Leading Educational Advice from Future Nation Schools
Advice from the experts
Junior Colleges

The benefits of imaginative play/role play

Not only is this a fun and exciting game to play, but it can benefit a learner in so many aspects of their life, such as fostering creativity, being able to express and act out in a situation, and manipulating different tools into an object such as using a block as a phone. By this, they tap into that creative side of their brain. It promotes physical development: For example, dressing and undressing a baby doll’s clothes helps develop their hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.  It helps them develop their language and social skills: by conversing with others and expressing themselves while playing a game of Mommy, daddy, and baby. They learn how to have conversations, take turns when talking, ask questions, and make gestures. It also helps them develop their listening skills.  This helps them develop problem-solving and self-regulation skills: If there is a situation where children cannot get what they want, for example, they are playing a game, and all the children want to play the role of mommy, they learn to solve the problem and manage their emotions for the game to continue.  Role play change is a great way to develop positive behaviour: Swap roles with your children; you be the child and allow them to be the parent in the game. Create a scenario for the child to decide what to do in this situation, for example, getting ready for school and what all needs to happen before going to school. We must make the bed, get dressed, have breakfast, brush our teeth, etc. See how the child reacts in this situation. This is a great way to promote that positive behaviour.  Here are a few tips on how to encourage imaginative play  Have all sorts of different props for the children to play with. Allow children to explore and play as much as they can. Play lots of dress-up games, and have different outfits for them to dress into to play different roles. Always involve your children in your everyday lives, make them part of your chores and, allow them to help you put the washing in the machine, stand alongside you while you cook or bake. Promote many conversations and help them think creatively, such as bedtime, and let them pretend to sleep in a rocket ship.

Junior Colleges

The importance of learning to tie your shoelaces

In the age of velcro straps and slip-on shoes, the skill of tying shoelaces has been forgotten. As children enter their foundation phase schooling years, they become more independent with self-dressing. Children should begin to learn to tie their shoelaces between the ages of5 and 7 years old. Tying shoelaces requires strong fine motor skills, including; finger isolation, hand-eye coordination, and hand strength. As well as promoting self-confidence and independence. Learning to tie shoelaces for the first time can be rewarding yet frustrating as children become overwhelmed. To avoid tears and foster a positive learning experience, follow these simple tips: Let your children pick their own shoes; this makes it more exciting and attractive. Start practicing with the shoe NOT on their foot. Place it either on a table or on their lap. Choose a time during the day when you won’t be rushed. After school as opposed to during your morning routine and do this daily! Show your child your own shoes while they practice along with their own shoe. To avoid confusion, practice one step at a time. Master the first step before moving into the next. Choose a method and stick to it. Whether it be the traditional method or the ‘bunny ear.’ Method. Avoid using left and right unless your child is aware of and is adept at using these terms. Instead, use stickers or different coloured laces, then use the terms sticker or nonsticker,or red and blue lace. Most importantly, have patience and remain calm. Tying shoes requires many advanced. Skills. Enjoy this learning experience with your child. This is an important milestone in their lives and a life skill they will never forget.

Junior Colleges

The importance of Sensory Play

From birth through to early childhood, children use their senses to explore and try to make sense of the world around them.  It is critical to provide children with opportunities to use all their senses to explore their world through “sensory play” as each new sensory experience helps to build neural pathways in the brain, which assist with brain development and the child’s ability to complete more complex learning tasks in later years. A variety of sensory activities allow children’s brains to create stronger connections to be able to process and respond to sensory information. Any neural pathways which are not established will eventually die off. Sensory play includes any activity that stimulates a young child’s senses of touch, sight, smell, taste, and hearing as well as anything that involves movement and balance. I will explain this now.  We are all familiar with the 5 basic senses of Taste, Touch, Smell, Sight, and Hearing.   But there are two other very important senses people are not always aware of: Proprioception (Body Awareness) – When a baby or child moves, information from the muscles and joints are sent to the brain. The receiving and interpreting of this information is proprioception. This enables us to gain a sense of where our bodies are in space – Body Awareness. Vestibular system – The stimulation of the vestibular system of the inner ear tells the baby where their body is in relation to gravity. It helps to orientate the baby, It is important for the development of balance and postural control, and for the development of spatial orientation and perception.  It strengthens the eye movements necessary for reading. It also promotes emotional stability and encourages pleasure in movement. Babies and children need to be exposed to different kinds of movement to ensure the proper development of the Vestibular (Balance) system. These different movements should include forwards and backward ( Like walking, running, swinging), Sideways  ( rocking side to side, running sideways), Up and down ( lifting up and down, jumping up and down), Rotating head  ( rolling from point A to B along the floor,  somersaulting),  Spinning  ( going round and round, winding up a swing and then letting it unwind). Stimulating the Senses While it is important to stimulate all the senses in early childhood, The Tactile and Vestibular Systems are the most important systems in early development as they are the first systems to develop in Early development. (The baby was exposed to tactile and vestibular stimulation while in the womb). I have covered some ways to stimulate the vestibular system above. Now I would like to discuss more ways to stimulate the Tactile (Touch) system.  Fine nerve endings found throughout the skin enable the sense of touch.  The skin needs to be exposed to a variety of different textures and materials to enable children to discriminate between different sensations like rough, smooth, hard, soft, hot, cold, heavy, light etc. Because the receptors are found throughout the skin it is important to expose as much of the skin to a variety of different textures. But remember all stimulation must be offered in a play and fun environment and we must ensure we do not overstimulate babies and children. Just offer opportunities for them to explore and touch a variety of textures in a fun, playful environment and allow your child to explore at their own pace. Play with your child and describe the different textures – wet, dry, hot, cold, rough, smooth, etc.  Simple things like walking bare feet, rolling across the grass with as little clothing as possible, and playing in a sandpit or in water with as little clothing as possible.  Playing with a variety of textured materials and ideally letting your child feel the textures over their entire body – feathers, beans, polystyrene chips, rice, spaghetti, playdough, leaves, sand, etc. Playing with messy textures is also important. Like mixing cornstarch with water, playing in mud and water, playing with shaving foam, soapy bubbles, dry flour or flour and water, finger paints, etc. As mentioned children learn through ALL their senses – so here are a few points on the other sense too.: Auditory sensory play  – let your child listen to different sounds while sitting in the garden  – birds, airplanes, cars, trees rustling. Imitate animal sounds. Experiment with making different sounds – loud and soft, high and low.  Tap out different rhythms using kitchen utensils.  Read out loud together often. Listen to Nursery rhymes and fun songs. Visual sensory play – use torches in the dark and create interesting shapes, watch shadows on the wall, let them chase their own shadow, watch leaves blowing in the wind, exposing them to a variety of colourful lights, and help them identify objects in pictures, encourage them to track moving objects like balls, etc. Taste and smell – expose your child to a variety of food items to taste and smell – so they learn about sweet and sour, bitter, salty and spicy. Describe the tastes and the smells.  Expose them to flowers, perfumes, fresh bread, etc. Sensory Play has many benefits.  As discussed above children learn about and explore their environments through their senses. In this way, sensory play establishes neural pathways in babies’ and young children’s brains, which are important for all later learning. There are also many opportunities for developing fine motor skills by picking up different textured objects, and squishing and squeezing things – which develops pre-writing skills. There is potential for early maths skills by discussing size, weight, height, shape, counting, etc.  Messy activities are excellent for encouraging vocabulary and language development. Always make the sensory play and the exploration fun and allow your child to explore at their own pace.  You can play alongside them at times to describe the different textures, tastes, sounds, etc – but never bombard your child with information – allow them just to play, explore, figure their world out for themselves and most importantly have fun.

Junior Colleges

How to assist your child in developing their language of learning

Mom is strolling around the supermarket with a six-month-old infant in the baby seat. Not once does she engage in eye contact, talk to the child or even smile. When the baby becomes restive, a dummy is thrust in his mouth without a word spoken. Contrast this with a dad in a fruit and veg store, with an infant of similar age. At every display he picks up a fruit, lets the baby touch and smell it and talks about the name of it, the colour and how good it tastes. Not hard to know which of these babies will develop a good language as he grows. Babies develop language through constant face to face engagement with a trusted care giver. These days many infants are left in the hands of untrained nannies who are too busy listening to music on their earphones or talking on their cell.  The foundations of language are laid in utero and beyond. Two-year old’s who have been deprived of stimulating language are already developmentally behind their peers and the gap grows, requiring expensive therapeutic intervention before formal school entry. Adding to this language gap, we now place the child into a school where the language of learning is different and expect that the new language will be acquired rapidly-because that’s what we pay fees for! What is not understood is that a second language is based on the first. Almost like making a photocopy. If the original is poor, the copy will be too. Home language is important, but make it rich by talking, singing and reading to the baby/toddler. TV and tablets do not teach language, it is a reciprocal process. If someone in the home is fluent in the proposed language of learning, they should be doing all the above in that language, from day one. Babies are pre-programmed to learn as many as 4 languages simultaneously, AS LONG AS EACH LANGUAGE IS SPOKEN BY THE SAME PERSON. Granny can speak Sotho, Mum isiZulu and Dad English, but they must stick to their language until the child is at least 3. Don’t mix languages, this just results in language soup! Besides talking, singing and playing with the child, using a rich vocabulary, you should be reading to the baby from a very early age. Initially use board books with clear pictures that relate directly to the child’s home environment. Talk about the pictures, relate them to real objects if possible and let the baby touch them when you name them. Expand the range of books as the baby grows and by two, join the local library. A weekly visit in search of a new book will become a highlight. You will of course have taught the child how to handle books respectfully! Yes, you can use a tablet, but these are too heavy for young babies to handle and hold. Books in many of our official languages are scares, but you can translate! But what if my child is only speaking one language when he enters school? In this situation, parents will have to work hard to support the school. Here, a tablet can be useful as you can find good apps for simple songs that will help your child acquire the rhythm of the new language. Find books that have a picture with details of familiar rooms at home, animals, toys etc. to help your child learn as many new words as they are capable of, revising them daily. Use full sentences: “Look at the big red car. Let’s count the wheels. Let’s drive your car across the floor Does your car have four wheels? Your car can go fast. Can you make it go slowly?” Young children learn by doing and including plenty of action as you talk will help the learning process. If possible, enrol you child in language enrichment classes, or form groups and engage a good tutor. Find out what theme/inquiry your child is doing at school and link your support to it. Ask the teacher for a list of important vocabulary to practice. In order to cope well in Grade 1, a child needs a cognitive and perceptual vocabulary. Colour/number/shape/size/position in space/sounds in words etc. etc. School curriculums are available on line, which will help you keep pace. Playing with peers is a great help in learning a new language. Children can play without language, and for a couple of months they may just listen but will soon be joining in and may talk more in play than they do in class. If your child has difficulty acquiring the language of learning, talk to a speech and language therapist and get advice. Therapy before the age of six will pay dividends and results will be much faster than if you wait until troubles loom in Grade 1 and negatively affect learning to read. Lastly, make your child’s life as interesting as possible. Visit the zoo, animal parks, farms etc. as often as possible. Be with your child, not in the restaurant taking you ease, and talk, talk, talk. After the visit encourage your child to draw a picture and tell you what he saw. Going to one of our numerous eating venues and handing the child over to the resident nannies is wasting precious language time. Sitting together, talking about the food and having family conversation is making the most of the outing. By Barbara Eaton (Academic Development Co-ordinator for Junior Colleges)

