Breastpumps and Beyond

How To Make Messy Eating Easier With The Twistshake Mini Click Mat

Messy eating is a hugely important part of the developmental phase for all children. However, it can also be slightly harrowing on mom and dad. This is where the Twistshake Mini click Mat comes in! This ingenious meal time addition will not only help your baby still get the pleasures out of self-feeding, but also make mess minimal for you as the parent. Read on to find out more about why your baby needs to make a mess whilst eating, and how the Twistshake Mini Click Mat will make things easier.  Why You Should Celebrate Messy Eating From Your Little One Meal times can often leave parents in states of shock when they see the aftermath. However, did you know that this is crucial to your baby’s development? Here are the top reasons why self-feeding is important to your little one: A Healthy Relationship With Food Is Born By allowing your child the pleasures of feeling their food, they will begin to experience the joy that food can bring. By being allowed to squish their pumpkin through their fingers, they will fine tune the art to enjoying their food. This enjoyment, is accompaniment with them discovering new flavours they like, and allowing them to eat their own chosen amount at their own pace, leads to a healthy relationship with food. Quantity And Speed Is Important As previously mentioned in the point above, giving your baby the freedom to determine how much to eat, and what speed they’re comfortable eating it at, can really help them shape healthy eating habits. This point has some of the most incredible benefits for your baby. By allowing them to stop eating once full, you are helping decrease their likelihood of developing dangerous health problems such as obesity or eating disorders at a later stage.  Picky Eating Is Avoided By instilling the enjoyment of eating into your baby from a young age, you are also opening the doors to them trying more foods. They will be curious to experience the textures, tastes and smells of different things, thus broadening their pallet and not restricting it to certain flavours.  How The Twistshake Click Mat Will Alleviate Some Of Your Mess Stress While self-feeding is hugely beneficial to your baby, the mess left behind can leave a parent’s nerves on edge. This is where the Twistshake Mini Click Mat comes in. This incredible product secures itself to your table surface, and the click mechanism allows you to click Twistshake plates and bowls onto its surface. This minimalizes the surface area of mess your baby will make. Gone are the days of bowls being flung to the floor! Thanks to this product, your little one will still get the pleasures of self-feeding, but in a controlled area, making mess less for you in the long run. 

The Headache Clinic

Pregnancy and Migraine

Pregnancy is an exciting time for many women. Unfortunately pregnant women also suffer from headaches and migraines, and tend so self-medicate with over the counter medication.  According to Dr Elliot Shevel, Medical Director of The Headache Clinic, and South Africa’s internationally recognized Migraine expert and pioneer in the field of Migraine Surgery, “Often the migraines or headaches worsen during the first trimester (the first three months of pregnancy), but don’t despair – in 70 % of women the migraines get better in the second and third trimesters. Unfortunately medication is not a good option during pregnancy, and the only pain medication that is safe is Panado or Paracetamol,” he says. “Unfortunately pregnant women who suffer from migraines with aura, (a term used to refer to warning signs of migraine such as seeing zigzag lines before the pain starts), usually don’t find relief in the second half of their pregnancy and have less chance of improvement.” Two studies show that many pregnant women rely on over the counter medication. The first study, published in the Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, showed “a significant number of pregnant women relied on over-the-counter medication”. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at Isra University Hospital in Pakistan for six months and comprised of 351 pregnant women who were interviewed face to face. Overall, 223 (63.5%) patients were using over the counter drugs before pregnancy and 128 (36.5%) had used them in a previous pregnancy. A further 133 (37.9%) were using the medications during the current pregnancy. Quite worrying is that a total of 103(77.4%) had no knowledge about the possible harmful effects of the medication they were taking. Whilst this study highlighted the frequent use of over the counter medications in pregnant women, another study, published in Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain, indicates most women experience automatic relief during their 2nd and 3rd trimesters.  So is surgery a viable option in pregnant women? One of the most successful treatment methods for migraine is to close off the small arteries under the skin of the scalp that cause the pain (not the arteries in the brain), by means of minimally invasive surgery. Commenting on the surgery during pregnancy, Dr Shevel says, ‘We usually wouldn’t do the surgery during the first three months of the pregnancy because the drugs used in the sedation or anaesthetic may affect the fetus and cause problems. After the first trimester the operation is safe to perform, but we prefer to wait until the baby is born to avoid any possible unforeseen complications. Sometimes however, an expectant mother is just in so much pain that the operation can’t wait.”  Other pressing issues Expectant mothers always have a lot of questions about headaches and migraines. Here are some answered:  Will the baby be affected by the trauma and pain of my headache? No, says Shevel. “There is no evidence to indicate this, but the baby can be affected by a medication the mother is using and that is why we are saying only Panado or Paracetamol is safe.”  Is there an ingredient in the pill that aggravates or makes headaches worse? The short answer is yes. “The pill contains a variety of different hormones, and changes in those hormone levels can affect the headaches. It is interesting to note however, that although they can make the headaches worse, they may also sometimes make them better – it’s impossible to predict.” What role does breastfeeding play? According to Shevel breastfeeding can also play a role. “If women breastfeed after birth the headaches usually stays away until the baby is weaned. “

Prima Baby

Next2 Stars Projector

Chicco present First Dreams, the ultimate multi-tech range of soothing toys especially designed with the perfect night’s sleep in mind. Why not introduce a soothing night light into your baby’s nursery at bedtime, to help ease the atmosphere and create a gentle environment for the to doze off in? The Next2 Stars Projector plays soft classical music and projects colour-rotating stars within the room to light up the walls and ceiling with magic.  The projector is perfect as an add-on to any travel or wooden cot, or can be placed on bedside tables. As leaders in the baby products world, Chicco has, once again, tested the product appropriately and found it to be highly successful within sleep studies. The First Dreams Next2 Stars Projector is available in pastel pink and blue and is for sale at leading retailers and online vendors.

Breastpumps and Beyond

Everything You Need To Know About The 3pc Twistshake Feeding Spoons Set

Twistshake is taking the South African baby feeding market by storm. And the 3pc Twistshake Feeding Spoons set is no different. The innovative line of feeding spoons offers much more than a feeding utensil to parents and children alike. Read on below to find out everything you need to know about these great utensils right here! What Sets The 3pc Twistshake Spoons Set Apart As we mentioned, this spoon is designed with both parent and baby in mind. First off, and most notable, the spoon has been designed with health in mind. No signs of BPA, BPF, and BPS can be found within the range. Instead, they have been constructed using premium materials; PP and TPE plastic. This will put any parent’ mind at ease since no toxins will come into contact with their baby.  The design continues to amaze through the unique grip of the spoon. This has been designed with your baby in mind. The grip is easy to use and the perfect fit for any little hand. Furthermore, the soft touch design ensures that the spoon is comfortable for both holding and eating! Furthermore, another brilliant design aspect for the 3pc Twistshake feeding spoons set is the angle of the handle. This allows your child to get to every inch of their feeding container, leaving no spoonful uneaten! These spoons can be popped straight into the dishwasher, making them easy to clean. They are suitable for all children from four months and older. Furthermore, allowing your child to experience self-feeding will give them a deep sense of achievement and independence!  A Little Bit About Twistshake Twistshake is a great line specializing in the child feeding field. From their innovative hot and cold thermal bottles, to their incredible click mat system, all products are designed to be both practical and easy to use. None of their products contain any harmful materials and all are free from BPA, BPD and BPF. Be sure to enter this month’s competition to stand a chance to win the 3pc Twistshake Feeding Spoons and more!

Breastpumps and Beyond

The Taboo Topic Of High Allergen Foods And Breastfeeding

The topic of high allergen foods being consumed while breastfeeding has been a long debated one. However, we have some interesting developments on the subject! Read on below to see why you, in fact, should be upping the ante by eating high allergen foods whilst breastfeeding.  Don’t Believe Us? Believe The Science! In a study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine today, research suggests that a mother’s diet while breastfeeding can help the baby build certain tolerances against allergic foods. Conducted by teams from Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, they researchers show how introducing allergic foods to your child’s digestive system from an early age actually help them build tolerance against these foods later in life. This results in them not developing full blown allergies to the foods in question.  How To Introduce High Allergen Foods Into Your Diet Whilst Breastfeeding You know the good old saying, less is more? this is definitely true in this instance. When introducing the foods to your diet, do so slowly so as to not risk giving your child a reaction. For example, start with a handful of nuts a day. Go for sushi one weekend. All the while, monitor how your baby reacts to the new exposure to these foods.  What Not To Do In The Process By no means should you jeopardise your own well-being. If you are highly allergic to a certain food, eating these foods will do you no good. As a result, this will definitely not benefit your baby either. Therefore, only introduce foods which you can safely eat yourself into your and your baby’s diet.  Making High Allergen Foods And Breastfeeding Work In Unison From now on, do not be afraid to experiment a little with what you are eating. Who knows, it could actually benefit them highly later on in life!

