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Anxiety at school: helping your child survive and thrive

Anxiety at school is not a new phenomenon; however, educators and parents alike recognise that there has been a significant increase in the prevalence of anxiety among children in the past year, as a result of Covid-19, pandemic lockdowns, and measures to ensure the safety of children who are back at school or in the process of returning.  Anxiety is not to be dismissed or taken lightly, but the good news is that parents and teachers can take steps to ensure they firstly, recognise red flags in children and then respond appropriately, should there be concerns that a child is taking strain emotionally, an education expert says. “Teachers and parents can recognise the onset of anxiety when a sudden change in behaviour becomes apparent and continues for at least three weeks or longer,” says Dr Jacques Mostert who holds a PhD in Psychology of Education and is Brand Academic Manager at ADvTECH, SA’s leading private education provider. Dr Mostert is globally renowned in his field, and has conducted experiential research in education in Denmark, the UK, South Africa and The Netherlands. He says some of the signs to look out for include inattention and restlessness; attendance problems and clingy kids; disruptive behaviour that is not typical of the young person; trouble answering questions in class; an increase in problems generally, which could include a marked downturn in academic performance in certain subjects where usually there wasn’t a problem and if non-neurotypical difficulties are ruled out, such as ADHD or dyslexia. Finally, if a child starts avoiding socialising or group work, attention must be paid.  “Anxiety is your body’s normal reaction to perceived danger or important events,” says Dr Mostert. “It is like your body’s internal alarm system that is set to alert you of dangers that may be life threatening and it helps your body to prepare to deal with danger. However, your internal alarm is not very good at recognising whether the danger you may face is indeed life threatening or not. For example, your body reacts by becoming nervous about being late to school and seeing a big spider in the bathroom in the same way. Neither are likely to cause real damage, yet your body remains alert and ready to run away in either case.”  Dr Mostert says anxiety or feeling nervous are normal emotions and can be expected during times of transition and change, especially during times of unprecedented disruption like the current Covid-19 pandemic. “The news and social media are filled with reports of the danger of Covid-19, the virility of the virus and how to stay safe from infection. This is especially true for children and teens going back to school after their normal routines have been disrupted. Even young children who don’t watch news still pick up on the concerns of the adults around them, and constantly have safety measures reinforced in a way they were not before 2020.” Many parents also remain concerned regarding children’s safety from the virus at school. “While you as parent may be stressed about safety and Covid-19 safety procedures, this can be put in context by considering the excellent track records of schools where children have returned.” If a parent has concerns about the anxiety of a child following the identification of symptoms which persist over weeks, they need to start tackling the problem at home, as the first line of response, says Dr Mostert. “Routine is key in this. The first important step is to reinstate regular routines, including in the morning and evening. Nobody copes well when they are tired or hungry. Anxious children often don’t feel like eating breakfast, they might not feel hungry, or become nauseous after eating breakfast, so start making sure that your child gets back in the habit of getting some nutrition before heading to school. “Also, make sure that your child wakes up early enough to avoid rushing to get to school. This of course means that you must ensure that your child goes to bed early enough, at a regular time. If your child spends hours before going to sleep on a device or social media, this is a habit that needs to end. It is not healthy for children or adults, for that matter.” Dr Mostert notes that if a child becomes unusually quiet, or starts to ramble, this can also be an indication that they are anxious about returning to school.  “Children often seek reassurance that bad things won’t happen in order to reduce their worry. Rather than dismissing this behavior or becoming frustrated with them, acknowledge their fears. Avoid making light of their (and your own) anxiety by, for instance, saying there’s nothing to be worried about or that they’ll be fine. Instead, listen to them, acknowledge their feelings, and encourage your child to work through ways of solving their concerns with your assistance.” In addition, there are practical ways to deal with anxiety in the moment, which include: Practising deep breathing Taking a break and going outside Talking about anxiety openly and objectively Getting moving Walking and talking Practising positive thinking and keeping a gratitude journal Trying to eat as healthy as is possible and drinking enough water “When dealing with an anxious child, it is very important not to lecture or interrupt them, or to jump to conclusions or mock their fears. “Instead, practise being a good listener, remain positive and retain a sense of humour, give positive feedback and reinforcement, aim to see fears from the child’s perspective. Helping your child through anxious periods is possible and an important part of their growth towards maturity. And, if your own efforts to help them do not yield results, there are many qualified and compassionate professionals who can help child and family get back on track. “Adults should keep in mind that they play an important role in supporting children during this time to direct attention away from the concerns about friends, teachers, homework and Covid-19, by instead directing their thoughts toward the positives of seeing their friends,


You’ve got a friend in me

Friendship is essential at almost every age, and making friends is an important developmental goal for children. In fact, making friends creates important contexts in which children can learn and practice social, communicative, and emotional development skills. The 5 Cs of friendship for children Compassion: Children who have close friends learn to have compassion and empathy for others because they build a meaningful friendship beyond surface-level social skills. Empathy and compassion are the roots of kindness, and children who learn the importance of these skills tend to be friendly and kind to others. Confidence: Friendships help children build self-esteem and can even provide a barrier against bullying. Healthy friendships can also empower children as it turns peer pressure into a positive force.  Conflict resolution: When conflicts inevitably arise, it can be difficult for children. But getting their feelings hurt and making mistakes is all part of the learning process. Not only is it normal for children to argue at times, but it is also a valuable learning opportunity as it teaches them to listen to and respect other points of view. Courage: When children have a friend to confide in as they ride the rollercoaster of childhood, they are better able to cope with and bounce back from challenges and setbacks. In addition, they learn to face problems and work through issues together.  Connection:Growing up, children deal with several stresses and worries. They may struggle to verbalise their feelings and, as such, may choose to keep their emotions to themselves. Having close friends afford children the opportunity to work through their worries and stress with someone who can relate. Developing a deep connection with another child in this way can be very powerful for children. Let them be themselves  Although friendship is an integral part of life, not all children need or want many friends. While some children are outgoing and love to have a lot of friends, others are more suited to having one close friend or a small social circle. It is important to let your child be who they are and celebrate their unique personality and specific needs.  If your child struggles socially or has trouble making and keeping friends, there is no need to worry. It may simply be that they have not had enough opportunities to make friends. Getting children involved in activities with children their age who have similar interests can be a great way to find friends for your child. However, when taking this approach, be sensitive to your child’s energy level and personality.  Also read: Can homeschoolers take part in extracurricular activities? Gifted children often have problems making friends with children their own age and may prefer to be around adults. Of course, a medical condition such as anxiety, ADHD, autism, or selective mutism could also affect your child’s social relationships. Finally, if your child suffers from stress, depression, a learning disability, or even bullying, this too could influence their ability to establish friendships. Teen friendships As children become teenagers, friendships become increasingly important. During their teenage years, children are figuring out who they are beyond the family. It is crucial for them to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance from their peers.   As with younger children, shared interests, attitudes, social struggles and being in circumstances that may resemble their own are some of the foundations for teen friendships. In adolescence, having close connections can help teens learn about trust, respect, acceptance, and intimacy, all of which are important concepts to understand as they enter adulthood. Also read: What to do when your teen wants to start dating Of course, close friendships also offer a host of other benefits for teens, including: Improved self-esteem. Lower rates of anxiety and depression. Stronger emotional regulation skills. A happier, more optimistic outlook. Greater empathy towards others. Feelings of trust. Better cognitive function. Remember that friendships – at any age – are full of ups and downs. So, if your child or teen is going through a slump, try not to be too worried. Making friends and being a good friend are skills that can be learned, so focus on helping them build and practise their friendship skills.  By Danielle Barfoot

Parenting Hub

How to ditch your device and go on a digital detox

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in many of us staying indoors for days, weeks, and even months on end. When we weren’t working online or joining an online class, we were binge-watching the latest series on Netflix, scrolling through social media, or playing online games. We have been spending most of our time staring at screens, but now might be a good time to take a break and consider a ‘digital detox’. Did you know? According to a study, South Africans spend an average of 8 hours and 25 minutes online each day. What is a digital detox?  You have probably heard of a ‘detox’ diet – a specific diet in which people cut out certain foods, supposedly to cleanse the body. A digital detox works in much the same way and requires you to take a break from technology to cleanse your mind. Going on a digital detox requires you to abstain from, or limit the use of, devices and platforms such as: Cellphones Laptops TVs Gaming consoles Social media  Benefits of a digital detox In our constantly connected world, embarking on a digital detox can have many benefits, including: Reducing stress Trying to keep up with a constant barrage of emails, text messages, and notifications can lead to increased stress. Taking a digital hiatus can help you relax a bit and reduce the constant pressure to be online and respond to others.  Increasing attention span The persistent beeping of notifications can not only make you more stressed but can also distract you from the tasks you have to complete. A study has found that more time spent using digital devices was linked to increased symptoms of ADHD (although symptoms of ADHD does not necessarily mean an ADHD diagnosis). A digital detox can help you focus on the task at hand and not distract you with unimportant notifications. Also read: Might my child have ADHD Connecting with family and friends Putting away devices can help you be more present and give your full attention to family and friends. Studies suggest that the overuse of smartphones in social contexts can decrease the quality and quantity of social interactions.  Even if you still need to resort to Skype or Zoom calls to connect with loved ones due to the coronavirus, you can make these moments count by focusing on one device or online platform at a time. If you are chatting with someone via video call on your laptop, don’t also scroll through Instagram on your phone at the same time. Focus on engaging with and really listening to the person with whom you are speaking.  Getting more sleep Evidence suggests that children who use digital devices at bedtime have worse sleep quality and quantity than children who do not use a digital device before bed. A digital detox can allow you to channel all the hours spent in front of a screen towards healthier habits such as unwinding at the end of the day by taking a bath, reading a book, and getting enough sleep. Also read: Why sleep is important for better academic results Avoiding the comparison game  Children, especially teenagers, who are becoming more aware and conscious of themselves and their peers are likely to start comparing themselves to the curated lives they see on social media. Comparison can ultimately lead to symptoms of poor mental health such as anxiety and depression. Taking a break from seeing the ‘picture-perfect’ lives of others can help you realise that social media is not always an accurate representation of people’s lives. Tips for embarking on a digital detox Now you know what some of the benefits of a digital detox are, you might be wondering how to start. Here are some tips on what to do when you are ready to ditch your digital devices (if only for a little while): Set realistic goals Make sure to set goals that are achievable. If you have to work online or attend online classes, going off the grid for a month might not be feasible. Instead, start small by logging out of social media for a few days or doing a mini-detox in the evenings by refraining from using your devices.   Set limits If you cannot disconnect completely, setting limits on digital connections can positively affect your mental wellbeing. You can start by reducing the number of hours you spend on your laptop or social media. Plan fun activities around these hours to ensure that you look forward to putting your phone down. You can also block specific sites on your laptop or put your phone on airplane mode to ensure that you are not distracted by notifications. Remove pop-up messages If your social media notification settings alert you with on-screen messages or tones, you will likely check your apps whenever you get an alert. Start your digital detox by turning off push notifications on your phone and set a time limit, like 30 minutes a day, in which to catch up on what you’ve missed.  Did you know? Research suggests that limiting your social media use to approximately 30 minutes per day can significantly improve your wellbeing. Choose your detox A digital detox can look different for everyone – you can decide what type of digital detox you want to do. Verywell Mind provides some ideas below: A digital break: avoiding all technological devices for a short period of time, such as a day or a week. A device-free day: avoiding all digital devices for one day of the week, e.g. going device-free every Tuesday. A specific detox: restricting access to a particular app or game. A social media detox: restricting or eliminating social media for a set period of time. Detox at specific times Promote enjoying screen time only when real-life chores are done. Reward your child or yourself with an hour of screen time after chores have been completed. Remember to avoid screens close to bedtime. Also read: Parents, here’s how screen time can work in your favour While

Parenting Hub

A comprehensive approach to mental health is a no-brainer for student residences

With more than 30% of university students confirming that they had experienced a common mental disorder in the preceding 12 months, with 20% having experienced common generalised anxiety disorder, it’s clear that academic institutions and student residences must place a priority on students’ mental health.  Furthermore, nearly three quarters of UCT students said cited mental ill-health such as anxiety and depression being their greatest challenge during the COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020, followed by disconnection from peers and lecturers, and a lack of quiet places in which to study. Students’ mental health in the COVID-19 environment has been further impacted by loss of income in their families due to job losses, grief after deaths among those dearest to them, and academic pressure with the move to online learning.  Concerns about family safety and wellbeing also impact students’ mental health, with many NSFAS-funded students sharing their NSFAS meal allowances with their families, leaving the students hungry and destitute, with heightened anxiety or depression. The risk is even higher for students in historically excluded and marginalised sectors of the population, particularly women, those of atypical sexual orientation, and disabled people. “Students turn to formal structures like residences for senses of structure and support, and from the collegial learning environment that offers the reassurance of time spent with others that have similar goals and objectives,” says Millet Nkanyane, ResLife manager at Respublica Student Living. “We have noticed an increased need for psychosocial support among our students, who have had to deal with the complexities of online learning, family stress and trauma as a result of the pandemic and its impacts, all in addition to navigating their way through the challenges of tertiary education.” Nkanyane has been forging new paths in student support with Respublica’s ResLife programme at its 10 purpose-built residences in Johannesburg, Midrand, Pretoria, Bloemfontein and Cape Town for six years, and emphasises that student accommodation must offer so much more to students than a roof over their heads – particularly in the current challenging environment. “Parents and funders should choose a student residence that gives students everything that they need to be able to focus on their lectures and assignments – particularly first-years who away from home for the first time ever,” she says. “The current environment also makes it essential to offer specialised COVID-19 wellness support, whether it’s to support students who have contracted the virus, or to help detect mental illness and in turn to support those students too.”  Furthermore, students must have access to quiet study spaces, unlimited internet access, and sufficient facilities to prepare their own food – or to buy it, if needed. A residence that has uninterrupted power provided by on-site generators in the event of load-shedding, also helps reduce students’ stress. “A strong ResLife programme will also help students learn positive ways of coping with the complexities of student life, whether it’s figuring out how to make new friends in a socially distanced environment, or knowing that they have someone to turn to if they are struggling with mental health,” Nkanyane adds. She adds more senior students can be very effective mentors to their younger counterparts, if trained properly, and that support from the likes of the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) is essential to the success of any student support programme.