Academic Coaches

7 Gifts to Give Your Children Today that Will Help Them Tomorrow

Just because it’s wrapped in pretty paper doesn’t mean it’s valuable. It’s because sometimes the best gifts aren’t appreciated until a child is older.  Here are 7 gifts that are worthy of your financial or time investment today because they “pay off” (sometimes literally, sometimes figuratively) in the long run.   Responsibility. Have you ever met a child that has no chores? Whose parents do everything for him with little or no appreciation? Or who gets everything she wants AND an expensive gift for her birthday? Teaching your children responsibility is a gift! By coddling a child, you do them a disservice to be prepared for life outside the home. Encourage them to volunteer, help around the house, get a holiday-job, and take responsibility for their actions and their future. Teach them how to do a budget, the importance of paying their bills on time, keep commitments, keep promises made, and be punctual. Responsibility is as much about valuing yourself as it is about valuing others. It builds independence, which is crucial for relationships, tertiary studies, work life, and mental health. A savings account. Consider opening a savings account or purchasing savings bonds for your children. Although savings accounts don’t typically earn a ton of interest, you’ve got time on your side and an opportunity to teach your children the importance and value of saving money. Academic Coaching. Being able to learn independently and successfully applying your knowledge, are just two of a long list of benefits your children will receive from professional academic coaching. Unlike tutoring, which focuses on reteaching academic information, academic coaching focuses on building learning skills, strategies and tactics that enables a child to become an independent learner. Definitely a gift with life-long benefits. A love of reading. Do your children have a library card? Do they have access to paper books or e-books? Head to a used or new bookstore, create a local book exchange with other parents, or find out when the book store is having their next sale. Few loves will take them further in life than a love of reading!  Failure. Watching your child fail is hard, sometimes even heart breaking. But it’s a necessary part of life and knowing how to handle failure, a life skill every child should have. How else do they learn from their mistakes? Part of the beauty of failure is that it encourages us to take risks and learn that we can manage the results, no matter what they may be.  Memberships. Teaching your children what it means to be a member of a group or club, is a gift in itself. What better way to help them experience the joys, responsibilities and value a membership brings, than to encourage them to become a member of a (formal or informal) group or club? Being part of something bigger than themselves, taking ownership of their role within that group or club, and understanding that others are depending on them, are just a few of the gifts your children will receive. Your time. This is probably the most valuable gift of all. Eat dinner as a family. Read to your children at bedtime (or have them read to you). Go cycling, fishing, hiking or camping together, or just picnic and stargaze from your garden. Teach them to bake, have a family movie night at home, or tell each other silly jokes. Let them know, through your words AND your actions, that they are your greatest gifts!

The Bridge Assisted Learning School


Challenges related to emotional regulation are becoming increasingly common among children in today’s society. Emotional regulation refers to a child’s ability to manage their emotions in a socially acceptable way, including the ability to delay immediate responses or use alternative responses. But many parents and educators aren’t readily able to identify whether a child’s behaviour is in line with expected development milestones, or whether they have specific needs related to emotional regulation which require additional support. “Emotional regulation is the ability to respond to a range of emotions in a socially acceptable or tolerable way. This would include spontaneous reactions and the delay of an immediate response, or the use of an alternative response,” says Dr Greg Pienaar, renowned Educational Psychologist and Principal of The Bridge Assisted Learning School, which supports students facing challenges unrelated to cognitive ability. The Bridge is a brand of ADvTECH, Africa’s largest private education provider. He says emotional regulation is a critical aspect of a child’s overall development, and that unresolved and unsupported difficulties in this area may have a negative impact on the child’s academic, social, and emotional functioning. “It is therefore important that parents who have concerns are able to identify whether their child needs additional help, so that they can receive the necessary support and interventions to promote healthy development,” he says. Dr Pienaar says some of the signs which may indicate a child is struggling with emotional regulation include: Not wanting to attend school at all, for instance if a child routinely cries when it’s time to go to school. Being generally emotionally unhappy, where the unhappiness can’t be connected to a concrete issue. Losing interest in everyday activities which would have interested the child before. Acting out, by displaying negative behaviour which wasn’t in place before. Extreme anxiety (or possibly generalised anxiety) in other areas of the life of a child where there may not have been anxiety before. Becoming frustrated when a calmer, more reasoned approach would have been in place before. Becoming more sensitive to sensory stimuli. Struggling with separation anxiety.   Dr Pienaar says parents can assist struggling children to cope with emotional dysregulation by providing routine and structure at home, ensuring consistency, providing clear expectations and boundaries, and also by providing safe spaces for regulation. Should these early interventions not have an impact, professional help should be sought, which may include regular therapy where a child learns alternative approaches, and potentially prescribed medication. One of the main sustainable interventions which will help children through their dysregulation journey however is to ensure they are in the right educational environment, where they can enjoy the support of qualified, knowledgeable and experienced professionals who understand their challenges and where they won’t merely be sidelined in the classroom because of challenging behaviour. “A smaller cottage-style school may be more appropriate, but ideally a specialised environment geared specifically to assist neurodiverse children with unique emotional needs should be sought. Educators and staff in these schools have specialised training and experience which enable them to understand and assist students struggling with emotional dysregulation. “Very importantly, these schools are able to provide the kind of structure and routine, and indeed predictability, which help reduce anxiety and enables children to develop positive emotional regulation skills. Therapy, counselling and other professional support services are often included as part of the school’s programme, which means that regular scheduled professional support is provided for the child.” Dr Pienaar says that parents often feel overwhelmed and out of their depth when their child struggles with emotional dysregulation. But he adds that if the matter is identified and support sought for the child as soon as possible, the prognosis for the child’s emotional, personal and academic development is very good. “Early intervention can help children develop the skills they need to manage their emotions effectively and improve their overall functioning. Research has shown that effective interventions, such as behavioural therapy, can significantly improve emotional regulation skills in children. With appropriate interventions, children can learn to recognise and manage their emotions, understand and express their feelings in a socially appropriate way, and develop positive coping skills, while reducing the likelihood of more significant mental health issues developing in future.”

Abbotts Colleges


The importance of school students setting realistic goals should not be underestimated. If your child has not yet set goals for the year, now is the time to do so without delay! Without clear goals we do not have anything tangible that we are working towards, we are just floating along without any real direction. Few people experience success, or the realisation of their dreams, by accident. I am sure many of us can recall the experience of having to set goals at the start of a school year when we were younger. How many of us just wrote a few goals down to appease teachers and parents, never to look at or think of them again? For most, this was a pointless exercise, often drawn from the realm of fantasy as we did not consider where we had ended academically, culturally or on the sports field the year before, or the amount of effort we put into our academics, sports or cultural activities.  Some may have set a goal to play First Team Soccer, Rugby, Netball or Hockey, but were in the D Team the year before, all while training as hard as we could. Not a very realistic goal and one that is sure to set one up for disappointment and failure. Our first assessment task for Life Orientation at Abbotts College PTA East this year, from Grade 8 to 12, was a reflection and goalsetting task. As I am fully aware of the way many people view goal setting exercises, my second assembly of the year spoke to the importance of goal setting and offered students clear guidelines on how they can set realistic goals. It is my hope that many of our students chose to spend time reflecting on their achievements, or lack thereof, last year and spent time setting meaningful, realistic goals for themselves, which they revisit regularly. Goals are vitally important as they guide our choices and our actions as we move forward through life. A clear career goal, for example pursuing a career where a degree in Computer Science is a prerequisite, will guide a student’s subject choices in Grade 9 and will spur the student on to work hard to achieve the marks and AP Score required for acceptance to the course. Often it is the students who are unsure of what they would like to pursue as a career in (what seems to them) the distant future, who do not set academic goals for themselves when at school and do the bare minimum as their future is unclear.  It is normal for students not to have a clue as to what career they wish to pursue, but they must not let this discourage them from setting clear academic goals for themselves. They need to focus on achieving academic success so that they have as many tertiary educational doors open to them as possible, for when they do decide what career and tertiary studies they wish to pursue.  Here are a few tips for realistic goal setting for those of you who have set goals at the start of the year, but have not considered them again, and those of you who have not set goals for yourselves in a while: Set clear goals. The less ambiguous, the more likely you are to work towards achieving them, e.g. I want to improve my Life Sciences mark by at least 7% next term, from 68% to 75%.  Have a clear plan as to how you will set about achieving your goals, e.g. I will ask questions in class when I do not understand, I will do all my homework and I will make study notes and revise my work once a week. Ensure your goals are realistic, yet challenging. This requires reflection and honesty with yourself, e.g. if I put effort into my Life Sciences last term, doing all my homework, making study notes and revising my work regularly, then I should aim for a 5% improvement in my marks for the following term and I plan to put extra time into the subject. If I wanted to improve by 10% or more, I can attend extra lessons or get a tutor for one-on-one support. If I put very little effort into the subject, I can set a goal of improving by a minimum of 10%, planning to do all my homework, make study notes and revise my work once a week. Don’t make your goals too easy to achieve, it isn’t a real goal then and you are giving yourself permission to coast, going nowhere slowly.  Be committed to attaining your goals. Without commitment, you will lose focus and will not work towards achieving your goal. A goal without commitment is basically a New Year’s resolution, destined to fail. Make yourself accountable by sharing your goals with someone you trust, who is sure to check up on your progress. We tend to keep working towards achieving our goals when we have shared them with someone.  Lastly, you need to keep adjusting your goals lest you stagnate. It is dangerous to think you “have arrived”! This will prevent further growth and achievement. When you have achieved your goal, you need to adjust your goal to achieve even more. It may be shifting the goalposts, e.g. I now want to achieve 82% for Life Sciences, once I have achieved 75%. It may be setting new goals. What would I like to focus on and achieve next? Happy Goal Setting! www.abbotts.co.za Mignonne Gerli, Principal: Abbotts College Pretoria East

