Author name: Parenting Hub

Parenting Hub is one of South Africa’s largest online lifestyle magazines, targeted toward Parents.We understand that there are many aspects that encompass a Mother, Father or Child and strive toward providing resources and services that accommodates this.Our content is aimed to inform and educate families on issues starting from pregnancy through to the challenges of the teen-age years.

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Advice Column, Child, Parenting, Tween & Teen

April Holiday Camps For Your Kids and Teens

Sugar Bay is a luxury holiday camp in Kwa-Zulu Natal, for children between the ages of 7 and 17 years old. We offer over 100 activities, including surfing, skate boarding and ropes courses. Our newest activities are airsoft (which is similar to paintball) and tie dye. None of our activities are compulsory and children are given the freedom to choose what they would like to do. We have qualified staff known as camp counselors, who look after the children 24/7. No child is ever left alone and we have a strict supervision ratio of one counselor to every three children.

Advice Column, Child, Parenting

LOAD SHEDDING AND YOUR FAMILY – life lessons to be gained

Instead of going into a decline about load shedding and feeling unable to cope, show your teenager how to manage load shedding to her advantage. Our load shedding can be used as a practical and hands-on way to teach our kids to plan ahead and be prepared for any eventuality. Instead of moaning about it and considering emigrating, embrace load shedding to demonstrate valuable life lessons.

Advice Column, Parenting


It’s no exposé that the breakup of your marriage is tough on your kids. It can be stressful, sad, and confusing. At any age, kids may feel uncertain or angry at the prospect of mom and dad splitting up. Yet as a parent, you can make the process and its effects less painful for your children. Helping your kids cope with divorce means providing stability in your home and attending to your children’s needs with a reassuring, positive attitude. It won’t be a seamless process, but let us show you how to lend comfort — not confusion — to an already difficult situation.

Advice Column, Child, Parenting, Tween & Teen

Why Banning Kids From TikTok Isn’t The Solution…

TikTok is taking over the world, or so it seems! It’s an app that allows users to share short videos. It enables the user to be incredibly creative with the use of stickers, music tracks, filters and augmented reality. As a result, so people find the creative side really enjoyable and because videos are only 15 – 60 seconds long, they’re incredibly consumable from a viewers perspective. This is why it rocketed to being the most downloaded app worldwide at the end of 2019.

Advice Column, Child, Parenting, Tween & Teen

8 Signs of Great Parenting

Even if your child sometimes tests your patience, the point of being their parent is to help them grow. Everything that you teach your child should come from a place of love. Children need affection. Show your kids that you love them with smiles and hugs. While love is not enough to be a good parent, it is a vital part of raising happy and emotionally healthy children.

Advice Column, Education, Parenting, Tween & Teen

From the Classroom to the Boardroom

According to Cindy Glass, Co-Founder and Owner of Step Up Education Centres, “Teaching is one of the most under-rated and under-appreciated professions in our country! Most teachers do not recognise the value of their skills and even less so, the possibility of becoming financially well-off business owners! Teachers have been scraping the bottom of the barrel for so long that the idea of using their skills to achieve business success may seem quite impossible!” Why is this? Cindy offers the following reasons:

Advice Column, Education, Mainstream Education, Parenting, Tween & Teen


With South Africa’s Matric pass rate at an historical high, many thousands of learners are in the unexpectedly happy position of having received a Bachelor’s pass, and therefore qualifying for further study. Those who didn’t make provision for this eventuality, may now find themselves in a situation where they no longer need to settle for their Plan B, but can in fact go for Plan A – realising their dreams of pursuing a degree – but with no place at university yet.

Advice Column, Baby, Parenting, Pregnancy & Baby

A review of Kodak Cherish C525 Smart Baby Monitor

Kodak recently launched the CHERISH C525 Baby Monitor in South Africa and as I was looking for a video monitor for my new little baby, so I decided to give it a go. Although the Kodak brand is new to the baby monitor market in South Africa, Kodak has a proven record when producing quality cameras for many years. This gave me a sense of reassurance when purchasing a new product on the market.

