Prima Baby

Chicco Bottle Warmer

Keep their meals ready with a handy kitchen appliance that will become your greatest ally in your babies feeding routine, the Chicco Bottle Warmer. In stylish grey and pastel blue, this perfect cooking companion for new parents allows you to plug in and conveniently heat up bottles and small jars without the dangers of boiling pots of water like our parents used to do. Be guaranteed no scalding when you slow heat bottles and preserve the nutritional properties of milk at the same time. With an automatic off switch you will prevent over-heating or kitchen mishaps. The Chicco Bottle Warmer is suitable for all Chicco bottles on the market including the best-selling Natural Feeling range, in glass or plastic. Grab one today and get convenience at your fingertips at participating retailers such as Baby City, Babanino, The Kid Zone, Takealot, Loot and others.

My Breastpump

Pregnancy: Your body is amazing

So, you have a bun in the oven, what excitement and changes to come.  Being pregnant is something to celebrate. Pregnancy is such an amazing miracle of life and is a time of learning. You learn so much about what your body can do. Can you imagine growing your own little human? It that not totally amazing?  Pregnancy gives you time to get ready for the birthing and beyond that? Pregnancy is a fantastic time to learn, this way you can make informed choices about your pregnancy care, birth experience and afterwards. There are important things that you need to know about to have a safe and healthy pregnancy. You need to go for regular check ups with your health care provider to monitor you for hypertension, diabetes, infections, and anaemia. You will also then know how your baby is growing. One of the most special times is hearing your baby’s heartbeat for the first time.  You can also learn more about healthy eating and what supplements to take while you are pregnant, how to exercise safely, the different ways that your baby can be delivered and how you will look after your baby once she is born.  This is the perfect time to learn more about breast feeding. The more you know about feeding before you give birth the easier it will be. If you understand about how breast milk is made you will be mor confidant in your body’s ability to make milk. If you know different ways to latch and what a deep latch it is will make the actual feeding so much easier.  Understanding what to expect and normal baby behaviour really helps when you are learning to breast feed. Did you know that a newborn can drink between 8 to 12 times in 24 hours?  Include your partner in all the baby related discussions because the both of you can learn and attend classes together. Did you know that your partner plays such an important role in breast feeding? Yes this is true, they can be so helpful with making you comfortable, getting baby in the correct positions for feeding, keeping you hydrated and fed. Not to mention all the other practical things that they can help with like dishes, cooking, bathing siblings and shopping.  My Breastpump is so passionate about breastfeeding, education and pumping. Here are a few reasons why, but there are so many more. Breast feeding has positive effects for both mom and baby. Lets start with mom; breast feeding helps to reduce the risk of a variety of cancers, can reduce the risk of developing Diabetes by half if you breast feed for longer than 6 months, you burn between 300-500 calories a day, helps to return your womb to its original size (yes that means it helps to reduce the size of your tummy after birth), the hormones of breast feeding also helps to reduce stress and depression.  Now for some of the benefits for baby. It reduces the risk of illness including flu, COVID, diarrhoea, childhood cancers, eczema and ear infections. Breast milk helps to teach the baby’s immune system how to fight infections by passing on the information from the mother’s immune system. Therefore, if a mother is sick, she can continue to breast feed her baby. This is just so amazing! Other benefits are that the muscles used to breast feed help your baby to learn to eat and speak.  There are so many different places that you can learn about birthing. It is a good idea to learn more about the difference between a natural birth, c-section and v-bac? Why would you need a Pilates ball, is walking good in labour, what should I pack or even how to choose a good health care provider? What are the pro and cons with each and why would you prefer one birthing type over the other? These are all important and common questions that moms have. My Breastpump have been working closely with Origin Mother and Baby clinic and love the free and paid for classes that they offer to pregnant mothers. You have the option of online or face to face workshops. The Origin antenatal classes give you valuable information about creating your birthing plan, the role of Doula’s, Midwives, pro and cons about midwife lead or hospital lead birthing. They have great interactive conversations with qualified health care professionals. For more information about their pregnancy workshops have a look at their website . Another great pregnancy and mommy classes are BuB Hub   as they also have baby classes to help you bond and stimulate your baby as they get older. It is so lovely to join a mommy group and find your tribe.  As an extra service to you, My Breastpump provides an hour online personalised breastfeeding workshop for you and your partner. To book the workshop for yourself follow this You can also find out who your local South African Certified Breastfeeding Consultants or IBCLC is. This way if you need assistance, you will know who to call and how to set up an appointment with them.  Why not follow the “My Breastpump” social media pages on Facebook and Instagram where we share great information around breast feeding and pumping? We give information on positioning and good latching, positive stories about breast feeding and also guidelines on how to choose a breast pump, when and how to pump and pumping while back at work. Our page on Facebook is @mybreastpumpsa and @my_breastpumpsa on Instagram. You are welcome to DM us if you are needing more information around pumps and pumping.  Enjoy your pregnancy, embrace it and learn about all the weird and wonderful things that you body is doing. You will be amazed at how strong your body is and how prepared you can be for birthing. Your little baby is growing and becoming stronger each day. 

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Postpartum recovery – How long does it take and what can you expect?

As a new mom, or a potential new mom, you are probably wondering how long your body will take to recover post birth and pregnancy. The postpartum period is generally regarded as the first six weeks after childbirth. This is an important time for both you and your baby, as you there are lots of emotional and physical adjustments that happen in this period. Recovering from having a baby can be a long process, especially considering that you now have a new baby to look after as well. What can I expect postpartum? Postpartum recovery will differ between moms and pregnancies. If you have opted for a vaginal birth, your vagina will hurt postpartum, and recovery can take 3 to 6 weeks depending on if you had an episiotomy or your perineum tore.  C-section incisions can be painful and you can expect a recovery period of 4 to 6 weeks. Initially you may find moving difficult, but it’s important to move a little bit to avoid blood clots. Some new moms can experience difficulty urinating, perineal discomfort or soreness, vaginal bleeding, contractions, constipation and breast tenderness post birth. During the postpartum period you may also feel irritable, anxious or have sudden mood swings, this is also known as the ‘baby blues’ and is caused by hormonal changes in the first few weeks. However, if this period is extended you could be suffering from postpartum depression, and should speak to your doctor about this. How can I help my postpartum recovery? Be aware of pushing yourself to return to ‘normal’ as soon as possible, even if you have had an easy pregnancy and birth, your body has still been through an ordeal and you will need time to recover. Avoid over exercising (even if it’s tempting to get straight back into it!) and trying to socialise too much with friends and family eager to meet the new baby.  Don’t be afraid to ask people for space and to limit your baby’s visitors.

Exigo Care

Hi Baby nappies’ super absorbent core

The Super Absorbent Core of Hi Baby nappies are the heart and soul of our nappies. When it comes to caring for your little human, other than a parent’s loving arms, it is the surface area of the nappy that holds the most responsibility. The inner surface of the nappy you put on your baby’s bottom will be in contact with your baby’s skin for prolonged periods of time so why would you want to put anything other than an AAA grade Hi Baby Premium Nappy on that bum?  Excess moisture in a nappy causes maceration of the skin surface (where skin gets lighter in colour and goes all wrinkly… such as when you have been sitting in the bath for too long) and ultimately leads to skin breakdown which may result in secondary fungal, yeast and bacterial infections which thrive in a warm moist environment … especially in this summer heat! Prolonged skin contact with urine and feces irritates the skin, leading to inflammation and further skin breakdown. Contact dermatitis is especially common when babies have diarrhea, often paired with illness or teething. A super absorbent nappy core ensures a dry nappy surface protecting baby’s sensitive skin from nappy rash.  How do Hi Baby nappies absorb and retain so much moisture?  Along with the incredibly soft top inside layer, the nappy’s inner core is made up of Super Absorbent Polymers (SAPs). SAPs look like little crystals when they are dry, but when exposed to moisture they swell up and turn into a gel-like substance. SAPs can absorb up to 30 times their own weight in fluid (kind of like a pregnant woman… or at least it feels that way) ensuring that the nappy absorbs moisture and locks it away. SAPs cannot dissolve in water and can tolerate weight/pressure so that, even with a baby bouncing on the nappy, moisture does not get released back to the nappy surface, keeping your little one’s skin safe and dry. An added bonus is that Hi Baby Premium Nappies and Pull Up’s are free from Oxymethylene, Flourescer and Brightener, making them gentle and safe on baby’s skin without chemical smells. The outer layer of the nappy is just as soft – it does not have a plastic feel to it, and it breathes, eliminating excess ‘humidity’ on the inside of the nappy. When thinking about it, one could easily compare a mother to a Hi Baby Nappy or Pull Up. Like the outside of our nappies, a mother brings that soft and gentle element into a home … and she is beautiful too (just like our nappies).  The inner soft layer is like a mother’s gentle touch; that loving hug, that gentle hand wiping away tears. She is that protective barrier between her little human and the big bad world, protecting her little one to the best of her ability, regardless of the circumstances. A mother is absorbent, just like the core of a Hi Baby Nappy or Pull up. Her heart is full of Super Absorbent Polymers … taking in each moment of her little one’s fleeting childhood, and sealing it in, not releasing it from her heart again.  From the moment you found out that you were pregnant, coming to terms with the fact that this little person is yours, and embracing it. Feeling your unborn baby kick for the first time. Sealing in the moment you looked at your newborn for the first time … vowing that you would protect him/her against all odds. Just like the nappy takes a few blows when a baby is bouncing all over it; so too does a mother’s heart. Sometimes your little one will get, sometimes it feels like they are hurting you on purpose … but it does not change the fact that you would do anything to protect them from harm and keep them safe.  From now on, every time you change your little one’s Hi Baby Premium Nappy or Pull up, take a moment to hold that full dry-surfaced nappy in your hand (yes, regardless of what is in the nappy) and remind yourself to absorb every moment, every phase, and every stage. Seal it in your heart where not even the toughest situations in life can take that from you because you are a mother: with a heart full of Super Absorbent Polymers! Until Next Month, Sr Jessica Bredenkamp (Registered Midwife (BCur) & Mom)