Glenoaks Remedial and Special Needs School

Assistive technology in the classroom for neurodiverse learners

At Glenoaks Remedial and Vocational school in Johannesburg, we have seen the real benefits of using technology in our classrooms. The use of technology boosts and extends students but is also incredibly useful for removing many of the barriers to learning that our students face.  There are endless apps, extensions, add-ins, and widgets, but rather than trying to use every tool available, mastering just a few equips our students to cope with schoolwork, and removes many of the barriers to learning they face. #1 Voice-to-Text (on any iPad, tablet, or smartphone). Instead of writing by hand or typing, this tool allows students to express their thoughts verbally without being hindered by the physical mechanics of writing. Suitable for learners with physical disabilities, dyslexia, and slow pace. #2 Text-to-speech enables students to highlight what they have written or what they are reading, and the device reads the content back to them. The speed of the speech and the voice used can be changed to suit the student’s individual pace or processing speed.  #3 The C-Pen / Exam Reader is a tool that enables students to scan over a sentence, and have it read back to them. This is useful when content is in printed format and not digitised.  #4 Digitising is a way for students to scan in a printed worksheet or piece of writing and turn it into an electronic version. When content is electronic, students can use other tools like text-to-speech or answering questions on the electronic version.  #5 Predictive spelling, the correction of grammar and asking Siri reduces the amount of teacher input required, which is particularly useful for students with dyslexia.  #6 Fonts and colours can be adjusted, especially for students in younger grades. For dyslexic students, the Dyslexia font is an option – the font is more heavily weighted towards the bottom of each letter, and shaped slightly differently, which makes it easier for dyslexic learners to read. #7 Google Classroom provides a diverse range of tools. Multiple tools which interact with each other – Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, and Google Drive. Real-time editing and teaching with multiple students at the same time. Work can be extended and differentiated easily and in real-time.   Collaborative documents – teachers and students can work on 1 document simultaneously. Preset Google Documents can often be edited and used offline, helpful during load shedding. Everything in life is a balance, and the balance of technology with book learning is one we all need to manage carefully. At the end of the day, we are all driven to help our students achieve all that they absolutely can.  Written by Brad Johnson (HOD at Glenoaks School) and Heather Francis (Academic & Learning Support Therapist)

Koa Academy

Better school assessments for today’s world

The recent explosion of AI into our daily life is testimony to how fast our world can change, and how thoroughly it can be disrupted.  AI has already profoundly changed how schools need to think about assessments.  Within two months of becoming available to any internet user, AI language model ChatGPT attracted 100 million users.  In 2023, it is estimated that 14 million users interact with ChatGPT daily.  This chatbot can do your desktop research for you in seconds, as well as generate a wide variety of content including school book reports and Grade 12 essays in real-time.  ChatGPT can explain Maths concepts and will very competently solve a mathematical word problem for you. While the veracity of chatbots such as ChatGPT is up for debate, the millions of users who have signed up so far are in the process of training it to become more accurate and more reliable.  In other words, it is surely going to get better at what it does.  Across the world, universities and schools are grappling with how this is going disrupt their traditional assessment methods which rely heavily on students generating a variety of texts to demonstrate they understand topics that have been taught. However, not all educators are wringing their hands in despair.  According to Mark Anderson, Principal of Koa Academy, a uniquely high-engagement online school, this major, looming disruption is a good thing.  “Traditional assessment at school and university is woefully outdated, and is no longer meaningful in our modern world,” he says. “These assessments have been designed to be relevant to the teaching of hard skills at a time when you needed to learn and memorise a series of facts or functions in order to do your job.  They are designed to test memorisation and repetition, and yet the world of work is demanding something very different.  Today, there’s much stronger focus on what used to be known as ‘soft skills’; we call them key skills – critical thinking and problem-solving, creativity and innovation, communication, and empathy.  Traditional school models are using an industrial-era assessment approach to try prepare children for the world of work in the information age.  In other words, traditional assessments are designed for a world that does not exist anymore. This is a fundamental and ineffective mismatch that creates stress for learners and students and fails to empower educators with accurate and meaningful measures of their students’ progress.  In essence, we don’t need to change the approach to assessment because of the rise of chatbots, we need to change it because it hasn’t been working optimally for quite some time now.” Kids are trapped in high-pressure test cycles Many parents have concerns when it comes to the frequency of school tests and exams.  It seems that kids are constantly cramming for this test or that exam.  Mark says, “There is a lot of content in the curriculum.  If the school relies on summative assessment – which means you teach the content and test learners’ knowledge at the end, then they are constantly cramming facts into their heads, memorising it so that they can regurgitate it in tests.  This means that there’s a lot of assessments packed into the school year, and kids are experiencing sustained stress, which can turn into test anxiety.” There are, of course, other ways to do assessment.  In South Africa, the IEB (Independent Examinations Board) is addressing the problem by moving away from lower order thinking assessments that focus on memorisation and repetition.  Koa Academy is an IEB-accredited school.  Mark explains, “What the IEB has said is that we want to assess for understanding and application.  So, we are going to teach learners how to think critically and how to problem solve and give them tools to solve any problem they may come across rather than learn by rote.  This means that when a child is faced with a question in the exam that they are unsure of, they feel less stress about this because they have tools to solve their problem in a creative way.  They can leverage their key skills to find a workable solution.  So you are looking at assessments that are designed to test more complex skills such critical thinking, problem solving and creativity.”  Are assessments age-appropriate? In South Africa, the standardized Matric exams loom over every child’s school journey and can shape a school’s assessment approach even in the early Grades.  Mark says, “What Koa is doing is looking at assessment from Grade 4 to Grade 12 and asking what’s appropriate?  The way that we are assessing a Grade 4, a nine-year-old child, should not be the way we are assessing a Grade 12 learner, an 18 year old.  We should be assessing them differently because they are at different stages of their cognitive and psycho-emotional development.  Schools must not create significant stress for young children.  This doesn’t mean that we don’t need formal assessments for earlier grades – we do, but it needs to look different and feel different.  It needs to be age appropriate.  We need to have assessments that do not provoke anxiety but also gives us an accurate measure of the learners’ progress.  So, one of the things we are doing is ongoing assessment.  Assessment doesn’t come at the end, it is built into the learning experience.  As they make their way through the lessons, they are getting constant feedback about their learning.  This is called mastery-based learning.  They learn a little, try out their learning, get a result and then loop back to try again.  We are then able to pull marks throughout their mastery-based journey to gauge how they are doing in each subject.  In the younger grades, we don’t have a routine test structure where you write your Science test on Thursday whether you are ready or not.  The majority of our assessments are asynchronous.  So when a child gets to the end of a section, the assessment becomes available to them and they complete the assessment when they

Evolve Online School


She conducted research and concluded that academic achievement was essential but not sufficient for success. Here is a quick experiment you can use to determine if your pre-schooler has GRIT. The marshmallow test is famous in psychology. You give your little one a marshmallow, and you tell them that you are leaving now but will be back shortly. They can eat the marshmallow if they want to, but you will give them a second one when you get back if they do not. If your child eats the sweet before you return, you have a lot of work to do. To cut a long story short, GRIT measures the characteristics that identify as being present in students who do not drop out. You can conduct a quick check on your grit scale, but do not take it too seriously because it is a lot more complex than a simple test can show. GRIT is all about self-control and deferred gratification (waiting longer for the reward). If you combine that with a growth mindset, you end up with a potent combination. Dr Carol Dweck, in her book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, writes: “What are the consequences of thinking that your intelligence or personality is something you can develop, as opposed to something that is a fixed, deep-seated trait? Your view of yourself can determine everything. If you believe that your qualities are unchangeable — the fixed mindset — you will want to prove yourself correct over and over rather than learning from your mistakes.” (Carol Dweck: A Summary of The Two Mindsets, 2021). In a homeschool context, the recipe for success includes parents who encourage both of these ideas in their children. It is easy to lose sight that a homeschooler often displays character traits that would disadvantage them in a brick and mortar school. These include a desire to pursue their passions at their own pace. If they do not match that desire with the GRIT and a growth mindset, they can often go down paths that lead to lots of learning but no education. Education is a structured, paced, and deliberate approach to being able to know and be able to do the things you need to succeed in any task you set yourself or are required to do. At Evolve Online, we set out to provide the platform and scaffolding children need to advance their education, but they need the right conditions at home to achieve this. We built our learning method on the foundation of a growth mindset approach. For Evolve Online Activators, a child never fails to learn something – they just have not mastered it yet. 

Paper Video

The best study snacks and why they work

There are so many things that can distract you from studying. Maybe you have low energy and can’t concentrate. Maybe you’re hungry and that’s pulling focus away from your work. Maybe you’re even struggling with your memory right now due to stress or depression. Food is a good and sustainable way to address all of these factors, alongside daily physical activity and quality sleep. In this article, however, we’re talking about the best study snacks and why they can work for you, in addition to being delicious. 1. Coffee with milk You probably already know that coffee can help increase your energy levels and keep you awake, but that doesn’t mean we’re going to tell you to drink coffee when you have to study late at night (more on that later). Another great thing coffee does is increase the production of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine lifts your mood, making coffee a great option for the beginning of the study session, when you may not feel like getting stuck in. This neurotransmitter also improves focus and boosts concentration, helping you take in more information when you’re learning. Limit your coffee intake to two cups per day and don’t drink any coffee at all after lunchtime. This will prevent caffeine-related anxiety and poor sleep later on. 2. Trail mix Toss together a big bowl of mixed nuts, your favourite dried fruits and small pieces of chopped dark chocolate. Carbohydrates are our brain’s preferred source of energy, so you’re definitely going to want to include them when you’re planning your study snacks. Fruit contains plenty of carbs in the form of sugar, as does dark chocolate, and this often results in a spike in blood sugar (and energy), followed by an energy crash. We use fat to counteract this effect, and that’s where nuts come in. Nuts contain plenty of the good fats, which force the body to digest carbohydrates more slowly when the two are eaten together. This will give you a steady flow of energy for the next couple of hours. And remember, a portion of trail mix is about a quarter cup, so try to stick to that amount at snack time. 3. Popcorn There are so many things to love about popcorn. It’s high in protein, wholegrain carbohydrates and fibre. All of these nutrients work towards sustainable slow-release energy to help you concentrate. They also work together to keep you fuller for longer, so you won’t be distracted by hunger 30 minutes into your study session. Popcorn is also extremely low in calories considering the nutritional value it serves, but only if you prepare it correctly. Stay away from ready-to-microwave popcorn or cooking it on the stove with heaps of butter and oil. Instead, buy a bag of kernels and mix a portion with one or two tablespoons of olive oil and a pinch of salt. Pop them into a brown paper bag and then microwave the popcorn until it’s done. 4. Smoothies Do you want a wholesome filling snack that includes lots of brain foods plus energy-boosting nutrients? A smoothie is the best way to do this. Remember, our brains need carbs for energy, and healthy fats to help our bodies absorb and use that energy more slowly rather than all at once. So we’ll start with those as a base. We love the idea of oats as your main carb option. They blend easily, give smoothies a nice texture and they have a neutral flavour. Milk offers the same smoothie-making benefits, while offering protein and fat. Now that you have your base, it’s time to add brain food! Blueberries have been found to support memory and cognition. The omega fatty acids found in chia seeds, nuts and seeds are great for concentration and overall brain health. L-theanine is a compound found in green tea that increases focus while decreasing anxiety at the same time! Greens like spinach, broccoli and lettuce are about the long game. Eat them regularly for long-term cognitive health throughout your studies, working life and beyond. Dark chocolate (in small amounts) because it’s another food that naturally contains caffeine. 5. Apples and celery with peanut butter We know it sounds weird, especially the celery part, but celery and apples are an amazing combo, and celery and peanut butter are an amazing combo (try it before you deny it). Apples are packed with nutrients and energy in the form of carbs, making it a well-rounded snack when paired with a healthy fat protein like peanut butter. When it comes to celery, recent studies have shown that it can improve memory. The evidence also points towards helping people with depression. If you suffer from depression and find that it is affecting your memory (as it commonly does), adding celery to your diet could help to counter this symptom. We’re excited to see where this research leads! When it comes to peanut butter, you can benefit from all the brain boosting effects its omega fatty acids offer. These include improved memory, cognition, concentration and mood. 6. Veggies and hummus If you’re not a sweet tooth and prefer savoury snacks, what about veggies and hummus? Choose a wide range of veggies in different colours for your energy and nutrients. Serve them with some hummus on the side for dipping to act as your protein and fat source. If you’re a slow snacker, carrots, cucumber, sliced peppers and celery keep (and travel) well, and they all pair well with hummus and each other. 7. Fruit yoghurt ice lollies Have you ever been in a test or an exam, and a teacher pulls out a bag of Fizz Pops or chewy sweets for the class writing? If you have, you’ll probably remember forever how good your memory and concentration were that day. If you look around, you’ll see this everywhere. People chew gum to increase focus during the work day, they bite their nails to concentrate on something they’re reading, snacking on small nibbles throughout a movie feels

