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A Bump To The Head: When Should You Worry?

I have attended to many children in the ER who have taken a tumble. In the US, falls account for around half the injury-related ER visits in children under 5 years of age. Most of these falls involve furniture such as changing mats, high chairs, baby walkers and beds. Parents are almost always concerned about head injuries. Majority of head injuries from a fall are usually minor. Children under one who fall are more likely to sustain head injuries regardless of the height from which they fall. Whereas older children are more prone to extremity fractures. This is because an infant’s head is much larger than the rest of their body. As a child grows, their head mass becomes more proportional and they develop upper body strength, which enables them to brace falls with their arms or legs. WHEN TO SEE A DOCTOR  If your child is awake, alert and behaving normally after a bump to the head with no other signs and symptoms then he or she will most likely be fine and you don’t have to rush to hospital right away. It’s a good idea to observe your child for 1-2 days afterwards, since symptoms of a brain injury may present late. Seek Medical Attention: For any bump to the head in an infant; If your child has lost consciousness, even if brief; If your child has any signs and symptoms of a concussion (see below); If your child is inconsolable; If your child is vomiting; If your child is difficult to wake; If your child has a seizure; and/or If you suspect a broken bone. If your child has had a bad fall and you suspect a neck injury DO NOT move your child. Call an ambulance right away! Always trust your gut. If you are unsure rather head straight to your nearest emergency room. CONCUSSION A concussion is a brain injury caused by a blow to the head. The signs and symptoms may be vague and may even take a few days to develop. It’s important to know that not all concussions cause a loss of consciousness. Concussions can be more difficult to diagnose in children, as they are not as vocal about their symptoms. Children older than 2 years will show more behavioural symptoms. Signs & symptoms will therefore depend on age and include but are not limited to: Irritable and fussy; Unusually sleepy; Crying more than usual; Change in appetite; Nausea and/or vomiting; Lack of interest in play; Headache; Confusion; Child is unsteady on his or her feet; Sensitivity to light and noise; Blurred or double vision; Dizziness; Unusual speech e.g.: slow or slurred; Poor concentration and memory; and/or Problems with co-ordination. DIAGNOSING A CONCUSSION  The doctor will do a thorough evaluation. A CT scan and MRI cannot diagnose a concussion. A CT scan will however, most likely be ordered to exclude a brain bleed or skull fracture depending on the mechanism of injury and presenting symptoms. The majority of falls in children are caused by modifiable factors and are therefore preventable. It’s impossible to bubble wrap our kids and we shouldn’t have to. Falls and tumbles can teach our children valuable lessons, but we can spend time baby proofing our homes and being more cautious to prevent serious injury. Remember to always buckle your baby in their high chair and never leave him or her unattended on a changing mat, not even for a second – it takes seconds for an accident to happen. RESOURCES Burrows, P. et al. (2015) Head injury from falls in children younger than 6 years of age. Arch Dis Child, [online] 100 (11), pp. 1032-1037. Available from: [Accessed 3 October 2018]. CDC (2017) Traumatic Brain Injury & Concussion [online]. Available from: [Accessed 3 october 2018]. Chaudhary, S. et al. (2018) Pediatric falls ages 0–4: understanding demographics, mechanisms, and injury severities. Inj Epidemiol, [online] 5 (suppl 1). Available from: [Accessed 3 October 2018]. Kendrick, D. et al. (2015) Risk and Protective Factors for Falls From Furniture in Young Children Multicenter Case-Control Study. JAMA Pediatr, [online] 169 (2), pp. 145-153. Available from: [Accessed 3 October 2018]. Samuel, N. et al. (2015) Falls in young children with minor head injury: A prospective analysis of injury mechanisms. Brain Injury, [online] 29 (7-8), pp. 946-950. Available from: [Accessed 3 October 2018].


Common First Aid Myths

I am often surprised by how some of my patients manage their injuries before they come to the emergency room. I think my own mother is also guilty of practising some really strange methods whilst I was growing up. Over the years, medical advice and management has evolved. What may have made sense years ago is now out of date and has been replaced with more sound research and often logic. Here are just a few of the first aid practices and myths that I have seen over the years.


6 Must-read tips for successful expressing

Ultimately, the reason why you are expressing will determine how long you carry on for and/or how much milk is expressed Whether you express to keep your baby guzzling breast milk while you’re at work (or step out), or you express because your little one struggles to breastfeed, we can all agree on one thing… … it’s hard work. Think: Time (so.much.time), fluctuations in milk supply and a million little parts, not to mention bottles, that need to be washed, assembled and kept track of. But, that doesn’t mean it’s not doable – especially if your follow these six tips, courtesy of Vicki Scott (baby feeding and well-being advisor at Philips AVENT): 6 Must-read tips for successful expressing Practice makes perfect – or certainly improves how easily you can express! Try to express at the same time every day for a few days (after baby’s first feed of the day is a good time) Stimulate the let-down reflex before you start to pump, if the milk does not flow very easily. Do this by having a warm bath or gently massaging your breast with the flat of your hand. Good to know: Expressing from one side whilst feeding from the other is effective, as baby does the job of stimulating let-down for you! If using a manual pump, depress the lever as far as is comfortable; hold for a second or two, release, then repeat. Find a rhythm which feels natural – you are trying to mimic your baby suckling at the breast in order for your milk to begin to flow. When your milk begins to flow, slow down the pumping rhythm a little to suit you Continue pumping until the milk flow ceases, then swap to the other side.When flow on the second side ceases, return to the first It may be helpful to continue to gently massage the breast towards the nipple throughout, as this could help with let-down The reason why you are expressing will determine how long you carry on for and/or how much milk is expressed Remember… As with breastfeeding, successful expressing depends on various factors. Being relaxed, comfy and unhurried is key to a successful pumping session! Expressing is not always an accurate indication of how much milk you make– and baby is far more efficient at extracting milk from your breast than a pump is! Author: LARA BESTBIER Writer. Creative. Word-nerd. Aspiring photographer. Oh, and mom to the only little girl more demanding than me. Parenting editor at All4Women (e-mail me at


How Safe Are Teething Gels?

Every baby is different but common symptoms associated with teething include, mild irritability, drooling, low-grade fever and loss of appetite. If your baby is inconsolable or has a high fever chances are this is not due to teething. Teething should not make your baby very sick but rather very unhappy.

Breastpumps and Beyond

What To Expect As A New Parent

Being a new parent is definitely no walk in the park. Therefore, knowing what you can be expecting can make the world of difference! This is why we have put together a list of things to expect as a new parent to make things a little less daunting for you and your partner! Read on below now for a few key pointers on surviving new parenthood! Expect A Lot Of Company A new baby will generally bring a lot of different visitors. This is the time in which you will need to start setting up a few boundaries. There is nothing wrong with doing so, so don’t feel guilty in doing so. Gently let your friends and family know that you are comfortable with certain times for visiting, however, other times are off limit and strictly family time for you, baby and partner.  And Then There Were Three… When a new little person enters into your life, your relationship dynamic with your partner will change. There will be a lot less ‘us’ time on the table. Therefore, it is important for you to still try to spend intimate time with your significant other. Call in the forces and leave baby with granny and grandpa for one night and take that time to appreciate each other. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help As A New Parent Being a parent can be tough. Especially if you are a first timer. Therefore, do not be ashamed to ask for help. Remember, it took two of you to make a baby, therefore sharing the responsibilities with your partner is only fair. Be sure to enlist the help of your other half, sharing the responsibilities of your little one. If you are a single parent, ask for help from family and friends whom you trust.  Converse With Your Baby  Be sure to shoot the breeze with your baby. Little ones love to be conversed with. This kind of interaction has a twofold effect: you will be bonding with your baby, and they will be learning! Be Gentle With Yourself Remember, being a new parent is a challenge. It is not the easiest task for one to take on. therefore, remember to be kind to yourself. Follow the above tips to take control of your new parenting life style.


Encouraging your Baby to Sleep

“The Secret is to Surrender… To the truth that your baby will interrupt your sleep… The sooner you are able to accept this, the less you will have a power struggle with your child… Early morning waking will then hold less frustration and become quiet…Treasured moments! ~ Natalie Guscott” Baby Sleep Signals Your baby will give you clear ‘sleep signals’, that he is ready for sleep. It may take you time to learn to interpret and recognise them. If you are alert and respond quickly to your baby’s ‘sleep signals’, it will be much easier to get your baby to fall asleep. You can then avoid the crying and fussing of an overtired baby. The yawn: It is one of the first signs is that baby is ready for sleep. The focused, fixed gaze: His eyes are wide open, un-blinking and staring, but not really ‘seeing’ anything. Nodding off to sleep: If in an upright position baby ‘nods’ off to sleep. He closes his eyes and his head drops forward or to the side. Just as he seems to be falling asleep, his eyes open suddenly and his head jerks back, jolting his whole body. He closes his eyes and repeats the process between 3 – 5 times until he finally enters dreamland. He moves his head from side to side, legs kick and arms move in an uncoordinated manner. Baby gives a cough-like cry. The older baby: Turns head away from people and buries their face into your chest. When held, will arch back, leaning away from you. Rub their eyes, pulls at their ears and scratch at their face or your chest when held. Their movement becomes noticeably less coordinated, with them falling or bumping into things. Tips for Good Sleeping Habits Keep the evening calm to avoid overstimulation. If a bath is relaxing for your baby, you can bath him before bed. If it’s too stimulating, bath him at another time in the day. Many babies sleep better and feel secure if they are swaddled in a cotton blanket. The way in which you regularly put your baby down to sleep, i.e. rocking or breastfeeding will create a sleep association; a ritual which your baby will become dependent on, to fall asleep. Use ‘contented’ times to practise good habits, like putting her to bed when she is a little drowsy, but not completely asleep. A dummy can be a wonderful source of comfort for a fussy baby, and a soothing way to fall asleep. If baby is wearing an absorbent nappy; it will not be necessary to change a urine nappy at night, unless she has passed a stoole, has wet through to her clothing or has a nappy rash. Do not rush in to pick him up at the first sound. Try to lull him back to sleep, by rhythmically patting his nappy and making a sh-sh sound.  Sleeping through the Night – for 6 hours that is! Encourage 3 hourly feeds during the day – especially from midday How to time a 3 hourly feed: It is 3 hours from the beginning of one feed, to the beginning of the next.  A baby who feeds 5 – 6 hourly in the afternoon, will be sure to keep you up with 1 ½ – 2 hourly feeds sometime in the early hours of the morning!! Your long afternoon nap will not be worth it!  These ‘cluster feeds’ will hopefully get baby to sleep past midnight, giving you 5-6 hours of rest. Follow a Feed – Bath – Feed routine in the early evening E.g. Feed her at 17:00 – Bath at 18:00 – Feed at 19:00; then off to sleep You could offer her a ‘Dream feed’ before you go to sleep; at 21:00 or 22:00. Baby might sleep till       04:00 or 05:00. This could be considered “Sleeping through The Overtired Baby who fights Sleep  An overtired baby tends to cry and cry until their high pitched screams reach a crescendo. They’ll stop for a moment, and then start all over again, having three or more crescendos before finally calming down. What happens, though, is that by the second crescendo of high pitched screaming, you have had enough! Desperate, you revert to anything to get your baby quiet! If you are attentive, you can prevent your baby from becoming overtired; making for a gentle transition into sleep. The solution is: The quicker you respond to your baby’s ‘sleep signals’, the easier it is to get them to fall asleep.

