Leading Educational Advice from Wingu Academy
Wingu Academy

Surviving year-end academic burnout

Have you ever woken up in the morning and felt less motivated to get going? Maybe even irritable and just plain exhausted, or even frustrated for no reason? You may very well be experiencing Academic Burnout. Academic Burnout is something that affects most learners, especially when you are putting in those extra hours to complete that every growing mountain of assignments and homework throughout the school year, and that prolonged state of stress. It is experienced through an increase in negative emotions, physical and mental reactions due to prolonged studding which can also results in exhaustion, frustration, a lack of motivation and reduced ability in school. It is often caused by the accumulation of weeks of hard studying of the same material and back-to-back classes.  Academic Burnout, however, is not to be confused with a student’s occasional feelings of frustration and fatigue from putting in hours of studying for and upcoming exam or pulling and all-nighter to catch up on missed work.  Academic burnout is far more serious than this. Academic Burnout can severely reduce your productivity, reduces all your energy which leaves you feeling hopeless, helpless, and resentful towards your educators, peers, and parents. These negative consequences from burnout often spills over into other areas of your life, including our personal and social life. Therefore, it is so important to understand what exactly academic burnout is and how to survive it. Constant exhaustion, no matter how much sleep you get; disrupted sleep patterns or insomnia; a serve lack in motivation to either attend classes or complete homework assignments; loss of confidence in your academic abilities, frequently ill or somatic pians are just a few of the common symptoms to look out for that are associated with academic burnout. But it’s not all doom and gloom. “There are ways to help prevent and manage Academic Burnout before it becomes too severe. The first step to treating Academic Burnout is to acknowledge it and understand that a change does need to be made to how you are current way of tackling school tasks and activities,” says Jessica Hart from Wingu Academy’s Wellness Hub. Here are a few changes you can introduce: Make time for the things you enjoy: Its important to remember that there is more to life then school and work. Use your weekends to spend time with friends and family, and to reconnect with the things that make you happy. Up the exercise: Finding the motivation to get up and exercise can be tough. But its always important to remember that a healthy body equals a healthy mind – the two go hand in hand. Try being active at least three times a week and remember to stay hydrated and eat health. Welcome that fresh air: Spending time outside in the fresh air and sunshine, will not only help your body produce that much needed vitamin D, but it will help reduce levels of stress and anxiety, helping you feel more relaxed, improve mental focus and concentration. Set reasonable goals for yourself: Use a calendar or planner and organise what needs to be done in a way that allows you time to rest in between tasks. Trying to get a months’ worth of work done in one week is not going to benefit your grades or mental well-being. Set reasonable goals and stick to them. Wingu Academy’s Wellness Hub offers guidance to all learners and parents on academic, well-being and mental health support. As an online home school we can offer education in a more relaxed environment in the safety of your home. Enrolments are still open for January 2022 at Wingu Acadamy. Book a FREE consultation here: https://wingu-academy.com/book-now/ or visit https://wingu-academy.com/ for more information.

Wingu Academy

The fourth industrial revolution is here – is your child ready?

The fourth industrial revolution (4IR) is more than just a catchy buzzword. To understand this term, it is necessary to look at the origins and outcomes of the preceding industrial revolutions, as these set the foundation for the advent of the fourth industrial revolution. The first industrial revolution (1760-1840) was brought about by the invention of the steam engine. Why a “revolution”? Because this technology rapidly changed the way society organized itself – from an agrarian, artisanal society, to a more mechanized one. For example, dresses were no longer handmade by a local seamstress, but produced in a textile factory by machines. Average income and population growth soared. Rapid urbanization took place. The second industrial revolution (1870-1914) expanded on the technologies introduced during the first industrial revolution. Railroad and telegraph lines expanded, ushering in a wave of globalization. The invention of electricity and the telephone also emerged during the time. This industrial revolution finally brought the concept of standardization and the assembly line to the fore, as pioneered by the Ford motor company in 1913. The economic outcome of this was tangible. Economic life organized itself around the mass production of consumer goods. Mega-corporations emerged, which could control segments of the market. There is even an economic theory centred on this outcome – aptly called Fordism. Finally, the third industrial revolution was bought about by the invention of the semiconductor. This led to a slew of innovative technologies, most of which are well known to us by now, such as mainframe computing, personal computing and the internet. This still begs the question however, what is the fourth industrial revolution and what will its outcomes be? And most importantly, how can you ensure your child’s readiness to face these rapid changes? Similar to preceding industrial revolutions, the fourth industrial revolution is being brought about by new technologies such as robotics, artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, nanotechnology, cloud computing, quantum computing, machine learning, additive manufacturing, genetic modification and bioscience technologies, which are shaping the way we organize our societies. Just as artisanal dressmakers had to adapt to a changing society during the 1760s, so too will our children have to adapt to the changes arising from the current industrial revolution. The fourth industrial revolution will eliminate some jobs, but also create new ones in their stead. Children currently in grade R might someday fulfil a role that doesn’t even exist on paper yet. Other jobs will not necessarily be eliminated, but it will require people to adapt and to learn how to leverage these new technologies in their existing roles. One sector of society that has been relatively slow to adapt to changes being bought about by the fourth industrial revolution, is the education sector. The traditional education system is currently based on training factory workers, who had to focus on repetitive tasks for long hours. It is therefore not designed to foster critical and creative thinking, but rather to encourage compliance and regurgitation of facts. In an increasingly automated world, jobs which require repetition and regurgitation are rapidly being eliminated by machines and software. So which skills will be relevant in the coming fourth industrial revolution? And how can we ensure that our children will graduate from school with the necessary skills to thrive in this environment? According to a report by the World Economic Forum, titled “The Future of Jobs”, the skills that will be most in demand during the fourth industrial revolution are: Complex problem solving Critical thinking Creativity Managing people Coordinating with others Emotional intelligence Judgement and decision making Service orientation Negotiation Cognitive flexibility The industries tied to the defining 4IR technologies (robotics, artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, nanotechnology, cloud computing, quantum computing, machine learning, additive manufacturing, genetic modification) will birth new areas of work. For example, traditional methods of manufacturing will increasingly be replaced with additive manufacturing technologies (3D printing), as the technology improves. Think 3D printing is just for hobbyists? Think again. Professor Mashudu Tshifularo from the University of Pretoria conducted a pioneering surgery in 2019, transplanting 3D printed middle-ear bones in a patient. In another example, NASA’s “Made in Space” 3D printer is being used by members of the International Space Station to print tools, reducing the number of objects that have to be stored onboard. It is also creating opportunities for recycling and re-use of materials – which in turn creates new opportunities to launch longer manned space missions to planets such as Mars. In conclusion, teaching our students the basis of these defining 4IR skills from a young age is vital. Ensure that your child’s educational provider incorporates elements such as coding, robotics, 3D printing and software development into their offering. Furthermore, jobs which require creative and critical thinking, as well as empathy and emotion – innate human qualities – are less likely to be replaced by an automated system. Learning should be about more than just what your child learns, but about how they learn it. Are they just repeating the solution presented to them by someone else, or being encouraged to discover a new solution of their own? Are they encouraged to solve problems creatively and taught to think analytically and independently? Fostering these skills in students will ensure that they are resilient and able to adapt to changing career and societal circumstances with ease. At Wingu Academy we pride ourselves on doing education differently. Students are introduced to subjects such as coding, robotics, app development and game development from an early age. Teaching pedagogies are based on a blended learning approach, which blends synchronous and asynchronous learning to allow and encourage independent study. Students are engaged with their work through interactive quizzes and simulations, as well as live class presentations by subject experts. The implementation of the application focused British International Curriculum further ensures that students develop critical thinking and problem solving skills. Enrolments for 2022 are still open. Visit our website at www.wingu-academy.com and book a FREE consultation now at: https://wingu-academy.com/book-now/

Wingu Academy

Wingu Academy’s online art auction raises R30 000 for Endangered Wildlife Trust’s Canine Conservation Unit

Wingu Academy, online homeschooling curricula provider, raised an amazing R30 000 during a nail-biting one-hour live art auction on Thursday night, 7 October via Zoom. All the money raised will be donated by Wingu Academy towards Endangered Wildlife Trust’s (EWT) Anti-poaching Canine Conservation Unit. This initiative by EWT provides trained detection and tracking canines to the conservation sector to support well-structured security plans. This benefits not only rhinos, but also other species that are targeted by poachers including elephants, pangolins and lions. The overarching aim of this project is to ensure that Conservation Canines are strategically placed across South Africa’s private, provincial and national parks and are contributing to the protection of our wildlife. Wingu learners and teachers created their masterpieces from a variety of recycled material, during September in celebration of Heritage Month. The overall winning art piece, a beautiful mirror was created by Wingu learner, Michaela-Lee Pretorius, and is called “Reflection of the monsters we have become”. Artworks varied from interpretations including rhinos, fish, a protea, the Voortrekker Monument and even a living tree made of moss and flowers,  to capture our beautiful heritage. EWT extended an invitation to all participating artists to enjoy seeing the canines in action at their Conservation Training Centre.  “We are blown away by the generosity of Wingu Academy, all the bidders and of course all the hard work by these talented artists that made this event unforgettable,” says Dr Andrew Taylor who manages EWT’s Wildlife in Trade Programme. Ian Strydom, Managing Director of Wingu Academy, says: “Wingu Academy is immensely proud of all our artists and supporters who made this event possible. What a wonderful showcase of the difference creativity and innovation can make, and all that in aid of an extremely worthy cause; protecting our wildlife for generations to come.” 

Wingu Academy

Bok van Blerk’s Hanna Foundation benefits from Wingu Academy and Umma Afrika’s fundraising drive

The money raised by Wingu Academy and Mahala Loyalty during Mandela Month towards the Umma Afrika Charity Trust was donated to Bok van Blerk’s Hanna Charity and Empowerment Foundation to support families in need. The initial aim was to raise R6 700 between 16 – 30 July 2021, but the Back-a-buddy initiative raised over R7 000! Through the kind donations by Wingu Academy and Mahala Loyalty supporters, Umma Afrika Charity Trust was able to donate 240 Umma Pot Meals (each Umma Pot Meal feeds up to 6 people), as well as care packages to the Hanna Charity and Empowerment Foundation. Thank you to everyone who participated in this worthy cause during a time when communities need it the most!

Wingu Academy

Eating Disorders – Food for thought

Eating disorders is one subject that is very important to address, especially since it usually has its onset during the teenage years but can even develop at a younger age and continue well into the adolescent years. Eating disorders can cause a lot of conflict, stress and even death in families and thus it’s important to understand the types, causes and treatment. Types There are various types of eating disorders. The most common ones according to the South African College of Applied Psychology include binge eating disorder, where the sufferer overeats; anorexia nervosa, where the sufferer eats too little; bulimia nervosa, where the sufferer attempts to rid themselves of food they’ve consumed; and even rumination disorders where the sufferer regurgitates food.  “The most common factors that come into play are that the person is anxious about their physical appearance, and how it appears to others around them. This also includes that the image that they have of their own bodies, are distorted. Subsequently, they also have eating behaviours that are maladaptive. Research has further shown that eating disorders affect both genders, although they occur more frequently among females,” says Dr Serahni Symington, Child and Adolescent Play Therapist. Causes Dr Symington says that the causes of eating disorders must be understood from an integrative model, because there is not a single causal factor that leads to the development of it. Multiple factors could lead to the development of an eating disorder and is often also accompanied by other diseases like manic depression, anxiety, possessive compulsiveness disorder and substance abuse. According to reports by psychologytoday.com, researchers have long been probing the underlying causes and nature of eating disorders. Unlike a neurological disorder, which generally can be pinpointed to a specific lesion on the brain, an eating disorder likely involves abnormal activity distributed across multiple neural systems. Eating disorders appear to run in families, and there is ongoing research on genetic contributions to the conditions. Other factors—psychological, interpersonal, and social—can play a role in eating disorders. Among identified psychological factors are low self-esteem, feelings of inadequacy and lack of control in life, depression, anxiety, anger, and loneliness. Interpersonal factors include troubled family and personal relationships, difficulty expressing emotions and feelings, a history of being teased or ridiculed based on size and weight, or a history of physical or sexual abuse. Social factors that can contribute include cultural pressures that glorify thinness and place value on obtaining the “perfect” body, narrow societal definitions of beauty that include only those people of specific body weights and shapes, or cultural norms that value people on the basis of physical appearance and not inner qualities and strengths. People with anorexia nervosa see themselves as overweight even though they may be dangerously thin. In bulimia nervosa, despite usually weighing within the normal range for their age and height, sufferers, like individuals with anorexia, may fear gaining weight, desire to lose weight, and feel intensely dissatisfied with their bodies. Many with binge-eating disorders are overweight for their age and height. Feelings of self-disgust and shame associated can lead to bingeing again, creating a cycle of binge-eating. Treatment Because of their complexity, eating disorders require a comprehensive treatment plan involving medical care and monitoring, professional interventions, nutritional counselling, psychotherapy, and, when appropriate, medication management. Treatment for eating disorders lies in recognizing and overcoming underlying triggers. Depending on the type of eating disorder and its associated underlying triggers; medications can be used to ease symptoms of co-occurring disorders such as depression and anxiety. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) are known to help reduce binging and purging and is specifically used in some cases of bulimia nervosa. The first-line treatment for all eating disorders is psychotherapy, which encompasses a broad range of therapy approaches such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and dialectal behavioural therapy (DBT) which aim to recognize and reduce the harmful thoughts and emotions associated with the eating disorder and works to develop productive coping mechanisms and tools to help the individual engage in positive thoughts, emotions, and behaviours in order to overcome their past traumas and low self-esteem. Other skills and tools learned in therapy include mindfulness, relapse prevention skills, meditation, nutrition counselling, art therapy, and relationship building. The good news Eating disorders can be treated, and a healthy weight can be restored. The sooner an eating disorder is diagnosed and treated, the better the outcome is likely to be.  Wingu Wellness Hub Parents who have any concerns about eating disorders and wellbeing of their children can contact the Wingu Wellness Hub to assist with guidance to get the help they need. Sources:  https://www.psychologytoday.com/za/conditions/eating-disorders, https://www.psychologytoday.com/za/blog/happiness-is-state-mind/201703/eating-disorders-it-s-not-all-about-food

