Advice from the experts
Cartoon Network Africa

Superhero Showdown with Teen Titans Go!

 🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️ Get ready for an epic day of action-packed superhero fun with these amazing Teen Titans and DC adventures: ⚡ Teen Titans Go! & DC Super Hero Girls: Mayhem in the Multiverse⚡ Teen Titans Go! Vs. Teen Titans⚡ Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo 📺 Premiere: Friday, 21 March 2025⏰ Tune in: From 11:00 CAT—don’t miss out on the superhero madness!  Ends 07 April 2025


Non-Stop Fun with Your Favourite Friends! 🎉

Get ready for a full-day marathon packed with laughter and adventure! Enjoy a special selection of episodes featuring: 🐻 Masha and the Bear🐻 Grizzy and the Lemmings😆 Mr. Bean: The Animated Series🦈 Zig & Sharko 📺 Premiere: Friday, 21 March 2025⏰ Tune in: From 09:00 CAT—don’t miss a minute of the fun! 🎬

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

The First Signs of Labour

If you’re expecting your first baby you’ve probably read up a little (or a lot) on pregnancy and birth process. Labour is something you’ve probably wondered about and seeing as every pregnancy is different, many moms experience different labour signs. However, there are a few tell-tale signs to look out for that you are about to meet your new baby soon.  What to look (or feel) out for  You may be worried that you won’t distinguish normal late pregnancy signs from the fact that you’ve started labour. Luckily your due date should give you an indication of when you could expect your baby to arrive, but this won’t always be the case. Here are some indicators that your baby is on the way.  One of the more obvious signs of labour beginning is regular contractions. This will be different to the Braxton Hicks contractions you may have been experiencing leading up to this point. Labour contractions are longer, stronger and more frequent – when they come every 5 minutes you should call your doctor or midwife.  Another sign your baby is on her way is your cervix dilating or beginning to open. This can start happening in the days or weeks before you deliver. Your baby will also move down into your pelvis during this time – which is known as your baby dropping.  When your labour begins, the mucus plug which seals your cervix opening comes away. This jelly-like pink mucus is known as a show, and you may notice it when it passes out your vagina.  Lower back pain, diarrhoea and looser feeling joints are all other signs that your labour may be starting. Another sign is your water breaking, this can happen in a gush but a trickle is more likely, most moms-to-be go into labour within 24 hours of their water breaking.  Be sure to keep your birth partner in the loop about how you are feeling mentally and physically around the time of your birth. If you are at all worried about your baby or experience anything abnormal be sure to let your doctor know as soon as possible. 

Cartoon Network Africa

Welcome to the Wacky World of Jellystone!

Join your favourite Hanna-Barbera characters in Jellystone, where everyday life is anything but ordinary! From Mayor Huckleberry Hound to doctors Yogi, Boo Boo, and Cindy, everyone plays a role in keeping the town running—well, sort of! Whether it’s shopping at Magilla’s clothing store or causing chaos in the streets, expect nonstop laughs and silly adventures! 📺 Premiere: Monday, 17 March 2025⏰ Tune in: Monday to Friday at 15:15 CAT!


Who Should Use Period-Absorbing Panties?

Since launching Blushproof period panties in South Africa a few years ago, I often get asked or told, “But surely period panties are for those that cannot afford disposable sanitary products?”. This actually isn’t really the case.  Although this is a nice idea, there’s a couple of problems with this scenario.   Firstly, period panties are an investment – spend now and keep using for two to three years.  This would make the initial investment unaffordable for those living below the bread line.   Secondly, period panties require rinsing and washing after every use.  Limited access to running water in rural or poorer communities could mean that the panties are worn repeatedly without being properly washed.  This is less than ideal for vaginal health. I personally feel that reusable cloth pads are a better option for disadvantaged communities. They’re made from similar fabrics but require less water for rinsing and washing.  A quick scrub with soap and water and they can then be hung out to dry and used again the next day.  It also means the cloth pads can be used by anyone of any shape, size or age as they are simply worn in regular panties and kept in place with “wings” that snap together (just like disposable sanitary pads).  There are a number of suppliers entering the South African market that are either selling cloth pads at an affordable price or are donating cloth pads, which is just amazing to see! So, back to my original question, “Who should use period panties?”.  Well, the easy decision is for tweens.  They’re not used to pads and definitely haven’t tried tampons, so, for them, it’s an easy choice.  Either keep a pair of tween period panties in a discreet pouch in their school bag or gym bag for when needed.  It’s also an easy decision since tweens have no preconceived ideas of what products should be used to handle menstruation or aren’t stuck in the “Well, I’ve always used pads and tampons, so why should I change now?” scenario. The next group that it’s easy to decide on are the teenagers.  They want to live an active lifestyle filled with school camps, extra murals like running and swimming, going out with friends or having sleepovers. We’ve all been there and know how tricky it can be to carry on with these “normal” activities when you’re constantly worrying about pads moving around or falling out; embarrassing leaks; waking up at your friend’s house with a leak on the sheets; telling the gym teacher that you can’t swim because you’re on your period. The great thing about period panties is that they are extremely handy in all of these situations. They don’t move around, they don’t leak, in fact, anyone else wouldn’t even know your daughter is on her period, even if she’s swimming (an interesting fact is that Blushproof Swim can be worn during periods so tweens and teens can still compete in galas and at waterpolo matches).  From there, it comes down to personal choice. People that are most likely to make the switch are those that care about the planet and all the disposable non-biodegradable products ending up in the landfills. Why buy, buy and buy again (every month) if you can just invest once.  Also those that have used sanitary pads love changing to period panties. Once they’ve tried one, they never go back to pads!  Other groups of people that love period panties…  If you love running but HATE running with a pad or tampon, then period panties are the answer! You work long shifts and cannot easily get to the bathroom to change your disposable, then period panties are the answer! You’re allergic to disposable products or react badly to tampons or pads, then period panties are the answer! You’re worried about your vaginal health or about toxins close to your lady bits, then, you guessed it, period panties are the answer. You love hiking or camping or being in the great outdoors but know that disposing of your sanitary pads is a problem, then period panties are the answer. Your culture is against using tampons and you’re sick of using pads for the last 15 years, then period panties are, again, the answer. The list goes on, and on, and on… Every time I think of a new reason to try period panties, I get so excited by the prospect. Just imagine a world without all those disposables?!? Just as new moms are moving back to cloth diapers, so should the rest of use be moving back to what is essentially a cloth pad (as they used in the good old days) but just so much sexier, more comfortable, more discreet, more everyday lifestyle. I’d really recommend that you try them for yourself, your teen, your tween… just once. I promise, you won’t regret it. Check out to get your period panties today!

