Expert Advice from Bonitas Medical Fund
Parenting Hub

Coronary CT – detecting disease before it becomes life threatening

Radiology imaging techniques play a crucial role in the early diagnosis, management and monitoring of lifestyle diseases. Advancements in high-quality imaging, using reduced radiation doses, have positioned radiology ideally for this role. This contributes significantly to the understanding and treatment of these conditions.  One such condition is cardiovascular disease, which accounts for approximately 30% of deaths worldwide, coronary artery disease is the commonest form.  Dr Vishesh Sood, a diagnostic radiologist practising at SCP Radiology, says ‘radiology’s role in diagnosing and managing coronary artery disease is pivotal.’ What is coronary artery disease? Coronary artery disease is the gradual narrowing of the coronary arteries, which supply blood to your heart.  What causes this narrowing? It is caused by plaque building up in the inner lining – a process known as atherosclerosis. Plaque is made up of deposits of varying degrees of fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste products, calcium and fibrin. As it builds up in the arteries, the artery walls become progressively thickened and stiff. What happens when this build up occurs? These signs and symptoms of coronary artery disease occur when the heart doesn’t get enough oxygen-rich blood. Reduced blood flow to the heart can cause a wide range of symptoms, most commonly chest pain (angina) and shortness of breath. A complete blockage of blood flow can cause a heart attack, which means that blood flow to a part of the heart is reduced for a long enough time and the heart muscle is permanently damaged or dies. What are the risk factors you CAN control? High blood pressure Elevated cholesterol levels Smoking Diabetes Overweight or obesity Lack of physical activity Unhealthy diet and stress What you can’t control However, it’s important to note that genetics also play a crucial role in determining an individual’s risk level. Managing coronary artery disease involves adopting lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet, regular exercise, and quitting smoking, along with medications like statins to lower cholesterol. A coronary CT empowers doctors to recommend these changes and treatments, with the aim of preventing serious cardiovascular events How long does this condition take to develop? Coronary artery disease generally progresses gradually over decades. The disease may go entirely unnoticed, until a significant blockage causes problems or a heart attack occurs. ‘Which is why,’ says Dr Vishesh Sood, ‘we advocate the use of a CT Coronary Angiography, the most sensitive imaging method to confirm the disease.’ He says, ‘This is particularly important in patients with non-specific symptoms, for example chest pain, which could be caused by a range of problems like musculoskeletal issues, gastrointestinal conditions or even anxiety. In these instances, coronary CT angiography is an excellent non-invasive test to confirm whether high levels of plaque are present in the coronary arteries.’ What is a CT Coronary Angiography (CTCA)? It produces detailed images of the heart for precise evaluation of the coronary arteries. A contrast dye is injected into a vein (usually in the arm) before imaging, to increase the visibility of any obstructions in the coronary arteries. The advantages It provides high resolution images of the coronary arteries, during a short, non-invasive procedure.  The disadvantages Even though CTCA provides detailed images of the coronary arteries, it does not allow for interventions, such as inserting a stent during the same procedure. It is used primarily for diagnosis.  Dr Sood says, ‘This is not the only method for detecting coronary artery disease. The diagnostic ‘gold standard’ has always been coronary/catheter angiography.’ What is a Coronary (Catheter) Angiography  During this procedure, a catheter is threaded through blood vessels to the coronary arteries and a contrast dye is injected to make the arteries visible on X-ray images. The advantages It allows for detailed analysis of the blood flow within the coronary arteries. If a balloon needs to be inserted to stretch open a narrowed or blocked artery, it can be done at the same time. ‘Although’, says Dr Sood, ‘the more popular choice is to insert a permanent stent to allow blood to flow more freely, which can also be performed during a Coronary Angiography.’ The disadvantages It is an invasive procedure. Threading a catheter through blood vessels, usually from the groin or wrist, up to the coronary arteries can be uncomfortable for patients. It may take an hour or longer to complete and may result in bleeding, infection and some potential damage to blood vessels.   Who makes the decision to do either procedure? The specialist will do a thorough assessment and then makes the decision. ‘The choice between cardiac CT and angiogram depends on the specific situation, the information needed and individual patient factors,’ explains Dr Sood. ‘Cardiac CT is often used for initial screening non-invasive assessment, while conventional coronary angiography is usually for cases where more detailed information about the blood flow is required or when the plan is to insert a balloon or stent into the artery to expand it.’  CTCA is quickly becoming a cornerstone in modern cardiology to detect coronary disease can be detected and managed before it becomes life threatening.  

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Pregnancy, your body and your baby – week 21 of your pregnancy

At week 21 of your pregnancy you’re now just over half to meeting your baby for the first time. You’re still in your third trimester, so take advantage of feeling better with a smaller baby bump while you can. Your body at week 21  Typical pregnancy symptoms during this are an achy back, swollen feet, heartburn, hot flashes, forgetfulness (nicknamed ‘baby brain’) and leg cramps. You may have also noticed stretch marks on tummy, breasts, thighs and butt, and this is thanks to your quickly growing tummy and baby. Headaches during pregnancy are fairly normal, especially if you’re slightly tired or dehydrated. However, if you experience bad headaches for hours on end, or ones that won’t go away, consult your doctor as you may have high blood pressure. This is also known as pre-eclampsia, which is a pregnancy complication characterised by high-blood pressure and protein in your urine. Your baby at week 21 Your baby is now the length of a banana or a carrot. Around this time your baby will also start sleeping and waking at different times (not necessarily the same as yours though). Your baby is also drinking amniotic fluid, although the placenta is how they receive the majority of their nourishment. Things to keep in mind at week 21 Braxton Hicks contractions are also known ‘false labour’ and they are your body’s way of preparing you for labour. These contractions are your womb contracting and relaxing and while they can be uncomfortable, they aren’t painful. Braxton Hicks contractions vary in length, and aren’t rhythmic, which is what differentiates them from normal contractions. There isn’t a treatment for these contractions, but changing your position (if you’re lying down) or taking a relaxing bath or nap can help ease them. If you’re unsure of whether or not you’re having Braxton Hicks contractions or labour contractions, contact your doctor immediately, as you may be going into preterm labour.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Championing the fight to prevent pneumonia

Every year a day is set aside to raise awareness of pneumonia, promote prevention, treatment and provide an annual forum for the world in the fight against pneumonia. The theme for World Pneumonia Day in 2024* is, ‘Championing the fight to prevent pneumonia’.  According to the World Health Organization (WHO), pneumonia is one of the most common causes of morbidity in SA children, despite improvements in immunisation and HIV management programmes. WHO also states that globally a child dies from pneumonia every 30 seconds. This is higher than malaria, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis combined. In South Africa, flu and pneumonia ranked second (after intestinal infectious disease) as the leading cause of death in children under 5 years. This just doesn’t make sense when vaccines are available in both the private and public healthcare sector for children and adults. As part of the Expanded Programme on Immunisation, babies have a series of 4 vaccinations: At 2 months of age, 4 months, 6 months and 12–15 months. What is Pneumonia? Dr Themba Hadebe, Clinical Executive at Bonitas Medical Fund says, ‘pneumonia is a respiratory infection that inflames the air sacs in one or both lungs. The air sacs may fill with fluid or pus, causing symptoms such as cough with phlegm or pus, fever, chills and difficulty breathing’.  Types of Pneumonia Bacterial pneumonia Viral pneumonia Fungal pneumonia Aspiration pneumonia: This type is more common among certain people, including older people and those with nerve disorders or swallowing issues The flu shot as the first line of protection  Dr Hadebe recommends having a flu vaccine and says it is the first line of defence when it comes to protecting yourself. Studies show it reduces the risk of contracting flu by about 50 to 60% and also helps prevent the development of Pneumonia.   According to the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM – 2015), ‘In addition to reducing the risk of hospitalisation for an influenza (flu) infection itself, flu vaccination appears to reduce the likelihood of hospitalisation for influenza-associated complications such as pneumonia.’ Perhaps the more telling piece of data shows that only 29% of the overall population have been vaccinated against flu, emphasising the need for more effective delivery of preventative services to prevent Pneumonia deaths. Pneumococcal vaccine  There is also a vaccine that protects you against Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria which causes 80% of Community Acquired Pneumonias (CAPs). These streptococcal bacteria can spread from the nose, throat and ears to cause pneumonia – a severe infection of the lungs. It also protects you against other pneumococcal diseases including those of the bloodstream (Bacteraemia) and the lining of the brain and spinal cord (Meningitis). Who should have the Pneumococcal vaccine? People over 65, particularly in a retirement village  Anyone with heart and lung problems, including asthma or with chronic illnesses like anaemia, diabetes or kidney failure. Immune-suppressed people, including those who are HIV-positive Caregivers and close contacts of any of the above Smokers, as they are more prone to respiratory illnesses Cancer sufferers The WHO reports that some preliminary studies suggest that obesity and especially extreme obesity, may also be a risk for more severe disease. Signs and symptoms of Pneumonia may include: Chest pain when you breathe or cough Confusion or changes in mental awareness (in adults aged 65 and older) A cough, which may produce phlegm Fatigue Fever, sweating and shaking chills Lower than normal body temperature (in adults older than age 65 and people with weak immune systems) Nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea Shortness of breath When to see a doctor? With virtual consultations readily available, it’s recommended you first consult your doctor via a telephone or video call to discuss your symptoms, especially if you are having difficulty breathing, chest pain, persistent fever of (39°C) or higher or a persistent cough, especially if you’re coughing up phlegm. Your physician will then decide whether you need a face-to-face consult and examination. Dr Hadebe says that, despite the evidence of the efficacy of these vaccinations, there is not enough uptake. ‘It is up to each one of us to take charge of our health, this includes having regular wellness checks and ensuring that you have a flu vaccine and, if you are vulnerable to develop pneumonia, have the pneumonia vaccine at the same time.’ Remember that your GP is your first port of call for all your healthcare needs.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Tackling women’s health holistically

‘A woman’s health is her Capital’ As far back as 2014 at the World Health Organization’s (WHO) ‘Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Forum’, South Africa stated their alliance with WHO’s statement and said, ‘the health of mothers and their children is key to achieving development equity.’ Which is why Bonitas Medical Fund, the Medical Aid for South Africa, has teamed up with CareWorks, to bolster its mother and childcare benefits and introduce a new Female Health Care Programme. With this renewed commitment to the health and wellbeing of women and toddlers, the Scheme will shine a light on the importance of preventative care and empower women to prioritise their health. ‘In South Africa, women face a range of health challenges influenced by socioeconomic, cultural and environmental dynamics at play,’ says Dr Themba Hadebe, Clinical Executive at Bonitas. ‘Many of these healthcare factors are unique to women. Early disease detection and appropriate care programmes are proven key factors in improving treatment outcomes and prognosis. Dr Hadebe says, ‘It is common knowledge that women often put their own health needs aside to care for their families. This programme will pro-actively assist women and provide them with support, to ensure that they access prevention services when they need to, as well as treatment plans.’ Top health issues in South African women are: Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) Diabetes in South Africa’s is the second deadliest disease and is also the leading cause of death among women in the country. 68% of women are obese, which is a strong risk factor for Type 2 diabetes. In addition, it is estimated that 10% of pregnant women in South Africa have gestational diabetes, which may go undiagnosed. This evidences the urgent need for screening and diagnosis.  Breast and Cervical Cancer The statistics are stark: 1 in 6 women worldwide is estimated to develop cancer during their lifetime. By 2040, there will be a projected rise to 30 million new cancer cases amongst women globally. Screening services are encouraged for early HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) detection and breast cancer diagnosis.  Mental Health Approximately 25.7% of South Africans are affected by probable depression, with similarly elevated levels of anxiety, particularly among women. These rates are influenced by socio-economic status, adverse childhood experiences and educational levels. HIV/Aids South Africa has one of the highest HIV prevalence rates in the world – with women, especially young women, being disproportionately affected. Of the 7.3 million adults living with HIV, 64% are women. According to Dr Mizpah Moru, the Clinical Service Manager of CareWorks, ‘The programme is focussed on educating and empowering women to take control of their health and to address any barriers that may stop them accessing health services. ‘We have a highly skilled female team of clinicians who understand the specific healthcare needs of women.’ Online Assessment and Preventative Screening There are various modules in the Self Health Evaluation (SHE) – each are educational and designed to alert potential red flags related to the likes of cardiovascular disease, hypertension and diabetes. Other modules deal with prevalent cancers, mental health, pregnancy and communicable diseases like HIV, as well as screening questions for TB and STIs. SHE and risk identification will enable targeted messaging to members. Screening results will trigger a support process to assist members in accessing appropriate, targeted care programmes. ‘We’ve taken proactive steps to address their unique healthcare needs. Our aim is to provide inclusive, tailored healthcare solutions at every stage of life,’ says Dr Hadebe.  Female members will be encouraged to access their Bonitas benefits to: Promote preventative care strategies for both females and toddlers  Detect non-communicable diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, mental disorders, cancers, etc.  Help females plan appropriately during their reproductive ages Help expecting mothers to detect and manage any risks and complications as early as possible in their pregnancy Improve access for females and toddlers to essential care Improve parent education and awareness about toddler care Expansion of the Maternity Programme  The comprehensive Maternity Programme includes support for new parents with milestone reminders for children under three, immunisation reminders and online screenings for infant and toddler health.  Enhanced support for expecting mothers, includes: Early identification of high-risk pregnancies Weekly engagement for high-risk pregnancies Post-childbirth follow-up calls Online assessments for pregnancy and mental health Midwives and nursing sisters will provide nurturing and caring support to women who have suffered a miscarriage and assist them in working through both the physical and mental issues associated with the loss of their baby.  Support will be offered to parents of neonatal babies  The programme also includes a library of female specific health topics – with a monthly focus – screening reminders and support, all communicated through SMS, WhatsApp, emails, calls and other existing digital platforms.  ‘The aim of the new Female Health Care Programme is to raise awareness and promote education around health and wellness,’ says Dr Hadebe. ‘It’s about influencing behaviour positively and encouraging early screening and preventative services. Importantly, it is also about providing inclusive, tailored healthcare solutions at all stages of life, to help members live their healthiest life.’