Wriggle and Rhyme

Wriggle and Rhyme celebrates its 16th birthday!

It’s got to be one of the top karaoke songs of all time!  ABBA’s “THANK YOU FOR THE MUSIC”.  How often haven’t you heard it and found yourself singing or humming along to those famous words?  “Thank you for the music, the songs I’m singing, thanks for all the joy they’re bringing”. My name is Kirsty Savides and I’m the Founder and Programme Director of Wriggle and Rhyme, a music and movement programme for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers. ABBA’s words have been ringing in my ears recently.  You see, October 2024 marks Wriggle and Rhyme’s 16th birthday.  And boy, it is sweet! Celebrating 16 years of music It’s been 16 years since I ran the first ever Wriggle and Rhyme class from the lounge in my home in Fish Hoek. Since then, the business has grown and evolved.  I’ve gone through all the stages of motherhood with the business – from exciting conception to a crying newborn, to a demanding toddler, to a feisty tween, to a maturing teenage. Music for babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers and beyond In 2011, we branched out into PRE-SCHOOLS in Cape Town.  We extended the programme from babies and toddlers, to include children up to Grade R level.  We now have hundreds and hundreds of children participating in our music and movement classes in pre-schools each week. In 2013 the BABY and TODDLER programmes were licensed to allow other women to run classes from their venues too.  We now have Cape Town branches in MEADOWRIDGE, RONDEBOSCH, CLAREMONT and MELKBOSSTRAND.  We also launched our first National branch in Gqeberha earlier this year, with classes running in FERNGLEN. In 2017 we partnered with Lifeline Energy to bring our music to children across the African Continent.  Lifeline Energy distributes solar-powered radios and MP3 players to prisons, refugee camps and schools across Africa.  These children are now also singing our songs each week! You can read more about Lifeline Energy’s work here – Music at home We’ve also created a range of unique and fun musical stories to enjoy.  Originally available on CD, these can now be accessed through your favourite music streaming platform – SPOTIFY, APPLE MUSIC, iTUNES, AMAZON etc. The highs and lows Running a business in South Africa has not always been easy.  We’ve had to weather global recessions, the really difficult COVID season and intermittent loadshedding. Sometimes the song in our hearts has been upbeat and full of joy, sometimes it’s been melancholy and slow. These are still challenging times that we’re living in.  With the rising cost of living, wars and rumours of wars across the world, pain and suffering all around us.  It’s easy to become despondent and feel anxious. But, I wake up every single morning saying “thank you for the music”.  Not just for Wriggle and Rhyme, but thank you that I get to be part of something that contributes so beautifully to the lives of children.  Thank you that Wriggle and Rhyme assists our family and many others financially each month.  Thank you that I have the flexibility to spend time with my children each day. Celebrating with gratitude So, as we celebrate Wriggle and Rhyme’s 16th birthday, I’m resolved, more than ever, to live in gratitude for all that life brings – the ups and downs, the highs and lows. My song today and every day is, “thank you for the music!”. Come and join us! If this resonates with you, come and sing along with us.  Join our team and discover the joy of adopting Wriggle and Rhyme into your own family! For more info about the W&R business opportunity, have a look at For more info about the W&R musical stories and online resources, have a look at Find us on Facebook and Instagram @wrigglerhyme or our YOUTUBE channel Wriggle & Rhyme SA


4 Reasons to Embrace the Mess: How Letting Your Baby Get Messy with Food Boosts Development

When you first introduce solids to your baby, it’s usually easy to keep things clean because they aren’t very mobile yet. However, as the months go by, they will start swiping the spoon and blowing raspberries into their food, which can quickly become a mess for everyone! I understand that this can be overwhelming and letting them get messy might seem like more work than it’s worth. Some parents feel that allowing their children to sit with food all over them, even during meals, is neglectful. But I encourage you to embrace the mess! Let them get food on their hands, in their hair, and all over their face—and try not to make any disgusted faces while they’re doing it. Here are four good reasons why: Powerful Sensory Play Mealtimes with babies are more than just about eating. They also provide their first experience with active sensory play. Babies are born with five times as many nerves in the brain devoted to receiving and organising sensory information compared to those responsible for movement. This means babies use their senses to explore the world around them. While you can’t let your 7-month-old play in a sandbox or use finger paints because they might eat them, messy textures during mealtime offer meaningful tactile stimulation that helps their brains process and respond to new information. Babies will actively seek out these sensory experiences as part of their curiosity and exploration. Learning How to Self-Feed When babies get their hands messy with food, they eventually realise that putting their fingers in their mouth results in food. This revelation helps them understand that they can feed themselves. Although it may take months before they can spoon-feed themselves, those early tastes from their fingers lay the foundation for this skill and can lead to quicker progress. This process helps develop fine motor skills as they learn to use their hands and fingers in a controlled manner. If your baby is getting messy but not bringing their hand to their mouth, gently show them how to do it. Preventing Tactile Defensiveness Without exposure to different textures, children can become sensitive to new or unfamiliar sensations over time. If you keep your baby very clean during meals, they might find getting messy uncomfortable because it’s a new sensation for them. While tactile defensiveness is not always learned—some children are naturally tactile defensive—constant wiping and keeping them clean can contribute to discomfort. Allowing them to experience different textures helps prevent this sensitivity. Making It Positive Allowing babies to get messy can make mealtimes more relaxed and enjoyable. Introducing solids should be a positive experience, fostering a healthy relationship between your baby and food. If you’re constantly fighting to keep them clean or trying to pin them down to wipe their face after each bite, mealtime can become stressful for both of you. Aim to make mealtimes a positive and enjoyable experience. The nurtureOne Fuss Free bib is designed to help you let your baby explore their food and develop a healthy, happy relationship with eating. The bib encourages self-feeding, promotes hand-eye coordination, and nurtures early food curiosity. It protects your baby’s clothes, is easy to wash, and dries quickly. It also includes a convenient pouch for easy storage and travel. As an easy weaning snack, try this recipe from the recipe book Weaning Sense by Meg Faure of Parent Sense, and  clinical paediatric dietitian Kath Megaw, founder of Nutripeads Oat Teething Biscuits 1 cup whole oats I cup oat porridge flour (pulse oats in a blender till it’s ground to a rough powder) 1 tsp baking powder 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon, ginger, cardamom or nutmeg* 2 overripe bananas mashed 1 tsp vanilla extract 3 tsp coconut oil 1. Preheat the oven to 180C, and grease baking sheet or line it with baking paper. 2. Combine the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl, Mix mashed bananas vanilla extract and coconut oil, and stir into the dry ingredients. Mix well. 3. Drop spoonfuls of the mixture onto the prepared baking sheet and bake for 12-15 minutes. 4. Allow biscuits to cool, and store in an airtight container. *Hold back on the spices if your little one is sensitive or slow to warm up. nurtureOne ™ products are available at as well as a range of well-baby clinics and local baby shops – see the stockist tab on the website for your nearest.  ABOUT nurtureOne ™: Researched, designed and developed by medical practitioners. Endorsed by Occupational, Sensory and Developmental Therapists.  nurtureOne ™ are dedicated to helping parents provide a tranquil, secure resting environment for their newborns, promoting a seamless integration of baby into our world. For more information, please visit 

Toptots Head Office

Kangaroo care and its benefits

You may have heard the terms “skin-to-skin” or “kangaroo care” when it comes to interacting with a newborn baby. It refers to the amazing benefits that have been found when a mother has the opportunity to place their newborn baby skin-to-skin straight after birth. It also refers to skin-to-skin contact during the newborn phase from both mother and father. Of course, birth can be an unpredictable time – and that includes the need for doctors or nurses to have to handle your baby immediately after birth for medical reasons or for the baby to be placed in an incubator. If these things occur, skin-to-skin does not have an expiry date when it comes to your baby and can take place as soon as it is medically safe to. Here are just some of the scientifically proven benefits of kangaroo care: Skin-to-skin contact helps regulate a baby’s temperature. When mom/dad and baby are skin to skin, the parent’s chest temperature adjusts to warm up a cool baby, or cool down a too-warm baby. This phenomenon is called “thermal synchrony.” Skin-to-skin contact increases the paternal bond. One study followed mothers and babies who experienced skin-to-skin contact right after delivery compared to mothers who only viewed their child briefly immediately after birth. Days later the mothers who had skin-to-skin contact were shown to be more comfortable caring for and handling their babies. One year later those same mothers were found to touch, hold and interact with their children more. Skin-to-skin contact can help keep heart and breathing rates stable. Newborns panic when they are separated from their mother immediately after birth. That separation causes stress, which can increase both heart and breathing rates. Being skin to skin with their mother reduces stress and helps keep a baby’s heart rate and breathing normal. Babies cry less when they are skin to skin with their parent. Being close to their parents is natural for babies. Studies show that babies cry less when skin to skin with their mothers than babies who have been separated from mom. Human touch is an integral part of brain development. Touch and movement have been shown to be the basic building blocks for brain and social development. Early skin-to-skin contact helps to set a pattern for continued holding, carrying and touching. Moms who have early skin-to-skin contact breastfeed more and longer. When babies are placed skin-to-skin on their mother after delivery, research has shown that they follow a series of steps to familiarise themselves with their mother, eventually making their way to the breast on their own to begin breastfeeding. The research results are so strong, in fact, that the American Academy of Pediatrics now recommends that immediately after delivery all healthy infants be placed in direct skin-to-skin contact with their mothers as soon as possible and at least for the first hour. How to Hold Your Baby Skin to Skin: Find some good times throughout the day when skin-to-skin works best for you, your baby, and your partner. This might be during feedings (whether by breast or bottle), right before a bath, or just before putting pyjamas on for bedtime. Place your baby in a nappy only. Moms remove your bra. Hold your baby directly against your bare chest. Make sure your baby’s head is turned to the side, so he or she can easily breathe, and hold your baby close enough for you to kiss the top of their head. Your body will keep them warm. It’s fine to drape a thin blanket over your baby’s back. All you need to do after that is sit quietly and enjoy being close and together.