Prima Baby

Gorgeous fashion plate pacifiers with Chicco’s Physio technology at the heart

The perfect pacifier will be a parent’s best friend – and they are harder to find than one may imagine. Chicco has spent years in the Observatory research centre developing the ‘perfect pacifier’ that is not just a soothing device, but ultimately meets the needs of every child’s oral development too. Introducing the ‘Physio’ concept of pacifiers. Based on the theory of good breathing, the range of Physio pacifiers extends from the smallest of premmie needs to the versatility of glow-in-the-dark favourites to keep toddlers sleeping through the night, even when they drop their dummies.  Physio Micro is the first and smallest in the innovative range of Physio pacifiers. Micro in size but powerfully effective, this premmie dummy is perfect for the littlest of mouths, with an orthodontic teat to match. With extra lightweight fashion plates with air holes for ventilation, Micro Soft’s teat sits neatly in the palette, keeping from lolling around in the mouth and causing saliva build-up. When it’s time for baby to outgrow their newborn pacifier, the Physio Air range steps in. Great for bigger newborn and supporting little ones all the way up to 36 months, the range includes a wide variety of fashion plates with cute characters and colours. The glow-in-the dark range is perfect for finding dropped dummies in the night without turning on the light. Available at Baby City, The Kid Zone, Takealot, Loot, Babanino and a host of other retailers.

Prima Baby

Breathing made easy with the orthodontically-approved Chicco Physio Soft pacifier

The perfect pacifier will be a parent’s best friend – and they are harder to find than one may imagine. Chicco has spent years in the Observatory research centre developing the ‘perfect pacifier’ that is not just a soothing device, but ultimately meets the needs of every child’s oral development too. Introducing the ‘Physio’ concept of pacifiers. Based on the theory of good breathing, the range of Physio pacifiers extends from the smallest of premmie needs to the versatility of the one-piece silicone pacifier that soothes toddlers all the way up to when they are ready to say goodbye to their trusty dummy. The Physio Soft is a best-selling pacifier from the range that has stood the test of time and continues to be a household favourite around the world. Made in sizes from newborn upwards, this one-piece silicone is so flexible and soft that it can completely bend, allowing face-sleeping to not disturb or line your little one’s face. Without separate compartments this pacifier reduces the chance of bacteria and mold getting inside elements and is one of the easiest dummies on the market to clean. The perfectly created cut-out shape gives noses space to breathe comfortable and the trademarked Chicco Physio teat sits in the palette area to avoid lolling and saliva build-up. With cut-out heart designs, more air can circulate between your babies face and the pacifier, ensuring that rashes are kept at bay and proper ventilation is key. Let your little one try one today in clear, pink, purple, blue and green colour tones in a range of age-appropriate sizes. Available at Baby City, select Clicks stores or Clicks Babyclub online, The Kid Zone, Takealot, Loot, Babanino and a host of other retailers.

Prima Baby

Chicco’s manual or electric toothbrushes for perfect infant dental care

When selecting that very first toothbrush for newly sprouting teeth, certain factors need to come into play: Soft bristles for delicate gums Small head for little mouths Handle with grip for a non-slip brush Chicco’s manual and electric toothbrushes offer the best solution for early dental development. Whether little ones are still learning the movements of brushing themselves or working alongside an electric brush for that deep clean, their toothbrush will be their daily dental ally and form good habits for their lives moving forward. Available in pastel pink and baby blue, the manual toothbrush is available at a variety of retailers including The Kid Zone,, babanino, Baby City, Takealot, Loot and many others. The Chicco Electric Toothbrush is available in dark pink and dark blue with comic characters such as mermaids and pirates on them and available at the same retailers. Pair with great tasting, age-appropriate toothpastes and get them loving their dental routine for life.

Prima Baby

Get eco-friendly with Chicco bamboo baby toothbrushes

Chicco’s new eco-bamboo toothbrush is perfect for toddlers that need a gentle brushing solution. Great for environmentally-aware parents that don’t want to support plastics, these biodegradable toothbrushes keep toddlers teeth clean with a gentle, non-abrasive bristle on a small head, to reach all parts of smaller mouths. Comes in a variety of fun colours and perfectly paired with a wide variety of Chicco toothbrushes including non-fluoride strawberry or apple & banana, fluoride strawberry or apple & banana, fruit mix or mild mint. Grab one now from Takealot, Loot, The Kid Zone, Baby Shopper, and others.

My Breastpump

Why do some breast pumps hurt?

The simple answer to the question of, “Why do some breast pumps hurt?”, is that it was not designed to fit you. Just like our bodies have different sizing, so do our breast, areola, and nipples. There can even be a combination of large breasts with small areola and nipple or the other way around. It does not matter your combination or size of breasts; your breasts are your perfect shape and size. Remember your breast milk is made deep inside your breast and not in your nipple. You can think of your nipple as a tap where the milk comes out and not where it is made or stored. What is needed are breast pumps that fit all the different sized breasts so that we can be comfortable while we pump. The diameter of the flange is important as well as the length of the flange. The diameter needs to allow for space for your nipple to move in and out of with comfort. The flange needs to be long enough that the tip of your nipple will not touch the bottom end and cause discomfort while pumping.  The flange is the part of your breast pump that touches your breast, and your nipple should move freely in and out of it while pumping. The flange connects to the bottle and the tubing that goes to the pump. There will be a valve that connects to the flanges as well. The funnel of the flange can have different diameters. The size of the flange diameter is key to your comfort while pumping.  The Ameda range of breast pumps gives you the confidence to pump easily and without discomfort. All of the Ameda breast pumps use the FDA approved Closed system HygieniKit which has the option to use the different size flanges. The Ameda range of breast pumps have 7 different flange sizes to help you find your personal comfortable fit. The sizing ranges is 21mm flexi shield insert, 22.5mm insert, 25mm standard size, 28.5mm flange or insert, 30.5mm flange, 32.5mm insert and 36mm flange. The Ameda pumps all come with the 25mm flange and then if you do need a different flange, you can measure your nipple and find the correct fit for you. All the different size flanges and inserts are found on our website . There are full sized flanges or inserts depending on the size that you are needing.  The big question that we get asked is how to measure myself to get the correct flange size. Well, that is actually really easy. You need to measure your nipple base diameter. This is the part of your breast that will be moving in and out of flange. The nipple base is the part of your nipple that starts to stick out from your areola (the dark part around your nipple). You can use a normal ruler to take the measurement. Once you have your measurement you need to add on 6mm. So for example if your nipples are 19mm + 6mm = 25mm. Then the 25 m flange would most likely be the most comfortable size for you. Ameda also has a sizing tool that can be requested when you purchase any of our pumps. The tool is easy to use as it has cut outs the size of the flange diameter so you can measure and see how your nipple fits inside of each flange. The measurement technique is used to guide you to which size would most likely fit and be comfortable for you.  When is the best time to measure your flange size? The timing of measuring your nipple size is important. As you know your nipple size may change during pregnancy or even during breast feeding. The best time to fit your flange size is just before you start using the pump. This will mean that you are measuring the actual size of your nipple. You should measure your nipple size in between a feed or before you want to start pumping. This way you will get their normal size, it may be a little bit larger after a feed or pump session. If at any time you feel like your breast pump is just not fitting anymore you can also recheck your measurement as your nipples may have changed size over time.  How do you know that the flange is not fitting correctly? If your flange is too big. This will result in your nipple and areola being pulled into your flange. This can cause discomfort and make it more difficult for your milk to move out of your breast and into your pump. When the flange is too small for your nipple, this can result in your nipple rubbing on the side of the flange causing a blister or pain. Both will result in a decrease amount of breast milk expressed from your breasts.  Another reason why a breast pump would hurt you is that you have the settings on too high for what is comfortable for you. Remember expressing breast milk is not a race to the fastest setting but rather you need to find your setting sweet spot. This means that the settings are comfortable and also help you to express effectively. We all respond differently to the speed and strength of a breast pump. You many need to spend some time to work out which settings are most comfortable for you.  If you are not sure and need some help with finding the correct flange size for you, please send us an email to and we will be happy to assist you. 

