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Toptots Head Office

The benefits of mouthing toys

If you have found yourself horrified by what your growing baby or toddler are putting in their mouths – you are not alone! All children go through a mouthing phase, where they seem compelled to put things in their mouths. There are different reasons, benefits and downsides to this.

Wriggle and Rhyme


It’s got to be one of the top karaoke songs of all time!  ABBA’s “THANK YOU FOR THE MUSIC”.  How often haven’t you heard it and found yourself singing or humming along to those famous words?  “Thank you for the music, the songs I’m singing, thanks for all the joy they’re bringing”. Let me introduce myself.  My name is Kirsty Savides and I’m the Founder and Programme Director of Wriggle and Rhyme, a music and movement programme for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers. ABBA’s words have been ringing in my ears recently.  You see, October 2023 marked Wriggle and Rhyme’s 15th birthday.   It’s been 15 years since I ran the first ever Wriggle and Rhyme class from the lounge in my home in Fish Hoek. Since then, the business has grown and evolved.  I’ve gone through all the stages of motherhood with the business – from exciting conception to a crying newborn, to a demanding toddler, to a feisty tween, to a maturing teenage.   Here are some highlights: In 2011, we branched out into PRE-SCHOOLS in Cape Town.  We extended the programme from babies and toddlers, to include children up to Grade R level.  We now have hundreds and hundreds of children participating in our music and movement classes in pre-schools each week. In 2013 the BABY and TODDLER programmes were licensed to allow other women to run classes from their venues too.  We now have branches in MEADOWRIDGE, RONDEBOSCH, CLAREMONT and MELKBOSSTRAND. In 2017 we partnered with Lifeline Energy to bring our music to children across the African Continent.  Lifeline Energy distributes solar-powered radios and MP3 players to prisons, refugee camps and schools across Africa.  These children are now also singing our songs each week! We’ve also created a range of unique and fun musical stories to enjoy.  Originally available on CD, these can now be accessed through your favourite music streaming platform – SPOTIFY, APPLE MUSIC, iTUNES, AMAZON etc. Running a business in South Africa has not always been easy.  We’ve had to weather global recessions, the really difficult COVID season and ongoing loadshedding.  Sometimes the song in our hearts has been upbeat and full of joy, sometimes it’s been melancholy and slow. These are still challenging times that we’re living in.  With the rising cost of living, wars and rumours of wars across the world, pain and suffering all around us.  It’s easy to become despondent and feel anxious. But, I wake up every single morning saying “thank you for the music”.  Not just for Wriggle and Rhyme, but thank you that I get to be part of something that contributes so beautifully to the lives of children.  Thank you that Wriggle and Rhyme assists our family and many others financially each month.  Thank you that I have the flexibility to spend time with my children each day. So, as we celebrate Wriggle and Rhyme’s 15th birthday, I’m resolved, more than ever, to live in gratitude for all that life brings – the ups and downs, the highs and lows. My song today and every day is, “thank you for the music!”. If this resonates with you, come and sing along with us.  Join our team and discover the joy of adopting Wriggle and Rhyme into your own family! For more info about the W&R business opportunity, have a look at  For more info about the W&R musical stories and online resources, have a look at  Find us on Facebook and Instagram @wrigglerhyme #wrigglerhyme

Julie Kay Belly Way

Does a Belly Binder really work?

Women have been binding their bellies after pregnancy for many decades. Many different cultures bind the abdomens of mothers after they give birth as a standard procedure. Different materials are used to create pressure on the lower abdominal area so that the stomach that has stretched quite drastically during pregnancy is encouraged to return to its usual state. A belly binder or another form of binding after birth works wonders! Not only does the pressure cause the belly to flatten but the compression on the pelvic and abdominal area encourages healing. Compression causes enhanced blood flow and fresh, oxygenated blood is brought to the pelvic area, which improves recovery.  Belly binding and abdominal pressure also gives support to the body. Back, pelvic and hip pain is common during pregnancy and can remain for a long duration postpartum. The support offered by a belly binder gives structure and protection to the back, pelvis and hips as well as the belly, which reduces pain and discomfort arising from these areas. The first 6 weeks after baby is born is an incredibly important time for healing. Enormous changes are happening yet again to the female body as it attempts to return to normal while adapting to the needs of a new-born. It is during these 6 weeks that the belly starts to shrink. Uterine contractions during breastfeeding occur to do just that. The first 6 weeks are therefore the most crucial time to wear a belly binder as the body is working maximally for healing and recovery. Binding the belly during this time drastically enhances the body’s natural need to return to its correct position. Through compression and support the belly binder works hand in hand with the healing body. The cosmetic results are highly evident, and the belly returns to its normal state a lot faster than not binding or creating pressure at all. C-section delivery is increasingly common and is an invasive abdominal surgery that requires its own recovery. When pressure is applied to the incision by a belly binder the pain is greatly reduced as the cut is stabilized. Movement, coughing, laughing, sneezing and bed mobility is all made a lot easier as the cut is stabilized beneath the pressure of the binder. C-section healing is also promoted as the compression afforded by the binder brings fresh blood flow to the area. The compressive effect of the belly binder also enhances breastmilk production as fresh blood flow is coming into the area. This oxygen rich blood is made available to the breast area which enables the production of milk more to be more efficient and effective. The belly binder can be worn during breastfeeding to bring fresh blood flow to the breast area as well as to offer back support. Breastfeeding can cause back pain due to incorrect body positioning or poor posture assumed usually due to fatigue and attempts to keep baby comfortable. The supportive effect of the belly binder reduces this pain and maintains a good posture while feeding baby. Diastasis recti is a common occurrence during pregnancy and has varying degrees of severity. Diastasis recti is a condition where the abdominal muscles split in the middle of the abdomen due the internal force of the growing baby during pregnancy. It is most visible after delivery as the full extent and severity of the separation can be assessed. A belly binder gives support to this weakened area and prevents it from getting any worse. The binder encourages the abdominal muscles to draw back together and its constant pressure stimulates these muscles to contract, further improving the outcome of diastasis recti. It is highly recommended by medical professionals that women use an abdominal binder after pregnancy if they present with diastasis recti.  Haemorrhoids (piles), incontinence, pubic symphysis pain and diastasis, all improve with the correct use of postpartum belly binding. The pressure is taken off the pelvic floor and ‘up and out’ of the pelvis. It is important that the correct binding technique is used, and the pressure is directed upward. If too much compression is created in the upper abdominal area, the lower abdominal and pelvic areas will be under great force which can have extremely negative outcomes.  When the correct and effective techniques of belly binding are applied the results are phenomenal. Women recover a lot faster internally and externally with the help of a binder after baby. The belly binder should be worn from the first or second day after baby is born for up to 6 weeks. With the correct use of a binder, coupled with a good diet and gentle abdominal exercises, a full return to a pre-pregnancy body or an even better figure can be achieved. Preserve, protect and restore your body after pregnancy with a belly binder.  If you have made the informed decision to purchase a belly binder for your postpartum recovery Julie Kay Belly Way has the perfect solution for you! Our unique, top quality belly binders are designed and manufactured in South Africa by physiotherapist Julie Kay. Orders can be placed on our website and delivery is within 48 hours. If you have any questions or specific requirements, please contact us directly. Join the Julie Kay maternity family today! 

Parenting Hub

Why Organic Is Best For Your Baby And Toddler 

In 2019, a study by  Healthy Babies Bright Future, an alliance of NGO’s and scientists, found that 95% of conventional baby foods in the US are contaminated with toxic heavy metals including lead, arsenic, mercury and cadmium, which can impact the growth of babies brains, lower IQ, and increase the risk of cancer. It also found that the effects of these toxins are cumulative, and that even low-level exposure in early life was of significant concern.   It’s no coincidence that these poisons are routinely used to produce the chemical fertilizers that are used extensively in conventional farming, and when you add in the toxic pesticides used on these crops, we have a perfect storm which many experts around the world believe is the cause of rising cases of infertility, early puberty in children, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s, ADHD, and autism.   A ground-breaking study published in 1993, “Pesticides in the Diets of Infants and Children”, was the first to focus on the risk of toxic chemicals to this group – prior to this,  environmental safety policies had focussed on the assessment of risk to the “average adult”.   The study found that infants and children have a heightened susceptibility to chemicals in the environment. Firstly, children have a greater exposure to toxins compared to adults because they drink and eat more than adults in relation to their body weight. In addition, children’s metabolic pathways and their ability to metabolize chemicals are immature and they lack the enzymes needed to break down and remove these poisons.    Thirdly, children’s early developmental processes are complex and easily disrupted. There are critical periods in early development when exposure to even tiny doses of toxic chemicals—levels that would have no adverse effect on an adult—can disrupt organ formation and cause lifelong functional impairments.   Finally, children have more time than adults to develop chronic diseases. Many diseases triggered by toxic chemicals, such as cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, are now understood to evolve through processes that take many years and that are kicked-off by exposures in infancy.    THE BOTTOM LINE  With the current chemical-based system of food production, humans are exposed to increasing levels of toxic chemicals which accumulate in our systems throughout our lives.  Early exposure – as infants and children – has been linked to the development of a range of cancers and neurological disorders. By limiting this exposure particularly in the vulnerable early years, through feeding infants and children organically produced food, parents can give their children the best possible chance for a healthy future. 