Prima Baby

Lullaby Sheep

Chicco present First Dreams, the ultimate multi-tech range of soothing toys especially designed with the perfect night’s sleep in mind. The gorgeous Lullaby Sheep is the perfect best friend for your baby. It’s proven that babies look for a ‘friend’ at sleeping time to soothe them and the Lullaby Sheep is designed to be the perfect cot companion for them at the most important part of their early months. With a soft plastic belly playing 20 minutes of soothing classical music, a soft, diffused tummy of light and a voice recording facility for moms to leave a message for baby, this innovative toy brings a magical atmosphere to the nursery. Lullaby Sheep is machine washable (upon removal of battery unit), battery operated and made from luxury plush.   As leaders in the baby products world, Chicco has, once again, tested the product appropriately and found it to be highly successful within sleep studies. The First Dreams Lullaby Sheep is available in pastel pink and blue and is for sale at leading retailers and online vendors.

Parenting Hub

Lil-Lets launches super-absorbent maternity pads perfectly designed for new moms

Lil-Lets has launched a new line of maternity pads designed to help new moms feel more comfortable, confident and protected after giving birth. During pregnancy, a woman’s body goes through lots of changes and this does not stop after delivery. Therefore, unlike other maternity pads on the market, Lil-Lets maternity pads are shaped for extra comfort, have wings for added security, a wide shaped back for complete confidence and protection and a super soft cover. Lil-Lets maternity pads are also fragrance free and individually wrapped to make it easy and discreet to carry in a handbag or baby bag. “Lil-Lets understands that every woman has unique needs and, as such, should be able to choose what works for her,” says Carolyn Purdy, Brand Manager at Lil-Lets. “The launch of our new maternity pad line is just one more option on offer within our range to ensure women feel comfortable and confident during the weeks following childbirth, giving them the freedom to focus on their new arrival.” Lil-Lets’ products include pads, non-applicator and applicator tampons, liners, intimate care washes and wipes. Lil-Lets maternity pads are available in a pack of 10 and can be found at your nearest supermarket and retailers nationwide from R39.99.  For more information visit

Parenting Hub


There’s nothing else quite like pregnancy to sharpen your focus on your health and well-being.  The journey of carrying and nurturing new life within your body is an exceptionally special time, and moms-to-be are deeply invested in doing it as well as they can.  Advice will inevitably come from all quarters, and it is important to tap into expert sources that will give you peace of mind that you are on the right track.   The aim of Pregnancy Awareness Week this month is to help moms access the information they need to support a healthy pregnancy and safe motherhood.  The Department of Health urges pregnant South African women to access antenatal care as early as possible in their pregnancies.  This provides the opportunity to understand and manage any health issues, as well as get information on important factors such as self-care and nutrition.  Once the pregnancy is confirmed by a nurse at a health facility, the mother can register for MomConnect, a free cell phone-based resource for accessing pregnancy-related health information. Nazeeia Sayed, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for ADSA (Association for Dietetics in South Africa), points out that good nutrition is vital as it supports a healthier pregnancy and a healthier baby.  “Pregnancy is a great opportunity to get yourself and the family into the habit of healthy eating before the new baby arrives,” she says.  “You don’t need special or expensive foods.  A healthy diet during pregnancy is made up of foods that we commonly encounter when grocery shopping.  A variety of fruit and veg, whole grains, legumes and lentils, dairy, plant fats and lean meats, fish and eggs can all be enjoyed while you are pregnant and will provide the nutrients you need.” What nutrients should moms-to-be focus on?  Following a balanced diet according to the accepted healthy eating guidelines is the optimum nutritional route to support a healthy pregnancy.  Pregnancy is definitely not the time for weight loss or fad diets that focus on particular nutrients at the expense of others. Registered dietitian and ADSA spokesperson, Cath Day says, “Energy (kilojoule) restriction during pregnancy is not recommended! High protein diets which increase ketone production are also not recommended as the foetus has a limited ability to metabolize ketones.  It is much healthier for you to adopt a balanced diet with a good variety.” Nutrients such as folic acid, calcium, iron and protein are all important to the developing baby; however a balanced diet will, in most cases, meet these needs.  Women enrolled in the government’s antenatal care programme will receive supplements of the essential micro-nutrients; and many women choose to supplement with folic acid to prevent the risks of Spina Bifida and cleft palate. Day points out that meeting protein requirements during pregnancy is as simple as ensuring that you eat roughly six servings or between 180 g- 210 g of protein each day (size of two palms or two decks of cards). One serving equates to 30 g lean meat or fish, 1/2 cup of legumes, 15 g nuts or one egg. “These are also the best sources of iron which is needed to prevent anaemia,” she says. “By eating fruit and vegetables high in vitamin C at the same time as eggs, nuts and pulses, you can enhance iron absorption from these foods.” Focusing on a variety of healthy foods for each meal or snack, rather than the particular nutrients, is what helps to ensure you and baby get what you need.  Sayed says, “Some examples of this are choosing nutrient-dense meals or snacks like an omelette with veg, a fruit and yoghurt smoothie, a salad with raw veg, nuts or lean meat; or a cooked lentil dish with green leafy veg and rice.” What should moms-to-be avoid? Smoking tops the list of what shouldn’t be going into a pregnant body.  While there’s debate about whether drinking one glass of wine is safe for a growing baby, many experts and governments around the world advise a complete avoidance of alcohol during pregnancy. Pregnant women should avoid foods with a greater risk for contamination with Listeria or other bacteria or parasites, including under-cooked meat and eggs, raw fish, processed meats and unpasteurised dairy and soft cheeses.  Dietitians also advise avoiding fish that may contain high levels of mercury such as swordfish, shark, tuna steaks and canned fish brands that are not tested.  Caffeine intake should be limited, and rather swopped out for decaf options, with water as your best beverage of choice.  Foods that are high in salt, sugar and other refined carbohydrates should be limited as they crowd out the opportunity for you to eat healthy foods which provide for your vitamin, mineral and fibre needs.  They can also lead to excessive weight gain which increases your risks of developing high blood pressure issues and gestational diabetes. Reach out and get help when you need it Healthy eating during pregnancy does not have to be complicated or a minefield.  It might be more challenging for moms-to-be who need to make big changes; or who are overweight or managing other health conditions.  A registered dietitian can be an important ally to come up with a healthy eating plan that suits your food preferences, your budget and your lifestyle.  “The big advantage of using your pregnancy as the inspiration to eat well is that you can go on to become a healthy eating role model for your precious child, instilling healthy eating habits that can last them a lifetime,” Sayed concludes.    To find a registered dietitian in your area visit 

Breastpumps and Beyond

Breastfeeding Do’s And Don’ts: How To Lead A Healthy Breastfeeding Diet

The Do’s Of A Breastfeeding Diet The importance of leading a healthy diet whilst breastfeeding is really important. Therefore, knowing what you should do to help you lead a healthy life style is crucial. Read on below for the do’s of a healthy breastfeeding diet below! Do Drink A Lot (But Only The Good Stuff!) When you are lactating, you will be losing a lot of fluids on a daily basis. Therefore, you need to keep yourself hydrated. Always keep a water bottle on hand. Ensure you drink at least at least 8 – 10 glasses of water daily. Mix things up by enjoying other fluids such as natural fruit juices, caffeine free herbal teas and soups.  Do Eat A Balanced Diet Eating a healthy, three meal a day diet is a great starting point for a lactating mum. Get in adequate amounts of vitamins from veggies and fruits, proteins from meats or protein rich vegetables, iron, and calcium. Remember, breastfeeding is calorie burning, demanding work! Therefore, give your body the best foot forward by giving it all the nutrients it needs in this time. Do Get Into The Habit Of Healthy Snacking Snacking will also be important during this time, especially when breastfeeding, make sure you have a handful of nuts or fruit when breastfeeding to keep your sugar levels up. Snacking throughout the day will also help your metabolism stay active, which will help in keeping your weight constant.  The Don’ts Of A Breastfeeding Diet In the same right, there are a lot of things you shouldn’t do when breastfeeding. Take a look at what not to do when breastfeeding by reading on below now! Don’t Go On An Actual Diet Going on an actual diet is a terrible idea when breastfeeding. Firstly, limiting your daily calorie intake could this possibly affect your lactation frequency. Secondly, when your body begins to detox, the toxins which are being released could release themselves into your breastmilk.  Don’t Avoid High Allergen Foods Contrary to popular belief, eating high allergen foods during breastfeeding could actually help your child in the long run. The introduction to these in small doses through breastmilk will help them build immunities to these allergens later in life.  Don’t Binge On The Bad Stuff By this we don’t just mean alcohol and cigarettes, but high fats and sugars too. The first mentioned substances (alcohol and nicotine) will produce a toxin within your breastmilk. This will then be transferred to your baby through your milk. Regarding fats and sugars, these are nothing more than empty calories with little nutritional value. They will have little impact on your breastmilk and serve no purpose for the health of your child. 

