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Prima Baby


Chicco, leaders in baby products for over 60 years, announce the all new worldwide first – the Baby Hug 4-in-1. Distributed by Prima Baby in South Africa, Chicco are fore-runners in innovation and function when it comes to baby furniture, juvenile hard lines such as travel systems, prams and car seats as well as all other nursery essentials. For this reason, the world has gone crazy for the latest in evolutionary baby care – the Baby Hug 4-in-1. A crib, recliner, table chair and highchair in one, the Baby Hug is the only piece of furniture on the market that can adapt to become each of these items with a simple gesture.  With brakes, wheels for moving from room to room and a musical, movable mobile to keep baby entertained, there is no part of your baby’s day that doesn’t need a Baby Hug. In fact it can even be adapted to the height of your bed to make a cosy co-sleeper for nursing moms. Having won several innovation awards in Europe throughout 2018, the Baby Hug has been received incredibly well by the international market, making it one of 2018’s most purchased items of baby furniture. We are proud to announce that Chicco is the only company in the world that sells the Baby Hug 4-in-1 and that it is finally available in stores across South Africa, including Baby City, Babies R Us and online vendors such as and Make life easy for parents and babies with the Baby Hug 4-in-1.  Suitable from birth to 36 months.


12 Breastfeeding Super Foods

Moms that are breastfeeding must consider which foods they can include in their daily diet. All foods or drinks that are consumed in large quantities can pass through the breast milk to your baby’s system and can as a result have a negative effect on your baby’s health or overall well-being. There are a few helpful tips to consider for milk supply when nursing your infant: Make sure that you include a well-balanced eating plan and consume a variety of foods to provide your baby with different kinds of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that is vital for healthy growth. *Foods that should be avoided or consumed in moderation are:Caffeine, fish, chocolate, parsley, peppermint, alcohol, citrus, dairy, peanuts, gassy vegetables (such as cabbage) and spicy foods. Always be vigilant by watching your baby’s reactions after you’ve eaten certain foods that could have an undesirable effect on your baby. If you are unsure or have any health concerns with regards to certain food items, always check with your pediatrician to be on the safe side. Another great way to promote milk supply is pumping to induce lactation. The best method for increasing milk supply is by stimulating the nipples whether it is by pumping or putting baby to your breast. If you aren’t stimulating the breasts regularly, no supplement or food is going to help you increase your milk supply. When pumping frequently, the aim is to remove more milk from breasts and increasing the frequency of breast emptying. Adding pumping sessions in between or after nursing sessions can be very beneficial when you’re looking to induce lactation, therefore increasing your milk flow and upping your milk supply. Have a look at these 12 breastfeeding superfoods to promote lactation: Oatmeal A good choice for comfort food which is easy to prepare. Oatmeal is a rich source of iron which is vital for Moms that are experiencing post-pregnancy anemia. Oatmeal helps to increase red blood cell count in blood which can lead to increased breast milk production. Another great benefit is stimulating the production of Pitocin which is a key hormone when it comes to producing breast milk. Water Drinking enough water is vital when you are breast feeding. For your body to function properly and to promote milk supply (water forms the basis of breast milk), you must drink enough water to make up for the fluids lost when you’re sweating as well as producing enough milk to quench your baby’s thirst. Green Papaya Women across Asia often consume unripe papaya which is a great galactagogue (food that increases breast milk). Green papaya helps promoting the production of oxytocin which in turn increases milk production. Garlic One of the best food choices for increasing milk supply in breastfeeding mothers is garlic. A great way to add an extra layer of flavouring to your dishes plus garlic has an array of health benefits, including providing relief for babies suffering from colic. Drinking garlic pills is a great option for ladies that don’t enjoy the after taste of garlic. These pills provide the same benefits as garlic without the lingering after taste. Fennel Fennel has similar properties as estrogen, therefore fennel or fennel seeds are ideal for promoting lactation. Another great option is making use of fennel essential oil, but it’s important to keep in mind that long-term use can affect the urinary tract, therefore it’s best to use it for up to seven to ten days at a time and no more. Fenugreek seeds Fenugreek is one of the most popular and safest herbs used for milk supply since biblical times, as it stimulates the secretion of human growth hormone. It can be boiled in tea or you can buy them in capsule form. Many cultures also use Fenugreek as a herb or spice in food to treat medical conditions. Other benefits include, slowing the digestive tract as well as stabilizing blood sugar levels. Nuts Almonds, cashews and macadamia nuts contain monounsaturated fats which increase the richness of your milk. They need to be eaten raw (not roasted and salted) and you can enjoy up to three servings a day. Grains or Legumes Brown rice, lentils, millet and barley are excellent examples of grains or legumes that promote milk supply as well as stabilizing blood sugar levels. Spinach Spinach is a great source of calcium, iron, Vitamin K, A and folic acid. Folic acid is vital for women who are breastfeeding. Dark leafy greens contain phytoestrogens which promote lactation and breast tissue health. But to avoid any food-borne illness, make sure you boil it before consumption. You can also add it to salads but ensure that you’ve rinse it properly beforehand. Carrots Carrots are rich in Vitamin A which is great for assisting with baby’s growth and they are also believed to assist with lactation. Sesame seeds Not only are they delicious, but they are high in calcium and polyunsaturated fat, making them a very nutritious choice. They are also known as lactogenic food which means they help to increase breast milk production. Asparagus Asparagus is one of the must-have food items for nursing mothers because it is rich in fibre, high in Vitamin A and K and helps stimulating the hormones that are essential for nursing moms when it comes to lactation. Conclusion: Every lactating Mom who is breastfeeding, will have questions about what to eat and what to avoid when producing and providing the necessary quantity of breast milk that is also nutritious. Certain food items, known as galactagogue specifically assist with lactation, boost milk production and provide essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients to your baby when nursing. Remember to stay hydrated and ensure that you are taking in enough fluids when breastfeeding. Now that you know which foods can promote lactation and increase the production of milk supply, you can add them to your daily diet and provide your baby with the best possible breast milk that he/she needs to stay healthy and have a full tummy. Read Also:

Prima Baby

Chicco Baby Moments Sweet Perfumed Water

Wherever there’s a baby, there’s the best scent in the world!   Baby’s first beauty treatment begins right here with Chicco baby Moments Sweet Perfumed Water.  Available in ‘baby’s smell’ fragrance, this alcohol-free, tender and delicate fragrance is perfect for baby’s skin.  Hypoallergenic, gentle and paraben free, the perfumed water is a great end to a night time cleansing routine, for sweet-smelling cuddles. A big European trend, perfumed water or ‘baby cologne’ is growing in popularity amongst South African moms too, as delicate and safe options become available for their children’s skin.  Perfectly safe for newborns too. The Chicco Baby Moments Sweet Perfumed Water is available in a stunning glass bottle at R149 for 100ml.  It is available at various baby products retailers as well as and

