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How to Create the Perfect Birth Plan

A birth plan is a document that outlines your preferences and wishes for labor and delivery, giving you the opportunity to communicate your choices to your healthcare team in advance. It is a helpful tool for ensuring your voice is heard during one of the most significant events of your life. While birth plans can offer structure, it’s important to stay flexible, as childbirth can be unpredictable. This guide will walk you through how to create the perfect birth plan, offering tips on what to include, how to communicate your preferences, and why flexibility is key. 1. Understand the Purpose of a Birth Plan Before diving into creating your birth plan, it’s essential to understand that it’s not a rigid, set-in-stone contract. A birth plan is more of a guideline that reflects your preferences and values, but it’s important to be open to change if circumstances evolve. Childbirth can be unpredictable, and your healthcare providers will be ready to make decisions based on what’s safest for you and your baby. That said, a birth plan allows you to express your wishes and prepare for the birthing process. 2. Start with a Calm, Open Mind Creating a birth plan can feel overwhelming at first, especially if you’re a first-time parent. It’s important to approach the process with a calm, open mindset. While you may have a vision for your ideal birth, it’s essential to keep in mind that things don’t always go as planned. Your birth plan should reflect your desires, but also acknowledge that flexibility and adaptability are key to ensuring both you and your baby are safe and comfortable. 3. Key Elements to Include in Your Birth Plan While every birth plan is unique, there are several key aspects you should consider when creating your document: Labor Preferences Delivery Preferences Post-Birth Preferences 4. Be Clear About What You Want, but Stay Flexible It’s crucial to communicate your preferences clearly, but also remember to stay flexible. Birth is unpredictable, and certain interventions or changes in plans may become necessary to ensure your safety and the safety of your baby. While it’s okay to have a clear vision of your ideal birth, it’s also helpful to include in your birth plan that you’re open to modifications if necessary. For example, you could write: 5. Involve Your Birth Team in the Process Once you’ve drafted your birth plan, be sure to review it with your healthcare provider or midwife. They can offer advice on what’s realistic, especially if you’re planning to give birth at a hospital. They may also help clarify any medical procedures or policies that might affect your preferences. By involving your birth team early in the process, you can ensure everyone is on the same page and work together to create the best possible experience for you and your baby. 6. Keep It Short and Simple While you may have many wishes and preferences, it’s best to keep your birth plan short and to the point. Most birth professionals will appreciate a concise plan that covers your key preferences without overwhelming them with excessive detail. Aim for a one-page document that includes your most important points. 7. Prepare for the Unexpected Even the most well-prepared birth plans may need to be adjusted. While it’s great to have a vision for your birth, it’s essential to prepare mentally for the possibility that things might not go as expected. For example, your plan might need to change if there are complications, if you need an emergency C-section, or if other interventions are necessary. The key is to prioritise your health and the health of your baby, and trust that your birth team will be there to support you every step of the way. 8. Update Your Plan as Needed As your due date approaches, it’s a good idea to revisit your birth plan and make any necessary updates based on new information or circumstances. For instance, if you decide on a different type of pain management or have a change of heart about your preferences, be sure to revise your plan. Stay flexible, but also ensure your wishes are communicated clearly. Conclusion Creating the perfect birth plan is about preparing yourself mentally and emotionally for the birth process while ensuring your wishes are known. While a birth plan can be a great way to communicate your preferences, it’s important to remain open to adjustments as things evolve. Focus on your overall goal of a safe, healthy birth for both you and your baby, and trust that your healthcare team will be there to help guide you through the process. The perfect birth plan is one that is flexible, realistic, and supportive of both your desires and the changing nature of childbirth.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

The First Signs of Labour

If you’re expecting your first baby you’ve probably read up a little (or a lot) on pregnancy and birth process. Labour is something you’ve probably wondered about and seeing as every pregnancy is different, many moms experience different labour signs. However, there are a few tell-tale signs to look out for that you are about to meet your new baby soon.  What to look (or feel) out for  You may be worried that you won’t distinguish normal late pregnancy signs from the fact that you’ve started labour. Luckily your due date should give you an indication of when you could expect your baby to arrive, but this won’t always be the case. Here are some indicators that your baby is on the way.  One of the more obvious signs of labour beginning is regular contractions. This will be different to the Braxton Hicks contractions you may have been experiencing leading up to this point. Labour contractions are longer, stronger and more frequent – when they come every 5 minutes you should call your doctor or midwife.  Another sign your baby is on her way is your cervix dilating or beginning to open. This can start happening in the days or weeks before you deliver. Your baby will also move down into your pelvis during this time – which is known as your baby dropping.  When your labour begins, the mucus plug which seals your cervix opening comes away. This jelly-like pink mucus is known as a show, and you may notice it when it passes out your vagina.  Lower back pain, diarrhoea and looser feeling joints are all other signs that your labour may be starting. Another sign is your water breaking, this can happen in a gush but a trickle is more likely, most moms-to-be go into labour within 24 hours of their water breaking.  Be sure to keep your birth partner in the loop about how you are feeling mentally and physically around the time of your birth. If you are at all worried about your baby or experience anything abnormal be sure to let your doctor know as soon as possible. 

Parenting Hub

Baby on the Way? How to Financially Prepare for Parenthood

Expecting a baby is an exciting and life-changing experience, but it can also bring significant financial responsibility. Preparing your finances for the arrival of a little one ensures that you can focus on bonding with your baby and adapting to parenthood without worrying about unexpected financial pressures. Here are some essential steps to financially prepare for parenthood. 1. Reassess Your Budget The first step in preparing financially for your baby is to take a close look at your current budget. Adding a baby to your family will likely increase expenses, from diapers to healthcare costs, so it’s essential to know where your money is going. You’ll need to account for baby-related costs such as: Cutting back on non-essential spending, such as dining out or subscription services, can free up funds to put toward these new expenses. 2. Create an Emergency Fund Having an emergency fund is always important, but it’s especially crucial when preparing for a baby. Medical emergencies, unexpected costs, or a temporary reduction in income can be stressful during this time. Aim for a savings cushion of 3-6 months of living expenses. If you don’t have an emergency fund yet, now is the time to start building one. 3. Understand Your Insurance You’ll need to update your health insurance to include your baby. Be sure to review both your medical and maternity coverage. Some plans have a waiting period before adding a baby, so it’s important to understand when you need to make those updates. Additionally, take time to review your life insurance and consider increasing coverage if necessary. Life insurance can help ensure your family’s financial security in case of an unexpected event. 4. Start Saving for Baby’s Future Although it may seem like a far-off consideration, it’s never too early to begin saving for your baby’s future education and expenses. Opening a savings account or a 529 plan (if you’re in the U.S.) for college savings can help reduce the financial burden later on. Starting small can be effective—automatically transferring a small amount each month can add up over time. 5. Consider Parental Leave and Adjusting to a New Income Review your workplace benefits and understand how much parental leave is available to you and whether it is paid. Many parents opt to adjust their income expectations based on their leave time or transition to a single-income household. Consider how this may affect your financial plans and try to save in advance to cover the time when you may have a reduced income. 6. Prepare for Tax Changes A new baby can impact your taxes. In many cases, you can claim your child as a dependent, which may provide tax benefits such as the Child Tax Credit or dependent care credits. However, be sure to consult with a tax professional to understand all available deductions, credits, and tax strategies based on your specific circumstances. 7. Create a Will No one likes to think about worst-case scenarios, but it’s essential to have a will in place to protect your baby’s future. A will ensures that your child is cared for by someone you trust and that their assets are handled according to your wishes. It also allows you to designate guardianship and name trustees to manage any financial assets you might pass down to them. 8. Track Baby-Related Costs Once your baby arrives, it’s easy for expenses to start accumulating rapidly. Keep track of the costs for both essentials and extra items like toys, clothing, and family activities. This will help you better understand where your money is going and ensure you’re staying on track with your budget. There are apps available that can help track your spending and make budgeting easier. Conclusion Preparing financially for a baby can feel overwhelming, but breaking it down into manageable steps can ease the process. By assessing your budget, creating an emergency fund, adjusting your insurance, and saving for the future, you can confidently welcome your little one into the world. Financial readiness can reduce stress and help you focus on what truly matters—enjoying the special moments with your new baby. Sources:

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Pregnancy Nutrition Myths: What’s Fact and What’s Fiction?