Wingu Academy

Wingu Academy’s Wellness Hub takes the lead in providing a safe online learning environment

Student well-being is a core focus area for Wingu Academy, especially due to the increase in mental health awareness in the online environment.  In fact, Wingu Academy takes this so seriously that they have a dedicated wellness hub, called Wingu Wellness. The vision is to collaborate with students, guardians, and parents, as well as the valued staff of the Academy, to build a safe online learning environment. “Wingu Wellness provides up to date information on mental health issues, learning barriers, coping mechanisms and stress management, to mention a few. Working alongside top names in the field, like Dr Serahni Symington, counsellor and play therapist specialist, we will be providing counselling and mediation sessions and webinars free of charge, to anyone in the Wingu Family.” says Ian Strydom, Wingu Academy’s Managing Director. Services offered by Wingu Wellness Hub Current services include:  Organising concessions for learners with learning barriers; Wellness consultations with a wellness coach or qualified counsellor;  Monthly webinars; Sensitivity training; Resolution of behaviour misconduct; Assisting students and parents with day-to-day educational needs, i.e. study assistance, identifying learning styles, etc. Diagnostic Testing facilitated by Educationist, Dr Belinda van der Westhuizen Family mediation offered through Dr Serahni Symington How does Wingu Wellness assist students? The Wingu Wellness Hub will be assisting students by offering free consultation sessions with either the Wellness Coach or a trained psychologist. This will act as a safe space for learners to talk about what is weighing on them. We also provide learners applicable content to assist them in matter that they do not feel comfortable coming forward about. We also provide external coaching in the form of play therapy for the younger learners, by referring them to Dr. Symington.  Wingu Wellness will also act as a means to further promote the many social clubs within the Academy to assist learners in still benefitting from the social aspects that are sometimes lacking in the cyber world.   How does Wingu Wellness assist parents/guardians? Assistance includes the same support as to students, but on top of that also offering family mediation through Dr Symington. “We offer comprehensive and professionally verified content to assist in matters dealing with how to cope with situations such as moving a learner from a mainstream school into an online learning environment or to things like dealing with family trauma.” says Panashe Tiffany Saungweme, Associate Director of Human Capital.  How does Wingu Wellness assist staff members? Not only do the teachers and staff have access to the Wingu Wellness Hub through the Academy’s platform, which gives them the opportunity take full advantage of the consultations, posted contented and the many services offered by Dr Symington, they also have access and can benefit from the internal wellness check-ins aimed at reminding the Wingu staff to ensure they keep in mind the importance of their own well-being. The staff benefit from life coaching through the Hub in order to thrive in their personal and professional lives.   Aiming to assist the Wingu Family with their overall well-being. “Wingu Wellness is not just an initiative to create awareness of mental barriers we may all have, but rather a platform providing a safe space to find solutions and encourage positive well-being behaviour for everyone part of the Wingu Family.” Strydom concludes.

Advice from the experts
Glenoaks Remedial and Special Needs School

Breaking Barriers: Challenging the Stigma of Vocational Education for Neurodiverse Learners

The perception of vocational education for neurodiverse learners can vary significantly across different societies and cultures. However, there are several potential reasons why vocational education for neurodiverse learners might have faced negative stigma in some places: Stereotypes and Misunderstandings: There is often a lack of awareness and understanding of neurodiversity and the unique strengths and challenges that neurodiverse individuals may have. This can lead to stereotypes and misconceptions, such as assuming that neurodiverse individuals are not capable of pursuing higher education or certain career paths. Social Stigma: Society can stigmatise individuals with learning differences, leading to prejudices and discrimination. This can manifest in various ways, including limited opportunities, negative attitudes, and exclusion from certain educational and career paths. Traditional Education System Bias: The education system in many places is primarily geared towards a one-size-fits-all approach, which may not adequately accommodate the diverse learning styles and needs of neurodiverse individuals. This can result in neurodiverse learners facing challenges and feeling like they do not fit into the traditional academic mold. Focus on Academic Excellence: In some cultures, there is an overemphasis on academic excellence and pursuing higher education at prestigious institutions. Vocational education, on the other hand, may be perceived as a less desirable option, leading to the marginalisation of those who choose alternative paths. Lack of Support and Resources: Neurodiverse learners may not always receive the necessary support and accommodations in educational settings, making it difficult for them to thrive academically. This can reinforce the belief that vocational education is their only viable option. Career Opportunities: Some vocational careers may be associated with lower social status or perceived as less intellectually challenging. As a result, neurodiverse learners who choose vocational paths might face judgment or negative assumptions about their capabilities. Limited Awareness of Vocational Options: The range of vocational opportunities available to neurodiverse learners may not always be well-known or well-promoted. As a result, individuals and their families may not consider vocational education as a viable and fulfilling option. Addressing the negative stigma surrounding vocational education for neurodiverse learners requires a multi-faceted approach, including increasing awareness and understanding of neurodiversity, providing better support and accommodations in educational settings, promoting diverse career paths, and challenging stereotypes about vocational education. Emphasising the value and success stories of neurodiverse individuals in vocational fields can also help change perceptions and attitudes. At Oak House Vocational Academy, a division of Glenoaks School, our neurodivergent learners are exposed to the concept of work from the beginning of their journey with us. Younger learners participate in internal contract or project-based work, and older learners benefit from external work experience placements aligned to their strengths, abilities, and areas of interest, culminating in years of work experience, and often a part-time or full-time job by the time they graduate. Learners are exposed to several vocational subjects including Administration, Computers, Hospitality, Gardening, Crafts and Enterprise. These subjects are integrated with each other and based on a business model. Learners gain insight into the purpose of work and completing a job or project. They are challenged to understand the ‘bigger picture’ and the importance of every role in a business. In many of these subjects learners produce products to sell, which provides tangible opportunities to internalise valuable vocational skills. Despite the negative stigma often associated with this type of education, we at Glenoaks believe that it is one of the most successful ways to integrate neurodiverse learners into society and the workplace.  Written by Julia Wood – Head of Oak House Vocational Academy – Glenoaks School  

Parenting Hub

Staying strong and focused during Matric studies

Join SACAP’s free Study Hack Webinar or Campus Watch Party This time of preparing for and writing Matric exams is much like facing a high-stakes endurance challenge.  You want to be mentally and physically top of your game so that you can perform at your best, but the circumstances are full of tension and stress.   A certain amount of stress can be useful to keep us focused, but too much can lead to crippling exam anxiety. It helps to have a plan for tackling your Matric studies that includes factoring in your physical and mental health.  Developing good study habits helps you to get through your workload more efficiently while maintaining your resilience and well-being. If you’re not sure how to get organised for your upcoming studies and final exams, it’s important to get advice from experts rather than trying to muddle through on your own.  SACAP (South African College of Applied Psychology) will be hosting its annual SACAP Matric Student Study Hack webinar on Saturday, 12 August 2022 from 10:00.  If you don’t want to sit at home and watch alone, join a SACAP Study Hack Watch Party at a SACAP Campus in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Pretoria or Durban. This year, the SACAP Study Hack panel is made up of four experts sharing top hacks that can help you improve concentration and focus through nutrition, keep physically active while you are studying, take control of your stress and anxiety and approach all your subjects using tried and tested study focus methods. Ziyanda Khumalo, a Student Support and Development Advisor at SACAP’s Johannesburg Campus, will share her expertise on how to identify and minimise distractions that impair focus or invite procrastination.  She emphasises the importance of setting goals, developing a study schedule, and managing your time.  Ziyanda says, “While students do have unique study preferences, there are certain focus methods that are effective as a foundation in a variety of academic areas.  Productive focus techniques help students get organised and identify their priorities.  Students need to reflect on their study environment and identify their distractions – is it an uncomfortable chair that makes them fidget and get up?  Is it the constant pinging of their device?  Are there younger siblings demanding attention?  You need to first set yourself up for success in your environment, and then work towards your goals.  You need to include regular and consistent breaks, and then manage your time precisely so that you don’t get caught up in other activities around the house.  Tracking your progress helps to ensure focus and avoids the stress that comes with falling behind on your studies.” According to Educational and Research Psychologist, Dr Diana De Sousa, exam anxiety is a common experience for Matric students.  She says, “It helps to understand the science behind this.  Exam anxiety is caused by the body’s natural stress response triggered by the amygdala in the brain. This response perceives exams as a threat to a student’s self-esteem, future goals, or academic standing, causing increased levels of cortisol in the body.” You can recognise exam anxiety if you are troubled by negative thought patterns, self-doubt, and fear of failure.  Dr De Sousa says, “This mental noise can impair concentration, memory recall, and decision-making during study time and while writing your exams. However, coping strategies, relaxation techniques, and positive reinforcement can help manage and mitigate the effects of exam anxiety.”  At the SACAP Matric Student Study Hack webinar Dr De Sousa will be highlighting practical mindfulness techniques to handle stress and anxiety effectively. One of the best to manage mental stress is by getting the body moving.  Unfortunately, during long bouts of studying, getting up and out into the fresh air for some exercise too often falls by the wayside.  It’s important to include time for being physically active in your daily study schedule.  Happiness Mesi, a sports and pilates conditioner joins the SACAP panel to discuss how mental well-being can be boosted through exercise.  Happiness says, “Exercise results in the release of mood-enhancing endorphins which combat stress, anxiety and depression.  While you might not be able to take the time out for a long cycle or play a soccer game during your studies, you will find that you can take a break and simply go for a brisk walk in your neighbourhood.  This refreshes the brain and releases a good amount of dopamine which will shift you into a more positive mindset.  In addition, regular stretching helps a great deal during study time to make you more physically comfortable and resilient.” Too often when we have big demands on our time and attention, we forget about how important it is to eat and sleep well.  Poor diet and lack of sleep amplify stress and anxiety, making it harder for us to perform well.  SACAP panellist Nelile Nxumalo, a Registered Dietician will discuss what your body needs to maintain high energy levels and what foods can help to improve your concentration.  She says, “During study and exam periods, the brain and nervous system work overtime and need to be fuelled by healthy foods to function optimally.  Eating well-balanced meals feeds the brain with the right nutrients and this helps to improve memory and alertness.”  Nelile will be presenting simple meal and snack hacks to help you use nutrition to boost your exam performance. Dr De Sousa concludes, “It’s normal to experience exam stress, and it’s crucial to be kind to yourself during this challenging period.  Don’t skip out on the short breaks that you need to rest and recharge.  Take a flexible approach to your study schedule and make adjustments if necessary.  If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, it is important to reach out for support from teachers, family or friends. Keep your perspective clear and remember that the results of one exam doesn’t define your worth or potential.” Join the conversation, SACAP’s Matric Student Hack webinar on Saturday, 12 August 2023 from 10h00 to 11h30.  Registration is free and you can RSVP on Zoom