Advice Column, Baby, Parenting, Pregnancy & Baby, Toddler

Munchkin Expands Its Commitment To Animal Conservation Causes With New “Wild Love” Line Of Miracle® 360° Cups

Munchkin, the award-winning global baby lifestyle company expands its commitment to animal conservation organisations through a new line of its #1 selling Miracle® 360° cup, called “Wild Love,” designed to feature at-risk animals. The cups, now available at Baby City, help families teach children empathy and respect for animals at a time when more than one million species are threatened with extinction. Inspired by the important work these organizations are doing, Munchkin is making a substantial donation to both the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and The Whale Sanctuary Project.

Advice Column, Child, Parenting, Tween & Teen

Help your child discover their passion!

Navigating life without following our passions can be like pushing a cart with square wheels uphill says Cindy Glass, Owner and Co-Founder of Step Up Education Centres, “With so many learners getting ready to leave school and make their way in the world, it is essential to consider the role that passion has in guaranteeing success in their lives!”

Advice Column, Baby, Parenting, Pregnancy & Baby, Toddler


Once your baby can sit up and bring their hands to their mouth you can start with the Boon Pulp. Munching and crunching, all require lots of practice for babies who are just learning to self-feed, and the results can be messy. The Boon Pulp Silicone Feeder is a tidy solution: it works like a mesh feeder, but it’s sturdier and keeps the mess more contained, so your child can use her brand-new teeth to gnaw away at healthy snacks without requiring an entire roll of paper towels for clean up afterwards. Self-feeding offers a great way to teach babies dexterity and hand-eye co-ordination.

Advice Column, Child, Lifestyle, Money, Parenting, Toddler, Tween & Teen

The robo saving for your child

As December rolls around, many parents get to breathe a momentary sigh of relief that a monthly school fee payment won’t be going off this month. That is until you remember that you’ll be expected to re-start payments again in January and this time it will come with new text books, school stationery, uniforms and for the bigger “kids”, you might even be paying boarding school or accommodation fees.

Advice Column, Child, Parenting, Tween & Teen

Teach your children to develop a growth mindset

We all tell ourselves stories about who we believe ourselves to be and what we believe we are capable of achieving! “The trouble with these stories is that we accept them to be true, even when they are not!” says Cindy Glass, Owner and Co-Founder of Step Up Education Centres. She adds, “We make decisions and choices based on what we think we deserve, so if our stories comes from a fixed mindset, we are unlikely to achieve the successes that we dream of. If, however, the stories we tell ourselves are based on a growth mindset, we are going to be set-for-success.”

Advice Column, Parenting, Pregnancy & Baby

Have baby – will travel

Travelling with babies and toddlers can be stressful, whether it is navigating public transport, such as the underground in London or simply a domestic flight in South Africa – you are bound to find a pram a mission to contend with. That why I have always chosen to travel with my baby carrier. There are a few good reasons for this:

Advice Column, Lifestyle, Parenting, Tech, Tween & Teen

Technology in the Classroom – A South African Perspective

Early introduction of technology in schools is important to close the gap between our current situation and where we need our future graduates to be. It is predicted that by 2031 all repetitive tasks will be replaced by robots, so it is no longer enough to merely teach a child how to use a computer. Children need to be taught those skills that robots cannot do. According to Michelle Lissoos, Managing Director of Think Ahead, these skills include empathy, creativity, and higher cognitive thinking. Using technology to teach these human characteristics might seem contradictory, but technology can open doors for children which would otherwise be impossible in certain home situations.

Advice Column, Child, Parenting, Toddler

The importance of exposing your child to the arts

As a father of two boys, I am constantly inspired and challenged, to expose my children to the variety of cultural avenues available to them. For those who are not aware, I am both a music educator and performer and have spent many years collaborating with, or working alongside, artists of many kinds. Being involved in the cultural department here at Crawford La Lucia, I have to been exposed to the various arts disciplines on offer and have been privileged to work alongside colleagues who invest in their pupils with determination, creativity, and excellence.

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