Clamber Club

3 Ways to Encourage Imagination at All Stages

Activities that encourage imagination play a vital role in childhood development at all stages. From birth, children are constantly learning about the world. While senses such as touch, smell, sound, taste, and sight are essential for development, skills such as imagination are also important to help with thinking, spatial awareness, problem-solving, reading, and various other functions that help your child from early childhood all the way through to adolescence.  To help encourage imagination in your child, there are a few key steps you can take. Keep reading to find out more. How to Encourage Imagination at Every Stage Some of the most effective ways to encourage imagination at all stages of childhood include the following: 1. Stories Reading is a skill that will see your child through until adulthood and beyond. Learning how to picture people, places and situations without physically seeing them is one of the best ways to teach your child how to think outside of the box. But kids don’t only have to read or be read to when it comes to getting the benefits of stories. They can also learn to make up their own stories and later, write their own stories. Once your child is able to imagine a world and all its possibilities through stories, they will be able to process real-world events much more easily. 2. Pretend play Pretend play is great for all ages. Toddlers often learn by mimicking behaviours they see each day. Tea parties, dress-up and other activities help them imagine themselves as moms or dads, superheroes, animals, monsters, princes, princesses or anything else they want to be. In older kids, pretend play takes the form of acting. All pretend play helps kids to act out scenarios and make sense of the world in a way that is gentle and fun. 3. Art It goes without saying that art is an excellent tool for boosting imagination. Art is a good tool for developing right-brained activity. While colouring in and doing specific art-based activities are good for fine motor skill development, freestyle art is best for letting your child express themself and experiment. Painting, drawing, collages and other art forms that require kids to think, strategise and play around with colour, texture, shapes, and elements will help your child unlock free-thinking abilities that stem from a creative, expressive place rather than the logical left brain.  Our baby, toddler and playschool classes are made to help your child develop key skills needed at all stages of development. Get in touch with Clamber Club today to find a class in your area that will encourage imagination in your child.

Philips Avent

How to exercise with baby in tow

For some new moms, the thought of struggling into something lycra on very little sleep, with leaking breasts, to take part in some form of exercise might fill you with horror. Fair enough! But there are those of you who feel trapped by the fact that you can’t take part in sports and activities that you used to now that you have a baby and consequently feel like you are missing out.  The good news is that things have moved on a great deal in the last 15 years when it comes to mother and baby exercise. My first piece of advice is that it is important to be sure you are taking part in exercise for the right reasons. There is a lot of pressure on mothers to regain their pre baby figure and this is a worrying trend. While it is great to be fit, healthy and to lose any weight gained during pregnancy, you simply shouldn’t feel pressure to do so on top of the demanding job of caring for a new baby.  So assuming you are looking to exercise with your baby to make you feel good, keep up a level of fitness and get out of the house, what is there on offer? There has been an explosion of mother and baby classes that involve meeting in the park with your baby and buggy and getting a sweat on! These classes often involve lunging and strength exercises and fast walking or running. These are great as they give your baby some fresh air and you get a chance to meet other mothers too. What happens in the class is designed to be safe for postnatal mums so you don’t need to worry about doing anything inappropriate.   Another popular mother and baby class is yoga. This can be done together with your baby. No one minds if your baby has a bit of a grizzle and I have memories of having a little nap in one the classes I attended, unintentional of course!  Water-based classes are another popular choice for mother and baby. Everyone is carrying post baby weight so you are all in it together squeezing your swimsuits on. A word of caution here though, a swimming pool can be a breeding ground for germs so take care when taking a small baby to a public pool. If they are showing any signs of feeling unwell then avoid swimming at all. Chlorine can be harsh on a baby’s skin too so have a think before you make the decision to take your baby swimming if they have sensitive skin.  There are of course things you can do with your baby that cost very little. A brisk walk with your baby in the buggy, a cycle with your baby on the back of your bike, and don’t forget the trusty home workout DVD as there are plenty designed for postnatal mums.  A word of caution, if you have had a C-section, do check with your doctor before taking part in any exercise as you are recovering from major surgery.  Whatever you choose to do, enjoy doing it with your baby!  To share your own exercise tips or to read tips from other moms, visit  


Fill your Child’s Love Tank with Touch Therapy

As parents, we do our very best for our children, actively giving them everything we believe they need… and more.  So, the idea that their ‘love tanks’ may sometimes be running low is not only hard to believe, but it flies in the face of the love we express for them daily through our words and actions. The 5 Love Languages In a book written by Gary Chapman, called The 5 Love Languages (Moody Press, 1997), the author describes how there are five main ways of expressing and experiencing love (Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service and Physical Touch).  Each of us (including our children) prefers to express and receive love in one or maybe two of these ways. If we can find a way to ‘talk’ the right love language when we’re dealing with a particular person, our needs and the needs of those we love are easier to fulfil. This book is very true, and a later companion book called The 5 Love Languages of Children (Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell M.D.), notes that a child’s preferred ‘love language’ only becomes noticeable from around age five. What about babies and toddlers? Interestingly, when a baby is born, the one area of the brain that is most developed and able to process information is the area devoted to touch perception. And, because little babies and toddlers live on a very physical level, for the most part they experience life and understand the world through their bodies. Babies and toddlers also naturally don’t yet understand abstract concepts like giving and receiving gifts; the underlying value of spending time together; the meaning of words; and the intentions behind acts of service. So it makes sense that young children across the board initially prefer the language of physical touch when it comes to expressing and experiencing love and affection. What is an ’empty love tank’? Simply put, a person suffers from an empty love tank when he doesn’t feel loved and secure in the relationship he has with the important people in his life. How do I know when my child’s love tank is running low? Your little one becomes very clingy. Your little one becomes more demanding than usual, especially when you’re in the middle of something, like a phone call, shopping, or cooking dinner. Your little one cannot deal with simple frustrations (like someone taking their toy) and has a meltdown as if his emotional foundation has been rocked when he doesn’t get his way. Your little one is finding it exceptionally difficult to deal with a ‘big change’, such as a new school, teacher, sibling, moving house, a divorce or any other major life change. The value of Touch Therapy The good news is that you can help to solve two incredibly taxing parenting challenges with one simple remedy: fill your child’s love tank. And how is this done? Well, while filling somebody’s love tank may involve different things for different people, Touch Therapy is by far the most effective way to communicate love and security to young children. When using Touch Therapy, you are literally communicating to your child that he is deeply loved. And, when done correctly, this basic touch-technique tells your child what countless words and actions cannot. Because Touch Therapy helps to fill your child’s love tank, the end result is usually a child who is more emotionally grounded, secure and resilient. So it is also a great method to use when starting sleep training; when a new sibling arrives; when your child is struggling with frustration; when your child is being verbally or physically aggressive; and when your child is sick. Commonly, parents find they interpret their child’s negative behaviour with more insight and empathy once they are aware of the concept of an empty love tank. However, beware of responding by doing Touch Therapy within a few minutes after an ‘incident’ in an effort to soothe your child, because you may inadvertently be rewarding the negative behaviour. In fact, Touch Therapy works best as part of a routine, for instance, every morning and every night at roughly the same point in your waking-up or bedtime sequence of events. Touch Therapy – Step by Step You can do Touch Therapy when your child is lying down, or even sitting on your lap with his back to you. With gentle but firm and rhythmical pressure, use both your hands to hold-and-squeeze his arms very slowly, starting at the shoulders. Repeatedly hold-and-squeeze all the way down his arms until you reach his wrists. At this point, press your child’s hands together. Now, do the same with your child’s legs, starting at his hips and working towards his ankles, ending off by gently but firmly squeezing his feet. Lastly, place your hands over his ears, and hold his head in a firm grip for five to ten seconds. You can repeat this slow and rhythmical ‘massage’ for at least five minutes, and it may make the whole experience more enjoyable for your little one if you sing and recite rhymes to the rhythm of the movements of your hands. Remember, this is a special time – so for these few minutes the atmosphere should ideally be calm, relaxing and free from distractions. As your child’s personality unfolds and develops between the ages of five and eight, he will find himself drawn more towards one of the five love languages as described by Gary Chapman. But it is good to know that for the rest of his life, touch will remain a calming and reassuring experience. And this is true not only for your children, but for you as an adult as well. There is nothing more effective than a good firm hug every now and again to make us feel as if our very existence is solid and worthwhile. This article is written by: The Practica Programme is a comprehensive research- and play-based home programme.  This unique system has stood the test of time since 1993, and it comprises of a wooden box with specialized apparatus, parents’ guides, an advisory service and educational newsletters.  From birth to 23

Tommee Tippee

How do I store my Breastmilk

Store your precious breast milk so you don’t lose a drop. Any mum who has expressed her breast milk knows it is the equivalent of liquid gold. Even the tiniest drop spilled is heartbreaking. By knowing how to store it safely, you can reduce the risk of any of this precious liquid going to waste. Here’s how: Breast milk must be stored in a clean, sterilised container. Tommee Tippee Milk storage bottles and pots allows you to collect, and  measure your expressed breast milk.   They are suitable for freezing, thawing & heating breast milk. The Tommee Tippee Milk Storage Bags are pre-sterilised allowing mum to simply pour expressed milk directly into the bags without the need for sterilising in advance. Always label the container with the date and time the milk was collected, so you can use the oldest milk first. If you are going to freeze the milk, it’s handy to write the amount on here too. Breast milk can be frozen or refrigerated depending on when you are planning to use it. As with every parenting topic, advice varies on this but a great guideline to remember is ‘The Rule of 6’ as breast milk is safely kept: For 6 hours at ambient room temperature For 6 days in the refrigerator For 6 months in the freezer It’s absolutely fine to put milk breast pumped at different times on the same day into the same pot. Don’t be alarmed if you notice that it has separated into layers after being stored for a while – this is just the hindmilk and foremilk. Just give it a shake before you offer it to your baby. When freezing milk, allow space at the top of the container for expansion. It is easiest to freeze milk in individual feed quantities of 60-125ml. Storage – Pouches can be put straight in the fridge or freezer. Likewise, or  you can use a specially designed storage case to neatly store pouches and help prevent damage. If you want to take your milk with you when you are out, make sure it stays cold or frozen until needed. A cool bag is perfect for protecting your milk on the move.