Prima Baby

First Dreams Baby Bear

Chicco present First Dreams, the ultimate multi-tech range of soothing toys especially designed with the perfect night’s sleep in mind. The Baby Bear is the perfect best friend for your baby. It’s proven that babies look for a ‘friend’ at sleeping time to soothe them and the Baby Bear is designed to be the perfect cot companion for them at the most important part of their early months. With a soft plastic belly playing 30 minutes of soothing classical music, the bear also has a rotating colour star projection that brings a magical atmosphere to the nursery. Baby Bear is machine washable (upon removal of battery unit), battery operated and made from luxury plush.   As leaders in the baby products world, Chicco has, once again, tested the product appropriately and found it to be highly successful within sleep studies. The First Dreams Baby Bear is available in pastel pink and blue and is for sale at leading retailers and online vendors.

Breastpumps and Beyond

Everything you Need To Know About The 2pc Twistshake Feeding Spoons Set

The 2pc Twistshake feeding spoons set is something every mom needs in her cupboard! This great little product has been designed specifically to benefit both the parent and the child. But everything you need to know about this product (and the brand behind it) lies just below. Read on now to see why you should consider introducing the Twistshake line into your child’s eating routine now.  A Bit About The 2pc Twistshake Feeding Spoons Set The 2pc Twistshake feeding spoons set is a truly unique feeding accessory for all babies. The innovative two piece set comes with two different utensils, each serving their own purpose along the feeding journey of your baby’s life. These are great for children aged four months and up and make for the perfect starter utensil set. The grips of each ladle are straight and have been designed to incorporate grooves and textures to aid the grasp of each spoon. Furthermore, the spoons are made from child friendly materials, including; PP and TPE plastic. The spoons contain no BPA, BPS and BPF, making them free from toxins and safe for your child to use. Above all, these spoons are dishwasher safe, making them easy to use and simple to clean.  Why Twistshake Is The Product For You Twistshake is the brilliant company behind a line of great child feeding products. They design all of their products with one main customer in mind; your baby! No harmful materials are used in the construction of any of their products, ensuring your little one will not come into contact with any toxins. Above that, all of their designs were created to fit little hands, meaning your baby will easily be able to use these products themselves. Give your baby a sense of independence by allowing them to start feeding themselves with these incredible spoons! 

Cherish Beauty

Baby’s Skin Care – What You Need to Know

It is our instinct to nourish and protect our babies.  As caring mothers, we would never knowingly expose our precious babies to harmful chemicals and artificial nasties.  Yet sadly these ingredients are all too common in many conventional baby toiletries. A baby’s skin is approximately three times thinner than our own skin, which means that any chemicals or irritants your baby is exposed to will absorb into their system faster and increase the risk of adverse reactions and toxicity. The most common chemical nasties Mineral oil Mineral oil is the primary ingredient in conventional baby oil products – Conventional baby oil is essentially made of mineral oil mixed with artificial fragrance, which is a nasty combination.  Mineral oil is a cheap by-product of petroleum processing and acts as a “plastic wrap” on the skin, inhibiting the skin’s ability to release toxins.  It is also a non-renewable and environmentally unfriendly resource. The best way to go is to treat your baby’s delicate skin with natural plant-based oils, such as our Cherish Baby Massage Oils.  All our oils are made with 100% natural ingredients, organic wherever possible, and stored in amber glass bottles (kinder to the environment and will not leach chemicals into the product).  Our Baby Massage Oils are made with: *Coconut oil – a superb skin moisturiser and helps to replenish and protect dry, damaged, chapped, cracked and irritated skin Sweet Almond oil – naturally rich in Vitamin E, monounsaturated fatty acids, proteins, potassium and zinc and is excellent for keeping skin soft and supple *Jojoba oil – Improves elasticity and suppleness, helping the skin remain hydrated, moisturised, soft and smooth Vitamin E oil – an excellent antioxidant that protects and repairs skin and guards against free radical damage *indicates organic ingredient We have three variants to choose from – *Lavender, *Mandarin or fragrance-free.  Our products are fragranced with 100% natural essential oils, using organic oils wherever possible.   Lavender and Mandarin essential oils both offer calming and relaxing properties and are great to use on little ones before bed time.  For particularly sensitive babies we offer a fragrance-free version, which contains no essential oils, but still has all the goodness of the other oils. Fragrance Fragrance is added to countless products, either to create a particular smell or to mask the odour of the nasty chemicals used in production. The problem with fragrance is that it’s a catch-all term for whatever secret ingredients companies wish to add (companies are not obligated to reveal what’s included under the term “fragrance” or “parfum”).  These ingredients are often coal- and petroleum-derived synthetic chemicals. The effects of fragrance are long lasting, lingering on the skin for hours, and can cause respiratory, neurological, skin, and eye damage. There is evidence that exposure to artificial fragrance chemicals as a child may lead to asthma.  Unless the product you’re buying expressly states that the fragrance is derived from natural sources / essential oils, it’s probably not natural, and can have severe harmful side-effects, especially to babies. All Cherish Baby Products are scented using 100% natural essential oils, and we use organic oils wherever available. Parabens Parabens (methylparaben, ethylparaben, butylparaben, isoparapben, etc.) are a class of synthetic preservatives often used in cosmetics and skincare products to prevent bacterial and fungal growth.  Parabens are hormone disruptors and can wreak havoc on oestrogen levels.    Parabens are extremely common chemicals and can be found in soaps, body washes, shampoos, and moisturizers, including those marketed toward babies. Parabens are neurotoxins and are linked to skin irritation.  It is best to opt for products that do not contain preservatives, such as our Cherish Baby Balm Range Our range of balms are 100% natural and free from petroleum, mineral oil, zinc oxide, phthalates and parabens.  Cherish Balms will soothe and hydrate delicate skin and help treat diaper rash, cradle cap and other minor skin irritations.  Formulated with specially selected moisturising oils and calming herbs to nurture and protect sensitive skin.  Our balms include: *Cocoa butter – forms a protective layer on the skin and locks in moisture Coconut oil – a superb skin moisturiser and helps to replenish and protect dry, damaged, chapped, cracked and irritated skin Sweet Almond oil – naturally rich in Vitamin E, monounsaturated fatty acids, proteins, potassium and zinc and is excellent for keeping skin soft and supple Calendula oil – has antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory actions. It helps to speed healing and soothe irritated skin *Jojoba oil – improves elasticity and suppleness, helping the skin remain hydrated, moisturised, soft and smooth Vitamin E oil – an excellent antioxidant that protects and repairs skin and guards against free radical damage *indicates organic ingredient Our Baby Balms come in the same three variants as the Baby Massage Oils and Natural Baby Body Wash, so you can create your own nurturing set! Sodium Lauryl (Laureth) Sulfate Also known as sodium dodecyl sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate, laurilsulfate, SDS or SLS, this ingredient is an economical surfactant that removes oil and is a foaming agent.  It is commonly found in shampoo, soap, cleansers, bubble bath, toothpaste, mouthwash, body wash, and most products that foam.  It is also found in industrial strength detergents and engine degreasers.  It may contain 1,4-dioxane, a known carcinogen, and ethylene oxide, a chemical known to harm your nervous system. SLS has a comedogenic rating of 5, which means it has a high probability of clogging pores – it strips the skin of oils, which can cause the skin to over compensate and produce excessive sebum – not ideal in a skincare product! Our Natural Baby Body Wash range is free from SLS and other harsh chemicals, and has been especially formulated using naturally derived ingredients to be as gentle as possible on baby’s delicate skin.   Our Natural Baby Body Washes come in the same three variants – Lavender, Mandarin and fragrance-free. The long-term effects of chemical additives in baby skincare products are not always known. But researchers believe our little ones are at higher risk of