Parenting Hub


As hundreds of thousands of students head back to university throughout South Africa, they enter a world of study that has already changed just from last year and will continue to do so more rapidly than ever before due to technological advancements changing the landscape almost from one day to the next. This is why these students should, as soon as possible, strategise their career trajectory, taking into account not only their current graduate studies, but also potential post-graduate options, an education expert says. “Today’s students are developing their skills in the face of an uncertain future, the only certainty being that they will be competing in a very tough job market by the time they graduate. One of the most important reasons for strategising one’s career trajectory from early in your studies, is to reduce uncertainty and stress, by knowing that you have a solid plan in place which will allow you to focus on going above and beyond in your everyday endeavours during your academic journey,” says Peter Kriel, General Manager at The Independent Institute of Education, South Africa’s leading private higher education provider. “By having a plan in place, you will feel more confident and in control of your future, which will allow you to be resilient if the landscape changes on the way, and allow you to make decisions with greater clarity and purpose, rather than feeling overwhelmed by the many options and uncertainties that will be coming your way,” he says. Kriel says in coming years, a post-graduate qualification will become a non-negotiable for remaining competitive in the job market, which is why it is important for students to factor that into their academic journey from as early as possible. “Postgraduate studies are of course a significant investment, so it is, therefore, important to carefully consider your goals and options before pursuing an advanced degree. It’s also important to choose a programme that aligns with your career goals and provides the skills and knowledge you need to advance in your chosen field. It is for this reason that this decision should be top of mind throughout one’s graduate studies, and not be left until the last moment.” Kriel says making the contemplation of post-graduate studies part of one’s graduate student career has a number of benefits, most notably the fact that time is on one’s side. “When you start planning your career trajectory early, you have more time to explore different options and make informed decisions. You can take advantage of opportunities as they arise and make adjustments to your plan as needed.” It also allows a student to continuously align their academic and career goals. “In other words, you’ll be able to select programmes leading to qualifications, the elective modules within such programmes where applicable and the focus of any research projects in such a way that will best support your career aspirations and build the skills and knowledge you need for your future studies and career.” Knowing that you’ll be continuing your studies will also allow you to start building your professional network, says Kriel. “While studying towards your first qualification in university, you will have opportunities to connect with academics, alumni and industry professionals who can help you build your professional network, which will not only be able to support you as you progress to post-graduate study and point you towards new opportunities but who will also later be a valuable support network as you enter the job market.” With technological advancements and automation changing the nature of work, employers will in future increasingly look for candidates who have advanced skills and knowledge, regardless of their field of study, as no field is exempt from these developments, says Kriel. “A postgraduate degree not only demonstrates your commitment to professional development and objectively increases your competitiveness and earning potential in the job market, but also proves that you have deepened your understanding in your field of expertise and that you can stay on top of new developments. By starting now, and taking the time to consider your options and make informed decisions, you can set yourself on a path to a successful and fulfilling future from early in your university career.”   STUDY TRAJECTORY: HOW EACH QUALIFICATION LEVEL BUILDS ON THE NEXT FIRST DEGREES AND DIPLOMAS (NQF LEVEL 6 or 7): A first degree or diploma equips you with the toolkit to do certain tasks, and enables you to become competent in delivering on the key outputs in line with these tasks. Some four year professional degrees are on Level 8). HONOURS DEGREES (NQF 8): When competency has been achieved in terms of the toolkits acquired in the first qualification, an honours degree allows you to level up by learning how to use different tools at once, particularly in relation to one another. This brings a new level of maturity within the field. POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMAS (NQF 8): An option to expand you knowledge base and specialisation. For example if you have a general business-related undergraduate degree and you would like to gain deeper insight into for example marketing or human resource management – or even beyond that. MASTER’S DEGREES: A master’s degree develops the art of being able to synthesise and develop independence in a field. Instead of just being able to competently develop an identity for a brand, now you start to be able to stretch a brand’s identity into mergers and acquisitions and product portfolios. DOCTORATES: Doctorates enable you to contribute to thought leadership and development of the field.

Evolve Online School

Online Teaching As A Tool

Online schooling is a tool, that if used correctly, can change the game in academic achievement. However, for this to happen, a relationship and understanding of expectation between the parent and activator needs to be developed. As a teacher that worked in a brick and mortar school for five years, I can speak to the understanding that parents are removed from their child’s learning journey, particularly in the early years. This is largely due to the fact that most, if not all learning is expected to take happen during school hours. Once your five-year-old arrives home, their academic day is considered done. When applying this idea to the online schooling space, a shift takes place, now home, or anywhere for that matter is where learning can take place and what makes this environmental shift even more unique is that you, the parent is not only “invited” into the classroom but you become part of your child’s learning and teaching resources. Online schooling affords the parent a front row seat into the “classroom” and what a magnificent tool that could be. The opportunity to see how your child engages with academic content, develops understandings, and even more importantly, where your child is developing misunderstandings. Parent’s who use this platform in this way have given their children a foundation to evolve from standard learning to evolutionary learning. I have been afforded the chance to watch this happen in the level 1/Grade 0 space at Evolve Online School. Parents who have embraced all that online schooling is and have engaged with their children by extending their child’s learning and becoming their child’s personalized teacher, accompanied by the input from us as activators have gone from reading three letter words, to reading books by the end of their grade 0/ level 1 year. Online schooling really does create the space for limitless learning possibilities because children are given the opportunity to have all the right people involved in their learning journey. To learn about how Evolve Online School has been used by parents like yourself, please click here. To join one of our upcoming webinars, please click here. Are you ready to join the Evolve Online School family, click here to Apply now.

Loreto School Queenswood

Why Choose Loreto education for your child?

Our small class sizes enable us to foster a wonderful interaction between learners and educators. Loreto School Queenswood is the ideal place for parents who are looking for a place where learners will be loved and challenged, rather than getting lost in the crowd. The atmosphere at Loreto School Queenswood is Christ-centred and life giving. Learners are challenged to grow both intellectually and spiritually.​ Learners sense a balance between high standards and grace and are encouraged to love their studies and find delight in God’s creation and all who live in it.​ Our motto is “We Grow Children for Life.” ​This is done by instilling our core values of “Joy, Freedom, Sincerity, Verity, and Justice” combined to that each is given an opportunity to grow into the best version of themselves through trying out different sports and cultural activities and interacting educationally with a variety of subjects such as robotics, art, music, technology, and science. We offer a holistic and person-centred education in developing their faith and educating them for wisdom.​ At Loreto School Queenswood we encourage participation and celebration, leadership development and formation and inclusivity. We embrace all.   ​We encourage our learners to strive for personal excellence and instil in them a commitment to being “Agents of Social Change”. ​Loreto School Queenswood has been “GROWING CHILDREN FOR LIFE” since 1972. ~~Mr. Marcello Pallozzi~ Head Of School

Evolve Online School


During the Covid lockdowns, a generation of children experienced education in a historically unprecedented way. Now, a new black swan has floated into view with the rapid proliferation of Artificial Intelligence and chatbots such as ChatGPT across all sectors and industries, including education. “When we consider technology’s potential changes to our understanding of school, COVID opened the garage door and ChatGPT sent the school bus careening down the driveway with no brakes,” says Colin Northmore, Principal of Evolve Online School, a brand of ADvTECH, Africa’s largest private education provider. “Schools are resilient. They have mostly, until now, managed to avoid changing or assimilating disruptive technologies and rather tame them so that they do not fundamentally change students’ daily experience. iPads get turned into glorified textbooks, and coding becomes a marketing strategy. We tell children to use Google to look up the most basic facts, and it becomes the new encyclopedia,” he says. In the past, when disruptive technology appeared on the scene, the first thing a school would do is to ban its use. Later, ways would then be found to include these technologies into the curriculum to use them in a way that causes the least disruption to business as usual, says Northmore. “However, a different approach is to see instead these new technologies, and in particular now AI, for the opportunity they represent. Schools should find the potential and ways to take the learning in their classrooms to the next level, helping students ethically embrace new tech instead of having it do their work for them behind closed doors. “AI can be a powerful tool for enhancing learning in school classrooms, providing personalised support and feedback, and creating engaging and interactive learning experiences when used in conjunction with traditional teaching methods rather than as a replacement for them.” Northmore says it is incumbent on schools to identify teachers who are passionate about best practice and tech and who can investigate the potential for incorporating AI in the classroom. He says a few practical ways in which AI can be harnessed in the classroom include, for instance: ESSAY WRITING: AI can help students with essay writing by providing prompts, feedback on structure and grammar, and even suggesting sources for research. LANGUAGE LEARNING: AI can be asked to write a grammatically incorrect essay with spelling errors, which students can then use as a task for identifying mistakes and learning from them. AI can also assist in language learning by providing real-time translation and pronunciation guidance. For example, a teacher could use ChatGPT to help students practice their pronunciation of a foreign language. INTERACTIVE LEARNING: A teacher could create a chatbot that asks students questions and provides feedback based on their responses. This could be used as a form of formative assessment to help students identify areas where they need more practice. RESEARCH ASSISTANCE: AI can help students conduct research by suggesting sources, answering questions, and providing guidance on how to evaluate the credibility of sources. “The integration of AI in the classroom presents benefits and drawbacks that should be considered carefully. On the one hand, AI can enhance the learning experience, help teachers save time on administrative tasks, and provide them with more data to inform their instructional decisions,” says Northmore. “On the other hand, there are concerns about the reliability and bias of AI algorithms, as well as the potential for AI to replace human teachers and exacerbate existing inequalities in education. It is important to recognise therefore that AI should be used as a tool to support and enhance learning and studying, and not to change the way learning has happened in the past completely. Ultimately, the successful integration of AI in the classroom will depend on careful consideration of its potential benefits and drawbacks and ongoing evaluation and refinement of its implementation to ensure that it is serving the best interests of students and teachers alike.”

