Advice from the experts

Three R’s to focus on during summer

(Almost) everyone is familiar with the three R’s of education: reading, ‘riting (writing), and ‘rithmetic (arithmetic). As an undoubtedly challenging year comes to an end; it’s time for home education parents to shift the focus to three different R’s – reflecting, reimagining, and relaxing. Reflect This year presented previously unimaginable challenges to families everywhere. Whether you are an experienced home educator or whether you chose homeschooling as a result of the pandemic, now is the time to reflect objectively on the 2020 academic year. Reflection allows you to contemplate the events of the past year to gain a new perspective on them. Thinking specifically about how you and your children managed homeschooling this year will allow you the advantage of becoming more strategic and intentional when preparing for 2021. If you plan to continue homeschooling your children next year, now is an excellent time to consider which aspects need to be modified and which can be omitted altogether.  Of course, reflection also allows you to take stock of everything you have accomplished this year. Considering the unprecedented global events of 2020, you probably ended up with a long list of things you weren’t planning on doing – perhaps home education was one of them. But you rose to the occasion and handled them all. So, congratulate yourself on a job well done!  Finally, why not get your children involved? Reflection is a great way to process feelings and share ideas. Have everyone write down some things they learned, what they are grateful for, or ways they have grown this year. This exercise is helpful as your children may have overcome specific obstacles or learned new skills without even realising it.  Reimagine Reimagining is about using what you learned this year to review and readjust your approach to home education. After all, one of the benefits of home education is that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all solution – it can be customised to accommodate your particular situation and tailored to meet your children’s needs.  The pandemic has encouraged innovation in many sectors, including education. It has proven that children can and will learn outside the constructs of traditional schooling. As the year winds down, why not use this time to consider your approach to teaching your children?  Also read: Parents, here’s how screen time can work in your favour Some of the upsides of home education include:  focusing on your children’s different learning styles and strengths,  incorporating and leveraging technology, nurturing your children’s natural curiosity and interests, encouraging a love of learning in whatever shape or form, it presents itself. With all of this in mind, how can you do things differently in 2021? Also read: A successful start to your (home) school year!   Relax Coping with the pandemic and all its consequences may have left you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and anxious. While there are still some COVID-19-related regulations in place, now is the time for family, friends, and fun!  Whether you are off on a family vacation or staying home, the key is to take some time to rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit – and to allow the rest of your family to do the same. Use this time to slow down and enjoy the simplicity of life. Have a picnic, read a book, spend all day by the pool or at the beach, go for a hike, have a nap, treat yourself to a massage – the list is endless.  Also read: Cool ways to beat summer boredom Taking time to relax and recharge over summer will put you in a better frame of mind to take care of the people who depend on you in the new year – whatever it may hold. By Danielle Barfoot

Parenting Hub


South African learners, especially those attending under-resourced schools have precious little opportunity to engage with 21st Century tech learning.  While their counterparts in many other countries are engaged with coding and robotics from primary school years, South Africa is still currently battling with launching a curriculum.  In essence, this lack means that a generation of our children haven’t had the chance to develop the skills most needed by our changing 4IR world. However, learners from twelve schools in the Western and Eastern Cape provinces entered the country’s first goIT Challenge to come up with app ideas that could change the world for the better.  A technology awareness programme of Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), the goIT Challenge has been designed to inspire the workforce of the future.  Over more than a decade, the TCS goIT challenge has been rolled out in North and South America, Asia, Australia, the UK and Europe.  Partnering with STEM education specialist, Sakhikamva Foundation, TCS brought the innovative 21st Century learning programme to South Africa. 393 learners, from nine high schools and three primary schools engaged in the programme which involved teams coming up with ideas for apps that can help solve real-life problems.  Set in the context of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the learners, who are from disadvantaged communities, grappled with the question of how science and technology could help to solve challenges that have real impacts on their lives. The TCS goIT Challenge, ran from October into November, culminating in a virtual judging event which took place last week.  The winning high school team was made up of Grade 9 – 11 learners from Goodwood College in Cape Town. The team of four took top honours with their app called ‘Tech-U-cation’, under the SDG theme of Quality Education. Their app provides free textbooks, mathematics tutorials and career advice for those not sure which paths they’d like to pursue after school.  A team of four Grade 7 learners, from De Wavaren Primary in Ruyterwacht, won first place in the Primary School category, with their app called ‘Baunk It’. As part of the SDG theme of No Poverty, they created an app to help provide shelter to those in need, either who are about to be evicted from their homes or to assist the homeless. Anyone in need of a place to stay, can register on the app and Baunk It will provide shelter options, relevant to the user’s GPS location. Nikhil Dabhole, HR Head of TCS South Africa says, “As an IT service provider, the goIT Challenge is close to our hearts.  It’s an opportunity for these schools, which traditionally have had few resources to build 4IR skills, to get their learners, educators, parents and their community at large involved in an exciting, relatable and relevant tech education programme.  The goIT Challenge will strengthen their communities today, by empowering their own digital innovators of tomorrow.” Past goIT Challenges have resulted in the development of remarkable apps by students who see the challenges in their communities and grapple with how situations can be improved.  Examples include a helping hands location app that connects vulnerable people such as seniors to young people who can help them with shopping and chores; and a sustainable living app that enables a community to buy and sell more responsibly, rating the carbon footprints, ethical production values and resource use of a wide range of products. This was an opportunity for South African learners to unleash their creativity and ingenuity in the country’s first TCS goIT Challenge. Twelve teams of learners got to present their app ideas to a team of judges, who choose the top three in each category.The challenge included four in-depth training sessions and ongoing mentoring, which led up to a shark-tank-style entrepreneurial pitch event which was held via ZOOM.  As they progressed through the programme, learners developed prototypes of their ideas on paper and used the MIT App Inventor in a hands-on experience of how science, technology, engineering and mathematics intersect with our daily lives.   Founder of Sakhikamva Foundation, Fatima Jakoet says, “Children and young people are all natural-born scientists, full of curiosity and problem-solving abilities.  All they need is the chance; knowledge and resources to come up with world-changing solutions.  We are delighted that TCS has brought the goIT Challenge to South Africa, and we are thrilled to partner with them to launch the first programme in the schools where we work with fantastic educators and principals dedicated to 4IR learning.  If we want our South African communities to achieve the milestones of sustainable living, we must engage our school children now in the development goals, and let them be change agents while they are building their 21st Century skills.”

Evolve Online School

Discovering the delight of different

How do you take the next step when you suddenly discover that something you thought was abnormal is perfect for you? How can you properly evaluate the explosion of schooling options, especially in the online and homeschooling space? These are two of the questions I am going to try and answer for you in this article. I will attempt to give you some guidelines to use when trying to make sense of an education opportunity that you may have thought was only for unconventional families. Still, you may have discovered it seems perfect for your children. Remote learning has taken the limelight and has been a topic of discussion on television, radio, and online media since the Covid pandemic took hold of the world. With schools having to shut down and go online many children (and their parents) have had an experience of homeschooling and online schooling forced on them when they may not have tried to learn this way by choice. There has been a very mixed experience of this.  Some children have discovered that online learning meets their needs in ways that traditional education cannot. They can work at their own pace and spend more time on things that they find difficult. They are not faced with constant interruptions caused by having to change from class to class. Children are not distracted by the behaviour of other children or the lack of comfort of the classroom. Children also like to make more choices about what they learn and when they learn it, which means that they are more engaged with their learning. They are also not held back to the pace of the rest of the class when they find the work easy.  On the other hand, children can lose focus, be tempted to play games or waste time and can find themselves falling behind without the teacher being able to notice or keep them on track. The concept of ‘Zoom’ fatigue has also become an issue. People working from home and children learning remotely have found the challenge of being in online meetings for protracted periods mentally exhausting. Concentration slips and attention wanders. Teachers have had an immense struggle to keep their students engaged and often have no way of knowing if they are paying attention. Schools that pivoted to an online model during the lockdown made the mistake of trying to run a synchronous timetable. That is, they tried to follow the same schedule they would have if the students had been attending live lessons. Proper online schooling does not work this way. Being an online learner is like homeschooling with one significant difference: The student becomes more and more capable of learning without any adult assistance at home.  It is a feature of an excellent online school that we provide a process for children to learn the skills they need to be independent learners. This process includes self-pacing, time management and the ability to schedule their day. It also includes teaching children to work collaboratively with peers in remote locations. No parent should choose online learning for their children without expecting the learning process to be delightfully different.  So, with what should you be delighted? The school should engage with your child as an individual and tailor their learning to suit their needs and interest. Your child should be able to advance at a faster rate in areas where they have an aptitude and intense curiosity. They should be able to take their time and work deliberately when they need to.  Testing and assessment should also be significantly different from a traditional experience. Online systems offer the opportunity to use machine learning and data analysis to make learning specific to a child’s needs. Online learner management systems should collect data on everything a child is doing and learning and start to offer suggestions for improving their understanding and mastery. There is a story about a father with three young daughters. One is two years old, the second is four, and the oldest is seven. He sits down to tell them a story. “Mapule climbs up the stairs and opens the door; there is the Dragon!” The seven-year-old says, oooh! “Mapule climbs up the stairs and opens the door.” The four-year-old says, oooh! “Mapule climbs up the stairs.” The two-year-old says, oooh! Because climbing up the stairs is wonderful to a two-year-old. As our children grow, they lose their sense of wonder and curiosity.  Online schooling executed well, offers children an ongoingly engaging experience. Using, video, games, simulations, discussion platforms and immediate feedback in a way that traditional school models are unable to. It keeps children in the ‘Goldilocks’ zone, where the work they do is neither too easy nor too difficult.  When you are deciding if you want to enrol your child with an online school, ask yourself; how often will they start a lesson and say “oooh!” By: Colin Northmore, Principal of Evolve Online School, a brand of ADvTECH, Africa’s largest private education provider. Visit

Parenting Hub

Sparking student curiosity through real-world experiences

The value of education is centred on making a significant and lasting difference in the way learners are grown, nurtured and prepared for both the present and the future. Sometimes the key to that difference is found in the classroom experience and sometimes it is found elsewhere. For some, this could be on the sports field among teammates, for others, alongside fellow speakers in a combative debating tournament, on the stage, during a particular assembly, in corridor conversations or at break time.  While student engagement is most-often teacher facilitated, it is sometimes the special occurrences where children are exposed to people that they admire, are inspired by, or even challenged by that can leave a lasting impression.  Great inspiration is often sparked when we are taken out of our comfort zones, and this is exactly why it is so important that students are given opportunities to learn in other ways, through exposure to people other than their teachers.  Take TED Talks for example, their platforms exist because they believe in the power of sharing knowledge and ideas to insight creativity and curiosity and ultimately to fuel the fire of the inquisitive to make a better world. Billion-dollar companies like Google are no longer asking for prospective employee degrees, but are rather offering internships and apprenticeships where students can “earn while they learn” and contribute to making a valuable difference by practicing real-world skills.  At HeronBridge College, our aim is to expose learners to experts who can fuel their fires, and is why each year we host events like HEARTists and our annual Grade 11 Cook-Off. This year’s HEARTists event saw students upload videos to renowned local and international talent like performer Jonathan Roxmouth, choreographer Bradley Shelver and actor Carl Beukes. The Cook-Off, in collaboration with Hirsch’s the Guvon Academy and the Custom Content Collective requires students to submit entries to top local chefs, the top ten of which are then selected to compete in the finals at the Hirsch’s Home store in Fourways. Local Chefs Leon Koch and Karen Blanche, as well as Margaret Hirsch are among the few experts to have provided unique Masterclass lessons to the students, andrenowned culinary Olympian Chef JP Ziegentaler will be sharing his skills at the final this Saturday. The top three contestants will win prizes to by Hirsch’s and co-sponsors, as well as internationally accredited food and hospitality workshops at the Guvon Academy. An additional Varsity hamper valued at R8,000.00 is also up for grabs to all HeronBridge Grade 11 students, helping them to get started and settled in the next phase of their learning journey.  Imparting skills as part of the broader curriculum is invaluable in a well-rounded educational offering. Learning isn’t confined to a classroom, and education isn’t only about being taught in a formal structure. Real-life engagement and a breadth of experience is what augments the bedrock of a first-class academic offering. The HeronBridge Cook-Off is only one example of what needs to be happening more often outside of the classroom, where students are exposed to challenging tasks, real-world presentation techniques, and placed in simulation environments as part of their preparation for future careers.