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Pregnancy, your body and your baby – week 20 of your pregnancy

Congratulations to you and your baby, you’re officially halfway through your 40 week pregnancy. It’s crazy to think that 20 weeks ago you had your last period, and now a new life is blossoming inside of you – you may even know their gender and are thinking about possible names. Your baby at week 20 You little one is now roughly the size of a grapefruit or banana, and if you haven’t been able to feel your baby move around, at week 20 things may change. Although your baby still has a fair amount of room inside of you, and you should feel her moving around inside your tummy.Their heart is pumping between 120-160 beats per minute and their senses and reflexes are becoming more developed. How you’ll feel at week 20 You may have noticed the appearance of a dark vertical line on your belly, this is normal in pregnancy and is known as a linea nigra. This line isn’t a problem and is caused by hormones during pregnancy. If you’re wanting to travel or are planning to organise a baby nursery in your house, use the time during your second trimester to your advantage, as your pregnancy symptoms won’t be as intense as they were in your first trimester, and your belly won’t be inconveniently big just yet. But that being said keep your needs in mind and don’t push yourself to do something if you aren’t feeling comfortable. Things to remember at this time During your pregnancy you may experience lower back pain thanks to your growing baby putting increasing strain on your body. If your pain is unbearable it’s best to seek the advice of your doctor or physio, but if you are managing there are a few things you can do to make your life more comfortable. Practicing prenatal yoga, deep breathing, being aware of your posture and a pregnancy belt are all things which can help ease your tired back.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Time to quit. World No-Tobacco Day

‘A billion deaths can be prevented this century, if governments act now to reduce tobacco use’. [World Health Organization] Ahead of World No-Tobacco Day, commemorated annually on 31 May, the World Health Organization (WHO) is calling on governments to adopt policies that shield children from exposure to harmful tobacco products. This year’s theme: ‘Protecting children from tobacco industry interference’, gives young people across the world, the platform to urge the tobacco industry to stop targeting them with products that are harmful to their health.  Statistics indicate that smoking among young people remains high. More than 38 million youngsters, aged between 13 and 15, are using some form of tobacco. Tobacco use affects all communities. It has direct harmful effects on health, but also impacts a country’s economy and environment and hinders their achievement of Sustainable Development Goals*.   ‘Lifestyle-related diseases stemming from tobacco, alcohol and obesity, have overtaken infectious diseases and become one of the biggest killers,’ says Dr Themba Hadebe, Clinical Executive of Bonitas Medical Fund. ‘We often think tobacco use is no longer an issue. And, while the number of people smoking in South Africa has fallen by over 20% over the past two decades, the reality is that we still have a long way to go.’ One of the reasons for the decline in cigarette smokers is that South Africa is part of The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). The FCTC is an international treaty which requires governments to, amongst other things, raise tobacco taxes, ban tobacco advertising and make public places smoke-free. It also urges governments to protect their policies from tobacco industry interference and to ensure children grow up free from commercial pressure to start smoking. South Africa was one of the first country signatories to the FCTC on 16 June 2003, the treaty was enforced on 18 July 2005. The facts are clear: Tobacco is harmful to your health. It was responsible for a million deaths during the 20th century and tobacco use could kill 1 billion during the 21st century.   ‘We encourage you to take action now,’ says Dr Hadebe. ‘If you are a smoker, quit and if you’re a non-smoker, help a friend or family member to quit.’ He says there are a number of support groups available. ‘At Bonitas we offer our members a fully supported stop smoking programme through GoSmokeFree. The programme, available through participating pharmacies, begins with a pre-quit assessment and then one-on-one sessions with a nursing sister and trained advisors to develop an individual plan to stop smoking. ‘When you quit smoking, good things start to happen,’ says Dr Hadebe, ‘you can feel and see almost immediate improvements to your health.’ The health benefits  Not only can you save up to R1 000 a month when you quit your 20-a-day habit, but you will enjoy the following health benefits: After 20 mins: Your blood pressure and pulse rate slows After 8 hours: Your nicotine levels reduce by half and oxygen levels return to normal 24 hours: Carbon monoxide leaves your body and lungs start to clear mucus and smoking debris 2-3 days: Your sense of smell and taste is enhanced 72 hours: Breathing is much easier and energy levels will increase 3+ months: Your skin starts to look younger and your teeth whiter 5 years: Heart attack risk falls to half that of a smoker 10 years: Your risk of lung cancer falls to half that of a smoker and heart disease risk to the same as someone who has never smoked It’s never too late to quit and it’s easier to stop smoking with the right support. Try the following: List the reasons you want to quit Set a date to give up smoking Tell people you are quitting Use stop smoking aids  Join a free support group (even on Facebook) for support and advice Have a plan for when you are tempted to smoke (a distraction) List your smoking triggers and how to avoid them Keep cravings at bay by keeping busy Exercise away the urge to smoke Throw away all your cigarettes before your start Remember: Never give up giving up!

Advice from the experts
Parenting Hub

Ear infections: Why they are common in children

Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality health coverage, sheds light on the causes, symptoms, and preventive measures associated with paediatric ear infections. Ear infections, medically known as otitis media, are among the most common reasons children visit healthcare providers. These infections can occur in the middle ear, the space behind the eardrum, leading to various symptoms and complications. “Ear infections can be distressing for children and parents, but understanding the factors that contribute to their prevalence and taking preventive measures can help reduce the risk,” says Murray Hewlett, CEO of Affinity Health. “It’s important for parents and caregivers to recognise the symptoms of ear infections and seek medical attention when needed to ensure prompt and effective treatment.” Why Ear Infections are Common in Children The structure of a child’s Eustachian tubes, which connect the middle ear to the back of the throat, differs from that of adults. In children, these tubes are shorter, narrower, and more horizontal, making bacteria or viruses more likely to pass from the throat to the middle ear. This anatomical difference increases the susceptibility of children to ear infections. Other factors that make children more susceptible to ear infections include: Immature Immune Systems: Children’s immune systems are still developing, making them more vulnerable to infections, including those that can lead to ear infections. Their immune response may be less robust in fighting off bacteria and viruses. Exposure to Germs: Children are often in close contact with one another, especially in daycare centres, schools, and playgroups. This increased interaction can lead to a higher likelihood of exposure to germs that can cause ear infections. Frequent Upper Respiratory Infections: Upper respiratory illnesses like colds and sinusitis are frequently connected with ear infections. Children tend to experience these infections more often than adults, increasing the chances of ear infections as a secondary complication. Passive Smoke Exposure: Passive smoking has been related to an increased incidence of ear infections in children during pregnancy or after birth. Allergies: Children with allergies, particularly allergic rhinitis, may be more prone to ear infections. Allergic reactions can lead to inflammation in the nasal passages and Eustachian tubes, contributing to ear infections. Bottle Feeding and Pacifier Use: How a child is fed, whether bottle feeding or breastfeeding, can influence the risk of ear infections. Bottle-fed babies may be at a slightly higher risk, and prolonged pacifier use can also contribute to ear infections. 6 Common Symptoms of Ear Infections in Children While the symptoms of ear infections may vary from child to child, several common signs might suggest the presence of an ear infection. These signs include: Ear Pain: Ear infections often cause significant ear pain, leading to irritability and difficulty sleeping. Fever: A high fever is a common symptom of ear infections, mainly when the infection is bacterial. Fluid Drainage: In some cases, ear infections can cause fluid to drain from the ear. This fluid may be pus-like and have a foul odour. Hearing Problems: Ear infections can temporarily affect a child’s hearing, leading to difficulty understanding speech or responding to sounds. Irritability and Fussiness: Infants and young children with ear infections may become irritable and fussy and have difficulty feeding. Tugging at the Ear: Young children may tug or pull at their ears in response to ear pain. Prevention and Treatment Preventing ear infections in children can be challenging, but there are measures that parents and caregivers can take to reduce the risk: Breastfeeding: Breastfeeding for the first six months of life can help boost a child’s immune system and reduce the risk of ear infections. Avoiding Passive Smoke: Reducing exposure to passive smoke during pregnancy and after birth can lower the risk of ear infections. Vaccination: Staying current with recommended vaccinations can help prevent illnesses that may lead to ear infections. Good Hygiene Practices: Hand hygiene and encouraging children to cover their mouths and noses when coughing or sneezing can help limit germ spread. Limiting Pacifier Use: Reducing pacifier use after six months may help lower the risk of ear infections. Prompt Treatment: If a child develops symptoms of an ear infection, seek immediate medical attention. Bacterial infections may require antibiotics, while viral infections may resolve independently with supportive care.

Parenting Hub

Radiology’s pivotal role in the detection of lifestyle diseases

Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) indicates a notable increase in Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, diabetes and cancers. These diseases are major contributors to global morbidity and mortality. In fact, three years ago, the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and the Medical Council described the increase in NCDs as an ‘emerging epidemic’ and the ‘biggest threat to South Africa’s health’.   NCDs, known as chronic or lifestyle diseases, are medical conditions that are not infectious and cannot be transmitted directly from person to person. They progress slowly, often lasting for a long duration. The main categories include cardiovascular diseases (such as heart disease and stroke), cancer and chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes. Other examples include obesity, mental health disorders and musculoskeletal conditions. Lifestyle diseases were more prevalent in higher income brackets but currently, they are wreaking havoc amongst all South Africans. The good news is that the damage resulting from unhealthy lifestyles can be stemmed. Dr Jean de Villiers from SCP Radiology says medical imaging techniques play a crucial role in the early diagnosis, management and monitoring of lifestyle diseases. ‘The rapid evolution of high-quality imaging techniques, using reduced radiation dose, has positioned radiology ideally for this role. This contributes significantly to the understanding and treatment of these conditions.’  Why ‘lifestyle’ disease’? The conditions are called lifestyle diseases because they result from long-term, habitual behaviours and lifestyle choices.  The terminology implies that their prevention, control, and management are often a result of an individual’s actions, such as:  Poor diet: Diets high in processed foods, saturated fats, trans fats, salt and sugar Physical inactivity: Lack of regular physical activity Tobacco use: This is a major contributor to cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases and certain types of cancer Environmental factors: Including air pollution, water pollution and other environmental toxins can contribute to the development of respiratory diseases and other health problems Occupational hazards: Certain workplace exposures to chemicals and other hazards can increase the risk of specific NCDs Genetics: A family history may result in a genetic predisposition to certain NCDs Age and gender: The risk of developing NCDs tends to increase with age. Some conditions, like osteoporosis and certain cancers, may be more prevalent in specific age groups or genders Metabolic factors Obesity, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and diabetes Psychosocial factors: Chronic stress can contribute to the development or exacerbation of various NCDs Mental Health Perhaps surprisingly, mental health can also result in chronic diseases. According to Harvard Medical School, poor mental health can negatively impact on physical health, leading to an increased risk of some conditions. Depression has been linked to a 67% increased risk of death from heart disease and a 50% increase in risk of death from cancer. Mainly because people with mental health conditions are less likely to receive the physical healthcare. Preventing NCDs usually involves lifestyle modifications: Adopting a healthy diet, engaging in regular physical activity, avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption and managing stress. Early detection, through regular health check-ups and screenings, is also crucial for effective management and prevention of associated complications.   The role played by radiology Diagnostic imaging: Helps in the early detection and diagnosis of lifestyle diseases.  ‘For most of these conditions, early identification and diagnosis are crucial. X-rays, Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), mammography, and ultrasound are ideally suited to visualise relevant internal anatomical structures and identify relevant abnormalities early,’ says Dr de Villiers. Monitoring disease progression: Radiological techniques can monitor the progression of lifestyle diseases over time. This is important for diseases like diabetes, where complications can affect the kidneys, eyes and blood vessels. Treatment planning: Aids in treatment planning by providing detailed anatomical information. For example, before certain surgeries or interventional procedures, imaging guides the medical team to target the affected area and minimising damage to surrounding healthy tissue. Screening programs: These are essential for the early detection of certain lifestyle-related conditions. For instance, routine mammography and colonoscopy for the early detection of breast cancer and colorectal cancer, respectively. Similarly, there are currently National pilot projects running to detect early lung cancer in high-risk individuals using low-dose CT scans of the chest. Research and clinical trials: Radiology plays a key role in research studies and clinical trials aimed at understanding the mechanisms of lifestyle diseases. Advanced imaging techniques can be used to investigate the effects of lifestyle interventions and assess the effectiveness of treatment. Patient education: Radiological images can be used to educate patients about the nature and progression of their conditions. Being able to see the affected areas can help patients understand the importance of lifestyle modifications and treatment adherence. In summary, radiology is an integral component of the multidisciplinary approach to the detection and management of lifestyle diseases. It facilitates early detection, accurate diagnosis and effective management, ultimately contributing to improved patient outcomes and quality of life.

Parenting Hub

Back to School 2024 – Creating Healthy Lunch boxes

– It’s easier than you think – The 2024 school year has kicked off and parents are back to the challenge of the daily packing of nutritious and appealing lunch boxes.  Time constraints, especially on weekday mornings, picky eating, getting the nutritional balance right and cost concerns are all hurdles that busy parents must grapple with.  What goes into the lunch box, and what gets eaten during the school day are really important.  Lunch, snacks and hydration make a significant impact on our kids’ energy levels and their abilities to concentrate and perform, both cognitively and physically throughout the school day. This year, Juicy Delicious and Rediscover Dairy have teamed up to provide inspiration and dietitian advice to make mastering school lunch boxes much easier.  An important feature of school lunch boxes is the inclusion of vegetables and fruits every day.  When South African children go back to school in January, it is still stone fruit season with its abundance of peaches, nectarines, and plums available throughout the entire first term.  Firm, yet juicy yellow cling peaches, succulent plums and deliciously sweet nectarines are all excellent lunch box fruits because they travel well as whole fruits.  They are refreshing on a hot school day, packed with fibre and immune-boosting vitamins C and A, and loved by children as much as any sweet treat.  Of course, South African grown stone fruit also blend perfectly with dairy.  A fresh peach milkshake or nectarine yoghurt smoothie makes for an ideal, nutrient-dense drink on-the-go. Maretha Vermaak, the registered dietitian at Rediscover Dairy says, “When it comes to nutritional balance, parents need to ensure that school lunch box foods are contributing to their child’s needs for protein, energy, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals.  This is where dairy shines.  Luckily, kids love dairy, so it is an ideal solution for picky eaters.  Milk, cheese, maas and yoghurt offer a unique nutritional spectrum including high quality protein, energy and calcium.  Dairy is also a vital source of vitamins such as A, B2, and B12, as well as potassium and zinc.  So, you have an exceptional nutritional profile, as well as affordability and versatility.  This ensures that you easily include dairy in the school lunch box so that your child is getting the recommended 2 to 3 servings of dairy every day.” Parents can elevate their school lunch box game by using child-friendly compartmentalised lunch boxes, such as the newly launched ADDIS Munch On The Go Bento Box which is proudly manufactured in South Africa.  Ideally- sized, with an easy opening, kid-friendly clip, it includes a leak-free POD for a yoghurt, dip or sauce as well as a removable tray for carrot sticks or wholewheat crackers, or slices of nectarines.  Fill the main section with a cheese sandwich or chicken, feta and veg wrap and pack a peach or plum, nuts or mini tomatoes in the smaller compartment.  With neat, clearly defined sections, picky eaters can navigate their way around their lunch box without feeling overwhelmed and find something they like in every nook. Here are 6 tips to master lunch box prep: Plan ahead – Include lunch box prep in your weekly meal planning and shopping. Create a weekly list to focus on buying a variety of healthy, fresh lunch box foods.  If you limit biscuits, sweets and crisps stored in your grocery cupboards then there’s less chance they will end up in the lunch box on a busy morning. Involve your kids – Consider your child’s food preferences and include your kids in the lunch box preparation process.  Make it a fun and interactive experience. Daily dairy – You need to aim to include at least 2 to 3 servings of dairy in your child’s daily diet.  Luckily there are many ways to include milk, cheese, yoghurt and maas in the school lunch box. You can freeze a small yoghurt or fruit juice to keep the lunch box cold.  Always include fruits and vegetables – Each day prioritize fresh fruits and vegetables based on what is seasonally available which helps to meet daily energy, fibre, vitamin and mineral needs. Avoid unhealthy foods – Steer clear of fried, sugary, and high-salt foods to promote overall health and cultivate healthy eating choices from an early age. Choose healthy beverages – Include low-calorie, healthy, nutrient-rich beverages like milk, or water instead of fizzy drinks and sugary cordials. By incorporating these tips and keeping in mind the delightful combination of dairy and stone fruits, parents can ensure that their children start the year with lunch boxes that are nutritious and delicious, setting the stage for a successful school year. For more inspiration and recipes, follow @juicydelicioussa on Instagram or visit 

Parenting Hub

What are the costs of cord blood banking?