Toptots Head Office

Budgeting with children

Having children gives you a myriad of rewards that we all get to brag about. However, what’s not often spoken about is the costs surrounding raising children. When you have a child, costs can sky-rocket if you are not careful. However, there are ways you can budget and save when you have a baby or toddler. Write your budget down One of the biggest personal finance mistakes people make is not knowing exactly where their money is going. One takeaway coffee here, another quick grocery shop there, and our budget goes out the window. Try this exercise. Carry a notebook with you wherever you go. For one week, write down absolutely everything you spend money on. From in-store shopping to online shopping. Once you have done that, you can take a realistic look at where your money is going when it comes to the small things. Is there anything on that list you don’t have to have? Then cut it out. Add these expenditures to your usual monthly debts and expenses, and you will have a great starting point to start your saving journey. Make budgeting a team effort Budgeting with your partner is essential. When you are sharing the costs of a child and a home, knowing who spends money on what is important. Sit down with your partner and have an open discussion about where money is coming in and going out. Make decisions on who is paying for certain expenses and stick to that.  Savings should be an expense You should have a ‘savings’ section under your expenses. No matter how small the amount, savings should not come at the end of your budget with the thought process of ‘I will save what is left over.’ You should try and save before you spend any money. Whether it is to a savings pocket, an investment fund, or a short-term endowment policy – make putting a little money aside a priority. Cut back on expenses Once you know where your money is going, it is much easier to start cutting back on certain things. Amazed at how much money you spend on takeaways? You probably didn’t know the extent of that amount until you had it written in front of you. Go through your expenses, set aside a reasonable amount for spoils, and cut back on the rest. Baby saving tips Buy in bulk – keep a lookout for any specials on baby products and groceries and buy these in bulk. Remember to consider that your baby is growing and may need a new size nappy or different aged formula in the near future. Significant bulk purchases for savings are nappies, wet wipes, toiletries, unperishable food, and cleaning products.  Make your own food – we know this is time-consuming, but bulk-making your own baby/toddler food and freezing it into portions is a fantastic money saver. Try to stick to one-pot meals that are filled with nutrients and label your freezing containers with the content and date. Google affordable meal recipes, and you will be surprised by the number of affordable meals out there. Clinic vaccinations – When vaccinating your child, take the extra time to go to your local government clinic for them. The wait may be longer, but the cost-saving is worth it. If you would like to get the vaccinations that are only available privately, then book with a private clinic for just those. Second-hand goods – It’s easy to get swept up in the mania of baby products and goods. And there may be a part of you that wants to ‘keep up with the Jones’. But we are here to tell you that your baby won’t notice whether their pram or cot is brand new or second-hand. Decide what you are willing to have second hand, then search the web and Facebook marketplace for the best deals you can find. Please just make sure that you do not pay upfront for items that you haven’t seen!  Sell it – If you are not planning on having another child in the near future, as soon as your baby outgrows something – sell it! 

PowerPlastics Pool Covers

Safety and sustainability from a single pool cover – the PowerPlastics Solid Safety ticks all the boxes

The PowerPlastics Solid Safety Cover is the leading child safety pool cover in South Africa, favoured for its tamperproof design, overall aesthetics and its ability to create a more sustainable pool.  The PVC cover is supported by batons that rest on the coping and the tension is created with ratchets, providing a complete barrier over the pool. The upside to the water being sealed off to the natural elements is that the cover also saves water, electricity and chemicals.  Parts of South Africa are experiencing water shortages due to either drought or struggling infrastructure, so the need to save water is critical. A solid safety cover gives 98% water savings. And because the water is kept cleaner, the amount of chemicals and filtration needed is reduced. This could have a huge impact on alleviating load shedding if every pool was filtered less. Add these savings up month by month, coupled with safety benefits, and you will find yourself getting a lot more out of your pool – child safety as well as sustainability and a reduced carbon footprint from one pool cover, putting your mind at ease on multiple levels. This is what makes safety covers stand out when compared to other safety methods like nets and fences which still leave the water exposed to the natural elements.  PowerPlastics Pool Covers first designed the PowerPlastics Solid Safety Cover, which has gone on to become the bestselling cover to prevent drownings. The cover tolerates 220kg and can be semi-automated to allow for single-person use. There is no substitute for adult supervision but by using the PowerPlastics Solid Safety Cover as one ‘layer of safety’, you will achieve further peace of mind as well as rescuing your household budgets.  Learn more and get an instant quote on the PowerPlastics Pool Covers online store. There are safety covers, and then there are safety covers. Know what you are buying. Understand compliance. Remember this is your child or pet’s life on the line here so it is perfectly OK to ask the difficult questions. A solid safety cover may seem like an easy enough cover to copy but a poor understanding of materials, installation methods and cover upkeep, coupled with lack of experience, all have a direct impact on your cover’s efficiency and longevity. When efficiency relates to lives, it can’t be more critical. If you have any reservations about a pool safety supplier, trust your instinct and go with a brand like PowerPlastics Pool Covers that has been covering pools for decades, not weeks. The questions get a lot harder after a tragedy has occurred in your pool and you are found to be non compliant with SANS 10134. The finer details of safety compliance There has been wide industry collaboration and years of research that has gone into laying out the pool safety guidelines and, in South Africa, the function is addressed by the SABS, forming part of the national building standards, specifically SANS 10134. The cover specs you need to know / the technical questions you should be asking the pool cover supplier to ensure your compliance are: Are there any gaps or openings that allow unsupervised entry? If yes, can I fit a ball of 9cm x 14cm x 30cm through the gap? (this being the size of a child’s head or torso). Can the device bear weights of up to 220 kg? (static load test). Opening test – is the cover sufficiently anchored to prevent a child gaining access to the pool water? Does rain or sprinkler water drain off so the cover is dry within 10 minutes, with no pools forming on top of the cover?

Toptots Head Office

Is my baby at a healthy weight?

As new parents, one of the biggest stressors is whether your newborn baby is growing as they should be. Am I feeding them too much? Am I feeding them too little? Is my breastmilk doing its job? Is the formula enough?  These are questions many moms seem to ask themselves during their baby’s first year of life. It is important to note that all children are different, and while the below information is the growth chart standard, your child may not stick to the numbers exactly. Besides gender, things like genetics, height, breastfed or formula-fed and prematurity may all play a role in how much your child weighs at any given age.  Also remember, that your scale at home may be different than the one at the hospital, doctor’s rooms, or clinic. If you are concerned about your child’s weight gain, Dischem Pharmacies have a Well Baby Clinic where you can take your child for a quick weigh-in and chat with the nurse about whether they are on track or not. 

Parenting Hub

Transport Month and the Silent Killer Let’s Be Quick to Save Lives

The African Brain Child research group (ABC) in Paediatric Neurosurgery at the University of Cape Town found that our hospital sees some 2 000 children (age 0 -12) with head injuries annually. Road accidents account for almost 80% of severe head injuries in children at the hospital. Of children admitted after a severe TBI (traumatic brain injury) sustained as a passenger in motor vehicle accidents, 96% were not wearing a seatbelt. Statistics showed a 22.6% increase in the Western Cape’s road accident deaths for the festive season last year. According to Arrive Alive, car safety seats reduce the risk of death in passenger cars by 71% for infants and 54% for toddlers. Since 2012 over 11 500 children have been placed in car safety seats through the Car seats for kids campaign run by our partner, Wheel Well. The “Be Quick to Click Car Seat Drive 2024”, initiated by African Brain Child in partnership with Supa Quick and Wheel Well, is a call to safeguard the lives of children against traumatic brain injuries (TBI’s) – “the silent killer” –  by putting more children into secure car safety seats this October, Transport Month. Anthony Figaji, Professor of Neurosurgery, South African National Research Foundation SARChI Chair of Clinical Neurosciences, and Director of African Brain Child, sees road accidents as the single biggest killer of healthy children in South Africa: “We have seen the human cost of motor vehicle accidents and TBI’s in children we have not been able to save” he says. “We have also seen those we have been able to save, but whose lives have been permanently impacted by injury that is readily preventable with the click of a seatbelt. There is an African saying that ‘It takes a village to raise a child.’ It also takes one to protect it. We need to rally personal responsibility around seatbelt usage – together as society.” For children, surviving a TBI often isn’t the end of the story; emerging research shows that a single TBI may cause long term inflammation that can damage neurons for years after the injury. This means that a child suffering a TBI today may face further degeneration of their brain 20 or even 30 years from now. From gathering dust to saving lives: an urgent call for car seats Seatbelts are an essential safeguard against TBI’s for older children, but toddlers and babies need the protection of a quality car safety seat. It is illegal in South Africa for an infant (a child under 3 years) to travel without being strapped into a suitable car seat – but they can be expensive and something that many families simply can’t afford. In South Africa, most children impacted by TBI’s are from lower-income households. At the same time, many families have car seats, quickly outgrown and now unused, sitting in the garage – “we’ll get around to selling it online at some point” – that could be donated, refurbished and fitted to safeguard the life of a child. How concerned South Africans can support the Be Quick to Click campaign: Car Seat Donations: Unused car seats can be dropped off at any Supa Quick branch nationwide and Be Quick to Click will donate it to a family that needs it in October, Transport Month. The Be Quick to Click team will clean, inspect, and ensure that each seat meets the highest safety standards, before passing it on to a family in need. Car Seat Sponsorship: By making a financial contribution, individuals or companies will directly support efforts to provide safe car seats for children across South Africa. Donations will help Be Quick to Click to cover the costs of cleaning, refurbishing and certifying used car seats, or purchasing new ones, for families who need them. Every donation counts toward making our roads safer for children. Receive a Car Seat: To mark Transport Month Be Quick to Click, Supa Quick and Wheel Well will hand over donated, checked and vetted car seats to families on 26 October 2024 at Supa Quick, cnr Main & Constantia Main Rd, Plumstead, Cape Town. Any family wanting to receive a car seat can come down to Supa Quick between 9am – 12pm to receive a car seat on the day. Support Be Quick to Click: Be Quick to Click is a project of the African Brain Child Initiative to drive public awareness, both in road users and authorities, of the importance of seatbelt usage and the ready prevention of TBI’s. ABC is an internationally respected, leading research unit in traumatic brain injury in Sub-Saharan Africa. Based in the Paediatric Neurosurgery Unit at Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, ABC is committed to providing advanced medical and surgical care, innovative research and promoting public awareness through social engagement. To join the drive to save lives, visit For more information on the impact and prevention of TBI’s in children, download the Be Quick to Click Research Report here.

Parenting Hub

Can pacifiers harm your baby’s teeth?

Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality health coverage, explores how pacifiers can affect your little one’s smile and how to minimise any negative oral health impacts. Pacifiers, often known as soothers or dummies, can be a lifesaver for parents trying to soothe a fussy baby. But, as with anything, there’s a time and place for them, especially when you start thinking about your baby’s oral health and the development of their deciduous teeth (milk teeth) and permanent teeth. The Pacifier: A Parent’s Best Friend Pacifiers have been around for ages, and there’s a good reason for that. They tap into a baby’s natural sucking reflex, which can be incredibly calming. They’ve been known to help babies fall asleep, reduce crying, and even offer some benefits, like reducing the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) in infants. “The modern pacifier, as we know it today, began to take shape in the late 1800s,” says Murray Hewlett, CEO of Affinity Health. “Over the years, inventors and designers began experimenting with safer, more hygienic materials like rubber, which was gaining popularity thanks to its durability and softness, making it ideal for an infant’s delicate mouth.” The Potential Pitfalls for Pearly White  As babies grow and their teeth start to come in, parents might wonder if pacifiers can cause dental issues. The answer isn’t straightforward – it depends on a few factors, such as how often a baby uses a pacifier and for how long. Bite Problems Extended pacifier use can lead to problems like an open bite, where the front teeth don’t meet when the mouth is closed, or a crossbite, where the upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth. These issues arise from the constant pressure the pacifier exerts on the teeth and jaw. Tooth Misalignment Just like with an open bite, prolonged sucking can lead to the front teeth being pushed out of alignment, leading to what’s often called “pacifier teeth”. Changes in the Roof of the Mouth The sucking action can also affect the roof of the mouth, potentially leading to its abnormal development. Not All Doom and Gloom Before you toss all the pacifiers in the rubbish, it’s crucial to note that these potential issues typically stem from long-term use, especially beyond the age of two or three. Many children use pacifiers without any long-term effects on their teeth, particularly if they stop using them early. Guidelines for Healthy Pacifier Use To keep the pacifier from becoming a problem for your child’s dental health, consider these tips: Timing: Introduce a pacifier after breastfeeding is well-established, usually around three to four weeks of age, to avoid nipple confusion. Moderation: Use pacifiers for soothing purposes only, and try not to let your child have one in their mouth all day long. Weaning Off: Start to wean your child off the pacifier between six and 12 months old, and aim to stop its use altogether by the age of two or three. Hygiene: To prevent tooth decay, keep pacifiers clean and free of sugary substances. Don’t Dip: Avoid dipping the pacifier in sweet liquids like honey or syrup, which can lead to cavities. Orthodontic Pacifiers: Consider using orthodontic pacifiers designed to reduce the risk of dental problems. The Weaning Process: Tips and Tricks Weaning your child off a pacifier can be challenging but not impossible. Here are a few strategies to make the transition smoother: Gradual Reduction: Start by limiting pacifier use to specific times, like naps or bedtime. Comfort Alternatives: Offer other forms of comfort, such as a favourite stuffed animal or blanket. Positive Reinforcement: Praise your child for not using the pacifier and offer small rewards for pacifier-free time. The Pacifier Fairy: Some parents succeed with a “pacifier fairy” who takes the pacifier away in exchange for a small gift. When to Seek Professional Advice If you’re concerned about your child’s teeth or the impact of pacifier use, it’s always best to consult a paediatric dentist. They can offer personalised advice and help you develop a plan to ensure your child’s oral health is proper.

Parenting Hub

How to identify signs of hearing loss in babies

Affinity Health, a leading provider of high-quality health coverage, raises awareness about hearing loss in babies. Understanding Hearing Development in Babies Even before birth, babies develop their sense of hearing in the womb. By the time they are born, they can already recognise familiar voices and sounds. Babies refine their hearing abilities in the first few months of life. They should startle at loud noises, turn their heads toward sounds, and coo in response to voices. Most babies should be babbling and responding to their names by six months. “About 1 to 3 babies per 1,000 are born with hearing loss, making it one of the most common congenital conditions,” says Murray Hewlett, CEO of Affinity Health. “It’s crucial to screen newborns for hearing loss shortly after birth to ensure early detection and intervention.” Certain factors can increase the likelihood of hearing loss in babies, including a family history of hearing loss, maternal infections during pregnancy (such as rubella virus or cytomegalovirus), exposure to ototoxic medications, premature birth, low birth weight, and complications during delivery. Signs of Hearing Loss in Babies While every child develops at their own pace, sure signs may indicate a potential hearing problem. Here are some red flags to watch out for: Lack of Startle Response: Babies with normal hearing typically startle at sudden loud noises. If your baby doesn’t react to loud sounds like a door slamming or a dog barking, it could be a sign of hearing loss. Limited or No Babbling: Babbling is an essential milestone in language development. Babies with hearing loss may not babble as much or at all. Pay attention to whether your baby is making vowel sounds like “ah” or “ooh” and consonant sounds like “ba” or “ma”. Lack of Response to Voices: By three months, most babies should turn their heads or react when they hear familiar voices. If your baby doesn’t respond to your voice or seems indifferent to sounds, it’s worth investigating further. Delayed Speech and Language Development: Hearing loss can significantly impact speech and language development. Suppose your baby is not meeting developmental milestones related to language, such as cooing, babbling, or saying simple words by one year. In that case, it’s important to consider hearing as a possible factor. Difficulty Locating Sounds: By six months, babies should be able to turn their heads toward sounds. If your baby consistently struggles to locate the source of sounds or only responds when they see the speaker, it could indicate hearing impairment. Inconsolable Crying: While babies cry for various reasons, persistent crying without an apparent cause could indicate frustration due to difficulty hearing or understanding the world around them. What to Do If You Suspect Hearing Loss Don’t hesitate to take action if you notice these signs or have concerns about your baby’s hearing. Early intervention is crucial for minimising the impact of hearing loss on your child’s development. Here are the steps you can take: Schedule a Hearing Screening Your paediatrician can perform a hearing screening or refer you to a paediatric audiologist for further evaluation. Many hospitals offer newborn hearing screenings shortly after birth, but additional screenings may be necessary if there are concerns. Observe Your Baby’s Reactions Consider how your baby responds to sounds and voices in different environments. Keep a diary and write down any observations or concerns you can highlight to your baby’s paediatrician. Seek Early Intervention Services If hearing loss is confirmed, your baby may benefit from early intervention services, such as speech therapy or sign language instruction. These services support your child’s development and help them thrive despite hearing challenges. Educate Yourself Take the time to educate yourself about hearing loss in babies, available treatments, and resources for support. Knowledge is power and can help you effectively advocate for your child’s needs. Connect with Support Groups Reach out to support groups or online communities for parents of children with hearing loss. Connecting with parents who have had similar situations may provide helpful advice, encouragement, and emotional support. Technological Advances Fortunately, technological advances, such as hearing aids and cochlear implants, have revolutionised the treatment of hearing loss in babies. These devices can provide access to sound and help infants with hearing loss develop speech and language skills on par with their hearing peers. Let’s commit to raising awareness about the importance of early detection and intervention for hearing loss in babies. Remember, you are your baby’s best advocate. Trust your instincts, seek guidance from healthcare professionals, and embrace the journey of supporting your child’s hearing health every step of the way.  

Parenting Hub

The Importance of Keeping a Breastfeeding Log

Keeping a record of your breastfeeding may seem time-consuming. Not only do you need to feed your baby, but you also need to document the entire process! However, maintaining a detailed breastfeeding log has significant benefits. A record of your feeds can provide valuable insights. The most crucial benefit is the ability to track your baby’s overall health and development. This article highlights the essential metrics to monitor and how they can benefit both you and your baby in the long run. Read on to learn about the art of keeping a breastfeeding record and discover the secrets it holds for you today. Why You Need to Record Your Breastfeeding As a parent, any information you can gather about your child’s development is invaluable. A breastfeeding log book is a vital tool that helps you document your baby’s feeding habits. This allows you to spot any potential issues early on by becoming familiar with your child’s eating patterns. Moreover, a breastfeeding record isn’t just helpful for you. It can also be crucial for others who may take over caring for your baby. When you return to work, this log can provide your nanny or daycare center with essential information about your baby’s eating habits. They will know when to feed your baby, how much to feed them, and how often to change them throughout the day. Key Metrics to Document in Your Breastfeeding Log Here are the top five metrics to track when you begin recording your breastfeeding patterns: 1. Frequency of Feeds Recording how often your baby feeds helps in two ways: it lets you know your baby’s feeding frequency and helps you create a feeding schedule. Understanding how much your baby feeds will give you an idea of the milk supply you need. Your body naturally adjusts to produce the right amount of milk for your baby, but keeping a log helps you know how much to express and store for times when you may not be available. Top Tip: Remember, your breast milk can be frozen without losing its nutritional value and used later. Tracking feeding habits also helps you establish a schedule, making it easier to anticipate when your baby will get hungry. This helps you plan your activities around feeding times and provides other caregivers with valuable information on when to feed your baby. 2. Duration of Feeds Knowing how long your baby feeds is another useful piece of information. It helps you determine how many minutes to set aside per feed and how many minutes your baby spends on each breast. This information is crucial when you start expressing milk and need to know how long to pump each breast. 3. Diaper Output Track the number of soiled diapers your baby produces daily. This data is essential for monitoring your baby’s health, as a sudden increase or decrease in soiled diapers can indicate potential health issues. Keep track of both wet and dirty diapers to monitor your child’s digestive health. 4. Baby’s Weight Record your baby’s weight in your breastfeeding log. The general guideline is to weigh your baby every five days during the first two weeks, then once a month from two weeks to six months. For accuracy, it’s best to have your baby weighed by a doctor. Tracking weight gain or loss helps you monitor your baby’s growth. Significant weight fluctuations can be a sign of underlying issues that need medical attention. 5. Your Own Well-being Lastly, note how you feel after feeding, particularly how your breasts feel. If one breast feels fuller, you may need to express milk from it. Monitoring your breasts can help you recognise what feels normal and detect any changes that might require a doctor’s consultation. How to Keep a Record of Your Breastfeeding Cycles Documenting your breastfeeding sessions is straightforward. Here are a few methods: Write in a notebook Make digital notes on your phone Use a dedicated feeding log book Setting up a template for daily records can save time and ensure you don’t miss any key information points. Maintaining a breastfeeding log might seem like an additional task, but its benefits far outweigh the effort. It not only helps you monitor your baby’s health but also provides valuable information to other caregivers, ensuring your baby receives consistent and accurate care.

NB Hearing & Balance

Understanding the Differences between Hearing Loss and Auditory Processing in Children

Hearing loss and auditory processing issues are two distinct conditions affecting children’s ability to understand and interpret sounds in their environment. While they may share some similarities, such as difficulty with speech and language development, they require different approaches to diagnosis, intervention, and management. Hearing Loss vs. Auditory Processing Disorder Hearing loss refers to a reduced ability to hear sounds and can range from mild to profound. This can be caused by various factors, including: Genetics Conditions that occur in utero  Infections Exposure to loud noises Structural abnormalities in the ear Children with hearing loss may have difficulty detecting soft sounds, understanding speech, and localising where sounds are coming from. On the other hand, auditory processing disorder (APD) involves difficulty processing and interpreting auditory information in parts of the auditory system in or after the ear, despite having normal hearing sensitivity. Children with APD may struggle with tasks such as following directions, understanding speech in noisy environments, and discriminating between similar sounds. Challenges and Implications Both hearing loss and APD can impact a child’s language development, academic performance, social interactions, and overall quality of life. Without appropriate intervention, these challenges can persist into adulthood and affect various aspects of functioning. Diagnosis Diagnosing hearing loss typically involves a comprehensive diagnostic hearing test, which includes tests to assess hearing sensitivity and the type and degree of hearing loss. In contrast, diagnosing APD is more complex. Audiologists use a test battery that isolates certain skills, such as being able to separate or join sounds, being able to identify rhythm and pitch sequences, being able to associate sounds with their meanings, and being able to fill in missing information when sound is incomplete or distorted, to mention a few.  Early Intervention and Management: Early intervention is crucial for children with hearing loss or APD to maximise their potential for speech and language development. For children with hearing loss, intervention may include hearing aids, cochlear implants, auditory-verbal therapy, or sign language instruction, depending on the degree and type of hearing loss. For children with APD, intervention focuses on improving auditory processing skills and compensating for deficits. This may involve auditory training exercises and auditory processing therapy with an audiologist, environmental modifications to reduce background noise, and strategies to improve listening comprehension and academic performance. Sometimes, help may extend to speech-language therapy or occupational therapy to help with skills that have been impacted by the underlying auditory processing challenges.  Whether It’s Hearing Loss or APD, We Can Help While hearing loss and auditory processing disorders present unique challenges, early detection, diagnosis, and intervention are key to minimising the impact on children’s development and functioning. At NB Hearing and Balance, our team of professional audiologists can help children with hearing-related difficulties thrive and reach their full potential by implementing appropriate support and management strategies for parents, educators, and other healthcare professionals. Contact any of our Cape Town offices, conveniently located in Sea Point, Durbanville, Hout Bay, Wynberg, and Noordhoek (Fish Hoek area) on 021 203 4327.

