Advice from the experts
Mia Von Scha


There may come a time in your marriage where you realise that your partner’s negative behaviour is becoming detrimental to both you and your children. What do you do in a situation like this? What if your partner won’t accept getting divorced? What if you are not working or are afraid to work longer hours because you’ll lose quality time with your kids? How do you prevent emotional damage to yourself and your children? Here are some practical guidelines to navigating this very difficult and stressful situation… Firstly, our law does make allowances for one person in the marriage to insist on a divorce proceeding. I’m not a lawyer, but I do know that you can go ahead with a divorce proceeding from your side whether your partner wants it or not, particularly if you can show that you have real grounds for wanting this – if your partner had an affair, if you have a report from a psychologist regarding any abuse etc. It might help to get some professional advice and there are companies like The Family Law Clinics who offer free legal advice. It is definitely important, for both you and your children, for you to resolve the situation as quickly as possible. Please be aware that it is absolutely normal for children to act up in situations like this. They will tend to play out the aggression and negativity they experience at home, but also an aggression and negativity that is repressed in the home. Think of their behaviour as a barometer for the emotional environment that they come from. You or your child’s teacher may even notice some aggressive play and pictures. Please remember that kids process their worlds through play and creativity. It might look negative right now, but they are actually working through their issues and helping to resolve them in their own mind through these actions. This is healthy and necessary and will subside once things settle down. When wondering how to deal with any aggressive behaviour please keep in mind that all emotions are acceptable, but some behaviours may need to be addressed. First allow your child the space to feel the intensity of the emotion and once calm you can discuss different ways to express this that don’t hurt others. You don’t need to worry that they will be permanently like this though. Children adapt very quickly and they respond well to improvements in their situation and environment. What you can do in the meantime is to give them lots of space and support to express their emotions. There is a saying that goes “for the good feelings to come in, the bad feelings first have to come out”. They act out their negative state because they either don’t have the capacity yet to express themselves verbally and have someone understand what they are going through, or because they feel they are not allowed to express it in a safe way. Sometimes, as the parent, we are not the best person for them to chat to, as they are also trying to protect us and our emotions, or they may be angry with us or have some other emotion that they feel they’re not supposed to have. It can be very helpful to have somebody else involved in their lives that they can trust, but who is removed from the situation. Ideally, this would be in a play therapy environment, where they are taught not only that it is safe to express whatever they are feeling (and so don’t have to express it behaviourally) but also coping techniques that they can use throughout their lives when some challenge comes along. Often in divorce proceedings you are already finically stretched. If you have medical aid or the financial resources to manage it, find a great play therapist that you trust. Alternatively, you can contact an organisation like FAMSA who offer reduced rate or free therapy for kids depending on your situation. The next thing to look at is the kids’ routine. If you’re having to start a new job or work longer hours you may need to make arrangement for your kids like aftercare or lift schemes. If at all possible, try to get some of their homework, bathing etc done before you get home. Perhaps even chat to the teacher about helping with this during school time to alleviate some of the pressure on you. I wouldn’t worry about playtime with the kids in the evening. It is more important for them to have a good routine (this helps kids particularly in times of change to feel that the whole world is not falling apart) and sleep is essential for anyone trying to deal with stress. Of course you will want some quality time with the kids in the day, and if you can manage this it will definitely help. Keep in mind, though, that quality time doesn’t need to be a lot of time. It can be five minutes of connecting at bedtime, it can be the conversation you have over dinner, or the wet hug as they get out of the bath. You can also make sure that you maximise on the weekends in terms of fun things that you do together. Just be careful of alleviating any guilt you may have by keeping them up later so that you can spend time with them. That evening time may actually add additional stress, in which case they would be better off with a bit more sleep. The one other thing that you can do to help while this situation gets resolved is to manage your own stress levels. Focus on deep breathing, make sure you connect with people and experiences that support and nurture you, get enough sleep yourself, and be patient and kind to yourself. You are in a very intense situation, and you need to give yourself some credit for where you are handling it well. Also give yourself some credit for what you know

Paper Video

Study Hacks and Memory Techniques for High School Students

We’re on the constant lookout for ways in which we can be our most efficient and effective selves and hacks aren’t a new concept. We use them to keep up and outsmart the challenges life throws our way. And with multiple subjects and tasks on our list hacks to prep for exams are no exception – so here’s how you can get the most out of your session. When exam season rolls around, we try and find the best possible way to absorb as much info as we possibly can and sometimes it can feel impossible. Studying require students to use memory to remember ideas, concepts and material for test day and memory is basically like a muscle, one that needs constant exercise and support. The stronger your muscle the easier it becomes to prep and with the right tools and tricks you too can improve your way around your study notes and get through study material with a breeze. How can I study and remember everything? Ah, the question that often makes an appearance as soon as we sit in front of the study books; “How can I improve my memory?” or in a more, straight forward turn of events we point to our brain with: “How can I get ALL of this inside of here?”. Memory and studying skills go hand-in-hand, that much we know, the one can’t work without the other. Your brain is an organ, one that, just like our hearts, lungs or kidneys need sustenance, care and exercises. You can’t expect to hike up a mountain if you haven’t prepared your body for the journey. Memory works the same way.  Our minds are full of memories and information that’s accumulated over time, memories that are organised in two folders: Short-term memory = things we’re doing right now; very sharp! Long-term memory = things we’ve done in the past; much duller. The goal is to better encode information into your long-term memory, that way it becomes easier to recall the information for a test or exam. Instead of asking: “How can I memorise ALL this stuff faster?”, learners should be asking“How can I use my memory more effectively when studying?”.   Study hacks to boost exam preparation It takes practice. One way of getting into the “mind exercise groove” is to regularly review material. Along with revision, there are some memory tricks you can use to help train your brain and improve memoryrecall. Instrumental Music  Did you know that listening to the right type of music can lead to more productive studying as it elevates your mood? A good mood means stress levels are down which means your brain power goes up. Avoid lyrical tracks and stick to high functioning classical tunes like Mozart or Bach. Fresh air, walks and exercise Any organ functions better when we increase its oxygen levels and the same goes for your brain. Research conducted by Dr Chuck Hillman of the University of Illinois proved that exercise can boost your memory and brainpower stating that about 20 minutes of exercise before an exam can improve performance, it also reduces stress levels. Brain food The foods you eat play a role in keeping your brain healthy and can improve specific mental tasks, such as memory and concentration. Here’s what should be on the menu: Fatty Fish Blueberries Turmeric (Date balls with turmeric is a winner and they’re easy to make) Broccoli Pumpkin seeds Dark Chocolate Nuts Oranges Eggs Green Tea Activate your senses Did you know that smell can play a key role too? One study conducted by Anne-Lise Saive, Jean-Pierre Royet, and Jane Plailly has shown that smells can evoke memories. Spraying an unfamiliar scent while studying can help jog memories when sprayed again just before an exam. To avoid spiriting perfume all over the place the team also suggests chewing flavoured gum. For example, chewing mint gum in your biology class, won’t help you directly recall the makeup of a plant, but it will evoke the memory of being in that classroom, which may, in turn, help you recall the subject matter. Efficient and fast material From diagrams and colours to the fonts and spacing you use when reading notes – less chaotic study notes help learners fly through material faster. Ever wondered why Times New Roman is the default font on most applications? It’s known as an uncomplicated typeface. Make it easy for yourself to read through your material so you can get from A to Z that much faster. Go beyond your books  More often than not we limit ourselves to the study material provided to us. There can be many more engaging ways to learn about subject matterlike podcasts about World War II or visiting a museum and even watching documentaries. And who knows, you might even score an extra point or three for taking the initiative to do some extra reading. Take breaks Let’s get back to our exercise analogy, bear with us – breaks are just as crucial as a good study hack, they need to be taken regularly. Interestingly enough, your body and brain can tell you when it requires a break. You might become agitated; struggle to focus or find yourself reading and re-reading the same sentence. Don’t ignore the signs. Breaks in between 45 – 60 minutes of studying can help your brain absorb more information and it also keeps you motivated and focused. Choose the right spot Memory can be triggered by different visuals within your direct environment. Research suggests moving to a new spot if you feel like you’re hitting a wall. While we may be creatures of habit when it comes to our chosen seats in class, information retention improves when you have a variety of spaces for studying. Study spaces are often up for discussion with regards to what works best and what doesn’t. Check out how you can set up your space in the most efficient way here: The ideal study space at home Go to bed It comes

City Polo at Inanda

The 10 Amazing Advantages Equestrian Polo can offer your kids and teens

Once a sport of Kings reserved only for the rich and famous, playing Polo on horseback is now an accessible and fun hobby that has huge benefits for your kids. 1 – Builds Self Confidence Learning to control a 500kg animal all while playing a strategic team sport is a lot of fun and sure boosts your confidence and self esteem putting a spring in your step and builds a steady self assuredness that will help success come to you in life. 2 – Improves Self Awareness  As you learn to ride you become more self aware as you notice the effect you have on the horses, maybe you learn to be calmer and more decisive and clear,  maybe you have to learn to become assertive enough that the horse listens to you, most of all you learn to adjust your communication to be effective with each different animal a life skill that is incredibly valuable in all areas of life. 3 – Develops Strategic Thinking  Polo is a sport of fast thinking strategy and taking full advantage of every split second opportunity that arises during the game, it’s a game of careful planning and you learn to anticipate the opposing teams moves and think on your feet, all skills that serve you very well in other areas of daily life. 4 – Grows Fitness and Strength Horse riding builds core and leg muscles and back and postural muscles that help you in all arenas of your health and fitness, guiding the horse with your left hand and hitting the ball with your right dramatically improves your upper body strength and the overall workout is excellent for weight loss or just maintaining a healthy level of fitness.  5 – Creates Balance  Learning to ride a horse involves developing some seriously impressive balance as well as learning to stay in harmonious motion with another living creature. 6 – Hand Eye Coordination  Polo involves hitting a small white plastic ball with great accuracy and eventually at speed with a long bamboo stick with a wooden head called a mallet, the aspiring player trains in drills and exercises to build incredible hand eye coordination which carries over to other areas of life and to other sports. 7 – Makes Teamwork Fun Polo is played in a team of four so you rely on your teammates very closely, the thrill of working together to keep the other team at bay and get the ball between the goals posts or to hold off the opposing team and stop them scoring makes you want to work together. 8 – Encourages Leadership and communication As a team sport you must be in constant communication with your team, learning to give and respond to plans of actions and strategic moves is an integral part of the game and becoming the captain of a team is a great opportunity to practice great leadership. 9 – Can Be Shared by Friends and Family  Being involved in Polo brings many opportunities to build lifelong friendships, it’s something you can join in all over the world and is a sport that can be shared for a lifetime by family and friends who ride and play together. 10 – Provides Mental and Emotional Benefits  Research has shown time outdoors and spending time with horses reduces human stress levels, it also strengthens your immune system and allows you to decompress from the stresses of school and daily life. Developing relationships with the horses you ride is very fulfilling as well as achievements in your riding and polo fuel your zest for life.

Parenting Hub

It’s time to talk – period!