A parent’s role in exam prep: the do’s and don’ts

I think we all agree that this year has been the most challenging yet for our children, especially when it comes to their education. It doesn’t matter what grade they are in; they have lost out on so much including socialising, sports and other fun activities. Learning has also been a whole new experience for them from online classes to an entirely different study schedule. Some children have thrived with the homeschooling experience, but most have found it difficult and stressful (not to mention parents of young children who have been ready to tear their hair out juggling their own work with their children’s). Furthermore, studies have shown that there has been a marked increase in learner’s anxiety and depression levels this year – it’s no surprise! So when it comes to examination preparation, what is the best way to help our children succeed especially if our child is in matric with more pressure and expectation than ever? Here are some do’s and don’ts: Don’t nag Ask any learner what they hate the most about their interaction with their parents during the examination period, and they will probably say the non-stop nagging of their parents to get on with studies. They know what they have to do and are well aware of it – so the nagging just increases pressure and creates more anxiety. Our nagging is because as parents, we are feeling anxious and we feel better when we are nagging. So what is the solution to this unproductive cycle? Firstly, we need to talk to our children and ask them the following questions: How do you feel about the workload? Which subjects do you find easy to understand? Which subject do you find more challenging? The questions should be asked in a curious way; your child should not feel like they are being interrogated. The message your child needs to hear is that you care about how they are dealing with their examination preparation.  Also read: Smart study hacks for the exams Do help them reflect Asking your child the questions listed above will also help them to reflect on things they may not have thought about and give them insight into their work preparation. Children like to feel that you are interested in them and what is on their mind. Asking them questions works much better than lecturing them. In this way, we can ask them what help and support we can offer and what would work for them, instead of us putting our needs and anxieties onto our children.  Do a reality check Another great way of assessing where our children are at is by doing some reality testing with them. This is especially helpful for a child who is less conscientious or diligent. For example, as my client’s son, who is in Grade 10, said while doing no examination preparation at all: “School is a waste of time and one day I’m going to own my own business and have people work for me”.  Reality testing is vital to talk them through the steps needed to own this business one day, starting from school, to university/tech/college, and so on. While they may feel that school is a waste of time, there is no choice in having to do it to get to the next rung on the ladder. An attitudinal change must take place. Don’t wait for motivation One of the other ways that I try to motivate my very demotivated child is by explaining that she is never going to feel like doing the work. So she has to stop waiting for that magical feeling to come as it just leads to further procrastination and ultimately, anxiety.  Instead, she needs to make the decision minute by minute and hour by hour that she is going to work, and that’s it. This manages to bring a halt to procrastination, faffing and all the other negative behaviours she indulges in around studying. Do create a conducive study environment Creating a conducive environment for our children to study is also essential. Some students prefer to learn in a quiet room, with a clear desk and all available stationery in sight. Others prefer to sit on the floor with music on, and their notes spread all around (most parent’s idea of chaos). Again, what is important is getting our child’s input as to what works best for them as opposed to dictating what we think is best. Also read: Homeschooling: the importance of having a dedicated study space Do find your child’s most effective study style Asking our children if they know what they need to do for the information to sink in and for them to understand it also helps them to reflect on what is the most effective study style for them.  It has been shown that interactive learning is one of the best ways for students to absorb information. This can be achieved by teaching the work to others and pretending to teach it using a whiteboard. As parents, we can set quizzes and questions for our children as this interaction with the work is one of the best ways for them to test their knowledge and understanding. At the end of the day, all they want is our compassion, support and understanding to make their examination preparation experiences as conducive to their learning as possible. by Lorian Phillips 

Parenting Hub

Could your child have Type 2 diabetes?

It’s a question no parent wants to ask. But as with so many things in life, knowledge really is power. We’ve outlined all you need to know about the risk factors for Type 2 diabetes so you know what to look for. The difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes First of all, it’s important to understand the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes used to be called ‘juvenile diabetes’ because it was most often diagnosed in children. It’s an auto-immune condition, unrelated to lifestyle or diet. If your child has Type 1 diabetes, you’ll know very quickly because they will get very sick. They’ll lose weight, eat a lot, constantly be thirsty and need to pee a lot – often at night. They’ll also be exhausted. Type 2 diabetes, on the other hand, develops slowly. Until recently, it was mostly seen in older people – one of the risk factors is being over 45 years old. But it is being diagnosed in children more and more. This is largely because our kids aren’t as active as they used to be – one of the main risk factors is a lack of physical activity. Another is being overweight or obese, particularly around the tummy area, and having a family history of diabetes.  What to do if your family is at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes If this is ringing a bell, there are a few simple things you can do. The easiest way to remember them is to think EEL: Eat healthy Exercise Lose weight if necessary Eating healthy means cutting out junk food, sweets and treats, juice and fizzy drinks. Also cut out refined carbs, which means white bread, white rice, pasta – all the white foods. Eat lots of green vegetables (half a plate with each meal), good quality protein and some wholegrain carbs. It might feel like a big adjustment, but your whole family will feel better if you can start eating healthier. Exercise doesn’t have to mean joining a gym. It can be as simple as a 30-minute walk, most days of the week. Or some stretching or yoga at home, or a game of soccer with the neighbourhood kids. It’s so important for kids to be physically active. Losing weight is important if your child is overweight or obese, but that doesn’t mean putting them on a diet. If they’re getting active and eating healthy, drinking lots of water and staying away from junk food, weight loss will be a natural result. If you’re not sure whether or not you’re at risk of Type 2 diabetes, check out our fun 1-minute diabetes risk test on We also have all the information you need on how to reverse Type 2 diabetes, and advice and tips on how to manage diabetes if you’re living with it. The most important thing to remember is that you’re not alone in this! There is a whole community of Diabetic South Africans, all living our best lives. Symptoms of Type 1 diabetes Very hungry Very thirsty Needing to pee a lot, especially at night Sudden weight loss Exhaustion Risk factors for Type 2 diabetes 45 years old (or older) OR Overweight or obese AND Physically inactive (not much exercise) High blood pressure Family history of diabetes High cholesterol Heart disease history High-risk ethnic group (Asian Indian, Coloured) Diabetes during pregnancy or a baby over 4kg PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) If this sounds like you, it’s important to go for a diabetes screening. There are free screenings at Clicks Clinics and many independent pharmacies during November (National Diabetes Month).  Bridget McNulty is a Type 1 diabetic and the co-founder of Sweet Life Diabetes Community, SA’s largest online diabetes community. Find out more about how to live well with diabetes at 


Teaching kids how to plan

As parents, we want our children to do well, succeed and be the best they can be. However, one critical question that we often leave out is, do they know the steps needed to accomplish this?  I spent a lot of time telling my children to study, and then they would go to their rooms for hours on end and produce something that I consider underwhelming at best. It was only after years of parenting in this no-win mode and assisting my children with their ADHD difficulties that I finally got it. The most important thing that our children need to learn to study is how to plan their work before going about it. This includes many skills including: time management,  goal setting,  future thinking,  prioritising, and  organising.  Only after these skills are in place can specific study skills be taught. Plan to succeed If children do not have a plan for how to go about their work or how to get started, how will they succeed? Planning can be taught in simple ways from a young age. When our kids are still young, we can start casually introducing the idea of planning by talking about how we would plan leisure activities. For example, if we were going to the beach, ask your child how they would pack the cooler box. It might look something like this: Fruit at the bottom Hotdog buns on top of the fruit Cooldrinks on top  The example given above is an example of poor planning. In essence, planning reflects the ability to think logically and sequentially to achieve a goal. Teaching this from early on equips our children for many aspects of life. Seeing as so much of life is about planning effectively, mundane as that may sound.  Set realistic goals Planning is the first step in goal setting and becomes more complex as the child gets older, and there are more responsibilities and less time. Your child needs to be equipped with the necessary skills to embark on their work efficiently. These vital skills include: planning,  prioritising,  organising, and  time management. The middle years of primary school, around the time Grade 4 begins, the workload increases, and new subjects are introduced. This is the ideal time to start teaching planning in a more structured way. At this stage, homework is no longer work that has to be completed for the next day, but there may be a test in a few days, a project or speech for the following week and so on, which requires adequate planning. Whatever we are trying to teach our children should ideally be done in a fun way to increase their motivation and get their cooperation. Also read: Encouraging your child to succeed the do’s and don’ts Stay organised Going with your child to the shops to buy a planner or personal organiser that looks appealing to them, or even making one together can be a fun activity to get started. The most important thing when teaching our children planning is not just about writing out what is due but showing them how to create the time to slot the work into the rest of their lives. They need to take the following into account: homework,  extracurricular activities,  appointments, and  social arrangements.  Too often I had heard the cry of “I have plenty time” only to find them in tears the day before because they didn’t realise how much work they had to do or how long it would take. Start with the due date Therefore, the first thing to write on the planner is the due date for the task, assignment, or test. Using a brightly coloured marker to draw attention to it is also a good idea. After that, start to work backwards, filling in their daily activities, extracurricular activities and so on. Remember to block out the weekends in which they should not have to do any work if your children are still young.  Write in the planner with your children by your side, giving their input to involve them as that is the best way for them to integrate it and show them how to have a realistic view of the time they have vs what they think they have. There is often a mismatch between the two! Plan backwards to move forwards Once the initial planning schedule has been done, which can be summarised by the phrase ‘plan backwards to move forwards’, then similar steps can be done daily. Sit with your child and see what homework they have for the day and decide whether they want to get that out of the way first before doing the work expected in a few days or vice versa.  Again, this starts to give them the concept of planning within the day, prioritising and finding out for themselves what works best for them. These are skills that will stand them in good stead throughout their learning journey. Also read: There’s more to life than academic achievement Develop a good work ethic What I have learned is that results truly do not count until Grade 11 BUT what makes a huge difference is our children developing a good work ethic from as early on as possible to carry them through and to make the final few grades as pain-free as possible. Planning is the beginning point of developing that work ethic and the sooner your child gets the concept of it, the better prepared they are for academic success. Who knows, it may help you, as the parent, to be better prepared too! by Lorian Phillips

Missing Children South Africa

Do NOT Wait 24 Hours before reporting your child missing

Parents must NOT wait for 24 hours to report a child that has gone missing. This is a myth, and if a child is reported missing immediately, our chances of recovering that child in the first ‘golden 2 – 3 hours’ is far more successful. There is no waiting period to report a person as missing. Go to your local SAPS (South African Police Station) and insist that they open up a ‘Missing Child’ case. It is very important to get the case number, as well as the Warrant Officer who will be dealing with the case. Then get hold of Missing Children South Africa immediately, so that we can create a ‘Missing’ flyer, and post it across our social media platforms. Teach your children these important numbers: SAPS|POLICE: 10111  MISSING CHILDREN SOUTH AFRICA: 072 647 7464 CELL PHONE HELP: 112 SAPS CRIMESTOP: 086 001 0111 CHILDLINE SOUTH AFRICA: 080 005 5555 GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE: 080 042 8428 HUMAN TRAFFICKING HOTLINE: 080 022 2777 Our website acts as an emergency report facility, as well as being MCSA’s platform for informational and educational material with regards to Child Safety.  The service MCSA offers to the community and government is invaluable and as you can imagine we certainly have our work cut out for us. We provide our services free of charge to anyone who needs us. Sadly we don’t necessarily enjoy the same privilege for our needs and our financial requirements quite often outweigh our resources! We rely solely on the goodwill of individuals and corporations for financial support – funding remains MCSA’s biggest challenge. You can assist us now by clicking here and donating – this will be deeply appreciated and is much needed. Education plays an incredibly vital role in the life of Missing Children South Africa, and all funds received is utilised to further MCSA’s educational program; ‘Tips for Children’ and ‘Tips for Parents’ which promotes Child Safety. The education is targeted to all the vulnerable and orphaned children, and also children with disabilities. The education is also shared with parents, guardians and the families who take care of these children. The education focuses on not only the dangers, but also the solutions with regards to what to do to keep children safe, and especially what not do.    What To Do When A Child Goes Missing Try not to panic and DO NOT WAIT 24 hours to report your missing child. Get a responsible person to stay at your house while you’re at the police station or searching for your child. This person can take messages if someone calls about the child’s disappearance or if the child returns home. Go to your nearest police station and take a recent photograph of your child with you.  Make sure that the photograph is of good quality so that your child will be easily identifiable. Give a good description of what your child was wearing, their last whereabouts and any information that may help the police. Complete a SAPS 55 (A) form which safeguards the police against false or hoax reports. This form also gives the Police permission to distribute the photos and information of the missing child. Make sure the police give you a reference number and a contact name and number of the SAPS officer(s) assigned to the investigation. Click on our Report Now button, and complete the form: Remember that if your child returns home, you should go to the Police station to report that your child is safe and let MSCA know that your child has returned home safely. Missing Children South Africa’s social media platforms are: FB: Twitter: Instagram:


How to help a child manage depression

Coping with emotions is part of life. Everyone feels happy and sad at different times. Feeling sad can be a natural and appropriate response to what is happening in our lives. Time, life changes and the support of those around us help these feelings go away. Depression is when sadness doesn’t go away; when they overwhelm a person and stop them from doing the things they would normally do. Depression affects thoughts, mood, behaviour and how we see ourselves and our future. Along with feeling sad or irritable, it may seem that nothing is worthwhile and that things will never get better. It can also stop children from enjoying the things they had previously enjoyed.  What to expect from your child? Children and adolescents are not mini-adults. Irritability, feeling overwhelmed, and outbursts are common in depressed children. They are developing and changing at a rapid pace, even when they experience a depressive episode. As such, you might find that the depression seems to improve, only to notice a relapse a few days later. Depression is a serious medical condition that can negatively affect a child’s ability to connect with friends and family, enjoy normal daily activities, attend school and concentrate, as well as enjoy childhood. Also read: How to help a child struggling with coronavirus anxiety What to expect in terms of academics? It’s difficult to perform well in tasks and tests when thinking and concentration abilities are impaired by depression. Some homeschooling accommodations might benefit your child during this time, such as: Allowing extended time for lengthy assignments and tests Breaking down assignments into manageable pieces (this is particularly helpful for children who appear ‘overwhelmed’) Helping to create study or homework schedules Taking tests in a quiet and distraction-free environment Also read: How to change a learner’s perception of difficulty to achieve-success What can the parent do? If you have noticed that your child does not seem themselves, the first step is to talk about what’s going on and how they are feeling. As hard as this can be for the parent on the receiving end of these behaviours, you must remain calm and focus on active listening. It’s a natural tendency to want to ‘fix it’ or somehow put a stop to it, but mental illness is complicated. It cannot be fixed or stopped. It can, however, improve. With proper treatment and support systems in place, your child can thrive and enjoy childhood once again. Here are some ideas on how to help a child manage their depression: Let your child know that it’s okay to ask for help and that you’re ready to listen to whatever they want to say. If they are distressed about a particular situation, you can help them to solve the problem or find solutions to improve the situation.  Quality time is also essential. You can do something fun, go outside and get some exercise, or do something special together.  Also read: Why exercise is important for good academic results Seeking professional support Children, especially teenagers, go through various phases. Often a lot of mood swings and emotional episodes occur, which is associated with adolescence, and it can be hard to know when their behaviour is a part of growing up and when it is more serious.  If your child’s change of mood is very severe or goes on for a few weeks without improving, it is time to act. Do not leave it and assume things will get better on their own.  Some children also have suicidal thoughts. If your child talks about taking their own life or hurting themselves, it is important to take this very seriously. Children occasionally use this as a way of describing their distress rather than an intention to harm themselves – either way; they need urgent support.  Seeking help early for your child is the best thing you can do. Proper diagnosis and treatment are vital but working through depression requires time and patience as it could include relapses. It helps to know what to expect during the process and when to seek additional help. The first step towards helping your child battle depression is to learn how to spot it. Become familiar with the warning signs: Low self-esteem Social and emotional withdrawal Lack of interest Hopelessness A decrease in marks Changes in behaviour (irritability) and acting younger than their age (regression)  Drastic changes in eating habits (too little or too much) Feeling guilty and ashamed Lack of energy and motivation Feeling tired all the time (fatigue) for no medical reason Suicidal thoughts and thoughts about death If your child is experiencing one or a combination of these symptoms, they may need professional help. Consult a counsellor or psychologist to help your child work through this difficult time. Dr Jeanné Roux

Parenting Hub

The 3 Benefits of Camper-Counselor Relationships

Summer Camp is a great place for children to get some much-needed time out from mom and dad and form relationships with other authoritative, yet not as threatening, figures like camp counselors. The role of a counselor is not only that of a guardian and caretaker but a friend as well. Camper-counselor relationships provide long-lasting values for both parties; camp allows children the freedom to grow into independent individuals and teaches counselors teamwork, communication, and responsibility.  Let’s take a look at the 3 benefits of camper-counselor relationships. 1. Counselors Show Campers That Being An Adult Can Be Fun Children have many adults in their life: Mom and dad, the family doctor and their teachers. A child is constantly surrounded by someone who either always has something to do, stressed out from work, or giving them instructions. A counselor is an adult that is also a peer to the camper. When they see an authoritative figure playing in the mud, it changes their perspective on what being an adult is like and allows them to be open-minded about growing up. 2. Campers Open Up More To Counselors Since counselors are looked at as peers, campers will often open up to counselors in ways that they might not do with their parents. This allows them to speak about issues they’re not comfortable with speaking to their friends or their parents. From career goals to the trauma they went through and how they believed in the tooth fairy till the age of 12. A counselor lends an ear from a friend’s perspective and gives advice like a parent.  3. Campers See Counselors As Role Models The relationship between a camper and a counselor is so important because it is a chance for children to be inspired by someone who is an authoritative figure and also a friend. When a camper sees their counselor making their bed every morning, they will make their bed without being asked. “The coolest person in the world is making their bed, let me make mine,” will probably be their first thought. If your child is inspired to make their bed by a counselor, the list is endless on how a counselor can positively influence your child. From stepping out of your comfort zone to facing your fears. The benefits of attending a summer camp are endless.  If your child dreams of being a counselor one day, you should consider enrolling them for our Indigo Warrior Training Course. A unique certification program specifically designed for teenagers who want to spend one-week learning new life skills and challenging themselves.  For more information or to book a camp, please call Sugar Bay on 032 485 3778. Alternatively, you can send an email to or visit our website

Parenting Hub

Time for your teen to start earning their own income? Here are some options

Teenagers are a breed in their own right. As parents, all we ever want to do is protect and care for our kids, but we also need to ensure they get some “real world” experiences so they’ll mature into responsible adults. Although your teen might consider it “boring” to start working when they’re “just a teen” there are so many great reasons them to start earning their own cash. Aside from just saving for what they really want, they’ll also begin building valuable skills and expertise, which essentially sets them up for a successful career later on in life. Here in SA, we have quite a lot of easy-to-land jobs for teens that can help develop skills while never being too dull. If you’re helping your teenager find a holiday or part-time gig, here are some options to consider. Best jobs for teenagers Animal shelter If your kid has a knack for dealing with animals, then a job at an animal shelter can be one of the best part-time opportunities. Animal shelters are always in need of cleaners, plus if they’ve got their eye on a career in veterinary services, this is the ideal place to start gaining some hands-on experience. Keep in mind that it can be a sad and dirty job at the worst of times, but the rewards far outweigh the negatives of this job. Dog Walker Again, if your kid loves animals, this is something they can do in their spare time to start earning their own cash. If they’re keen on the idea, they’ll need to be reliable and trustworthy. They can get a foot in the door by offering their services to neighbours before advertising on a community board or Facebook group. Babysitting This is an excellent job for South African teenagers because it’s a super flexible part-time job and something that’s almost always in demand. While some folks pay per hour, most of them pay a daily fee, and it’s always in cold hard cash. Obviously, they’ll mainly be working on Friday and Saturday evenings. To ensure they earn a better pay rate, help them get certified in first-aid because most people don’t want to leave their kids with someone who doesn’t know how to handle an emergency situation. Swimming instructor If your teenager is good at swimming, this can be a cool way to earn some extra cash. Of course, they can only land a job like this if they have training in CPR and basic first aid. They might just have to save someone’s life one day, so it’s super important that they know how to do it! Final Thoughts There are loads of jobs for teens in SA, and all you need to help your teenager land one is a little initiative and a willingness to learn and work from their side. Yes, the pay might not be excellent for all these jobs, but they are surefire ways to get a foot in the door for the future of their career in a few years. Not sure where to start looking? Head over to Adzuna right now. Your opportunity might be just a few clicks away!

Parenting Hub

Another Must-Have Card Game- UNO FLIP!™

Who doesn’t love UNO… well if you are a fan then certainly UNO FLIP!™will grab your attention and keep the whole family entertained!  As some of you may already know, card games are a big thing in our house. We can spend hours as a family playing a variety of games together. Not only is this important bonding time for us but  regularly playing card games creates an opportunity for us to all interact with each other and challenge each other’s skills.  What I have found is that it encourages my younger children to focus better on their decision-making in terms of what hand to play, figure out how they can outwit the older children and which card will give them the better opportunity of winning.  It also creates a space where we can all be competitive but within a safe environment where we all laugh with each other and does not feel like an educational opportunity at all! . UNO FLIP!™ is very much like the UNO that we all know and love – but with a twist! The cards are double-sided and this new and exciting deck includes a special FLIP card that gives classic gameplay a competitive edge. Players take turns matching a card in their hand with the current card shown on top of the deck either by colour or number. In a race to deplete their hands, players can play special cards to slow their opponents down, like Skips, Reverses and colour-changing Wild cards. UNO FLIP!™ also includes new Action cards that really shake things up, like Draw Five and Skip Everyone cards.  Play the special FLIP card and all cards in your hand, the draw pile and draw deck are flipped over to reveal an entirely new set of numbers and colours on the opposite side! Talk about shaking things up! The holder of the FLIP card then determines whether or not you play on the “light” side or “dark” side of the deck and when you switch it back around. Strategise to rattle your competition and be the first to get rid of your cards to win. This is another educational opportunity for players, no matter what age, encouraging them to hone their planning skills. When you’re down to one card, don’t forget to shout “UNO!  UNO FLIP!™ comes in a pack of 112 cards and includes detailed instructions.  UNO FLIP!™ is perfect for families and players ages 7 and up. UNO FLIP!™ is available at your favourite toy store today!

