdown has affected our children in more ways than one. Isolation. Anxiety. Confusion. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Most of these emotions and feelings are beyond our control, and nurturing, understanding and just being there for our kids is all we can do. But some things are in our control, and one is comfort.  Online learning and sitting in front of a computer has become the norm. Video games and screen time have replaced sports and outdoor activities with friends. And this has led to a growing trend in back and neck pain in children. In fact, what was once just a problem for adults sitting, at a desk all day, has veered to the younger generation. More children today are sitting for extended periods and the longer they sit, the more they are likely to suffer from lower back pain and become victims to slouching. In fact, studies indicate that by the age of 15 years, 20% to 70% of children will report some back pain while other say  75% of children between the ages of 8 to 12 years complain of back pain. Either way, the stats are alarming and are likely to increase as dining room tables and kitchen counters become desks once again due to the rise in COVID-19 infections. Help them find their comfort zone  The significant causes of back pain in children have been found to be triggered by poor posture, sitting for long periods and continuous inactivity. Poor posture can cause the spinal cord to change shape, creating chronic pain and affecting balance. It can also affect the rest of the body. Sitting for extended periods with poor posture compresses the digestive organs, which can harm the entire digestive system. As parents, we want to provide our kids with the right tools in everything they do. The correct size bat for the cricket season, good sturdy boots for the soccer season, so why should paying attention to our kids’ posture be any different? Children will spend an estimated 23 years of their lives sitting in a chair, so the time for good habits is now. And that means providing comfort and correct postures while sitting. When looking for the correct chair for your child, remember that size does matter. A height-adjustable chair is paramount for a growing child. And so is an adjustable backrest angle, height-adjustable armrests, and lumbar support. A foot ring on the chair, or a separate footrest is usually required because the feet have to be anchored, otherwise they land up perching at the edge of the seat. Adjustability, and the ability to be supported in the lower back and under foot will ensure that the time your child spends sitting in front of the computer or doing homework at a desk is painless and productive. The immediate cost should be viewed as an investment in your child’s future and will far outweigh the costs of dealing with future health issues, especially as their spines still have so much growing to do!  It is also important to try to regulate all screen time – enforcing regular breaks every hour.  Encourage motion – be it a swim, a game of soccer or a walk around the neighbourhood. Create these movement habits daily. And if your child has a hard time sitting still, let them work while standing up.  Online schooling is part of our lives and is a critical alternative in the current environment. Even when schools can return, online processes are highly likely to stay in place, in some form so now’s the time to act. It’s a whole new world for them too, so make sure they are sitting right to not only survive online schooling, but thrive! By Gary Arenson, Physio, MD, and Founder of Ergotherapy