Breastpumps and Beyond

How to prepare yourself emotionally for when your child starts eating solids

Eating solids is a huge milestone in the life of your child! It is also a milestone for all moms who have breastfed their little ones up until that point. Letting go of the intimacy of feeding times can be an incredibly difficult journey for a woman. Therefore, know how to cope with this by reading on below now. We have a few suggestions to help you emotionally face the transition from liquids to solids in your little one’s life. Don’t Say Goodbye Just Yet Even though your child should be able to start eating solids from around the four month mark, this doesn’t mean you need to say goodbye to breastfeeding just yet. Luckily, you will be able to still breastfeed for as long as you see fit. Breastfeeding experts suggest you should aim to breastfeed your child for two years. From between four to six months, you will be able to introduce them to a more solid diet but continued breastfeeds are strongly supported.  How To Cope When Eating Solids Are Enough For Your Little One Ending a breastfeeding journey can be a mixed bag of emotions. Many women have been known to go through a myriad of emotions in the space of a day! Some of the most common emotions you will experience are as follows: Relief: some moms may experience a sense of relief at the thought of ending their breastfeeding journey. This doesn’t suggest that they loathed the time spent with their child, but rather, that they look forward to enjoying a carefree diet once more! for whatever reason, some women feel a profound sense of relief at the thought, and this should not be belittled. Guilt: in the same right, guilt will rear its ugly head in the emotional trio. Moms will feel guilty for being relieved at the thought of ending this journey. In the same right, some women will feel guilty in that they don’t know if it is the right time for their child. Whichever way you experience it, note that guilt will probably surface during this time. Sadness: naturally, sadness will come into play. Breastfeeding is a hugely emotional and sentimental journey between mother and child. It also plays a huge role in the formative years of a child’s life. Naturally, saying goodbye to this practice will pull on the old heart strings. Putting Your Emotions Into Perspective The best thing to do for yourself is allow yourself to go through the motions of any feeling which pops up during this time. Another wonderful way to ensure you don’t lose any connection to your child is to set time aside daily for skin to skin hugs. Perhaps begin to schedule these in the times you would’ve usually spent breastfeeding. This will ensure you never miss out on the intimacy you shared with your child before. 

My Breastpump


Do you need to pump?  Breastfeeding directly is the most convenient way to breastfeed a baby. When you direct feed you are able to save time and manage your supply easily. However there are a few mothers that for a number of different reasons may need to use a breast pump to express their milk. By using a breast pump a mother can effectively express her milk and help to maintain her milk supply.    Some reasons why you might want to express your milk:  To have a supply of milk for when you are away from your baby. The baby is not able to latch or feed directly from the breast.  The mother wants to give her baby breast milk but does not want to breast feed directly.  To donate breast milk to a Milk Bank for premature babies. To increase your milk supply. When weaning and you need to alleviate pressure, or you are suffering from mastitis and need to drain your breasts to help healing. What you need to know before you start pumping: Firstly you need to know why you want to start pumping. If you have a healthy full term baby you can wait a few weeks before you start pumping and storing your breast milk. Allow some time for you and your baby to learn how to breast feed directly. If your baby was born prematurely or ill and is not able to breastfeed directly yet or if you have chosen to exclusively pump you should try to start expressing within one to six hours after your baby was delivered.  In order to get the most out of your breast pump you need to understand how it works and to be comfortable with your pump. Make sure that you do research about the different pumps that are available, check to see if the pump has different flange sizes so that the flange will your breasts well. Does the pump allow easy control of the settings to help you manage your let-downs. Also, consider how hygienic the pump is. A closed system pump prevents bacteria, mould and viruses from entering the pump and tubing which can grow and contaminate your breast milk at a later stage.   Tips if you are primarily direct feeding: A great time to pump is in the morning. You are more likely to express more milk in the morning Try to pump between breastfeeding. Wait for about 30-60 minutes after a feed, and avoid pumping one hour before a feed.  If you your baby shows signs of needing to feed just after you have expressed, let your baby drink. Tips if you are exclusively/predominately breast pumping: Plan to pump 8-10 times in a 24 hour period. You would have reached full milk production once you are able to pump 750 to 1035ml in a 24hour period.  It is best to maintain a schedule of expression once you have reached your full milk production.  Learn how your body works, plan your expressing schedule to work best around you and your baby. Tips on how to pump  Learning to pump can be a daunting process. Here are some tips to get you ready to express.  Before you start, read the instructions of your breast pump. Find a space that you are comfortable in. This is very important if you need to pump at work.  Have a snack and a beverage handy.  Hygiene is important, wash your hands with soap and water. Assemble the pump kit. Make sure all the parts are in the correct position.  Place your flanges over your nipples so that they are in the centre. Make sure you’re flange size is the correct size for you. If the flange is too small it can damage your nipples. If the flange is too big the pump will not be able to seal correctly and you will express less milk. Hold your flanges so that they sit tightly onto your breast, so that they seal well. Turn your pump on. Try to imitate how your baby drinks from your breast. Most baby’s start with a high speed and low suction. This will help you to have a let-down where you can see your milk flowing. Once you have a let-down, adjust speed to medium and increase suction based on comfort level. Never place the pump on a setting that is painful. Rather decrease the suction to where you are comfortable this will increase the amount of milk you are able to express. Once milk flow decreases, increase speed to high until the next let-down, then decrease to medium speed. The more that you use a breast pump the more comfortable you will be.  How Much Will You Pump:  Not all pumping sessions will result in the same about of milk expressed. It is all dependant on a few factors: your baby’s age, time since last feeding or pumping, time of day, pump type, how much practice you’ve had with your pump, and whether you’re relaxed or stressed. What volumes to expect when pumping: You produce more milk in the early mornings so you can expect higher volumes. As the day progresses you will produce less milk. This is normal Your breast may produce different amounts of milk at the same time. It’s normal to have a “lazy breast”. Aim for full milk production and then maintain your feeding or expressing schedule to maintain your milk supply.   How to Reach and Maintain Full Milk Production If you need to reach your full milk production because you have a premature baby, your baby is not able to latch or if you have chosen to exclusively breast feed see the tips below:  Golden tip: Pump often to drain the breast completely as this activates your hormones and helps your body to produce more milk. This is where supply and demand is so critical, the more often you drain your breasts the more milk they will make. Initially: Birth to Day 4 Start as

Prima Baby

First Dreams Mobiles

Chicco present First Dreams, the ultimate multi-tech range of soothing toys especially designed with the perfect night’s sleep in mind. Within the product range comes the magical mobile – a cot mobile that can be easily attached to both wooden and travel cots.  Playing soothing classical music and white noise to ease baby into sleep, the mobile also has a removable head with a small nightlight attached, projecting soft, diffused light into the nursery without disturbing baby’s sleeping patterns.   The mobiles also have 4 adorable toy characters attached to engage your child.  The First Dreams mobile is available in pastel pink and blue and is for sale at all leading retailers and online vendors.