Parenting Hub

How to start the 2021 school year with confidence

The new academic year has begun and, after a year like 2020, it’s no wonder stress levels are already high and confidence in the 2021 school year launching without a hitch is low. As learners, you’ll need to stay flexible in your outlook. “It is more important than ever to start your school year on a confident note and, although confidence does not come easy to everyone, these tips from our team at The Answer Series (TAS) should help learners to start the school year feeling more confident, in control and ready to take on any unexpected outcomes,” says George Eadie, CEO of TAS. Let’s dive straight into 7 ways to start the 2021 academic year with confidence. 1.    Feel positive, think positive, act positive, be positive Set an intention for 2021 to be the year you adopt a positive mindset – or at least work on being mindful about any negative thoughts that, if left unmonitored, can start shaping how you feel and even who you think you are. 2.    Be prepared for 2021 You cannot control how the academic year will take shape, but you can control how you behave, react and take responsibility for your learning. Have regular contact with your teachers and classmates about academic material and use study guides that are proven and trusted like The Answer Series. These sorts of comprehensive study guides will take the pressure off whilst you move between physical learning in the classroom and remote learning at home. 3.    There’s nothing like a good friend Lean on your good friends for support and schedule time to check in with them too. Be a good friend by being real, honest, kind, and dependable, and don’t be shy to ask your friends for help if you feel anxious. Watch out for the warning signs of early depression and anxiety in your friends too, and act with care and compassion if you notice that they are struggling. 4.    Forget about mistakes made in the past Everyone makes mistakes in life – it’s only human. Remember that you will not be able to please everyone. Of course, set high expectations for yourself and always do your best, but remember that half the road to success is failing and learning to bounce back from adversity. Learn from your mistakes and move on. 5.    Don’t sweat the small stuff Ask yourself if what you are stressing over will matter tomorrow, next week or a month from now. If the answer is ‘no’ or even ‘maybe’, leave it behind you. If the answer is ‘yes’, set short-term and long-term milestones that are attainable and realistic to achieve within the time period you have set out for yourself. And remember, if you’re worried about your studies, additional textbooks, online resources and study guides from TAS are a great way to stay on top of your work, whether at home or in the classroom. 6.    Face your fears It is natural that the uncertainty of the year ahead might instil fear in you. Remember that to be afraid of something is a state of mind. Every time you confront a fear you change that state of mind and, in the process, you gain courage and confidence. Control what you can. Ask your teachers for a breakdown of the term’s work and create a weekly study timetable as if you were studying for exams but adjust it to homework and day to day learning. 7.    Dress for success Jenny Campbell, a mathematics author at TAS, suggests that teachers focus on looking after themselves, so they can continue to support their learners. Campbell said: “To function optimally at school and after school you need to ensure that you look after yourself by eating well, sleeping well, getting some form of exercise, switching your mind off school for a part of the day, and having me-time.” Learners can do the same. If you feel healthy and well kept, you will feel more confident and will in turn attract the same energy. Eat healthily, create an exercise routine – and make sure you stick to it – and put effort into how you look when you get ready for school.       Remind yourself often: The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence.


Benefits of playing games with kids

Children of all ages learn through engaging with many different forms of media, including games. Games include board games, video games, and even online games, despite what you may have heard! Playing games help children develop many core skills like mathematical or language skills, social skills and healthy interaction, and logic and problem-solving skills.  We all know playing is fundamental for young children’s development, but this is true for pre-teens and adolescents, too! Of course, the type of games children play at different ages will differ depending on their cognitive ability and interests. Still, play and games remain fundamental for a child’s development regardless of their age.  Infants: 0 – 18 months Babies respond to visual and audio stimuli, including bright colours, movement, and sounds. Consequently, they respond best to singing and other music, holding and playing with bright toys, and looking at colourful pictures. Games recommended for this age group include: ‘peek-a-boo’ (visual stimulation), and  singing rhymes and songs (auditory stimulation).  Imitate the noises your baby makes to engage in a ‘conversation’ and let them crawl to discover their world. Of course, at this age, the parent or caretaker is doing most of the playing! Toddlers: 18 months – 3 years Children of these ages can usually talk and move by themselves to some degree, meaning the complexity of games caregivers can play with them increases a bit. Toddlers love exploring their physical environment, so touch becomes a big factor in how they learn. They also begin using their imagination and combine their cognitive skills with their knowledge of the external world to create a world of their own.  Caregivers can encourage children’s use of their imagination by pretending to drink out of an empty cup or offering toys that enable pretend play. Read to them and develop games based on stories. At this age, recommended games include: building blocks and stacking toys,  easy puzzles, and  basic art and crafts activities like finger painting.  Pre-schoolers: 3 – 6 years By now, children are starting to socialise with each other a lot more, so they need to start developing their social skills. Many children of this age play fantasy games with one another, like ‘cops and robbers’. This kind of ‘pretend play’ is highly recommended for this age group as it allows them to develop: muscle coordination,  fine motor skills,  language skills, and  cooperation skills.  Story time remains important – read your child a story and ask them questions about the plot and characters. Because they can now read and write to a certain degree, even simple card games like ‘snap’ are recommended. Other recommended games include incorporating objects like balls in games such as ‘catch’. Read more: Raising Readers: Tips for Parents Middle childhood: 6 – 12 years At this age, children are increasingly verbal and literate and can communicate with one another and adults. They interact with each other to a much greater degree, and their interests become more pronounced. By this stage, many children have started playing online and video games. While these certainly have their benefits, children must continue to play with one another outside of more formal activities like sports and cultural pursuits.  It is recommended that caregivers continue to facilitate play among children indoors and outdoors, like playing ‘dress-up’ and hide-and-seek. It is also recommended that children now begin playing more mentally challenging games such as: more advanced puzzles,  chess and other board games, and  slightly more difficult card games like ‘go fish’.  Arts and crafts continue to be encouraged.  Read more: Video games: good, bad, or both? Teenagers: 12 – 18 years We all know teen years are difficult ones. Teenagers face many obstacles like changing bodies and moods and discovering who they are as independent and autonomous beings. Many teens can become reclusive or even self-isolate due to bullying, so it’s important to encourage them – very gently – to continue socialising with other teens who are kind and caring.  Recommended games for teens now veer from traditional games to: sports,  cultural activities, and  social events like music concerts and parties.  Teens are also encouraged to join clubs that align with their interests, like debate or ‘glee’ club, or outdoor adventures like hikes or rock-climbing if that is more to their taste.  Remember, every child is different – nurture their passions through the activities in which they engage.  By Jacqui Smit Sources: ACTP Southern Africa manual; healthychildren.org 

Optimi Publishing

CAPS aligned and moderated assessments for learners Grades R to 12

Optimi Publishing is a popular service provider of CAPS-aligned tasks, tests, examination papers, and memorandums for schools across the country. These assessments are moderated for accuracy and quality and are set by qualified and registered SACE teachers. The assessments are also frequently updated to ensure that relevant content is covered. Make your teaching life a little bit easier with Optimi Publishing. Order your assessments in a few easy steps:

Parenting Hub


High school is an exciting if sometimes scary and demanding stage of a young person’s life, and it requires of them to balance a daily focus on learning and academic work while also continuously considering their future and where they are headed. These competing considerations – the focus on now while also not losing sight of tomorrow – can cause uncertainty and anxiety, but using a framework on the way can have a significant impact on creating peace of mind and successful outcomes, says Dr Gillian Mooney, Dean: Academic Development and Support at The Independent Institute of Education, SA’s largest and most accredited private higher education provider. “By getting into the right frame of mind, and armed with a daily plan of action, you can incrementally build your way towards great results in Matric, and opportunities that align with your vision thereafter,” she says. “What Covid has made clear, is that we need to use every day to our advantage. Small wins compound, but if you procrastinate, you might just find yourself in an impossible position down the line.” Dr Mooney says junior high school students should strategise for the long game, and combine that with short-term action plans so that they are able to start senior high in as strong a position as possible, by doing the following: KEEP ON TOP OF THINGS EVERY DAY “Make sure that you master the work done in class every day. Do your homework to the best of your ability, and if there are concepts you don’t understand, ask for help and assistance until you do. Don’t push things to the side and think you are going to deal with them later, because later you may just have too many things to deal with and then you’ll start feeling overwhelmed. “By doing a little bit every day to cement new knowledge, you are building a strong foundation for the future, and your learning muscles and confidence are strengthened.” DON’T GO OFF THE RAILS – ASK FOR HELP High school comes with a host of firsts – good ones and not so good ones, notes Dr Mooney. “You’ll be faced with exciting new opportunities but also temptations. Don’t lose sight of what you are building towards, and always consider how your choices will impact on your future. Your freedom will be increasing, but so will your responsibilities. Make wise choices and enjoy your journey towards adulthood, while also being careful not to make choices that can turn into hurdles down the line. In particular, be extremely circumspect where social media is concerned as small missteps can have huge consequences. “If you find yourself struggling – academically, mentally, emotionally, physically – know that there are many avenues you can turn to for help. There could be trusted adults in the community, teachers, organisations and even online resources to which you can turn. Don’t despair if you are finding yourself in a difficult spot. There are support and resources available, so keep looking for help until you find it.” CONSTANTLY EVALUATE WHERE YOU ARE HEADED You may have an idea of what you want to do when you Matriculate, or you may not. Whichever it is, junior high school provides the opportunity for you to consider your options while you still have plenty of time.  “Keep in mind that you will need to make subject choices in Grade Nine, which will impact greatly on your options after you finish school,” says Dr Mooney. So as you progress through the days, weeks and months of junior high, consider where your strengths lie, and how these might match up to a future career. “This is why it is important to not leave your investigation of your future studies until Matric, because by then you may have dropped the subjects you would have needed to apply for your qualification of choice. If you think you are terrible at Maths and want to drop it as soon as you are able to, consider which careers you will be ruling out if you do so. “If you don’t know the answer to that, it is worth finding out by for instance doing online research, or speaking to student advisors at higher education institutions about fields that interest you, and what the entry requirements for those would be.” START TO BROADEN YOUR HORIZONS The world is evolving rapidly and by the time junior high learners matriculate, it will look completely different from the way it looks today. In junior high, young people should start developing themselves holistically, and start learning about things outside of their current field of experience and frame of reference. For instance, they can start keeping up with the daily news so that they know what’s going on in the country and the rest of the world. They could also start cultivating a hobby to develop their creative side and ensure they get regular exercise through group or individual sport. “You are now at the stage of your life where you are starting to develop into the adult you will become. As the saying goes – with some creative licence taken here – there are things we know, things we don’t know, and then things we don’t know we don’t know. Your school will be teaching you about the things you don’t know, but it is your responsibility to be curious about the world and start finding out about the things you didn’t even know you didn’t know. “You may find that there is a whole world of opportunities that get you excited in terms of your future, that you were never exposed to before. So every day, do your best to ensure you continue to grow academically, while also firmly considering where you are headed by researching where the world is moving and where your future opportunity might lie.”

Parenting Hub

Psychology major? Here are five non-psych career options!