At CryoSave we understand that becoming a parent comes with financial strain. That is why we offer flexible pricing options, structured to your needs.” as this will give an indication that even though there is so much benefit, CryoSave makes it easier in terms of cost.  Below is a breakdown and explanation of the costs of stem cell banking. The collection kit The collection kit includes everything your doctor/midwife will need for the collection. The collection kit is paid upfront when you sign up for stem cell banking. The reason this is paid upfront is to ensure that the kit can be couriered to you immediately to be available once the baby is born for the collection to take place and after completion the kit will be collected by a specialised courier. Processing the collected samples Once the samples (collection kit) are received by the CryoSave laboratory, the samples need to be processed. This means that the cord blood cells are separated. The cord blood and tissue are processed according to international standards. CryoSave is an internationally AABB (Association for the Advancement of Blood and Biotherapies) accredited facility. All cord blood samples are processed using internationally validated processing and cryopreservation protocols. The cord blood and tissue stem cells will be kept in a liquid nitrogen storage tank (between -196 and -150°C) at our secured facility for long-term storage. In addition to the above, blood is also drawn from the mother at birth. The vials for these tests are also included in the kit. These samples will then be analysed by pathologists for infectious markers. Stem cell banks must do quality checks on all samples and before freezing a representative sample is taken for quality testing. The number of blood-forming stem cells and the % viability of the cells present in each sample is measured. Other checks are done to determine the recovery of stem cells after processing. Stem cell banks must also test for microbiological infection in each sample. After successful storage, the parents are notified of the success of the cord blood and cord tissue processing and negative microbiology. Parents will also receive a certificate for both the cord blood and cord tissue for their records. If difficulties are encountered during delivery that might have affected the collection of the cord blood or tissue, the Laboratory Director or Medical Director will call the gynaecologist to ascertain the reason for the problematic delivery. They will also contact the parents to inform them and discuss the collection with them. If the sample is needed for an approved transplant, CryoSave offers parents free shipment of the samples to anywhere in the world where the transplant will take place. A sample will only be released if approval is provided by an approved transplant centre and after discussions and approval documentation has been signed by the transplant physician, the parents, and the cord blood bank. Storage After processing is complete the cord blood and tissue stem cells are cryopreserved and cryogenically stored in the vapour phase of cryogenic nitrogen freezing tanks at -196° C and maintained there until needed. When you consider all these costs; running any cord blood bank is rather expensive. This includes the cost of running the liquid nitrogen facility, maintenance of equipment, regulatory-, compliance- and operational costs (including staff salary expenses). The storage fees paid over 20-30 years, is a critical element of cost as this is to ensure that the stem cell bank you banked your baby’s stem cells with, can safely and securely store your samples for the required time to come. Storage fees should therefore be a non-negotiable cost when it comes to this process. Conclusion In addition, the search for donor stem cells can take months for a life-threatening disease and can cost anything between R600k – R1m. If you bank with a private cord blood bank, the stem cells are immediately available. Considering the above, the cost of R25 000 for the collection kit and processing fees, and storage fees less than R50 p/m should not seem expensive. Only the collection fee is paid upfront. Repayment terms are available. At CryoSave we understand that becoming a parent comes with financial strain. That is why we offer flexible pricing options, structured to your needs. Contact us today to get a personalized quote.

Parenting Hub


According to Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality health coverage, contraception is a fundamental aspect of reproductive health and family planning. What is Contraception? Contraception, often called birth control, encompasses a range of methods and practices designed to prevent unintended pregnancies. It allows individuals and couples to make informed choices about their reproductive futures, supporting their goals for family planning and personal health. Types of Contraception Methods Available and Possible Side Effects Various contraception methods are available to individuals for family planning and preventing unintended pregnancies. These methods include: Oral Contraceptives (Birth Control Pills) These prescription medications contain hormones to prevent pregnancy. There are combination pills (containing both oestrogen and progestin) and progestin-only pills. Possible side effects of oral contraceptives  Nausea Breast tenderness Irregular bleeding or spotting Headaches Mood changes Weight changes Decreased libido (sexual desire) Changes in menstrual flow Injectable Contraceptives Injectable contraceptives often contain the hormone progestogen that stops your body from releasing eggs and thickens the mucus at the cervix, administered once every two or three months (depending on which injectable is chosen). Possible side effects of Contraceptive Injection  Irregular menstrual bleeding or spotting Weight gain Mood changes Decreased bone density with long-term use (reversible after discontinuation) Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) These are small, T-shaped devices inserted into the uterus. There are hormonal and non-hormonal (copper) IUDs available. Possible side effects of IUDs Cramping or pain during insertion Irregular menstrual bleeding or spotting (may decrease over time) Expulsion (rare) Infection (rare) Perforation of the uterus (extremely rare) Implants A hormonal implant inserted under the arm’s skin can provide contraceptive protection for up to three years. Possible side effects of Implants Pain or bruising at the insertion site Irregular menstrual bleeding or spotting Headaches Mood changes Weight gain Changes in libido Emergency Contraception (Morning-After Pill) Emergency contraception, which is available without a prescription, can be used to prevent pregnancy following unprotected sex or contraceptive failure. Possible side effects of Emergency Contraception Nausea Vomiting Breast tenderness Fatigue Changes in menstrual cycle Sterilisation   Surgical sterilisation methods for permanent contraception are available for both men (vasectomy) and women (tubal ligation). Possible side effects of Surgical Sterilisation Risk of surgical complications (infection, bleeding). Potential regret if future fertility is desired (reversal is not always possible or successful).  Barrier Methods  Condoms act as a physical barrier between sexual partners, preventing the exchange of bodily fluids, including semen and vaginal secretions, which can carry sperm and infectious microorganisms. A diaphragm is a barrier contraceptive inserted into the vagina before intercourse. Similar to a diaphragm, the cervical cap is a small silicone device that covers the cervix. The contraceptive vaginal ring is a hormonal method inserted into the vagina and replaced monthly. Possible side effects of Barrier Methods  Allergic reactions to latex or spermicides (in some cases) Discomfort during sex Reduced spontaneity Natural Family Planning This method, also known as fertility awareness-based methods, involves tracking a woman’s menstrual cycle to identify fertile and infertile days. Possible Deterrents of Natural Family Planning Requires strict adherence to tracking and monitoring methods. Risk of unintended pregnancy if methods are not followed accurately. Contraceptive Patches These patches are worn on the skin and release hormones to prevent pregnancy. They are typically changed weekly. Possible side effects of contraceptive patches may include: Skin irritation at the patch site Nausea Breast tenderness Headaches Mood changes Changes in menstrual flow Spermicides These are chemical substances that are used to kill or immobilise sperm. However, their effectiveness can vary, and they are generally considered to be less reliable compared to other contraceptive methods. The typical-use effectiveness rate for spermicides is around 72% to 82%. This means that with typical use, 18 to 28 out of 100 women using spermicides for a year may become pregnant. Possible side effects of Spermicides Irritation and Allergic Reactions Increased Risk of Urinary Tract Infections “Choosing the right contraceptive method is a personal decision that depends on various factors, including your health, lifestyle, preferences, and relationship status,” says Murray Hewlett, CEO of Affinity Health. “Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all contraceptive method, and what works best for one person may not be suitable for another. Be proactive in discussing your options with a healthcare provider, and don’t hesitate to ask questions until you feel confident in your choice.” The Importance of Contraception Contraception, in its various forms, has far-reaching benefits, including: Empowering Individuals and Couples: Contraception gives individuals and couples the power to decide when, how, and if they want to start or expand their families. This autonomy allows for greater control over life goals, career aspirations, and personal well-being. Promoting Women’s Health: Contraception can help regulate menstrual cycles, alleviate symptoms of conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and reduce the risk of certain reproductive cancers. Enhancing Maternal and Child Health: Family planning through contraception enables women to space their pregnancies and have healthier pregnancies and childbirth experiences. Spacing pregnancies at optimal intervals reduces the risk of maternal and infant mortality and supports the well-being of both mother and child. Preventing Unsafe Abortions: In regions with limited access to contraception, unsafe abortions are more common. Widespread use of contraception can help reduce the need for dangerous procedures, protecting the lives and health of individuals. Supporting Sustainable Population Growth: Contraception is crucial in managing population growth, particularly in regions with high birth rates. Stopping the Spread of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): Some forms of contraception, such as condoms, offer dual protection by preventing both unintended pregnancies and the transmission of STIs.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

New Mommy Tips

Caring for Baby The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Circumcision care Newborn circumcision is a surgery that removes the loose skin (foreskin) that covers the end of a baby boy’s penis. It may be done for various reasons and usually heals with 7-10 days. Follow the care instructions you were given by your baby’s doctor. Often times they will recommend that you use a small amount of petroleum jelly on the site at diaper changes to prevent irritation. Contact your baby’s doctor if you see blood or pus around the circumcision or if you smell an odour coming from the site. Myths about newborns The following are common myths about newborns: Myth: Don’t touch their “soft spots” – Truth: Known as the fontanels, these areas are a thick protective membrane, not your baby’s brain, so if you happen to touch them gently nothing bad will happen; as with all of your baby, handle that area with gentle loving care. Myth: Baby girls don’t have periods – Truth: Baby girls may have a “mini period” within the first few weeks of life which is the result of the stimulation of their uterus by Mom’s high estrogen levels. If you ever have questions about what’s happening with your baby, contact your doctor. Myth: Babies don’t get acne – Truth: Some newborns will develop acne due to circulating hormones from their mother between 2 weeks and 2 months of age; you don’t need acne creams, just cleanse the area gently. Myth: Babies have flat chests – Truth: Some babies may temporarily have swollen breasts due to their mothers circulating hormones; this can happen to boys and girls. Myth: Sneezing must mean my baby has a cold – Truth: Newborns have tiny noses and often have some congestion, so they may sneeze a lot at first; if they have thick, coloured mucus and are sneezing a lot then they may be developing a cold. Never hesitate to contact your doctor if you are worried about what’s going on with your baby. No question is ever “dumb” if you are worried. Bathing your newborn Your baby doesn’t need a full bath every day, only 3-4 times a week. When giving them a full bath make sure the water is warm, but not hot, by testing the temperature with your elbow – if it’s too hot for your elbow, it’s too hot for your baby. Use mild bath soap made specifically for babies – harsh soaps may dry and irritate their skin. Always keep one hand on the baby while they are in the bathwater. There are some parts of your baby that will need to be washed with mild soap every day, especially their face, chin, neck and bottom. Do not use soap on their belly button (navel) or on a circumcision until it’s healed. Make sure the room you are in to bathe your baby is warm and free of drafts. Every baby is different so don’t hesitate to talk with your baby’s doctor if you have any questions about caring for your newborn. Healthy skin for newborns You don’t need to use lotion or powder on your baby unless it’s been recommended by their doctor. Don’t use fabric softener or bleach on their clothes as these can irritate their skin. Use mild detergent to wash their clothes, making sure to wash new clothing before you put it on the baby. Be careful not to overdress your baby – if you are comfortable in a t-shirt and shorts, your baby will be fine in a t-shirt or short sleeved onesie and a diaper. Diaper care for your newborn Periodically check your baby’s diaper to see if it’s wet or soiled. Change their diaper whenever one becomes wet or soiled. When changing your baby’s diaper, wash their bottom with mild soap and warm water or use disposable baby wipes. Be sure to wash your hands each time you finish changing a diaper. Additional tips for care of newborn For mouth care, wipe you baby’s gums daily with a clean damp washcloth or an infant toothbrush. To prevent scratches, keep your baby’s finger and toenails cut short. Remember that newborns sleep a lot – usually between 16-18 hours a day. Make sure to schedule your baby’s first check-up as recommended by their doctor – it’s usually recommended between 2-4 weeks of age. Umbilical cord care Do not place the baby in bath water until after the umbilical cord stump has fallen off. Keep the umbilical cord stump clean and dry – if it becomes soiled you can clean it with a cotton ball, mild soap and water. Umbilical cord stumps usually fall off about 2-4 weeks after birth – contact your baby’s doctor if this doesn’t happen. If the umbilical cord stump turns red around the base, bleeds, develops coloured drainage or a bad odour contact your baby’s doctor right away since it could be a sign of an infection. Contact your baby’s doctor if you have any questions or concerns about your baby’s umbilical cord stump. Teething pain relief The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. To help soothe the pain from teething give your baby a teething ring, a wet washcloth cooled down in the refrigerator, or feed him/her cold foods such as applesauce or yogurt. You can also talk to your doctor about giving your baby acetaminophen (Tylenol) to ease the pain.


Choosing the Right Stem Cell Bank: Private, Government, or Community – What Parents Should Consider

Some of the earliest decisions that parents face, can be amongst the most challenging. The choices that parents must make before and after the birth of their baby can have long-term implications for their future health. These days, one of these major decisions includes whether to collect and store the cord blood and tissue of your new-borns umbilical cord and placenta during delivery. Then there is also the question about the choice of the various types of stem cell banks. There are three types and options for stem cell banks. These are: Public Stem Cell Banks In South Africa, there is no public cord blood bank available, as the government does not provide a facility for collecting and storing cord blood samples. At public stem cell banks, families can choose to donate the cord blood, but in doing so, they relinquish ownership of the sample, making it unavailable for their own or their family’s use. This absence of a public cord blood bank poses challenges for families in South Africa who may require cord blood stem cells for potentially life-saving treatments in the future. To address this limitation, families may need to explore private cord blood banking options, which come with associated costs and ongoing maintenance fees. Private banks allow individuals to store their baby’s cord blood exclusively for their own use, providing a potential source of compatible stem cells if needed. However, the availability of private cord blood banking ensures that families have an alternative for preserving cord blood in South Africa, despite the lack of a public option. Community Stem Cell Banks If individuals decide to bank their baby’s stem cells with a community bank, they will incur lower costs for registration, processing, and storage. However, the trade-off is that they do not have exclusive rights to the sample for their own family’s use. Typically, the initial banking period in such cases is limited to 10 years. Community banking of cord blood is open to everyone, meaning there is no guarantee that the donating family will be able to access these cells if they ever require them. Public and community banking operates on the principle of donation, allowing anyone in need to potentially utilize the donated stem cells if they are a compatible match. Unfortunately, if a family needs the stem cells in the future but they are no longer available to them, obtaining donor stem cells becomes a significant financial challenge. The cost of acquiring donor cells can range from R600 000 to R1 million. Additionally, the search for a suitable donor can be a time-consuming process, taking months. In cases of life-threatening diseases, this delay can be a critical obstacle for individuals and their families, leaving them with limited options. Private Stem Cell Banks Private cord blood banking offers individuals a means to ensure the future health of their family. The process involves an initial cost for the collection kit, processing of the sample, and subsequent storage fees. However, flexible payment plans are often available to accommodate varying financial circumstances. Typically, the storage period spans 20 years, and the associated fees can be paid on a monthly, annual, or upfront basis. Moreover, it is possible to extend the storage term beyond the initial 20 years. The cost of private cord blood banking should be viewed as a form of lifetime insurance for one’s family, rendering it highly affordable. By opting for this option, the stored samples remain exclusively accessible to the donor and their immediate family, ensuring immediate availability in the event of a medical treatment requirement. Additionally, there is a 25% chance that the stored samples will be an exact match for siblings with the same parents, and a 50% chance of being a match for the parents themselves. This significantly enhances the potential benefits of private cord blood banking for family members who may require stem cell treatments in the future. CryoSave is your dedicated premier private family stem cell bank. Our stem cell products are stored exclusively for your family’s use. Our ultimate focus is to ensure the highest quality service delivery and maintenance of your child’s precious stem cells.