The 28th of May is recognised globally as Menstrual Hygiene Day and encourages people globally to promote good menstrual health and hygiene for all women and girls. As a local business that produces a range of women’s reproductive health products, 3Sixty Biomedicine with their naturally based Salome range is committed to playing an active role in educating and promoting a better understanding about common women’s health issues. Menstrual health issues are among the most common reproductive health issues that women deal with on a regular basis; these can impact their quality of life and act as a barrier to schooling and participation in sports and other activities if not identified and managed properly. It is thus important to discuss menstrual health openly; like if PMS (premenstrual syndrome) is real or a myth, how to know if period pains are normal or not, or if the amount of menstrual blood flow experienced is normal, because these conditions can add further complications to women’s reproductive health. Common Menstrual Health Issues unpacked Menorrhagia or heavy menstrual bleeding is a common condition experienced by many women; this condition is often painful and debilitating for 30% of women who suffer from it on an ongoing basis. Symptoms of menorrhagia include soaking through one or more sanitary pads or tampons every hour for several consecutive hours, needing to use double sanitary protection to control your menstrual flow, needing to wake up to change sanitary protection during the night, bleeding for longer than a 7 days and / or passing large blood clots. Dysmenorrhea, the technical term for period pain, is also a common women’s health issue that affects women of all ages and races. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians; up to 20% of women experience menstrual cramping that is severe enough to interfere with their daily activities. Symptoms that may include lower abdominal or pelvic pain with or without radiation to the back, typically begin in adolescence and may lead to school and work absenteeism, as well as limitations on social, academic, and sports activities.  Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is another common problem that is characterised by a set of physical, emotional and behavioural symptoms that start the week leading up to a woman’s menstrual cycle. In a published article on the epidemiology of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), it stated that 23 – 31% of women of reproductive age experience PMS to a degree that affects their quality of life. Some of the psychological symptoms associated with PMS are irritability, mood swings, depressed mood and crying, low self-esteem and anxiety to name a few. To add to this, there are also cognitive symptoms such as forgetfulness and physical symptoms such as bloating, fluid retention, constipation and headaches, all of which can feel debilitating. How to tackle Menstrual Health Issues The Salome product range offers over the counter treatment options to help manage common female reproductive health issues. The range is based on herbal extracts and aims to manage conditions such as primary dysmenorrhea (period pain), menorrhagia (heavy menstrual pain) and premenstrual syndrome (PMS) with minimal to no side effects.  Salome PreMens is the newest addition to the Salome range and contains a natural extract known as vitex agnus-castus which is more commonly known as chaste tree or monk’s pepper. Salome PreMenS is used to help manage psychological and emotional well-being during premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Vitex agnus-castus is considered a progestogenic herb as it encourages ovulation, increases progesterone and helps rebalance oestrogen/progesterone ratios. Vitex agnus-castus assists in alleviating physical symptoms of PMS such as fluid retention, breast tenderness, and premenstrual weight gain.  “Part of building a period positive world is acknowledging that we have a collective responsibility in changing the way society views periods in the 21st century. We have to ensure that young menstruators should be able to talk openly and celebrate their transition into adulthood without having to hide it in secret or manage their period in isolation. After all, menstruating or having a period is NORMAL and occurs as part of a woman’s monthly cycle. At the very least we should be able to talk openly about our menstrual cycles so we can identify when there are abnormalities in order to get the necessary help and treatment when required,” says 3Sixty Biomedicine’s CEO, Boitumelo Sebambo. Visit for more information about the full Salome range of products that helps to manage menstrual pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, premenstrual syndrome, infertility in women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), and menopause. Salome Menstrual Pain, Salome Heavy Menstrual Bleeding and Salome PreMens are available to the public from pharmacies nationwide or online at and Salome’s website and can be reimbursed from medical aid savings. Connect with Salome on their social media platforms: Facebook: Salome Range Twitter: @SalomeRange Instagram: SalomeRange

Parenting Hub

How to help your adult kids to become financially independent

Many adult children in South Africa live with their parents, for both cultural and financial reasons. This can suit both parties for a time – but how do you encourage your grown-up kids to become self-sufficient when this is clearly needed? Are there ways to nudge them towards financial independence, both for their sake, and for yours? These are undoubtedly challenging times for young people. Many South Africans lack education, skills and basic means of support. Nearly two-thirds of young adults aged 15-24 years are unemployed, along with close to 43% of those aged 25-34 years. The pandemic and state of disaster have also affected those who were on the first rung of independence. Traditional students’ jobs such as waitering, bar-keeping and babysitting fell away, while young people already in the job market faced retrenchment. Home became a welcoming haven and helped many to cope. While keeping these difficulties in mind, how do you encourage your adult children to leave the family nest when the time comes? gives some advice on how to put adult children on the path to financial independence. 1. Explain your motivation: Clarify that you are encouraging your kids to become self-sufficient because this will ultimately help them in life. You are doing so because you love and care for them. 2. Set a deadline: If your adult child has recently qualified, it helps to set a date for when you will no longer pay for their phone bill or provide a monthly allowance. This gives them time to prepare emotionally and practically and is preferable compared to abruptly cutting off their money supply. 3. Put their skills to work: If your child already has a skill, such as coding, they need to make an active effort to land a job, such as web development. They can build confidence and networks by contributing to open-source projects and joining hackathons, usually hosted by tech companies, to collaborate with other programmers over a short period on a project. 4. Teach budgeting: Involve your adult child in the household planning so that they are fully aware of what it costs to run a home. Young adults are often more technically adept than their parents. There are plenty of free budget calculators and other financial tools online. 5. Pass on basic savings and investment rules: Teach children about key concepts such as compounding, so that they understand how investment earnings are reinvested over time to generate more money. They can also create a mock investment account on an app. Read a JustMoney article about investing in unit trusts. 6. Cultivate positive values: Research shows that fostering an attitude of gratitude helps one to feel more positive and upbeat. Volunteering their time teaches children the benefits of helping other people, and reminds them of the many advantages they enjoy compared to those who are less fortunate. 7. Set goals: Encourage your children to think about their goals and what is important to them. What lifestyle do they aspire to and what practical steps do they need to take to get there? Discuss good role models and how these people have achieved their dreams.  Find out more about saving for a deposit on a car. 8. Prepare for your own retirement: Actions speak louder than words. Discuss your own hopes for the future and how you are preparing for when you are no longer working. Ensure that you have an up-to-date will. Learn how inflation impacts retirement savings. “A parent’s duty to support a child does not stop when they reach a particular age. They may be older than 18 years but still studying and gaining a qualification. A parent is obliged, for example, to pay maintenance until a child is self-sufficient, and we are all aware of the rising cost of living.” says Shafeeka Anthony, Marketing Manager of JustMoney. “Nonetheless, becoming financially independent brings greater confidence and autonomy for the adult child. It also enables the parents to prepare for when they can no longer work. It is never too early to start educating a child about money matters and, in due course, setting boundaries. While it’s acceptable to help adult children occasionally or on a short-term basis, the bank of mom and dad cannot remain open forever.”

Wingu Academy

Problem Based Learning, why do we need this in schools today?

Researchers have been hypothesizing and theorizing about Problem Based Learning (PBL) for decades. It came to life in the mid 60s when a group of scientists and physicians all had a similarly negative view of their undergraduate degrees and felt they could find a better way to present it. They developed the notion that students will understand their work better if their learning is driven by open-ended problems that challenge their way of thinking. Today, universities across the world implement Problem Based Learning in their courses to encourage students to critically engage with their subject content. Few schools have, however, implemented this learning method and the question begs to be asked, why? With the shift in education from Teacher-centeredness to Learner-centeredness, today’s educational landscape is the ideal place to implement PBL.  What does Problem Based Learning entail? Problem Based Learning is a method of learning where learners are presented with an open-ended problem and they must acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to solve it. It is necessary for the learners to first identify what skills will be needed to solve the problem and thereafter they must learn and use these skills to solve it. They move through a set sequence of in-context problems by acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge. The learners are guided by their learning material and assisted by teachers throughout. They work in small groups and are constantly learning from each other. Group members teach each other, rather than a teacher teaching the content at the front of the class. Why implement Problem Based Learning in schools?  Since many universities have started implementing Problem Based Learning, it may seem unnecessary for schools to implement it as well. That is the exact reason why this method of learning should be more commonly implemented in schools: to prepare learners for their tertiary studies and careers. Learners already face a seemingly insurmountable task of adjusting to university life without having to struggle to adjust to new learning methods as well. Equipping learners with the skills needed to complete a university degree makes the likelihood of learners succeeding in these degrees much larger. Equipping learners with the skills they need to succeed in University and in their careers one day should be paramount to high schools across the world and it should precede content recitation.  Some of the skills acquired through the PBL approach include: Flexible knowledge base: Problem Based Learning teaches learners the subject content in a way that moves beyond merely learning the facts of the subject. They are required to integrate the knowledge gathered from different subjects as well as from their own experiences. They have to use these skills and build upon them to solve the problems they are faced with. These skills and knowledge are organized around the deep principles in a subject. Learners use previous knowledge to evaluate the problem they are faced with and build upon this knowledge when they attempt to solve it. This means that their knowledge is continuously restructured and adjusted. This knowledge is not centred around one single point of reference and this grants learners the chance to adapt and apply it to many different scenarios.  Problem-solving skills: In Problem Based Learning, learners are presented with a scenario and they must evaluate and formulate the problem by studying the facts of the scenario. This helps learners understand the problem better and they can start hypothesising possible solutions. Learners must then identify where they have gaps in their knowledge to solve the problem and acquire these skills through research. These reasoning strategies are fundamental in any problem-solving scenarios learners may be faced within their lives and studies ahead. It builds the meta-cognitive skills that allow learners to executively plan their problems and evaluate their progress and whether their goals have been met. Self-directed learning skills: Learners are forced to identify the gaps in their knowledge in Problem Based Learning. They must identify where they lack the skills necessary to solve the problem they are faced with and must then research these skills. They are required to evaluate and direct their learning themselves, with only the occasional guidance from their teacher. This wakes the natural curiosity in learners to find the answers and skills they are requiring. These self-directed learning skills become an intrinsic part of a learner’s studies and will stay with that learner through his/her life, motivating them to become life-long learners. The curiosity they learn through these problems motivates them to explore and this in turn intrinsically motivates them to learn. This is a crucial skill for the Fourth Industrial Revolution as the learners are internally motivated to discover and this is not a skill that can be replaced by a robot. They do not have to be instructed to study certain things, they will be motivated to do so on their own. Teamwork: To implement PBL effectively, learners must work in teams to solve the problems they are faced with. Learners must learn how to function as part of a team by establishing shared goals, resolving conflict situations, deciding on the actions the group should take and coming to an agreement on the plan of action. These are essential skills for any well-rounded learner that they must acquire for the innumerable tasks that they will have to complete through teamwork. By learning these skills early in life, they have a head start on many colleagues. Conclusion Problem Based Learning prepares learners for their future by equipping them with a flexible knowledge base, life-long learning skills, teamwork skills and self-directed learning skills. They will be able to adapt to life after school much better when they learn these skills early in life as universities and most careers require them to apply the skills every day. These skills are, furthermore, essential for the Fourth Industrial Revolution where artificial intelligence will replace the majority of tasks in the workforce. The intrinsic curiosity to learn will distinguish learners from the competition in the workplace one day, both human and artificial

Wingu Academy

Cyber Wellness – how to protect children in a cyber world

The internet is a vast and expansive space. It allows us to connect, create and become whoever we want to be. It provides unlimited opportunities and freedom one can only imagine. However, within all the space and freedom, there is also danger. This danger could include people with malicious intentions, scams and even bullies.  For this reason, the concept of Cyber Wellness has become an imperative part of our Wingu vocabulary. Cyber Wellness refers to an individual’s feelings of safety and positivity regarding online spaces. It also refers to one’s capacity to be able to protect themselves and others, from internet dangers.  While there is a wide range of tips, tricks and rules that Wingu learners and internet users everywhere should follow; the way individuals engage with others on the internet is constantly changing! “Think about it; one of the main rules of using the internet when I was a child was don’t talk to strangers! However, young people these days, meet most of their friends through social media or gaming platforms. Therefore, just providing learners with a standard, one-size fits all set of rules, is ineffective. We need to teach learners more than how to follow rules. We need to teach them to think on their feet in order to protect and promote their Cyber Wellness,” says Jenna Chetty from the Wingu Wellness Hub. One of the ways we can do this is by helping learners strengthen and enforce their boundaries. A boundary is basically the rule that you set, about how others are allowed to treat you. A learner with strong boundaries can easily identify when behaviour is inappropriate and put a stop to it immediately. Another way to teach learners how to protect themselves, is by helping them foster resilience. Resilience is simply the ability to bounce back, after experiencing something unfavourable or unkind. Due to the freedom the internet allows, it is almost inevitable that children will be exposed to harmful images, language, opinions and people who want to break their confidence. Resilience will allow them to stand up again, after being knocked down by other people’s irresponsible use of online spaces. Lastly, we can promote Cyber Wellness by teaching learners how to be responsible online. If we want to experience positive internet spaces, we need to be an injection of positivity every time we enter an online space. This means that we are always respectful, do not judge and always treat others the way we want to be treated. Of course, the general tips and tricks such as don’t talk to strangers, don’t share your password, don’t engage with bullies etc, are still important! We just want to offer learners more than the standard procedure for Cyber Wellness. Therefore, Wingu Wellness has developed a three-session Cyber Wellness Course for our Wingulians. The sessions focus on the three topics mentioned above. Namely, boundaries, resilience and promoting cyber wellness. It also includes the tips and tricks, as well as an in-depth look into what learners can do if they are being cyber-bullied. If you have any questions about cyber wellness or the course, please don’t hesitate to contact The concepts of Cyber Wellness and Cyber Safety are evolving and ever-changing. So, don’t feel discouraged if you don’t have all the answers.  The most important thing is to be there for your child and keep the communication channels open.

