Parenting Hub
- CategoryHolistic Wellbeing
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Sinta Ebersohn is an Internationally Accredited Post Traumatic Growth Specialist: Mentor, Trauma Debriefing Specialist, Resilience Practitioner, Complimentary Therapist, Holistic Wellness Counsellor, Strategic Life Coach and Parenting Coach. She has a passion for helping families overcome traumatic experiences through cultivating resilience in all six areas of life: emotional, family, mental, physical, spiritual and vocational.
The way we conduct ourselves in relation to others and particularly, parent our children, is largely determined by a combination of the following:
- Our childhood programming, which stems from our parents’ childhood programming which in turn stems from their parents’ programming and so on, going back generations.
- The hardships and life lessons offered through the experiences along our journey and how we choose to integrate and apply them in our adult lives.
- How we cultivate resilience in the face of adversities so that we can increase our capacity for abundant joy and gratitude in all areas of life.
As partners and parents we have a choice: Repeat what we are familiar with while we struggle in our relationships and pass on the trauma to our children OR get curious to learn from our trauma, outgrow it and do better than previous generations until our families thrive. When life knocks you down, she invites you to Get Up and Grow with her!