Disabled Parents

Time-Efficient Tips for Self-Care for New Parents

There’s a reason you need to put your oxygen mask on first on a plane: In the event of a crash, you have to keep your strength to keep taking care of your little ones. That same concept applies to your life as a parent as well. You have to take care of yourself to avoid a serious crash. However, fitting in self-care while caring for a new baby can be challenging. If you’re a new parent struggling for the time for self-care, here are some hacks you need to know.  Get Rid of Gyms and Exercise at Home Instead If you are caring for an infant, getting to the gym can be impossible. Not to mention, many gyms may not be accessible if you need a wheelchair. But maintaining a regular exercise routine is essential for keeping your energy levels up and can even help you manage stress. That can be a real lifesaver for new parents, so instead of going out to the gym, bring your workouts home. Setting up a home gym is fairly simple as long as you have some key pieces of equipment. A yoga mat, some weights, and a few resistance bands will help you stay in shape between diaper changes and naps. If you want to add equipment tailored to your needs and abilities, you can also look into accessible gym equipment to use in your at-home workouts. An arm or FES bike can be major upgrades to any home gym and give you the edge you need.  Do Some Healthy Meal Prep One Day a Week  Sticking to a healthy, balanced diet is enough of a challenge when you’re only caring for yourself. Add a new baby to the mix and you’re lucky to have time to eat at all. All the stress and time constraints of being a new parent can cause you to reach for convenient processed foods and snacks. While those starchy foods may fill your tummy, they will do nothing to replenish your energy. Fast food, breakfast cereals, and energy drinks are known to drain your energy levels, leaving you feeling more tired. To avoid crashing during the week, try to set aside some time on the weekend to meal prep healthier options. If you don’t have the time to cook, you could also look into meal delivery services to keep nutritious food in your belly and loads of energy you need in your body. Most services provide fresh ingredients, and you should be able to find one that offers healthier (or quicker) foods to prepare during the week.  Spend Some Time Outdoors with Your Little One We tend to shy away from spending time in the sun, but being outside can be so good for your overall mood and health. For both adults and children, getting outside during the day lowers feelings of stress and enhances overall mental health. If you start feeling a bit down, try stepping outside for a few minutes. Take your coffee outdoors or take a walk with your baby. If you’re worried about taking your infant outside with you, you really shouldn’t! Experts agree that spending time outside is also beneficial for your baby, so long as you take steps to keep your little one safe. Pick up a hat and some essential sun gear to protect that delicate skin, but be mindful of not dressing your baby too warm when it’s sunny outside. You could pick up a stroller with a shade so you can go on outdoor walks and take your baby along for the ride.  So much of parenting is about putting your baby’s needs first. The truth is, however, you cannot keep taking care of your little one if you are not taking the time to care for yourself. Self-care is essential for new parents. So, make sure you put your self-care oxygen mask on first so you can put the rest of your energy into caring for your new baby’s needs.  

Prima Baby

Chicco Baby Moments Bath Range

As Chicco say, “wherever there’s a baby, there’s the best scent in the world!” – and nothing can be more true after having a bath with the new Chicco Baby Moments bath line.   Hypo-allergenic, clinically tested, paraben free and loved around the world, the Baby Moments bath ranges include a variety of products that are all created with a no-tears formula to make the bath time experience even more enjoyable for babies. Including Bath Shampoo, Gentle Body Wash & Shampoo combination, the Baby Moments soap and a foam bath, all products are ideal for daily care of baby’s delicate skin and fine hair.  Full lines are available at various baby products retailers as well as and 

Julie Kay Belly Way


Post-birth abdominal binding has been practiced by women for centuries. The main theory behind binding is to return a woman’s abdominal and pelvic region to its pre-pregnancy state as soon as possible after birth. Primarily through compression, binding aids in returning the internal abdominal and pelvic organs, muscle and skin to the pre-partum state. As well as reducing the abdominal bulge, binding aids in improved back and pelvic support, reduced back and pelvic pain, posture and balance correction, reduced C-section pain, increased circulation, abdominal muscle activation, reduced incontinence and gastrointestinal complications, as well as emotional and psychological support. After delivery it is a common misconception that the post-birth abdomen or stomach will be flat and look as it was before conception. During pregnancy the uterus stretches to a large size, as does the abdomen, surrounding musculature and skin, to accommodate the growth of the foetus and placenta, as well as increasing blood and fluid volumes. Once the baby and placenta have been delivered most often a large, protruding stomach still exists. During the first few days and weeks after birth the stomach will start to reduce in size as the organs revert to their correct orientation, the uterus contracts and the excess fluid is absorbed. Abdominal binding enhances this process through the compression of the abdomen, reducing the size of the bulge, as well as providing support for what feels like a very empty, loose, soft and enlarged stomach. The incidence of back and pelvic pain is high during pregnancy and may continue after birth. This is caused by the increasing weight of the abdomen, postural and balance changes, as well as the hormones produced that prepare the body for birth. The pregnant body secretes hormones which adapt the body to allow for the growing foetus and the impending delivery. Relaxin is a hormone secreted that softens the ligaments, tendons, cartilage, muscles and joints in the body which allows for the stretching of the pelvic joints and hips during delivery. Relaxin also relaxes the smooth muscle in the uterus to accommodate growth and expansion. In turn it influences the entire body causing cartilage and ligaments to soften, muscles to relax and joints therefore become more prone to injury and pain. Joints in the spine and pelvis become increasingly vulnerable to injury and pain as their stability is further compromised due to this effect of relaxin. Abdominal binding shortly after birth provides extra support to the back, pelvis and abdomen, alleviating these symptoms and preventing recurrence of back and pelvic pain after birth. Breastfeeding posture after birth may also contribute to backache as this is often not a posture that women are used to performing. It can lead to upper back, neck and shoulder pain and spasm throughout the spine musculature. Abdominal binding supports the back and leads to a more efficient, supported posture while breastfeeding. This reduces the pain felt during long periods of sustaining the feeding posture and the uncomfortable effects felt afterwards. Oxytocin, another hormone produced during pregnancy and birth, also encourages shrinking of the womb. During breastfeeding oxytocin is further released to contract the uterus and enables it to return to its normal size. These contractions can be strong and painful and binding helps reduce this pain due to the compressive, supportive force it offers. During pregnancy the body’s centre of gravity changes due to the changing weight distribution. The centre of gravity is basically the centre point where your body’s weight needs to be concentrated to achieve balance during every day movement. The pregnant body’s increasing weight as well as the ‘pulling forward’ of the heavy abdomen, causes postural changes. The back and pelvic region, as well as the lower limbs, need to accommodate to maintain effective posture and balance. This can lead to back, sacral and pelvic pain which are common complaints of pregnancy. Abdominal binding after birth corrects posture, reduces back pain and alleviates pressure on the pelvis and pelvic region. Through correct spinal alignment, effective balance is achieved much faster and the added abdominal support reduces the gravitational pull of the enlarged abdomen on the spine. This allows for optimal posture and balance and the return to normal function and exercise is hastened. Caesarean Section (C-section) is an increasingly common delivery method. C-section is invasive abdominal surgery and brings with it many more challenges than a natural delivery. The incision site is often largely painful and is in an area where constant movement takes place, as the abdominal muscles are active for almost every movement we make. C-section patients are encouraged to support the incision site with a pillow or their own arms when coughing, sneezing, laughing or doing any movement that will cause engagement of the abdominal muscles. The abdominal binder supports the incision by providing compression over the cut. When the abdominal muscles are activated the incision is supported by the binder, so the movements cause much less pain at the site of the cut. Normal activities and movements are made much easier and are less painful due to this compressive support. The sooner the binder is fitted to the C-section patient the faster pain relief is acquired and normal movement can return. The compressive effect of abdominal binding increases blood flow to the abdominal and pelvic areas. This improved circulation accelerates healing and repair to the internal organs and structures affected by pregnancy. Swelling and inflammation in the abdominal and pelvic areas are reduced due to the pressure of the binder. This increased circulation also has a positive influence on breast feeding, as more oxygen and nutrients can reach the breast tissue, enhancing lactation. Compression resulting in improved blood flow may reduce the incidence of blood clots forming in the abdominal and pelvic regions. During pregnancy the expanding uterus, abdominal and pelvic areas cause weakening of the abdominal muscles as they need to stretch to accommodate this growth. The hormone relaxin will also have a relaxing, lengthening effect on the muscles, adding to their weakness. The core abdominal muscles,

Parenting Hub

Review: Chicco Baby Moments Range

When choosing products for your little one’s delicate skin which is still in the process of development, parents tend to be picky as to their product choice.  The Chicco Baby Moments range is formulated for baby’s. The ingredients used in the their range of products are gentle ensuring that there is less change of baby’s skin being irritated by the products.  Their hypoallergenic formula causes less irritation to your baby’s tender skin and eyes. Besides, the presence of iso-lachrymal neutral pH makes sure the eyes of your baby do not tingle as a result of coming in contact with this product. Chicco is a manufacturer of a wide range of baby-products. The products of this company comply with high standards of safety and are suitable for children. So if you are looking for products for your baby that are free from dyes, alcohol, SLS, SLES and parabens then the Chicco Baby Moments range is the line of products for you! Their range comprises of Chicco Baby Moments Sweet Perfumed Water   Body Lotion & Massage Oil   Bath Range   Oral Care Collection   Available to purchase  at various baby products retailers as well as and

Prima Baby


Chicco, leaders in baby products for over 60 years, announce the all new worldwide first – the Baby Hug 4-in-1. Distributed by Prima Baby in South Africa, Chicco are fore-runners in innovation and function when it comes to baby furniture, juvenile hard lines such as travel systems, prams and car seats as well as all other nursery essentials. For this reason, the world has gone crazy for the latest in evolutionary baby care – the Baby Hug 4-in-1. A crib, recliner, table chair and highchair in one, the Baby Hug is the only piece of furniture on the market that can adapt to become each of these items with a simple gesture.  With brakes, wheels for moving from room to room and a musical, movable mobile to keep baby entertained, there is no part of your baby’s day that doesn’t need a Baby Hug. In fact it can even be adapted to the height of your bed to make a cosy co-sleeper for nursing moms. Having won several innovation awards in Europe throughout 2018, the Baby Hug has been received incredibly well by the international market, making it one of 2018’s most purchased items of baby furniture. We are proud to announce that Chicco is the only company in the world that sells the Baby Hug 4-in-1 and that it is finally available in stores across South Africa, including Baby City, Babies R Us and online vendors such as and Make life easy for parents and babies with the Baby Hug 4-in-1.  Suitable from birth to 36 months.