Parenting Hub


According to Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality healthcare, it is important for parents to be aware of the common diseases and health ailments that can be transmitted in a school setting and to take necessary precautions to protect their children’s health. “It is not uncommon for children to contract illnesses while at school. With close proximity to their peers, the sharing of germs is inevitable,” says Murray Hewlett, CEO of Affinity Health. “Read on to find out the most common illnesses children contract in school and ways to keep your little ones happy and healthy.” The Flu One of the most common illnesses contracted at school is the flu. The flu is a viral infection that can cause symptoms such as fever, body aches, and fatigue. The flu is spread through respiratory droplets when an infected person talks, coughs, or sneezes. To reduce the risk of contracting the flu, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends ensuring your child gets a flu vaccine and practices good hygiene, such as washing their hands frequently and covering their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. The Common Cold Another common illness contracted at school is the common cold. The common cold is a viral infection that affects the upper respiratory tract and is characterised by symptoms such as a runny nose, congestion, and sneezing. Like the flu, the common cold is spread through respiratory droplets. To reduce the risk of contracting the common cold, it is important to practice good hygiene and avoid close contact with infected individuals. Strep Throat Other common illnesses that can be contracted at school include strep throat, which is a bacterial infection of the throat and is characterised by sore throat, fever, and swollen tonsils. Antibiotics are usually required to treat strep throat. Most children can return to school and play within a few days with proper medical care and plenty of rest and fluids. To prevent strep throat, teach your children to cover their mouths with an elbow or tissue when they cough or sneeze and not to share drinking cups or eating utensils with their classmates. Pink Eye Pink eye, otherwise known as conjunctivitis, is an infection of the eye and is characterised by redness, itching, and discharge. Many of the bacteria and viruses that cause colds and other infections, such as ear infections, sinus infections, and sore throats, can cause infectious pinkeye (the kind that spreads to others). Although generally not serious, if your child shows signs of pinkeye, it’s important to see a doctor. Some kinds of pinkeye go away on their own, but others need treatment. A Word On Head Lice While not an “illness”, head lice can be problematic and sometimes challenging to treat, resulting in days absent from school. Head lice are tiny insects that live on the scalp and cause itching and sores. They are transmitted through direct head-to-head contact or by sharing hats, brushes, or other personal items. As such, it’s difficult to prevent the spread of head lice among children in childcare facilities and schools because there is so much close contact. It’s important to note that having head lice isn’t a sign of poor personal hygiene or an unclean living environment. Head lice don’t carry bacterial or viral diseases. If you suspect your child has head lice, or your child’s school has notified you that your child has lice, there are several over-the-counter shampoos (often used in conjunction with wide-tooth combs) available to kill lice and end the louse life cycle. Conclusion It is important for parents to keep their children home if they are experiencing any of the above conditions to prevent the spread to others. It is also important for parents to encourage their children to practice good hygiene. “One of the best – and proven – ways of stopping the spread of childhood diseases is washing hands frequently,” adds Hewlett. “Encourage your child to wash their hands for 20 seconds with soap and water when their hands appear dirty, before eating, and after blowing their nose, sneezing, or coughing.”

Educ8 SA

Your Ideal Choice For Your Homeschool Curriculum – Educ8 SA!

What does Educ8 SA have to offer? Educ8 SA is an online curriculum provider offering teaching excellence and a broad curriculum at an affordable price. Quality online education that is affordable, flexible, and personalized for all students from Pre-School to Grade 12. Educ8 SA was established in 2017 due to a gap in the South African Education market for students and families with unique needs and circumstances seeking an innovative learning environment. Today, we have students enrolled all over the country as well as in other parts of the world. Students who desire more flexibility and choice can design a learning plan to suit their needs. Learning about the History of Educ8 SA. Haelene has more than 22 years of teaching experience and homeschooled her own four children. Being a veteran homeschooling mom truly helped her understand the ins and outs of homeschooling and each student’s unique needs. She had years of experience and knowledge to offer to all newbies and to those who have been homeschooling for a while. What were the biggest accomplishments? The testimonies of graduated students absolutely speak for themselves. We are known for the super service and support we provide to our parents and students! This is so important as it establishes trust; without trust, we won’t have clients. What’s one of the hardest things that Haelene faced with being a business owner? The energy, blood, sweat, and tears that go into each day – like with any business, nothing comes easy, but it is so worth the time and effort! What curriculum options does Educ8 SA have to offer? We have many different options: Grade K – Gr. 8: R400 American High School Diploma (Gr. 9 – 12): R1600 (All resources, assessments, and tests included – no hidden costs) GED: R500/student package/month GED Exam FEE: $80/subject – 4 Subjects Individual Student Registration Fee:: R1000 per student or R1500 per Family Where can your business be found online? Website: https://www.educ8sa.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/educ8sa/ Contact Educ8 SA today! Hannes / Haelene info@educ8sa.net www.educ8sa.com 084 685 2138

Evolve Online School

Support for Online Learning

We can all relate to feeling nervous or anxious, child or adult. Social settings, whether in the virtual space or a physical “meet-up”, seem to be a significant cause of this! In today’s uncertainty, children are the ones that are experiencing social anxiety at its core. Moving back and forth between the virtual and physical space has undoubtedly influenced our children’s socialising ability. Children have shifted from everyday social experiences such as meeting at school to a virtual experience where social connections are harder to make and may require intervention from a parent or teacher who can feel uncomfortable. Feeling disconnected or isolated can happen in both a physical and online environment as revolutionary as online learning or online home-schooling, those involved need to be aware of the importance of social connections. Being in the comfort of our home allows learning to happen in a truly comfortable environment. Due to this, children can experience higher levels of virtual social anxiety when needing to connect with their peers outside of the learning environment. As a parent, it is essential to combat these developments or move and work towards remedying them once they have been identified. The following behaviours can be signs of social anxiety and should be monitored: They lack the desire to connect and communicate outside their immediate family circle. Showing significant discomfort when communicating with others on a personal level, beyond learning and teaching content. Showing an increasing lack of desire to interact with children of their age in a “real-life” setting. Hiding away. Not wanting to talk or play. However, providing opportunities and creating expectations can be a healthy way to overcome or combat the development of social anxiety. Some coping strategies for online learning and creating a space that fosters social interaction may be: Getting out of their “comfort space” to go for walks. Going to a library where there are opportunities to talk to and see other people. Participating in non-academic activities and even something as simple as getting involved in community projects. More particularly, creating opportunities for them to connect with children with the same or similar interests is an effective way not to force social interaction but rather encourage it, as this will be the best footing when overcoming the discomfort of social anxiety. Written by Cherie Pieterse – Evolve Online School Activator

Paper Video

Cramming versus scheduled studying: What’s happening in your brain?

Have you ever found yourself sitting in an exam or test, knowing how hard you studied the night before, with a question in front of you that you simply just can’t remember the answer to? This happens to everyone, and it has nothing to do with how hard you did or didn’t prepare. What it’s actually all about is how far along the process of encoding memory you had time for. This is why cramming the day before an exam or test can only get you so far. For true mastery that’s about more than passing on the day, you need to learn how to encode the information you’re learning into your long-term memory, and that’s going to take a bit more time. In this article, we’re going to discuss cramming versus long-term study, and what’s going on in your brain along the way. Step 1 – Sensory memory This is the very first stage when it comes to successfully encoding and storing information. When it comes to studying information, the two most common senses we usually use are vision and sound. We see the written or diagrammatic information, we hear it being explained to us, or both at the same time. Sensory memory is tricky because it is mostly there to use and lose information. Let’s think about a maths equation. You see the first line of the equation before you. Your sensory memory holds it in your mind only as long as it takes you to process it and move onto the next step of the equation. Then, it immediately deletes it from your brain. It is normal for sensory memories to last for split seconds before disappearing. Unless something special happens, that is. If you’re driving and see a stop sign, your sensory memory will hold the stop sign in your mind until you have stopped and then moved on. It will then delete that moment. But if you have a car accident at that stop sign, your sensory memory will pass it on to short-term memory, and your brain will hold onto the memory of that stop sign at that time for a longer period. The same goes for studying. Cramming is detrimental to sensory memory firstly because it’s tedious, boring and can be stressful. These are not the kinds of conditions your brain looks for when it wants to make something last. You need time and effort to truly move beyond this first step. Repetition and using multiple senses to learn the same information is your goal. And by repetition, we don’t mean sitting in one spot repeating a sentence over and over until you think you’ll be able to remember it through tomorrow and beyond. When we say repetition, we mean repeated learning of the same subject or topic using different stimuli. Yes, revise your notes from class, but also read blog posts, listen to podcasts, watch videos and (of course) practise past papers. This kind of revision is diverse and makes use of multiple senses, a winning formula for moving what you’re learning into the short-term memory! Step 2 – Short-term memory Short really does mean short here. On average, your short-term memory can only hold information for about 15 seconds. Your brain is always trying to optimise, and that means constantly discarding information it doesn’t think it needs. Short-term memory is often what is used when you are cramming for a test. If you’re trying to remember a list of facts, you’ll probably have found that when you repeat them to yourself later or tomorrow, you’re more likely to remember items from the beginning and end of your study session, but that your recall only gets worse and worse when it comes to what you studied in the middle. This is a sign that the information wasn’t encoded correctly during the short-term memory phase. Information will stay in your short-term memory as long as you’re consciously holding onto it. From there, it will either be moved to working or long-term memory, or deleted. At the beginning of your cramming session, you will be more alert and more energetic. This will better enable you to encode what you’re learning in a meaningful way with practice, using the senses and being able to connect what you’re learning with what’s already stored in your long-term memory. This information is often successfully stored in long-term memory. Towards the end, when you’re tired, you might just begin repeating the information over and over, keeping it in short-term and working memory until you’re done with it after your exam. And whatever was in the middle, well, that’s probably mostly gone by the time you sit down to write. In order to move on from short-term memory, you need to allow yourself the time for not only meaningful and sensory stimulation like in the previous step, but you also need the time to build meaningful connections with what’s already in your long-term memory. This involves starting with the basics, and only moving on once you have something solid in your long-term memory to build upon. Step 4 – Long-term memory EXPLICIT LONG-TERM MEMORY – SEMANTIC When you think of long-term memory, you probably think of all the things you can remember that have happened personally to you in your life. But that’s only one small part (albeit an important one). Semantic memory is a form of explicit long-term memory that is based around factual information. And it is explicit because you make the effort to learn it on purpose (unlike biographical memories). When you are studying, you are successful if what you are learning moves from short-term memory into explicit semantic long-term memory. There is a clue here. For a long time, neuroscientists have been trying to pin down exactly where in the brain semantic long-term memories are stored. And the answer seems to be all over. This has led scientists to believe that within our brains there is a semantic network. And they believe that this is