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Premature birth – what to expect

Expecting a baby is an exciting time of your life, and you want to make sure that you do as much as you can to make sure your new child is as healthy as possible. Premature birth is something you want to try to avoid or manage as carefully as possible. In many cases the cause is unknown, and according to The World Health Organisation, one in ten babies are born preterm. A birth is considered premature when a baby is born before the 37th week of pregnancy. The final few weeks in the womb are important to your baby’s full development, so being born prematurely can lead to longer hospital stays, short term, and long term complications. Why does it happen? Some of the more common risk factors which contribute to preterm births are having had a premature birth before, you’re pregnant with twins/multiples or you have issues with your uterus or cervix. However, often the cause of preterm birth often can’t be identified. Your health is also a factor that impacts on your likelihood to have your baby prematurely. Smoking during your pregnancy (which is not recommended), diabetes, high blood pressure (which can develop into preeclampsia) and being over or under weight are all potential premature birth causes. To try and avoid preterm birth you can talk to your doctor about any existing health issues, such as depression, diabetes or high blood pressure) before getting pregnant – this way you can manage any problems with a treatment plan. Waiting 12 months between pregnancies and eating healthy (making sure that you get the correct prenatal vitamins needed) can also help prevent premature birth. What if my baby is born preterm? If your baby is born prematurely they are at risk for long and short term complications. Many preterm babies lead completely healthy lives, however, the more premature and underdeveloped your baby is when they are born, the more likely they are to have issues. If your baby is born prematurely they may be put into a neonatal intensive care unit into an incubator. Some babies will spend longer in the unit than others, this all depends on when they are able to live without medical support.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Smoking and pregnancy – should I quit

If you’re an avid smoker you’re probably wondering if being pregnant means you should wave your smoking habits goodbye. Unfortunately, even if your health isn’t enough for you to stop, your baby’s health should be. What can happen to my baby if I keep smoking? Smoking during your pregnancy is harmful to your unborn baby. The chemicals in cigarettes are both damaging to you and your baby; nicotine and other harmful poisons increase the risk of health problems for unborn babies. Second hand smoke, vaping and e-cigarettes are all still damaging to your baby’s health and should also be avoided (or quitted). You may need to designate your house a non-smoking area, and ask any friends and colleges not to smoke around you. So what exactly does smoking do to your unborn baby? Smoking lowers the amount of oxygen available to your growing baby and nicotine damages the baby’s brain and lungs. Smoking can make it harder to conceive, and if you do fall pregnant, can lead to miscarriages or stillbirth. Babies can be born premature, have a low birth weight, or be born with birth defects.  Smoking during pregnancy can also affect your baby’s health after they are born, leading to cases of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, asthma and other respiratory problems and infections. Help – I am really struggling to quit! Even if you have decided that quitting is in both of your best interests, this may be easier said than done. If you are pregnant already it is best to quit without using any medication, as this is healthier for you and your baby. You also won’t be able to transition to vaping or e-cigarettes, as these too, are harmful and usually contain nicotine, which is damaging to health. In order to quit for good, try avoid the triggers that make you want to smoke, and try find something else that you can do when the craving kicks in. Get the support of your family and friends, or join a stop-smoking group or self help plan. Whatever your plan is to stop, you can be sure that both you and your child’s health will benefit from it.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Neonatal jaundice, what is it and what happens if my baby is born with it?

Jaundice is a yellow discolouration of a baby’s eyes and skin and is fairly common in newborn babies. Although it may be alarming to you to see your newborn baby with a slightly yellowish tint, thankfully, most cases of jaundice are considered normal and will go away on their own. You may be wondering why your baby may be born with this condition, or what treatments are available if your little-one has jaundice – read on, we outline the causes and common treatments thereof.  Why would my baby have neonatal jaundice?  Babies are born with neonatal jaundice when they have excess levels of unconjugated bilirubin in their blood. Bilirubin is a yellowy substance which comes from the breakdown of red blood cells, however, baby’s livers sometimes can’t break this substance down fast enough, giving their eyes and skin a yellow tint.  When your baby is born they will be checked for jaundice, as high levels of bilirubin can lead to more serious problems. A baby is more likely to get neonatal jaundice if they are born premature, have a different blood type to their mother or are being breastfed. Babies who are breastfed can develop jaundice if they don’t get enough breastmilk, due to trouble feeding.  What happens if my baby has neonatal jaundice? If your baby has jaundice, this will typically be seen in the second or third day of being born.  Sometimes jaundice will go away on its own and other times it will need to be treated. If your baby is struggling to breastfeed it’s important that he be breastfed more often, or even receive formula as a supplement during this time.  Phototherapy (light therapy)  can also be used to help your baby. Light can turn the bilirubin into a form that can easily pass out the body. If the jaundice is very bad, your baby may receive a blood transfusion which will quickly lower bilirubin levels. 

Cartoon Network Africa

Baby Bears Take on the Big World

Grizzly, Panda, and Ice Bear are back—but this time, as their adorable baby selves! In their journey to find their place in civilised society, the three brother bears face a series of hilarious and heartwarming misadventures. From trying to fit in with humans to navigating the quirks of their surroundings, Baby Grizz, Panda, and Ice Bear bring their unique personalities to every challenge. Whether it’s Grizzly’s boundless enthusiasm, Panda’s social awkwardness, or Ice Bear’s quiet brilliance, the trio’s bond remains unshakable as they explore a whole new world together. Packed with fun, laughs, and plenty of bear hugs, this story showcases the brothers’ determination to make sense of the world while staying true to themselves. Through their shenanigans, they remind us all that it’s okay to be different—and that family makes everything better. ⏰ Premiere Saturday 22 February 2025 📺 Tune-In Weekends @ 08:05 CAT (2 episodes per day)


New Heroes Take Flight in Gotham: A Tale of Teamwork and Friendship

In an exciting new adventure, Bam, Redbird, Bibi, Batwing, and Buff team up with Gotham’s finest—Batman, Robin, and Batgirl—to defend their beloved city from peril. But this team of young heroes is about to learn more than just the art of crime-fighting. As they navigate jaw-dropping action and hilarious hijinks, they discover the true power of teamwork, friendship, and personal growth. In every twist and turn, the young heroes must rely on each other’s strengths, learning valuable lessons that go beyond their gadgets and skills. With Gotham as their backdrop, the story unfolds as these new heroes rise to the occasion and show that with unity and support, they can conquer anything. Packed with heart, humour, and thrilling action, this adventure promises to inspire fans of all ages with its empowering message about the importance of friendship and collaboration. Don’t miss this exciting new chapter in the Batman saga! ⏰ Premiere Saturday 22 February 2025 📺 Tune-In Weekends @ 07:30 CAT (2 episodes per day)

Cartoon Network Africa

DC Super Hero Girls Unite with Teen Titans in Epic Crossover Event!

In an action-packed crossover event, the DC Super Hero Girls find themselves facing the ultimate challenge when Lex Luthor, armed with an ancient Kryptonian power, unites the world’s most notorious Super-Villains to capture all of Earth’s Super Heroes. As the Legion of Doom takes control, it’s up to the DC Super Hero Girls to save the day. The young heroes embark on a daring mission to rescue their captured friends from the Phantom Zone. However, a twist of fate leads them to Titans Tower, where they join forces with the Teen Titans. Together, the Super Hero Girls and Teen Titans must combine their strength, skills, and, of course, their usual comic relief to overcome the Legion of Doom and save the world. This exciting blockbuster event brings together beloved characters from across the DC universe, delivering non-stop action, heart, and plenty of laughs. Don’t miss the epic battle as these young Super Heroes team up to save the day! ⏰ Premiere Saturday 8 February 2025 📺 Tune-In Saturday @ 11:05 CAT 🔁 Repeats Sunday 23 February 2025 @ 15:20 CAT

Parenting Hub

Building Emotional Intelligence in Children: How to nurture empathy, self-awareness, and social skills in your kids

