Author name: Skidz

Chantelle studied Educational Psychology and Teaching at the University of Johannesburg, taught for 6 years and then became a stay at home mom. She is the creator and owner of SkidZ Clever Activity Boxes and has a passion for Early Childhood Development and barriers to learning. She is a blessed and happily married wife and mommy to a gorgeous son and precious little girl.

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Advice Column, Baby, Parenting, Pregnancy & Baby, Toddler

Developmental Milestones…What’s the fuss?

If you are a parent or are around parents of young children, there is a high chance that you’ve heard about developmental milestones. You may have even read about it in a baby book or an article, heard from your paediatrician or from any other professional specialising in early childhood development. You may have heard parents proudly speak about the fact that their child has skipped certain milestones, such as crawling and has gone straight to walking, and so they’re now “ahead of the pack”. You may have seen the complete opposite, parents in a frenzy because their child is one month behind in some of their milestones. You may have heard others completely disregard milestones all together. So what is the fuss all about? How important are milestones really?

Advice Column, Baby, Parenting, Pregnancy & Baby, Toddler

What should my toddler be doing during the day?

PLAY! This may seem obvious, but it is essential to a child’s development. Sometimes we focus so much on what we should or shouldn’t be doing and look at everything as work, but play is a child’s work. This is how they explore their world. Play teaches them important physical skills such as coordination, balance and muscle control. These set the foundation for more complicated physical skills such as kicking a ball while running, skipping and doing cartwheels. Again these may seem like trivial skills but they are essential to a child’s development and set the stage for academic success.

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