Parenting Hub


Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality health coverage, explores factors shaping children’s and teens’ mental well-being and tips to champion their mental health. Factors Influencing The Mental Well-being of Children While we know early life experiences, including prenatal factors, infancy, and childhood, significantly influence a child’s mental health, many other things can contribute to healthy emotional development. A few factors include: Genetic Factors A child’s mental health can be influenced by their genetics and how their brain works. Each child has their genetic makeup, which can make them more or less likely to face mental health issues. While there are no genetic tests to confirm a diagnosis of a mental disorder, the chance of a child having a specific mental disorder is higher if other family members have that same mental disorder. When we understand more about a child’s genetics, we can provide better care and support. Family Environment The family environment is a critical factor in a child’s mental health. Stable and supportive family relationships provide a secure foundation. At the same time, conflict, neglect, or abuse can lead to serious mental health concerns, including anxiety, depression, substance use disorders, eating disorders, dissociative identity disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Peer Relationships Peer relationships and social interactions are essential for children’s development. Positive friendships and social connections contribute to a child’s emotional resilience. In contrast, bullying or social isolation can lead to depression or anxiety. Media and Technology Use The influence of media and technology on children is a growing concern. Excessive screen time, exposure to inappropriate content and cyberbullying can lead to depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, self-harming behaviour (especially for girls), alcohol and drug use and dependence, aggression, and involvement in violence or crime (especially for boys). Parents and caregivers should monitor and guide their children’s media consumption. Community and Socioeconomic Factors Community and socioeconomic factors, such as access to healthcare, economic stability, and neighbourhood safety, can impact a child’s mental health. Ensuring that children have access to essential resources and support systems is crucial. Traumatic Experiences Traumatic events like natural disasters, accidents, or violence can impact a child’s mental health. Identifying and addressing trauma through counselling and support services is essential for healing and recovery. Access to Mental Health Services Access to mental health services is critical in addressing child mental health challenges. Many children and adolescents require professional help to manage their emotional well-being effectively. Increasing access to mental health care is essential. 10 Ways to Support Your Child’s Mental Well-being Encourage children and teens to express their thoughts and emotions openly. Create a safe space where they feel heard and validated. Foster healthy relationships within your family. Teach conflict resolution, empathy, and practical communication skills. Promote a balanced approach to education that values overall well-being. Encourage extracurricular activities, hobbies, and interests beyond academics. Educate young individuals about responsible digital usage, including limiting screen time, avoiding cyberbullying, and maintaining a healthy online presence. Prioritise physical health through regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep. These habits are fundamental for both physical and mental well-being. Seek professional help when necessary. Mental health professionals can provide therapy and counselling tailored to the individual’s needs. Teach resilience-building skills, including problem-solving, stress management, and coping strategies. These skills empower children to navigate challenges effectively. Raise awareness about mental health issues and reduce stigma. Educate children and teens about the importance of seeking help when needed. Introduce mindfulness practices and relaxation techniques to reduce stress and anxiety. These skills promote emotional regulation. Engage with schools, communities, and organisations that promote mental health awareness and provide resources for support.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Helping your child grow and learn

The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. The first year: how can I help? There are many ways you can help your baby grow and learn during their first year of life.Here are some ideas to get you started: Love, hold and care for your baby Respond to your babies needs and cries Talk, read and play with your baby Daily tummy time Set limits and redirect their attention when needed- they are too young to understand good and bad at this age. Years 1 to 2: how can I help? There are many ways you can help your 1 to 2-year-old grow and learn.Here are some ideas to get you started: Be patient! Give your child plenty of rest and quiet time Allow safe and appropriate independence School-aged children: how can I help? School-aged children are learning to think more logically, but they still need a lot of direction from their parents. Here are some ideas to help your school-aged child: Let them learn from their accomplishments and mistakes, but continue to provide unconditional support and direction Use firm and consistent rules explained simply, clearly and gently Self-esteem is fragile at this age: be encouraging and positive Involvement in sports can be a great way to stay healthy and promote activity, not exercise If your child is dealing with bullying, listen to their fears and create a concrete plan to stop the bullying immediately.  Talking to their teachers and the school can be very instrumental Sex education begins in elementary school; use your child’s cue to determine what they should know and when

Parenting Hub


Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality health coverage, explores the normal progression of puberty and the signs of precocious and delayed puberty. “Understanding the symptoms and timing of puberty, as well as recognising signs of precocious or delayed puberty, is crucial for parents, caregivers, and young individuals,” says Murray Hewlett, CEO of Affinity Health. “Open communication with a healthcare provider can help address concerns and ensure that adolescents are on a healthy and developmentally appropriate path through puberty.” Understanding Puberty Puberty is the natural physical and hormonal changes that occur as children transition into adulthood. It typically begins between eight and 13 in girls and between nine and 14 in boys, although individual timelines vary. Common Signs of Puberty Include: Growth Spurts: During puberty, adolescents often experience rapid growth in height. This growth may happen over a relatively short period, leading to noticeable changes in stature. Development of Secondary Sexual Characteristics: Puberty causes the development of secondary sexual characteristics such as breast development in girls, voice deepening in boys, and body hair growth in both genders. Body Odour and Sweat: The increased hormonal activity during puberty leads to increased sweating and body odour. Adolescents may need to start using deodorants or antiperspirants. Acne: Hormonal changes can also contribute to the development of acne. The skin may become oilier, and adolescents may experience pimples and blackheads. Menstruation in Girls: The onset of menstruation, or the first period, typically occurs around age 12 or 13 in girls. Menstrual cycles can be irregular during the early stages of puberty. Voice Changes in Boys: Boys experience voice changes during puberty, with the voice becoming more resounding as the vocal cords lengthen and thicken. Emotional Changes: Adolescents may experience mood swings, heightened emotions, and increased sensitivity as they navigate the emotional aspects of puberty. Understanding Precocious Puberty Precocious puberty occurs when puberty begins earlier than usual. In girls, this means before age eight, and in boys, before age nine. Precocious puberty occurs when there is an early activation of the body’s hormonal system responsible for the onset of puberty. Several factors can trigger this premature development, including: Central Precocious Puberty (CPP): This is the most common form of precocious puberty, often caused by the early maturation of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which release hormones that stimulate the gonads (testes in boys and ovaries in girls) prematurely. Peripheral Precocious Puberty (PPP): This less common form of precocious puberty is usually caused by abnormal hormone production outside the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis. Tumours, cysts, or adrenal gland disorders can lead to PPP. Idiopathic Precocious Puberty: In some cases, the cause of precocious puberty remains unknown, leading to the classification of idiopathic precocious puberty. It is thought to be related to genetic or environmental factors. Signs of Precocious Puberty Include: Breast development before age 8 in girls Mood swings and irritability Increased appetite and weight gain The start of menstruation before age nine in girls The appearance of pubic hair before age eight in girls or age nine in boys Rapid growth and a significantly increased height in a short period Deepening of the voice in boys before age nine Underlying medical conditions may cause precocious puberty; sometimes, it has no known cause. It is critical to seek medical attention as soon as possible to determine the cause and explore potential treatment options. Treatment options may include hormone therapy, psychological support, and nutritional guidance. Understanding Delayed Puberty Delayed puberty is when the onset of puberty occurs later than the typical age range. In girls, this means no signs of puberty by age 13, and in boys, no signs by age 14. Signs of Delayed Puberty Include: The absence of breast development by age 13 in girls Short stature Absence of facial hair in boys by age 14 No pubic hair growth by age 13 in girls or age 14 in boys The absence of menstruation by age 16 in girls No voice changes in boys by age 14 It is important to remember that the pace of development varies among individuals, and some children are ”late bloomers”. In some cases, however, delayed puberty may be due to genetics, chronic illness, hormonal imbalances, or nutritional deficiencies. A healthcare provider will tailor treatment solutions after addressing any underlying causes.  

Social Kids

Finding the perfect balance between screens

It’s all about balance, and that’s something that Codey tries to show children in his online adventures. Play your 20 minutes on a screen and then move! Meet friends or play with your imagination. Taking a break from a screen is easy to do when you have a fun alternative to look forward to. The Codey Crawler adventures take children through how to be safe when they play games or watch YouTube, but it’s not just all about being online. Social Kids has joined forces with the experts at Kids Collab, an organisation that promotes an active lifestyle and safe space for kids to play, together we’ve created some alternatives to relieve a child’s eyes and get that blood pumping and imagination soaring.   Physical activities to play, brought to you by Kids Collab: 1)      The Stocking Adventure Time to practice kicking and striking. Before you start, gather a small ball or pair of socks rolled up and a stocking. Place the socks at the one end of the stocking and tie it around your child’s waist. Now encourage them to try kick the ‘ball’ using one foot. After a few attempts, change it up so that the stocking is tied to a stable branch. Using a bat or rolled up newspaper, encourage them to hit the stocking as they create their own swing ball. 2)      Magic Carpet Ride Who thought collecting teddies around a room could be such fun. All you need is a box, some teddies/toy, some rope and a stable object. Tie the rope to a stable object and place the box at the end of the rope. Scatter the teddies around the area near the rope. Encourage your child to sit in the box and pull themselves forward, while they collect the teddies on the way. Tip: place the box on top of a blanket for a smoother ride. 3)      Fun with Colours Ready to practice some balancing while having fun with colours. All you need is scissors, tape, a pencil and a few different coloured pieces of paper. (Tip: include a pillow to make it more fun). Make a simple colour wheel on a piece of paper using the different colour paper and place the matching colours on their shoes/feet. Encourage your child to balance on one leg while they pick up the colour off their foot and match it to the colour on the wall. To challenge their balance a bit more, have them stand on a pillow and perform the same activity. 4)      A simple balloon A blown up balloon can give hours of fun, the floor is larvae, keep the balloon up high, balloon soccer or try keep the balloon up without using your hands. The games are boundless. 5)      Save the ducks Learning to transfer objects in different ways can be loads of fun. Collect small/lightweight objects to mimic ducks (plastic cups, socks or balls), Sit on a chair, collect the ‘ducks’ between your feet and transfer them into the basket in front of them. Next, try encouraging your child to lie on their back and transfer the ‘ducks’ with their feet overhead into the basket behind them. Don’t forget to add it the imaginative play element 6)      Memory Game Ready to have some fun jumping in a bag. Get out your socks, some cups and a material bag (e.g. woollies tote bag). Place all the socks around the garden, making sure they have matching pairs and place the cups over it to cover them. Encourage your child to hop around the garden in their bag, trying to locate the matching pairs. They can only pick up one cup at a time and once they have found the matching pair, encourage them to place it in their bag until all the socks have been collected. Thanks to passionate teams like Kids Collab and Social Kids, parents have access to a wealth of information to help you better balance your child’s time online and still grow up in a technology driven world with a balanced outlook on life. Let’s build those healthy digital habits from a young age. Register for a once-off fee of R500 to access all 5 adventures, parent guides, WhatsApp support line and supervised classes if you need them.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Your pregnancy – a comprehensive guide

Morning sickness remedies The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Relieving morning sickness often takes some trial and error before you find a method that works for you. Here are a few suggestions you can try to see if you find them helpful. To find relief from a smell that is bothering your stomach try carrying a handkerchief or washcloth with a few drops of an essential oil in it that does not cause nausea, such as lemon. It may relieve morning sickness if you breathe into the handkerchief or washcloth, so you no longer smell the bothersome odour. Eat smaller meals every two hours or so. If you have morning sickness try eating cold foods as they have fewer smells that can make you feel sick. Vitamin B6 and B12 taken regularly as advised by your doctor could help reduce your nausea and/or vomiting due to morning sickness. Folic acid and pregnancy The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Neural tube defects are birth defects of a baby’s brain and spinal cord that occur early in a pregnancy. They can often be prevented when the mother takes folic acid just prior to getting pregnant and through the first part of the pregnancy. Because much of this time period occurs before a woman knows she is pregnant, and 50% of all pregnancies are unplanned, it’s recommended that all women of childbearing age have folic acid supplementation. The recommended amount of folic acid intake is about 400 micrograms (or 0.4 milligrams) for women of childbearing age. For women who have had a pregnancy that resulted in a neural tube defect a higher dose is often recommended. Less folic acid is required at other life stages so check with your doctor to determine your exact needs. First Trimester The first trimester (weeks 1 to 12) The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. The first trimester can be a difficult time for many pregnant women.  Some may feel great, while others may feel horrible.  Here are some of the changes you may experience during the first 3 months: Nausea is normal in up to 85% of women; this may or may not include vomiting Light spotting is normal and about 25% experience this during implantation Tender breasts Constipation Increased vaginal discharge that is thin and milky white in colour Increased fatigue Cravings and aversions to certain foods Increased urination Heartburn Mood swings Gaining weight Call your doctor right away if you experience any of the following: Significant bleeding, cramping or sharp abdominal pain Foul-smelling, green or yellow discharge Severe nausea or vomiting Severe dizziness Too much or too little weight gain (more than 3 kg (6.5 lbs.) per month or less than 1 kg (2 lbs.) per month) Second Trimester The second trimester (weeks 13 to 27) The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Most women find the second trimester the easiest and most enjoyable.  Usually, morning sickness and fatigue fade and you start feeling like your usual self again.  There are many big changes that occur during these weeks, some of these include: Growing breasts Gum discomfort, swelling or bleeding Increased pressure on back which can cause back pain Nasal congestion and increased nosebleeds Thin, milky white vaginal discharge continues Increased urination, heartburn and constipation continue Increased hair growth of current hair and in new places such as the face, arms or back Headaches Haemorrhoids Flutters of movement can sometimes start to be felt around 20 weeks Increased sensitivity to the sun Stretch marks, spider and varicose veins may show up Brown pigmentation on the face (“mask of pregnancy”) and a darker line down the abdomen (linea nigra, Latin for “black line”) may appear Increased weight gain Call your doctor right away if you experience any of the following: Significant bleeding, cramping or sharp abdominal pain Foul-smelling, green or yellow discharge Severe nausea or vomiting Severe dizziness Too much or too little weight gain (more than 3 kg (6.5 lbs.) per month or less than 4.5 kg (10 lbs.) by 20 weeks) Third Trimester The third trimester (weeks 28 to 42) The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. The third trimester can bring some uncomfortable symptoms as you prepare for the birth of your baby.  Here’s what to expect during this time: Back pain Braxton Hicks contractions Increased breast size Increased discharge from previous months Fatigue Increased urination, heartburn and constipation continues Haemorrhoids Difficulty breathing Swelling in your feet, ankles and hands Increased weight gain Call your doctor right away if you experience any of the following: Cramping or sharp abdominal pain Foul-smelling, green or yellow discharge Severe nausea or vomiting Severe dizziness Too much or too little weight gain Pain or burning with urination Sudden swelling in your feet Contractions that are regular and get closer and closer together and more intense Spotting or any bleeding Nutrition Good things to eat The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Good nutrition is essential for a healthy pregnancy.  Here are some ways to eat healthy during your pregnancy: Take your prenatal vitamin Eat a variety of foods each day Eat more fibre (pasta, rice, fruits, veggies and cereals) Eat more calcium (at least 4 servings of dairy products, green leafy vegetables, etc.) Eat more iron (red meat, eggs, green leafy vegetables, beans/lentils, dried fruit and iron-enriched cereals and grains) Bad things to eat The

