EduHelp and Holistic Awareness Counselling
- CategoryAwareness Counselling
- Location Western Cape
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- Address : Western Cape
- Contact Phone 1 : 076 609 9574
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EduHelp focus on providing support learning services for all learners. EduHelp is a completely independent and private enrichment/support learning programme that assists learners who find the schooling system challenging. EduHelp is for every child and caters for the child’s individual needs. EduHelp is not traditional educational or school-based remediation. It is a highly specific, practical and innovative programme that teaches your child how to use their strengths to create positive progress in their work.
Holistic Awareness Counselling provides guidance and support to all children. It works on the emotional and self aspect of an individual. Wellness counselling is the medium used to help navigate an array of challenges, difficulties and problems. We offer parent wellness counselling to child wellness counselling.
You can email the Holistic Awareness Counselling Division here