Parenting Hub

The Screen-Free Sleep Aid Every South African Parent Needs to Know About

In an era marked by rising screen addiction among children, Morphée has introduced an offline innovation designed to mitigate digital dependence and revolutionise sleep. My Little Morphée, an internationally established screen-free sleep aid designed for children aged three to ten, has made its debut in South Africa. Developed in conjunction with a team of international experts including sophrologists, psychologists and hypnotherapists, My Little Morphée has been dubbed an ‘offline oasis,’ shaping the sleep aid landscape by offering a non-digital approach to self-soothing, daytime serenity and peaceful sleep, without the harmful effects of screen exposure. Its key feature being an extensive content library containing 192 audio journeys, spanning eight to twenty minutes, including soothing stories, guided meditations and soft music tracks. Children can choose a travel companion from an array of friendly animals in soothing settings, fostering essential life skills such as boldness, confidence, wisdom and generosity. The product also features nature sounds and white noise, teaching children how to master their emotions and self-regulate. According to Morphée’s South African Brand Manager, Daniella Degens, “We have received numerous positive reviews from our international team regarding the efficacy of My Little Morphée, especially when it comes to children who struggle to self-sooth. Parents also find the safety of its screen-free nature really reassuring, particularly for younger children.” Endorsed by a wide spectrum of international medical professionals including doctors, paediatricians, psychologists, nurses, physiotherapists, sophrologists, yoga practitioners and teachers, My Little Morphée is a trusted choice for parents seeking to provide their children with a healthier and more wholesome alternative to screen-based products. “Distinguishing itself from traditional story boxes, this beautifully designed product serves as a compelling solution to helping families break free from the modern-day challenge of digital devices. It goes beyond entertainment, inviting children to explore a wide range of creative and calming journeys, without the harmful effects associated with screens. Serving as an introduction to self-regulation and meditation, My Little Morphée alleviates anxiety, enhances concentration skills, boosts self-confidence and sooths children to sleep – all of which contribute positively to their overall health and well-being” says Daniella. Designed with French flair, commitment to quality and an APP-free, WiFi-free and screen-free experience, My Little Morphée has been crafted with modern travellers in mind, offering the added convenience of a three-hour battery life. Since its inception in 2008, the brand has experienced exponential growth across six continents, earning numerous international awards, including ‘Best Sleep Product of the Year’ and the ‘Healthy Sleep Awards,’ cementing My Little Morphée’s prominent position on the global stage. Poised to challenge the conventional notion of child entertainment by providing an enriching alternative that captivates children’s imaginations, My Little Morphée emerges as a much-needed screen-free solution for South African parents. Other products in the collection include My Morphée created for adults featuring a comprehensive selection of sophrology and meditation sessions, cardiac coherence and immersive journeys, along with The Morphée Zen designed to manage stress in an instant. Website: RRP: R2490 including VAT

Parenting Hub

Avocados as a First Food for Babies

Your baby is nearing six months and the excitement starts to mount as you prepare to introduce solid foods for the first time. As your baby grows, the ability of breastmilk alone to meet the increasing nutritional needs starts to become limited as it is too low in energy, protein, and minerals like iron and zinc. A variety of nutritionally balanced foods are needed to fill this nutritional gap. With all the do’s and don’ts out there, the great news is that avocados are a nutritionally unique food with suitable consistency and texture to feature as a first food in a baby’s diet. First Food Traditional first foods include cereals, soft porridge (e.g., rice porridge or maize porridge) and pureed vegetables like pumpkin. While these are great options, there are many other foods to add to your baby’s diet from early on. Easy to puree into a consistent texture, avocados work very well as one of the first foods. Compared to traditional first foods, avocados are nutritionally unique, containing healthy monounsaturated fats and a blend of soluble and insoluble fibre. Avocados Pack a Nutrient Punch Good first foods should meet the high nutritional needs of a baby, such as energy, fatty acids, and key vitamins and minerals like vitamin A, the B vitamins, iodine, iron and zinc. Avocados are high in energy, high in healthy monounsaturated fatty acids, naturally free from cholesterol and sodium and are a source of fibre – all key nutrient factors in a healthy and balanced diet for a baby. Avocados are also high in vitamin K (necessary for healthy bones), copper (needed for immune function), and biotin (for skin and hair health), and contain amongst the highest levels of a group of antioxidants called carotenoids (namely lutein and zeaxanthin) of any fruit. Avocados Offer Variety It is good practice from early on to offer your baby a variety of flavours and textures. Now while it is important to start with pureed options as your baby first experiences the change in texture from liquid milk, it is easy to get stuck on pureed butternut and mashed banana. The ability to handle lumpier foods is important long term for your baby’s oral development for speech. Avocados offer a variety of texture options from super smooth to slightly lumpy and this can be easily altered depending on how much you mash the fruit. It’s Play Time A baby’s eating experience is about more than just taste: other senses like sight, feeling and smell are equally important. Allowing babies to play with food is key for motor development. Experiment by adding some avocado slices to the tray of the feeding chair or scooping pureed avo into your little one’s hands. This will encourage your baby to start moving the hand to the mouth to learn the important skill of self-feeding, and in a safe and secure manner. As your baby gets older and masters the pincer grasp, small avocado cubes are a great way to practise this newfound skill. Allergen Awareness Many caregivers make the mistake of not offering babies potential allergenic foods. In fact, introducing potential allergen foods from 6 months may even reduce the risk of allergies, according to research. Introduce potential allergens, like wheat, eggs, and nuts, one at a time, monitoring for 2 – 3 days for signs of a reaction. The great news is that avocado is not a high-risk food when it comes to allergies and can be safely and quickly introduced into your baby’s diet. Remember, it’s important to always offer your baby age-appropriate purees and soft foods, which will differ from young babies just starting out with solids to older babies with more practice in their newfound eating skills. BABY FOOD AVO & PUMPKIN PUREE Butternut or sweet potato can be substituted for the pumpkin. Avocado makes a healthy first food, packed with monounsaturated fats and essential nutrients. Number of servings: 4 Preparation time: 5 minutes Cooking time: 10 mins Total time: 15 minutes Ingredients: ¼ small wedge pumpkin, peeled and cut into cubes  ¼ ripe, fresh avocado, halved, pitted, peeled and diced 1 tablespoon apple puree, homemade or readymade (optional) Method: Cook pumpkin in 1 cup of boiling water for 10 minutes until very tender. Drain and cool completely.  Mash the pumpkin and avocado in a bowl until smooth. Add apple sauce to taste. Serve baby 1 to 2 tablespoons mixture. Extra puree can be stored covered in the fridge, serve at room temperature. (do not heat in the microwave as the avocado will turn bitter) BABY FOOD AVO CHOCOLATE PUDDING Number of servings: 2Preparation time: 5 minutes Cooking time: 0 minutes Total time: 5 minutes Ingredients: ¼ ripe, fresh avocado, halved, pitted, peeled and diced ½ banana 2 dates, pitted, and soaked in boiling water  ½ teaspoon cocoa powder  ½ teaspoon vanilla extract Method: Drain the dates, and chop.  Place all the ingredients in a food processor and blend to a smooth puree. Serve. References Fewtrell M et al. Complementary Feeding: A Position Paper by the Hepatology, and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) Committee on Nutrition. Journal of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. 2017;64: 119–132. Ierodiakonou D, Garcia-Larsen V, Logan A, et al. Timing of allergenic food introduction to the infant diet and risk of allergenic or autoimmune disease. A systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA. 2016;316:1181–92. Comerford KB et al. The Role of Avocados in Complementary and Transitional Feeding. Nutrients 2016, 8, 316; doi:10.3390/nu8050316.

Parenting Hub


Global sensation Blippi to delight audiences for the first time in South Africa in all-new live show, Blippi: The Wonderful World Tour from 1 – 10 December 2023 at Theatre of Marcellus, Emperors Palace Blu Blood in association with Round Room Live and Moonbug Entertainment are proud to announce that the new live theatre show, Blippi: The Wonderful World Tour, will for the first time in South Africa, bring the vivacious, energetic, and educational antics of global sensation Blippi to the Theatre of Marcellus at Emperors Palace, Johannesburg on the 1st to 10th December 2023. “With new music, characters, monster trucks, and even the Blippi mobile, we’re thrilled to bring Blippi to even more kids and families around the world in a brand-new show,” said Stephen Shaw, founder and co-President of Round Room Live. “Following the success of Blippi The Musical, we’re excited for audiences to create memorable experiences with Blippi, with all the amazing music, production, and energy they expect, but in a way they’ve never seen before.” For Blippi: The Wonderful World Tour, the character Blippi will be played by professional stage performers selected specifically for the stage show. “It’s very special to witness the love that our fans have for Blippi and his buddies, and the joy this beloved character brings to families around the world,” said Susan Vargo, Head of Live Events at Moonbug Entertainment. “Our live experiences bring families together to make memories that will last a lifetime. With Blippi: The Wonderful World Tour fans can expect catchy music, lots of dancing and a whole lot of fun!” Blippi is coming to Johannesburg for the ultimate curiosity adventure in Blippi: The Wonderful World Tour! So, come on! Dance, sing, and learn with Blippi and special guest Meekah as they discover what makes different cities unique and special. Will there be monster trucks, excavators, and garbage trucks galore? You bet! So get ready to shake those wiggles out and OJ Twist your way through this brand-new musical party! Blippi inspires curiosity in preschoolers around the world by creating content and experiences that are relatable, accessible and make learning fun. Blippi has become a worldwide sensation with more than one billion monthly views across platforms including Netflix, HBO Max, Cartoonito, Sky, Amazon and YouTube and millions of fans around the world.  The franchise has expanded rapidly since it was acquired by Moonbug Entertainment in 2020.  Blippi is available in more than 20 languages, including ASL, and is distributed by more than 30 global broadcast and streaming partners. Blippi’s buddies Meekah and Juca have spun off into their own shows and Blippi lives off the screen as well with sold-out live events, popular music tracks, and in-demand toys available at all major retailers. Tickets for Blippi: The Wonderful World Tour are available via and Spar Payzone kiosks.  For tickets and additional information, visit Fans can visit now for tour dates and ticket information. FOLLOW BLIPPI ON TOUR Official Website: Facebook: @BlippiOnTour Twitter: @BlippiOnTour Instagram: @BlippiOnTour FOLLOW BLIPPI Official Website: YouTube: @Blippi Facebook: @Blippi Twitter: @BlippiOfficial Instagram: @BlippiOfficial