Parenting Hub


“Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed toward the sun, one’s feet moving forward.” (Nelson Mandela) Final examinations can be a significant time of stress for any student, no matter what school year they are in. For Matrics, the 2020 year has been especially challenging in many ways, including having to adapt to new modes and methodologies of teaching and learning, at a time when marks really count. To the Matrics of 2020, spending too much time worrying about your studies and exams, having feelings of low confidence, low self-esteem and experiencing depressed and anxious thoughts, will ensure that you will not be in a good learning space. These troubled feelings and symptoms in relation to your studies and writing your exams are caused by stress. It is a warning sign that your wellbeing needs attention.  Don’t let the pressure of the final examination period affect your performance now. Be optimistic, keep moving forward and choose to thrive in your quest to conquer your final examinations! Draw up a study timetable and stick to it Time management is key to helping you feel focused and in control. Create a plan and stick to it. Include a routine that you can manage, focusing on the times of day that you are most alert.  Put up your study timetable for everyone in your household to see. It is important for them to support you in your studies and you to learn effectively. Eat well and feel wellThe food that you put into your body can have a huge impact on how your brain works. As tempting as it is to eat the local takeaways or even worse, skip a meal, it is not the way to supercharge your brain. Make a point of taking in foods that can improve your memory, fuel your brain, and help you master your studies. The best way to feed your brain is to eat a wide range of foods from all food groups and to drink lots of water. Take regular breaks and reach out to those you can talk to Learn to recognise when you are stressed out. Don’t be afraid to take a break and have a conversation with someone who knows about the pressure you’re under. This will allow you to put things into perspective.  Sleep routine is important Ensure that you get eight hours of sleep every night over the period of the examinations. Wind down completely before you go to bed and don’t revise under the duvet on your bed – your bed is your sanctuary, not your desk.  Limit social media and build rewards and treats into your study timetable Incorporate small rewards and treats that you can look forward to, for sticking to your study timetable. You need to ditch all social media while you are studying. Put your phone out of sight and on silent when you are studying. Once you have met your study goals for each day, treat yourself to just 30 minutes on your phone to catch up on what you missed out on.  Access free online resources to enhance your preparation Ensure that you capitalise on and use the many free, excellent online resources created by national education departments, higher education, and corporate institutions. Visit their websites to access academic and other forms of support. During these unusual times, extra help will go a long way. The AAA School of Advertising has put together a sound, online matric revision programme which will enhance the already excellent work being done by Matric Educators in secondary schools. Students can register on for the following subjects:  Date Subject  Mon 26 Oct  Business Studies  Tues 27 Oct  Life Sciences  Wed 28 Oct  English Home Language  Wed 28 Oct  Afrikaans Home Language  Thurs 29 Oct  English Additional language   Thurs 29 Oct  Afrikaans Additional Language  Friday 30 Oct  Accounting  Ultimately, don’t lose sight of the fact that there is life after your examinations. Things might seem intense right now, but it won’t last forever.  “We wish all Matrics huge success for the 2020 end year exams!” By Debbie Lees: Foundation Programme Manager, The AAA School of Advertising


How our childhood personality affects us as adults, and why it’s important

Much research has been done into how our experiences during childhood shape both our personalities as children and, later in life, as adults. This is an important area of research as it has many implications for parents when it comes to child-rearing, for teachers when it comes to teaching, and for many other people working with children. How is ‘personality’ defined? ‘Personality’ can be defined as a person’s ways of thinking, feeling, behaving, and interacting with other people. Multiple researchers have determined that there are five primary personality characteristics, known collectively as the Big Five personality traits or the OCEAN model: Openness: a person’s appreciation for art and adventure, as well as their imagination and curiosity. Conscientiousness: a person’s ability to discipline themselves, fulfil their duties, and strive for success. Extraversion: a person’s tendency to experience positive emotions and to seek out the company of other people. Agreeableness: a person’s inclination to be compassionate, co-operative, and socially harmonious. Neuroticism: a person’s tendency to experience negative emotions such as sadness, anxiety, and anger. How are our personalities shaped? Our personalities are shaped not only by our genes but also by our environments and personal experiences as children and adolescents. These factors include parenting styles, culture and religion, education, access to resources, and adverse life events such as a parent’s divorce or death.  Read more on helping children cope with divorce The development of our personalities begins with our temperaments as infants, which refers to an infant’s mood, energy and activity levels, and emotions. Although temperaments are primarily determined by genetics, they can be affected by other environmental factors, especially an infant’s attachment style, which is the way infants bond with their caregivers. Attachments are secure when caregivers are supportive and insecure when they are neglectful. Children who are securely attached have better life outcomes than children who are insecurely attached. Our personalities are also shaped by our childhood experiences with friendships and other social interactions. Do our personalities as children affect us as adults? In short: yes. Research has shown that our personalities as children remain relatively fixed throughout our lives. Four childhood personality traits have been identified as being good predictors of a child’s adulthood personality and life outcomes. These are: Mastery motivation: This trait refers to a child’s tendency to approach tasks with enthusiasm and confidence, to strive for success, and to persist in the face of failure. Children who exhibit high levels of this trait go on to be socially competent, rule-abiding academic achievers as adults.  Read more on how to cope with failure. Academic conscientiousness: Similar to mastery motivation and conscientiousness as described by the OCEAN model, this trait assesses a child’s tendency to approach schoolwork seriously, thoroughly, and responsibly. Children who display high levels of academic conscientiousness go on to achieve success both at school and in the workplace. Surgency: Similar to extraversion, surgency measures a child’s tendency to be socially involved with others. Children who display high levels of this trait are outgoing, expressive, and self-reliant, and go on to be extremely socially competent as adults, enjoying numerous healthy platonic friendships and romantic relationships. Agreeableness Much like the Big Five personality trait, agreeableness in children refers to the generosity, kindness, and consideration they display as children, as well as their co-operation with adults. This trait positively predicts social cohesiveness and career success in adults. Read more on nurturing good values in children. Why is any of this important? The fact that so many factors influence our personalities as children, combined with the fact that our personalities as children persist well into adulthood, means that there are multiple implications for children’s caregivers, whether they be parents/guardians, teachers, or babysitters. Firstly, a child’s primary caregiver during the first year of their life must be aware that the way in which they care for the child will affect the child later in life. It is vital that such caregivers educate themselves on attachment styles, and how to provide for a child in a healthy, nurturing way without being obsessive or overbearing, which can be as detrimental to a child as a caregiver who is cruel or neglectful, or both. Secondly, knowing which childhood personality traits are predictors of good life outcomes in adulthood is crucial in setting up a child for success later in life. When a caregiver is aware that a child is displaying behaviour that is not a predictor of good life outcomes, measures can be taken to help the child. Caregivers can enlist the assistance of child psychologists and occupational therapists to help set the child on the right path. Lastly, caregivers who are conscious of healthy personality characteristics in children can work to nurture those and to reinforce beneficial behaviours. As crucial as corrective measures are for curbing unhealthy behaviour, positive reinforcement is equally as important – if not more important – for promoting healthy behaviour in children. Read more on rewarding good behaviour. By being aware of our children’s early childhood needs and their behavioural patterns, we can set them up for success, both in their childhoods and throughout their lives. By Jacqui Smit

Parenting Hub

Grade 11s: don’t leave the Matric focus until next year

The saying “don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today” has never been more apt for this year’s Grade 11s, as Covid-19, the lockdowns and their impact on education have shown. While many learners wait until their final year of school to put in the hard work, Grade 11 results can make an important impact on the future options of learners, an education expert says. “This has been a tremendously disruptive year for all learners, and in particular for Matrics,” says Nola Payne, Head of Faculty: Information and Communications Technology at The Independent Institute of Education, SA’s largest and most accredited private higher education provider. “Yet while most of the attention was focused on Grade 12s to ensure they can complete their last year of school and continue their educational journey thereafter, Grade 11 is a very important year – usually a year considered intrinsically linked to the final year of school – and these learners should attempt to do as well as possible during these last few months,” she says. Payne says it may be tempting to wait until next year to get back in the swing of things, particularly now after an unprecedentedly hard and tumultuous 7 months, but that it should be kept in mind that there is no guarantee that everything will just go back to the pre-pandemic normal as the clock strikes 12 on December 31. “Therefore Grade 11 learners must use their time optimally, and put in the hard work with dedication so that they can enter 2021 from a position of strength… And also to hedge against any other unforeseen disruptions that may in future impact their educational journey – whether they be personal or external,” she says. Payne says that doing well in Grade 11 serves as a kind of insurance for the future because many higher education institutions will make provisional offers based on a learner’s performance in this year. “Therefore, if you put in the work now, you will have something to fall back on next year if needed, even if only because you didn’t perform to the best of your ability in Matric,” she says. “There is still enough time left this year for you to counteract some of the impact the past year’s disruption had on your education and, indeed, to dramatically improve your academic performance.” In addition to having good marks to fall back on in Matric, performing well in Grade 11 also means that learners can apply to their higher education institution earlier in their Matric year, which takes at least one weight off their shoulders for the remaining part of Grade 12. “As things stand, the academic year for 2021 will already look different from previous years because of the delay in the release of Matric results and the later than usual start date of universities. With many logistics still needing ironing out across the board, having a solid bird in hand by way of Grade 11 results will only make these prepared learners’ road smoother down the line,” Payne says.

Parenting Hub

Smartick launches free online assessment to detect the risk of dyscalculia amongst children

First online e-learning programme to design dyscalculia early detection online resource tool Smartick, an AI-based maths, coding and logic e-learning programme for kids aged 4 – 14, has launched a free standardised online assessment that allows for quick and easy identification of children at risk of dyscalculia. Dyscalculia (pronounced dis·cal·koo·lee·a) is a mathematics learning disorder characterised, among other things, by the difficulty in acquiring number sense and calculation. In other words, a relative of the more commonly known and researched learning disorder dyslexia, which involves difficulty reading due to problems identifying speech sounds and how they relate to letters and words.  Smartick global research suggests that approximately 5-7% of a country’s population may suffer in silence from dyscalculia and that in a class of 25 students, it is likely that at least one child has the learning disorder. For a population of 57+ million in South Africa, and if similar percentages are anything to go by, it could equate to around four million people potentially being misdiagnosed. Smartick co-founder, Javier Arroyo says that dyscalculia is a disorder with serious consequences and high prevalence, but unknown among many children, parents and educators. “Dyscalculia tends to be confused with other disorders such as attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), low IQ or even study laziness. While it can result in failure in the mathematics subject, although not always the case, it can translate into real life difficulties that cause frustration and low-self-esteem,” says Arroyo. On a day-to-day basis, it can translate into misreading the time on a watch or car license plate, as well as having difficulty memorising phone numbers, number sequences or calculating the return on a purchase. Available to South Africans from 1 September 2020 with the aim of helping to detect the ‘dyslexia’ of the numbers, Smartick’s designed* free standardised online assessment takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and includes tasks around three fundamental areas of mathematical learning: comparison and recognition of numbers, arabic numerals and numbering and arithmetic.  “The exercises for each evaluate the ability to recognise and manipulate numerical quantities without counting, and numerical processing that use verbal symbolic code, such as number recognition and comparison. Children with dyscalculia often have severe and persistent difficulties in learning arithmetic,” says Arroyo. At the end of the assessment, a report is immediately generated and sent with the child’s strengths and weaknesses in each of the evaluated areas. If, according to the results, a child is at risk of dyscalculia, it is recommended that parents and / or guardians go to a professional for a complete evaluation, which includes psychological tests for intelligence, attention and reading, in addition to specific tests for maths. Arroyo says the e-learning programme wanted to provide the educational community and parents with an instrument with which to identify early on one of the mathematical learning disorders as common as unknown. “Children with dyscalculia need adapted, daily training based on a deep understanding of concepts and procedures. Your child might be the next Bill Gates and can help change the world, but he’s misdiagnosed and misunderstood,” he says. *The standardised dyscalculia assessment needs to be completed on a tablet and is aimed at children from first to fourth grade. It was developed in collaboration with the Universities of Malaga and Valladolid in Spain, with more than 800 students in different areas of Spain participating in the initial assessment validation study.