Vital Baby

Raising a Vegan Baby: Tips and Ideas for Nutritional Success

Vegan-based diets are becoming more popular, especially in South Africa, where more than 100 000 vegan mothers gave birth in 2020. But can you raise a healthy vegan baby? The answer is yes if you take care of their nutritional needs for growth and development. A vegan diet for babies must be well-planned and balanced, and you should seek support from a registered dietitian with experience in pediatrics. Gestation: If you are a vegan mum, you should ensure that you eat a well-balanced diet and increase your intake of certain nutrients during pregnancy. Your daily nutrient requirements increase considerably when you are expecting. You need more iron, folic acid, B12 and other B vitamins, vitamins A, C and D, plus extra protein, and calcium. Some nutrients, like selenium and iodine, can be passed on through your breast milk, but it may be worth seeking professional advice from a registered dietitian to ensure that your diet contains enough for you and your baby. Typical adult vegan diets tend to be low in fat and high in fibre, which is not suitable for growing children, who need a lot more energy and nutrients from food to meet their nutritional requirements for normal growth and development. Vegan diets are naturally high in fibre and too much fibre can fill little tummies quickly, curbing appetite and stopping them from eating enough to get adequate nutrients.   Breastfeeding is best for vegan babies, and you should try to breast feed as long as you can and continue to supplement solid feeds with breast milk.  Vital Baby helps to ensure both parents can get involved with the baby’s nourishment with the daily use of a manual or electric Nurture Flexcone breast pump which helps you to save and store breastmilk for feeds when you can’t be there and for topping up breastmilk at mealtimes.   Occasionally, newborn infants may need a little help during feeding. The Vital Baby Feed Assist bottle enables you to gently squeeze the base of the silicon squeeze bottle to encourage milk flow through the teat and to assist with the latch. Anti-colic valves help to reduce air intake. If for some reason you are unable to breastfeed, you can use plant-based baby formula instead in either powder, concentrate or liquid form. Make sure you choose a formula that is fortified with vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron, calcium, and other essential nutrients for your baby.  The Vital Baby Nurture Milk Formula Dispenser has been specially designed so that the revolving lid can click accurately into position above each compartment, and the wide, easy-pour spout makes it simple to dispense the milk formula into the bottle, avoiding spillages. Starting solids Parents can begin feeding their babies a vegan diet when they start eating solids, usually around six months of age. Your baby can enjoy fruit and vegetable purées, enriched with a variety of vegan protein, calcium, and good fat sources. These include lentils, mashed beans, quinoa, tofu, tahini, yeast extract, finely milled nuts and seeds and fortified soya products like milk or plain soya yoghurt. Most plant-based yogurts contain live active cultures, so your baby can get the same gut health benefits of probiotics from non-dairy alternatives. Beans, chickpeas, lentils, nut butters, whole meal bread and rice and fortified breakfast cereals are all good iron sources for your baby. And adding vitamin C-rich food (e.g., oranges, strawberries, cabbage, pepper, and pineapple) will help with iron absorption. It is not advised to feed your child low-protein vegan milk alternatives like almond, coconut, or rice milk as they will fill up their tiny tummies without providing much nutrition. Critical nutrients for your vegan baby’s diet: Protein: pulses (beans, lentils, peas), nuts (almonds, walnuts), seeds (sunflower seeds) and tofu. Iron: beans (kidney beans), pulses (lentils), peas (green peas), green leafy vegetables (spinach), nut butters (peanut butter), tofu (firm tofu). They should have an iron-rich serving at every meal. Vitamin B12: fermented yeast products (nutritional yeast), fortified foods (soya milk) or supplements. Iodine: Moms may need to supplement when baby is over 2 years old or use iodized salt sparingly. Calcium: beans (navy beans), pulses (chickpeas), sesame seeds (tahini), dark green leafy vegetables (kale), white bread (whole wheat bread), plant-based milk (almond milk). Vitamin D: exposure to sunlight, fortified foods (margarine) or supplements. Selenium: Brazil nuts (just one or two per day is enough), sunflower seeds (roasted sunflower seeds), mushrooms (shiitake mushrooms) or supplements. Omega 3: chia seeds (ground chia seeds), hemp seeds (hemp hearts), tofu (silken tofu), linseed (flaxseed oil), rape seed oil (canola oil), hazelnuts (roasted hazelnuts), pecans (raw pecans) and walnuts (chopped walnuts).  Vitamin B2: wheat germ (toasted wheat germ), almond butter (smooth almond butter), avocado (ripe avocado) and mushrooms (portobello mushrooms).  The NOURISH Prep and Wean from Vital Baby provide inspired ideas for food combinations and nutrition packed meals home cooked in your own kitchen. Steam, cook, and blend healthy homemade meals quickly for your little one with three modes – sterilise, steam cook and blend – perfect for batch cooking and feeding later. With five blending modes you can tailor consistency of food to your child’s stage of weaning – from smooth purees to chunkier textures while its 2-tier steaming system allows you to cook multiple foods with different cooking times all at once. It is suitable for use with fruit, vegetables, meat, and fish. Ideas for your 9+ month Vegan Baby Blend fresh or frozen fruit (e.g., banana, mango, berries) with plain soya yoghurt and a dash of maple syrup.  Mash a ripe avocado and a ripe banana together with a fork until smooth. Spread on whole wheat toast or crackers. Sprinkle with some cinnamon or nutmeg for extra flavour. Mash a ripe banana with a fork and stir in chia seeds and plant-based milk. Refrigerate overnight or for at least an hour until thickened. Serve with fresh fruit or nuts on top. Cook some quinoa in water or apple juice until fluffy. Stir in some grated apple, raisins, and cinnamon.

Lifesaving South Africa

Preventing the unthinkable

Sunshine, watermelon and flip flops… summer holidays are around the corner! If you’re a parent you’re probably planning activities to keep your little ones occupied, or maybe pulling together your holiday travel plans. Whilst you are ticking off your packing list and racing to get your shopping done, be sure to take a moment and consider how you will keep your children safe around water this summer holiday. Drowning happens quickly and silently and can devastate a family in a matter of minutes. More than 700 children under the age of 15 years old die from drowning every year in South Africa, but even non-fatal incidents in which a child is rescued can leave a family dealing with long term social and health consequences. Recent evidence from Australia suggests that an infant’s risk of drowning triples as they reach one year of age. In South Africa, we know that children under 5 years old have the highest drowning rates compared to other age groups, but rates remain high in older children as well. Young children tend to drown in water in and around the home, while older children drown in larger, open bodies of water. Whilst these numbers are sobering, it is important to remember that most drowning incidents are preventable.  Here are some tips for keeping your children safe around water this summer. 1- Layers of barriers Many drowning incidents in very young children are unwitnessed, meaning that no-one is around at the time that the child enters the water. Young children often fall into water unintentionally while playing nearby or fetching toys that they may have been playing with earlier. One of the most effective ways to prevent drowning in young children is to ensure that there are barriers preventing them gaining access to water around the home. This means ensuring that pools are fenced off or have a safety cover that meets local safety standards, even better if you have both. Having a cover or fence alone is not enough – it must be used correctly! This means replacing the cover completely when a pool is not in use or ensuring that a gate is closed and not easily opened by children. It’s important to remember that hot tubs, paddling pools, blow-up pools, and portable above ground pools all present a drowning risk and should be protected appropriately or emptied when not in use. Pools aren’t the only area of risk around your home either – small ponds, reservoirs or storage tanks should also be protected by a barrier preventing access.  2 – Designated supervision So many drowning stories start with “I thought he/she was watching”. Counter intuitively, drowning incidents can happen easily in a crowd because they are silent and not signaled by splashing as many people think. Consider the large family braai where everyone is chatting around the pool and kids are splashing and laughing. Everyone is there but no-one is watching. Designating an adult to supervise children enjoying any water is essential. A supervisor should be an adult, not an older sibling, who is sober, not distracted by their phone or a book and within arm’s reach should something go wrong. As a parent it’s so easy to fall into the trap of thinking that nothing bad ever happens, so I’ll just step away to take that phone call or take the pot of the stove. Supervision is about someone being able to respond appropriately in the tiny percentage of times that things go wrong, not the majority of times where it’s just another day of summer fun. Forget about the “dad bod” or “mummy tummy” – get your cozi on and enjoy the water with your kids. 3- Learn CPR and know your emergency number Knowing what to do in an emergency can make the difference between a tragedy and a close call. CPR is simple to learn and, if performed early, can save a life and reduce the chances of long-term neurological damage in a drowning incident. Calling 112 from any cell phone in South Africa will reach a call centre who will route you to the closest emergency service. 4 – Swim between the flags When heading to the beach, make sure to swim only where and when lifeguards are on duty. Lifeguards do not replace adult supervision of children, but swimming between the red and yellow beach flags ensures that you are in the safest location on any given beach.  5- Be mindful of unfamiliar homes and holiday locations Even the most diligent, water smart parents can get caught out while travelling. It’s important to consider water safety when visiting family who might have older children or no children, or while staying in hotels and guesthouses that are unfamiliar and exciting to explore. When you’ve arrived at your holiday location, take a slow walk around the property, and consider it from the perspective of your children – where is the water? Where are the access points? How can you prevent access? If you’re visiting an unfamiliar beach, dam or river, speak to locals or lifeguards to find out where the safe swimming spots are. 6- Watch out for lilos and pool floats That flamingo pool float is super fun but be very cautious using it on any large open bodies of water or rivers. Floaties get caught by the wind and currents very easily and can quickly take a child (or adult!) out of their depth. 7- Teach your children survival swimming skills Summer holiday preparation happens year-round and enrolling your children in a survival swimming or learn-to-swim programme can help them learn the essential skills of safe entry and exit and what to do when they fall in. Speak to them about water safety from a young age to ensure that safety becomes engrained in their behaviour. 8 -Teach your children to become Watersmart Lifesaving SA has launched a free online e-learning WaterSmart hub, making water safety content accessible to all South Africans.  The hub includes animated videos

Vital Baby

The Ins and outs of Co-Sleeping with your Kids

Co-sleeping is common in many parts of Africa, including South Africa. Co-sleeping is when parents share a bed with their young infant or child. It is considered as bonding, comforting, and protecting the child, however, co-sleeping may also have risks and challenges, affecting the parents’ sleep quality, intimacy, and independence. Co-sleeping may also vary depending on the family’s preferences, values, beliefs, and circumstances. Co-sleeping was common in Western societies until the 19th century when nuclear families and private bedrooms became popular. Co-sleeping was then associated with poverty and bad parenting and discouraged by society. Babies can find it hard to sleep without the closeness of a parent and may cry when they’re in a cot. Co-sleeping can make it easier for parents to respond to their baby, settle them more quickly and hopefully get some better-quality sleep at the same time. Older children might be motivated to sleep with their parents because of separation anxiety or when feeling sensitive or vulnerable, such as during the night.  No evidence confirms co-sleeping enhances a better (or worse) emotional attachment compared to those children who sleep separately. While today’s modern paediatricians may recommend room-sharing and discourage bed-sharing, the choice remains with your family, and your cultural and societal customs.  Jake in the Bed Lisa and Mark had a two-year-old son named Jake, who slept in their bed every night since he was born. They loved the warmth and comfort of co-sleeping but faced some problems. Lisa often had back pain and neck stiffness from sleeping awkwardly to accommodate Jake. Mark often snored loudly, which disturbed Jake’s sleep and made him restless. They also felt that co-sleeping affected their intimacy and relationship, as they had no space or time for each other. They decided to try to transition Jake to his bed in his room, but they faced some difficulty as Jake was now used to sleeping with his parents. He resisted and cried whenever they tried to leave him alone which left Lisa and Mark feeling frustrated and exhausted from the constant struggle. Max in the Bed Anna and Ben had a four-month-old son named Max, who slept in a crib beside their bed. They were happy with this arrangement, but they noticed that Max often woke up crying during the night and had trouble falling asleep. They also felt that they missed the closeness and connection with their baby. They decided to try co-sleeping with Max and found that co-sleeping made their nights more manageable and more enjoyable. Max could nurse more frequently and comfortably, which helped him sleep longer and better. Anna and Ben also felt more relaxed and rested, as they did not have to get up and check on Max every time, he made a noise. They also felt that co-sleeping strengthened their bond with Max, as they could cuddle, kiss, and talk to him more often. They enjoyed watching him sleep and wake up with a smile. They continued co-sleeping with Max until he was ready to move to his room.  Co-sleeping is common in many cultures and families, but it has some benefits and drawbacks. Here are some of the pros and cons of co-sleeping with your kids: Weigh up the facts and set the scene to suit you before it becomes a nightly habit and ensure your best option for harmonious nights and deep, peaceful sleep for everyone. Pros for Co-Sleeping: Co-sleeping may increase your emotional bond and attachment with your baby, as you can cuddle, comfort, and communicate more easily. Co-sleeping may make night nursing more accessible and convenient for breastfeeding, as you will not have to get up and go to another room to feed your baby. Co-sleeping may help babies and toddlers fall asleep faster and sleep better, as they feel more secure and relaxed near their parents. Cons for Co-Sleeping: Co-sleeping may increase the risk of accidental suffocation, strangulation, or injury to the child, especially if the parents are obese, smoke, drink alcohol, use drugs, or sleep deeply. Co-sleeping may interfere with your sleep quality and quantity, as you may be disturbed by the child’s movements, noises, or needs. Co-sleeping may affect your intimacy and relationship with your spouse, as you may have less privacy and time. Co-sleeping may make it harder for the child to develop independence and self-soothing skills, as they may become too dependent on their parents’ presence to fall asleep or stay asleep. Co-sleeping is a personal choice that depends on many factors, such as your family’s personal preferences, values, beliefs, and circumstances. There is no right or wrong answer to whether you should co-sleep with your kids. However, if you co-sleep, you should follow the safety guidelines to reduce the potential risks. You can also consider some alternatives to co-sleeping, such as room-sharing (where the child sleeps in their crib or bed in the same room as you) or partial co-sleeping (where the child sleeps in their room but joins your bed for part of the night). Safety Tips: Place your baby on their back on the side of the bed, away from the edge and to the side of one parent. Avoid placing your baby between parents or next to other children or pets. Co-sleeping with a child over one year old is less risky than with a child under 12 months. At a toddler’s age of 1 to 2, they can roll over and free themselves if trapped in the bed. Co-sleeping during the school-aged years has been associated with problems initiating sleep, less nighttime sleep, more daytime sleepiness, more bedtime resistance, increased nighttime awakenings, and greater levels of sleep anxiety. Tips for Getting Baby to Sleep in their Cot:  Make sure baby is comfortable. Check the room temperature, the lighting, and their clothing. Make the cot a safer place. Use a firm, flat, waterproof mattress and a comfortable baby sleeping bag. Try the gradual retreat. Move the cot closer to your bed and slowly away until it reaches the baby’s room. Eliminate motion. Avoid rocking or driving your baby to

Parenting Hub

Proper Dosage For Peace Of Mind

While the classic approach suggests a spoonful of sugar helps medicine go down, convincing kids to take medicines often demands more than a little patience. While administering medicine to tots can be challenging, the good news is you can make it a little easier – and keep your child safe – by giving the correct amount every time. Why Correct Dosage Is Important  Little bodies process things differently than adults, making precision crucial. A child’s weight and age often determine medicine dosage.1a Even a tiny excess can be harmful, while too little can render the medicine ineffective.1b How To Get The Right Dose – Every Time Before administering medication to your child, read the medication label and follow the dosage recommendations. If in doubt, reach out to your child’s doctor to discuss the medication’s proper amount, frequency, and duration.  Sometimes, the way we measure can lead to inaccurate doses. Here are some key pointers to keep in mind when medicating your child. Household spoons: A regular kitchen teaspoon is equivalent to 5mls but not all spoons are created equally. Some may measure significantly higher or lower than 5mls.1c  Even if medicine instructions say “teaspoon”, it’s safer to ask your pharmacist for metric measuring spoon that shows the exact millilitres. That way, you can always be sure. Dosing cups: While using a dosing cup is better than a teaspoon, it’s not always accurate as some medicine can stick to the cup. This means your child might not get the full dose.1d Oral syringes or infant droppers: Both these options are available at most pharmacies, doctors, or online stores, are safe for babies and toddlers (they don’t attach to needles), help give the exact dose by showing measurements, and reduce mess and spitting by allowing you to place medicine in the corner of your child’s mouth.1e When in doubt, calculate how much paracetamol you should give your child with Panado®’s quick and accurate dosage test. Click here. Medicine Safety Basics  Ensuring the health and safety of our children is paramount, especially when it comes to medications. In addition to always ensuring you give your child the correct dosage based on their age and weight, keep the following guidelines in mind. Avoid giving partial doses or adding “a bit more” based on your child’s perceived illness severity. Dosages are determined by a child’s weight for safety and effectiveness, not by how sick they appear. Underdosing might not work, while overdosing could be dangerous.2a Check with your child’s doctor or pharmacist before giving your child two types of medicines with the same ingredients.2b Never give your child medicines prescribed for someone else, whether it’s an adult or child.2c  Children should not be given medication that contains aspirin, as it can lead to serious health complications like Reye’s syndrome.2d Do not give cough or cold medicines to your child unless the doctor gives you the green light, especially to children under four years old.2e Turn to the Power of the Panado® Paediatric Range of Products Panado® contains paracetamol, which boasts over 150 years of clinical experience.3  It’s fast-acting4 and gentle on sensitive tummies.5 Panado® paediatric range of products includes Panado® Paediatric Syrup, Strawberry,6 Panado® Paediatric Syrup, Peppermint Alcohol and Sugar-Free,7 Panado® Paediatric Syrup, Peppermint 5 ml Sachets8 and Panado® Infant Drops.9 Make pain and fever care easy by shopping for Panado® products available from Baby City, Pick n Pay, Checkers including Hypers, Shoprite, Clicks, Dis-Chem and Independent Pharmacies. For more information, visit and join the conversations on Facebook.   2023083110309095     References:   Intermountain Health. Getting the right medication dose for your baby. Available from: Last accessed August 2023. John Hopkins All Children’s Hospital. On call for all kids: Giving your child the correct medicine dosage. Available from: Last accessed August 2023. 150 years of paracetamol. GP Pharma Update Mar/Apr 2019. Moller PL, Sindet-Pedersen S, Petersen CT, et al. Onset of acetaminophen analgesia: Comparison of oral and intravenous routes after third molar surgery. Br J Anaesth 2005;94(5):642-8. doi:10.1093/bja/aei109. Available from: Last accessed August 2023. Goodman & Gilman’s.The pharmacological basis of therapeutics, 13th ed. Acetaminophen. p696 Panado® Paediatric Strawberry Syrup approved package insert, March 2002. Panado® Paediatric Syrup Alcohol and Sugar-Free professional information, May 2022. Panado® Paediatric Syrup professional information, May 2022. Panado® Infant Drops (Drops) approved professional information, August 1990.