If you are busy with or planning to pursue a psychology major, you don’t necessarily need to go all the way to graduate or doctorate level to start your career. If you decide not to pursue a clinical or academic career with this major, there are quite a few career paths you can consider with your psych degree. Why a psychology major can set you up for success A psychology degree comes in handy in a variety of careers.  Having mastered psychology basics, you’re already rich in transferable skills, including communication and critical thinking. You also developed quantitative skills and open-ended thinking patterns. You understand human behaviour and how to use data in real-life settings. These valuable skills come in handy in many fields, including business, law, education, and social sciences. In short, your major taught you hard and soft skills and an understanding of yourself and those around you. This can be valuable in just about every career avenue. Just because you focused on human behaviour doesn’t mean you can’t take on a radically different role. What jobs can you do with a psychology degree? Marketing Analyst Average Salary: R433,001 per year Marketing analysts help businesses better understand their customers and their industry as a whole. In this role, you’ll dig into various data sets to gain insights that can help improve business initiatives. Perhaps you’ll help identify potential customers or opportunities for gaining market share. Because you understand customer behaviour, your background makes you ideal for this role. Sales Account Executive Average Salary: R350,000 per year Sales account executives identify new prospects, close new business, manage upselling accounts. Your psychology major already set you up for success since this role requires you to understand customer challenges and the solutions they’re looking for. UX Researcher Average Salary: R630,000 per year Companies need to ensure that their new products appeal to their target audience, and user experience researchers (UX researchers) are in charge of ensuring this happens. As a UX researcher, you’ll use data to understand the target audience and leverage those insights to guide the design process of any new product or service. To thrive in this role, you need quantitative research skills and the ability to influence your colleagues, skills you already mastered while studying psychology. H.R. Manager Average Salary: R670,000 per year Human resource managers – as the name implies – are responsible for managing the humans in the workplace. You might be in charge of recruiting new talent, developing training programs, dealing with employee complaints, rolling out wellness initiatives, and everything in between. Naturally, this career demands a knack for dealing with people, but you’ll also need to showcase your logistical skills. Academic Advisor Average Salary: R380,000 per year Colleges and universities employ academic advisors to guide and advise students during their years of study. Perhaps you’ll help prospective students determine if varsity is right for them. You’ll also help students figure out their options as far as majors are concerned. Students who struggle on an academic level will turn to you for guidance on resources they can use to improve their performance. Because you have a psychology major as a foundation, you’re already fantastic when it comes to communication, empathy, and other interpersonal skills, all of which are job requirements for this role. Final Thoughts As you can see, you don’t have to pursue a clinical or academic career with your psychology background. You also don’t have to study towards a master’s degree to have a fulfilling career path. The five job titles we’ve mentioned in this post are just the tip of the iceberg. If you’re ready to find the job of your dreams, start browsing Adzuna’s listings today. Your ideal role might just be one click away!


A year in lockdown: How perspectives on homeschooling have changed

Reflecting on the last 365 days of lockdown in South Africa, it’s clear that education has undergone immense changes that will forever alter the way our children learn. As the country’s largest homeschooling curriculum provider, we at Impaq have noticed how more families are increasingly viewing homeschooling as an appealing alternative.  Over the last year, millions of children have done at least some of their schooling from home, with some families realising how homeschooling has benefits for them. As a result, Impaq has experienced its fastest ever rate of growth, with our numbers of learners having jumped from just under 19 000 at the start of 2020 to over 24 000 at the end of the year. We have seen families from various demographics and backgrounds register with us.  Among the interesting observations are that families with younger children — those at the Grade R and Grade 1 levels — have been one of our largest new signup groups. In addition, we have also seen a high rate of signups from older children who have flourished more under a homeschooling setup than a traditional schooling environment.  Looking back, I believe there are three key benefits that the pandemic has taught us about homeschooling and distance learning over the last year. Also read: Tips for studying from home during lockdown Learning really can happen from anywhere In our internet-connected age, adults have learned that they can work from anywhere in the world and that they don’t always need to be in the office. The same lessons apply to education. Prior to the pandemic, we often had families who travel internationally sign their children up for homeschooling. This ensured that their children’s education was on track, no matter where they were in the world.  During lockdown last year, we saw the same trend on a local level, as many families decided to use the opportunity to travel to other South African locations, such as coastal areas, to continue their work and schooling from there.  What is interesting is that while many families have returned to their home towns or cities, others have decided that they enjoy this new way of life and have continued with homeschooling their children.  You don’t have to be a super mom or dad to do homeschooling  Providers of structured homeschooling, such as Impaq, will give you all the support you need to make learning at home easy. This includes detailed scheduling on our online learning platform, lesson structures and material, live online lessons to help grasp important concepts, access to educational specialists when you get stuck and all the assessments that need to be completed to progress to the next grade. You, as the parent, don’t need to be an expert in Mathematics or Physical Sciences. Parents can also enlist the assistance of a tutor should they need assistance. Also read: How do I choose a tutor for my child? The gift of more time and adaptability In addition to being based from anywhere, homeschooling provides more time for families and children. For starters, you don’t have to endure the morning and afternoon rush hour trips to get your children to and from school.  Homeschooled children can also work at their own pace, thereby spending more time on topics and aspects that may need greater attention from them. In turn, this results in more individualised attention – something that can be a challenge in traditional schools. For children who take on time-intensive extracurricular activities, such as professional sport or music, homeschooling is also often the best option for them. Then there are those children at Grade 10 to12 level who wish to take on more subjects. Homeschooling enables these children to have the time to do so. In addition, a reputable provider such as Impaq provides many more subject choices than what a school can offer. As the unknowns around the pandemic play out and as technology evolves, there’s no doubt that our education landscape will experience further major changes down the line. What’s good to know is that there are alternatives in place to keep the learning going during this challenging time. By Louise Schoonwinkel, MD of Optimi Home, the company that operates Impaq

Parenting Hub


Teachers are at the frontlines of their communities’ responses to the COVID-19 crisis.  As we move into the second pandemic year, there are millions of parents facing financial struggles, thousands of families impacted by the grief of losing loved ones and the constant stress arising from the fears, anxieties and frustrations affecting South Africans of all ages.  It’s not surprising that there are significant concerns about rising mental health disorders across the country.   With their learners’ futures at stake, trying to teach effectively in ongoing circumstances that are complete opposite of what is conducive to learning, is a constant, heart-wrenching battle for most teachers. SACAP (The South African College of Applied Psychology) is inviting all teachers and educators to join a panel discussion with Registered Counselling Psychologist and SACAP Educator, Clare Chester; Educational Psychologist, Dr Anne Govender; and Educational and Research Psychologist and SACAP’s Head of Teaching and Learning Dr Diana De Sousa, highlighting the unique challenges they are facing and presenting solutions to help them improve both their learners’ and their own emotional well-being.   The 90-minute SACAP Mental Health Toolkit for Teachers webinar will take place on Saturday, 10 April 2021 from 9:00 to 10:30am.  Attendance is free, and teachers can register here (https://www.sacap.edu.za/events/teachers-mental-health/) Dr Anne Govender says, “The school community is expected to function normally in an abnormal situation.  Teachers are under enormous pressure to deliver the curriculum as well as to catch up as much as possible, but their modes of operation are completely disrupted.  Support structures that take into account the intense, mixed emotions of both teachers and learners need to be in place.  Solutions-focused conversations and discussions around mental health play an important role in fostering resilience in the face of ongoing adversities.” As the leaders in their classrooms, a key element for teachers is their ability to recognize signs of mental health disorders in their learners, which often manifest in either disruptive or withdrawn behaviours. Clare Chester will help teachers understand the range of mental health disorders and to identify the signs that a learner needs additional support.  She says, “The strategies that we will unpack during the webinar are aimed at equipping teachers to know the warning signs of distress in learners, understand how to connect learners with resources to help them and assist them in building supportive social connections with peers.” A critical component of the webinar is the mental health toolkit, which will be shared with all participants. Dr Diana De Sousa says, “Teachers are carrying a uniquely difficult burden right now. Managing their own stress and worry, but also tasked with supporting and guiding students through the subjects they teach during COVID-19. Secondary traumatic stress or compassionate fatigue can impact all areas of a teacher’ s life, and the effects can range from mild to debilitating. It’s important for teachers to understand the risks, be aware of signs and symptoms, and take action to protect and enhance their mental health.  Our mental health toolkit for teachers provides them with simple, usable ways to practice daily self-care, and importantly, model these positive behaviours for their learners.  Teachers need to embrace that when they take good care of themselves, they are also taking good care of their learners.”  All South African teachers and educators are invited to register for the free webinar: SACAP Mental Health Toolkit for Teachers Saturday, 10 April 2021 9:00 to 10:30am  

Glenoaks Remedial and Special Needs School

The puzzle that is Autism

Autism, is currently referred to as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) although people with ASD themselves consider Autism a neurodiversity rather than a disorder. Almost 2% of the world’s population is diagnosed as being on the Autistic spectrum. “Spectrum” because some people appear to be mildly affected and others profoundly so. Since each person is an individual and presents differently, the diagnostic process involves a number of professional assessments to identify strengths and areas of difficulty. Neurodiversity is not anyone’s fault and the causes of Autism are continuously being researched. There is no link whatsoever with vaccine treatments and the diagnosis of ASD. There does appear to be a genetic link, but the genes are not necessarily passed down from parents, since some genetic differences occur spontaneously. Autism can be understood from a medical perspective, as a condition with symptoms that can be improved but not cured, or from a more relevant social perspective, as an alternate way in which the world is experienced. It is not a sign that a person is ‘stupid’, defiant, sick, selfish, crazy, flawed or weird. All people are unique and that is why there are a number of professionals involved in the diagnosis. Paediatricians are perfectly positioned to follow a child’s developmental progress and although Autism isn’t fixed and changes over time, they may be the first professionals who detect neurodiversity in a child. Often paediatricians will refer their patients to other professionals if they detect a difference or delay in the child’s development. Parents can be overwhelmed by the process and feel isolated, but it’s important to remember that this team of professionals is there to support the entire family. Parents may also benefit from speaking to other parents in similar situations. A psychiatrist may assist with high levels of anxiety, attention difficulties, poor sleeping patterns, worries and extreme emotional fluctuations commonly experienced in Autism. There is no medical cure for Autism however prescribed medication is often helpful in reducing these difficulties. A psychiatrist will often refer their patients with Autism to a psychologist, to facilitate an understanding of Autism with the whole family and assist them to address difficulties with acceptance, emotional responses, behaviour and self-expression. People with Autism DO feel emotion and empathy but may battle to communicate those feelings. Psychologists are often also responsible for administering educational testing, to determine existing academic levels and potentials, for correct school placement. Success at school is largely dependent on the learner’s innate cognitive ability boosted by a support team and up-skilled educators. People with Autism often experience the sensory information in their environments differently to the way in which neurotypical people do. This has an impact on the way they behave in different environments and situations, as well as on their emotional resilience and well-being. This is why extremely picky eating; a strong need for predictability and structure; and specific skill sets and interests are often associated with Autism. Occupational therapists are a vital element in the team supporting children with Autism in this regard. The way in which sensory information is processed can fluctuate throughout the day, as well as from one situation to the next. Common responses for children with Autism include either “shutting down” and withdrawing from or avoiding engagement, or “melting down” and having temper tantrums or emotional outbursts and parents and teachers should understand and support this necessary ‘escape’. Neither of these is misbehaviour, but rather an instinctive response to the environment and the way in which sensory stimuli are being perceived. e.g. in a noisy chaotic place, noise reducing earphones may minimise the overload The use of Ayres Sensory Integration® in occupational therapy sessions goes a long way to helping children and adults with their ability to process the sensory information in their environments, thereby facilitating optimal function in daily activities whether they be daily hygiene activities, learning/work activities and/or social activities. A visual schedule at home and school is helpful for the child to anticipate what is coming during the day since people with Autism like predictability and structure and are thrown by unexpected changes in their routine. Occupational therapists can also provide support with motor and visual-perceptual development should this be required. Communication is another significant aspect to consider in the diagnosis of Autism. A speech therapist will support the development of communication skills for developing and maintaining relationships. Often more subtle aspects of communication are missed by a communication partner with Autism e.g sarcasm, facial expression, body language and tone of voice, leaving the person with ASD confused and excluded. While they may be able to define sarcasm for example, they may not realise when it is being used. Parents and teachers may need to point out social cues that have been missed. Fluctuating auditory perception and difficulty starting, maintaining and following a conversation can lead to communication breakdown. This is not necessarily related to the child’s understanding of the topic of conversation so rewording may be necessary. Learners with Autism favour facts and brevity over figurative and inferential information, impacting on academic comprehension and output, and social interaction. People with Autism are not deliberately rude but are to the point, often without an awareness of how their communication is perceived so it may be beneficial to discuss the effect of their own communication on others. Social norms are not always innate in neurodivergent children and adults. They may incessantly discuss a subject of their own interest and pay no attention to their conversation partner’s interest or disinterest in what is being said. Reciprocity in conversation may also be limited, leaving the listener with a sense of frustration and annoyance, shutting down opportunities for socialisation and relationship building. A speech therapist would encourage awareness and understanding of communication behaviours to minimise linguistic, social and emotional misunderstandings.  Academic support teachers are the touchstone between learners with Autism, their specialist team and the school setting. They facilitate recommendations from the team to the school and vice versa to maximise the learning potential and happiness of the


