Pinterest is a popular social network which revolves mainly around visual posts. There are over 70 million Pinterest users, and so you can get very good exposure on Pinterest if you know how to go about Pinterest Content Marketing. On Pinterest users ‘pin’ their interests, thus the name of this platform. Pinterest can be used by […]

Hands up who’s not sad that 2016 is over! I know it’s a relief to be in 2017, even though it seemed to arrive so quickly I know I need another holiday! Seriously though, personally if I get another email suggesting a retreat to set my goals or a quick formula that will help me […]

13 April – up to here Anyone who studied marketing and got their degrees years ago, would relate to having been taught that there were 4 P’s in the marketing mix that were ultra important and that all had to be taken into consideration as a package deal so to speak. These were always : […]

Thanks to the modern workforce, many employers allow some employees to work from home when circumstances exist, such as inclement weather, schools closed, illness and personal situations. When my children were very small, this opportunity wasn’t available to me. If I had car trouble, my kids were sick, or if I had a utility company […]

In today’s connected world, business owners cannot afford to not build their own personal brand as well as the brand of their companies.  Linking the two together forms a solid foundation and enhances your clients’ perception of you as a person, as well as you as a business owner. Most people only start worrying about […]

Good design conveys information and communicates ideas where poor design only impairs this communication. The basic principles of design apply to all design disciplines — writing, graphics, art and architecture. The principles of design are tools we use to format the elements of design (colour, shape, texture, etc).  We list below some of the essentials […]