Lamelle Pharmaceuticals

Fertility Facts by Lamelle Research Laboratories

Male infertility refers to the inability of a male to achieve a pregnancy in a fertile female. In humans it accounts for 40-50% of infertility. This is commonly due to deficiencies in the semen, and semen quality is used as a surrogate measure of male fertility.

Parenting Hub

Infertility: Don’t wait until it’s too late!

Parenthood is undeniably one of the most universally desired goals in adulthood, and most people have life plans that include children. However, not all couples who want a pregnancy will achieve one spontaneously and a proportion will need to seek medical treatment to help resolve underlying fertility problems. It’s therefore understandable that infertility has been recognised as a public health issue worldwide by the World Health Organisation (WHO).  “Infertility is when you cannot get or stay pregnant after trying for at least a year and you are under the age of 35,” says Dr Sulaiman Heylen, President of the Southern African Society of Reproductive Medicine and Gynaecological Endoscopy (SASREG). One in every four couples in developing countries is affected by infertility, while one in six couples worldwide experience some form of infertility problem at least once during their reproductive lifetime. The current prevalence of infertility lasting for at least 12 months is estimated to affect between 8 to 12% worldwide for women aged 20 to 44. In recent years, the number of couples seeking treatment for infertility has dramatically increased due to factors such as postponement of childbearing in women, development of newer and more successful techniques for infertility treatment, and increasing awareness of available services. This increasing participation in fertility treatment has also raised awareness and inspired investigation into the psychological ramifications of infertility. It can cause stress, depression and anxiety, which is why it is important to know that there are options available for treatment. Age is a key factor “Up to 50% of all patients who visit a fertility centre are 35 or older. We cannot stress enough how important it is for people not to wait too long when they consider having children. Young women need to be aware that there is a slow decline in fertility from their 20s until the age of 35, after which it starts to decrease rapidly until the age of 45,” says Dr Heylen. “It’s extremely important for couples to investigate fertility options and fertility preservation earlier in life, rather than leaving it too late. A woman who is not ready to have a child can choose to freeze her eggs to try to preserve her ability to have a child later,” says Dr Heylen.  It’s estimated that 20 to 30% of infertility cases are explained by physiological causes in men, 20 to 35% by physiological causes in women, and 25 to 40% of cases are because of a problem in both partners. In 10 to 20% no cause is found. Infertility is also associated with lifestyle factors such as smoking, body weight and stress. A woman’s age is one of the most important factors affecting whether she is able to conceive and give birth to a healthy child. This is due to several changes that are a natural part of ageing:  The number and quality of eggs (ovarian reserve) decreases naturally and progressively from the time a woman is born until the time she reaches menopause.  It is not only more difficult to get pregnant (conceive), but miscarriage and chromosomal abnormalities in the child (such as Down syndrome) are more common in older mothers. Fibroids, endometriosis, and tubal disease are more common and can affect fertility. Women who become pregnant at an older age have a higher risk of complications during the pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia. The decrease in a man’s fertility appears to occur later in life than in a woman’s fertility. In their mid-to-late 40s, men experience changes in their sperm that can cause issues with fertility, and chromosomal or developmental problems with their children. Lifestyle and family history If you have any of the following risk factors, you may also consider seeking advice earlier: Family history (i.e., mother or sister) of early menopause (before age 51) History of cigarette smoking in either partner Previous ovarian surgery Exposure to chemotherapy or radiation to treat cancer in either partner Shortening in the time between periods Skipped or missed periods History of injury to the testicles Exposure to toxic chemicals (certain pesticides or solvents) Pregnancy is a complex process Pregnancy is the result of a process that has many steps. To get pregnant: A woman’s body must release an egg from one of her ovaries (ovulation). A man’s sperm must join with the egg along the way (fertilise). The fertilised egg must go through a fallopian tube toward the uterus. The fertilised egg must attach to the inside of the uterus (implantation). Infertility may result from a problem with any or several of these steps. For the pregnancy to continue to full term, the embryo must be healthy and the woman’s hormonal environment adequate for its development. When just one of these factors is impaired, infertility can result. Couples, dependent on the ages of the partners, are generally advised to seek medical help if they are unable to achieve pregnancy after a year of unprotected intercourse. The doctor will conduct a physical examination of both partners to determine their general state of health and to evaluate physical disorders that may be causing infertility. Usually both partners are interviewed about their sexual habits in order to determine whether intercourse is taking place properly for conception. If no cause can be determined at this point, more specific tests may be recommended. For women, these include an analysis of ovulation, x-ray of the fallopian tubes and uterus, and laparoscopy. For men, initial tests focus on semen analysis. “Based on the results of the specific tests, a treatment plan will be made which can include medication, surgery or assisted reproduction,” says Dr Heylen.  Treatment options Not all couples who desire a pregnancy will achieve one spontaneously and some will need medical help to resolve underlying fertility problems. It is now estimated that more than 9 million babies have been born worldwide since the first IVF baby was born in 1978. Most assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatments take place in women aged between 30 and 39. The most common fertilisation technique is ICSI