Impaq can help you make the switch to full-time homeschooling

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted all aspects of human life. It has made people across the globe think differently about how we work, how we play, and most importantly, how we learn. The virus prompted one of the most significant shifts in education since the 1st Industrial Revolution, and many parents are now embracing homeschooling as a viable alternative to mainstream schooling. Rethinking education The pandemic presented a unique opportunity to reimagine what we teach, how we teach, and where we teach. Impaq, South Africa’s largest home education curriculum provider, shares the what, how, and where of homeschooling below: What we teach – Impaq follows the same CAPS-aligned curriculum that almost every school in the country follows. This means that your child can easily shift back into a traditional schooling environment if you so choose in the future. How we teach –Impaq’s lesson materialhas been designed specifically to enable individualised learning. The lesson material is based on a distance-learning model, making it easy for children to study at their own pace. Where we teach – Impaq allows children to continue their schooling at home in a clean, safe and nurturing learning environment. Children can study anytime, anywhere. Homeschooling with Impaq Homeschooling is easy and accessible to all parents, thanks to the guidance, support, content, and online learning advances from Impaq. Impaq provides everything you need to complete Grades R to 12 at home. Over the last 19 years, almost 164 000 learners have placed their trust in Impaq, with over 24 800 learners choosing Impaq as their learning partner in 2020.  Why home education might be the best choice for your child Before embarking on a homeschooling journey, it is important to consider whether home education is the best option for your child. Below are only some of the reasons why home education might be a good fit for your family. Homeschooling is based on a distance-learning model Impaq is not only the biggest provider of homeschooling solutions in the country, but it is also an established leader when it comes to online and distance education for Grades R to 12. Our comprehensive approach provides parents and learners with the option to buy printed or electronic books for all their learning needs. Our online learning platform further helps learners prepare for examinations with live online lessons hosted by our team of qualified teachers, as well as video content and quizzes in selected subjects. Impaq parents receive access to detailed facilitator guides that inform them about how to teach a subject. These guides feature step-by-step instructions, lesson planning, assessment materials, as well as videos and online resources. In addition, our easy-to-use online portal is there to help parents take care of administrative tasks such as capturing marks, generating reports, and monitoring their child’s progress.  We also form part of the Optimi Group, which provides several other leading online education solutions such as Cami Maths, one of the country’s best-known learning software tools. Impaq provides additional support Impaq learners have access to our team of experienced education specialists who can provide additional subject support. So, if you are worried about educating your child in a subject you struggled with at school, don’t be. Our specialists are just an email away and will gladly answer any academic queries you may have. Parents may also be interested to know that Impaq is affiliated with Optimi Campus, a first-of-its-kind distance education facility. Optimi Campus provides in-person support for Grade 10 to 12 learners. Currently, there are Optimi Campus facilities in Lynnwood, Tshwane and Auckland Park, Johannesburg. Homeschooling offers a pathway to matric Learners who use Impaq’s lesson material fall under the South African Comprehensive Assessment Institute (SACAI), an assessment body overseen by Umalusi. Learners, therefore, receive a National Senior Certificate (matric certificate), issued by Umalusi, same as that of public and independent IEB schools, upon successfully completing their final Grade 12 examinations. The NSC provides them with an opportunity to further their studies on a tertiary level.  Impaq offers choice Homeschooled learners have access to more subjects than those that are typically offered in mainstream schools. Impaq provides more than 26 subjects in the FET Phase, including:  Hospitality Studies,  Dramatic Arts,  Agricultural Management Practices, Agricultural Sciences,  Visual Arts,  Computer Applications Technology, and Information Technology.  Impaq also offers Robotics and Coding for learners who wish to explore this field of study at their own leisure. It’s clear that there are established options available to help you keep your child’s education on track during these challenging times. Homeschooling is an exciting alternative that can make all the difference in getting your child to the next level. By Louise Schoonwinkel, MD of Optimi Home, a company that operates Impaq, South Africa’s largest home education curriculum provider.


How to support a child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder: tips and strategies

After receiving an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis, it can be overwhelming for the parents or caregivers of an autistic child to cope with the various challenges ASD may present. However, with the appropriate support structures and strategies in place, caring for an autistic child can become more manageable.  Also read: Autism 101 – what is it and what should you look for? Support strategies for managing ASD Many autistic people are likely to experience communication difficulties, especially difficulties with social communication and understanding other people. Autistic children are also easily frustrated and made upset by unexpected events. Often, these feelings of frustration lead to intense meltdowns, and parents can help alleviate such feelings and prevent breakdowns by having support strategies in place. Prepare for future events Autistic children may become easily overwhelmed by minor changes in routine. Parents and children can benefit from preparation for the day’s or week’s events. Parents also need to ensure that structure and routine are upheld in the household so that the child knows exactly what to expect. Make use of visual aids Visual aids can assist autistic children in improving their skills in processing information, understanding and using language, and becoming more interactive within their environments.  Visual aids can be used to communicate with autistic children to inform them of what is happening at present, what will happen during the day, and what will happen during the coming days. Examples of how to use visual aids include: Showing the child a picture of relatives who may visit  Showing them photos of the dentist or doctor before a visit Creating a picture chart with the steps to follow when using the bathroom or getting dressed in the morning Not only are visual aids helpful for communicating information to autistic children, but they also help ensure that autistic children are well-informed of daily events. When children are informed, the likelihood of intense meltdowns is significantly reduced.  Avoid sensory overload Sensory overload is commonly found in autistic children and is a contributing factor to meltdowns. Sensory overload means that autistic children may sometimes experience certain sounds, textures, tastes, lights, and sensations as painful and intolerable, which may lead to a meltdown.  Parents can try to prevent a sensory overload by identifying their child’s specific trigger(s) and reducing the number of triggering stimuli in the environment.  It may be helpful to reduce loud noise and avoid bright lights.  Ease children into public spaces Trying to reduce noise and avoid bright lights is often impossible in public spaces like shopping malls or grocery stores. That is why it is essential to ease a child into visiting public spaces by starting with preparation using visual aids and very short visits. Once a child can manage a short trip, gradually increase the time of the visit. The same strategy can be used when visiting friends, family, or relatives.  Autistic children may develop an attachment to a particular item, for example, a toy or a blanket. It may help to bring this item along when going into public spaces because it gives the child a sense of familiarity and comfort, which may help keep the child calm for the duration of the trip.  Plan ahead when eating at restaurants Visiting a restaurant can be challenging for an autistic child. To make the outing manageable for a child, it may be helpful to do the following: Make a reservation at the restaurant ahead of time Visit restaurants during their quieter hours  Request seating in a booth away from the play areas or bathrooms to reduce sensory stimulation Pre-order meals Request the bill before dessert to prevent the child from getting frustrated with waiting Additionally, parents should request permission to bring the child’s favourite food along, as some autistic children have very specific dietary preferences.  Try rewards charts Some autistic children exhibit defiant behaviour, and, therefore, it is crucial to utilise strategies to encourage compliance. One strategy that can be used at home and at school to achieve cooperation is a rewards chart.  Also read: How to reward your kids the right way Since many autistic children often have very particular interests, it is vital to ensure that the rewards chart is meaningful and appealing. For example, if a child has an intense obsession with a particular superhero, the rewards chart should incorporate that infatuation to gain a child’s interest and, consequently, compliance. When trying to encourage compliance from autistic children, parents are advised to provide as much praise as necessary and to reduce such praise gradually as children exhibit increased cooperation.  Take care of yourself Lastly, parents are very often the primary caregivers of autistic children. To be able to give to others, your cup cannot be empty. It is, therefore, crucial that parents attend to their needs and mental wellbeing such that they are well-equipped to face the challenges that accompany caring for an autistic child.  Parents should make time for self-care and join support groups to draw social support to prevent feelings of isolation they sometimes experience.  Although the challenges are present, they do not make parenting any less rewarding. By implementing tips and tricks in your daily life, caring for an autistic child may become more manageable.   by Dr Jeanné Roux – educational psychologist

Parenting Hub

Is a university degree still worth it?

Amid mounting tuition fees and a global pandemic, parents and students may be reconsidering the value of a higher education. With Covid-19 closing campuses and moving lectures online, the high cost of a university degree may seem hard to justify in the current economic climate. However, as the job market becomes increasingly competitive, a degree from a top university can help young South Africans stand out from the crowd, setting them on the path to graduate level jobs and higher incomes. “The value of a university education goes beyond the degree itself. Additional benefits include peers who bring their own rich experiences and perspectives to campus; high-calibre staff; and a global network of alumni connections and employment opportunities,” says Rebecca Pretorius, Country Manager at global mentorship company Crimson Education.  Despite an uncertain application year, during which students faced a number of Covid-19 related challenges, global admission trends show an increase in applicants competing for places at top universities abroad. Harvard University reported a record number of applications for the class of 2025, receiving 57 000 applications, up from approximately 40 000 in the previous year. This trend was seen across all the Ivy League and other top US universities.  In the UK, 76 940 students applied to Oxford and Cambridge, as well as medicine, dentistry, and veterinary medicine and science courses – an increase of 23 670 applications from the previous year. “The increase in global admissions highlights the already high value of a world-class education. At the same time, it also demonstrates the necessity for students to differentiate themselves, especially in the current and post-pandemic economy,” says Pretorius.  With Covid-19 and the subsequent lockdown causing businesses around the world to downscale, those entering the job market for the first time will be competing for fewer jobs overall. “In many cases, a bachelor’s degree is now considered to be a basic requirement across the board, especially in the fields of science and business. South Africans wanting to start a career abroad will need to consider how they can appeal to employers, many of whom historically hire graduates of top universities,” says Pretorius. For those wanting to pursue specialist degrees and professions, such as medicine, applicants will face even more competition when it comes to securing admission to a top university. 2020 has seen medical school applications in the US rise by 18% since last year — the greatest leap in over a decade — with some schools such as Stanford University’s School of Medicine seeing jumps as high as 50%. With Covid-19 demonstrating the importance of medicine, more and more young people are working towards making a difference.  “South African students will find a lot of value in earning a university degree, whether from a top local or international university. Moving to study abroad offers the added opportunity to travel, to learn about new people and cultures first-hand, and set up professional networks that will help you get hired after graduation. Although the future is uncertain, it’s worth investing in now more than ever,” says Pretorius.  Crimson Education is a global EdTech company which focuses on building the candidacy of high school students wanting to study at top-ranked universities in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia. Through a team mentorship model, learners connect with admission strategists and tutors to assist them with the complex application process for overseas universities. With a presence in 28 cities, the company launched in South Africa in 2018. Crimson offers regular information evenings and workshops around the country. For more information, visit www.crimsoneducation.org/za.


Autism 101 – what is it and what should you look for?

What is autism?  Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a range of developmental disorders that impair a person’s ability to communicate and interact with other people. As the name suggests, ASD refers to a broad range of conditions characterised by a person’s challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviours, speech, and nonverbal communication. Despite ASD consisting of a range of conditions, there are no subtypes since ASD may present very differently from person to person, along with differences in presentation among genders.  How does autism present? Every person will have a different set of strengths and challenges but still fall under ASD. People diagnosed with ASD may present with more mild symptoms, while others may present with more severe symptoms – such individuals require significant support to function in their daily lives.  As aforementioned, the presentation of ASD may differ between people in both severity and characteristics. People with ASD may also differ in their level of intelligence, as some have average or above-average intelligence while others may have a learning disability and require assistance with daily functioning.  Common characteristics of ASD Characteristics that have been noted with some typicality include:  Challenges with communication and interaction with others;  Difficulties in reading social cues (i.e. how others may think or feel);  Challenges in expressing their thoughts and feelings;  Sensory sensitivity (e.g. bright lights, loud noises, etc.) which causes these individuals to become overwhelmed, stressed, or uncomfortable;  Repetitive behaviours; Becoming anxious, upset, or angered by unfamiliar situations or changes in routine; Taking additional time to process information.  Verbal ASD challenges It is common for roughly 40% of ASD individuals not to speak at all, while between 25 – 30% of others will develop language skills. Some language and speech challenges may include:  Delayed speech development;  Using a flat, robotic voice or speaking in a sing-song manner;  Echolalia;  Difficulties with pronouns, i.e. using I/me/he/she/they incorrectly;  Rarely using physical gestures; An inability to stay on topic.   Behavioural ASD challenges Autistic people may also display or engage in behaviours such as:  Repetitive behaviours;  Specific rituals;  Fixation on certain activities, objects, or topics;  Constant pacing back and forth;  Fussy eating habits (many ASD individuals have textural issues); Not participating in pretend play;  Impulsiveness; Aggression; An inability to pay attention or a short attention span;  Clumsiness.  What causes ASD? Several factors may influence the development of ASD, but there is no known singular cause. There have been rumoured causes of ASD such as diet, infections, or vaccines; however, each of these has not been conclusively proven to cause ASD. Typical comorbidities include medical challenges such as gastrointestinal disorders, seizures or sleep disorders, and mental health challenges such as anxiety, depression, and attention difficulties.  How to identify autism Signs of ASD typically appear by the age of two to three years. Some children present with developmental delays as early as 18 months. In other rarer cases, ASD may be picked up by caregivers and teachers only later in the person’s life. Typically, when making a diagnosis of ASD, it will either have been identified by a doctor during early check-ups or when a parent becomes concerned and consults a multidisciplinary team of teachers, occupational therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and doctors.  Also read: Might my child have ADHD? Signs of ASD  Signs of ASD to which a parent/teacher may want to pay special attention include:  Preference for solitary time; Avoidance of eye contact; No response to their given name by their first birthday; Lack of response to the emotions of others or appearing not to understand the emotions of others; An unwillingness to be comforted when upset; Avoidance or rejection of physical contact; Meeting of some developmental milestones but later losing them; Appearing to have a lack of facial expressions (i.e. smiling); Challenges with abstract thinking; Fixation on or a very clear preference for certain subjects; Challenges in making friends or maintaining friendships.  Also read: Parental self-care If your child is experiencing one or a combination of these signs or symptoms, they may need professional help. Consult a psychiatrist or psychologist to determine the correct treatment and course of action for your child. by Dr Jeanné Roux – educational psychologist