The future is female – women in STEM in South Africa

When people think of science, technology, engineering, or maths, they tend to think only of bespectacled old, bearded men. The truth is, though, that women have been pioneers in STEM fields since humans invented them! While sadly often overlooked or forgotten in the annals of history, women have made invaluable contributions to science throughout the millennia and continue to do so to this day!  As 11 February is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, let’s look at what amazing things some South African women are doing in these fields today! Youngest working doctor in SA At the end of last year, Thakgalo Thibela received her Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, which is already no mean feat. But what makes her achievement extraordinary is that Dr Thibela is only twenty-one years old, making her the youngest working doctor in South Africa today! Although she is currently on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic at the Helen Joseph Hospital in Johannesburg, she aims to specialise in neurosurgery when she gets the opportunity to do so. Speaking of her incredible achievements, Dr Thibela has said: “It’s a reminder to all the young girls that we are capable of being whatever we want.” A princess AND a nuclear physicist  A princess AND a nuclear physicist? Senamile Masango is proof that women can do it all! Born into Zulu royalty in Nongoma, Kwa-Zulu Natal, this phenomenal young woman soon developed a fascination with the starry skies and outer space. Having obtained her masters at the end of 2019, she is now working toward her doctorate in nuclear physics. Masango is the first African woman ever to have worked on a project at CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research in Switzerland.  She has also established a non-profit organisation, the Senamile Masango Foundation, which provides programmes to women and young schoolgirls, aimed at increasing the number of highly qualified and competent women in STEM across the continent. Breaking the glass ceiling  Breaking the glass ceiling in any industry is tough, let alone a field as male-dominated as Mathematics, but in 2002, Professor Mamokgethi Phakeng became the first black woman to obtain her doctorate in mathematics education.Since then, she has been the vice-principal of research and innovation at UNISA, the acting executive dean at the College of Science, Engineering and Technology at UNISA, and is currently the vice-chancellor of the University of Cape Town. Last year, she was named one of Times Higher Education’s (THE) 10 People of the Year – the only African on the list!  Dreaming big Tebogo Lebelo is a second-year PhD student in human genetics, focusing on prostate cancer research. Knowing that what she does will bring a significant change in people’s lives fuels Lebelo’s love for her work and drives her to work even harder to contribute to a better life for cancer patients. “I love cancer research because it helps us understand and tackle this global health burden. We look into ways to better diagnostics and contribute to treatment solutions, ways that can be translated from the lab to hospital [bench to bedside].”  When she was in high school, a programme on SABC 2 called Women in Science played a considerable role in Lebelo’s career choice. It made her believe that she can dream big.   “From that day, I just saw myself in a lab coat ‘making magic’ [creating solutions for issues in the health system]. I wanted to be ‘the hero in a lab coat’ because we all know that not all heroes wear capes. We need more of those shows for our young girls, to inspire and encourage them that science is for us. It is not something to shy away from but to engage in.” Morongoa Ngoasheng, who completed her MSc (majoring in atmospheric chemistry) with distinction, also encourages young women to dream big. “They are going to try to discourage you, make you question everything that you are going to do, don’t let them, focus on your dreams”. Ngoasheng is currently working as a chemistry graduate at a global mining company and says that her love of chemistry is growing the more she works in the field. “By Africans, for Africans”  “By Africans, for Africans” – that’s the motto of Johannesburg software designer Charlette N’Guessan Desiree. As facial recognition technology becomes globally ubiquitous, N’Guessan Desiree noticed that many Africans are sceptical of this new advance in technology. The 27-year-old realised that people across the continent would be less suspicious of similar technology developed by someone from the continent. Thus she set out to design African-specific software with her company, BACE Group. Last year September, she won the Royal Academy of Engineering’s Africa prize for engineering innovation – the first woman ever to win the award! Sources: https://www.iol.co.za/saturday-star/news/at-just-21-dr-thakgalo-thibela-becomes-one-of-sas-youngest-doctors-ca2c9b5c-3dd9-4527-acdf-df919e6a35c7 https://www.iol.co.za/capeargus/news/how-senamile-masango-went-from-rural-nongoma-to-a-degree-in-nuclear-physics-20553543 by Jacqui Smit


Opportune time to prioritise online learning as primary method of education in South Africa

Distance Educator, Brainline, says the postponement of the reopening of schools should signify the importance to prioritise online learning as the primary method of learning in the country. This follows an announcement by the Basic Education Department that schools will now only open on 15 February, two weeks later than the initial opening date due to fears over the rising Covid-19 infections in the country. Brainline CEO, Coleen Cronje, says thousands of learners may suffer an academic set back due to a loss of precious educational time. ‘Hundreds of thousands of learners were affected by the long school closures last year. The fact that the reopening of schools has been pushed back another two weeks again translates into valuable academic time being lost. It is important that the Department of Basic Education and relevant stakeholders urgently look at ways to minimize the impact of the current status quo, starting with setting up reliable e-learning platforms,’ she says. Cronje has welcomed suggestions that the Department is looking at opening online schools to reduce pressure on school admissions. Earlier this week Gauteng’s Director-General of Education, Mathanzima Mweli, said the department was working with provinces and private education providers to come up with regulations and policies that they can follow to open online public schools. Cronje says now is the opportune time for basic education authorities to look at restructuring the current traditional school system by phasing in e-learning elements.  ‘South Africans are familiar with a more traditional classroom set-up but now is the time to evolve. E-learning and also mobile learning should be viewed as an additional learning resource that can assist in accessing learning tools. President Cyril Ramaphosa in a recent State of the Nation Address said that government wanted to provide learners with a tablet to access e-learning platforms. He also indicated that government was working with network operators to reduce the cost of data. This drive should be on government’s radar more than ever before.’ However, Cronje admits that the quality of e-learning will be dependent on the learner’s access. She says it is expected that online learning and even home education will see another growth spike in the year to come. ‘Home education in South Africa has experienced significant growth over the last few years. At the end of 2018, there were an estimated 100,000 home education learners in the country. Several factors have driven the growth of home education as an alternative option, ranging from increasingly sophisticated distance e-learning technology to an ever-growing network of tutors. Because it’s based on individual needs, home education can provide a safe space for children who may have found the traditional schooling environment challenging. Nowadays it is also a safe and secure environment for parents amid fears of Covid-19,’ says Cronje. As a fully functional online school, Brainline has not been affected by the 2020 school closures and virtual classes will resume on 25 January as planned. Cronje says Brainline is also accommodating learners who were affected by reduced curriculums in 2020. ‘Due to the school closures, many schools had decided to reduce their curriculum, therefore resulting in some students not having completed important aspects of the work. We have consequently decided to offer online catch-up classes for our senior learners to ensure they are up to date with the work and that they can join the rest of their peers when classes start on the 25th.’ Brainline is IEB recognised. Learners who are enrolled with us to complete their final examinations and who fulfil the requirements for this qualification will receive their National Senior Certificate (NSC), as issued by Umalusi.