Breastpumps and Beyond

Review: Medela Disposable Nursing Pads

During (and after) pregnancy, a mom can experience something know as a leaking breast. This is when your breast oozes some of either your colostrum (during pregnancy) or breast milk out. This can occur at any given time, with no indication of it beginning. You will just feel your breast producing milk. If this is happening to you, then we have the perfect product for your shopping cart; the Medela disposable nursing pads range. A Bit About The Medela Disposable Nursing Pads  This incredible range of breast care products come to you in packs of either thirty, or sixty. All pads are individually wrapped, should you only need to use one at a time, and have two adhesive strips on the back (unlike common one strip pads found amongst other nursing pad brands).  The dual adhesive strip allows the breast pad to stay in place all day and night, allowing you to move freely without concern. Another great plus to this product is the fact that it is discreet. The breast pad’s design will be perfectly concealed against your bra, leaving you with confidence, and those around you none the wiser. The Design Behind The Product The Medela disposable nursing pads are designed with one client in mind; breastfeeding moms. As such, everything about them from their shape to their absorbency ability has been fine tuned to suit the every day woman.  What’s Inside? The core of the pad is made from something known as ultra-absorbent polymer. This allows for the breastmilk to be distributed evenly when expressed. It also locks the moisture into the pad to prevent leakage. This makes the pads incredibly absorbent, making them ideal from light milk spotting to heavy breast milk leaks. What’s On Top? If you have sensitive skin, you have nothing to worry about with this product. The Medela disposable pads make use of a soft, natural fibre lining. Not only is this safe for sensitive breast skin, but it also wicks away any moisture. This ensures that nothing will seep out of the pad for any reason.  What’s On The Outside? The outer layer of the breast pad is as incredible as the highly absorbent inner. As previously mentioned, the pads are discreet, concealing themselves easily within your bra. This can be attributed to their contour design. The pads were designed to snugly fit your breasts perfectly. Their curve mimics the curve of your body. Another wonderful thing about the breast pad is that it is both breathable, as well as water proof. The breathable design allows your skin beneath the pad access to oxygen. Whereas the waterproof functionality of the pad ensures that the outer layers of your clothing will be protected from any leakage.  When You Would Need The Medela Disposable Nursing Pads Breast leakage is particularly common within the first few weeks post child birth. This is when your body will begin to produce milk. There are also a few key times which you may experience leaking: Often in the mornings, or when your breasts are feeling particularly full When oxytocin is released within your brain; an emotive response to hearing your baby cry or even thinking about your child When you feed from one breast, the other may leak When you’re in a warm room, shower, or bath; warmth encourages ilk to flow easily If you are experiencing breast leakage at abnormal times (even though it may be irritating) view it as a blessing in disguise. This is your body’s way of telling you that it is successfully producing enough, in fact too much milk to sustain your infant. !


Too Soon: Premature Babies

Having a prem is not something most mothers expect when they are expecting.  In most cases, there is not merely a premature baby struggling to survive, but also “premature” parents who feel unprepared for the sudden and overwhelming challenges of having a baby – and a highly fragile one needing specialised care.  I have spoken to several mothers who had prems. Following is a summary of their stories of bravery amid the ordeal. On the big challenges that come with such tiny humans Emotionally, the mothers agreed, having a premature baby is an experience that knocks you off your feet – the stress of fighting for your child’s life and seeing their defenceless, underdeveloped bodies; the shock of an unplanned (mostly surgical) birth; the heart-breaking separation from your baby as he receives medical care – even leaving the hospital without him; the many disappointments as the ideals you had do not realise… And all this on top of the standard postpartum “baby blues”.  Physically, a new mother’s body is sore and tired, but there is no chance for a mother with a prem to recuperate as she is far from the most significant patient on the scene. The continued sleep deprivation they experienced (which is often worse in the case of a prem), exhausted them even further. An additional challenge is expressing milk every couple of hours – even through the night – for the ones who chose to breastfeed. On the practical side, the moms felt incompetent and scared to care for such a minute, frail little body who had difficulty breathing and feeding. Where there were older siblings who also needed attention, the challenges were even harder – especially feigning positivity while spending time with them. One mom stayed far away from a hospital, which was a massive logistical challenge for the family, and it also resulted in a great deal of extra expenses.  On what kept them going Most of the mothers honoured the amazing nurses who work in NICU wards. Hats off to these angels! Furthermore, support from family and friends were vital. One mentioned that she had mentors who helped her keep perspective.  Faith in God, prayer and worship were also essential. Being able to witness small miracles in their babies’ development every day was helpful in staying positive. One mom said the information she gathered (from doctors and books) assisted her to cope. And of course, a mother’s love for her child would get her through any difficulty.  On the little things they’ll always treasure Although bittersweet, holding their premature babies in the kangaroo care position for the first time was an extraordinary experience, said many mothers. One of them remembered her baby’s soft moaning the first time she had touched him (when she had still not been able to hold him) as if he had recognised her voice.  The quiet times in the hospital with just mom and baby stood out as valuable bonding and slowing-down moments. Watching their little ones grow stronger and reaching each milestone (however “late”) was very special.  Some parents even felt they had “secret access to the womb” by seeing certain developments, unlike with full-term babies – like witnessing eyebrows appear. The bonds the mothers formed in the NICU with others going through the same trial were beautiful gems amid the sadness and stress.  On the advice they have for other prem parents You absolutely have to accept help – now is the time to be humble.  Ask all the questions you need to ask; cry all you need to cry: this was not the plan. Choose to take away something from the experience that can change you for the better. Celebrate all the small victories: every gram gained, every tube disconnected. Savour the special moments and take many photos that can later serve as a testimony for the miracle of your child’s life. And pray without ceasing! To all the parents out there who went through or are currently facing the turbulent and tiring storm of caring for someone who should have still been a fetus protected by a womb – you are true champions! Finding your feet at home with a prem and possibly other children to care for can be very tough. Celeste Rushby, who also happens to be a qualified Occupational Therapist, can rightly testify to this as she had three prems of her own in less than three years!  Says Celeste:  “I understand. I’ve been there! I am using my experience, my specialised training, and my heart for parents of young babies – especially premmies – to support, guide and educate; and above all, to empower. There is light at the end of the tunnel. A bright and incredibly beautiful light. And I just love helping parents to find it.” You can read more of her story here and here.

