Advice Column, Boston Online, Education, Online Education, Recently

Value of an international Education in a world where working borders have fallen

  • Boston Online High School
  • Category Advice Column, Boston Online, Education, Online Education, Recently

International education has existed throughout time and in those times, people have sought education elsewhere in order to better their lives, equip themselves and contribute in their societies and communities. International education provides a comprehensive approach to education that intentionally prepares students to be active and engaged participants in an interconnected world. Having an education that transcends borders is essential in order to participate in a global economy. 

An International qualification helps build understanding and respect among different people and enhances constructive leadership in the global community. International skills and education can help graduates to gain the traits required to move on to more senior positions or management roles in their chosen fields. However, it’s also as basic as being to communicate with global peers whether for work or studies, and to benefit from such interactions. One cannot underestimate the importance of global networking. Internationally or locally. International education provides students with opportunities to network with peers around the world. This often leads to collaboration on projects, which leads to gaining exposure to different cultures. Students that have an international education gain intercultural skills in the process.

By enrolling in an education that gives you access to Universities locally and internationally, you’ll be exposed to a lot of things that you don’t see every day.  The benefits of an International education can be seen on several levels. One is simply achieving  international education and the benefit to pursue a further higher international education. When you’re done studying and you have an international education, opportunities open up for you and you can apply for work anywhere in the world. You get to have a global perspective of what happens in the workforce in other countries. You also get to have an international alumni network, and this could help with finding jobs internationally. 

Ready to tackle the demands of tomorrow’s world? Cambridge International helps students become confident, responsible, reflective, innovative and engaged. The Cambridge Pathway allows students to build more than just a deep understanding of their subject. They importantly develop higher order thinking skills so that they can apply their skills and knowledge so they can be capable of shaping a better world for the future. 

Over 1,400 universities worldwide recognise Cambridge qualifications. They are accepted by every UK university, by 600 universities in the US (including all the Ivy League universities) and in many other major student destinations, such as Canada, Australia, Singapore, South Africa, Germany and the Netherlands. Universities and employers recognise our qualifications as evidence of academic achievement. They understand that the demand of our curricula and the rigour of our assessments give students what they need to flourish in higher education.

Look to a global future with Cambridge.

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