Reflecting on the last 365 days of lockdown in South Africa, it’s clear that education has undergone immense changes that will forever alter the way our children learn. As the country’s largest homeschooling curriculum provider, we at Impaq have noticed how more families are increasingly viewing homeschooling as an appealing alternative.  Over the last year, […]

If your child is in Grade 4, she may have been exposed to class and term tests since the start of the year. But the idea of writing examinations for the first time can be daunting. Thankfully, there is a lot you can do to help her prepare.  Get organised The first thing to focus […]

Shortly after it was announced that History may become a compulsory subject in South African schools up to Grade 12, the country was abuzz with the news. The biggest objection is most likely about its presentation and people are concerned that preference will be given to one group’s history, and that it will lead to […]

South Africa currently has ten World Heritage Sites, of which the Barberton Makhonjwa Mountains and the Khomani Cultural Landscape are the newest additions to the list, as appointed by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). With nearly one World Heritage Site per province, South Africa is truly unique! While our country boasts with […]

If you’ve recently completed Grade 12, you’ll know that your matric results can lead to many exciting opportunities. Your matric certificate can help you get into the university or course of your choice, it looks great on your CV and it can help you ace that job interview by showing that you have the necessary […]