Parenting Hub

Smart Spending for Tiny Tots: Essential Baby Gear & Development Boosting Toys on a Budget

Welcoming a new baby into the family is an exciting and joyous occasion. To be sure your little one has everything they need for a happy and healthy start, it’s important to invest in high-quality baby gear and developmental toys. Here’s a comprehensive list of must-have items that will support your baby’s growth and provide peace of mind for parents. Developmental Toys Activity Gyms  Activity gyms are perfect baby toys for engaging your baby’s senses and encouraging physical development. Look for gyms that include a variety of textures, colours, and sounds. Features like dangling toys, mirrors, and tummy time mats can provide hours of entertainment and stimulation. Soft Books  Introduce your baby to the world of reading with soft books. These books are designed with bright colours, different textures, and interactive elements like crinkly pages or squeakers. They’re a great way to foster a love of books and reading from an early age. Stackable Toys  Stackable baby toys are excellent for developing fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Choose sets that include different shapes, sizes, and colours. As your baby learns to stack and nest the pieces, they’ll develop problem-solving skills and spatial awareness. Musical Toys  Musical toys can help your baby develop auditory skills and a sense of rhythm. Look for toys that offer a variety of sounds and tunes, such as rattles, xylophones, or interactive musical mats. These toys can also be a fun way to introduce your baby to the world of music. Shape Sorters  Shape sorters are classic developmental baby toys that encourage cognitive skills and fine motor development. Choose sorters that feature a variety of shapes and colours. As your baby learns to match the shapes to the corresponding slots, they’ll develop problem-solving abilities and hand dexterity. Baby Gear Essentials Strollers  A good stroller is indispensable for new parents. Look for one that offers a smooth ride, adjustable handles, and a sturdy frame. Features like a reclining seat, ample storage space, and easy folding mechanisms can make outings with your baby more convenient and comfortable. Car Seats  Safety is paramount when it comes to car seats. Choose a model that meets the highest safety standards, with features like side-impact protection, adjustable harnesses, and cushioned headrests. Convertible car seats that grow with your child from infancy to toddlerhood can be a cost-effective option. Highchairs  Feeding time is made easier with a reliable highchair. Opt for a highchair that offers a secure harness, easy-to-clean surfaces, and adjustable height settings. Some models come with removable trays and can be converted into a booster seat as your child grows. Baby Carriers  For parents on the go, a baby carrier is a practical choice. Select a carrier that provides ergonomic support for both you and your baby. Look for features like adjustable straps, breathable fabric, and multiple carrying positions to provide comfort during long walks or errands. Cribs and Bassinets  A safe and comfortable sleeping environment is essential for your baby. Cribs and bassinets with adjustable mattress heights, sturdy construction, and breathable mattress materials are ideal. Some models also offer additional features like rocking or vibration modes to help soothe your baby to sleep. Conclusion Investing in high-quality baby gear and developmental toys is essential for your baby’s growth and development. From strollers and car seats to activity gyms and musical toys, each item plays a central role in providing a safe, stimulating, and nurturing environment for your little one. By choosing the right products, you can be sure that your baby has the best start in life, while also making parenting a more enjoyable and stress-free experience.

Medela South Africa

How to store, freeze and thaw breast milk

Expressed breast milk is the best food for your baby to have when you’re not there. So how do you store and use your milk safely? If you’re returning to work, heading to a gym class or simply want your partner to give a feed so you can catch up on some sleep, you can express your breast milk and store it for your baby to have when you’re not around. Expressed milk keeps most of its health-giving benefits, so if you have to miss a feed, it’s far better for your baby than any type of formula. But good hygiene is vital to ensure that stored milk is safe for your baby – read on to find out how to store breast milk properly. Which Breast Milk Storage Method Is Best? Breast milk is better for your baby than formula – but freshly expressed breast milk is preferable to refrigerated, and refrigerated is better than frozen. That’s because freshly expressed milk has the best bacteria-fighting properties and is higher in antioxidants, vitamins and fat than milk that has been refrigerated or frozen.4 Storage Guidelines For Freshly Expressed Breast Milk (For Healthy Term Babies)2,3: If you have expressed breast milk cleanly and safely, you can store it at room temperature, in the fridge, or in the freezer, depending on how soon you want to use it. Follow this storage location and temperatures guidelines for freshly expressed breast milk (for healthy term babies)2,3: Storage place Room temperature 16 °C to 25 °C (60 °F to 77 °F) Refrigerator 4 °C (39 °F) or colder Freezer -18 °C (0 °F ) or colder Previously frozen breast milk thawed in the refrigerator Safe storage time Up to four hours is bestUp to six hours for milk expressed under very clean conditions* Up to three days is bestUp to five days for milk expressed under very clean conditions* Up to six months is bestUp to nine months for milk expressed under very clean conditions* Up to two hours at room temperatureUp to 24 hours in the refrigeratorDo not refreeze * Very clean conditions means rigorously following the guidance in our article on cleaning and sanitising your breast pump.These guidelines for storing and defrosting breast milk are a recommendation – contact your lactation consultant or breastfeeding specialist for further information. If your baby is in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) or special care ward, your hospital may have stricter recommendations for cleaning and storage. If you’re refrigerating or freezing expressed milk, always label the bottles or bags with the amount and the date it was pumped, so you can track and manage your stored milk. Guidelines For Using Expressed Breast Milk Stored breast milk tends to separate into layers, with the fat (cream) rising to the top. Gently swirl the bottle to mix the layers before feeding your baby. Vigorous stirring or shaking can damage some of the milk’s nutritional and protective components.5 When your baby feeds on expressed breast milk from a cup or bottle, bacteria from his mouth can naturally end up in the milk. For this reason, it’s best to throw away any leftover, partly drunk milk within one to two hours of his initial feed. To avoid wasting expressed milk, it’s always a good idea to store it in small amounts, and only use what you need.2 How To Store Breast Milk In The Refrigerator2,3 Follow these guidelines to store expressed milk safely in the fridge: Refrigerate your breast milk as soon as possible after expressing. Store your milk in clean breast milk bottles or storage bags  made from BPA-free materials. BPA is a chemical that was previously widely used in plastic containers and coatings, which many manufacturers are phasing out due to its uncertain long-term effects. Small amounts of expressed milk may be added to the same refrigerated container, provided the milk you want to add is cooled in the fridge beforehand. Don’t add body-temperature milk to already cooled milk. Store breast milk in the coldest part of the fridge – at the back, on the shelf above the vegetable compartment. Don’t keep it in the fridge door where the temperature is less consistent. How To Store Breast Milk In The Freezer2,3 Read on for how to freeze breast milk safely: Freeze your breast milk as soon as possible after expressing. Expressed milk may be added to already frozen breast milk, provided the milk you want to add is cooled in the fridge beforehand. Don’t add body-temperature milk to frozen milk. For easier thawing and minimal wastage, store your milk in small portions (less than 60 ml). These can be combined after defrosting. Check that your breast milk storage containers can be used in the freezer – some products (such as glass bottles) may crack at very low temperatures. Medela breast milk storage bags are ideal for storing frozen breast milk as they’re freezer-proof, ready to be used and easy to label. Don’t fill bottles or bags more than three-quarters full, as breast milk expands during freezing. Store frozen breast milk at the back of the freezer where the temperature is most consistent. Keep it away from the walls of self-defrosting freezers. How To Defrost Breast Milk2,3 Take care when defrosting breast milk to make sure it’s safe for your baby: Breast milk can be defrosted in the fridge, normally in around 12 hours. Alternatively, hold the bottle or bag of frozen milk under warm running water (a maximum of 37 °C or 99 °F). Don’t leave frozen breast milk to defrost at room temperature. Once fully thawed, previously frozen breast milk may be kept at room temperature for a maximum of two hours or in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Don’t thaw or heat frozen breast milk in a microwave or in boiling water. These can damage its nutritional and protective properties and create hot spots that could scald your baby. Thawed breast milk left at room temperature should be fed to your baby within two hours or thrown away. Never re-freeze breast milk once thawed. How To Warm Your Stored Breast Milk2,3 Healthy, full-term

Wriggle and Rhyme

Let’s get Together and Play Peek-a-Boo

Have you ever covered your eyes, uncovered them again and watched your baby smile or giggle with glee? This simple game of peek-a-boo has profound developmental meaning. Today, I’m sharing how playing a simple peek-a-boo game with your little one contributes to their cognitive development. If you add in some MUSIC, you’ll make the experience even more special and memorable! Why the big fuss with peek-a-boo? Peek-a-boo is so much more than a game! Scientists believe that it encourages children in the area of OBJECT PERMANENCE. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development Jean Piaget was a Swiss psychologist who was the first to make a systematic  study of how children learn and develop. He is thought by many to have been the major figure in 20th-century developmental psychology.   The sensorimotor stage is the first of the four stages in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. It extends from birth to approximately 2 years, and is a period of rapid cognitive growth. During this state, babies begin to understand their worlds by co-ordinating the things that they see and hear (sensory experiences) with the things that they can touch (motor experiences). What is “object permanence”? The main development during this first stage is the understanding that objects exist and things happen outside of me. In other words, my world operates outside of just me! During this sensorimotor stage of development, the baby lives in the present. He or she does not yet have a mental picture of the world stored in memory, so doesn’t have a sense of permanence. In other words, if the little one can’t see something, then to him / her, it doesn’t exist. A child that has understood object permanence, will look for a toy hidden behind a blanket. A child that hasn’t understood object permanence will believe that the hidden toy is gone forever. [FUN FACT – The blanket example is actually based on the research that Piaget did in his original studies.] Why is this critical to a baby’s development? When your baby is very little, the sudden onset of tears or screams when you leave then room, can be difficult to manage – especially when you just want to go to the bathroom in peace. When you leave, they believe that you’re gone for good! Not a wonder they’re so upset! It’s so important for children to grow to see their world and parts of their world as separate to them. As difficult as developing object permanence can be (especially when it dove-tails with separation anxiety), it’s such an important part of a child’s cognitive development. Playing a simple game of PEEK-A-BOO can help with this development! Peek-a-boo to music Wriggle and Rhyme is a music programme for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers.  In our classes, each activity that we do is set to music. That’s because MUSIC connects with our brains in so many ways, providing a “full brain” workout, when used intentionally. By using music, we encourage a full brain workout.  That’s because music attaches to our memories and so, all the words that we sing, embed into the children’s brains.  Each song has a rich, intentional developmental activity attached to it that encourages an area of physical, mental and / or emotional development. One of our songs and activities in our baby programme uses the concept of PEEK-A-BOO. Our unique musical stories You can find our original PEEK-A-BOO song on our GROWING TOGETHER album – available on iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify or your favourite streaming service. More info here –