Wingu Academy

How to achieve deeper learning

Deeper learning is an educational outcome where students develop the ability to apply their knowledge in new contexts, to extend their ideas and to critically and creatively solve problems. Deeper learning should encourage self-directed learning, academic mastery, working collaboratively and communicating effectively. This stands in contrast to learning which focuses on students simply recalling and regurgitating information to pass a standardized series of tests or checkpoints. As an example, when students are presented with a study of World War 2, a student who displays only the ability to reproduce facts, would be able to name dates associated with the war, as well as prominent figures or events, but would fail to answer essay type questions of which the content could not be memorized beforehand. But a student who possesses deeper learning skills, would, for example, be able to argue what the socioeconomic and political circumstances were that led to this war, by critically interpreting the narrative of the events. Unfortunately, through the traditional education system’s standardized and lecture based approach, deeper learning is often not encouraged in the classroom. There are however, numerous ways in which educators can encourage deeper learning in their students, as will be discussed below. Parents who are home schooling their children might also be interested in finding out how they can achieve deeper learning outcomes through their parent-led teaching. And other home schooling parents who make use of a curriculum service provider should ensure that their chosen provider employs strategies that leads to deeper learning outcomes. 1.  Contextualize learning Humans are emotional beings. We remember things better if we can feel some personal connection to it. This explains why we can remember the plots of movies or films even long after we’ve finished watching or reading it, as we relate to the characters and circumstances. But how can we leverage this to enable deeper learning of academic content? The answer is to contextualize the work being learned. For example, instead of just teaching students about the basics of atmospheric pressure, contextualize the learning by asking them to consider why their ears block when an airplane rapidly climbs or descends. As this is something that students may have experienced before, presenting the information in this way allows students to integrate this new-found knowledge into their pre-existing reference framework, which in turn enables them to visualize and understand the underlying principles better. A quote by Dr. David Bilkey explains this well: “Most of the time, when you are presented with new information, you will remember it much better if you can integrate it into your pre-existing scaffold – your knowledge of the world and how it works”. Another wonderful way in which educators contextualize learning, is to demonstrate to students how certain knowledge and skills are applied to real world careers. For example, if you know someone in the field of forensic anthropology, why not invite them to give a presentation on their work, once the students start studying the skeletal system in Biology. 2.  Empower students to take charge of their own learning Inquiry based learning is a great tool to help students reach deeper learning outcomes. Getting students invested in projects, such as to design a crash safety system for an egg dropped from a building, or to redesign an app, allows them to actively participate in the problem solving process and encourages critical thinking. For example, if students are tasked to design an app that can track the energy expenditure of a household, the students will have to think critically and creatively about the different metrics involved, and how these will be monitored. These kind of projects also afford students the opportunity to work in groups, which teaches them essential communication and collaboration skills. These kind of projects can also afford an opportunity to create a community of learning. Older students can act as mentors to younger students, to encourage an environment of collaboration. Furthermore, a clever way to get students invested in their learning, is to personalize the learning according to their age group, or to the individual student themselves. Most upper and lower secondary students know recently popularized superhero movies. Incorporating examples of these characters into the explanation of certain concepts can be the “hook” that gets students invested in the underlying subject matter. For example, when explaining conservation of momentum, sketch a scenario where Ironman and Captain Marvel are involved in a collision, instead of using more generic examples. Want to teach students essay writing skills? Instead of presenting students with a predefined list of topics or prompts, involve students in their learning by having them draw up their own list of prompts from which to choose, in class. 3.  Leverage technology Technology can be a brilliant way through which to encourage deeper learning in students of all ages. However, as with all tools, the power of technology as an educational medium, lies in the way in which it is implemented. By using computer programs such as spreadsheet software to handle complex data, or collaborative cloud computing tools such as shared drives and cloud based software (Google docs, Google slides), students are encouraged to effectively communicate and collaborate, whilst developing research and critical thinking skills. In an online learning management system, interactive games, quizzes and simulations can be used to guide self-directed learning, where incentives such as badges or a gamified leader board can encourage students to attain academic mastery of subject topics. Furthermore, technology associated with the 4th industrial revolution is increasingly shaping the way in which we work, and it is also shaping the future career landscape in which our current students will find themselves upon graduation. Using technology to teach students vital 4IR skills is essential, and can be used to enable a rich, deeper learning experience. For example, additive manufacturing (3D printing) has seen remarkable growth in recent years. Students can be taught Computer Aided Design (CAD) skills, which – if integrated with their knowledge of coding and electronics – can be used to design systems that

Parenting Hub


SACAP (South African College of Applied Psychology) has announced the 2022 launch of two new Higher Certificate educational programmes in its Management and Leadership faculty offering school leavers a vocational pathway into the South African business sector.  The SACAP Higher Certificates in Business Management and Human Resources Management are accredited, one-year programmes that include industry-oriented content and applications so that graduates are fit to enter the workplace. While a Higher Certificate qualification can make up for a Matric without a Bachelor’s pass and serve as a bridge into a degree educational program, it is also relevant to those who want to make a career change or update their skills-set.  The new SACAP Higher Certificate programmes builds on the success of their popular Higher Certificate in Communications and Counselling, and augment SACAP’s overall portfolio of Higher Certificates, Bachelor’s and Honour’s degrees. Lee-Ann Drummond, SACAP’s Head of the Management & Leadership Faculty says, “The new Higher Certificate programmes are a form of bridging into the B.App.Soc.Sci providing a certain number of transferable credits.  However, they are distinct from the first year of the B.App.Soc.Sci and are NQF5 qualifications with a distinct purpose and learning outcomes.  As such, they are independent, coherent and academically credible as a qualification focused on vocational skills-building.” What can you do with a Higher Certificate in Human Resources Management? This programme with its real-world focus equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to provide administrative support to HRM services in industry and to execute various human resource functions in the workplace. The qualification is a gateway for further higher education but is also relevant to those wanting to enter the workforce, and those needing to upskill in the field of HRM.  Drummond says, “With SACAP’s strength in Applied Psychology, this programme emphasises putting ‘human’ back into HRM through understanding people and the value of human capital in the workplace.  It’s ideal for those returning to the workplace and needing to update their skills; for entrepreneurs who need to build HR capacities in their start-up companies and for school leavers who want to acquire vocational skills and begin building their careers in business.” What can you do with a Higher Certificate in Business Management? This qualification is aimed at building foundational business management skills based on an understanding of basic business management theories.  It’s a comprehensive programme to acquire the skills needed to competently assist and support a variety of business management functions in the workplace.  Drummond says, “Once again the design of the Higher Certificate educational programme is based on providing highly relevant, industry-oriented content and to help students develop practical skills so that they are work-ready and capable of building careers, upskilling or taking a pathway to further studies.” The full-time CHE-accredited SACAP Higher Certificates in Business Management and Human Resource Management are available at SACAP’s Online campus and each comprise of nine modules and 120 credits over one year.  Registrations for 2022 are open now. To find out more or enrol SACAP Higher Certificate in Human Resources Management To find out more or enrol SACAP Higher Certificate in Business Management

Bill Corbett


Before I go any further on this topic, it’s always a good idea to seek professional help with a child or teen who frequently becomes explosive and angry when told no. Keep in mind that this column is not a substitute for psychotherapy or family counselling. The advice that I offer is supplemental parent coaching that can help in many situations. The subject of today’s article is a common issue that many parents bring to me in my parent coaching practice. Generally, the child is usually anywhere from 7 to 14 years of age and often explodes at the smallest of problems, especially when they are told they can’t have or do something. The child is also likely to take out their anger on the parent or a sibling. So while you’re waiting for the appointment with your therapist regarding this problem, here are four things you can do immediately. Help them find their place in the family. A large majority of these children tend to be first born. For many years, they enjoyed being in the family ‘spotlight’ and getting all of their parents’ love and attention. But as other children joined the family, they lost their place and don’t like it. By getting angry with limits and boundaries, they found a new and inappropriate way to fit in by becoming vocal and angry. Help them regain their position as the oldest child by seeking their help, their advice, and their assistance. Find purposeful ways for them to be in charge of activities that helps with the other children, such as reading to them, teaching, or mentoring. Allow them to have a few more privileges than the others so they will feel special and valuable to you. Stop doing too much for your child. The triggers that cause the explosive episodes are sometimes over the parent trying to get the child to wake up in the morning, dressing them, controlling laundry, or getting them out of the house in the morning. If you’re trying to control the outcome of everything, stop. Some parents struggle with turning some responsibilities over to their children and many children or teens don’t like being controlled. Acknowledge good behaviour more often. It’s unfortunate that it’s normal for many parents to point out when their children aren’t doing what they should, more often than pointing out when they ARE doing something good. Make it your mission to make a bigger deal of when your children are behaving or doing as you’d like them to do. Spend more time with the explosive child. His behaviour may be his way of telling you that he doesn’t feel loved by, or important enough to, you. Schedule a date with each of your children (especially the explosive child) every week, even if it means for just a few minutes. Avoid taking him or her out to buy them something. The date should be about the experience of being together, not showering them with material things. Finally, when the anger comes out, don’t give it value by trying to stop it or by fighting back. Remain calm, stay quiet, and be ready to listen.