How to help a learner prepare for university

University presents learners with a range of challenges whether they will be moving out or staying at home, so prepare well ahead of time to avoid any nasty surprises! When living in residence or off-campus accommodation Living away from home can be nerve-racking for even the most adventurous of learners. Here are some tips on how to prepare for living away from home: If the student accommodation doesn’t provide food, learners should learn how to cook easy, nutritious meals if they don’t know how to do so already. Also, very rarely does student accommodation offer laundry service, so learners should make sure they know how to do their own laundry if they’ll be doing it for the first time. Read more about teaching children life skills.  Ensure the accommodation has a working internet connection. While Wi-Fi is widely available on campus and most campuses have 24/7 libraries, having internet access at ‘home’ will make completing your studies a lot easier. Learners should try to get to their new home well ahead of time to familiarise themselves with the surroundings, particularly places like grocery stores and bookstores. Also find a local GP and hospital – if there is an emergency, better to be safe than sorry (and invest in a first aid kit)! Arriving early will also give learners time to buy any things they may need, like cutlery, crockery, and so on. If the student accommodation is shared, learners should set boundaries with their new roommate(s) regarding socialising hours, cleaning up, quiet time, and so forth. Also, invest in a pair of shower slippers as communal showers are often a breeding ground for nasty fungal infections. Make a list of things to pack, and tick them off as you pack. Most critical will be paperwork, legal documentation, and a bank card. If necessary, learners should ensure they have all the necessary medication they need and make sure they have a new prescription ready for when refills run out. When living at home Living at home as a varsity student might be even more challenging than living away from home for the first time. Here are some tips on how to survive: Join societies to help make friends. If a learner is not living in student accommodation, it will inevitably be more difficult to socialise and meet new people. University sports and cultural clubs are a great way to socialise with fellow students outside of lecture halls. Learners and their family members absolutely must set boundaries well ahead of time. These boundaries include: Leisure time: it is vital to give learners some time to rest when they have come home after a long day of lectures. Don’t harass them as soon as they set foot in the door, they’re tired and need rest. Decide on agreeable ‘relaxation time’. Socialising: agree on rules like curfew, staying over at friends’ houses, keeping in contact with parents while out on the town, and so forth. Attending lectures and tutorials: while not ideal, often students will need to skip one or two to study for a test or complete an assignment. Start managing expectations surrounding class attendance ahead of time. These boundaries must be seen as compromises rather than forced stipulations. Your child is an adult now – treat them as such. Keep the lines of communication open and have regular open and honest conversations.  Learners need to know that they can count on their parents if something goes wrong, whether academically or in their personal lives. Making mistakes is a part of growing up, and if your child is staying at home for the duration of their studies, you are on this journey with them.  Read more about managing failures. General tips Irrespective of whether a learner will be living at home or not, there are some general guidelines to prepare learners: Take a tour of the campus and make notes of where different buildings are – this will make navigating them easier when lectures begin. Have a look at the orientation week programme as soon as you receive it. Choose which events you would like to attend, or which you think will be helpful. Participating in ‘O-week’ is a fantastic way to get to know the campus and new people. Purchase your learning material as soon as you get your book list and get stuck into the recommended reading before lectures even start. University involves a lot of self-studying, and often, having done the reading ahead of time is a prerequisite for attending the class, so get into the habit now. Read more about how Impaq learners have achieved success at university. Varsity is often a once-in-a-lifetime experience for students. With the parents’ help, support, and guidance, these can be some of the best years of a learner’s life!  Read more on how to help prepare your child for life after matric. by Jacqui Smit

The Bridge Assisted Learning School

Coping with Anxiety

What could happen if we gave each person the tools to diminish their anxiety, reduce their fears and build a toolbox to achieve true resilience? Anxiety is a normal part of life, but during the recent Covid-19 pandemic, many people are more worried, concerned and/or depressed than in normal circumstances. In order to find the ways to move forward and manage the stresses that recent circumstances have thrown at us, we need to better understand what anxiety is.   “I’ve always described it as a gnawing, tightness in your stomach and even in your whole body. It’s a weird feeling, because you can’t really pin it down. You know you feel worried, but you’re not sure about what. For me anxiety is: an underlying fear of not knowing what the future holds, or what the outcome of a situation will be”, says Dr Greg Pienaar, Principal of The Bridge School for Assisted Learning in Beverley, Sandton.  Anxiety is a normal reaction to danger, the body’s automatic fight-or-flight response that is triggered when you feel threatened, under pressure, or are facing a challenging situation  An overwhelming number of questions may resonate with us during these circumstances and the pandemic that causes an anxious feeling in the pit of our stomach. They include: What does the future hold? Will we ever get beyond the Coivid-19 virus? What will life be like after… Will we go back to “normal”? What if we get sick? What if a loved one gets sick? What if a lot of people get sick? Will we survive? Am I safe at school? “I want to give you some ideas about coping with anxiety”, Dr Pienaar continues. There are many models out there which refer to methods of coping with anxiety. One of the most famous models is the ‘Three Basic Coping Styles model’ (Endler 1997, and Folkman and Lazarus, 1986): Task-oriented (time-outs, eat well-balanced meals, count to ten slowly, limit alcohol and caffeine, take deep breaths, humour, enough sleep and other similar tasks). Emotion-oriented (meditation, distracting oneself, releasing pent-up emotions). Avoidance-oriented (staying away from triggers where possible, drug or alcohol abuse, severe procrastination). ( Many models contain similar ideas but might not be the most suitable for everyone. Thus, consult an expert that could work with you on the different methodologies to find the best practice for you. In the meantime, we look at the following steps that may assist you in this pressurised time One of the best ways of coping with anxiety relates to music. Listening to music, finding appropriate songs for a specific mood. It is really strange that sometimes when you’re feeling down, to listen to sad songs can actually make you feel better. Or hearing a particularly “up” song can make you feel worse? Although at other times listening to particular songs or a specific playlist can make you feel better? For example, here is a “Coping with Covid top 5” playlist. These are songs which currently resonate with me: “I’m Not Over” Carolina Liar (Actually about not being over a girl in a relationship, but for me it’s about not being over The World and all the beautiful things in it, just yet). “Carry the Weight” (acoustic version) Denison Witmer (About “carrying the weight of anybody who needs help, especially at the moment). “Times Like These” (acoustic version) Foo Fighters (Who knew there would be times like these). “What a Wonderful World” Israel Kamakawiwo’ole (Just love this version of how beautiful the world could be…) “Beautiful Day” U2 (Just a reminder about this fact is sometimes required). “Listening to music can definitely make us feel better about the world. The ugliness of the world can melt away, and the important things can rise up: friends, finding beauty in different places or things, sharing, closeness. Especially during Covid 19, having to look at what is really important in life”, says Dr Pienaar However, everybody will have their own songs, or music. Part of the journey will be finding the songs of your life, or the music which is soothing to your soul and assists with anxiety. Enjoy the music. Exercise: If you love running or riding or swimming, this is easy and really helps. However, what if you don’t like exercising? The last thing you want to do when you feel anxious or depressed is to exercise. It’s strange, but that’s when it is the most effective. To force yourself to exercise in those moments will be highly beneficial to you. Walking, jogging, riding, swimming, dancing, stretching, yoga, any exercise. They talk about the release of “endorphins” (feel good hormones) when you exercise, often these can help with easing anxiety. However, be mindful that it won’t help you, if exercising makes you feel bad, frustrated and/or unfit. Another way of coping is to develop a mantra A mantra is a positive saying, expression or motto to live by, that you can use to inspire or motivate yourself. Just by saying it often enough can help with coping with anxiety. “My personal mantra has become ‘I’m Not Over the World’, says ….  My mantra used to be “Never, ever, give up”. Develop your own mantra, or use somebody else’s if it fits your world: “It’s going to be ok”, “This is completely understandable”, “The sun will come out tomorrow, or even “I’m doing the best I can”, and  possibly in these times: “It is, what it is”.  It’s amazing but just the act of talking to someone else is extremely important to assist you to organise your thought processes and help alleviate anxiety. It was once said: “A problem shared is a problem halved…”. It’s almost as if by sharing an issue, someone else hears it, and even if they don’t have answers, they are at least hearing and understanding your anxiety. Drawing, writing, painting, colouring, being creative and innovative can help with calming the anxieties that you are feeling. No-one has to see what you paint or write. It’s more about being


How to change a learner’s perception of difficulty to achieve success

In the days of old, children were expected to go to school, do their homework, study for tests and do okay. There didn’t seem to be the issues of today where children struggle to focus and concentrate, where the psychological needs of the child must be attended to and taken into consideration. Where the way we, as parents, encourage our children is put under the microscope.  In the days of old, the odd child may have had dyslexia or some learning issues, but these were certainly not common or if they were, were indeed not widely known by other learners. Raising 21st-century kids Parents today must deal with far more, so it seems – firstly we are in the middle of the technological revolution so that our children are already distracted by the lure of the smartphone, tablet, etc. Today, knowledge about ADHD, ADD, processing issues and so on is vast. It is not uncommon for many children to be receiving some additional therapy and to be on medications to help them focus. The good part is that there is no stigma with this, and instead, children often happily compare their different meds with each other.  Also read: Parents, here’s how screen time can work in your favour Awareness is huge, and with that comes the next area of ‘how-to’. How do we encourage our children to succeed at school, without damaging their self-esteem? How do we motivate them and not discourage them though incorrect parenting practices?  Defining success I believe that an important question to ask ourselves before we even start with our children is what we, as parents, value and consider to be important in terms of their academic success. Also read: there’s more to life than academic achievement Parents often fall into these three categories: Some parents are not concerned about their children’s marks and place more emphasis on sporting achievements.  Some parents are not particularly worried about results and want their children to be happy.  Some parents are very concerned, and even sometimes pushy, with their children achieving the very best, no matter what. Developing a strong work ethic In my years of parenting children at school and especially being the mother of ADHD children and having many moments of despair along the scholastic road, what has been the most important goal for me is for my children to have a decent work ethic. Children must learn from an early age to do the following:  study in advance prepare their work in good time use planners and calendars to coordinate their study time, leisure time and extra murals Planning their time prepares children for high school and university where there is an increased workload and often more extracurricular activities. Planning their time also helps with their perception of difficulty as the tools of planning, organising, and prioritising cannot be underestimated. Understanding how children learn What also helps children to succeed is if they know their learning styles. We each have a different type of learning that makes work easier for us to access. The VARK analysis refers to these four different learning styles, namely: V – verbal  A – auditory  R – reading  K – kinaesthetic  Learners who can understand how they learn from an earlier age, be it through having to learn aloud, using visual images, highlighters or having to carry out projects, science experiments and so on, learn how to integrate the information into their memories.  As parents, we can observe our children from the primary school years and see the most effective ways they learn and access the work. Providing them with this information also helps to give them ways to approach the subject in the best way for their brains, which improves their perception of difficulty. It is all about having tools and feeling confident in being able to use them effectively. Also read: Encouraging your child to succeed – the do’s and don’ts Defining learners’ perception of difficulty Children’s’ perception of difficulty and ease of work affects their attitude towards the work. A recent study showed that what people think ease and difficulty means for them is very important. If learners are given work that they deem as easy but trivial, i.e. meaningless and beneath them, they are less motivated to carry out the work. If the task is perceived as easy but meaningful, i.e. leading to positive outcomes, learners are more motivated to carry it out.  At the same time, work that is perceived as difficult and impossible to achieve lowers learners’ motivation. In contrast, work that is perceived as difficult but challenging and worthwhile motivates learners to try harder. Therefore, the way the work is presented to the learners is important. It would be a good idea for facilitators to get an idea of this to motivate learners better.  Emphasising effort  Another essential key to this is emphasising effort as opposed to results. Learners can get demotivated and demoralised if they see the work as beyond their capabilities. The aim is to create children with a growth mindset. This concept was developed by Carol Dweck, a Stanford psychologist who distinguished between two different mindsets – a growth one and a fixed one.  Fixed mindset – people with a fixed mindset believe that their abilities are fixed and can’t be changed or improved upon. Growth mindset – people with a growth mindset believe that with effort and practice, they can improve and change their outcomes.  The growth mindset is the one we want to instil in our children. Suppose they believe that with effort and practice, they can make a difference in their understanding and accessibility to the work. In that case, they will be more motivated to try harder and put that effort in so that the focus is not on difficulty but effort and input. This, in turn, brings about results. There are many ways to help our children with their perception of difficulty to achieve success, whatever that may mean to each parent. The most important