What to do when your teen wants to start dating

The prospect of your child wanting to date is a little unnerving – what if they get hurt, are manipulated, get in over their head, or have their heart broken? Yet as uncomfortable or scary as it may feel, dating is a normal, healthy, and necessary part of any young adult’s emotional development. In fact, romantic relationships are a major developmental milestone.  Too young to start dating? While some teens will want to start dating early, others will have no interest in romantic relationships until their late teens. Both scenarios are perfectly normal and healthy. Experts agree that there isn’t a ‘right age’ to start having relationships – every teen is different, and every family will have different views and beliefs about dating. On average, however: Children might start to show more independence from family and more interest in friends between the ages of nine and eleven years. From ten to fourteen years, they might want to spend more time in mixed-gender groups. They might meet up with someone special among friends, and then gradually spend more time with that person alone. Romantic relationships can become central to social life between the ages of fifteen and nineteen. Read more: The history of Valentine’s Day Having the Talk It is important to talk to your teen about various dating topics, including personal values, expectations, and peer pressure. While these conversations may initially revolve around treating other people with kindness and respect, it may also raise issues about sex and intimacy. When it does, be open with your teen about your beliefs around sexual activity and, in turn, listen to theirs. Give your teen permission to express their views, ask questions, define what feels safe and comfortable for them in terms of dating. If your child knows that you are there to listen without judging, they are more likely to come to you with questions and concerns down the road. Rules of engagement Your job is to keep your teen safe while helping them build the skills they need to navigate healthy relationships. Here are some suggested rules you might want to establish for your child once they start dating: Get to know anyone your teen wants to date.   Make it clear you need to know the details of who your teen will be with, where they will be going, and who will be there. Set a clear curfew.   If your teen is going to a date’s home, find out who will be there. Have a conversation with the date’s parents to talk about their rules and your expectations. Discuss the dangers of technology. Many teens talk online, which can create a false sense of intimacy. Remind them that people they have chatted with but have never met are strangers. Teens are also often tempted to comply with a date’s request to send nude photos. Warn them of the consequences – they can end up hurt, shamed, and embarrassed.  Read more: Practical tips on how to keep your kids safe online While it is essential to set clear rules once your teen starts dating, aim to offer your child at least a little bit of privacy. Here you will need to consider your values, your teen’s maturity level and the specific situation (as well as your instincts). Dealing with break-ups  Dating helps teens build vital life skills – independence, communication, caring, selflessness, and intimacy – and promotes emotional growth. Just like starting any new phase of life, dating can be both exciting and scary! Teens will need to put themselves out there by expressing romantic interest in someone else, risking rejection, and figuring out what exactly dating means. They often have unrealistic expectations – reality can never match the relationships in movies or books – which means that they can easily become disillusioned.  Of course, break-ups and broken hearts are part of teenage relationships. However, this too is essential to their development, particularly in terms of learning how to cope with difficult decisions and disappointments. Whether your teen suffers heartbreak or inflicts it, they might need a shoulder to cry on and a willing ear.  Also read: How to help a child manage depression Providing guidance As with any other relationship, romantic relationships can bring many emotional ups and downs for your child. Keep in mind that your input and reaction as parent during this stage can have a lasting impact on their future relationships (romantic and otherwise), their lifestyle choices, and the adult they eventually become.  Remember, the more open and supportive you are, the better. After all, if something does go wrong, you will want your child to know that you love them, no matter what. By Danielle Barfoot


Home Education is a valid and trusted alternative for your child’s education, through Brainline

Many leaners are being swallowed by the current school system. They are suffering due to the pressures of a full workload and failure to receive sufficient individual attention, resulting in them not being able to reach their full potential. There is also a lot of pressure on learners to take part and excel in extracurricular activities, of which the options may be limited to the offerings by the school. . At the same time, parents are confronted with the constant fear over the safety of their child in a school environment and the possibility of bullying.