Tommee Tippee

How to Work Together as a Breastfeeding Team

 As the saying goes, bringing up a baby takes a village, and although there’s only one pair of boobs that can feed baby, there are lots of ways others can chip in and help. Dads, partners, friends, siblings, and other family members can all form a breastfeeding team. When mums feel supported and happy, they’re likely to breastfeed for longer. What Partners Can Do to Help Dads and partners are key members of any breastfeeding team. They’re the ones who are there with mum and baby in the middle of the night, when times get tough, and reassurance is needed most. With the right support, mums have the time, energy, and peace of mind to get breastfeeding off to the best possible start. Do your research Begin to research breastfeeding before the baby arrives, and make sure you talk to mum about her feeding plans. Let her know that you understand the difficulties that may crop up, and that you’re there for her whatever happens. Lactation consultants – you can find one closest to you  right here at, and organisations like La Leche League have loads of great information about breastfeeding and also run support groups to help parents find their feet. Offer encouragement Be a breastfeeding cheerleader and offer verbal encouragement and support throughout. This will let mum know that you see and appreciate what a great job she’s doing, and will spur her on to persevere if times get tough. Be sensitive to your partner’s needs It’s important to understand the bond between mum and baby, and to be aware of the rollercoaster of emotions that post-pregnancy hormones can bring. Talk to each other honestly about how you’re both feeling, and encourage openness at every new stage that raising a baby brings. Help around the house To reduce stress and ease the load, make it your job to keep on top of the housework. Encourage mum to put her feet up and enjoy bonding with the little one while you pop to the shops, do the laundry, or rustle up something tasty in the kitchen. Burp the baby Once the baby has finished feeding with mum, you can take on the task of winding them. Remember to have a muslin cloth close by – just in case! Why not check out our live video with Terence Mentor @afrodaddyct and Dr Mike Marinus talk about burping your baby. In this brilliant IGTV session, Dr Mike Marinus (MScPaeds, M.Tech Chiro)@marinuschiro @easybaby_academy and Terence Mentor @afrodaddyct chat about burping babies, winding babies, and just getting all that air out.  Check it out right here Create a calm environment Dealing with a newborn can be chaotic, so try and keep your home as calm as possible. If you have older children, perhaps you take them out for the afternoon? Make sure your house isn’t always filled with visitors, and ask people to call or text to arrange a convenient visiting time. When people do come to visit, look for signs that mum – or baby – is ready for them to leave. Keep her company Breastfeeding can be a lonely time for some mums, so try asking if they’d like some time alone with the baby, or if they want you to stick around and chat. Care for the baby in other ways Caring for your baby during the breastfeeding process teaches them that love comes from interacting with people, as well as from food. You can pitch in with walks, nappy changes and bath or bedtimes – all of which are great opportunities to build a lasting bond, and give mum some time off to enjoy a soak in the bath or a well-deserved snooze! Stand up for her right to breastfeed, whenever, wherever.

Meg Faure


Your baby reaches 18 months and suddenly there is a little shift in the things you think about – suddenly you may start to wonder if leaving her at home with the nanny or being at home with you all day or attending a creche is ticking all the boxes ITO her development. It’s a fact that most parents start to wonder about a play group and specifically what criteria they need to look out for.

Parenting Hub

When to Start Tummy Time

Start slow, mix it up, and more ways to get your baby to love tummy time. Thanks to the “Back to Sleep” campaign, which urges parents to place babies on their back for naps and nighttime, rates of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) have declined significantly. But this practice has also led to an increase in plagiocephaly, when there are flat areas on an baby’s head due to lying on her back for too long. The fix: tummy time, which gives your baby a chance to develop her neck and arm muscles and view the world from a new perspective. “This activity takes pressure off the back of the head and allows babies to look from side to side so they can maintain full range of neck motion,” explains Andy Bernstein, MD, a pediatrician in Evanston, IL. It also lets them work on their arm strength which they’ll need when they’re ready to roll over and crawl. Of course, since she’s not used to this position, your baby may end up red-faced and grunting at first. Here’s how to make tummy time more fun for both of you: Choose the right time for tummy time That usually means she’s in a good mood, has been fed, and is well-rested. Many parents have found their babies to be most receptive after a diaper change, bath or nap. Wait about an hour after the last feeding so she doesn’t spit up from the pressure on her belly. Start slow There’s no need to put babies on their bellies until they can’t stand it anymore, reminds Bernstein. Start slowly by putting her in this position for just a few minutes at 1 or 2 months of age, when babies are beginning to hold their heads up. As your baby’s neck and upper body control improves, gradually increase the amount of time spent on her belly. Make her comfy A baby’s head is larger in proportionate size to her body, so you’ll notice it can be hard to hold her noggin up for very long. Because tummy time can be awkward, you might try adding a bit of padding for her comfort. Alanna Levine, MD, a spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics who practices in New York and New Jersey recommends starting babies in a ‘superman’ position over a pillow. “This helps infants to gradually develop the strength to hold their heads up,” she adds. You can also try a rolled-up baby blanket under your child’s chest, increasing the size of the roll as she grows and gets stronger. This bit of padding also frees up her hands to reach out and hold toys. Keep tummy time fun Make tummy time more enjoyable by having a few playthings on hand. You might also try getting down to your baby’s level so the two of you are eye to eye. “Make it as interactive as you can by showing your baby how it feels to roll over and stretch for nearby toys,” suggests Bernstein. Sing, smile or talk to keep your baby’s attention and place rattles, teethers or a baby-safe mirror within her reach in order to lengthen the play time. And don’t forget to share your tot’s excitement and praise her efforts when she actually grabs hold of a toy. Mix it up Tummy time doesn’t always have to occur on the floor. Change up the scenario by lying on your back and putting your baby tummy-side down on your stomach or chest. Meet her gaze and encourage her to look up. You can also give her neck muscles more of a workout by moving a toy in front of her, starting at eye level and then slowly raising it upward and side to side. “Engage in this activity as much as you can,” says Levine. A couple of sessions every day should do the trick. A great product to help promote tummy time is the Rainforest™ Music & Lights Deluxe Gym With a third play setting and more than 10 toys & activities, the Fisher-Price® Rainforest™ Music & Lights Deluxe Gym keeps baby busy as a bee, at home or on the go! The rainforest comes to life with music, lights and nature sounds that respond to baby’s movement.  During lay & play time, hanging activity toys & motion-activated music encourage teeny-tiny ones to reach, bat & play…hello, toucan! Lower the toys or move them to the soft deluxe mat to encourage baby to push up for tummy time fun! Sweet details, including a soft, satiny mat border and large crinkle leaf, offer sensory development as your little one plays. And, for extra on-the-go fun, remove the take-along toucan, which features up to 20 minutes of music in the long-play setting as well as cool, color-changing lights! Go wild, baby! Deluxe newborn gym with 10+ toys and activities and a removable, take-along toucan with music and dancing lights Three ways to play: Lay & play, tummy time and take-along Responds to baby’s movement with music and lights in short-play setting Up to 20 minutes of music in long-play setting! Removable, take-along toucan – press its wing or give it a gentle shake to activate tunes & lights Link toys to mat or giraffe to encourage baby to push up on tummy Repositionable toys: Soft monkey, mirror, soft jingle lion, rollerball snail, clacker zebra and more! Satiny butterflies dangling overhead move at baby’s touch Baby’s kicks and motion activate fun sound effects and musical ditties Interactive toys, sounds, colors and textures help give baby’s sensory development a boost

Good Night Baby

Why Doesn’t Sleep Training Work?