Vital Baby

Every Mother’s Power Struggle with Junk Food & Their Toddler

Junk food is addictive, and your toddler will fall in love with their first taste of sugary treats. Managing junk foods and your toddler’s health may be your first-ascent challenge in your journey of motherhood, so it’s wise to get ahead of the pack and learn how to avoid the pitfalls and traumas of keeping those little fingers out of the sugar bowl and growing and developing without worry of tantrums, addiction, or disease. Junk food is usually gorgeous and glitzy to look at, always colourfully presented and wrapped with a silver lining or in a cluster of sugary crystalline collaboration which looks decidedly more alluring than a piece of broccoli on a plate. Even adults struggle with maintaining a healthy diet, but you can help your child ingrain good eating habits early on in life and set them up for health and longevity over a lifetime – at the same time, it may help you to get back on track after your maternity.  Everyone needs to eat healthily but especially toddlers to get the nutrients their growing bodies need. Studies show that fast food served more than three times a week is associated with disorders in children such as asthma, eczema, and rhinitis.  Cakes, sweets, puddings, potato chips, ice cream and other low-nutrient junk foods shouldn’t be part of their diet. Junk food puts everyone’s health at risk but especially your toddler and sets them up for: Obesity, low self-esteem, and the risk of developing depression later Constipation and poor bowel health  Dental problems, cavities, and mouth disease Skin complaints and dry skin and hair Anxiety, mood swings and problems with concentrating Addiction to dopamine, the reward system in the brain, throughout their life Nutrient deficiency in iron, vitamin D, calcium, and zinc, leading to stunted growth, breathing problems, fatigue, unusual food cravings, and chronic infection. How can you better manage junk food and your child’s health? Avoid power struggles.  Even if your child likes chips, sweets, and fizzy drinks, you don’t have to give in to their cravings. Your toddler can’t get to the shops to buy junk food themselves, so don’t keep it in the home. When they ask for treats, simply respond that you don’t have any and offer them a choice of two healthy snack options instead. Nature’s own sweets are fresh or dried dates, sweet melon, and grapes. Eat regular meals.  When your toddler is getting adequate nutrition with regular and timely meals, there will be no room for junk food cravings and bad eating habits to creep in. If you have a busy schedule, it is important to plan and bring healthy packed snacks when you are unable to sit down at the table to eat.  The Nourish Scoop™ High chair from Vital Baby is compact, comfortable and tailors to every stage of weaning. It is perfect for sit-down family meals while growing up, converting to a handy toddler chair when the time comes.  Set a good example.  Our children don’t do what we say, they do what we do. Let your child watch and get involved in cooking nutritious meals and packing lunches, or at least having a say in what goes into their lunch boxes. For example, let your child help squeeze fresh oranges for decanting into their juice bottle or sippy cup and let them choose their favourite trail mix style.  You can encourage their nutrition further with the Vital Baby® NOURISH Starter Weaning Kit, which is the perfect combination of utensils and accessories for little ones who are taking their first weaning steps toward independent eating and drinking. This set makes for a great weaning gift for moms and dads who are about to start their toddlers on their own food journey. It includes super-soft and shallow spoons for a little mouth, bowls and pots for easy serving and storage, a super soft silicone bib with a built-in mess catcher, free flow cup to encourage sipping and is BPA, Latex, and phthalate free. Make meals learning time together.  Engage with your child at mealtimes. You can get them involved in their meal by arranging foods into a smiley face or cutting patterns into fruit skins.  Brighten their meals by serving five different food group colours on their plate, always as fresh as possible. Help them identify the colours with parts of their body, such as their heart, bones, teeth, and eyes. Red fruits are for healthy hearts and immunity. Orange fruits are antioxidants and convert to Vitamin A in our bodies. Green food groups relate to protein and Vitamin K for healthy skin and gut. Blue fruits such as blueberries are superfoods providing a good source of fibre and Vitamin K, and C.  Encourage your child to be curious by preparing their favourite meal and adding a new vegetable or fruit to the sample. You can also serve two side dishes at the evening meal, one familiar and one as a new experience.  If your toddler is ready to move from finger foods to adult cutlery, empower them further with the Vital Baby big kid cutlery set, which includes their own stainless-steel set with rounded fork tips and chunky handles for little hands to grip easily. By feeding themselves, your toddler is developing many skills, including hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills and postural control.  Quick Tips to Live By  #1 Never use junk food as a reward or bribe. #2 Order the healthiest options when eating out. #3 The number one contributor to junk eating is stress and boredom. Children often get fussy and demand junk food when they are idle and don’t have anything to keep them busy.  #4 We often feel hungry when we are dehydrated. When your child wants junk food, ask them to drink a cup of water first. Add a slice of cucumber to the glass and ask them to count the transparent seeds in the centre to take their mind off the junk. #5 Involve your child in making ‘junk food’ at home, including

Parenting Hub


Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality health coverage, delves into arthritis in young adults, exploring its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and management. “Arthritis is often associated with ageing, but it’s a misconception that it only affects the elderly,” says Murray Hewlett, CEO of Affinity Health. “Arthritis can strike at any age, including in young adults. However, with the right treatment, support, and a positive mindset, young adults with arthritis can manage their condition and lead fulfilling lives.” What is Arthritis? Arthritis, in its many forms, is a group of conditions that cause joint inflammation, leading to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. While it is indeed more common among older adults, it can also affect young adults, sometimes even during their teenage years. When arthritis strikes in youth, it can be particularly challenging, as it disrupts the active and dynamic lives of individuals just starting to build their futures. Types Of Arthritis Affecting Young Adults Several types of arthritis can affect young adults, but two are particularly common: Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): This autoimmune disease occurs when the body’s immune system assaults the synovium – the membrane lining surrounding the joints – by mistake. It typically begins in young adulthood and can affect several joints. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA): JIA is a term used to describe several types of arthritis that occur in children and adolescents, usually before age 16. Some forms of JIA can persist into adulthood. Young adults can also develop other types of arthritis, such as psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and reactive arthritis, which frequently develops in response to infections. Symptoms Of Arthritis In Young Adults Arthritis doesn’t discriminate based on age, and the symptoms can be as debilitating for young adults as for older individuals. Common symptoms include: Joint Pain Stiffness Swelling Fatigue Reduced Range of Motion Fever Diagnosing Arthritis In Young Adults Diagnosing arthritis in young adults can be challenging because the symptoms often overlap with those of other conditions. If you or a young adult you know is experiencing persistent joint pain or other concerning symptoms, it’s essential to consult a healthcare provider. Affinity Health explains how the diagnosis process typically works: Medical History: The healthcare provider will ask about the individual’s medical history, including a family history of arthritis and any recent illnesses or infections. Physical Examination: A thorough physical examination will help assess joint inflammation, range of motion, and overall health. Blood Tests: Blood tests, including rheumatoid factor and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) antibodies, may help identify specific types of arthritis. Imaging: X-rays, ultrasound, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans can provide detailed images of the joints and help diagnose underlying concerns. Joint Fluid Analysis: If needed, a sample of joint fluid may be extracted and examined for signs of inflammation. Management And Treatment Various treatments and lifestyle changes can aid in managing the condition and enhance your quality of life. Depending on the type and severity of arthritis, healthcare providers may prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), or biologics to reduce inflammation and control symptoms. A physical therapist can design exercises to improve joint mobility, strength, and function. In contrast, occupational therapists help individuals learn techniques and strategies to manage daily tasks more effectively despite weakened joints. Pain management techniques, such as heat and cold therapy or over-the-counter pain relievers, can provide relief, while surgical interventions like joint replacement may be necessary. Coping With Arthritis As A Young Adult A diagnosis of arthritis can be overwhelming, but it’s crucial to remember that many young adults with arthritis live fulfilling lives. Here are some strategies for coping: Educate Yourself: Understanding your condition and treatment options empowers you to make informed decisions. Seek Support: Connect with support groups or therapy to share experiences and coping strategies. Advocate for Yourself: Be an active participant in your healthcare. Communicate openly with your healthcare provider. Ask questions. Embrace Self-Care: Prioritise self-care activities that promote mental and emotional well-being. Set Realistic Goals: Break down your goals into achievable steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed.  

Parenting Hub

Electric vs manual toothbrushes: Which is really better for your teeth?

Brushing teeth twice a day is the foundation of a good oral hygiene routine, and essential to remove plaque, prevent cavities and bad breath and keep teeth and gums healthy. Both electric and manual toothbrushes may be effective in cleaning teeth, and there are pros and cons for both. For years, there’s been a debate on whether electric or manual toothbrushes work best to remove plaque, and now, it seems that a verdict has been reached. According to Healthline, a review of studies have shown that electric toothbrushes are more effective at reducing plaque and gingivitis than their manual counterparts. These studies showed that after three months of using an electric toothbrush, “plaque was reduced by 21% and gingivitis by 11%.” Why are electric toothbrushes more effective? The bristles in an electric toothbrush vibrate to remove the plaque build-up from teeth and gums. This rapid vibration allows for micro-movements when you move the brush across your teeth, resulting in more effective removal of plaque and debris from the teeth and gums. The benefits of using an electric toothbrush: Better removal of plaque and debris It’s been established that electric toothbrushes are better than manual when it comes to removing plaque and debris from the teeth and gums. The less plaque, the less your chances of developing gum disease and cavities. They’re beneficial for people with limited mobility Electric toothbrushes do most of the work for you, and are particularly helpful for people with mobility issues such as arthritis or carpal tunnel. They are less wasteful When it’s time to replace your toothbrush, you only have to replace the head of the electric brush, not the entire item as you would with a manual toothbrush. Special features Some electric toothbrushes boast special features like built-in timers, different speeds and pressure sensors to ensure you get the most out of your brushing session. Not sure where to begin? The Philips Sonicare range of electric toothbrushes makes use of unique technology that drives fluid deep between your teeth and along the gum line for visibly cleaner teeth, healthier gums and a whiter smile. It’s no surprise they’re recommended by dentists all around the world! Philips Sonicare toothbrushes operate with sonic technology, which utilises ultrasound and sonic waves while you brush. It moves the brush head with up to 62.000 movements per minute, creating microbubbles that support cleaning between teeth. All Sonicare toothbrushes are clinically proven to deliver a superior clean compared to a manual toothbrush while being gentler on teeth and gums. No matter what your budget, Philips Sonicare has an electric toothbrush to suit your needs and lifestyle. Try: Philips One (329.00) The sleek, lightweight Philips One is a powered version of your manual toothbrush. A tiny motor inside the handle transforms each of the hundreds of soft bristles into micro-vibrating mini scrubbers that help to gently clean and whiten your teeth at the touch of a button. Its single AAA battery lasts up to 90 days and because you don’t have to charge it, this brush is great for travelling. Philips 3100 Series (R1369.00) The 3100 Series is an ergonomically designed, lightweight sonic electric toothbrush with built-in pressure sensor. Powerful bristle vibrations drive micro-bubbles deep between teeth and along the gum line. 31,000 gentle brush strokes per minute breaks up and sweeps away plaque while protecting your teeth and gums. It offers two months’ worth of manual brushing in just two minutes. Philips ProtectiveClean 6100 (R3349.00) Feel the difference of a gentle clean with the smart ProtectiveClean 6100 while whitening your teeth in one week. It comes with a handy travel case. Click on the W2 Optimal White brush head to reveal a whiter smile by removing surface stains. Its densely packed central stain-removal bristles is clinically proven to whiten teeth in just one week. Whether you’re keen on trying an electric toothbrush for the first time, or you’re an experienced user looking to upgrade your oral care regime, Philips Sonicare has an electric toothbrush suited to your budget and lifestyle. For more information, visit: Follow Philips on social media: Facebook: Philips Zoom Sonicare Instagram: @philipszoomsonicare

Parenting Hub


Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality health cover, explores various strategies and activities to nurture young minds. “The first few years of a child’s life are critical for brain development. During this time, their brain undergoes rapid growth, forming countless connections that will shape their cognitive, emotional, and social development,” says Murray Hewlett, CEO of Affinity Health. “As parents and caregivers, there are numerous ways we can help improve brain development in infants and set the stage for lifelong learning.” Early and Frequent Interaction Early and frequent interaction is one of the most fundamental ways to promote brain development in infants. From the moment your baby is born, make eye contact and maintain it during feedings, nappy changes, and playtime. This simple act helps strengthen the bond between you and your baby and encourages their visual development. Talk to your baby, even if they can’t respond with words yet. Narrate your day, describe what you’re doing, and sing songs. This helps build their vocabulary and understanding of language. Pay attention to your baby’s cues, such as crying, cooing, or facial expressions. Responding promptly to their needs builds trust and helps them feel secure. Skin-to-Skin Contact Skin-to-skin contact, also known as kangaroo care, is essential for infants’ brain development and emotional well-being. Holding your baby close to your skin provides comfort and warmth, regulates body temperature, and reduces stress. It also strengthens the parent-infant bond, which is crucial for healthy brain development. Breastfeeding Breast milk is known for its incredible nutritional and developmental benefits. Breastfeeding provides essential nutrients, antibodies, and growth factors that support brain development.  The act of breastfeeding also promotes bonding between mother and child. Tummy Time Tummy time is essential for strengthening an infant’s neck and upper body muscles. It also allows babies to explore their surroundings from a different perspective, enhancing their sensory and motor development.3b Gradually increasing tummy time as your baby grows helps them develop the muscles needed for crawling and eventually walking. Offer a Stimulating Environment Creating a stimulating environment for your infant can greatly benefit their brain development. Here are some ideas: Age-Appropriate Toys: Provide toys that are safe and suitable for their age. Toys with different textures, colours, and shapes encourage sensory exploration. Books: Even before they can understand words, reading to your baby stimulates their cognitive development and introduces them to the world of language. Mobiles and Visual Stimulation: Hang colourful, visually stimulating mobiles above their crib or play area. These can capture their attention and promote visual tracking. Encourage Exploration Infants are naturally curious and eager to explore their environment. Allow your baby to touch, feel, and examine objects within safe limits. Supervised exploration helps build cognitive skills and fine motor control. Music and Rhythms Music has a profound impact on brain development. Play soothing music or lullabies to help calm your baby, and introduce rhythmic play with instruments like shakers or tambourines. Regular Sleep Schedule Consistent sleep patterns are crucial for brain development in infants. Ensure your baby gets enough sleep by establishing a regular bedtime routine. Newborns typically require 16 to 18 hours of sleep per day, while infants generally need 12 to 16 hours of sleep daily, which includes their naps. Toddlers should aim for a total of 11 to 14 hours of sleep, preschool-aged children require about 10 to 13 hours, and elementary school-aged children should aim for 9 to 12 hours of sleep each night. A well-rested baby is more alert and ready to learn during wakeful hours. Baby Sign Language Baby sign language is a valuable tool for improving communication with your infant before they can speak. Simple signs like ‘more’, ‘eat’, and ‘milk’ allow your baby to express their needs, reducing frustration and enhancing early language development. Maintain a Healthy Diet If you’ve started introducing solid foods, ensure your baby’s diet is rich in nutrients essential for brain development. Include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats in their diet. Limit Screen Time The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends avoiding screen time for children under 18 months and limiting it for older children. Excessive screen time can interfere with physical, social, and cognitive development, so it’s best to prioritise hands-on activities and face-to-face interactions. Create a Safe and Loving Environment A secure and loving environment is the cornerstone of healthy brain development. Ensure your baby feels safe, loved, and protected. Be responsive to their needs, provide affection, and create a stable home life. Get Outside Spending time outdoors exposes your baby to new sights, sounds, and sensations. Fresh air and natural surroundings stimulate their senses and support cognitive development. Remember to protect them from the sun and dress them appropriately for the weather. Engage in Play Play is an essential avenue for learning in infancy. Simple games like peek-a-boo, tickling, and imitating facial expressions can provide hours of entertainment while promoting social and emotional development. Be Patient and Responsive Finally, remember that every baby develops at their own pace. Be patient and sensitive to their specific needs and create a loving environment in which they feel loved.

