Store your precious breast milk so you don’t lose a drop. Any mum who has expressed her breast milk knows it is the equivalent of liquid gold. Even the tiniest drop spilled is heartbreaking. By knowing how to store it safely, you can reduce the risk of any of this precious liquid going to waste. […]

 As the saying goes, bringing up a baby takes a village, and although there’s only one pair of boobs that can feed baby, there are lots of ways others can chip in and help. Dads, partners, friends, siblings, and other family members can all form a breastfeeding team. When mums feel supported and happy, they’re […]

Pre-sleep Rituals or bedtime routines are really good to introduce to your baby around three months old. I like to call them rituals because they do become just that – rituals. By incorporating special time with your baby before they go to bed they come to know and love it. But it is the simple […]

There’s a lot to learn when it comes to parenting your little newborn. Gosh I remember coming home from hospital with my little baby in lots of overwhelm. I was in charge of this little being and I had absolutely no idea what I was doing! I paid close attention in the hospital to everything […]

What is swaddling? Swaddling is simply wrapping up your baby gently, so they can’t move their arms. To your baby being swaddled can replicate the feeling they had of being in the womb.  Swaddling gives babies a sense of comfort and security and has been proven to improve the quality of sleep in young babies. It helps to reduce […]

Setting up your nursery for your soon-to-be newborn is one of the most exciting things to do whilst prepping for your new arrival. Paint colours, baby furniture, mobiles and ‘themes’ are all big considerations. But whilst there’s lots of fun to be had creating the ‘dream’ nursery, from the perspective of how to encourage the […]

Babies do three things – eat, sleep and poop. And if you’ve recently become a parent (congrats!), it may come as a shock to you just how many nappies your little one can get through a day.   Newborn poop isn’t very much like its adult counterpart, which can take you by surprise when you […]

Tommee Tippee has the information you need about baby poop, including what is considered normal and how often it should happen. How often should babies poop is one of the most commonly asked questions that Tommee Tippee receives from moms, so you’re not alone in wondering this and other baby poop-related questions. Whether you feel […]

Nappy rash… it’s sore, it’s red and it’s uncomfy for your little one. But it’s also pretty easy to treat and maybe not as scary as you think it is. Nappy rash isn’t as common in newborns as it is in bigger babies and toddlers, but most babies will get nappy rash at least once […]