Multigrade teaching made easy

In most mainstream schools, teachers tend to teach one subject to one grade – which generally consists of learners of around the same age – at a time. In smaller private or rural schools, however, there is a gradual shift to multigrade teaching, which essentially means teaching two or more grades in one class. Multigrade teaching is also the reality of many homeschool parents. Homeschool families vary in size and often have children across various grades, ranging from Grade R to 12. While the prospect of teaching children in multiple grades seems daunting, it is certainly doable.  If you are about to embark on your homeschooling journey, or if you are adding another learner to the mix in 2021, don’t fret. Multigrade teaching is not as difficult as you might think.   Tips for multigrade teaching Know your children: Every child is different. Some do best with every minute accounted for while others prefer a general list of daily activities; some need constant monitoring while others can be left to their own devices; some are energised in the early morning, while others do their best work after dinner. As a parent, you know your children better than anyone. When homeschooling more than one child, create a system that works based on each child’s ability to concentrate, preferences and learning abilities. You know what works best for you and your family. Schedule one-on-one time: With a multi-child and multi-grade setup, it is impossible to spend hours every day with each child. Instead, spend short blocks of one-on-one time with each child every day. Just 10 to 15 minutes of direct, focused instruction can be valuable, especially when you have a solid curriculum as guidance. Once you have taught one child a new concept or covered specific content, let him/her work on the rest independently while you spend time with the next child. However, be sure to cover everything your child can’t do independently during your one-on-one session. While waiting their turn, other children can do independent work, read quietly or aloud to one another, or practise other skills.    Encourage independence: Independent learning can help instil a sense of self-motivation, and responsibility in your children, so allow them to work independently as often as possible. While this may be easier with older children, there are plenty of learning activities younger ones can manage on their own, especially once they are able to read independently. It is vital, to check in when your children work on their own to ensure that any questions they might have or challenges they might face, are addressed to ensure that they stay on task. Use all available resources: When you homeschool, you should take advantage of the wealth of quality resources out there, many of which are available for free. Consider educational games, apps, online classes, documentaries, YouTube – the list is endless. In fact, there are a number of ways you can use screen time to your benefit. Also, keep in mind that there are learning opportunities everywhere and in everything, even in what may seem ordinary. Think cooking, gardening, and even shopping.  Be organised but not rigid:A well-planned and easy-to-follow schedule will ensure that your children know what is happening at different times of the day. This will make life easier for everyone. Remember though that in homeschooling, as in life, things don’t always go as planned. So, be sure to leave room in your schedule for the unexpected. Remember, structure gives children a sense of security. Advantages of multigrade teaching Research suggests that teaching children of different ages and abilities together offers a number of benefits. It fosters independence, encourages cooperation and collaboration, allows children to work at their own pace, promotes responsibility, and teaches organisational and time management skills. In addition, it enforces re-teaching, meaning that older children benefit as they listen in on lessons being given to younger ones. A review of basics concepts can reinforce and clarify a child’s understanding, even when they may be working at a more advanced level. It also exposes younger children to pre-teaching. By ‘eavesdropping’ on lessons and discussions, generates new knowledge and younger children can get a glimpse of what to expect when moving to higher grades.     Whether you have one child or many, one of the greatest benefits of home education is being able to do what works best for your family. So, consider these tips, then adjust accordingly. By Danielle Barfoot


How to register your child for home schooling

Home Education Provider, Brainline, has reassured parents who are considering home schooling as an option not to be deterred by the process of registering for home education. Brainline CEO, Coleen Cronje, says the process is not as daunting as it might seem. ‘Many parents who would like to opt for home education or e-learning are deterred by the notion of having to apply for exemption to have their children home schooled. This is, however, not such a complicated process. Parents who would like to home school their children only need to apply to the head of the Provincial Education Department,’ she says.  The application can be made electronically, and parents need to submit the following documentation: Parent/s certified ID copy In case of foreign nationals certified copies of passport /study permit/work permit/Asylum document is required Last copy of school report (if the child was in school before, but if the child is only starting school now you must attach an immunisation card) Weekly timetable which includes contact time per day Breakdown of terms per year (196 days per year) Learning programme Certified copy of child’s birth certificate ‘The application process might take up to 30 days to be processed but learners are allowed to continue home schooling during this period. There is also no cost involved in registering your child,’ Cronje explains. Cronje says to home school learners parents need to ensure that they adhere to a number of requirements including that the lessons offered to the learners fall within the scope of the compulsory phases of education. (https://www.education.gov.za/Programmes/HomeEducation.aspx) ‘This is the foundation phase for Grade 1-3, the intermediate phase for Gr4-6 or the senior phase for Gr7-9. There is also a list of records that the parents need to keep as portfolio of evidence which include amongst others, record of attendance, portfolio of work, portfolio of the educational support given to the child, evidence of the continuous assessment of the child’s work, evidence of the assessment and or examination at the end of each year, and evidence at the end of Grade 3,6 and 9, that shows whether your child has achieved the outcomes for these grades.’ Cronje says when learners enrol with home education providers such as Brainline, these requirements are already adhered to within the annual curriculum. Brainline is IEB recognised, which means that learners follow the South African National Curriculum (similar to the curriculum offered in South African schools) resulting in the National Senior Certificate (NSC) upon successful completion of their matric exams.