Prima Baby

Chicco Oral Care Collection

Chicco, the 360 degree solution to baby care, is now in South Africa on a never-before-seen scale, distributing products that range from nursing to weaning to toys and travel lines – and everything in between. The oral care collection is a fantastic solution for those first dental lessons taught to babies as young as 6 months.  Where there’s a tooth – there’s a reason to look after it, right? Chicco toothpaste, available with or without fluoride, bring your child two delicious flavours to get them used to dental care.   Beginning with the banana/apple flavour for weaning children, a non-abrasive formula protects milk teeth and has xylitol to protect from cavities.  Strawberry flavour then takes over for older children and has bio-available calcium to keep teeth strong.  Combine one of these flavours with a Chicco small head toothbrush, designed to fit inside small mouthed children and boasting the innovative soft ‘tapered technology’ bristles to be soft and non-irritating on gums.   Available in pink or blue, the toothbrushes have anti-slip handles that can be easily gripped by either the child or parent. The oral collection is available at various baby products retailers as well as and

Parenting Hub

Review: Chicco EasyFit Baby Carrier

Chicco EasyFit Baby Carrier is a great little carrier. There are no complex instructions and it just fits! This product was right up my ally! Every parent can agree that the hardest part of being is a new parent is the first 6 months. You want to be close to baby and baby wants to be close you, so this carrier allowed my little one to stay comforted with me and I got to have my hands free to enjoy the small pleasures in life…. A cup of coffee. Baby can either face the parent or look at the world around them (all in one movement). It is suitable from birth to a maximum weight of 9kgs. Baby’s head and neck also have excellent support. It is lightweight and the soft fabric really ensures that my little one is comfortable at all times.  I am a bit of a researcher when trying new products with my little one so this is what I found: The wider m-position seat ensures the proper infant position The International Hip Dysplasia Institute acknowledges the Chicco Easy Fit as a hip healthy product My morning coffee, my quick run into the shops for some milk and bread just got a whole lot easier!  The Chicco Easy Fit Baby Carriers is stocked through the following retailers from December: Baby City, Babies R Us, Hamleys,,  at R699.99.

Parenting Hub

5 ways to make your home child-friendly

A crucial part of being a new parent is creating a safe environment for your child to live and grow up in, and a primary step in achieving this goal is making your home child-friendly. It involves numerous tasks that need to be done around the house, all of which, once completed, will ensure your child’s security within the bounds of his or her home. If you’re a bit stuck on what needs to be done or feel you’ve missed a step, then take note of these important tips. Ensure all locks and latches work properly First on your list should be the locks. Of course, they’re a priority from the get-go for your own security, but you’ll want every single one of them checked by the time your child is big enough to be able to operate them. There’s the danger of your young son or daughter wandering out of your sight and into the garden, basement or garage, where they might get hurt. Do note that some locking mechanisms might be easier to handle than others, so make sure there’s absolutely no means for your child to get outside or into an unsafe part of the house when unsupervised. Not only do your locks need to be in working order, but all keys need to be kept out of reach, so find a good hiding place for them. Cover up all electrical outlets Located all over your house, and often close to the floor, electrical sockets are an ever-present danger for curious children. Prevent them from harm by proofing every single electrical outlet in your home. It’s easily done, thanks to those trusty outlet covers. They’re affordable and easily usable barriers that’ll protect your kids from a nasty shock. Install a baby gate Baby gates are a common feature of any household that has recently welcomed a new addition. When your child starts to crawl, be sure to have one or more of these handy devices installed in your house. Once you’ve done this, there’ll be no threat of your child wandering into a dangerous part of the house unaccompanied. Baby-proof gates are mandatory for all homes with small children living in them, especially those with staircases. Depending on which room you’re in, you can also move your baby gate to another part of the house, in order to keep an eye on your child and ensure they remain in close proximity while you’re working or doing chores. Pad and anchor your furniture Your furniture can also prove hazardous to your children, but there are means of avoiding serious injury.  Firstly, cover the edges and corners of items such as tables and chairs with protective padding. This will guard your kids from any painful bumps on the head. Secondly, anchor large pieces of furniture to the wall to stop them from falling over. Kids can be tempted to climb furniture, which can end badly if proper safety measures aren’t in place. Store items cleverly and cautiously You shouldn’t stop at merely stabilising your furniture. Also remove from all high surfaces any object your child might want to get their hands on. This could be anything from toys to the television; if it’s the latter, place it on a lower surface or anchor it to the wall, or do both. There are also items you must keep well away from your children at all times–store detergents and other kinds of cleaning equipment in a high cupboard, and make sure sharp objects are carefully hidden away. Take these tips into account when you’re starting a family and getting your house ready for it. You’ll be ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for your child and for yourself if you do.

Prima Baby

Chicco Ultra Soft Baby Carrier

Now in South Africa on an even bigger scale, the world-famous Italian baby products Chicco bring you the fantastic Ultra Soft Baby Carrier.  A 2-in1 system, the carrier allows your child to face inwards towards the parent for comfort, or outward to face the wide world and explore. Made with a soft, mini-vented lining, mesh side panels and adjustable side straps, the Ultra-Soft is also machine-washable. With an added bib and two mesh storage pockets, the design is slick yet generic enough to match any occasion or outfit.  An added cuddle pocket helps create a sense of closeness to the parent during sleepy time. The Chicco Ultra Soft Baby Carrier is available from December at Baby City, Babies R Us, Hamleys,, and other retailers. Grab one now for R799.99.

Prima Baby

Chicco Cosmos Car Seat

Chicco car seats are known for being some of the most high quality, yet affordable car seats in the world.  As from January 2019, Chicco will now have a range of car seats, baby nursery furniture, strollers, travel systems and other indoor necessities never before seen in SA. One of the best priced car seats in the Chicco range is the Cosmos – the car seat that will take care of your child on a 4 year journey.  Cosmos is the Chicco Group 0 + / 1 car seat designed for transporting children up to 18 kg in weight in cars, approved according to ECE R44 / 04.  The reducer cushion is great for little ones to be held snug and can be removed as the child grows and the seat becomes wider and more welcoming.  The reclining nature of the seat and the exceptional comfort make the Cosmos great for younger babies.  The cover is removable and washable. The Chicco Cosmo is available from January at Baby City, Babies R Us, Hamleys,, and other retailers for R2499.99.

Prima Baby

Chicco Boppy Nursing Pillow

The Boppy Pillow from Chicco is a revolutionary product that has taken the world by storm – not just for its innovation, but for the outstanding quality that sets it apart from its many copycats. The Boppy is the ideal support for mum and baby during breastfeeding. Thanks to its unique features and the special padding, it helps mums to have a comfortable position, avoiding painful, achy arms, shoulders and neck whilst nursing.   The fibre grants the correct and comfortable position for the baby during breastfeeding and cuddles. The “Miracle Middle™” make the pillow flexible in order to fit to most waists.  And that’s just the benefits for mom!   When baby starts to grow and sit, the pillow acts as a sturdy support, guaranteed to not let them fall as they lean against it during relaxing time.  It’s also a fantastic support for tummy time play. The Boppy pillow is available in a number of different patterns, with removable, washable covers and is available from December at Baby City, Babies R Us, Hamleys,, and other retailers for R799.99.