It’s hard to believe, as it feels like the school year has only just started, but school holidays are almost upon us! During the break you may find yourself searching for new ideas to keep your kids entertained. Although things may look a little different, there are still so many fun activities to make the holidays fun while still keeping you and your family safe. Here are some creative activities to keep your kids entertained over the school break. 1. Take a Hike Take advantage of the beautiful weather and get outside! Research local trails in your area and explore nature.  You could also just go on a neighbourhood scavenger hunt. Draw up a list of 10 or 20 items to search for, and see if you and your kids can tick them all off. If you prefer to stay home, you can also play a game of I Spy! Look for details around your home such as, “I spy something that’s the colour red,” and try to see if your child can locate that item.  2. Take an Adventure from Home Zoos, historical landmarks, and museums alike have all created innovative alternatives to allow children to take virtual field trips and escape to destinations around the world. Some possible resources for you that allow you and your little one to explore the world without leaving the living room include: Access Mars: https://accessmars.withgoogle.com/ Viewers can explore Mars through a virtual ride-along by the Curiosity rover.  The Hidden World of National Parks: https://artsandculture.withgoogle.com/en-us/national-parks-service Google Arts & Culture takes you on a journey to places most people would never dare to go through. The Louvre Art Museum in Paris: https://www.louvre.fr/en/visites-en-ligne See the treasures of the world’s largest art museum from the comfort of your home. Go on a Game Drive: https://wildearth.tv/live-safaris/ Game drives streamed live directly from the Kruger National Park and other African game lodges. 3. Holiday Reading The magical thing about books is that they can make our imaginations soar by whisking us off to faraway lands or transporting us back into history. They can also spark new interests. Designate a cozy nook for your children where they can relax and get lost in a book. Try a hammock in the backyard or build your own reading fort with blankets and pillows. Read the same books as your kids! Tackling the same reading list as your children can be your own form of a book club. Engaging in thoughtful discussions will further develop their insight and critical reading skills. 4. Plant a Seed Planting a garden or a tree right in your own backyard is the perfect outdoor project for you and your little one. Plant yummy fruits and vegetables for nutritious snacks to enjoy. Your children will love reaping the benefits of their hard work! 5. A Night Under the Stars Plan a family campout in the backyard to stargaze. This is a fun way to learn the name of the constellations, which may even spark an interest in space exploration and Greek mythology. 6. Family Game Night Family game night is a great time to put problem-solving skills to the test with fun games and puzzles like Scrabble, Sudoku, and word searches. 7. Creative Writing Have your child tap into their imagination and write a creative story or even keep a journal. This is a fun way to strengthen motor skills and build critical writing skills. 8. Backyard Picnic Whipping up a delicious recipe with your child can be a fun way to incorporate maths, reading, and following directions. Pack your meal in a basket, lie down a blanket in the backyard, and enjoy a family picnic. 9. Outdoor Movie Night Bring the movie theater to your home! Set up a projector and screen outside. Prepare popcorn and snacks and gather around to watch a newly released movie with the family. 10. Sign up with Kumon Taking the opportunity during the holidays to enrol your child in Kumon’s Maths or English programmes will give them a good head start for the upcoming term and keep their brains active and stimulated at the same time. To find out more, visit www.kumon.co.za .  This article was mostly taken from the KUMON NORTH AMERICA website: https://www.kumon.com/resources/10-creative-activities-to-keep-your-kids-entertained-over-the-summer/ 


Video games: good, bad, or both?

Although lockdown restrictions have been eased, many parents are still choosing to keep their children at home for safety reasons. Consequently, many children have turned to playing video games (also known as ‘gaming’) as a source of entertainment to cope with boredom. And while some parents might argue that it is a waste of time or that violent video games contribute to bad behaviour, others believe that gaming may have a few positive attributes. We take a closer look at whether video games are good, bad, or a combination of both.  Benefits of gaming Studies have shown that video games have many benefits and that playing games can help children develop high-level cognitive functions like logic and problem-solving. Other benefits include: Increasing a child’s concentration and attention span – many children can get easily distracted when asked to sit still for prolonged periods. They often fiddle and fidget with nearby objects and ‘zone out’ quickly. But with gaming, they have an entirely new world to discover. They will pay close attention to the smallest details to ensure they don’t mess up their progress. When they have to restart a level or section of the game, they concentrate even more to ensure they don’t make the same mistake twice.  This is a worthwhile real-life skill – paying attention is a skill they will need throughout their lives. Having to replay certain parts of a game also teaches resilience as children are taught not to give up when they have to attempt a challenge again. Teaching problem-solving and effective resource allocation – when playing various games, children are teaching themselves how to manage their ‘resources’ in games like the number of coins they have to spend, the number of bullets they have left to fire, amount of time they have to wait before launching an attack, etc. Managing their resources not only helps children execute the best and most creative outcome in the game but implementing these strategies also teaches them how to budget and save. Developing communication and teamwork skills – while playing in ‘multiplayer’ mode, players have to work together to achieve a common goal. They learn how to delegate duties amongst themselves carefully to achieve said goal. Co-operation like this develops both social interaction skills and motivation that can contribute to leadership and managerial roles and collective team efforts when working within an organisation in the future. Making learning fun – video games make learning fun. Through animation, an exciting storyline, and interactive challenges, children often don’t even realise that they are learning. Gaming is beneficial when it comes to moredifficult subjects such as Mathematics because children use the same logic and analytical thinking to solve problems in games that are used when solving mathematical equations. Having fun while practising their skills will motivate children to keep practising.  Cami Web programs are an excellent example of how learners can have fun while practising their skills. Cami offers parents and learners a 14-day free trial to try their educational programs. Also read: Parents, here’s how screen time can work in your favour Problems caused by gaming There’s always a downside to everything, and gaming is not exempt from this. While gaming has many benefits, there are also a few cons that parents must be aware of before allowing their children to play video games. Here are a few factors to consider: Poor physical health – When children spend more time being sedentary behind a computer or TV screen, it stands to reason that the lack of physical activity will have an impact on their physical health. In fact, the negative impacts of gaming on physical and mental health are often related. Negative impacts of gaming include:  impaired sleep,  poor posture, and  unhealthy or inappropriate weight gain.  Inadequate sleep has been linked to other cognitive issues like impaired concentration and poor memory retention, both of which are likely to have a negative impact on a learner’s performance at school. Poor posture (hunching over a computer or playing console) can result in musculoskeletal issues like tension headaches and muscle knots. Weight gain from inactivity can be a problem because it can sometimes lead to medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol. Dysfunctional behaviour – Excessive time spent gaming may cause a child to become dependent on the game, which can contribute to dysfunctional behaviour in daily life. Like physical health, an unhealthy amount of time spent gaming can affect a child’s mental health. Too much time spent in solitude playing games can make children dependent on gaming as a source of pleasure and, consequently, they can become irritable or even violent when they are not spending as much time playing as they’d like.   It can be difficult for parents to spot the difference between unhealthy gaming and a healthy enthusiasm for and enjoyment of a game. Some of the symptoms of unhealthy gaming to look out for include: bad grades in school,  negative or non-existent relationships with family and friends,  a decline in attention to personal hygiene, and  adverse mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.  It’s advisable for parents to be involved in their children’s gaming and to set healthy limits for how much time children are allowed to spend gaming. Parents should also consider balancing time spent gaming with other activities not dependent on technology, such as:  socialising with friends,  playing outside,  participating in sports or cultural activities,  playing board games, or  drawing and painting.  Reinforcing harmful mindsets – The over-representation of male characters is pervasive in video games. Stereotypically masculine behaviour and traits in characters in video games such as aggression and vengeance are praised and earn the player a higher ranking, while other more stereotypically feminine behaviours and traits such as negotiation or forgiveness do not earn players points and are often not even given as playing options for the characters.  Games also rarely have women as main characters. A study carried out by the University of Southern California found that only 10% of



 Albert Einstein once said: “If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”  Developing a child’s reading proficiency and igniting their passion for literature is a priority for parents all year-round, however awareness days like the upcoming International Children’s Book Day on 2 April, are beneficial in putting children’s books and authors into the spotlight and further encouraging children across the globe to develop a regular reading habit. International Children’s Book Day is celebrated on the birthday of prolific children’s author Hans Christian Andersen who, with over 150 fairy tales to his name alone, has certainly helped inspire a love of reading in children, past and present. To mark the dual occasion of International Children’s Book Day and Hans Christian Andersen’s birthday, we have looked at his favoured choice of medium, fairy tales, and considered why it is important for you to tell and read fairy tales to your child. Fairy tales help develop a range of academic skills As a young listener your child will observe your storytelling skills and learn to mimic these as their own reading ability develops. They will learn how to captivate an audience using tone, accents, acting, dramatic pauses etc., as well as the components of effective storytelling like chronology and attention to detail. In listening to you reading fairy tales and then learning to read from the books themselves, a child will develop strong memory skills; I’m sure as an adult you can still recall the details of your favourite fairy tales. From the actual fairy tale plots they will develop in critical thinking skills, as they will follow the actions of the characters carefully and see the consequences of these actions, boosting their understanding of the world. Through any sort of fictional reading a child will develop in creativity, but the fantasy, myth and magic of fairy tales offers even greater scope for them to think outside of the box. Fairy tales are full of fantastic adventures, enchanting lands and exotic creatures, all of which fuel their imagination beyond the ordinary and every day. Fairy tales teach important life lessons Of course the primary function of fairy tales is to be entertaining, but they also contain valuable and moral lessons for a child to learn. According to The Telegraph, Goddard Blythe, director of the Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology in Chester, said: “Fairy tales help to teach children an understanding of right and wrong, not through direct teaching, but through implication.” Of course the real world isn’t a fairy tale but a child can take the over-arching messages of these tales and apply them to their own lives, for example fairy tales teach great lessons in friendship and kindness as well in individuality and staying true to oneself. Fairy tales encourage emotional development Usually you would tell or read your child a fairy tale before bed to settle them into a peaceful slumber; this is important as it creates intimacy, routine, and a bonding experience between you and your child. The majority of fairy tale plots and the messages they convey can resonate directly with a child, and can help them to deal with an anxiety they can’t yet fully explain. Fairy tales can teach them how to better handle and deal with their emotions. Professor Yvonne Kelly of UCL said: “Children who listen to stories show better results in measures such as literacy tests and SATs – but also in terms of social and emotional development“; however, putting the research and studies aside, fairy tales are simply a wonderful way to add a bit of extra sparkle to your child’s day and encourage their love of reading. Why not pick out one of Hans Christian Anderson’s wonderful fairy tales and read it together, act it out, or watch the related movie to celebrate International Children’s Book Day this April? Thumbelina The Ugly Duckling The Emperor’s New Clothes The Little Mermaid (Disney’s version is an all time classic) The Snow Queen (Disney’s Frozen is inspired by this story) For more information about International Children’s Book Day, visit: https://www.ibby.org/awards-activities/activities/international-childrens-book-day/  Source for article: https://www.kumon.co.uk/blog/if-you-want-your-children-to-be-intelligent-read-them-fairy-tales-if-you-want-them-to-be-more-intelligent-read-them-more-fairy-tales-albert-einstein/ 


How important is it to revise your work regularly?