Bill Corbett


Power struggles develop every day at work, at the store, and even jockeying for that spot in the parking lot.  Just look around you the next time you’re out driving; someone cuts you off, blocks you from entering a lane, or rides your bumper.  Initiating a power struggle is a way of expressing the frustration of being overpowered by others, the feeling of having little or no power, or being ignored and forced into feeling insignificant.  It makes us want to push back for our own power.  The same goes for children.  When they feel overpowered or insignificant, and want something from us (or know we want them to cooperate), they then initiate a power struggle. What to Do When They Want Something from You. Here’s a technique for situations when a child asks for something repeatedly until you cave in.  It might be a cookie right before mealtime, a toy while in the store, something they want to play with, or a place they want to go.  When your child first asks for the item you don’t want him to have, be firm and loving by stating, “I’m not willing for you to have that right now.”  Avoid saying “No” because it might encourage him to try harder to make you say “Yes.”  Using the term “willing” sets up a personal boundary and avoids defiance.  Children who throw fits to get what they want have been taught to do this by adults around them who have given in to their demands.  If he drops to the floor and goes into a meltdown, let it happen.  It indicates that you are winning and he is simply using another technique to get you to crack.  If you can learn to do this on a regular basis, you will actually teach your child that you mean what you say.  He may throw more fits in the beginning as a way of expressing, “I don’t like this new thing you’re doing,” but he will eventually learn to respect you for your boundaries.  The most valuable lesson he will learn from your actions is creating respectful boundaries with others. What to Do When You Need Their Cooperation. Solutions to handling a power struggle when you want something from them are very different.  I suggest replacing commands or orders with clear and appropriate choices.  For example, instead of saying, “It’s time to take your bath,” give him a choice by saying, “Would you like mommy to give you your bath or grandma?”  I remember picking up my granddaughter from the day care center one day and I could sense that she was overtired.  I knew she would not respond cooperatively to my request to get into her car seat so I offered a choice.  I said to her in a cheerful voice, “Would you like grandpa to put you in your seat or would you like to do it yourself?”  Immediately she declared with a whine that she would do it herself and strapped herself in.  Giving your child choices makes her feel powerful and creates less need to struggle with you.

Wingu Academy

Thrive with your tribe – enroll in a social club today!

Social interaction has always been a concern for many parents of home-schooled children. Wingu Academy who is SA’s best rated provider for online schooling from home has never seen this as a challenge, but rather as an opportunity to provide learners with an array of Social Clubs and activities to belong to, and “thrive with their tribe”. Current clubs range from the usual chess and study groups to fitness, photography, science, anime to gaming clubs. In fact, learners at Wingu Academy are so excited about the clubs that the school can boast an amazing 60% of learners have already enrolled in one or more social clubs. “We believe that it all has to do with being in touch with our learners’ interests and offering the activities that are most relevant to them,” says Ross Laubscher, Student Development Team Leader at Wingu Academy. One of the most popular clubs is the Gaming Club with 106 students enrolled in this club alone. We even have our very own Minecraft server!  Minecraft is a popular, child-friendly computer game that combines exploration and survival skills in a unique and fun way. In simple terms, it’s like digital LEGO – which you can use to create anything from a small hut to a huge, sprawling metropolis. Where the only constraint is your imagination! It is also a great educational tool that is being used all over the world to teach valuable skills such as mathematics, problem-solving and basic programming. Wingu released its very own locally hosted Minecraft server, exclusively designed for Wingu learners. It offers a safe place where learners can connect and play with classmates, outside of the classroom. They can collaborate on big projects, by using teamwork to collect resources efficiently, build structures faster, and share ideas. The server hosts both design and Redstone challenges that are intended to encourage not only innovative and creative designs, but also technical skills. This is just one of the 10 awesome clubs for learners to participate in. To much excitement and on request, a science club was introduced this year for all the budding young scientists calling themselves “The Experimentals”. In this club, we will be exploring the wonderfully wild, weird and wacky world of science, while having fun with some at-home experiments and science project. Belonging to a social club has many benefits: Learners can interact with each other outside of school. It provides a sense of belonging with like-minded learners. It keeps learners entertained while learning new skills. It provides a platform for teachers and learners to connect on a more personalised level. It promotes healthy competition among the learners, which is an important life skill to learn in order to thrive with resilience. Some of the clubs have presidents and club panels and this fosters responsibility and leadership skills “We launched the Wingu Social Clubs as a way to accentuate the holistic development of our learners and provide a safe and fun space for our Wingulians to make friends and learn more about topics they are interested in outside the curriculum. Wingu is truly the closest you will ever feel whilst distance learning.” says Panashe Tiffany Saungweme, Associate Director of Human Capital at Wingu Academy.

Bill Corbett


I remember the day my son lost first chair on the school marching band.  He came home and declared that he hated the trumpet and he never wanted to play it again.  When I asked him what happened, he did not want to talk about it.  My initial parental impulse was to go down to the school, find out what happened and defend my son in whatever the incident was. But I knew that racing in to potentially rescue my son was not the right thing to do.  If I wanted to raise a resilient young man, I had to do two things; trust in the “law of allowing” by giving him room to deal with the situation on his own, and to stand back just far enough to be available to coach him through the issue, if he needed me.  He obviously didn’t want to talk about what happened so I had to wait until he was ready to share. Some parents don’t wait it out.  They allow the protective momma or papa bear in them to quickly race down to the school or confront the coach to protect their child.  We’ve seen all the cell phone video footage of the dads who end up physically attacking the coach or worse, another child.  Yes, we must protect our child from danger and harm, but responsible parents must assess each situation to determine how much they should really get involved. Getting benched from a team is a very valuable life lesson for a child or teen.  It could offer a wakeup call that will keep the ego in check and also remind our children that rules, boundaries and procedures are in place to be followed.  I’m sure that some coaches put children on the sidelines unfairly, but I would be willing to bet that most do it responsibly and for good reason.  Here are three things to keep in mind If your child is ever benched while a part of a team. Avoid complaining to the coach to rescue your child, even if the coach wasn’t fair.  Life itself isn’t always fair so sheltering your children from real-world situations robs them of the opportunity to learn and grow.  Bad mouthing the coach, dance instructor or team manager behind their back also teaches children that back biting is acceptable.  If you want your child to become a young person of integrity, the training begins with modeling appropriate behavior for them to witness first hand. Don’t argue with your child if she begins to unfairly blame her predicament on others.  It may just be an automatic defensiveness to protect her feelings and suppressing them could cause her to move deeper into a false sense of denial.  Let her express her feelings about it without judgment and be ready to listen.  There will be plenty of time later on to help her understand what really happened.  Creating emotional space by encouraging her to talk about it is likely to lead her to draw her own realistic conclusions, when she’s ready. Finally, make it mandatory that he is to attend every game and practice, regardless of whether he is able to play or not.  Being there to support his teammates is paramount to teaching teamwork, and having him in attendance on the sideline may lead to a quicker resolution of the problem.  This could also move the coach to bring him back on the playing field or court.  Once the wounds heal, then it’s time for deeper parental discussion with your child on what happened and what he or she can do the next time.

Wingu Academy

Wingu iAS Level Laboratory Kits – pioneering the way to give learners real-life experience

After months of planning and development, Wingu Academy is proud to introduce our iAS level learners to Wingu’s own unique laboratory kits. As per the requirements to pass Chemistry, Biology, or Physics on iAS level; learners are required to write a practical exam where they need to perform several laboratory experiments under supervision. “To ensure that our students receive the absolute best quality education from the comfort of their home or educational center, Wingu; with the assistance of specialists in the respective courses, designed unique laboratory kits that contain everything learners need to gain real-life experience working with laboratory equipment,” says Ian Strydom, Managing Director of Wingu Academy. All the kits are designed with the safety of learners in mind, without impeding on the skills they require to pass their final practical exam. Under the guidance of our Lab Masters the learners will explore the exciting practical world, having fun while learning as is synonymous with Wingu.  In Biology the learners will explore the tiny world of plant and animal materials through their very own microscope; learn how to identify different biological molecules and discover the wondrous mechanisms of enzymes. Our Physics kits will transform our learners into real life physicists by teaching them how to use the scientific method to control electrons through building electric circuits and how to bend forces to their will using springs. But the most exciting kit of all is our one-of-a-kind Chemistry kit. This kit will have learners feeling like mad scientists, giving them the opportunity to experience chemical reactions firsthand in their own miniature laboratory. With the guidance of our skilled Lab Master, the learners will learn how to perform titrations; identify specific chemical molecules and what the effect of temperature is on the rate of a chemical reaction, and a whole lot more. Our first practical sessions started in February, and we are super excited to hear the feedback from our young scientists!

Wingu Academy

How to become a super organised Wingulian

At Wingu Academy we encourage our Wingulians to develop good study habits and get organised from the word go. According to here are some of the top tips to get organised, focused and avoid falling behind. 1. Develop a routine Consistency is the key to student success. So write down your general weekly schedule and create a routine. Include things like when you’ll do your homework, when you’ll review the things you’ve learned, when you’ll exercise, and so on. It’s not possible to stick to a routine 100% of the time, but at least set up the framework to keep you focused and on track. 2. Set rules for yourself Set some very specific rules for yourself. These could be things like “complete all projects and assignments at least two days before they are due” or “start studying for tests at least one week in advance”. Review your rules once a month and adjust them if necessary. 3. Work on one task at a time; don’t multitask One of the most important organisational tips for students is to focus on one task at a time. Multitasking seems like a good idea because you can pretend that you’re working twice as hard. We all get bored of the tasks we’re working on, so jumping about seems more fun. The problem is that it doesn’t result in the best outcomes. Here’s what I recommend: Take a scrap piece of paper and write down the task you’re working on right now, e.g. Math assignment, questions 1 to 5. Put that scrap piece of paper on your study table, to serve as a reminder for you to stay focused on the task at hand. 4. Keep one notebook and one binder for each subject Take all your notes for one subject in one notebook. When you run out of space, start a new notebook. Label each notebook clearly, e.g. History Notebook 1, History Notebook 2. This will make it easy for you to find the information you need in the future. Don’t take notes on loose sheets of paper you may lose. Also, don’t just use only one notebook, in which you take notes across all your different subjects. 5. Do five minutes of daily planning each day Before you start doing your homework or studying for a test, look at your planner first. Take note of all upcoming deadlines, and think about your schedule for the rest of the day. Then you can decide what specific tasks to work on for the day. Doing daily planning will ensure that you’re always working on the most important tasks, and that you don’t leave anything out. 6. Block out time in your schedule for the things that matter most Blocking out time in your schedule is a critical time management strategy for students. If you don’t do this, other things which are less important will fill your schedule. 7. Break down big tasks into smaller tasks Breaking down big tasks and projects makes them seem less overwhelming and more manageable. Doing this also makes it clearer what your specific next step is, so you’ll be less likely to procrastinate on your assignments. 8. If a task takes two minutes or less to do, do it immediately The “two-minute rule” was popularised by productivity expert David Allen. When you follow this rule, small tasks don’t pile up and become overwhelming. Things like texting a friend, sending your classmate some information via email, or asking your parents to sign a consent form are all quick tasks that take less than two minutes to complete. When you do these tasks immediately, you’ll feel a sense of achievement too. 9. Create a conducive environment at home for studying You need to have the right environment to work. You need all the necessary materials, stationery, paper and study tools. You also need a suitable table and lamp. And if you want to be productive, you definitely shouldn’t study on your bed! 10. Before you start work, eliminate all distractions Take a moment and think about the distractions you typically face when you’re trying to study. Common ones include text messages, notifications on your phone, social media and YouTube. 11. Every day, review all the new information you learned in school earlier that day A quick review of the key concepts should only take you about 20 minutes. Doing this helps to ensure understanding, so you stay on top of the material. If you really can’t do this review on the same day, do it the following day while the information is still fresh in your mind. 12. Keep an ongoing list of the questions you have about the class material As you read your notes and the textbook, keep a list of the things you don’t understand and the questions you have. As soon as you’re able to, ask your teachers about the items on your list. If you do this consistently, you won’t need to spend so much time studying for tests and exams, because you already understand the information. These are only some of Daniel Wong’s tips.  He has lots more in his article: It may seem overwhelming, but adopting one new habit at a time will take you further then you know until you’re comfortable to tackle the next one.  Remember that your journey as a student is about progress and not perfection.

