Tips for keeping coughs and colds away

Winter is an incredibly beautiful season. Apart from the inconvenience that the seasonal weather can bring, in a country where drinking water is often scarce, the rain is always welcome!

Less welcome, however are the germs and nasties that creep into our homes. With people coughing and spluttering all around us during winter, it’s important to step up our own personal hygiene. This rings particularly true in the current circumstances we find ourselves in. With Covid-19 still very much a part of our daily lives, keeping germs at bay, is now more important than ever. 

What can you do to prevent catching a cold or flu this winter? 

Wash hands religiously

With the number of people catching the flu virus at an all-time high, it’s important to keep the spread of germs to a minimum. Wash your hands regularly – particularly after a cough or sneeze, with warm, soapy water for at least 20 seconds. Also, keep hand sanitiser gel and wipes within easy reach if necessary.

Vital Baby’s Hygiene Hand & Face Wipes (R35.00) are great to keep in the car, at home and in your handbag. They’re gentle enough to use on baby’s face, and effective at removing germs and dirt.

Cough into elbows

This is one that both adults and kids can adopt. Encourage coughing and sneezing into the elbow crease rather than hands. Sneezing into hands can spread germs even more as we use them to do so much.

Make up a silly song

If your child doesn’t like washing their hands for long, or with soap, make it fun. Make up a silly song or find one on the internet that encourages them to do it thoroughly. For example, make up words to the tune of ‘Row your boat’ such as:

Wash, wash, wash your hands, make them nice and clean, scrub the germs and wash them off, dry them in between.

Get rid of the snot

Help to clear little noses using a nasal decongester. This handy little device helps to remove snot quickly, efficiently when they are sniffling and unable to do it themselves. Sterilise after use to make sure it remains hygienic.

Stay active

Staying active and taking regular exercise can also boost your immune system. Encourage your child to play outside, take them to a park, or head to an activity centre where they can tear around without worrying about the weather.

Watch out for fevers

If your child has caught a cold, keep an eye on their general health. Take their temperature regularly and their body temperature seems hotter than normal, offer the correct dosage of children’s paracetamol and ibuprofen to keep their temperature under control.

Try to focus on fruit and veg

We all know that eating a balanced diet packed full of fruit and veggies can give our immune system a boost. During the winter months, try to sneak even more into your child’s diet. If they reject it, hide them in their favourite meals or sauces.

Get enough rest

Ok, ok, so if you’re a parent, don’t laugh at this suggestion! We know that sleep might be something that you struggle to get enough of, but it really does affect wellbeing. If you think your child is coming down with something, cancel some plans and encourage them to get plenty of downtime. Take the idea on board for yourself too; switch off your phone and try to get an early night. Even an hour extra can really help with your own energy levels.

We hope that you manage to stay healthy this winter!

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