Advice Column, Health, Nutrition, Recently, Recipes, Rediscover Dairy

The Sushi Sandwich, a great lunchbox idea!

  • RediscoverDairy
  • Category Advice Column, Health, Nutrition, Recently, Recipes, Rediscover Dairy

No matter their income, many South African families fall short of the recommendations for 2 to 3 servings of dairy a day.  However, given the versatility of dairy, it is really easy to include it in meals, snacks, drinks and lunchboxes. 

The Rediscover Dairy Sushi Sandwich is a great addition to any lunchbox (big and small). We love it because:

  • It is versatile, because different food items can be included. 
  • It is a powerhouse lunchbox snack – high fibre, raw veggies and protein all in one.
  • It is easy to eat, because each piece is  bite size, so can adjust to different levels of appetite.
  • It includes dairy and counts towards the recommended 3-A-DAY intake – you can used full fat, plain or flavoured cream cheese or cheese spread or even cottage cheese (plain or smooth). 
  • It is easy to make, so the kids can help and use their favourite ingredients.
  • It can be made with high fibre, low GI brown or white bread.
  • It caters to many different tastes and ingredients can include sticks of cheese, cream cheese, chicken, julienne vegetables (carrots, peppers, cucumber and baby marrow) and avo.
  • It can include a combo of protein and veg and it a great way to include a daily raw veggie portion. The raw vegetables pair well with hard cheeses like gouda, cheddar or even feta and a protein like chicken, smoked chicken, tinned fish, salmon or beef strips.

See here how to make the Sushi Sandwich.


  • 2 slices (2 x 30 g) of white bread, crusts removed
  • 4 Tbsp (24 g) cream cheese or cheddar cheese spread
  • A quarter red pepper (30 g), deseeded, thinly sliced
  • A quarter carrot (20 g), peeled and thinly sliced


  • Sweet chilli sauce to serve
  • Cheese wedges to serve
  • Raisins to serve
  • Fruit to serve


  1. Place the bread on a clean, flat surface. Using a rolling pin, flatten the bread slightly.
  2. Spread the cheese spread evenly over the bread slices, leaving a 2 cm border along 1 edge.
  3. Top with red pepper and carrot strips (or any other fillings).
  4. Roll up to enclose filling and slice each roll into thirds. Serve with sweet chili sauce.

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  • Selina Narainsamy May 20, 2022 at 7:59 am

    This looks amazing, definitely going to try it.

  • Amelia Quin May 22, 2022 at 12:22 pm

    Looks delicious! Definitely a must try!


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