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a crucial skill for children to develop as they grow, influencing how they understand and manage their emotions, navigate relationships, and make thoughtful decisions. Cultivating emotional intelligence early on helps children become more empathetic, self-aware, and socially adept, which ultimately enhances their emotional well-being and success in life. Here are some effective strategies for parents to nurture emotional intelligence in their kids. 1. Model Emotional Awareness Children learn by observing the adults around them, especially their parents. One of the most powerful ways to build emotional intelligence in your child is by modelling emotional awareness. When you express your feelings clearly and appropriately, you teach your child that it’s okay to identify, express, and manage emotions. For example, when you’re feeling stressed, instead of keeping it to yourself, say something like, “I’m feeling a little overwhelmed right now, and I’m going to take a few deep breaths to calm down.” This transparency gives children the language they need to express their emotions and learn how to handle them. A study from the University of California, Berkeley, shows that children are more likely to develop emotional intelligence when they see it modelled in their caregivers. 2. Encourage Open Communication About Feelings Creating an open environment for discussing emotions helps children feel safe in expressing how they feel. Regularly check in with your child about their emotions and create opportunities for them to share. Ask simple questions like, “How was your day?” or “What made you happy today?” These questions prompt children to reflect on their feelings and articulate them, a key component of emotional intelligence. When children express their emotions, validate them by saying things like, “I understand that you’re feeling sad because your friend wasn’t at school today. It’s tough when that happens.” This acknowledgment helps children feel understood and allows them to see that their emotions are valid and worthy of attention. 3. Teach Empathy Through Perspective-Taking Empathy is a cornerstone of emotional intelligence. It involves understanding others’ feelings and perspectives, and learning how to respond with care. You can foster empathy by teaching your child to recognise emotions in others and understand why someone might feel that way. Use everyday situations to practice empathy. For instance, if your child sees a friend upset, ask, “How do you think they might be feeling?” or “What do you think you could do to help them feel better?” Role-playing is another effective tool: act out different scenarios and discuss how each character might feel and why. This not only teaches empathy but also shows that emotions are often influenced by experiences and circumstances. 4. Help Them Manage Emotions While it’s important to understand and express emotions, it’s equally crucial to know how to manage them. Children often feel big emotions—whether it’s frustration, anger, or excitement—and helping them navigate these emotions is essential for building emotional resilience. Introduce coping strategies such as deep breathing, counting to ten, or using a calm-down corner where children can go when they’re feeling overwhelmed. Encourage them to take a moment to pause, reflect, and choose a way to respond that is healthy and thoughtful. When children learn to manage their emotions, they become better equipped to handle challenges and stress as they grow. 5. Promote Positive Social Interactions Emotional intelligence also involves social skills, such as listening, collaborating, and managing conflicts. Encourage your child to engage in group activities where they can practice these skills, like team sports, playdates, or family gatherings. Emphasise the importance of respect, fairness, and kindness in their interactions with others. Teach conflict resolution by guiding your child through resolving disputes with peers. Encourage them to express their needs clearly, listen to the other person’s perspective, and find a compromise. These skills are vital not just in childhood but throughout life, as they lay the foundation for healthy relationships. 6. Reinforce Emotional Regulation Through Praise When your child successfully manages their emotions or shows empathy toward others, praise their efforts. Positive reinforcement helps children feel confident in their ability to handle emotions and reinforces the behaviours you want to encourage. For example, if your child successfully calms down after a tantrum, acknowledge their effort by saying, “I’m proud of how you took a deep breath when you were feeling upset.” This kind of praise reinforces their ability to regulate their emotions and reinforces positive social behaviours. 7. Foster Self-Reflection Self-awareness is another critical component of emotional intelligence. Encourage your child to reflect on their behaviours and feelings. After an event where your child experienced strong emotions—whether it’s an argument or a joyful moment—ask them how they felt and why they reacted the way they did. Guiding them to reflect on their actions helps them gain insight into their behaviour and how it affects others. Over time, this self-awareness helps children develop greater emotional control and understanding. 8. Provide Emotional Support During Challenging Times When children face difficult situations, such as failing a test or experiencing a friendship conflict, offer emotional support without immediately trying to fix the problem. Sometimes, kids just need someone to listen and comfort them, rather than solve the issue for them. By offering empathy and support, you teach your child that it’s okay to feel sad or frustrated, and that these emotions are part of life. This helps children build emotional resilience, which is a key factor in navigating life’s challenges. Conclusion Building emotional intelligence in children is a gift that keeps on giving. As they learn to understand, express, and regulate their emotions, they develop the tools to form strong, healthy relationships, make thoughtful decisions, and face challenges with resilience. By modelling emotional awareness, encouraging open communication, teaching empathy, and providing support, parents can help their children develop the emotional skills needed to thrive in all areas of life. Start today by nurturing emotional intelligence in your child—it’s one of the best investments you can make for their future. By fostering emotional intelligence, children not only gain the ability to handle their

Freebees PR

Why Can’t I Go? Constipation: What Causes It and How to Fix It

Constipation is a common digestive issue that affects people of all ages. It can be frustrating and uncomfortable, often leading to bloating, pain, and a general feeling of unease. Understanding what causes constipation and how to address it is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being. Constipation occurs when bowel movements become infrequent or difficult to pass, often leading to discomfort and bloating. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including a diet low in fibre, inadequate water intake, lack of physical activity, and certain medications. Other causes include changes in routine, such as travel, stress, and ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement. In some cases, underlying medical conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), hypothyroidism, or neurological disorders can also contribute to constipation.  What Causes Constipation? Several factors can contribute to constipation, including: Am I constipated? Refer to the chat below: To alleviate constipation, increasing dietary fibre through fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, drinking plenty of water, and regular exercise are effective strategies.  According to the National Library of medicine, (’ psyllium is the best fibre for relieving constipation, improving how often people have bowel movements and reducing the difficulty of straining. This suggests psyllium could be a good first choice for treating constipation.  However, many people find plain psyllium to be rather unpalatable. This is why Cool Stool™ developed their tasty fibre seed mix that is easy to include in your daily routine. Packed with chia seeds, linseeds, psyllium husk, buckwheat and digestive bran, Cool Stool™ is bursting with fibre, healthy fats, and a wide range of essential nutrients suitable for the whole family. These ingredients also deliver powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits, while acacia gum – a natural prebiotic – promotes and enhances healthy symbiosis in the gut.  Also available in a gluten-free version, Cool Stool helps with natural bowel movements, and also improves gut health. You can either soak it for relief from constipation – and add to smoothies; oats; yoghurt; scrambled eggs etc – or enjoy raw for general gut health as it’s so tasty sprinkled on yoghurt or fruit, and over salads and meals.  How to Fix Constipation Addressing constipation involves making several lifestyle and dietary changes: Conclusion Constipation is a common but manageable issue. By making simple lifestyle and dietary changes, you can promote regular bowel movements and maintain a healthy digestive system. If constipation persists despite these measures, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider to rule out any underlying medical conditions. For more information on managing constipation, visit reputable sources like the Mayo Clinic and WebMD. By understanding and addressing the causes of constipation, you can take proactive steps to improve your digestive health and overall well-being. We also encourage you to download Cool Stool’s FREE Gut Guide on their website to help you get started on your journey to improved gut health, with tips, recipes, shopping lists and eating plans. Cool Stool™ is a fresh and much needed addition to health and wellness aisles, bridging the gap between harsh laxatives and soluble and other (often unpalatable) fibre supplements. This delicious, 100% raw, high-fibre, and super seed mix is a nutritionally diverse daily supplement that enhances natural bowel movements and improves gut health. It is scientifically formulated and tested, perfect for those dealing with digestive challenges as well as those wanting to optimise their general wellbeing. Cool Stool™ begins improving digestive health within days while adding a delicious nutty crunch to your yogurt, oats, smoothies and salads. Cool Stool™ is also available in 3 flavours as well as a gluten free version, and is great for the whole family from 2years old, and including pregnant women.  Cool Stool™ is currently available on, Faithful To Nature, Takealot, and at selected Wellness Warehouse, Dis-Chem, pharmacies and health stores nationwide. View the expanding and updated stockists list on Instagram: Facebook:  

Parenting Hub

Balancing Work and Parenting: Tips for a More Harmonious Home

Juggling work and parenting can feel like walking a tightrope, with constant demands from both sides. However, achieving balance is not only possible but essential for creating a harmonious home. Here are some practical tips to help you manage both worlds effectively: 1. Set Boundaries and Prioritise 2. Create a Family Schedule 3. Embrace Flexibility 4. Designate Work and Play Spaces 5. Involve Your Children 6. Use Quality Time Wisely 7. Seek Support 8. Practice Self-Care 9. Communicate Openly 10. Stay Organised Balancing work and parenting is an ongoing process that requires patience, adaptability, and support. By implementing these tips, you can create a more harmonious home environment where both work and family thrive. What are your favourite strategies for balancing work and parenting? Share them in the comments!