We talk about learning sciences as something that has appeared recently or is new to the educational world – this cannot be further from the truth. In this article, we look back to the 1880s, specifically at Hermann Ebbinghaus’s work. Ebbinghaus was a German psychologist who specialised in memory and learning. His most famous experiment is the ‘forgetting curve’, which we will use to reflect on the importance of regular revision of your work. The forgetting curve In developing the forgetting curve, Ebbinghaus noticed a correlation between memory retention, the strength of a memory, and the passing of time. To test this correlation, he taught himself ‘gibberish’. In other words, he created phrases made up of a sequence of random letters and taught them to himself. He performed multiple tests to see how well he could remember the information after different time periods, e.g. one day, two days, etc. had elapsed.  He found that retention of information decreases rapidly after the first day of having learned the information. To counter this loss of memory, he revised some of the nonsense phrases at regular intervals both after and on the first day of learning them. He then found that the more he revised the phrases, the less frequently he had to revise them, and he could remember them for longer periods of time after he had learned them initially. While this is an old experiment, modern science confirms the findings, and the forgetting curve is still an important theory in the learning sciences today. The real question, though, is what this story means for your learning journey. Also read: The importance of practice in your learning journey Important things to remember when revising The most important thing we can learn from Ebbinghaus’ experiment is that your memory and retention of information decreases rapidly after the first day of learning something. Therefore, revise the most important parts of the information you learned within 24 hours of learning it. Revise your work multiple times – Ebbinghaus’s work also helps us understand that you will need to revise your work multiple times before you can remember it well. There is, unfortunately, no magic number of revisions, but the more you can review the work, the more easily you will be able to remember it. This ability to recall information may seem less important while you are actively learning the work for the first time, but the more information you can remember, the easier it is to prepare for examinations as you can focus on and review the most important areas instead of all the information. Avoid using the ‘oh yeah’ method of revision – We have all been there, paging through your textbook, and as you recognise the information, you mutter, “oh yeah, I know this” in your mind. When you get to the test or examination, that ‘oh yeah’ turns into ‘oh no’ when you can’t remember the information. There is a big difference between recognising the information while reading, watching, or listening to it and being able to recall it from your memory when you need to. When you revise, try to remember the information actively instead of just looking at an answer or solution presented in the information. Some tools to help you As we just mentioned, we don’t want to recognise our work – we want to remember it; otherwise, the time we spent on revision is wasted. Here are some tools that can help you: Flashcards – a flashcard is a simple piece of paper on which you write the problem or the question on the front of the card and the answer on the back.  When you use flashcards, you challenge yourself to remember the answer before turning over the card, which means you are using your brain’s pathways to retrieve the information from your memory.  Using flashcards is fantastic for learning and, if you can, you should make yourself a deck of flashcards for all your subjects. They work very well when you have to learn vocabulary and definitions in particular. They can also work in other subjects like Mathematics if you have to learn facts, such as when to use sin, cos, or tan (ratios of the sides of a right-angled triangle). It may take some time and effort to create your flashcard decks, but your brain will thank you when exam times arrive. Mnemonics – a mnemonic device is a learning technique that helps you retrieve information from your memory using certain cues. One of the most famous ones is the knuckle mnemonic, where each knuckle represents a month with 31 days, and the spaces between the knuckles represent a month with 30 days. Another example is using the phrase ‘never eat sour watermelons’ to remember the points of the compass, where each word in the phrase stands for north, east, south, and west, respectively. There are many mnemonics devices, but the advantage of mnemonic devices is that you can create your own. Just remember that you should not re-use a mnemonic device; otherwise, you might forget what it is helping you remember. Also read: Smart study hacks for the exams Benefits of revision Ebbinghaus shows us that it is vital that we review our work regularly. Besides remembering your work better, revision will also reduce stress and anxiety before tests and exams because you will already know a lot of your work.  Tutors and parents can also help identify the most important parts of the work to ensure that flashcard decks don’t become too large and impractical or that the number of mnemonics created doesn’t become unfeasible. Learning doesn’t need to be stressful – if you are disciplined in your revision, your efforts will bear fruit. Dr Nicolaas Matthee

Glenoaks Remedial and Special Needs School

Glenoaks Remedial and Special Needs School

Remedial vs Special Needs There is often some confusion regarding the meaning of remedial and special needs and how schools adapt to the students’ different needs.  A remedial program is for learners who have average or higher intellectual abilities but who are not performing well in school. At Glenoaks, learners in the remedial stream sometimes have intellectual test scores below average, but we find that they have the capability to cope in an academic program. Thus our admissions process looks at overall ability and not simply a test score. Typically, remedial students are not struggling because of their intellectual abilities but instead with one subject area like reading, writing or mathematics. Learners may experience various barriers to learning, or learning challenges, including dyslexia, dyspraxia, visual difficulties, ADHD, mild autism, dyscalculia, language delays etc. Remedial programs usually focus on narrowing or closing academic gaps, to the extent that the learner can be re-introduced to a mainstream schooling system. Our remedial stream follows the Grade 1 – 7 CAPS curriculum with accommodations, differentiation and adaptations depending on learners’ needs. The majority of the learners in our remedial stream enter mainstream schools or supportive high school environments and successfully achieve good grade 12 results. Many have continued to further their studies at universities, colleges and other tertiary institutions. We are particularly proud of our past pupils who have become high school prefects and head prefects.   Special education differs from remedial education because the learners in these programs lack the intellectual ability to perform in a class that teaches standardised concepts and subjects. The students in these classes may lack social maturity, emotional maturity, physical ability or the analytical skills that are needed to perform in a remedial or a mainstream classroom environment, in addition they may experience global developmental delays. Special needs programs are often individualised with the aim of helping the learner to become a functional, employable adult. In our special needs streams we focus on functional subjects in literacy, numeracy, life skills, and world knowledge, and offer learners exposure to a variety of practical and project-driven vocational subjects such as hospitality, IT and enterprise. At Glenoaks we have two special needs streams; namely the GOAL stream and the Oak House Vocational Academy. Glenoaks Assisted Learning (GOAL) Stream The GOAL Stream caters for learners from the ages of 6 to 14 who have special educational needs which inhibit them from learning in the ‘traditional classroom’.  Often our learners’ chronological and developmental ages differ significantly, and it’s important that they learn according to their abilities and at their own pace. GOAL Stream learners have differing areas of strength, often exhibited in practical tasks. They benefit from repetition, positive reinforcement and reduced time pressure; aiming at functional skills of daily living within their levels of ability. We work on individualised numeracy and literacy programs with each learner. Other subjects include: life skills, activities of daily living, cooking, supported reading, home management, basic administration skills, computers, library, sport, social and emotional skills, Occupational Therapy group, Speech, Language and Communication group and art. Older learners have opportunities for project-based learning in preparation for in-house work experience.   Oak House Vocational Academy Oak House Vocational Academy was conceived from the need to provide an appropriate setting for specific learners with special needs from our school, and from the broader community, whose abilities and needs are not met in an academic setting. After intense research and planning both locally and abroad, a blueprint was formulated for our vocational academy – highly particular, uniquely crafted and finely tuned to Glenoaks’ vision. The Academy provides learners with a sense of purpose and self-worth, continued applicable academic input, emotional and academic support and an incremental exposure to the expectations and realities of the world of work. This culminates in a learner being more employable with practical work skills and experience in specific industries. If further training or employment opportunities exist for a graduate, those are facilitated and supported by Oak House Vocational Academy.  Our Academy program is designed to expose students to a variety of vocational settings aligned to each individual’s strengths, abilities and areas of interest. Students learn the skills required for entry level jobs, and also focus on critical social skills, appropriate behaviours and attitudes required in the workplace.  Prior to this, our students are taught a creatively crafted curriculum which includes academics, life skills, business skills, entrepreneurship, IT and admin skills, world knowledge, home management, hospitality, gardening, woodcraft and enterprise. Learners in the work experience program are gaining exposure to a variety of industries and businesses including retail, IT, hairdressing, production line, garden nurseries, schools, sport, robotics and many more. In 2019 the first group of students graduated from Oak House Vocational Academy and successfully commenced with further training, part time or permanent employment.  Our School The school’s journey began over forty years ago in 1969 with Dr Lorna Swartz.  She started a small school in Melrose for her daughter, who was then regarded as ‘learning disabled’. As word spread, other parents brought their children to Dr Schwartz, and Glenoaks School was born. Glenoaks School at this time was also one of the few schools who included learners of differing racial groups. In 1976 the school moved to Orange Grove. In 1981 Glenoaks expanded and moved to our current premises in Kensington. Dr Swartz’s vision has lived on through the leadership of Ms Peacock, Ms Patt, Mr Barnes and currently Mrs Caldeira. Many who visit the school remark on the friendly and nurturing atmosphere that permeates every aspect of Glenoaks School. The small class settings, individual and group therapies and the unwritten curriculum of care and concern help us to grow our learners socially, emotionally and academically. We strive to ensure that our students are intrinsically motivated and happily engaged in their own learning. We also strive to develop a sensitivity to and an understanding of academic, cultural and religious differences.  Glenoaks has a multi-disciplinary team consisting of psychologists, occupational, speech & language, remedial and learning support therapists, as well as


The benefits of art therapy for children

“Art is a place for children to learn to trust their ideas, themselves, and to learn what is possible.”– MaryAnn F. Kohl Art has been a source of communication and recreation for centuries. Art therapy, which emerged as a distinct health discipline in the 1940s, is a form of therapy where creative materials and methods are used to help children explore their thoughts and feelings.  Performed by art therapists and related professionals, it is particularly effective in helping children suffering from anxiety, depression, trauma, and grief. It has also been shown to help children who struggle with learning disabilities, behavioural issues, or developmental delays.  Also read: ADHD: Setting the record straight The benefits of art therapy include: Helping children express their thoughts and feelings. Enhancing executive functions such as attention, memory, and spatial orientation. Improving language and communication. Encouraging exploration. Enhancing creativity. Promoting self-awareness and boosting self-esteem. Improving motor skills. Encouraging creative and constructive problem-solving. Art therapy encompasses visual arts, such as painting, drawing, sculpting, and music and movement, with each component offering specific benefits. Music, for example, can connect us to our deepest emotions, making it a wonderful therapy tool. Not only does it enhance attention and memory, but it also strengthens creativity, encourages socialisation, and helps children structure language.  Through movement, which includes theatre and dancing, children can integrate the emotional, cognitive, and physical, which helps with spatial orientation and strengthens creativity. Being physically active also does wonders for their mood!  Also read: Why exercise is important for good academic results Ten things to try at home Although art therapy is only considered actual therapy when directed by an art therapist, doing art projects at home can still be beneficial. Here are a few guidelines for practising ‘art therapy’ at home: Clay: Make or buy clay and let your children make a ‘monster’ to express their feelings or simply let them pound and mould the clay. Collage: The physical sensation of handling different materials and textures is very comforting. In addition, the creative process of putting things together in a new and different way helps organise and calm the brain.  Dancing: Dancing has incredible therapeutic powers because it helps children channel their emotions. Through dance, body awareness is created, which allows children to connect to themselves. Drawing: Allow your children to draw what they are feeling, even if those feelings are negative. This allows free expression, especially for children who cannot verbalise their feelings. Also read: Can homeschoolers take part in extracurricular activities? Mandalas: Drawing figures with repeated patterns, such as mandalas, is good for regulating emotions and the nervous system. It can also help children focus their attention and calm down. Masks: Creating or decorating a mask can lead to discovering different aspects of our personality. Give children preformed masks or make some out of paper and let them decorate it however they like. When they are finished, let them tell you the story of the mask.  Nature: Working with natural materials is soothing, and there are myriad items you can make. An added bonus is that children have to walk around outside to find useful materials, which is a natural mood booster. Painting: Children’s paintings offer a window into their world without them realising it. Finger painting, especially, is a great way to stimulate different parts of the brain at the same time. Puppets: Make puppets from old socks or paper bags, and let children use the puppets to tell you about their feelings and fears. Singing: Through song, children can express what they are feeling in a fun and creative way.  Keep in mind that the goal is not necessarily to make something that is pretty because our feelings and emotions aren’t always pretty. Instead, try to focus on the benefits of being creative. *Please contact a professional art or related therapist if your child is unable to share his or her feelings or becomes behaviourally out of control. by Danielle Barfoot