Prima Baby

Chicco toothpastes bring deliciousness to dental hygiene

Encouraging and maintaining good dental habits is as important for milk teeth as permanent teeth. Cultivating good habits begins as early as before that first tooth has sprung. Keep them excited about dental care with the right  products that taste good, ensure efficacy and are fun to use. Chicco’s range of toothpastes start from before baby even has teeth and grow alongside with your little one until they are confident to start flossing on their own. Check out the range: Chicco Multifunctional 2in1 Gum Gel (4m+) Dental hygiene habits should start from the very beginning, even before the first tooth comes in. It is important to prevent the build-up of bacteria and to learn simple gestures that will help to establish good oral health habits in the baby right away. All Chicco products are developed in collaboration with experts, to satisfy the specific needs of each teething stage, right from the first days. Great for rubbing on gums to get used to oral activity. Apple & Banana Toothpaste (6m+ No Fluoride or 12 m+ for fluoride): Strawberry or Apple & Banana flavoured toothpaste that contains Xylitol, known for helping prevent tooth decay. Low abrasion formula does not damage milk teeth. Fluoride free. Delicious taste encourages brushing. Ideal for children from 6 months. Strawberry or Apple & Banana flavoured toothpaste that contains Xylitol, known for helping prevent tooth decay. Low abrasion formula does not damage milk teeth. Contains fluoride. Delicious taste encourages brushing. Ideal for children from 12 months. Fruit Mix Flavour Toothpaste (1-5yrs) Chicco Fruit Mix toothpaste is a great-tasting dental solution for toddlers between the ages of 1 and 5. The yummy fruity taste will keep them brushing for longer with this low abrasion formula that uses xylitol and fluoride as the main bacterial control. Get them used to dental hygiene young with good habits they will keep for life with a gentle and great-tasting introduction to dental care. Mild Mint Flavour Toothpaste (6yrs+) Chicco Mild Mint toothpaste is a fresh dental solution for little kids who have their first big teeth coming through. The mild mint taste will keep them brushing for longer as it gets them used to ‘adult’ toothpaste flavours. Contains a low abrasion formula that uses xylitol and fluoride as the main bacterial control. Get them used to dental hygiene from young with good habits they will keep for life with a gentle and great-tasting introduction to dental care. Available at Takealot, Loot, The Kid Zone, Baby City, Babanino,

Prima Baby

Developing good dental habits from young with Chicco

Encouraging and maintaining good dental habits is as important for milk teeth as permanent teeth. Cultivating good habits begins as early as before that first tooth has sprung. Keep them excited about dental care with the right  products that taste good, ensure efficacy and are fun to use. And check out Chicco’s tips to keep their teeth healthier for longer: Start young – a dental check-up from as young as one years old will not only make the dentist feel like a family friend to your child as they grow up, but also stop dental problems in their tracks. Before your baby even has teeth you can gently brush their gums with a very soft baby toothbrush or even a washcloth, to get them used to the feeling of having their mouth cleaned. When those first teeth appear, even just the lower two, start brushing with a baby toothbrush and infant toothpaste. Brush before bedtime – after that, do not give the child any food or drink, except water or unsweetened Rooibos tea until the next morning. Avoid juice, formula, milk or teas before bedtime – the sugary contents of their bottle will be feeding bacteria during the night, causing tooth decay.  Cut back on juice in daytime bottles. As a daylong drink for babies, too much juice can lead to tooth decay. Give non-sugary drinks at meals and juice only as a treat. Be aware of the damage a sippy cup is doing to their new front teeth. Many children cling to them, much like a pacifier. Ensure their sippy cup has a silicone spout to avoid dental chips. Watch out for overly sweet medicines. Many children’s medications are flavoured and sweetened. If they are taking medicine before bedtime they may need a mouth rinse to avoid tooth decay formation during the night. This applies specifically to children on chronic medications for asthmas or on antibiotics. Ditch the dummy by 2.5 years of age. Most good pacifiers are orthodontically endorsed such as the Chicco Physio Soft and the Chicco Physio Air, but if they are not they could affect how the child’s teeth alignment. Too much soothing can even affect the muscles of the mouth. This applies to thumb-sucking too. Lead by example. Stand firm on dental rules and allow your children to see your good habits, and they will follow in your footsteps.   Be patient. Kids can start brushing their teeth with a little help from grown-ups around two or three years old. However, they may not be completely ready to go it alone until as old as six. Flossing skills may take as long as ten years old. Don’t wait until too late in the day. If your child is tired you may not get much enthusiasm and cooperation with brushing and flossing. Start before it’s too close to bedtime. Let your child choose their own toothpaste. A good quality, sugar-free flavoured toothpaste like Chicco’s Strawberry or Banana and Apple are two delicious flavours that keep children enthusiastic about dental care. Motivation and group efforts encourage children. If they can brush with the whole family or parents they will find it way more fun.

Exigo Care

On the couch with Jessica: The truth about baby nappies and sleep …

Having a baby who currently uses Hi Baby Premium Nappies, I have come to appreciate the double leak guards. I realise that it does indeed serve a good purpose … this being most evident when baby makes a mess in the nappy. Every so often bigger than one could imagine possible for a little human that size! The double leak guard on the Hi Baby Premium Nappies and Pull Ups are made up of 2 layers: 1. The inner leak guard is closest to baby’s skin. This hydrophobic layer of material is waterproof and is neatly rounded off with a super soft trimming of elastic; designed to fit snug around baby’s legs. When the nappy is applied correctly it creates a seal to ‘retain’ whatever action is happening inside the nappy.  2. The outer leak guard, otherwise known as ‘the leg cuffs’ of the nappy act as backup should anything escape. This is the part of the nappy that has ‘frilly bits’ around the leg. When babies are at a more active stage in their development this layer not only catches ‘overflow’ but helps to prevent chafing when moving around. Always be sure to pay special attention to the leak guards when applying a nappy. Ensure that they are not overlapping or tucked in; and that the soft elastic trimming fits snug all the way around baby’s leg, groin and bottom. Did you apply the nappy correctly?… Well, the proof will be in the ‘poooding.’ For more tips, visit our YouTube channel at and for the best nappy prices shop at  Until next time,  Sr Jessica Bredenkamp (Registered Midwife (BCur) & Mom)

Prima Baby

Chicco Smart2Play starts little brains working with fun puzzle-solving

As with all Chicco toys, education and brain development underlying every moment of fun is a priority. The Smart2Play toy range takes it one step further with proactive puzzle games to make even the youngest baby squeal in delight at their achievements. Smart2Play toys transform amusing creative experiences into fundamental cognitive achievements and make for great bonding time with parents and children as you work together to assist and encourage as they achieve. Smart2Play toys are prefect for babies from 6 months and older, depending on difficulty level. Highlights of Smart2Play Smart2Play 2-in1 Stacking Cups The smartest version of a classic stacking toy, that helps develop cognitive skills, logical association, and hand-eye coordination.  Game 1. Stack & Learn: 5 cups in decreasing sizes to stack.  Game 2. Sort: 5 different coloured shapes to insert in the right hole at the top of each cup.  The cups can be placed inside each other, they are decorated with numbers from 1 to 5, and with the correspondent shape, to stimulate logical association and hand-eye coordination.  Smart2Play Ring Tower A smart ring tower puzzle that involves two games: Game 1. Stack & Learn: 4 rings in decreasing sizes to stack Game 2. Sort: 4 different coloured shapes to insert in the right hole The rocking base makes the game even more fun. The different raised patterns on each ring stimulate soft motor skills, another important factor for baby’s future handwriting. Smart2Play Sort & Beat Cube Creating amazing hand eye coordination through hammering activities. Game 1: Sort: first shape sorting activity on 2 sides of the cube, with 4 different coloured geometrical shapes Game 2: Beat: The fun activity of hammering the 2 coloured balls on the other 2 sides of the cube Two doors make it easy to release shapes and balls.  Smart2Play toys are available at a variety of retailers including BabiesRUs, Takelot, Loot, Babanino, Baby Boom, The Kid Zone, and others.

