Baby's and Beyond

Considering starting solids? – what to look out for

Starting solids can be an exciting time. I remember when we started our son on solids. We had my brother and the grandparents over. He was propped up in a chair and we all watched as my husband and I fed him some mashed butternut from a spoon. The video is so cute, the words of praise about how clever he was is quite impressive, and his outfit was cuter than cute. However, now when I watch the video, I shudder. I shudder because I can now see all the non-verbal signals that he was sending, saying he was not ready. We could have waited a week longer, just to give him time. If I had known better, I would have done better.

The legal Mom

Parenting Plans

When co-holders experience difficulties in exercising their responsibilities and rights, they must agree on a parenting plan to regulate the exercise of their rights and responsibilities as a prerequisite before approaching the court. They must first seek the assistance of the family advocate, social worker or psychologist; alternatively, they must go for a mediation facilitated by a social worker or other suitably qualified person.

Prima Baby


The First Dreams range features pastel pink and blue variants of a series of toys that are all fundamentally multi-tech driven, with gorgeous aesthetic and cleverly thought-out practicality.


How To Use a Car Seat Harness Correctly

It’s Child Passenger Safety Awareness Week and I have decided to talk a little about the car seat harness. The car seat harness holds a child down in the car seat so they cannot slide up, forward and out the car seat in the event of a crash.

Prima Baby


The First Dreams range features pastel pink and blue variants of a series of toys that are all fundamentally multi-tech driven, with gorgeous aesthetic and cleverly thought-out practicality.

Parenting Hub

Have baby – will travel

Travelling with babies and toddlers can be stressful, whether it is navigating public transport, such as the underground in London or simply a domestic flight in South Africa – you are bound to find a pram a mission to contend with. That why I have always chosen to travel with my baby carrier. There are a few good reasons for this:

Majors for Minors

Playing music to help your baby sleep

Sleep is one of the most essential aspects of a baby’s development.  It helps their bodies and minds develop, and the truth is that music can play a major role in both the development of your baby, as well as helping them achieve a more restful sleep. Even though your baby’s brain is not yet fully developed, the reality is that they are actually not much different from adults when it comes to the basic structure and functionality of their brains.  This also applies to the auditory cortex portion of their brain. The auditory cortex forms part of the temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex.   This is one of the first parts of the brain to develop, meaning that playing music to your unborn baby can already have benefits.  In fact, some studies have shown that playing music for your baby in utero (while still in the womb) can help create a better foundation for their reaction and appreciation for music once they are born.  In other words, playing music for your unborn baby can make it easier to eventually use music as a means of helping your child fall asleep. Heartbeat is the ideal music stimulation for in-utero and newborn babies. Within the womb, from as early as six months, the unborn child experiences many sounds, including the ever-present heartbeat. It is important to note that not all music is suitable for helping your baby fall asleep.  Music with high pitches or deep bass should be avoided.  These types of sounds act more as a stimulant than a relaxant.  This is why lullabies are a popular and good choice by most parents, as most of these are designed to instil a sense of comfort. Another popular choice is classical music.  As these contain no lyrics, it can be much less distracting. It also contains more soothing and gentle instrumental sounds, rather than heavy percussion as is found in other genres of music. All our albums are suitable for helping your baby fall asleep. On top of helping your baby fall asleep, playing music during playtime and bedtime routines, as well as during sleep, can also help their overall brain development.  Studies have shown that the correct music introduces your baby to emotional stimuli which will help to increase their emotional intelligence.  As your child gets older and starts to interact and understand a more complex world, this gentle emotional stimulus will help your child to better understand herself, as well as recognise patterns.  Pattern recognition is one of the fundamentals of child development, and a cornerstone of both critical thinking and problem solving. There are a few important things to take note of when playing music for your baby to help them fall asleep.  The first of these is volume.  It is very important to not play the music too loud.  Even if you have the correct music, turning up the volume on any kind of music will stimulate your baby and cause her brain to enter an active phase. Secondly, placement of the music source.  The further away the music is, one instinctively tend to make the music louder.  Rather try placing the source closer to the crib (or right next to it), and turn the volume down. Lastly, how long should you play the music for?  Most psychologists and experts will suggest not playing music to your baby throughout the night.  This can cause the music to become a crutch for your baby in that they will become dependant on the music to fall asleep. What is suggested is to start playing music a few hours before bedtime, and then switch it off after your baby has fallen asleep (or as they are falling asleep).  This is dependant on your baby, as some will never form the attachment while other might. An example routine would be to start with Playtime and Bedtime with Bach a few hours before starting your bedtime routine.  Put on some Symphony of Sleep during bath time to help your baby get into a calm state of mind ready for sleep, and then finally Classical Music Lullabies to help them drift off into a restful sleep.