Working in the baby/parenting industry I know that there are many topics that can cause a big debate.  Topics that can get parents talking, engaging and give passionate opinions on.  In the sleep space this is no different and even just the words ‘sleep training’ might send a shiver down most parent’s spine.  Even I don’t love the words “sleep training”… not because I have strong opinions on it but rather because I know other parents do.  I always find myself clarifying the words, explaining what I mean when I say it. What do I mean when I say sleep training?  For me sleep training means the methods we use to create sustainable sleep associations.  Yes, it sounds complicated but in reality it should. I purposefully chose the wording!  I know the power that goes with it.  I know how irresponsible people can go about sleep training!  I know that not doing it correctly, can do more harm than good!  I know that just doing sleep training will not work!  I know doing sleep training wrong will not work! YES, I said it – sleep training does NOT work!  Many times I have consulted with parents who have attempted a form of sleep training by themselves and it did not go well! Even long hours of crying didn’t help at all and resulted in a traumatised baby and parents. This has nothing to do with the parent’s consistency, nothing to do with their determination or even their beliefs.  They did it and it did NOT work.  Why doesn’t sleep training work if attempted without professional help? Even though sleep is natural, it is complex AND parents time and time again underestimate this.  Sleep training (or rather creating sustainable sleep associations) is only one part of sleeping well.  This is the part that many parents have passionate opinions on because it is often one of the more difficult steps of teaching good sleep habits  BUT it does not make it more important.  The fact is that too many parents attempt sleep training without understanding how to do it responsibly.  Too many parents attempt sleep training without any of the other building blocks of sleep in place.  Too many parents attempt sleep training in an irresponsible way, which can cause a lot more unnecessary crying and ultimately more sleep issues. Sleep training without a proper daily routine and schedule in place will not work.  Sleep training after giving your child a litre of coca cola will just cause hours and hours of crying.  Sleep training with a bedtime routine that is too late will cause you baby to wake up soon after falling asleep.  Sleep training with all the lights on will not only prolong the process but also create multiple wake ups. Sleep training does NOT work… in isolation.  It should never be attempted without first considering the other building blocks of good quality sleep, that would be irresponsible.  You can only create sustainable sleep associations once all the other building blocks of sleep are in place.  Just because the other building blocks are easier to achieve, does not make them less important.  In fact, getting the other building blocks in place can go a long way in bettering your baby’s sleep without even needing to do sleep training!  By Jolandi Becker – MD of Good Night

Parenting Hub


How to teach your baby the art of self feeding is actually an incredibly common question amongst parents. One which many do not think of, up until the age where it begins to happen. However, this process is not as difficult as one would think if you have the necessary knowledge to implement effective teaching. This is where this article will help you shine. Teach your child these valuable life skills and help them reach their independence by reading on below now. What Your Child Will Gain From Self Feeding There are multiple benefits to teaching your child this practice. A child that can self feed is  also a blessing in disguise to parents who will be able to enjoy their own meals during dinner time. We will take a look at a few of the key reasons of the importance of self feeding below. Motor Neuron Development By teaching your baby how to hold and operate a spoon, you are actually heling their motor neuron development.  This action develops their motor skills, which are incredibly needed later in their developmental stages. Fine motor skills are small muscle movements within the hands and fingers. By teaching your child to self feed, you are enabling them to develop strength and dexterity within their hands and fingers.  Independence By teaching your child to self feed, you are essentially giving them their first little taste of independence. This is actually incredibly important during the developmental stages. By giving your child a sense of independence, you will be instilling a sense of self assurance within them. Babies begin to develop a sense of self from about eight months onward. During this time, they begin to start seeing themselves as a separate entity, their own little being if you will. By allowing them to feed themselves, you are giving them the ability to establish their own identity through independence of you. A Sense Of Accomplishment One of the best things you can do for your child is celebrate small wins. And by allowing them to blunder through the art of learning to self feed, you will be giving them a sense of accomplishment. Be sure to encourage them during this time and help them along their journey. Teaching Your Baby The Art Of Self Feeding Teaching your baby self feeding techniques is a somewhat lengthily process. This is due to the fact that it needs to go through three key phases before they become truly independent. We will discuss all three of these below. Finger Feeding This is the first stage in the self feeding journey. Finger feeding is an important step to take as not only will it begin your child’s self feeding development, but it will also give them exposure to various textures. By feeling the various textures of food, you will help them develop their sense of touch.  Great foods to start finger feeding with should be soft to the touch, and are not hard in texture. Hard raw veggies and fruits such as carrot and apple are bad ideas for first finger foods. These may get stuck in your babys through, should they bite off too big a piece as such, soft foods such as mashed potatoes or an avocado wedge are real winners.  These softer foods will ensure that your baby will be able to mash up the food easily before swallowing. Furthermore, these will be easier for your little one to grasp. Remember, when finger feeding begins, your baby will first start by grabbing handfuls of everything. Your baby’s grasp will change over time. First they begin to grab with a fist-full, shoving everything into their little mouth. But over a period, they begin to hone the process, until they reach a pincer like grip in which the index finger and thumb are used to pick foods up.  Encourage this grip by holding a piece of food for your baby, and only letting go when they use the above mentioned two fingers. Introducing Feeding Spoons The next step along your self feeding journey will be to teach your baby to eat with a spoon. This process can be incredibly messy, so prepare yourself for a few pumpkin smears here and there! Once your baby is confident in finger feeding, introduce them to their first spoon. Firstly, they should be used to a spoon since you would have been feeding them with one when they began to eat solids. But now, give them their own to hold as you feed them. If they mimic your actions, encourage them to do so. A great technique is the over hand guide. Place your hand over your baby’s and guide it into their bowl of food. Get a taste of food onto the tip of their spoon, and help them guide this into their mouth.  Practice this technique for a while before meals, then leave them to try it on their own. Watch them to ensure their spoon is facing the right way, but allow them the freedom to play with their food. Finally, Introduce The Fork The third step within the self feeding journey is to introduce your child to the fork. Be sure to only introduce them to this utensil once they are completely capable of using a spoon.  Use the same over hand method to help them develop their fork skills. Some children may opt to use finger feeding over forks this is natural as it is easier. Allow them to do this, but keep the fork nearby as an ever present option which you encourage them to use.

Parenting Hub


Breast changes within a pregnant woman are truly incredible. The topic of breast development is one which is grossly misunderstood. Most women have an incorrect knowledge of how their own body develops. For most of ladies, it is assumed that by the time they have gone through puberty, that their breasts are fully developed. But this is wildly incorrect. Puberty is actually just the beginning of breast development.  Within this article, we will discuss the actual development cycle of a woman’s breasts and what changes she can prepare herself for both during, and after pregnancy. You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet! How Breasts Develop After Puberty Many people link breast development to size. Simply put, this is the wrong measure to take. Whilst a woman’s breast size will remain relatively the same from puberty up until pregnancy, the real development happens within the tissue itself. Breasts actually continue to develop every time a woman menstruates. When it is that time of the month, a lady’s breasts begin to produce small amounts of secretory tissue. This is the tissue that allows milk production to take place. This cycle will go on until a woman either reaches the age of about 34, or she falls pregnant. Naturally, another question arises in light of this knowledge. If a woman is consistently creating additional tissue, why do the breasts not get bigger as she gets older? Well, the breast actually replace the older cells within them when creating the new ones. As such, the old cells are replaced by the new. This is also why a lady’s breasts become incredibly sensitive during this time.  In a nutshell, the body only begins to develop a woman’s breasts from the end of puberty onwards. But, what happens when you fall pregnant? Breast Development During Pregnancy Pregnancy is truly a miraculous time for a woman. Multiple changes begin to happen within your body. Your hormones sore, your bodily functions begin to change, but above all, a tiny being begins to grow within you.  This period can be seen as your breast development heyday. During this time, your breasts will grow into full maturity. And it all begins after month one of falling pregnant. The first notable thing a woman will experience is the sensitivity of her breasts. This is actually one of the most common first signs of pregnancy. This is caused by the sudden change in hormones within her body. Within the first four to six weeks, the breasts will be particularly sensitive – similar to how they feel during a period. For the first trimester of her pregnancy, a woman’s breasts will remain sensitive. Visible Physical Changes The next change is one you will physically be able to witness. During pregnancy, breasts may go up by a cup size. This change happens particularly in first time mothers. Some ladies even go up by two sizes during this time. You will start to see the beginning of this growth from about six to eight weeks into pregnancy. Breasts may also begin to feel particularly itchy during pregnancy. This is due to the tightness of the skin within the area as the breasts grow. Some women have even developed stretch marks on their breasts during pregnancy from the sudden growth. Areola Changes Another physical indication of breast change during pregnancy are prominent veins. When pregnant, a woman’s breasts may begin to show large, blue veins running through them. This is attributed to the act that the veins will expand to accommodate extra blood flow of the growing breast tissues. Don’t be alarmed if you notice this on yourself – it is completely natural and will fade once you have given birth and stopped breastfeeding. Additional colour changes to expect occur within the areola’s. During pregnancy, it is common for a woman’s areola’s to become slightly larger, and darker in colour. Your areola’s will also develop pronounced bumps, known as Montgomery’s tubercles. These are oil producing glands which are common within pregnancy, and help lubricate the nipples during this time. Tissue Changes  As far as changes are concerned, the first thing which begins to change in the tissue structure are the amount of milk ducts within the breast. The hormones released during pregnancy send messages to the breast structure informing it of the need to increase the number of ducts – as feeding will soon begin. As such, a burst of ducts begins to develop within the breast tissue.  Lactocytes are another tissue addition within the breasts during pregnancy. These are actually the milk production cells. Naturally, the body will need to develop these as they are the power houses behind breastfeeding. Other Changes The next set of changes do not necessarily happen within all women. Firstly, there is the possibility of the breasts leaking. During the third month of pregnancy, a woman’s body begins to produce the liquid substance known as colostrum. This is also known as liquid gold, as it contains nutritional value second to none for babies. However, during the last few months of pregnancy, the breasts may actually leak a tiny bit of colostrum. This happens frequently in some women, may start earlier in others, and may not occur for some moms. If you experience a breast leakage, don’t be ashamed. Invest in a few disposable breast pads and wear these during this time. Another pregnancy change could be that of lumpy breast tissue. Some ladies may develop umps within the breasts during pregnancy. This can commonly be associated to milk-filled cysts beginning to appear. These should subside once the woman begins to pump r breast feed. How to Deal With Breast Changes During Pregnancy Breast changes can be uncomfortable for some women. Even if they are not causing discomfort to you, there is something every pregnant woman needs to invest in; nursing bras. Nursing bras or apparel is a must have for all moms to be. These are designed to optimise comfort both during pregnancy and after. They also allow for easy feeding