Prima Baby

Chicco move and Grow toys keeps babies active from the moment they start moving

Chicco is a firm believer that babies should move. Keep them moving and growing with a range of toys that is especially designed to work on strengthening muscles from the moment they start moving. Whether with tummy time back exercises, first time walking or energetic play, small movements for growing babies go a long way to provide good skeleton-muscular development. Move & Grow highlights: Move & Grow Tummy Time Pillow Made in association with Boppy, the world’s premier nursing pillow range, these smaller tummy time pillows provide baby with a stable base to start working on their tummy time exercises. With bright colours and add-on toys to make them stretch and keep them entertained, they are available in neutral colour combinations and pink. Move & Grow Activity Walker Walkers are great fun. Helping them take steps with confidence as well as make parents feel much more relaxed about those first wobbly steps, the Move & Grow Activity Walker is a simple way to give them support whilst keeping them entertained. A melody plays as the child walks, stopping when the child stops, which makes for sub-conscious encouragement to keep taking forward steps. The play park on the front of the mobile has several tactile pieces to play with such as spinning balls, lights and shapes. Available in neutral and pink. Move & Grow XXL Activity Playmat Every child needs a good activity mat in their early years. Somewhere to get down on the ground and unpack the toybox without hurting little knees and ankles, the XXL Activity Playmat will soon become your babies very own space of fun and laughter. Padded and comfy and perfect for naps and has 5 durable rings to hang different toys. The cute animals in the mat will stimulate your child’s curiosity and encourage interaction. Easy to close and store away with the two packaging strings. Machine washable. Available in neutral and pink. Move&Grow toys are available at a variety of retailers including select Babies R Us, Takealot, Loot, The Kid Zone, and others.

Sudocrem South Africa

Nappy rash 101 with Sudocrem Skin and Baby care cream

Nappy rash is extremely common and can happen at any time during your child’s nappy wearing stage. It can (literally) be a pain in the bottom! However, there are several things that you can do to try and keep it at bay and make life a little more comfortable for your child. Firstly, keep in mind that every baby is unique, and the severity of nappy rash will vary. Some babies may not develop it at all. Some babies’ skin is more sensitive than others and their skin reacts differently to external factors.  Understanding the cause of nappy rash is essential for dealing with it effectively (although sometimes babies will experience nappy rash for no obvious reason). It’s essentially an irritant caused by soiled or wet nappies, friction, and a lack of air circulation. Having plenty of nappy-free time is extremely beneficial – allowing the skin to breathe can truly work wonders. Remember to never leave your baby unattended.  Keeping your baby’s nappy clean is critical. Regular nappy changes are recommended especially after the baby urinates or has a bowel movement. Wash your hands before and after you do so. Wipe your baby’s bottom from front to back and make sure it’s completely dry before putting on a nappy. Apply a light, easy-to-rub barrier cream like Sudocrem Skin and Baby Care Cream to the skin at every nappy change, not just when they have a rash. Protecting your baby’s bottom from the start can help to prevent nappy rash and soothe it if it develops.  Make sure you use the correct size nappies for your baby and don’t put them on too tightly. This can cause friction and irritation, redness, and a sore bottom. You may need to try a few different brands and/or sizes of nappies before you find the one that fits your baby perfectly. If the nappy rash doesn’t get better within a few days, spreads further, becomes oozy, or if your baby develops a fever this could be a sign of infection. Seek medical advice from a doctor/ paediatrician. 

Prima Baby

Chicco’s tactile range of first toys from 3 months old – Baby Senses

Chicco specialises in the creation of toys that will not only entertain and fascinate youngsters, but also provide some form of cognitive and educational skills along the way to enhance brain development from as young as three months old. With children being inherently curious from the day they are born, they actively seek out the brightest colours and most tactile of items to engage their every sense. This is why Baby Senses toys are perfect for those first few months. Designed to make good use of the primary colours, red, blue, yellow and green, Chicco Baby Senses incorporates toys that start as simply as doodoo cloths and grow with your child to include teethers, bath toys, building toys and eventually electronic toys that include lights, sounds and music. Baby Senses highlights: Baby Senses Swimming Penguin, Frog and Whale Three mechanical bath time friends that swim the length of the bath whilst your little one has lots of giggles. Keep them entertained while they get clean. Suitable from three months and up. Baby Senses Giraffe Rattle A soft giraffe rattle to encourage the first explorations of your child’s senses. Soft plastic parts are ideal for teething. Contrasting fabrics and colours to enhance sense of touch. Stimulates child’s curiosity, vision and motor skills with easy to grasp and play with and  strong contrasting colours. Great from three months and up Baby Senses Elliot Camping Lover Helps little ones discover the joy of exploring the world around them. Lowering and lifting the lamp turns its light on, which is accompanied by melodies, while pressing the musical note button turns both the light and melodies on. A rotating compass helps them to learn directions and find their way around their environment. Suitable for children aged 6 months and up. Find Chicco Baby Senses at a variety of stores. Full range available at Takealot, Loot and

Prima Baby

Give them the best night’s sleep with the Chicco First Dreams range of nursery toys and accessories

Welcome to the most magical nursery atmosphere ever when you introduce any of the Chicco First Dreams toys and accessories into your little one’s life. Designed in a sleep laboratory to create the ultimate in successful sleeping aids, these high-tech items bring not just the cutest items into their bedroom, but do so with smart elements such as perfectly curated night light and sleep-appropriate music too. Mobiles & Projectors First Dreams Rainbow Sky – a crib arch in a rainbow with hanging toys with a centre star that projects soft light in the nursery while playing gentle classical or new age music. First Dreams Next2Dreams Crib Lights – a crib light that fits the side of any type of cot, this projector light shines stars on the roof of the nursery whilst playing classical or new age music. First Dreams Next2Dreams Crib Lights – a crib light that fits the side of any type of cot, this projector light shines stars on the roof of the nursery whilst playing classical or new age music. Night Lights First Dreams Rainbow Bear – a cute baby bear that projects a colourful rainbow of soft light into the nursery whilst playing classical and new age music First Dreams Dreamlight – shaped like a little bear, this small but effective light projects a sift diffused glow into the nursery whilst playing classical and new age music Accessories First Dreams My First Nest – a snuggle nest for baby to hug them from newborn upwards that includes a firm cushioning, outer rim toys, night light and classical and new age music. Use lying down when newborn, for tummy time as baby grows and as a sitting aid for when baby is a few months old All First Dreams items are available in pastels blue or pink and for sale at: Babies R Us, Takealot, Loot, The Kid Zone, Babanino,, select items in Baby City.

My Breastpump

Pump with confidence

Did you know that 85% of women who breast feed also make use of a breast pump? This is a growing statistic as more women are breast feeding for longer and needing to express breast milk for when they return to work. Other reasons for mothers pumping are their baby being born early or having difficulties with direct feeding and requiring keeping up their milk supply.  Having a good quality double electric breast pump can make all the difference, to be able to pump with confidence is so important. No-one wants to be stuck to their breast pump for hours only to get a few drops of milk or to have the pump hurt them.  So how do you spot a good quality breast pump? Firstly, look for a closed system. This is a pump that prevents the movement of milk into the tubing and motor of your pump. Ameda is the only true closed system breast pump in South Africa as it has FDA approval for not only milk but also bacteria and viruses . The alternative is to use a pump that is open system, and you could get mould growing in your pump! GROSS!  Secondly, get a hospital grade breast pump! You are now able to get a personal use breast pump that is strong, efficient, and quiet. Hospital grade breast pumps can empty the breasts more quickly and the motor is more reliable. With the Mya Joy Double Electric Hospital Grade breast pump you are able to pump many times in a day and your pump motor will remain strong. The Mya Joy also has a 2-year warranty which goes to show how much confidence Ameda has in the Mya Joy.  How do you know that the pump will be comfortable? Women have different sized breast and nipples, and they are all perfect. This just means that you need to make sure that your breast pump flange, the thingy that touches your breast, is the correct fit. Make sure that the brand of pump that you chose, has a variety of flange sizes so that you know you will be able to find your best fit and pump like a princess. Ameda has 7 different flange sizes ranging from 21mm up to 36mm. Our standard flange size is 25mm. If you need help with working out what is your best flange size is, you are welcome to email us, and we will help you make sure you get the best fit. Use this link to send us an email  The next step is to use your pump correctly. Learn how to use the settings of your pump. This will help you to find your sweet spot, which is not always the fastest and the strongest settings. In fact, it can be very different for each mother. When you buy a pump from My Breastpump we help you with additional information about storing your milk, how to use your pump effectively, how to use heat and massage to increase your milk output and even when the best time to pump is.  The Mya Joy has a stimulation and expression phase. The Mya Joy will start on the stimulation phase. Here you have a chose of 6 different settings. You need to find the most comfortable setting and allow the stimulation to start your milk flowing. You should start to see some milk dripping from your nipple when this happens, press the M button to move you over to the Expression mode. The pump will automatically switch you over after 2 minutes. Here again you need to find the most comfortable setting of the 12 suction levels. You will notice that the stimulation mode has fast sucks while the expression mode has longer sucks. The change in setting is to allow your pup to mimic how a baby would suckle at your breast. . You will see that you milk flow starts to slow down after some time. This is when you press the M button to switch you back to the stimulation mode, Here the pump will remember tyour last setting and ghelp you with another let down. Once this happends you press the M button and move back to the expression mode. You can have about 4 different letdon in one pumping session. This should take you around 10 to 20 minutes.  So, what do you need for the ideal pumping station? Firstly, the best breast pump and then to be a bit organised. Wash your hands and sterilise your pump parts. With the Ameda’s closed system you only need to wash and sterilise 4 parts. Yes only 4, which makes it super easy to use. You can use the CleanEase, if you need a portable microwaving solution. Use a comfortable chair with support for your back. Have your pump close by and have a drink or snack ready. Think of your baby, watch a cute video or smell a baby blanket. This helps to get your mind focused on baby and making milk. You can use a warm, hot water bottle, bean bag or even a baby bottle with warm water to start messaging your breasts. This helps with your first let down. Place your flanges onto your breast making sure that the nipple is in the middle of the flange and that it does not rub against the sides. Use the pump by changing the settings. When you are done you can even use your hands to squeeze out the last few drops or breast milk. This is called hands on pumping and is great at getting out all the lekker fatty milk at the end of a pump. If you battle with your milk supply, try the baby sock hack. It is so simple but works like a charm. Before you start pumping place a baby sock over your bottle so that you can’t see how much milk you have pumped. This helps you to stop focusing on the output and to