The Bridge Assisted Learning School


Hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of parents today have children who require additional assistance academically, emotionally or both. For these parents, concerns are never far away that their child will battle in the world of the future, and that they might not ultimately achieve personal and career success. But an educational psychologist says parents need to change the paradigm through which they view success, as many are still focused on ideas about what constituted becoming a successful adult in the past, rather than embracing a world of new opportunities that are constantly emerging. “In the past, and unfortunately among some people to this day, there was this perception that if your child is not studying to be a medical doctor or a lawyer, then they haven’t made it,” says Dr Greg Pienaar, renowned Educational Psychologist and Principal of The Bridge Assisted Learning School, which supports students facing challenges unrelated to cognitive ability. The Bridge is a brand of ADvTECH, Africa’s largest private education provider. “Everyone has a future in terms of a passion or career, so if your child is not specifically focused on academic matters and isn’t necessarily wanting to study anything related to Core Mathematics or Physical Science or Life Sciences (Biology), then there are literally thousands of other career paths to follow. And these career paths are not inferior, they are just different,” he says. Dr Pienaar notes that there is also still a perception that students can only advance to tertiary studies if they attend a traditional high school and follow the traditional academic journey in terms of subject selection. That is simply not the case, he says, because schools that provide additional support on the neurodiversity front, emotionally or academically, also write Matric exams, in the case of The Bridge, for instance, students sit for IEB exams. Additionally, future success isn’t reliant on choosing only those subjects that provide access to traditional ‘high-end’ careers. “So, what if your child is interested in something to do with food or cooking or hospitality? What if your child loves everything to do with computers or technology? What if your child is interested in travelling the world and discovering its wonders? What if your child has strong verbal ability and is able to charm and convince people easily? What if your child has the skill or ability to run a business or be an entrepreneur? “It makes no sense to force them to follow a career path which is not natural for them, while there are avenues available which will support their future career success in a field that interests them or which they are passionate about.” Dr Pienaar says it is legitimate for parents to be concerned if their child battles to focus and concentrate, struggles with words and reading, blanks out when numbers are involved, or is bright but not interested in academics. However, realising a child needs additional support is the start of the road, not the end of it, he says. “Often children battle to focus on a career early in life, but they do know what they like and don’t like, sometimes as early as primary school. Our role as parents is to help nurture these interests and provide the space for a child to develop without pressure, and harness additional support if needed to assist them on their academic pathway, even if that is not the standard pathway related to past perceptions of success. The old cliché still holds that you can’t force a square peg into a round hole. This is never more true than with our children because we spend many hours of our lives in our work environment or in something related to work. “Academic and career success is not merely a case of doing well, but of doing well and being happy and fulfilled while doing so. It is important that our focus falls equally on the other half of the equation, not simply the surface considerations of success.” There are many ways to fulfilment in life, but if we have the opportunity to choose something which may lead to happiness and fulfilment, then we should do so, Dr Pienaar says. “Parents can help their children make a start on this road by allowing them – with the help of education experts at their school – to choose subjects appropriate to their desired careers wisely. “Students should choose carefully and according to their interests and passions, and not according to someone else’s expectations or dreams based on the road most travelled. As adults, we have to be honest about our children’s passions, strengths, and weaknesses, and guide them responsibly and honestly on their way to success in life – whatever that means within their unique context.”

The Bridge Assisted Learning School


There are few tools as valuable as setting goals and constantly measuring a student’s progress against these goals in ensuring a successful academic journey, an education expert says. However it is not enough to have vaguely defined ideas of what success will look like down the line. Instead, parents, students, teachers and schools must have a coherent goal/measurement strategy in place from early in a child’s school career, says Desiree Hugo, Academic Head at ADvTECH’s Schools Division. “Setting goals is an important part of a student’s educational journey. It helps them stay focused, motivated and on track to achieving their academic and personal aspirations,” she says. Hugo says setting clearly defined goals which are regularly reviewed, helps students manage their priorities and build confidence.  “When students have a clear goal in mind, they are more likely to stay focused and motivated. It gives them something to work towards, along with a sense of accomplishment and positive momentum once a goal is achieved. “Setting goals also allows students to prioritise tasks and manage their time effectively, so they can focus on what is important and avoid getting side-tracked.” In addition, goalsetting helps with decision-making. “When you have a clear goal in mind, it’s easier to make decisions that align with that goal. Students can evaluate their options based on whether they will help or hinder progress.” Most importantly, students themselves must take ownership of the process, with the support of their teachers, school and parents. “Students must be placed front and centre when it comes to setting and tracking goals. That is why we have introduced Student-Led conferences – what in the past would have been called parent-teacher meetings. Instead of parents meeting alone with teachers to receive feedback, all three parties including the student now sit together. And then the student provides an update of their performance and progress in line with their personal plan.” Hugo says that while the student takes ownership of their personal academic map, schools and parents play an important role in helping them navigate in the following ways: Providing guidance on how to set goals that are realistic and achievable, and helping students create action plans. Providing the resources required on the way to achieving those goals, including additional support where required. Regular scheduled check-ins, where goals are monitored, discussed, and updated if necessary so that students remain accountable and empowered. Creating a supportive environment that encourages growth and collaboration. “In today’s highly competitive environment, cruise control won’t suffice in ensuring a student leaves school with a competitive advantage. The practice of goalsetting should be developed from early in a student’s academic journey – starting with setting small goals and leading to the important ones,” says Hugo. “This helps students focus and maintain their direction, and provides intrinsic motivation as they strive to get to the next step, and then the next one and the next one in pursuit of their dreams.”

EZ Learn Books

Work hard, play hard!

The year feels like it’s just begun, yet here we are, already a quarter of the way through. Before we know it, exams will be upon us. Yes, I know it’s the kids who write them, but it’s us who bear the brunt of the anxiety, the grumps or the total blasé approach that leaves us in a knot of anxiety on their behalf. So how best to cope?  In our family, the philosophy has always been, ‘Work hard, play hard.’ This started for us as adults, juggling busy work careers while also wanting to take time out to escape to the bush or the sea for much-needed breaks, and continued when we had children and tried to teach them to balance their studies and relaxation. Note that I say ‘tried’. Kids always have their own ideas of what is important and can veer off in one direction or the other on a whim. As parents, all we can do is our best to nudge them back on track as often as possible.  So how do we get them to work hard? From homework sessions where it literally took two hours to get the pencil to touch the paper to learn ten words for a spelling test, how on earth did we get to a studious matric who was able to motivate himself to achieve four distinctions? Honestly, I couldn’t tell you as I’m still amazed (and delighted). However, I can tell you what we tried, and what I suggest for my students. You can then see how much you are able to filter through to your beloved children and leave the rest to them.  Try to develop good study habits from an early age. I certainly don’t mean three or four years old – at that stage they should be climbing trees and investigating strange creatures in the garden. Never forget that kids learn best through play (I still teach my senior students the concept of debits and credits using Smarties and Jelly Tots). I’m referring to when they start coming home from school with a reader or need to write a sentence or two. The homework may be designed to take fifteen minutes (even if ours took hours for our son and all of five minutes for our daughter when little) but be sure to teach your children to set aside time to work. They will probably need some time to recover from the school day – have a snack, maybe change – but then it’s time to sit down and focus. Let them get used to the idea that homework tasks need to be finished before they are allowed to do as they please, and definitely before any screen time! Of course, your schedule may not lend itself to such a simple solution if you work full-time or are also juggling numerous other offspring while taxiing them to sundry swimming / soccer / ballet lessons. In these cases, get clever. I used to do reading with one child while the other was in the pool learning how not to drown. Spelling happened in the car on the way to and from school.  As they get older, ensure that they have a proper desk and later, suitable devices. If possible, let them be part of the process of choosing what they like, and listen to what they say works best for them (within reason, of course – a gaming computer is NOT necessary for primary school homework). For high school, my daughter preferred an iPad, my son a laptop.  As the quantity of work increases, students need to learn how to manage the material so as to be able to remember and use it correctly in assessments and life situations. When we were at school last century, the focus was on recall, which I was terrible at! I hated memorising facts, and much preferred learning how to do something instead. As you can imagine, Accounting was much more fun than History for me. These days one simply needs to tap a few words into a device and a multitude of answers spring forth. ChatGPT will even write an essay for you at will. In this day and age, being able to understand and work with the material is much more important. Analysis and evaluation are critical skills that will help your kids navigate further studies and the working world. At school level, different curricula focus on different skills, but all have moved beyond simple recall.  A solid foundation of knowledge is needed, and this depth can be developed by working with the material in a variety of different ways. In addition to the good old mind-maps and other summaries to make the content smaller, I encourage my students to do the opposite – make it bigger. “Go surfing!’ is what I tell these rather surprised kids. Yes, surf the web to find out more information. Google a few key words and read whatever comes up. Make some popcorn and pop those key words into YouTube for some ‘movie time’. There is an incredible amount of additional, interesting material out there. By reading and watching more than just what was done in class, they are exposed to additional perspectives, opposing points of view and sometimes the one thing that makes it all click. A third part of this mishmash is working through past paper questions, even from early in the year. If you are lucky enough to be able to get hold of a breakdown showing which questions relate to which topics, the questions can be attempted when the work is learnt during the year and not only just before an exam. This helps students to see exactly what is required of them and help them towards developing the skills required to create strong answers. Together, these will all work towards developing long-term memory and better higher-order thinking skills.  With all this hard work going on, breaks are a must. Try to figure out each child’s body rhythm

Parenting Hub


According to Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality healthcare, school anxiety is a common concern among children and their parents. School anxiety can manifest in various ways, such as difficulty sleeping, stomach aches, and avoidance of school. Left unchecked, school anxiety can lead to poor academic performance, social isolation, and even physical illness. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, school anxiety is caused by a combination of genetic, environmental, and developmental factors. Children with a family history of anxiety or who have experienced trauma may be more prone to developing school anxiety. Here are 10 tips from Affinity Health to help children cope with school anxiety: Talk to your child about their concerns and validate their feelings Creating an open and supportive environment where your child feels comfortable discussing their worries and fears is essential. Listen actively and try to understand their perspective. Validate their feelings by acknowledging that their emotions are real and understandable.  Create a consistent and predictable daily routine Having a regular schedule can help reduce uncertainty and provide a sense of structure and stability. Set a consistent bedtime, establish a morning routine, and have a designated time for homework and other after-school activities. Encourage physical activity and a healthy diet Exercise and proper nutrition can have a positive impact on mental health and can help reduce stress and anxiety. Encourage your child to participate in physical activities that they enjoy, and ensure that they are eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and other nutritious foods.  Establish a calm and organised environment at home A cluttered and chaotic environment can add to feelings of stress and anxiety. Help your child create a calm and organised space to work and study, and try to minimise distractions in the home. Encourage your child to express their feelings through art or writing Artistic expressions, such as drawing, painting, or writing, can be a helpful outlet for children to process their emotions and express themselves. Let your child use these creative outlets to express their feelings and thoughts about school. Set small and achievable goals for your child Breaking down larger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks can help your child feel a sense of accomplishment and progress. Encourage your child to set small, achievable goals and celebrate their successes along the way. Help your child develop relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation Teaching your child relaxation techniques can help them healthily manage stress and anxiety. Some techniques include deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and visualisation. Motivate your child to participate in enjoyable activities outside of school It’s important for children to have a well-rounded and fulfilling life outside of school. Motivate your child to participate in extracurricular activities that they enjoy, such as sports, music, or clubs. Consider seeking support from a mental health professional, such as a therapist or counsellor If your child’s anxiety persists or significantly impacts their daily life, it may be helpful to seek the support of a mental health professional. A therapist or counsellor can work with your child to identify the root causes of their anxiety and develop coping strategies. Work with your child’s school to create a supportive and understanding learning environment Communicate with your child’s teacher and school administration to ensure they know your child’s anxiety and can provide appropriate support. Together, you can create a positive and understanding learning environment that helps your child feel safe and supported.   “It’s important to address school anxiety as soon as possible to prevent it from escalating and harming your child’s overall well-being,” says Murray Hewlett (CEO of Affinity Health. “The good news is that with the right support and the implementation of coping strategies, children can learn to manage their anxiety and succeed in school.”