Breastpumps and Beyond

When To Consider Introducing Complimentary Feeding

Complimentary feeding is a process in which you begin to introduce other food substances apart from breastmilk into your child’s diet. There are many benefits to this practice. However, more importantly, this practice is essential for the health of your baby.  Complimentary feeding is essential for nutritional intake for your baby. Within this article, we shall be discussing the points stipulated by WHO (the world health organisation) surrounding the importance of complimentary feeding. Why Complimentary Feeding Is A Good Practice Complimentary feeding is an incredibly important practice for your baby. Complimentary feeding, in a nutshell, describes a co-existent feeding pattern in which you feed your baby both solids as well as breast milk. As WHO suggests, it is encouraged to breastfeed for the first 1000 days of your child’s life, up until the age of 2.  Breastfeeding has a number of incredible benefits for a bay’s development, as well as strong antibodies to help them build immunities against certain diseases.  However, there comes a time when breastmilk will need a little bit of help within the nourishing department. Read on below to see why complimentary feeding is such an important practice. Nutritional intake As suggested by the WHO, children will begin to need other nutrition in their diets from roughly six months old. Breastmilk will sustain your child fully up until this point. It has been reported – particularly within third world countries such as South Africa – that two out of five children up until the age of five are malnourished. These are some scary statistics! This can be attribute to the fact that these children have not been exposed to a balanced diet. However, these statistics don’t necessarily only ring true to the poor. All children stand a chance to fall into this trap, should their parents be unaware of the importance of complimentary feeding. Complimentary feeding will introduce a variety of new, needed nutrients into your child’s diet, helping their growing body get everything it needs to support development. The Dangers Of Malnutrition Scarier yet is what occurs should children not receive adequate nutrition. Malnutrition results in a syndrome known at stunting. Stunting, or stunted growth, refers to impaired growth and development for a child’s body. Stunted children are generally two standard deviations shorter than what a child’s height should be at that age.  Furthermore, stunting can affect children in other areas; not only their height. Take a look at some of the other side effects of stunting: Poor cognition Poor educational development and performance Poor productivity An increased risk of chronic health complications later in life, should the child become over weight As you can see, the dangers of malnutrition are really something which need to be taken seriously. Scarier yet is that stunting cannot be reversed. As suggested by WHO, the first 1000 days of your child’s life are essential for building a healthy human being later on. therefore, practicing healthy eating habits is crucial during this time. Intestinal Development Above the nutritional benefits of complimentary feeding, there is also a developmental benefit to it. At some point or another, your baby’s gut will need to begin processing harder foods than breastmilk.  Complimentary feeding allows your child’s tummy become accustomed to different food sources, whilst still being able to easily digest breastmilk.  This eases your baby’s intestinal development by allowing them to slowly become accustomed to the new food stuffs being introduced to their diet. We will discuss the frequency which one should practice complimentary feeding below now. When To Start Practicing Complimentary Feeding As previously mentioned, complimentary feeding should be introduced after the six month mark. It should then be continued up until 24 months. If you are wondering about the frequency of this practice, just read on below now. According to WHO, you should practice complimentary feeding as per this tables suggestions: Baby’s Age Daily Complimentary Feeds Other Solid Food Sources 6 – 8 months 2 – 3 daily feeds / 9 – 11 months 3 – 4 daily feeds / 12 – 24 months 3 – 4 daily feeds 2 daily snacks   Once your baby reaches two years old, you should consider weaning them from breastmilk. This is the time when you will begin to develop their solid diet fully. Important Things To Remember About Complimentary Feeding There are a few key things to remember when beginning complimentary feeding.  Appropriate Foods Ensure that the foods you begin to introduce to your baby’s diet are appropriate from that stage of their lives. By this we mean both nutritionally and texturally. For lack of a better example, feeding your six month old baby a steak smothered in rich sauces would not work at all.  Try preparing the solids yourself, starting with simple steamed vegetables such as pumpkin, which you can then pulse into a baby food consistency. Be Observant About What Your Baby Eats There are many additives in today’s products. Be sure that your baby is receiving safe produce when you begin to introduce them to solids. As mentioned above, the best way to do this is by preparing their first few meals yourself. You will then be able to monitor exactly what goes into your baby’s meal, and as a result, into your baby. 

Prima Baby

Disney Baby Pound & Play Musical Table

The Disney Baby Pound & Play Musical Table is another great way for children to express themselves through fun and musical joy. With 2 modes of play: Music and Sound effects, toddlers can full engage with the 3 colourful balls, shape sorter pieces and 1 plastic hammer included. The Pound & Play also has detachable legs for floor play. 3 AA batteries included. Grab a Disney Baby Pound & Play Musical Table from the following retailers: Babies R Us, Hamleys, Me, Mom & Dad (Greenstone), selected Kids Emporium stores,,,, and others.

Parenting Hub

15 Lessons from a second-time mom

Congratulations on your second pregnancy! Wondering what lies ahead – besides a couple of extra stretch marks, additional lost sleep and, of course, the cutest, new baby? Here are some things I’ve learned that might help you prepare yourself and your family for Number Two. Yes, you will love the second one as much as you love the first. The science behind this apparently works as follows: The moment your child is delivered, its empty space inside your body is filled with all the love you require for it. Or something like that. Rest. When. You. Can. Understood – it’s much more difficult during a second pregnancy when you need to keep up with another little busybody. Moreover, if you’re working and running (sometimes literally) a household on top of that, it can be exhausting. Therefore, you might need to actively plan for resting times: Say no to things, resign from things, delegate things. Use weekends wisely and do not stay up late. You’re going to be stretched even further. Your body, that is. Your muscles are probably still shot from the first round of baby building and your organs still stuck in obscure places, so your belly can just expand without restriction. This is normal. Go big! Make a big thing about becoming a big brother/sister. Get your eldest excited about his sibling in a developmentally appropriate way. Read children’s books about pregnancy; let him help to prepare the nursery and pick out baby necessities; take him to sonar appointments; let him pray over or talk to the baby in your tummy. Also, make sure he understands that he will soon be sharing your attention with a needy baby, but that you’ll love him all the same. Get re-birth ready. While everyone’s story is unique, it’s common for second births to be quicker and a tad gentler since your body now has muscle memory to go by. Whatever route you plan (or do not plan) to follow – C-section vs normal; epidural vs unmedicated; home vs hospital – just make sure you have worked through any anxieties you might have after the first birth, especially if it was traumatic. Fear increases pain, reduces your satisfaction with the delivery and disturb those first bonding moments. It could even negatively affect the pregnancy. Work through your worries with a mentor, counsellor or friend. Be brave! Do something special for the first sibling sighting. A great idea is to have them “exchange gifts” (that you bought on their behalf, of course). Try to have space on your lap or in your arms for big sister or brother, so that their first impression of the baby is not that it took over their place. Thicken your skin. Your firstborn is most probably going to comment on your postpartum body in a less-than-diplomatic way. Steel yourself for anything from, “Is there another baby in your stomach?” to, “Why are you too fat to close your buttons?” Mind your marriage amid the madness! Don’t forget that you are firstly your spouse’s wife. Your marriage is not the “extra thing” you need to tick off from your to-do list – it’s the backbone of your family! Read more… It takes a village! Especially in those first few weeks, you absolutely need support. Have a good discussion with your spouse beforehand about realistic role division during the early days. Book a friend or family member to come and stay with you for a while or hire help if need be! Try your very best not to be alone with both kids for an extended period. Recovery 102. You might not bounce back as quickly as the first time…You are older. Your body has endured two pregnancies (and possibly double surgeries). You now have much more on your plate and exercising or fixing low-calorie salads may not happen soon. Have more patience. Eat less ice cream. Appreciate your incredible anatomy when you look at yourself in the mirror. Routine! Try to keep your eldest in a routine as much as possible. If your new normal will require changes – communicate it clearly. Don’t spoil her too much with treats, screen time, etc. because you feel sorry for them, or it temporarily makes your life easier – you will regret this later! Find a new rhythm for the family as soon as you realistically can. Read here about re-establishing routines. Again: Rest. When. You. Can. Capitalise on maternity leave – don’t see this as your opportunity to get things done. If there ever is a moment when both little ones are napping – join them! Dishes can wait. Postpartum depression is real. Catch it before it catches you. Be honest about your mental state and get help early on. BFFs in the making… The sibling relationship is one that will probably outlive you. Encourage it, treasure it and enjoy watching it develop. Here are some hints for parenting the pair. Expect to be surprised. Your second child is not a copy/paste version of the first. He will look different and be different, and you might need to figure out parenting all over again. She might be an unexpected angel. Or he might humble you with the realisation that you weren’t actually Parent of the Year before – your firstborn just had a more easy-going nature. Enjoy your new extended family! Double trouble? We can help! If you struggle to cope with the pressures of being a second-time parent, or if the new baby has created fresh chaos in your home – contact one of the Munchkins coaches to assist you in finding a new balance.