Parenting Hub


Affinity Health explores five simple and practical tips to make handwashing a habit for your children. “Handwashing may seem mundane, but it’s one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of illnesses,” says Murray Hewlett, CEO of Affinity Health. “Teaching your kids proper handwashing techniques is essential for their health and the well-being of your entire family and community”. Why Proper Handwashing Is Important The practice of handwashing dates back centuries and has evolved as our understanding of hygiene and disease transmission has grown. Viruses that cause respiratory infections, like the common cold and flu, can survive on surfaces for hours. Regular handwashing reduces the likelihood of touching contaminated surfaces and transferring the virus to your eyes, nose, or mouth. Proper hand hygiene is also essential for stopping the spread of foodborne illnesses. Handwashing prevents the transfer of bacteria and pathogens from one surface or ingredient to another during food preparation. For example, if you handle raw meat and then touch vegetables without washing your hands, you can contaminate the vegetables with the bacteria from the meat. How to Encourage Your Child to Wash Their Hands  Make it Fun with Singing Kids love to sing, and you can use this to make handwashing enjoyable. You should encourage your children to sing a song while they wash their hands. Teach them to scrub their hands with soap for the duration of the song, which is about 20 seconds. Use Visual Aids Visual aids are a fantastic way to help kids understand the importance of handwashing and the steps involved. You can find posters or videos on the internet that illustrate handwashing. Lead by Example Children often learn best by watching and imitating adults. Be a role model when it comes to handwashing. Demonstrate the proper handwashing technique, emphasising the importance of using soap, scrubbing all parts of the hands, and rinsing thoroughly. Make handwashing a family affair by doing it together. This will show your kids the right way to wash their hands and reinforce the idea that handwashing is a routine everyone should follow. Teach the 5-Step Handwashing Technique To ensure thorough handwashing, teach your children the five essential step Wet: Start by wetting their hands with clean, running water. Make sure the water is at a comfortable temperature, not too hot or too cold. Soap: Apply soap to their hands. Encourage them to use enough soap to create a good lather. Scrub: Instruct them to rub their hands together vigorously. Ensure they scrub all parts of their hands, including the back, between the fingers, and under the nails. This step should last at least 20 seconds, or as long as it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice. Rinse: Rinse their hands thoroughly under clean, running water. Help them ensure that all soap is washed away. Dry: Use a clean towel or an air dryer to dry their hands. Remind them not to use a towel that has been used by someone else, as this can transfer germs. Reinforce the Why Explaining the reasons behind handwashing can help children understand its significance. Discuss how germs and bacteria are invisible but can make them sick if they get on their hands and touch their face, eyes, nose, or mouth. Additional Tips for Effective Handwashing Education Frequent Reminders: Encourage your children to wash their hands at specific times, such as before eating, after using the toilet, after playing outside, and when they come home from school. Hand Sanitiser: While soap and water are the best options for handwashing, hand sanitiser can be used when they are unavailable. Teach your children to use hand sanitiser with at least 60% alcohol content and supervise their use. Practice Regularly: Make handwashing a routine activity. Positive Reinforcement: Praise your children when they wash their hands properly. Explain Handwashing After Coughing or Sneezing: Teach your children to cover their mouth and nose with a tissue or their elbow when coughing or sneezing. Afterwards, they should wash their hands to prevent the spread of germs.

Lifesaving South Africa

Lifesaving SA and DHL launch an online water safety learning platform

Every year, hundreds of families across South Africa lose loved ones in preventable drowning accidents. For youth 17 and under, drowning represents the second highest cause of accidental death after road accidents. The highest percentage of deaths are in children aged 1-9 years. This problem is not unique to South Africa, but follows trends seen globally, where 90% of the world’s accidental drowning deaths occur in middle to lower income countries. (World Health Organization) Following on from the success of Lifesaving SA’s WaterSmart School programme, in partnership with the Department of Education and DHL, Lifesaving SA has launched a free online e-learning WaterSmart hub, making water safety content accessible to all South Africans.  While water safety training does take place in South Africa, its reach is limited. This is because programmes currently depend on in-person instruction conducted by volunteers, such as those working with Lifesaving South Africa (LSA).  In 2016, Lifesaving SA launched WaterSmart, a paper-based educational programme written for the Department of Education Life Skills Orientation curriculum for grades 4-6. Since its inception, each year 50 lifeguard facilitators present this programme in hundreds of underprivileged schools, thanks to the sponsorship from corporates such as DHL, who through its partnership with Lifesaving South Africa, connect people and help save lives. In 2021 the KZN Department of Education partnered with Lifesaving SA where 6700 teachers and supervisors were trained to present the programme in their classrooms. In 2022 the programme was presented to 607 770 learners in more than 6000 schools, reaching over a million learners to date. The DHL Lifesaving WaterSmart Online Hub seeks to address the problem of drowning in South Africa by teaching learners about the various dangers water poses, empowering them to better manage risks and maintain a constant awareness and vigilance whenever water is around. The hub includes animated video content and interactive quizzes and spot the risks, making it fun and easy for children to learn about water safety and prevent drowning. The characters and scenes are presented in a simple, easy to understand format, allowing a greater audience to be reached. The content draws upon materials already developed by LSA for in-person training, including the character of “Resci,” who guides learners through the content. Teachers and parents are guided with learning plans, downloadable resources such as workbooks, readers, and posters to assist with delivering the programme to their learners and after each module is completed the learner is presented with a certificate. Jed Michaletos, Managing Director of DHL Express South Africa, expressed his delight, adding, “As a business, we talk about delivering excellence in a digital world, so when we had the opportunity to work with the Lifesaving SA team to digitize their learning materials, we jumped at it. This will increase the reach of the programme dramatically through ease of access – and really help deliver the message of water safety, to all. This project is a true demonstration of our organisational purpose, of Connecting People and Improving Lives.” With summer having finally arrived after a long and wet winter, DHL and Lifesaving SA want to ensure that children are taught how to be safe around water to prevent unnecessary drownings because one life lost to drowning is one life too many. To access the hub, visit or click on the QR code to start learning. For more information about Lifesaving South Africa visit and follow us on social media X – @LifesavingSA Facebook – Lifesaving South Africa Instagram – lifesavingsouthafrica

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Bursaries and boreholes – helping in the healthcare space

The partnership between Gift of the Givers and Bonitas Medical Fund has, and will continue, to have a positive impact in a quintet of interventions in the field of healthcare. The partnership, which began in 2018 continues into 2024, with an additional investment of R3.3 million. This includes bursaries to final year medical students at the University of KwaZulu Natal and the provision of boreholes at various health facilities across the country.   Lee Callakoppen, Principal Officer of Bonitas says, ‘the association with Gift of the Givers goes back a few years, when we supported various projects on an ad hoc basis.  The partnership is aimed at identifying health related projects being undertaken by the Gift of the Givers to which Bonitas can add value. ‘In 2022, we aligned our CSI initiatives to our mantra: ‘A Medical Aid for South Africa’. The purpose: To provide relief to the most vulnerable and marginalised communities, specifically in the field of healthcare interventions. We wanted to assist in the social upliftment of South Africans, particularly in the healthcare space. And who better to partner with than this leading philanthropic organisation in the country.’   ‘Gift of the Givers continues to go beyond the call of duty to bring humanitarian aid where needed. It has built its reputation on the principles we, as a corporate citizen, also value: Respect, care, professionalism and dedication. We are proud to be partnering with them once again.’  Bursaries for 6th year medical students Eight medical students in their 6th and final year of study at the University of KwaZulu Natal, will receive bursaries. The bursaries cover outstanding and current fees, enabling them to complete their final year of medicine and graduate as a doctor at the end of 2024. The students were selected based on their academic results and financial needs and were vetted by the University as promising students in need. They are also diverse in terms of the background and locations, with a strong desire to enhance the healthcare landscape in South Africa. Boreholes at healthcare facilities Water is the gift of life and no more so than in a healthcare setting. It is essential to run a medical facility – whether it’s a hospital or clinic or the communities around them. Critical shortages of water are hindering the provision of quality healthcare in a number of public healthcare facilities. Six hospitals and clinics have been identified, by Gift of the Givers in partnership with Bonitas, as being in urgent need of water interventions.  They are located in the Eastern Cape, Gauteng, KZN and Free State and the healthcare facilities include a psychiatric hospital, general hospitals, clinics and an orphanage. The due date for completion on these projects is April 2024.  Dr Imtiaz Sooliman says, ‘All the projects we have partnered with Bonitas on have been a great success and we look forward to continuing working with them. In fact, soon after our staff became members of Bonitas in 2019, we knew there was synergy in our ethos, that a collaboration in the healthcare space with the Fund would be a success.  ‘We are in the fortunate position of having the relationships in place to actively execute the necessary healthcare interventions, together with Bonitas. We are thrilled at the success of this continued partnership.’  An overview of the most recent projects Celebrating our nurses In collaboration with Gift of the Givers, Bonitas honoured 470 nurses at the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital in KZN in recognition of International Nurse’s Day. Nurses remain the backbone of the healthcare system and this gesture was to show appreciation for their exceptional service, especially in very trying times, such as the Covid-19 pandemic – when the entire healthcare environment was under enormous pressure.  After the floods in KZN Bonitas responded to the disaster relief calls for assistance after the floods in KZN and donated R500k to Gift of the Givers to assist in rebuilding damaged healthcare facilities in the region.  The gift of hearing This year Bonitas sponsored an Audiology Programme, in KZN which looked at testing the hearing of over 15 860 learners, at various schools during the year.  ‘Children’s learning is substantially compromised with hearing difficulties, reducing the possibility for progress and achievement,’ said Dr Imtiaz Sooliman. ‘Appropriate, early intervention is critical to make a meaningful impact on the academic development of the learner.’ Disaster relief conference Bonitas was a key sponsor in the disaster relief conference held in Cape Town earlier this year. The conference, the largest of its kind in the world, was attended by various stakeholders responsible for community upliftment and healthcare delivery.  Callakoppen says, ‘They say the best partnerships aren’t dependent on a mere common goal but on a shared path of equality, desire and no small amount of passion. Both Gift of the Givers and Bonitas have the drive to help others. And, in terms of the Fund, moving a step closer to providing quality healthcare for all South Africans.’

Parenting Hub


Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality health cover, discusses surprising cause of strokes in young adults, and what you can do to reduce your risk. “When we think of strokes, we often associate them with older adults. However, strokes can happen at any age, and they’re not as rare in young adults as you might think,” says Murray Hewlett. “In South Africa stroke is the second most common cause of death after HIV/AIDS and a significant cause of morbidity. A staggering 15% of strokes occur in those aged 18-50.” Understanding Strokes A stroke is like a traffic jam in your brain. It happens when something blocks or bursts a blood vessel that carries oxygen and nutrients to your brain cells. When that road gets blocked, your brain doesn’t get what it needs, and its cells can start to die. Just like when a roadblock causes cars to pile up, a stroke can make your body stop working correctly. Strokes can have severe consequences, including paralysis, difficulty speaking, memory problems, and even death. Types of Strokes There are mainly three types of strokes: Ischemic Stroke: This is the most common type of stroke, accounting for about 85% of all cases. It happens when a blood clot or plaque buildup in an artery blocks blood flow to a part of the brain. Without enough blood and oxygen, brain cells in that area can die. Haemorrhagic Stroke: This type of stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures or leaks. It leads to bleeding into or around the brain, which can damage brain cells. Haemorrhagic strokes are less common than ischemic strokes but often more severe. Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA): Often referred to as a mini-stroke, a TIA is different from the other types of strokes because it is temporary. It occurs when there is a temporary blockage of blood flow to the brain, but the blockage is brief, and the symptoms usually resolve within a short time (usually less than 24 hours). TIAs are warning signs that there may be an underlying issue that needs medical attention because they can precede a full-blown ischemic stroke. “Each type of stroke has distinct causes, risk factors, and treatments,” adds Hewlett. “Recognising the surprising causes of strokes in young adults is crucial for prevention and early intervention.” Surprising Causes of Strokes in Young Adults One of the biggest culprits behind strokes in young adults is stress. Prolonged stress can lead to high blood pressure, a major risk factor for strokes, and can also contribute to the formation of blood clots, which can block blood vessels in the brain, causing a stroke. Another unexpected factor is substance abuse. Certain drugs can lead to elevated blood pressure, irregular heart rhythms, and even arterial dissection – a tearing of the blood vessel walls – all of which can precipitate a stroke. Alcohol abuse can raise blood pressure and lead to an increased risk of atrial fibrillation, a heart rhythm disorder known to cause strokes., while smoking damages blood vessels and increases the risk of clot formation. A lesser-known contributor to strokes in the young is undiagnosed medical conditions. Conditions like sleep apnoea, which disrupts breathing during sleep and lowers oxygen levels in the blood, can lead to hypertension and increase the likelihood of a stroke. Autoimmune disorders like lupus or even infections like COVID-19 have been linked to strokes in younger individuals. These conditions can cause inflammation and blood vessel damage, making the arteries more susceptible to blockages. Other conditions, such as poorly managed diabetes, being overweight or obese, and high cholesterol can increase stroke risks. Lastly, certain genetic factors play a role in strokes among young adults. Some individuals may carry genetic mutations that predispose them to blood clotting disorders, making them more susceptible to stroke. Preventing Strokes in Young Adults While some stroke risk factors are beyond our control, Affinity Health lists several proactive steps you can take to reduce your risk: Eat a balanced diet, engage in regular physical activity, and maintain a healthy weight. If you have conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol, work with your healthcare provider to manage them effectively. If you smoke, seek support and resources to quit smoking. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption and illicit drug use. Learn about your family medical history and discuss any unusual symptoms or concerns with your healthcare provider. If you have specific risk factors or experience symptoms like severe headaches, sudden weakness, or difficulty speaking, seek immediate medical attention. Early intervention can significantly improve outcomes in the event of a stroke. Schedule regular check-ups with your healthcare provider to monitor your overall health, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and other relevant factors. Incorporate stress-reduction techniques like mindfulness, meditation, or yoga into your daily routine.

Vital Baby

Correct Care and Intervention for Your Baby’s Cleft Lip & Palate

Cleft lip and palate are common birth defects that affect the development of the upper lip and the roof of your baby’s mouth.  They occur when the tissues that form these structures do not fuse properly during pregnancy. The causes of cleft lip and palate are not fully understood, but they may involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Cleft lip and palate can affect your baby’s appearance, feeding, speech, hearing, dental health, and self-esteem. This is because many children with cleft conditions are rejected by their cultures and their families and may face ridicule and harassment for their appearance. As a result, they often struggle with low self-confidence, bullying and social exclusion. Correct Care for Cleft Palate Early surgical intervention is important for cleft palate babies as it can prevent speech patterns from being negatively affected. “A great many South African parents do not realise that the quality of life of children born with cleft lip and palate can be drastically improved as help is available and there is always a way to get assistance for your child,” says Netcare Doctor Professor Tim Christofides. Smile Foundation SA encourages new parents to celebrate their babies and seek help from the medical professionals available through their non-profit organisation that aims to assist children from disadvantaged backgrounds to receive life-changing Plastic and Reconstructive surgery to correct facial anomalies that children have been born with or developed because of trauma. International children’s charity Smile Train South Africa supports 100%-free cleft repair surgery and comprehensive cleft care for children globally and empowers local medical professionals to provide cleft care in their own communities. Treatment involves surgery to repair the cleft, as well as other interventions such as speech therapy, dental work, and ear care. Cleft lip surgery usually takes place when your baby is aged 3 to 6 months old, and cleft palate surgery is done when your baby is 6 to 12 months old.  Vital Feeding Support for Your Baby Feeding your baby with cleft lip and palate can be challenging, as babies born with cleft may be unable to feed properly and may suffer from malnutrition and thirst. The risk of death is nine times higher for cleft-born children.Vital Baby offers a range of products for babies and toddlers, including feeding, weaning, hydrating, and soothing items. If you want to breastfeed your baby, you may need some extra support and guidance from a lactation consultant or a nurse. Breastfeeding a baby with cleft lip and palate can be possible but may require some modifications, such as using a breast pump, a nipple shield, and supplemental feeding appliances to help you stay calm and organised. Controlled Flow Feeding for Cleft Babies: Babies with cleft lip and palate may need special bottles or nipples that allow the parent to control the flow of milk or formula into the baby’s mouth.  Vital Baby offers a range of bottles and nipples suitable for cleft-born babies, such as the Nurture Breast-Like Feeding Bottle, the Nurture Bottle Feeding Gift Set designed to mimic the natural feel and shape of the breast and to help your baby latch on easily and comfortably, and the Nurture Flexcone Electric Breast Pump Gift Set,  Burping Your Cleft Baby Babies with cleft lip and palate may also need frequent burping during and after feeding, as they may swallow more air than usual. Vital Baby recommends using their Easy Pour Breast Milk Storage Bags to store and freeze breastmilk and to gently squeeze out any air bubbles before feeding. They also suggest using their Nipple Shields to protect sore or cracked nipples and their Ultra Comfort Breast Pads to absorb any leaks or spills. Feeding Position for Cleft Baby Babies with cleft lip and palate can benefit from a supportive and comfortable feeding position, such as holding them upright or slightly tilted to prevent milk or formula from going into the baby’s nose or ears. During breastfeeding, a mother’s nipple naturally flattens when in the baby’s mouth. The vital baby® NURTURE™ breast like teats are designed to mimic breastfeeding, with a Flexzone teat to stretch and flex just like a nipple, helping avoid bottle confusion and making the transition between breast and bottle easier so your child can get all the nutrition it needs to grow strong. Weight Management for Cleft Baby  Check your baby’s weight regularly to make sure he or she is getting enough nutrition. Your doctor or nurse will tell you how often to weigh your baby and what weight gain to expect. Remember, too, that caring for your baby with cleft lip and palate can be emotionally and physically demanding, so it’s important to take care of yourself as well as your baby.  Soon enough, you will be celebrating all your baby’s milestones and achievements; until then, focus on your baby’s strengths and abilities rather than his or her differences. Remember that your baby is unique and beautiful regardless of the cleft. Vital Baby cares about you and your newborn. Head over to our Family Corner to learn more about caring and nurturing your little one.