Pregnancy is an exciting yet overwhelming time, filled with advice from well-meaning family, friends, and social media. While proper nutrition is essential for both mother and baby, there are many myths surrounding what pregnant women should or shouldn’t eat. Let’s separate fact from fiction and ensure expecting moms make informed choices. Myth #1: You Need to Eat for Two Fiction: Many believe pregnancy requires double the food intake.Fact: While you need extra nutrients, excessive calorie intake can lead to unhealthy weight gain. The NHS recommends only about 300 extra calories per day in the second and third trimesters. Focus on nutrient-dense foods rather than increasing portion sizes unnecessarily. Myth #2: Avoid All Seafood Fiction: Many assume that all seafood is harmful during pregnancy.Fact: Certain fish like salmon, sardines, and trout are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids, crucial for the baby’s brain development. However, pregnant women should avoid high-mercury fish like shark, swordfish, and king mackerel. The FDA suggests eating 2-3 servings of low-mercury fish per week. Myth #3: No Caffeine Allowed Fiction: Some believe caffeine should be completely eliminated.Fact: While excessive caffeine can increase the risk of complications, moderate intake (200 mg per day, roughly one cup of coffee) is generally considered safe, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (ACOG). Myth #4: Cravings Indicate Nutrient Deficiencies Fiction: Many think pregnancy cravings signal what your body needs.Fact: While some cravings may reflect minor deficiencies, they are more likely linked to hormonal changes. Instead of giving in to unhealthy cravings, try to opt for nutritious alternatives. Myth #5: Dairy Should Be Avoided Fiction: Some claim dairy causes excessive weight gain or allergies in the baby.Fact: Dairy is an excellent source of calcium and protein, essential for the baby’s bone development. Unless you have lactose intolerance or allergies, consuming dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt is beneficial. Myth #6: Spicy Food Can Induce Labor Fiction: Eating spicy food will trigger labor.Fact: No scientific evidence supports this claim. While spicy foods may cause heartburn or indigestion, they do not induce labor. Labor is triggered by hormonal and physiological changes rather than diet. Myth #7: Herbal Teas Are Always Safe Fiction: Many assume that all herbal teas are natural and safe.Fact: Some herbs can cause contractions or affect pregnancy. The American Pregnancy Association advises avoiding certain teas like chamomile, liquorice root, and raspberry leaf without consulting a healthcare provider. Stick to pregnancy-safe options like ginger or peppermint tea. Final Thoughts Proper nutrition is vital for a healthy pregnancy, but misinformation can lead to unnecessary restrictions or risky choices. Always consult with a healthcare provider or registered dietitian before making dietary changes. Sources:

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Premature birth – what to expect

Expecting a baby is an exciting time of your life, and you want to make sure that you do as much as you can to make sure your new child is as healthy as possible. Premature birth is something you want to try to avoid or manage as carefully as possible. In many cases the cause is unknown, and according to The World Health Organisation, one in ten babies are born preterm. A birth is considered premature when a baby is born before the 37th week of pregnancy. The final few weeks in the womb are important to your baby’s full development, so being born prematurely can lead to longer hospital stays, short term, and long term complications. Why does it happen? Some of the more common risk factors which contribute to preterm births are having had a premature birth before, you’re pregnant with twins/multiples or you have issues with your uterus or cervix. However, often the cause of preterm birth often can’t be identified. Your health is also a factor that impacts on your likelihood to have your baby prematurely. Smoking during your pregnancy (which is not recommended), diabetes, high blood pressure (which can develop into preeclampsia) and being over or under weight are all potential premature birth causes. To try and avoid preterm birth you can talk to your doctor about any existing health issues, such as depression, diabetes or high blood pressure) before getting pregnant – this way you can manage any problems with a treatment plan. Waiting 12 months between pregnancies and eating healthy (making sure that you get the correct prenatal vitamins needed) can also help prevent premature birth. What if my baby is born preterm? If your baby is born prematurely they are at risk for long and short term complications. Many preterm babies lead completely healthy lives, however, the more premature and underdeveloped your baby is when they are born, the more likely they are to have issues. If your baby is born prematurely they may be put into a neonatal intensive care unit into an incubator. Some babies will spend longer in the unit than others, this all depends on when they are able to live without medical support.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Smoking and pregnancy – should I quit

If you’re an avid smoker you’re probably wondering if being pregnant means you should wave your smoking habits goodbye. Unfortunately, even if your health isn’t enough for you to stop, your baby’s health should be. What can happen to my baby if I keep smoking? Smoking during your pregnancy is harmful to your unborn baby. The chemicals in cigarettes are both damaging to you and your baby; nicotine and other harmful poisons increase the risk of health problems for unborn babies. Second hand smoke, vaping and e-cigarettes are all still damaging to your baby’s health and should also be avoided (or quitted). You may need to designate your house a non-smoking area, and ask any friends and colleges not to smoke around you. So what exactly does smoking do to your unborn baby? Smoking lowers the amount of oxygen available to your growing baby and nicotine damages the baby’s brain and lungs. Smoking can make it harder to conceive, and if you do fall pregnant, can lead to miscarriages or stillbirth. Babies can be born premature, have a low birth weight, or be born with birth defects.  Smoking during pregnancy can also affect your baby’s health after they are born, leading to cases of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, asthma and other respiratory problems and infections. Help – I am really struggling to quit! Even if you have decided that quitting is in both of your best interests, this may be easier said than done. If you are pregnant already it is best to quit without using any medication, as this is healthier for you and your baby. You also won’t be able to transition to vaping or e-cigarettes, as these too, are harmful and usually contain nicotine, which is damaging to health. In order to quit for good, try avoid the triggers that make you want to smoke, and try find something else that you can do when the craving kicks in. Get the support of your family and friends, or join a stop-smoking group or self help plan. Whatever your plan is to stop, you can be sure that both you and your child’s health will benefit from it.

Parenting Hub

Pregnancy Superfoods: What to Eat for Baby’s Development

When you’re expecting, your baby’s growth and development depend on the nutrients you consume. A balanced diet during pregnancy doesn’t just keep you healthy—it helps build your baby’s brain, bones, organs, and more. By incorporating nutrient-dense “superfoods” into your meals, you can give your little one the best start in life. It’s important to remember that every pregnancy is unique. Always consult your doctor or a registered dietitian before making major changes to your diet, especially if you have food allergies, medical conditions, or dietary restrictions. Here’s a guide to the top pregnancy superfoods and how they support your baby’s development. 1. Leafy Greens: The Powerhouses of Nutrients Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals. How to enjoy them: Add leafy greens to smoothies, soups, or salads. 2. Eggs: Nature’s Multivitamin Eggs are a versatile and affordable source of nutrition. How to enjoy them: Scramble them for breakfast, or add boiled eggs to salads and sandwiches. 3. Fatty Fish: The Brain-Boosting Food Fatty fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel are packed with omega-3 fatty acids. Consult your doctor: Because of concerns about mercury in fish, always check with your doctor about safe consumption amounts. How to enjoy them: Bake or grill salmon for a healthy dinner. 4. Berries: Antioxidant-Rich Snacks Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries are not only delicious but also incredibly nutritious. How to enjoy them: Add berries to yogurt, oatmeal, or smoothies for a tasty treat. 5. Greek Yogurt: A Calcium Boost Greek yogurt is a creamy, protein-packed snack that’s perfect for pregnancy. How to enjoy it: Top Greek yogurt with fresh fruit, nuts, or a drizzle of honey. 6. Nuts and Seeds: Nutrient-Dense Snacks Almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds are excellent sources of healthy fats and nutrients. How to enjoy them: Sprinkle seeds on salads or oatmeal, and snack on a handful of nuts. 7. Whole Grains: Sustained Energy Quinoa, brown rice, oats, and whole-grain bread provide lasting energy and important nutrients. How to enjoy them: Swap white rice for quinoa or enjoy oatmeal for breakfast. 8. Avocados: Healthy Fats for Growth Avocados are a creamy, versatile superfood loaded with nutrients. How to enjoy them: Spread avocado on toast, or add it to salads and smoothies. 9. Sweet Potatoes: A Beta-Carotene Boost Sweet potatoes are a delicious source of beta-carotene, a plant-based vitamin A. Consult your doctor: Excessive vitamin A can be harmful during pregnancy, so talk to your doctor about safe amounts. How to enjoy them: Bake sweet potato wedges or mash them as a side dish. 10. Beans and Lentils: Protein and Iron Powerhouses Chickpeas, black beans, lentils, and kidney beans are affordable and nutritious. How to enjoy them: Add beans to soups, stews, or salads, and try lentil-based curries or burgers. 11. Oranges and Citrus Fruits: Hydration and Vitamin C Oranges, lemons, and grapefruits are refreshing and nutrient-packed. How to enjoy them: Snack on fresh oranges or add lemon slices to water for a refreshing drink. 12. Water: The Unsung Hero While not technically a food, staying hydrated is just as important as eating well. How to enjoy it: Aim for 8-10 glasses a day, and flavour it with fruit or herbs if plain water feels boring. Tips for a Balanced Pregnancy Diet Final Thoughts A nutrient-rich diet during pregnancy isn’t just about physical health—it’s a way to nurture your baby’s development and set the stage for a healthy future. By focusing on these superfoods and consulting your doctor regularly, you can feel confident that you’re giving your little one everything they need to grow strong and healthy. Remember, balance and moderation are key. A mindful approach to nutrition—combined with your doctor’s guidance—will help make your pregnancy journey as smooth as possible.

