When one considers the connotation of peer pressure, negative images are always conjured in our mind.  We tend to think that as a result of peer pressure, our children can only go one way and that’s the wrong way.  But is it? Indeed, peer pressure can coax our teenagers into bad behaviour.  We see a […]

Deciding if your tween is ready and responsible enough to own a cell phone is something that at some point all parents have to decide. When my girls, who are 11, wrote me a letter explaining the benefits of them owning one as well as why they felt they were responsible enough to own one […]

When trying to communicate with your daughter, it can sometimes seem as though she is speaking another language; full of teenage slang and phrases you’ve never heard of. Our Teenagers’ Language Guide and Action Checklist will help you decipher youth slang and make it easier to talk to your daughter. Across different generations, teenagers have […]

In a previous article that we published on bullying amongst our children in South Africa, we touched lightly on cyber-bullying and promised you a separate article on this subject, as it is so vast.  We’ve all heard the term and no doubt as parents you have already felt the need to educate yourself as to […]

A recent campaign run by Lil-lets ‘We are Women’ called, ‘What I wish I knew’, has revealed some startling myths around periods. It’s hard to believe that in this day and age when we talk openly about every possible sensitive subject from HIV/AIDS to practising safe sex, condom use, sexually transmitted diseases and many other […]