Author name: Parenting Hub

Parenting Hub is one of South Africa’s largest online lifestyle magazines, targeted toward Parents.We understand that there are many aspects that encompass a Mother, Father or Child and strive toward providing resources and services that accommodates this.Our content is aimed to inform and educate families on issues starting from pregnancy through to the challenges of the teen-age years.

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Advice Column, Child, Parenting

Boys and girls play differently

When observing a playground full of children, it is typical of the boys to be running and chasing each other noisily in large groups whilst the girls prefer to sit one on one, chatting and engaging in make believe games. When given the choice of toys the girls tend to gravitate towards dolls and soft toys, whereas the boys choose cars and blocks to build. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule, but it begs the question- are boys and girls brains ‘wired’ differently?

Advice Column, Child, Health, Lifestyle, Parenting, Toddler, Tween & Teen

How to help your child build resilience

our children face many challenges and obstacles as they grow and are faced with what life has to offer. She adds, “Children who have been taught the skill of resilience, are able to bounce back from stress, challenges, tragedy, trauma and adversity in more effective ways than children who do not know how to be resilient. Resilient children are more adaptable, have greater courage and are more curious when facing the world around them.”

Advice Column, Child, Education, Mainstream Education, Parenting, Toddler

Language and successful learning – is it REALLY that important?

Have you ever gazed upon a giant oak tree? These majestic trees can grow as high as 21m and as wide as 3m! In fact, the tallest oak tree ever recorded was a whopping 44m high! Their branches extend for many metres, shading the earth from the hot sun in Summer and shedding their colourful leaves in the Autumn. It is interesting to note that the grandiose oak tree started life on earth as a tiny seed. The giant tap root system was the first part of the tree to emerge at germination – tiny at first, but continually expanding. It is from this giant tap root system that the magnificent oak tree receives all the water and nutrients that it needs to grow and develop to its full potential!

Advice Column, Child, Health, Lifestyle, Parenting, Tween & Teen

Encourage your children to be physically active

Let’s face it, growing up today is a completely different ball game to when you were young. It doesn’t matter if you’re in your late 20s or 30s and coming to grips with parenthood for the first time, or if you’re north of 50 and are a veteran of raising children, the fact remains. Kids today are living in a world wholly different to the one we developed in.

Advice Column, Child, Parenting

Four short-term tips for kids, with long-term results

Teaching kids some basic financial principles should ideally form part of their upbringing. Short-term insurance is key among them, since it provides an important safety net that helps to secure your long-term well-being. It can be difficult to give up something when you do not see an immediate benefit, making short-term insurance (and most financial-must haves, for that matter) a difficult sell. But getting kids to understand it (particularly the patience it takes to stay covered), is a lesson worth learning. Here are some tips.

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