Parenting Hub

What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag: A Complete Guide

As your due date approaches, packing your hospital bag is an exciting milestone that signals how close you are to meeting your little one. Having everything you need ready to go can make your hospital stay more comfortable and stress-free. To help you prepare, here’s a comprehensive guide on what to pack in your hospital bag for yourself, your baby, and your partner or support person. When Should You Pack Your Hospital Bag? It’s best to have your hospital bag ready by the 36th week of pregnancy, or earlier if you’re anticipating a high-risk pregnancy or a premature delivery. This ensures you’re prepared in case your baby decides to arrive earlier than expected. What to Pack for Mom Your comfort and recovery are priorities, so pack items that will help you feel at ease during labor and your postpartum stay. For Labor and Delivery For Recovery Optional Comfort Items What to Pack for Baby Your newborn won’t need much in those first few days, but these essentials will ensure they’re warm, clean, and ready to go home. What to Pack for Your Partner or Support Person Your partner or support person will also need a few items to stay comfortable and ready to assist you. Important Documents Make sure you have all necessary paperwork ready to go: Pro Tips for Packing Your Hospital Bag What Not to Bring Final Thoughts Packing your hospital bag is an important step in preparing for your baby’s arrival. By having everything you need ready and organised, you’ll feel more at ease and ready to focus on what really matters—welcoming your little one into the world. Use this checklist as a guide, and don’t forget to double-check your bag before heading out the door. Congratulations, and best wishes for your delivery day!

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Dealing with Morning Sickness: Tips and Remedies

Morning sickness is a common and often challenging symptom of pregnancy, affecting many women in the early stages. Despite its name, morning sickness can occur at any time of the day, and it’s characterised by nausea, vomiting, and a general sense of queasiness. While it can be tough to manage, there are several ways to ease the discomfort and help you navigate this challenging phase with more ease. Here are some tips and remedies for dealing with morning sickness: 1. Eat Small, Frequent Meals One of the most effective ways to manage morning sickness is to avoid letting your stomach become empty. Instead of eating three large meals, try eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day. This helps keep your blood sugar levels stable and can prevent nausea from escalating. Aim for a mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats, and keep snacks like crackers, nuts, or fruit on hand to nibble on when you need them. 2. Stay Hydrated Dehydration can worsen nausea, so it’s essential to stay hydrated throughout the day. Sip on water, herbal teas, or clear broths regularly to maintain your fluid intake. If drinking large amounts of liquid feels overwhelming, try taking small sips or using ice chips to stay hydrated. Some women find that sipping ginger or peppermint tea can also help calm an upset stomach. 3. Try Ginger Ginger is a natural remedy that has been used for centuries to alleviate nausea and morning sickness. Whether you prefer ginger tea, ginger chews, or ginger ale, the root has anti-nausea properties that may provide relief. Research suggests that consuming ginger in moderation can be effective in reducing symptoms of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Always check with your healthcare provider before trying any new remedies. 4. Avoid Strong Smells Pregnancy can heighten your sense of smell, making strong odours even more intolerable. Certain smells—such as cooking food, perfumes, or cleaning products—can trigger or worsen nausea. To reduce exposure to unpleasant smells, try to stay in well-ventilated areas or use essential oils with calming scents, like lavender or citrus. You can also try wearing a mask if you need to be in a situation with strong odours. 5. Rest and Manage Stress Stress and fatigue can make morning sickness worse. Ensuring you get enough rest and taking time to relax can help alleviate some of the discomfort. Listen to your body and take naps or breaks when you need them. Incorporating stress-relieving activities such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or gentle yoga may also help you feel more at ease. 6. Opt for Plain, Easy-to-Digest Foods Certain foods can be gentler on your stomach during episodes of morning sickness. Choose bland, easy-to-digest foods like plain crackers, rice, toast, or applesauce. Foods that are high in fat, spicy, or greasy can sometimes make nausea worse, so it’s a good idea to avoid them when you’re feeling queasy. Opt for simple foods that won’t upset your stomach but will still give you the nutrients you need. 7. Acupressure and Acupuncture Some women find relief from morning sickness through acupressure or acupuncture. Acupressure bands, which apply gentle pressure to specific points on the wrist, may help relieve nausea. While more research is needed, some studies suggest that acupuncture—performed by a trained practitioner—can also reduce symptoms of morning sickness by stimulating certain points in the body. Talk to your healthcare provider before trying acupuncture or acupressure. 8. Avoid Trigger Foods and Drinks Certain foods and drinks can exacerbate morning sickness. Caffeine, acidic beverages like orange juice, and overly greasy or spicy foods are common triggers. Keep track of which foods make you feel worse, and try to avoid them. If coffee or strong tea makes you nauseous, consider switching to decaf or herbal alternatives like ginger or peppermint tea. 9. Vitamin B6 Supplements Vitamin B6 has been shown to reduce the severity of morning sickness for some women. Many doctors recommend a B6 supplement to help manage nausea during pregnancy. It’s important to follow your doctor’s guidance regarding the appropriate dosage, as they can provide personalised advice based on your health and needs. 10. Consult Your Healthcare Provider If your morning sickness is severe or persistent, or if it interferes with your ability to eat, drink, or keep food down, it’s important to consult your healthcare provider. In some cases, severe morning sickness, known as hyperemesis gravidarum, may require medical treatment. Your doctor may recommend prescription medications, IV fluids, or other treatments to help manage symptoms and ensure you stay healthy. Conclusion Morning sickness can be an uncomfortable and trying symptom of pregnancy, but with the right strategies, it is manageable. By focusing on hydration, eating small meals, trying natural remedies like ginger, and avoiding triggers, you can reduce the discomfort associated with nausea. Most importantly, listen to your body and consult your healthcare provider if symptoms become severe or difficult to manage. Remember, morning sickness is usually temporary, and as your pregnancy progresses, it will likely subside.

Parenting Hub

Understanding Baby Kicks: What’s Normal?

Feeling your baby’s first kicks is one of the most exciting milestones during pregnancy. As your little one grows and becomes more active in the womb, those first fluttering movements evolve into stronger, more noticeable kicks. However, if you’re a first-time parent, you may wonder: what’s normal when it comes to baby kicks? How often should you feel them? And when should you be concerned? Here’s everything you need to know about understanding baby kicks and what to expect throughout your pregnancy. What Are Baby Kicks? Baby kicks, or foetal movements, are the physical sensations that you feel when your baby moves inside the uterus. These movements can vary in type, intensity, and frequency, depending on your baby’s development and the stage of pregnancy. Initially, foetal movements can feel like light flutters, but as the baby grows, the kicks become more distinct and powerful. When Will You First Feel Baby Kicks? Foetal movements typically start around 18 to 20 weeks of pregnancy for first-time mothers. However, those who have been pregnant before may feel their baby’s movements earlier—sometimes as early as 16 weeks. For some women, these early movements can feel like gentle flutters or bubbles, while others might experience them as subtle taps. The sensation of baby kicks is often more noticeable if you’re lying down or sitting still, especially during quiet moments when you’re focused on the movement. What Do Baby Kicks Feel Like? Early movements may feel like: As your baby grows and their muscles become stronger, the kicks become more pronounced and feel like actual “kicks,” “punches,” or “rolls.” These movements can sometimes be strong enough to startle you or cause discomfort, especially if your baby is stretching or moving around a lot. When Should You Start Counting Baby Kicks? Between 24 and 28 weeks, your doctor or midwife may recommend that you begin counting your baby’s kicks. This process, known as foetal movement counting, helps track the baby’s well-being and ensures they are active. Many women begin to feel consistent movements by this stage, and keeping track of them can provide valuable insights into your baby’s health. There are various methods for counting kicks, but the most common way is to monitor how long it takes to feel ten movements. Here’s how you can do it: What’s Normal When It Comes to Baby Kicks? Normal patterns of foetal movement can vary widely, depending on factors such as the time of day, your activity level, and the position of the baby. However, most women experience a steady increase in movement as their pregnancy progresses. Here’s a general idea of what’s typical: What Could Cause Changes in Baby Kicks? While baby kicks are generally a sign of good health, it’s important to recognise changes in the pattern of movement. Here are some common factors that may influence how often you feel baby kicks: When to Contact Your Doctor While occasional changes in baby kicks are normal, a significant decrease in fetal movement can be a sign that something is wrong. Always trust your instincts—if you notice any of the following, contact your healthcare provider immediately: Changes in movement are not always a sign of something serious, but it’s always better to err on the side of caution and get checked. The Bottom Line Baby kicks are a sign of your little one’s health and well-being, and they’re one of the most exciting experiences of pregnancy. It’s normal for these movements to vary throughout your pregnancy in terms of frequency, intensity, and timing. By understanding what’s normal and learning how to track your baby’s movements, you’ll feel more confident and reassured during this special time. Always trust your instincts, and don’t hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider if you have any concerns about your baby’s movements.