Parenting Hub

Get total protection for everyday oral hygiene with Biorepair®

The health of your mouth is important at every stage of your life and there’s no better time to pay extra attention to your dental routine.  With two of the world’s most common health problems affecting the mouth – cavities and gum disease, it really is in your best interest to practice good oral hygiene. Not only does it ensure a beautiful smile, but it is good for your health. Just like adults, it is important for little ones to look after their teeth too.  Children’s tooth enamel is thinner and more vulnerable than an adult’s. It is important to remineralise it to defend it from the acid attacks caused by sugar. Another important step to maintaining good oral hygiene is daily flossing.  Both interdental brushes and floss penetrate the places your toothbrush cannot reach, protecting against the formation of the dental plaque that causes cavities and inflamed gums. Biorepair®, the first and only toothpaste in the world that repairs tooth enamel based on the patented microRepair® technology (zinc-substituted-carbonate-hydroxyapatite crystals) offers total protection for everyday oral hygiene. It repairs the enamel surface and protects it from cavities plaque and tartar build-up.  What are microRepair® particles? A MicroRepair® particle is very similar to the composition of tooth enamel. This similarity gives microRepair® a biomimetic property, allowing the micro-particles to integrate permanently with tooth enamel and dentine, no matter the condition of the mouth, thus repairing enamel and dentine evenly and naturally. The microRepair® particles form an even coating on the tooth surface, penetrating cracks in the enamel and chemically binding to it, thus repairing and remineralising them. From total protection, and sensitive teeth to gum protection and teeth whitening, the Biorepair® range of oral care products will take care of all your oral hygiene concerns. Biorepair® Gum Protection Mouthwash (R129.99) is the only high-density formula with microRepair® that provides greater adhesion to the teeth. It helps fight gum disease, preventing bleeding and inflammation of the gums, promotes tissue healing and strengthens gums thanks to its hydrating and protective properties. It also prevents plaque and tartar build-up, provides an antioxidant and protective function for the oral mucosa and offers relief for gums thanks to the astringent and soothing properties of the natural ingredients.  Biorepair® Fast Sensitive Repair Toothpaste (R79.99) reduces dentinal sensitivity immediately. It closes the tubules, preventing thermal stimuli from reaching the tooth, prevents enamel erosion and the loss of natural tooth whiteness. Biorepair® Total Protective Repair Toothpaste (R74.99) repairs the enamel surface, protecting against plaque, tartar build-up and cavities. Biorepair® Pro White Toothpaste (R74.99) returns the natural white of your smile. It protects the enamel from the daily erosion process, restores the natural whiteness of teeth and uses an innovative PVP whitening technology. Biorepair® Gum Protection Toothpaste (R74.99) protects and strengthens sensitive gums. It repairs and regenerates gingival tissues, allows for antibacterial and anti-plaque action and has astringent and soothing properties. Biorepair® KidsToothpaste (R49.95) contains MicroRepair®, which strengthens tooth enamel and promotes the proper development of healthy permanent teeth.  Biorepair® Junior 7-14 Toothpaste (R49.95) contains MicroRepair®, which strengthens and protects tooth enamel from cavities while they are developing and is ideal for remineralising the erosion caused by braces. With the addition of the antioxidant Vitamin E, it helps to maintain healthy gums. Biorepair® Interdental Brushes (R79.99) are made with the innovative SELFCLEANING POLYMER technology and microRepair®, particles made up of the same substance as enamel, which penetrate into places toothbrushes cannot reach. Biorepair® Floss (R69.99) reaches where brushing cannot. The floss features microRepair particles, which are made from the same substance as tooth enamel, helping maintain tooth integrity. Exclusive to selected Clicks stores.

Parenting Hub

Modern children and where to find them: 73% of South African parents do not track their children’s location

Parents have always managed to set geographical boundaries – where their children could go and where they could not – back in time. Nowadays there is another opportunity to monitor the child’s whereabouts – to track the location of them using special software. Yet, according to Kaspersky’s special survey for parents, not many parents in South Africa realise this. According to the “Responsible Digital Parenting” survey*, 73% of South African parents do not track the location of their child. The reasons for this vary: 37% have never thought of tracking the location, while 31% do not know how to do it. There is an option to have the software, which lets parents locate their children on a map and set a safe area for them to stay in, installed on their children’s devices. However, 41% of parents in South Africa claim they do not have it installed on any of their devices. “Modern times offer a wide range of tools which can help in preventing accidents in real or digital life. It is crucial to know how to use them, what their benefits are, and, actually, use them. Tracking your child’s location can definitely save you a lot of trouble – its advantages lie also in the fact that it allows to control not only digital, but also real life of the child,” commented Andrey Sidenko, Head of Child Safety at Kaspersky Network. To secure and protect your child both in digital and in real life, Kaspersky strongly recommends following this advice: Learn more on the topic of children’s cybersecurity: explore modern trends, apps, the way of behavior that has to be adopted in order to safeguard against dangers (for instance, the basic security rules while on the Internet); update your network security knowledge periodically, use the Kaspersky blog to do this. Communicate with your child and define the borders which are not meant to be crossed: discuss with them safe locations both real and webpages. Install a reliable security solution such as Kaspersky Safe Kids to monitor your child’s activity successfully.  Reference: *The “Responsible Digital Parenting” survey was implemented in conjunction with Toluna research agency in the end of 2019 – beginning of 2020. 5000 respondents from META region and Baltic states participated in the survey.

Parenting Hub

Forward to matric: getting your head in the game, in a game changer year

The clock is ticking for an estimated 1.1 million Matrics from the Class of 2020, who will sit for their final exams in two months’ time after arguably the most challenging year they would have faced during their school careers. With uncertainty still lingering about much of what is to come, these students now have to ensure they get in the right frame of mind to perform to the best of their ability despite the unprecedented circumstances and novel logistical arrangements they will face, an education expert says. “Learners must now take stock of where they are academically, and determine what ground still needs to be covered so that they are fully prepared,” says Wonga Ntshinga, Senior Head of Programme: Faculty of ICT at The Independent Institute of Education, SA’s largest and most accredited private higher education institution. “On top of this, they need to work through any concerns around the rest of the year, exam logistics, and their future plans so that they can put aside those issues causing anxiety and focus solely on their revision,” he says. Ntshinga says while this year’s Matrics face additional stressors on top of the regular challenges associated with Matric finals, they should know that there are more additional resources than ever before to ensure they complete their final year of school as well as possible. “Now is the time to assess your performance to date – possibly based on your preliminary exams if your school wrote them – and see how much ground you still need to cover before exams start. And very importantly, learners need to draw up a comprehensive study schedule and stick to it. Don’t just get up every morning and wing it. You have to keep track every day to ensure you stay on schedule, and if you are not, you need to adapt your approach.” Ntshinga says Matrics need to come to terms with the fact that things will feel strange in the exam room, so that they are fully prepared and not distracted by the logistics, such as writing while wearing a mask. “Taking control now for your own performance is the most powerful approach to take. And remember that there are many people and organisations out there from where you can obtain additional support if you need it. By claiming your focus, you can and will make a positive difference to your results,” he says. It is also worth remembering that the way learning happens now is the way it is likely to be for some time still. “Even when going into higher education next year, there is likely to still be restrictions and safety precautions in place, so don’t waste precious energy fretting about the unusual nature of things, and rather embrace the situation and hone your independent learning skills.” Ntshinga says learners can access additional help and resources quite easily in the following places: WEBSITES OF PROVINCIAL AND NATIONAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENTS “There are some excellent resources available in the public sector, including study and revision advice, past papers, exam dates and concept lists for specific subjects. Remember that it doesn’t matter where you live, you can access the advice on the websites of other provincial departments as well.” HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS “Institutions such as The IIE’s Varsity College, Rosebank College and IIE MSA have gone all out to ensure they provide additional assistance to Matrics, such as through bootcamps, subject revision, past paper provision and so forth. Contact an institution near you to hear about any additional Matric support they provide, or follow them on social media to receive regular updates and support.” GENERAL ONLINE RESOURCES “There is a wealth of advice freely available on the internet that can help you with your studies. Just be sure to access information from a reputable and credible source.” Ntshinga says that while everyone must remain vigilant about the virus by maintaining the necessary social distancing and safety protocols, learners must push on with positivity and work toward the future.  “Everyone is aware of the unique challenges facing this year’s Matrics, so it is important not to panic but rather to exert control within your sphere of influence – your own mindset. Even though the current circumstances are difficult, there is a wealth of support available, and even if you are not yet on track, you have enough time if you start right now to make a success of your final year.”



– The importance schooling children to recycle and care for their environment –  From a tender age, we’re filling our children’s absorbent minds with need–to-know information. As parents, our goal is for perfect manners to become second nature, and for important habits to be instilled as early as possible – like brushing teeth, packing away toys and putting on seatbelts.  As parents, we have the opportunity to help develop a generation of eco-warriors. We teach our children to say please and thank you, we tell them not to talk to strangers, not to litter, and so many other small yet essential life skills that we don’t even consciously think about. Why then should lessons in environmental protection and recycling be any different?  The future of recycling lies in the hands of our youth, and these are also the individuals who will carry the burden of higher carbon footprints if it is not reduced. The Glass Recycling Company (TGRC) consists of a team dedicated to increasing glass recycling in South Africa. TGRC is passionate about ensuring every South African realises the value of recycling glass and actively embraces this practice. It’s up to us to empower our children by educating them as to the positive effect that recycling will have on our environment, and how they can make a difference.  To ensure that your family gets as green as possible this month, the following tips will help to keep you on top of your ‘green game’: To find a glass bank in your area, visit the Glass Recycling Company website or you can also follow TGRC on Twitter (@TGRC), or on Facebook Recycle all glass containers – not just beverage bottles. Containers which hold food and are made of glass are all recyclable Explain to your family what is recyclable and what is not.  For example, light bulbs and cookware such as “Pyrex”, light bulbs, laboratory glass, windshields and window pane glass are NOT recyclable. They have different properties that can contaminate a recyclable load of glass Reuse old containers – they are great for storing paint, crayons, buttons and arts and crafts tools such as paint brushes, rulers and much more Plan your trips to the bottle banks to fit into your daily schedule – it will become part of your routine rather than a chore! Take your children along with you and show them how and where to put their bottles In South Africa, it is not necessary to wash glass before placing it into glass banks and in addition to this, we don’t need to separate different coloured glass into separate banks.  All in all – recycling is very easy Encourage your child’s school to participate in TGRC’s Schools Competition by completing the application form on the website – Entry form There’s no excuse – once you’ve decided to do it, recycling glass is easy and should leave you with a spring in your step! The benefits of glass recycling There are many reasons to love glass; it’s the healthiest packaging solution as it is inert, it preserves the flavour of food and drink, can be recycled over and over again, and is a beautiful, natural substance. The benefits of using glass packaging are endless.  Glass is synonymous with quality and its many characteristics, from the different textures, its clarity and striking colours, have led to the beautiful packaging becoming iconic and even collectable. The Glass Recycling Company (TGRC) has a heart for glass and so should you! To better convince South Africans of this, TGRC showcases five reasons to have a heart for glass: Glass is made of natural substances and does affect quality of the contents it contains. Glass bottles can be returned and refilled repeatedly Returnable glass bottles are sterilised and refilled. Certain returnable glass bottles can be taken back to your retailer, after which they are refilled by the beverage manufacture. Returnable bottles include quart beer bottles, glass cool drink bottles and even many of the bottles used for spirits and liquor.  Glass is easily reused   Jars and bottles are great as vases or décor items, and can be cleverly crafted as creative candle holders; Glass is also ideal for storing food items and your arts and crafts supplies. Glass is 100% recyclable  This means glass can be recycled endlessly, in fact every new glass bottle and jar made in our country contains over 40% recycled glass! Glass is timeless and elegant Ever since the first glass bottles and jars were handcrafted, glass has become the only packaging type that inspires consumers to showcase it in their own homes for its aesthetic appeal.