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Breastfeeding tips

Symptoms you may experience when not breastfeeding The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Care for your breasts when not breastfeeding The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Try ice packs on your breast for 15-20 minutes at a time. If ice doesn’t help, try using a warm washcloth on your breasts. Wear a well-fitting bra that is not too tight. Let your baby nurse at your breasts for a few minutes at a time. Ask your doctor about methods to help release a small amount of milk from your breasts, which may relieve some of the discomfort. Contact your doctor if you have any questions or concerns or you develop chills, or a fever and your breasts are still uncomfortable and swollen after 1-2 days. Benefits of breastfeeding The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Breastfeeding is a skill and can take time to learn; don’t get discouraged if it’s not easy for you at first.  Breastfeeding educators are available and can be helpful in overcoming some of the hurdles. Choosing to breastfeed your child provides many benefits for both you and your baby. Some of these include: How to breastfeed The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Some simple tips on how to breastfeed: Keeping your breasts healthy The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Keeping your breasts healthy during breastfeeding is important.  Here are some things to watch for:

Vital Baby

Financial Tips for Expecting Parents

Pregnancy is a time of excitement and anticipation, but for many South African families, it also comes with unexpected financial pressures. While the joy of welcoming a new baby is priceless, the costs associated with pregnancy and early parenthood can quickly add up, leaving many parents feeling overwhelmed. Understanding the Costs From prenatal care to baby essentials, the expenses begin long before the baby arrives. Common hidden costs include: Tips for Managing Pregnancy-Related Expenses While the costs may seem daunting, there are ways to navigate them effectively. South African public health clinics offer free prenatal care for pregnant women, as well as baby wellness care post birth. Pregnancy checks include physical exams, all relevant testing, as well as medication if needed. As additional support, pregnant women can also register for MomConnect, a government health program that provides free maternal health messaging and access to a text-based help-desk.  The financial impact of pregnancy doesn’t stop at birth. Planning for postnatal expenses, such as daycare or additional medical costs, is equally important. Taking proactive steps during pregnancy and budgeting carefully, can set the stage for a more manageable financial journey as your family grows. Sr Londe, an independent midwife and Vital Baby’s trusted advisor who provides advice through monthly Instagram Live videos explains, “Becoming a parent is one of life’s most rewarding journeys, but it’s also a significant financial commitment. By planning carefully and making informed choices, families can focus on what truly matters—welcoming their new baby with peace of mind.”

Parenting Hub

Seasonal suggestions to lift your lunchbox game

Many of us have kicked off 2025 looking for ways to embrace a healthier lifestyle. The trick, though, is to make changes that are sustainable. As we get busy with work and school, it’s all too easy for good intentions to fall by the wayside. One of the most meaningful changes you can make when it comes to healthier eating is to master weekday lunchboxes for both school and work. Packing your own lunchbox can ensure a balanced lunch, while controlling portion sizes and sticking to your monthly budget.  The daily task of assembling healthy lunchboxes for the whole family may seem daunting, but there are a few strategies which can make the whole process easier. Jade Seeliger, a registered dietitian, emphasises the importance of using healthy ingredients such as dairy, vegetables and fruit, and keeping a focus on creating a balanced lunchbox that includes the major food groups. She says, “Including dairy such as yoghurt, maas or cheese provides quality protein as well as a spectrum of micro-nutrients that promote balanced eating. Buying in-season fruit and vegetables, such as the variety of stone fruit now available in-store, helps everyone get their recommended five to eight servings of vegetables and fruit each day. It’s also more affordable to buy in-season.” Included in her tips for easy, healthy lunchbox prep, Seeliger recommends bulk prepping; buying all the necessary items in bulk and preparing as much as possible ahead of time. Whilst this may seem like a time-consuming, tall task, it certainly saves time during the week when you’re on the go. “Prep and store easy-to-freeze foods like homemade muffins, cooked meatballs, date balls, or sliced cooked chicken breasts. These can be pre-portioned and frozen for quick lunchbox packing throughout the week,” she says.  Working on the menu as a family is another strategy that Seeliger encourages. “When everyone has input, there’s more buy-in, which helps avoid the dreaded full lunchbox returning back home,” she says. “Identify a few favourite healthy lunchbox options that can be rotated through the week to keep things fresh and exciting.” This rotation also ensures consistency, and variety will keep things from getting boring. Cooking extra at evening meals so that you have leftovers that can be used for lunchboxes the next morning, is an easy way to promote variety. According to The Food-Based Dietary Guidelines for South Africa (FBDG), vegetables and fruit should be eaten daily as they are packed with fibre, vitamins and minerals that are associated with a reduced risk of many nutrition-related diseases. When it comes to fruit, there is a lot of choice, but it is often best for both you and your pocket to eat what is locally in season. Until the end of March, stone fruit is in season and provides a variety of abundance, including firm and juicy peaches, succulent plums and deliciously sweet nectarines. “Stone fruit is very easy to incorporate into your diet because it’s so versatile. Peaches, nectarines and plums travel well and are a delicious way of making sure everyone gets one or two servings of fruit during weekday lunches,” says Wilechia van der Westhuizen of Juicy Delicious. “Peaches, plums and nectarines are refreshing on a hot day, easily available and packed with dietary fibre and immune-boosting vitamins A and C.” South African grown stone fruit also blends perfectly with dairy.  A fresh peach milkshake or nectarine yoghurt smoothie makes for an ideal, nutrient-dense drink on-the-go. Dairy products that can be easily added to lunchboxes include yoghurt, milk, maas and cheese. Maretha Vermaak, the registered dietitian at Rediscover Dairy, explains how dairy products like milk and yoghurt contribute to a healthy diet. “Milk is nutrient-rich and contains a unique mix of high quality, slow and fast digesting proteins, minerals and vitamins,” she says. “The essential nutrients in milk are beneficial for people of all ages, children and adults alike. There are multiple options to choose from, ranging from full-cream milk to fat-free and lactose-free milk, catering for diverse dietary preferences and needs so that everyone can be accommodated.” Vermaak points out that single servings of yoghurt are simple and convenient to include in lunchboxes.  Dedicating a time and place for packing lunchboxes is essential, says Seeliger, emphasising how this builds consistency and becomes part of a routine. This does not have to be a dull, monotonous process either. “Make it an enjoyable activity—whether that means packing them together as a family, listening to music, or tuning into a favourite podcast. When it feels like a fun part of the routine, you’re more likely to stick to it,” says Seeliger. A healthy lifestyle is not about strict perfection all the time, but rather about balance. According to Seeliger, “A small treat now and then is perfectly fine as part of a well-rounded lunch!” Elevate the daily lunchbox by using a compartmentalised one, such as the ADDIS Munch On The Go Bento Box which is proudly manufactured in South Africa.   Here are two recipes, created by Jade Seeliger for Juicy Delicious, to inspire your lunchbox prep: Asian-Inspired Nectarine & Feta Salad Jar This fresh salad combines the sweetness of nectarines with the tangy creaminess of feta, topped with a delicious Asian-style dressing. A perfect summer salad!  If you are taking your salad on the run, remember to place the dressing at the bottom of the jar or container so that it doesn’t make your salad ingredients soggy. Peach & Yoghurt Parfait A fun layered snack that combines the sweetness of peaches with creamy yoghurt for a delicious and satisfying treat perfect for a snack or as a lunchbox filler. And another two recipes that you can add to the weekly lunchbox plan: Chicken and Peach Meatballs Sandwich Sushi Rolls