Wingu Academy

Wingu Academy’s Centurion Learning hub provides a unique learning space for learners to thrive with their tribe

Wingu Academy’s Centurion Learning Hub has officially opened its doors to learners between 6 – 18 years. Wingu Academy offers the internationally recognised British curriculum and has recently also introduced Grade 10 CAPS. Wingu’s CAPS curriculum is SACAI accredited and will be expanded from 2023. Wingu’s Learning Hub provides a safe space for a blended learning approach which allows learners to learn from home or get support in person at the Learning Hub. It offers the opportunity for children to have access half or full day at the hub, as well as a 3-day or 5-day option per week. This provides a unique level of flexibility between working at home or hub with uninterrupted education for learners as an alternative to attending a traditional school.  Learners can engage and interact with fellow learners in a safe and friendly environment that promotes learning and personal growth. The Learning Hub further provides support such as learning spaces to attend seminars and tutorials, collaborative learning spaces, learning coaches, science and robotics laboratory access and a variety of extra-curricular support.   Learners are encouraged to take part in activities such as sports, drama, art, music and many others as part of the school’s extracurricular programme. “We understand that the development and learning of our learners requires a balance of academic and personal development in and outside the Academy and Hub. Taking part in physical and cultural activities provides an invaluable opportunity for children to develop physical, emotional and cognitive skills,” says Leza Petersen, Wingu Centurion Learning Hub Manager.  Some of the activities are presented at the Learning Hub, which also lighten the burden on parents, whilst other activities are accommodated at trusted service providers.  The host of activities include: Arts & Performance  Drama Swimming Arts & Crafts  Music Baking Horse-riding lessons / Equine Therapy  Golf Hockey Drone Club Chess Science  Early Childhood Development STEM principles  Robotics  Software Engineering  Wingu Academy believes these unique learning opportunities will assist children to thrive in a positive environment to build trust, coordination, teamwork, motivation, attitude and mobility and foster a spirit of healthy competition with fellow Wingulians (Wingu Academy learners). Enrolments are still open until mid-February 2022. To join Wingu Academy’s Centurion Learning Hub or for more information, you can book a free consultation session at: or send an email to The Learning Hub Manager can be contacted directly on email: or mobile:  084 552 6546.

Abbotts Colleges


There’s a saying that goes: Start as you wish to finish. Resolving to give the very best from the very beginning, and putting in the necessary work every day, will ensure high school students perform to the very best of their ability this year and reach their goals, says Izak Stander, Principal of Abbotts College Northcliff. “Every year when I welcome my management team back to campus, I remind them that every new year brings a new chance to start off right. This is true not just for our teachers and staff, but also for all students, who will benefit from taking a little time to reflect and realign their goals as we enter the new academic year,” says Stander. He says there are a few things high school students can do to get them started on the right track towards a successful year: 1.Set goals Setting both personal and academic goals is the starting point. Jot some ideas down on paper and remember to put an estimated date of when you plan to reach this goal, and measures you will put in place to meet your goals. If you are entering senior high school, this is a great time to start doing your research on different tertiary institutions to gather information regarding admission scores, subject requirements, duration of studies, and so forth while the pressure isn’t yet on. Also remember that public universities are not your only option, and that there are highly respected qualifications you can pursue through private higher education providers such as The Independent Institute of Education.   Once you’ve determined what you want to accomplish this year (or in the years to come if you are close to finishing school), you can reverse engineer the milestones you need to reach to realise your future dreams. 2.Do the work – every day Discipline is probably the most important weapon in your arsenal. Being disciplined every day, and completing the tasks which are the building blocks towards mastery in a systematic and sustained manner, is a winning formula. Sometimes today’s work may seem negligible and easily left until tomorrow, but the small tasks will soon compound and you will find yourself suddenly under pressure (causing stress and anxiety) which could have been avoided. 3.Find a great school and choose the correct subjects Finding a great school is important. Read more about tips to help you choose a great school here. Sometimes even students who try their best find that they are not happy in their environment, or not making the progress that they are capable of. While it is important to make a commitment to do your very best in the environment you find yourself, it is equally true that if something is just not working, it is not worth keeping on doing the same thing and expecting different results. All people are different, and if the traditional school environment turns out not to be the optimal one for you, it is worth considering your options and making a change if you find a better fit.  At Abbotts College, for instance, students are able to continue learning in a non-traditional environment. Students also have access to after hour teacher assistance and subject clinics. Regular feedback in the form of 7 report cards throughout the academic year also assist students to continue to track and improve on their academics.  4.Find your balance While your academic journey is extremely important, you should also strive to maintain a well-balanced personal life. Spending quality time with your friends and family, regularly exercising and having good routines for eating, sleeping and relaxing is very important. Having a good routine will also ensure that you are in a good foundational mindset to achieve your goals.  “All of us must regularly take a step back to re-evaluate our goals,” Stander says.  “The most successful people all over the world continuously must take a step back, realign, and make changes to achieve success. Never give up, and be kind to yourself and to others. May 2022 be a very successful year for all students and our wider community!” Written by our principal at Abbotts College Northcliff, Mr Izak Stander.

Wingu Academy

The changing landscape of homeschooling in South Africa

More and more families are starting to realize the numerous benefits associated with home schooling. It is no longer a stigmatized, isolated learning experience. Due to the global pandemic and the rise of online curriculum service providers, home schooling has evolved into a bespoke educational offering that merges the best elements of a traditional brick-and-mortar school system with the advantages that independent distance-based learning can allow. However, despite the great benefits of homeschooling, there are also certain disadvantages to this approach.  Let’s explore some of these pros and cons of a home schooling approach. Disadvantages A possible disadvantage experienced by a homeschooling parent, is that the parent might become frustrated by having to take on the role of a teacher. Deciphering not only the coursework, but the curriculum outcomes as well, can create a lot of anxiety for parents. Parents might struggle to know whether they are “doing the right thing” or not. Especially in cases where learners are older, parents might be intimidated by the difficulty of some of the coursework, as they are not subject experts themselves, but are now expected to teach their children mathematics or physics that they have done 20 odd years ago – or sometimes not at all! In cases like the aforementioned, parents often start to invest in expensive private tutors, which can lead to a high financial burden. However, by making use of an online curriculum service provider, such as Wingu Academy, these disadvantages can largely be mitigated. Through a reputable online curriculum service provider, learners can have access to subject expert tutors and learning coaches, which eliminates the need for parents to act as teachers themselves. With this in mind, let’s focus on the benefits of homeschooling, and in particular the benefits of online schooling. Benefits 1.    Academic flexibility The traditional education system allows for very little flexibility in learning, when in reality, education is not a one-size fits all solution.  Some learners are very strong auditory and visual learners. Other learners might learn best through repetition. Some might prefer learning through practical application. Home schooling affords an individual the opportunity to learn in a way that suits him/her best, especially if combined with a blended learning teaching strategy – which incorporates live classes and remote learning elements, such as interactive lessons, quizzes and games, as well as practical project based learning. For learners who are professional athletes, or who have parents with careers that require frequent travelling, the flexibility of a home schooling system is particularly beneficial. Furthermore, in a traditional schooling context, with high student-to-teacher ratios, a lot of time is often spent waiting for assistance. Learners are often expected to partake in extracurricular school subjects which do not interest them. The flexibility of homeschooling allow learners more time to focus on things that truly interest them. Learners can progress according to their own ability and interest. 2.    Fosters independent learning skills Learners who are homeschooled and allowed the freedom to learn in a way that suits him/her best, naturally also acquire the ability to learn more independently. In other words, these learners don’t need someone to guide them through all elements of the learning material step-by-step. They are more confident in assimilating academic resources for themselves – a skill which they have honed during their years of homeschooling! This sense of autonomy is an invaluable ‘soft-skill’ that will aid learners for years to come, whether at university or at work. Furthermore, learners who homeschool with the help of an online curriculum service provider learn how to be adept at using technology, often from a young age. These learners learn how to use cloud computing tools to collaborate remotely – an essential future of work skill, which is becoming even more important in an increasingly globalized and interconnected world. 3.    Health and safety Learners who struggle with anxiety, social anxiety or depression, or who were victims of bullying in a traditional school context, can study from home in a safe environment.. Learners have the opportunity to focus on their mental and emotional wellbeing. In small amounts, stress can be good, but the incredible pressure that is placed on learners to perform academically – or that they often place on themselves – can become debilitating. There is less pressure on learners to conform or fit a traditionally expected mould, which is beneficial to a student’s self-esteem. Learners with special needs or learning disabilities might feel especially marginalized in a traditional school setting, and their confidence can suffer. In a home schooling environment, parents are better equipped to introduce certain interventional strategies to address learning challenges.  With the global pandemic learners can study from the safety and comfort of their homes without the fear of being infected or having to wear a mask. Schooling remains uninterrupted and unaffected. Parents sending their children to school for the first time, have peace of mind knowing that their child isn’t affected by the current circumstances surrounding Covid-19.  4.    Social development A fear that many parents who are considering homeschooling have, is the fear of social isolation. Parents fear that their children will not develop social skills or have no friends. However, due to the flexibility of homeschooling, learners often have more time to engage in social extracurricular activities or community initiatives – such as joining a sports club, or volunteering at a local shelter – where they can still make friends and interact with peers. For learners who make use of an online curriculum service provider, the shift from parent-led to facilitator-led education means there is an even greater opportunity to interact socially. In an online school environment – which essentially emulates some elements of a traditional school environment, such as live classes – learners continually interact with classmates and tutors. 5.    Higher quality education In traditional classes with high student-to-teacher ratios, learners do not get individualized attention. In a home schooling context, learners can receive more individualized attention, either from a parent or tutor. When making use

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Health at School

The school year is in full swing and children are as busy as ever with all their activities and homework. By following a few lifestyle tips you can keep your child healthy and cut down on their sick days says Bonitas Medical Fund.

Parenting Hub


Across South Africa, thousands of successful matriculants are about to embark on a new and vital stage of their educational journey.  It’s widely recognised that gaining some kind of tertiary education enhances young people’s opportunities to find fulfilling work and meet their future career and life goals.  A 2021 survey conducted by SACAP (The South African College of Applied Psychology) amongst almost 1000 parents who are members of the popular The Village parenting community on Facebook, found that 83% of the parents of high school learners believe that tertiary education would improve their child’s employability. The decisions around what to study and where to study are serious ones for a family.  Factors such as accreditation, costs, quality, closeness to home and safety are always important concerns for parents.  However, our pandemic experience over the past two years has raised other issues for parents and students needing to make tertiary education decisions in the next few months.  Janine Kendall, Counselling Psychologist and SACAP’s Head of Teaching and Learning: Education Recruitment says, “What came out of our research is that parents are uncertain and concerned for their children’s tertiary education journey as a result of the pandemic and general environmental challenges.  Parents and guardians want to be confident that the tertiary institution they select with their matriculants, delivers on robust academic quality with practical skills, provides a safe environment and offers the support to nurture students in uncharted waters.  As they have closely supported their high school learners through disruptions, lockdowns and threats of illness, parents have a keener awareness at this time of the value in their children developing resilience and agility so that they cope during uncertain and challenging times.”   Researching, considering and applying to tertiary institutions along with your child works best by following an agreed process, where roles and responsibilities, and where the power lies in decision-making are clear upfront.  Itemising your priorities when it comes to what you want from the institution can expand the criteria you and your child will use to evaluate, which supports optimal decision-making.  For instance, the quality, breadth and depth of student support services offered may be important for new students who require input and reassurance as they embark on their studies.  Educational philosophy and institutional values may be important to some parents who want their children growing up to be agile thinkers and appropriately flexible in a world that is becoming increasingly uncertain and volatile. Kendall says, “It was interesting to find in our research that many parents were not just concerned about academic rigour, but also want to see their children gain practical skills through their tertiary studies.  This is a shift in today’s parents who are recognising that tertiary institutions need to help students become work-ready and that their study experience needs to build real-life competencies as well as academic knowledge.  SACAP is very well placed to deliver on these needs and to ensure that our graduates are able to respond and adapt to challenging environments as they grow in their career.” SACAP, which offers accredited degree programmes in Applied Psychology, Management & Leadership, and Social Work & Community Development, has a keen focus on innovative teaching and content styles for educating agile thinkers for the future.  That institutional agility was put into practice over the pandemic years, when SACAP has kept every student always on track with their studies with very few interruptions and delays.  SACAP also has one of the most comprehensive and holistic student support services offered in South Africa. SACAP Registrar, Claire Du Plooy says, “I have had the privilege of studying in various Higher Education private and public institutions, and I have never seen or experienced student support and development in quite the way SACAP offers it. SACAP recognizes that academics is one part of the student’s life and journey, but that their academic success also relies on their emotional and psychosocial wellbeing. The focus is therefore on the holistic student, from academics to emotional support to student life. I think the one thing that sets SACAP’s student support and development apart is that I genuinely believe that each member of the team has a passion for students, for their growth and for their success. Practically, what this looks like is the availability of individual and group counselling support, individual and group academic support, various workshops, online interventions, social events, advocacy and leadership opportunities, peer-support, and support and genuine care of our students on their academic journey.” This is designed with the needs and wants of Gen Z students particularly in mind as a generation which values input, mentoring and close support as they develop the all-round skills and particular 4iR skills-sets that will help set them up for work success. Kendall concludes, “Parents and their matriculants need to take a range of factors into consideration as they seek a good match between their child’s learning style, strengths and challenges, as well as their career goals.  Tertiary education is a whole-of-life, absorbing experience, and each aspect of this plays a role in the outcomes of their child’s studies.”   To find out more visit:

Wingu Academy

Wingu Academy’s Wellness Hub provides next-level services to ensure learner well-being in online environment

Learner well-being is a core focus area for Wingu Academy, especially due to the increase in mental health awareness in the online environment.  In fact, Wingu Academy takes this so seriously that they have a dedicated wellness hub, called Wingu Wellness. The vision is to collaborate with students, guardians, and parents, as well as the valued staff of the Academy, to build a safe online learning environment. “Wingu Wellness provides up to date information on mental health issues, learning barriers, coping mechanisms and stress management, to mention a few. Working alongside top names in the field, like Dr Serahni Symington, counsellor and play therapist specialist, we will be providing counselling and mediation sessions and webinars free of charge, to anyone in the Wingu Family.” says Ian Strydom, Wingu Academy’s Managing Director. Services offered by Wingu Wellness Hub Current services include: Organising concessions for learners with learning barriers; Wellness consultations with a wellness coach or qualified counsellor; Monthly webinars; Sensitivity training; Resolution of behaviour misconduct; Assisting students and parents with day-to-day educational needs, i.e. study assistance, identifying learning styles, etc. Diagnostic Testing facilitated by Educationist, Dr Belinda van der Westhuizen Family mediation offered through Dr Serahni Symington How does Wingu Wellness assist students? The Wingu Wellness Hub will be assisting students by offering consultation sessions with either the Wellness Coach or a trained therapist. This will act as a safe space for learners to talk about what is weighing on them. They also provide learner applicable content to assist them in matters that they do not feel comfortable coming forward about. They further facilitate external coaching in the form of play therapy for the younger learners, by referring them to Dr. Symington. Wingu Wellness will also act as a means to further promote the many social clubs within the Academy to assist learners in still benefitting from the social aspects that are sometimes lacking in the cyber world.  How does Wingu Wellness assist parents/guardians? Assistance includes the same support as to students, but on top of that also offering family mediation through Dr Symington. “We offer comprehensive and professionally verified content to assist in matters dealing with how to cope with situations such as moving a learner from a mainstream school into an online learning environment or to things like dealing with family trauma.” says Panashe Tiffany Saungweme, Associate Director of Human Capital. Aiming to assist the Wingu Family with their overall well-being. “Wingu Wellness is not just an initiative to create awareness of mental barriers we may all have, but rather a platform providing a safe space to find solutions and encourage positive well-being behaviour for everyone part of the Wingu Family.” Strydom concludes.

Wingu Academy

Future-proof your child’s employability from an early age with 4IR Skills

The world of work has been changing over the past decade. There were talks of the 4th industrial revolution by many forward thinking individuals, but the trends towards the revolution has become very clear in the workspace. Trends such as remote work which seemed an impossible consideration for many companies, has become centre stage and many will pay the price if an effective remote work policy is not put in place. Most employers had to rapidly change the way they worked, resembling the 4IR trends that have shaped the vision of the Future of Work. The catalysing effect of the COVID-19 pandemic has turned leaders to focus on what the lasting effect of the pandemic will have on their workplace. Leaders in education have turned their focus on what the lasting effect will be on (a) educators and (b) the future leaders – the youth – and they have a responsibility as a transformative element in society to be paving the way to thriving, growth mind-set individuals ready for the 4th and even the 5th industrial revolutions. But how?    According to a report by the World Economic Forum, titled “The Future of Jobs”, the skills that will be most in demand during the fourth industrial revolution are: Complex problem solving Critical thinking Creativity Managing people Coordinating with others Emotional intelligence Judgement and decision making Service orientation Negotiation Cognitive flexibility “Education can no longer be about learning facts. Educational organisations must focus on being transformative experiences, delivering an individual that has gained more than knowledge after completing a program. Central to these future skills is a mindset resembling that of the entrepreneurial-mindset where resilience and personal growth are centre stage in determining success. Education systems and mindsets – striving to master a fixed set of learning outcomes and avoiding failure are outdated viewpoints. Instead, critical and creative thinking, embracing failure as a positive growth opportunity, resilience and collaboration should take centre stage in transformative education strategies. It’s important to future-proof your child to thrive with skills of the future, like lifelong purposeful learning, unlearning and relearning, adaptability and rapid (re)skilling, says Ian Strydom – Managing Director Wingu Academy.  Why is it important to future-proof your child’s employability? The industries tied to the defining 4IR technologies (robotics, artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, nanotechnology, cloud computing, quantum computing, machine learning, additive manufacturing, genetic modification) will birth new areas of work. McKinsey and Company predicts that by 2030, up to 30-40 percent of all workers in the developing world may need to move into new jobs or at the least up- or re-skill significantly.  At Wingu Academy learners are introduced to subjects such as coding, robotics, app development and game development from an early age to build a foundational grasp of these fields.  Learners and parents have a preconceived idea of Robotics and Coding and in general believe it’s for the “smarter” kids or for learners who are doing really well in other subjects. In doing so, they automatically disqualify themselves from enriching their future careers with these skills. We want to challenge this mindset. Every field in the future will incorporate coding and robotics to some extent and having a keen understanding of the underlying principles will set them up for success.   Apart from the hard practical skills learnt, integrated robotics and coding curricula teaches students invaluable soft skills such as  critical thinking, collaboration and solving problems logically and has the added advantage of teaching them to persevere in solving problems. Employers are looking for high-performance individuals – young people and mid-career employees- who are in sync with the demands of a rapidly-changing digital workforce. Learners that have these skills at school will be at an advantage, even if a child doesn’t go on to pursue a career in coding/IT. Even if a learner doesn’t go on to pursue a career in coding/IT, how will this benefit them? The first obvious advantage is the opportunity to be employed directly in the IT industry which offers huge employment potential. Currently SA has 200,000 unfilled positions that require a knowledge of coding.  Coding has emerged as a new literacy that allows us to leverage the power of computers.  At school it is important that children learn to use computational thinking to solve problems as this way of thinking is best developed early on. A keen understanding of computational processes allows team members to collaborate with programmers, to better understand the impact of actions and decisions on enabling digital technological processes (and the teams that develop them) and use design thinking principles to drive innovation effectively.   Coding and IT are becoming prominent in almost all career fields. For instance; artists are using machine learning algorithms to create unique art, acting and entertainment machine learning algorithms are used to write scripts and in medicine or biology it is used for diagnosing diseases and finding new treatments by repurposing medicine. “Our aim is thus that learners who complete these courses will not only be more desirable to employ, but at the same time exceed employers expectations,” Strydom concludes. What will the learners be taught to master with these programmes at Wingu Academy? Learners in the Coding and Robotics programme will use a variety of different programming languages such as Python and JavaScript to solve various problems, some translating into creative solutions in the real world. They will apply their skills in various different fields of interest including music, robotics, science and others to demonstrate the power of coding in various fields. More mature learners enter the Software Development programme where they work on front-end and back-end solutions and build a variety of web applications to develop a portfolio of evidence, equipping them with many entry level skills in the IT industry. Parents who would like to find out more about Wingu Academy’s Kukua Programme can visit The internationally recognised curriculum at Wingu Academy prepares learners for entering University degrees locally and across the globe, and focuses on building critical and creative thinking skills. The

Wingu Academy

How Wingu Academy changes lives – one Wingulian at a time!

At Wingu Academy we pride ourselves in doing school differently. Schooling is no longer one-size-fits-all and therefore we believe the fundamental purpose of education is to unlock potential. We also have the privilege of schooling learners with different needs and requirements. Following; is one Wingu parent’s account of how Wingu Academy creates an environment for a learner (Wingulian), that’s atypical, to thrive and excel: My husband and I were discussing High School options for our children even before they were of high school age.  The decision to change our children from CAPS to Cambridge, brick-and-mortar to online and then specifically Wingu Academy, were made due to the following factors. Living in Pretoria the options for good, affordable, non-private high schools are many, if your Afrikaans speaking, but options for English speaking children are very few and far between. We also wanted to give them the opportunity to study abroad if they wanted to and Wingu’s British curriculum was the best option for this decision.  When we started researching the different online schools, we kept in mind that both my husband and I must work and needed a platform where we weren’t responsible for teaching, but where we could keep track of classes, homework, assessments, etc. A big concern was that towards the end of 2020 our daughter had become super anxious and started struggling with social interaction at her school, distancing herself from her circle of friends and self-harming.   After researching other platforms, we decided on Wingu Academy, because 1. It has online classes where there is interaction with a teacher, and 2. the support structure that exists for students and parents.  In retrospect we can now see that Wingu’s set-up, teachers, and classmates were the absolute ideal option for our daughter. Changing to online schooling was an easy decision, but when she was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (aka ASD or Asperger’s) we chose to register with Wingu. The first part of 2021 was extremely stressful for our girl, not only because Cambridge was new to her and doing online schooling had its own challenges, but I was in hospital with Covid mid- February.  The stress of me not being home and not knowing whether I would leave the hospital alive was a huge burden on my family and our daughter had to try and navigate the new schooling system pretty much alone for almost four months, before I was mentally and physically able to focus on anything other than survival.  ASD has a lot of amazing positive traits which we are encouraging.  One of these traits can also be negative though. It is the propensity to stick to a set routine and intense focus on their interests to the detriment of others.  With CAPS she had gotten into a ‘non-homework’ routine as she was so good at retaining any information she heard in class and regurgitating during exams, which gave her 90+% in almost every subject.  Once I could focus on her schooling, I could help her create a new routine of doing online quizzes, assignments, homework and read questions in a way that she would not just regurgitate information but actually apply the knowledge.  This has taken a while and I still need to encourage the new routine on almost a daily basis, but she has made great strides and we are SO proud of her.  There are so many aspects of her life that have been positively affected by being at Wingu. As for most teenagers, not having to get up at the crack of dawn to get to school on time is a huge bonus. The fact that she doesn’t have to leave home to go to school with throngs of other teenagers has reduced her anxiety levels immensely. The Wingu teachers are aware that being on camera is an issue for her and have been very accommodating.  This has made classes such a safe space for her that she now feels comfortable to engage with her teachers and classmates via audio. She has made friends with some of her classmates and not only hosts online homework sessions (off-camera) but goes ice-skating and has ‘live’ visits with friends she made at Wingu. Yes, there will be social limitations for her going forward, but having a platform where she is accepted as she is, given space to interact when she feels comfortable to do so, whilst getting a world-renowned education, has been an absolute Godsend.   For any parents who are considering online homeschooling, whether they are atypical or typical, this is my advice. Do your homework in researching different platforms. Be honest with yourself about your capacity.  I knew with a full-time job I would not have the capacity to teach my children myself, or research extra resources as many platforms would require you to do. You know your children and their abilities – Even with ASD I know my daughter would not cope with just watching videos day after day, she would stop watching them out of utter boredom.  Although she is socially awkward, she needs the structure that a class environment supplies. I also know my son, who will be joining Wingu for Stage 6 in 2022, would get super bored with videos and so a class environment would be ideal. Set up a time with the Wingu admission specialists and consultants and ask every question you can think of.  The staff are super helpful and patient.  After our daughter was diagnosed with ASD at the end of 2020, we had even more questions for the Wingu consultants, and they were very helpful and informative. If you are looking for quality, internationally recognised schooling, Wingu Academy is your answer as SA’s best-rated online homeschool with education rooted in innovation and excellence. Our Wellness Hub and Learning Coaches can assist both learners and parents with professional academic and wellbeing support and guidance to ensure that learners develop, grow and thrive in the Wingulian environment. Enrolments for 2022 are still open. Book a consultation with