5 tips to distract baby in the car

Hands up if your boobs leak when you hear a crying baby? If your mind goes blank? You grit your teeth while trying to talk sweetly, over the loud screams? Your breath quickens, and little creatures feel like they are moving around under your clothes? While you try aimlessly to distract baby, whose eyes are probably closed anyway. (You can put your hands down now.)

Prima Baby

Chicco Myamaki Baby Carrier

Myamaki, in addition, has been studied to guarantee the maximum comfort for parents thanks to the soft and padded shoulder and waist straps that ensure the correct distribution of the weight across parent’s back.

Happy Family Organics

Baby and tot picky eater meal plan by Happy Family Organics

It seems we constantly hear about kids being picky eaters; it may feel like we are condemned to have a child who will eat nothing but chicken fingers and pizza. Is there anything you can do to raise an adventurous eater? Plenty actually, starting right now!


5 questions when buying a second hand car seat

We are buying a second hand car seat. But unlike last time and the abandoned (money) seat in the garage, I am not going in blind… I’ve been armed with questions from #CarseatFullstop and intend not to come home with a denim covered car seat of unknown origins.

Prima Baby

Chicco Easy Fit Baby Carrier

The Easy Fit Baby Carrier is the simple and intuitive baby carrier that’s worn like a T-shirt and adapts perfectly to parents and baby, following the natural and physiological growing phase of the child.

Happy Family Organics

Introducing solids: First foods and textures by Happy Family Organics

Starting solids is an exciting milestone and huge transition in your baby’s first year. When your baby seems ready (for most babies, at around six months), it’s important to let them lead the way with food. Allow them to decide how much and even whether they want to eat. Keep in mind that erratic eating patterns are perfectly normal. Just like you, your baby may be very hungry one day and less hungry the next. By being mindful of your baby’s hunger and fullness cues, you’ll both learn together.

Prima Baby

Chicco Ultrasoft Baby Carrier

A 2-in-1 infant carrier that lets smaller babies face in towards mom or dad and lets older babies face out to explore.the world, it also has a soft mini-vented lining, adjustable side straps, and mesh side panels that work together to deliver a comfortable ride for baby.

Happy Family Organics

Preparing to wean your child by Happy Family Organics

Weaning is a process that begins whenever your baby begins to eat solid foods and/or take formula in addition to breastmilk. If your baby is around six months old, this process will happen naturally as you introduce solid foods, and it will also happen if or when you begin to supplement with or switch to formula.

Child's Farm

Top Tips for Winter Skincare by Dr Jennifer Crawley

Skin can become inflamed and dehydrated in the winter months due to harsher weather outside and the effects of central heating inside. Skin dehydration tends to be worse straight after summer due to prolonged sunlight and heat, acting as triggers that are out of our control. Skin can also develop increased areas of pigmentation during summer months.

Child's Farm

Why you can trust childs farm

No parent wants to see their child suffer from Eczema and sensitive skin conditions. We started Childs Farm because we wanted to make natural and fun toiletries that cared for the unique needs of young skin and hair; our products are suitable for sensitive skin and safe for people who may be prone to eczema.

