Author name: NB Hearing & Balance

NB Hearing & Balance is an audiology practice based in Cape Town, South Africa, with offices in Durbanville, Sea Point, Wynberg, Hout Bay, and Fish Hoek. Led by Dr. Natalie Buttress, our dedicated team of audiologists provide paediatric services, such as comprehensive hearing assessments, hearing aids, assistive devices, and support for sound sensitivity, auditory processing disorder (APD) assessment and management. In addition, we provide specialized services for newborns and young children who may have difficulty responding to conventional testing by utilizing advanced objective testing (OAEs, eCochG, ABR, ASSR). We also ensure optimal hearing care by creating a pathway, and a plan for rehabilitation and assistive therapies. And, with parents being at the heart of this journey, we provide them with emotional, informational, and educational support to ensure children reach their full potential at every developmental stage.

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