Parenting Hub

Nighttime tricks to help your child sleep when sick

As parents, we know how challenging it can be when our little one battles with colds and flu. Disrupted sleep, nasal congestion, and discomfort can make nights feel endless. Not only is your little one suffering the symptoms of being congested, but as parents we are also trying to navigate exhaustion and stress while being their cold fighting “heroes”. “A child who can’t sleep at night because they can’t breathe properly due to a blocked nose will become frustrated and irritated, and nothing you do will seem good enough,” explains Bronwyn Ragavan, brand manager for Karvol. “Rest and sleep are needed when a child is sick and will help them feel better quicker. This is why it is important to know how to help your child sleep soundly while sick – for the both of you.” When your baby has a cold or the flu, their sleep patterns may go haywire. Expect some sleepless nights and be prepared to adjust routines. Ragavan suggests trying the following sleep assisting strategies to help your baby sleep at night, and help them feel better at the same time: Be there for your baby. Parenting isn’t about perfection, it’s about presence. When your child is feeling under the weather, comforting them and being there while they are trying to fall asleep is a great relief. Also, don’t panic when sleep training goes out the window. It is more important to help your baby feel better than to stick to a schedule. If your child is congested, Karvol inhalation capsules can be used in two ways to provide double impact when dealing with a blocked nose. Steaming with Karvol before going to sleep will open your baby’s nasal passages, especially when followed with a few drops of Karvol on their pillows while they sleep.  Karvol’s ingredients, eucalyptus, camphor, thymol, lavender and menthol, when released actively work together to help with the symptoms of congestion, providing easy breathing and a clear head. Just as when adults are sick, children must also be kept well-hydrated. A child can become dehydrated quickly while sick which will impact their healing. Depending on your child’s age, warm tea can soothe a sore throat. When a child is coughing, it can get worse at night when lying on their backs. A humidifier in their room, can help keep the air moist and allow to breathe a little easier. If your child is not eating during the day, try and give them some nourishment at night. A full tummy can also help them sleep better. Don’t wake your child while they are sleeping, even if they are not following their usual routine. Being sick, your child will want to sleep more – so let them. Sleep will help them get better quicker. Don’t ignore a fever. If your child has a fever and you can’t lower it, seek medical attention. A sick child needs comfort, and providing them with TLC while implementing cold and flu remedies is a winning combination that they will appreciate and help them start feeling like their healthy selves.

PowerPlastics Pool Covers

Quick tips for a safe pool

So you have a pool and you have small kids that you watch like hawks when outside. But do you really have total peace of mind? Could you get there in time if your toddler made it out to the pool while you were distracted for a moment? Drownings happen in seconds.  To lower the statistics pool safety is now regulated by way of SANS 10134 – the recommended Standard for swimming pools. It is every home owner’s duty to understand and comply with this much-needed pool safety regulation.  Quick tips for a safe pool: Cover the pool with the PowerPlastics Solid Safety Cover as soon as swimming is over.  Always have an adult supervising. Use the Safety Monitor tag from PowerPlastics Pool Covers and request the free child drowning prevention guide.  Know what drowning looks like. It really isn’t like in movies with splashing and loud calls for help. In a drowning, the child can be upright and look like he/she is just treading water. Start CPR as soon as you find the child and don’t stop until paramedics get there. Always use a SABS-compliant safety cover such as the PowerPlastics Solid Safety Cover, which comes with certification. Thermal pool covers or ‘bubble’ covers that lie directly on the water should never be considered as child safety pool covers as they do not bear weight. Request a quote today or shop online.

Parenting Hub


South Africa is one of the most unequal countries in the world, and this is tragically evident in the nutritional status of millions of our children.  However, breastfeeding has the power to be an equaliser ensuring that no child is left behind when it comes to optimal health and development. Despite widespread promotion of the many benefits of breastfeeding, these rates remain low in South Africa. The country has solid policies in place and progressive legislation for infant and young child nutrition, although these are not often implemented and monitored consistently and effectively. Perhaps, though more critically, there’s a lack of a groundswell of support for all breastfeeding moms in our homes, workplaces and communities. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines for maternal and infant health, babies should be breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months of life.  After that mothers are encouraged to breastfeed on an ongoing basis as solid foods are gradually introduced from six months. The evidence-based health benefits are clear – improved maternal and child health, reduced household food costs, reduced national healthcare costs and improved child well-being and development. There are a range of reasons why mothers either do not start breastfeeding or give it up prematurely.  Sometimes, there are medical reasons that cannot be prevented.  But mostly, moms experience barriers and obstacles that they cannot overcome on their own and they do not get the right support at the right time. Spokesperson for the Association for Dietetics in South Africa (ADSA) , Tsholofelo Mohloane, a Registered Dietitian and Lactation Consultant says, “I do much of my work at a public hospital and I am always encountering mothers who struggle with solvable issues such as perceived low breast milk supply, sore nipples, engorged breasts, improper breastfeeding positions and little to no knowledge of the importance and benefits of breastfeeding, leading to mothers opting for breastmilk substitutes. So, we must address the lack of educated support for breastfeeding moms in the healthcare system, especially for women in under-resourced communities.  However, the issue is much wider than this. There’s also a lack of support for breastfeeding in homes, families and communities. While workplaces have policies in place to support breastfeeding mothers who have returned to work, reports of women resorting to expressing milk in their cars or toilet cubicles during lunch breaks highlight a lack of adequate support. Failure to provide clean, private facilities and adhere to legal requirements for additional breaks undermines these policies and can discourage breastfeeding mothers from continuing. Employers must ensure they fulfil their obligations to create a supportive environment that enables all breastfeeding employees to express milk comfortably and safely. It is a clear lack of support when employers do not make facilities available and fail to adhere to the legal guidance to provide breastfeeding workers additional breaks every day to express milk. In broader society, there are judgements made, and moms are frequently shamed for needing to feed anywhere, any time.  All of this can be tremendously discouraging and stressful for a new mom, and moms sometimes feel that there is no other option than to bottle-feed with commercial milk formula.  But in terms of health, child development and healthcare costs, we pay a high price as a country for failing to wholeheartedly support and encourage all our breastfeeding moms.” World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated every year from 1 to 7 August.  In 2024, the theme is Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All. ADSA spokesperson, Professor Lisanne du Plessis, a leading academic from Stellenbosch University focused on Public Health and Community Nutrition sets some of the key campaign messages in a South African context: Support for women to breastfeed anytime, anywhere, so that it is normalised and not censured in public life – “In my opinion, the barriers to breastfeeding are not cultural issues, but societal,” says Prof du Plessis. “This includes unsupportive workplaces and public spaces, lack of or poorly implemented maternity protection policies, ignorance about correct breastfeeding practices, lack of access to lactation support and social perceptions about women’s roles.  Mothers need to be supported to nourish and nurture their babies, and their partners, own mothers, mothers-in-law, grandmothers and the broader family and community should be educated on how to support breastfeeding mothers and about the dangers of introducing commercial milk formula unnecessarily.” Effective maternity entitlements that do not force women to choose between their families and their work – “For South Africa the changes I would advocate for here include a breastfeeding policy in every workplace. This can ensure that the necessary sensitisation is created about mothers’ needs and employers’ human resource obligations.  Provision of a private, hygienic space to breastfeed or express, and the resources to safely store breastmilk are essential in every workplace. The provision of educational material or access to a professional breastfeeding consultant can create the necessary support for mothers to ensure continued breastfeeding once they have returned to work.” An end to exploitative baby-milk promotions in all contexts – “The Lancet Series on Breastfeeding of 2023 explicitly shows that commercial milk formula companies use perverse and exploitive marketing and promotional methods to drive the demand for their products. These tactics continue to undermine breastfeeding and contribute to millions of women not breastfeeding as recommended, which results in infant and young child illness and death. The Global Nutrition report of 2018 stated that just 35 of 194 countries have laws to cover all areas of commercial infant formula, while a further 96 are partially covered. Despite some efforts to stop the harmful promotion of commercial milk formula, countries are still falling short in protecting parents from misleading information. South Africa has progressive legislation to curb the promotion and marketing of commercial milk formula through Regulation 991.  However, the capacities to enforce the law and follow-through on transgressions are limited. Many of these offences are also subtle and happen online, where it is difficult to monitor. The current loopholes that industry has found in SA Regulation 991 should be amended and more

Parenting Hub

Paediatric sleep problems: dealing with sleep crutches

During the first three months, babies establish a rhythm of feeding, wakefulness, and sleep. Then, at around three to four months, babies’ circadian rhythms begin to mature. According to Dr Alison Bentley, Restonic sleep expert, this is often when paediatric sleep problems arise. Parents may end up relying on “sleep crutches” to get their baby to fall asleep, such as bottle or breast feeds or using touch, such as rocking, patting or having to lie with their child. “While these behaviours are natural and comforting in the early months, they can become problematic if they develop into long-term dependencies,” she says. “Babies may develop anxiety or resistance to sleep without their preferred crutch, leading to bedtime battles and sleep disturbances. Crutches teach a baby a ritualised way of falling asleep – and that’s fine until the baby needs to fall asleep without that particular crutch (for example, the specific way mom holds the baby, which means dad can’t get baby to sleep).” Importantly, Dr Bentley says, parents shouldn’t feel guilty about a child having developed a sleep crutch. “Things happen that interfere with being able to fall asleep, that you have no control over. For example, your baby might have acid reflux, so lying down is a disaster, so they learn to only fall asleep being held upright, which becomes their sleep crutch. Or it might be as simple as travelling to stay with family for two weeks and you compromise on how you handle nighttime wakeups to avoid disturbing everyone, and your baby learns that whenever they wake up, you’ll put them in the bed with you. These things are not your fault. Your baby learns a way to fall asleep and sometimes there’s no accounting for what works or why.” Sleep training – tips from Dr Bentley Check for health issues: Check that there is no medical problem interfering with sleep, such as reflux, ear infections or lactose intolerance before you start sleep training. Don’t fight at bedtime: Make it a pleasant time you spend with your child. Bedtime is separate to what happens in the middle of the night, so treat it that way. Do what you need to do to get your child to sleep. Deal with the first nighttime wake-up: The first time your child wakes after bedtime is when you need to make your stand. Don’t give them the sleep crutch. They don’t need a feed. They need to practice falling asleep on their own. In my experience, it normally takes at least three nights to even get that on their radar. But then it gets easier. Expect three phases: First, they will be furious because you won’t help them fall asleep the way they are used to. And that’s understandable – they don’t know what you want them to do and they don’t think they can fall asleep without the crutch. They are frustrated and they’re entitled to be. They will scream. You should keep talking to them to calm them down. You are welcome to pat them or touch them to help. If your baby can already stand, part of this process is trying to keep them lying down – they can’t fall asleep in any other position. It might take 40 minutes. And they will go from furious to almost sad (the second phase), and then finally to sleepy (the final phase). Eventually, they’ll fall asleep. Only fight once a night: The next time the baby wakes up that night, you give them the crutch they’re used to. You only fight once a night, at the first wake-up. After three nights, they’ll fall asleep faster because they’re less anxious – they know they’ve done it before. Keep it up: If you keep going, the first wake-up should move later in the night. So, if you were getting up at 11pm, you might now get up at 1am and do the same thing. Gradually, that first period of sleep should become longer until eventually they’re getting through most of the night. Parents can find a more in-depth look at paediatric sleep issues, as well as other sleep advice and bedtime stories for children, on the Power of Sleep with Restonic Podcast channel.

