Advice Column, Parenting, Toddler

Collab weaning

  • Weaning Sense
  • Category Advice Column, Parenting, Toddler

Excerpt from Weaning Sense

Weaning your baby onto solid foods can be daunting. As busy working mums, Meg Faure and Kath Megaw saw a need for better guidance on creating meals that are suited for little ones as well as expert advice on weaning your child at all stages of their development. Meg, an occupational therapist, and Kath, a paediatric dietician, went on to author one of South Africa’s most successful parenting books, Weaning Sense  [Quivertree], the ultimate guide to making decisions around your baby’s weaning. It’s firmly grounded in science and packed with advice, expertise and over 50 easy recipes that you can make at home.

Is it time to wean your baby onto solids? Transitioning your baby from an exclusive milk diet onto solid food brings with it many questions – When is the right time? How will I know when my baby is ready? And exactly what should I be offering my baby as a first food? 

You will find there is a lot of advice available, which ranges from ‘introduce at 4 or maybe even 6 months’, to ‘wait until your baby can embark on Baby-Led Weaning when a little older’. We believe that weaning in its ideal form should not be a case of following rigid advice but rather be a collaboration between the advisors who guide you, your own self, wishes and personality and of course, your baby. And that’s where COLLAB weaning comes in. 

“Collaboration is the process of two or more people working together to realise something successfully.” It is very similar to cooperation and is the opposite of competition. Collaboration requires leadership but this leadership should be social leadership – a working within a team.

COLLAB weaning is an approach that considers your baby as central in the weaning process – his age, development and sensory personality. It encourages moms to guide their babies in the context of these factors as well as science and what we know about healthy eating. So, while you may manage the choices, it is in the context of your baby himself. Very importantly, COLLAB weaning takes the pressure off you and your baby, allowing you to write your own weaning journey. 

COLLAB is an acronym that will become a way of parenting for you. It stands for:

  • CUES – Recognising and respecting your baby’s cues for readiness will guide you as to when your baby is ready to wean. Your baby will also give very clear cues within each feeding session (for hunger and fullness) and respecting these cues, interpreting them for your baby and offering food (or stopping a meal) in the context of these cues is the most critical contribution you make to ensuring your child has a healthy relationship with food and in the long term, preventing obesity. It is only by understanding your little one’s cues that you can wean collaboratively.
  • OWN PERSON – Your baby is his own person and will not wean like the baby next door. Some babies engage with new textures with gusto and others need to have a blander and slower route to whole food. Knowing your baby’s sensory personality is the secret to weaning happily. 
  • LOW PRESSURE – There is simply enough pressure on moms to follow a pattern, conform and achieve. Weaning is not a race. Weaning is not a competition. Weaning is a journey, not a destination. Take the pressure off you and off your little one.
  • LED BY SCIENCE – While it would be wonderful to entirely ‘wing’ parenting, in the face of decades of valuable research we have to consider the science to be sensible. Sensible feeding involves filtering noise and opinion and understanding what dietary science tells us about early infant feeding. This does not create rules for weaning but safe boundaries to work within. 
  • AGE APPROPRIATE – Research can and does guide us towards the age at which babies are best weaned. It is certainly not a certain week of life – e.g. week 17 or 24, as is commonly presented as fact. It is rather a window of around 4 months in which sensible weaning should begin. 
  • BABY FRIENDLY – As your little one grows, he develops self-regulation, which is the ability to manage his own physiology, emotions and behaviour. Feeding is one area where self-regulation is mastered. Being baby-friendly is all about facilitating his own self-mastery in all areas, including feeding, right through the toddler years. It is the best way to prevent fussy toddler eating.

COLLAB weaning will change not only the way to wean your baby but so many aspects of your parenting journey, making parenting your little one a sensational journey, a respectful nurturing of a life for long term physical and emotional health. 

The Weaning Sense team is proud to partner with UCOOK to help demystify weaning so you can rest assured that your baby is getting what they need, when they need it. For more info visit UCOOK or follow on instagram

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