Water Safety

Drowning is the 2nd leading cause of death in children between 5 and 14 years – 30% of all drownings. Children under the age of 5 are most at risk. Drowning is known as “the silent killer” because when drowning occurs, it happens so quickly and one may have less than a minute to react. There can be very little splashing, waving or screaming. A child can drown in as little as 4cm of water and it takes about 90 – 120 seconds submerged for a child to lose consciousness. Irreversible brain damage occurs after 4 to 6 minutes not breathing. ChildSafe reminds parents and caregivers of the following:

Sudocrem South Africa

Sudocrem skin and baby care cream Voted one of BabyYumYum’s Product of the Year 2021

Sudocrem proudly celebrates 90 years of soothing families and has recently been awarded a grand accolade in the baby brands category. The Sudocrem skin and baby care cream has won Baby Yum Yum’s 2021 Product of the Year Award in the Best Bum Cream category. There is nothing more trustworthy than the word of a parent and this award attracted more than half a million votes! Sudocrem skin and baby care cream’s primary aim is to treat nappy rash.  Nappy rash is by far the most common skin condition in babies.  It is uncomfortable and is caused mainly due to wet or infrequently changed nappies.  Sudocrem skin and baby care cream is particularly gentle and forms a defensive layer to assist in the treatment of nappy rash. Around one in four babies and toddlers in nappies have nappy rash at any given time. The main symptom of nappy rash is a red rash on the baby’s bottom. The baby’s skin may also look sore and can be warm to the touch. In more severe cases, symptoms can include fever and a widespread rash can occur.  However, it is comforting to know that most rashes will begin to improve after just a few days of at-home care.  Use Sudocrem skin and baby care cream with every nappy change to ensure that the protective layer that is formed by the cream, not only assists in clearing the rash but protects the baby’s skin .  Should the  nappy rash not clear up within a few days, we always recommend that you seek the advice of your baby’s pediatrician or your local GP. How to help look after your baby’s skin : Always change wet and soiled nappies as soon as possible.  When nappy rash does occur, increase the frequency of changes. Make sure that you clean the entire area gently but thoroughly, wiping from front to back. Apply Sudocrem skin and baby care cream at every nappy change.  Lie baby on a dry towel leaving their nappy off for as long as possible and as often as you can.  Fresh air does wonders for the baby’s bottom, particularly when there is nappy rash. Never leave the baby unattended. Avoid using soap, bubble bath, or lotions when the  baby has a nappy rash as this may irritate the rash further. Be sure that baby is wearing the correct size nappy.  If it is too tight, it can irritate the skin and if it is too loose, the nappy will not be able to soak up the baby’s urine properly Do not use alcohol-based wipes on baby’s skin.  Choose laundry detergents that will be gentle on the baby’s skin. A non-bio detergent, that doesn’t contain enzymes, cleans at low temperatures, and gets rid of those messy baby stains – is a good option. To read more about how Sudocrem skin and baby care cream can help with a range of skin complaints, visit your family hub

Prima Baby

Soothing done right with the world-famous Chicco Physio teat selection on pacifiers

Trusted by doctors, orthodontists and parents for over 63 years, Chicco is a world-famous Italian brand that produces only the best quality pacifiers that align with your babies oral growth and development. The Chicco Physio teat is designed to allow breathing to be the most important factor in a child’s soothing process. Naturally opening up airways, the teat sits comfortably in the child’s palette to avoid moving around and saliva build up. With various sizes available, the Physio teat starts at the smallest size possible with the Physio Micro range of pacifiers. Perfect for even premature babies, this micro teat is the start of the series and the perfect start to a child’s soothing process. As the child grows, the Physio Air teat is slightly larger, with cute fashion buttons and various options available in terms of age and gender. Holes on the pacifier plate allow air between the skin to avoid dummy rash. Luminous versions of the Physio Air are available for night time dummy loss without waking the child. The most popular of the Physio teats belongs to the Physio Soft pacifier range. With colours ranging from nude to pink, purple, blue and green, the Physio Soft is a one-piece silicone dummy with appropriate airholes to avoid dummy face rash. They go up in age groups from newborn and are perfect for those face sleeping moments without leaving harsh marks or hurting little faces. Whatever Physio teat you choose to begin your child’s soothing journey, you will be guaranteed a world-class pacifier with orthodontic approval. Available at Baby City, The Kid Zone, Loot, Takealot and other participating retailers.

Tommee Tippee


There’s nothing more upsetting than seeing your little one unhappy, and even if you know they absolutely HAVE to have their nappy changed – you might still dread that moment because you know how much they hate it.   And we know, it’s no walk in the park for you either – but the both of you just have to get through it and renappy as stress-free as you can. Here are our top tips on making change time as stress-free as possible.    Why do some babies hate having their nappy changed? First of all… why do babies not like having their nappies changed? They get to lie down and be basically pampered for a good portion of their day – adults pay good money for that.   If you baby is fussy or crying during their nappy change, it might have something to do with these reasons:  They might be cold! Especially in the colder months, having your bare skin exposed to the cold air is something that no one is a fan of.   They could be thinking of other things… like food. If you have food on the brain and someone is starting up a whole different task, you’d be pissed too.   You might be going too fast. We know you want to get it over with and you might think speeding up the process will make it better for your baby, but your baby is probably used to slow and gentle movements.   They don’t enjoy being handled. Especially in older babies, you might find they want to be in control of their movements more and more and nappy changing doesn’t really allow for much exploring.   They could have a rash. If your baby has nappy rash, it could make change time a lot more uncomfortable for them.  Nappy changing tips for stress-free changing Distract your baby and make them laugh Never underestimate the power of distraction. Thanks to their super short attention spans, it’s pretty easy to divert your little one’s focus or make them giggle.  Pick up something around the home that makes an interesting sound and dangle it in front of your baby when doing their nappy up. You can use anything from your car keys to some tissue paper to take full advantage of your little one’s curiosity!  Warm the wet wipes. If there’s one thing babies truly despise, it’s a cold wipe, and we can’t blame them! Nobody likes the shock of something cold against their skin, especially when that skin is super sensitive. A wipe warmer is an awesome investment that will make changing time MUCH more pleasant for your baby. Or you should just stick them in a sanitized container to warm up on their own. This simple, yet genius idea makes those wipes feel soothingly warm against your baby’s skin – they might even start to enjoy having their nappy changed!  Encourage your baby to help Your little one might actually enjoy joining in with their parent’s daily chores, instead of simply lying back or wriggling around and trying to escape!  As they get a little older, you can encourage them to lie down on their own, raise their legs up, or pull the wipes out of the packet themselves. They might even start to do it automatically at change times (which is a little less work for you, too!)  Helpful products for changing time Tommee Tippee Nappy Disposal Bins Tommee Tippee  Twist & Click Nappy Disposal Bin is super functional, ultra-discreet and can hold a surprising amount of nappies! Its clever Twist and Click technology wraps each individual nappy, keeping the odours and germs at bay. It can hold up to 28 standard-sized nappies at once, meaning there’ll be fewer trips to the outside bin (yay!).    But how does it work?    It’s quite simple, actually. All you have to do is place the nappy in the bin and close the lid. The lid naturally pushes the nappy through the built-in plunger, which wraps it in our bio-based nappy bin refills. No fuss, clean hands, fresh home!   Tommee Tippee Nappy Bin Refills Tommee Tippee nappy bin refills are antibacterial, and are made from bio-based, recyclable and sustainably-sourced GREENFILM™. This makes them some of the greenest refills on the market (and some of the most hygienic!). Working in perfect harmony with our Twist & Click Nappy Disposal Bin, our refills make the whole process of nappy disposal quicker and more hygienic.    Tommee Tippee offer a fabulous selection of multipack deals so you can stock up without hurting your pockets. You know you’ll go through them eventually, so this one’s a no-brainer!   Nappy Change Caddy Having all the tools you need in one place is the key to success when it comes to nappy changing. The Tommee Tippee portable nappy change caddy is the perfect, space-saving solution for changing your baby with ease. Here are some of it’s great features:    Its multiple compartments allow you to store all of your nappy changing essentials in one place.   It can store up to 50 nappies (yes – 50!!).   Its sturdy, clip-on hooks make it perfect for travel. It’ll easily latch onto your changing table, keeping everything you need within arm’s reach.    It has a simple, stylish and discreet design.    You can fold it away when you’re finished with it – ideal for lovers of all things space-saving!  

