Child's Farm

Childs Farm Baby Range

One of the UK’s most popular and multi-award winning brands, Childs Farm is designed for all skin types, including sensitive and even eczema prone skin – clinically proven to be suitable for new-borns and upwards and all products have been paediatrician and dermatologist approved so you can use it on the most delicate of skin with confidence. All our products contain over 98% naturally derived ingredients. There are no artificial colours and it is free-from parabens, SLSs and mineral oils

Child's Farm

Top tips for tots with eczema

Eczema can be incredibly uncomfortable for children and it’s upsetting for parents to see their child suffering with itching, cracked and bleeding skin. Parents may feel they have to stop their children playing and swimming outside because of high pollen counts and chlorine or even avoid having a bubble bath with their siblings for fear of irritation. It’s clear to see why so many parents are left feeling pretty desperate, but eczema doesn’t have to limit children any longer!

Parenting Hub

Living in lockdown

The kids are at home, and the family is following government advice: staying indoors and only venture outside when necessary.

Parenting Hub

How to pack a hospital bag

Welcoming a baby is a life-changing experience, bringing major changes to every aspect of your life. As a new parent, you can never predict exactly what is to come, but there are a few things you can do to make sure you are as stress-free and organised as possible in the hours before and after your newborn enters the world.

Meg Faure

Sleep: Health and Sleep

When your baby wakes at night and cannot settle to sleep, one of the thoughts that will go through your head is whether she is ill. If your baby is usually a good sleeper and suddenly has a few very bad nights, it is certainly a reasonable concern and worth looking into. If your newborn is never sleeping longer than 45 minutes to an hour day and night – it is also possible that health issues underlie the poor sleep. If your toddler has been a great sleeper and can self-sooth to sleep but starts waking and being unable to fall back asleep, you may need to look at health issues.

Prima Baby


Weaning baby is such a great – and messy time. When baby is anatomically upright in posture, actively holding utensils and really enjoying their food, it makes sense to have the child part of the family mealtime.

Parenting Hub

Preparing for a baby? Have you considered this?

When you’re preparing for the arrival of a newborn to the family, the amount of things to consider is innumerable. You thought moving house was a big deal until you’re confronted with preparing for the birth of your first child and a whole new level of responsibility dawns on you.

Philips Avent

Challenges new moms face in Breastfeeding and how to overcome them

The arrival of a new baby into the family is a time of great joy, excitement and change, and breastfeeding is known to be the best start a family can give their baby in terms of health and wellbeing. However, successfully breastfeeding a baby is not without its challenges, and there are various obstacles a new mother may need to overcome in order to achieve her goal.

Baby's and Beyond

Moms Emotional Health is Important

As many as one in five1 new mothers will experience depression just before or after giving birth, at risk to their own health and the growth and development of their newborns.

Parenting Hub

Help at hand for moms-to-be with chronic conditions

For parents-to-be and their loved ones, pregnancy is a wonderful, almost magical time, filled with joy and anticipation. For expecting women with chronic conditions though, it can also bring anxiety and discomfort.

Vital Baby

Choosing the right breast pump for you: Manual vs Electric

Newly pregnant moms may be wondering, why invest in a breast pump? Truth is, owning one has endless benefits. A breast pump ensures you have the choice to offer all the benefits of breast milk to your baby at all times, even when you cannot be with them. It also enables your partner and family members to help out with feeding times.

Prima Baby


The range of Chicco Sippy Cups offer parents the reassurance that their oral and dental development is being looked after as baby starts drinking differently. All cups in the range help baby easily and naturally drink, respecting their abilities and age group.

Parenting Hub

How to boost baby’s development with appropriate toys

As parents we always want the best for our children and so we strive to do the right thing to ensure our children grow and develop into well rounded little humans. Experts say toys are one thing parents could use to improve brain development, but do we really know what kind toys to use for this purpose?

Philips Avent

How to Prevent Common Physical Problems of Breastfeeding

Tip – prepare for successful breastfeeding by learning what to expect and how to do it! Attend a class if possible during pregnancy. Don’t wait for things to get better on their own. Ask for help from a skilled professional in the first few days if you need it.