Prima Baby

Disney Baby Mickey Shapes and Colours Shape Sorter

  The Baby Mickey Shapes and Colours Sorter is one of the coolest, most fun multi-educational toys on the market – stimulating manual skills and the recognition of shapes, sizes and colours, all in the cute little package of Mickeys home. All coloured shapes represent one of the famous Disney characters including Mickey, Minnie, Donald Duck and Goofy. The Baby Mickey shapes and Colours Sorter is available from the following retailers: Babies R Us, Hamleys, Me, Mom & Dad (Greenstone), selected Kids Emporium stores,,,, and others.

Toptots Head Office

What to do with your little one when you go back to work

You know the day is coming.  You think about it every spare moment. You dread it.  What to do with your little one when you go back to work! Let’s face it, very few parents are lucky enough to have the financial means to let mom stay at home for a number of years before junior starts play school. In an ideal world we would all love to be stay at home mommies. The reality is that with our economic climate two incomes are often needed to keep the ship afloat. Now that we have faced the reality and know there is no other option, what do we do about baby?  In your circle of friends and family you will have such conflicting advice that you will most probably end up even more confused.  The voices shout “Send him to day care, my Mia went and she loved it.”  “Keep him home with a nanny, Zack thrived.”  In the end you have to choose the option that works best for you as a family.  To help you decide let’s take a closer look at both options. The day care – You should preferably be looking for a small group. A day mother, who only has four or five little ones in her care is best, a home away from home.  If this option is not available you need to visit day care centres and see what the ratio is to caregiver and baby.  Does this care centre cater for older children as well?  If so, are the babies separated from the toddlers at all times.  Toddlers are curious about how eyes work and don’t mean harm but will investigate.  What do they offer in terms of stimulation for your baby?  Take a close look around and check that there is not row upon row of seating devices. This would be an indication that your baby will spend very little time playing on the floor.   This could lead to later developmental delays and learning problems.  Remember although we do want a nice clean environment I would rather have the caregiver barefoot and sitting on the floor playing with my child, than making sure that there are no toys lying around.  Children who attend day care and play groups get sick. Many parents don’t have other support systems and send their children to school even if they are not well.  Are you prepared for this?   The one argument that is always given is that the baby needs to be socialised. This will happen in good time.  Babies love other babies but learn interaction from us at first.  It’s only closer to three that that start to play with each other, interacting on a social level. There is some research that shows that toddlers in play groups start this slightly earlier however there is no evidence that this makes them more socially skilled later. Keeping baby at home is not less scary for a parent. The horror stories are out there as well.  Why then would I choose this option? Your baby is in his own environment, sleeping in his own cot during the day. This helps during the night sleeps as he is familiar with his room. He has one caregiver that dotes on him. He is receiving one on one stimulation and attention. If you already have someone in your employ that is suitable, have her trained. There are many such facilities country wide that do CPR, and child care certificates.  Watch how she interacts with your baby while you are still at home. If employing someone new make sure she is already trained, has spent time looking after babies and that you feel comfortable with her. Ask for references and follow them up.   Keeping him home for the first year or two allows him to have his own routine. For him to play freely and not be restrained in a walker or sitting device for extended periods.  You can dictate what he plays with and where he plays.  The biggest bonus is that there is less chance of him getting sick. If choosing to keep him home make sure that you have contact numbers at the phone for you, your husband and other family members.   But, as always no amount of research can tell you what is best for your family.  No one’s experience is the same.  Ultimately it’s a decision that only you can and should make. Don’t be influenced by peer pressure.

Parenting Hub


Prima Baby is thrilled and proud to announce the newly acquired, exclusive distribution rights to one of the world’s biggest baby products brands, Chicco, in South Africa. Founded in 1958 in Italy, Chicco has become more than just a household name.  The brand offers a comprehensive 360-degree solution to satisfy all aspects of a baby’s needs. They strive to be the brand of choice for quality, baby safety products – each especially Italian designed for every phase of a child’s growth. Chicco is backed by a strong sense of tradition, whilst constantly looking towards the future by researching the most technologically advanced solutions to respond to the needs of parents and children. Through this need for knowledge they have created the Chicco Baby Research Centre a.k.a. The Observatory in Como, Italy that collaborates with medical-scientific professionals, day-care workers and paediatricians, as well as constantly gathering data from mothers, fathers and children themselves.  The commitment to gain as much knowledge as possible and develop specific solutions for each growth phase is what has kept Chicco one of the most trusted companies in the world. Divisional CEO for Prima Baby, Wanda Ambrosini, is excited and honoured for the partnership, “Chicco is the perfect example of a top quality, one-stop solution for birth and parenting that doesn’t break the bank.  We at Prima Baby align ourselves with brands that we feel speak directly to the consumer and their needs, and we aim to widen the accessibility and reach of this incredible label right here in SA”, she states. Prima Baby’s aim is to ensure the growth of Chicco in SA through more product options and more retail accessibility than ever before, offering consumers far more product choices for every stage of pregnancy, birth and parenting.  Developed with love, a sense of responsibility and a deep commitment to let children grow in a better world, Chicco’s 60 years’ experience is gained through constantly listening to the needs of mom and dad and building upon already concrete foundations of trust. Chicco will soon be available in all major retailers and online retailers.