Parenting Hub

Give your child the holiday of a lifetime

Located in the tropical KZN North Coast, Sugar Bay is the first and only American-style summer camp located in South Africa. We have over 19 years of experience in providing a safe and fun holiday destination for children.  We strive to host the best adventure holiday camps for kids and teens. For more information or to book a camp, please call Sugar Bay on 032 485 3778. Alternatively, you can send an email to or visit our website We offer over 100 activities and have a free choice system, in which children may choose what activities they want to participate in. There are no compulsory activities. Our 1:3 staff to child ratio is the highest in the country, and 24-hour supervision​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ensures that your children are kept extra safe while having the time of their lives. Click here to view all the activities we offer at Sugar Bay.  Our camp counselors are specifically trained and experienced in the growth and developmental needs of the different age groups, as well as Emergency First Aid & CPR. We also have our own qualified lifeguards who accompany the children to the beach, lagoon, and swimming pool. Give your child the holiday of a lifetime this December! Spaces are filling up fast, book now to avoid disappointment. At Sugar Bay, each holiday camp is given its own unique theme to add to the excitement of camp. The Sugar Bay entrance, reception and hall are decorated according to the weeks’ theme so campers can feel the excitement from the moment they enter our gates. Here are the themes to the upcoming Holiday Camps for December 2020 and January 2021: Spiderwick Chronicles Week: 5-11 December 2020    Join us as we go into a spell-casting and unbinding adventure! Who’s going to unbind the spells from the Spiderwick    Chronicles in the Sugar Bay Kingdom? Escape into a mythical world of Unicorns, Trolls and Fairies Make Goblin Snot, find the hidden unicorns and escape being sprinkled by fairy dust Creative kids can escape into a fantasy of Mythical Creature Design, Magic Spell Classes, Fairy Garden Creation and Symbolic Bracelet Making Compete and Defeat the Ogres, Spirits and Griffins with daily Dance offs, Show-offs, Tongue Twisters and Rhyme offs Collect (and ripen) your fruit and Tackle the Trolls in a Tomato Explosion (Camp Food Fight!) A sylphs’ realm reserved for Seniors, complete with Card Games, Ultimate Frisbee and Magical Bonfire circles Sign up for the excursion and take a magical journey to the Kingdom of Camp Out where you sleep at the edge of a mythical river under the sprinkling stars Plants vs Zombies Week: 11-17 December 2020 Get ready to soil your plants as a mob of fun-loving zombies is invades Sugar Bay.… Zombies will be jumping, running, dancing and swimming to join the fun. Fire projectiles on the horde of advancing zombies (Capture the Plant) Find the treasure armed with dozens of zombie-zapping plants Create new zombie characters Think fast and plant faster in the tree-planting ceremony Gather defending powers “ice cubs, flames and sunflowers” during daytime hours Visit the Zombie Carnival, Dine out at Crazy Dave’s Diner and Show your defensive dance at the Zombie Party Stop Zombies dead in their tracks in Tag, the water balloon fight and the Tick Challenge The Adults Almanac is reserved for seniors, with water polo, devious Bingo and Never Have I Ever Discover your unique offensive or defensive capabilities at the exciting excursion to Lazer Tag Just when you think you’ve got a handle on things, obstacles like a setting sun, creeping fog, and a swimming pool add to the challenge. So many other unique games and new events to dig into. The fun never dies! Wanderlust Week: 17-23 December 2020 For those with the innate desire to rove or travel about, or a desire to escape the mundane, this week is your ticket to travel! Discover unfamiliar cultures, adventures, ways of life and behaviours. Free your inner hippie and free spirit! Perform in, or earn VIP tickets to watch, an international talent show Show off your dance moves at our Universal Party Night. Confront unforeseen challenges and learn fun facts about different nations For those willing to explore new senses, you can look forward to: A Feast of Foreign food and drinks to taste, International sports and games like martial arts and Scottish Olympics, and a Festival of music, songs, dances, clothing and traditions from around the world Get in touch with your Hipster Side with tie-dying, Flower Headband making, Henna classes or display your work at the Wanderlust Art Festival Seniors take their journey to adulthood, with Monte-Carlo casino, South American wine tasting and a Hawaiian Beach After-Party Tie up your skates and join the freezing expedition to the Northern Hemisphere (An ice skating excursion!) The Greatest Showman Week: 27 December 2020 to 3 January 2021 Celebrate the classic rags-to-riches story in this enthusiastic week of Fun, Friendship and Inclusivity. Misfortune is turned into a world of mystique and magic as we welcome in the New Year in a Fantasia of song and dance. Be entertained by counselors showing their skills in acting, mystique and magic Delight in the special guest performance by our own acclaimed Boys Ballet. Dance, sing or act in a production of The “Greatest Show on Earth. A celebration of pure entertainment, difference and creativity. Move with the Infectious soundtrack and join the all-camp Flash Mob A life-affirming theme of self-love and empowerment Learn Circus games like magic tricks, illusions, oddities, circus flow arts (poi, spinning, hula hoops and juggling) Try the Media Classes and conduct interviews and write feature stories Sign up for one of the tune-filled classes of Djing singing, dance and acting There will be heaps of Drama games aimed at giving campers confidence to let go of their inhibitions Irresistible Backstage art classes in stage makeup, hair, tattoos a, airbrushing, Escape from the real world into the glitz and crystal. A slick red carpet Formal dinner kicks off the glamorous New Year Eve party Spectacular. A Circus Carnival to

Parenting Hub

Family games night just became fun again!

We are a family who loves spending time together and generally this involves a good games night!  So we were thrilled when Skip-Bo arrived for us to try. Skip-Bo is the ultimate sequencing card game from the makers of UNO! Skip-Bo from Mattel Games is a fun sequencing card game for the whole family. The game is easy to understand with pretty straight-forward rules and your kids will surely catch on quickly. Provided your kiddo’s know their numbers, you are good to go.  The game can be played with up to 6 players but watching our 4 kids laugh and play through the entire game made our day!  Talk about a game that gets you thinking, this fast-paced game can have you lose track of time as you become lost in the game! Number and sequencing games provide a super foundation for math skills. Through the introduction of having to have your child keep the order of the cards, it strengthens their ability to count ahead which will come in handy when looking for a new way to help your children learn addition and up their math skills! Because counting is a conceptual idea on which all other number concepts are based, children often benefit from games that promote having to build a sequence of numbers.  So there you have it, a fun game to get your kids (especially the young ones) learning while they play or get your older kids getting faster and faster at creating a sequence of numbers.  Card games in general are really good for your kids to play on a regular basis. They promote strategic thinking and build confidence in young children. Studies have shown that card games help promote good brain health as well so no better reason than to start your set of games off with Skip-Bo! So how do you play?  Played from youngest to oldest.  Each player is given a stockpile of cards. (this is dependent on how many players you have) 2 – 4 Players = 30 cards each and 5 or more players is 20 cards. The first card at the top of your pile always faces up so everyone can see the number that you are starting with.  In the centre of the table you have two piles : One is the building pile and the second is the draw pile. Your first card can be added to the building pile in the centre of the table. No more than 4 piles can be running at once.  Consistently playing in numerical order from 1 – 12.  There are a maximum 4 discard piles per player. These are placements for you to place cards that you are not ready to use at that time but would possibly want to use later in the game. However you can only use the top card should you choose to bring it back into play.  Before you end your play,  you will have to discard one card in the discard pile. Playing in number order from 1 -12 and if you make a stack of 12 cards, you can place this stack into the draw pile. Repeat the process until someone’s stock pile is finished.  The bonus wild card is the Skip-Bo card and can be used to substitute any number. The pack includes 162 cards and instructions. Colours and Decorations may vary on box.  Where to purchase?  Available to purchase from or #MattelGamesSA #Skip-BoSA


Lockdown teaching tips

At the moment, some of us are stuck at home, some of us are choosing to be and quite a few of us seem desperate to get out. But if, even with the term starting up again, your kids are staying home from school for lockdown, then it’s essential to take your role as de facto teacher seriously. Here are some tips for how to get the most out of their lockdown learning: Make a plan & stick to it There are multiple parts to this but ultimately they all come down to think like a teacher. Think about how long you’re going to be doing this, work out what work they can be doing each day and importantly, keep them in the sort of routine they’d be used to at school.  Start and finish at the same time each day, try to keep the same subjects at the same time week-on-week, with younger kids this can be almost a fun roleplay of the ‘school day’ to keep them in the moment. Create a dedicated learning area Make a space that is just for ‘school’ work and keep all their activities there. By having a location that is purely for work, it can help to reinforce the learning plan and make the day feel more structured. Stick to the curriculum It seems obvious but if you’re keeping their work in line with what they were being taught in school, it’s going to make it not just more rewarding but also make your life easier as there are a lot of great websites full of resources, such as Twinkl, to keep you along these lines. Also by keeping the work relevant, you can make sure that everything they do is going to benefit their future work. Take advantage of the change in scenery For kids, taking them out of the classroom can enhance their learning. If you have nearby access to outdoor environments like forests, parks or the water. Giving children access to the world around them can help to make learning feel more interactive and show them practical examples of their learning. But even if you don’t have anywhere to go, you can use your home in ways that a classroom can’t always do. You can build work around their favourite films as a Friday treat, or decorate their room with themes around that day’s work. Making an immersive environment will mean that learning goes beyond the start and end of the school day and becomes an all-round enhancing experience. Establish methods for gauging results/progression/rewards Establishing proper methods for gauging results & progression is going to make not just your life easier but also their teachers as when they do return to school full-time, having a record of what each child has learnt is going to save time going over information they’ve already covered. Of course, an important part of keeping track of these successes is making sure to celebrate and reward them.  Positive reinforcement is going to be more effective than negative punishment so making sure to celebrate those little victories all the way up to those major achievements is going to incentivise them to work their hardest but also if you make the rewards scaled to individual attainment, there’s not going to be a feeling of trying to push beyond limits. Ultimately, what you’re teaching isn’t going to be as important as the hours you put in. So use this time not to stress the importance of work but to really get some quality time with your kids. If nothing else, it might be that some good can come out of this whole situation.

Parenting Hub

Childhood Cancer impacting South African families

Nothing can fully prepare you for the horrific news that your child has been diagnosed with cancer – a sad reality for many South African parents. Statistics show that there are currently 1000 children under the age of 15 diagnosed with cancer each year. According to Laurence Hillman, CEO at 1Life: “What’s also horrifying is that half of the children who contract cancer in South Africa, are never diagnosed.” The international Agency for research on cancer (IARC), reported that the worldwide incidence of childhood cancer is increasing, from the 165 000 cases reported annually to 215 000 cases for children who are 14 years and younger and 85 000 cases reported for 15 – 19 year olds. Globally, childhood and adolescent cancer is threatening to overtake infectious diseases, as one of the highest causes of disease-related mortality in children. While survival rates in high-income countries reach an average of 84% and are steadily improving even in less-resourced areas of the world, South Africa is still well below the rate of developed countries as well as below the World Health Organisation’s survival goal of at least 60%. South Africa’s survival rate has improved over the last 5 years and is around 55%. This is concerning and points out a dire need for parents to not only look out for early warning signs of possible cancers, to improve survival rates, but also to consider what would happen if their child were diagnosed with a childhood cancer. Early identification can save lives According to CHOC Childhood Cancer Foundation South Africa parents should use the  Siluan early warning signs of childhood cancer and  keep an eye out for the following, which could be early warning signs that need to be checked out by a professional. Keep in mind that even if your child is experiencing some of these symptoms, it doesn’t automatically mean they have cancer, which is why a doctor’s opinion is vital in diagnosis. Siluan Early Warning Sign of Childhood Cancer: S – Seek medical help early for persistent symptoms I – Eye: A white spot in the eye, a new squint, new blindness, or a bulging eyeball L- Lump: Any lumps should be investigated. Lumps in the abdomen and pelvis, head and neck, limbs, testes, and glands U- Unexplained: Prolonged fever over two weeks, loss of weight, pallor, fatigue, easy bruising, or bleeding A – Aching: Bones, joints, back and easy fractures N- Neurological signs: Change or deterioration in walk, balance or speech, regression of milestones, headaches for more than a week with or without vomiting, enlarging head. “Many people don’t know that children can get cancer. It is a topic most people avoid and feel uncomfortable talking about but it is an important one and the sooner we speak up and create stronger awareness, the more children can be saved” says, Adri Ludick, CHOC Interim National Team Leader and Programme Development Manager. The financial implications of childhood cancers “Just like cancer, prevention is better than cure, and as such, it is important that you consider ways in which to not only identify how to protect your child’s wellbeing by early detection and treatment but that you too consider your finances and the impact of potential healthcare costs should they contract the disease,” says Hillman. If your child has been diagnosed with cancer, your priority will always be to get them the best treatment possible. However, have you considered how you will pay for this treatment as well as the extra expenses that come with the illness such as transportation, specialist consultations, treatments that aren’t covered by medical aid and child are for other children in your family while you care for your ill child? Or what if you had to take unpaid time off work or quit your job because of treatment schedules – which can leave a serious dent in your family’s financial stability and can have long term impacts on the entire family.  “Parents can ensure they have the right financial management tools in place that ensure the provision of adequate financial resources to support them through this very difficult time – things such as a good medical aid, a financial plan and long term insurance covers like a dread disease policy specifically for children, are crucial in this financial mix, should the worst happen,” continues Hillman. For example, there are policies on the market that cover more than one child on one policy, for majority of childhood cancers and offer additional value adds to make the family more comfortable during this time – benefits such as cancer coaching consultations to aid cancer remission, 24-hour advice line on a legal matters, and counselling benefits for example.   “During Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, we need to take action and ensure we are protecting our family’s health and finances.  I encourage all South Africans to take the time to ensure that that they put the above provisions in place to protect their children as well as that you take the time to join the movement towards stronger awareness when it comes to childhood cancers,” says Hillman. “We need to stand up and be bold, we need to have conversations about childhood cancer, and we need to empower people with knowledge, so that no child will be left behind. During the month of September, we ask people to wear a golden ribbon and in doing so raise awareness about childhood cancer,” Concludes Ludick. 

