Dogtanian is an impulsive and idealistic young fellow who lives with his parents in a village in Gascony. His only objective in life is to follow in his father’s footsteps and become one of the King’s Muskehounds.With his horse Sandy, Dogtanian leaves for Paris in search of adventure.
He is joined there by Pip, a scrappy and garrulous mouse who becomes his squire.Together with his comrades-in-arms, the Muskehounds Porthos, Aramis, and Athos, he discovers the value of friendship and justice in an endless battle with the perverse Richelieu and his henchmen, fighting against the Cardinal’s power and the threat of war between France and England.
Will Dogtanian manage to become a Muskehound and at the same time win the heart of his beloved Juliette? An updated version of the classic 80s television cartoon inspired by the most famous novel by Alexandre Dumas.
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