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Pregnancy Fitness: Safe Exercises for Each Trimester

Staying active during pregnancy offers numerous benefits, including improved mood, better sleep, reduced pregnancy discomfort, and easier labor and recovery. However, as your body changes through each trimester, it’s important to adapt your fitness routine to ensure both your safety and your baby’s well-being. Here’s a guide to safe exercises for each trimester to help you stay healthy and strong. First Trimester: Laying the Foundation During the first trimester, you may feel more tired or experience nausea, so it’s essential to listen to your body. Focus on gentle, low-impact exercises to maintain your fitness levels without overexerting yourself. Safe Exercises: Tips: Second Trimester: Building Strength and Endurance The second trimester is often called the “honeymoon phase” of pregnancy, as energy levels typically increase, and nausea subsides. This is a great time to focus on building strength and endurance to support your growing baby and prepare for labor. Safe Exercises: Tips: Third Trimester: Preparing for Labor In the third trimester, your body is carrying more weight, and your energy levels might decrease. Focus on gentle exercises that promote relaxation, flexibility, and endurance as you prepare for childbirth. Safe Exercises: Tips: Exercises to Avoid During Pregnancy General Pregnancy Fitness Tips Staying active during pregnancy is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your baby. By choosing safe exercises tailored to each trimester, you can enjoy a healthier, more comfortable pregnancy and prepare your body for the demands of childbirth. Always listen to your body and seek guidance from your healthcare provider to ensure your fitness routine is safe and effective.

Parenting Hub

Spotlight on maternal anaemia – two out of three expectant SA mothers at risk

World Anaemia Day (February 13) and South Africa’s Pregnancy Awareness Week (February 10-16) both shine the light on anaemia, a global health challenge impacting many pregnant women and their newborns. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), anaemia affects around 40% of pregnant women globally, with even higher rates in developing regions such as South Africa, where two out of three expectant mothers have low iron levels and one in three is anaemic. This entirely preventable condition continues to be one of the most significant contributors to maternal mortality and adverse pregnancy outcomes worldwide. Maternal anaemia is not just a pregnancy concern, it is a generational health crisis that can impact children’s development for years. However, with proper screening and treatment, adverse outcomes can be successfully prevented, explains Sister Karin Davidson of the Cape Town Infusion Centre, a facility that specialises in medical-grade iron infusions. “Anaemia affects the entire population due to factors like poor iron absorption, poor nutrition, blood loss through menstruation and physical challenges such as illness, pregnancy, rapid growth or sport. Research shows that up to 40% of women enter pregnancy without enough iron – and it’s an entirely preventable and treatable condition,” says Sr Davidson. Long-term impact on children Research has shown that children born to iron deficient or anaemic mothers often face numerous health challenges that can persist through early childhood into adulthood. “Babies store the iron they need for the first six months of their life in-utero and children born with low iron stores can take up to seven years to catch up,” says Sr Davidson.  Issues related to infants born to iron deficient or anaemic mothers include: Anaemia and pregnancy – the risks During pregnancy, blood volume increases by approximately 50%, requiring significantly more iron to produce additional red blood cells. Without adequate iron levels, both mother and baby face serious health risks, including: Detection and prevention Early detection of iron deficiency is crucial. Pregnant women should be aware of common symptoms, including: Regular blood tests during antenatal check-ups are essential for monitoring iron levels and Sr Davidson encourages pregnant patients to advocate for themselves by insisting on iron level screenings during their first pre-natal visit and again in each trimester of pregnancy. Treatment options A multi-faceted approach to treating maternal low iron and anaemia includes: 1.     Dietary modifications “It’s important to note that while nutritional intervention cannot raise low iron levels in an anaemic patient, consistent focus on iron-rich foods, especially in pregnancy can certainly play a part in preventing low iron levels developing in a pregnant patient,” says Sr Davidson. Increasing intake of iron-rich foods such as lean red meat, chicken and fish, dark leafy greens, legumes and iron-fortified cereal is recommended. 2.     Supplementation and medical-grade iron infusions Oral iron supplements are typically a first-line treatment, with healthcare providers prescribing appropriate dosages based on individual needs and iron store levels. For moderate to severe cases, or when oral supplements prove insufficient and when blood tests have shown low or insufficient iron stores, medical-grade iron infusions administered at a registered healthcare facility offer a highly effective solution. These infusions can rapidly restore iron levels, typically requiring only 1-2 treatments to achieve optimal results. “Early intervention and understanding that if you are hoping to conceive then healthy iron stores are essential for both mother and child, along with awareness of concerning symptoms that are sometimes considered normal pregnancy symptoms, are key to getting appropriate support and treatment. If you’re pregnant, insist your doctor checks your levels,” says Sr Davidson. Essential checklist for pregnant women As South Africa observes Pregnancy Awareness Week alongside World Anaemia Day, expectant mothers are urged to: The Cape Town Infusion Centre is committed to managing iron deficiency and anaemia, to empowering patients, and to improving lives. Please contact them if you would like any further information: www.capeinfusions.co.za

Parenting Hub

Preparing for Your Baby: A Month-by-Month Checklist

Preparing for your baby’s arrival is a thrilling yet overwhelming experience. To help you navigate this exciting journey, here’s a month-by-month checklist to ensure you are well-prepared for your little one’s arrival. Month 1: Confirm Your Pregnancy Schedule a visit with your healthcare provider to confirm the pregnancy and discuss prenatal care. Start taking prenatal vitamins with folic acid. Begin researching different birthing options and decide on your preferred birth plan. Month 2: Begin Prenatal Care Attend your first prenatal appointment. Discuss family medical history with your healthcare provider. Start documenting your pregnancy journey in a journal. Month 3: Plan Your Finances Review your health insurance and understand maternity coverage. Create a budget for baby expenses such as diapers, clothes, and nursery items. Consider starting a baby savings fund. Month 4: Think about Maternity Leave Discuss maternity leave options with your employer. Consider childcare options if you plan to return to work. Start a light exercise routine suitable for pregnancy. Month 5: Prepare the Nursery Begin setting up the nursery with essential furniture like a crib and changing table. Choose a theme or colour scheme for the nursery. Create a baby registry for family and friends. Month 6: Attend a Prenatal Class Sign up for prenatal classes to learn about childbirth, breastfeeding, and newborn care. Start shopping for baby essentials like clothing and blankets. Plan a maternity photo shoot, if desired. Month 7: Pack Your Hospital Bag Pack a hospital bag with essentials such as clothes, toiletries, and snacks. Finalise your birth plan and discuss it with your healthcare provider. Attend a hospital tour to familiarise yourself with the delivery environment. Month 8: Install the Car Seat Purchase and install a car seat to ensure it fits properly. Finalise any last-minute nursery preparations. Consider a babymoon or a relaxing getaway before the baby arrives. Month 9: Relax and Prepare for Labour Keep your healthcare provider’s contact information handy in case of early labour. Focus on relaxation techniques to help manage labour. Ensure all necessary documents and birth plan details are ready for hospital admission. By following this month-by-month checklist, you can ease the stress of preparing for your new baby and focus on the joy of becoming a parent. Remember to enjoy this special time, and don’t hesitate to ask for help if needed. Happy parenting!

Vital Baby

Financial Tips for Expecting Parents

Pregnancy is a time of excitement and anticipation, but for many South African families, it also comes with unexpected financial pressures. While the joy of welcoming a new baby is priceless, the costs associated with pregnancy and early parenthood can quickly add up, leaving many parents feeling overwhelmed. Understanding the Costs From prenatal care to baby essentials, the expenses begin long before the baby arrives. Common hidden costs include: Tips for Managing Pregnancy-Related Expenses While the costs may seem daunting, there are ways to navigate them effectively. South African public health clinics offer free prenatal care for pregnant women, as well as baby wellness care post birth. Pregnancy checks include physical exams, all relevant testing, as well as medication if needed. As additional support, pregnant women can also register for MomConnect, a government health program that provides free maternal health messaging and access to a text-based help-desk.  The financial impact of pregnancy doesn’t stop at birth. Planning for postnatal expenses, such as daycare or additional medical costs, is equally important. Taking proactive steps during pregnancy and budgeting carefully, can set the stage for a more manageable financial journey as your family grows. Sr Londe, an independent midwife and Vital Baby’s trusted advisor who provides advice through monthly Instagram Live videos explains, “Becoming a parent is one of life’s most rewarding journeys, but it’s also a significant financial commitment. By planning carefully and making informed choices, families can focus on what truly matters—welcoming their new baby with peace of mind.”