12 Breastfeeding Super Foods

Moms that are breastfeeding must consider which foods they can include in their daily diet. All foods or drinks that are consumed in large quantities can pass through the breast milk to your baby’s system and can as a result have a negative effect on your baby’s health or overall well-being. There are a few helpful tips to consider for milk supply when nursing your infant: Make sure that you include a well-balanced eating plan and consume a variety of foods to provide your baby with different kinds of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that is vital for healthy growth. *Foods that should be avoided or consumed in moderation are:Caffeine, fish, chocolate, parsley, peppermint, alcohol, citrus, dairy, peanuts, gassy vegetables (such as cabbage) and spicy foods. Always be vigilant by watching your baby’s reactions after you’ve eaten certain foods that could have an undesirable effect on your baby. If you are unsure or have any health concerns with regards to certain food items, always check with your pediatrician to be on the safe side. Another great way to promote milk supply is pumping to induce lactation. The best method for increasing milk supply is by stimulating the nipples whether it is by pumping or putting baby to your breast. If you aren’t stimulating the breasts regularly, no supplement or food is going to help you increase your milk supply. When pumping frequently, the aim is to remove more milk from breasts and increasing the frequency of breast emptying. Adding pumping sessions in between or after nursing sessions can be very beneficial when you’re looking to induce lactation, therefore increasing your milk flow and upping your milk supply. Have a look at these 12 breastfeeding superfoods to promote lactation: Oatmeal A good choice for comfort food which is easy to prepare. Oatmeal is a rich source of iron which is vital for Moms that are experiencing post-pregnancy anemia. Oatmeal helps to increase red blood cell count in blood which can lead to increased breast milk production. Another great benefit is stimulating the production of Pitocin which is a key hormone when it comes to producing breast milk. Water Drinking enough water is vital when you are breast feeding. For your body to function properly and to promote milk supply (water forms the basis of breast milk), you must drink enough water to make up for the fluids lost when you’re sweating as well as producing enough milk to quench your baby’s thirst. Green Papaya Women across Asia often consume unripe papaya which is a great galactagogue (food that increases breast milk). Green papaya helps promoting the production of oxytocin which in turn increases milk production. Garlic One of the best food choices for increasing milk supply in breastfeeding mothers is garlic. A great way to add an extra layer of flavouring to your dishes plus garlic has an array of health benefits, including providing relief for babies suffering from colic. Drinking garlic pills is a great option for ladies that don’t enjoy the after taste of garlic. These pills provide the same benefits as garlic without the lingering after taste. Fennel Fennel has similar properties as estrogen, therefore fennel or fennel seeds are ideal for promoting lactation. Another great option is making use of fennel essential oil, but it’s important to keep in mind that long-term use can affect the urinary tract, therefore it’s best to use it for up to seven to ten days at a time and no more. Fenugreek seeds Fenugreek is one of the most popular and safest herbs used for milk supply since biblical times, as it stimulates the secretion of human growth hormone. It can be boiled in tea or you can buy them in capsule form. Many cultures also use Fenugreek as a herb or spice in food to treat medical conditions. Other benefits include, slowing the digestive tract as well as stabilizing blood sugar levels. Nuts Almonds, cashews and macadamia nuts contain monounsaturated fats which increase the richness of your milk. They need to be eaten raw (not roasted and salted) and you can enjoy up to three servings a day. Grains or Legumes Brown rice, lentils, millet and barley are excellent examples of grains or legumes that promote milk supply as well as stabilizing blood sugar levels. Spinach Spinach is a great source of calcium, iron, Vitamin K, A and folic acid. Folic acid is vital for women who are breastfeeding. Dark leafy greens contain phytoestrogens which promote lactation and breast tissue health. But to avoid any food-borne illness, make sure you boil it before consumption. You can also add it to salads but ensure that you’ve rinse it properly beforehand. Carrots Carrots are rich in Vitamin A which is great for assisting with baby’s growth and they are also believed to assist with lactation. Sesame seeds Not only are they delicious, but they are high in calcium and polyunsaturated fat, making them a very nutritious choice. They are also known as lactogenic food which means they help to increase breast milk production. Asparagus Asparagus is one of the must-have food items for nursing mothers because it is rich in fibre, high in Vitamin A and K and helps stimulating the hormones that are essential for nursing moms when it comes to lactation. Conclusion: Every lactating Mom who is breastfeeding, will have questions about what to eat and what to avoid when producing and providing the necessary quantity of breast milk that is also nutritious. Certain food items, known as galactagogue specifically assist with lactation, boost milk production and provide essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients to your baby when nursing. Remember to stay hydrated and ensure that you are taking in enough fluids when breastfeeding. Now that you know which foods can promote lactation and increase the production of milk supply, you can add them to your daily diet and provide your baby with the best possible breast milk that he/she needs to stay healthy and have a full tummy. Read Also:

Ali Samuels

Making The Most Of The Last Few Weeks Of Your Pregnancy

No doubt you’re excitedly waiting for your little bundle of joy to make his or her entrance into the world. During the last few weeks of pregnancy, it’s natural to feel tired and to experience an achy back. After all, your baby grows a whopping six inches during the last trimester, according to Health Line. However, these final weeks provide you with ample opportunity to prepare for the big day and the big changes that come with a newborn. Set up nappy changing stations  A newborn baby will typically go through 12 disposable nappies per day. With so many nappy changes to come, it’s best to be prepared. Set up a nappy changing station which provides easy access to wipes, nappies, nappy sacks, and nappy rash ointment both upstairs and downstairs. By having multiple stations in your home, you won’t have to constantly run up and down the stairs with a baby in tow, using up all your energy. Batch cook The foods you eat are passed onto your baby in your breast milk, so it’s important to eat well after giving birth. Even if you’re not breastfeeding, you’ll need good nutrition in order to keep your energy levels up. Therefore, use the last few weeks of your pregnancy to batch cook nutritious and healthy meals which can be pulled out of the freezer following your baby’s arrival. Lasagnes, cottage pies, stews, and casseroles all freeze well and will provide you with satisfying meals, too. Prepare your hospital bag  It’s advisable to have your hospital bag packed and ready to go by the time you’re 36 weeks pregnant. However, when you’re preparing to give birth, some mums-to-be prefer to leave the packing until last minute so they can be sure they’ve got everything that they need. Following a vaginal birth, you can expect to stay in the hospital for two days and one night. Whereas, after a c-section, you’ll most likely stay for three days and two nights. Therefore, it’s essential you’ve got enough supplies to see you through. Be sure to pack plenty of nappies and baby toys for your little one. Meanwhile, you’ll need items to keep you comfortable, such as pyjamas, dressing gown, and slippers, as well as more practical items, including disposable underwear and maternity pads. Rest up and relax Show Me South Africa reports that 24% of new mums only manage to get two to hours continuous sleep following the birth of their baby. Therefore, the last few weeks of pregnancy should be embraced and utilised. Use this time to get as much rest and to relax as much as possible. Catch up on your favourite shows, get a massage or have a manicure and relish those last few baby-free weeks. Parents-to-be should ensure they enjoy the last few weeks of pregnancy and use this time to prepare for their baby’s imminent arrival. By setting up nappy stations in your home, batch cooking and freezing meals, getting your hospital bag ready, and resting, you’ll be more than prepared for your newborn’s arrival.