Parenting Hub

Top tips for Summer outdoor fun with your little one

Summer has officially arrived in South Africa. With the heat, we all need a reminder on how to tackle hot days with little ones – it’s the handy hints from fellow moms that make beach visits or pool time a breeze with teeny tots. Su-Marie Annandale from Krayons – a brand designed specifically for kids – says that there are a couple of easy ways to make summer far more enjoyable for the whole family. She lists the following handy hints for pool, beach time, or just a picnic in the garden: Start with zip-lock bags: whether its snack preparation (because a selection is always required), or just to keep things sand-free, zip-lock bags make life much easier. Pop your phone or camera in one too so you’re able to snap a few pics of your babes. A little known fact for beach visitors is that baby powder works like magic to remove sand from little one’s skin. Hold the sandy foot or leg in one hand and use the other to sprinkle the powder. Rub it in a downward action and voila! No more sand. As an adult, you might choose to leave your shoes inside or in the car, but the sand is very hot for tiny feet. Pop a pair of neoprene water shoes, or closed sandals into your bag for your tot. No beach umbrella can contain an enthusiastic little one. Opt for a beach tent in the garden or, on the sand, for much more coverage. It’s also great to demarcate a quiet area for nap time. Beat the heat between 10am and 2pm – take the time to have lunch and let them nap – go on your outing in the early morning or late afternoon. Stay hydrated! Be sure to keep offering your little one water, they will be distracted with playing; so, remember to offer water and even cold fruit to keep them hydrated and happy. Of course, no summer day is complete without a splash. Bring a bucket outside and place in a shady spot. Your child will love the water play, hopping in and out of the bucket, and this doubles up as bath time. Grab a bar of dermatologically approved Krayons Baby Soap to gently wash sunscreen and grime off your little one’s skin.  When it’s time to head inside, massage a layer of Krayons Aqueous Cream into the skin to restore hydration and leave it feeling soft and smooth. For more information, follow Krayons on their Facebook page

Trinity House

How to raise a multilingual child

The benefits of raising a multilingual child are plenteous. From improved cognitive performance to increased marketability in the future workforce, the multilingual child has the advantage over his/her peers and in life. We need to explore this matter quite seriously as educators and parents. Parents can begin the process of teaching their child languages from infancy! Research done by Dr. April Benasich, Little Pim Advisor and Director of the Infancy Studies Laboratory at the Center for Molecular & Behavioural Neuroscience, Rutgers University has revealed babies learn languages in a different manner than a person who already knows a language. Those individuals learn a new language primarily through memorisation, studying what letters make what sounds, and so on. On the contrary, a baby’s brain unconsciously follows sound patterns, changes in pitch, stress, or tone, and identifies slight changes. According to various studies, teaching your child new languages between the ages of birth and five years old is the best time to accomplish this goal. Make learning languages fun and creative, implementing multilingual videos, flashcards, storybooks, songs, and games (the latter as is appropriate for the age). Use the immersion technique. Since young children are able to differentiate between phonemes, which are the “sound elements or building blocks of language,” it makes sense that immersing them into an environment where they are continually hearing the language, teaches them effectively. Create a routine that you and the whole family can consistently stick with. Language learning videos, storybooks, and singing can be weaved into a routine for your child, making the whole concept of learning languages familiar and fun. Help your older (speaking) child to find opportunities to use his or her newly developed skills in the acquired language. This will build confidence, as well as give practice. Learning a second or third language is so much easier for a child, and in today’s world it is fast becoming a necessity to know more than one language. Many parents are taking the step to introduce their child to the wonderful world of language(s). By Hilton Scott, Principal of Trinityhouse Preparatory Randpark Ridge

Prima Baby

Assorted Dou dou

A dou dou cloth is one of the essential baby items. Nattou Lapidou dou dou’s are soft and supporting friends for your baby. They are with your baby as they explore the world, when they drift off to sleep and all the other moments of their first few months.  Lapidou dou dou gives your little one the trust, security and comfort they need in the crucial early stages of their growth and development. The Lapidou dou dou can also be used as a handpuppet and thus turn into baby’s companion. They come in 5 assorted characters in beautiful neutral tones which include the Snow Leopard, Hippo, Valentine Mouse, Adele Elephant and Snow Panda. Now in store at Hamleys stores,, selected Kids Emporium stores. and

Prima Baby

Octopus Plush

Nattou cuddly toys are famous for being one of the world’s best plush manufacturers.  The characters are unique and exceptionally soft in material.  A great plush makes a wonderfully supporting friend for your baby.  These Nattou cuddlies are with your baby as it explores the world, when it drifts off to sleep and all the other moments of its first few months. Nattou cuddly toys give your little one the trust, security and comfort they need in the crucial early stages of their growth and development.  This cute Lapidou octopus is especially designed with the natural grasp reflex of new born babies in mind. With subliminal connection to the umbilical cord, this innovative cuddly is therefore also fit for premature babies. Available in coral, blue, green and grey. Grab one now at Hamleys stores,, selected Kids Emporium stores., &

Prima Baby

Plush Musicals

Nattou cuddly toys are famous for being one of the world’s best plush manufacturers.  The characters are unique and exceptionally soft in material.  A great plush makes a wonderfully supporting friend for your baby.  These Nattou cuddlies are with your baby as it explores the world, when it drifts off to sleep and all the other moments of its first few months. Nattou cuddly toys give your little one the trust, security and comfort they need in the crucial early stages of their growth and development.  The musical toy, available in the quirky Snow Leopard, Snow Panda and Hippo will comfort your baby with the melody “La-le-lu” and can easily be attached to cradles, highchairs or bouncers.  Also available at Hamleys stores, , selected Kids Emporium stores, and

Prima Baby

Cuddly Plush

Nattou cuddly toys are famous for being one of the world’s best plush manufacturers.  The characters are unique and exceptionally soft in material.  A great plush makes a wonderfully supporting friend for your baby.  These Nattou cuddlies are with your baby as it explores the world, when it drifts off to sleep and all the other moments of its first few months. Nattou cuddly toys give your little one the trust, security and comfort they need in the crucial early stages of their growth and development.  Cuddly Valentine Mouse and Adele Elephant are two incredibly cute, unconventional characters to introduce to your child via toys.  Available at Hamleys stores,, selected Kids Emporium stores, &

Prima Baby

Stack sort & store tree

The Stack Sort & Store Tree is a toy that will keep your little one entertained for hours. Stack, sort and store with the cute cat! Stack the 10 different coloured pieces, create building blocks or nest them inside each other. Place the cat on each piece to learn colours, numbers and animals and to also help develop gross motor skills. The stackable pieces also encourage hand-eye coordination, helping your little one to gain more identification skills. Press the big light-up button on the cat to hear fun sounds and music. Also features 4 happy sing- along songs, age-appropriate vocabulary with encouraging fun phrases and jolly melodies! The clear English speaking voice helps develop recognition and accelerates learning. Available instore now at Hamleys stores, selected Kids Emporium stores,, and