Helping your child set goals for the new year

It’s a new year and, for many, that means New Year’s resolutions. Children don’t necessarily need resolutions – after all, they are unlikely to have many of the same vices and bad habits adults need to break – but it is a good idea to help children set goals for the year, both academic and personal.  The ability to set goals – and create a game plan for achieving them – is a lifelong skill that is vital for success, whether that be at the office, on the sporting field, or even within the home. And like all lifelong skills, it is imperative to begin practising setting and working towards goals from a young age. Here are some notes on goal setting, and some tips on how to go about it. Read more: A successful start to your (home) school year!  Why do children need goals? Regardless of their age, children are autonomous beings and, as such, they need to be able to make some decisions for themselves and take responsibility for their actions. Having goals and figuring out how to stick to them is a great way to teach children self-discipline and self-motivation. By having something to work towards, children are more inclined to focus and make productive decisions. Having a clear set of goals will also give children a sense of autonomy, which is important as they get older and want to feel less like babies and more like the adults into which they are growing. For these reasons, having goals (and attempting to achieve them) can also help build children’s confidence and self-esteem as they watch their own progress, which is very important for a child’s holistic development.  Determine realistic goals for your child Before you and your child can set goals, it is essential to ascertain what can be realistically thought of as a goal. Do not take it in yourself to decide what a realistic goal is – this is a conversation you must have with your child. Help them think about what goals they might set by asking the following questions: What would you like to accomplish? What would you want to try this year? What would make you feel proud? Perhaps they want to increase their grade in a subject by a letter or wish to be in a higher-up team in their sport. Use this input as a springboard for making those goals concrete. Read more: Homeschooling in 2021? Here’s how to prepare Help your child understand the concept of goals To make the notion of goals make sense to kids, ask them what the purpose of their newfound goal is. Ask questions like “How do you think that will help you?” or “What are the benefits of doing this?”  By helping them to dig a little deeper into what they want to achieve, your child will start to understand goals, not as merely something to accomplish, but something that has personal value and meaning for them. This is what will help drive their self-discipline and self-motivation. Make the goal(s) actionable  It’s all well and good to have a specific goal, without a plan to achieve it, it’s pretty useless. Break down the ‘big goal’ into a series of smaller goals through which your child will work. Sit down with your child and decide together how your child is going to work towards that goal. It’s useful to decide on a (realistic!) timeframe, whether that be a month or a year. For example, if your child wants to increase their grade from a C to a B, that’s a 10% increase, so you could focus on increasing the grade by a couple of percentage points with every test or assignment. It’s also a good idea to set up a monitoring system to help ascertain your child’s progress. Charts are usually a useful way of doing this: have one column for the date, and one column for the progress update. That way, at a glance, you can see whether the goal is being achieved. Read more: Teaching kids how to plan Plan for failure or setbacks While no one likes to think about it, it is simply a fact of life that none of us will ever achieve every single goal without encountering an obstacle or challenge. Children are very sensitive and, as such, you need to sit with your child and discuss what both of you will do in the case of the goal not going to plan.  Read more: How to foster resilience in children It’s important to try to predict possible hurdles in advance because they can knock the wind out of a child’s sails, especially a younger child. Plan in advance how you and your child will work together to overcome an obstacle, should it appear. For example, if your child wants to improve their grades but performs worse on a particular assessment, decide ahead of time that the two of you will sit together and go through the work to see where they went wrong and focus on that area in the future.  Setbacks like these can be very demotivating, but it’s essential to help your child focus on the bigger picture and help them understand that failure is a normal part of life. The important thing is overcoming it and working even harder to achieve those goals. by Jacqui Smit