Prima Baby


Chicco, leaders in children’s development for the past 62 years, have the perfect toy range for newborns, making your little ones introduction to the world as soft as a mothers cuddle.

Prima Baby


Christmas is just around the corner and choosing a toy that will not only entertain, but also help develop young minds has become more important to parents than ever when deciding what to get the little ones.


Developmental Milestones…What’s the fuss?

If you are a parent or are around parents of young children, there is a high chance that you’ve heard about developmental milestones. You may have even read about it in a baby book or an article, heard from your paediatrician or from any other professional specialising in early childhood development. You may have heard parents proudly speak about the fact that their child has skipped certain milestones, such as crawling and has gone straight to walking, and so they’re now “ahead of the pack”. You may have seen the complete opposite, parents in a frenzy because their child is one month behind in some of their milestones. You may have heard others completely disregard milestones all together. So what is the fuss all about? How important are milestones really?

Parenting Hub

Enjoy the great outdoors with your kids – Thule style

If you love all things nature-inspired, summer is the best time to get your kids involved in your downtime activities – from hikes, to cycling trails and running trails. The most important thing is to be organised and prepared, plus have the right gear to make things efficient and easy on the day. Enter Swedish brand, Thule, which creates a range of premium products, so that you and your family can fully immerse yourself in your given outdoor activity… plus a roundup of some of the best hikes, cycling trails and running trails to do with young kids.