Parenting Hub


While it is not uncommon for South African school students to struggle with Mathematics during their educational journeys, more awareness is needed about a learning disorder called Dyscalculia, to ensure that students who may be Dyscalculic are able to access the help they need timeously and effectively, an education expert says. Dyscalculia is a learning disorder that affects an individual’s ability to understand and manipulate numbers and mathematical concepts, in a way that is similar to how Dyslexia impacts reading. In South Africa, there is little awareness of Dyscalculia as a condition and, consequently, there is a lack of diagnostic and remedial resources for people with Dyscalculia to receive the support they require. Dr Lindiwe Mokotjo, Deputy Dean: Academic Development Support at IIE Rosebank College, a brand of The Independent Institute of Education, SA’s leading private higher education provider, says learners often find Mathematics challenging primarily due to preconceived notions about the subject based on interactions throughout their educational journey from a young age. “These negative perceptions often inform their overall attitude towards Mathematics, thereby creating a barrier to effective learning. Furthermore, I have observed a direct correlation between students’ failure rates and the existence of an information gap, which hinders their understanding of mathematical concepts taught in the classroom. These as well as other factors could induce Mathematics anxiety and Developmental Dyscalculia,” she notes. Dr Mokotjo says there is ongoing research which delves deeper into Dyscalculia globally, and to a limited extent, South Africa. It is postulated that Dyscalculia could be as prevalent as Dyslexia (estimated at between 5% and 10% of the population) and that its impact is equally critical.  Furthermore, there is a persistent global concern – and particularly so in South Africa – regarding the subpar performance of students in Mathematics generally. “There are several undeniable benefits in understanding numbers – benefits many take for granted. However, individuals with Dyscalculia are excluded from such basic advantages. Consequently, it can be argued that Dyscalculia extracts a financial cost from government and society, in addition to the personal cost for individuals,” she says. Recent research from the UK revealed that individuals with poor numeracy skills experienced several detrimental effects, including lower income levels, with its resultant impact on livelihoods, increased likelihood of illness and legal prosecution, and a greater need for educational intervention. The study estimated that the economic impact of low numeracy skills in the UK amounted to over 48 billion pounds Sterling. It raises the question regarding the corresponding impact in South Africa, which is arguably likely to come at an even higher cost. The big question is: How can students living with Dyscalculia be helped? An option for support is to seek the assistance of a Learning Specialist or Educational Psychologist. These professionals can provide an assessment to determine the presence and extent of the individual’s Dyscalculia and recommend appropriate accommodations and interventions. Some universities and schools may also have learning support centres that offer assistance to students. “In addition, there are various technological tools that can assist individuals with Dyscalculia. For an example, there are Math apps and software programmes which can provide visual representations of mathematical concepts, as well as tools that can read math problems aloud to the user. There are also assistive technologies such as calculators, abacuses as well as Active Learning Strategy as a teaching strategy that can assist with basic math understanding and calculations.” Dr Mokotjo notes it is important to understand that while Dyscalculia can pose challenges, it does not define an individual’s abilities or limit their potential. “With the right support and accommodations, individuals with Dyscalculia can succeed academically and in their daily lives. It is also important that individuals with Dyscalculia understand the condition and are able to advocate for themselves and seek the support they need to thrive.” Thus far, the exact prevalence of Dyscalculia in South Africa has not been determined. Studies on learning difficulties in South Africa have focused mainly on Dyslexia with comparatively little research on Dyscalculia. “It is therefore essential that more research is undertaken to better understand the prevalence of Dyscalculia in South Africa, and to develop effective strategies for identifying and supporting individuals with this condition.”


FAIRY TALES – More than just entertainment

Albert Einstein is believed to have once said “”If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” Could it be possible that the beloved fairy tales of childhood can have more value over and above delightful entertainment? We at Kumon have considered why it is important for you to tell and read fairy tales to your child. Help develop a range of academic skills As a young listener your child will observe your storytelling skills and learn to mimic these as their own reading ability develops. They will learn how to captivate an audience using tone, accents, acting, dramatic pauses etc., as well as the components of effective storytelling like chronology and attention to detail. In listening to you reading fairy tales and then learning to read from the books themselves, a child will develop strong memory skills; I’m sure as an adult you can still recall the details of your favourite fairy tales. From the actual fairy tale plots they will develop in critical thinking skills, as they will follow the actions of the characters carefully and see the consequences of these actions, boosting their understanding of the world. Through any sort of fictional reading a child will develop in creativity, but the fantasy, myth and magic of fairy tales offers even greater scope for them to think outside of the box. Fairy tales are full of fantastic adventures, enchanting lands and exotic creatures, all of which fuel their imagination beyond the ordinary and every day. Teach important life lessons Of course the primary function of fairy tales is to be entertaining, but they also contain valuable and moral lessons for a child to learn. According to The Telegraph, Goddard Blythe, director of the Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology in Chester, said: “Fairy tales help to teach children an understanding of right and wrong, not through direct teaching, but through implication.”1 Certainly the real world isn’t a fairy tale but a child can take the over-arching messages of these tales and apply them to their own lives, for example fairy tales teach great lessons in friendship and kindness as well in individuality and staying true to oneself. Encourage emotional development Usually you would tell or read your child a fairy tale before bed to settle them into a peaceful slumber; this is important as it creates intimacy, routine, and a bonding experience between you and your child. The majority of fairy tale plots and the messages they convey can resonate directly with a child and can help them to deal with an anxiety they can’t yet fully explain. Fairy tales can teach them how to better handle and deal with their emotions. Professor Yvonne Kelly of UCL said the following about reading to children: “It’s not just the flow of information of the written text that’s in the book, it’s the degree of intimacy associated with telling stories and reading stories with and to young children… we find very, very strong correlations between reading to children and their own reading scores and their own maths scores and all markers of cognitive performance as well as to their behaviours“2 However, in closing, putting the research and studies aside, fairy tales are simply a wonderful way to add a bit of extra sparkle to your child’s day and encourage their love of reading. This article is courtesy of the Kumon UK website* * https://www.kumon.co.uk/blog/if-you-want-your-children-to-be-intelligent-read-them-fairy-tales-if-you-want-them-to-be-more-intelligent-read-them-more-fairy-tales-albert-einstein/  1 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationnews/8378975/Parents-who-shun-fairytales-miss-chance-to-teach-children-morality.html 2 https://studylib.net/doc/13839263/a-good-start-in-life-icls-occasional-paper-12-yvonne-kelly 

Educ8 SA

Skills to build up with Educ8 SA

We know how important it is to build up skills to improve school skills that will be beneficial to all students, young and old! We will be looking at: Typing & Problem Solving Our online typing program that offers a comprehensive curriculum to help users improve their typing skills. The platform provides personalized lesson plans based on the user’s skill level and progress, and includes a variety of typing exercises, games, and tests to help users practice and improve their typing speed and accuracy. It offers a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and includes progress tracking and performance reports to help users monitor their progress and identify areas for improvement. The program also includes a variety of typing challenges and rewards to keep users motivated and engaged. One of the unique features, is its ability to integrate with popular learning management systems (LMS) such as Google Classroom, Canvas, and Schoology. This allows teachers to easily assign and track typing assignments for their students. Overall, it’s a great choice for anyone looking to improve their typing skills, whether they are a beginner or an advanced typist. Problem-solving skills are essential for kids to develop as they grow and learn. Here are some ways to help kids develop problem-solving skills: Encourage creativity and imagination: Encourage kids to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to problems. This can help develop their critical thinking skills. Teach them to identify the problem: Help kids identify the problem they are trying to solve. This can help them focus on finding a solution rather than getting bogged down by the problem itself. Break down the problem: Encourage kids to break down the problem into smaller, more manageable parts. This can help them see the problem more clearly and come up with potential solutions. Brainstorm solutions: Encourage kids to brainstorm potential solutions to the problem. This can help them develop their creativity and problem-solving skills. Evaluate solutions: Help kids evaluate the potential solutions they have come up with and choose the best one. This can help them learn to make informed decisions and think critically. Practice problem-solving: Give kids opportunities to practice problem-solving skills in real-life situations. This can help them develop their skills and confidence in problem-solving. By encouraging kids to develop problem-solving skills, you can help them become more confident, independent, and successful in their personal and academic lives. Educ8 SA We are an award-winning online school from preschool to high school. Making it the ideal learning program for your homeschool curriculum needs. Our Online Learning Program is the ideal choice for anyone looking for top-quality, proven, flexible online schooling.  Offering teaching excellence and a broad curriculum at affordable pricing to students. If you are looking for the convenience and flexibility of online homeschooling from the comfort of your home, you have found it! Contact us: 084 685 2138 info@esuc8sa.net www.educ8sa.com



Have you ever heard your child say that maths isn’t fun? While maths can be challenging, there are a variety of ways to make maths more engaging and fun for kids of all ages.  First, help your child understand how they can use maths in real-life scenarios. From cooking to careers, there’s a ton of instances that maths is useful, and recognizing that can help them understand why it’s important to continue practicing. Once they understand a bit more about how maths is used, try some of the below methods to make learning maths more engaging. Play maths games There are a ton of maths games out there that effectively teach while being entertaining. No matter what maths level your child is on, there is a game that can tie in learning a new concept or strengthening one that they want to improve. Playing maths games takes away a feeling of intimidation and encourages kids to have fun while practicing their skills. Incorporate it into their interests Let’s say your child loves to help you cook. You can incorporate maths seamlessly into your preparation by discussing recipes while cooking. If your child loves soccer, you can talk about how maths can be used to figure out different plays and positions, and how the statistics side of it can tell a story. Incorporating maths into an interest that they love will show kids that maths is useful and something that can help them expand their skills. Hands-on learning experiences Have you ever seen a jar filled with sweets and the option to guess how many are in the jar? This is a great example of a hands-on learning experience because of the options to incorporate maths skills. While guessing is a fun element, counting different coloured sweets can bring in addition, multiplication, and even fractions. It’s a great way to show maths beyond paper and pencil problems. Read books that talk about maths If your child is interested in reading or learning about maths in a different way than just through numbers and equations, try finding books that incorporate maths. Many children’s picture books use maths to count or talk about objects. A short search on the internet will give you so many book suggestions, but one that might be really useful is this one from Stanford University: “40 Children’s Books That Foster a Love of Math” Enrol in an enrichment programme Sometimes maths isn’t fun because a child is struggling with the foundational skills. To make maths more engaging, consider an enrichment program that consistently challenges and incorporates practice. This will help to build their skills and ability to problem solve which in turn can help them feel more confident to tackle maths concepts. The Kumon Maths Programme develops strong problem-solving and calculation skills from the four basic operations through algebra and calculus. In the Maths Programme, students will develop a solid foundation of maths skills that can help them excel in and out of the classroom. In addition, the Programme develops confidence, concentration, perseverance, self-discipline and the ability to learn new work on your own. If you would like to find out more about the Kumon Maths Programme, visit us at www.kumon.co.za  This article is taken directly from the KUMON NORTH AMERICA website:  https://www.kumon.com/resources/how-to-make-maths-more-engaging/?doing_wp_cron=1656500380.2784550189971923828125

Koa Academy

AI in Education IS happening – how do we leverage it?

Although machine learning and AI models have been built into many of the apps and platforms we have been using for years, we’re having a different kind of AI moment in 2023.  Natural language processing and computer vision models such as OpenAI’s ChatGTP and DALL_E have put AI tools directly into the people’s hands, and many are fascinated and fearful. With generative AI tools used frequently by growing millions, some are calling loudly for restraint and regulation.  AI is already impacting education.  From schools to universities, parents, teachers and administrators are scrambling for remedies, rules and policies to prevent students from handing in homework written by ChatGPT.  However, the longer-term impacts of AI on education are going to be much deeper and wider. As Principal of Koa Academy, a high engagement online school, Mark Anderson takes a pragmatic and proactive view of AI’s opportunities and challenges to the education system.  He says, “I must say, I feel excited.  However, my eyes are wide open.  This is a complex and nuanced conversation. We have an education system that is held back by outdated worldviews and structures.  Too many institutions are failing to adequately prepare learners for today’s world of work, so systems and tools that disrupt the status quo and improve 21st Century learning are certainly needed.  That said, there are real concerns that must be addressed if we are to effectively leverage the benefits in this game-changing shift.  When used well, AI tools can sharpen critical thinking skills and encourage creativity.  When used poorly, they can become a burden and even block learning.  This is the same pattern we see with just about any technological advance in education.  The key lies in our pedagogy – how we go about deploying the tools in our schools.” Will natural language processing models undermine core skills, like writing? As many users have discovered, AI tools like ChatGPT are adept at generating written text in a range of styles and on any topic, all in a matter of seconds.  Mark says, “It’s an obvious pitfall that students can plagiarise any writing task, but does this mean that learners will fail to develop the ability to effectively generate their own thoughts in writing? This depends on how the AI tools are used in the language class.  Instead of being used as the source of a written text based on one prompt, the AI model can be used as a personal ‘writing coach’ by engaging the learner conversationally, debating or analysing text.  Used strategically, a tool like this has the potential to do what many language teachers would love to have the capacity for – individualised and personalised support of every single learner.” This role of a chatbot as tutor goes beyond language.  There are worldwide Maths education specialists, such as Khan Academy currently testing AI Maths tutors in US schools with the view that one day, every child in the classroom might benefit from the undivided attention of their own Maths specialist. Mark says, “This idea of AI becoming a sort of ‘personal tutor’ is a potential game changer. Educators know well that the way to holistically increase the performance of all learners in an educational system is through one-on-one tutoring support for everyone. This has always seemed logistically impossible. With the introduction of AI, much of the support typically provided by a person can instead be provided by the AI model. Not thinking for the learner but providing the support for them to really think for themselves.” As Peter Parker’s uncle said: “With great power comes great responsibility” Like particle accelerators, genetic sequencers and supercomputers, AI is undoubtably one of the most complex tools humans have ever created.  It is set apart though, by its capacity to learn and improve over time. Mark concludes, “At Koa Academy we are encouraging our learners, parents and educators to explore and become clear about the pros and cons of present-day AI.  As with any tool, we have to teach our learners how to approach the technology. We have human choices to make about how we realise its potential and guardrail against its pitfalls.  What’s important is to avoid taking a polarised stance and rather finding the balance between recognising the potential pitfalls and potential advantages of AI in education. AI gives us a chance to drive change in a very outdated education system and potentially solve a lot of problems. Yes, it’s going to be challenging to find healthy balances and good guardrails, and yes, there are going to be teething issues along the way. But there are such good opportunities for us to leverage AI in education. Not doing so means that our kids leave school even less prepared for real life. While there is still much to discover and navigate in this technology, we can be sure that by approaching it with all the faculties that make us truly human – critical thinking, common sense, empathy – then we stand to gain much from it in education.” Parents can join Mark Anderson at the Koa Academy Webinar, AI – the Good, the Bad and the Educational on 8 August 2023, at 13h00.  The presentation tackles this exciting and complex topic and includes a Q&A session, so that parents can ask their burning questions.  Registration is free. Koa Academy Webinar: AI – the Good, the Bad and the Educational Tuesday, 8 August 2023 13h00 Register here Discover Koa Academy, visit www.koacademy.com