Lansinoh Unveils ‘Breastfeeding around the World’ Photography Campaign

Global Leader in the Breastfeeding Market Debuts Campaign for Breastfeeding Awareness Month Alexandria, VA (August 1, 2018) – Lansinoh, a global leader in the breastfeeding market, announces the launch of its ‘Breastfeeding around the World’ photography campaign in honor and celebration of August’s Breastfeeding Awareness Month. This campaign further supports the company’s ongoing commitment to supporting breastfeeding mothers across the globe.  For this unique campaign, Lansinoh partnered with New York City-based photographer, Tina Boyadjieva, who traveled to 19 countries, including South Africa, Uganda, China, Turkey, and Sri Lanka; photographing mothers from all demographics, social statuses, races and occupations, under the common denominator of motherhood and breastfeeding. Ms. Boyadjieva grew up in Bulgaria surrounded by strong and inspiring women, spent time in Italy where she cultivated her artistic education and aesthetics, and attended the International Center of Photography.  During each day of August, Lansinoh will be sharing the beautiful stories of different mothers from a different country, as depicted through Ms. Boyadjieva’s stunning photos, across all of its social media channels. By showcasing mothers from various cultures, countries, and circumstances, Lansinoh highlights the universal nature of breastfeeding and celebrates the connection of motherhood regardless of geographic boundaries.  “For the past 30 years, Lansinoh has been dedicated to providing all mothers with access to the support and resources they need to help them reach their breastfeeding goals, which is why our products are currently available to moms in nearly 60 countries, said Kevin Vyse-Peacock, CEO at Lansinoh. “This year we decided to build upon this mission by sharing the stories of mothers from various backgrounds and geographical locations to highlight how, even though every mother has a different journey, they are all united in the undisputed love and dedication they have in caring for their baby.”  “Ms. Boyadjieva is a strong believer in international and interracial inclusiveness, respect, equality and women power, and aims to demonstrate all of the above in this campaign through her captivating images, and we could not be more grateful for her be a part of this campaign as she helps to bring the stories of every mother interviewed to life through compelling visual narratives,” Mr. Vyse-Peacock added.  For more information about Lansinoh, its dedication to breastfeeding moms everywhere and its portfolio of products, please visit ABOUT LANSINOH Founded by a breastfeeding mom, Lansinoh has helped millions of mothers successfully breastfeed during its 30 year history. Famous for its award-winning Lanolin Nipple Cream, Lansinoh® offers a comprehensive range of nursing and pumping solutions in more than 60 countries. For more information, please visit, or connect with @LansinohUSA on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.

Parenting Hub

The juggle is real : 4 powerful tips to help you get the work/life balance you deserve

Working moms have a lot of balls in the air. We juggle work and home at such a frenzied pace that we feel we’re not able to do either very well. Balance is a dream that seems far out of reach. “We crave three minutes to ourselves. But we feel too guilty to take them” comments Janice Windt, a time management coach who specialises in taking working mothers from stress, anxiety, and guilt to feeling present and in control.  “I want moms to be able to thrive both at work and at home” she continues.   Windt is a speaker at the inaugural The Baby Show and #Meetup sponsored by Pampers, taking place at Kyalami International Convention Centre in September. Nicole Muller, mom of two and Show Director for The Baby Show said “We’ve invited Letshego Zulu to get involved with the show. She’s an outstanding example of how to expertly juggle pursuing business whilst caring for a child as a single parent. We’re proud to welcome her as the host to our main stage”.  Here, Windt alongside Zulu, share their tips and insight in to how to successfully juggle being a working Mom Identify your 20% and create a mind-map for it In the late 1800s, Vilfredo Pareto observed that 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population.  While gardening, he also observed that 20% of the pods he had planted yielded 80% of the peas. Thus the Pareto Principle, or the 80/20 rule, was born. As interesting as Pareto’s gardening findings are, what value do they add to the life of an incredibly busy working mother?  “It’s simple” comments Windt.  “If you can focus on your priority tasks, you will find that 20% of what you need to do will yield 80% of the benefits you seek. You need to ask yourself what is your 20%?” she asks.   “I then suggest you ditch your to-do-list for a mind map” comments Windt. “I find to-do lists are long and often don’t get completed”. Windt points out that a mind maps is set out in exactly the same way as your brain thinks: a central topic with main topics added around it.  “New information is then added under the appropriate topic. Eventually you have a complete picture of the key information about the main subject: the demands on your time” commets Windt. Figure out when you’re most productive, and create a daily ritual to get the hard stuff done with pleasure   When is your most creative time of the day?  What changes do you need to make in order to manage your energy better and make the most of that effective time? “I’m a night owl” sayd Windt.  “I’m programmed to peak in my focus and creativity once the rest of the house is in bed” she comments.  “I can focus when our home is quiet and I know I will have a lovely long stretch of uninterrupted time to focus on my high priority tasks, so I schedule this time in” she advises.  “I then suggest you identify a daily ritual to do during this time, as this will help you get your priorities get done almost effortlessly”.  Windt once interviewed the Regional Head of Business and International Communications for the African region of an international bank.  She worked full time with international travel and had two sons aged two and four at the time.  In order to get her focused work time in, she would wake up at 4am and light candles around her computer (particularly in winter) in order to feel that the time she had was closer to self-care, than self-preservation. Master the 5 second rule     It’s easy to get up once, go to the gym, come home aching, and hit the snooze button for the next three mornings thereafter. That’s easy. That’s normal.  But it doesn’t help you get the work-life balance you so desperately crave.  “There is a solution” advises Windt.  “The Mel Robbins ‘five second rule’. You simply count backwards from five every time you choose to do something you don’t instinctively want to do, but you know you should” she continues. “Before you hit one, you need to be physically up and engaging in your priority activity.  This way you will override your croc (primitive) brain before it stops you.” Try it.  It works. Visit for more info Make time to play “There are many ways to set aside time for play.  You may choose to have a family pyjama day every other week.  Play board games, braai, roast marshmallows and build lego” advises Windt.  “Leave the house exactly as it is and warn visitors to stay away!” she continues. “It’s beautiful just to have that unstructured time together” To hear Janice live, visit to book you tickets to the #MeetUp on Saturday 29 September. For more information on Janice, visit  

Parenting Hub

The six things new dads should do as their baby arrives

Becoming a father is often quoted as the single most emotional moment in a man’s life. It’s  a combination of relief, of safely welcoming a newborn into the world and, the overwhelming realisation that you’re responsible for this little life. Su-Marie Annandale from baby brand Krayons says that often the outpouring of emotion and joy means a lot of  dads  have no idea what to do next. “The experience is so all-consuming, that dads just don’t know what their role is.” Annandale has the following suggestions for new dads, to keep them involved and helpful: Love and affirmation – your primary role is to make sure  your partner feels loved and secure in the fact that she’s doing an incredible job. Whether its surgery or natural child-birth, the experience can be traumatic, draining and extremely emotional. Take the time to love your partner, kiss her whenever possible and remind her how awesome she is. Capture the moment – it’s your job to find someone in the child-birth suite to take the pictures. You need to be in the moment with your wife, so you can’t be messing about with a camera. Ask a nurse or the paediatrician to take a few snaps for you. Security detail – once that baby pops out – it’s your role to protect him or her. Make sure you’re with the little bundle for every second – when she’s weighed, measured and checked out. Don’t leave her side for a second – you’re in charge of making sure she’s kept happy and safe. Once the baby is born and seen to, your partner will likely be transferred back to the ward. Help to make sure  she’s set-up in the ward. She’ll be uncomfortable and unable to move. Make sure she has water close-by, her mobile phone, if she needs it as well as the buzzer to alert nursing staff. If the baby is in good health, she’ll be brought to the room for skin-on-skin time with her parents. Make sure your partner has everything she needs to adequately care for your newborn – set up a little changing station in the ward, or at the very least – ensure that the nappies and bath products are placed on the bottom shelf of the bassinet. Products like the Krayons Petroleum Jelly and Aqueous Cream as well as newborn nappies should be on the ready. Every change requires a new coating of Petroleum Jelly and a fresh nappy. Once the initial excitement and emotion has died down, take the time to let your friends and family know that your bundle has arrived. You have lots of people waiting with baited breath to hear about the safe arrival of your little one, and the healthy state of your partner. Be sure to include weight, gender and the child’s name – if you have one.