Parenting Hub

Here’s how to whip up a no-regrets Valentine’s Day meal… filling and delicious too!

Catering for a health conscious audience? Then you can confidently whip up this romantic meal for two with our healthy Valentine’s Day dinner recipe. Super quick to pull together and pure eye-candy!  Recipe below….. Mushroom Harvest Bowl Serves 2 Ingredients: Pickled cauliflower: Avocado dressing: Harvest bowl ingredients: Method: For the pickled cauliflower: For the avocado dressing: To assemble the bowls: Sprinkle everything with the toasted seeds. Serve with a wedge of blood orange and the avocado dressing on the side.  Image and Recipe Credit: The South African Mushroom Farmers’ Association

Parenting Hub

2025 Food trends: Mushrooms tick the box again!

Each November, The Innova Top 10 Trends for the coming year are published based on extensive research into global food and beverage markets. Those for 2025 take clear note of climate concerns, sustainability issues, food safety and personal wellness, boxes all ticked by the production methods used to grow fresh mushrooms and by the highly nutritious composition of fresh fungi themselves.  One recent consumer trends survey by the Innova Market Insights group shows that consumers rank quality ingredients as hugely important. “Consumers are seeking ingredients with elevated features such as health benefits, nutrition, freshness and shelf life, and naturalness,” notes Food Stuff South Africa in its report on the trends list. That’s another tick for mushrooms, which are hugely nutritious, boasting robust amounts of antioxidants, selenium, riboflavin and vitamin D; with fresh mushrooms being the only significant source of plant-based vitamin-D! Fungi are also low in sodium and contain both fibre and plant-protein.  Another big check-mark for mushrooms is that while people love eating plant-based meals, Innova notes that consumers are no longer in love with processed versions and faux-meat. “[Consumers] want choices that are less processed, more natural, have better taste and texture, offer health benefits, and support the environment. Consumer sentiments along with concern about health risks from eating ultra-processed foods are forcing companies to reimagine their development of plant-based products,” reports Food Stuff South Africa.  Fresh mushroom varieties like big browns, which are readily available in every supermarket, are perfect meat substitutes – without having to really change your favourite recipes as the meaty texture and rich flavour of mushrooms make the swap seamless.  Food guru Martha Stewart’s website says that “trends tend to build on each other, and likely a lot of the popular phenomenon we’ve been seeing in 2024 will continue to proliferate through the next 365 days. That is, “swicy” is likely here to stay for a while, mushrooms will be everywhere, [and] ‘girl dinner’ will celebrate its second birthday  “Swicy” is sweet-heat, and your basic mushroom carries the combination extremely well. However supermarket fungi are really finding their whoa-Nelly moment in girl dinners – the TikTok trend that explores the more snacky, less formal eating experience that women tend to favour when eating alone and on days they don’t feel the need to produce a full meal for the family. Search ‘girl dinner’ online and a million easy options will stack your screen, from quick mushroom pastas to mushrooms on toast and easy egg dishes, like Double Mushroom Omelette  Another trend we’re excited to have mushrooms lean into in the coming year is “crunch”, which the highly influential Whole Foods Market’s Trends Council has listed as the “texture of the moment” for 2025, saying “from crispy grains and granola to sprouted and fermented nuts to roasted chickpeas and mushroom chips – consumers are increasingly reaching for these items to enhance meals and add texture to breakfast, lunch and dinner.”  So dehydrators plugged in, or ovens set to low, mushrooms are moving into crispy, crunchy territory, and we’re onboard for the experience!  Alternatively, you can explore crunch in other, less time-consuming ways, like rustling up a batch of Mushroom Popcorn, for the purposes of both snacking and sprinkling over other foods to get that crisp finishing texture.  Whichever trends you embrace for 2025, you’ll find mushroom recipes at that will make your meals more interesting, delicious and healthy. Enjoy the journey! Mushroom Popcorn Recipe and Image Credit : The South African Mushroom Farmers’ AssociationIngredients:  300g baby button mushrooms½ cup Panko breadcrumbs½ cup biltong dust1 cup plain popcorn 1 tsp chilli flakes½ lemon, zested1 tbsp sesame seeds2 tbsp hoisin sauce2 tbsp soy sauceOlive oil for frying Method: Blitz the popcorn in a food processor until you’ve made chunky crumbs.  Mix the panko, popcorn crumbs, biltong dust, chilli flakes, sesame seeds and lemon zest in a large mixing bowl and set aside. In a non-stick frying pan add a drizzle of olive oil and sauté the mushrooms until they release their water and begin to brown. Add the soy sauce and hoisin and roll them around to glaze each one. Allow the sauce to reduce and become sticky.  Toss the glazed mushrooms in the popcorn mix making sure each one is well coated.  Serve as a snack in jars or cones at a party or while watching your favourite tv show. 

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Talking about HPV, cervical and the HPV vaccine

As the Department of Health gears up for the first round of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccinations for girls between 9 and 14 from February 3 to March 28, we put the spotlight on HPV and cervical cancer. The focus is on: Empowering, Preventing and Early Detection of cervical cancer. It’s important because cervical cancer kills more South African adolescents and women aged 15 to 44 than any other cancer.  It can be successfully treated, if caught early enough but it’s far better to prevent it in the first place.  Dr Themba Hadebe, Clinical and Managed Care Executive at Bonitas, provides some insights and important information about cervical cancer – caused by persistent infection with HPV – whyit is essential to screen for the virus and the vaccination that can help prevent it. Why a vaccine against HPV? HPV infects the cells of the cervix and, in some cases, the virus can persist – leading to abnormal changes in the cells that may eventually become cancerous. Over 99% of all cervical cancers are caused by persistent infection of high-risk types of HPV, including HPV-16 and HPV-18. ‘To help prevent cervical cancer, we have expanded our preventative care benefits to include the HPV vaccine across all plans,’ says Dr Hadebe.  ‘As recommended by The World Health Organization (WHO), this is 2 doses for females aged 9 to 14 years and 3 doses for females aged 15 to 26 years, per lifetime’. Screening for HPV and cervical cancer: Screening is essential to mitigate the risk of developing cervical cancer and aims to identify cervical cell changes and detect early cervical cancers before they cause symptoms. Two screening tests help with detection: It is recommended that between the ages of 21 and 65, women should have a pap smear every two years and, from the age of 30 onwards, a pap smear and HPV test should be done every 5 years. Signs and symptoms: The symptoms of the HPV virus can include: Lesions on the genital area as well as darker lesions on other parts of the body, to painful bumps on your upper limbs and skin growths on the balls of the feet and heels. The power of prevention: ‘Talk to your daughter about important lifestyle choices she must make’, says Dr Hadebe. ‘These may be uncomfortable conversations to have but they’re vitally important to protect her from HPV and subsequent diseases.’ Discussion points include the fact that the HPV vaccination is her best opportunity for protection from the virus.  In addition, she needs to consider the following: If you develop cervical cancer: Just like other cancers, cervical cancer is graded according to severity. From in situ, which means it hasn’t spread to nearby tissue, through stage one (it’s still in the original organ and small). If it progresses, it spreads to the surrounding lymph nodes and, in the most severe form, the cancer has metastasised to surrounding tissues and other lymph nodes.  As cervical cancer develops, the following may occur: ‘Cervical cancer is the most prevalent cancer among women after breast cancer,’ says Dr Hadebe. ‘Yet it has a good chance of being cured, if diagnosed at an early stage and treated promptly. Which is why, it’s important to have regular pap smears to detect any changes in the cervix and to vaccinate young girls to protect them against possible HPV infection.’  Additional information on cervical cancer and HPV can be found on the Bonitas website: or the Department of Health