Educ8 SA

Educ8 SA – Improving Lives Through Learning

Let us more about Educ8 SA! We are so proud of what we are doing within the Education sector.  We are an award-winning online school from preschool to high school. Making it the ideal learning program for your homeschool curriculum. Our Online Learning Program is the ideal choice for anyone looking for top-quality, proven, flexible online schooling.  Offering teaching excellence and a broad curriculum at affordable pricing to students. If you are looking for the convenience and flexibility of online homeschooling from the comfort of your home, you have found it! What does a day in the life look like for students with a home-schooling parent? You have the freedom to start when you want, hopefully early enough. We like to start at 8 am and aim to finish at 1 pm or 2 pm. My kids usually take about 2 breaks currently. So, they start:  3 Subjects break 4 Subjects Lunch Subjects Done The curriculum is very well laid out, it’s an online program that’s lessons are from 10 to 30mins long. Then the American High School Diploma is laid out a bit differently but the amazing thing about the high school curriculum, it gives your kids an advantage over the rest. It’s an international curriculum and it offers Varsity subjects, so when your kids go to university, they can start some subjects in 2nd year already because they have completed some first-year subjects already. Educ8 SA also offer the GED curriculum which is equivalent to a Grade 12 Matric. Students work at their own pace and schedule exams once the pre-readiness testing has found students to be exam ready. Exams are written at any Boston College nearest to your location. So just Educ8 SA to further discuss the options you are looking at going with. Can you register anytime? Yes, you can register any time of the year and even start any time of the year.  Ways to make contact: Contact the Office on 084 685 2138  Email on info@educ8sa.net Go to website to our sign-up section and complete all information, this will also give you access to the amazing 14-day trial period What are the highlights you can expect using Educ8 SA? Its Affordable Flexible Tried and tested Grade levels from preschool to grade 12 Our reviews speak for themselves, a great program and great service In a nutshell: Educ8 SA is an Affordable, Quality Curriculum and what more can you ask for? Contact us today! 084 685 2138 info@educ8sa.net www.educ8sa.com

Glenoaks Remedial and Special Needs School

Social Skills for Neurodiverse Learners

At Glenoaks Remedial and Vocational School, we recognise that our neurodiverse learners’ differences are part of a natural variation that don’t need to be remediated or changed.  Our learners often find a sense of community with peers in the neurodivergent population.  We see that they start to form a sense of identity and independence when they find their comfortable space and place.   Our goal is to offer the opportunity for social interactions in an environment that is safe and encouraging.  The therapist’s role is to guide them when they veer off track or are unsure of what to say or do in a situation. The learners are assisted with practical strategies and experiences in different contexts to raise their awareness about their own interactions and how to interpret others.  Learners find that increasing social demands that require skills such as holding a two-way conversation, interacting in a team work situation, communicating via social media, or appropriate use of humour are sometimes challenging to manage.  They benefit from the support of their peers and therapist to develop these as well as their own self-identified goals such as setting verbal boundaries.  Every session focuses on the importance of non-verbal communication (body language), voice tone and facial expressions. We don’t force eye contact or spend time on abstract, generalised worksheets about typical social skills. Instead, learners often work in groups on real tasks to practice using non-verbal social skills in a meaningful way that best supports communication interactions.   Fostering executive function development is also an important focus of every session. We grow self-regulatory systems by building skills in team and work-based tasks such as: Perception, focus, and sustained attention Verbal and non-verbal working memory Inhibition, initiation and flexible thinking Self-monitoring, self-correction, and self-modulation Time sense, pacing and execution Anticipating, analysing, planning, organising and prioritizing At Oakhouse Vocational Academy, a division of Glenoaks School, learners are aiming to enter the open labour market and so our focus is on assisting them with social interactions that could occur in work contexts. We support them through their work experience journey and provide weekly sessions to touch base, reflect on and problem solve different examples of real social interactions. The learners share actual successes or challenges and are assisted in addressing these as a group.  Some examples of the topics discussed and practiced include: Appropriate greetings Giving accurate messages to individuals and groups Requesting information telephonically and via email Asking for directions Conversational skills (topic introduction, maintenance, and repair strategies) Having group discussions Setting up meetings Planning and prioritising tasks as a group Developing social skills for events such as dancing and playing games Appropriate interactions with peers A brain growth spurt occurs during adolescence, making this an optimal period for learning new skills. It is an important time when our Academy learners are especially sensitive to their experiences. To successfully manage the transition to independent working adults, all adolescents need more insight into what they are experiencing. They also need relevant and meaningful work and supportive guidance. Our teenagers really do benefit from graded opportunities for self-management and social interaction. We believe in the goals of self-advocacy, awareness of others, developing future thinking, and practicing strategies for communication repair in real time and different contexts.  As a parent of a neurodivergent child it is so important to regularly expose them to social situations which provide opportunities for them to learn and practice these very needed life skills. Written by Sairah Smith – Speech Therapist and Social Skills Educator at Glenoaks Remedial and Vocational School.

Evolve Online School


With the ongoing growth of online schooling in South Africa, parents are increasingly considering this route as a viable option for their children. Still, they are left overwhelmed by the massive range of schools and their differences in offerings. Additionally, the quality varies dramatically from school to school, with some schools reporting excellent results and others proving a disaster for the child and their family. It is, therefore, crucial that parents decide about their choice of online school very carefully, based on an objective assessment of the quality and standard of offering, and that they do not simply rely on a school’s promotional materials and promises. One of the best indicators of a school’s ability to provide the highest quality of academic excellence in an online environment is its international MAP ranking, an education expert says. MAP is short for the Measuring Academic Progress International Benchmarking evaluation, and any online school worth its salt should be able to produce its current standing, says Colin Northmore, Principal of Evolve Online School, a brand of ADvTECH, Africa’s largest private education provider. “International Benchmarking enables schools to objectively compare their students’ performance against students in other schools, including brick and mortar as well as online schools, and against students in other countries. It is a tool to monitor the effectiveness of a school’s focus on consistent student growth and to track effective teaching and learning,” says Northmore. “Choosing to go the online route is often a step into unknown territory for most parents, so knowing beforehand that a school is in excellent standing in terms of international benchmarks can save much time, anxiety and money for families,” he says. MAP is used in 1500 schools in 145 countries, with 9 million students participating. Data are presented at the individual level but also provide school, regional, continental, and global comparisons. MAP’s Growth tests evaluate Mathematics, Reading and Language Usage for students from Kindergarten through Grade 12, and the tests are given 2-3 times per year to measure progress – most often at the beginning, middle, and end of the year. Evolve Online School consistently scores in the top percentile against other schools and when compared to the international benchmark since it began participating in MAP benchmarking. Northmore says that in addition to ensuring a positive international benchmarking positioning, parents evaluating online schools should also consider the following: That proper registration and accreditation are in place with all relevant authorities. That the school has a reputation for academic excellence over at least a few years. They enquire from current and past parents about the school’s reputation. That the school forms part of a larger group which can provide the best institutional support and, if not part of a larger group with a strong track record, that the school can demonstrate that their support structures are sound. That the school can demonstrate logistical competence in terms of academic delivery, and That there is an excellent balance between screen time, dream time, team time and green time to avoid the student developing feelings of isolation.   “But even if all the above are in place, international benchmarking remains the gold standard in assessing a school’s ability to deliver academic excellence in an online setting, and parents are encouraged to ensure their chosen school has that in place,” says Northmore.

Junior Colleges

Meal prep for busy families

Who knew that being a mom or dad meant you would have to come up with delicious meals every day for the rest of your days? Dinner time can be very stressful, yet it can be super easy if you are prepared and organised. What do we know about children’s nutrition? A balanced diet consisting of fruit, vegetables, protein, and grains is the best way. That means that if planned right, you never have to feel guilty by pulling out a pizza from the freezer because your child eats healthy food most nights and days. Here are the steps to weekly meal preparation: Plan a menu It is important to choose things that your family likes. For example, if Spaghetti Bolognaise is a hit, make a batch enough for 3-4 meals.  Planning the menu will also ensure that you can shop for the right ingredients so that you don’t have to stop at the shop every couple of days and save money in the long run. Ensure that you have enough containers This is a once-off purchase that you can use time and time again—choosing containers that are freezer friendly. Portion out your meals  Make sure that you can take out your meals, and they feed your family with just enough. You will only be able to reheat food that has yet to be reheated.  Variety Children love variety, though they don’t mind having the same or similar foods on a specific day. For example, Mondays could be beef day, Tuesdays could be chicken days, and Fridays could be pizza day. While they love variety, they also love predictability.  Get the children to help. Children love to assist in the kitchen. They can do age-appropriate chores like mashing potatoes or mixing ingredients. This is a great way to teach your child about healthy eating habits and allow them some bonding time with you. Remember to have fun! Dinner times can often be a time of stress and anxiety, let’s choose to create great memories for our children. 

Parenting Hub


You’ve probably heard that children who attend daycare get sick more frequently, but according to Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality healthcare, there is a silver lining to sniffles and colds. “Exposing your child to more children at a young age helps your child develop better immunity,” says Murray Hewlett, CEO of Affinity Health. “A baby’s immune system is immature at birth. Your baby does have some natural immunity, thanks to antibodies they were exposed to in utero. Breastfed babies benefit from antibodies in their mother’s milk as well. However, when a baby is exposed to bacteria and viruses in the environment, its immune system begins to strengthen. Yes, these pathogens can sometimes make your baby sick, but they also stimulate the production of natural antibodies, allowing them to fight off infections more effectively in the future. That means that children exposed to more germs at a young age will have stronger immune systems by the time they start school.” What Research Suggests The idea that children in daycare get sick more frequently when they’re young but benefit from improved immunity later in life isn’t just a theory; there’s plenty of research to back it up. For example, a Canadian study published in JAMA Pediatrics found that children who began group child care before the age of two and a half had fewer respiratory and ear infections between the ages of five and eight than those who had not been in daycare. According to University of Arizona College of Medicine researchers, the protection may last even longer. Children who had attended daycare as toddlers had fewer colds up to the age of 13 in their study. According to a study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, daycare may also reduce a child’s risk of developing asthma. Researchers discovered that children predisposed to the condition due to their mothers’ asthma or allergies had lower IgE antibodies (an indicator of allergic sensitivity) when they attended daycare. Interestingly, there is also a link between group care and a lower risk of leukaemia, although the reason for this is unclear. Good to know: Despite these benefits, parents may want to wait until their child is three months old before enrolling in daycare. Contagious infections that are normally minor in adults can be much more serious in newborns, and your child may need to be hospitalised if they develop a fever of above 38 degrees Celcius or higher before the age of three months. How To Naturally Boost Your Child’s Immune System While research supports the hypothesis that immunity acquired in daycare protects a child from colds later in life, no parent wants their child to be sick. As such, Affinity Health offers these top tips to boost your child’s immune system: Probiotics Probiotics aid in immune system regulation by balancing the good bacteria (flora) in the stomach. These “beneficial” microorganisms may help to reduce the risk of diarrhoea and respiratory infections. Serve your child live-cultured products like organic yoghurt and Gouda or cottage cheese. Nutrition A healthy immune system is built on a nutritious diet. Ensure your child eats a healthy diet and avoid serving processed foods containing chemicals and toxins that compromise their ability to fight illness and stay healthy. If your child has food allergies or requires a special diet, consult a nutritionist or paediatrician. Increase Their Uptake Of Vitamin C Almost all citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, and with so many options, adding more Vitamin C into your child’s diet is simple. Good sources of Vitamin C that most children enjoy include oranges, strawberries, blackcurrants, kiwifruit, potatoes, green peas, and tomatoes. Encourage Your Child To Exercise Physical activity may aid in the removal of bacteria from the lungs and airways. This may lower your child’s chances of contracting a cold, flu, or other airborne illness. Ensure Your Child Gets Adequate Sleep If your child is 12 or younger and gets less than 10 hours of sleep per night, or if your tween or teen gets less than eight and a half hours, they are at risk of having a weakened immune system. Make good sleeping habits a priority in your household. Allow Your Children To Be Kids, Get Dirty Outside, And Play With Friends Not all germs and bacteria are harmful to your child’s health. Exposing children to the everyday microbes found outside in nature – including dirt – can help a child develop a strong, healthy immune system.