Settling in to the new school year and a classroom-ready mindset isn’t always easy. Beyond the excitement of  physically going back to school full time (after the 2020 restrictions), new classes and even new friends, children and parents alike can get easily overwhelmed by the changes the new school year brings. Here are six tips that will help your family make this year the best school year yet! Stick to a Routine Children benefit from having a steady routine. Setting a consistent bedtime and wake-up time will ensure that your children are getting enough sleep. If they don’t, concentration and academic performance will suffer. Likewise, having a well-balanced breakfast each morning will ensure that the day starts off on a positive note. If your children spend a lot of time getting their uniforms out of the cupboard and preparing their school bags in the morning, add these activities to their night-time routine. Create a Distraction Free Study Area Completing homework at the same time each day will help create strong study habits. Establish a location in your home where your children will study and do homework throughout the year. Choose a location where you can keep an eye on them, but still minimize distractions like TV, phone and electronics. Support Homework Independence Once your children are able to read directions on their own, encourage them to complete their homework assignments by themselves. They may continue to ask for help primarily because they enjoy the parental attention, not because they truly need assistance. Support their independence by encouraging them to work through the problems on their own. When your children do their homework without a reminder, acknowledge their independence to reinforce the positive habit. Think Long-Term Children who set long-term goals often have increased motivation in school. Setting long-term goals with your children can help connect the relevancy of their daily activities with the future. It is also never too early to develop time management skills. Using time wisely by completing homework and chores efficiently allows children to have more time for fun activities. Have a Positive Learning Attitude Attitudes are infectious and an integral component to success. Parents who have a positive attitude towards learning and school can excite children with their enthusiasm. Show interest in your children’s studies by asking questions, which can help foster motivation and a positive learning attitude. Remember to reinforce a positive, growth mindset. Children who understand that hard-work is more important than natural intelligence are more likely succeed. Connect with the Teacher Parents who plan an active role in their children’s education make a huge difference in their success. Building a relationship with your children’s teachers can help you understand how your children are doing at school and how you can help your children at home. Try to meet with your children’s teachers at the beginning of the school year and set the expectation of working together as a team. Developing a strong, positive partnership with your children’s teachers can help the school year go more smoothly for you and your children. This article is from the KUMON NORTH AMERICA website: https://www.kumon.com/resources/6-easy-ways-to-ace-the-school-year/ 

Parenting Hub

Working around last year’s academic challenges or failures

Failing a year, or even just a subject, can be quite devastating for learner and parent alike. In this situation, many parents tend to experience guilt and blame themselves, wondering if they did enough to help their child. Other times, many parents experience deep disappointment in their child, sometimes even anger. And likewise, many learners are often disappointed in or angry at themselves. Regardless of what you and your child feel, it’s important to remember that repeating a subject or a grade isn’t the end of the world. Here’s how to go about repeating a subject or grade: Do damage control The first step is to sit down with your child and have an open and honest discussion about what both of you are feeling. While it may be difficult in the moment, it’s crucial to stay calm and non-judgmental. If you open this discussion by talking about how disappointed you are, the conversation is not going to be a productive one, and will probably cause an already bad situation to devolve further. The last thing you want is feelings of shame to grow. Instead, use this time to make a safe space where both you and your child can discuss your feelings about their failure so that both of you can feel ready to move forward with a mutual understanding. Read more: How to foster resilience in children Identify the problem(s) Teachers, tutors, and other education specialists will tell you that failing a subject or grade doesn’t happen overnight – it’s a steady series of small failures, and these failures don’t come out of the blue. Before you and your child can tackle repeating a subject or grade, you need to find out why they failed in the first place. While the list of possible reasons for failure is almost endless, most reasons can be reduced to a lack of understanding, a lack of motivation, or a personal/mental health issue.  Lack of understanding: the most obvious reason for academic failure is that learners simply do not understand the lesson material and are thus reluctant to do the necessary practice or studying needed for passing the work. Perhaps the work is too hard, and your child didn’t feel comfortable asking for assistance. Read more: How do I choose a tutor for my child? Lack of motivation: many learners fail simply because they are not motivated to do the work needed to pass. This is a tricky one because apart from some learners simply just not enjoying learning and doing schoolwork; there is a whole host of reasons why learners might not feel motivated to study, which can include other reasons for failure discussed here. Personal/mental health issues: sometimes, learners fail because of issues outside of the lesson material. If learners are struggling with problems like anxiety, low self-esteem, or depression, this is likely to have a negative impact on their schoolwork if left untreated.  Have a game plan Once you’ve identified the contributing factors to your child’s failures, you and your child will need to work in tandem to create a concrete strategy for repeating the subject or year successfully. If your child’s difficulty was understanding the work, it might be a good idea to use the services of a tutor.  If a learner’s problem is more motivational/personal, it might be prudent to see a psychologist or counsellor to help your child work through their barriers to success. If you suspect your child’s issue might be mental-health related, seek out the help of a psychologist or psychiatrist. Learners’ grades often improve dramatically when they are treated for psychiatric problems that result in their previous failure.  If you can work through your child’s issues without external help, sit down with them and draw up the approach both of you will follow to prevent future failure. Here are some tips on how to ensure success: Be proactive: if you see your child’s grades dropping again, call a time-out and discuss what’s going on (again, in a calm and judgement-free space) before marks become an issue again. Make your expectations clear and set defined, workable goals, as well as ways in which to achieve them. Read more: Helping your child set goals for the new year On a more pragmatic level, be sure to structure your learning day and ensure that your child has dedicated homework and study time. Stress the importance of organisation. Read more: 10 tips for home education success Remind your child that if they are struggling, they can ask for help at any time – there is no shame in asking for help! Drive home the notion that no one can do everything by themselves, and they shouldn’t feel embarrassed for requesting assistance. f a learner’s problem is motivation, find ways to motivate your child to complete tasks. Often, reward systems are a good way of having learners take responsibility for their learning. Everyone is different, so make sure the way you motivate your child works for them. Read more: How to reward your kids the right way



Studying Mathematics and English can sometimes be so difficult and learners often find it hard to see how they are going to benefit from these or whether it has any relevance for their future lives. In fact, contrary to their feelings of how irrelevant these are, there are many benefits of developing an excellent ability in these two areas, both for their future studies and for their life in general.  University admission and study1 First and foremost, in order to be considered for admission to university, a learner needs to obtain good marks in matric, obtaining a complete exemption (as opposed to a conditional exemption) at the end of their matric year.  Without a complete exemption a student will in all probability not be eligible to apply to any of our top universities.  According to the SA Matriculation Board, one of the criteria to be met in order to obtain a complete exemption is that a learner passes at least two languages, including at least one First Language and one university language of instruction.  Most universities in South Africa have English as their language of instruction. The University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) and the University of Cape Town (UCT) require applicants to obtain a higher grade pass in English in order to be considered for admission to these institutions.  So, already we can see that doing well in English is essential if a learner wishes to study at one of these universities post matric. Together with a matric exemption, universities in South Africa use a point system to decide whether or not a student is eligible to be admitted to their undergraduate programmes.  Learners earn points for each subject that they pass.  The better their symbols, the greater number of points they earn, and they will earn more points for subjects taken on higher grade.  UCT recommends that ‘applicants writing the South African Senior Certificate are advised to take subjects on higher rather than standard grade. … This is especially true of Mathematics and physical science’. Each faculty has its own subject, symbol and grade requirements for admission to particular degrees or diplomas, so prospective applicants will need to find out what these requirements are for the particular course that they wish to study.  However, we (Kumon) conducted some research into the minimum requirements for admission to the various faculties at Wits and UCT.  Below is a brief summary, giving one an indication of how important and crucial Maths and English are should one wish to go to university. University Courses that require Maths HG (or a very high SG pass): Commerce Department [e.g. Financial Accounting (HG only), Auditing, Computer Science, Marketing, Politics and Economics (HG only)] Engineering and Built Environment Department [e.g. Architecture, Engineering (HG only), City Planning, Urban Design and Construction Management] Health Science Department (e.g. Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Pathology, Audiology and Medicine) Science Faculty (e.g. Business Computing, Bachelor of Science (HG only): Atmospheric Science, Zoology, Marine Biology, Molecular and Cell Biology, Applied Mathematics, and Astronomy)  University Courses that require English (First or Second language) HG Law (e.g. Commercial Law, Marine Law, Criminal Justice and Criminology, Human Rights Law and Environmental Law) Humanities (e.g. Drama, Film Studies, Media and Writing, Sociology, Archaeology, Politics, Design, Sculpture and Acting and Theatre Making) For full details, please refer to the admissions department of the respective universities. From all of this it is clear that obtaining excellent results in Mathematics and English can open doors for a learner to study at university so that they can pursue the career of their choice and realise their dreams. Train your brain2 But maybe a learner doesn’t want to go to university.  They would rather pursue other dreams and ambitions.  Or maybe they’re still a long way from university and right now admission requirements for tertiary institutions aren’t of interest to them.  “So why should I study Mathematics and English?” they may ask. Well, a proficiency in these subjects is not only for those who wish to be admitted to university.  Did you know that reading and writing, and solving mathematical calculations can exercise your brain and keep it healthy?  The brain is a muscle, and like the other muscles in the body, it needs to be exercised and stimulated regularly to stay healthy and keep functioning at its optimum.   Dr Ryuta Kawashima is a professor at Tohoku University in Japan and he is a leader in the field of Brain Imaging in Japan.  He has conducted numerous experiments and research to discover what activities activate and stimulate the brain and what activities don’t. One activity that Dr Kawashima discovered that is excellent for stimulating the brain is performing mathematical calculations regularly, even simple ones.  He conducted research to find out which activity exercised the brain more:  playing very complex video games, or solving mathematical calculations of adding one digit numbers to each other e.g. 1 + 2 + 5 + 3 + 6 etc.  Although at the outset he was sure that the video games would activate the brain more, when he measured activity using MRI scans, he saw that video games actually stimulated the brain very little, but that the arithmetical calculations had the brain firing on all cylinders.   This surprising finding urged Dr Kawashima into further research and he has shown that mathematical calculations stimulate the brain, help to lay down neural pathways and keep the brain from degenerating.  Dr Kawashima has this to say, “The prefrontal cortex, the area for thinking and learning, of both hemispheres [of the brain] is active during simple calculation.  Dealing with numbers is an important and sophisticated activity for human beings. … From primary school to college, simple calculation triggers brain activity. … Calculation is extremely helpful in training and developing your brain.” (p.34).  He goes on to make the following recommendation:  ‘Before studying something difficult, do a little calculating for just a minute or two.  You will be able to study more efficiently because various parts of your brain


You don’t need to be a teacher to homeschool: former teachers share their tips

While most public schools opened this week, many parents are still rightfully concerned about sending their children back to school. Two of these parents, Sophia Saib and Lisa van Rensburg (both former teachers), decided to teach their children at home. They share why you don’t need to be a teacher to homeschool. Why homeschooling? “In this time of COVID-19, the outside world isn’t safe, but that doesn’t mean our children’s education must suffer,” Saib explains. Saib worked in a corporate environment, but her passion for teaching steered her in the direction of a postgraduate degree in education when her second daughter was born ten years ago. “We all want what’s best for our own children. With COVID-19 currently, we decided as a family [that] homeschooling would be the best option. Now I can’t see us ever wanting to go back to mainstream [schooling],” Saib says. Van Rensburg, who has been teaching for the past ten years, adds: “We decided to do homeschooling because I just felt it would be safer and I would be able to give my children the education they needed”. Van Rensburg had grown up in the teaching industry as her mom had been a teacher for over 30 years. “I have always had a passion for teaching,” Van Rensburg explains. Homeschooling vs traditional schooling “An obvious difference between homeschooling and traditional schooling is the available undivided attention,” Van Rensburg says. She explains that she can now give her two boys, aged 7 and 5, the one-on-one attention they need. Saib agrees and says that she can now spend more time with her four daughters, aged 12, 10, 7 and 3.  Impaq’s lesson material and lesson plans also help Saib save time. “As a perfectionist, I love the structure and ease of lesson delivery and content – it leaves more time to play and do other fun things,” Saib says. She first came across Impaq’s lesson material when working part-time at a tutor centre. “That’s where I was absolutely impressed with the Impaq material, its content and structure, as well as the fact that it is CAPS aligned – it’s exactly what we use in mainstream schools except better,” Saib explains. She adds: “Impaq is a viable option because if you ever need to place your children in a traditional school again, it will be with ease as it’s the same content and topics.” Why Impaq? You would think that homeschooling would be an easy choice for Saib seeing as she is a qualified teacher, but that wasn’t the case initially. “Homeschooling can be overwhelming. I was filled with fears even though I am a SACE-registered and experienced teacher,” Saib explains. Luckily, Saib’s fears were short-lived. She received confirmation from the Department of Education that her children were successfully registered two weeks after submitting the application. “Impaq offers the lesson plans and schedules for each subject, so the administration for [the] application was super easy,” Saib says. Also read: Impaq: Your guide to homeschooling in 2021 Van Rensburg had no trouble registering either. “I contacted Impaq, and they got back to me the next day, everyone we spoke to was extremely helpful, and we just felt it was the right place for us,” Van Rensburg explains. Saib adds: “Impaq has taken away any concerns about homeschooling, and now we can enjoy our journey.” Teaching at home Van Rensburg says that the Impaq lesson material is user-friendly, fun, and interactive, making it easy to teach at home. “You don’t have to be a teacher to understand the lesson plans,” Van Rensburg explains. Saib agrees and adds: “Impaq’s workbooks, online platform, lesson plans, content, online classes, tasks, assessments, and report creation is so easy – you don’t need to be a teacher to facilitate [teaching].”  Saib says that she found the notes and activities to be informative and of an excellent standard. “It doesn’t include unnecessary or invalid information to complicate learning. In fact, it includes opportunities for independent research and challenges curiosity with the fun facts.” Benefits of homeschooling Saib and Van Rensburg are enjoying the many benefits of homeschooling, and listed some of their favourites below: Working at their own pace “I love that we can work at our own pace and in our own time,” Van Rensburg says. Saib says that they follow a time structure for lessons but still work at their own pace. “Each child is unique, so we play around with a schedule that works for us.” Learning from the comfort of home “I love the fact that we can learn in the comfort of our own home,” Van Rensburg says. Saib agrees and adds: “We have watched our daughters grow more relaxed, owning their environment and learning with a smile.” More time Both Saib and Van Rensburg said that they don’t miss the mad morning school rush or sitting in traffic. “We now enjoy a relaxed, calm approach,” says Van Rensburg. “Now we don’t send our children away, they are not overwhelmed with homework, and [they] are released from the pressures of having ‘no time’ to be children,” Saib adds. Homeschooling 101 While they might be new to homeschooling, as former teachers, Saib and Van Rensburg are experts in learning. They share their tips below: Stay organised “Have a schedule and stick to it,” Van Rensburg says. “Being organised is key.” Make it fun “When doing the art activities, have all the art supplies available,” Van Rensburg advises. “Make the outdoor physical activities exciting,” she adds. Reward your kids Saib was worried that her daughters might miss school competitions as her daughters enjoyed winning academic awards, but now they take a different approach. “We teach them to value that you compete with yourself and to try and be your own best – not [to compete with] anyone else’s standards.”  Also read: There’s more to life than academic achievement Van Rensburg helps her boys work towards their goals by relying on a tried-and-tested form of reward. “Reward charts work so well with