Impaq: Your guide to homeschooling in 2021

The continued surge of coronavirus cases in South Africa has many parents rightfully concerned about sending their children back to school. Parents are looking for a safer alternative, and many may now consider homeschooling as a permanent option.  Homeschooling allows you to tailor your child’s learning to suit their individual needs and foster a love of learning in a safe environment. Impaq is South Africa’s largest home education curriculum provider, and last year they helped nearly 25 000 learners study at home. Whether you are a homeschooling veteran or a nervous newcomer, Impaq is your guide to homeschooling in 2021.  Why homeschooling may be the best choice for your child Before embarking on the homeschooling journey, it is important to consider whether it is the best option for your child. Below are some of the reasons why homeschooling may be a good fit for your family: Children can study at their own pace, anytime, anywhere. Children can continue their schooling at home in a clean, safe, and nurturing learning environment. Children can follow a flexible study schedule. Children can spend more time on difficult subjects. Parents can instil personal beliefs, values, and ethics in their children. What to expect from Impaq in 2021 If you are convinced the pros of homeschooling outweigh the cons, the next step is choosing a curriculum provider to guide you on your learning journey. Impaq has more than 19 years’ experience and provides you with everything you need to complete Grades R to 12 at home, including: Lesson material (printed books, e-books, videos, and more)  Impaq’s lesson material is aligned with the national curriculum (CAPS). Most public and independent schools in South Africa follow CAPS. Impaq learners who write and pass the NSC examination in Grade 12 are issued the same National Senior Certificate (NSC) by Umalusi as learners attending public schools.  The difference between CAPS material used in schools and CAPS material used at home is that Optimi Publishing develops learning material for Impaq that provides learners and facilitators with the tools to guide and track individualised learning, allowing learners to work at their own pace. Our benchmark study and facilitator guides are created by a team of subject experts, teachers, moderators, editors, and designers, based on the latest insights from the learning sciences.  Facilitator guides (printed books and e-books) Facilitator guides are the cornerstones of homeschooling. These thorough guides empower parents to become their children’s primary educators. The Impaq facilitator guides include year plans, suggested timetables, daily lessons, lesson guidance, and step-by-step calculations and answers for Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy. Live online classes Impaq’s education specialists host weekly online classes to assist Grade R to 12 learners in various subjects. The classes are presented as monolingual classes in English or Afrikaans, or as bilingual classes in both languages. Learners can also catch up on previous classes to ensure they stay up to date with their work.  Access to education specialists Impaq learners have access to our team of experienced education specialists who provide additional subject support. If you were concerned about teaching subjects you are unfamiliar with, you can rest assured that support is only an email away.  Downloadable assessments and support services Impaq provides a full set of assessment components and services and a pathway to obtain an NSC in Grade 12 (through an independent assessment body). Impaq’s online portal enables parents and tutors to easily capture marks, generate reports, and monitor learners’ progress. Optimi Learning Portal The Optimi Learning Portal offers additional guidance and support (in selected subjects and grades) including quizzes, notes, previous examination papers, and more than 900 educational videos.  Supplementary products and additional resources But that is not all – Impaq also offers a comprehensive range of supplementary products and additional resources: isiZulu  isiZulu is offered as a First Additional Language for Grades 1 to 4. The learning material includes a CD to guide parents and learners on the correct pronunciation of words. The language of instruction is English but systematically changes to isiZulu as learners progress through the grades. Bible Education  Bible Education is offered as a non-examinable additional subject for Grades R to 9. The lesson material is based on the Christian religion and guides parents, teachers, and facilitators to help children discover their unique identity and God-given gifts, talents and blessings. Cami Education Software Cami offers a collection of fun and interactive educational software programs that are available both online and offline. The practice software includes unique programs for mathematics, mathematics for special needs, perceptual skills, reading, and literacy. All the programs are available in English and Afrikaans. Robotics Robotics is the perfect tool to introduce children to robotics, engineering, and programming. Children will learn how to solve real-life problems through engaging projects such as building their own robot, an automated hand sanitiser, and an autonomous line-following car. Impaq offers LEGO® Robotics and Coding for Grades 1 – 5 and Resolute Robotics for Grades 7 – 12. With Impaq as your guide, homeschooling has never been easier. Ready to get started? All you need to do is pick your child’s grade, and Impaq will provide you with everything you need to complete an academic year at home. Register online for 2021. If you need more information about the registration process, read Impaq’s how-to guide for step-by-step instructions. By Elmien Ackerman