Prima Baby

Chicco Baby Moments Sweet Perfumed Water

Wherever there’s a baby, there’s the best scent in the world!   Baby’s first beauty treatment begins right here with Chicco baby Moments Sweet Perfumed Water.  Available in ‘baby’s smell’ fragrance, this alcohol-free, tender and delicate fragrance is perfect for baby’s skin.  Hypoallergenic, gentle and paraben free, the perfumed water is a great end to a night time cleansing routine, for sweet-smelling cuddles. A big European trend, perfumed water or ‘baby cologne’ is growing in popularity amongst South African moms too, as delicate and safe options become available for their children’s skin.  Perfectly safe for newborns too. The Chicco Baby Moments Sweet Perfumed Water is available in a stunning glass bottle at R149 for 100ml.  It is available at various baby products retailers as well as and

Breastpumps and Beyond

Review: Medela Disposable Nursing Pads

During (and after) pregnancy, a mom can experience something know as a leaking breast. This is when your breast oozes some of either your colostrum (during pregnancy) or breast milk out. This can occur at any given time, with no indication of it beginning. You will just feel your breast producing milk. If this is happening to you, then we have the perfect product for your shopping cart; the Medela disposable nursing pads range. A Bit About The Medela Disposable Nursing Pads  This incredible range of breast care products come to you in packs of either thirty, or sixty. All pads are individually wrapped, should you only need to use one at a time, and have two adhesive strips on the back (unlike common one strip pads found amongst other nursing pad brands).  The dual adhesive strip allows the breast pad to stay in place all day and night, allowing you to move freely without concern. Another great plus to this product is the fact that it is discreet. The breast pad’s design will be perfectly concealed against your bra, leaving you with confidence, and those around you none the wiser. The Design Behind The Product The Medela disposable nursing pads are designed with one client in mind; breastfeeding moms. As such, everything about them from their shape to their absorbency ability has been fine tuned to suit the every day woman.  What’s Inside? The core of the pad is made from something known as ultra-absorbent polymer. This allows for the breastmilk to be distributed evenly when expressed. It also locks the moisture into the pad to prevent leakage. This makes the pads incredibly absorbent, making them ideal from light milk spotting to heavy breast milk leaks. What’s On Top? If you have sensitive skin, you have nothing to worry about with this product. The Medela disposable pads make use of a soft, natural fibre lining. Not only is this safe for sensitive breast skin, but it also wicks away any moisture. This ensures that nothing will seep out of the pad for any reason.  What’s On The Outside? The outer layer of the breast pad is as incredible as the highly absorbent inner. As previously mentioned, the pads are discreet, concealing themselves easily within your bra. This can be attributed to their contour design. The pads were designed to snugly fit your breasts perfectly. Their curve mimics the curve of your body. Another wonderful thing about the breast pad is that it is both breathable, as well as water proof. The breathable design allows your skin beneath the pad access to oxygen. Whereas the waterproof functionality of the pad ensures that the outer layers of your clothing will be protected from any leakage.  When You Would Need The Medela Disposable Nursing Pads Breast leakage is particularly common within the first few weeks post child birth. This is when your body will begin to produce milk. There are also a few key times which you may experience leaking: Often in the mornings, or when your breasts are feeling particularly full When oxytocin is released within your brain; an emotive response to hearing your baby cry or even thinking about your child When you feed from one breast, the other may leak When you’re in a warm room, shower, or bath; warmth encourages ilk to flow easily If you are experiencing breast leakage at abnormal times (even though it may be irritating) view it as a blessing in disguise. This is your body’s way of telling you that it is successfully producing enough, in fact too much milk to sustain your infant. !


Too Soon: Premature Babies

Having a prem is not something most mothers expect when they are expecting.  In most cases, there is not merely a premature baby struggling to survive, but also “premature” parents who feel unprepared for the sudden and overwhelming challenges of having a baby – and a highly fragile one needing specialised care.  I have spoken to several mothers who had prems. Following is a summary of their stories of bravery amid the ordeal. On the big challenges that come with such tiny humans Emotionally, the mothers agreed, having a premature baby is an experience that knocks you off your feet – the stress of fighting for your child’s life and seeing their defenceless, underdeveloped bodies; the shock of an unplanned (mostly surgical) birth; the heart-breaking separation from your baby as he receives medical care – even leaving the hospital without him; the many disappointments as the ideals you had do not realise… And all this on top of the standard postpartum “baby blues”.  Physically, a new mother’s body is sore and tired, but there is no chance for a mother with a prem to recuperate as she is far from the most significant patient on the scene. The continued sleep deprivation they experienced (which is often worse in the case of a prem), exhausted them even further. An additional challenge is expressing milk every couple of hours – even through the night – for the ones who chose to breastfeed. On the practical side, the moms felt incompetent and scared to care for such a minute, frail little body who had difficulty breathing and feeding. Where there were older siblings who also needed attention, the challenges were even harder – especially feigning positivity while spending time with them. One mom stayed far away from a hospital, which was a massive logistical challenge for the family, and it also resulted in a great deal of extra expenses.  On what kept them going Most of the mothers honoured the amazing nurses who work in NICU wards. Hats off to these angels! Furthermore, support from family and friends were vital. One mentioned that she had mentors who helped her keep perspective.  Faith in God, prayer and worship were also essential. Being able to witness small miracles in their babies’ development every day was helpful in staying positive. One mom said the information she gathered (from doctors and books) assisted her to cope. And of course, a mother’s love for her child would get her through any difficulty.  On the little things they’ll always treasure Although bittersweet, holding their premature babies in the kangaroo care position for the first time was an extraordinary experience, said many mothers. One of them remembered her baby’s soft moaning the first time she had touched him (when she had still not been able to hold him) as if he had recognised her voice.  The quiet times in the hospital with just mom and baby stood out as valuable bonding and slowing-down moments. Watching their little ones grow stronger and reaching each milestone (however “late”) was very special.  Some parents even felt they had “secret access to the womb” by seeing certain developments, unlike with full-term babies – like witnessing eyebrows appear. The bonds the mothers formed in the NICU with others going through the same trial were beautiful gems amid the sadness and stress.  On the advice they have for other prem parents You absolutely have to accept help – now is the time to be humble.  Ask all the questions you need to ask; cry all you need to cry: this was not the plan. Choose to take away something from the experience that can change you for the better. Celebrate all the small victories: every gram gained, every tube disconnected. Savour the special moments and take many photos that can later serve as a testimony for the miracle of your child’s life. And pray without ceasing! To all the parents out there who went through or are currently facing the turbulent and tiring storm of caring for someone who should have still been a fetus protected by a womb – you are true champions! Finding your feet at home with a prem and possibly other children to care for can be very tough. Celeste Rushby, who also happens to be a qualified Occupational Therapist, can rightly testify to this as she had three prems of her own in less than three years!  Says Celeste:  “I understand. I’ve been there! I am using my experience, my specialised training, and my heart for parents of young babies – especially premmies – to support, guide and educate; and above all, to empower. There is light at the end of the tunnel. A bright and incredibly beautiful light. And I just love helping parents to find it.” You can read more of her story here and here.

Barbara Harvey

She is Pregnant! 15 Things Dad Can Do!