Wingu Academy

What is the Future of Work going to be for your kids? 

Work as we know it is changing. Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT) automation, and robotics will overhaul work at the same level as mechanisation did in prior generations of agriculture and manufacturing. With this change, some jobs will be lost, many others created, but almost all will change. What does this mean for your kids? We are living in a technology driven world. Things we thought were exciting elements  of Sci-Fi movies a decade ago are being incorporated into our daily lives today. Artificial Intelligence as a service (for example, customer enquiries handled by an algorithm), cars that drive themselves (Tesla’s complete autonomous car is to be released this year and Google’s sister company Waymo has just completed a trial of autonomous taxis in California transporting over  6200 people) and machines that read X-Rays are just the tip of the iceberg. Even though most of us can’t wait for the day that all taxis in SA are driven by safety aware machines, the impact is still profound – what about all those jobs?  Never before in history, has the choice of your child’s education been more important. McKinsey and Company estimates that over 50 million new technology jobs, 130 million new health care jobs and 20 million new jobs from energy investment will be created by 2030. Startlingly, between 400 and 800 million individuals could be displaced by automation and need to find a new job by 2030 globally. Will there be enough work in the future?  History would suggest that we need not fear, 8 – 9% of 2030 labour demand will be in new types of employment.  There are a few key examples from history which we can rely on to give us some key insight into labour demand of the future. After ATMs were introduced in the USA, the number of bank tellers actually rose as banks started competing on service rather than manual cash dispensing. Even though the number of teller per branch decreased, banks could now afford to open more branches to the convenience of customers, leading to a greater overall demand of bank tellers. The personal computer market destroyed 3.5 million jobs, but also created over 15.8 million new jobs since 1850 (now more than 10% of all jobs). Beyond this, the world is seeing growth in the labour market for numerous reasons, but mostly for the growing middle class globally (particularly in Africa and other emerging economies) due to increases in spending on consumer goods, health care and education.      Most of the workplace transitions will require adopting new ways in which you conduct your work (think of how the COVID pandemic saw your work life transform), and there are numerous sectors that will see great growth in the labour market. About 50% of activities in all jobs today can be fully automated by existing technology and by 2030, 15 – 30% will be automated. Occupations that need less than high school (eg. logging equipment operators, taxi drivers) and the jobs that need a high school qualification (ex. stock clerks, travel agents, firefighters and industrial work) and jobs that require some post school training (such as nursing assistants, web developers, electricians and legal secretaries for example) show the greatest potential of being automatable with more than 50% of the work activities to be displaced by 2030. Occupations that are typical of Bachelors and graduate degrees (such as lawyers, doctors, teachers, statisticians, chief executives) have about 22% automatable tasks.    The real question is, are your kids getting prepared for this rapid change?  It is important to pay attention to the following changes, since these will be central to the evolution from today’s world of work into the Future of Work.  Activities such as predictable physical work, data collection and data processing will see the big losses in demand. Machines do these type of things better than us.  Applying expertise, interacting with stakeholders, managing and developing people will see great demand increases. Machines can’t do this.  A distinct shift in capabilities and skills will be needed. Social and emotional skills are the future key metrics in the workplace.  Advanced cognitive abilities such as logical reasoning and creativity will be a requirement for almost every job.  Key competence in technology is a no brainer. There will be very few places in the world that will see jobs created for workers that are not equipped with advanced technology skills. Many have expressed concern that in today’s world a degree is not enough. However, trends in advanced economies suggest that there will be a drop in jobs available to those without tertiary level qualifications. Advanced degrees (Masters and Doctorates) will become increasingly important, not for the niche fields in which they place the graduates, but for the key skills development in critical thinking, problem solving and creativity. These degrees will equip students with the necessary cognitive skills to outperform machines, but the gap between what degrees teach and what the job market needs has never before been any larger than it is today. There exists a disconnect between what education providers believe they are delivering (over 72% believe new graduates are ready for work) whereas 39% of employers say that a skills shortage is the cause for entry-level vacancies not being filled.   So, what is the answer? Let children be children, but at the same time expose them to the wonderful changes that are occurring in our world. On an individual level, learners and students must be prepared for lifelong learning. Students must be prepared for a rapidly evolving future of work, and acquiring skills that are in demand and re-examining the notions of traditional careers (where and how they work, and what talents and capabilities they bring to the table) is key. The key attributes of a successful future worker include: Key skills in digital technology. Every job that exists today will transform into an occupation that needs digital skills. Knowledge of programming and other key digital technology skills will not be reserved

Parenting Hub


At the best of times matric exams throw the entire household into chaos.  As the parent of a 2020 matric student, you’d be forgiven for asking: Why me? Why this year?!  Matric is such an important rite of passage for both teens and their parents, and the global pandemic has played havoc with this special year in your child’s life.  It can be incredibly hard to hold the space for your matric’s anxieties, disappointments and stresses, while dealing with your own fears, expectations and emotions about this tumultuous time. The good news is that parents are actually far from helpless bystanders, and research shows that there is a lot that parents can do to provide much-needed support that will help your teen manage the stresses of writing matric in 2020.  “Helping your child be emotionally, physically and mentally prepared is the greatest thing that you can do in this exceptional year,” says Counselling Psychologist, Lauren Martin who is on the panel at an upcoming SACAP (the South African College of Applied Psychology) webinar, Parents’ Guide to Matric Support.  “Understanding the impact of emotional well-being on their performance and coming up with practical ways to guide them through their studies and exam time will help you, your matric student, and the whole family navigate the experience with far less stress and chaos, and with better outcomes.” Joining Lauren Martin on the webinar panel is Esmarie Cilliers, a registered Counsellor in private practice with a special interest in Developmental Psychology and Personal Growth.  She says, “Studying for success is not a question of luck or talent alone. Researchers agree that students who have a strategy or a plan for how they are going to study, achieve the best outcomes. Students who follow a plan and scientific methods learn more easily, retain information for longer periods of time, and save themselves hours of study time which enables them to have more balance in their lives.” One of the key aspects of how matrics and their parents approach the matric exams rests in their attitudes and perspectives on the challenges, which have been amplified by all the disruptions of the pandemic.  On the one hand, it has served up anxieties and disappointments, and on the other it has provided an extraordinary life experience where the matric student can embrace their growing independence and tap into their inner characteristics such as resilience and courage.  There is the choice to view this incredibly challenging time as an opportunity to improve self-discipline, time management and study skills.  Drawing on our own inner attributes can help us to harness the motivation, will power, creativity and coping skills that will unlock the 2020 matric cohorts’ potential and empower them to succeed.  Martin adds, “I would encourage every matric student and their parents to practice flexibility in planning and thinking about the future – especially this year, with all the additional stressors and challenges matric students have encountered. Every matric student is wondering about the next steps for them, whether that’s finding work, studying further or volunteering to gain experience. Rigid thinking around believing there is only one set way to achieve your goals exacerbates anxiety and pressure and often leaves students depressed and demobilized when they aren’t able to follow this specific, rigid plan.   Rather, mapping out various pathways to your goal leaves students with options and possibilities, regardless of matric examination results.  Other options come in to perspective such as, upgrading matric results; attaining a higher certificate prior to a degree programme; volunteering prior to work applications; considering trade qualifications or entrepreneurship opportunities.  The mapping of possible routes to a fulfilling future is really endless, and matrics, and their parents, need to be reminded of the many possibilities they have.” With a broader perspective, parents can also help in promoting and supporting practical, daily ways of taking physical, mental and emotional care of oneself.  Sufficient sleep, supportive nutrition and being physically active every day too often fall by the wayside when study pressures mount.  Yet, these are the very activities that support emotional well-being and optimal intellectual performance. To find out more about how easy it can be for your child to get physically, mentally and emotionally in shape for the exams, parents can tune into SACAP’s free webinar Parents’ Guide to Matric Support on Saturday, 26 September at 10:00 am.  There will be two presentations by the experts focused on the importance of emotional well-being and planning for matric.  There will also be a Q&A session so that you can address any personal challenges in a supportive and caring environment. Join SACAP’s Parents’ Guide to Matric Support session on how to help your matric take control of exams with less stress. Join the Zoom webinar on Saturday, 26 September at 10:00 – 11:00. Visit to RSVP and save your seat for the Parents’ Guide to Matric Support webinar. For any matriculant who is interested in the field of psychology, counselling, Human Resource Management or Business Management, SACAP offers a wide range of qualifications, including Higher Certificate, Advances Certificate, BAppSocSci (Majoring in Psychology and Counselling), BAppSocSci (Majoring in Psychology and Human Resource Management), BappSocSci (Majoring in Psychology and Business Managemet), BPsych, and a one-of-a-kind approach to learning: academic rigour and applied skills. Graduating confident skilled practitioners is key, which is why SACAP combines an academically rigorous curriculum with a strong emphasis on the ability to apply knowledge through the training of relevant skills. Registration for 2021 Term One, is now open and class space is limited. For further information, visit:

Evolve Online School

Do the homework before choosing an online school

Parents and guardians considering online schooling for their children must ensure they properly vet the ability of a school to provide an holistic, meaningful educational experience coupled with excellent academic and emotional support, an education expert says. “There are a number of online schooling options on the market, and this offering has grown further as a result of Covid-19 and lockdowns,” says Colin Northmore, Principal of Evolve Online School, a brand of ADvTECH, Africa’s largest private education provider. “But just as parents would do their homework before enrolling their child at a contact education institution, they should also ask the right questions before deciding on an online learning institution,” he says. Northmore notes that many parents can attest to the frustrations experienced with online learning during lockdown, where the quality of offerings differed markedly. “Parents will by now have figured out that what their school offered was more or maybe less effective than what their friends’ children were getting, and clearly not all online delivery models are created equal. So, a first step before deciding on an online school, would be to enquire how efficiently current students of those schools who had to move from contact to online were able to continue their educational journey during lockdown,” he says. “Online schools have clearly differentiated offerings, and parents should take care to interrogate and clarify a school’s offering before enrolling, and in particular ensure that the curriculum is more than just ‘paper behind glass’,” he says. Northmore says that an online school focused on the developing the whole child while ensuring that academic excellence is maintained, must incorporate the following: Diagnostic testing to determine the exact level of proficiency of a student before placement, and during the educational journey; Asynchronous learning so that learners can move through content at their own pace and according to their own proficiency, with direct access to teachers who will facilitate extra activation classes; Synchronous learning where students will also be able to attend live interactive classes, and Socialisation opportunities with academies, studios and day camps so that students can mingle with their peers and balance their screen timewith green time. He says Evolve Online School has weekly webinars to allow parents to get a feel for the school’s offering, as well as ask the questions they need answered before enrolling. “It is highly recommended that parents attend such virtual events at any school they are considering for their child,” he says. Northmore adds that parents should ensure that substantial support is available for students and parents, because online schooling can be a very lonely and frustrating experience if such support is not available, particularly if an online school is merely copying and pasting physical classes into a virtual space. “Schools must have life coaches or the equivalent, who can help develop crucial 21st Century Skills and global competencies, in addition to the regular curriculum,” he says, “and each student’s learning experience must be tailored to their specific needs, so that they are encouraged to grow at a pace that suits their ability and enthusiasm.” It is not enough for an online school to simply focus on delivering a curriculum, he says. “For a rewarding and successful online schooling experience, there should be a strong focus on all skills – foundational, social and emotional. Our children are growing up in a world very different from the one in which we grew up. Things that we, as adults, deal with and take in our stride they are already facing at a very young age. Therefore online schools should offer substantial support to help teach students how to deal with issues such as stress and anxiety, while helping them develop important coping mechanisms, resilience and a growth mindset,” he says.

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