Parenting Hub

Parent Sense disrupts babyhood in the best way

Whether you’re a first-time parent or welcoming the latest newborn into your family, the early parenting period can be downright confounding.  On top of the lack of sleep and the rigours of truly 24/7 attendance, from the get-go, each new baby has its distinct character, which takes time to get to know.  This is where Parent Sense can help.  A proudly South African platform and app created by Meg Faure, childcare expert and best-selling parenting author, Parent Sense offers innovative, science-based tech-enabled parenting. Recently shortlisted as a finalist for the UK App of the Year at the UK App Awards 2021, Parent Sense provides a holistic framework for baby care, helps you accurately track and analyse your baby’s sleep and feeding patterns and is packed with know-how and sage advice to get you safely through this unique minefield disguised by sweet baby smells and cute gurgles.  Chereen, mom to 8-month-old twin boys and an 8-year-old boy avidly uses Parent Sense to manage the complexity that comes with juggling twin routines. In a chat with Meg on social media, Chereen shares that her twins have completely different temperaments and sensory personalities. Despite their differences, she has used the app to successfully get them into a predictable feeding and sleeping routine. Both boys are now sleeping through the night, and everyone is more rested and relaxed.   For many parents, caring for a new baby presents some lonely, exhausting and confusing times.  This can sap much of the joy out of the first precious months of life, impact on bonding and undermine a parent’s confidence.  As they turn for advice, they then find an overwhelming mass of parenting content, much of it, of dubious quality, and it can be challenging and time-consuming to find trusted sources.  As all parents know, the last thing you need when you’ve got a babe in arms is more more demands on your scarce time.  The Parent Sense app provides the support and trusted advice you need in your hands, accessible anytime and anywhere.  Just as many of us in this data-driven age use apps to track our own fitness and health, Parent Sense enables you to track your new baby’s data to make informed parenting decisions or to share with healthcare professionals.  Parents also receive a weekly Baby Digest mailer that summarises their baby’s tracked sleep and feed trends, as well as any health or development milestones.   A platform feature which parents will greatly appreciate is the innovative Parent Sense baby sensory personality quiz developed by Meg Faure and available on the app’s website.  This fast tracks your understanding of the unique being you have brought into the world and empowers you to adapt your parenting style to meet your baby’s particular needs.   Faure says, “Babies simply don’t have the communication capabilities that we as adults rely on for understanding.  Instead, they are experiencing the world through their senses.  Identifying your baby’s sensory personality helps you to know and understand them better.  Your baby’s sensory personality drives sleep and feeding behaviours and impacts on developmental pace and successful weaning.”   “Identifying your baby’s sensory personality empowers you to adapt your parenting to meeting their unique needs.  You can tailor the home environment and routines to meet your baby’s preferences which leads to a calmer baby and a more peaceful family life.  Having access to the Parent Sense app, helps to take the guesswork out of the parenting choices and decisions that you are making, putting you in the position of well-informed control,” concluded Faure.  There are four sensory personalities; Sensitive, Slow to warm up, Settled and Social Butterfly. These archetypes are based on how a baby or toddle reacts to sensory information in their environment.  Some have low thresholds for sensory input and are easily overwhelmed by sights, sounds, smells and tastes; while others may get grumpy because there’s not enough that’s new and exciting happening around them.  Knowing where your baby fits gives you an essential understanding of how best to care for them.  This knowledge is real power for parents who can otherwise feel inadequate and even helpless at a time when they really need to be confident that they are capable.   Faure says, “Parent Sense empowers parents by bringing the expertise you need right into your pocket, available on your device whenever you need to draw on expert support.  It’s what parents have always longed for, and it is really exciting to see new parents now downloading the app and doing their parent journeys differently, more effectively and more joyfully.” Download the Parent Sense app here

Prima Baby

Keep little ones protected from mosquitos and bugs this summer with Chicco Anti-Mosquito Bracelets and Anti Mosquito Clip-ons

Summer brings lots of fun, warm nights and days spent in nature – unfortunately, it also comes with insects.  Keep your little ones protected from mosquitos and bugs this summer with Chicco Anti-Mosquito Bracelets and Clip-ons and get the gentlest, most natural solution to all-round cover. Made with naturally effective ingredients such as Citronella and Lemongrass to provide a gentle perfumed repellent that does not affect a babies delicate skin, slip on a bracelet in a variety of colours, wear it in ponytails or opt for the clip-on repellent which works on strollers, prams and t-shirts with ease.  Unlike most mosquito repellents the Chicco Anti-Mosquito range leaves a great smelling, natural fragrance, reminding you that every time you protect your baby you are doing the least possible harm to their gentle skin. Available at Baby City, The Kid Zone, Loot, Takealot and other participating retailers.

Tommee Tippee


Babies do three things – eat, sleep and poop. And if you’ve recently become a parent (congrats!), it may come as a shock to you just how many nappies your little one can get through a day.   Newborn poop isn’t very much like its adult counterpart, which can take you by surprise when you first start changing nappies! Here’s everything you need to know about what’s normal and what’s not in the world of newborn baby poop:  How Often Should a Newborn Poop? While there isn’t an exact poop quota your baby should meet each day, here’s what a normal day of pooping might look like:  On average, babies have about four poops a day during the first week of their life. This decreases to an average of two per day by their first birthday.   Breast milk is considered a natural laxative, so breastfed babies may poop at every feed during their first few weeks. Thankfully, this ‘in and out’ phase doesn’t last very long, and they might not poop for several days after the six week mark. Phew!  Formula-fed babies, on the other hand, can poop up to five times a day when newborn, reducing to as little as once per day after a few months.  While all of this might seem like too much poop to handle, there’s generally not a lot to worry about. Some babies are quite literally pooping machines, while others can go a few days without pooping at all!   As long as your baby seems happy, bouncy and is eating well, chances are things are fine – even if you need to change them 12 times a day!   Newborn Baby Poop Chart A better indication of your baby’s digestive health is the colour of their poop.  Below is a rough guide to the different shades of baby poop and what the colours might mean:  Meconium: large, dark, thick and tarry poop that can be sticky and very hard to clean up. Meconium contains cells and other substances that line your baby’s digestive tract during pregnancy. This kind of poop is generally nothing to worry about and will subside after the first 3 or 4 days.   Mustard Yellow: Breastfed babies often poo yellow stools. The consistency will generally be loose (sometimes very loose!), and smell (semi) sweet – not like your average poop!   Pale Yellow or Pale Brown: Babies who are formula-fed might have semi-formed poops that are this colour. They may strain a little to work this kind of poo out, but this is totally normal!  Green: While a few green nappies are usually nothing to worry about, babies who frequently poop green, watery stools might have diarrhoea. It could be a sign that your baby has an allergy or intolerance, so it’s best to check this one out with your health advisor.   Pink or Red: Reddish baby poop could be a sign of blood, but there’s no need to panic if you spot it. Call your doctor and they’ll be able to tell you what’s going on. It could just be a sign of allergies or constipation.   White: Very pale, white poop is very rare, but it could indicate an underlying problem. Contact your doctor straight away if you spot this kind of poop.   Newborn Diarrhoea   We’re sure you’re aware by now just how much a baby’s poo can vary! If your little one is eating well, gaining weight and growing, chances are everything is fine.   While it’s not unusual for breastfed babies’ poop to be loose, if your baby’s poop is frequently watery, it could be a sign of diarrhoea.   Diarrhoea can be a symptom of many things, including infection, teething, antibiotics, dietary changes or allergies. It’s always best to get your baby checked out by a doctor to find the root cause of the problem!  Remember – if your baby does have diarrhoea, it’s important to keep their fluid levels in check. Breastfeed or offer your baby the bottle more frequently to help them get the extra fluids they need.   Newborn Constipation Signs You might think your baby is constipated if they seem to strain when pooping. But if you’re feeding your baby formula this is quite normal. Formula is a little harder for babies to digest (and makes their poop more solid), and it’s completely normal for them to seem strained or upset when passing a poop. As long as their poop is soft and a normal colour, everything should be fine.   Your baby might be genuinely constipated if they show any of the following signs:  Pooping fewer than 3 times a week.   They have hard, dry and lumpy poops that look like pellets.  They’re eating less and aren’t as hungry.  Their little tummy is firm.  Their poops are larger than usual and are difficult to pass.  They seem a little grizzly and fatigued. How to Relieve Constipation in Newborns Constipation can be caused by a number things, including dehydration or a change in diet. Thankfully, these can be easily treated using the following methods:  Massage Lay your baby down on their back on a soft, safe and comfortable surface. Gently give their tummy a massage to help get things moving. You can use your fingertips to make circular motions across their belly in a clockwise pattern.    Movement You can try exercising your baby to help things along. Lay them down on a soft, safe surface and gently move their legs in a cycling motion. These movements will encourage their bowels to function and provide some relief.  A Nice Warm Bath Bathe your little one in warm water to help their abdominal muscles relax and discourage them from straining. This can also help soothe some of the discomfort associated with constipation.   Nappy Cream for Newborns Pooping problems can lead to your baby’s nappy area getting irritated. While nappy rashes are super common, they can also be super uncomfortable for your baby, so