How to foster resilience in children

Our children have been through a very tough year having to deal with unforeseen circumstances and having to adapt to many changes in their daily lives – without any preparation for it. In this final article for the year, we will be looking at how to build resilience in our children as 2021 is bound to bring another set of changes and unforeseen circumstances. Also read: Homeschooling in 2021? Here’s how to prepare What is resilience? Psychologists define resilience as the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress. Ourselves and our children have certainly experienced much stress, and possibly adversity, this year. Simultaneously, it has also been an excellent opportunity to teach resilience.  How to teach resilience But how do we start teaching our children to develop this vital characteristic? Teaching resilience begins from a young age when our children are toddlers, and the feeling of frustration can become a common one for them. From learning to walk to wanting to be able to express themselves and do things that they struggle with, the early experiences of resilience-building are already being laid down.  Imagine if every time our toddler was trying to walk and fell and could not get up again, we picked him up and carried him? Eventually, we would have a child who would have delayed motor development. The first steps of teaching resilience come with our ability, as parents, to withstand our children’s frustration and not dive in to help them when they are struggling with something.  We can give gentle cues and advice, but one of the core building blocks of developing resilience is for our children to feel a sense of competence and mastery. This ranges from the physical experience of being able to do things to the most important – the mental and emotional aspects of dealing with frustration, delayed gratification and the complicated emotions of disappointment, anxiety, and anger.  Real-life resilience Two of the clearest examples of resilience I have experienced was with my daughter’s friend. She did gymnastics with my daughter, and in gymnastics, one does not automatically graduate to the next class but gets invited to it depending on the child’s performance level. This little girl did not get the invitation/promotion. Instead of complaining and moaning about the teachers and throwing a tantrum, she just said that she would have to practise her cartwheels and somersaults to be invited next time. That is emotional resilience.  The following year, this same little girl was put into a different class from her friends with a teacher she did not particularly like and again her response was that it was an opportunity to make new friends and see if she could find aspects of the teacher that she did like. What a stunning example of resilience and emotional maturity. Also read: There’s more to life than academic achievement Resilience vs emotional regulation It is clear to see that resilience and emotional regulation go hand in hand. We have all spotted the following children on the playground: the one who has a meltdown if he does not win in a game,  the child who cries non-stop before having to be on stage in a concert, and  the child who has a tantrum if his needs are not immediately met.  None of these behaviours is appropriate and results in negative social consequences. Therefore, it is clear to see that emotional regulation is a skill that goes hand in hand with resilience. Emotional regulation is a term generally used to describe a person’s ability to manage and respond to an emotional experience effectively. It refers to the ability to control the difficult and unwelcome feelings of frustration, anxiety, anger, and so on in an appropriate way.  Resilience role models As parents, we need to be aware of how we model resilience and emotional regulation to our children. If we are calm and contained when a problem situation arises, this is an excellent example for our children. Similarly, when our children are experiencing frustration or difficult emotions, teaching them resilience skills puts them in a position of ‘can do’ versus the feeling of being overwhelmed and powerless. Resilience skills can include:  deep breathing to calm down,  calmly talking about the situation to gain some detachment and perspective on it,  breaking the problem down into manageable pieces, and  coaching them through the steps they can take to deal with the situation. This can apply to anything they are struggling with, e.g., an argument with a friend, a problem with homework, etc. It also vitally teaches problem-solving skills for the future. The business tool of SWOT analysis is useful here as resilience is all about turning a weakness into a strength and a threat into an opportunity – for growth, change and adopting a new approach.  Power of resilience Resilience doesn’t mean that a person won’t ever experience difficulty or distress. People who have suffered significant adversity or trauma in their lives naturally experience emotional pain and stress. However, resilience involves behaviours, thoughts, and actions that can be learned and developed. This is the power of resilience. So, whenever our children complain and are heading for a meltdown, we can always point out the resilience-building tools they have at their disposal.  The year has already been an excellent lesson in resilience – our children never thought they would have to do online schooling, experience lockdown, wear masks whenever they were out, be isolated from social activity, and so on. Yet they have all adapted and managed mostly very well. Another core resilience builder is accepting that change is a part of life and as Charles Darwin famously said, “It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change”. If we don’t adapt, we die. So, the next time our children (and ourselves) are complaining, struggling with frustration, remember to breathe and think about what we can do instead of surrendering


Three R’s to focus on during summer

(Almost) everyone is familiar with the three R’s of education: reading, ‘riting (writing), and ‘rithmetic (arithmetic). As an undoubtedly challenging year comes to an end; it’s time for home education parents to shift the focus to three different R’s – reflecting, reimagining, and relaxing. Reflect This year presented previously unimaginable challenges to families everywhere. Whether you are an experienced home educator or whether you chose homeschooling as a result of the pandemic, now is the time to reflect objectively on the 2020 academic year. Reflection allows you to contemplate the events of the past year to gain a new perspective on them. Thinking specifically about how you and your children managed homeschooling this year will allow you the advantage of becoming more strategic and intentional when preparing for 2021. If you plan to continue homeschooling your children next year, now is an excellent time to consider which aspects need to be modified and which can be omitted altogether.  Of course, reflection also allows you to take stock of everything you have accomplished this year. Considering the unprecedented global events of 2020, you probably ended up with a long list of things you weren’t planning on doing – perhaps home education was one of them. But you rose to the occasion and handled them all. So, congratulate yourself on a job well done!  Finally, why not get your children involved? Reflection is a great way to process feelings and share ideas. Have everyone write down some things they learned, what they are grateful for, or ways they have grown this year. This exercise is helpful as your children may have overcome specific obstacles or learned new skills without even realising it.  Reimagine Reimagining is about using what you learned this year to review and readjust your approach to home education. After all, one of the benefits of home education is that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution – it can be customised to accommodate your particular situation and tailored to meet your children’s needs.  The pandemic has encouraged innovation in many sectors, including education. It has proven that children can and will learn outside the constructs of traditional schooling. As the year winds down, why not use this time to consider your approach to teaching your children?  Also read: Parents, here’s how screen time can work in your favour Some of the upsides of home education include:  focusing on your children’s different learning styles and strengths,  incorporating and leveraging technology, nurturing your children’s natural curiosity and interests, encouraging a love of learning in whatever shape or form, it presents itself. With all of this in mind, how can you do things differently in 2021? Also read: A successful start to your (home) school year!   Relax Coping with the pandemic and all its consequences may have left you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and anxious. While there are still some COVID-19-related regulations in place, now is the time for family, friends, and fun!  Whether you are off on a family vacation or staying home, the key is to take some time to rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit – and to allow the rest of your family to do the same. Use this time to slow down and enjoy the simplicity of life. Have a picnic, read a book, spend all day by the pool or at the beach, go for a hike, have a nap, treat yourself to a massage – the list is endless.  Also read: Cool ways to beat summer boredom Taking time to relax and recharge over summer will put you in a better frame of mind to take care of the people who depend on you in the new year – whatever it may hold. By Danielle Barfoot