PowerPlastics Pool Covers

Unpacking common myths around child drowning

Whether you have a pool or have small children in your family or social circle, everyone needs to learn about pool safety. Being able to identify a drowning in progress and acting fast can make a real difference to the child making a full recovery after a drowning incident.  Most people imagine that picture A is an accurate depiction of a drowning in progress. In reality, B and C are more accurate – mouth at water level, head bobbing, body upright, little to no splashing and sometimes the appearance of doing doggie paddle. Familiarise yourself with these drowning behaviours:  Head low in the water, mouth at water level  Head tilted back with mouth open Trying to roll over onto the back to float Hair falling over the forehead or eyes Body is vertical/ upright  Eyes glassy & empty, unable to focus Eyes open, with fear evident on the face Hyperventilating or gasping Trying to swim in one direction but without progress Common Drowning Myths Myth: Drowning children will shout for help Drowning children are physiologically unable to call out. The respiratory system is designed for breathing – speech is the secondary function. Drowning children’s mouths alternately sink below and reappear above the surface but while their mouth is above the surface, they need to exhale and inhale before they sink again. There is not enough time to cry out.  Myth: Drowning children are unsupervised children 50% of all child drownings will occur 25 metres or less from an adult who was distracted for only a few seconds.  Myth: Drowning children wave their arms to attract attention or will thrash in the water Drowning children cannot wave for help. Physiologically, a person who is drowning cannot perform voluntary movements such as waving or moving towards a rescuer. Envisage the surface of the water as a platform. Someone who is drowning often presses down on the surface and tries to use it as leverage to get their mouth above the water’s surface to breathe. So what the onlooker sees are arm movements that can appear to be playful swimming. Children will not kick wildly either. They remain upright in the water with no evidence of a supporting kick. They are quiet, focused only on breathing and show no signs of violent struggle. The child’s struggle is quick — 20 seconds, whereas an adult struggles for 60 seconds. Myth: My child has had swimming lessons so he / she won’t drown No child is ever drown-proof, no matter how good their swimming skills. A few swimming lessons are no guarantee when it comes to drowning prevention.  Myth: Water wings and flotation aids will prevent drowning Water wings give a dangerous and false sense of security, often making children think they are stronger swimmers than they actually are. Flotation aids can also suddenly deflate. To prevent a tragedy, be vigilant about pool safety and cover your pool with the leading safety cover from PowerPlastics Pool Covers – The PowerPlastics Solid Safety Cover which also complies with local safety regulations. This cover also saves water, power and chemical input, giving you safety as well as savings, and it brings a beautiful finish to the outdoor living area. Learn more and shop online at 

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Breastfeeding tips

Symptoms you may experience when not breastfeeding The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Your breasts may become sore, engorged or swollen and firm to touch. You may develop a slight fever. Your breasts may leak a significant amount of milk. You may have some uterine bleeding during this time. If you have any concerns or questions about the symptoms you experience during this time contact your doctor for more information. Care for your breasts when not breastfeeding The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Try ice packs on your breast for 15-20 minutes at a time. If ice doesn’t help, try using a warm washcloth on your breasts. Wear a well-fitting bra that is not too tight. Let your baby nurse at your breasts for a few minutes at a time. Ask your doctor about methods to help release a small amount of milk from your breasts, which may relieve some of the discomfort. Contact your doctor if you have any questions or concerns or you develop chills, or a fever and your breasts are still uncomfortable and swollen after 1-2 days. Benefits of breastfeeding The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Breastfeeding is a skill and can take time to learn; don’t get discouraged if it’s not easy for you at first.  Breastfeeding educators are available and can be helpful in overcoming some of the hurdles. Choosing to breastfeed your child provides many benefits for both you and your baby. Some of these include: Decreased likelihood of baby getting sick from infectious diseases or having an ear infection Decreased risk of breast and ovarian cancer for the mother Aids in faster weight loss for the mother Decreased postpartum bleeding Facilitates in mother-baby bonding Free and environmentally friendly Decreased risk of obesity for the child Breastfeeding is still possible after breast surgeries, piercings and tattoos; talk to your doctor about any concerns you may have How to breastfeed The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Some simple tips on how to breastfeed: Find a position that is comfortable for both you and the baby; use pillows to support your arms and prop your feet up Feed your baby whenever they seem hungry or show any of the hunger signs- moving head towards your chest, pulling hands near mouth or sucking noises Newborns need to eat at least every 2 to 3 hours; if your baby has been sleeping for 3 to 4 hours, wake them to nurse Wait to introduce a bottle or pacifier until your baby is 2 to 4 weeks old to avoid nipple confusion. Waiting much longer can create problems getting your baby to accept something other than the breast. Keeping your breasts healthy The following information is to be used as a guide to and at the discretion of the end-user and should not replace a doctor’s opinion. Keeping your breasts healthy during breastfeeding is important.  Here are some things to watch for: Sore nipples are normal at first; use moist warm compresses, nipple creams made for breastfeeding or a bit of fresh breast milk See your doctor if soreness continues or increases, you have a swollen or red breast or if you are running a fever

Vital Baby

Understanding Your Breastfeeding Rights in the Workplace

As a new Mother, nothing will be more important to you than the well-being of your newborn infant, as your instinct ignites the powerful force of motherhood within you to protect and nurture your baby. A newborn requires exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of its life for optimal growth and development and continued breastfeeding, combined with solid foods, for two years or longer. Working mothers returning to jobs and careers following their maternity leave period will face the challenges of juggling work and home responsibilities. Unfortunately, according to a 2021 survey, the number one reason why new mothers stop breastfeeding their newborn infants is due to having to return to work. While South Africa has legal rights in place for breastfeeding mothers in the workplace, there are challenges new mothers may face in trying to exercise these rights. According to a survey done in 2021 by the South African Breastfeeding Association, only 20% of companies have dedicated breastfeeding rooms in the workplace. According to South Africa’s Basic Conditions of Employment Act, the legal rights of breastfeeding Mothers in the workplace in South Africa are: Breastfeeding mothers are legally entitled to two 30-minute breaks per day for breastfeeding or expressing milk if their infants are younger than 6 months. Breastfeeding breaks are paid time. Employers should provide a clean and private area for breastfeeding or expressing milk, as well as a facility for storing the milk. Breastfeeding mothers should not be discriminated against or harassed for choosing to breastfeed or express milk at work. However, the challenges that breastfeeding mothers may face in trying to exercise these rights are: The Code of Good Practice does not specify whether the breastfeeding breaks are in addition to or part of the normal breaks, such as lunch or tea breaks. The Code of Good Practice does not require employers to give breastfeeding mothers a suitable space for expressing or storing their milk, nor does it specify the minimum standards for such a space. The Code does not impose any penalties for employers who fail to comply with its provisions, nor does it provide any remedies for breastfeeding mothers who are denied their rights. According to BioMedCentral, the survey conducted in March 2021 involved 1000 working mothers across South Africa who had given birth in the past two years. It found that only 20% of companies have dedicated breastfeeding rooms for working mothers, and 40% of mothers had to use public spaces such as toilets, storerooms, or their cars to breastfeed or express milk. The survey also revealed that 60% of mothers felt unsupported by their employers and colleagues when it came to breastfeeding, and that 30% of mothers had stopped breastfeeding before six months due to work-related challenges, highlighting the need for more awareness and action from employers, policymakers, and society to create a more enabling environment for breastfeeding mothers in the workplace. Some employers may be unaware of or unwilling to accommodate the needs of breastfeeding mothers and may create a hostile or unsupportive work environment for them: “My employer did not provide any space for me to pump, so I had to use the bathroom. It was dirty, noisy, and uncomfortable. I felt like I had no privacy or dignity. I often got mastitis and low milk supply. I hated every minute of it,” says Maria, who is a cashier. Some co-workers may be ignorant or insensitive to the benefits and challenges of breastfeeding and may make negative comments or jokes about it. Luckily this was not the case for Fatima, a machine operator in a factory where there are mostly men. “They were very sympathetic to my breastfeeding. They helped me find a quiet corner where I could pump, and they covered for me when I took breaks. They never made any jokes or remarks. They treated me like a normal coworker.” Certain breastfeeding mothers may feel embarrassed or uncomfortable about breastfeeding or expressing milk at work and may face social stigma or pressure from their workplace, families or communities. Ashley, a nurse, had to quit her job because her employer refused to accommodate her breastfeeding needs. “They said it was too disruptive and costly. They threatened to fire me if I kept asking for breaks and space. I felt discriminated against and harassed. I wish I had more legal protection.” Marketing manager Jessica had a more understanding employer. “I was lucky enough to have a supportive boss who let me use his office to pump whenever I needed. He also made sure that no one disturbed me or made any rude comments. He even bought me a mini fridge to store my milk in. I felt valued and respected as a working mother.” At Vital Baby we care about parenting and bring you tips on how to navigate your work-life balance and make breastfeeding work for you so you can give your child the best start in life, wherever you may find yourself. It is important to: – Know your rights. Be prepared to negotiate with your employer for more flexible work arrangements, such as flexible hours, part-time work or extended maternity leave. Plan ahead. Before you return to work, discuss your needs with your employer and colleagues about your breastfeeding needs. Discuss a suitable space for breastfeeding or expressing milk at work. If it is impossible, express extra milk and store it in the freezer so your baby can still benefit. Electric and manual breast pumps are small and non-disruptive. The Vital Baby Flexcone Electric Breast Pump Gift Set R2199.99 makes the perfect maternity gift set from the office and includes everything a new mother needs to maintain breastfeeding; it includes the Vital Baby electric breast pump, a breast like feeding bottle, slow flow teat, silicone breast cup, a manual conversion kit so it works during load shedding, bottle stand, charge cable and plug adapter, six ultra comfort breast pads, 30 easy-pour breastmilk storage bags and 2 protect and care silicone nipple shields. The Vital Baby Manual Breast Pump Gift

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care


Dealing with pregnancy can be tricky on its own, but when you have a toddler or young kids to look after things can become more difficult. If this is your second pregnancy, you may be struggling with morning sickness, fatigue and a tired achy body and still having to look after another young child.  You’re probably wondering how to manage, so we’ve put together some useful tips to help you the second time around. Be patient with them and yourself It’s important that you’re patient with your child. Initially, they may not understand the pregnancy which can make them act out in confusion. Getting them involved and feeling like a big sibling can help them to feel excited about the new addition to the family. That being said you should also be patient with yourself. You may be feeling unwell due to your pregnancy, and with looking after another child you may find things falling by the wayside. It’s likely that only you will notice these things, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Playtime for you and them  You might not always be feeling up to playtime with your little one, so this is a good time to encourage them to play independently. This way you free up a little bit more time for yourself while keeping them entertained. As your pregnancy progresses, play in ways that you can manage. Instead of running around, focus on board games, drawing and puzzles. Allowing a little bit of screen time (even together) is another way you can easily entertain your kids. Help and schedules Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you have a partner, they are the obvious person to lend a hand, but if you are by yourself, either reach out to close family or consider getting paid help for part of the day.  Another way to find some time for yourself is to nap when your toddler naps. Syncing up your sleep schedules may mean that you find yourself a little bit more rest time for when you’re feeling tired or nauseous. 