Educ8 SA

Educ8 SA as an Online Education Program

It’s an online education platform that provides access to a wide range of courses and training programs. The platform is designed to help individuals and organizations acquire new skills and knowledge in various fields. The courses are delivered through a user-friendly interface, and learners can access them from anywhere and at any time.  Educ8 SA offers a flexible and affordable way to learn and improve one’s skills, making it an excellent option for all students. There are several benefits of online education for home schoolers, including: 1. Flexibility: Online education allows home schoolers to study at their own pace, on their own schedule, and in their own environment.  This flexibility makes it possible for students to pursue other interests, such as extracurricular activities, work, or travel, while still receiving a quality education. 2. Personalization: Online education allows home schoolers to customize their learning experience to their individual needs, interests, and learning styles.  This can lead to greater engagement, motivation, and academic success. 3. Access to resources: Online education provides home schoolers with access to a wealth of educational resources, including digital libraries, videos, interactive simulations, and online tutors.  These resources can enhance learning and provide additional support where needed. 4. Collaboration: Online education allows home schoolers to collaborate with other students and educators from around the world.  This can help broaden their perspectives, develop their social skills, and build their network of contacts. 5. Cost-effectiveness: Online education can be a cost-effective alternative to traditional homeschooling methods, as it eliminates the need for textbooks, materials, and other supplies. Overall, online education can provide home schoolers with a flexible, personalized, and cost-effective way to receive a quality education. We use the amazing program MobyMax. It’s an online learning platform designed to help students in grades K-8 improve their academic skills. The platform provides a comprehensive curriculum that covers subjects such as math, reading, writing, science, and social studies. MobyMax uses adaptive technology to personalize learning for each student, providing them with targeted instruction and practice based on their individual needs and abilities. The platform also includes interactive features such as games, videos, and rewards to keep students engaged and motivated. Teachers can track student progress and provide feedback to help students improve their performance. MobyMax is a popular choice among educators and parents who are looking for an effective and engaging way to support student learning. Contact us today! 084 685 2138 info@educ8sa.net www.educ8sa.com

Parenting Hub


We recognise the importance of play in a child’s development and are excited to make this programme part of Ubunye Educare Centre’s curriculum. Ubunye Educare Centre, a registered Non-Profit Education Organisation providing early childhood development opportunities in the poorer communities of Cape Town, has successfully included a ‘Learn through Play’ programme in its curriculum, incorporating play-based learning into the children’s daily routines to enhance their learning experiences.  “We are committed to providing quality education to our children and we believe that a Learn through Play approach to learning helps us to achieve this goal,” says Esther Cupido, Director of Operations at Ubunye Educare Centre. “We recognise the importance of making this programme part of our curriculum and have already seen the positive impact it is having on our children’s learning journeys.” With Learn through Play, the children at Ubunye Educare Centre engage in fun and interactive learning experiences that foster their overall development. Research shows that children learn best through play, and play-based learning has been found to support the development of essential skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity and social-emotional learning.  Key benefits of Learn through Play are briefly summarised below:  encourages active engagement with the environment, as well as curiosity and motivation, allowing children to become active participants in their own learning and to develop critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills;  supports holistic development of cognitive, social, emotional, physical and creative skills, enhancing language and communication skills, developing motor skills, fostering creativity and imagination, and improving interaction and cooperation with others;  provides opportunities for children to use their imagination and creativity, whether inventing scenarios, exploring different roles and perspectives, or experimenting with ideas and concepts, to promote cognitive flexibility, abstract thinking and new ideas;  promotes social interaction and emotional development as children learn to navigate social situations, express and manage their emotions, negotiate, share, take turns, have empathy and develop resilience;   sets a strong foundation for long-term learning and helps develop a positive attitude towards learning and lays the groundwork for later academic subjects such as math, science and literacy by building essential skills and fostering a love for learning;  creates deep and meaningful learning experiences by encouraging children’s natural intrinsic motivation to play in a positive and enjoyable learning environment;   allows for individualised learning experiences as children pursue their own interests at their own pace, make choices, and set their own goals within the context of play, supporting diverse learning styles, strengths, and abilities and enabling each child to progress and develop their unique talents. Teachers at Ubunye Educare Centre are trained and equipped with resources to incorporate play-based learning into their lessons, and parents are also encouraged to support their children’s learning through play at home.  “Learn through Play at Ubunye Educare Centre reflects the centre’s commitment to providing quality education to young children. This will help them develop the skills they need to succeed in school and beyond, while also promoting a love for learning that will last a lifetime,” concludes Cupido.   Ubunye Educare Centre provides quality early childhood education, paediatric health check-ups and nutritional needs for 120 children aged 5-6 from Dunoon Township enrolled in its care every year. We invite you to join us in making a lasting impact by either donating to fund a child or make a sponsorship contribution. A contribution can ensure that a child has access to education, enabling them to pursue their dreams and build a better future. For more information on Ubunye Educare Centre and the Learn through Play programme or becoming a donor, please call 0826897128 or visit the website at https://ubunye-educare.co.za.

Parenting Hub


Parents and guardians play a vital role in the overall development and academic growth of their children during their educational journey. However, in today’s world, despite an increased need for parental support and involvement, many parents find it challenging to fulfil this role due to various reasons including, but not limited to, time constraints, lack of knowledge about modern school curricula, and personal or work-related circumstances. But parental involvement isn’t an all-or-nothing proposition – either one is part of a child’s journey or not – because there are various small ways in which a parent can become a valuable pillar of support and encouragement for their child, which can make a huge difference even with limited but consistent investments of time and effort, an education expert says. “Parental involvement is essential for a child on all levels, including academic achievement, and it is undeniable that children whose parents or guardians support them in their educational journey have a stronger foundation for academic performance, positive learning experiences, and personal growth,” says Desiree Hugo, Academic Head: Schools Division at ADvTECH, SA’s leading private education provider. “Nonetheless, and very understandably so, many parents struggle to strike a healthy balance between their daily obligations and work responsibilities while also providing the necessary support and encouragement their children need on their academic journey. “Fortunately, being involved doesn’t require parents to drop the other balls. Even small but consistent connections to School, can make a significant difference in their child’s educational success and emotional wellbeing,” she says. Maintaining open lines of communication is crucial, Hugo says. “Parents should ensure that they receive and stay informed about all school communications. If any issues arise, prompt communication with the school can address these matters before they escalate into more significant challenges. “Additionally, parents should engage in daily conversations with their child, to understand their experiences, both positive and negative. This simple practice requires minimal time but provides valuable insight into potential challenges, enabling parents to stay proactive regarding their child’s performance and well-being while also staying connected to what is happening in their lives.” Whenever possible, parents should participate in school activities and events. Where schools organise events such as parent-teacher conferences, school fairs and sports matches, making the time to attend these activities periodically, demonstrates interest in and appreciation for the importance of a child’s educational journey and holistic development as part of a larger learning community. Maintaining a positive attitude towards the educational journey is also essential, says Hugo. Students benefit from having supportive structures in place as part of their daily routine that are conducive to learning. Parents can help create a positive atmosphere and should where possible provide a dedicated space for studying that is quiet and comfortable. “Children often feel anxious and overwhelmed by their studies, making it crucial for parents to remain positive and encouraging, even during challenging times.” “In addition to providing logistical support, parents should also help their children develop a growth mindset and a love for learning. Encouraging curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking, as well as assisting them in setting realistic and achievable goals, can foster their academic and personal growth.” Celebrating progress and offering constructive feedback and guidance in the face of setbacks are more effective approaches than dwelling on failures, Hugo says. “Regularly acknowledge and celebrate the child’s effort and progress instead of focusing solely on outcomes and grades.” Beyond facilitating improved academic and personal growth, parental involvement also lays the groundwork for stronger parent-child relationships. “Even small acts of involvement can lead to enhanced academic performance, positive behaviour, higher self-esteem, and a closer bond between parent and child.”  

Glenoaks Remedial and Special Needs School

Cooking up a storm: How cooking helps individuals on the autism spectrum

At Glenoaks Remedial and Vocational School for Neurodiverse learners, Hospitality classes are an important part of the Vocational curriculum. Not only does this subject prepare our learners for possible work opportunities and more independence, but also provides unique opportunities for learners to develop important life and social skills.   Cooking can be a relaxing and enjoyable activity that brings people together. For individuals on the autism spectrum, cooking offers a variety of benefits beyond just a delicious meal. Cooking can help develop fine motor skills, increase independence, improve focus and attention, and provide a sense of accomplishment. Cooking can also be a fun way to experiment with flavours and textures, encouraging people to try new foods and expand their palate.  How cooking helps individuals on the autism spectrum Cooking can be an extremely beneficial activity for individuals on the autism spectrum. It provides sensory experiences that can be very helpful in their growth and independence. For instance, measuring ingredients helps with fine motor skills, and the smells and textures of food can help with sensory processing. Cooking also provides a structured activity that can be calming. Following a recipe can provide a sense of order and predictability, which can be very beneficial for individuals with autism who may struggle with change. In addition, cooking can help with social skills. Cooking with others encourages communication, patience, and teamwork. It can also provide opportunities for individuals with autism to practice turn-taking and other social skills in a safe and supportive environment. Cooking is also a practical life skill that can help individuals on the autism spectrum become more independent. Learning how to cook their own meals can give them a sense of accomplishment and self-sufficiency, which can be empowering. Sensory issues and cooking One of the core challenges for people with ASD is sensory processing difficulties. Cooking provides a multi-sensory experience that can help individuals with ASD to develop their sensory processing skills. Individuals on the autism spectrum often experience sensory issues that can make everyday activities challenging. Cooking, however, can be a great way to address these issues and help them feel more comfortable and confident in the kitchen. For example, cooking can help individuals with sensory issues learn to tolerate different smells and textures of food. By gradually exposing them to different ingredients and cooking methods, they can learn to overcome their aversions and develop a more varied and healthy diet. How to make cooking successful for individuals with ASD For individuals with ASD, cooking can be a fun and rewarding activity, but it requires some preparation and adjustments to make it successful. Here are some tips to make cooking successful: 1. Break down the steps: Cooking can be overwhelming for some individuals with ASD, so it’s important to break down the steps into small, manageable tasks. Use visual aids such as pictures, lists, or videos to help them understand the steps involved. 2. Use simple recipes: Choose recipes that are simple, easy to follow, and require minimal equipment. Avoid recipes with complicated instructions, multiple steps, or ingredients that are difficult to find. 3. Create a routine: Establishing a routine can help individuals with ASD feel more comfortable and confident in the kitchen. Choose a specific time and day each week to cook together, and stick to the routine as much as possible. 4. Use sensory-friendly tools: Individuals with ASD can be sensitive to certain textures, smells, or sounds, so it’s important to use sensory-friendly tools such as gloves, silicone utensils, noise-canceling headphones, or non-slip mats. 5. Make it fun: Cooking should be a fun and enjoyable experience, so try to make it fun by incorporating games, challenges, or rewards. For example, you can have a cooking competition or a taste-testing activity.6. Encourage independence. As individuals with ASD become more comfortable in the kitchen, encourage them to take on more complex recipes and tasks. This can help build independence and confidence. Overall, cooking can be a great activity for individuals with ASD, as it can help them develop new skills, build confidence, and improve social interactions. By following these tips, you can make cooking a successful and enjoyable experience for them. Cooking is a wonderful activity that can provide a sense of routine, structure and independence. It can also help with sensory integration, fine motor skills and socialization. By following the tips we shared, you can make cooking a fun and therapeutic experience for individuals on the autism spectrum. We hope that this article inspires you to try cooking with your loved ones with autism and that it brings a new sense of joy and fulfilment into your lives. Written by Bronwynn Wessels – Hospitality Teacher – Glenoaks Remedial and Vocational School

Dr Tamara Jaye


With home-schooling becoming the new norm, many parents are now faced with seeing their children in a different role as a student, and they have been forced into becoming the, often ill-equipped, teacher. Some parents are finding this incredibly difficult, and especially those whose children are not getting on with the schoolwork with as much ease as they’d expect.