Boston Online High School

Boston Online Home Education

The pandemic-led digital transformation enabled online learning to provide a seamless school year, keeping learners on track despite the onslaught of the Covid waves. Furthermore, the digital age also created new avenues of possibilities for parents and learners choosing home education as an alternative to the old-style school curricula.  As a pioneer in private education specialising in online and distance learning over the past 30 years, the Boston group is a key player in this environment, extending their educational expertise to support parents and learners embarking on a home education journey with reliable services via Boston Online Home Education, visit  As a registered Cambridge International Associate we create credible online pathways for parents of home educated learners toward the attainment of school-leaving alternatives that are internationally recognised for entry into leading local and global universities. “Our mission is to provide access to global opportunities for home education parents and learners. For this reason we have chosen to support the renowned Cambridge curriculum with strategically designed learning materials and technology.  This uniquely prepares learners for the future, honing higher order skills of comprehension, understanding and application,” says Katz about the Boston group which has become one of only five international associates listed on the Cambridge International website,  Future ready skills:  Critical thinking According to the World Economic Forum critical thinking and problem-solving top the list of skills employers believe will grow in prominence in the next five years.  This is a key competency required in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and a transferable skill that can be used across subjects and careers. “In a world where knowledge has become a vital currency, it is essential that learners are able to think critically about content,” says Eli Katz, executive at Boston Online Home Education (BOHE). A central focus of the Cambridge curriculum is to avoid rote learning and emphasize higher order skills and its application. “Our aim is to support parents and learners so that they gain valuable life skills and competencies including analysis and evaluation of information that can be applied in different contexts, enabling them to problem solve and make meaning of complex issues.  We are excited to support parents and learners who choose the Cambridge curriculum” says Katz. Boston Online Home Education Support includes various Cambridge paths.  The Cambridge International Certificate of Education (ICE) for learners turning 14 in the first year of registration and who have achieved a Grade 7 or 8; the Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) stream is for learners turning 16 in the first registration year and who have achieved either a Grade 9 or 10 or the ICE.  Learners also have the option to register for Cambridge examinations in respect of individual Cambridge IGCSE and AS subjects to supplement their existing studies especially for those learners who wish to enter more demanding faculties such as medicine or engineering post school.   Cambridge awards are recognised by universities in South Africa and  globally, including Ivy League institutions. As a registered Cambridge International Associate our staff have access to the Cambridge Support Hub so that we can provide relevant, comprehensive and up to date support to ensure alignment with the Cambridge curriculum and realise your child’s preparedness for these examinations Quality Course Content  As a registered Cambridge International Associate we provide credible support mechanisms and services required to support your child’s home education success in the Cambridge curriculum.  Amongst the challenges faced by parents is ensuring that their children have access to quality content and assessments whilst being able to monitor their progress. The Boston platform provides parents with a specific login feature to co-participate in their learning journey.  Boston has developed a comprehensive offering mapped to Cambridge guidelines. In addition to live lessons and educator support which provide personal attention to each learner, the Boston methodology includes  extensive recorded video lessons, summaries, e-books and assessments with triggers being sent to parents so that they are able to monitor progress and track performance.   This also allows learners to revise material at their own time and their own pace until they fully grasp the content instead of feeling pressurized in a classroom setting.  The live lessons then allow for classroom interaction and facilitates educator-leaner engagement and discussion.  Our personalized learning approach is further enhanced by individual counselling sessions. Advanced technology infrastructure The use of the Boston’s artificial intelligence (AI) model assists with detailed reporting, data analytics and diagnostics for parent to determine strengths and weaknesses throughput the learning experience. Learner progress is further monitored through access to a range of formal and informal assessments, facilitating detailed feedback to parents and learners, enabling relevant academic intervention throughout the learning process. “ It is essential that we harness technology but intertwine with human intervention to create a learning experience focused on the individual”” says Katz. Social Interaction  Boston encourages social interaction through multiple opportunities to engage online with other home educated learners. In this way, learners can enjoy a local and global social network.  A variety of activities such as digital music production, journalism club, app development, public speaking and even online chess tournaments are made available. Parents who require further information and assistance, can  speak to a Boston counsellor or  visit our website: or send an email to:

FYI Play it Safe

Your child may be digitally colour-blind, and that’s normal

Most of us are aware of the fact that all people do not see colour in the same way.  Some individuals suffer from colour blindness, where the brain does not have the ability to see certain colours. If you ask people to tell you the number they see in the image below, the majority will respond by saying that it is clearly the number 15. However, people with red green colour blindness will tell you with absolute certainty that it is the number 17.  No matter how many times you tell them to look again, for them 17 is an absolute truth. In a similar manner, children can be seen as being “digitally colour-blind”.  They simply do not have the ability to detect danger in the digital world.  Some of this “digital colour-blindness” can be attributed to brain development.  The frontal cortex, the area of the brain that assists with reasoning and helps us to think before we act, only develops later in life.  This, combined with the fact that children may not yet have sufficient experience to identify and respond effectively to danger, puts every child at risk in the digital age. Even if you try to teach your children and they a) try their best to please you by listening to you and follow your advice (read younger child), or b) try their best to prove you wrong (read teenager), they most likely will not be able to see the digital red warning light even if it is right in front of them. To make things worse, many parents are not digitally educated enough to know about these dangers and to look out for them on behalf of their children.  Digital predators are aware of this… Which leaves us, as parents, with the question: “What can we do about this?” As a start, parents need to be aware of the risks that the digital world poses to their children.  They need to be aware of the applications their children have access to and how it is being used.  At the same time, it is critical that we educate our children about these risks, but knowing that education alone will not be enough to protect our children while they are still in the process of developing the skills to detect “digital red.”   It is during this critical time that not only you, but also your child needs FYI play it safe. FYI play it safe monitors your child’s online interactions and activities and will let you know when there are any red flags that you have to be aware of. It monitors for signs of cyberbullying, depression, self-harm, suicidal ideation, when they talk to potential online predators, or when they engage in adult content.  The simple fact is this, the digital world will be an essential part of our children’s lives in future.  If we choose to allow them to be online, we should guard them and make the journey safer for them. With FYI play it safe, you have that extra layer of safety.  Sign-up for your FREE 7-day trial now by going to and downloading the app to your child’s phone. It takes less than 10 minutes to set up, with easy steps.  Authors: Hester Burger, Rachelle Best

Global Village College


As we reflect on this academic period, we are delighted with the amazing successes of children who are learning from home. While there has been significant frustration with school systems around the world, where schools were opened and closed, curricula were reduced, tests and examinations were adapted, school was online and offline, and mask wearing, social distancing and sanitising was enforced, children who are learning from home have continued their education as normal.  And they have flourished. They have excelled academically.  Some have accelerated significantly on their academic pathway.  Their creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication skills have developed, and their research and technological skills have been enhanced.  They have become more confident and motivated. It gives me joy to see children playing, socialising, finding new interests and trying new sports.  There is no anxiety, as they are not being pressurised to perform in a system which does not value each child’s unique character, interests, and abilities. I delight in seeing children playing with their pets and spending quality time with their families. I hear the calm in parents’ voices as their children take responsibility for their learning and they see their improved development. THINKING ABOUT SCHOOLING FROM HOME? At this time, you might be reflecting on your child’s schooling, and, like many other parents, you might be considering the best way forward for your child.   I would like to encourage you to consider embarking on the exciting journey of schooling from home.  It might look daunting, but with guidance and support, it is a lot easier than you think. There are many options available to support parents and children to learn from home.  Take the time to carefully consider your child’s interests, passions, talents, and ambitions, and, also consider your family situation, so that you can find the best solution for your child.  It is important to thoroughly research the many methodologies and curricula before you decide on an educational solution.  In my experience and with the research I have done in education and development, I have found Cambridge International qualifications to be an excellent option for students to obtain a matric and to have the choice of further study.   CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) is part of the University of Cambridge and provides international education qualifications for children worldwide.  Reasons to obtain a Cambridge International qualification Internationally recognised  Cambridge International qualifications are accepted by South African and international universities and by employers across the world and are recognised to prepare and equip students with the skills they need to succeed at university and beyond. Develops attributes for future success Learners develop a deep understanding of their subject and learn to apply their knowledge. They develop the ability to solve problems creatively, to think for themselves and to do their own research and to communicate what they have learned. Students are encouraged to be confident, responsible, reflective, innovative, and engaged. Challenging and inspiring Students are challenged to develop their potential and are encouraged to utilise their strengths and to pursue their interests. They learn in depth and develop higher order thinking skills. The approach encourages students to draw on local context and culture so that their learning is relevant. Prepares students for life Students develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for learning. They develop thinking and learning skills which prepare them for the challenges of tomorrow’s world and to shape a better future world.  Matric and university exemption with Cambridge International qualifications The Cambridge AS Level qualification is a matric qualification that is internationally recognized as one of the best in the world.  The incredible resources and methodical delivery of the curricula ensure that your child is getting the best education available.   For matriculants, Cambridge offers an international qualification that is a less stressful option than the South African National Senior Certificate. Instead of writing all exams in one sitting, Cambridge offers IGCSE and AS Level exams (Grade 11 and 12) over different sittings.  Your child could write some subjects in November, others the following June and still have a third opportunity to write subjects the following November.  Fewer subjects are required and there is a range of subject choices and qualification combinations. In addition, once your child has written and passed a subject, the certificate is issued by Cambridge Assessment International Education (UK) and your child will not need to write the subject again, unless they choose to.  This means they can concentrate on their remaining subjects.  There is no age limit to write subjects with Cambridge International.  Why our children and parents love the Cambridge way “It is organised.”   “We know what to expect.  When we start, we know what is in the syllabus, which textbooks to use and what the exams look like.  It is easy to find past papers and answers, so we can do as many past papers as we need, to practice for exams.” “We can set our own pace, work when we like, and do as much work as we need to.  We don’t have to sit in a class all day and wait for everyone to catch up.  We don’t need to listen to a teacher reading from the textbook.” “It is a lot less stressful.”  “It is a much better way to learn than school.” “Exam marking is unbiased.” GLOBAL VILLAGE COLLEGE The delivery of the Cambridge curriculum by Global Village College is a complete educational solution for students and parents to school from home.  Global Village College provides it all at your fingertips 24 hours a day.   We introduce your child to the Cambridge curriculum so that the transition from other curricula is seamless. We offer Academic Pathway consultations to help your child choose subjects for IGCSE and AS Levels and to plan their pathway to write exams. We provide course material and subject specialist tutoring. We have a variety of options and can recommend the one that best suits your child and your involvement as a parent.