Freebees PR

Goodbye, boring socks and soap-on-a-rope! Here’s what to get your man this Valentine’s Day

Shopping for men can be notoriously tricky, which is why so many of us fall back on yet another pair of socks or underwear when the occasion strikes. While there’s nothing wrong with this, they’re certainly not the most creative or exciting gifts around.  Instead of opting for the expected this Valentine’s Day, why not treat the man in your life to something special he doesn’t already have, or something practical he will use? Here is our selection of fun and handy gifts for men to suit all budgets: Massage oil This is a win-win kind of gift: Not only is a good quality massage oil a versatile item to have in the home (especially if you’re into exercise and sports), but it also gives your man the perfect opportunity to test it out on you… As we said, win-win! When selecting a massage oil, choose one from a reputable brand known for its good quality and beneficial ingredients. SOiL Relaxing Massage Oil is blended with lavender, ylang-ylang and geranium to calm, de-stress and revive while hydrating the skin. It contains the finest locally sourced organic ingredients to ensure optimum skincare benefits. Next-generation water decanter When you think of Valentine’s gifts, a water decanter might not be at the top of your mind, but the Mayu Swirl is the ultimate gift. Not only will it delight a gadget lover and wellness enthusiast, but it is also a beautiful décor piece. It restores drinking water’s natural properties and structure by aerating the water, returning it to its sweet and silky texture. Not only does this increase hydration, but it also improves taste. The Mayo Swirl can also be used to aerate wine and even juice. Shop here. Grooming products Simple but handy grooming products are always a great gift for men. It’s also an excellent opportunity to introduce him to a greener brand (if he’s not converted already!). The Earthsap East India Islands For Men range is free from artificial ingredients and additives, is kind to the skin and the Earth and is beautifully fragranced with spicy masculine scents of cinnamon, cloves, aniseed and citrus. We love the Earthsap East India Islands Body Wash For Men and Deodorant For Men. Treat him to an affordable body scrub that refreshes, purifies and rejuvenates skin in one simple step. Bodylab’s newly launched Exfoliating Salt Scrubs help remove dead skin cells while improving circulation, leaving skin feeling refreshed. Bodylab Hyaluronic Complex + Exfoliating Salt Scrub contains hydrating hyaluronic acid to replenish moisture and keep skin soft and plump, while Bodylab Vitamin C Complex + Salt Scrub utilises the power of vitamin C to brighten and purify skin. The sound of relaxation We could all do with a bit of relaxation, right? Relaxound Oceanbox Soundboxes are here to bring tranquillity to your space and your mind. The perfect gift for ocean lovers, these incredible soundboxes bring the sounds of the ocean into your home, transporting you straight to the beach. Not only do they create a serene environment, but they also serve as an eye-catching décor piece. Shop on Takealot.  Relief for tired muscles Again, treatment products for sore or tired muscles might not come to mind immediately when you think “Valentine’s Day”, but if your man is into his sports or fitness, he’ll be ever so grateful! Help him soothe achy or fatigued muscles with Deep Freeze Pain Relieving Gel, a special ingredient that cools the skin and provides quick pain relief. It helps with muscle pain and stiffness, sprains and bruises and can even soothe lower back pains, rheumatic pain, and pain in the legs and thighs. For fast-acting and long-lasting pain relief, we recommend Deep Freeze Pain Relief Cold Patch Pack. Thesefast-acting cold patches deliver cooling relief from strains, sprains, muscle and joint pain, as well as minor injuries. Enhance his gut health We all know the importance of maintaining one’s gut health. Linked to a stronger immune system, better skin, and overall improved health, a healthy gut is key to overall wellness. Our gut requires fibre, and the truth is that most of us are not consuming enough raw, high-fibre foods. Cool Stool is the super seed mix daily supplement that’s here to improve your health and enhance gut function. It’s also great a great cholesterol binder to assist those with high cholesterol. Packed with chia seeds, linseeds, psyllium husk, buckwheat and digestive bran, Cool Stool is bursting with fibre, healthy fats, and a wide range of essential nutrients. This ultra-healthy seed mix is perfect for your cereal, smoothie, or yoghurt. It is available in Original, Cranberry, Vanilla, and Gluten-Free variants. This Valentine’s Day, we urge you to take an original approach when shopping for the special man in your life. Remember that whether you choose a unique, out-of-the-box gift or a trusted, practical item you know he’ll use, it’s the thought that counts! 

Parenting Hub

Smart Money-Saving Tips for Families in 2025

In 2025, managing household finances has become more critical than ever, and families are continually on the lookout for smart ways to save money without compromising their quality of life. With the cost of living on the rise and economic uncertainties looming, it’s essential to adopt strategies that can help stretch the family budget further. Here are some savvy money-saving tips tailored for families in 2025. Embrace Technology for Budgeting Technology has become a family’s best friend when it comes to managing finances. In 2025, there are numerous apps and digital tools available that can help families track expenses in real-time, set savings goals, and even receive alerts for potential savings opportunities. Utilising budgeting apps can provide a comprehensive overview of your financial situation and help identify unnecessary expenditures. Opt for Energy Efficiency With environmental consciousness growing, energy-efficient appliances and smart home devices are more accessible than ever. Investing in energy-efficient appliances not only helps the environment but also reduces utility bills. LED lighting, and energy-saving kitchen appliances can significantly lower your monthly expenses. Bulk Buying and Subscription Services Bulk buying is a classic money-saving strategy that remains effective in 2025. Purchasing non-perishable items in large quantities can lead to substantial savings. Additionally, many families benefit from subscription services that offer discounts on regular purchases, such as groceries, cleaning supplies, and even clothing, providing convenience and cost reduction. Home Cooking and Meal Planning Eating out or ordering takeaways can quickly drain a family’s budget. Meal planning and cooking at home not only promote healthier eating habits but also save a considerable amount of money. Families can prepare meals in batches, freeze portions for later, and reduce food wastage significantly. Shared Economy and Second-hand Shopping The shared economy continues to thrive, offering families ways to save by borrowing or renting items they rarely use. Websites and apps facilitate renting tools, equipment, and even clothing, ensuring families don’t need to purchase items they use infrequently. Furthermore, buying second-hand items, from furniture to children’s clothes, is an excellent way to save money while still getting quality products. Encourage Financial Literacy Teaching children about money management from an early age is an investment in the family’s financial future. Encourage kids to understand the value of money, budgeting, and saving through practical activities. Financial literacy helps the entire family make informed financial decisions and instils lifelong money-saving habits. By adopting these smart money-saving strategies, families in 2025 can effectively manage their finances, save for future goals, and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle without breaking the bank. Embracing technology, prioritising energy efficiency, leveraging the shared economy, and enhancing financial literacy will put families on a path to financial success.