Parenting Hub

Self-Care Tips for Expecting Mums in February

Expecting a baby is a beautiful journey, but it’s equally important to take care of yourself during this time. February, with its chilly weather and shorter days, offers unique opportunities and challenges for self-care. Here are some tips for expecting mums to nurture both body and soul this February: Embrace the Fresh Air While February might be cold, it’s also a great time to enjoy crisp, fresh air. Bundle up in a cosy coat and take a brisk walk. The fresh air and gentle exercise can boost your mood and energy levels. Prioritise Hydration The cooler months can be deceiving when it comes to staying hydrated. Make sure you’re drinking enough water throughout the day to maintain optimal health for both you and your baby. Indulge in Comfort Foods Winter is the perfect time to enjoy hearty soups and stews loaded with nutrients. Incorporate plenty of vegetables and lean proteins to nourish your body and keep you feeling warm and satisfied. Stay Active Indoors If going outside isn’t appealing, try indoor exercises like prenatal yoga or pilates. These activities can help improve flexibility, reduce stress, and prepare your body for childbirth. Pamper Your Skin Cold weather can be tough on your skin. Use a high-quality moisturiser to keep your skin hydrated and consider a gentle massage oil to soothe any aches and pains. Focus on Rest and Relaxation Take advantage of the shorter days by prioritising rest. Create a relaxing bedtime routine with a warm bath, soothing music, or meditation. Connect with Others Attend prenatal classes or join online communities for expecting mums. Sharing experiences and advice with others going through the same journey can be incredibly comforting and empowering. Schedule Check-Ups Ensure your prenatal appointments are up to date. Regular check-ups are vital for monitoring your baby’s development and catching any potential issues early. Plan for the Future Use February to start planning your nursery, create a birth plan, or even just daydream about your future with your little one. Having a project in mind can keep you feeling positive and excited. Seek Emotional Support Pregnancy can be an emotional rollercoaster. Don’t hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or professionals if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Taking care of yourself during pregnancy is vital not only for your health but also for the health of your baby. February offers its own set of challenges and joys, making it the perfect time to practise self-care and embrace the journey of motherhood.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) and to deal with it

Symphysis pubis dysfunction or SPD is pain in your pelvis, which is caused by the relaxing of ligaments in the pelvic bones too early before birth. Many aspects of pregnancy can cause discomfort, and SPD is one of them. Here are the signs of SPD and what you can do if you think you to alleviate your discomfort if you are suffering from it.  What is SPD and what causes it? Not all moms-to-be will experience SPD but it is thought to be fairly common in pregnancy. SPD is a pain in the symphysis pubis (which can range from moderate to serve) caused by the relaxing and stretching of the ligaments around the pelvic bone. Pain can be brought on by opening your legs, walking up stairs or even turning over in bed, and this may be accompanied by a clicking/grinding sensation in the pubic area.  The cause of SPD in pregnancy is the hormone relaxin, aptly named as it relaxes your joints and ligaments to make it easier for your baby to come out at birth. SPD happens when these hormones come into play too early. Not only that but you’re shifting centre of as your baby grows, which can cause main in your lower back and pelvis as your body shifts to accommodate your little one.  What can I do to relieve SPD  Living with SPD can be uncomfortable at best, so you may be wondering what you can do to help alleviate some pain. Being fit before pregnancy can help, as stronger glute and abdominal muscles can help support your pelvis. Physiotherapy can help manage SPD pain, as a physio will be able to work with you as your pregnancy and pain levels change. Speak to your doctor first, as they may have recommendations for you. Your pelvis should return to normal between 4 and 12 weeks after birth. 

Parenting Hub

Pregnancy Nutrition: Foods to Boost Energy and Wellness

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with anticipation and excitement, but it can also be physically demanding, leaving many expectant mothers feeling tired and drained. Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in boosting energy and promoting wellness during this time. Ensuring that both mother and baby are well-nourished can make a remarkable difference in the pregnancy experience. Here’s a guide to some essential foods that can help boost energy and wellness during pregnancy. 1.Whole Grains Whole grains like oats, quinoa, and brown rice are excellent sources of carbohydrates, the primary energy source for the body. Unlike refined grains, whole grains are rich in fibre, which aids digestion and helps maintain steady blood sugar levels, preventing the energy crashes that can lead to fatigue. 2. Lean Proteins Incorporating lean proteins such as chicken, turkey, beans, and lentils into your diet is crucial for maintaining energy levels. Proteins not only support the growing baby’s development but also help in repairing and building tissues, which is vital as the body undergoes numerous changes during pregnancy. 3. Fruits and Vegetables A colourful array of fruits and vegetables provides essential vitamins and minerals necessary for maintaining energy and boosting immunity. Options like spinach, bananas, and oranges are packed with nutrients like vitamin C, potassium, and folate, which are vital for the health of both mother and baby. 4. Nuts and Seeds Almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds are powerhouse foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and fibre. These nutrients are essential for brain development and can also help in increasing energy levels. Eating a handful of nuts or adding seeds to your meals can be a quick and easy way to boost your nutrient intake. 5. Dairy Products Calcium is crucial during pregnancy for the development of the baby’s bones and teeth. Dairy products like milk, yoghurt, and cheese are rich in calcium, vitamin D, and protein, which can help keep the expectant mother’s bones healthy and prevent osteoporosis. 6. Hydration Staying hydrated is often overlooked but is a vital aspect of maintaining energy levels. Dehydration can lead to fatigue and other complications. Drinking plenty of water, herbal teas, and natural juices can ensure adequate fluid intake. 7. Iron-rich Foods Iron is essential for producing haemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood. During pregnancy, the need for iron increases to support the growing baby and placenta. Foods such as red meat, spinach, and lentils can help prevent iron-deficiency anaemia, which is a common cause of fatigue. Conclusion Maintaining energy and wellness during pregnancy is essential for the health of both mother and baby. Incorporating these nutrient-rich foods into your daily diet can make a significant difference in how you feel. Always consult with your healthcare provider to tailor a nutrition plan suited to your specific needs. Remember, a well-nourished pregnancy can lead to a healthier and happier journey for both you and your little one.

Austell Pharmaceuticals

Pregnancy and the yeast infection: Causes, Signs, and Treatment Options

Three quarters of women will experience a yeast infection during their lifetime, even if they never fall pregnant. Yeast infections, also called vaginal thrush, affects women and girls of all ages, and for more than 50% of the female population, this won’t be a once off experience.  As a result, yeast infections are considered one of the infections most commonly experienced by women. Unfortunately, pregnancy makes the risk of contracting a yeast infection even higher. Although there is no evidence to suggest this uncomfortable condition will harm your baby, itching and burning that come with a yeast infection can still cause significant distress. To help you avoid and manage bouts of vaginal thrush during your pregnancy, we have put together a guide to answer your most pressing questions:    What causes a yeast infection during pregnancy?  Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of a fungus called candida. This fungus or yeast occurs naturally in the vagina and on the skin. When in balance with other bacteria and fungi, candida does not cause any problems. However, when the vagina’s delicate balance of fungus and bacteria is disrupted, this yeast is left to grow rapidly, causing a yeast infection. This is usually due to the population of bacteria responsible for keeping its growth in check being reduced. There are several reasons why an imbalance can occur including antibiotic use.  When you are pregnant, however, the increased risk of contracting vaginal thrush is generally down to bodily and hormonal changes, particularly the increase in oestrogen in your body. Another factor is that when you are pregnant, pH in your vagina changes to become more alkaline and less acidic. This essentially makes the vaginal cells more sugary, turning them into food for the yeast and promoting its growth. Women also experience increased amounts of discharge during pregnancy, creating a permanently moist environment perfect for yeast growth. These conditions can cause the dormant yeast cells to multiply and cause infection. If you are struggling with a yeast infection, ask your doctor of pharmacist about Canex V for the relief of uncomfortable symptoms. Symptoms of a yeast infection The signs of a yeast infection during pregnancy are similar to those when not pregnant. They include:  How do you treat a yeast infection during pregnancy? If you are pregnant, it is important that you always seek medical advice before taking any medication.  Usually, your doctor will prescribe some kind of antifungal in the form of either a cream, like Canex V, or tablet, both of which are inserted vaginally. Canex V is available over the counter at most leading pharmacies country wide and contains the antifungal ingredient, clotrimazole, which works by stopping the growth of the fungi causing the infection. Antifungal creams can be applied both internally and to the skin around the outside of the vagina to provide relief to the whole area.  Can you avoid vaginal thrush when pregnant?  Although vaginal thrush during pregnancy is very common, there are some simple steps you can take to try and avoid developing an infection in the first place. These steps may not stop an infection every time, but they will help lower the risk.  1. Wear cotton underwear Yeast thrives in moist, warm areas. Wearing breathable underwear that isn’t too tight can help balance the moisture created by increased discharge. The same idea can be applied to the pants you wear. Try opting for loose cotton pants over tight jeans or active wear. 2. Keep proper hygiene and avoid irritants Scented soaps and bubble baths may make you feel better, but the chemicals used to create them can be harsh and cause irritation in your vagina, upsetting the balance of bacteria.  3. Check your diet Processed foods, sugary foods, and bread can all contribute to vaginal thrush infections. Try avoiding or only eating moderate amounts of these foods. On the other side of the coin, probiotic-rich foods like natural yogurt can help add beneficial bacteria back into your system. Vaginal thrush is a common and uncomfortable infection, especially for women who are pregnant. Changes to your hormones, body, and routine may all contribute to increasing your risk of infection. Thankfully, although uncomfortable, yeast infections pose very little serious health risk to you or your baby if treated correctly under the guidance of a doctor and can be avoided with a few simple lifestyle changes.  CTA: Don’t let a yeast infection ruin your pregnancy journey. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about Canex V today. 