Parenting Hub


Many parents fear that giving toys to their children is spoiling them but it has been proven many times that play contributes directly to a child’s education and development. The important thing is to give them the right toys that stimulate and prolong play and learning. If children are to discover what they are good at, what they like, and what they are like, then they will need variety in their play, and a broad assortment of toys to make it possible. Fun Fact #1: In one study the availability of toys in infancy was related to the child’s IQ at 3 years of age Fine Motor Skills / Hand Eye Coordination: Lacing Beading Puzzles Arts and crafts Large Motor Skills (fitness & balance) Pool toys Balls/outside games Gardening sets Baking sets Language Skills: Talking toys Sound puzzles Matching words and object games Books, activity books Fun Fact #2: A review of more than 40 studies concludes that play enhances early development by at least 33% Cognitive Skills  (thinking through problems): Sorting, sequencing, counting , memory, puzzling games Bead mazes Stacking toys Puzzles Construction sets Imagination Skills (pretend play) Dress up Finger puppets Props (kitchens, trolleys, dolls) Artistic Skills (arts and crafts) Drawing Painting Sand art Art and craft activities Emotional Skills Group play Stickers Dolls Dress up sets Books Auditory Skills: Musical instruments Sound enhanced puzzles Listening games Co-operative games Fun Fact #3: Children play longer and learn more when a wide variety of toys are available



With calculators, spell-checkers and predictive text now being a common feature on computers and mobile phones, will today’s children still need strong mental skills to get by? Using technological software may be quick and easy, but there are real disadvantages that come when a child is so dependent on online assistance; namely, they will lack mental agility, fluency and accuracy, and they probably won’t be using their brain to its full capacity. Everyday tasks as simple as checking they’ve received the right change, or working out ratios of ingredients when preparing meals, require mental calculations which a child reliant on technology could struggle with. A student who looks to spell-checker to ensure the accuracy of their work will struggle when completing it offline; they’ll be marked down for inaccuracy during handwritten exams, or perhaps they know an answer but their poor spelling lets them down because the examiner is unable to understand their intention. Looking to the future, strong mental arithmetic and literacy skills are important in whatever career a child chooses to pursue, and are still noticed and sought after by most employers. A child who has these abilities will feel more confident and at ease in the workplace. In addition to all of the above, reading and writing, and solving mathematical calculations exercises the brain and keeps it healthy.  The brain is a muscle, and like the other muscles in the body, it needs to be exercised and stimulated regularly to stay healthy and keep functioning at its optimum.   Dr Ryuta Kawashima is a professor at Tohoku University in Japan and he is a leader in the field of Brain Imaging in Japan.  He has conducted numerous experiments and research to discover what activities activate and stimulate the brain and what activities don’t. One activity that Dr Kawashima discovered that is excellent for stimulating the brain is performing mathematical calculations regularly, even simple ones.  He conducted research to find out which activity exercised the brain more:  playing very complex video games, or solving mathematical calculations of adding one digit numbers to each other e.g. 1 + 2 + 5 + 3 + 6 etc.  Although at the outset he was sure that the video games would activate the brain more, when he measured activity using MRI scans, he saw that video games actually stimulated the brain very little, but that the arithmetical calculations had the brain firing on all cylinders.   This surprising finding urged Dr Kawashima into further research and he has shown that mathematical calculations stimulate the brain, help to lay down neural pathways and keep the brain from degenerating.  Dr Kawashima has this to say, “The prefrontal cortex, the area for thinking and learning, of both hemispheres [of the brain] is active during simple calculation.  Dealing with numbers is an important and sophisticated activity for human beings. … From primary school to college, simple calculation triggers brain activity. … Calculation is extremely helpful in training and developing your brain.” (p.34).   Another activity that is vital for the brain is reading, especially reading out loud.  Through his research, Dr Kawashima has found that when reading, many parts of both sides of the brain, as well as the prefrontal cortex (the most important place in the brain for thinking and learning) are activated. (p.26). Reading out loud activates the brain even more than reading silently.  This can be a useful tip when it comes to studying.  Reading work out loud can help a learner to remember it better.  Mental agility skills do take time to develop and improve but through practice they will make all the difference! How can you encourage the development of these skills in your child? Turn everyday experiences into learning opportunities – when shopping, ask your child to work out how much your bill will cost before you get to the checkout, and have them look at the receipt afterwards to check it’s correct. Have a weekly spelling bee at home or a times tables challenge – competitions and rewards are good incentives to encourage children to learn and make learning fun. When reading with your child, ensure they are familiar with all the words on the page and get them to write and spell out new words. Encourage your child to write regularly as this offers opportunities to spell. Through this, you’ll be able to see spellings they struggle with, and employ tracing, mnemonics and/or other strategies to help them improve. At Kumon, we aim to foster independent learners through our maths and English programmes. Our students do not rely on calculators, dictionaries or coping strategies to advance through their study; instead they are encouraged to become self-learners who develop in academic ability and skill with each worksheet they complete. Through daily practice our students develop in understanding, fluency and pace, allowing them to advance to more complexed work. If you’re interested in enrolling your child to Kumon, visit our website www.kumon.co.za to find your nearest study centre and contact your local Instructor for more information. Sources for this article: https://www.kumon.co.uk/blog/do-children-still-need-strong-mental-agility-when-then-can-rely-on-technology/  Kawashima, R. 2003. Train Your Brain. Kumon Publishing Co, Ltd. Tokyo, Japan Kawashima, R. and Koizumi, H. ed. 2003.  Learning Therapy.  Tohoku University Press. Sendai, Japan

Future Nation Schools

Solving SA’s literacy crisis with a unique approach to teaching and learning

Literacy rates in South Africa are going backwards. That is the finding of the 2023 Reading Panel background report, written by education economist Nic Spaull on behalf of a panel of specialists convened by former Deputy President Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka. The report, published earlier this month, reveals that a shocking 82% of grade 4 children cannot read for meaning. This is a deeply troubling statistic.  Without the ability to decipher the meaning behind the words they read on a page, learners battle to answer questions related to what they have read and, in time, this affects their ability to follow instructions, solve problems and think critically.  “The root cause of this crisis,” says Sizwe Nxasana, founder of Future Nation Schools “lies in the problem with South Africa’s language policy, particularly the language of learning and teaching (LoLT) in schools. This, like so many things in our culturally rich country, is a complex issue.” According to South Africa’s CAPS curriculum, the purpose of ‘English Home Language’ as a subject is to “acquire the language skills required for academic learning across the curriculum”, with the parallel purpose for English First Additional Language to “use their Additional Language for academic learning across the curriculum.”  Yet take a closer look at our country’s demographics and you will quickly see where the problem lies. Demographically, 80% of teachers and learners do not use English as their home or native language yet we expect teachers to teach our children English – not just for pronunciation, but for meaning. This, the first key contributing factor to the low levels of English proficiency amongst learners, has a significant impact on the quality of learning and teaching in our country.  The second, and equally important, factor is dictated by our country’s Language in Education Policy, which requires that learners’ mother tongue is maintained, developed and used as the LoLT for the first three years of primary school (known as the Foundation Phase). Thereafter, the policy recommends that the LoLT be English. This sudden change presents enormous challenges especially in Grade 4 as teachers and learners must now negotiate the transition from an indigenous language like isiZulu as their first language to English.  “Research shows that children who are introduced to learning and teaching in their mother tongue develop a firmer grasp of the concepts they are being taught than those who do not. Thus,” explains Nxasana, “the premature and inconsistent change to English as a LoLT from Grade 4, at a stage when learners are not proficient in English, results in many schools with predominantly native language speakers code-switching between English and the predominant indigenous language in that school. This results in low levels of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing in English and any other indigenous language which is used as LoLT.” So how do we overcome this barrier? One way, says Nxasana, is to teach differently. And not just language, but all subjects.  While this might sound like a lofty idea, at Future Nation Schools, Nxasana and his teachers are putting this into action by use Project-Based Learning (PBL) as the schools’ tool for teaching the CAPS curriculum.  Put simply, “PBL is a teaching method in which students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects. By bringing prior knowledge and the indigenous context, working on a project over an extended period of time and across multiple disciplines and subjects, learners actively engage with the topic in a very real, very tangible way to develop deep content knowledge about the topic of their project as well as critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and communication skills,” Nxasana discloses.  “From a language literacy development perspective, there are a myriad of skills that learners improve when they connect with concepts through PBL. Each project starts with a driving question – right now grade 3s at Future Nation Schools, for example, are working on the question: ‘Why are dinosaurs extinct?’ – learners are tasked with solving this driving question through research, interviews and a variety of other forms of investigation – all of which involves critical reading and careful listening. This approach turns them from passive participants in the curriculum to active inquirers.” PBL ‘works out’ learners’ literacy skills. Because PBL encourages learners to self-discover, self-explore and investigate concepts independently, their interaction with these concepts is not restricted to one language of instruction. Instead learners are able to use the languages they are most comfortable with. What this means is that a learner’s home language acts as a support to English. And thus, as learners switch codes throughout their interaction with the driving question, it deepens concepts’ meaning and enables better understanding of language. Towards the end of a project’s duration, learners must also take their new-found knowledge and use it to support their claims via a public presentation that answers the driving question. These presentations expose learners to the opposing views of their peers, thus enabling them to critique and evaluate different lines of thinking to the same question. In so doing, PBL enhances learners’ vocabulary, increases their reading fluency, develops their comprehension skills and also helps them to think critically and learn to make deductions. All of which are extremely key to the learning of a language and the understanding of the meaning of written text.  Reading is the cornerstone of education. Developing literacy at an early age is key to ensuring learners’ success in life. “PBL turns learners into active participants in their own education. These leaners are able to retain the content longer and have a deeper understanding of it – regardless of the content, whether math, language, or indeed a subject like history, biology or geography – thus taking the benefits of PBL far beyond the classroom walls,” concludes Nxasana.

Parenting Hub

Glenoaks Paired Reading Program helps children struggling to read

Reading is a multifaceted process involving word recognition, comprehension, fluency and motivation. Reading in its fullest sense involves weaving together each of these aspects and each is important. Our brains were not wired for reading – therefore it needs to be taught. Dr Seuss put it quite simply – Reading opens the door to the world. It is essential to just about every aspect of life from cooking to driving and everything in between. One of the areas of reading that we incorporate into our teaching programme at Glenoaks Remedial and Vocational School is Paired Reading. What is paired reading? It is a simple technique that parents can use to improve their child’s oral reading and comprehension ability. It only takes ten minutes a day and it is a non-stressful way of supporting your child. The benefits include improved self-esteem and teachers often comment on an improvement in fluency and enjoyment in reading. We promote this method as it creates a bond between the reader (child) and the reading partner (adult). This bond enables the reader to develop a love for reading and books and encourages them to read with confidence and understanding. Paired Reading is like a child learning to ride a bicycle. In the early stages you give the child encouragement, confidence and control, by holding the bicycle. Your own instinct will tell you when to let go. So you can gradually disengage for longer periods until your child is able to ride without help. The same applies with Paired Reading. It is an ideal way of helping your child become an independent reader. It works on building up the positives and successes rather than concentrating on mistakes. In 2017, Glenoaks School partnered with Wits University to run a pilot project into the value of the Paired Reading method. A group of Wits students and a group of school staff underwent a training programme and then committed to a nine week commitment of reading three times a week with a class of Grade 2 children. In addition the children read the same books with their parents. Prior to the start of the project, the children underwent testing and they were also tested at the end of the nine week period. They were assessed in two aspects of reading; word recognition and comprehension. The results were very positive and on average the learners’ word recognition reading age improved by 5 months and their comprehension age by 2 years and 5 months. The positive results of this project have encouraged us to continue to promote this method of reading.  The method for Paired Reading is so simple and you only need 10 minutes a day.  Step 1 – Reading Together Read aloud with the child, both of you reading at the same pace The child can point to each word with their finger, and this helps to control the pace If a mistake is made allow 4 seconds for the child to correct If the word is not corrected, say the word and the child must  repeat it correctly Use lots of praise! Ask questions and discuss what you are reading Step 2 – Reading Alone Start reading together. Child gives agreed signal when ready to read alone (can be a knock or tap, it shouldn’t be verbal) Child reads alone Give praise for reading alone If or when the child makes an error, give 4 seconds to self-correct If not self-corrected, say the word correctly which the child repeats Read again together until the child signals to read alone Reading together at home is one of the easiest but most important ways in which you can help your child. As you share books you are helping to improve your child’s reading skills and showing them how enjoyable reading can be. It is also the perfect way to spend quality time together! Glenoaks School offers Paired Reading training workshops to parents and schools. Please contact us for more information. Written by Margie Turner (Remedial Specialist at Glenoaks School)