Parenting Hub

Travel Hacks for a Happy Holiday Season

No one wants to be bogged down by pain or fever during their holiday travels, and now, thanks to Panado®, you don’t have to be!  Whether you’re jetting off on a family holiday, embarking on a road trip adventure, or simply making a quick visit to family and friends, Panado® has your back with a range of solutions for adults and children.                       Tips for Travel With Kids  Comfortable Seating While car seats are a must for children, they are designed primarily for safety, not comfort. If you’re traveling long distances by car, ensure that your child’s car seat is properly installed and fitted,1a and that it is appropriate for their weight, and height.1b                        Ear Pressure Relief Children often experience earaches during plane journeys due to rapid cabin pressure changes.2a To help your child during air travel, teach them to relieve ear pressure by chewing gum or sucking on a lollipop.2b Manage Motion Sickness Motion sickness happens when our senses send conflicting signals to the brain.3a For example, when we’re in a moving car, our inner ear senses motion, but our eyes see a stationary interior, which can make the brain feel confused and lead to dizziness, nausea and vomiting, especially in children younger than age six.3b  If your child gets motion sick, keep a bag handy in the car, for just in case. Talk to a doctor about remedies, consider child-sized acupressure wristbands, and encourage them to focus on objects outside the car.3c Tips for Adults for Travel  Plan Ahead Planning ahead is the secret sauce to ensuring your travels are as pain-free as possible. Before you embark on your adventure, take some time to create a checklist of all your travel essentials. This checklist should include items like your passport, tickets, itinerary, and, of course, a basic first aid kit.  Stay Hydrated Dehydration can be a silent troublemaker when it comes to discomfort while traveling. It can cause headaches, nausea and fatigue.4 To combat this, make sure to drink plenty of water while you’re on the move. Carry a reusable water bottle with you and aim to stay refreshed throughout your trip.  Stretch Your Legs Whether you’re on a long-haul flight or a road trip across the country, taking regular breaks to stretch your legs and get your blood flowing can work wonders. Being in one position for an extended period can lead to stiffness and aches.5 Stand up, walk around, do some simple stretches – anything to keep your muscles engaged.  The Paediatric Range  We understand that traveling with babies, toddlers, and children can be an adventure all on its own.  Panado®’s paracetamol-based infant drops, paediatric syrups, and on-the-go sachets provide soothing pain and fever relief for your little ones. Parents trust6 Panado® to be gentle on little tummies but tough on pain and fever in babies and kids.7&8 Panado®’s paediatric range includes peppermint flavoured syrup in convenient 5ml sachets, Panado® Paediatric Syrup, Strawberry (50 ml | 100 ml),9 Panado® Paediatric Syrup, Peppermint Alcohol and Sugar-Free (50 ml | 100 ml),10 and Panado® Infant Drops 20 ml.11                   Always administer using a medicine measure or a syringe. Do not exceed the recommended dose.  Dosage details can be found at and are calculated according to your child’s age and weight.   The Adult Range Panado® is conveniently available in tablet12, capsule13 or effervescent14 form to suit individual preference. Panado® Tablets provide relief from pain and fever. For those seeking an alternative, Panado® Capsules offer a convenient option: the capsule shells are designed to be smoother and more slippery, making them easier to swallow – especially beneficial for individuals who struggle with tablet consumption. The tasteless and odourless nature of the capsules caters to those who find tablets’ taste or aftertaste bothersome.15 In cases where swallowing tablets or capsules poses a challenge, Panado®’s effervescent formulation serves as convenient solution.16                       Panado® products are available from Baby City, Pick n Pay, Checkers including Hypers, Shoprite, Clicks, Dis-Chem and Independent Pharmacies. For more information, visit and join the conversations on Facebook.            2023092110313298 References: National Childbirth Trust. Guide to child car seats. Available from: Last accessed October 2023. KidsHealth. Flying and your child’s ears. Available from: Last accessed September 2023.  University Hospitals. How to prevent and treat car sickness in kids. Available from:  Last accessed September 2023.  Medical News Today. Headaches, nausea, and fatigue: How are they related? Available from: Last accessed September 2023.  Flarin. Why do my muscles feel stiff after sitting for a while? Available from: Last accessed September 2023. Circana, MT,  July 2023 MAT. Blondell RD, Azadfard M, Wisniewski AM. Pharmacologic Therapy for Acute Pain. Am Fam Physician 2013;87(11):766-772. Prescott LF. Paracetamol: past, present, and future. Am J Ther2000;7(2):143-147.  Panado® Paediatric Strawberry Approved package insert March 2002.   Panado® Paediatric Syrup Alcohol and Sugar-Free & Panado® Paediatric Syrup package insert. April 2010.  Panado® Infant Drops (Drops) approved professional information, August 1990.   Panado® Tablets approved professional information, June 2005.  Panado® Capsules approved package insert, August 1984.  Panado® Effervescent (Tablet) approved professional information, July 1992.  Science Direct. Capsule. Available from : Last accessed October Panado website. Panado tablets effervescent 16s. Available from : Last accessed October.

Good Night Baby


Over the past few years many health experts voiced their opinions loudly on social media regarding the many dangers that dietary sugar pose to our health while very few articles ever consider the merits thereof. When you consider dietary sugar intake in terms of one’s own health or the health of one’s family you need to weigh all the facts carefully before you unwittingly cut important nutrients from a diet. Always keep in mind that variety is essential as we derive the many vitamins and minerals our bodies need from all the different foods we consume. It is sensible to start off by familiarising yourself with what exactly constitutes as sources of dietary sugar. Many of us would be surprised to learn that most of the main food groups we view as essential in our diets actually are sources of dietary sugar. What exactly do I mean? Let us break down sound scientific data to digestible bites of information!

Parenting Hub


Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality health cover, sheds light on 10 ways to build and maintain healthy bones throughout life. Recognising the Importance of Bone Health Bones play a myriad of vital roles. They provide structure, safeguard organs, anchor muscles, and store calcium. Healthy bones are essential for overall vitality and longevity. “Most people will reach their peak bone mass between 25 and 30. By the time we reach age 40, we slowly begin to lose bone mass,” says Murray Hewlett, CEO of Affinity Health. “While keeping your bones strong is a smart goal at any age, bone health becomes a bigger priority in the decades after age 50 when weakened bones lead to breaks for one in two women and one in five men. Fortunately, proactive steps can significantly counteract this natural bone mass decline.” 10 Strategies for Optimal Bone Health Think of your bones as the framework that keeps you standing tall and moving freely. Like a house needs solid beams and support, your body needs healthy bones to keep you going. But how do you make sure your bones stay tough and sturdy? Whether you’re young and looking to start strong or want to keep those bones healthy as the years go by, here are ten easy-to-follow tips to help boost your bone health. 1- Prioritise calcium consumption  Include a variety of calcium-rich foods in your diet, such as dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified foods. Calcium is paramount for bone density. 2- Don’t forget Vitamin D Vitamin D aids in calcium absorption. Sun exposure, fatty fish, fortified dairy, and supplements can be excellent sources. 3- Incorporate weight-bearing exercises Engage in weight-bearing activities like walking, jogging, and tennis. These stimulate bone-forming cells, enhancing bone density.  4- Strength training is key Resistance exercises such as lifting weights can significantly improve bone strength and protect bone density. 5- Embrace flexibility and balance workouts Yoga and Tai Chi improve bone health and reduce the risk of falls, a significant concern, especially in seniors. 6- Avoid excessive alcohol Limit alcohol intake. Consuming more than two alcoholic beverages a day may increase bone loss risk. 7- Say no to smoking Smoking can interfere with the body’s calcium absorption, leading to decreased bone mass. 8- Keep protein in check A diet with adequate protein is beneficial for bone health. Include sources like lean meats, dairy, beans, and lentils.  9- Monitor weight Being underweight increases the chance of bone loss and fractures. Maintain a healthy weight for optimal bone health. 10- Regular check-ups and bone density tests Regular screenings can assess bone health, especially for post-menopausal women or individuals at risk of osteoporosis. “Building and maintaining bone health is a lifelong endeavour. The investments made today in bone health echo in the form of vitality and reduced complications in the later stages of life,” concludes Hewlett.

Parenting Hub


Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality health cover, highlights why hydration is essential for overall good health. Did you know that every cell, tissue, and organ in our body requires water to function optimally, yet many South Africans, especially children, don’t consume enough water daily? From regulating body temperature, aiding digestion, lubricating joints, and supporting cognitive function, let’s explore why hydration is a foundational pillar for overall well-being. Nutrient Transportation: Water acts as a highway for nutrients. It aids in the digestion of food and ensures essential vitamins and minerals reach their destined locations. Detoxification: Kidneys rely on adequate water to filter waste from the blood, which is then excreted through urine. Good hydration supports detoxification, ensuring our bodies remain free of harmful toxins. Temperature Regulation: Water helps maintain the body’s internal temperature through sweating and respiration, ensuring it doesn’t get too hot or cold. Joint Lubrication: Hydration ensures that synovial fluid keeps joints lubricated, reducing the risk of friction and associated discomfort. Skin Health: Adequate hydration can lead to radiant, moisturised skin, while dehydration can make the skin appear dry and wrinkled. Cognitive Functions: Even mild dehydration can impact concentration, mood, and cognitive abilities. Regular water intake supports optimal brain function. Prevention of UTIs: Staying hydrated reduces the risk of urinary tract infections by ensuring regular urine flow and preventing bacteria buildup. Digestion and Constipation Prevention: Water aids digestion and prevents constipation by softening stools and ensuring smooth gastrointestinal function. Understanding Your Water Needs Drinking ‘eight glasses a day’ is a well-known mantra, but hydration needs vary based on age, activity level, climate, and health conditions. Affinity Health advocates for listening to one’s body cues, such as thirst and urine colour, to gauge hydration levels or to calculate your hydration needs according to your body weight. “A person’s weight influences their hydration needs; generally, heavier individuals require more water,” says Murray Hewlett, CEO of Affinity Health. Using the ‘ water weight percentage guideline ‘ is an easy way to determine how much water your body needs. To figure out how much water to drink daily, multiply your weight in kilograms by 0.033 to get the amount in litres. For instance, if you weigh 60kg, aim for 2 litres of water daily. For 90kg, it’s about 3 litres. Remember to drink more water when you’re active, in hot weather, or feeling sick. How To Increase Your Daily Water Intake If you struggle to stay hydrated, consider these helpful hints: Carry a water bottle throughout the day. Choose a refillable one to save money and fill it from the tap. Add a slice of lemon or lime for a flavour boost if you find plain water bland. Hydrate before, during, and after exercising. Drink water if you feel hungry, as we often mistake thirst for hunger. While water won’t quench hunger, hydrating can help manage weight by making you feel full. Set a drinking routine if you forget to hydrate. This could be during meals, bedtime, or on the hour every hour.  

Balene® (South Africa)

Introducing Balene® – the revolutionary double-sided toothbrush

Balene®, the revolutionary double-sided toothbrush from Spain, clinically proven to clean the inside and outside of the teeth at the same time, is now available in South Africa at Dis-Chem, selected pharmacies and dental practices.  Balene is designed to efficiently clean the inside and the outside of the teeth simultaneously. It is backed by clinical research, including the most recent study published in the International Journal of Dental Hygiene, which demonstrates Balene’s remarkable efficacy in removing plaque and promoting good oral hygiene. Features Innovative dual-sided design – cleans inside, outside, and chewing surfaces simultaneously. The head rotates 180° independently, making it easy to reach every area.  Built-in tongue cleaner. Comfortable to hold, ergonomic design. New-generation Tyflex® bristles – soft, durable, effective and antibacterial. Who is Balene for? Balene® is suitable for all adults and children, aged six years and above. It is particularly beneficial when: You have limited time to brush correctly. Dental professionals recommend you brush for a full two minutes a day, twice a day. You struggle with fine motor skills, have limited dexterity or challenges that make it difficult for you to reach all the areas of your mouth. You are assisting someone to take care of their teeth. It’s ideal for parents, nurses and caregivers because it makes it quicker and easier to brush.  Children are still learning to brush their teeth correctly.  Balene® can also be used with implants and orthodontic braces.  How Balene works Balene® has an innovative dual-sided head that embraces the teeth, brushing the inside and outside of teeth simultaneously, meaning a better clean in less time. The head rotates 180° independently of the handle, so it’s easy to move the brush to all corners of the mouth.  The soft, round tipped bristles are angled at 45° to gently clean under the gumline, in line with the bass brushing technique recommended by dental professionals. The antibacterial Tyflex® bristles help ensure a hygienic brushing experience. They also last twice as long as conventional nylon bristles.  Watch how Balene® works in this video. It’s a more efficient way to brush. Six benefits of brushing with Balene A quick, effective, clinically proven brushing solution. Cleans the inside, outside and chewing surfaces at the same time. Reaches under the gum line, where plaque loves to hide, thanks to 45° angled bristles. Makes it easy to brush the teeth effectively, almost no brushing technique required. Hygienic, easy-to-rinse bristles. Durable – lasts twice as long as a conventional nylon bristle toothbrush. How to use your Balene toothbrush Wet the bristles. Apply toothpaste to both sides of the head. Gently bite, closing your teeth on the brush. Slide the brush horizontally along your teeth. Rinse the bristles and leave to air dry. Where to find Balene There are two Balene® manual toothbrushes available in South Africa, each in a range of happy colours: The original Balene manual brush, for adults and children aged 12 and older. Comes in three colours – coral, blue, and aquamarine. Balene Junior, for children aged 6 to 11 years. It comes in four vibrant colours – blue, purple, fuchsia, and green. Balene® is more than a toothbrush; it’s a leap forward in oral care, making comprehensive cleaning effortless and accessible to all.  Join the Balene® brushing revolution today.  Balene’s recommended retail price is R350. You’ll find it at Dis-Chem stores, online at as well as selected pharmacies and dental practices (in South Africa, Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe).  Balene® – a more efficient way to brush. For stockists or any additional details visit or contact Ivohealth – email, call (+27) 0860 456 123 or WhatsApp +27 66 121 0247.

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