Parenting Hub

Baby Christmas Toy Guide

With Christmas only a month away, we asked Chicco South Africa to put together a Toy Guide for Christmas. CHICCO FIRST DREAMS LULLABY SHEEP The best cot companion your newborn can ask for. In either pink or blue pastel plush, this multi-tech toy provides soft light from its tummy whilst soothing your baby with 20 minutes of classical music. Also has a voice recording facility for parents to place a message of love inside.  Retailers: Baby City, Babies R Us, Hamleys, Takealot, Lilliputs, Thekidzone, Loot and selected Kids Emporium stores. 2. CHICCO BABY SENSES VIBRATING MONKEY Suitable from 3 months, this awesome vibrating monkey provides a host of stimuli for your baby. Noises, textures and teething aspects make it the ideal motor skills tool and curiosity stimulator for your little one. Retailers: Selected Spar stores, Babies R Us, Hamleys, Takelot, Thekidzone, Loot and selected Kids Emporium stores. 3. CHICCO BABY SENSES STROLLER ROPE TOY Keep baby occupied whilst in their stroller with an engaging stroller rope toy fashioned in the shape of a giraffe. Includes fun activities to keep baby discovering new sensations whilst fitting onto all types of stroller bumper bars. Made from plush, the rope toy includes a mirror, soft ring, ball and butterfly that produces sounds. Retailers: Pick n Pay Hypers, selected Spar stores, Babies R Us, Hamleys, Takelot, Thekidzone, Loot and selected Kids Emporium stores. 4. CHICCO FIRST DREAMS BABY BEAR A gentle cuddly that will keep your child company at night whilst turning the nursery into a magical environment. Soft light projects stars from the belly of the teddy whilst 30 minutes of classical music will soothe the child to sleep. A soft plush toy available in pastel pink or blue, the outer of the bear is also machine washable. Retailers: Baby City, Babies R Us, Hamleys, Takealot, Thekidzone, Loot and selected Kids Emporium stores. 5. CHICCO BABY SENSES FINGER PUPPET One of the only finger puppets available on the market, the Baby Senses Finger Puppet allows parents to play alongside their child and interact and engage whilst watching their development. Each finger produces a different noise, squeak or rattle. And the small book attached to the palm teaches numbers and animals. A thoroughly fun  way to engage with your child. Retailers: Babies R Us, Takelot, Lilliputs, Thekidzone, Loot and selected Kids Emporium stores. 6. CHICCO BABY SENSES RAINBOW SPINNER The perfect toy to teach your child cause and effect. Based on the classical mechanical spinner toy, the Rainbow Spinner has a mirror inside that reflects the coloured balls that circulate when the flower on top is pressed. A great engaging toy for young, enquiring minds. Retailers: Selected Spar stores, Babies R Us, Lilliputs, Takelot, Thekidzone, Loot and selected Kids Emporium stores. 7. CHICCO MOVE & GROW HAPPY HIPPIE WALKER Encourage your child to take their first steps in safety and fun with an engaging walker.  With 4 solid wheels providing stability, baby can walk with the colourful, happy walker and enjoy the manual skills and entertainment on the activity bar. Retailers: Babies R Us, Lilliputs, Takealot, Thekidzone Loot and selected Kids Emporium stores. 8. CHICCO MOVE & GROW TUMMY TIME PILLOW The cushion for fun, safe tummy time play. Designed by Boppy, leaders in birthing pillows, the tummy-time pillow has memory foam and provides your child with a firm, yet soft support as they learn to play on their fronts. The cushion has manual activities to keep baby engaged such as a mirror, a fabric book, and rattle with small balls inside. Retailers: Takealot, Thekidzone, Loot and selected Kids Emporium stores. 9. CHICCO BABY SENSES FROG RATTLE The perfect first rattle to encourage your baby’s first discoveries of sound and colour. A bright green and pink frog that doubles as a handy teething ring, the Frog Rattle is perfect from 3 months upwards. Small balls inside the toy teach the child about sound and cause and effect. Retailers: Pick n Pay Hypers, selected Spar stores, Hamleys, Babies R Us, Takealot, Thekidzone, Loot and selected Kids Emporium stores. 10. CHICCO BABY SENSES CHRISTOPHER THE EXPLORER A cute character toy in the shape of animated binoculars, Christopher Explorer is battery driven and comes to life when the wheels are turned, shining bright lights and producing sounds. Great for motor skills and curiosity development. Retailers: Selected Spar stores, Babies R Us, Takealot, Thekidzone, Loot and selected Kids Emporium stores.

Parenting Hub

Discover the future of Safe Sleeping

Babies spend the greater part of their first 12 months sleeping up to 16 hours per day. It is therefore essential to protect your baby’s sleep space from unwanted bugs and insects.

Parenting Hub

Top tips for travelling with a stroller

Make travel days easier and still have the holidays you want with Thule Travelling with a baby or toddler can be overwhelming. The sheer amount of stuff you need just to get your bundle of joy from A to B seems never ending. You need to pack for every eventuality… and then some. Cot, clothes, bottles, blankets, car seat, stroller… the list goes on. Luckily, the latter doesn’t need to cause you any more headaches, if you stick to these top travelling tips from premium Swedish product maker, Thule. With over 75 years of product engineering, the focus for every item they make is on durability, reliability and ease of use – the trifecta you are looking for on both travel days and holidays.  Top things to consider when travelling with a stroller: 1.     Your travel needs Think about the type of travelling that you and your family will do over the next few years, as this has an impact on what kind of stroller will work best for you. Do you often travel to Europe (and beyond), so need to think about cobblestones and uneven terrain? Will you ever need a double stroller, to hold a slightly older child and a newborn, while you are sightseeing? Is exercise a non-negotiable on your priority list? What kind of pram would make your holiday (and everyday life) easier? Thule Sleek is a smart and stylish pram, which is ideal for active parents. Lightweight and easy to handle, it allows you to bring everything you need for a big day out, plus adjust as you go, as there are various combinations and configurations to suit your needs. Add a bassinet or a sibling seat to make it a double stroller or car seat stroller. Thule Sleek is easy to manoeuvre anywhere you go, thanks to its compact size, front wheels and lightweight construction. 2.     Size and weight When travelling with a baby, the idea is not to add awkward-to-carry, bulky luggage, but instead to keep all luggage stream-lined and space efficient. The best strollers for holidays (and everyday) are considerably lighter and a lot smaller than their heavier counterparts, so that your hands are kept free, plus small enough to store – whether it is in a car or in the plane.    A great option with travelling is the Thule Sleek Travel Bag that protects your stroller Compatible with the Thule Sleek, much like a bike bag, the padded bag protects your stroller from scratches and dirt during transport. It is custom fitted for maximum protection and includes a separate wheel bag to keep the pram clean, plus there are wheels for easy transport. 3.     Ease of folding and flexibility If you are flying or travelling solo, a stroller with an easy folding function is a must. Some of the best foldable strollers can quickly and easily be folded up using just one hand – incredibly convenient if you need to carry your baby with the other arm. An easy-to-fold stroller is particularly useful if you fly around the country often to visit family and friends, or if you are travelling overseas with lots of luggage – especially if you are the outdoor-adventure type who chooses their holiday destination based on trail runs and other sporting activities around a certain area. The Thule Chariot Sport 2 is small, slim, light and easy to fold – a lifesaver when travelling with other sporting gear.  It transitions from jogger mode to biker mode with just two additional pieces, which means that a ‘biking’ holiday (with a pram) in France or the Netherlands can still be ticked off your bucket list… even with a pram in tow. The Thule Chariot Sport 2 is the ultimate all-in-one trailer, jogger and stroller, made with athletes and their kids in mind, as it offers all-round comfort and performance. The extra comfortable fully padded seats are removeable and easy to clean. There are even removable windows and clips to increase ventilation, a rain cover, and a mutli-position sun cover, to deal with all types of weather that you might encounter on your travels. For more information about Thule’s products and stockists, please visit:

Prima Baby

V-Tech Baby Pull & Pop Aeroplane

Time flies when you’re having fun with V-Tech baby! A highly interactive toy, the Pull & Pop Aeroplane provides hours of fun for curious children from 6 months upwards. Cute songs all written for adventures in the sky create a sing-along environment ,while small challenges given by the toy will keep little minds working hard whilst having the most fun ever.  With over 70 songs, melodies, sounds and phrases controlled by 3 large colourful buttons, the plane also has a bead popping function and a rotating propeller. An all-round excellent motor skill development toy. With an automatic shut off, baby won’t waste batteries if they fall asleep during play. All V-Tech Baby toys are available at Babies R Us, Takealot, Loot, The Kid Zone and selected Kids Emporium stores.

Good Night Baby


Sleepless nights are often associated with the new-born baby phase, but the reality is that often, a mommy lacks proper sleep even before baby has arrived. Some people laughingly say that this uncomfortable third trimester prepares parents for the lack of sleep that parents will experience once baby arrives.

Parenting Hub

Sensory Play and the importance in brain development

We may not realise but our little baby starts to use their sense of touch to explore their world around them even from inside the womb. They do this by touching Moms womb, sucking their fingers and playing with their toes. Don’t forget the sound your voices were their first introduction to the sense of hearing.

Parenting Hub

Review: Natralogic – Maternity Skincare Range

This beautiful range by Natralogic is a must buy for pregnant ladies.  There are so many products on the market that it sometimes makes it hard for moms-to-be to select the very best. Natralogic is a a range worth purchasing. We sent our range to one of our readers and she really enjoyed using the products. The product range comprises of the following: Tummy Cremè Exfoliating Cremè Toning Massage Gel Cooling Leg Gel Nipple Cream The Tummy Cremè helps with the elasticity of the skin using natural ingredients leaving your skin feeling great after use. On their website they recommend that you use this in conjunction with the Exfoliating Cremè and we can see why. Our pregnant mommy loved not only feeling pampered but how her skin felt afterward especially when using the Toning Massage Gel. Certainly the best part of these products is that you can use them while your are pregnant and after to keep your skin looking great! Katherine really enjoyed the Cooling Leg Gel.  As they were travelling this last stretch of her pregnancy the heat was really taking its toll on her legs. This really helped her soothe her legs and she was happy that she remembered to pack it in. She also reported that the gel is non-sticky and that she loved that their were all natural ingredients ensuring that not only was she safe but that no harmful ingredients or toxins would come into contact with her unborn baby. The Nipple Cream noted on their website that it is 100% ultra pure medical grade lanolin. Katherine has already been using this during her pregnancy and already felt a difference in just a few applications. She did not want to use it all because she really is looking forward to seeing the true effect when she starts breastfeeding in a month’s time.  Not only is every care taken to ensure that these products are effective but their ethos is one to be admired.  Their ingredients are certified by Beauty without Cruelty and only tested on themselves and never on animals. Their products are accredited by the International Vegan Society as well. The only exception they note is the Natralogic Nipple Cremè which contains lanolin however notes that no harm comes to the sheep during extractions (lanolin is a product derived from the fleece of sheep) Be sure to visit to read more about this range and to order online! 