Clamber Club

The Great Eye-Hand Link; The Importance of Eye-Hand Coordination for Children

Eye-hand coordination, also known as hand-eye coordination, refers to the smooth, controlled and coordinated movements of the hand and eye together in order to reach a specific goal.  While this may appear to be a fairly simple process to an observer, it is in fact an immensely complicated process that is dependent on your eyes ability to see, your brains ability to process, interpret and understand what is being seen by the eye and then based on that information plan and execute a smooth, coordinated, appropriate motor response. In the case of eye-hand coordination, the motor response relates to the use of the hands in order to achieve a particular objective. Fine motor control refers to the ability of small groups of muscles found in the hands, fingers and eyes working together in a coordinated manner. Good fine motor skills develop from good gross motor skills in children. This means that providing a young child with opportunities to move the large muscle groups in their bodies through engaging in activities such as climbing, jumping, running and crawling develops body awareness. This in turn enables the child to better understand where their bodies are in relation to their environment and other objects. This understanding of their bodies in terms of large movements will then also translate in to an understanding of their bodies in terms of small movements or fine motor skills should the child be provided with sufficient gross motor input.  Kelly Westerman, Clamber Club franchisee and Occupational Therapist says, “It is very important to understand that our child’s eye-hand coordination is intimately linked to their fine motor control and both the importance of the eyes and the hands must be understood and acknowledged as being key role players in eye-hand coordination.”  The role of the eyes is to see, follow moving objects, focus near and far, judge distances, observe details of objects and importantly, navigate the movement of the hands. The role of the hands is to feel textures, shapes, temperatures and weight. The hand will hold and manipulate objects, push and pull, catch and throw, clap, rub, grip, squeeze and point. All of which might be meaningless without the guidance of the eyes; thereby creating the eye-hand coordination.  “If we consider how many of the things we do on a daily basis require the use of our eyes and hands, we realise how important it is that this process works effectively and efficiently,” adds Westerman.  Fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination begin to develop from the time a child is born. An infant tracking a moving object with their eyes and then attempting to swipe at it, reaching for objects and moving those objects to their mouths as well as grasping and releasing objects are all the early activities that develop these skills. As the child gets older good eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills contributes to a child’s ability to learn essential self-care skills such as dressing and undressing, brushing their teeth and feeding themselves. In the school-going child, proficiency in these skills results in improved classroom performance as these skills are involved with a learner’s ability to write, cut, copy work from a board and read.  “In light of the importance of eye-hand coordination, parents should ensure that they create opportunities for their children to learn and master these skills form as early as possible,” comments Occupational Therapist and founder of Clamber Club, Liz Senior. “We aim to provide children with comprehensive eye-hand coordination experiences in our classes, using equipment that is beneficial, and at the same time fun, while promoting the skills required to get their hands, fingers and eyes working together in a coordinated manner.” Clamber Club has put together these top activities and games that can help your baby develop their eye-hand coordination: Encourage your baby to follow moving objects or person with their eyes Provide opportunities for your little one to reach and grasp at objects Give your baby a variety of objects to hold so that they can practice difference grips and grasps. Watch as your little one transfers objects from one hand to another. This is a very important skill that they learn, so parents should watch out for it!  Your baby will also play with their hands. This is a wonderful way for them to learn more about their hands, so make sure that there are times when their hands are free of objects and they can explore with their hands at their midlines  Do not discourage your little one from bringing objects to their mouths; this is an important skill and by mouthing objects your little one learns about certain features of that object Provide opportunities for your little one to explore objects with their eyes. This can be done through suspending objects from frames that your baby lies under

Future Nation Schools

AI’s impact on education: Why parents and teachers need to leverage AI for our children’s sake

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming industry in unprecedented knots. Education is no exception. And while the use of AI technologies like ChatGPT has the potential to improve the quality of learning, increase teaching efficiencies and provide personalised experiences for students in the classroom, it is vital that parents and teachers learn to navigate what AI can and cannot do, as well as the potential benefits and challenges associated with its implementation, says Sizwe Nxasana, Founder and CEO of Future Nation Schools (FNS). “With the rise of AI, we’re finding that students are increasingly utilising these tools to streamline and enhance their learning experience. From automating tasks to accessing personalised study resources and even writing essays and helping with homework, AI is empowering students to tackle schoolwork and homework with greater efficiency and effectiveness. As AI continues to evolve, students will have even greater opportunities to leverage its capabilities and that means parents and teachers need to stay ahead to ensure that learners are assimilating and demonstrating knowledge in the way that they should.” From a teacher perspective, AI can solve many of the everyday pain points and challenges that they experience. Teachers can use AI to fast track tedious tasks such as lesson planning and classroom management, so that they can spend more time on skills that humans perform better in such as teaching creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as providing emotional support and building relationships with students. For example, one of the areas where AI really excels is pattern matching, explains Xoliswa Mahlangu, Head of Digital Learning and Technology at FNS. “This is a great innovation for teachers as pattern matching can assist with tasks such as the marking of assessments as well as providing immediate and meaningful feedback to students.” “AI can also be used for adaptive learning, where students receive guided instruction based on their current skill level. Test preparation, plagiarism detection and exam integrity checks are some of the other potential uses that teachers can benefit from when it comes to adding AI into their daily practices.” However, like with all things, the use of AI in education must be guided by very specific objectives to ensure that its potential is harnessed effectively.  It is vital that teachers work to strike a balance between the legitimate use of AI tools in the classroom as well as helping their students achieve the desirable educational goals. With the very real risk that students may become over reliant on AI systems to provide answers without fully comprehending the underlying concepts, teachers must mitigate this by spending more time on tasks that foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills in the classroom. By encouraging more creativity and collaboration in the classroom, teachers are also able to enhance education beyond AI’s ability to ensure that students are truly learning. Parents, similarly, need to get a grasp on the way their children use these technologies. Parents, for example, should be cautious of excessive reliance on AI technologies, as they may inadvertently hinder the development of important social skills, empathy and emotional intelligence in their children. Parents must also encourage a balanced approach where their children know how to leverage the power of AI tools, but do not rely on them as the sole source of learning. Ultimately, what this translates to is that both teachers and parents need to come to adopt new teaching and learning pedagogies as the world of education shifts into the realm of AI.  One pedagogy leading the pack in this regard is project-based learning (PBL). “PBL offers a powerful counterbalance to AI’s challenges because it fosters essential skills and qualities that go beyond what AI can offer and empowers students with the skills they need to thrive in an AI-driven world,” explains Nxasana. “By emphasising critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, adaptability and ethical awareness, PBL offers a holistic approach that transcends the limitations of AI. Through PBL, teachers can ensure that students are both prepared to leverage AI as a tool and harness their uniquely human abilities to innovate, problem-solve and make meaningful contributions in an ever-evolving technological landscape.” At 6pm on 28 June 2023, FNS will hold an online discussion on “The impact of AI on education and the world of work,” where Dr Joshua Tshifhiwa Maumela, Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Vodacom and FNS’s Xoliswa Mahlangu will equip parents, students and teachers for success. Register here for this complimentary FutureTalk webinar. 

Glenoaks Remedial and Special Needs School

Phonological Awareness is critical for developing literacy

What is Phonological Awareness? Phonological awareness refers to the ability to recognize and manipulate the sounds or phonemes in spoken language.  Having good phonological awareness skills means that a child can ‘play’ with sounds and words.  For example, a teacher or speech therapist might ask a child to break the word ‘dog’ into its individual sounds: d-o-g. Phonological awareness includes the following skills: Why is it important? Phonological awareness is a crucial component of early literacy development. It is considered an important precursor to reading and writing skills because it helps children develop an understanding of how sounds and letters are related.  Children who have strong phonological awareness skills are more likely to learn to read and write quickly and accurately, and to become proficient readers and writers in the long term.   Phonological awareness helps children to understand the sound structure of words and how to decode them.  When children can recognize the sounds in words, they can sound out unfamiliar words and read them accurately.  Phonological awareness also helps children to spell words correctly, because it allows them to understand the sound structure of words and how letters correspond to those sounds. Phonological awareness is also important for the development of vocabulary and comprehension skills.  When children have a strong foundation in phonological awareness, they are better able to understand the meaning of words and make connections between words that share common sounds. Phonological awareness warning signs There are several signs you can look out for if you suspect that your child may have phonological awareness difficulties. Here are some common signs that may indicate challenges in this area: Difficulty with rhyming: Your child may struggle to identify and produce words that rhyme, such as cat, rat, and mat. Trouble segmenting words: Your child may have difficulty breaking words into individual sounds or syllables. For example, they may struggle to separate the sounds in the word “cat” (c-a-t). Challenges with blending sounds: Your child may find it hard to combine individual sounds to form words. For instance, they might have trouble blending the sounds /d/-/o/-/g/ to make the word “dog.” Difficulty identifying beginning or ending sounds: Your child may struggle to isolate the initial or final sounds in words. For example, they might have trouble identifying the starting sound in the word “sun” or the ending sound in the word “cat.” Problems with manipulating sounds: Your child may find it challenging to substitute, add, or delete sounds in words. They might struggle to change the sound /r/ in “rat” to /b/ to make the word “bat.” Slow progress in learning letter-sound correspondence: Your child may have difficulty connecting letters with their corresponding sounds. They might struggle to recognize the sounds associated with specific letters or letter combinations. Struggles with spelling: Phonological awareness difficulties can often lead to challenges in spelling, as your child may have trouble identifying and manipulating the sounds in words. It’s important to note that these signs alone do not provide a definitive diagnosis of phonological awareness difficulties. If you notice several of these signs or have concerns about your child’s language development, it’s recommended to consult with a qualified speech-language therapist who can assess your child’s skills and provide appropriate guidance and support. How can I help develop my child’s Phonological Awareness skills? There are many fun and engaging activities that parents can do with their children to help develop phonological awareness skills. Here are some ideas: Rhyming games: Play games that involve finding words that rhyme. You can start by saying a word, such as “cat”, and ask your child to come up with a word that rhymes, such as “bat”. You can also play rhyming bingo, where you call out a word and your child marks off a picture of a word that rhymes with it. Sound matching: Play games that involve matching words with the same beginning or ending sounds. You can start by saying a word, such as “cat”, and ask your child to come up with another word that starts with the same sound, such as “cup”. You can also play sound scavenger hunt, where you go around the house or outside and ask your child to find objects that start with a certain sound. Syllable counting: Play games that involve counting the number of syllables in words. You can start by saying a word, such as “butterfly”, and ask your child to clap or tap the number of syllables in the word. You can also play syllable sorting, where you give your child a few objects and ask them to sort them into piles based on how many syllables they have. Sound segmenting and blending: Play games that involve segmenting words into their individual sounds and blending sounds together to form words. You can start by saying a word, such as “cat”, and asking your child to say each sound in the word, such as “c-a-t”. You can also play sound hopscotch, where you draw a hopscotch board on the ground and your child jumps on each square while saying a sound, then jumps on the last square while saying the whole word. Phonological and Phonemic awareness is the foundation upon which all other layers of literacy are built and, unless it is solid, the other layers will most definitely suffer, and the child will struggle to read. It is however important that parents and educators continue to motivate children to view reading as a positive experience despite their challenges. Kate Dicamillo expressed this beautifully when she wrote “Reading should not be presented to children as a chore, or a duty. It should be offered as a gift”. Written by Angela Pouroullis (Speech-Language Therapist at Glenoaks School)

Junior Colleges

Developing confidence in young children

Self-esteem stems from a sense of competence — or, to put it another way, children gain confidence due to their successes, not because of the recognition they receive from family and friends. As a preschool teacher, I saw many children gain trust and self-assurance as they learned and achieved new tasks and objectives. As parents, it’s normal to want to instill trust in your children. Here are some suggestions for how to do that: 1. Make time to have fun Playtime is one of the most significant investments you can make in your child. Playing with your children for hours demonstrates to them that they are important and worthy of your attention. 2. Give them small tasks to do Children deserve opportunities to show their talents and believe their efforts are respected. At home, this means enlisting their assistance with tasks such as: Putting the table together for dinner or lunch Organising their toys Dusting, vacuuming, and sweeping Dishwashing Performing laundry sorting or folding Car washing Gardening  Remember your child’s passions and allocate them a job that helps them feel useful. 3.  Always pay attention I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to set aside time to give your child your undivided attention. It boosts your child’s self-worth by sending the message that you think they’re important and valuable to you.  4. Frequently encourage your child Consider the last time anyone complimented your efforts and told you they believed in you. This kind of motivation gives people the trust boost they need to keep going and helps children develop the best type of confidence possible. But remember that too much praise can pressure you to succeed and generate a constant need for other people’s approval. It’s preferable to teach your child that the effort—and seeing everything through to completion—is what matters most.