Prima Baby


A car seat will no doubt be the most important purchase a parent will make when it comes to baby travel. A mandatory purchase, car seats should be well-thought out to ensure the safest and longest use for the child.

Vital Baby

Baby suffering with colic during lockdown? Try these soothing techniques

Usually colic is short-lasting for just a few months, but nevertheless it is an upsetting time for both you and baby. It is commonly believed that colic in young babies can be a result of digestive or feeding problems, which can be linked to swallowing air when feeding. Air can be ingested by baby when it enters the bottle and mixes with the milk, and also when baby ingests air while feeding from the teat.


Addressing rear-facing concerns with science

I am a careful driver. I don’t have any history of accidents, whether from my own doing or anyone else’s. But I also don’t have any illusions – almost every other day I have some kind of close call situation. There are always people who don’t look before driving… Or change lanes without checking their blind spots… Or who reverse out of a parking spot without checking. Sometimes, I’m even guilty of those things and only remain accident-free thanks to good luck and quick reflexes. With Harley along for the ride, I’m even more aware of the risks, and the importance of car seats, particularly rear-facing car seats. But there were some rear-facing concerns that arose.

Vital Baby

A simple guide to the basics of breastfeeding

Becoming a mom is one of life’s greatest gifts, and whether it is your first or your third time, the feeling of immense joy you experience when you first lay eyes on your baby, is unbeatable. Having said that, many new moms express that these feelings of joy are quickly pushed aside by feelings of complete panic and helplessness when it comes to breastfeeding for the first time.

Prima Baby


The Goody stroller from Chicco is the ultimate pram for parents who strive for the utmost in quality and style – whilst ensuring that their accessories provide convenience and ease-of-use.


The wonder of weaning baby

Once they get to around six months old your baby will start needing solid foods alongside their milk, (which is why weaning is often known as ‘complementary feeding’) to help teach them how to move food round their mouth, chew and swallow.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Supporting you through your pregnancy

Bonitas Medical Fund believes that as an expecting mom your pregnancy should be a unique and joyful experience. Through targeted support during each trimester, pregnancy education and specific related engagements – via telephone and digital channels – we aim to help you achieve this. With the new Maternity Programme we hope to improve the health of moms-to-be and, as a result, reduce possible complications.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Back pain during pregnancy and how to deal with it

Back pain is a common occurrence during pregnancy and can be frustrating to deal with. Unfortunately, if you have any pre-existing back problems you are more likely to struggle with back pain during your pregnancy. If you are suffering from back pain during your pregnancy and are wondering what you can do to help reduce it; we explain what causes it and how you can find some relief. What causes back pain during pregnancy  If you are experiencing back pain during your pregnancy you are probably wondering what is the root cause of it. Generally there are two types of back pain that expecting moms deal with. Pelvic pain, which is felt in the pelvic tailbone area, and lumbar pain which is similar to any lower back pain felt when not pregnant. There are a few culprits of back pain during pregnancy. Hormones, stress, weight changes and posture are all causes of sore and uncomfortable back. During your pregnancy, your hormones change. One of them, known as relaxin, softens the joints in the pelvic region. This can directly impact on your back’s ligaments, causing you back pain. Stress can also cause your back to ache, whether you are pregnant or not. If you are worried about your job, family or pregnancy, you can find that this added anxiety can contribute to back pain. This is due to the fact that anxiety can cause muscle tension, which can then translate into back pain.  Changes in weight as your baby grows and shifts in your centre of gravity can also be a cause of a sore back. If you’re already struggling with poor posture or back ache, then back pain during your pregnancy becomes far more likely. What can help relieve my back pain?  Completely alleviating your back pain may not be possible, but there are things you can try that could help ease and manage your pain. Avoiding lifting heavy objects, opting for flat, supportive shoes and getting plenty of rest are all things you can try to improve your back ache. Exercises that help strengthen your glutes and abs can also help relieve back pain. Prenatal yoga and water aerobic classes are examples of gentle exercises which can help strengthen your body. However, if you are feeling cramps, experiencing vaginal bleeding, feeling feverish, numbness or sporadic pain you should consider consulting with your doctor, as these are all more than just normal pregnancy back pain symptoms.