Vital Baby

Breastfeeding Awareness

With Breastfeeding Awareness Week (1-7 August 2024) coming up, mothers face a multifaceted journey. They encounter common challenges such as latching difficulties, lack of support, and workplace obstacles. This week aims to shift the stigma surrounding breastfeeding and formula feeding, highlight the critical role of support networks, and explore solutions to these challenges. Why Mothers Stop Breastfeeding Breastfeeding is often portrayed as a natural and straightforward process, but many mothers face significant hurdles that lead to early cessation. Among the most common reasons are: Latching Difficulties: A proper latch is crucial for effective breastfeeding, yet many infants struggle to latch correctly. This can result in pain for the mother and insufficient milk transfer for the baby. Latching issues often stem from anatomical challenges, lack of immediate postnatal support, or both. Lack of Support: Successful breastfeeding requires a supportive environment. Without encouragement from family, friends, and healthcare providers, mothers may feel isolated and overwhelmed. Community support, breastfeeding groups, and access to lactation consultants are vital for sustaining breastfeeding practices. Returning to Work: The transition back to the workforce is a significant barrier. Without adequate facilities for pumping and storing milk, and without flexible schedules, many mothers find it difficult to maintain their breastfeeding routine. Concerns about Milk Supply: Many mothers worry about their milk supply being insufficient. This concern can be fuelled by societal pressures, misinformation, or a lack of visible milk during pumping sessions. Understanding normal feeding patterns and growth indicators can alleviate these concerns. Shifting the Stigma Breastfeeding is a personal journey that can vary greatly from one mother to another. Some may breastfeed for a short time, while others may continue for years. It’s important to recognise and normalise this variability. There is a societal stigma attached to not breastfeeding, often exacerbated by the phrase “breast is best.” While breastfeeding has many benefits, it is essential to acknowledge that fed is best. Formula feeding can be a healthy alternative, providing necessary nutrients and allowing mothers who cannot or choose not to breastfeed to ensure their babies are well-nourished. High-quality formula products are designed to closely mimic breast milk, supporting infant growth and development. Supporting mothers means respecting their choices and providing the resources they need to nurture their babies. Importance of Support & Men as Breastfeeding Champions Support networks play a crucial role in helping mothers achieve their breastfeeding goals. Lactation consultants and healthcare providers offer invaluable assistance in overcoming breastfeeding challenges. Additionally, fathers and partners can be powerful advocates, providing emotional and practical support that enhances the breastfeeding experience. By being present, encouraging, and helping with tasks that ease the mother’s burden, partners can significantly contribute to a successful breastfeeding journey. Workplace Challenges Returning to work presents unique challenges for breastfeeding mothers. Employers can support breastfeeding by providing lactation rooms, scheduled pumping breaks, and flexible working hours. These accommodations help mothers continue breastfeeding without compromising their work responsibilities, fostering a more inclusive and supportive workplace environment. Relevant Statistics and Benefits of Breastfeeding According to the World Health Organisation (WHO): Globally, rates of exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months of life have increased by 10 percentage points over the past decade, reaching 48% in 2023, nearing the World Health Assembly target of 50% by 2025. Significant progress is observed across various regions, with 22 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Oceania documenting increases of more than ten percentage points in exclusive breastfeeding since 2017. Breastfeeding offers numerous benefits, including optimal nutrition, immune support, and bonding opportunities between mother and baby. It also contributes to the mother’s health, reducing the risk of certain cancers and postpartum depression. Progress and Challenges While global rates of exclusive breastfeeding are improving, many mothers still face barriers, especially in the workplace. We call on policymakers to prioritise breastfeeding rights and support initiatives that enable mothers to breastfeed without barriers. As Breastfeeding Awareness Week approaches, it’s important to reflect on the diverse experiences of breastfeeding mothers. By understanding the challenges they face, shifting societal perceptions, and providing robust support networks, we can create a more supportive and empathetic environment for all mothers. Vital Baby is proud to contribute to this cause by offering support and innovative products designed to aid mothers throughout their breastfeeding journey. Let’s work together to normalise this journey, celebrate every mother’s choice, and ensure that all babies receive the nourishment they need. 

Medela South Africa

How to use a Medela breast pump: 12 top tips

Learning how to use a breast pump can take time and dedication but is well worth the effort. Read our expert breast-pumping tips to help set you on the path to successfully expressing yourself. 1: There’s No Need To Rush To Start Pumping… In the first four weeks, you and your baby work together to initiate and build your milk supply. If your baby is healthy and breastfeeding is going well, you won’t need a pump to help with this. Pumping is, however, really helpful if you need to be apart from your baby any time (see tip below). If not, enjoy this time with your baby and be reassured that even if you plan to pump regularly in future, there’s no need to ‘train’ your body to express milk in the first few weeks. 2: …Unless Your Baby Is Unable To Breastfeed If your baby can’t feed directly from the breast, perhaps because she’s premature or has special needs, or you are separated for any reason, start double pumping breast milk as soon as you can after the birth. Research shows that starting to express within the first few hours (when a healthy newborn would usually have her first breastfeed) helps mums produce a higher volume of milk in the early days and weeks,1,2 giving their babies the best chance of being fed exclusively on mother’s milk. If you’re expecting your baby (or babies) to be born pre-term, in need of intensive care, or to have a condition that might make breastfeeding difficult, prepare yourself. Learn about expressing, source equipment you might need, and ask a healthcare professional, lactation consultant or breastfeeding specialist for support. There will probably be a hospital-grade double breast pump at your hospital or birth facility, so ask staff to show you how to use it. It’s important to remove milk from your breasts whenever your baby would normally drink – this means your breasts will still get the message to make milk. Aim for eight to 10 pumping sessions every 24 hours at first,3 and continue this frequency once your milk comes in. 3: Time It Right For your first breast-pumping session, express for at least 15 minutes. Don’t worry if you don’t collect much milk at first – regular extra suction should soon stimulate your breasts to produce more milk. Some mums find pumping one hour after a feed gives the greatest milk yield, others prefer to pump straight after every second feed – try expressing at different times to see when best fits your lifestyle. When you find times that work for you, stick with them so your body gets used to your breast pump use and the extra demand on your milk supply. You may be tempted to extend the time between expressions in a bid to collect larger volumes of milk. However, if you wait until your breasts are full one pumping session won’t drain them very well,3,4 so the key is to pump frequently and regularly. 4: Be Hygienic Always wash your hands before and after breast pumping, and clean any pump parts that have been in contact with your milk or your baby’s mouth. You will also need to sanitise them after cleaning at least once a day. Be sure to allow all the pieces to completely dry and you can then store the pump set in a clear bag or container until next use. 5: Be Prepared To avoid interrupting your breast-pumping session, have everything you need close by before you start. You might want a drink and snack, your phone or TV remote, bottles or milk storage bags for your expressed milk, and a muslin cloth to soak up any drips. A specially designed breast pumping bra allows you to keep your hands free, making it much easier to operate the controls and do other things while you express. 6: Make Yourself Comfortable The best position for pumping is one in which you feel at ease. Being relaxed is essential for the release of the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates your let-down reflex. Discomfort and distractions can hamper this process,5 so choose somewhere private and comfortable, and make sure your arms and back are well supported as you pump. If you’re not using a pumping bra, hold your breast shield between your thumb and index finger, and use your palm and other fingers to support your breast. Hold the breast shield gently against the breast – pressing too hard could compress your breast tissue and obstruct milk flow. Some mums find deep breathing, soothing music, visualisation techniques, or having their partner massage their back and shoulders, can help them express more milk. 7: Kick-Start Your Let Down Most Medela electric and battery-operated breast pumps have 2-Phase Expression technology, which mimics the way your baby feeds (with fast, light sucking followed by slower and stronger sucks), to help trigger your let down. Massaging your breasts before and during pumping,6 as well as warming your breasts7 by applying a warm compress (such as a flannel) on them before expressing has been shown to help stimulate your milk flow and increase the amount you collect. Scientists have discovered that having skin-to-skin contact with your baby before and during pumping can help you express more milk too.8 This is because the warmth and touch of your baby’s skin against yours releases oxytocin in your body.9 In fact, some mums find expressing works best if they feed their baby from the other breast while they pump because of the extra stimulation. If your baby isn’t with you, try looking at a photo or video of her, or smelling an item of her clothing, while you express.10 Being able to connect with your baby at the same time as pumping is another way to raise your oxytocin level and help get your milk flowing. 8: Take Advantage Of Your Milk Flow Many mothers don’t sense their let down, so watch out for it as you pump. When you start to see jets of breast milk squirting into the collection bottle or bag, you’ll know it’s happening.11 If you’re using a breast pump with 2-Phase Expression technology, it will have a stimulation mode

PowerPlastics Pool Covers

Prevent child drownings with these practical tips for pool safety

Don’t let your pool’s water levels drop. Keeping the pool topped up allows for small arms to easily grab the edge if needed.  For every two children in the pool, have one adult supervising and use the Safety Monitor tag system. The more children, the more supervisors needed. Be aware that children’s pool parties are high-risk events.  Turn off fountains and water features. Not only do they waste water and power, they can cause ripples and splashing, making it harder to see when a child has encountered difficulty in the pool or has sunk to the bottom.  Ensure that every adult in the home knows CPR, including domestic workers. Never hire a baby sitter or au pair who can’t swim. Don’t let anyone who has been drinking or on sedative medication supervise children in a pool.  Don’t leave toys in or near an open pool as children will be tempted to retrieve them. Teach your child to swim fully clothed and with shoes on. If your child develops a fear of water, don’t ignore this – a child who panics is at greater risk of drowning. Never allow swimming after dark. Discourage your dogs from swimming. Children and pets in a pool are not a good mix. Never leave the pool without securing it with your PowerPlastics Solid Safety Cover. Never design / build a pool that cannot be secured for child safety.  The PowerPlastics Solid Safety Cover is SA’s bestselling safety cover to prevent drownings. The baton and ratchet system creates a tensioned PVC cover that a child is not able to tamper with. Babyproof your pool with this safety cover and enjoy peace of mind! 