Cartoon Network Africa

Totally Spies in Singapore: A High-Tech Adventure

Sam, Alex, and Clover have arrived in Singapore, renowned as the most high-tech city in the world, ready to embark on their latest mission. The trio settles into their new home, a cozy studio apartment above the Bubble Spy Café, a trendy bubble tea spot owned by their new friend, Mei Lin. This café becomes both their hideout and a hub for their exciting escapades. The spies enrol at the prestigious AIYA (Asian-International Youth Academy), where they join an elite training program led by WOOHP (World Organisation of Human Protection). As they sharpen their spy skills and tackle high-stakes missions, Singapore’s advanced technology provides the perfect backdrop for their thrilling adventures. However, their time in the city isn’t without challenges. Digital monsters begin wreaking havoc, and household appliances mysteriously revolt, plunging the city into chaos. As the girls work to uncover the cause, they realise that an even greater and darker threat looms over WOOHP itself. With their trademark mix of wit, style, and determination, Sam, Alex, and Clover must rise to the occasion, navigating the futuristic city and uncovering the secrets behind the chaos. One thing’s for sure: their mission in Singapore is going to be one of their most exciting yet! ⏰ Premiere Monday 10 February 2025 📺 Tune-In Monday to Friday @ 17:30 CAT

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) and to deal with it

Symphysis pubis dysfunction or SPD is pain in your pelvis, which is caused by the relaxing of ligaments in the pelvic bones too early before birth. Many aspects of pregnancy can cause discomfort, and SPD is one of them. Here are the signs of SPD and what you can do if you think you to alleviate your discomfort if you are suffering from it.  What is SPD and what causes it? Not all moms-to-be will experience SPD but it is thought to be fairly common in pregnancy. SPD is a pain in the symphysis pubis (which can range from moderate to serve) caused by the relaxing and stretching of the ligaments around the pelvic bone. Pain can be brought on by opening your legs, walking up stairs or even turning over in bed, and this may be accompanied by a clicking/grinding sensation in the pubic area.  The cause of SPD in pregnancy is the hormone relaxin, aptly named as it relaxes your joints and ligaments to make it easier for your baby to come out at birth. SPD happens when these hormones come into play too early. Not only that but you’re shifting centre of as your baby grows, which can cause main in your lower back and pelvis as your body shifts to accommodate your little one.  What can I do to relieve SPD  Living with SPD can be uncomfortable at best, so you may be wondering what you can do to help alleviate some pain. Being fit before pregnancy can help, as stronger glute and abdominal muscles can help support your pelvis. Physiotherapy can help manage SPD pain, as a physio will be able to work with you as your pregnancy and pain levels change. Speak to your doctor first, as they may have recommendations for you. Your pelvis should return to normal between 4 and 12 weeks after birth. 


Tom and Jerry Saddle Up for Wild West Adventure

Get ready for a rootin’-tootin’ good time as Tom and Jerry take on the Wild West! In this thrilling new adventure, the classic rivals put aside their differences to help a determined cowgirl and her brother save their homestead from the clutches of a greedy land-grabber. But they can’t do it alone! Jerry’s mischievous nephews are geared up for action, and Tom is rounding up a posse of prairie dogs to lend a hand. Together, this ragtag team of varmints is set to face off against a deceitful desperado, but can they outwit the villain and come to the rescue of the damsel in distress? With their usual slapstick humour and wild antics, Tom and Jerry lead the way in this action-packed western adventure that promises fun and laughter for viewers of all ages. Saddle up and get ready for a showdown, because when Tom and Jerry are in the saddle, chaos is bound to follow! ⏰ Premiere 8 February 2025 📺 Tune-In Saturday @ 09:40 CAT

Lamelle Research Laboratories

The truth about sunscreen: It’s only 53% effective

What does that mean for our skin this summer? We rely on sunscreen to protect us from sunburn and premature ageing, but did you know that even if you apply sun protection daily, you are not entirely safe? A 2012 study found that even SPF 50 only stops about half of the potential sun damage that causes photo-aging. After all the decades of effort teaching humans the importance of, at the very least, wearing sunscreen every day, we’re faced with a harsh truth: Even sunscreen is not enough. This is according to a much-quoted study by Haywood R., Volkov A. et al. in 2012. Moreover, it suggests that even antioxidants aren’t as effective as we once assumed. What the study found Although you should most definitely still wear sunscreen every day, winter or summer, sunscreen alone cannot halt the entire range of sun damage your skin is exposed to daily. In short, during thorough and controlled testing, the scientists in this study showed that SPF 50 and antioxidants block only a percentage of the damage from the sun. Here’s a look at each of the five wavelengths of UV light (sunlight), how it affects your body, and how effective sunscreen is at protecting against it: 1. UVC This is (technically) the most dangerous type of UV light, but thankfully, our atmosphere absorbs it, so we don’t come into contact with it on Earth. And that’s a good thing because UVC would kill you very quickly. Lamelle Helase mops up the damage with TRPV1 inhibition, and DNA-correcting enzymes. Just in case you are exposed to some UVC and early UVB causes the same potential damage. 2. UVB This type of UV light is most associated with pain and sunburn, and SPF is good at keeping it at bay. This frequency also causes direct DNA damage to the cells causing, what could be, devastating dimers. Your body does have a process of finding and correcting this damage called NER, sun exposure however sun exposure limits the energy that the cel has to perform this process.    Lamelle Helase mops up the damage with TRPV1 inhibition and supplements NER with Photolyase DNA correction. 3. UVA This type of UV is most associated with skin ageing because regular broad-spectrum SPF starts to fail here. From here on out, UV light tends to cause devastating DNA damage known as dimers, which the human body cannot fix on its own because of a missing protein in the human body. Lamelle Helase mops up the damage with super antioxidants and supplements the body’s ability to find and fix DNA damage with the OGG-1 enzyme. 4. Visible light One of the most overlooked, and therefore most dangerous, types of UV light is the radiation in the visible spectrum. Sunscreen affords no protection against it, and it suppresses the immune system and causes free radicals to form. Our best defence against visible light is antioxidants, which are only about 54% effective. Lamelle Helase mops up the damage by means of Pycnogenol (which lowers enzymes), super antioxidants, OGG1 DNA-correcting enzymes. 5. Infrared light And, of course, the invisible infrared light spectrum also affects us adversely. Infrared light from the sun causes severe oxidative stress (when free radicals ravage the DNA and body, leading to mutations) and is the most common cause of hyperpigmentation. Unfortunately, SPF 50 doesn’t help at all here. And, when SPF is combined with antioxidants, you get only 56% protection. Lamelle Helase mops up the damage caused by this frequency with anti-inflammatory Pycnogenol and Aryl hydrocarbon receptor inhibition.  Is there any way of getting 100% protection? SPF and antioxidants are only around 50% effective because sunlight inhibits your body’s 80GG-1-enzyme production, which is vital for the body’s inherent DNA-damage-correcting NER systems. So, to get 100% protection, you’d need a single product that contains all of these: Good news: That product exists. Lamelle Research Laboratories’ Helase 50+ was the first product in South Africa to contain SPF 50 and antioxidants for skin and DNA protection, as well as 80GG-1 and the revolutionary photolyase enzyme for repairing skin DNA (including dimers), even after the damage has already taken place. In addition Helase Urban Defence and the Helase Tint range as also formulated containing this technology. This means that not only is your skin protected while you wear them, but they can also help repair or mop up some of the damage that has already been done. Lamelle’s Helase range, including the Photo Repair Tint 50+, protects against the full spectrum of sunlight, while the super antioxidant Pycnogenol destroys harmful free radicals to decrease the number of harmful enzymes that cause thinning and sagging of the skin. It also decreases the damaging and ageing inflammation in the skin while actively stopping the effects of ageing on the skin and keeping the skin’s immunity intact when exposed to sunlight. In short, it’s the ultimate upgrade from your regular, everyday SPF 50, and one that everyone can benefit from this summer and beyond. Learn more at