Parenting Hub

4 reasons Dads are going to love The Pampers Baby Show & #MeetUp this year

The UK’s Best Baby Show has been running for the last 15 years, and finally hits SA shores this September. Moms and moms-to-be will be exposed to everything they need for a bump and baby – but don’t forget dads!. Daddies-to-be and new dads do not want to miss out on this event especially tailored to include both parents and provide a comprehensive, balanced approach to parenthood.  Make informed choices “It’s vital for dad’s to be involved from the very beginning of the parenthood process as it allows them to make informed and considered choices for the health and happiness of their babies,” says Michael Simpson, Brand Manager, Pampers. “We encourage all dads (and moms) to pop-in at the Pampers stand as we will be providing parents insights into the superior quality and benefits of our nappies as the No. 1 Choice of Paediatricians in South Africa.” adds Simpson. Because boys will be boys  Dads can also look forward to Porsche South Africa’s #SportsCarTogether Zone that will celebrate everything that is Porsche and family. Dads can check out Porsches latest baby, the all new Cayenne, whilst little ones take Porsche push cars for a test drive. For the little kid in you, Dad can experience a virtual drive around Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit and learn more about the models in the range through an interactive augmented reality timeline wall. Porsche Driver’s Selection clothing and accessories will be available for purchase during the show and you can stand a chance to win a Porsche Driver’s Selection hamper for the whole family.  Trail before transaction The Four-wheeled adventures continue at the Pushchair Testing Track with the latest pushchairs on offer to tackle a dedicated obstacle course; the best way to discover the perfect pushchair fit for your growing family. Most stands at the Baby Show will provide trail opportunities to understand the benefits and experience first-hand how products and services can help you take care of your bump, baby and you.  BIG advice from experts on little people On the Saturday of the event, the #MeetUp workshops with Meg Faure, provides a platform for visitors to have face-to-face interaction and enjoy entertaining talks from top experts in pregnancy and childcare. Besides talks about human milk and baby bumps, some topics will speak directly to dad:  Sleep expert Dr Alison Bentley will be giving sleep saving tips for Dad to deal with the Night Shift; For the fathers and male role models out there, best-selling author and ‘dad coach’ Craig Wilkinson will get into those sometimes difficult to talk about topics, such as why don’t many SA men step up to fatherhood; Also talking about his recent surrogacy experience and being a single dad, will be former referee, Jonathan Kaplin, in the Parent Sense workshop, aptly titled “Winging it”; Priya Naicker (Advice Manager for Old Mutual Personal Finance) will answer all questions on how to finance for your new family; to name a few.  The Pampers Baby Show & #MeetUp takes place at the  Kyalami International Convention Centre from 28-30 September. For just R140, new mums and dads can secure 1x baby show ticket, 1x Pampers newborn nappy pack and 1x Pampers baby wipe pack. Use the promo code PAMPERS to secure your package today at  About Pampers®  Pampers® is the world’s top selling brand of baby nappies. For more than 50 years, Pampers® has been helping to improve life for babies, toddlers, and the parents who care for them through a complete line of nappies, training pants, and wipes designed for every stage of baby’s development.   About Procter & Gamble P&G serves consumers around the world with one of the strongest portfolios of trusted, quality, leadership brands, including Always®, AmbiPur®, Ariel®, Bounty®, Charmin®, Crest®, Dawn®, Downy®, Fairy®, Febreze®, Gain®, Gillette®, Head & Shoulders®, Lenor®, Olay®, Oral-B®, Pampers®, Pantene®, SK-II®, Tide®, Vicks®, and Whisper®. The P&G community includes operations in approximately 70 countries worldwide. Please visit for the latest news and information about P&G and its brands.

Prima Baby

Seaside spinning top

VTech baby brings the best in technology-based learning to your child as they grow their little curious minds during play.  Another gorgeous toy in the 0-18 month category is the Seaside Spinning Top – the perfect plaything to discover ocean animals, colours and numbers. The chunky blue press-down plunger spins the ocean animals around whilst the sea bed lights up, helping your little one discover cause and effect relationships. The press buttons introduce the crab, 2 angel fish and 3 starfish to baby, calling out their colours and encourage counting teaching numbers one, two and three.  The music button plays 3 happy sing-along songs and 10 jolly melodies. Fun phrases and sounds encourage discovery and exploration. English speaking voice promotes recognition and accelerates learning. Grab one now at Hamleys stores, selected Kids Emporium stores,, and

Parenting Hub

Breastfeeding basics: What you need to know

World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated around the world from 1-7 August every year to raise awareness, protect, promote and support breastfeeding worldwide because of its health benefits for both mothers and their children. The theme this year, “Breastfeeding: Foundation of Life”, calls for greater commitment from government, health practitioners, mothers, doctors and civil society in ensuring lifelong good health for babies and mothers. “Breastfeeding has been shown to have major health benefits for both the mother and child. The benefits of breastfeeding include protecting babies from some of the biggest killer diseases of infants and children in South Africa: diarrhoea and pneumonia,” says Laura Sayce, Lactation Consultant at Life Healthcare’s Genesis Maternity Clinic. “It is also associated with improved development and educational achievement. However, babies are not the only beneficiaries. Breastfeeding after birth helps the uterus contract and reduces the mother’s postpartum blood loss, reduces the risk of ovarian and breast cancer, and type II diabetes.” According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), if breastfeeding were scaled up to near universal levels, about 820 000 child lives would be saved every year. Globally, only 40% of infants under six months of age are exclusively breastfed[1]. In South Africa a third of children under six months old are now exclusively breastfed. This represents a nearly five-fold increase over the last twenty years[2]. While breastfeeding is a natural act, it is also a learned behaviour, therefore ensuring that expectant mothers are prepared is key. Research has demonstrated that mothers and other caregivers require active support for establishing and sustaining appropriate breastfeeding practices. “There are two essential ways to prepare for breastfeeding ahead of the birth. Expectant mothers should start by attending a breastfeeding class conducted by a certified lactation expert. They also need a breastfeeding plan. For a successful breastfeeding journey every new mom needs a plan which should include what to do in the first hours following birth, and who they can contact for support. The plan should also consider what steps to take for any special needs, such as how to ensure baby receives breastmilk in the event mom and baby may not be able to breastfeed,” she says. Sayce continued to say that often mothers don’t realise that if baby doesn’t latch or needs to go to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), they can still express breastmilk to feed their baby. “World Breastfeeding Week gives us an opportunity to further educate people about the benefits of breastfeeding to save lives and improve the overall health of infants and their mothers.” To learn more about breastfeeding visit or contact your local Life Healthcare hospital. For breastfeeding support at Genesis Maternity Clinic visit

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