Safety 1st

Ensuring Your Baby’s Safety with Safety 1st

Parenting comes with many responsibilities, but none are as important as ensuring the safety and well-being of your child. At Safety 1st South Africa, we understand the various challenges parents face, and we are dedicated to providing reliable and innovative solutions that bring you peace of mind. From baby safety gates and bedrails to grooming accessories, health essentials, and home safety solutions, our comprehensive range of products covers all aspects of baby safety. Baby Safety Gates and Bedrails One of the main concerns for parents is preventing accidents and falls, especially as babies start to explore their surroundings. Safety 1st offers safety gates and bed rails designed to create a safe environment for your little one. Our safety gates are perfect for blocking off staircases, kitchens, or any area that might pose a danger. They are easy to install and strong enough to withstand curious toddlers. Bedrails, ensure that transitioning from a crib to a bed is smooth and secure, preventing nighttime falls and giving both parents and children a restful night’s sleep. Baby Grooming Essentials Taking care of your baby’s hygiene is crucial for their health and comfort. Safety 1st’s baby grooming essentials are thoughtfully designed to cater to the delicate needs of your infant. Our grooming kits include everything from soft-bristle brushes and combs to nail clippers, ensuring that you have all the tools you need to keep your baby looking and feeling their best. Each item is ergonomically designed for ease of use and safety, making grooming routines a breeze. Baby Health Essentials Monitoring and maintaining your baby’s health can be daunting, but with Safety 1st’s baby health essentials, it doesn’t have to be. Our range includes Healthcare kits, nasal aspirators, and medicine dispensers, all designed with the highest safety standards in mind. Accurate and easy to use, these products help parents effectively manage their baby’s health, providing quick relief and accurate readings when it matters most.  Baby Proofing or Home Safety Essentials Creating a baby-proof home is one of the best ways to ensure your child’s safety as they grow and explore. Safety 1st offers a wide array of baby-proofing and home safety essentials that protect against everyday hazards. From corner cushions and outlet plug protectors to cabinet locks and door stoppers, our products are designed to secure your home. These essentials are discreet and easy to install, allowing you to maintain the aesthetics of your home while ensuring a safe environment for your baby. Why Choose Safety 1st? At Safety 1st South Africa, we believe that safety is not just a product feature but a fundamental aspect of parenting. Our products undergo rigorous testing to meet the highest safety standards, ensuring that they provide reliable protection for your child. We understand that parenting is a journey filled with precious moments and unique challenges, and our goal is to support you every step of the way. By choosing Safety 1st, you’re investing in quality, innovation, and peace of mind. We are committed to helping parents create a safe and nurturing environment for their children, so you can focus on cherishing the moments that truly matter. Find Safety 1st products at selected Dis-Chem pharmacies, Clicks, Takealot, ToysRus and other leading retailers.

Medela South Africa

Unlocking the Power of Breastfeeding with Medela

Breastfeeding is one of the most intimate and rewarding experiences for a mother and her baby. Tt can however sometimes be challenging to find the right products to support this journey. Medela is committed to providing innovative and reliable breastfeeding solutions to ensure that every mother can enjoy this special bonding time.  Medela’s range of breast pumps covers all the potential needs of breastfeeding mums: from initiating breastfeeding for a prematurely born baby with the highest-standard, hospital-grade breast pump Symphony (available to rent), to expressing milk to cover the odd night out with the high-performance manual pump Harmony, to exclusive expressing with our Freestyle Hands-free pump. All Medela breast pumps feature 2-Phase Expression™ technology, which mimics babies’ natural sucking rhythms, allowing mums to express more breast milk in less time. Medela Freestyle Hands-Free Double Electric Breast Pump For the modern, on-the-go mom, the Medela Freestyle Hands-Free Double Electric Breast Pump is a game-changer. This pump is designed to provide maximum flexibility, allowing moms to pump hands-free while continuing with their daily activities. The lightweight, compact design is perfect for busy moms who need to pump at work, home, or on the move. With its double pumping feature, it significantly reduces the time needed for each expressing  session. The Freestyle also  has a rechargeable battery and a digital display, ensuring you have everything you need for a seamless pumping experience. Medela Swing Maxi Double Electric Breast Pump The Medela Swing Maxi Double Electric Breast Pump is another excellent choice for moms seeking efficiency and comfort. This double electric breast pump is designed to express milk from both breasts simultaneously, saving valuable time and increasing milk production. Its compact and portable design makes it ideal for both home and travel use. The Swing Maxi is equipped with Medela’s 2-Phase Expression technology, which mimics a baby’s natural sucking rhythm, ensuring maximum comfort and efficiency. Whether you’re at home or on the go, the Swing Maxi makes the breastfeeding journey smoother and more manageable. Medela Solo Electric Single Breast Pump For moms who prefer a single pump, the Medela Solo Electric Single Breast Pump is a great option. It offers simplicity and ease of use with its compact design and intuitive controls. The Solo features Medela’s 2-Phase Expression technology, which mimics babies’ natural sucking rhythm. This pump is perfect for moms who need a reliable, efficient option for occasional pumping. Its lightweight and portable nature ensures you can take it anywhere, whether you’re at home, at work, or traveling. Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump The Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump is a fantastic option for moms who prefer a more traditional, manual pumping method. This lightweight and portable pump is ideal for occasional use and provides a quiet, discreet pumping experience. The Harmony features Medela’s 2-Phase Expression technology, allowing you to switch between stimulation and expression phases easily. It’s perfect for moms who need a backup pump or prefer manual expression for comfort and control. Medela South Africa is dedicated to supporting moms on their breastfeeding journey by offering a range of high-quality, innovative breast pumps. Whether you need the hands-free convenience of the Freestyle Hands-Free, the efficiency of the Swing Maxi, the simplicity of the Solo, or the control of the Harmony, Medela has a solution that fits your lifestyle.  You can hire a Medela Symphony Hospital Grade Breast Pump for 4 weeks for ONLY R999.00. Contact Lorraine at or 011 445 3300 and jump onto your breast-pumping journey with us.  For more information about these products and to find the right pump for you, visit Medela South Africa’s website Medela breast pumps are available at selected Dis-Chem, Baby City Clicks, Takealot, Fedisbest.

Parenting Hub

The Ultimate Guide to Successful Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a natural process that provides numerous benefits for both the mother and the baby. It’s a unique experience that fosters bonding while delivering essential nutrients to the infant. Despite its naturalness, breastfeeding can be challenging, and new mothers often need support and guidance to navigate this journey successfully. This article explores the benefits, techniques, challenges, and tips for successful breastfeeding. Benefits of Breastfeeding Nutritional Superiority Breast milk is often referred to as the “gold standard” for infant nutrition. It contains the perfect balance of nutrients that a baby needs for growth and development. These nutrients include proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals in forms that are easily digestible and absorbed by the infant’s developing system. Additionally, breast milk contains antibodies that help protect the baby from infections and diseases. Health Benefits for the Baby Immune System Boost: Breast milk contains immunoglobulins, particularly IgA, which help build the infant’s immune system. This reduces the risk of respiratory infections, diarrhoea, and other infectious diseases. Reduced Risk of Chronic Conditions: Breastfed babies have a lower risk of developing chronic conditions such as asthma, obesity, and type 2 diabetes later in life. Enhanced Cognitive Development: Studies suggest that breastfeeding is associated with higher IQ scores and better academic performance as the child grows. Health Benefits for the Mother Promotes Bonding: The act of breastfeeding releases oxytocin, a hormone that enhances bonding between the mother and her baby. Reduces Risk of Certain Cancers: Breastfeeding has been shown to lower the risk of breast and ovarian cancers in mothers. Assists in Postpartum Recovery: Breastfeeding helps the uterus contract back to its pre-pregnancy size more quickly and can reduce postpartum bleeding. Techniques for Successful Breastfeeding Getting Started Initiate Early: It’s recommended to start breastfeeding within the first hour after birth. This practice, known as the “golden hour,” encourages the baby’s instinct to latch and helps establish milk supply. Proper Positioning: Finding a comfortable position is crucial for both mother and baby. Common positions include the cradle hold, cross-cradle hold, and football hold. Each mother and baby pair may have a preferred position that works best for them. Ensuring a Good Latch A good latch is essential for effective breastfeeding and to prevent nipple pain. Here are the steps to ensure a proper latch: Align the Baby’s Nose with the Nipple: This encourages the baby to open their mouth wide. Support the Baby’s Head and Shoulders: Bring the baby to the breast, not the breast to the baby. Look for Signs of a Good Latch: The baby’s mouth should cover a large part of the areola, not just the nipple. You should see rhythmic sucking and hear swallowing sounds. Overcoming Common Challenges Sore Nipples Sore nipples are a common issue for new mothers. To alleviate this: Ensure Proper Latch: Make sure the baby is latched correctly. Use Lanolin Cream: Apply lanolin cream to soothe and protect the nipples. Air Dry: Allow nipples to air dry after feedings to prevent further irritation. Low Milk Supply Concerns about milk supply are frequent among breastfeeding mothers. Here are some tips to boost milk production: Frequent Nursing: Breastfeed often to stimulate milk production. Stay Hydrated and Nourished: Drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet rich in nutrients. Consider Lactation Supplements: Some mothers find that herbal supplements, like fenugreek, help increase milk supply. Engorgement Engorgement occurs when the breasts become overly full. To manage this: Nurse Frequently: Ensure regular breastfeeding sessions to prevent engorgement. Express Milk: Use a breast pump or hand express milk to relieve fullness. Apply Warm Compresses: Before feeding, a warm compress can help milk flow. After feeding, a cold compress can reduce swelling. Tips for Successful Breastfeeding Create a Comfortable Environment: Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can relax and focus on breastfeeding. Seek Support: Join a breastfeeding support group or consult a lactation consultant for guidance and encouragement. Be Patient and Persistent: Breastfeeding is a learning process for both mother and baby. Give yourselves time to adapt and overcome initial difficulties. Breastfeeding and Working Mothers Many mothers return to work while still breastfeeding. Here are some strategies to continue breastfeeding after returning to work: Pump and Store Milk: Invest in a good-quality breast pump. Pump milk during work breaks and store it safely for later use. Establish a Routine: Try to breastfeed directly when you are with your baby and pump at consistent times when apart. Know Your Rights: Familiarise yourself with workplace laws regarding breastfeeding. Many places require employers to provide time and space for mothers to pump milk. Conclusion Breastfeeding is a deeply rewarding experience that provides unmatched benefits for both mother and baby. While it can come with its challenges, being informed and prepared can make the journey smoother and more enjoyable. Remember, each breastfeeding journey is unique, and what works for one mother-baby pair may differ for another. Seek support, be patient, and cherish the special bonding moments that breastfeeding offers. By understanding the benefits, mastering techniques, overcoming challenges, and planning for various life situations, you can set yourself up for a successful breastfeeding experience. Whether you’re a new mother or an experienced one, the key is to stay informed and reach out for support when needed.

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