Most people know that certain foods, lifestyle issues and exercise, can lead to migraines and headaches but few people realise that the weather can also trigger headaches.  Research shows that the change of seasons, climate and environmental factors can all be contributing to your headaches.  Two recent studies, published in the American Journal of Emergency […]

Stress has a dire impact on the quality of modern life, and this is sometimes amplified in a teenager’s life. Often pressures from school, home, friends, and physical changes during this highly self-aware period can lead to anxiety and the latest research also suggests it can even have an impact on the frequency of headaches […]

We all lead busy lives. Between going to work and picking up the children from school, it’s no wonder our stress levels are on the rise. But can the stress in your life actually cause you to have more headaches and migraines? According to a recent study there is enough evidence to show there is […]

It is the start of the school year and many children are refreshed after the summer holidays. Unfortunately some children are frustrated by learning difficulties or Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). A recent study found something noteworthy: There is an association between headache diagnosis and school achievements. The study, published in Pediatric Nursing, found that […]

Being a new mother can be an exciting time for many women. Taking care of a new child can be one of the most wonderful experiences. But this time can also be extremely stressful when headaches occur. A recent study published in the journal Headache showed there are many safe methods to treat these headaches […]