Koa Academy

Why ‘soft skills’ are today’s key skills

With the world facing an uncertain future of work, there’s a question on many parents’ minds: “Is my child actually learning the skills they need for the 21st Century?”  AI models are increasingly taking over a wide range of routine tasks and vast resources of facts and know-how are now available to us in a matter of seconds.  This means that workplaces are shifting focus from looking for people with hard skills to those with ‘human’ skills. Traditionally called ‘soft skills’ because during the industrial era they were considered nothing more than ‘nice to have’, these are now the key skills of our time.  Principal of Koa Academy, Mark Anderson says, “The trouble is that our schools are still dominated by the teaching and learning of hard skills.  While there’s widespread recognition of how important soft or key skills are, there are few intentional efforts to ensure kids build and develop them during their schooling years.” So, what’s the difference between hard and key skills? Anderson says, “Hard skills are gained by learning a series of procedures, operations, or steps, as well as rules and information that enables you to solve a specific problem.  An example would be learning how to do long division.  You learn the steps and the conventions, and then you can divide one number into another.  The thing about hard skills is that they are not transferrable from one problem to the next. Hard skills can only solve the problem they were designed to solve. For instance, you can learn the series of actions and the tools you will need to change a car tyre, and this skill will help you when you have a flat wheel.  But you can’t use it to solve anything else.” Key skills, which are also referred to as human skills and soft skills, are capabilities that are developed through reflection and feedback, experiences and practice.  They include communication and leadership skills, collaboration and teamwork, creative and critical thinking, empathy and cultural competency.  It’s naturally more complex to both develop and assess key skills.  Anderson says, “These are powerful and dynamic skills, and the beauty of them is that unlike hard skills they are transferrable and can be applied in successfully solving a wide range of problems.  This is why hiring managers are prioritising key skills in today’s workplaces.” How can developing key skills help your child? According to the USA’s National Soft Skills Association, research from Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation and Stanford Research all concluded that soft skills contribute a whopping 85% to career success. In other words, your child’s level of skills is hardly just ‘nice to have’; it’s a fundamental success factor in life.  In a 2019 LinkedIn Talent Trends survey, 91% of employers ranked soft skills as their top requirement in the recruitment process. Anderson says, “The challenge for schools is that key skills aren’t required by curriculum, and can’t necessarily be taught in a traditional classroom learning environment, and they can’t be assessed by a traditional test.  Schools need new ways to build opportunities for kids to develop key skills – this comes through modelling, practising, feedback and reflection. For Koa, this is a priority of our online school experience.  Our high-engagement environment, with 8 kids in a Pod working with a dedicated teacher, enables critical thinking and reflection every step of the way.  Communication skills are developed through showcases and presentations, as well as ongoing conversations and interactions with peers, educators and the real-world experts we bring in to engage with our learners.  Kids get experience in collaborating and working in teams within their Pods, and by developing their innovative projects for our annual science, business and creative expos.  Self-mastery and time management are developed through being accountable to meeting your learning targets and participating in weekly scheduled events such as Masterclasses and Pod Connects.  While progress in developing key skills may not feature on school reports, we do regular parent-child-teacher reviews, where the learner guides the meeting, reporting on their reflections about their schoolwork and learning and social experiences.” What’s important is that schools are cognisant of the importance of key skills, and also intentional about giving children opportunities to develop them in the learning environment, rather than it be left to happenstance.  Key skills can be integrated in the curriculum, and activities and assignments can be designed so that learners get to practice capabilities such as leadership, teamwork and communication. Schools can make use of the latest technology platforms, apps and interactive tools that teach communication, collaboration and problem-solving skills.  They can also model key skills by creating and maintaining a positive school culture where respect and empathy are highly valued.  This is what will set our agile and adaptable children on a path to career success, whatever the vagaries of the future work. Discover Koa Academy, visit Koaacademy.com

Abbotts Colleges


I recently attended a principal’s conference where Professor Benjamin Rosman, who is a Professor at the School of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at the University of the Witwatersrand, presented a talk on the Power of AI-Language Models. He demonstrated ChatGPT writing code and generating personalised images. Seriously impressive!  I’ve always considered myself to be a pretty good writer, but writing is time-intensive, so I started experimenting with Chat GPT and it changed my life overnight! In my experimentations, it wrote me a superb speech, with quotes, the theme I wanted, and the exact length I asked it for. This was a game-changer! Barring a few small, personalised changes from my side, I used the speech in a presentation. Queue immediate feelings of guilt and wondering if I have, in some way, cheated. After a discussion with my 15-year-old son about AI, he summarily introduced me to Quillbot, an online paraphrasing tool. Another game-changer! He copied a paragraph from Wikipedia and inserted it into Quillbot which paraphrased the paragraph beautifully, taking into account a 15-year-old’s language skills and, voila! there was his authentic work that no plagiarism checker would notice.  As stunned as I was that my teenager already knew how to buck the system, I took it a step further with ChatGPT by asking it to generate a paragraph about assessment in education. I wanted to see if the new AI trackers could detect this ChatGPT-generated text. I fed the paragraph into ZeroGPT which is an AI text decoder, written by a student named Edward Tian at Princeton University.  The prompt came back as “Your text is AI/GPT Generated” which took exactly 5 seconds. This was encouraging that at least we teachers could perhaps detect AI-generated text. But lo and behold, I then inserted the same text into Quillbot which paraphrased the AI text beautifully, where I then put it back into ZeroGPT which then coded it as “Your Text is Most Likely Human Written”.  When you see it working for yourself, you realise the implications for education and educators. My 15-year-old had already worked this out and it did not take long for me of Generation X to figure it out either. This is powerful stuff and will change how we assess our students in the future.  But firstly, what is an AI Language model? Let’s see what ChatGPT gives me: “ChatGPT is a large language model designed to simulate human conversation and generate responses based on the input provided. Using advanced natural language processing techniques and machine learning algorithms, ChatGPT can understand and interpret human language, and generate relevant and coherent responses in real-time. It can answer a wide range of questions, engage in small talk, offer advice, and even tell jokes or stories. Whether you’re looking for information, seeking help, or just want to chat, ChatGPT is always ready to engage in a natural and intelligent conversation.” I couldn’t have done that better myself and it took exactly 5 seconds to write.  So, the obvious question is, how do we embrace this new technology in the classroom, as this is not going away but improving rapidly? Professor Rosman gave some good ideas to promote critical thinking, such as generating text with errors and having students find them; generating text and having students support or refute with references; having students generate different sides of debates for class discussions; having students find flaws in arguments (Rosman, 2023).  ChatGPT also gives some sage advice as to how it can be used in education: Personalised Learning: Chat GPT can help create personalised learning experiences for students by providing tailored feedback and guidance based on their individual learning needs and preferences. Language Learning: Chat GPT can be used to teach and practise language skills, such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking. It can also provide instant translations and help students learn new vocabulary and grammar rules. Virtual Tutoring: Chat GPT can be used as a virtual tutor to answer students’ questions, explain difficult concepts, and provide feedback on assignments. Research Assistance: Chat GPT can help students with their research by providing relevant information and sources for their papers and projects. Assessment and Feedback: Chat GPT can be used to assess student learning and provide feedback on their progress. It can also help teachers track student performance and identify areas where they need additional support. OK ChatGPT, we will keep you to your word. We need to decide whether this dichotomy of potential benefits and drawbacks is a game-changer to embrace or a disruptor to ban in the classroom. So at Abbotts College, we will be experimenting and coming up with solutions as to how we utilise this tool of the future to support our students and teachers alike. Marion Kohler, Principal: Abbotts College Johannesburg South

Junior Colleges

The sensitive period of a child

A sensitive period is a block of time in a child’s life where they show intense interest in particular objects and experiences surrounding them in their environment. Children go through many sensitive periods for a certain time. They don’t all peak, develop or end simultaneously but can overlap each other. Sensitive periods urge the child to focus on specific aspects of their environment, creating a need for interest to develop characteristics. They do not happen by chance, and they cannot be recaptured again, causing a disruption in the learning process. Once its purpose is fulfilled, it disappears, leaving the child refreshed and content. Sensitive period learning is spontaneous, joyful, and easy learning.  Co-ordinated movement appears in the womb and continues throughout life. The developmental aim is to explore the environment and to perfect personality through exploration. The inner work focuses on the child’s attention on learning to move and balance. The signs are each milestone of the child’s motor skills. The help they require from adults around them understand the desperate need to move, handle, and manipulate objects, space, and opportunity to explore their environment.  The rhythm and flow of the sounds of words without necessarily understanding what they mean from the human voice stimulate the sensitive period for language. The child is exposed to at every given opportunity. The signs we see are each milestone in language development, watching the mouth, babbling, syllables, and love for songs stories, and poems. The child will listen carefully to sounds around them and try to copy them. The child will learn new words easily. The child will try to read and write long before they have the skills to do so. Once this is fulfilled, the child loves to talk and contributes to groups and activities. If this is not fulfilled, the child withdraws, finds it difficult to settle to work and concentrate may not join in activities. Rich exposure to language and seeing adults talking, singing, reading, and writing is the best exposure for the child to gain access to this. The more exciting this is made, the more interested they will be. It is as if a particular time has been set aside for exploring and appreciating the mysteries of creation and nature, which an adult often overlooks. The child needs this time to explore the world. Attention to detail is this particular time. The child will focus on the finest details in every aspect of life. They notice and are highly interested in tiny objects and the fine detail in objects, pictures, movements, and sounds. The aim of this is to develop attention and concentration. The child may sit for hours in joyful contemplation and be very observant of the fine details that an adult may miss. The child will sometimes point this fine detail out. For example, the child may see a chip on a mug and not use it or become distressed if something is replaced and does not match. Respect for this need needs to be given time to look at. Allow the time to stop and explore something they have noticed with the child. The need to see, touch, taste, smell, hear and manipulate everything around them is the block in time for the refinement of sensory impressions. This is the need to explore the surrounding environment with all the senses. The child learns only through their senses and personal experiences being hands-on. This aims to gain information, order impressions, pair and classify, grade or categorise, and consolidate knowledge. The signs we see daily are an overwhelming interest to touch and manipulate everything. This should be encouraged at every given moment. Refinement of sensorial impressions lays a firm foundation for future learning.  The child attempts to learn the manners and customs of their environment and to serve others and themselves; therefore, it is food to involve them in daily life as much as possible. The child is intensely interested in the customs, habits, and culture of the surrounding community, which is known as an interest in social relations. Mothers usually recognise the child’s need for more comprehensive social experiences, and this is typically the age children start playgroups or daycare. The child is acutely observant of the social group, especially in the family unit. The child is also sensitive to fine detail at the same time, so this period is an extra spotlight on the detail of family and social experiences. The child observes all aspects of social life, how we greet each other, respect and treat each other, how we dress, habits, beliefs, how we speak, gestures and attitudes, and outlooks on life. They try to imitate what they see and hear.  The child depends on loving and trusting relationships designed to meet their developmental needs to realise their full potential. In conclusion, the child learns from repetition; during these times, repetition is very important for the child to perfect their needs and wants.

Parenting Hub


When thinking about study options, many young people automatically think of a public university and a three year degree as their best, if not only way, to get a foot in the door to a successful career. All prospective students should however consider that there are less onerous and more accessible options, which are also more affordable and shorter in duration, that will open doors to a wide range of careers, an education expert says. A key consideration which is often overlooked because it is not as widely understood as degree study, is vocational training, says Siyavuya Makubalo, Marketing Manager at Oxbridge Academy, a leading South African college and a brand of ADvTECH, Africa’s largest private education provider. “Vocational qualifications are based on practical training that prepares you for a specific job function or a trade, with a great emphasis on the skills and knowledge that are required for a particular occupation or industry. On the other hand, academic qualifications are based on traditional classroom learning that covers various and broad subjects. They emphasise theoretical knowledge and understanding gained over several years,” she says. “So while there is a case to be made for both kinds of studies, one’s path should take into consideration your personal interests, goals, resources and circumstances. There is a misconception that vocational training is a second-choice route, when in fact getting a good grounding in a specific field or trade often places you on the fast track to gaining ground in an industry or indeed starting your own business. This is because vocational training teaches you the specific targeted skills and knowledge employers are looking for, or that you will need to start your own business.” Examples of vocational courses include, but are not limited to, for instance: Engineering studies, Business Management, Human Resources Management, Tourism, Educare, Contact Centre Management, Occupational Health and Safety, Supply Chain and Logistics Management. For prospective students who are interested in evaluating vocational training as an option, Makubalo provides the following answers to frequently asked questions: Q: WHAT IS VOCATIONAL TRAINING AND WHY IS IT A GOOD FIT FOR MANY PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS? A: Vocational training allows students to earn an income while studying, particularly if it is done via distance learning. It is also more affordable and flexible than degree study. Through vocational education, students can gain the practical knowledge and skills they need to find a job, without having to spend unnecessary time learning about theoretical principles and abstract concepts that are not directly relevant in the working environment. It is particularly relevant in the South African context, where many employers prefer to appoint entry-level employees with practical knowledge and experience in positions which require these instead of a more generic university degree. Q: WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING? A: Training can be gained in a number of different ways, including formal education through a registered and accredited college, an apprenticeship where you learn by working a trade alongside a skilled professional, on-the-job training where you work while receiving formal education through a provider with the support of the employer, and continuous development where you update your existing skills and experience by attending complementary programmes. In South Africa, even for entry-level technical positions, having completed a formal recognised programme will however set you apart from all the other candidates applying for a position, Makubalo notes, so it would be advisable to include some kind of formal vocational programme in your career strategy. Q: WHY IS VOCATIONAL TRAINING POTENTIALLY A BETTER OPTION THAN UNIVERSITY STUDY FOR SOME PEOPLE? A: Vocational qualifications are more flexible and accessible than academic qualifications and often have lower entry requirements, are of shorter duration, are more affordable and more accessible in terms of delivery methods. Vocational qualifications are also more practical and experiential than academic qualifications and often include work-based learning opportunities as part of their requirements, which allow for real-world experience to be developed. Q: HOW SHOULD ONE EVALUATE THE OFFERING AND VALUE AT A VOCATIONAL COLLEGE? A: Always investigate an institution’s accreditation, fees, student support services, course duration and curriculum before signing up. One of the major factors that will determine the difference between success and disappointment, is the level of student support offered, so make it your mission to find out and be satisfied that you’ll receive easily accessible, quality support. “Without excellent support and peer interaction, distance learning can get very lonely and ultimately lead to students abandoning their studies. By choosing a college that can demonstrate it will be there for you throughout your studies, going the vocational training route can set you squarely on the path to success, one victory at a time.”

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