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Staying healthy during your pregnancy

Welcoming a new addition to the family is exciting but also a little daunting. Parents are anxious to make sure everything is done correctly to ensure the best start for their little one. Part of this preparation is also maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet, during the pregnancy, crucial for both the mother and developing baby. Dr Themba Hadebe of Bonitas Medical Fund says that what you eat during your pregnancy, directly affects foetal development. ‘A diet rich in vitamins, minerals and other key nutrients can help ensure a healthy pregnancy outcome. Proper nutrition supports the development of your baby’s brain, bones and organs. It also aids in building the placenta, which supplies the baby with oxygen and nutrients.’ He advises eating a balance diet that includes a variety of food groups, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains and healthy fats. Each offers unique benefits that support both maternal health and foetal growth. What foods should I be eating?  Bearing in mind that you may feel nauseous in the beginning and not be able to eat certain foods and may have cravings for others, as far as possible try to follow a balanced diet, rich in nutrients. Foods you should include in your diet are dairy products, such as milk and yoghurt, as they provide extra protein, calcium and probiotics. Legumes, such as lentils and soybeans, are other good foods to include as they contain protein, fibre and folate, which is particularly important during pregnancy.  Sweet potatoes, which are high in vitamin A and fibre, are also a good addition to your shopping list. Other wholesome foods include eggs, broccoli, lean meat and berries.  ‘During pregnancy your vitamin and mineral needs will change,’ say Dr Hadebe. ‘And although a heathy diet should supply most of the vitamins and minerals needed, often healthcare professionals suggest prenatal vitamins as a good way to supplement and cover nutritional gaps, even though they don’t replace a healthy lifestyle and diet.’ What vitamins and minerals are essential and why?  Folic Acid: Or folate helps prevent neural tube defects, such as spina bifida and supports the development of the baby’s brain and spine. Iron: Supports healthy growth and helps prevent anaemia by ensuring that blood (in both mom and baby) carries oxygen effectively. Iron-rich foods like lean meats, beans and spinach can help but most pregnant women need an iron supplement to meet the increased demands.  Calcium: Calcium supports the development of the baby’s bones and teeth. If the mother’s calcium intake is inadequate, the baby will draw from the mother’s stores, potentially weakening her bones. Dairy products and leafy greens are great sources of calcium. Vitamin D: Aids in calcium absorption and supports the baby’s bone health. Exposure to sunlight and foods like fortified dairy and fatty fish (salmon, mackerel) can help ensure adequate vitamin D levels.  Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These essential fats, found in fatty fish, like salmon and also flaxseeds, support the baby’s brain and eye development. Omega-3s can also help reduce the risk of preterm birth. Vitamin C: Helps with iron absorption and boosts the immune system. It can be found in citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers and broccoli. Iodine:  Essential for the production of thyroid hormones that regulate the development of the foetal brain and nervous system. You will need more iodine than usual when you’re pregnant or breastfeeding.  Iodine can be found in dairy products, eggs and seafood. ‘Getting the correct micronutrients is essential for a healthy pregnancy and best possible development of your baby,’ says Dr Hadebe. ‘Deficiencies can lead to complications such as hypertension and low birth weight which is why prenatal supplements are often prescribed.  However, it is important not to exceed the recommended dosages.  Consult your doctor or gynae before starting any supplements, they will help determine the appropriate dose for your individual needs.’ In additional to a balanced diet, Dr Hadebe also recommends you exercise regularly – it’s a great way to stay in shape, boost your mental health and releases ‘feel good’ endorphins. In addition to maintain a healthy lifestyle, cut out alcohol and nicotine, cut down on caffeine and find way to manage your stress levels.   As part of the Bonitas Maternity Programme the scheme allows its members R195* per month for antenatal vitamins during pregnancy. *Plan dependant.

Parenting Hub

Fascinating Facts About Babies Born in February

February is a unique and special month for welcoming little ones into the world. If your baby was born in this remarkable month, there’s plenty to celebrate! Here are some fascinating facts about February babies that make them extra special. 1. They Are Either Aquarians or Pisceans Babies born between February 1 and 18 fall under the Aquarius zodiac sign, known for their independent, creative, and humanitarian nature. Those born from February 19 onward are Pisceans, often described as empathetic, imaginative, and intuitive. 2. Birthstone: Amethyst February’s birthstone is the stunning amethyst, symbolising clarity, calmness, and courage. It’s said to bring peace of mind and protect its wearer from stress—perfect for parents of newborns! 3. Birth Flower: Violet and Primrose February babies are associated with the violet and primrose flowers. The violet represents loyalty and faithfulness, while the primrose symbolises youth and new beginnings—a beautiful reflection of a baby’s fresh start in life. 4. Leap Year Babies Are Extra Special February is home to the rarest birthday of all: February 29! Leap year babies, also called “leaplings,” have a birthday that only comes around once every four years, making their celebrations even more unique. 5. They Share a Birthday Month with Visionaries Some of history’s most brilliant minds and creative talents were born in February. Think of luminaries like Charles Darwin, Rosa Parks, and Steve Jobs. February babies are in great company! 6. Cool-Weather Benefits February is still part of the cooler months in many parts of the world, which may lower the risk of certain infections for newborns. It’s also a great excuse to bundle up and enjoy extra cozy cuddles with your little one. 7. Statistically, February Birthdays Are Rare Because February is the shortest month, it has fewer birthdays compared to other months. This makes February babies part of an exclusive group! 8. Health and Happiness Traits Studies suggest that babies born in February may grow up to be optimistic and calm individuals. Some research also links February births to unique traits such as creativity and a good sense of humour. 9. Aquarians and Pisceans Are Dreamers February-born babies are believed to have a natural gift for dreaming big. Whether they are Aquarians planning revolutionary ideas or Pisceans imagining new worlds, their creativity often knows no bounds. 10. A Month Filled With Love With Valentine’s Day right in the middle of the month, February babies are surrounded by love and affection. It’s a sweet coincidence for a baby born during such a heartwarming time of year! February babies bring joy and warmth to a chilly month, and their unique traits make them one of a kind. Whether it’s their zodiac sign, birthstone, or simply the special love they bring into your life, there’s no doubt that February-born little ones are truly fascinating! Resources:  Source: astrology.com Source: American Gem Society  Source: almanac.com Source: TimeAndDate.com  Source: biography.com  Source: healthline.com  Source: CDC.gov – Birth Data  Source: ResearchGate.net Source: Astrology-Zodiac-Signs.com Source: History.com – Valentine’s Day 

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Should I be exercising while pregnant, and if so, how much?

For most exercise is a part of life, so it is natural to want to keep active for as long as possible while pregnant. You may wonder how much exercise you can keep doing as your baby develops, and what routine changes you’ll need to make as your baby grows bigger. If you have a complicated pregnancy or are dealing with a weak cervix, a low placenta or suffering from a heart condition, diabetes or asthma, it is best to consult with a doctor or health professional before putting together a pregnancy exercise plan. What are the benefits of exercise during pregnancy  Improving overall health and wellness, exercise is a vital part of keeping you feeling your best and can help with backache caused by pregnancy, as well as prepare you for labour and delivery. If you were active before your pregnancy, you should be able to keep training with modifications made to your program. Exercises that are low impact and carry small risk of injury are best and you should be able to remain active until birth. Exercising during pregnancy can help boost your mood and energy levels, improve muscle tone, strength and lessen back pain. Exercise can also help reduce fatigue and stress, as well as help improve your sleep, all of which helps make your pregnancy easier on your body and mind. Staying fit can also help shorten your post delivery recovery time, however, getting back into exercise postpartum can be difficult and you should avoid pushing yourself too hard in the beginning. Exercising during pregnancy isn’t only good for your overall wellness, but studies show that it can also improve your baby’s health. What type of exercise should I be doing?  During pregnancy it is important to keep tabs on how your body is feeling. If you have been exercising frequently pre-pregnancy it should be fine to continue to do so in moderation, however, if something feels strange or uncomfortable it is best to consult a health practitioner. Swimming, prenatal yoga and pilates, walking and water aerobics are all exercises that you can focus on during your pregnancy. Water activities are good as they give you buoyancy and put very little strain on your body, especially when you are close to giving birth. If you were an avid runner before, you should be able to continue into pregnancy with some alterations to your program.  Exercise to avoid High impact sports with a risk of falling should be avoided. These include horse riding, mountain biking, downhill skiing. Contact sports, such as rugby, kickboxing and soccer are also preferable to avoid as there is a risk of being hit. Scuba diving is a big no-no as the baby has no protection against decompression sickness.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Preparing your home for your baby

