In this feel-good comedy series, Sonia, Hugo, and Mel create full-of-heart memories with Mom, Dad, and Granny on those playful days spent with family and friends.
This month, Sonia’s ducky toy is not working as she expected. Together with Hugo, she learns there are different ways to play with it. Then, Sonia wants to dance on stage by herself until she learns the importance of sharing the spotlight with her new friend, little Birdy. Later, Sonia tries her best to stay still during play time, and, along with all the family, she learns the benefits of taking a break.
Keep an eye out for a special marathon on Sunday, 31 March, to mark the Easter weekend!
Premiere: Saturday, 9 March @ 07:30 CAT
⏰ Tune in: Saturdays & Sundays @ 07:30 CAT
Also available on DStv Catch Up