Tommee Tippee


Tommee Tippee has the information you need about baby poop, including what is considered normal and how often it should happen. How often should babies poop is one of the most commonly asked questions that Tommee Tippee receives from moms, so you’re not alone in wondering this and other baby poop-related questions. Whether you feel you are changing nappies every ten minutes or worrying that you’re not changing them often enough, it is likely that your baby’s bowel movements are normal. Some babies are like little poop machines, pooping several times a day, usually around every feed. Meanwhile, some babies can go several days without pooping once (you can bet you’ll know about it when it does happen though!). You’ll find that you’ll change the most nappies with your newborn. A newborn baby can average around 12 changes in a 24-hour period but you may be relieved to hear that this does slow down as your baby gets older (phew!). This is the time however when your nappy disposal bin will be your best friend. What your baby is fed can also determine how often they poop. Breast milk contains a natural laxative, so breastfed babies can poop more often, typically have several bowel movements each day. Formula-fed newborns may have fewer.  Formula is harder for babies to digest, which changes the texture of their poop to make it more solid. This means it’s more likely for them to become constipated. But before you reach for the prune juice, it’s probably helpful to know that it is totally normal for babies to strain and cry when passing a poop. This alone does not mean that they are constipated. As long as the poop is soft, everything is fine. For more information about how to help a baby poop, keep on reading for a more general baby poop guide. It covers everything you are dying to know about your new favourite subject. You also invited to join the Tommee Tippee Changetime right here    from 15 – 19 November 2021. Tune into a IGTV series of pre-recorded & live sessions about nappies, fifty shades of poo, nappy rash, sore tummies, along with tips & tricks on how to help you navigate this very important part of your life (and your baby). Is this poop normal? You’re in for a surprise when it comes to the colour, texture and smell of baby poop! With the help of Tommee Tippee though, you can become an expert in one of the most talked about subjects for new parents on what’s normal and what isn’t. Poop. Something you hardly thought about and certainly didn’t talk about before becoming a parent. And now it’s not only a hot topic of conversation but wondering whether the colour, texture, smell or frequency is normal is starting to drive you a little crazy! Baby poop comes in all sorts of shades and forms and can keep even the most experienced parent guessing. Let us help demystify that nappy for you with our handy baby poop guide…. BABY’S FIRST POOP Among the most unusual baby poop is a baby’s first poop. This is because it is made up of something called meconium, which is made up of everything mum ingested while their baby was in the womb. This poop is a dark greeny-black colour and very, very sticky, which can make it quite difficult to wipe away. Yes, it does look and feel like something they tarmac the roads with — this is normal and will likely last for a few days at least. BREASTFED BABY POOP After the meconium has passed, your baby’s poop will start to change to a lighter greeny-black colour and then on to a yellow hue. It is also often quite bright. The texture will change too, from sticky to grainy, even loose. It should be soft and easy to pass. The biggest surprise for new parents is often the smell, as it is far sweeter than you might anticipate – a breastfeeding bonus! BOTTLE-FED BABY POOP It is a little more difficult for a baby to digest formula than breast milk and this results in some small differences in their poop. Bottle-fed baby poop is likely to be bulkier than breast-fed baby poop. Colour-wise, you can expect the poop to be a paler yellow or yellowish brown and it will be stronger smelling. Fortunately, your nappy disposal bin should be helping you keep those nasty niffs away. BABY POOP WHEN INTRODUCING SOLID FOODS All change! With solid foods, your baby’s poop will now become larger and thicker, more like what you’d expect as an adult. And unfortunately they will get smellier too! You may notice that different foods affect the poop differently. Sometimes you’ll see the colour of the poop reflect what you’ve given your baby to eat. You may also notice certain hard-to-digest foods pass straight through. This will change in time, as your baby gets used to different food types. In the meantime, you’ll have fun guessing what those weird little black flecks are (HINT: it’s probably that banana). This poop just got real. JET PROPELLED POOP Yes, your baby can achieve some real force behind that poop! Don’t be surprised if that poop you’ve waited longer than usual for has made its way out of the nappy. What to watch out for with baby poop…   You already know that poop comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes (not to mention smells and colors). Because of this, it is sometimes hard to tell when something is wrong. Nevertheless, there are a few signs you should watch out for that could indicate a greater problem: Diarrhea – runny or even explosive diarrhea could be a symptom of teething or an allergy, but you should check with your doctor in case of infection or other medical problem. Constipation – some babies just don’t poop as often as others (especially if they are bottle fed). However, if your baby is really

Sudocrem South Africa

Nappy Rash – What do I need to know?

Nappy rash is a common skin condition or skin irritation in babies and toddlers.  Babies and toddlers who wear nappies can develop nappy rash.  Once children are toilet trained at around 2-3 years of age, nappy rash generally isn’t a problem. Until then it’s not uncommon. Most cases of nappy rash are mild and respond very well to simple management like more frequent nappy changing and applying a good quality barrier cream. Sometimes nappy rash needs specific treatments to target the cause of the rash. Try not to worry if your baby has nappy rash. Most babies will, at some time, get nappy rash no, matter how well they are nurtured. Generally, it is not caused by an infection or poor hygiene, but simply due to the sensitivity of a baby’s skin. What are the symptoms of nappy rash? Generally, the skin covered by the nappy appears red, inflamed, and sore. The rash may just be concentrated around the baby’s bottom, or all over the area covered by their nappy. May look spotty, like little pimples.  Can look shiny and red. Blisters and broken skin can be present when nappy rash is severe or caused by a bacterial or other skin infection. What causes nappy rash? A baby’s skin is sensitive to all sorts of irritants and some babies are particularly susceptible to nappy rash. When the skin covered by a nappy is in contact with moisture the skin reacts by becoming red and irritated.  The ammonia and enzymes in wee and faeces irritate their skin and the acidic contact causes their skin to react. Sometimes nappy rash appears very quickly, even between nappy changes. Rubbing caused by friction of the moist nappy aggravates the skin even more. This means the usual protective barrier function of the skin is compromised, causing their skin to react.  Nappy rash can become worse when a baby is teething. How can I prevent and treat my baby getting nappy rash? The key is to change your baby’s nappy frequently.  Removing a wet or soiled nappy so it’s not in contact with their skin is the single most useful thing you can do. Clean your baby’s skin thoroughly after removing their soiled nappy. Use warm water or gentle nappy wipes to remove all traces of wee and faeces from their skin. Allow their skin to dry well. Smear a good quality barrier cream such as Sudocrem Skin & Baby care cream onto their skin which will help to create a protective barrier. If the cream is thick, try warming it between your fingers before you apply it. Even if your baby doesn’t have a nappy rash, or it’s cleared up, use Sudocrem Skin &Baby care cream to ensure the skin barrier is maintained. Use good quality nappies which will help to draw any moisture away from your baby’s skin. Give your baby some time each day to kick freely without a nappy on. During floor time, lay them on a towel and give their skin a chance to ‘breathe’ and never leave a baby unattended. See a doctor or healthcare professional if: Your baby seems distressed or there are any changes in their feeding or sleeping patterns. If your baby has a temperature or any other symptoms which you feel could be signs that they are unwell. If their nappy rash has blisters, pimples or crusts. Sudocrem Skin & Baby care cream has been used and loved by families since 1931.  It’s great for preventing, soothing, and treating nappy rash.  Sudocrem Skin & Baby care cream is a soothing emollient cream that helps in the management of nappy rash. The Zinc Oxide in Sudocrem provides a barrier to protect the baby’s delicate skin between nappy changes. 