Waiting for you baby to arrive is both exciting and nerve wrecking. In order to mentally prepare yourself and your family, you can start getting  your home ready for the newest addition of your household. The urge to get your home ready for your baby is also known as nesting, and it’ll normally happen near the end of your third trimester. If you are ready to start spring cleaning, here are some tips on how best to organise your home for little one. Have everything ready for your return from the hospital When you and your baby return from hospital you’ll probably be feeling tired and sore, so making sure your home is ready before you go into labour is a good idea. Food prep, cleaning and buying home supplies are all things that’ll become more difficult with a newborn. Meal prepping, having a stocked baby changing table and home essentials stock piled will all be things you’ll be glad to have done beforehand. Baby proofing your home Baby proofing your home can ideally start up to 3 months before your due date, as this will give you time for any projects that may take slightly longer. Cover all electrical sockets, get safety latches for cabinets and get rid of any loose or dangling cords. Not only can you take your time prepping your home, but you can also make sure that you are ready with baby essentials, such as a changing table, a baby monitor and newborn baby clothes. All things you don’t want to be looking for postpartum with a baby to look after. Don’t over do it Although it can be tempting to go full throttle with home adjustments there are certain things you should avoid to prevent injuring yourself. Don’t move large furniture, as your ligaments and tendons are softened by pregnancy hormones, making a strain or injury more likely. Avoid reaching too high, as this can put strain on your lower back (which may already be achy). Delegating to your family and friends eager to help will give you the opportunity to rest while making sure that your home is perfect for your newest addition.


What is Plagiocephaly?

Deformational, or positional, plagiocephaly is commonly known as flat head syndrome. It is a condition where a baby’s head has a flat spot or appears asymmetrical. It can be quite upsetting   as parent; however, it is important to remember that it is not a serious health issue.  Positional Plagiocephaly is not responsible for abnormal brain development or the onset of neurological problems.  It is critical, though, to prevent skull deformity to avoid aesthetic and functional consequences.  There are very effective methods of treatment available, of which you can introduce immediately, either to rectify your baby shape of his or her head or to prevent this from happening. When your baby is born, their skull is made up of soft bony plates that can compress and overlap to fit through the narrow birth canal. This process is called moulding, and it can cause the baby’s head to have a slightly abnormal shape at first. However, within 24 to 36 hours after birth, the head usually becomes more symmetrical and egg-shaped. It’s important to know that this is normal and not a condition called plagiocephaly. During the first year, your baby’s skull remains soft because their brain grows quickly, reaching about 85% of its adult size in that time. This softness makes your baby’s head flexible, especially in the first few months. If your baby spends a lot of time lying on their back in the same position, it can lead to flattening on one part of the skull. Types of Flat Head Syndrome (according to the National Health Service of England)  Plagiocephaly can take two main forms: Signs and Symptoms Common signs of plagiocephaly include: According to research done by the Cleaveland clinic, over  50% of babies may experience some degree of plagiocephaly in their first months. Many parents notice changes around six weeks of age. Flat head syndrome often develops from prolonged pressure on one area of the head, so it’s essential to keep an eye on your baby’s head shape and seek advice if you have concerns. Reasons why this may happen include: Occasionally, a flattened head can be caused by the plates of the skull joining together too early. This is known as craniosynostosis. For most infants, plagiocephaly isn’t a serious health issue and usually resolves on its own with simple interventions. However, severe cases can lead to lasting changes, making early identification and intervention important. Treatment Options If you notice signs of plagiocephaly, here are several effective strategies to consider: Preventive Measures: To reduce the risk of plagiocephaly, here are some simple and effective steps you can take at home. These tips involve being mindful of your baby’s position, movement, and how you engage with them in your daily routine. When to Seek Help If you notice any of the following, consider consulting a healthcare professional: Preventative methods for plagiocephaly are easy to use and highly recommended. If your baby has a flat or uneven head shape, starting early can lead to better and faster results because your baby is growing quickly. It’s best to begin treatment between 4 to 7 months, but you can continue effective intervention until your baby is 14 months old. It’s important to change your baby’s position each time you put them down to sleep. The nurtureOne nest can help with this, as babies often settle into the same comfortable position. This cushion is designed with your baby’s safety in mind. Make sure to alternate the direction your baby’s head is lying each time you use it—first on their back, then to the right (half back, half side), and then to the left (half back, half side). You can adjust the cushion to support these positions. For more information, visit www.nurtureOne.co.za. By following these steps you can avoid positional plagiocephaly. You have the power to help your baby thrive. By staying informed and proactive, you can make a positive impact on their health and well-being. Trust yourself and your instincts as a parent—your involvement is key to ensuring your baby’s healthy development.  

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Due soon? What to include in your hospital bag

With your due date fast approaching, this is a very exciting, yet stressful time for most moms to be. Here is a great list of what to pack for the big day! Ideally, you should have your bag ready to go by 36 to 37weeks, apart from the last minute grabs such as your tooth brush and phone charger. Please see our extensive list of the essential items and also items to make you feel more comfortable for mom and baby (and dad, of course!) Baby Car seat – Many hospitals won’t let you leave without one. Please make sure you know how to strap baby properly into the seat and the seat is secure in the car. Safety first! A going home outfit: It’s important to keep baby skin to skin (this means no clothes on baby; only a nappy) for as long as possible, as this promotes growth, bonding and a calming period for you and your baby. When it’s time to go home, pack different outfits in different sizes as you don’t know how big or small baby will be. Aim for an outfit in Newborn sizes, and 0-3 months. Don’t forget a beanie or socks if the weather is cold. Blankets or Muslin wrap to keep baby nice and cosy. Bottles – If you are going into the hospital knowing you are going to bottle feed, take your bottles with. The hospital usually supplies the formula, but if you have a preferred brand, take some along. If breastfeeding doesn’t work for you, don’t stress! The nurses will provide the bottles and formula. Nappies and wipes to keep baby clean and dry. The nurses in the hospital will show you how to change baby if you are a first time mom. Mom Your medical aid information, your pre authorization/ doctors forms, your ID card and all other important documents you may need. Keep this safely in a folder all together to avoid any stress. A robe or dressing gown – This is such a handy item to have to cover up and make you feel comfortable Pyjama’s that button down at the front – If you are breastfeeding it’s a lot easier to undo the buttons than lift your top continuously. Comfortable, soft and loose pants such as lights weight shorts, stretchy leggings or sleep pants are ideal. Maternity pads and disposable breast pads. Nursing bras are also wonderful and offers great support for breastfeeding moms. Slippers or slip in shoes. Your feet may be a little swollen after delivery, so don’t feel bad leaving the hospital in the snuggest and easiest pair of shoes you can slip into. Slipper socks also work great. Cotton underwear, preferably in a dark or black colour. One that fits you well but rises above the uterus. This is good for moms who have a caesarean section and natural birth as it offers support and doesn’t cause pain along the wound site. Nipple cream – If you’re planning on breastfeeding, your nipples will be happy you are being so proactive. Toiletries – You will want to brush your hair and have a shower after baby has arrived. Take your shampoo, face cream, lotion and body wash, as well as your toothbrush and toothpaste. Deodorant, lip balm and extra hair ties are also a great items to have on hand. Cell phone charger – Because your phone will be full of photos of your new addition to your family. Water bottle and snacks. Take a reusable water bottle as its very important to keep hydrated during and post-delivery. Snack on dried fruit and wine gums to keep your sugar up and to give you energy (with permission from your midwife or doctor of course) A magazine or book, your laptop or some music. Labour may sometimes become a little long. It’s good to keep busy. Most hospitals and birthing clinics supply towels, pillows and blankets. If you have a favourite, take yours along to the hospital. A set of clothes to go home in. Your make up bag and straightener or curling iron. While you won’t be focused on looking great during labour, you may want to take some photos after the birth of your little one. Get someone to help you and make you feel good about yourself (and the great work you’ve just done!) Dad/Birthing partner Camera – Take photos! Lots of them. This is a great job for dad to do during birth. It will make them feel a lot more involved. Snacks: Another great job for dad. Full his bag with plenty of snacks and treats that you can both enjoy during your stay. Comfortable clothes – As he may be sitting with you for quite some time, let him pack some tracksuit pants, t shirts, slippers and hoodies.  Extra underwear is also a winner if he is staying overnight. Chargers – For phones, laptops and cameras. The longer the wire, the better, as most plug outlets are likely to be far from you. Toiletries – He may want to freshen up during the course of your stay. Many private hospitals offer you a baby bag when you are admitted for delivery. This is a great item and will contain most, if not all baby’s toiletries such as soap and creams. If you forget something, it’s not the end of the world. The nurses may be able to help or someone can go to the shop for you. All baby ideally needs is a clean nappy, milk, and most importantly, you.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Putting together your birth plan

