What child doesn’t love being the star of the show? Besides making the child the hero in their own story, personalisation is more than a gimmick. Here’s what putting your child front and centre in their own special book can do…
Improving literacy and language skills
The more a child reads, or is read to, the better their communication and literacy skills will be.
Children’s minds are inquisitive and curious to learn, and they can absorb new words, grammar and spelling at a magical pace, just by reading with you!
By personalising a book, your child is put straight into the action as the hero of the story. This will encourage them to read more, and learn to read so they can share their special story with others. By reading more, they will cultivate and grow a love of language that will live with them their whole life long.
Learning how to make decisions
Characterful’s personalised stories stem from the age-old story tradition of fairytales and quests. As your child reads through the story, they will be faced with challenges and choices they have to make. These might be mathematical or moral, or even a political concept presented in an age-appropriate way.
As the main character, your child is immediately encouraged to engage with the challenge personally, perhaps more than if they were learning in a classroom. Readers are encouraged to think laterally, take points of view, make decisions from the evidence, and make positive choices in the story. This will influence how they make decisions in their real lives. Education isn’t just academic. It’s also about developing social skills to prepare them for the future.

Empowering our readers
Many children shy away from new challenges due to the fear of failure and lacking confidence in themselves. Through personalised stories, children are encouraged to find solutions to get through these difficulties, teaching them to be proactive, and to take a chance. By solving problems in the safety of the fictional world, our young readers can feel empowered to use this same decision-making approach in the real world too, going out into the world with a more confident, courageous presence.
Feeling included
It’s more important than ever that children see their race, sex, gender, religion, or disability represented in stories that they read, to know that they are valid and take up a deserved space in the world.
Through personalised stories, you can ensure your child’s own demographics take front andcentre. Children who might not usually be represented in fiction, can now see themselves on adventures, making friends and ultimately saving the day!
A treasured keepsake
Children love stories, but they’re not always so careful with the books themselves! Our books are made from sturdy, responsible materials to survive the roughest of loving!
Our books are also bound to become treasured keepsakes, with your child seeing themselves as the hero of the story. When they grow up and set off on their real life adventures, you’ll be able to keep these personalised story books as a treasured memory of when they were just starting out in the world.
Characterful create immersive and absorbing stories for children, full of adventure and educational elements. Our books are brimming with pirates, mermaids, elves and astronauts. And the best part is – you get to choose exactly who the stories are about!
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