One thing is for sure you love your wife and she is going to have your baby. I do not think there is anything more likely to bring out a man’s urge to protect. Your family is expanding and no doubt you have a variety of feelings, concerns, and thoughts all competing for attention. However, during this wonderful time there are some things you can do. Here is a list of 15, to start you off. Your urge to protect needs to be logical. She is still the strong, smart, capable woman you fell in love with. So, recognize though she is in the family way and will appreciate the extra care and attention. She is not a child so do not treat her like one. Morning sickness is hard. You know how your wife is when she is sick treat her that way. If she likes to be babied and pampered by all means do so. If she prefers to be left alone, occasionally ask if she needs help or how you can support her, otherwise leave her alone. Expect her to be exhausted. The lovely little one growing inside her is pulling on all her systems to grow and thrive. We always say a woman is eating for two. In fact, she is breathing for two, her heart is pumping for two, she is even walking for two. You get the message. In addition the baby only grows while she is sleeping, because that is how the body works. This means her sleeping will greatly depend on what stage of pregnancy she is in. Some if it has to do with trimesters. But, mostly it is dictated by the baby. Make sure she is fed. Because she is doing everything for two. She will be hungry more often. Pay attention to her cravings and try to keep those things on hand. Also, buy fresh foods like fruits and veggies she can grab and snack on. This is not a time for low fat diets encourage her to eat and drink full fat products. Pamper her as much as she will let you. Remember she is pregnant and not sick. However, carrying a child is hard on the feet. So, a foot massage a couple of times a week is great. Sleep can get difficult being a body pillow for her is awesome. But, if she is the kind of girl who does not like to be touched while she sleeps. Buying her a body pillow and sleeping in the guest room may be a great way to allow her to get some rest. Be sure to ask her if you sleeping somewhere else will help her rest better. Be sure she knows you are trying to pamper her not reject her. Women have body issues. Your wife is growing round. If she is having more than one baby it will happen pretty fast. Tell her she is beautiful. I have heard from many men their wives are sexier to them when they are pregnant. Tell her that and mean it. Sex will not hurt the baby, but the subject could make your relationship harder. You know your wife’s sexual appetite. Sometimes, this changes during  pregnancy talk with her about how she feels about it. Hormones make a big difference it may ramp up or down, be prepared. Recognize it has more to do with hormones than how she feels about you or your relationship. Hormones are ruling her life. The fact she is pregnant releases a slew of hormones, and the growth of the baby produces a variety of hormones ongoing at differing times. Which means her brain is constantly being washed over with hormones. The result of this is called pregnancy brain. This ongoing wash causes women to have a type of brain fog. Their clarity is not as sharp and they can become forgetful. Go to Doctor visits. This is your wife and your baby considering pregnancy brain you want to be there to hear what the doctor has to say. This way you know how to support her. Please avoid statements like the doctor said too often. But, gentle reminders will be appreciated. Help design the nursery and recognize her need to nest. Many women will start wanting to talk about the nursery almost immediately after finding out they are pregnant. This is the nesting instinct, respect it. Listen and contribute ideas. if you are a handy guy talk about making somethings for the baby. Most parents want the new baby close so a cradle or bassinet would be a super project. Recognize you are both scared. Becoming a parent is an overwhelming thought, let alone a reality. Talk with her about your fears and listen to hers. Read or listen to books together about parenting. Help plan things like finding childcare, doing product research on which is the best crib and crib safety, check out car seats, look into insurance needs, plan a 529 plan. Coordinate your maternity leave, see how your 12 weeks can dovetail with hers. The first few weeks are heard plan to be there. Read to the baby. The first sense to develop in utero is hearing. Infants are often born recognizing the voices of their parents. As your wife sits or lays down put your head near her stomach and read. It would be fun to re-visit all your favorite childhood books. Going out and buying them would be a great way to begin building a great library for your child. Birthing Coach-are you good under stress? Labor and delivery is no place for the weak or faint of heart. This is the one place I am going to use this phrase-be a man and be willing to recognize your limitations. Do you want to man up and be there for your wife and child of course you do. But, can you do so realistically. Are you one who faints at the sight of blood. If they have

Prima Baby

Chicco Oral Care Collection

Chicco, the 360 degree solution to baby care, is now in South Africa on a never-before-seen scale, distributing products that range from nursing to weaning to toys and travel lines – and everything in between. The oral care collection is a fantastic solution for those first dental lessons taught to babies as young as 6 months.  Where there’s a tooth – there’s a reason to look after it, right? Chicco toothpaste, available with or without fluoride, bring your child two delicious flavours to get them used to dental care.   Beginning with the banana/apple flavour for weaning children, a non-abrasive formula protects milk teeth and has xylitol to protect from cavities.  Strawberry flavour then takes over for older children and has bio-available calcium to keep teeth strong.  Combine one of these flavours with a Chicco small head toothbrush, designed to fit inside small mouthed children and boasting the innovative soft ‘tapered technology’ bristles to be soft and non-irritating on gums.   Available in pink or blue, the toothbrushes have anti-slip handles that can be easily gripped by either the child or parent. The oral collection is available at various baby products retailers as well as and

Parenting Hub

Review: Chicco EasyFit Baby Carrier

Chicco EasyFit Baby Carrier is a great little carrier. There are no complex instructions and it just fits! This product was right up my ally! Every parent can agree that the hardest part of being is a new parent is the first 6 months. You want to be close to baby and baby wants to be close you, so this carrier allowed my little one to stay comforted with me and I got to have my hands free to enjoy the small pleasures in life…. A cup of coffee. Baby can either face the parent or look at the world around them (all in one movement). It is suitable from birth to a maximum weight of 9kgs. Baby’s head and neck also have excellent support. It is lightweight and the soft fabric really ensures that my little one is comfortable at all times.  I am a bit of a researcher when trying new products with my little one so this is what I found: The wider m-position seat ensures the proper infant position The International Hip Dysplasia Institute acknowledges the Chicco Easy Fit as a hip healthy product My morning coffee, my quick run into the shops for some milk and bread just got a whole lot easier!  The Chicco Easy Fit Baby Carriers is stocked through the following retailers from December: Baby City, Babies R Us, Hamleys,,  at R699.99.

Parenting Hub

5 ways to make your home child-friendly

A crucial part of being a new parent is creating a safe environment for your child to live and grow up in, and a primary step in achieving this goal is making your home child-friendly. It involves numerous tasks that need to be done around the house, all of which, once completed, will ensure your child’s security within the bounds of his or her home. If you’re a bit stuck on what needs to be done or feel you’ve missed a step, then take note of these important tips. Ensure all locks and latches work properly First on your list should be the locks. Of course, they’re a priority from the get-go for your own security, but you’ll want every single one of them checked by the time your child is big enough to be able to operate them. There’s the danger of your young son or daughter wandering out of your sight and into the garden, basement or garage, where they might get hurt. Do note that some locking mechanisms might be easier to handle than others, so make sure there’s absolutely no means for your child to get outside or into an unsafe part of the house when unsupervised. Not only do your locks need to be in working order, but all keys need to be kept out of reach, so find a good hiding place for them. Cover up all electrical outlets Located all over your house, and often close to the floor, electrical sockets are an ever-present danger for curious children. Prevent them from harm by proofing every single electrical outlet in your home. It’s easily done, thanks to those trusty outlet covers. They’re affordable and easily usable barriers that’ll protect your kids from a nasty shock. Install a baby gate Baby gates are a common feature of any household that has recently welcomed a new addition. When your child starts to crawl, be sure to have one or more of these handy devices installed in your house. Once you’ve done this, there’ll be no threat of your child wandering into a dangerous part of the house unaccompanied. Baby-proof gates are mandatory for all homes with small children living in them, especially those with staircases. Depending on which room you’re in, you can also move your baby gate to another part of the house, in order to keep an eye on your child and ensure they remain in close proximity while you’re working or doing chores. Pad and anchor your furniture Your furniture can also prove hazardous to your children, but there are means of avoiding serious injury.  Firstly, cover the edges and corners of items such as tables and chairs with protective padding. This will guard your kids from any painful bumps on the head. Secondly, anchor large pieces of furniture to the wall to stop them from falling over. Kids can be tempted to climb furniture, which can end badly if proper safety measures aren’t in place. Store items cleverly and cautiously You shouldn’t stop at merely stabilising your furniture. Also remove from all high surfaces any object your child might want to get their hands on. This could be anything from toys to the television; if it’s the latter, place it on a lower surface or anchor it to the wall, or do both. There are also items you must keep well away from your children at all times–store detergents and other kinds of cleaning equipment in a high cupboard, and make sure sharp objects are carefully hidden away. Take these tips into account when you’re starting a family and getting your house ready for it. You’ll be ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for your child and for yourself if you do.

Prima Baby

Chicco Ultra Soft Baby Carrier

Now in South Africa on an even bigger scale, the world-famous Italian baby products Chicco bring you the fantastic Ultra Soft Baby Carrier.  A 2-in1 system, the carrier allows your child to face inwards towards the parent for comfort, or outward to face the wide world and explore. Made with a soft, mini-vented lining, mesh side panels and adjustable side straps, the Ultra-Soft is also machine-washable. With an added bib and two mesh storage pockets, the design is slick yet generic enough to match any occasion or outfit.  An added cuddle pocket helps create a sense of closeness to the parent during sleepy time. The Chicco Ultra Soft Baby Carrier is available from December at Baby City, Babies R Us, Hamleys,, and other retailers. Grab one now for R799.99.

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