Abbotts Colleges


As the Department of Basic Education prepares to release the Matric results of 2020 next week, many young people are nervously awaiting results, either knowing that they didn’t perform to the best of their ability, or with no idea of what to expect and what they would do if they didn’t do well. It is however important to know that there are various options available if things didn’t go as planned, and not worry about what came before, but rather focus on what actions can be taken going forward, an education expert says. “At the beginning of each year, we set ourselves goals and enthusiastically make New Year’s resolutions. For a significant number of young people, this also means embarking on a new adventure, transitioning from the structured life of school to the exciting world of adulthood,” says Dr Jacques Mostert, Academic Manager for ADvTECH’s Abbotts College. “This rite of passage usually goes along with making plans for further education and training. But what happens if things don’t go according to plan, and instead of going on to further study, you are faced with the reality that your Matric results were not good enough to start out on this new journey just yet?” Mostert says the enthusiasm of looking towards a future filled with potential and promise can sometimes be dampened by Grade 12 results that are not as good as what were expected.  “Usually this results in a reshuffling of plans, a rush to come up with Plan B, or desperate calls to schools to enquire about re-marks or a second attempt to writing the exam. But these aren’t always the best approaches available and settling for second best need not be the way forward.” Before making instant decisions about what to do if things didn’t go as planned, there are a few things that parents and young adults must consider, says Mostert: Embracing the power of “yet”; making a mind-set change from feeling helpless towards taking control, and embracing a growth mindset geared towards the future.  Embrace the power of “yet” Dwelling on the past, and constantly going over the ‘what ifs’, can be debilitating, says Mostert. “Notwithstanding the cliché of letting the past remain in the past, for a young adult with high expectations experiencing disappointment, letting bygones be bygones isn’t that easy. Accepting that a goal may not have been reached yet, and embracing the power of possibility, young people can develop a resilience that will inevitably become paramount in their personal and professional development.”  From hopeless to taking back control The anxiety that goes hand in hand with making life-altering decisions without considering all the options is a considerable contributing factor of a sense of helplessness both parents and young adults experience, notes Mostert.  “Deciding to change course and settle for less should not be an option. We tend to believe that in the modern world of the fourth industrial revolution and omnipresent social media, there exists a set timeline to reach arbitrary milestones. The reality is that there is no set end date for reaching any goal. Young people should look past peer pressure, and take action to get back on track towards fulfilling their goals.”  Developing a growth mindset Mostert says that no matter how attractive moving out of the house, embracing independence and forging a new future may seem, there are two inevitabilities of life, other than paying tax, every young adult must face.  The first is that change is ubiquitous and the second is that getting better never stops. Learning, especially in an ever-shrinking global market, never stops.  “Disruption isn’t always as negative as we may think at first. Taking a moment to consider all the options available and considering an alternative that at first did not look like an option often allows a person to embark on a pathway towards success.” Mostert says apart from the usual avenues of rewrites and remarks young people might consider when receiving less than stellar results, they also have the option of redoing Matric or even just improving their subjects, to ensure they can still pursue their dreams, albeit a little bit later than initially planned. “At Abbotts College High School, students can enrol part-time to upgrade their subjects, for instance. This approach provides students the chance to increase their marks and that enables them to meet their tertiary Admission Point Score (APS) in order to be accepted to study in the field of their dreams.” He says while many students may not be keen to return to a school setting, institutions such as Abbotts College provide a different kind of environment which is more in line with a college campus, because the focus is on academic improvement, not rules and uniforms.  “We believe that every student is able to develop and achieve academic success, wherever it is that they start from. Improving subjects or redoing Matric in an environment that treats you like a young adult while still following a structured and organised routine, enables students to put the disappointment behind them and become increasingly independent as they manage themselves and their learning.  “Last year was an exceptionally difficult one for the Class of 2020, and for those whose results are not yet in a space which allows them to pursue their vision, our message is clear. If you take a little extra time now to invest in starting from a solid foundation, this temporary hurdle will soon be forgotten, as you embark on the path that you intended a few months down the line.”’

Parenting Hub

Book your school for a tour at Sugar Bay in 2021

Sugar Bay is the number one holiday destination for children and teens in South Africa. Based on the American Summer Camp model, Sugar Bay stands out head and shoulders above every other South African camp. Our school tours are tailor-made to balance educational study and fun activities, ensuring that learning is done in an interesting and memorable way. Send us your curriculum and our team of creative and academic managers will tailor-make a program just for your school.  “From the time we arrived until the time we left, I noticed that this place has such great customer service, we were well taken care of and the staff were really friendly and helpful. Our accommodation was brilliant and it’s been good from when we got here. We would recommend Sugar bay to every school, because it really helped with the kids bonding and getting to know each other”. – Crawford College, Sandton We have luxurious accommodation for both teachers and students. We can cater for up to 200 learners. Teachers stay in their own luxurious 3-star teacher lodge, separate from the students, complete with mini bar, DStv and heated pool. Teachers can chill out on their own private deck, take a stroll on the beach, cruise on the lagoon or join in on the fun camp activities while our professional staff takes care of everything. Students are treated not only to all the great activities we have to offer, but to luxury en-suite stilted log cabins nestled in the tree tops. Our camp counselors are specifically trained and experienced in the growth and developmental needs of the different age groups, as well as Emergency First Aid & CPR. We also have our own qualified lifeguards who accompany the children to the beach, lagoon, and swimming pool. Their first priority is the care, supervision and happiness of every child; and they form an integral part of the Sugar Bay experience. They are also actively involved in teaching activities and ensuring that every child is helped and encouraged to reach their full potential, whatever their capability level. Our 1:5 staff to child ratio is the highest in the country, and 24-hour supervision ensures that the campers are kept extra safe while having the time of their lives. There is something for everyone at Sugar Bay. Our broad selection of activities caters to all interests, hobbies, and current trends. With a full range of the latest equipment and experienced instructors, the choices are continually being innovated. Children may choose to learn anything from stand-up paddle boarding to BMXing, or skateboarding to crafts. Sugar Bay is guaranteed to be one of the most memorable experiences of any young student’s life. Children will discover and transform themselves in a safe and fun-filled environment. They will always take something home with them: a new hobby, a new skill, and memories that will stay with them forever. Sugar Bay’s extensive range of over 100 activities makes us the number one choice for Africa’s top schools. Free choice of these activities encourage children to be independent, exercise their decision-making skills, and reach their highest level of potential, whatever their level of ability.  “The American International School of Johannesburg has been bringing students to Sugar Bay Camp in Zinkwazi Beach, KZN for our annual Classroom Without Walls (CWW) week for over a dozen years. I have been the organiser on the school’s end for the past 8 years. From the start Sugar Bay has always been the highlight of the grade eights’ year. A greatly anticipated event that marks the closing of their final middle school year. In a phrase, Sugar Bay Camp is a fantastic educational opportunity that I would unconditionally recommend for kids of all ages”. – American International School Johannesburg Some schools that have attended school tours at Sugar Bay: Crawford Schools, Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, American International School of Cape Town and Johannesburg, Deutsche Schule Hermannsburg, Ashton International College, Cornwall Hill College, Laerskool Constantia Park, Durban Girls High, Cambridge Academy, Redhill School and SAHETI School. We would love to host your school at Sugar Bay. Please contact us for more information or to book your next school tour: 032 485 3778 | tours@sugarbay.co.za | Visit www.sugarbay.co.za for more information. 



The start of a new school year is a time when resolutions and goals are a trending topic for many — even for kids! Many kids have dreams and ideas on what they want to accomplish, but it can be hard to remember with so many other activities going on. That’s why creating a goals list with your child is a great way to start the new school year. Why create a list of goals with your child for the year? Creating lists in general allows for better structure, accountability, and productivity, regardless of the topic. That’s why for kids to turn their goals into a reality, it helps to have a list in one place to plan and serve as a reminder. To create a list, we put together this step-by-step guide on how to help your child set goals for the year. 1. Have a discussion as a family to learn more about your child’s ideas. Have a discussion as a family to start thinking about the things you’d like to tackle this year. This can be taking a family holiday, donating items around the house to those in need, or reconnecting with friends that you may not have seen in some time. Kids are often eager to add to the conversation, and it might even bring up some new ideas you haven’t considered. It’s also a great place to start as it will get them excited to consider what they want to do on their own. 2. Ask your child specific questions Prompt your child by asking specific questions. For example, if they want to go on holiday, find out where. Somewhere in the bush? A place where they can swim? Although some locations may not be as easy to get to as others, it can spark ideas to include on the list. You can also break down the questions into categories such as learning, giving, health and wellness, personal achievements, academics, or even seasonal. Here are some questions for inspiration: How many books do you want to read this year? What new sport do you want to try? What do you want to be when you grow up? Is there a meal or snack you’ve been wanting to make? Do you have items you don’t use anymore that you want to donate? How can you help someone in need this year? 3. Break down their answers into actionable steps. If your child wants to read 10 books this year, you can break it down to one book each month. You can also incorporate smaller related goals that are related to reading such as researching / drawing up a list of book titles they’d like to read, reading a book on holiday, or even creating a reading nook at home. The items will help make that big goal of reading 10 books achievable and a fun process along the way. This step will show them that there are so many possibilities that stem from one idea! 4. Help your child create the list on paper. Once you have talked through some of your child’s goals for the year, it’s time to create the list. You can have your child write these out, type a list on the computer to print out, or turn it into a vision board to show it in a fun and engaging way. Whichever list method you choose, make sure it can be hung in your home. 5. Hang up the list somewhere it’s seen daily. Now that the list is complete, hang it up in a spot that is seen frequently. Seeing it daily will be a consistent reminder and motivator to achieve these goals. They will be excited to see items that they can check off and work towards more on their list. 6. Revise, add, or remove. A goals list can always be revised. Once your child learns a new instrument, they may want to learn to play a song. Maybe they realize they don’t love swimming but want to try karate. Continue to discuss the list of goals with your child and revise or add to it. Your child’s goals list for the year is simply a tool to help them think more about what they want to achieve and take action to do it! 7. Recognize and reflect on achievements It’s exciting to accomplish goals, big or small! Instill a feeling of success by recognizing and celebrating these achievements with your child. Once the year comes to an end, it will be an amazing experience to reflect on everything that they accomplished and set even more goals moving forward! THE TAKEAWAY Your child has a lot of things they want to accomplish. The start of the new year is a great time to discuss these goals with them and help create a list they can refer to throughout the year. Taking the time to set goals with your child will help them get motivated to take action in all areas of their life. This article is from the KUMON NORTH AMERICA website: https://www.kumon.com/resources/a-step-by-step-guide-to-setting-goals-with-your-child-for-the-new-year/ 



Video communication is now more than ever challenging the status quo of teaching. The value of eLearning or video communication is being recognized by more and more organizations since it can produce significant results, including improved performance and productivity by learners. Using video conferencing for education has made classrooms walls invisible, allowing students to have the entire world as their learning resource.

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