Advice Column, Hero Life, Lifestyle, Money

A poem for Christmas

  • Hero Life
  • Category Advice Column, Hero Life, Lifestyle, Money

I had a friend who had alot, 

And very happy she was not.

Then she lost it all one day, 

And now she morns her life away.


I have never had a lot, 

And ofte’ it’s left me in a spot, 

But I am sure with banking clout, 

Wonderful happiness would find me out.


But in memories, it’s the times without, 

That warm my heart and stand right out.

Mayhaps happiness has more to do, 

With the life you live, than what have you. 

By Teresa Dearing


Wishing you all the best that this holiday season can offer – peace, joy and love with your family.

And remember, it’s the experiences that matter, not the stuff.


Happy Xmas from Hero Life.


Hero Life is a company that offers a free online Will, helps you to start saving for your kids’ education, and offers life insurance, designed specifically for young parents. Hero Life is an MMI Group initiative, and underwritten by Guardrisk Life Limited (Reg no 1999/013922/06), an authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP license number 76).

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