Nicole Kolb

Thriving after baby loss

There it is, that mind blowing feeling! I smile to myself as the feeling of joy sweeps through my body from my toes up. That feeling is my baby boy Rogan’s kick in my tummy! It gets me every time I feel it. It reminds me there is life growing in me and the feeling of the unknown excites me this time. You see it’s been a year since we experienced baby loss, our identical twin girls, Storm and Logan were born on the 10th of January 2019, Storm, a still born and Logan an NICU baby who survived two and a half days.

Vital Baby

What to expect when you’re expecting

Pregnancy may seem daunting to first time moms, so knowing what to expect at all three stages is essential for a safe and stress-free pregnancy.

Prima Baby


The Chicco range of cutlery starts when your child first begins to accept a spoon. Beginning with the Silicone Spoon, perfectly suited to small mouths and delicate gums, to the older fork and spoon sets for when baby can start feeding themselves, gradually introducing metal child-sized cutlery for baby to eat just like the grown-ups.

Parenting Hub

Music can help premature babies feed

An amazing study done by Loewy J et al. [1] in 2013 showed that soothing music may encourage premature babies to feed better, as well as improve their vital signs (like their O2 saturation levels as well as heart rate). It is speculated that this is one of the reasons why singing lullabies to babies comes so naturally to parents and carers.

Prima Baby


The weaning period provides the baby with more nutrients and is also an important step for the psychological, emotional and educational development.

Prima Baby


Breast-feeding is a special time for mom and baby alike. It creates excellent bonding, and is a primary immunity-building mechanism, but above all else, is the best way to issue nutrition to an infant.  Yet it’s not always as simple as others would have us believe and most breast-feeding moms will admit to needing a little help along the way. Chicco has a fantastic range of breast-feeding accessories that can reduce some of the pain and keep breast-feeding a pleasant experience for moms. Chicco Nipple Shields are a silicone shield that fit naturally over the nipple with a tight, natural vacuum adhesion. The slit in the outer nipple allows milk to flow without pooling and the soft silicone is silky smooth, making it almost impossible for baby to tell the difference. They assist with chafing and rawness and allow nipples to recover without the risk of developing of spreading infection. Chicco Nipple Thermogels are perfect for sore, engorged breasts that would benefit from either a cold or hot compress. Easy to apply, the thermogels can be popped in the fridge to cool down, or heated in warm water, and fit perfectly around the breast inside a bra or just while mom rests. Anti-Bacterial Breast Pads from Chicco’s Natural Feeling range is most reliable and gentle way to remain dry all day whilst still breast-feeding. Made from breathable materials, the pads have anti-bacterial properties that help neutralise any bacteria that forms. They are available in packs of 30 or 60. Available at Baby City,,, selected Kids Emporiums &

Philips Avent

Philips Avent Breastfeeding Accessories

The Philips Avent breastfeeding range is designed to support you through every step of your breastfeeding journey. Whether you want to develop your milk supply, take care of your breasts, or simply fit more into your day, our breast care accessories make breastfeeding easier.

Prima Baby


When little ones teeth start popping through, drool and irritation are par for the course. From as early as 4 months, small ‘baby’ teeth start appearing on the bottom gum line, causing symptoms that range from fevers, pain, upset stomach and drooling.

Clamber Club

Nursery Rhymes – are these antiques a thing of the past?

Surely, with how the world we live in is changing, and with all of our technological advances, something as old fashioned as nursery rhymes should be a thing of the past? Toddlers now have access to televisions, Ipads, cell phones and YouTube, and some even know how to operate these on their own… should nursery rhymes (which have been around for centuries) be given the boot?

Good Night Baby


As sleep consultants we rarely advise on nutritional problems and always refer our clients to registered dieticians when we do pick up on problems as we are sleep experts after all and NOT feeding experts. However, when we’re working together with parents who have smaller babies, we always address the feeding issue before addressing the sleep.

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