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Enhanced maternity benefits in 2020 from Bonitas

Around 9 000 babies are born to Bonitas Medical Fund members annually and while most of these little members are welcomed into the world without any hitches, about 20% of pregnant moms experience complications during childbirth. Many experience challenges of some kind during their pregnancy, or immediately after the birth of their child. For this reason, the Fund is making maternity education and support a focus for 2020. The aim is to offer pregnant members all the support and guidance they need to improve their health and that of their baby. It is about making the pre- and post- birth period as stress-free and healthy as possible.

Prima Baby

V-Tech Baby Snooze & Soothe Elephant

An adorable bedtime buddy, the hi-tech elephant plays calming music and sounds as well as nature sounds to send baby off to sleep easily. A glowing star-shaped tummy button provides a soft diffused night light. Tactile stimulation is also encouraged through expressions such as ‘Hug Me’. The elephant surface is even machine washable. With an automatic shut off, baby won’t waste batteries if they fall asleep during play.

Good Night Baby


Safe sleep should be one of the first things parents are concerned about when creating their child’s sleep environment. It is vitally important and often neglected. Forget about décor and theme (for now!), here’s my top tips for safe sleep:

Parenting Hub

Sun cream for kids with sensitive skin! The lowdown on keeping your little ones safe in the sun

Covering a wriggling child in sun cream is tricky enough, but when your little one has sensitive skin it can be even trickier– you don’t want to use anything that’s going to irritate. That’s why Childs Farm sun protection products don’t containparabens, SLSs, mineral oils, artificial colours or anything that might make sensitive skin flare up. Plus if you have a super-wriggler on your hands, our spray and roll-on sun lotions make everything easier.


Shouldn’t It Be “Fed Is Best”?

This post is a little different to my others because it is personal. I want to share more of my momlife journey with you so where better to start than at the beginning, with one of the first challenges I had to deal with when becoming a mom.

Prima Baby

V-Tech Baby Sleepy Glow Bear

V-Tech Baby Sleepy Glow Bear is a 25cm plush bear with a soft glowing tummy that provides the ultimate comfort to your little one during nap time. With advanced tech features, Sleepy Glow Bear introduces loving phrases and plays melodies and sing-along songs. There is also a nature sounds button that helps children learn the sounds of the natural world they live in. Timer plays up to 30 minutes of music.  Over 70 songs, melodies and phrases are available in this one-of-a-kind toy. With an automatic shut off, baby won’t waste batteries if they fall asleep during play. All V-Tech Baby toys are available at Babies R Us, Takealot, Loot, The Kid Zone and selected Kids Emporium stores.

Parenting Hub

Meet the Thule Urban Glide 2 Double

Do you have a growing family and love an active lifestyle? Then the new Thule Urban Glide 2 Double needs to be the new member of your family. This all terrain stroller with a sleek, lightweight design is perfect for active familes who enjoy the great outdoors, as well as getting around town.

Prima Baby

V-Tech Baby Little Friendlies Magical Discovery Mirror

Learn and discover with the V-Tech Baby Little Friendlies Magical Discovery Mirror.  Press the star button to magically see a lion and monkey appear on the mirror – almost like a TV. Enjoy music and nature sounds as well as expressions and songs while developing motor skills with the hanging star, butterfly and roller ball. An all-round engaging and fun experience from newborn upwards.  Hangs on the side of cot or can be held by baby during playtime. With an automatic shut off, baby won’t waste batteries if they fall asleep during play. All V-Tech Baby toys are available at Babies R Us, Takealot, Loot, The Kid Zone and selected Kids Emporium stores.

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