Author name: Parenting Hub

Parenting Hub is one of South Africa’s largest online lifestyle magazines, targeted toward Parents.We understand that there are many aspects that encompass a Mother, Father or Child and strive toward providing resources and services that accommodates this.Our content is aimed to inform and educate families on issues starting from pregnancy through to the challenges of the teen-age years.

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Advice Column, Child, Education, Mainstream Education, Parenting, Toddler, Tween & Teen

How do I make my child love reading?

As a grade six English teacher at Maragon Ruimsig, I am frequently asked this question at Parents’ Evenings. The child concerned inevitably struggles with the comprehension section of my assessments and while the diagnosis is simple, the “medication” is very difficult to administer…think squirming cat here and the thankless task of attempting to force a pill down the hapless feline’s throat! An almost impossible task.

Advice Column, Child, Parenting

The benefits of positive reinforcement in children

Do you find yourself raising your voice a little too much when having to speak to your child? Do you sometimes feel like an enraged volcano waiting to erupt, because your child doesn’t seem to be behaving in the manner that you would like him to? Are your punitive measures not having the desired effect on your child’s behaviour you thought it may have?

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