“Will my child be able to keep up in class? Will they make friends? Will they be able to go without me for a longer school day? Will they enjoy school and feel confident to try new things?” These are some of the questions that parents may have as their children near school-going age. Starting […]

Keeping a record of your breastfeeding may seem time-consuming. Not only do you need to feed your baby, but you also need to document the entire process! However, maintaining a detailed breastfeeding log has significant benefits. A record of your feeds can provide valuable insights. The most crucial benefit is the ability to track your […]

In South Africa, children’s character fashion for ages 2-10 is a vibrant and dynamic segment of the fashion industry, reflecting a blend of global trends and local influences. These outfits not only allow children to showcase their favourite characters but also enable them to express their personalities and interests through their fashion choices. DC and […]

Breastfeeding is a natural and healthy way to feed your baby, but doing so in public can be a daunting experience for many mothers. Concerns about privacy, societal judgment, and personal comfort can create anxiety, making it challenging to breastfeed confidently outside the home. This article provides tips to help breastfeeding mothers in South Africa […]

As a parent what should your pre-school do to safeguard your children? The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is a comprehensive guide to creating an environment that allows children to thrive. This guide embodies a child’s right to a safe environment and an education that helps them develop who they are, their talents, […]

Welcome to Educ8 SA, your ultimate guide to setting up your home environment for optimal online learning. In today’s fast-paced digital world, the way we access and acquire knowledge has drastically evolved. With the rise of online learning, it’s vital to create a space that fosters productivity and engagement. In this article, we will share […]

Breastfeeding is more than just a method of feeding; it’s a vital component of maternal and infant health. It provides unmatched nutritional benefits and fosters a unique bond between mother and baby. This guide delves into the myriad benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and child, emphasising its importance for long-term health and well-being. Benefits […]

Breastfeeding is a natural process that provides numerous benefits for both the mother and the baby. It’s a unique experience that fosters bonding while delivering essential nutrients to the infant. Despite its naturalness, breastfeeding can be challenging, and new mothers often need support and guidance to navigate this journey successfully. This article explores the benefits, […]

It is no secret that kids enjoy gaming. It’s fun, introduces the element of competition and has become a very big part of how they socially interact these days. With this in mind Wingu Academy has embarked on a journey to take education to the next level by incorporating progress based gamification into their course […]