Wingu Academy

Wingu Academy to open its first Learning Hub in Centurion – enrolments now open!

Wingu Academy has ventured into establishing its first Wingu powered Learning Hub in Centurion to provide a future focused, safe, reliable, and social environment for learners from different backgrounds to learn.  The first Learning Hub is currently open for January 2022 enrolment for learners aged 6 – 19. Interested parents can follow this link to book a free consultation here: Wingu’s Learning Hub will provide the opportunity for a blended approach to allow learners to learn from home or get support in person at the Hub, providing a unique level of flexibility and uninterrupted education. Learners will engage and interact with fellow learners in a safe and friendly environment that promotes learning and personal growth. The Hub will provide support such as learning spaces to attend seminars and tutorials, collaborative learning spaces, learning coaches, science and robotics laboratory access and other extra-curricular support.   Wingu Academy officially launched in July 2020 and soon after joined TuksNovation (The University of Pretoria’s High Tech Incubator and Accelerator) where it has been housed ever since.  Their remote-learning platform offers educational support to schools, tutoring centres and home-schoolers across the globe, with live classes and tutorials, interactive online content that is aligned with British International Curricula (a Pearson Edexcel examinations centre) catering for qualifications such as the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and AS/A-levels with a focus on developing fourth industrial revolution skills. After finishing these exams, students are welcome to apply at the leading institutions such as the top 100 Universities in the world.   Developed by teachers, UP alumni and postgraduate students who hold advanced degrees in respective fields, and in collaboration with researchers at the Wits School of Education, Wingu prepares students for an international curriculum that is relevant and accredited globally. There is a focus on blended, student-led learning, gamification and instant constructive feedback and continuous assessments. The Wingu platform has evolved markedly over the past year to provide a unique blended experience for the families allowing to utilise Wingu for either complete online schooling or traditional home-schooling with the ability to take advantage of the benefits of both approaches. The core of the Academy is to develop Fourth Industrial Revolution Skills, including critical thinking, problem solving and emotional intelligence. All learners will also be given access to the Wingu Wellness Hub which will provide physical, mental and emotional support to ensure academic success while supporting holistic learner wellbeing. Wingu Academy further offers a variety of different social clubs that enable learners to identify activities they enjoy. The Fitness Club is one example of this, which promotes a healthy level of physical and mental stimulation to keep learners fit, focused and happy. There are limited spaces available at the Learning Hub in 2022, interested parents can follow this link to book a free consultation here:

Parenting Hub

Child kidnapping prevention tips for all ages

News headlines across the country were dominated recently by the kidnapping of four young boys from Polokwane. They were thankfully returned with their family a few days ago, but available crime statistics seem to indicate there is a growing trend of kidnappings across our country and many of these never make the front pages.  The figure for reported kidnappings in 2010/2011 was 2,839 and the upward trajectory of this particular crime by 133% by 2019/2020 places South Africa at risk of being placed on a “consolidated watch list” of countries viewed as kidnapping hotspots. According to Missing Children South Africa, a child goes missing every five hours in our country. “Parents need to empower their children, teenagers, and varsity-going young adults with all the information necessary to prevent kidnappings,” says Charnel Hattingh, Head of Communications and Marketing at Fidelity ADT.  She says there are several tips for parents and family members to consider, and it starts with these safety tips to teach your kids: Children must always walk to or from school with a friend or friends. Stick to streets they know and never take shortcuts through quiet areas or empty parking lots and never walk with cell phones and iPads in full view. If they get picked up at school, they should never leave the premises but always wait inside the school grounds for their lift to arrive. Younger children particularly must never get into a stranger’s car– even if the stranger claims that someone they love is hurt and that they have been sent to pick them up. Remind them that you would never send someone they don’t know to fetch them. Consider using a password system. If the person coming to collect you from school cannot repeat the password that you and your child agreed on, they should not get into the car but immediately ask for help. If a stranger approaches your child, they should not talk to them no matter how friendly they may seem. If someone tries to grab them, they need to fight, kick and shout. If your child does encounter any suspicious activity, encourage them to get a good look and memorise their physical details and clothing, as well as the vehicle they are in. Listen for any names or other details that might help identify them later. Make sure your children memorise their full names, address, and phone number. Using a play phone, teach them when and how to dial 10111. If they are older they should have some emergency numbers programmed into their phone or consider having a safety App on their phone. Hattingh says there are also tips for older children, such as those of varsity age: Older children should be reminded to keep their valuables out of sight at all times and not to use headphones because this will dampen their ability to sense their surroundings. The more you cut your senses off the easier it is for someone to take you by surprise. Stay alert! Alter their route: If they are walking home or to public transport, they need to alter their route. Even if it takes longer, always use a route that is well lit and populated with houses and other walkers instead of taking shortcuts through less-friendly areas. If you feel threatened, you can at least knock on someone’s door for help if you’re walking through a familiar neighbourhood. If you are using a taxi service, ensure that it is a bona fide service provider. Be extra cautious to go and meet anyone who befriends you on social media. Always meet in a public space with two or three friends as backup. Be cautious to be lured by people offering you a job or modelling contract. Remember safety in numbers. “When it comes to kidnapping, the more knowledge both the parent and child have, the better their chances of identifying kidnappers and preventing the unthinkable from happening. As parents, we don’t want our children to live in fear. Still, we live in a world where bad things happen,” says Hattingh.

Boston Online High School

Boston Online Home Education to extend its academic support and services

Boston Online Home Education, a registered Cambridge International Associate, is your home education partner.  We create credible online pathways for parents/guardians of home educated learners toward the attainment of school-leaving alternatives that are internationally recognised for entry into leading local and global universities.  As a pioneer in private higher education specialising in online and distance learning over the past 30 years, the Boston group realises the challenges faced by parents who select to home school their children. As a result Boston is extending its educational expertise to support parents and learners via Boston Online Home Education.     Our mission is to create new opportunities for home education parents and learners to choose an aspirational online learning experience by offering support to the Cambridge International single subject, i.e. International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) and Advanced Supplementary (AS) Levels, or group awards, i.e. International Certificate of Education (ICE) and Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE). The Cambridge International Certificate of Education (ICE) is for learners turning 14 in the first year of registration and who have achieved either a Grade 8.  And the Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) stream is for learners turning 16 in the first registration year and who have achieved either a Grade 9 or 10 or the ICE.  Learners also have the option to register for Cambridge examinations in respect of individual Cambridge subjects to supplement their existing studies especially for those learners who wish to enter into high stakes faculties such as medicine or engineering after school. Parents of a learner without a grade 9 are required to register their child as a home-school learner with the Provincial Department of Education in the province in which they reside.  “Being a registered Cambridge Associate brings huge advantages to parents and their children. The educators at Boston continually work with the academic and assessment guidelines, which are only made available by Cambridge to registered Cambridge associates and Cambridge schools. This means we have access to the Cambridge curriculum statements which ensure that the support is directed towards the guidelines specified by Cambridge. These guidelines also direct the “how” of the assessment methodology for each topic, thereby ensuring that learners will be well prepared for their exams. It is therefore critical for parents to ensure that they are getting support from a credible source such as a registered Cambridge Associate” says Katz. Amongst the challenges faced by parents is ensuring that their children have access to quality content and assessments whilst being able to monitor this progress.  As a result Boston have developed a comprehensive offering of recorded lessons, summaries, e-books and assessments with triggers being sent to the parent so that the parent is able to monitor the progress of the child throughout the learning journey and track performance. The parent has a specific log in feature to participate in the learning journey.  Forums and discussion groups between peers and educators are also integral support mechanisms with access to experience educators to solve problems is fundamental.  Through strategically designed learning material, learners have the benefit of honing higher order skills of comprehension, understanding and application.   Expert tutors are on standby to ensure personal attention to guide and assist each learner.  Learners also have the advantage to study at their own pace, whilst the use of online technology assists with diagnostics pinpointing what a learner knows and where there are gaps as opposed to getting lost in the classroom because a learner might feel uncomfortable to ask question.  Learners also have access to teachers who provide personal guidance and support.  Learner progress is also monitored through a range of formal and informal assessments, facilitating detailed feedback to parents and learners, enabling relevant academic intervention throughout the learning process.  ”We are not a private or independent school, as we do not enrol learners in any grades or have physical school grounds. We also do not set any curricula, exit exams or issue awards – this is done solely by Cambridge International, and you need to register for this separately. We can however assist you by facilitating this separate registration process”. “We do not replace your legal responsibilities and duties as a parent or guardian of the home education learner.  Our focus is about providing support to parents and learners in the home school journey”. Boston encourages social interaction through multiple opportunities to work and interact online in groups with other learners.    In this way, learners are able to enjoy a local and global social infrastructure.   Boston enhances this further through the many extra curricula activities such as digital music production, journalism club, public speaking and even an online chess tournament. “We aim to assist parents so that their children develop skills and future readiness through a holistic support program of academic excellence, offering learners the opportunity to enjoy an alternative to high school while preparing them for a successful and fulling future”. 

Wingu Academy

Surviving year-end academic burnout

Have you ever woken up in the morning and felt less motivated to get going? Maybe even irritable and just plain exhausted, or even frustrated for no reason? You may very well be experiencing Academic Burnout. Academic Burnout is something that affects most learners, especially when you are putting in those extra hours to complete that every growing mountain of assignments and homework throughout the school year, and that prolonged state of stress. It is experienced through an increase in negative emotions, physical and mental reactions due to prolonged studding which can also results in exhaustion, frustration, a lack of motivation and reduced ability in school. It is often caused by the accumulation of weeks of hard studying of the same material and back-to-back classes.  Academic Burnout, however, is not to be confused with a student’s occasional feelings of frustration and fatigue from putting in hours of studying for and upcoming exam or pulling and all-nighter to catch up on missed work.  Academic burnout is far more serious than this. Academic Burnout can severely reduce your productivity, reduces all your energy which leaves you feeling hopeless, helpless, and resentful towards your educators, peers, and parents. These negative consequences from burnout often spills over into other areas of your life, including our personal and social life. Therefore, it is so important to understand what exactly academic burnout is and how to survive it. Constant exhaustion, no matter how much sleep you get; disrupted sleep patterns or insomnia; a serve lack in motivation to either attend classes or complete homework assignments; loss of confidence in your academic abilities, frequently ill or somatic pians are just a few of the common symptoms to look out for that are associated with academic burnout. But it’s not all doom and gloom. “There are ways to help prevent and manage Academic Burnout before it becomes too severe. The first step to treating Academic Burnout is to acknowledge it and understand that a change does need to be made to how you are current way of tackling school tasks and activities,” says Jessica Hart from Wingu Academy’s Wellness Hub. Here are a few changes you can introduce: Make time for the things you enjoy: Its important to remember that there is more to life then school and work. Use your weekends to spend time with friends and family, and to reconnect with the things that make you happy. Up the exercise: Finding the motivation to get up and exercise can be tough. But its always important to remember that a healthy body equals a healthy mind – the two go hand in hand. Try being active at least three times a week and remember to stay hydrated and eat health. Welcome that fresh air: Spending time outside in the fresh air and sunshine, will not only help your body produce that much needed vitamin D, but it will help reduce levels of stress and anxiety, helping you feel more relaxed, improve mental focus and concentration. Set reasonable goals for yourself: Use a calendar or planner and organise what needs to be done in a way that allows you time to rest in between tasks. Trying to get a months’ worth of work done in one week is not going to benefit your grades or mental well-being. Set reasonable goals and stick to them. Wingu Academy’s Wellness Hub offers guidance to all learners and parents on academic, well-being and mental health support. As an online home school we can offer education in a more relaxed environment in the safety of your home. Enrolments are still open for January 2022 at Wingu Acadamy. Book a FREE consultation here: or visit for more information.

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