Parenting Hub

If hugs were a school shoe

Hush Puppies has introduced a school shoes range and it’s first-class comfort  Ask any podiatrist, physiotherapist or sports enthusiast: it’s worth investing in good shoes. In young children that are still developing, a good shoe offers quality support and protection, allowing them to focus on what’s important. What’s more, a good shoe investment means you’re less likely to have to head to the shops in the middle of the year because of broken or damaged shoes.  At Hush Puppies, they make it their mission to ensure first-class comfort from classroom to playground. Their quality school shoes are fitted with all of the essential features for a full day of class and play: Premium quality leather uppers A memory foam footbed for all-day comfort and support Highly durable outsoles Direct attach construction, which ensures that the sole and upper remain intact Their shoes contain no pigskin The range includes various styles – with or without laces, as well as trainers in both black and white. Prices range between R429 and R599. Go to their site to see the range and shop online. 

Parenting Hub


Matric results are in for the 2022 cohort, and a new phase of life is about to begin for the country’s latest school-leavers.  Some will step onto their chosen tertiary or vocational pathways, but for many, the way ahead is not yet clear. The gap year is popular way to take time out after Matric to travel, broaden one’s horizons and consider the future from fresh perspectives.  However, this may not be affordable for most families in these tough economic times.  If you’re not ready to start out on a long-term study path this year, and travel is out of the question, what can you do that is meaningful, and that can move you towards greater clarity about your future? Dr Lauren Martin, the Deputy Dean of Learning & Teaching at SACAP (the South African College of Applied Psychology) says, “What’s important is to take stock, consider your options, reflect on your goals, strengths and interests, and then take a positive step forward in 2023.  It’s important to focus on your individual situation, and avoid comparing yourself to others.  It’s not unusual, or any way shameful for school leavers to feel uncertain about their next steps.  In fact, very few school leavers feel absolutely sure about which study path to pursue.  Whether you are disappointed with your matric results or confused about the way ahead for you, there are some great options for building skills and gaining valuable experience that can set you on a favourable, flexible track.  What is important to remember is that your first year out of school is the very start of your study journey.  The aim is just to get out of the starting block.” Have you considered a Higher Certificate qualification? Short educational programs offered by tertiary institutions are becoming increasingly popular as a bridge between leaving school and choosing a study or career path.  The best of these are typically one-year programmes offering an accredited Higher Certificate qualification that can improve a student’s readiness for tertiary education, make up for a Matric without a bachelor’s pass and enhance critical skills for success not just on your next study path, but in your future work life as well. Dr Martin says, “The strength of a solid Higher Certificate program is that it gives you a valuable stepping-stone into the world of tertiary education.  You have time to more fully consider the direction you want to go in, and you gain insights and experiences about what is expected of you at the tertiary level.  Meanwhile you are actively building workplace skills that are valuable across a wide range of industries. Some higher certificate programs are vocational, and can even help you enter a field of work at a junior level. ” A Higher Certificate program may be for you:   If you passed matric without exemption You may have set your heart on studying for a certain degree but matric didn’t turn out how you hoped it would and you didn’t achieve a bachelor’s pass.  You can give it another go by signing up to rewrite up to two supplementary matric exams or go the matric upgrade route.  However, if the thought of a matric ‘do-over’ sinks your spirits, then rather consider an accredited Higher Certificate program.  “Graduating from any of SACAP’s Higher Certificate programs in 2023 can not only help you get back on track, but set you off with some important advantages,” says Dr Martin.  “You will not only meet the minimum entrance requirements for degree studies around the country, but you will lay the foundations for good academic literacy, setting you up for success in your further studies.” If you don’t feel sure you will be able to succeed at university Many school leavers might not feel confident about their ability to cope yet at a university level. “Engaging in a Higher Certificate program will give you this year to build confidence and empower you to continue your journey into higher education,” says Dr Martin. “Look for institutions that offer small classes with plenty of teacher and peer contact.  For instance, SACAP has classes of no more than 25 students which are ideal for finding your feet in the tertiary education environment and developing the confidence to engage and actively participate in your learning.” If your interests are broad and you are not yet ready to choose specific degree studies SACAP’s Higher Certificate programmes are gateway to further studies in Social Sciences and business fields. The SACAP Higher Certificates in Business Management and Human Resources Management include industry-oriented content and applications offering not only a bridge to further studies but also a vocational pathway into the South African business sector. In addition, the SACAP Higher Certificate in Counselling and Communication Skills is a great qualification for anyone who wants to develop their interpersonal skills and improve their abilities to interact and work with others. Dr Martin says, “There are key features of this qualification that offer invaluable knowledge and insight into human behaviour and a better understanding of human diversity which are currently sought-after capabilities across a wide range of workplaces.” She concludes, “SACAP’s concise, one-year Higher Certificate programs give students a taste for a field of study without a long-term commitment and provides them with a registered qualification and practical skills at the end. Along with our student-centred approach, it is also a voyage of self-discovery enabling greater awareness and understanding in relation to others as well as a deeper relationship with self.” Applications for SACAP’s Higher Certificate programs are now open. Please visit sacap.edu.za to register.

The Bridge Assisted Learning School


The Bridge Assisted Learning School in Lonehill, which opened in 2018 and rapidly became one of the top Neurodiversity-specialist schools, is expanding due to the high demand for its unprecedented support provided to students throughout their academic journey. In 2021 the school started phasing in its high school offering, and the first Grade 10 group was welcomed at the start of this year.  “We found that students in assisted learning schools had very limited options when it came to transferring to a suitable high school once they reached Grade 7,” says Dr Greg Pienaar, Principal of The Bridge Assisted Learning School. “Previously in Johannesburg, there were hardly any high schools that provided support to these students while creating a safe and Neurodiverse friendly environment. This has now been remedied by the expansion of our school, to enable students to remain in this supportive milieu for longer,” he says. Neurodiversity is not a condition that is meant to be ‘fixed’, ‘cured’ or rehabilitated. Neurodiverse students however are taught how to manage their condition, by way of high-quality support programmes.  “These neurodiverse conditions don’t simply go away at the end of Grade 7. That is why it was important for us to extend our offering into High School, providing these high school students with the opportunity to write the normal IEB matric exit exams while assisting them holistically along the way,” Dr. Pienaar says. He says parents often fear that the future prospects of their children will be limited when they stay in an assisted learning environment, but that that simply is not the case at The Bridge.  “At The Bridge, we offer our students the kickstart they need to get them through to Matric and set them on a path into tertiary studies at a university, college or other further studies. Alternatively, students can also move on after completing their IEB matric with us to pursue their own path.” The Bridge is in the process of expanding their physical infrastructure on campus with the addition of a new hall, therapist rooms and more classrooms to accommodate the tremendous growth their school has seen.  Their High School offering is distinct from that of other mainstream schools in that they have specialist teachers that are remedially trained but follow a mainstream curriculum. Class sizes are optimised for a high support assisted learning environment where students benefit from extra support. More than the academic support it also is an environment where students can flourish emotionally. “We tend to see students with high anxiety levels. Therefore, we have set out to create the ideal environment for our students that allows them to excel and not to settle for anything less than a normal Matric.  “We ensure that students have their eyes set on a successful future and assist them to determine a pathway to that future.” The Bridge Assisted Learning school extends an invitation to parents concerned about their child’s current environment and trajectory to meet with the school to map out the best pathway to matric and beyond based on their child’s individual needs.