Parenting Hub

The best products for healthy babies and children

Babies and children require seemingly few products to stay healthy, but as they age, most parents realise that there are some essentials that do not only boost and improve their child’s health, but also makes the parents’ lives easier. While requirements vary from family to family, there are a few basics that are considered beneficial for young ones. Here are a few products we recommend: Health care products Every household needs quick and easy access to a first aid kit or health care kit. When you need it, it’s usually to attend to an immediate problem, meaning there’s no time to search around. First-time parents sometimes aren’t sure what exactly they’ll need for baby’s first aid kit, which is why it’s will be handy if you have a pre-packed kit filled with the basics. We recommend the Safety First Healthcare Kit (R289.99), an 11-piece kit containing all the basics you’ll need for baby’s basic health needs. From a nasal aspirator, to a digital thermometer, medicine dropper and soft grip toothbrush, this handy kit covers all the basics. Grooming products Babies might not need much grooming to start off with, but as soon as they’re a little bit older you’ll need to look into nail clippers, hairbrushes, and other basic grooming items. Like with a health care kit, it might be difficult for first-time parents to know exactly which items to buy. The Safety First Essential Grooming Kit (R229.95) is a handy 10-piece kit containing all the good quality basics you’ll need, such as a comb, hairbrush, nail clippers, nail files and more. Breast pump Breastfeeding moms know that there comes a time – be it when you return to work, or when you need to pop out – that a good quality breast pump becomes a lifesaver. Whether you pump because you can’t physically be with your baby to breastfeed, or whether it’s to allow dad and other family members to help out with feeding, many women find pumping easy and convenient – with the right pump, of course. Medela Harmony Essentials Pack (R999.95) combines everything moms need for breast milk pumping in one breast pump set. It comes complete with a silicone teat, four milk storage bags to store and freeze your milk, and four ultra-thin nursing pads: everything you need to express and store your breast milk and feed it to your baby. This single manual breast pump is perfect for moms who want to try out pumping, moms who express occasionally and need a lightweight travel companion, or moms who want a handy backup to their electric pump. Quality bottles On the days that you’re pumping, you’ll need some quality bottles with which to store your baby’s milk. It’s important to choose a brand that makes use of materials safe for baby, that’s convenient and durable. Medela Milk Storage Bottles 2-Pack (R339.99) are free from Bisphenol (BPA) for your baby’s health, dishwasher and microwave safe for your convenience and ideal for expressing, storing, freezing, and feeding breastmilk. A good quality multivitamin Let’s face it – most parents struggle to get their children to eat vegetables, and picky eaters often end up lacking many of the essential nutrients needed for healthy growth. This is where multivitamins come in. A good quality supplement contributes to the normal function of the immune systems and the normal function of many other systems in the body contributing to general wellbeing. We recommend: NutriPure Kids Multi-Vitamin Complete (R126.95) which is specially formulated in a tasty, soft, and chewy gummy, making taking vitamins fun and easy for children aged three and older. Each NutriPure Multi-Vitamin Complete gummy contains 11 essential vitamins and minerals: Vitamin D, B6, B12, C, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid and Niacin to help metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. An effective probiotic Probiotics are an essential supplement for all ages. A balanced intestinal micro-flora is highly important in keeping the body in healthy working order and is a key element in overall well-being. Plus, it helps us to better metabolize all the healthy nutrients we consume in foods. We recommend: NutriPure Kids Pro-Biotics (R139.95), which is formulated with Bifidobacterium infantis and Lactobacillus rhamnosus, two scientifically tested bacteria strains. Each NutriPure bear contains one billion live cultures to help your child boost his daily culture intake.

Parenting Hub


Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality health cover, explores seven ways to soothe your baby’s upset tummy. One of the most common concerns for new parents revolves around their baby’s digestion. Tummy upsets can lead to prolonged crying, sleepless nights, and considerable distress for both baby and parent. Understanding Your Baby’s Delicate Tummy A baby’s digestive system is still in its developmental stage, making it susceptible to upsets. Even simple factors like a new food, or trapped air can disrupt their tiny tummies. While crying is a natural way for babies to communicate discomfort, understanding and addressing the root cause is pivotal for lasting relief. Common Causes Of Upset Tummies In Babies Upset tummies in babies can stem from a variety of causes. Common culprits include: Colic, often characterised by prolonged crying sessions with an unknown cause. Gas, which can accumulate when babies swallow air during crying, feeding, or sucking on pacifiers. Gastroesophageal reflux, where stomach contents return to the oesophagus, leading to frequent spitting up. Intolerance or allergies to specific proteins in formula or breast milk. Lastly, infections in the digestive system, such as viral gastroenteritis. 7 Ways to Alleviate Tummy Troubles While persistent stomach issues should prompt a visit to a paediatrician for a proper diagnosis and care, if your baby experiences occasional tummy upsets, try these at-home solutions: Gentle massage: Gently massaging the baby’s stomach in a clockwise motion can help release trapped gas and soothe cramps. Using a soft touch and ensuring your hands are warm can make this technique even more effective. Warm bath: A warm bath can relax your baby’s muscles, aiding in the expulsion of gas and easing discomfort. Always test the water’s temperature with your elbow or wrist to ensure it’s suitable for your baby’s delicate skin.  Bicycle legs: Lay your baby on their back and gently move their legs in a cycling motion. This exercise can help release trapped gas and stimulate bowel movement. Burping: Ensure you burp your baby after every feeding session. Holding your baby upright and gently patting their back can help release any trapped air swallowed during feeding. Probiotic drops: Certain probiotics are designed specifically for infants to promote a healthier gut flora, which can potentially alleviate symptoms of colic and gas. However, always consult with a paediatrician before introducing any new supplements. Check your diet: For breastfeeding mothers, what you consume can impact your baby’s digestion. It might be helpful to monitor and adjust your diet, eliminating potential irritants like dairy or caffeine, to see if it makes a difference  Use a pacifier: Sucking on a pacifier can help relax and soothe a distressed baby. However, if breastfeeding, ensure it doesn’t interfere with your baby’s feeding routine.

Bonitas – innovation, life stages and quality care

Neonatal jaundice, what is it and what happens if my baby is born with it?

Jaundice is a yellow discolouration of a baby’s eyes and skin and is fairly common in newborn babies. Although it may be alarming to you to see your newborn baby with a slightly yellowish tint, thankfully, most cases of jaundice are considered normal and will go away on their own. You may be wondering why your baby may be born with this condition, or what treatments are available if your little-one has jaundice – read on, we outline the causes and common treatments thereof.  Why would my baby have neonatal jaundice?  Babies are born with neonatal jaundice when they have excess levels of unconjugated bilirubin in their blood. Bilirubin is a yellowy substance which comes from the breakdown of red blood cells, however, baby’s livers sometimes can’t break this substance down fast enough, giving their eyes and skin a yellow tint.  When your baby is born they will be checked for jaundice, as high levels of bilirubin can lead to more serious problems. A baby is more likely to get neonatal jaundice if they are born premature, have a different blood type to their mother or are being breastfed. Babies who are breastfed can develop jaundice if they don’t get enough breastmilk, due to trouble feeding.  What happens if my baby has neonatal jaundice? If your baby has jaundice, this will typically be seen in the second or third day of being born.  Sometimes jaundice will go away on its own and other times it will need to be treated. If your baby is struggling to breastfeed it’s important that he be breastfed more often, or even receive formula as a supplement during this time.  Phototherapy (light therapy)  can also be used to help your baby. Light can turn the bilirubin into a form that can easily pass out the body. If the jaundice is very bad, your baby may receive a blood transfusion which will quickly lower bilirubin levels. 


