Week 17 your baby is getting bigger, and this week they’ll start developing more fatty tissue. You may have started to notice an achy back and pelvis, and getting a good night’s sleep may have become increasingly more difficult.
Your body at week 17
At week 17 you may see an increase in your appetite, a far cry from the nausea you experienced in your first trimester. Your breasts are also increasing in size as they prepare for milk production – for some women this growth is more than others.
Your growing baby’s weight can also put added strain onto your spine and pelvis, meaning you could start to experience backache. Prenatal yoga and supportive chairs and shoes, are all ways in which you can help your body feel more comfy.
Your baby at week 17
Your baby is now the size of an onion or orange, and at this time her fatty tissue is starting to form – this will help keep her warm after she’s born. Although the head is still the biggest part of the body, the body proportions are starting to become more even as your pregnancy progresses.
Your baby is now learning to suck, so that when they’re born they can easily feed, although this reflex won’t mature until later in your pregnancy. Around this time, your baby’s finger prints will also form.
Things to remember at week 17
Your pregnancy changes your whole life, including the way you sleep. Even though the position you sleep in is something fairly simple, which you probably hadn’t put much thought into before. As your pregnancy progresses, a good night’s sleep is something that may become increasingly difficult.
It’s recommended that you avoid sleeping on your back in your second and third trimester, as your uterus and baby can put pressure on your spine and vena cava. Sleeping on your left side is ideal as this supports optimal circulation. Once your belly gets bigger, you can even look into getting a pregnancy pillow, which offers support for your entire body.
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