Parenting Hub

Radiology’s role in managing pain in cancer patients

World Cancer Day, observed every 4 February, aims to raise awareness about cancer, encourage prevention and look at ways of improving a cancer patient’s quality of life. Interventional radiology plays a significant role in pain management for cancer patients. Traditionally, radiology was used for diagnosing the cause of the pain but interventional radiology has changed this paradigm. Since American radiologist Charles Dotter, first used a guidewire and catheter to perform an interventional procedure in 1964, radiologists have become actively involved in intervention, including interventions for pain management. Today, many minimally invasive procedures are routinely performed in busy radiology departments. Dr Arthur Winter, a radiologist at SCP Radiology says, ‘Interventional radiology has developed rapidly. Pain management procedures are becoming a daily part of busy radiology departments and play a crucial role in managing pain for cancer patients.  ‘Cancer-related pain can be a significant burden, affecting patients’ quality of life and hindering their ability to carry out daily activities,’ says Dr Winter. ‘Radiology offers various techniques and treatments that help alleviate this pain effectively. These therapeutic interventions in pain management include image-guided interventional radiology procedures and radiation therapy.’ Understanding pain Pain is a signal from the nervous system to let you know that something is wrong in your body. It is transmitted in a complex interaction between specialised nerves, the spinal cord and the brain. It can take many forms, be localised to one part of the body or appear to be widespread.  The nature of cancer pain Cancer pain can arise from multiple sources, including the tumour itself, which may invade or compress surrounding tissues, organs or nerves. Metastases, the spread of cancer to other parts of the body, can also cause significant pain. Additionally, pain can result from the treatment of cancer, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Multidisciplinary approach to pain management Effective pain management for cancer patients requires a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach. Oncologists, radiologists, pain specialists and other healthcare providers collaborate to develop individualised care plans. Radiology is essential in both the diagnostic and therapeutic phases of this process, providing crucial insights and treatment options. These personalised care plans, tailored to each patient’s needs, ensure: Imaging techniques Diagnostic radiology initially uses various imaging techniques to identify the source and extent of pain in cancer patients. These techniques include: X-rays, CT scans, MRI, PET scans and ultrasound. By identifying the precise location and cause of pain, radiology can help: Interventional radiology Interventional radiology uses minimally invasive techniques to diagnose and treat various conditions and, for cancer patients experiencing pain, it offers several effective treatments: Palliative radiation therapy In this instance, radiologists are involved with planning imaging only. The actual radiotherapy is performed by the radiation therapist, who works under the supervision of a radiation oncologist. Palliative radiation therapy is specifically designed to relieve symptoms and improve the quality of life for cancer patients. It focuses on pain control and symptom management rather than curing the disease.  Radiation oncologists deliver targeted doses of radiation to cancerous tissues, this palliative radiation therapy can help: Improving quality of life Dr Winter highlights that chronic pain can significantly diminish quality of life and contribute to depression, particularly in patients with underlying cancer. ‘These patients, in particular, should be considered for interventional procedures. For instance, there are highly effective treatments available to manage pain associated with pancreatic and pelvic cancers’. ‘Specialists, such as oncologists and neurologists, acknowledge the significant role of interventional radiology in pain management and collaborate closely with us to support their patients. As a rapidly advancing branch of radiology, it provides minimally invasive solutions and it is incredibly rewarding to witness patients regain their quality of life through effective symptom relief.’

Parenting Hub

Fun lunch box ideas for fussy kids

The team at Krazy Kiwi Kookbox have put together some fun ideas to keep your kids’ lunchboxes exciting and interesting, especially for those slightly more fussy children.  Main Items Snacks Treats Tips for Picky Eaters For any assistance with meals visit

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Working and Pregnancy – When to Stop and How Much Is Enough

As an expecting mom with a career you may be wondering when the best time would be to stop working and how you can stay comfy and productive when you are still in the workplace. Morning sickness, back pain, frequent bathroom breaks and other pregnancy related symptoms can make working as you used to a more challenging task for you. It’s important that you calculate the risks that your job could possibly have to you and your baby. For instance if you are working with chemicals, heavy metals or radiation you’ll need to either stop working or take extra precautions. Heavy lifting or labour intensive jobs and lots of travel for work are also jobs that’ll become more difficult as your pregnancy progresses. Desk work and computer work are generally regarded as safe, whereas jobs that require lots of standing will become more difficult in later pregnancy. Dealing with work and pregnancy Working can be stressful without having a growing baby in your belly. The physical and emotional changes that you experience can make meeting your body’s and workplaces’s demands a challenging task. However, some moms with healthy pregnancies are able to work almost until they go into labour, how much you can do will depend on your pregnancy. Morning sickness is something many moms have to deal with. There are ways you can help manage nausea at work. Avoiding dining areas, packing mouthwash and a toothbrush and packing in soothing lemon and ginger are all things you can do to make yourself more comfortable. Eating and drinking little and often can also help keep the nausea at bay. Be sure to dress comfortably, and try to take frequent breaks and walks, as this’ll also help you stay more comfortable. What rights am I entitled to as an expecting mom in South Africa? As a pregnant employee, you are probably wondering what rights you’re entitled to. It is a good idea to inform your employee as soon as you can, so that your employer can manage the situation as best as they can (for both of you) – they are required by law to maintain a work environment that is safe for their employees. As an expecting mom, you will be glad to hear that you’re well protected  under South African law – you may not be discriminated against or dismissed due to your pregnancy. You also have the right to four consecutive months unpaid maternity leave, anytime from four weeks before your expected birth date. Unfortunately employees are not obligated to pay you during this period, however, your job will be kept open for you until your return to work after maternity leave.


Barney and Friends: Adventures in Love, Community, and Encouragement

In a local playground full of fun and imagination, Barney, Billy, and Baby Bop, along with their three best kid friends, embark on delightful adventures that capture the heart of preschool life. The beloved purple dinosaur, Barney, takes young viewers on a journey of self-discovery, teaching kids how to navigate big emotions and showing them the power of love and kindness. Each episode highlights important themes of community, friendship, and self-love, all while providing laughter, fun, and valuable life lessons. Whether it’s through silly adventures or thoughtful moments, the show offers a warm and positive space for children to explore how to love themselves and others. With its message of encouragement and unity, this series is set to inspire kids to grow, learn, and embrace the world around them with open hearts and minds. Perfect for preschoolers, “Barney and Friends” continues to teach the timeless lessons that make the world a better place. ⏰ Premiere Monday 3 February 2025 📺 Tune-In Monday to Friday @16:15 CAT

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