Tommee Tippee


Nappy rash… it’s sore, it’s red and it’s uncomfy for your little one. But it’s also pretty easy to treat and maybe not as scary as you think it is. Nappy rash isn’t as common in newborns as it is in bigger babies and toddlers, but most babies will get nappy rash at least once in their lifetime. Let’s get into it.  What causes nappy rash? Your baby has super sensitive skin which doesn’t like to be wet or irritated. Unfortunately, your baby also likes to wee and poo in their nappy, and even the most absorbent nappy will still leave some wetness on your baby’s skin. This alone can cause nappy rash, but here are some more common causes to look out for:  Your baby’s nappy isn’t being changed often enough and their skin is becoming irritated by the moisture.  Your baby’s nappy may be too tight and is rubbing on their skin.   The skin in the nappy area has not be clean thoroughly enough during changes.   It could be a reaction to some soaps, wipes or detergent.   Diarrhea is a common cause of nappy rash because of the extra… moisture.  Your baby has recently been treated with antibiotics.   What does nappy rash look like? It’s good to know exactly what you’re looking for when it comes to nappy rash. The rash itself can range from a mild rash to a large rash that can spread across their bottom and thighs. Here are some common signs to lookout for:  Red or inflamed skin. Spotty or bumpy skin.   Skin is hot to touch.   Small blisters in the nappy area.   In severe cases, there might be small specks of blood in their nappy, from irritated skin.  You might also notice that your little one is fussy or seems irritated especially when they’re having a wee or a poo, or when you’re changing their nappy. In other cases, they might not seem bothered at all!  Types of nappy rash  If you’re looking to get scientific, there are a bunch of different types of nappy rash that your baby could get – some more common than others:  Irritant dermatitis – The most common type of nappy rash, caused by a wet nappy being in contact with your baby’s skin. To avoid this, you should change your baby’s nappy regularly and use a solid nappy cream.   Candidiasis (yeast infection) – Yeast overgrowth in the nappy region, often caused by diarrhoea or tight nappies. A good nappy cream should be able to tackle this, but if not you can always visit your doctor.   Bacterial infections – This infection is often caused when baby’s skin is already irritated and bacteria builds in irritated areas. Antibiotics are normally needed for a bacterial infection, so if you notice puss-filled blisters or hard scabs around their nappy area, you should consult your doctor.   How can nappy rash be prevented?  Obviously, the best way to deal with nappy rash it to try and avoid it in the first place. Here are some of the best methods of avoiding nappy rash:  Change your baby’s nappy as soon as possible.   Give your baby a bath once a day – enough to keep them clean and their skin hydrated but not too much to dry out their skin.   Try not to use soap or bubble bath when cleaning your baby.   Dry your baby gently after washing them and try to avoid talcum powder, as it could irritate your baby’s skin.   Make sure your baby’s nappy fits correctly – the nappy should be snug under the belly button and the tape should be fastened evenly.   Have some nappy-free time – especially after a bath, you might want to pop your baby on a towel and let them wriggle around in the nude.   How to treat nappy rash   Sometimes you take all the precautions in the world and can still be stuck with a little nappy rash – it happens. But not to fear – you can almost always treat nappy rash at home.   The best thing to do is invest in a top notch cream or ointment. Look for a cream or ointment that is a great all-round soother and healer for your little one’s sensitive skin, one that contains antiseptic and antibacterial properties will help fight off further infections.   If you think your baby’s rash might be an allergic reaction, try to figure out if you’ve used anything new recently. The culprit is often detergent or soap!   And if your baby’s rash isn’t clearing up after day 4, looks extra sore or is spreading, you should visit your doctor to ensure the rash isn’t infected.   You can also catch the Tommee Tippee Changetime # Nappyfest   on   Dr Aimee Gavin a dermatologist, will be chatting live to AfroDaddy on all things nappy rash.  Tune into the live on Monday 15th November 2021 at 8pm.  

Prima Baby

Keep little ones protected from mosquitos and bugs this summer with Chicco Anti-Mosquito Wipes and Anti Mosquito After Bite Rub

Summer brings lots of fun, warm nights and days spent in nature – unfortunately, it also comes with insects.  Keep your little ones protected from mosquitos and bugs this summer with Chicco Anti-Mosquito Wipes and After-Bite Rub and get the gentlest, most natural solution to all-round cover. Made with naturally effective ingredients such as Melissa, Crabwood and the soothing properties of Xanthoxylum, wipes are easy to use as they sit in strollers, car seats or in their cribs. A gentle wipe-down will keep them refreshed and free from nagging mozzies at all times. If mozzies do manage to get their way, just rub some gentle soothing After-Bite rub into the bitten area and provide relief from itching and stinging. Unlike most mosquito repellents the Chicco Anti-Mosquito range leaves a great smelling, natural fragrance, reminding you that every time you protect your baby you are doing the least possible harm to their gentle skin. Available at Baby City, The Kid Zone, Loot, Takealot and other participating retailers.

My Breastpump

How to be #preemiestrong

November is dedicated to all the parents and little warriors that find themselves in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). No mommy ever thinks that something might go wrong and that her baby will be born too early and need to be in a NICU. NICU’s are not really spoken about and can be scary if you suddenly find your baby in one. For myself this is a very special month because both of my children were born too early and it would have been amazing to have had this type of information and support 11 years ago. For myself the first time realizing that my baby was going to be born at 33 weeks, I was scared and did not know what to expect. I did not even know what I needed to ask for help with. The day after my baby was born, a friend of mine arrived at ICU and gave me a breast pump. For this I will always be grateful because she helped me start my journey of breastfeeding, even though it was not what I had planned but it ended up being so very special. Every drop that I pumped for my babies, was a love letter sent to them.  So what does a mom need to know if her baby is in NICU.  Your baby is in the care of professionals who want you baby to grow and get stronger so that your baby can go home, but you are still your baby’s mom. You are an important part of the NICU team and we consider you as your baby’s life support. Ask questions, be available, get to know your NICU team and try to practice skin to skin as soon as possible. Find out more about why Skin to Skin is so important . Protect your milk supply. Mothers own breast milk is lifesaving. Colostrum and mature milk are known for their antibody, stem cells, easy absorption, correctly balanced nutrition (for a premature infant) and it is protective against Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC). A mom needs to start expressing as soon as possible after birth as she can. Ideally to start within 1 hour if possible and then to express for 10 -12 times in 24 hours. This will help you to get your milk supply up and way ahead for your baby’s current needs but get you ready for when your baby comes home. You should be aiming for 750ml by day 14.  In order to be able to express this amount you will need a high-quality hospital grade breast pump like the Ameda Mya Joy. Find a South African Certified Lactation Consultant to help you with your breast feeding and expressing.  Make use of donated breastmilk if you need it. Throughout South Africa we have a variety of breast milk banks that collect and send out breast milk for premature infants. If your baby needs breast milk in the first week, ask your NICU team for more information about breast milk banks. This will give you time to recover from birth and build up your own milk supply. If you have lots of breast milk and you would like to share with other mothers in NICU then please contact the South African Breast Milk Reserve and they will let you know the process. Donating your breast milk can really make the difference for a premature infants life. Syringes can be very useful to collect your first few drops of breast milk. They are sterile so you can use them straight away to suck up the colostrum drops and send to the NICU. Remember to label them Have a pumping bag ready to take to the NICU. This will allow you to spend more time and be able to pump while you are with you baby. In your pumping bag you will need: Breast pump Microwave sterilizing bag. It is always better to have your own way to sterilize your breast pump parts. This helps you to be in control of your sterilizing and not needing to share equipment with other moms, thus reducing the risk of cross-contamination.  Breast milk storage bags .These are so useful. Make sure that you label the bags with your baby’s name, date of expressing and amount. This way you make sure that you baby will get your breast milk and that the oldest milk is used first.   Breast pads can be very useful to help prevent any unwanted leaking. You can try the disposable breast pads  or the washable breast pads depending on your preference.  Have some snacks and drinks available. These are so useful if you have been in the NICU all day. You don’t need to leave and it can help keep you hydrated for all the pumping.  To help you with bonding, you can use a NICU bonding heart.  These are the most amazing little hearts that helps your baby to smell you even while you are away.   The octopal is the cutest little octapus but is also calming aid that helps your baby to feel at home and helps to stop them from pulling out their tubing and drips.  Join a support group. There is a lovely support group for NICU parents on Facebook called My Little Prem Support SA (@MyLittlePrem), where you can share your stories and chat to other moms that are going through or have gone through similar experiences like you. Your friends and family might not understand how strange and difficult NICU can be for a parent, and it is so amazing to be able to relate to other mothers who have followed the same journey as you have. It does help to make you feel less alone and more heard.  Find your preemie nappies that will make such a difference in your little one’s life Finally buy your baby a coming home outfit. You might find that new born clothing is a bit large for your little one. We love the Little Little Prem

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