How to Develop Early Maths Skills (Number Concept)

Learning to count from one to ten, and later to a hundred, is an important milestone in early math development.  However, it is equally important for young children to learn to understand the “how many-ness” or the value that every number represents. Teachers and therapists refer to this important school readiness skill as number concept.  Grade R’s typically count to a hundred, but few truly understand the quantities that different numbers describe. In other words, many children freeze when you ask: “If you have six balls and your friend has eight balls, who has more?” Children who don’t understand the value of numbers will naturally not be able to conjure up a mental image of two sets of objects (in this case, a set of six balls and a set of eight balls) and then compare the sets against each other to determine which one of the two is bigger or smaller. And, as a result, they won’t be able to add and subtract with understanding.  It’s important to play games with your child on three levels if you want him to develop a clear understanding of the value of different numbers. Firstly, use body movements to demonstrate numbers. Secondly, provide many opportunities for him to use his hands to handle and count off certain numbers of objects. And thirdly, make sure to include games that encourage your child to visualize different numbers of objects in his mind’s eye.  You can, for instance, teach a three-year old to do the following: To include body movements, ask him to move (e.g. clap, jump or twirl) one, two or three times. To incorporate the handling of objects using his hands, you can ask him to hand you one, two or three of something whenever the opportunity pops up. To involve the mind’s eye, you can place a pile of single Lego blocks, 2-block-towers and 3-block-towers in a bag and then take turns with your child to use your sense of touch to find one of each number without looking. Then arrange your towers from one to three.  Games should naturally become more challenging as a child grows older.  However, the basic prerequisite for success remains unchanged throughout the first seven years: the more concrete (hands-on and tangible) the experience, the easier it is to learn. Children progress from concrete functioning to abstract reasoning as they enter primary school. Children function on a concrete level up to Grade R (where they still need to touch and handle tangible objects to discover and understand ideas about those objects) before moving on to being able to fully grasp unseen ideas on an abstract level in Grade 1.  Most importantly, they need time and playful practice or else they won’t grow into being comfortable in the world of representations and symbols. It’s crucial for every Grade R learner to reach the point (by the end of the year) where he or she is able to picture an image in the mind’s eye of a number line. After throwing two dice, he should be able to name the number shown on any one of them at first glance (without counting), before shifting his attention to the second dice to “count on”. In other words, if the dice landed on three and four, he could look at one and say, three”, before pointing to each of the dots on the second dice as he counts on: “four – five – six – seven … it’s seven!” (Alternatively, he could choose to start with four, and then continue with “five – six – seven” on the second dice.) He should be able to arrange the numbers 1 to 10 in order, with each of them in its proper place, based on the value that it represents. When you point to any number from 1 to 9 on the number line, he should be able to name the number that is “one bigger” or “one smaller”. As he enters Grade 1, he can learn to do this without looking. What can I expect from my child at every age along the way? Toddlers discover the meaning of “one and many” during the second year of life. Two-year olds usually learn to rote count to three and you can teach them to hand you either one or two toys. Three-year olds can be expected to count to five and they understand the concepts of one, two and three well enough to be able to hand you that many of an object.  Well-developing four-year olds can be expected to rote count to 10 and count off any number of objects from 1 to 5. Most five-year olds can count to 20 and have a real understanding of numbers up to 10. Finally, a six-year old should be able to count to 100 (also in tens), count off any number of objects between 1 and 20 and arrange the numbers from 1 to 10 in order to build a number line.  Learning to work with numbers is much like learning to speak a special kind of language. Learning the language of mathematics is largely about getting better at understanding the properties of numbers and recognizing relationships and patterns ever more quickly.  Naturally, acquiring these skills takes time simply because learning a new language always involves building new brain wiring. Ultimately, you want your child to reach a point where navigating around in the world of numbers will become second nature to him – like a golfer’s swing. Any kind of math play is better than none, but if you want your child to benefit optimally, you’ll need to play as many age-appropriate games as possible at home from toddler stage, and repeat them often. This article is written by: The Practica Programme is a comprehensive research- and play-based home programme.  This unique system has stood the test of time since 1993, and it comprises of a wooden box with specialized apparatus, parents’ guides, an advisory service and educational newsletters.  From birth to 23 months of age, parents choose from a balanced selection of more than 1000 activities to develop the 14 fundamental skills age-appropriately. For children between 2 and 7 years, the 50 school readiness skills are divided into 6 groups and tackled systematically, year by year, with 10- to 20-minute games that can be adapted to a child’s level of functioning. 


Preventing Electrical Burns

Young children can be burnt very quickly, and this often happens when an adult is present, so it is important to be alert. An electrical burn happens when a child touches or comes into contact with an electric current. The current passes through the child’s body and can damage organs and tissues. Damage can be mild or severe – and it can even cause death. Last year, the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital alone, treated 880 children for burns, the most common (733 children) was caused by hot liquids (such as hot water, drinks and food). A large number of the cases were treated for electrical burns. During the period between January and February in 2020 there were 5 cases treated for electrical burns. In 2021, this number has doubled to 10 cases.  “Recently, we have been seeing far more electrical injuries than usual. This may be related to children spending more time at home due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. These injuries often involve the hands, resulting in severe injuries with permanent loss of function. Care givers need to remain vigilant at all times”, said Gary Dos Passos, Head of Burns Unit, Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital. “Most burn injuries can be avoided. Most of the burns happen in the home, specifically the kitchen. A first step to preventing burns is to make sure that the home environment is safe. Children are not always able to know when something is dangerous, so parents can start by checking every room in the house for possible burn risks to children. Electric shocks from appliances and electrical outlets and cords can burn the skin and cause tissue and nerve damage”, said Yolande Baker, Executive Director of ChildSafe. Electricity can cause different types of skin burns, depending on which skin layers are affected. The terms doctors use to describe different types of burns are:  Superficial – A superficial burn affects only the top layer of the skin. The skin is red, dry, and painful. When you press on the burn, it turns white.  Partial-thickness – A partial-thickness burn affects the top 2 layers of the skin. The skin is red and can leak fluid or form blisters.  Full-thickness – A full-thickness burn affects all the layers of the skin. The burn does not usually hurt, because the burned skin cannot feel anything. The skin can be white, grey, or black.  Here are a few safety tips for parents and caregivers to keep all children safe from electrical burns. ALWAYS:  Cover unused electrical outlets with safety covers. Unplug electrical cords that are not in use, keeping electrical cords, power plugs and electrical equipment away from children. Keep electrical appliances away from sinks and bathtubs. Turn off electrical equipment that is not being used. Teach children to stay away from electrical sub-stations, electrical wires ate ground level and electrical fencing. NEVER: Overload power points or run electrical wires under carpets. Use unsafe or illegal electrical connections. Allow children to play with power points or electrical equipment. Repair faulty plugs and frayed cords immediately. For more information on injury prevention, call ChildSafe at 021 685 5208 or please visit

Parenting Hub


Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality health cover, delves into what reflux in infants is, why and when it happens, how common it is, its symptoms, and the various treatment options available. Navigating the journey of parenthood is filled with moments of joy and, sometimes, concerns about your infant’s health. One such concern that often arises in a baby’s first year is infant reflux. This common yet distressing occurrence can leave new parents anxious. Understanding Infant Reflux Infant reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux (GER), occurs when a baby’s stomach contents come back up into the oesophagus and, sometimes, out of the mouth or nose as vomit. This happens because the muscle between the oesophagus and the stomach (lower oesophagal sphincter) is not yet fully mature, allowing stomach contents to flow back up quickly. When Does Reflux Occur? Infant reflux typically begins within the first month after birth, often peaking at four months of age. Most infants outgrow reflux by the time they reach 12 to 18 months of age. As the muscles in the oesophagus and stomach develop and become stronger, they can better prevent the backflow of stomach contents. When a baby starts sitting up and eating solid foods, reflux symptoms tend to decrease or disappear altogether. The Prevalence of Infant Reflux Approximately 50% to 70% of infants experience some degree of reflux during their first few months. While it can be distressing for both the baby and parents, it’s essential to remember that reflux is a normal part of development for many infants and that only a small percentage of infants with reflux experience severe or persistent symptoms that may require medical intervention. Symptoms of Infant Reflux While the most common symptom of infant reflux is spitting up, other signs include: Frequent or recurrent vomiting Refusal to eat or difficulty eating Crying and irritability during or after feedings Arching the back during or after feedings Weight loss or poor weight gain Choking or gagging Diagnosing Infant Reflux               If your baby is showing reflux symptoms, your healthcare provider will likely start with a physical exam and questions about the baby’s eating habits and symptoms. In some cases, further testing might be necessary, including lab tests, ultrasound, or a procedure called a pH probe to monitor the acid levels in the baby’s oesophagus. Treatment Options for Infant Reflux Most babies with reflux do not need treatment, as they are “happy spitters” and continue to feed well and gain weight. However, for more severe cases, several treatment options can alleviate the symptoms: Feeding changes: Adjusting the way your baby is fed can be helpful. Smaller, more frequent feedings can reduce the amount of food in the stomach and minimise reflux. For bottle-fed infants, switching to a different type of formula, such as a hypoallergenic or thickened one, may be recommended. Positioning: Keeping your baby upright during and after feedings can help prevent reflux. Holding your baby upright against your shoulder or using an inclined infant seat can reduce the likelihood of stomach contents flowing back into the oesophagus. Burping: Burping your baby frequently during and after feedings can help release air from the stomach and reduce the likelihood of reflux. Gently patting or rubbing your baby’s back in an upright position can facilitate burping. Elevating the crib or bassinet: Placing the head of your baby’s crib or bassinet on an incline (using a wedge or raising the legs) can help keep the upper body elevated during sleep, reducing the occurrence of reflux during the night. Trial of hypoallergenic diet: If your baby shows signs of possible food allergies or intolerances, your doctor may recommend a trial of eliminating certain foods from your diet (if breastfeeding) or switching to a hypoallergenic formula. Allergies or intolerances to specific proteins in breast milk or formula can contribute to reflux symptoms. Medication: In cases where lifestyle modifications are insufficient, your doctor may prescribe age-appropriate medications to manage reflux symptoms. Surgery: In rare and severe cases of reflux that doesn’t respond to other treatments, surgical intervention may be considered. Surgical procedures, such as fundoplication, aim to strengthen the lower oesophageal sphincter and prevent stomach acid from refluxing into the oesophagus. Navigating Through Infant Reflux While infant reflux can be a cause for concern, understanding its causes, symptoms, and treatments can empower parents to manage the situation effectively. Remember that most babies outgrow reflux as they age, often a regular part of their development. However, if you are ever in doubt or your baby’s symptoms are severe, seek advice from a healthcare professional who can guide you through this phase of your baby’s growth.

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