Evolve Online School

Discovering the delight of different

How do you take the next step when you suddenly discover that something you thought was abnormal is perfect for you? How can you properly evaluate the explosion of schooling options, especially in the online and homeschooling space? These are two of the questions I am going to try and answer for you in this article. I will attempt to give you some guidelines to use when trying to make sense of an education opportunity that you may have thought was only for unconventional families. Still, you may have discovered it seems perfect for your children. Remote learning has taken the limelight and has been a topic of discussion on television, radio, and online media since the Covid pandemic took hold of the world. With schools having to shut down and go online many children (and their parents) have had an experience of homeschooling and online schooling forced on them when they may not have tried to learn this way by choice. There has been a very mixed experience of this.  Some children have discovered that online learning meets their needs in ways that traditional education cannot. They can work at their own pace and spend more time on things that they find difficult. They are not faced with constant interruptions caused by having to change from class to class. Children are not distracted by the behaviour of other children or the lack of comfort of the classroom. Children also like to make more choices about what they learn and when they learn it, which means that they are more engaged with their learning. They are also not held back to the pace of the rest of the class when they find the work easy.  On the other hand, children can lose focus, be tempted to play games or waste time and can find themselves falling behind without the teacher being able to notice or keep them on track. The concept of ‘Zoom’ fatigue has also become an issue. People working from home and children learning remotely have found the challenge of being in online meetings for protracted periods mentally exhausting. Concentration slips and attention wanders. Teachers have had an immense struggle to keep their students engaged and often have no way of knowing if they are paying attention. Schools that pivoted to an online model during the lockdown made the mistake of trying to run a synchronous timetable. That is, they tried to follow the same schedule they would have if the students had been attending live lessons. Proper online schooling does not work this way. Being an online learner is like homeschooling with one significant difference: The student becomes more and more capable of learning without any adult assistance at home.  It is a feature of an excellent online school that we provide a process for children to learn the skills they need to be independent learners. This process includes self-pacing, time management and the ability to schedule their day. It also includes teaching children to work collaboratively with peers in remote locations. No parent should choose online learning for their children without expecting the learning process to be delightfully different.  So, with what should you be delighted? The school should engage with your child as an individual and tailor their learning to suit their needs and interest. Your child should be able to advance at a faster rate in areas where they have an aptitude and intense curiosity. They should be able to take their time and work deliberately when they need to.  Testing and assessment should also be significantly different from a traditional experience. Online systems offer the opportunity to use machine learning and data analysis to make learning specific to a child’s needs. Online learner management systems should collect data on everything a child is doing and learning and start to offer suggestions for improving their understanding and mastery. There is a story about a father with three young daughters. One is two years old, the second is four, and the oldest is seven. He sits down to tell them a story. “Mapule climbs up the stairs and opens the door; there is the Dragon!” The seven-year-old says, oooh! “Mapule climbs up the stairs and opens the door.” The four-year-old says, oooh! “Mapule climbs up the stairs.” The two-year-old says, oooh! Because climbing up the stairs is wonderful to a two-year-old. As our children grow, they lose their sense of wonder and curiosity.  Online schooling executed well, offers children an ongoingly engaging experience. Using, video, games, simulations, discussion platforms and immediate feedback in a way that traditional school models are unable to. It keeps children in the ‘Goldilocks’ zone, where the work they do is neither too easy nor too difficult.  When you are deciding if you want to enrol your child with an online school, ask yourself; how often will they start a lesson and say “oooh!” By: Colin Northmore, Principal of Evolve Online School, a brand of ADvTECH, Africa’s largest private education provider. Visit www.evolveonline.co.za

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