10 benefits of online schooling

Did you know that more than 92 million students and learners worldwide receive tuition via a virtual classroom? Similar to attending a physical school and learning in person, there are advantages and disadvantages to learning online.  Staying focussed and being self-motivated can be challenging on its own; which is part of the reason why online schooling may not be for everyone. By understanding more about the advantages of online schooling, you can get a better idea of whether it might be suitable for your child and their educational and career goals. But let us first look at what is meant by online schooling:  Online schooling is where a student accesses their academic curriculum on an online platform via the internet. Online schools offer a similar curriculum to traditional schools, but teaching methods are adapted to online or computer-based media, incorporating both traditional and distance education methods, essentially bridging the gap between traditional schooling and homeschooling. What are the benefits of online schooling? Creates life-long learners Online schooling requires that students take responsibility for their own learning. Because they do not rely on teachers to learn everything they must know, online learning tends to create students who are life-long learners. Such learners often take this curiosity and ownership of their educational outcomes, and apply it to their career, ensuring that they stay relevant in their chosen field. Globally accessible One of the best things about online schooling is that your child has access to their school from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. Moving your family for work purposes will have no impact on your child’s schooling, and waiting for the school break to go on holiday is a thing of the past.  Saves money Online schooling can also allow you to save money. Transportation is becoming increasingly expensive, and online schooling eliminates the cost of petrol and vehicle maintenance, not to mention time spent on the road! With traditional schools, there is also the cost of school uniforms, sports uniforms, after-school supervision, fees related to mandatory activities and other sundry donations and sponsorships. 4Provides flexibility This is one of online schooling’s biggest draws. Because students can access the lectures when it suits them best and determine their own learning hours, they also have the time and opportunity to pursue their passions and interests. High-level sports achievers of school-going age, with the demands of practice and competitions, are often attracted to online schooling for this very reason.  Offers unlimited access to lectures Additionally, online classes offer unlimited access to class recordings and other course materials. This means that if something doesn’t make sense right away, students can come back later with fresh eyes to revisit the lectures and other supporting materials. Students Learn at Their Own Pace Experts say that kids should begin to sit, crawl, walk, and talk at a pace they are comfortable with because every child is different. The same principle applies to older children, yet students in traditional schools are often expected to learn lessons and complete their classwork at the same rate as their peers, regardless of whether they could go through the materials quicker or might need more time. Since online schools include a mixture of self-paced work with scheduled lessons, activities, and deadlines, online students can enjoy a more individualized education that fits their unique needs while still complying with the mandates of the individual school and state. Introverted students can join in discussions While introverts can still do well in traditional schools, they often find the quieter settings of an online school to be more conducive to learning. And since much of the classroom and teacher interaction takes place online, offering the opportunity for text-based interactions even during class time, quieter students are on an equal footing with their extroverted classmates and can more easily join in the discussion. Students have fewer distractions and obstacles to learning As class size continues to increase at traditional schools, so do the distractions for students. Teachers must take time to address behavioural issues, and students’ attention may be taken up with friends and social pressures rather than academics. Bullying can also affect a student’s ability to learn in traditional brick-and-mortar schools. Online learning allows students to concentrate on their studies during classes and then socialize with their friends outside of the learning environment. Online teachers can also focus all their attention on teaching and supporting their students rather than addressing disruptive behaviour. Students enjoy a comfortable learning environment Student comfort has only recently surfaced as an area of concern in education. For years, it has been the acceptable practice for students to sit on rigid chairs in a sterile school building during the day. Now, however, educators and architects like Prakash Nair and Randall Fielding are addressing the need for a more suitable learning environment. A considerable body of research about environmental design shows the positive effect comfort can have on learning, human productivity, and creativity,” according to an article by Nair and Fielding published in edutopia.org.    Parents are more involved in their children’s education The online school environment inherently requires greater parental involvement. Studies show that students do better in school when their parents are involved in their education. According to a report authored by Anne Henderson and Nancy Berla, “Major findings indicate that the family makes critical contributions to student achievement from the earliest childhood years through high school, and efforts to improve children’s outcomes are much more effective when the family is actively involved.” Brainline has been providing technology-driven education to Grade R – 12 learners for the past 35 years and our families are proud to share their experiences with us. ‘Brainline has given us the ability to ensure that our child is receiving the thorough academic education she deserves. The curriculum is extensive and absolutely user-friendly. I love Brainline and so does my daughter,’ says Tenille Pollard. ‘We moved to China and decided to use Brainline. I am currently doing Brainline homeschooling and attending an international foreign

Koa Academy


Every year, more and more South African children are enrolled in an online school, bringing changes to their family’s rhythms and routines.  It’s important for parents to set their child up for success, and here are 7 top tips from Koa Academy’s Principal and Co-founder, Mark Anderson: Quality tech – “It’s important to equip your child with the best tools possible.  While it might be tempting to opt for the entry-level laptops marketed for students, the reality is that your child needs a reliable workhorse when it comes to their computer.  Koa’s students learn across multiple best-in-class educational platforms, and they need to navigate seamlessly and speedily so that teaching and learning flows.  Good quality audio and camera are essential so that they can engage fully with their Pod teacher and peers.  Given that load-shedding is here to stay for the foreseeable future, parents should also invest in at least a basic backup power option that keeps them online during the most critical school hours.” Conducive learning environment – “Children need a quiet, designated space in the house where they can comfortably spend their school day, free from distractions.  Optimally, they should have their own desk and chair workstation, as well as tidy, storage space for their schoolbooks and materials. As far as possible, avoid using their bedroom with a closed door, or the dining room table.” Think critically about screentime – “Not all screentime is created equally. A well designed online educational programme which is age appropriate will be engaging and constructive for your child. But they still need healthy boundaries when it comes to other forms of screentime, such as social media and gaming. Parents should investigate ways of keeping healthy boundaries in place to manage screentime outside of their child’s online schooling.”   Keep track of your child’s progress – “Parents play a role in ensuring accountability when it comes to online schooling, just as they do in physical schooling. Koa’s Pod teachers keep daily track of your child’s targets and progress on a live Dashboard because it’s important for parents to also know what their child is busy with, what their priorities are and how they are advancing with the curriculum.  A good online school makes sure that this information is always available to you so that you can support their ongoing development. Make use of the increased access to this sort of information!” Connect with your child’s teachers and school leaders – “Just as you would get to know your child’s teachers in a traditional school, be open to forging constructive relationships with your child’s online teachers.  The lines of communication between parents and teachers should always be clear and open.” Integrate your school and family year planners – “Online schooling should offer families far more flexibility when it comes to determining school hours and days.  That said, there will still be important schoolwork deadlines and Koa has special dates for key assessments, parent-teacher meetings, as well as educational outings and socials that you won’t want your child to miss.” Organising your child’s participation in sports and culture – “Even if your child is attending a high-engagement online school such as Koa where they have daily interaction in their small pods, it’s important to involve your child in other activities that give them the opportunity to socialise and engage in person.  This gives you the opportunity to maximise the extra time and resources you get by attending an online school and meet other families with children who have similar interests while they broaden their horizons through sports and cultural experiences.” Discover Koa Academy here

Educ8 SA

Improving Lives Through Learning

How to Sign Up to our amazing Online Learning Platform. We are super proud to announce that the EdTech Awards 2022 have just been released – and yay! We are the BEST AGAIN! We are the most awarded EdTech Company on the planet, with 215+ awards in the last four years! A decade of evidence and research, buffered by over 215 education awards (10 times the closest competitor), establishes us as the premier Edtech solution available to schools and families. We specialize in SpecialEd and offer remedial support to our students with learning difficulties or disabilities. We have the awards to prove our success. Our program is also an excellent choice if you’d like to challenge your academically strong child, as they get to work ahead and complete more than one grade level per year. Please find attached our Informational Pack to assist you with any further questions you might have.  And…Don’t forget about our FREE 14-day Trial Period on our program. The Placement Test is included in the trial. All we need is for you to complete our online registration form: https://educ8-sa.com/sign-up Listed below are some of the great features we have to offer you: The following components are included in our package: Digital Literacy, Core Subjects, and Career Studies.   Our Fees:  Our Fees include all tutorials, assessments, and intervention packs. Individual Student Registration Fee:: Registration fee of R1000 per student or R1500 per Family Registration (Payable over 2/3 instalments) Grade K – Gr. 8: R400/student package/month (All resources, assessments, and tests included – no hidden costs) GED: R500/student package/month (Includes digital course, PDF Study Guide, 1 for each subject, lots of bonus material, Mock Exams) GED Exam FEE: $80/subject – 4 Subjects American High School Diploma (Gr. 9 – 12): R1600/student per month. (Includes all resources, assessments, and exams) Our program is offered in English. We offer a complete curriculum solution; students may log in 24/7/365.  Students start with a list of 5 Placement Tests; this will help us determine exactly where they need to start. With the results, we will also be able to identify if they have learning gaps and then set up a personalized learning plan for each student. Parent Support:  Parents can log in anytime to view their child’s progress from the parent portal. Our students work on their proficiency level and at their own pace. This feature makes our program ideal for special needs students and exceptional students who need a challenge.  Student Support:  Our Student Managers are on duty from 8 am to 4 pm and are always available to help should a student contact them via their messenger for assistance.  These are just some of the fantastic features our program has to offer! Assessments & Exams: We prefer the continuous assessment approach; therefore, our students in grades K – 8 do not write exams. For our high school students, exams will depend on the matric option they have chosen.  Registration Process: Complete our online form https://educ8-sa.com/sign-up. Your 14-day FREE trial period starts here! Login, then complete the Placement Test. Notify us once all Placement Tests have been completed. You will receive the results of the Placement Test by email. You will be requested to schedule a zoom meeting with us to discuss the Placement Test results. We set up your child’s personalized learning plan. Students may start with lessons. We invoice you should you wish to sign up! Subjects offered:  See the Informational Pack for each of the learning paths. Digital Literacy and Career Studies are part of the package.                All learning resources/tutorials/assessments/tests are completed online. Our fees include all tutorials, assessments, and intervention packs. Terms Dates & Holidays:  Centre Students will follow their own term dates. Virtual Students may decide when they take breaks.   Accreditation:  All our courses are accredited and accepted internationally and in SA. The GED is accredited by the US Council on Education, listed on the SAQA website, and accepted by our universities and Colleges. The American High School Diploma is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and accepted by our SA uni’s, also listed on the USAf website. Technical requirements:  Internet connection, device with a minimum of 1.6 1.60GHz processor. (laptop/pc/tablet/iPad), headphones or earphones. Registration with the Department of Education: Please be reminded that it is the responsibility of the parent to register their child/children as home schoolers with the DoE.  This only applies to students who are still of compulsory school-going age (7 – 15).  See the webpage of Pestalozzi Trust for more info on this:  https://pestalozzi.org/en/4-steps-to-start-homeschooling/ I hope this has been helpful. Please feel free to contact me should you need any further assistance. Feel free to use our WhatsApp number @ 084 685 2138 (Haelene) for a speedy response should you have any other questions. Contact the Educ8 SA Team today! info@educ8sa.net www.educ8sa.com 084 685 2138


5 tips on choosing the right online school

Ensuring that your child receives the best academic education is foremost on the minds of parents and families. It is, therefore, extremely important that once you decide to go the online school route, that you consider these factors when choosing a specific school: Experience: Look for an online school that has a well-known brand, years of experience when it comes to online learning platforms and curriculums as well as a proven track record for methods of online instruction and assessment.  Accreditation: Is the online school registered with an examining body, like the Independent Examinations Board, which is accredited by Umalusi to offer the National Senior Certificate (NSC)? Such accreditation ensures that the education your child receives complies with the requirements of both the school’s examining body and the Department of Education. Then you can trust that your child’s reports or NSC is valid and will be accepted at other schools and universities, both local and abroad. Online classes and resources: Does the online school offer online classes? Are these live or merely recorded? And are the presented by qualified teachers? These are important considerations, if you require online classes as part of your academic support. Besides this, see if the online school also provides other resources such as supporting learning material, a library, and a database or platform to access additional information. Learning Environment: A well-designed learning environment can make the difference between an enjoyable and frustrating online school. Top schools have online classrooms that are easy to use and navigate, even if you’re not a computer expert. Their classroom technologies allow you to interact with your classmates and teacher intuitively, and provide a personal feel to the online environment. Also, check to see if the technical requirements match what you have at home. Top online schools offer a learning environment that can be accessed with the most common hardware and software technologies. Programme Diversity: Online schools often have a variety of programmes and subjects. Choose a programme that best suits your needs in terms of flexibility and academic support. Also, ensure that the online school you choose has a diversity of subjects that will suit your child’s future endeavours and career choices. At Brainline, we have been providing quality driven education for Grade R – 12 for more than 35 years. Brainline CEO, Coleen Cronje, says they are proud to be the first online education provider recognised by the Independent Examinations Board.  ‘Brainline’s registration with the IEB assures you of quality assessment in accordance with national policy. This means that you can trust Brainline to provide you with valid qualifications, which are accepted at other schools and national and international universities.’ For more information and a full breakdown of Brainline’s products, click here: https://brainline.com/products/ 

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