As you enter your third trimester you’ll have probably done a fair bit of research on the birth process (if this is your first) and may have a good idea of what you want before, during and after delivery. There are many options and opinions, from whether or not you want pain medication to how many people you would like supporting you. However, trying to keep track of your choices during labour may be tricky, which is why you’d put together a birth plan. So what exactly is it and how do you put one together? Why should I put together a birth plan?  Your birth plan is your choices or preferences before, during and after labour and delivery. While things may not always go according to plan, having your preferences written down and communicated means you, your midwives and doctor have a more mutual understanding. However, if your pregnancy doesn’t go accordingly, you need to be prepared to make adjustments on the day. What should be in my birth plan? Your birth plan is how you’d like everything would go in the best-case scenario. Your birth plan will also have to take into consideration what is available at the hospital or place where you are giving birth. Some birth plans are very basic, just outlining a simple overview, whereas others may be far more detailed and in-depth. The choice is yours. Typically a birth plan will include before, during and after labour and birth preferences. Such as who you want to assist you during birth, whether or not you want any pain medication,  you birthing positions, and requests for newborn care, such as skin-to-skin time. How can I learn more about the birth process?  If you feel like you need to top up your birthing knowledge before putting together a plan they are a few ways you can go about this. Joining antenatal classes are a good way to learn more and to meet other women in your position. Chatting to friends or family who has been through the birthing process themselves is another good way to see what would work best for you. If you and your partner are having a baby together, keep them in the loop as well. Find out what they expect during labour and you can chat about what you want, and what role you see them playing in the process.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Pregnancy, your body and your baby – week 39 of your pregnancy

You’re now one week away from week 40 – the final week of your pregnancy. Strange to think back 39 weeks, where you wouldn’t even have known you were pregnant. Lots has changed since then, and a lot will continue to change before and after birth. Your body at week 39 At this point, you’ll definitely be feeling your pregnancy. Braxton Hicks contractions, leaking colostrum from your nipples and the frequent urge to urinate may all be part of your daily life. You may be having trouble sleeping, struggling with pelvic and back pain, and your vaginal discharge may be tinged with pink or brown as the blood vessels n your cervix rupture. It is possible to be diagnosed with preeclampsia in your last weeks of pregnancy. This is high blood pressure in pregnancy and is accompanied by protein in your urine and swelling of the hands and feet. Vomiting, nausea and dizziness are also symptoms you may have preeclampsia, and if you suspect you have it you’ll need to contact your doctor right away. Your baby at week 39 Your baby is now roughly the size of a honeydew melon and is considered full term if they’re born this week. At this point, their lungs are producing surfactant so that when they take their first breath, the air sacs won’t stick together. Things you should keep in mind at week 39 You may be wondering if you can still keep doing light exercise, or what you can do to keep active during this time. Exercise in late pregnancy is still doable and is a good idea if you’re feeling up to it. Although you may be worried about damaging your growing baby, exercise during this time is beneficial as it can help strengthen your body for delivery and birth. That being said, it’s important to clarify what you plan on doing with your doctor, and focus on short, low-intensity exercises such as certain yoga and water aerobics.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Pregnancy, your body and your baby – week 38 of your pregnancy

There are now two weeks left of your official pregnancy span, however, there is even a chance that you may get to meet your little one sooner, as about 5% babies are born before or after their due dates. Your breathing may be feeling easier, as your baby moves lower down into your pelvis. But this can leave you with an increasingly shrinking bladder and smaller tasks that used to feel easy are now more difficult. Your body at week 38 Don’t be surprised if your nipples start leaking colostrum around this time. You may also be experiencing frequent Braxton Hicks contractions (which will be helping to prepare you for the real deal) and your nesting instincts may have kicked in, leaving you with a strong urge to clean and organise your house. Other common pregnancy symptoms at this time are frequent urination and pressure on your pelvis and hips as your baby has dropped lower into your abdomen. You may also be struggling to sleep, have swollen feet and ankles and your vaginal discharge may be tinged pink or brown. Your baby at week 38 Your little one is almost ready to meet the world! Your baby has probably shed the soft hair, lanugo, which covered their body (although some are born with patches). Although they are mostly fully developed, if born now, they will be considered early term. They are still continuing to add fat on their body, and the brain and nervous system are continually developing. Things to keep in mind at week 38 One of the questions you may have going through your mind, is how will you be sure that labour has started? Birthing classes are a good way to get to know what to expect, but if you haven’t been able to attend any of those, there are other ways to know that your baby is on its way. Your cervix will start dilating, which your doctor will be able to track in weekly check-ups. You may experience diarrhoea and during labour  you’ll have frequent contractions which will grow stronger over time.

Breastpumps and Beyond

What To Expect As A New Parent

Being a new parent is definitely no walk in the park. Therefore, knowing what you can be expecting can make the world of difference! This is why we have put together a list of things to expect as a new parent to make things a little less daunting for you and your partner! Read on below now for a few key pointers on surviving new parenthood! Expect A Lot Of Company A new baby will generally bring a lot of different visitors. This is the time in which you will need to start setting up a few boundaries. There is nothing wrong with doing so, so don’t feel guilty in doing so. Gently let your friends and family know that you are comfortable with certain times for visiting, however, other times are off limit and strictly family time for you, baby and partner.  And Then There Were Three… When a new little person enters into your life, your relationship dynamic with your partner will change. There will be a lot less ‘us’ time on the table. Therefore, it is important for you to still try to spend intimate time with your significant other. Call in the forces and leave baby with granny and grandpa for one night and take that time to appreciate each other. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help As A New Parent Being a parent can be tough. Especially if you are a first timer. Therefore, do not be ashamed to ask for help. Remember, it took two of you to make a baby, therefore sharing the responsibilities with your partner is only fair. Be sure to enlist the help of your other half, sharing the responsibilities of your little one. If you are a single parent, ask for help from family and friends whom you trust.  Converse With Your Baby  Be sure to shoot the breeze with your baby. Little ones love to be conversed with. This kind of interaction has a twofold effect: you will be bonding with your baby, and they will be learning! Be Gentle With Yourself Remember, being a new parent is a challenge. It is not the easiest task for one to take on. therefore, remember to be kind to yourself. Follow the above tips to take control of your new parenting life style.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Pregnancy, your body and your baby – week 37 of your pregnancy

You are now in the final stretch of pregnancy, and at the end of this week you’ll only have 3 weeks left until your due date. 37 weeks ago you had your last period – a lot has changed since then! Although 40 weeks is the official length of time for pregnancy, many women give birth before or after this time. If your baby is born between week 37 and 38, they are known as early term babies. Your body at week 37 At this point in your pregnancy you may often feel tired, and this is usually made worse by the fact that you are generally getting a poor night’s sleep. Normal pregnancy symptoms are abdominal pressure, the frequent urge to urinate, a sore back and pelvis, Braxton Hicks contractions and stretch marks. Your baby at week 37 At this point almost all babies will have moved downwards into your pelvis, most commonly they will be in the cephalic presentation, which is head down, facing your spine. There are other positions that you baby can be in, such as cephalic posterior position, which is when they face outwards, or a breech position, which is feet first. If your baby is in an awkward position such as a breech, your baby may be delivered by c-section so as to minimise the risk to you and them. Things for your to keep in mind at week 37 Around week 37 of pregnancy you may start to experience the urge to organise and clean your house in preparation for your new baby. This is known as nesting and is an instinct shared with many other animals.  Nesting may have you rearranging your household to make it more baby friendly and you may feel the need to limit social interactions. While this most commonly occurs when your delivery date is close, it can happen at any time during your pregnancy – or sometimes not at all.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Pregnancy, your body and your baby – week 36 of your pregnancy

Congratulations, you’ve almost made it to the last month of pregnancy. This last month you’ll likely feel both excitement and nervousness, and your belly may feel cumbersome as you go about your daily life. Your body at week 36 of pregnancy As your uterus takes up more space in your abdomen you’ll find it increasingly difficult to move with ease. This is also likely to be accompanied by an achy back and lower abdomen, leg cramps, Braxton Hicks contractions, constipation and difficulty sleeping. Your baby at week 36 of pregnancy Your baby is roughly the size of a large cabbage and is almost the weight they’ll be born at. Not only that, but they are gaining weight, looking more like the chubby baby you’ll meet at birth. Your little one’s kidney and liver are beginning to function normally,  and they’ll also almost be ready to start breathing on their own. At this point your baby should have dropped lower into your pelvis, getting ready for the big day. Although this may allow you to breathe easier, it’ll put more pressure on your bladder. Things to keep in mind at week 36 Although your belly may be feeling cumbersome it’s still important that you remain active during this time (if you’re feeling up to it) – as little as 20 mins a day is likely to boost your energy levels and help ease some of your pregnancy symptoms. Exercise in the third trimester will have to be more carefully considered than before but it is possible. It’s a good idea to clear what you plan on doing with your doctor first, so that they can chat to you about any potential issues or give advice on what would be best. Walking, swim aerobics, yoga and pilates are all low impact ways to stay fit and healthy.

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