So what do you look for when selecting an infant seat?

When it comes to investing in items for your kids, it’s important to remember that all our needs are different. The items we choose are dependent on our lifestyle, our financial situations and what’s best for baby. When choosing an infant seat, find a reputable brand that you can trust, that has the highest level of safety… A seat that’s functional and comfortable for your child considering that they spend quite a chunk of their lives in various seats.

Prima Baby


A car seat will no doubt be the most important purchase a parent will make when it comes to baby travel. A mandatory purchase, car seat purchases should be well-thought out to ensure the safest and longest use for the child.



We’ve been cooking up scrummy, nutritious baby and toddler meals and snacks since 1992. It may seem like common sense to us today, but making sure little ones ate a varied diet, full of texture and taste from real fruit and veggies, was a much less talked about idea back then, when our healthy-eating campaigner Lizzie Vann founded Organix. After searching in vain for healthy organic baby and toddler food she decided to make her own and this was how Organix was born.



If I tell you that things went horribly wrong when I gave birth to my daughter, I am not overreacting. I’m not talking about a poor maternal or foetal outcome here, since both Eryn and I were perfectly healthy throughout the labour process. I’m talking about my birth plan, and somehow I doubt I’m not the only one who had her entire birth plan turned upside down.


Breaking down the cost of car seats

Car seats are expensive. Better car seats are more expensive. The cost of car seats is a common debate, even though in the end it isn’t really relevant. The safest car seat for you is the best one you can afford that installs safely in your car and matches the weight, height and age needs of your child.

Prima Baby

The Chicco SEAT UP 012

A car seat will no doubt be the most important purchase a parent will make when it comes to baby travel. A mandatory purchase, car seats should be well-thought out to ensure the safest and longest use for the child.


COVID-19 In Children – What Do We Know?

As parents we worry a lot about our children’s health and most especially now, with this new coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2). With so much information currently available online about COVID-19 it can become difficult for us to sift through the real from the fake news. I hope to simplify things a little in this post and share some of the more convincing theories we have on COVID-19 in children.



Knowing what your little explorer should be having in their diet, from good nutrients to the perfect portion size can be confusing. GOOD NUTRIENTS As your baby grows into a toddler, it’s a time of rapid change and development. Everything is a big new adventure which can make things tricky when it comes to food and mealtimes. Organix (a brand dedicated to making tasty and nutritious organic baby and toddler food) has put together a guide to find out what nutrients your toddler needs… Vitamin D: Needed for healthy bones. Under 5s will need to take a supplement as what they need can’t be found in food alone. Vitamin A: Helps keep little one’s immune system tip top along with their vision. Find it in liver, sweet potato and leafy greens. Zinc: Great for healing scratches and grazes and an energy boost. Lots of dairy foods, meat, fish and eggs contain it. Vitamin C: Helps with growth and repair of skin and other tissues. Oranges, mango, cauliflower, broccoli and berries all contain it. Iron: Essential for making healthy blood cells & carrying oxygen. It’s in red meat, fish, poultry, eggs & beans, lentils & dried fruits. PORTION SIZES There is no ‘ideal’ portion size for toddlers, they should be eating a balanced and healthy diet along with these portions of the four main food groups a day. 5-a-day fruit and veggies: Offer at each meal & as some snacks. Go for a rainbow of colours! 2-a-day protein foods: Meat, fish, eggs, crushed nuts, nut butters & pulses. 5-a-day starchy foods: Such as bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and cereals. 3-a-day dairy foods: Milk, cheese & yogurt (or calcium enriched plant-based alternatives).

Parenting Hub

Keep fit during lockdown with your baby and stroller

According to doctors and professionals keeping fit is one of the most important things to do during lockdown. Exercise will strengthen your immune system, elevate your mood and get those endorphins flowing.

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