READING … It has been said that in Grade 0 – 3 a child learns to read and from Grade 4 up, they read to learn. Learning to read is different from learning to communicate. Children are born with the inherent ability to learn to communicate, but they are not born with the inherent ability […]

In a groundbreaking development for the Wingu Academy, we are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of the Stage R Early Years Program, scheduled to commence in 2024.  This transformative educational initiative promises to usher in a new era of learning, providing our students with a world-class educational experience designed to prepare them for the […]

Healthy self-esteem is like a child’s armour against the challenges of the world. In the early years a child is still developing ideas about himself. These are largely based on his interactions with others. These opinions that a child has about himself forms his self-esteem. Lynn van Jaarsveld, Principal of Trinityhouse Pre-Primary Little Falls, gives […]

We are delighted to announce that Wingu Academy will be launching its Online Specialist Unit for Special Education Needs in 2024. This unit aims to provide targeted support and resources for students with diverse learning needs, reaffirming our commitment to offering innovative, inclusive, and equal learning opportunities for every student. Below, we unpack the offerings […]

Visual perception is a fundamental aspect of human experience. It is the brain’s ability to make sense of what the eyes see. It allows us the ability to interpret, filter, organise and make sense of the world around us, from recognising faces, to reading words, to judging distances and perceiving colours. During development, good visual […]

Most parents agree that they want their children to reach their full potential – whatever that may be. They won’t enjoy and celebrate a child any less if it turns out that his fullest potential doesn’t involve straight A’s and being hugely successful in the sports arena. In fact, most of us will be more […]

Why it’s important to nurture empathy in kids? Parents should consider teaching empathy and nurturing emotional intelligence in their children for several reasons. In its most basic form, empathy is the ability to put oneself in another’s shoes and comprehend their emotions and experiences. Empathy can also be useful in teaching children about bullying and […]

For many parents, play seems frivolous. However, there’s a method in the madness –  in it lies the freedom to think, express, interact, and explore As adults, we forget what it’s like to lose ourselves in play. Yet, from an early age, it’s a critical part in how we develop into well-rounded people. Several studies […]

Learning to count from one to ten, and later to a hundred, is an important milestone in early math development.  However, it is equally important for young children to learn to understand the “how many-ness” or the value that every number represents. Teachers and therapists refer to this important school readiness skill as number concept.  Grade R’s typically […]

Why do you always hear Sensory play so much in Pre-school? Sensory play forms part of playing. It plays a big role in a child’s development from an early age. That is why we, as teachers, always say that children learn through play. It helps children to develop neuropathways and better comprehend classroom subject matter […]